Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Ak-Sar-Ben Sale Boys'Clothes
Retail Oraoara Gait Another Victory la
Foitomo Department 1 Order.
; v
ft '
invested in a package of
teaches you many truths:
That soda crackers are the best of all food made from flour.
That Urteeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Uneeda Biscuit are always fresh, always crisp, always
ringt New Oaa in Proposition to Hare
Oti Ordinan'S Paued.
Toanh Legnl Point t Sol re U What
Constitutes a MdlflcatIoa of
Fraaenlse Inch
a TkU.
Tho announcement that Attorney W. J.
Connell expected to have the new (28 (as
street llenting ordinance passed by the
council atter two weeks publication In
The Bee and World-Herald, even though
Judge Button decided It is a modification
of the franchise In that it refers to the
lamps and not the quanlty of gas consumed
per hour, has caused no end of surprise.
Assistant City Attorney Uerdinan was
asked about the matter and read section
It of the charter.
No ordinance granting, extending or
modifying the conditions of any franchise
shall be passed until at least two weeks
shall Jave elapsed after Us introduction,
nor ' 1U1 af ler the same has been pub
llsheu 'daily for two weeks In two estab
lished daily papers of the city. No new
franchise shall hereafter be granted, nor
any extensions of franchise heretofore
granted be lawful unless an annuity to the
city be provided, based upon either a fixed
reasonable amount per year, or a per
centage on tne gross earnings of the
owners of Bald franchise, nor until a
proposition for the same has been sub
mitted to a vote of the electors of the city
at a general city election, or a special city
election called for that purpose, and to
carry such proposition It shall require a
majority of the elctora voting on such
Not Generally Indcratood.
, "This section of the charter Is not gen
erally understood," said the assistant city
attorney. "It makes It look as though
nothing stands- iu -tbe we-y-of changing
the prices and other stipulations of any
franchise provided the corporation inter
ested on one hand and the mayor and
council on'the other agree to it. The tough
legal point to solve is what constitutes a
modification. It might be argued that a
change In price Is more than a modification
and so on. On tha face, however, It looks
very much to me as though the right of
the people to grant franchises Is pretty
nearly rendered without value, if the mayor
and council have the right to assent to
vital modifications, proposed or desired by
the corporation Interested. It Is clear that
extensions cannot be granted without sub-
Home and out-of-town piano buyers
are crowding the A. Hospe Co.'s 1B1J
Douglas street musto rooms for the
big sale la on and Pianos and Organs
are selling fast. ' Prices have been
tove in to where profits are lacking.
To'u want a good Pluno. You want
a low price, xou want easy terms.
All these things are now at your
We have over W Pianos to select
from. , We can supply as many du
plicates 3 the trade demands.
We -have stocked up with Knabe
Pianos. Kranlch & Bach Pianos, Kim
ball Pianos. Cramer Pianos and a
great iot of fine Kimball and Uospa
Organs. "
These beautiful Instruments are
made In Spanish and San Domingo
mahogany, in golden oak, in French
burl and American rurly walnut, as
well as rosewood and birch.
prices all cut. In half on many.
one-third off on others and one-fourth
oft of the highest grade Pianos aver
placed, on the market.
Just see what you can buy in an
up-to-date finely veneered Piano, full
sise, handsomely finished plate, I
pedal. S-strlng Cabinet Upright Grand
Piano, fresh from the factory, for
S1U. $165. 115.
Then see the high grade Pianos for
$225. $.T5. $3u0 and $360.
Another Una of the very highest
type of first class Pianos which cost
$too to $6"0, in art cases.
Don't forget we accept $10 cash and
$S per month. Our terms on other
gradea are known to be the lowest.
You cannot miss It on quality, for we
have the best. Wa buy carloads for
cash. Wo deduct cost of the box and
Its freight, as the factory paya the
freight, and you pay nothing for the
boxing, as wa receive Pianos unboxed.
A great saving. It knocks competi
tion, for we undersell from M to $100
under thi Ir lowest prices.
Pine Piano Scarfs and Stools, Pi
anos Tuned, Repaired, Keflnlshed,
Pianos Moved. Packed and Shipped.
1513 Douglas Si
mission to people, but this relates merely
to time. So far as I can see, unless the
word 'modification' can be Interpreted dif
ferently, not a single franchise outstand
ing Is iron-clad If the company Interested
and the mayor and council will it other
wise. "With these facts in consideration it is
easy to undertsand how Judge Sutton con
sent to the gas street lighting ordinance,
provided It Is published two weeks before
final passage."
Nebraska. Commandery Will Help tho
Local Companies lersre aa
General J. H. Culver, adjutant general of
the Nebraska National Guard. General
Charles F. Manderson and Clement Chase
were last night appointed a committee to
represent the Nebraska commandery of the
Loyal Legion in the effort that Is to be
made at once to secure an armory building
in Omaha.
The three companies of the National
Guard now in Omaha maintain separate
armories at a considerable expense to
themselves, the state granting only $250 a
year for rentals. If they could be housed
In one building it would not Only lessen
the burden they now bear, but at once
place them on a battalion footing with a
major In command.
Oeneral Culver Introduced the subject In
a written communication In which he urged
the co-operation of committees to be ap
pointed from the Loyal Legion, the Grand
Army of the Republic, the Commercial club
and the Business Men's association, all
working together to raise a fund or bring
pressure to bear for a legislative appro
priation, or both. The Idea seemed to meet
with Instant approbation. Captain Broatch,
General Bates of Aurora and Mr. Chase
SDoke on the subject.
The paper of the evening was read by
General Bates, who described the bravery
of the colored troops under his command
at the siege of Petersburg. This brought
out reminiscences by Companion Broatch
and Dr. Coffman, who added their testi
mony to the- very Interesting recital of the
valor of "The Black Regiment."
The following were elected to member
ship In the Nebraska commander: Way
land Wells Magee and Jerome Pratt Ma
gee, grandsons of Colonel James H. Pratt
of this city, and Allan Brlttaln Wilson,
son of William L. Wilson of Nebraska
Omaha DoUotire Asiigni Salary, Drawi it
and Leaves the City.
loid Time JJnrlns His Career
as Peace Officer He Has Loft
His Home la This
Marriage Licenses.
The following have been granted license
to marry:
Name and Residence. Age.
Vlggo Walthers, Omaha 26
Mamie Anderson, Omaha 23
Ralph W. Moody. Omaha 31
Jean A. Campbell, Omaha 24
Roland W. Btanard, Omaha 21
Hattie A. Garrett, Omaha 24
Frederick T. Wath, Fresno, Cal 38
Lydia C. Bruechart, Omaha 35
Charles G. Hunt, Council Bluffs 55
Sarah A. Rowels, Omaha 46
Theodore T. Bedeaeen, Omaha 27
Minnie J. Strob'e, Omaha 24
Nip Neueman, Council Bluffs 24
Balblna Dorgacsewski, Omaha 18
Gus Buns, Bennington, Neb 28
Kate Schneede, Calhoun, Neb 30
Godfrey Llnder. Omaha 23
Anna Johnson, Omaha 21
Robert J. Riley. Omaha 22
Mary A. Perklr.son, Omaha 18
John Olson, South Omaha 24
Esther Erlckson, South Omaha 10
Rewhard sues. tlKliorn. Neb M
Dora Peterson, Elkhorn, Neb 23
22-K wedding rings. Ed holm, jeweler.
Detective Dan P. Baldwin of the Omahla
police force assigned his September salary
at least four times and his October wages
once, collected the money, and left the
city for parts unknown, according to evl
dene supplied at the city hall. The first
assignment presented was to L. Heller ana
was for September and October as well
The Sentember claim will be paid to
Heller, as he had the luck to get his as
sianment over the bars first. The other
assignments were to L. A. . Goldsmith
saloon keeper of the burnt district, to tho
Duff Green Loan company and to Arthur
Metx. The last named assignment was
presented, but not accepted. It came in
later than the others, which appeared at
different hours September 26. That some
thing was wrong was suspected In tha
comptroller's department,-but nothing was
said about the matter until L. A. Gold
smith appeared with the Information that
Detective Baldwin had shaken Omaha dust
and the delights of the Ak-Sar-Ben from
his sturdy frame, got his hands on
bunch of money and lit out.
Last Time on Duty.
Baldwin was on duty tha last time
week ago Monday night. He was working
on the night shift at tha city Jail at (ha
time and was emergency officer. He gave
no intimation of his sudden departure to
the officials of tha police department. Chief
Donahue and others of the department
are at a loss to account for Baldwin'
conduct. Baldwin was one of the most
reliable and valued officers on the Omaha
polloe force. There was nothing too has-
ardous for him to undertake. His
(Impends Order Recently Made Grant.
las; Postmasters Permission to
80 Distribute Mall In Rnral
Free Delivery Districts.
Another battle has been won by the
retail grocers In their fight against the
catalogue houses. The order of the fost of
fice department giving postmasters per
mission to deliver mall to rural free de
livery boxes 'when addressed to them by
number only, has been suspended.
The order In question was Issued August
Before the month was over the retail
merchants an their friends learned that
letters and circulars, hundreds and thou
sands of them, were pouring Into the far
mers of the west from catalogue houses
In Chicago and other large cities. They.
were addressed by the number of the
route and the box.
A trade paper of St. Louis called the at
tention of the trade press to the matter.
Trade papers all over the country took
up the matter and as a result of their
efforts and the protests " of numerous
grocers' organizations, the order has been
suspended, that part at least, which per
mits delivery of mall by number only.
The part of the order which permits the
postmaster to furnish lists of numbers on
rural free delivery routes, still stands.
Blow to Catalogue Houses.
Tha suspension, is a hard blow to tha
catalogue houses. Their business Is to
sell goods directly to farmers and other
consumers on he representations of their
catalogues, and they have spent thousands
of dollars getting and trying to keep
corrected, lists of farmers along free de
livery routea. This practice proved very
When the recent order of the department
went into effect it meant that the big
houses found It no longer necessary to go
to the expense and trouble of keeping tha
corrected list of namea. All that was neces
sary was to write to a postmaster and ask
him for the numbers of his routes and tha
numbers of the boxes along the routes. He
was permitted to furnish them. If he did
not It was easy for the catalogue houses to
get the route numbers and they knew that
the box numbers ran at least as high as
fifty. They sent their mall by number and
the postmaster waa bound to-deliver It.
A local trade paper, the Retail Merchants
Journal, Is urging the merchants to take
action to Insure the final abolishment of
the suspended order. It advises them to
write to the postmaster general and to
their congressmen protesting agalnat the
numbering of rural free delivery boxes and
especially against tha deltvey of mall by
Boys' Fiivc
These are "extra special" values ex
tra special because they are made bet
ter look better and will wear bet
ter than any other suit offered In
town at four dollars The fabrics are
of the latest fall and winter weaves .
In all the desirable patterns and plain
There's something about these boy'
suits that raises their value equal to
any $5 or $6 suit It s the way they're
made the way they nt the way
they hang the way they'll hold their
shape. Nowadays mothers want boys'
clothes not only to wear well, but
they are very particular to have them
look well.
A new assortment of Boys
Suits to sell at the popular price
of $2.25 will greet you here to
morrowThey are wonders for
the money.
Boys' O'coats
at $3.00
Made of plain oxford, cheviots and fancy
cheviot. In stripes and plaids, strictly all
wool mixtures, well linea ana mmraw,
sites i to 15 years
worth $40O
Special this week
Boys' O'coats at $4.00
Made of strictly all wool frleie.'ln black,
and oxford gray colors fan;y cheviot. Ill
all the newest colorings Tha styles are
long, loose fitting, with belt and without,
and medium lengths box coats to fit boys
sixes 4 to 14 years
worth IS to Is, for this
week special at
Boys' O'coats at $5.00
tmA r hizh crude fancy cheviots and
k silk mixed cheviots black and oxford gray
Irish frleie the best of linings ana trim
mings etyles long and medium lengths
with and without belts to fit boys up to
If years worth $7.50 C Aft
Special for this week J.UU
On Farnam
at 15lfi Sts.
On Farnam
at 1 5th Sts.
by beating the face off the clock. He up
spt the stove, and threw crockery and
dishes at everything In sight. Some of
the neighbors notified the police und he
was taken In charge. So far there has
been no estimate of the damage.
Conceived In the Mind of Mr. J. A.
Swnnson of the Derg-Swanson Co.
and Realised on Their Spa
eloos Second Floor.
It remained for this rapidly growing firm,
to hit upon a modern method for their In
creasing business In evening rlothes, In con
sequence of which one of the best depart
ments In the west has been established.
Full Dress. Tuexedo, English Frock Cuta
way and Prince Albert Suits are sold ex
clusively on their second floor, and since
these garments are the most perfect of
men's attire, so this department la the most
perfect in its equipment;
Large, carved cabinets-of ak,- wlth full
plata glass fronts of artistic' shape and col
oring, have been plaeed' as -receptlcals for
these garments. Tables made after the dic
tation of Mr. 4wanson are arranged in
their respective locations, with an eye to
I proper display before the prospective buyer.
as- 1 "The fact that we have such an elaborate
C. 3. Smyth nets Injunction to Prevent
Visits from Neighbor's N
The chickens and dogs and ducks which
have heretofore gamboled and played on
the beautiful green lawn which surrojjnds
tha house of C. J. Smyth at (23 North
Thirty-sixth street, kicked up their heels
and cavorted, must hereafter remain at
home or they will be In contempt of court
and may be turned over to the probation
officer, of the juvenile court. This because
Mr. Smyth has secured an Injunction
against his neighbors. Patrick and Mrs.
O'Brien, to compel them to keep their
chickens at home. The Injunction was is
sued by Judge Troup upon the application
of Mr. Smyth, who In his petition alleges
that the chickens, ducks and dogs owned
by the O'Briens come upon his lawn and
feed and scratch around and make of his
lawn a regular chicken lot, and though
he had repeatedly asked the O'Briens to
keep them at home, they did not do so.
Terrible Dlsaater Averted.
Tha terrible disaster of nervous break
down, caused by dyspesla. Is averted by
Electric Bitters, 60c; guaranteed. For sals
by Brerman & McConnell Drug Co.
aoclates feel keenly his unceremonious
leavetaklng. He left a wife and several
children who have not heard from him.
A number of years ago Baldwin disap
peared suddenly, to turn up later at Kan
sas City, where he was picked up by the
police In a atate of mental aberration. He
returned to Omaha and since that time
has been a faithful officer.
Baldwin has been widely known for his
remarkable physical strength, being al
most a giant in powera and endurance
and a terror to rebellious evil-doers.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. TaL 1221
department," said Mr. Swanson, "Is the
best guarantee that we shall continue to
sell more of these garments than ever be
fore. The man of taste goes to those who
know right selection. 1 We are prepared for
him. We buy from manufacturers whose
tailors work on nothing else. A very few
years ago the thought of a dress suit, ready
tailored, was ridiculed; today It Is the sur
est sign of wisdom upon the wearer's part-
that Is, providing he buys here. Here he
gets smart style, neither before nor behind
the fashion, but right In all the intricate
details which go to make up grace and
good form In men's evening clothes.
E. D. Keck, voice teacher, Davldgt Bldg.
Woman Wants Divorce.
Daisy Batten has brought suit for di
vorce from Thomas A. Batten to whom
she was married In September, 1&H2. Mrs.
Batten, In her petition alleges that Thomas
is perfectly able to make a living for her
but that he spends his time In riotous
living and has left ft to her to make the
living for herself and five children. These
she says she la willing to turn over to
her mother who will help her care for
COOK James, age 49 years, mall carrier, at
his residence. Thirtieth and Boulevard, at
1:45. October 4.
Funeral arrangement later.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea and dysen
tery in all forms and In all stages. It never
Lambert Has a Lively Time,
rfftrrv T.Amhfrt wnji nrrefttail laat nloht
charged with being disorderly. It is stated
that he came home early In the evenins-.
70S North Eighteenth, and finding no one
at home proceeded to show his displeasure
oy auacKing me lurniture, most of which
he destroyed. He kicked the sewing- ma
chine Into a corner, pulled the covers off
the beds, and satisfied his - vindlctlveness
Farnam Street Blockaded.
Last evening between the hours of $V and
1 It was Impossible to wiggle through tha
throngs of sightseers that were viewing
the magnificent and beautiful Horse Show
window of the Nebraska Clothing Com
pany. These spectators were amazed, for
never before In the history of Omaha has
such a beautiful window display taken place.
It certainly showa our trend toward metro
politan ideas, for it Is hardly possible for
any city, no matter whether eaBt, weat,
north or south, to excel this beautiful work
of art. Due credit must be given the Ne
braska Clothing company for Its enterprise
In giving visitors to Omaha an opportunity
of viewing such up-to-date dlsslays.
Tha "Kilties" are coming.
Pure, fragrant and cleansing.
The favorite toilet soap of
discriminating users.
Its mild and sooth
ing qualities make it
particularly desirable
for sensitive skins.
Its perfume is the
delicious odor of natur
al flowers,
James S. Kirk
& Company
Girl's Hand HnrtN
Miss Lydla Sprecher of 2821 North Twenty-ninth
avenue, met with an accident yes
terday afternoon at the printing establish
ment of Kramer & Chandler on Douglas
street. The young woman's left hnnd was
badly crushed In a printing press, fcine was
removed n her home and attended by
Dr. F. J. Wearne.
hat beea used by Million of Mothers for
Jhlldrau while Teething for over Fifty Twi,
t tuolbet the ehlld, urt.ns the ram., ali.jt
ell pain, euros wind eolie, aud Is Ue b-t
iwiedr foraiarrtwn.
-i-i-n-,n wrffM"ft.
Wa manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and suit
cases. We make them of tha be;t material. Our workman
ship Is unexcelled. We sell them for less than Inferior
grades would eost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you
will get the best you will save money you will be better
tlsfled. Leather Bound Matting Suit Cases, 13.60. 13.71 and
Wa do repairing. (
1209 Farnam 8trt.
A fine room with a vault heat
light water janitor service in a
fire proof office building for $18-00
The Bee Building.
gams m
0 ti
This-is the best chance anybody
ever had to get an Oldsmobile
It may seem unusual to the public to see a bargain sale on
automobiles advertised. But that is just what we are doing now.
The cars we agree to take for fall delivery must be sold
aiiIaIpIw tf4nvie Vait. Aiw mAn.n 4a3. enw 1ama,m 1st,.-.
j-;- . r;""! uiut,ai. vv o uauuuk ua vui iuvuci ntu u u any luiutcti Alloso
.w-ak-rrSi iaiii . nnces are lower than ever before and lower than thev am lilrelv in
:2t--iYr -'Ywi "
U IK . fV be again, and the cars are all regular standard Oldsmobile models.
N?Sr? r' f-?fcN. over pnees ana then come ana see the cars at once
fjL . nave mem aemonstraieu vp you.
V rZ i f rZ7a ?W 1 HMrmnhlln '11 k . n 1 Pi Tnnnlnn Pis A 4 Ann
x&vmm-ftfmm) u,t't ,u" . s mini
nirlcmnhlln Ctinittnil Curved Dub niinihniit mm mm.
Regularly $650 V
Oldsmobile Touring Runabout. 1905, Q vv
OU.mobilc Standard IUn.bouL Regularly $700 V UUU
If you do not fully appreciate the unusualness of this offer,. we know you-will after you have examined the cars, but above
all, do not put this matter off, as they are likely to be sold out in a very few days.
If you are out of the city and want us to hold any special car for you, telegraph us.
The 1906 Oldsmobile Runabout, known as Type "B," $650, including lamps and horn.
THE POWELL-BACON COMPANY, - 2044-46-48 FamamSt.
3V. IL INDOE-TVriting Oat the Check-