Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Dee.
Pally ftee (without HuntlH t. one your. . .11 ."0
Ially H and Sunday. nni year 0"
Illustrated liee, nno year I SH
Sunday He. on yar 2 E
Saturday Bo, on year 160
Dally Bee (without Ftindav), pr week.... 12"
Iaily Ree (Inclurilne Rundnvi. wr wk..l7o
Evening Bc (without Sundny). per week. So
t."niim Jfra (with Hunuay). fwr wm.,..i''
Bunday Br, per copy &c
Address complaints of irrf Hilarities In de
livery to City Circulation Irertnint.
Omaha The Bee Bulldln.
South Omaha City Mall nulldln.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1M0 l'nltr Building.
New York 1M0 Home Life Ins. Building.
Waehlnton M Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newt and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, e Dress or postal order.
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
niy i-cent stamps received In payment of
nail accounts. Personal checks, except on
Only t-cent stami
mall accounts. P
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
Stat of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
C C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
saya that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dallv, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
montn oi eeptember, 19U6. was as follows
1 B0.400 1 81, TOO
2 81, MO 17 sm.ftIO
I JH),JWW l ao.Too
4 O,30O It 8O.T0O
t SO.TTO 20 82,410
( v.... 80,830 21 30.820
1 80.TS0 22 80,000
t 81,000 U 81.B20
81.MOO M ... 80,0110
10 28,680 25 81, ISO
11 80,800 28 81,0.10
12 80.780 27 80,O0
13 80.T10 28 SO.TTO
14 80,800 29 80,070
16 81,OBO SO 31, HBO
Total 91i,B20
Less unsold copies lO.lftil
Net total sales
Daily average HO.344
C. C. R08E WATER, Bcc'y.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
oerore me mis ju aay ot oeptemoer, 19(6.
(Seal) M. B. HUNOATB.
Notary Public
Babscrlbera learlng the pity tem
porarily akc-ald have The Bee
mailed to them. It la better than
dally letter from hoane. Ad
dress will be changed aa often aa
Judged by the record of gate receipts,
the Institution of the street fair has not
yet survived Its usefulness.
Captain TaggarJ speaks In favor of
the army canteen and It must be admit
ted that he Is qualified as an expert
With Dr. Pearsons following Chan
cellor Andrews, It seems that John D.
Rockefeller Is baring his innings in the
Advices from Moravia may show
,why the word "Moravian" is connected
with lovers of peace In the United
In the fight between Nevada and the
New York Life Insurance company the
people at large will discount what -each
may say about the other.
The Hon. P.-Crowe of Butte, Mont,
promises to play the penitent but it Is
to be feared he has waited too long to
reap a rery large crop of sympathy.
The report of an airship in collision
with a flagpole foreshadows the news of
mishaps which may be as common In
A. D. 2005 as railroad accidents are today.
Banker Schiff is right in saying that
no law can make a dishonest man hon
est but law sometimes serves to keep a
dishonest man from carrying out his
Some of the land fencers and their
sympathisers may find that intimidating
witness for the federal government is
an offense more sure of punishment than
defying Uncle Sara's land laws.
Now that the Escu-Townsend bill Is to
be amended to cover private car lines
and terminal charges, the managers of
railroads may be sorry they discovered
the weak spots of existing laws so early.
Paul Morton's salary should not be
positively fixed until It is learned Just
bow much he does not spend for ques
tionable purposes. It msy be that he
will save enough to make $100,000 look
like "a mere bagatelle."
It has apparently corns about that a
meeting of the city council in Omaha
would not be recognized as the real
thing nowadays unless the debate were
punctuated from time to time with
references to liars and cowards.
Speaker C'nnnoii, wboe re-election is
assured, will have no more important
duty tlinii tlint of constituting the com
tnlttee tin appropriations and especially
of selecting the rlmlnium of that com
uiltlee. The speaker Is understood to be
In favor of reducing government ex
pendltures. He Is opiHwod to revision of
the tariff and does not think it desirable
to increase Internal taxes. To bring
the expenses of the government within
the revenue there must be reductions
and how thone can be effected without
Impairing the efficiency of the public
service Is a question for the house com
mlttee on appropriations.
In the making up of that committee
it is naturally expected that Mr. Cannon
will choose men who are known to be
favorable to Judicious economy. The
chairmanship Is of course vital. Several
representatives are being talked of for
the position and apparently most promt
nent among them is Mr. Burton of the
Twenty-first Ohio district The Cleve
land Leader has asked the opinion of
a number of his colleagues and they
generally favor his appointment. Mr.
Burton has had extended experience as
a member of the house and is recog
nized as one of its ablest members. He
Is clear-headed, industrious and forceful
and at the head of the house appropri
ations committee would undoubtedly be
found an earnest champion of a reduc
tion in government expenditures wher
ever it can practicably be done. It has
been objected to Mr. Burton that he
has some times not been in full accord
with the policies of his party, but of
course there Is no question as to his
republicanism and the fact that he has
occasionally differed with the party
leaders does not unfit him for the chair
manship of the appropriations commit
tee. There is needed In that position a
man of sound Judgment earnest purpose
and force, and it can be very confi
dently predicted that such a man will
be selected by Speaker Cannon. Every
body knows that there must be either
a cutting down of public expenses or
provision made for more revenue and it
is not to be doubted that the very gen
eral sentiment is in favor of reducing
expenses. It is believed that President
Roosevelt will urge this in his annual
message, and possibly point out some
of the ways in which it can be accom
plished without doing any Injury to the
public service. There must be a stop
to deficits. They have a disquieting effect
and are indefensible in a time of peace
and of great national prosperity. No
one advocates the building up of a large
surplus in the treasury and the locking
up of money that should be In the chan
nels of trade, but on the other hand It
Is manifestly undesirable to have' in
creasing deficits. What is needed is
that the business of the government
shall be conducted so as not to exceed
the revenues and that it is practical to
do this there can be no reasonable doubt.
it will be the duty of the house appro
priations committee of the Fifty-ninth
congress to make a Judicious reduction
In expenditures and to firmly insist UDon
It .
Is no assurance that It may not be re
newed at any time. When Secretary
raft visited China he made such In
vestigatiou as he could of the boycott
and. said that the Chinese merchants
had lost so heavily by It that they were
not disposed to continue It. Tills state
ment seems to be borne out by subse
quent circumstances. It Is still true
however, that American trade has suf
fered from the Chinese resentment and
In the event of congress refusing to do
anything to remove objection to the law
It Is probable there will be a renews
or tno movement against American
goods. It is evident that the Importance
of the matter Is duly appreciated by
me administration.
President MeCull alleges that a ma
jority of the life insurance bills Intro
duced in state legislature are "hold
up" measures. As few of these bills
bare become law the allegation may
point the way to new developments In
the Investigation.
Fortunately for the reputation of
Aaron Burr, he left no descendants of
hl name. With a grandson dismissed
frm the-army and another descendant
in Europe dodging Insurance Investiga
tort, Alexander Hamilton does not fare
9 well
It is now announced that th Civic
Federation attorney wants to postpone
the second DennUon trial until the De
cember term. Why not ask for a post
ponement until after the spring election
In order that Dennison may be again In
jected Into the coming city campaign?
The Judges and clerks of the recent
primary election will receive only $3
pay for more work than has been re,
quired f them at any previous election.
They will get even, however, in Novem
ber, when they draw full rations while
letting the voting machines do the bal
lot counting tor them. :.
The Lewis and Clark exposition.
which will close ten days hence, has
been entirely successful from a financial
standpoint According to a statement
made by its president the exposition
company will have a surplus of from
1100,000 to 1150,000 and will be able to
pay back on approximately $400,000 of
stock between 25 and 40 per cent Pres
ident Ooode is quoted as saying: "Ac
cording to present conjectures this will
be the most successful of any of the
world's fairs, from a financial stand
point with the sole exception of Oma
ha's Transmlssisslppi exposition in 1898.
The Omaha fair was smaller in scope;
it covered less area and was less ex
pensive to operate because the scope of
its operations was not so extensive as
ours. Omaha, also, possessed the ad
vantage of a far more populous country
surrounding it"
The managers of the Portland exposi
tion are certainly to be congratulated
upon the success they have achieved,
which is much beyond what was gener
ally expected. Indeed It was a quite
common belief that the entemriaA
would be a failure financially. The re
sult shows with what generous loyalty
it has been supported by the people of
the coast and also that it has attracted
many from other parts of the country.
It has been a good investment in all
respects, doubtless contributing much
to the materia! welfare of Portland.
The close of this exposition will ter
minate such enterprises Jn this country
for many years.
The Chinese exclusion law and the
boycott of American goods resulting
from that policy were among the mat
ters considered by the cabinet at the
first meeting since the president's vaca
tion. Mr. Roosevelt has shown a great
deal of interest In the exclusion question
and doubtless will have some recom
mendation to make to congress respect
ing it He has done what he could to
effect a mitigation of the course which
the immigration authorities had been
pursuing In the enforcement of the ex
clusion law and it remains for congress
to determine whether or not the law
shall be modified so as to remove the
objection to it urged by the Chinese
government That does not apply to the
exclusion of coolies or laborers, but
simply to those pe-sons coming here
from China who are merchants, tour
ists or students. It is the fact that
these classes have been subjected to
harsh treatment and humiliating hard
ships which has caused resentment In
China and caused the movement hostile
to American trade. .
As to the boycott, It appears that
th action of th Imperial government
bas about cut a stop to it, though there
Discussion of the plank in the renub-
lican state platform committing the
party to direct primary nominations
and ,of the resolution pending before
the republican state committee to inaug
urate a direct primary system for the
nomination of the next state ticket has
developed the line of objection that is
to be entered to this program.
Opposition to direct nominations as
such is practically estopped by the fact
that the political parties in Nebraska
have each incorporated endorsements of
direct primaries in their platforms and
as a consequence the argument Is ad
vanced that while nominations by di
rect vote are desirable It Is not prac
ticable to put any plan in operation un
til a direct primary law is first enacted
whose provisions apply to all party nom
mauons without discrimination. In
some quarters the effort is made to
evade the platform declarations by de
claring that they simply refer the ques
tion to the favorable consideration of
the next legislature and are in no way
binding upon the committee orgaulea
tlons now in charge of the party ma
All these arguments must seem spe
cious to people thoroughly enlisted in
the cause of nomination reform. None
of the expressed fears of impending
evils from the immediate inauguration
of a direct primary system are In any
way comparable with the actual abuses
of the prevailing methods of convention
nominations. On the other hand, should
the republicans of Nebraska strike out
for themselves in the direction of bring
ing the control of public affairs nearer
to the people, they would set the pace
for their political adversaries and direct
nominations would be forced upon all
political parties as a matter of self
preservation without even the necessity
of legislative enactment.
' One of the high school cadets In a
contribution to our letter box protests
against compulsory military drill at the
high school, asserting that many of the
poorer boys have been driven out of
school by the compulsory features. This
Is a serious Indictment which if true
calls for consideration and remedy at
the bands of the school board. The tax
payers of Omaha who support the high
school do not want the children of poor
parents to be barred from its benefits.
The death of Richard P. Clarkson of
Des Moines takes away one of the pio
neers of western Journalism. The Des
Moines Register tinder the Clarksons
was easily the newspaper of foremost
Influence in Iowa, and its commanding
position was due in large part to the
directing mind of Richard P. Clarkson.
Although for some years he bas been
practically retired from public life, bis
departure marks the removal of one of
Iowa's prominent citizens.
he is right; he Is as near the people aa
was Lincoln, as ready for a scrap aa was
Jackson, as austere when the occasion calls
for It aa was Washington. In the mean
time, the subject on which he devotes most
of his time Is how best to serve his fellow
countrymen and humanity generally.
Tnke la All the Rrnlaera.
Springfield Republican.
Mr. Carnegie Is doing his best for the
peace of the world, but his schema for an
alliance between Great Britain, France and
the United States, te prevent war. Is not
yet within the range of practical politics.
While those throe iiowrrs were watching
the rest of the world with a big stick, who
would watch them? A pact of peace should
take in all the big bruisers.
Leaders In
To the Farmer, Greeting!
Cincinnati Enquirer.
This year the American farmer, whether
he has coaxed his crop from the granite
rocks of New England, .or gathered It
where "the earth Is so kind that Just tickle
ner with a hoe and she laughs with a
harvest," Is expanding under the genial
Slow of a successful season. As all over
the land he sits down with his family about
mm at his groaning table to celebrate
his harvest home, let us all wish him
many seasons to come more abundant even
than this one. and drink his health In
Douglas Jcrrolds toast: "The life of a
husbandman ! A life fed by th bounty
of earth and sweetened by the airs of
Canada's Reared.
Toronto Star.
Nearly every man In Canada who reads
the newspapers has felt shame for his
country because of the long delay In turn
ing over Gaynor and Greene to the United
States authorities. They are charged with
frauds to the amount of 12,000,000, and by
one means and another they have made
use of the Canadian' courts and processes
of law to resist extradition for the past
three or four years. It Is a reproach to
this country, which, mor than most coun
tries, has prided itself on the swift and
unerring processes of justice where crimi
nals are concerned. The law forma a pre
posterous maze of difficulties where a man
has wealth enough to hire half a dozen
keen lawyers to plan a campaign.
the SoeTraae
Speak Ont.
Former President Orover Cleveland's pa
per against woman suffrage, summarlxod
In a recent Issue of The Hee. has railed nut
a symposium of vigorous replies from lead
ers In the" suffrage movement. These re
plies fill a page of the New York Sunday
Herald. A few paragraphs from each will
Indicate the feelings of the writers.
Rev. Anna M. Shaw, president of the
Women's National Suffrage association:
"After Mr. Cleveland's recent sweeping
denunciation of women's clubs. It Is not
surprising to read an argument by him
against equal suffrage. His first artlclo
showed him to be very Imperfectly ac
quainted with the good work that women's
clubs are actually doing all around him.
His second artU-le shows him to be even
lesa acquainted with the farts In regard
to equal suffrage, Vhich he has not had
much opportunity to observe. j
"Mr. Cleveland snys that most womnn (
do not desire the ballot. Most women un
doubtedly are Indifferent, but of those who
take any lively Interest In the question
either way the large majority are In favor.
This has been demonstrated In every state
wnere petitions for suffrage and re
monstrances against It have been sent to
the legislature.
i neoaore Koosevelt recommended
woman suffrage In his message to the
legislature, to the great horror of the con
servatives, when he was governor of New
York. And on this question the facts of
experience bear out the views of our pres
ent president, who faces toward the future
rather than those of our former president,
wno iaces toward the past."
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has
promised to attend the corn contest
scheduled to come off at Lincoln in De
cember. Secretary Wilson once forgot
to put Nebraska in the list of corn belt
states and if anything Is needed to pre
vent a repetition of this mistake an in
spection of the prize corn ears raised
by Nebraska boys and girls will surely
do the work.
The lone democrat in the city council
does not seem to be any different from
the republicans In the city council so far
as devotion to the Interests of the vari
ous franchised corporations is concerned
except that he bus a louder voice and
makes more noise.
France is anxiously awaiting the re
port of Judge Calhoun on the situation
in Venezuela. What would It do If the
Judge should withhold his report until
Commissioner Garfield makes public his
report on the investigation of the oil
industry T
In the exchange of prisoners Russia
releases 1.8B0 Japanese and Japan 64,0(10
Russians. The difference may not only
reflect the fighting qualities of the na
tions, LMt also accounts for Japan's wil
lingness to stop the expense of the war.
Seeret of Rocke's Hanplneas.
Chicago News.
Perhaps It Is only a coincidence that kero
sene rose steadily during the week pre
ceding the day Mr. Rockefeller called the
happiest of his life.
Weapons that Connt.
Philadelphia Press.
What the woman suffragists want to do
is to search the bright lexicon of wo
man's rights for some mammoth words
to hurl at ex-President Cleveland., Noth
ing scares htm like big words.
Tnrlvaled Magnanimity.
Portland Oregonian.
Quit magnanimous of Mr. Bryan to
leave things in th hands of the president
till he gets back. Tet you may be sure
that Mr. Bryan would never go away and
leave if he wasn't sure that everything
Is all right. However, If everything doesn't
pan out well, we live in hope that Mr.
Bryan may b persuaded to tell us what's
th matter when he returns.
The President.
Goodwin's Weekly.
He la the llvest president that this coun
try has ever had: has a clearer Idea of the
wants and modes of thought of the whole
country than any other president ever had:
la the easiest one to approach and the
hardest on to throw duwn when li tUluks
Recollections of an Incident In Gen
eral Crook' Career.
Charles F. Lummls, author, editor and
explorer of the southwest, contributes the
leading article in McClure's Magazine. It
Is a historical sketch of primitive modes
of transportation In North and South
America. Most Important of these were
the horse and mule pack trains which were,
next to man, the greatest forces In the de
velopment of new countries. The writer
pays a tribute to the skill of General
George Crook as a masterly organizer of
pack trains In these words:
The most competent pack train In his
torythe smallest for the work It did.
and the "biggest for its size" was that
organized by General George Crook In his
first Arizona campaign, 1871-1875; reaching
Its perfection, with the height of that un
equalled Indian chase, under "Old Tom
Moore," chief .of transportation the wiry
and grizzled veteran whose sermon I shall
never forget to the text: "Mules? Mules?
Pardner, I want you to remember tlifet
God made mules a-puppus!" and such
packers as "Hank V Tank," Jim O'Neill,
Jack Long. Long Jim Cook, Chtleno John,
Jose de Leon, Sam Wlsser, Laurlano
Gomez and others of the best frontiersmen
that ever pulled a diamond hitch: with
the mountain-bred mules and burros sea-
oned by years of the toughest trail of
America, but with the best care ever given
an army's animals that endless centipede,
with the old Mulera (a white bell marc)
for the head, was, everything considered,
the most absolutely competent military
transport I have ever known either In the
field or In the documents; and I think It
quite safe to say also that there is no
record of any other operations of war cr
mining or commerce in which the same
number of animals did so much hard work
over so bad country, so economically and
with so little deterioration. It was of a
piece with all Crook's work the most
searching, the most personally conducted
and the least trumpeted campaign ever
conducted on our frontier; or, so far aa I
can And, on any other.
A So-called "Science" Redely Shat
tered by Men Who Know.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
It Is a cruel and Ironic fate that de
crees. Just after- the railroad Interests and
their various senators had got done pro
mulgating their theory that the making
of freight rates Is such an occult and del
icate science that It will produce universal
smash If governmental regulation lays
a rash hand on it, to have President
Ripley add his testimony to that of Presi
dent Sttckney that the way rates are really
made Is to have the big trusts dictate
them to th railroads.
President Ripley back his assertions
by the fact that under the dictation of th
Beef trust th rate on dressed beef from
Kansas City to Chicago, which should
be higher than th rat on live tock,
Is actually less, and a a result hi company
loses money on every car of dressed beef
hauled between these two points. See In
what shape this leaves the corporate gos
pel! The government must not regulate rates
because that would Introduce an outside
and Inexpert influence which might dis
turb the nicely adjusted balance and In
volve the possibility that the railroad
profits would be encroached upon. But
the actual fact by the testimony of these
railroad authorities Is that the trusts can
and do exercise this very dictation. They
can disturb that nice and delicate adjust
ment by the simple method of ordering
th'? railroads what rates to make, with the
result of Inflicting actual loss. It Is to
be noted that the Railroad Gazette In Its
attack on President Roosevelt practically
corroborates the statements of Messrs. Rip
ley and Sttckney, with the variation of
Implying that th railroads will get some
money by accepting the trust dictation of
The attitude of the railroads, therefore.
Is practically that the government must
not exercise a power which they surrender
to the trusts. This give a striking expres
sion to the corporate view as to the lo
cation of real power. But It also discloses
that for the legitimate Interest of railroad
stockholders It would be wise to lodge
the ultimate rate-making power In soma
body that will not be so completely subject
to the trusts aa the railroads confess
themselves to be.
Susan B. Anthony:
"We don't ask Orover Cleveland or anr
other man to find the God-given sphere
of woman. There are enough of us who
are sufficiently intelligent to find It ourselves.
"I am glad that Mr. Cleveland sees that
the organization of women's clubs paves
the way for suffrage. It Is a natural se
quence, because women's clubs are Inter
ested In movements for the betterment of
city, stato or government civics, and when
they attempt to do anything they run their
heads against the ballot box In short order.
They find that the vote of one ignorant.
Illiterate man outweighs their entire club
In fighting for or against legislation.
"Women are Interested In liquor laws
because they affect the home; when the
man gets drunk he goes home; when he Is
unfaithful, It Is the home that is hurt.
The grog shop, gambling room and brothel
are directly antagonistic to the home. Why
would not women vote against them If
given a chance?"
i l ..rrr-f
I ,13 !,
I I "i! v
J, ,
pi WERSi
MnSXI 1 ArraChrrvPatoral I
I '', "TTTJ i II MMifM ' e. 1 I
hs ssa:::;'1:?: II
I iimHh mum f I ri Ill 'i
Do not undervalue the
services of a skilful phy-
sician. nven trie best
medicine cannot take the
place of the family doctor.
Therefore we say: Con
sult your physician freely
about your case and ask
him what he thinks about
your taking Ayers Cherry
Pectoral for your cough.
If he says take it, then take
it. If he says do not take
it, then follow his advice.
Ma r the t. O. Am Co., lewell. Mm.
AIM maaanratarert f
ATBR'8 PILLS For eoostipatlos.
YBBS HUB YIOOR-For th hair.
A TIB'S AOUB CURS-Fer malaria aa art.
Carrie Chapman Catt, former president
of the National Suffrage association:
"Orover Cleveland, like most opponents
of woman suffrage, evades the main claim
why women should be endowed with the
bajlot. Few woman suffragists have ever
claimed the ballot for women as an In
herent right. They are agreed that 'It
attaches neither to man nor to woman by
nature.' They claim It aa an act of Jus
tice, not as a concession of chivalry. The
ballot was first given to men upon the
principle that 'taxation without representa
tion is tyranny," Women are taxed and
women are governed, and for these rea
sons, and for no other, do women suf
fragists ask the ballot."
Olive On
iDeliciom Flavor,
Absolute Puritj.
Th high
YP el nviro
olive ell
Try ft is year nn nJ4
LUlle Devereaux Blake, president of the
Legislative league:
"Mr. Cleveland' article on woman suf
frage Is written la his usual thoughtful
and scholarly style, but one cannot help
regretting that he did not make himself
acquainted with the facts In the case before
he attempted so Important a dissertation.
One of the first assertions Is that women
are 'unbusinesslike.' In reply,, we' might
ask 'Are all men businesslike?' The recent
exposures in the Equitable would seem to
Indicate that some men are neither busi
nesslike nor trustworthy, while the great
army of women In various, occupations
who are making for themselves admirable
records by their capacity and reliability
give a direct contradiction to the charge."
Mrs. Belle de Rivera, president of the
New York Equal Suffrage league:
'Mr. Cleveland has himself proved that
the masculine Intelligence may be clouded
by sentiment. If women are businesslike
In the many trades, professions and com
mercial enterprises in which they now have
a place, they are losing that kind of trust
fulness which has prevented them from
carrying on successful business undertakings.
Mr. Cleveland deplores an outspoken dis
content, yet he must admit that discontent
Is but a step toward betterment of condi
tions, and It is to be hoped that the same
healthy discontent will remain In evidence
until the rignts or a rree people are ac
corded to th women In every state of the
Mis Mary O. Hay, treasurer of the New
Tork Equal Suffrage league:
"Against the testimony of Orover Cleve
land concerning woman suffrage there Is an
abundance of evidence from state where
women vote that it has proved a purifying
Influence in politics and a helpful factor
In society. For my part, I prefer to take
the testimony of ttie people who know
woman suffrage In actual practice."
Funds for a memorial to th late Mavor
Collins of Boston have reached $11,290.
"Everybody Works But Father" Is a
song. Many a father would move to
amend by elimination of the third word.
Mrs. Chadwlck's lawyers wanted 1C19
fbr their services in her behalf, but were
allowed only $300. Evidently the court took
into account the advertising they got.
Sir Henry Edmund Knight, former lord
mayor of London, has Just landed In Bos
ton after a 12,000-mile Journey In the
United States. He suys the great pros
perity of the country Is the most Impres
sive thing he noted.
D. K, Pearsons, the wealthy Chlcagoan,
who has given large sums to small col
leges, made all of his money at an ad
vanced age, having only been able to save
$5,000 by practicing his profession when he
had reached the age of to.
The Chicago Inter-O-jean Is authority
for the statement that Mayor Dunne ha
offered to divide his salary with his aged
father, Patrick W. Dunne but refused to
put him or any other members of the fam
ily on the municipal payroll.
Balblno Davllos, of the City of Mexico,
a well-known lltteratuer, who has trans
lated into Spanish some of the best Amer
ican poetry, has been appointed to the
Mexican Embassy staff at Washington and
will accompany Ambassador Casasus to the
United States.
After residing In Japan twenty-nine years
Prof. Baclz has returned to his home at
Stuttgart. He was one of the savants
imported by the Japanese government with
the view of Europeanlzlng the country.
For a quarter of a century he was profes
sor of the Toklo university. Most of the
prominent physicians in Japan are his
Oyama Is reported as savin In an Inter
view: "General Linevltch is not a man who
I thirsting for fame. Originally he was
against the war. He ha many acquain
tances In Japan and Is on terms of Inti
mate friendship with Major General Fuku
shlma. Linevltch has reached his pres
ent high position from the ranks. We took
only sixty guns la the battle of Mukden,
owing to the marvellous skill of the enemy
In effecting a retreat. The Russians car
ried away the barrels of their guns by
trouble with a neighbor of mine. H!s wn,
a genuine case. He had It so badly that li
married a grass widow. Chicago Tribune
Skill In Rate Maklnar Simmered Down
to Gneasln;.
Detroit Free Press.
President A. B. Stlckney of the Chicago
Great Western, haa been telling the Inter
state Commerce commission a few things
about railroad rates that must make un
pleasant reading for certain corporate in
terests. Opponent of government regu
lation have been loud In their declar
ations that the art of rate-making Is so
complex that but few men are fitted to
handle the proposition without creating a
condition of affairs that would send the
railroad 'straight to ruin and work in
calculable harm to the nation. Rate sheets
have been held up as sacred, and the peril
of Interfering with the existing state of
affairs ha been tearfully dwelt upon. This
contention haa been shattered by Mr. Stlck
ney. whose testimony was to the effect
that rate-making aa practiced by the rail
roads Is a oungllng Job, lacking In system,
wholly unintelligible save to the initiated
and based largely on guess-work. Further
than this It was disclosed that on Im
portant shipments the railroads do not fix
the schedules, favored shippers dictating
the terms upon which traffic will be turned
over to a given line.
The Impression has prevailed In many
quarters that In the matter ot rebates the
railroads were more stnnea against than
sinners. It Is not human nature to alt Idly
by and watch business go to another who
may see lit to offer more advantageous
terms to a prospective customer. Rail
road officials have waxed Indignant when
ever there was the slightest Intimation
of a rebating agreement. Mr. Stlckney
shows conclusively that rebate existed,
and that the roads were forced by monopo
listic shippers Into granting them. Stress
has been laid upon the delicate adjust
ment which controlled the fixing rates. Mr.
Stlckney has shown that Instead of being
systematized It Is the veriest bungling.
These disclosures furnish material which
In the hands of competent and conscien
tious government officials should lead to
the Institution of beneficial change
through compulsion It In no other manner.
Wilson What do you think of govern
ment ownership?
Gilson Well, I should approve of It
heartily if I had anything that I wanted
the government to buy. Somervllle Journal.
First Roman fwhlle Rome Is burning)
Just listen to Nero's playing. Dost ap
preciate his marvelous technique?
Second Roman Hardly. I'm In the fire
insurance business. Brooklyn Eagle.
Muggins If there is one thing I dislike
more than another It Is to see a man make
a fool of himself. ,
Mrs. Muggins What a pity you were not
born blind, my dear. Chicago News,
The Doctor Tou would be surprised to
know how many persons merely think they
have hay fever."
The Professor Tes, but that wasn't the
"Mamma," asked th society leader n 1 t
tle girl, "will everybody that s good go in
"Yes, my child."
"Rut, mamma."
"What is it, dear?"
"How about people outside our set?"
Pittsburg Post.
"What makes that great man so cvnlral
about fame?"
"He has Just smoked one of the clsiirs
that were named after him." Washington
Fair Visitor Here, my poor man, are
some roses for you. What can I do to
make you comfortable?
Prisoner Guess you're makin' a mistake,
Fair Visitor Mistake how?
Prisoner I'm onlv h .k
cilmblrT. Ter'll find the sruv that killed
vieveiana jeaaer.
his wife In th' nex' cell.-
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Time a thief? No. neverl
Time's an honest wight.
Gracious, tender, clever,
Far from dark affright.
What he takes Is taken
Not In wrath and gloom;
For the fruit that's shakes
Other fruit will blooml
For the raven tresses
And the fire of youth.
Children's soft caresses
Fair exchange, 1' sooth!
For ambition's pleasure,
In the days of dearth
Wisdom comes to measure
What ambition's worth I
For the hasty learning,
Illy tempered real.
Tolerance discerning
Time will us reveal I
For the sole reliance.
Bruited loud abroad.
On the strength of science.
Come the thought of God!
For the shining morning
Of the pleasant day,
Eve with its adorning.
White and pearl and gray;
For the ray of sunshine ' ;
At the morning bars,
Come (how more than one shine!)
Night' unnumbered stars)
The Market-Place of
the World.
No artlclo can ba ad-
ivertisedin McCLURE'S
which its editor and pub
lishers would not recom
mend personally to a per
sonal friend. Cigarettes are
not advertised In McCLURE'S
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