Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Rear-Admiral tlichborn
Praises Pe-ru-na.
Eleventh Annual Meeting tf Uebrsiks
f edsra'.ion Lgrgtly Attended.
Secure Promise of a Bnlldlnar to Be
Derotea to Experiments ana
lantractloa In Domestic
Ak-Str-Btn Vis
Itorsl Wt rtquttt
thai feu make this
I tort four mttting
Frt Ttltphont
Service, Frtt Pr
eel Cfteck Room.
Frtt Chairs. You
Arc Welcome.
unerti' lusisie
- W
Brass Msre
' ' . IT-' - . J . . . .C
' ' " tat., '"x
V ! ..V.
lyf gffX , ,
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REAR-ADMIRAL HICHBORN Is one of the best known
admirals of our nary.
Hla statement concerning Peruna will have much
weight as it goes out into the world.
What he says Is echoed by many other naval officers
of high standing.
Philip Hlchborn. Rear-Admiral United States Navy,
writes from Washington, D. C, as follows:
"After the use of rerun for a short period. I ran
now cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy to
any one who Is in need of an Invigorating tonic"
rhilip Hlchborn.
The soldier and the sailor are especially subject to
catarrh in some form or phase.
Exposed as they are to constant changes, subject as
they are to various vicissitudes, and all kinds of climate,
wet and dry, night and day, they find catarrh to be their
most insidious and everpresent foe.
In the barracks and on the field, Peruna is equally
Taken In time, it will absolutely prevent catching cold.
After a cold has become established, Peruna will break
it up quicker than an: ther remedy known to man.
Even after a eold has become settled In some organ of
the body Peruna can be relied upon to promptly dispel It.
Peruna will cure catarrh, whether acute or chronic,
but a few doses taken in the first stages of the disease
will be more effective than when the disease has become
If you suffer from catarrh in any form do not neglect
it. Take Peruna at once. Delays in such matters are
"I was troubled with catarrh of the throat particularly,
and suffered considerably as a result thereof for a period of
about five years, and my general health was affected.
"Three years ago I was forced to give up business, and
took up my residence in the western country, looking for
relief in a change of climate as well as a change in the
method of treatment for my ailment.
"After much expense, both here and in the West, I was
Induced by a friend to try Peruna. 1 continued the use of
it for about five weeks, at the end of which time I returned
to New York, both well and happy." Wm. H. Switzer, 325
E. 33rd street. New York City.
"I have used Peruna in my family with very satisfactory
results for the last two years. Besides I have recommended
it to all whom I think are In need of it.
"I urge all who are afflicted to buy a bottle and begin Its
use at once. I have never heard of any who have used it to
be dissatisfied with the results." Frank W. Harris, box 23,
Basic City, Va., member A. F. & A. M.
Mr. J. H. Galbralth, 390 West Second Ave., Columbus,
Ohio, writes:
"I have been a sufferer of catarrh of the stomach and
kidneys for seven years. Doctors did me no good, and after
taking Peruna for six months, at Intervals, I believe I am
cured. My appetite returned, I sleep well and work every
day. I always have It in the house."
No remedy ever yet devised has received such unstinted
eulogy from so many renowned statesmen and military men
as Peruna.
We have on file thousands of testimonials like those given
above. We can give our readers only a glimpse of the vast
array of endorsements Dr. Hartman is receiving.
Treasurer Bays ii Otm Two Million
Dollars of Stats Obligations.
Partly Accounted ffor by Railroads
Ho,.5.lnJuJLJ .'JM faVntaU la m
, larae Number of the
... 4
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Oct. . 8peclaX-The state
ment of the condition of the state trust
funds at the rlose of business September
), given out today by Treasurer Morten
sen, shows that the permanent school and
ether trust funds have a total of $2,074,
1S?.5B Invested In state general fund war
rants. The total Investment of the various
funds Is 5.671.63S.S3, of which the perma
nent school fund owns $8,082,7UM. The
total holding uf bonds for investment la
The amount of each trust fund Invested
Is as follows: Permanent school, K.082,
7J1 66; agricultural college endowment, $372.
W3.S5i permanent university, 1116,488.04; nor
mal endowment, 170,874.98.
Treasurer Mortensen Is somewhat disap
pointed at the vise of the outstanding gen
eral fund warrant Issue. He was unable
to state the exact amount, but the total
held to. the permanent school fund is the
largest m the history of the state. The
treasurer had made a hard campaign to
A Skin of Beauty Is a jy forror.
T. FIU Gourauo" Oriental
Crwam or Magical Butinr.
t w yew
b M bMMJlM v.
Hit fj i- i i
-a Dr. U a,
Sr k U
lkl7 at Wot-
"A Jim kUlaa
vlU M Un.
imt-EOTILtt, rrrp, 37 End Sled liw Tt
is. ir m
secure them for Investment and to that fact
the Increase o more than $300,000 In the
school funds' holdings since December 1
Is charged to a certain extent.
One of the reasons assigned for the fail
ure of the debt to decrease Is the fact that
the Burlington and Union Pacific railways
are withholding conRlderable amounts of
taxes In various counties, pending the de
termination of the suits which are now
before the federal court. The receipts
from all sources will be very light until
the first of the year, when the county
treasurers will begin to make heavy re
mittances or. account of the personal taxes,
which are delinquent December 1. In the
meantime the expenses of the state gov
ernment continue and the state debt will
Increase slightly. However, It Is believed
that the revenue, with the 1 mill special
levy under the Sheldon act, will rapidly
reduce the debt after the first of the year.
Jrane Mrllor's Case.
Today In the supreme court the man
damus case of W. R. Mellor of bherman
county against the county clerk to pre
vent the blanket de:mase In real tate
assessments was submitted. This Is the
case Involving the interpretation of the
amendment to the revenue law adopted
by the last legislature , providing for
changes In the assessments of realty
where the existing figures are unjust. The
county board of Sherman county rtluced
the realty In four townships and Mellor,
who Is the chal-man of tl o State Board
of Agriculture and prominent politically,
with the tacit consent and approval of
the members of the State Board of Equali
satlqn and Assessment, filed an original
mandamus action in the supremo court to
compel a restoration of tho original fig
ures. Can't Appeal from Levy.
Today a brief was filed In the supreme
court by the county convnlsHloners of Lan
caster county In whHh It 1 contemltd that
C. O. Whedon of this city had no If sal
basis for his appeal from the levy of 1004.
It la contended that he was reduced to
two causes of complaint, an appeal from
the amount of the assessment on his pr p
erty, or an appeal o-i tho grout 1 of ron
Uablllty to assessmiTit, but that under
no circumstances can tho discretion of the
county board In making the levy
be questioned, as long as Tliey kejp vlrliln
the fifteen mill limit fixed by the' laws.
Whedon filed an appeal from the levy, al
leging that It was excessive and charging
gross extravagance against county officers.
Slat Valversttr Closed.
Today the state university was closed
out of respect to ti.e late Prof. HoWitt
B. Brace whose funeral xourred this af
ternoon. Since the death of Dr. Brace, the
Orchard St Wilhelm
Carpet Company
Come See Us In
41441C41S South I6th St.
The most modern and up-to:date Carpet House in the
West Special bargains during Ak-Sar-Ben.
$5.00 ROCKER Handsomely polished, wood scat with arms,
turned spindle, comfortable a rocker suitable for any
room without question a wonderful rocker bargain we
cannot get any more to sell at this special Ak-Sar-Ben price
wnen tnis lot is gone, i'nee while they last
tYelght on this rocker within 100 miles 30c.
Freight on this rocker within 3jo miles 50c.
Princess Dressers in golden oak $14.00
Dressers in solid oak up from. ..$12.00
Iron Beds choice of colors up from '. $1.75
Dining Tables pew line up from. : $7.25
Dining Chairsgood ones up from .$1.20
flag over University hall has flown nt half
staff. A larse concjurye of university
students and faculty memben utter.ded Ihe
funeral. The ser tc wore c nduct'd by
Revs. Tuttle and Joms and former faculty
associates acted as pall bearers.
Thinks He Has Robber.
Detective James Malone claims to have
located one of the men who tried to rob
a Burlington train ten or twelve years
ago at Hyannls. The attempt proved
a water haul, because the train was late
and daylight overtook the robbers before
thvy accomplished their purxjoee. One of
the men was captured and returned to
Wyoming to serve out an unexpired term,
after which he was killed In a fight. The
other man is said to have relatives at
Cambridge, and Malone claims that he
can get him if the railway desires to pros
Annual Superintendents' Meeting.
State Superintendent McBrien has Issued
the official announcement for the State
Association of School Superintendents
which will hold Its annual meeting In this
city October 12, 13 and 14. On the first
day of the meeting W. M. Davidson of
Omaha will deliver an address.
Twenjr-One Perish In Fire at
ARAPAHOE, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) At 6 o'clock this evening the Pool
Bros.' livery barn was discovered in flames,
but the fire was so completely beyond con
trol as to render It possible to save only a
small part of the horses and vehicles, the
barn being a total loss. Out of the thirty
two horses and ten buggies and carriages
in. the barn but thirteen horses and five
buggies were saved: Pool Bros.' loss Is the
barn and fixtures and eleven horses, the
balance being those of farmers and custo
mers. The. entire loss will aggregate over
$4,000, upon which Pool Bros, have $S00 In
surance and various farmers about VSti
upop their stock. There Is no known cause
for the Are as yet, other than accidental.
OOALALLA, Neb.. Oct. 4. (Special Tele
gramsHarrington's livery barn burned
this evening with fifteen horses. There
was no other loss. '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 4. iSpedal.) The prin
cipal feature of the meeting of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's clubs today
was an address by Mrs. Piatt Decker of
Denver, president of the general federa
tion. In the morning the reports of officers
we'e received, that of the secretary show
ing there were now 137 clubs affiliated
with the federation.
In the afternoon little business was trans
acted, the delegates making a visit to
the State university farm, where they
were welcomed by the faculty and suit
able responses were made by the club
women. The club women were promised
that next year a building devoted to do
mestic science would be erected at the
state farm.
In the evening a reception to Mrs. Piatt
Decker was tendered by the Grand Army
of the Republic and the Woman's Relief
corps. The reception was at the LJndel
hotel and was largely attended.
Another event of the evening was a mu
sicals at the State university given in
honor of the visiting club women.
Tomorrow will be devoted strictly to
business. One of the principal things will
be the report of the nominating commit
tee. There appears to be no doubt Mrs.
II. M. Bushnell, the present president, will
be re-elected for another term.
Fully 200 of the most representative women
of Nebraska are In session here at the
eleventh annual meeting of the Nebraska
Federation of Women's clubs, 120 delegates
having been registered at the opening ses
sion yesterday afternoon at St. Pauls
Methodist church.
Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Denver,
president of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs, arrived yesterday after
noon and will be the guest of the con
vention during the entire session.
The prediction that there would be no
real Issue at this meeting promises to prove
untrue, as the directory at a preliminary
meeting passed a proposition which will be
presented to the convention providing for
an amendment to the constitution which
will make future state meetings biennial
Instead of annual. As this plan has been
strongly opposed In the past. It will hardly
be carried without a struggle.
The directory further recommended that
district vice presidents be made district
presidents and admitted to the -Hrectoryi
also that adjacent districts combine their
annual conventions when possible and bear
their own expenses.
First Session of Convention.
The convention opened Tuesday afternoon
with an Invocation by Rev. J. W. Jones
and addresses of welcome were made by
City Attorney E. B. Strode on behalf of
the city and Mrs. J. C. Harpham for the
Lincoln Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs.
Charlotte Cole of Nellgh responded for the
t'lsltlng women.
The address of the state preslier.i, Mrs.
H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, Included sug
gestions along the broad lines of women's
work. "The federation Idea is drawing
woman to women, that they may aid each
other," she said, and It was of mutual
helpfulness that she spoke.
That hats should be removed was the first
recommendation of the committee on rules
ahd It went Into effect . Immediately. The
appointment of a ' resolutions committee
was also recommended aS a precaution
against the Introduction of undesirable or
unwise discussion In the convention.
Twenty-seven clubs were reported hold
ing membership in the general federation,
eleven of which are in the First and seven
In the Second district.
Mrs. C. E. Nevin presided during a
library session. Miss Edith Bullock, secre
tary of the state traveling library com
mission, spoke briefly.
The rest of the afternoon was given to
club reports, eighteen new clubs being ad
mitted to the federation. Mrs. Decker's
address, along general club lines, being
the feature of the evening.
Mrs. A. L. Sheets of Omaha contributed
a vocal solo and Carl 8teckleberg a violin
aolo to the program.
Francis OaJe Injured.
GRAND ISLAND, Oct. 4. (Special.)
Monday evening a man was found between
two tracks In the Union Pacific yards. He
was taken to the St. Francis hospital In an
unconscious condition and has remained so
the greater part of the day, suffering from
a severe concussion of the brain. No
fracture of the skull Is noticeable and no
other Injuries were sustained.
The young man is aged 19, and la Francis
Ogle, presumably of Omaha, one of the
nursea of the hospital recognizing him as
having formerly been under her care there,
after having undergone an operation. He
Is said to be an orphan and It Is believed
was passing through . Grand Island,
when he stepped or was accidentally
thrown from a moving train.
Reception for Dr. Waidaworth.
BELLEVUE. Neb., Oc. 4. (Special.) A
delightful reception and house-warming
was given by Dr. and Mrs. Wadsworth
last evening, to the people of the village
and students of the college, the occasion
being the tenth anniversary of the begin
ning of their residence in the community.
The hand of welcome and congratulation
was extended to them by Dr. Phelps in
beautiful and appropriate language, which
waa responded to by Dr. Wadsworth In
behalf of himself and family. An enjoy
able part of the evening, perhaps the
most enjoyable part for some, was the
refreshments and a program consisting of
music and recitations, rendered by some
of the students. A number of friends from
Omaha were present.
Wilier on a Boom.
WISNER. Neb.. Oct. 4.-(8peclal.)-Wlsner
Is the scene of a veritable building boom
four brick buildings now being in course
of construction on Main street. Thla sea
son will break the record of any previous
year for substantial Improvements of this
character. Besides these additions to the
Improvements of the business blocks, there
are a numlwr of new residences going up
and others are being remodeled, enlarged.
and the village and private property owners
are replacing old wooden crossings and
sidewalks with brick and cemdnt pare
mants In all parts of the town.
Extends Interarbaa Franchise.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb., Oct. 4 (Special.)
The Board of County Commissioners
granted the Sioux City, Homer St Southern
Railway company an extension to Its fran
chise on the public highway for thirty days.
and If at the expiration of that time elec
tric or gasoline . propelled cars are not
running between this place and Sioux City,
the track, which has been down for more
than a year past. Is to be taken out of the
highway. Captain R. A. Talbot, chief pro-
motor of the road, appeared before the
board and stated that the sale of the bonds
had been negotiated and thirty days would
be sufficient for him to establish traffic
between South Bioux City and this place,
and that later on the road would be com
pleted to Homer, as first planned. For
two years and a half past our people have
heard these promises repeated time and
Approved Clothes Shapes
A combination of clothes perfection and clothes
economy rai'fs you here. Thmifindt of .Siiifjt, Tnn Coat. Uain
Cvats and Ortre'oats. I'nquntionably the larycat gi.Uhtring of Men's
Apparel ever brouqht under a vrtatern roo'.
As retailtrs of men's dres, it is our biisine-ui to know in ad-
miuv 9ihni th0 fnhittuk nr0. tn hfi. thtin. tfi rnnti them nftrr
3 thty have corns into vogue, and we ore sufficiently matter of our art
t to make each outfitted customer an object lesson as to how a perfect-
) ly veil dressed man should look. i
Marvelous Suit and
Overcoat Offer
&Z rfr"l jj " 3 We offer an exceptional selection of more than
PsmV. I I 3,000 different designs in Men's Singk and Double
lireusted tackiud Mmuls. and over S00 ditTeren
gtylcs of Overcoats at ihis (me price. Sever in our
experience have xre maintained such an extensive assemblage at
this price. Suits of mixed Scotch elTects. worsted. t,nr.,t.
cassimere. Vicunas, serges, etc. Owrcoats of plain and fancu
colorings, in swagger lenaths and conservative models with belt or witlwut, as you mail
Select posuivc f-0 values jor AK-aar-uen wuk, omy fi.t.uu.
t 'V
Grand Special $10 and $12 Values Now On Sale
Full Dress for the Ball
Evening dress de rigeur U only pormisnhlo at this function. We have rrrnnrl
eled our entire second floor Into a handsomely furnished full dross department
offering values the equal of $100 tallored-to-order garments, at one-third that price'
Soft, rough finished black cloths of modern ultni-fnshlonable weaves. The tail
coats fit very trimly, with square shouWfors. lapels peaked or shawl roll, faced with
double finished slik. The trousers are of medium width, plain and with black silk
braid down the outside seams Cutaway, English Frock, Prince Alberts and Tuxedo
Suits are Included In this display.
The Lesser Articles of Men s Attire
The Shirt-The Hat The
Gloves The Cravat are here
la perfect array, bearing
prices which are less than
you expect.
Every new Idea, worthy a
place on your head, la here.
Many exclusive novelties, in
soft hats of confined shape
end colorings, each style au
thentic and approved In fash
Ion's greatest style centers.
Alpines, Telescopes, Fedoras.
Cowboy and Derby style. In
varied colors, each better
than the price suggests
J. B. Stetson soft or stiff hats
3.SO to 5.00
Our furnishings and hat departments are
replete, with newest new things for day or
evening dress.
Men's Middle Weight Underwear, blue,
ecru and salmdn, grand special values, at
Men's Stiff Bosom Shirts of "Known"
makes, new importations, in many neat
I.OQ and 1.50
Men's Kid Gloves Mocha and dress skins
' Adler, Perrin, Fowne and other makes
I.OO to 2.00
again by Superintendent Talbot until they
have arrived at we point i -believing."
s Farmers' Elevator Opens.
i d i d i urir TsTeh.. Oct. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) The farmers' elevator, erected St a
cost of over J4.00O and by a voluntary and
stock contribution, was toaay openeu
Th.t thn Farmers' Mutual Grain
association of Arapahoe, with as fine an elo-
vator as there is in tne souinwemcru
try, will be as successful as it nas oeen m
the shipping of hogs ahd cattle is assured.
Forty years ago. Dr. Pierce searched
Katurt's Uibnmlory tot a remedy with
which to supplant the Ignorant and vi
cious methods of treatment, with alco
holic stimulants, then In vogue, and still
too commonly prescribed and advised for
woman's peculiar ailments.
Nature abounds with rooft efficient rem- -edict,
and in Lady's Slipper root. Black
Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh
root and Golden Seal root. Dr. Plerrs
found medicinal properties, which when
extracted and preserved by the use of
chemically pore glycerine, have proven
most potent in making weak women
strong and sick women well. It contains
no alcohol; Is not a "patent medicine,
nor a secret one either.
"I was suffering with nervous headache,
pains In the back and diiilne, so tht at
times 1 bad to lie, down for boors before I
could raise mr bead. writes Mrs. Manr M
Thoraaa of 137 Winston Street, 1Ot Ancele.
Cal. "After taking the first bottle of 'V
v-irK Pn$eripttan.' boweter, I was so pleased
with the results that 1 kept on taking It until
I was restored to health and streorth. I
shall never be without this great medicine,
and ah ill take a few doaea when 1 do not
fuel etrong."
One of the principal uses of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Proscription is the preparation
of prospective mothers for the time of
trial and danger that comes w hen a child
it born. The 'Prescription is strength
ening and Invigorating and lessens pain
and danger. It insures the perfect well
being and the perfect health of both
mother and child. Every woman thou Id
know these things before the really needs
to know them. There are many things in
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser, that every woman ought to knew.
This celebrated work reached a tale of
lbo.000 copies at 9 M each. The expense
ef production having tliua been covered,
it la now being given away. A copy will
be sent te any address on receipt ef 21
one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing
only, or, in cloth binding lor U stamps.
Address Dr. &. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
israi iiutAinmaiu, k,iutud
ere'er usieuaaoq hmo arreptuir a kurwtuute
ffcr the ikl Mtt Uver Pius, lm put
BP hy eld tr. K V. Plerve. mr 4 r r,
and railed Darter Pierce's lln net Petfxa. ,
TarT bean smtch tarttnesa bat neree
qua. Cwe awe ase Ua4ae lease e
uer aarherthh
Kens of Nebraa.
ANBLET R. O. Applegrath, a farmer
from Lockwood. Neb., has traded his farm
for the furniture business, store building
and residence of U H. House.
WOOD K1VEK In many tields through
out this valley the fourth crop of alfalfa
will be cut this season, making the yield
for 1906 the biggest in the history of the
alfalfa culture In the state.
WOOD RIVER Harry Thomas, a young
man who was arrested here Saturday and
taken to Grand Island for stealing a watch
from his employer at Dalhstrom'a ranch
south of Alda, waa sentenced to twenty
days In the county Jail yesterday.
WOOD RIVER The farmers have com
pleted sowing their fall and winter wheat
and the acreage is very large, and If
nothing Interferes the crop next year will
be the largest In the history of the state.
It has been an Ideal fall for the sowing.
ORAND IBUAND Chicken thieving on
quite a wholesale plan la being indulged
in In this vicinity. David Clark, a farmer
...Mini, flvA miles from the city, tnlssud
100 In one night and another farmer nearby
1 number. The sheriff and pollco
idepartment have been busy In the case.
but have ootainea no ciew.
WISNER Mr. Theodore Kemper and
Miss Einina Mandke were married today
In the German Lutheran church, the pas
tor, Rev. E. Ahrens officiating. The
groom Is one of Wisner's young business
men, and the bride tne only daughter of
Mr. Chris Handke, one of the early set
tlers and wealthy retired farmers of this
PLJtTTSMOUTH Asa L. Bnider of Ne
braska City and Miss Blanch Sullivan were
united In marriage this evening at the
home of the bride's parents. Judge and
Mrs. A. N. Sullivan, In this city. Rev. W.
B. Alexander, presiding elder of the York
district of the Methodist Episcopal church,
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Bnider departed
on the night train tor Nebraska City, their
future home.
AINS WORTH At the regular democratic
convention the present Incumbent, C. O.
Murphy, was elected treasurer, and as i.o
declines to serve, the special committee
that was appointed to fill all vacancies met
this afternoon and appointed T. W. Delong,
a farmer, and he has accepted. He was
the preacher here for the Congregational
society for several years, and went to the
farm for his health.
FREMONT The city council last evening
lndellnitely postponed the plan to put in
new street lights in the outlying districts
of the city. The bids submitted exceeded
the amount on hond available for that
purpose. There is considerable disappoint
ment anions: the residents of the north
side on this account. Condemnation pro
ceedings were ordered for the new street
to be laid out south or the Bioux City ac
Western right-of-way, the cost of which
will be defrayed by the comiany. It will
be only thirty-eight feet wide and four
blocks long.
FREMONT While workmen were get
ting things ready to commence operations
In the Royston mill today a rustling noise
was heard In one of the air pipea on the
first floor and when the pipe waa cut Into
to aee what was the matter a nest of
young pigeons was discovered. The old
Diueuns had to follow the pipe for a dis
tance of SOU feet to reach the nest. The
birds were nearly grown, but were sight
ANBLET At a meeting of the advocates
of county division held at Merna, Neb.
Monday evenina It waa voted to postpone
submitting the question of dividing Custer
county uiial the fail election one year
hence. It Is the general sentiment that a
square cut will receive the most votes, and
dividing the county Broken Bow, the pres
ent county seat, should be divided Into
three parte and go Into different divisions
of the new counties.
NEBRASKA CITY Martin O'Neal, who
was recently convicted of attempting to
commit a criminal assault, was today sen
tenced by judge Paul Jeasen of the dis
trict court to two yeara In the penlten
Uary. Richard Mason, who was found
guilty of erabexalrmrnt, was sentenced to
one year In the penitent-ary. Maaon se
cured money from a working girl on the
pretence of loaning It to farmers at a biKh
rate of Interest. Both mtn received the
minimum sentence fixed by law for their
respective crime.
QiKBON Corn Is out of the way of frost.
Tt la a One crop of extra good quality.
Owing to heavy eara the wind has ludaed
It badly. Potatoes are not very plenty aiul
s the urine seauis to hang cioae eruuod ay
cents per bushel. Herts are beginning to
move today; while not as good ii tuaml as
some years, yet the yield will bo good and
the beets are very large.
GRAND ISLAND In the district court
the demurrer to the application for a writ
of injunction restraining the village au
thorities of Wood River from Interfering
In any way, including regulation, of the
saloon of Thomas Langan, was suHtnlnod
and the wilt denied. The case will, how
ever, be taken to the supremo court and
Is attracting no little attention.
OSCEOLA The district court for Polk
county began grinding yesterday morning
with Hon. B. F. Good of Wahoo as the
presiding Judge. This is the first term of
court for more than twenty years that a
grand Jury has been called, or since Hon.
Judge M. B. Reese was district attorney.
Of course it is not known what a Jury of
me Kina canea may ao and many citizens
are wondering, and mourners at the anx
ious seat. J mite Good in administering
the oath to grand Jurors gave them a whole
lot or good wholesome advice. W. E.
Wllllts is the foresian of the Jury.
chaukun Manley HouKhton. the on v
son of Attorney Frederick Houirhton. died
at the Davis hOHpltal from Injuries received
on tne Nortnwestern railroad last night.
He had been employed as brakeman for
about one month on a passenger train and
while coupling cars was caught in the air
brake. The Injury was not considered
serious and Manley discharged his duties
as far as Hay Springs, a distance of
thirty miles, hut he was feeling so badly
he conductor insisted he return homo
Reaching hero at 6 a. m. he was taken
the hospital and died In four hSurs
DAKOTA CITY The democratic party
of Una county Is commencing early In the
n?mS-tpl,!y '"V1 ,,,, k' n" already two
hli.i ?. n,oml'l',ps, selected at the convention
held last Saturday have declined the noml-
for" e., .I,0th. (i"VPr -W' p"""r- d"dat9
for county clerk, and John Kreuger, can
didate for county commissioner from the
tit diHtrict, have announced that they
will decline the nominations tendered them,
lho citizens-republican party has such a
firon, ,loW on I'skota county politics and
the officers elected are proving so painstak
ing and economical that it is hard for the
democratic party to secure candidate! to
go down to certain defeat.
this city has brought suit In the United
States court at Topeka, Kan., against the
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, for
pi.272.61. The suit is the outgrowth of the
transaction between Dr. Neal and the Sis
ters to establish St. Mary's hospital In
this city, the hospital and contents being
originally the property of Dr. Neal. The
plaintiff alleges that the Sisters purchased
the hospital and contents from him agree
ing to pay 16,372.61; that only $100 of the
purchase price has been paid and the de
fendants refuse to pay the remainder. The
Sisters will close the hospital as soon as
the patients can be moved and they will
then return to Leavenworth.
cold which MU led on mr f T v.," u,-. ""V"'! iJSn' FZfZiJIZQ ! I
lung,nd I trKMlwloiii f 1 .1 . 9 f5V5ii J! ,Lle srromS I !
kino ot oousn r.niediea, i ., 1 r'f I Ik I n. -;J ?L? but nor , ,
good astil I flnUy tried l; HiV? - ' " 1 til," 5fT '
one bom. of Ir. Beli'a 11 i tf 1 f I -: , ' "J liin'. t1 n'-
w s 1 1 . .ute ivniaa'. x ii iw. mob w
aocent my litAnks
moM valuable remedy.
yerr rwp'y, Henry
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mm .
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