Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Crf r pr Urttrtmj f mv Wmtt Hi ft
Falling to oet Tht Bf mjultrtt- or
rrrmpfff fftourf repart r 'Pfioire: B97..
Freiideit of Metropolitan Borrowi (50,000
from lew York Lift.
Preiideit of New erk Life GeU I f
from Metropolitan at Same Pri
Record of Traiiactioni wit a Le
Agent Vaniih.
President McCall Every Year
tompialn Expead Larue
to Hrad On Holdap
NEW YORK. Oct. 4 That John R. Hcge
man, president of the Metropolitan Life In
surance company, borrowed IfiO.OO from the
Now York Life Insurance company at IVi
per cent Interest, a rate below the mar
ket rate, was brought out In the lasurance
investigation last week, but today Presi
dent John A. McCall of the New York
Life Insurance company testified that he In
turn borrowed I75.O0U from the Metropolitan
at the same rate. This was In January,
1WC; the loan wii renewed in January,
1904, and ran until March, 1905, when the
rate of interest was advanced to 2 per
cent, at which rate It Is still running:.
Mr. McCall testified that he was a di
rector of the Metropolitan Life Insurance
company, but not a stockholder. The fact
of his being a director, Mr. McCall contin
ued, did not deter him' from procuring a
loan at as low a rate of Interest as possi
ble when It was to his Interest to do so.
Cancelled Checks Dtaapper.
Somewhat of a sensation was caused in
the late hours of today's session of the leg
islative committee which is Investigating
the methods of life Insurance companies,
when Nell F.' Towner of Albany was called
to the stand and disclaimed any knowledge
of the whereabouts of cancelled checks of
Judge Andrew Hamilton of Albany. Mr.
Towner testi..e: that he was associated
with Judge Hamilton In the practice of
law In Albany. The Hamilton account was
again under Investigation and Mr. McCall
had been excut,ed for a few minutes while
Mr. Towner took the stand.
Mr. Towner testified that he made de
posits for Judge Hamilton, but not while
the latter was In Europe. He had taken
some cancelled checks from the Albany
Trust company early In September and
had thrown them Into a drawer In Judge
Hamilton's desk. He had no occasion to
look at them again until last week, when
he received the subpoena to appear be
fore the committee. He was asked to bring
these checks with him, but when he looked
for them they were gone. He had no
knowledge, ha declared, of where they
could have gone or who could have taken
them, .Pressed by M,r. Hughes, he said al-,
most anybody had access to the drawer
In which the checks were placed.
Mr. McCall, resuming, was asked about a
deposit to the credit of Judge Hamilton of
tlfS.OU on September 1, 1905.
Mr. McCall said the New York Life In
surance company had aid Mr. Hamilton
no money, but suggested that part of It
might have come from the state control
ler's office by reason of an assignment of
tax moneys which would come to the
Judge by reason of his securing the repeal
of the tax law, which relieved the New
York Life from the payment of taxes.
Judge Hamilton was to have one-third of
the amount that would rebate to the com
pany, a sum of 272,000, netting Mr. Hamil
ton about $90,000.
MeCall'a BrlatlTea Favored.
Another Interesting point was brought
out by Mr. Hughes Just before the close.
Edwin F. Devlin, real estate manager for
the New York Life Insurance company,
was called to continue his testimony of
last week relating to the real estate values
of the company's properties In this country
and abroad. Mr. Devlin had had to con
sult the records and he presented a num
ber of transcripts of the records. It de
veloped that the New York Life had ac
quired by foreclosure an apartment house
In one of the most desirable residential
sections of this city, and the cost, with
Improvements deemed necessary, was $31,
66. The Income from this property was
found to be .03 per cent on the investment.
Among the Improvements was the throw
lug two apartments Into one of nine rooms
with baths. These were rented for 11.500
and Jl.ftX) a year. It then developed that
four of the tenants were tfu? Immediate
family of Presiden.t MrCall. three sons and
a son-in-law. Mr. Devlin was asked who
fixed the rental of these properties and he
said he discussed It with Mr. MrCall.
Mr. McCall enlivened the day's proceed
ings further when he said there was no
record on the bonks of the New York Life
Insurance company of the JlOo.rtin paid the
republican national committee for contri
butions to presidential campaigns. While
he had no personal knowledge that the
motley was paid, he assumed It was be
cause he had told the treasurer to make
these payments.
Earlier in the day Mr. MrCall. In retail
ing the legislation work of Judge Hamilton
and the counsel he employed, denied any
knowledge of the legislative pool which
was disclosed in the examination of Al
fred W. Maine, auditor of the Eu.uit.ible
Life Assurance society, last week.
Met all C harges llluekninll.
Mr. McCall jn thla question made the
startling Information that three-quarteis of
the hills affecting life Insurance companies
were In the nature of blackmail. The offi
cers of the company were worried at lh-
beginning f each year, he said, by the
proposal of laws that would hamper their
companies, and these officers "really
trembled at what hy would have to en
dure the first six months of each year."
While Mr. Hughes was engaged In look
ing up some document. Chairman Arm
strong took the opportunity to ask Mr.
Met all if he hsd ever glvn any thought
as to the femlblltty of a standaid policy
that could be written by all companhs.
Mr. M.t'all said he hud, and he thought
some such policy would be a good thing.
Rufus F. Weeks, actuary and second vice
president of the New York Life Insurance
company, was another altness today. He
went Into the technical description of the
various forms of policies, the tables upon
which the cost of life Insurance Is com
puted and various other computations of
Ills department.
The committee adjourned until tomorrow
morning, with Mr. Devlin still explaining
the real estate holdings of the company.
Fifteen Horiri Bara.
OOALALLA. Neb.. Oct. 4 iStpecial Tele-irni.-llrrinion
livery bain burned
this evening with Uieea bvfsca, Xuete
4 m oUter wasv
! at l -t I a r-
Mat of oldleru Injured at ramp
Da rasa ind Ijitrr Ttetalla of
l.eyte Disaster.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. In a cablegram
to the War department today. Governor
General Wright, stated that the full results
of the recent storm which passed over the
Philippines are not known, the reports be
ing still Incomplete, hut he expressed the
opinion that the losses were exaggerated.
With reference to the Irf-yte disas'rr, he
says that the death of Hart ha not been
confirmed by mall advices. He, however,
rf ported that Edwin 8. Ely was among
those who lost their lives on the Ieyte, his
nearest relative being given as Edwin C.
Ely, No. 417 Monroe street, Peoria, 111.
The department today received the fol
lowing cablegram from General Corbin, giv
ing particulars of damage by the storm.
The. dispatch Is as follows:
Telegrams dated Camp Daraea. Septem
ber 28. and September 27. Just received, re
port the following results there: T phoon
lasting from 11 o'clock at night. September
25. until o'clock next morning: rive bar
racks and bakery blown Cown and totally
wrecked, four barracks, post exchange,
five officers' quarters, three noncommis
sioned staff quarters, forage house, one
stable, one teamsters' quarters bndly dam
aged; roofs all blown away.
Following were Injured:
Ralph T. Stofer. honnltal corps, cerebral
concussion, slight; Columbus O'Urlen,
Company I, Ninth regiment, contusions,
shoulder and neck; William J. Carroll,
Company L, Ninth regiment, Infantry,
lacerated and contused wound, left foot;
Klhert Mutxger. Company L. Ninth in
fantry, contusion, heart and face; ) tq K,
Eaglln. Company M. Ninth regiment, con
tused wound, right temple: txiuis E. Frost,
Company M, Ninth regiment. Infantry,
laterated and contused wound, sprain left
knee; John Goodwin. Company K. Ninth
Infantry, contusion, right side; John Han
ley, Company M. Ninth regiment, contusion,
severe, lumbar regions, probable fiacture
ribs; Frank Ehlert, Company M, Ninth
srgtment, lacerated and contused wound,
right leg nnd hip; Everett Miller, Company
M. Ninth Infantry, contused and lacerated
wound, right ankle; John Muryan, Company
K, Ninth Infantry, same, right foot; Ixiuls
J. Plante, Company M, Ninth regiment,
same, left foot and right hand: William I.
Johnson. Company F. Ninth Infantry, com
pound comminuted lower Jaw, same both
bones right wrist.
Excepting Hanley and Johnson, wounds
thought not dangerous. Surgeon thinks all
will recover.
Excepting Ratangas, with which there Is
no communication. It Is thought that all
typhoon damages have now been reported;
repairs ordered and under way.
In order that the damages resulting from
the recent typhoon in the Philippine Islands
may be at once repaired, and to prevent
suffering among the many people whose
houses and property was destroyed by it,
the quartermaster general of the army
cabled to Manila that an extra allotment
of $.V,0X) has been made to meet the ex
Chlcaajo Man Telia How One Hhlpment
Was Made I nder False
CHICAGO. Oct. 4.-LiveIv Interest was
evoked by W. 8. Tasker -f Chicago, a live
stock commission dealer and cattle feeder.
who testified before the Interstate Com
merce committee today regarding freight
rates on live stock and live stock nroHneta
from Missouri river points to Chicago. As
an Illustration of the alleged Inconnlnf enev
of rates charged by the railroads Tasker
testified that on one occasion he shipped a
lierd or cattle rrom points In northwestern
Wisconsin to Chicago by way of South
St. Paul at a much less freight rate thnn
he could hove shipped the stock direct to
Chicago. The tariff from the points where
he shipped In Wisconsin to Chicago was 3
cents a hundred. Ry shipping to South
St. Paul and thence to Chicago he was
able to obtain a rate of 1514 cents per
hundred pounds, although the distance the
commodity had to be transported was
about 3u0 miles farther than by the direct
"How did you manage to get that rate for
your cattle by way of South St. Paul?"
inquired Attorney Seaverns of the Chicago
Great Western railroad.
"By through billing. I suppose. I ar
ranged with a live stock commission
dealer In 8outh St. Paul to have It done
for me," replied the w linens.
"You knew when you did that through
the commission house men that the terri
tory from which you shipped was outside
the belt from which that through rate by
way of South St. Paul was allowed by the
railroads, did you not?" asked the at
torney. "Yes, I did."
"That low proportionate rate between
South St. Paul and Chicago was only In
tended for cattle shipments consigned to
Chicago from points in Montana tt.. r
'kotas and Minnesota, and you knew It. did
you notr asked the railroad attorney
"Then, as a matter of fact, you entered
Into a conspiracy with the commission men
to manipulate the billing so that cattle re
ceived In South St. Tuul from western
points and wild there would appear to have
been shipped through to Chicago, while
your cattle were substituted under the
pretense that they were really tho animals
shipped through?"
"1 suppose that was the way it was
done. I understood the sums thing had
been done before."
"Is that the way you usually do busi
ness?" "I never made but one shipment that
statement Host Dlatrlhutlnu of
Traat Fonda of Rennet! F.atate
Sow on Record,
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Oct. 4-Statements
showing how trust funds were distributed
In accordance with the provisions of the
will of the late phllo 8. Rennett by William
J. Bryan and his wife. Mary Ralrd Bryan,
acting as trustees, were filed today in th
prolMtc court.
Mr. Bennett left IW.rtin to be distributed
among the pupils of twenty-five colleges
as prize for the best essays discussing
the principles of free government. Two
additional funds, each of flO.nfln, were left
to aid needy boys and girls seeking an edu
cation. The Hxt of colleges named has
been announce. I in previous dispatches.
Mr. Bryan says in his report that the
pament of the succession and transfer tax
occasioned the loas uf 1473 out of each fund
of lo.frt, but that he has made this amount
g.wd by paying 11.419 out of his fees as ex
ecutor of the estate.
Rata Raised to Seven and One-Quarter
I'er I'tit Through Uraaaad on
the Stock Exchange.
NEW YORK. Oct. 4-Thera was a flurry
in cull money on the Stock exchange this
afternoon. Shortly before 2 o'clock the
rate rose to t per cent.
After 2 o'clock call money advanced to
T per cent aud tho Xell back again to
Pr cent.
Determine! That Railroad Ratee Shall Be
legnlaUd by OoTernment
One of the Aalhnri of
Says that It Will
Made W ider In Its
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4 ."President
Roosevelt Is dead in earnest on the subject
of railroad rate legislation and Is Just as
determined as ever that legislative regula
tions shall be enacted looking to federal
supervision of the freight rate situation,"
Thla statement was made by Representa
tive Townsend of Michigan, one of the
authors of the so-called Eseh -Town send
railroad rate bill.
Representative Townsend called today to
talk over te general subject with the
president and of the necessity for the mak
ing of changes in the measure which he
and Mr. Esch proposed last winter. Mr.
Townsend did not have opportunity to go
fully Into the subject with the president
today, but the president requested him to
call again tomorrow.
"I have no authority to represent the
president's views as to railroad rates."
said Mr. Townsend. "but I can say that he
entertains now the same views and princi
ples he expressed In his message last De
cember. The crux of the whole matter Is
not that the commission should fix rates,
but that It should have the power to
substitute a reasonable rate for one found
on Investigation to bo unjust. Without
such authority the evils complained of
could not be reached."
"Have any suggestions been made of
changes In the Eech-Townsend measure?"
Changes May Re Made..
"Some changes may be made," replied
Mr. Townsend. "but they will be for the
purpose of making the bill clearer on cer
tain points. It Is Intended, of course, to
include In the regulations private cars,
refrigerator cars and terminal charges. We
thought they were covered by our meas
ure, but In order that there may be no
question about them they will be Included
in the bill In a definite way. One thing is
quite certain: There will be no narrowing
of the scope of the bill no modification of
the principles Involved."
Mr. Townsend said It was expected that
the senate committee on Interstate com
merce would prepare and report a measure
to regulate railroad freight rates. While
he did not have a definite Idea as to the
scope of the senate measure he regarded
it as doubtful whether the members of the
senate committee would agree with Sena
tor Foraker that the proposition Involved
only a question of methods.
Interest In Ohio Campaign.
Senator Dick, chairman of the Ohio re
publican executive committee, had a con
ference with President Roosevelt today
relative to the political situation In that
state. The president is particularly Inter
ested In the approaching Ohio election and
told Senator Dick he would do everything
in his power to Insure the success of the
republican cause there this fcilL Senator
Dick Is anxious that as many members of
the cabinet as possible may make speeches
in Ohio during the campaign and it has
lieen agreed tentatively that Secretaries
Taft, Shaw, Wilson and Bonaparte and At
torney General Moody will participate In
the campaign.
Will Save a Million a Year.
President Roosevelt had a talk today
with Representative Charles B. Land is of
Indiana on the work of the committee
which Is to Investigate the conditions in
the government printing office. Members
of the commission are said to believe It
easily possible to reduce the expenses of
the government printing office at least
$1,000,000 a year.
Weaton Will Succeed Randall.
The president tonight decided to promote
Brigadier General John F. Weston, now
commissary general of subsistence of the
army, to be a major general to succeed
Major General Randall, to Boon be retired.
General Weston will take his place in the
line of the army and will be assigned to
the command of a division of a department
when a vacancy occurs.
Mob at Fort Scott tlamorlnx for Life
of Mra. RIbkIbb, Accused of
Starvlaa; Stepson.
FOR T SCOTT. Kan.. Oct. 4. The county
Jail here Is surrounded tonight by men
who Insist that Mrs. Belle Rlgglns, her
daughter, Clarissa, aged 14 years, and her
husband, George Rlgglns, held by the coro
ner's Jury for the death of Rlgglns' 6-year-old
son by a former wife, should be
lynched. The sheriff, expecting an assault
on the Jail, has. It is reported, fled with
the prisoners. The Jail Is strongly guarded.
That tho little boy was starved and
tortured to death Is specifically charged
by the coroner's Jury. The boy's 2-year-old
'sister was also cruelly treated and
Is at the point of death In a hospital here.
While Mrs. Rlgglns' own children were
well feil and treated kindly, the two step
children, according to the evidence pre
sented to the grand Jury, were literally
It Is understood that the sheriff will take
the prisoners to Glrard, Kan., twenty-six
miles south of here.
Charles B. Wllfley and Carlos Wood
of Defunct Savings Inatltutloa
Charged with larreay.
DENVER. Oct. 4-The grand Jury today
handed down a number of indictment,
including one against Charles B. Wilfley,
former president of the Denver Savings
Iwnk. now in the hands of a receiver. Mr.
Wilfley Is said to be in Kansas City.
Carlos Wood, who was cashier of the
Denver Savings hank when It quit busi
ness, was also lndictd. He was arrested
and subsequently released In bonds of
l llO.iloo. Both Wood and Wilfley are charged
with larceny as banker In the Indictments.
Special Representative of Pop to
Japan Starts for Toklo
from Aaarrlra.
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4-Bishop W. If.
O'Connell of the diocese of Maine, is hers
enroute to J,ipan as the special envoy of
the pope to the emperor.
It is said one of the special objects of
Bishop O'Connell'a mission to Japan is t
convey the congratulations of Pope Piut
X to the Japanese emperor on the sincerity
of the Utters work In bringing the war
between Japa and. Russia to a Lappy
UrnaUoa, - -
Visitors to Omnhe) during Ak-Sar-Hen
wock afp corlllnlly invited to
Inspect the hontof The Hee in
The Hep I.tiiMini; anil view tlie un
excelled . mechttnlca.1 plant with
which tills paper hi equipped. The
best time to see the mnehlnery In
nieriitiou Is bctTVPon 2:: and 4
o'clock In the tiftenioon. The Hee
Iitiilding will he hitnrtnmely illum
inated every nitflit this week.
Floods In Jefferson Parish Interfere
with Work of Doctors and
Sanitary Officers.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 4 -Tellow fever re
port to p. m. Wednesday:
New cases 22
Total to date S.004
Deaths 4
Total 4O0 i
JNew rod
1'nder treatment 1"4
Discharged , 2..WI
Difficulties which the doctors and others
have had to contend with In fighting the
fever In the Interior of Jefferson parish
were disclosed today.
The excessive rains during the past thirty
days have rilled up the swamps and to
gether with adverse winds have put much
land ordinarily dry under water. Doctors
were forced to wade waist deep In water to
reach persons who were 111. In the In
stance of the death of Mrs. Plzxanl, the
box which contained the body had to be
floated for a distance of. six miles before a
dry spot could be found..'
The report of new cases for the day In
New Orleans was within moderation, but
there was a slight Increase of deaths. The
Italian quarter, the orlgtnal source of the
present fever, is considered practically
It is practically certain that the presi
dent's visit will terminate at 6 o'clock on
the evening of October 2R, necessitating the
elimination from the program of entertain
ment at a banquet which was to have been
given that night.
PENSACOLA. Fla.. Oct. 4 The official
fever report for today follows:
New cases 10
Total to date 185
Deaths 1
Total S3
Cases discharged 72
Cases under treatment si
A sensation was created this afternoon by
the arrest of Dr. J. 8. Herron for refusal to
allow a sanitary officer to inspect his
house. Dr. Herron is one of the oldest
physicians In the city and by many Is con
sidered an expert on yellow fever. The
fever situation today Is practically un
changed so far as new cases are concerned.
Sensational Testimony la Salt to
Rreak Will of Milwaukee Mil
lionaire Woman.
MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Oct. 4. Several sen
sations developed In the probate court to
day In the fight for the Schandeln millions.
In the will of Mrs. Llxt' Bchandein, abe
left the major pait of her iistaro, consist
ing of stock n a big local brewery, bank
stock, real estate and various other in
terests, to Jacob Heyl, a son-in-law, and
the children of Mrs. Schandeln have started
a contest, claiming undue influence. In
the testimony introduced today allegations
of Improper Incidents between Mrs. Schan
deln and Mr. Heyl were brought out. Heyl
was also accused of being intimate wim
Mrs. Ella Frank, daughter of Mrs. Schan
deln. The deposition of Eva Kratschmer, taken
at Los Angeles. was Introduced. The
Kratschmer woman was employed by Mrs
Schandeln in 1881 as cook. She said that
she thought Mr. Hyl first began to iive
in the same house with Mrs. Schandeln in
1SS9, about a year after Mr. Schandeln died.
One evening. In 1S84 or 1W5, she said she
saw Mr. Heyl and Mrs. Schandeln kissing
each other
Mrs. Kratschmer also stated In her depo
sition that she was told that during a trip
across the Atlantic Mr. Heyl and Mrs.
Schandeln reported themselves as husband
and wife.
Mra. Ellze Froebel. another servant, tes
tified that Clara Schandeln. the present
Mrs. Heyl. was coerced Into marrying Mr.
Heyl. Other servants offered similar testi
New York Newspaper Proprietor la
Nominated by the Municipal
Ownership Tarty.
NEW YORK. Oct. 4. William Randolph
Hearst was named as a candidate for
mayor at the municipal ownership mass
meeting tonight In Grand Central palace,
and a committee appointed by J. G. Stokes,
who presided, will select the remainder of
the ticket.
Resolutions denouncing both of the old
parties as being dominated by trust In
terests and declaring that the- people of
New York should elect officials to oppose
corporations were adopted with much en
thusiasm, and much cheering followed the
reading of a letter from Rev. Tarkhurst.
In which he praised the growing demand
for government Interference to protect the
people from monopolists.
Mr. Hearst was enthusiastically greeted.
Immediately after Mr. Heart's speech, a
man In the audience demanded that the
speaker be nominated for mayor and the
motion was carried with enthusiasm. After
Chairman Stokes had announced that he
would appoint a committee to complete the
ticket, provided' Mr. Hearst accepted the
nomination, the convention adjourned.
Two McCalls Talk of Revocation of
Life Company's License
by Nevada.
NEW YORK, Oct. 4-Presldent John A.
McCall of the New York Life Insurance
company aald before the insurance Inquiry
began today that the company had received
a telegram from Samuel Davis, the super
intendent of Insurance of Nevada, saying
that he proposed to consult the attorney
general of that state with a view to a
possible revocation of the New York Life
Insurance company's license to do business
In Nevada.
"He would act," said Mr. McCall, "un
less certain gentlemen did certain things
that would require a considerable amount
of resignation on their part. I don't think
they will do it and Mr. Davis will find
things are not altogether his way."
John C. McCall. secretary of the eom
pany, stated there were only 40.O1A people
In the entire state and that l.ioo of them
were policy holders. The company had
never thought It worth while 13 have a
branch office ia Nevada, but all the busi
ness as irocte4 rrom California .nj
VUJJ. . - . C
Packer Ceniiden Charge of Hii Bon'e
Oomplicitj Abiirdly Bidionlent.
Famous Kidnaper Wlrea that If
Sheriff Power tioea After Him
He Will Not Offer
Edmard A. Cndahy Wednesday gave out
a signed statement touching tho alleged
confession of Crowe, implicating Mr. Cud
ahy's son, in which he says:
"As to the alleged statement of Crowe
that my son was a party to the plot. It Is
so absurd, particularly In the light of his
previous statements, that I can hardly be
lieve he made it. It certainly Is untrue.
"For several years I have made no ef
fort toward securing the arrest of Crowe,
although having hsd two letters sent to me
signed by him admitting that he alone
was guilty of the kidnaping and begging
clemency, stating that he wanted to start
life anew.
"In one of these letters he says: 'I am
guilty of the Cudahy affair. I am to
blame for the whole crime. After it was
over I regretted my act and offered to re
turn $21,nno to Mr. Cudahy. but he refused
to take it, and then I went to South Africa,
where I Joined the rebel army and was
badly wounded, being shot twice. Then I
returned to America, and have repeatedly
tried to make peace with the man I
"I have felt In duty bound to refrain
from agreeing not to prosecute him, be
lieving that this was a matter entirely
within the province of the state authori
ties. "I deplore the continued publicity which
has been given this entire matter, for It
has been a constant source of anxiety and
annoyance to me and to all the members
of my family."
Telegram to Power.
The Hon. P. Crowe who Is expected to
arrive from Butte most any time In charge
of two of Chief Donahue's most trusted
officers, showed a disposition to be very
particular as to who went after him.
Tuesday night Sheriff Power received a
message from the slippery Individual which
"I will come if you come after me, with
out making any fight on extradition.
"Care Butte Evening News."
About the time this message was re
ceived the sheriff received another which
read : '
"Pat Crowe is under arrest here. If
you come personally after him he will
waive requisition. If you don't come he will
fight requisition. JOHN J. QUINN,
Sheriff Silver Bow County."
The telegrams were received at the
sheriff's office during the afternoon and
they were not seen by the sheriff until
last night when called at the office. As
he Is extremely busy entertaining BOO or
600 out-of-town visitors, the sheriff had to
decline the honor of escorting Mr. P.
Crowe back to his old haunts.
Incldently there is hanging pverPat'g
head a complaint filed In the county court
March 20. 1301 In which he, Callahan and
Richard Roe are charged with robbing
Edward Cudahy of $25,000. It Is under
stood that nothing will be done in this
case until after complaint charging him
with shooting Policeman Jackson is
heard. Mr. Cudahy says he will prose
cute Crowe when the time comes.
Pat on n Dead Trail.
Chief of Police Donahue scouts the
idea that Pat Crowe will be able to
make any capital by trying to Implicate
Eddie Cudahy In the kidnapping of him
self. The chief understands that Crowe
Intends to make the Cudahy boy a con
spirator in the famous case, but does not
believe such a coup will be worth the
telegraph toll it cost to send the Infor
mation from Butte.
Nothing further has been heard by Chief
Donahue from the Butte authorities re
garding Mr. Crowe. The next informa
tion that Is awaited with interest Is some
advice from Chief of Detectives Dunn,
who left Tuesday afternoon with Detec
tive Heitfeldt for Butte.
The news of Crowe's capture at Butte
has been a topic of general conversation
around town. The anticipation of seeing
Pat Crowe where he cannot bite anyone
is being felt keenly by many.
Speaking of Crowe Wednesday morning
Chief Donahue said he has only seen
Crowe once In his life, that time being
on May 16, 1900, some months before the
kidnapping, In the hotel of Steve Crowe
at Chicago. As Crowe has changed much
since that time. It Is possible he and Chief
Donahue will need an Introduction when
they meet again. Chief Dunn probably
will do the honors on that occasion.'
Crowe Denies Story.
Bl'TTE, Mont., Oct. 4 Pat Crowe today
admitted that he was in Omaha six weeks
ago and engaged In a pistol duel with the
police, during which an officer was shot.
He says the police fired sixteen shots at
him before he retired, and that he opened
fire to save his own life. He says his
sole object in coming here was to sur
render, believing that he had better give
himself up at a distance from home, so
thst In yielding to extradition he might
make terms favorable to himself with the
Nebraska authorities. He denies absolutely
the alleged confession, published in Butte
last night and refutes the statement that
he had said that young Cudahy plotted
with him to extort money from Mr. Cudahy
Crowe's statement regarding the shotting
are at variance In one particular with the
reports given at the time by eye- Itnesses,
which were to the effect that the first shot
was fired by Crowe himself.
Chief Donahue yesterday sent the follow
ing telegram to Butte, but up to a late
hour last night had received no reply:
Thomas Mulholland. chief of police, Butte,
Mont : Ascertain if possible whether or
no Pat Crowe made a signed statement
in which he alleges young Edward Cudahy
was in plot to blackmail his father out of
Assoclatloa of Metal Workers' Plaata
Poat Notices of (.Corral Lock
oat October 14. '
BERLIN, Oct. 4. All the street cars are
running today, the strikers of the elec
trical works being unable to stop work
at the power houses.
The association of metal working estab
lishments In Berlin and vicinity today
posted In the shops notices of a general
lockout October 14 unless the strike In the
electrical Industry should be settled by
that time. The association embraces all
the Important firms and Its bran-h em
ployes number about 10.000. If the asso
ciation carries out Its threat the number
OX mej out wUJ b 66,000, '
Fale and Cooler Thursday. Friday
Temperature at Omaha Yesterdnvi
Hnnr. Ilea. Ilnnr. Pen.
A a . m nil 1 p. m
H a. m 411 a p. m Hrt
T a. m HI :t p. m T
a. m tl.t 4 p. m
f a. m H ft p. m
1 a. n TO H p. m
It a. m..:... T4 7 p. ni TO
14 m Ttt H p. m Tl
ft p. in T t
Arrangements for the Coareatlon
Which Will Realn nt I.oa
Angeles October ZA.
CHICAGO. Oct. 4. Arrangements for the
national meeting of the Women's Christian
Temperance I'nlon at Ixs Angeles, Cal..
are completed.
The first official board meeting will bo
held the morning of Wednesday. October
25. and the executive committee will meet
the same afternoon. Thursday there will
be an all-day evangelistic meeting. Friday
night will be welcome night, addresses to
be given by the mayor of the city and
others. Saturday afternoon there will be
addressed by Mrs. C. L. Hosklns. Dr. Mary
Fowler Thompson and others, and fraternal
delegates, visitors and guests will be Intro
duced. A diamond medal oratorical contest will
take p'ace In the evening. Miss Elisa
beth W. Greenwood will preach the conven
tion sermon Sunday. Monday night the
organisers will speak and Tuesday evening
there will be a platform meeting, the
speakers being Mrs. Adrlanna Hungerford.
Mrs. Margaret Deye Ellis and Miss Belle
Kearney. Wednesday night the jubilee
will occur, and the prize banners for mem
bership will be presented.
Churches, Seveny-Flv
a nnd Two Rl Lorn Her
Yarda Bnralna.
RHINELANDER. Wis.. Oct. 4 Fire in
the lumber district of this town thla even
ing destroyed property valued at $00,000
and rendered 400 people homeless. The fire
started In the lumber yard of the Brown
Bros. Lumber company and after sweeping
that yard clean it spread to the Robbins
Lumber company's yards, which were en
tirely destroyed.
1 high wind was blowing, which carried
the fire Into the residence district adjoin
ing the lumber yards, destroying about
seventy-five small dwelling- houses. About
60.000,000 feet of lumber was destroyed.
After burning over the greater portion
of eight blocks the fire was got under
control late this evening. The homeless
people are being cared for tonight In the
city hall and other public buildings. The
total Insurance is about $400,000.
The principal losers are: Brown Bros.,
$250,000; Insurance, $175,000. Robbins Lumber
company, $225,000: Insurance, $165,000. Two
school houses and engine house, $25,000. The
loss on dwelling houses is about $75,000.
Government Advances Heaaons Why
Convlrted Woman Should Not
Have New Trial.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 4--The argument of
the government against the contentions in
the petition for a new trial for Mrs. Cassle
L. Chad wick, now under- sentence of ten
years In the Ohio penitentiary for con
spiracy to wreck an Oberlln, O., Nntlonal
bank was continued today by Assistant
District Attorney S. H. Garry before the
United States court of appeuls In this city.
District Attorney Sullivan presented part
of the case on behalf of the government
at today's session of the court and after
the conclusion of Mr. Garry's argument,
former Judge Francis J. Wing closes for
Mrs. Chadwick.
At the conclusion of Judge Wing's address
the matter was taken under advisement by
the court. A decision is not expected earlier
than the November session of the court.
Two Men Killed and Two Injured by
Explosion In Court House In
CINCINNATI. O., Oct. 4.-A terrific ex
plosion of gas under the floor of the county
commissioners' office at the court house
this atcrnoon killed George Zimmerman,
chief clerk of the commissioners, and Rus
sell Blair. ' and assistant clerk. George
Maley and George Klemen, county em
ployes, were Injured.
Blair was to heve been married soon.
The explosion was caused by escaping
gas coming Into contact with a light-d
match In the hands of an employe who waa
looking for a leak.
For the Ninth Consecutive Day
Former Captain Is Ques
tioned by Lawyer.
CHICAGO, Oct. 4 Inquiry into the finan
cial transactions of Captain O. M. Carter
was resumed today before special examiner
Richard W. Wyman. Assistant State's At
torney tieneral Erwhi questioned the de
fendant closely, regarding a series of bond
deals made In New York In October, lWj.
This was Captain Carter's ninth con
secutive day on the witness stand. It is
expected It will take several more weeks
for the government attorney to complete
the cross-examination of Captain Carter.
Fish Commission Places Bass In
Nebraska waters.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4 --(Special Tele
gram.) I'pon the recommendation of Sen
ator Millard, the I'nlted State fish com
mission has planted black bass In the fol
lowing streams: At request of Fred
Lrhunkuhl and A. B. Perslnger. $75 In
I.odgcpol creek at Idgepole; at the le
quest of Robert Blum, 1.5 In a pond al
Millard; at the request of R. L. Osborne,
250 In old river bed bayou at Belgrade
Movements of Her a a Yeaarla Oct. 4.
At New York Arrived: Pennsylvania
from Hamburg; Majewi,., from Liverpool'
Koenlg Alliert and I'rlns Oscar, freiri
Nsples. Sailed: Oceanic, for Liverpool ;
Hndam, for Rotterdam; IJguiia, fur
At I Jverpool Sailed : Baltic, for New
York: Merion. for Philadelphia; Ijike Mani
toba, for Montreal. Arrived: lvernla, from
itoaton: Philadelphia, from Portland.
At Indon Arrived: Columbian, from
At Bristol Sailed: Montford. for Mont
real. At Almeria-Sailed: Gallic, for New York
At Mueenaiow n Arrived: Nordland. from
i'tuUuslLUU. Xeuiunic lioia Nw luik,.
Hnnarsd and Tift Thousand Feople Wiv
dtm Cifio and Military Parade.
Visitors Fotr Into Imperial City ! lonot
of Ak-Ear-Bern.
Chief Execitive of 8 late Reviews Ptgeatt
Which Breaks Beoorda.
Police Handle Vast Crowds In Japerh
Manner, Allowing Not a Slngla
Mlahap front Cnagcated.
St recta.
Ak-ear-Ben Program.
Gates open from 9 a m. until midnight.
Hand concerts, 1 and 7 p. m.
Free Attractions Mine. Ami, aerial artist,
2 and 8 p. m.; Phil J Greene, spiral tower,
4 ;i and 10:30 p. m.; Prince Youtuckev, high
wire acts. 2 io and 9 p. m.; slide for life, 3:lt
and f:fo p. m.
All shows open at 1:80 and T:S0 p. m.
Iouglas County Agricultural society ex
hibition. Nebraska moving picture show, 7:30 to
9 3" p. m.
Fleet rlcal pageant tonight.
Today Is Scottish Clans and Macc&beea
at KJss'i Highway.
19". 19IM.
First day 8,267 l.NI
Second day 6.4s;t fi,078
Third day 6.533
Fourth day U.4XI 19.4
Fifth day 12,231 lO.Ul
Sixth day H.0W3 13.9
Seventh day 30,061 24,11
It was a splendid parade and a
most magnificent crowd that wit
nessed tt. Such remarkable demon
strations can have but one signifi
cance, namely that the people of the.
state and adjecent states from
which niany have come are en
joying unbounded prosperity and
have Immeasurable faith In the fu
ture of Omaha, Nebraska, and the
west. I am glad Indeed, to have tha
pleasure of paying homage to tha
good king, Ak-Sar-Ben XI, ruler of
this grand empire. As I looked Into
those vast seas of faces packed In
and along the thoroughfares I waa
moved with profound admiration and
pride for Nebraska Governor John
if. Mickey.
I think fully 160.000 people viewed
the parade. Chief of Police Dona
hue, who rode at head of procession.
Never before in the history of Ak-Sar-Ben
have so many people turned out to
see a daylight parade. As though making
an effort to make restitution for rough
winds, chilly temperature and clouds full
of raindrops In past years, the weather
behaved beautifully. The air waa clear
and fine and the sun shone brightly.
. Nevertheless - -the July temperature
brought out the home guard strong. Street
car men and other good Judges said they
never had seen non-residenta pour Into
Omaha In such numbers as they did dur
ing the day. The two together made the
streets Impassable at 1 o'clock, and a man
was lucky If he could navigate on tha pave
ment. It was no use trying on the side
walk. Every available Inch waa taken
when the long column that required thirty
minutes to pass a given point went by.
The procession was so long that It lapped
on some of the turns, unexpectedly, and
the rear part had to be delayed so as to
bring the combination out right.
Parade Fine of tha Kind.
As for the parade. It waa a fine one of
Its class. There were no novelties in it.
Civic, military and fraternal were the In
gredients, the same that has been used
for many seasons. The offers, of good
slred cash purses brought out drill and de
gree teams primed their best to win, and
they marched and completed evotutlona with
spirit and dispatch. With a full regiment
of the regular Infantry and two companies
of the signal corps the military end of tha
spectacle did not fall short. Of music thera
was enough. The fire department made
an excellent showing and the customary
hint of the Ak-Sar-Ben Initlatlona and th
Joke behind the gun were not missing.
fiovernar Heads the List. '
Governor Mickey, General T. J. Wlnt, Ad
jutant General Culver of the Nebraska Na
tional Guard and Colonels J. w. Thomas
of Omaha nnd S. A. Mellck of Lincoln of
the governor's staff. Captain Clarence Cul
ver of the Third cavalry at Fort Asslna
boine. Mont.; Lieutenant William B. C'owin
and Major Gray M. Zalinski, Captain Davi
L. Stone and Captain William O. Doan
who were Judges, reviewed the parade front,
a special stand on the south side of Doug
las street between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth. The governor and the other mem
bers of the party declared It waa a fine
turnout and said they were glsd they had
not missed it.
On the reviewing stand In front of tha
city hall Mayor Moores stared tha sun In
the face for a full half hour while the
parade went by. Me showed his military
training by uncovering for the colors and
lifted his hat to the women in the parade
when they passed. With him were Dr.
George L. Miller of the Board of Fire and
Police ConmilJ-sioncrs and a few of his
friends. The other seats on the stand were
taken up by rnuncilmen, city hall officers
and employes and therr friends.
Mass of Humanity.
Across the street tho court house terrace
was a mass of people. A long stand had
been built along the sidewalk. Back of
this spectators grouped themselves on
every foot of ground or available projec
tion. As usual, the Arab patrol of Molla temple
of the Shrlners at St. Joseph made a big
hit with their continuous evolutions.
Twenty-five men. or Just enough, shoulder
to shoulder, to stretch across the pave-'
mem, attired In black tuxedos, black rapa
and red watr.tcnuts, made a pretty sight.
Added to their trimness was their re
markable mobility, and it was no wonder
they drew lots' of spplause.
Orand Marshal Wattles looked well on 4
splendid gray mount, as did Chief of Police
Donahue and the Board of Governors. Flra
chief Halter occupied his seat In the little .
buggy he uses In responding to fires. Half
a doxen engine, hose and hook and ladder
companies sppeared behind lilin, with As
sistant Fire Chief Simpson breaking the
monotony. The newest and best equip
ment, gaily decorated, waa trotted out and
looked tine. The latest steamer, which
liears the name of "Frank E. Moores," had
pictures of 'he mayor conveniently div
Mllltla In Line.
The Omaha Guards. Thurston Rifles and
Company I. the local companies of the Na
tional puaid, comDved well wlU the reg-