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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1905)
TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1903. eea PANO SALE ON RECORD Not only in the low prices, but particularly in the high quality of makes Ulr-A 41, a Cf Avmra rr St Gnna AXlkV VA-1V MUViUVVttJ W JVAAe jlSteger & Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Knrtzman, Schmoller & Mueller, A. B. Chase, Hardman, Geo. Steck and over 18 others the high class and char acter of which is unques tioned. No other house in the west shows as large stock variety or quotes as close prices, but this week's sale in particular will -eclipse all previous sales, and the Omaha people know we have had big ones. Art Case Uprights Not shown before in Omaha, from the very best factories, go on sale this week at a positive saving of $100 to $200 under the very best cash price in Chicago and the eastern cities. Do not fail to see these they are the very latest. Largest Size Cabinet Grand Upright Pianos of the best grades, guar anteed first quality throughout 20 makes to choose from in carved or chaste Puritan or Colonial designs fancy mahogany, fancy walnut, golden oak or Flemish oak polished cases are selling rapidly this week "$195, S238, S267 to $290 Beautiful Parlor Grand Upright Pianos in rich plain cases of rare mahogany, walnut or oaks made to sell for $300 to $400 are going fast this week at $159,$175,$185to$225 On Payments to Suit the Purchaser. OVER 40 slightly used and second hand Upright Pianos, thoroughly overhauled in our factory to close out, $60, $70, $86, $105 up to $135. t Many that look new m standard makes -$145 to $235. All on $5 monthly payments or terms to suit. Do not fail to examine these bargains nothing like them ever offered be fore. & MUELLER The Largest Piano Con cern in the West 1407 Harnev Street. Omaha J WOODMEN HEARING NOW ON AtUrny General Seeks to Show Beterte fu Hot Eetnrned j Assetier. COUNTY INSISTS ALL PROPERTY IS TAXED laherltaaea Tarn Case aad Appeal la Cigarette Casa, Both front Omaha, Area la tha Saprente Caart. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. I. (Special ) This after noon. In the office of Attorney General Brown, testimony In the case Involving the taxation of the Woodmen of the World reserve was taken before Minor Bacon, who had been named a special commis sioner by the supreme court. County As sessor Reed of Douglas county. County Clerk Drexel and Secretary a. V. Ben nett of the State Board of Equalization and Assessment were on the stand for the purpose of Identifying' the records which will be offered In evidence. It Is believed that the argument will be made before the supreme court Monday, October 16, al though further evidence may be taken In the event either party wishes It. Attorney General Brown spent consider able time In the examination of County Assessor Reed,, endeavoring to bring out an admission that he had deducted the 12,000,000 reserve and the cash In the bank when making the assessment. It develops that the state Is proceeding on the theory that this property was omitted altogether from the original assessment and, there fore, could be Included whenever the omission was discovered, without resort ing to the formality of an appeal from the assessment -.It is stated that Drexel's theory appears to be that the assessment which was made, amounting to 17,668, pur ported to cover the entire amount of prop erty returned, and that, therefore, the state board should have appealed from the assessment In the regular way. Instead of bringing mandamus proceedings. Although -Reed evaded the question the attorney general believes that the record shows that the assessment made by Reed applied only to the 16,000 furniture Item and the $33, Ml of receipts. The return of the association Included four Items, the two assessed and $2,018,697.66 reserve In vested and H02.1W.06 In various Omaha banks. It Is urged now that the records show plainly that the last two Items were left out of consideration entirely. Inheritance Tax Case Submitted. The Inheritance tax case was submitted this afternoon before the supreme court. The suit arose out of the refusal of County Judge -Vlnsonhaler to appoint appraisers for the estate of Frank Murphy on th" ground of alleged unconstitutionality, and takes the form of mandamus proceedings. County Attorney Slabaugh contended that the act providing for the collection of in heritance taxes Is valid, that It Is a tax cn transfers and not on property, and, therefore, does not violate the uniformity clause of the constitution. He denied the contention of Attorney Prltchett for Vln sonhaler. that the law violated the state and United States constitutions. Ararae Cigarette Case. The case of John Alperson against Michael Walker, In which Alperson, a tobacconist of Omaha, secured a writ of 5TRANQER THAN FICTION A Remedy Which Has Revolutionised . the Treat meat of Stomach Tronble. The remedy la not heralded as a wonder ful discovery, nor yet a secret patent medi cine, neither is It claimed to cure anything except dyspepsia. Indigestion and stomach troubles with which nine out of ten suffer. The remedy is In the form of pleasant tasting tablets or losenges, containing vege table and fruit essences, pure aseptlo pep sin (government test), golden seal and diastase. The tablets are sold by druggists under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets. Many Interesting experiments to test the digestive power of Stuart's Tablets show that one grain of the active principle contained In them is sufficient to thor oughly digest 1,000 grains of raw meat, eggs and other wholesome food. Stuart's Tablets do not act upon the bowels like after dinner pills and cheap cathartics, which simply irritate and In flame the Intestines without having any effect whatever in digesting food or curing Indigestion. If the stomach can be rested and assisted in the work of digestion it will very soon recover Its normal vigor, as no organ Is so much abused and overworked as the ston.ach. , This Is the secret. If there is any secret, of the remarkable success of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, a remedy practically un known a few years ago and now the most widely known of any treatment for stom ach weakness. This success has been secured entirely upon Its merits as a digestive pure and simple, because there can be no stomach trouble If the food is promptly digested. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act entirely on the food eaten, digesting It completely, so that It can be assimilated into blood, nerve and tissue. They cure dyspepsia, water brash, sour stomach, gas and bloating after meals, because they furnish the digestive power which weak stomachs lack, and un less that lack is supplied it is useless to at tempt to cure by the use of "tonics," "puis" and cathartics which have abso lutely no digestive power. Stuart's Dyspepscla Tablets can be found at all drug stores and the regular use of one or two of them after meals will dem onstrate their merit better than any other argument. TO WALK King's Highway with comfort and ease, you should wear the always satisfying. "ONIMOD SHOES" They come In sixes to fit all feet. In styles to suit any and all tastes. In all leathers of the best quality. "OIIIMOD SHOES" Kxrrl and Lead All Others Quality and Price Always the same. $3.50 For a better shoe than any other. $2.50 Tor the equal of what others sell for the best. 6PECIAL We carry a complete line of DR. HEED'S Cl'SHlOX HOLE hllOE-S REGENT SHOE CO. South V5th Street. TVs THE COAT FEATURE OFA U s modem Idea Um tfctrt so "On and Olf like a Coat" For mornlM, afVrnonn or ertnlrtf, ror r't tylflfi fyr erwry oocalon xdu4ttT color (ihfti L tries or La white. V CXUETT. PEABODY CO, J l N LftrjMt sftkT CrfUrt Shir Jr aJT ""- habeas corpus after having been arrested for giving away material for cigarettes, was ordered submitted today. The case was decided In his favor In the lower court on the ground that the title of the act passed by the last legislature referred sim ply to the sale of cigarettes and not to the giving. The court held that the body of the act where it sought to Impose the penalty for giving was too broad for the title and was, therefore, Ineffective. Cannot Do SaTlnas Business. Secretary Royse of the State Banking Board said today that no commercial banks will be permitted to operate savings de partments without organising new corpora tions with separate capital stock. lie stated that two Important banks In the state have violated the statute In this re spect, but he believes It was due to care lessness or lack of knowledge as to the provisions of the banking laws, which would render them subject to forfeiture of their charters for doing unauthorised business and subject their officers to pun ishment. Burkett Paid Fare. A statement has been made by persons very close to Senator E. J. Burkett denying the charge made by fusion organs that he had not paid his fare on his recent trip to Washington or that any of his party had ridden free. It Is stated that he bought tickets for the six members of Ills party, Including himself, when he went to Washington after the state convention had adopted the anti-pass plank. It Is also stated that he never has had a Cullman Pass. MrBrlen to Talk. ' J. I McBrlen, the state superintendent, will go to Bruno October 6 to deliver an address before a Bohemian association. He Is slated to talk from the same platform as Prof. S. L. Kostorys, a noted Bohemian lecturer. The school authorities" of the town are represented on the program, which will be a sort of la general educa tional roundup in that section of the state. Nomination Certificates Filed. The certificates of nomination for the republican and fusion candidates for state office have been filed In the office of the secretary of state. Federation of Woman's Clubs. The Nebraska State Federation of Wo men's Clubs met here today for a. session lasting three days. Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Colorado, president of the na tional federation. Is the principal guest of the Nebraska club women. She will deliver an address tomorrow. FARMER SHOOTS HS NEIGHBOR Man Who Does Shooting Surrender to Sheriff. HARTINGTON, Neb.. Oct. 1 (Special Telegram.) A serious shooting affray oc curred nine miles southeast of Hartlngton last night about 8 o'clock in which John Schlevers, a young farmer, was shot in the hip, the ball from a 32-caliber revolver passing entirely through the right leg. The shooting was done by a neighbor, Roy Rankin, who came to Hartlngton last night at 11 o'clock and gave himself up to Sheriff Rosenberger and told what he had done. The trouble started some weeks ago when Schlevers took exception to Borne remarks it Is alleged Rankin made about his wife. Rankin went to the Schlevers home last night to get a neckyoke belong ing to him, and the quarrel was renewed. Rankin alleges he started home when Schlevers threw a stick at him, and In the darkness he thought Schlevers was coming toward him, and at a distance of fifty feet he drew his gun and fired. Schlevers was shot In the back of the leg, which Indicates he was not coming toward Ran kin. The Injured man Is getting along well and will recover unless complications et In. A warrant will probably be Ifesued for Rankin tomorrow and he Is today hunting bondsmen and will probably waive prelimi nary examination. The affair has caused Intense excitement In the east part of the county where the parties are well known. Close Call for Thresher. BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. S (Special Tele gram.) Rufus Strough, near Plckerell, was crossing a field with a threshing outfit, when the engine set fire to the stubble. The flames, fanned by a strong south wind, soon enveloped St rough and his team. Be coming exhausted from heat and smoke, he fell from the machine and was rescued by several other threshing men who were following close hehlnd. He was seriously burned about the face and tody, but It is thought he will recover. The threshing outfit and team was saved, although the hair was singed almost entirely off the horses. Salooa Keeper Punished. BLAIR. Neb., Oct. .-(Speclai.) With a full determination to enforce the law In re gard to Sunday closing for saloons, Mayor Williams closed the Frits .Outschow saloon yesterday morning, the same to remain closed for two days In lieu of a fine for being found In the saloon at unlawful hours on last Sunday. A few weeks ago the Flnlayson saloon was closed on the same terms for the same offense. Jews of Nebraska. PLATTSMOI'TH-S. A. Cooper of Beat rice has leased the I'lattsmouth Steam laundry and taken poel'n of the same. STELLA William Veal and Miss Myrtle Holland were mar'ied st the home of the bride, two miles south of Stella, at 4 p. m Sunday. BEATRICE Richard Lowe, an old resi dent of this city, was quite badly bruised about the body last evening In a runaway aorldent. BEATRICE J. H. Dunts of this city yesterday auld his farm of a arres, lo cated five miles earn of Oketo, Kan., for $i8.78. or $6w per acre. BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon Judge Bourne onVlated at the murrlage of Mr Cecil T. Wolfe and Miss Christine E Smith, both of Clay Center. Neb. WOOD RIVER The 8. A. Foster Lumber company has started a forte of men at work on their corn crib ma. hina, as the orders fur this product are coming In fast. GRAND ISLAND The Board of Educa tion at a meeting last evening adopted a resolution by unanimous vote putting be fore the voters of the school district, at the cuuUutf goceral election, a froywaitioa lu bond the school district In the sum of $), onn for the erection of a high school building. Al'BlRN Myron TVlanerrne, age years, ana mias t lorancy Drehmer, age IT years, were united In marriage at the office cf the county judge. Rev, 8. W. Prlngle oft! elating. Al'BI'RN Edward V. Ollllland, age ? years, and Miss Martha Jane Nova, age IS, were united In marriage at the office of the county Jintge yesterday afternoon at IM, Rev. C. H. Savage officiating. WOOD RIVER The Wood River Roller mills have Just added several tnounand dol lars' worth of new equipment to Its mill, being compelled to do tills on account of the increase In Its business. OAKLAND Rev. M. I -arson, pastor of the Swedish Baptist church of this city, bus accented a call to become pastor of the Swedish Baptist church at St. Paul, Minn., and will leave for his new home about the middle of November. WOOD RIVER David Barrlck, who has been suffering from Blight's disease for the past three months, died last evening at his home southwest of Wood River Mr Barrlck was years of age and one of the earliest settlers In this part of the state. BEATRICE Ella Schensman. a girl 12 years of age. was brought to the Institu tion for the Feeble Minded Touth Satur day and died Sunday morning. She had been In 111 health for some time. The remains were taken to her home at Lincoln yesterday. BEATRICE Word was received here yesterday that Otho Clark, a former resi dent of this city, had been killed at Syra cuse, N. Y. Mr. Clark was a conductor on the New York Central road, and while no particulars were given in the message, It Is supposed he was killed In a wreck. OSCEOLA The law firm of Beehe & Johnson has dissolved partnership, and a new firm of lawyers, composed of ex-Senator and District Judge M. A. Mills, County Attorney F. D. Mills and ex-County Attorney H. C. Beebe has been formed, so that the title of the, firm will be, or Is, Ml) Is & Beebe. BEATRICE Joe Larklns. who was lodged In Jail here Sunday night for threatening to kill his family and his brother. George Larklns, was released last evening by Sheriff Trude after he had entered Into an agreement to allow his wlf a divorce, turn over all his personal property to her and give her the custody of their three children. FAIRBL'RY Jefferson county mortgage Indebtedness record for . September is as follows: Farm mortgages, ten filed, amount, $13,u0; released, fourteen, amount, $17,SM. City mortgages, twenty-three filed; amount, 116169; released, fifteen; amount, 6,a;i.S7. Chattel mortKages,' ninety-four filed; amount, J17.1S4.76; released, forty four; amount, I6.&&4.40. BEATRICE A message was received here yesterday announcing the death of Mrs. Helen 8. Dickinson, a former Beatrice resident, which occurred at her home at Alhambra, Cal., from Injuries received by a fall several weeks ago. She was b9 years of age and was a sister of S. A. Seymour of this city, who was at her bed side at the time of her death. FREMONT The Presbyterians are mak ing arrangements for building a new church edifice, the present one, which was built In 1875 and twice enlarged since then, not accommodating the growing congrega tions. The sum of about 15,000 Is already available for that purpose. The new build ing will be on the site of the old one. The Slans and cost have not yet been definitely eclded upon. FAIRBLJRY Charles Frans, chief of po lice, renlgned his position last evening, having been tendered a more lucrative po sition as special agent by the Rock Island railway with territory extending from Council Bluffs to Phlllipsburg, Kan., and also covering the Nelson and SL Joseph branches from Falrbury. His successor will be appointed by the mayor at the next meeting of the council. PLATTSMOUTH At Olenwood. la. Judge Williams sentenced Otto Vogtman of riausmouin to serve tnree years at narcl labor In the state penitentiary. Vogtman was recently arrested In Council Bluffs and later was Indicted by the grand Jury on the charge of horse stealing, to which he pleaded "not guilty." It Is understood the young man Is wanted for the theft of a horse near St. Joseph, Mo. BEATRICE Samples of fine corn were shown here yesterday by C. H. Calkins and Leo Munster. One ear of white dent raised on the farm of Mr. Calkins meas ured nine and one-half inches in circum ference and weighed one pound and eleven ounces. One of the ears shown by Mr. Munster.whlch was of the yellow dent variety, measured nine Inches In circum ference and weighed one pound and four teen ounces. The samples shown are only fair representatives of 'what can be found In the fields of Gage county. FREMONT In police court today John Bates, a restaurant man On lower Main street, was arraigned' on the charge of as sault and battery on a boy named Max Mc Clolster, who had been )n his employ. In the course of the trial It developed that the trouble was over the division of the oro- ceeds of the sales of beer over Bates' res taurant counter, and conseauently Bates also had to face the charge of selling boose witnout a license. He drew is and costs on the assault and battery case and $100 and costs for selling liquor without permission, and went to Jail to lay out the fines. BEATRICE Ex-Chief of Police Ashen felter left yesterday for Vinlta, I. T., where has was summoned to appear as a witness In a case brought by the federal Jovernment against J. W. Davis, alias . A. Graves, who was arrested In Be atrice July 22, 1901 by Pollcemaa Spahn. At that time Graves represented himself to be the authorised agent for the Ridpath history. He secured sums here ranging from $10 to $100 as advance payments on the books and presented a money order at the postoftlce, which It was later proven had been stolen and tne name oi the owner forged as an endorsement. ( BEATRICE The fail term of Gage county district court convened yesterday with Judge Kelllger on tne bench, county Attorney Klllen, assisted by Oeneral Colby, opposed the removal of the Spark appeal case from the district court here to the federal court. The motion was argued at lenath by Klllen and Colby on the one side and Hazlett & Jack upon the other. The decision of the court was that tne case should go up. A divorce was granted to Stella French from her hasband. James French, on the arounds of nonsuDDort and desertion. There are 172 cases on the docker. Of these seven are criminal and seventeen are divorce suits. PLATTSMOUTH Rev. J. H. Salsbury was Installed as pastor of the First Pres byterian church In this city this evening. The sermon whs hv Rev. H. C. Swearen- gen, D. D., of Lincoln. I Miss Edna Mar shall sang very sweetly, ''Conn Unto Me.'1 The Installation ceremony was by Rev. R. Cooper Bally. Ph. D., of Bennett, Neb., which was followed by prayer by Rev. John T. Balrd, D. D.. who has been pastor of this church for thirty years. After the singing of "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," Rev. L. G. Leggett, D. D., of Nebraska City, delivered the charge to the pastor, and Rev. R. Cooper Baily, Ph. D., of Bennett, delivered the charge to the people, and then the choir and congregation united in singing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." What Docs Stand For? For Good Faith with the public for quar ter of a century. For Purity never yet questioned by pure food officials. For Finest Flavor resulting from ae of costli est and highest quality of materials. For the Best Cocoa and Chocolate made anywhere at any price. For Largest Sales of any superfine Chocolate Bonbon la Um world. For Protection to Buyers in guaranteed uniformity of high.t excellence. 7Tu Lewtuf Rtaift Bk rat. TS Walter M. Lowney Co, BOaTOH. Gigantic Mm vis Rogers Feet Co. Known the country over as the clothing in America tne new highest point or taiioring--also famous Hlrsch Wickwire and Newport brands, at.... BURKETT IS GETTING -SUSY Lookia Up Mattsrt in the Departm.mti fqr Hii OonitiUenti. HULL EXPECTS RATE LEGISLATION s General C.nis in Capital, bat Denies that His Visit Has Anything to Do with Cases of tha Packers. (Prom a 8taft Correspondent.) ..omvniviM rw. a. (Sneclal Tele- V 111... - ... . . , gTam.)-Senator Burkett put In a busy day about the departments today. He called at the Postofflce department In regard to rural free delivery affairs In Lancaster county, with the result that a postofflce inspector -will be sent to Waverly to en ., .tralrhten out rural free deliv ery matter In that section of the state. Senator Burkett also etiuea upuu . . Arionitura Wilson to extend to him an Invitation to visit IJncoln In De cember to Inspect the result or tne com petition which has been Kolnr on during the summer among the farmer youths of Nebraska, who entered Into the contest to ascertain who could raise the largest and . . , Rrretarv Wilson said he was deeply Interested In the matter and If he could not attend In person ne wuum designate someone from his department to represent him. ' ..... i ,v.a a at. Senator Burkett aiso caaeu . department and secured passports for Mrs. i an 4 Miss Beatrice BUllngsly of Lincoln, who contemplate an extended European trip this fall. Hail Talks-on Bate la-fslatloa. Hull, representing the Dee Moines (la.) district. Is In Washington and mnnr those who called upon the pres ident today. Primarily Captain Hull called upon the president In the interest oi a con Htnont who holds a position as Interpreter In China and who now seeks a consular position. In speaking of proposed legislation to. .r,,i,t railroad frelsrht rates. Congress man Hull, after his chat with the president. aid: 'The way I figure It out is tnai mosi r,t tha demand for rate legislation Is In the west. The east apparently carea little about It. but the west is aeterminea. as most of the new members of the house are from the west, there should be an even greater majority for President Roosevelt's policy than there was last year. It Is prob able the new measure which will finally go before the house will differ In some re- iF..i-ia from the Esch-Townsend Mil, which passed last session. Experience will proba bly show defects In that bill which will be remedied in the new measure. What Is wanted Is a lew that Is not drastic enough to do the railroads serious harm, but which will be effective enough to protect the people. This Is the sort of a bill that 111 eventually grow out or the elaborate discussion of the rate question." Geaeral Cowla la City. n.n.rol t r Cowln- arrived in the city late last night and today was busy in the Interior department. Oeneral Cowln stated that h had several land cases which re quired looking after and he thought this a favorable time to look into affairs at the onsrtment. When It was suggested that he might possibly be here In the Interest of the packers who are under Indictment, General Cowln being the attorney for the Cudahy company to look after their case, he said that "nothing was further from his thoughts. As an old friend of the at torney general he would call upon him, but that would be all." Kind Words for Morton. Tha irvenlna- fltar has a svmnathetlo ed itorial on the late J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska, whose statue will be unveiled at K.hruki Cltv October 14. ex-President Cleveland delivering the address. Postal Matters. Heseklak Toung has been appointed post master at Adella, Sioux county. Neb., vice M. D. Jordon, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Charl ton, route C Parklson Williams carrier, Frank!. A. Williams substitute: Edgewood, route S. Leroy F. Hawley carrier, Grace L. Hawley substitute; Guttenberg, roui 1, Herman G. Elllers carrier, Richard Wer ner surttltute; Hubhard, route 1. James W. Meeker carrier, Mrs. James W. Meeker substitute; Indlanola, route (, Louis Slocum carrier, Raymond Wallace substitute; Spencer, route 4, John H. Lewis carrier, Cora M. Lewis substitute; Villi sea, route 1, Guy R. Evans carrier, Orah Evans sub tltute. South Dakota Mitchell, route 4. Edgar 3. White carrier, Oren Clearwater substitute. A Mlraealoas Eseaao from bleeding to death had A. Plnske, Naabotah, Wis.,, who healed his wound with Bucklln's Arnica Salve. 26c. For sala by Baennaa McConneU Drug Co. v 9G Sale Mens A Lucky Purchase of Fall Suits From Art Overstocked Manufacturer Brings A Won derful Bargain to Omaha, for Ak-Sar-Ben This is one of those tremendous bargain sales of menB clothing that has made the name of Rrandeis famed throughout the west. All these overcoats and suits are high grade, form fitting garments from a first-class wholesalo tailor. Such genuine bargains happen but rarely. Men's suits and Overcoats at offered at such a price. All new fall woolen mixtures the stylish sack coats with nicely fitted collars overcoats are in medium and long lengths blacks and blues givo fine service, at Men's Suits and Overcoats at $10 You'll not find such a good value as this anywhere else in the state specially high grade grades of men s up-to-date clothing, single and C?rf"J douoie oreastea suns, me single ana aounie breasted belted overcoats splendid fit and finish to every garment clothing that shows its value by spied did wear you can't go wrong in this complete line, at Clothing e best reaay-io-wear w fall styles are the ;$i5-$35 best ready-to-wear tan styles are wb his fancy price. We can fit you perfectly in correct and elegant full dress at.. OUR LETTER BOX. Just Another Word. OMAHA, Oct. I. To the Editor of The Bee: In public answer to private letters on the subject of corporal punishment in the schools, I wish to say to the parents and people of Omaha that they may safely rely upon the Board of Education and Superin tendent Davidson to stop the brutal busi ness under such rigid rules and regulations as will be both wise and effective. My In formation Is definite and explicit, and there need be no doubt about It. The Board of Education Is composed of sound and strong men, who are well known to me personally, and I know that they can be re lied upon to make good what I have taken the liberty to here say In their behalf. GEORGE L. MILLER. Railroad Manaement In Nebraska. GLEN WOOD, la.. Oct. I. To the Editor of The Bee: If the substitution by Mr. Breen, Inadvertently, no doubt, of one word for another calls forth from the gen eral attorney of the Burlington In Ne braska some remarks on English composi tion, etc., he still has left the main charges which were urged by Mr. Breen un answered: First That Nebraska railroads could kill passengers at $5,000 per canlta. Second That this amount was never paid, and that the usual plan Is to weary the relatives of the victims by Intermina ble litigation, and thereby fbree them to accept by way of settlement any paltry sum often $1,000 which the legal depart ment of the railroad saw fit to give them. Third That the railroads pay practically no municipal taxes, aa the following figures will show: Total municipal taxes, 1904. $2,06,242.19. Total railroad and telegraph, $84,856.78. Thus the real estate owners pay 91 per cent, and railway and telegraph lines 3.9 per cent, or, eliminating telegraph lines, the railroads pay but a fraction over 2 per cent. There are many republicans who are dissatisfied with the above state of affairs and are turning to a study of state or gov ernmental ownership as a solution of the question. E. B. BROWN. Military Drill at IIlh School. OMAHA, Oct. t-To the Editor of The Bee: Being a cadet In the Omaha High school, I would like to express an opinion on a matter which a week or so ago was being considered In a good many homes of this city and which, at the beginning of every school year to come, will be con sidered. This matter is drill. There are not many boys who really en- Joy drill. They drill because they are com pelled to by the school, or to get a credit point which they could In some other study In the same time, and out of which they would obtain more benefit. Then, there Is the question of money. Many families in this city cannot afford to pay $14.25 for a uniform each year, when there are the other clothes of the boy to purchase also. The uniforms are so ex cessively hot and uncomfortable as to al most compel a boy to have civilian clothes to wear when not drilling. A boy Is ex- Aycr's Hair Vigor is hair and the' hair grows. That's all there is to it. And it is a splendid tonic to the hair, giving the hair follicles tone and strength. This is why it checks falling hair so promptly. As a dressing, it Keeps the hair soft and smooth and prevents splitting at the ends. Wads k . O. iiw Ca., Lawall. Mats. n alas sasaufeatarars af ITER'S CHIBRT PECTORAL Fm eosgu. iTII'l PILLS-H eoeitlMtles. ATen-a 8 AfcaaPAJdU-a-Foe Ue etoud. aT.B AGU, CUkV.i WlZ aUSfOS. Clothing $7.00 The best suits vre ever a uiiivu v v v a 7.50 u - u. grade 10 Fall Dress Suits for Men The only proper dress for Ak-Sar-Ben ball and horse show. Co without your tailor's help and HsHBHaaaBr Tha only high rad " owd mad at moderate prloe. Poudor URICSOL Rheumatic Specific. Kidney and Liver Stimulant. The most Successful Remedy, before the public. Does not In jure the Stomach. Call for Free Booklet on Treatment and Diet for Rheumatism, at Sherman & McConnell Drug Store, 16th and Dodge Stsi, or drop a postal to URICSOL CHEMICAL COMPANY. cused from drill if his parents cannot af ford a uniform. But this Is the same as dividing the boys Into two classes the well-to-do and the poor. A poor boy Is marked He is compelled by the school board to admit and to show before every pupil of the high school that bis parents are poor. This is unjust. To prevent this, drill should be, and In time I believe It will,' be abol ished. When this Is done a great step towards the Improvement of the Omaha High school will take place. If a military school Is wanted, have one, but If an educational school is desired, have one without compelling the students to drill If they wish to attend the school. I have known boys to leave the Omaha High school because. If they remained, they would be compelled to drill. ' If drill Is for exercise and improvement of the boys physically (If a person at tended an annual encampment they would see It could not be an improvement mor ally), there can be obtained at the Toung Men's Christian association In this city a better form of exercise at a much lower price to take the place of drill. A CADET. Child Bora on Train. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. . (Special Tele gram.) A woman passenger aboard Bur lington train No. 89 stepped into the lava tory today about the time the train left Crete and gave birth to a child. She was enroute from Lincoln to Dlller, and after the train reached Wymore the woman arid child were removed to a hotel, where they are being cared for. Congressman Bartholdt Returns. NEW YORK, Oct. 3. -Representative Richard Bartholdt of Missouri, who presented the American proposition at the recent interparliamentary congress at Brussells, arrived here today On the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II from Bremen. Great waves of heavy hair ! Oceans of flowing tresses! Beauty, elegance, richness I a hair-food. It feeds the OoiUiilOf . Polling