Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1905, Page 6, Image 6
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES AiOrrlluFXifilii tar these columns will, be lakes until 13 m. for the rvfiilK edition anil natll p. aa. for the mmlnR and nndr edition. Ilalra 1 l-2 n orl Ural Insertion, 1c a nord thereafter. Nothing taken for less thaa 20c for tho Brat Inser tion. Thrtr nilif rllipraratl mall be ran oobseee lively. Advertisers, by rfiiftln a nam aprrd fh.rk, ran hare answers ad. dressed to a numbered letter In cure of The Bee. (nairrri ao addreaaed will be delivered oa presentation of clieek. MISCELLAfG-dS THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE a now open day and night. Tet It la not too late to enter. Begin ttow ami get that mental drill ami dl"cipllne that will double your earning capacity. Business, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, normal and Eng llih Catalogue free. Address H. B. Bovles. Pres., Boyles Pldg.. Omaha, Neb. it all CTVWlTC Replnted. Omaha Plating Co, S I VJ V CDjas Harney St. Tel. 2f.S. R-928 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 977 fitY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY, Tel. JS30. R 9:8 A VTI-Monopoly Garbage Co.. CI N. 1th, Tel. 1771. R-tlJ CITY STEAM 711 S. 11th St. Telephone 264. R-130 LAUNDRY tUTiRATB railway tickets everywhere. P. H,. Pllllbin, ,1616 Farnam. 'Phone 784. . R 931 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of lire eHcapes. shutters, doors and safes, a. Andrecn, Prop., 102 S. 10th St. R-333 THE 0MAHa"F0UNDRY Iron and brass castings. J2 Jackson. TeL 2432. R-934 BIGN PAINTING. 8. H, Cole. 1303 Douglas. R S3 6AD IRONS replatcd. 20c; three for fc. Omaha Plating Co., 1508 Harney. Tel. 235. I R-936 LOCKSMITH Hemn 217 'souThSuh! R-37 HOLLOW BUILDING Besctk' quality. Cheapest price. Wontworth, 618 Paxton block. 'Phone 1672. R 651 MORGAN'S hall. 16th and Corby Sts. Rea sonable for private or strictly Invention affairs. 1 61:'4. R 327 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Wclington upright piano, nearly new, 125. Omaha Warehouse Co., 309 Jones. Q M 623 BHERWIN-WILLIAM8 CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 943 CHF.AP chlcleen fence, long flr timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 944 MTLCH COWS on easy terms. 43d anj Center. Q-533 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOH SALE It you wunt a bargain in steam fittings call and look over me following supplies: l.h-inch Austin horizontal separator. 1.8-lucli Austin's horizontal separator. 1 4-Inch Austin's vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. H. bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Q.-632 PULLEYS AND COUNTER SHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 20 pulleys, from 6 Inches to 48 Inches In diameter; 8 counter shafts, complete. -These are all In iirst-class condition. W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. Q 113 FOR 8ALB Two life scholarships on . Onfta.ha.fe business colleges. Address DAight Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q 829 FOR SALE, about fifty feet ornamental f;alvanized Iron cornice and ornamental ron posts, suitable for show window. Ap nly Bee Bldg. y M8.'u FOR SALE New and second-band billiard ". pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; e ly payments. Send "or catalogue. Bru..swick-Balke-Collender. 4u7 8. loth St Omaha, Q 939 COMPLETE line new and 24-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q-m 1D-H AND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Far nam. Q 941 $.'60.00 BUYS steam runabout; fine condi tion. Machine shop, laol Jackson St. Q-76S 3x FCR SALE One slxtecn-horse power boiler, ine ten-horse power steam engine. In elrst-elaes condition. Hinrhey Laundry, !5lh and N Sts., South Omaha. Q-M222 3 'OR SALE Cheap, a lot of good second hand glazed sash. Apply at Stt 8. ISth St. ' . . . . . Q-M221 FULL DRESS SUIT BARGAIN A full .dress suit. In good condition, for sale at a -bargain; made for medium sized man. Addrexs C 32, care Ree. Q-190 3x LARGE ice I vox for sale. 9th and l,eaven- wirt h. Q-'.-J M0NEXT0JL0AN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. amain Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 4(b4 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W9oi GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W9uS BUILDING loans on residence property; i per cent. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Block. W-9o8 LOWEST RATES BemU, Paxton Blk. W-42J c 'R1VATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglas. $1,000,000 TO 1X3 AN on business and resi dence properoy in Omaha; lowest lates; no delay. Thomas Brenuan, It. 1, N. Y. Life. r- W 9Iu W ANTED Cltv loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W 971 FARM and cltr loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. VV .J LOANS or. Omaha Improved property, or to build with, can pay It back In monthly payments. Hastings ft lieyuen. iow-j i'ar naw St. VV S73 FOR SALE HORSES WAGONS FOR 8ALE A fine team of high bred car riage horses. Chestnut sorruls. Inquire by telepnune aoa. r n, KI.KQANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at half price; also three $100 top buggies from the Sattiey Mfg. Co.'s stock, will no at $40 eacn. jonnson v uaniorin, S. W. cor. loth ana Jones bis. y 685 PRIVATE SALE Carriage. Victoria nhne. loir, harnesses, horse show roadster, fine team, two-seated cutter, fine equipment. ant automobile. Address C 4. care Be. P 730 1 FOR SALE Gray mare. J,0 lbs., very Hooky, tine worker, suits heavy hauling. Turuar.' Joth and Center. P 757 FOR SALE 100 -head of fresh well broke native horses aiKi mules. Including busi nexs horses, wagon hoi sen. drivers and draft horses, matched and weighing l.)0 lbs. and up. at our barns at Pacific Junc tion, la , to miles out nf Omaha. Call at rooei 626 Bee Bldg. Tek 17o3. Anderson Record Co P-Tbl COUNTRY club wagon, little used, for $100. Telei-hone til P-4U7 Ix WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT SF89ION3. Cr.talngue Free to any address. Address: KoHUHdLtiH BROS , 19th and Farnam Sts. B 41 Creighton University Dental College Infirmary 210 S. 18th St, Omaha, Neb. Opont every day for patients except ing Sundays and holidays. Make appointments by 'phone 1070. B WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 85. citizens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who read and speak English. For further ,n formation apoly to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux Citv, la. B 871 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest. 624 N. Y. L. B 951 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing trade; great demand for graduates, 14-15 day: many complete course two months; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' association. Coyne Bros Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati and St. Louis. (Day and night class.) For free catalogue address 239 lOtb Ave., New York. B-960 A POSITION guaranteed or no pay- J you are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life. B-838 WANTED Three carpenters; 25c an hour Address Jos. Schleslnfcer, Contractor. Yu tan, Neb. B M641 WANTED Telegraph operators and sta tion agents; salary $50 to $65, according to location and ability. Apply In person or by letter to E. J. Little, aupt. teign O. N. Ry., St. Paul, stating ability and ig aniuty an B M741 O10 record WANTED Watchmaker, good engraver and salesman. Ed J. Niewohner, Colum bus. Neb. B M784 WANTED Experienced car repairers. Ap ply at Chicago Great Western city ticket office. 1512 Farnam. B M93S 6 WANTED Abstracter. Address In own ' handwriting with references, stating; age, experience t&nu salary rAjjcticu. uiipn; son, Sioux City, la. B-M937 6 WANTED First class upholsterers, cabinet makers; also good boy to learn upnoistcr Ing. Miller. Stewart & Beaton, 1315-17-19 Farnam street. B M934 2x FULL DRESS SUIT BARGAIN A full dress suit, In good condition, for sale at a bargain; made for medium sized man. Address C 32, care Bee. B-189 3x WANTED Bookkeeper; a first-tnass, ex perienced accountant to take charge of full set of books in a large retail house; salary $1,500 year to the right man; must be quick and accurate; state positions held and references. Address C 34, Bee. B M282 3 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Just the sea f on to begin. Few weeks completes. Can nearly cam expenses before finishing, board provided if de sired. Positions waiting, top wages, call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M123 6x I AM still In the market for good male stenographers and can get good positions for them. Does this mean you? i ! Typewriter salesmen, 20 commission. Experienced window trimmer. Crockery salesman, experienced. I have several other positions that I can get you. HART. 401 N. Y. LIFE. B-M304 4 WANTED City salesmen at once.. C F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. B 949 WANTED man and wife to work on farm. A. C. Heacock, Gretna, Neb. B M193 2x WANTED Experienced shoe salesmen. ' Apply J. L. Brandeia & Sons. B M2ti7 3 WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 working girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 953 LADY agents and traveling men to sell new patented article without competi tion. Good money made by right party. Call or address room 303, Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. C 834 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 2416 Farnam. C M346 AN EASY place for a good country girl; small family. Mrs. Kuhn, 2809 Ohio. C-&S8 WANTED An elderly lady, wishing home, to do light housework and help take enre of baby. 816 So. 22d St., flat 3. C 954 LADIES Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach hair dressing, mani curing, facial massage, chiropody or electrolysis. Few weeks completes, . by our method of constant practice and ex pert instructions. Call or write, today. Moler College, 1114 Farnam St. C M122 6x WANTED Girl for general housework; good money, good home. Apply 2611 Pierce Bt. C M163 2x GIRL for general house work, $5 per week. 1126 South 2Utn Bt. cMm 3 GIRL at good wages, no laundry work. Mrs. C. E. Bcdwoll, 3123 Chicago Bt. C-M191 3x GIRL for general housework, small family. illtlO ioago Bt. c Mio ix COMPETENT girl for general housework. must have reterences. only two In family. Call, morning. 313 North 20th St. C M242 WANTED First-class, experienced sales ladies in cloak department. Arplv J. L. Brandels & Sons. C'-MM I WANTED First-class, experienced sales men in lady's cloak department. Arnly J, L. Brandels A Sons. C M369 3 GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply at once, 24i6 Cass St. C M2? 3 W A NTKI) Good experienced sewing girl. Mrs. H. G. Simon, 2306 Douglas street. C-M361 3x WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 1021 Fark avenue. C-M263 3 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED By young married man. posl Hon ss clerk in grocery or general mer chandise store; understand German; good references. A. J. Bllger, Ames. wen. A M179 2x SITUATION WANTED Bookkeeper, sev. eral years' experience, rapid and accurate at figures, best Omaha rererenre, wants steady position. Address C 14, care Bee. A IX ' SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Five high grade specialty sales men to sell National Cah Registers. Must be 3o years of age or over and at present holding positions as successful salesmen Only men who are able to fur nish fidelity bond considered. Our Messrs. Alexander and Morris will be at the Her Grand hotel, rooms No. 128-129, on Mon day and Tuesday, October and 1, be tween the hours of 9 and 12 a. m. and 2 and 6 p. m.. National Cash Register Company. &! CLAIRVOYANTS MME, BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 So. 16th St., upstairs. Resultful predictioa absolutely given. 8-M7 MRS. O'NEAL (colored i palmist and ad viser. TeL Red iltiL 2214 N. Zlst. fl-211 $x An Assurance Is what you fl when jrov FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th cElfJJ" DEWEY European hotel. 13th A Faraam. VIF.NNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 960 ROOM8 and good board. $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. K 961 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks M564 NEWLY furnished room, modern. In pri vate family. 809 N. 25th St. E 413 THREE furnished rooms for carnival vis itors, near grounds. 1923 Douglas St. E 890 4 DESIRARLE rooms, south front, central location. 2226 Farnam. E M'.UO 5 Northwestern Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Remodeled and newly furnished. Clean beds. Well ventilated rooms. Medium priced cafe. . HANS KRUSE, Prop. S. E. Cor. 16th and Webster Sts. OMAHA. NEB. E M930 Oct2 1816 Chicago rooms for carnival visitors, near the grounds. iv-Aiii" LARGE front room, bay window, very de sirable, 614 N. 23d St. 'Phone Red 454. E M195 2 FU1 :RNISHED rooms, strictly modern, with ise of phone. 'Phone Douglas 572;. 2224 use Chicago St. E M--3 3x SLEEPING rooms for carnival visitors, two blocks south, one and a half west Ben nett's store. 1712 Jackson. E M2S6 3x THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms for light house keeping; private family; no children: call Sunday or evenings. 1645 North Ninteenth street. E M265 3x 8 FRONT rooms, nicely furnlHhed. for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. K M296 4x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, and Capitol Ave.; board , verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustio seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 96J Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-M555 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; nice rooms; good board; also day board or tickets; rates reasonable. F 490 Octl5x FRONT ROOM and alcove with closet; board; private family. 2223 Burt. F-M940 2x DESIRABLE room with board for two gen tlemen; private family. 2669 Farmim. Tel. Red-5261, ; F 955 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR modern unfurnished rooms. 2W7 Wool worth Ave. O M181 3x FOR RENT HOUSES HfTIIC.P' 'n all parts of the city. R HUUJCJc. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. THE Omaha Van V Storage Co. pack, move and tt e H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Ofllue, 1511 Vk Farnam. Tel. 1659. 13 983 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van 4 Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Othce, 1718 Webster St. D 983 HOI IQPQ in all parts of the city. The O. nUUJCJ p. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Eidg. ItiM HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwait. Barker Bile. ROOMS, bouses, stores. TUard, 220 N. 234. UMiJa PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625. Schmoller & Mueller. FOR RENT 7-eoom and 8-room houses, ail modern, near high school and Creigh ton college; $30 and $32.60. Inquire at i01 N. lath St. D 411 MODERN detached house eight rooms, with bath. Inquire 706 N- 19th St. D 306 FOR RENT 4-room flat, 16th and Vinton; City Water. $12.00. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk. D 4. NEW 4-r. cottage, 2444 Larlmore; $11. SWEET & BEST. 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1472. D M777 FOR RENT. 10-room modern brick residence, 424 No. 40th street $30.00 9-room modern brick residence, 1146 So. 32nd street 30.00 7-room modern residence, 2620 Manderson street 22.50 7-room house, 2029 20th street 18.00 Modern 7-room nat, oomn loin street., jo.oo HUM ab tsncnnAn, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. D M933 TWO new modern 8-room flats; oak finish, 2216 and i-is miri si., to eacn; reany tor occupancy Oct. 1st. Inquire 11. J. Symes, 2213 Burt St. D M943 4 FOR RENT Modern 14-room brick dwell ing, 19th and i,eavenworin ; in gooa oraer, just papered and painted throughout; steam heat. Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 14th and Farnam Sts. D 951 FOR RENT -room modern flat and 2 un furnished rooms tor iikih nouseaeeping. Apply at (('rlsman & O'Brien's grocery store, 3115 Burt St. D 919 2 7-ROOM modern house and barn. 2425 Ersklne, $17. D-M971 2x FOR RENT New modern 7-room cottage, 33d and Marcy; ready Oct. la. mope D-M964 HAMILTON B rooms. $11. 223 Harney 8 rooms, $16 JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. D M3 7 FOR RENT Six-room modern house. In good repair, $15 pr month. 4206 Nicholas St. D-M212 2x EIGHT rooms and bath about being fin ished; first floor finished in oak; new modern plumbing, electric lights, etc., at 623 No. 2oth Bt. Inquire at 1917 Cass St. DM-287 7 NINE rooms and bath and barn; sit mod ern; Poors downstairs In oak, at 1M7 Cass, DM28S 7 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 1340 S. 27th; rent reduced. Garvin Bros., 16t h and Farnam. D-M2M FOR SALE FARMS FINE 760-acre farm and stock ranch: best of soil: fenced; house; well; only $5 per acre, spot casn. o. nawver, iti i-.mmet Bt., Omaha. MA THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to tn.OOt homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece cf land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 3 cents per word In small type, or li do per IT set in large it DC- OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, lit N. Y. bldg. TeL 1664. ill MRS. JOHN R MU8ICK.. Osteopathy Pay. slclan; office. Neville Blk. Tel. &23. -111 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU flo not find what you want In this column, out aa ad la and uu will soon get lb fc-eas of a Sale for What You Have use Det Want Ads They reach the buyers tvnd make sales A TRIAL WILL, CONVINCE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PLEASANT HOME Nine rooms, modern, east front, fine lot, elegant trees, nice shrubbery. Price, $ti.5no. Non-resident desires to sell. Make us an offer Five . room cottage, 26th Ave., north of Cuming. Non-resident must sell. Price, $1,350. M. J. KENARD & CO., . 310 Brown Block. RE M-616 " FOR INVESTMENT 3 cottages on 2 lots, rental, $30 per month. Price, $2,600. 6-room .Iwelllng and blackemltn snop, rental $20. Price, $1,500. Fine building, lot eiiAxlJS, on 27th and In- uiHiiu yvv I rice, 9,tiu. On South 10th St., nne east-front lot, 44x183, via aiau, fiw. O. C OLSEN, 1704 Farnam St. RE-M206 3 $275 BUYS Fine Corner Lot A Snap S. E. corner 2th avenue and Pratt street. Property Is going up in this locality, buy this and double your money. R. H. Lander you, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. 2151. Res. 6634. RE M 246 2 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Formerly F. M. RUSSELL, FIXTURE CO. 323 South 15th tit- Telephone 691. RE 978 FOR fir ALE Beautiful 12-room home near West 40th St. Address 120, care Bee. RE-MS91 WRITE for Illustrated pamphet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belL Willis Caldwell. Broken Bow, Neb. RK977 FINE 9-room modern residence; a bargain. Also lots on Bancroft, near Sixth, cheap. Some line Los Angeles, California, lots very cheap. 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St. x RE M290 6 WE BUT. SELL AND TRADE FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY REAL ESTATE. WEBSTER Sc. MILLER, OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDG. RE-SJ61J FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North 18th St., only $4,500. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. KE-M163 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R-, Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE S79 CM.AS-Williamson Co.u- RE 960 FOR SALE Eight room house near Coun try Club grounds; two lots; fruit .and shade trees; price $3,000. Address C30. Bee. j RE M259 4x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS SALARY LOANS. .Uyi. CHATTEL LOANS. EASY TO GET. EASY TO PAY. WHEN YOU WANT MONEY Why not go where you can get it cheapest and from an old established firm who handles their own money. Establish a credit with them that will be of value to you In the future. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and salaries. Small WEEKLY or MONTHLY PAYMENTS, which are suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Pnets ire. we want your business. Established 1889. Duff Green Loan Co. I and t Barker Block. TEL. 4.V. X451 Our Money Is loaned on furniture, pianos, live stock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low as any; our service is quick and quiet, and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We war.: vour business If you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 306 South 16th Street. Tel. 2295. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (Established 1892.) X-101 SALARY LOANS Every man in Omaha getting a salary, call ai our omce ana get an tne money you want on your plain note. A written guar antee will be given you not to enforce payment through your firm. COME AND SEE I S FIRST. whether you borrow or not. Our rntes ar tne lowest m tne city, you can pay us back In easy weekly or monthly pay ments to suit yourself. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-308, Paxton Block. X M776 LOANS1 LOANS11 LOANS!!! ON FURNITl RK. PIANOS AND HAL ARIES, AT THE LOWEST RATES. the WESTERN LOAN CO., 331 Neville Blk., 3d Floor Cor. 16th and Harney Bts. Tel. 6t19, CHATTEL LOANS. We have money to loan at a reasonable rate un uiau.uuua, pianos, Household furniture or other good chattei securi ties to parties whose position In life re quire mat such transactions be made and held in strict confluence. Union Loan and Investment Co., Hi Bee. Tel. ZM. X 11a BOWEN'8 MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows, i'lain note if steadily employed. iu8 N. Y. Life. X 111 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 63 principal cities. luiiiian, room 714. New York Life Bldg X-ili MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 b IX X-113 CHATTEL and bALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., TeL 745. 633-3 Paxton Block. X-4 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 109 EAOLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-11U MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.: half usual rates. Dr. Pribbe now, room 214, at 209 B. 15th St. Tel. B-?94. X MK4 PRIVATS PARTY will loan on furniture pianos, horses and salaries. Address C 11, we. 4. MliS PATENTS 11. A. BTURGES. registered attorney, pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less Successful. 617 N. Y. Life. Omaha. -S67 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS, 10th and Jackson; Patents Procured; inventions; developed; drawings, patterns, castings, machine a oi k, IU-oa3 PERSONAL THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth ing; In fact, anytlilue you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-51I MRS. R. A. KELLER. Ill North 20th St., has Just returned from New York City and is prepared to give her customers the very newest Ideas in materials, trimmings and street and evening gowns 'Phone 2523. U M740 3x PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1.00 weekly. All music lensons free. JOIN NO If. Ferfleld Piano Co.. 1JU Farnam St. U-997 ACCOKUION an! SUNBliRST PLEATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Bend for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLEAlhNGCO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 193. L 994 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE Sr.30. U-931 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Pertield Piano Co., 16U Farnam. U 992 IMAfiN P TICtrt'atm',nt & baths. Mme. U 360 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 8. 13th- U-993 PRIVATE hospital before and during con flnement; up to date and rtilnhle. .319 S. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. U 3 Oct3ox FARMER, 2S, desires to correspond with divorced lady of some means and no children, with view to early marriage who desires to lead a countiv life. Ad dress. Box 22, Scapposc, Ore. I M114 3x FACTORY tuners ond action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1628. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-995 LARSON A JOHNSON Cut rates to al' points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1335. Mmb American. Ticket Brokers' association. U-994 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba blee boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U-9JS WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $5 to $10. Nob. Cycle Co., Tel. 163, Cor. 15th and Harney. U 9!S OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 1000 MALLETT'S Cereal CofTee. healthful, nourishing; best thing for indigestion Ho per pkg. all grocers. U M204 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnam. u-'oo BRIGHT girl baby for udopllon. 6U6 N. 16th 8t , third floor. Tel. :.r9. U-M29H 4x MEDICAL FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond s Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work: relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; -highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, $2. Dr. G. O. Raymond Remedy Co., room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. 102 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1611 ft Dodge St., Omaha. 103 PEM-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la dles; r.e'r falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 104 RUPTURE CURED No knife, . no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co.. 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, 10 LADIES with poor health will find it much . for their benefit, with trifle expense, to correspond with Mrs. M. V. MrCulloch, 4!0 W. 6th St., Atlantic. Ia. I have mado such cases a specialty for many years with the best success. Write your symp toms and address plainly. Confidential. --M379 01i!x BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wunt to buy, sell rent or exchange leal estate or business IjL ICn. see Comp-ton-Walls Co., 636 Paxtou lilk. - Y 916 PARTY owning a large and rapidly growing business of 2u years standing in this city desires to place some ot nis tticcK iu guar antee of i per cent dividend per annum, payable semi-annually. Address 10, Bee. v Y-IWa WE have run two of the most successful generul stores in southeastern Neb. for ..v 1 vears. with stocks staple, clean and well kept in fact, the largest stores ! and sales in either town, with libel al profile. Alter a recent sicKness oi bj days and other business plans, we will sell either or both stores for cash, or not over each, bal. clear Neb. land. Stocks will Invoice about $12,000 each. These are safe, well paying investments for live business man. Address 13u, Bee. Y-'44K FOR SALE Bakery. Address R, 10 Pearl St., Council Blurts,. Y-687 FOR SALE Hotel furniture ami lease; a modern, up-to-date 40-ruom house,' with all modern improvements, located In cen tral Iowa, energetic city of 12,(4)11 on 3 R. R. division points; doing goiai busi ness, but good reason lor selling. Ad dress Box HI. Boone, la. Y M399 Oct6x FOR SALE Meat market and dwelling hotlhe, all In fl no shape, good location, good business; all you have to do la to step In well-established business and keep it up. Address C 9. Bee. Y MTfoi 2x WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchantii a hotel or restaurant see Hart & Co., 4)1 N. Y. Llfa Y-W BUSINESS CHANCE An advertisement costing $." made mn profit $131; no mer chandise or capital; you can do the same; particulars free. It. H. Russell, tn.'O Tolsnia Bldg., iJetrolt, Mich. Y M903 2x FOR SALE General drug stock In western lower; permit, good country, clean, new stock. Address C 22, care Bee. Y-9IS ox DOCTORS, If you are looking for a praeMro worth $3,000 a year, you will b arn particu lars by addressing C 12, care Mee. Y Ml?9 4x Mill for Sale or Exchange. One of the best 85-hhl. steam power flouring mills in northeastern Nebraska for sale, or would exchange It for good farm land of equal value; mill running and has good business. Address I. M. Cassadv. Hioux City, la. Y M'.om vx FIRST CLASS millinery stock for sale; good business In best town in northeast ern Nebraska, must sell. Mrs. C. S. B-n-ney, Bloomlield, Neb. Y M9ul 2x ON account sickness am compelled to sell half Interest in well established real es tate business In Omaha. Rare chance for hustler with small capital. For full par ticulars address, with references. C 24. Bee. Y-957 2x I HAVE a good location for a good Imple ment store In a town of six hundred 0Ol population. Address C 21, H' e office, Omaha. Y 947 11 FOR SALE Dry goods and clothing store in Ainsworlh. Net). ; stock In good shape; rash, rest easy terms; owner wishex to retire. Ad.lress Purdv Real Entile Co., Box 142. Ainsworlh. Neb Y-M-S7 FLORISTS HESS A 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 120 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. TeL 1211. WANTED TO BUY LIST real estate for rmlck sale with V. D. Wead. UH Douglas St, N-M-.l 1 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat I Rank Bldg 1116 WE have vacant a particularly deslrabie sn'all office which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Innltor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Piee building and Is iuM the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This ouilding is 22, 16 feet, four stories and Liakeineiil. 'iuc Oasemeni la K2xMi feet. Is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and Iron beam cousiruction, makeing the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In tront and granolithic floor In rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows un tlireo sides. Address, '1 ho Be Building Co., C. C. Rusewalur, Secretary, Room 100 Bee Bldg. 1 bun IF you apply at once we can give anyone desiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, w:th north light. R. C. Peters c Co, rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1-773 STORE FOR RENT $30 per month for store room, 20x60 feet, 2127 Farnam St. Newly papered and painted. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. I-M247 10 LOST $25 REWARD For return of gold locket, set with seven diamonds, to Bee office. Lost M253 8x LOST Will pay $5 and ask no questions for prompt return of 4 months old Collie dog. that was taken from my residence this week. C. E. Bedwell, '3122 Chicago St. Lost M192 8x LOST At carnival grounds, gold watch and fob. initials C. E. H. on front and Xmos, '04 in back. Finder return to C. E. Hall, 2014 Nicholas St. and receive reward. Lost M295 3x MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, In French, SpaniKh or German; learn to speak in 25 lessons, business correspond ence 60, to read literature 65 GUARAN TEED. F. Peltier, 116 South 20th. 832 Octm CHATELAINE SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES CWCMrUUKKMAN, SPANISH, r I C11 Vn Davidge Bldg., 18th &. Farnaii K4 KENT Voice specialist. Wlthnell Bldg. LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main fl., N. Y. Life. Phone 133. 9X9 J. M Macfarland. 304 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1552. 11 J0 DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'8 adult classes are now open; lessons Tues. and Fri. S. p. m.; 12 lessons, ladles, $s; gentlemen, $7; former and hlsh school pupils and college students. 14. Tel. 1041 Hrl"ate lessons dallv .'42 Ol DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 954 IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A27C8. -851 PRINTING DDIMT1MP MEMORIAL CARDS; ar PKlNlliNU t;SMC desluns, S. E. Cor. LYNGSTAD161" st- and ciAy. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-604-612 Sou:h Tenth St., phone 1845. Heavy repairs ar.d -elmildine 312-octl7 0. M. E. TEL. 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE ' OPEN WAV AXI) NIGHT. OMAHA MESSENGER & EXPRESS CO. 161:$ FAltNAM ST. RAILWAY TIME CARD fJNIO STATION TENTH AND MARCY. Colon Paclfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:4". am a 8:18 pm California Express a 4:10 rm a 9:80 ant California & Oregon Ex.a 4:20 pm a S:10 pm North Plntte Local a 7:50 am a 8:20 pm Fast Mall 8:56 am a 1:20 pm Colorado Special .a 7:45 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 3:16 pm b 1:30 pro ,vnnnin. St. Louis Express 1:30 pm 1:20 ata St. Louis Loral (from Council Bluifsi 1:11am 10:80 pm Shenandoah Local (from Council Bluffs) i 8:48, pm 2:80 pm Chicago 4k Northwesters). Day light St. Paul .... a 7:e vn 10:00 pm Daylight Chlc.g. a 8:(A. am 11.60 pre Limited Chicago a 8:3)1 pm f Ham Iocal Ca-roll a :Sv im ;60 am Fast St. Paul a 8:2. pro 7:06 am Local Sioux C. A 8t. F. o 3:60 pm e 1:36 am Fast Mail 2 60 pm Chicago Express a : Pm a 7:30 am Norfolk & Bonesteel ....a 1;0 am 10 So am Lincoln & L"U- -'ine ...o 7:10 am 10:86 pm Casper & Wyoming ....e 3 60 pm 6:16 pm Dead wood fk Lincoln ....a 2 M pm 1:16 pm Hat tings-A'.blon 2:W pin 1:16 pm Des M. & Okobojl Etc.. .a 7:66 am a 1:20 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am al0:M pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm ( :( im Minn & Si. Paul Ex....b 7:26 am oil,. S3 pm Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. ..a 1:60 pm a 8.uj pm Missouri PaclHe. St. Louis Express a 1:00 am a 1:30 am K. C. & St. L. Ex all;lo pm a 6:u0 puj Cblcaao, Ilacl Island . I'actfle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:36 am a T10 am Chicago Express a 7:36 am a 8:80 pm Chicago Ex., Iotal bll:40am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm m:suam Ilea Moines Local . S.66 Dm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm a 1:16 pro WEHT. Rocky Mountain Lira u..a 7:20 am a 1:30 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:6 pm Oklahoma k Texas Ex.a 4:3o pm all 40 am Colorado Night Ex a 8 b6 om a 7:36 am t bteago, Milwaukee sfc St. Paul. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:6 am ail.M pm California-oregon Lx...a 6.46 pm a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:35 put a 706 am i ulcaao Great Wster. Bt Paul Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:11 am bt Paui 4c Minn a 7:4b am a 7.66 pin Chicago Limited a 6:00 pin alOUM am Chicago fcxpresa a 6 uu au a t.tu pU BlKLtGTOS STATION-10TH UASOS Borllngtoa. Leave. Denver & California a 4:10 pro Northwest Express put Nebraska poiita a s:o am Lincoln Fast Mail... ...b 2 57 pm Ft- Crook ik Plattsm tn.h I 63 pm Lellevue & Plallsm lb. .a 7:50 pm Jiellevue & Pac. Junc....al2:I6 pm Bellevue A Pac. June. . .a $ am Arrive a 1 an - pra 1 6:08 pm a 7:w pm 12:06 pm aw W am b M i, i"7:ib"a'n :26 Pm alO:5J p, all JO am am 1:4 pm Denver l.unneu . Chicago Special .. Chicago Express . Chicago Flyer .... Iowa Local Bt Louts Express Kansas City St .a 7:26 am .a 4 ow pm .a 6:i6 pm .a 1:16 am .a 4:45 pin Joe.. Joe.. iu:4a pm Kansas Cliy " u-city t Bt a 915 am Joe. a 4:46 vm uiHurKH Utl'OT-161'H W KB4TEH Mlssoarl PaelSe. Nebraska Iiral. via Tx ve. Arrive. pm bl2:10 cm Weeping Water b I SO rl.leaao. It, Past, Mia aeapolis 4 III IMliM. Twin City Passenger. ..b 8:30 Sloiix City Passenger,,. a 1:00 Oakland ixjcai o 6:46 Emerson Loral o 8:45 am b 9:10 pm pm all:30 am Din t 9:10 am am c 1.00 pm a dally, b dally except 8u ua-tr 1 daily except Saturday, e bunasy except Moudsy. only, dally GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE eoNSTHrCTING (JI'ARTER- mster. fort Leavenworth. Kan., Srplem ber 2H, l6.-ricH led proposals. In trlplicaie, will be received here until ll a, m . cen tral time October 27, lf, and then opened, for the construction of five iM doiibh, Jets of lieutenants' quarters. Including plumb ing heating and electric wiring. Ht Fort I-avenworth, Ksn. Full Information and blnnk forms of proposal furnished on ap plication to this office where plans and specifications may lie seen. I'nlted States reserves the right to accept or rrlect anv or all proposals, or any tvirt thereof. En velopes to te endorsed rroposals for Pub lic Buildings," and addressed to Captain J. E. Normoyle, quartermaster. 8c P2.S-29-30-Ort2-2R-M CHIEF QC A RTFRM ASTER'S OFFICE -Omaha. Neb.. September 5. I!. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 11 a. m.. central standard time. November 3, 19"S, and then opened. In the presence of attend ing bidders, for one hundred nnd one (lol) Cavalry Horses, and twenty-one (21) Artil lery Horses, for delivery at Omaha, Neb., or at prominent railroad points. 1'. 8. re serves right to accent or relect anv or a'l proposals or any part thereof Blank forma for bidding and circular giving full Informa tion and requirements will be furnished on application to this office. Envelopes con taining proposals to be marked "Proposals for Cavalry Horses," and addressed to Capt. THOS. 8WOBE, A. C. Q. M 8-8-9-0-2-3-N-1-J FORT RILEY. KAN.. SEPT. 4. 1906. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 a. m. October 4, 1906, for constructing 1 Double Set N. C. Staff Officers' quarters, and for underground rearrangement of electric lighting wire In connection with Post Hospital building. Information furnished on application. Bid ders will state In bids the time In which tney win ccmpiete the work, nm time will form an Important consideration In award. IT. 8. reserves right to accent or relect any or all bids or any part thereof. En velopes to re. indorsed ' Proposals for Con struction, or Underground Elec,trle Wir ing." and addressed Captain Ieon 8. Rou dles. Q. M. 86-7-8-9 OC-S LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STATE PRINT. 1NO. Bids will bo received by the State Print ing Board at the office of the Secretary of State at Lincoln, Nebraska, on or In-fore 2:30 o'clock p. ni., Monday. October 9, lis. For printing and binding 400 copies, report of Building and I-oan association, 1X) copies report of Banking department. 1,600 copies state banking law, 3.0u) copies elec tion law, ZOuu l-ahor Bureau bulletins and 1,200 five-quire assessment books; also mis cellaneous printing and stationery supplies for the Lincoln Asylum, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Treasurer, Sec retary of State, Labor Bureau and Supreme Court. Specifications for same can be found on file in the office of the Secretary of State. All bids must be accompanied by a bond equal In amount to the probable cost of the work bid upon. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska. September 26, 1905. STATE PRINTING BOARD. By LOU W. FRAZIER. s28dfit Secretary to the Board. BUNCH OF MONKEYS' MEETING Two Hundred Frisky Animals Cause a Reign of Terror for a Week on a Ship. With the survivors of 200 fighting Japa nese monkeys on board. Its entire com plement of a dozen long-haired Chines Cogs dead, a Chinese monkey keeper a Fuiclde, a story to tell of trouble with a Russian man-of-war, not to mention a typhoon, into which It poked Its nose, the British steamship Montrose, from Yoko hama arrived In New York recently. The Montrose sailed from Yokohama thre months ago. having on board In addition to a cargo of oriental stuffs, the monkeyt and dogs, and forty Japanese parrots, any one of the latter, according to a fo'c'stlt yarn, being able to give a full history ol the Russo-Japanese war. Beyond their his torical talk the parrots caused no troublt on the voyage. The reverse, however, wai true of the monkeys. Prominent In the monkey consignment was a wiry-haired, Intelligent little rascal known as Toklo. He was the leader of the 200, and from the first day out he wai always trying to find some way to get out of his cage. Hoy Sing, the Chinese at. ttndant, was always on the alert, however, and the voyage as far as Sues was wlthoul Incident. Then the trouble came. The Montrose was proceeding through the canal on the morning of August 10, and Hoy Sing was dozing forward, when sud denly there was an uproar on tho upper deck amidships. Toklo had managed to get out of the cage and had liberated about 100 other monkeys before the Chinese keeper and the ship's crew realized what was the matter. Then for a week there was pan demnnlum on the Montrose. The Chinese crew were the objects of the first attack, and for days life for them was made miserable. Queues were pulled and legs were bitten every time a Chinaman showed himself, and when the tormented ones tried to defend themselves the mon keys climbed Into the rigging and grin nlngiy waited for their enemies to separate. It was a full week before the monkeys were subdued, and when at last the deck and rigging were cleat ed of their prVsence fifty had been killed, some by the Chinamen and others by Jumping Into the sea. The day before the monkeys were subdued Hoy Sing Jumped overbonrd and was drowned. The monkeys were also responsible for the loss of the dogs. The long hair of the latter made a splendid thing to hold on to, and so vigorous was the persecution of those unfortunates thaf every one wag killed before the monkeys capitulated. The Russian man-of-war Incident oc curred in the Gulf of Aden. A Russian ship sighted the Montrose and fired a shot across Its bow. The Montrose stopped exhibited Its pspers. and was then allowed to proceed. The typhoon occurred In tha Indian ocean. New York Times. MUCH MONEY IN CITY HALLS Philadelphia Holds the Record nsuf. San Francisco Takes Second Place. The 17S chief cities of America hava $100,000,000 Invested In city halls. Phila delphia leads with a $27,000,000 city hall, and San Francisco follows with one worth $8,300,000. After these cities come Boston, with a city hall representing $7,600,000; New York, with one standing for $7,000,000, and Balti more, with a $5,000,000 structure and grounds. The value In each case Is based upon the value of the city hall Itself and the park or grounds surrounding It. Every American city of more than SOO.nno population has at least a million dollar city hall with the exception of New Orleans. Bt. Louis, Cincinnati and Detroit have build ings worth more than $2.i0,0(O each. Chl csgo falls $260,000 , below that figure, rittsburg and Milwaukee follow. Among the Atwrican cities which have elaborate city halls are Richmond, Vn.; Minneapolis and Prlvidenee. Indianapolis, which hss a stately state house, has an Inferior city hall. Toledo and Atlanta have small municipal buildings. The Denver city hall Is valued at $2fi5.o00; that of East St. Louis, a place of much less Importance, has one that cost $125,000. Houston. Tex., has a $f5A,ooo city hall, and Memphis one costing only $35.000. New York Sun. Riley's Hr Patrh. James Whitcomb Riley was looking over a fence on his farm at a field of rye, when a neighbor who wss driving by stopped Ins horse and asked: "Hullo, Mr. Riley, how's your rye dolnxT "Fine, fine." replied the poet. "How much do you expect to clear to the acre T" "Oh. about four gallons," answered Mr. Riley, loberly. 'Bucce i