Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Tite Omaiia Daily Dee
Dally Pee (without Sunday), one year. ..$4 00
! 1 1 y tin and Sunday, one year 9 00
Illustrate d Bee. one year IN)
Sunday Bee. one year I
Saturday Hee, one year 1M
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week. ...lie
Ielly Bee (Including Sunday), per week..l7o
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week. c
Evening Ben (with Sunday), per week....lOo
Sunday Bee, per copy Sc
Address complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Bee Building-.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago lino Unity Building-.
New f ork ISO Home Life Ins. Building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newa and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The. Bee Publishing; Company.
Only t-cent stamps received In payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
BtaU of Nebraska, Douglas County, is:
C. C. Roeewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete, copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during; the
month of August, 1906, waa aa follows:
I. 8o,4oo i n 1,700
17 zn.oio
i KMUtO U 80,700
... S0.80O U 80,700
J...- SO,7TO 20 811,410
, n no,2o
7............ RO,T30 22 SO.OOO
I...m.m. 81,000 tS 81430
t.. .......... 8i,oo 24 no.oeo
10 S9,OflO tS 81, ISO
II 80,800 2 81.080
II . SO.TBO 27 80,1HH
U 80.T10 2S 80,770
14. .. SO.RBO 29 80,970
IS Sl,OSO 80 81, MO
TotaJ 620,820
Less unsold copies io,ll:i
Net total aatea IMfl.rtMH
Dally average no, A 41
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this 30 day of September, 1SKXS.
(Seal) M. B. HUNQATE.
Notary Public.
tVatoerlbers leavlnsr the city tem
porarily showld hiT The Be
nailed thesa. It la better tha a
daily letter from borne. Ad
dress) will be erhaaced aa often aa
W sre now In the season when the
coal man It preparing-to take the place
of the Ice man.
The Civic Federation remains abso
lutely dormant, although the election Is
only Are weeks off.
Omaha Is patiently waiting for the
opening f Mr. Iler's lnterurban line to
Lincoln and Beatrice,
The King's Highway seems to be 1
better drawing card than the Queen's
Midway under the name of a street fair.
It to to be hoped that the controversy
over the Woodmen of the World reserve
fund tax will not be carried into local
politic. '!
The city :' asphalt repair plant should
' not be allowed to rust, at least during
the season when it can be successfully
Prosecuting Attorney Jerome may
find that witnesses will testify more
freely before a committee tfym before
a grand Jury.
The new battleship Mississippi may
be of light draft, but It will never be
true to name unless its guns are both
heavy and effective.
It is safe to take the report of
Dowie's illness with a grain of salt
until after it is too late to learn of his
miraculous recovery. -
Should any of those Chicago packers
turn state's evidence It may be neces
sary for the captains of Industry to
devise a "gentlemen's agreement" with
out words.
Just at present Omaha business men
are turning a deaf ear to all political
talk and it Is not likely that anybody
will be able to Interest them in politics
before the first week In November. .
That man who attempted to black
mail the president of the Equitable Life
must surely be demented or he never
would have waited until Alexander was
out of the office before making a start.
It Is to be hoped that M. Wltte was
given opportunity to secure' a bomb
proof house before . being created a
count for it may not have been an act
of true friendship to call him to the
ranks of the proscribed in Russia.
With the last of the leaders of the
"rising of '-8" dead and O' Donovan
Roasa at home, Ireland may be consid
ered as entering upon a new era but it
will require the collaboration of O'Brien
and Redmond to tell what sort of an
If France and the United States
should make a combined demonstration
against Venesuela it will not be until
after full Investigation and a crystalUa
tlon of sentiment that this country Is
not pulling chestnuts out of an as
phaltum fire.
Judge Vlnsoulialer declares that he has
withdrawn his proposed conditional res
ignation because he does not want Rose
water to dictate his successor. If this
were really true, and he knows it Is not,
NJ why should Vlnsonhaler want to dictate
his own successor T
report from Sweden, says that an
"American newspaper reporter" at (ho
Karlstad conference could not obtain
sufficient facts upon which to base a
"fake" telegram. If this is true that
reporter had never served on some of
the yellow journals or the absence of
facts would have Increased the length
of Ui story.
The offensive and defensive treaty of
alliance between Great Britain and
Jnpnn is said to have the moral sup
port of our government, as being In
accord with American policy relative to
affairs in the far east. According to
statements from Washington official
these are pleased with the alliance be
cause It carries out policies, for which
Secretary Hay contended for five
years. As we have heretofore noted,
it guarantees not only peace In Asia and
India, but is a long step in the direc
tion of the peace of the world, provides
for the territorial Integrity of the
Chinese empire and Insures the open
door in the east to the commerce of
all nations on an equal footing.
The treaty, it Is pointed out, crystal-
Izes and puts In permanent force the
things for which the United States has
been working for several years, or since
Asiatic affairs became a matter of
world wide concern. It was this coun
try which took the Initiative, at the
time of the Boxer trouble, in pro
nouncing in favor of preserving the
territorial integrity and the administra
tive entity of China, a position to which
European powers reluctantly gave their
assent It was the United States that
championed the principle of the open
door and succeeded in inducing other
nations to give it recognition and ap
proval. Now this principle, so im
portant to the world's trade, has been
Incorporated In the Anglo-Japanese
treaty of alliance, thus giving it a plnce
In the relations between the eastern and
western nations which it is likely to
maintain for all time. It is suld that
Germany alone among the nations Is
not pleased with the treaty, but whether
such be the fact or not is of small con
sequence. She will not decline to ac
cept the opportunity accorded to her
In common with all other countries for
securing trade In the orient and It Is
not to be doubted will in time give
hearty support to a principle the wis
dom of which Is obvious.
In our diplomatic history the United
States has achieved notnlng of greater
value to the nations than that of se
curing world assent to the principle of
the open door in Asia. It was an act
of far-sighted statesmanship the Im
portance of which it would be scarcely
possible to overestimate. Under the
operation of that principle the barriers
which have for centuries existed be
tween the Occident and the orient' will
be thrown down and there will be es
tablished mutual Interests and relations
that will be of incalculable worth to
mankind. The accord of the Anglo
Japanese alliance with American policy
as to Asia Is one of the most significant
facts of the time and contains the
promise of vast good for all the nations
that have interests or may hereafter
establish Interests In the lands of the
orient It means not only long-continued
peace in that quarter of the
world, but also an incentive to enter
prise and progress there of universal
benefit. It will open a new era for
the eastern world in the advantages of
which all western nntlons will share.
City Electrician Micbaelsen makes
strenous objection to an ordinance now
pending in the council granting permis
sion to electric wiring companies to
keep their wires overhead until October
1, 1906. The city electrician declares
that the enactment of this ordinance
would be a gross injustice to corpora
tions who have constructed conduits for
the electric wires and a gross injustice
to the property owners, who are en
titled to a reduction of their insurance
rates when the wires go underground.
Mr. Micbaelsen points to the fact that
all electric lines in the business district
will be underground within sixty days,
except those owned by the street rail
way company; and Mr. Michaelsen fur
ther points to the fact that the street
railway company owns no franchise to
furnish electric light and power to con
sumers, and in so doing is a rival of
the electric light company, which must
pay1 a royalty. of 8 per cent on its com
mercial business.
From a strictly impartial point of
view the protest of the city electrician
may be well founded, but from behind
the screens it looks veiy much like an
attempt on his part to prevent the
street railway company from competing
with the electric light company In the
sale of power and light; in other
words, to attempt to give the electric
light company the complete monopoly
of power and light supply In Omaha
under the guise of protecting the public.
In this connection it is amusing to
note that Mr. Michaelsen claims for
himself the credit of forcing the electric
wire companies to place their lines
underground. Mr. Michaelsen has
doubtless done well in this direction,
but he evidently Is oblivious of the fuct
that years before he had set foot in
Omaha The Bee hammered away at mu
nicipal councils to compel the telegraph,
telephone and electric companies to
place their wires underground. This
demand was at first resisted under the
plea that it was not workable, but later
on the telephone company constructed
a conduit of its own, demonstrating that
it was feasible to operate Its wires un
derground as well as overhead. Sub
sequently the electric light company,
which has no franchise any more than
the street railway company, log-rolled
a conduit ordinance through the conn
cll under the pretense that it was he
forerunner of the construction of an
electric power -canal that would solve
the light and power problem for Omaha.
This was before taking. After the ordi
nance had passed and the coudult had
been built the electric tower canal
scheme was put to sleep to dream the
dream that knows no waking.
What the city should have done wat.
to construct own and operate Its own
conduit or' subway, requiring all elec
tric wiring companies to utilize the mu
, nlclpal conduit by paying the city a
royalty, instead of allowing each com
pany to plow furrows through the paved
streets and alleys, which never can be
restored after they are once torn up.
Being confronted with a condition
rather than a theory, the question now
Is whether the council grant to the
street railway company an extension of
twelve months to plant Its power and
light wires underground or leave their
customers and all other electric light
and power consumers at the mere of
the electric light company.
In view of the fact that the overhead
trolley wires and the pole" supporting
them must remain, so long as that sys
tem of propulsion of street railway cars
continues, there appears to be no urgent
reason why the tap wires that branch
off from the trolleys could not be al
lowed to remain for twelve months
' In a nutshell, would the council be
Justified in destroying competition and
building up an electric light and power
monopoly, even if it only lasts for
twelve months, in view of the manifest
pressure being brought by existing
franchlsed and unfranchised concerns to
keep out all competition by lining and
cross-lining our principal business
streets with privately owned conduits?
A good deal of interest is being man
ifested in eastern railroad circles re
garding the project of placing electric
locomotives on the New Haven railway
system. It was recently announced that
the president of that system had or
dered twenty-five electric locomotives
and while definite details have not yet
been made public in regard to the pro
jected electrical equipment of the sys
tem, It is understood that every effort
is being made to have the electric trans
portation problem quickly solved. It ap
pears to be the Intention " to use the
electric locomotives between New York
and Stamford, Conn., with the general
expectation that before long they will
run to Boston, which means the elimina
tion of the locomotive from New York
City. Already the New York Central
Is putting in its electric system to ex
tend some forty miles from the city.
The Long Island railroad is being con
verted to electric power as rapidly as
possible, while the tunnel lines of the
rcnnsylvanla will be similarly equip
ped. The Philadelphia Inquirer remarks
that the most astonishing feature about
all this Is that five years ago the rail
way companies declared such a thing
impossible. It says that the change is
partly due to the fact that the com
panies had to do something very radi
cal and more to the fact that recent
Improvement in the generation and
transmission of electricity has reduced
the question to one of expense only.
"That three of the largest corporations
in the country," observes that paper,
"have started to use this power Is not
only important in itself, but it seems
certain that it is only a beginning. It
is hardly likely all the millions which
are to be spent in installing plants
in New York would have been avail
able were not the prospect of Indefinite
expansion good." It points out that the
problem is practically one of coal. "At
present cool is used to create steam
and a most wasteful process it is, not
more than 10 per cent of the potentiality
being used. Coal Is also used to de
velop electricity, and a much higher
potential from a given amount of fuel
is secured by the use of turbine en
gines. Every year the cost of develop
ing and transmitting a unit of electrlc
irv becomes less, aside from the value
of coal. If the process continues pro
gressively for a dozen years, the loco
motive, that pride of the nineteenth
century, will be relegated almost to
obscurity." The Installation of elec
trical service on the eastern roads must,
if it prove successful in operation, pro
duce a very great change In railroading
in the not very remote future.
The projected expansion of the nill-
Burllngton system Into western and
northwestern Nebraska Is represented as
being designed especially for the trans
portation of live stock and' farm prod
ucts to Sioux City, Omaha and Kansas
City, but we apprehend that Omaha
will occupy the place between the upper
and the nether millstone.
Asphalt officials who testify to the
neutrality of the company during the
Venezuelan rebellion protmbly mean that
whep Castro compelled them to con
tribute funds to the government they
placed a like amount in the hands of
the rebels, so there would be no hard
feelings if the rebellion should become
a revolution.
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson "en
tures the forecast that retail prices dur
ing the coming winter season fo meat,
dairy products, poultry and other neces
saries of life will be lower. This Will
be welcome news to all the consumers
of food products, but as most of them
are from Missouri they will have to be
While the building inspector Is mak
ing the rounds it would le well for bitn
to note the dangerous billboards that
have been erected in the business cen
ter of Omaha within the last six months.
These billboards do not merely consti
tute a menace to life, but also to the
property in case of a general conflagra
tion. If Germany really desires n reciproc
ity treaty with the United States it
should first find a solution to the prol
lem of altering American tariff laws
without injuring any Industry. The
problem at present seems too deep for
the average American statesman.
I .' ;
Isapertertkuus of tle Perfect.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Japan la a wonderful country, but when
the report of deaths from disease In the
army Is denied as being much lower than
(th actual number and it U aialed thai
paymasters hare been found grafting It la
easily seen that Japan needs a few lessons
before It U perfect.
Way Tbla Wild "Hollerr
Chicago News.
If rate regulating as practiced by the
railways, is "guesswork," aa Mr. SUckney
says, why this wild wall about a little
sclentlflo regulation by the government?
t'aearned Increment.
St. Louis Globe Democrat.
From an ethical standpoint It must be
confessed that the money contributed by
the Insurance companies to the republican
cause In 1904 was In the nature of un
earned increment. '
Tariff Shlfrlna- la the Soath.
New Tork Tribune.
The news that the south la likely to
fight revision of the tariff helps to explain
why the democracy has been searching
since 1896 for a new Issue aa diligently aa
Japhet In search of his father or Coeleba
of a wife. The south la where the demo
crats live, or people who call themselves
democrats, though now most of them are
firmly In line for policies distinctly republi
can In their origin. Time as well as politics
makes stranje bedfellows.
Speaking; About Cleveland.
Susan B. Anthony In an Interview.
"He isn't worth bothering about I have
beery Invited by several newspapers to
make reply to that article of Mr. Cleve
land's, but what la there to say in reply?
If he had said one new thing, given ua
one new Idea or suggestion, there might
have been a chance for argument. But
no, Just hash, hash, hash, on the old, old
lines we are not fitted for It It would
destroy woman In her home life. It would
add further corruption to our politics, etc..
to the end of the chapter. What possible
reply can be made to such assertions, baaed
on not a shadow of experienced facts?"
How Mnn.'r Grows la - America.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
A striking sign of the prosperity of the
American people during the past year Is
given by the figures showing the position
of the national banks on August 26, as com
pared with that on September t, 1904. These
figures have Just been made public by the
comptroller of the currency.
They show that the banks prospered, for
their total resources grew from not quite
$7,000,000,000 to nearly $7,500,000,000, or nearly
7 per cent. But they also show that the
people prospered more rapidly than the
banks, for Individual deposits Increased
from not quite $3,500,000,000 to nearly $4,000,-
000,000, or more than 10 per cent.
pe,rsosal notes.
The home of "the whole Dam family"
has been located- A Texas community
has christened the town Dam Site.
It Is estimated that If Ambassador Reld
ahall keep up the social pace he has set
In England, his term aa American repre
sentative will cost him about a half mil
lion dollars.
A practical Joker terrified a boy by
threatening to throw him from a bridge,
and In the effort to make the pretense
realistic himself, fell oft and was drowned.
It was with this Incident the Joke came
Emperor 'William haa a greater fond
ness for posing for photographs than any
other monarch. His latest posing was
for a set of official portraits of himself
in full regimentals. Something like two
dozen attitudes were assumed.
The movement for a Patrick A. Collins
memorial in Boston haa been organized,
and the call is to be for $26,000. The form
of It will be carefully considered when the
money la In hand. The sum aimed at is
about what the, memorials of John Boyle
O'Reilly and General Bartlett cost.
It Is said of Marshall Field, the Chi
cago merchant,. , that he never borrows
money, never gives a note or a mortgage,
never deals in margins on stocks or grain,
always buys goods for cash, sells on
short time and narrow margins and In
alsta to the last letter on the fulfillment
of every contract between him and hla
Cheering; Thoasrhts on the Training; of
the Young-.
Chicago Tribune.
From two distinct sources come cheering
thoughts concerning the future. The Amer
ica of tomorrow will be in the handa of the
children of today. A far larger proportion
of children than of adulta Is of foreign birth
or recent foreign extraction. Will - these
children grow up filled with the true 'Amer
ican spirit, or will they perpetuate outworn
Ideals? Miss Jane Addams and Luther Bur
bank, from their different points of view,
see Indications full of hope. Mlsa Addama
finds the children of Immigrants have an
almost Irresistible desire to become Amer
icanized. They are quick to learn our
speech and our ways. They are eager to be
considered as good Americans as any. They
adopt this country ao enthusiastically that
they Join !n singing "Land Where My
Fathers Died" without a sense of Incon
gruity. In fact, the most dangerous thing
In the situation Is that the children make
such headway that they often look down
upon their parents who cling to foreign
speech and customs. These they think un
progresslve and outlandish. For thla ex
cess of seal some remedy or check must be
devised, but even the excess ahowa that the
problems of the future will be problems of
the nation as a whole, and not a result of
warring nationalities on, one soil.
Mr. Burbank's experiments with plants in
cline him to believe that the power of Im
mediate heredity has been exaggerated, and
that more stress should be laid on environ
ment. We inherit from our ancestors, but
we cannot say which one has contributed
most to the formation of body, mind or
character. There are strange reversions to
earlier types. No one can tell what possi
bilities lie dormant in the seed for cen
turies to awake and develop when the sur
roundings are changed. The man who has
created the thornless edible cactus, who has
improved the orange, the rose and whatever
fruits and flowers he has attempted to con
trol. Is sure of a respectful hearing when he
claims that In the same way children of an
old stock In new surroundings will reveal
unsuspected powers. Freed from what fet
tered growth In the old life, the vigorous
planta are ready to assimilate new food, to
develop along new lines, to be what the
gardener makes them.
The problem, from whichever side ap
proached, reduces to this: to see that the
good tendencies existent In the heart of the
child of foreign parentage be nourished and
check the development of tendenclea to evil
which may attain a noxloua growth In
favorable conditions. The answer Is In the
hands of the school teacher. That the chil
dren of Immigrants are ready to selxo learn
ing is proved by the rolls of our colleges
and universities. These show that an In
creasing percentage of the students bear
names such as the older generation would
call foreign, and that among them the
honors received are out of proportion to
the number. But the teacher has a higher
function than to Impart learning; he or she
may make good cittxens or bad. The In
creasing realisation of this duty by the
teachers, the growing Interest in civic edu
cation and In sociological studies, and the
agitation of such questions aa these In edu
cational circles combine with the observa
tions of Miss Addams and Mr. Burbank to
assure ua that the America of the future
will be stronger, not weaker. Race suicide
may extinguish the names hitherto prom
inent in our life, but there will be ether
names no less honored
Ripples the t arrest of Life la the
In the Oetober Worlds Work M. O.
Cunnlff deacrlbea the unique personality of
New York's district attorney In an ar
ticle, "Jerome: a Man." The following In
cident la related:
A New Tork reporter once telephoned to
the proprietor of a gambling house who
bad defied the law for years and said, in
quiringly: "We have heard that j-ou were raided
thla evening-, la It true?"
"No, It Isn't true," replied the gambler.
"Me run a gambling house! What are you
giving ua?"
"But our Information came from the dis
trict attorney's office," objected the re
porter. "Oh, Jerome told you, did he?" came
after a pause. "Well, If you got It from
Jerome It's straight I waa raided, and you
can take It from me, young teller, that
anything Jerome telle you la on the level
I don't care what It la."
"Ice cream sandwiches! Ice cream aand
wlchesl Here you are, your Ice cream
sandwiches, only a penny apiece 1"
The cry is familiar around New Tork.
but few would suppose that the man who
originated It In this country made a for
tune out of It and has now retired front
business, with a house in town and a coun
try place on Long Island.
Four years ago, relates the Tribune, he
waa an Eaat Side pushcart man, but ho
saved enough to return to Europe In the
steerage, and on the way back he stopped
In England. There he saw In London the
Ice cream sandwich man, and he decided
that there would be aa much, and even
more, money In It In thla country than
there was in England. All his little capital
he put In the necessary wafers and brought
them to thla country. He started out In
a modest way, with only his own cart,
but before the end of the first week, the
cry, "Ice cream sandwiches!" had become
so popular on the Eaat Side that he had
a doxen'men working for him and as many
more eagerly awaiting the chance.
But the proprietor's supply of. wafers
was running low and he could not get them
in this country. That was, perhapa, the
reason he made his fortune, for hla agents
could not secure these essentials, without
applying to him. He began, then, to im
port them regularly, and all that summer
hardly a vessel came to New Tork from
England that did not bring its quota of
cases of Ice cream sandwich wafers.
By the next year the American biscuit
manufacturers had discovered what waa
going on and all the hokey-pokey men
could buy their own wafers right here in
New Tork. But In that one summer the
ex-pushcart man had reaped his harvest
and Ice cream sandwiches no longer Inter
ested him.
New . Tork'e expenses are more than
keeping pace with the rapid growth of the
City. When the city budget reached $100,
000,000 three years ago the heavy expendi
tures In the conduct of the city govern
ment made Father Knickerbocker gasp.
Now some economical souls are appalled
at the prospect of a $125,000,000 budget for
1906, an Increase of $15,000,000 over the an
nual expenditures of 1906.
All of the various departments are asking
for more money. The Board of Education
has decided that It would need $26,000,000
for school purposes next year. This Is an
Increase of $3,000,000. The Increase is at
tributed to the extension of the system,
the opening of new evening trade schools
and a new parental home and the adoption
of a new system of employing) Janitors
and their assistants.
The probability that the new budget will
reach $126,000,000 is further explained by
several Important schemes under way or
contemplated. The new Bellevue hospital
Is estimated to cost $8,000,000, and a con
siderable part of this amount will como
out of the 1908 budget. The new Fordham
hospital will cost $1,000,000, and there are
also many minor hospital Improvements to
be considered.
Besides the normal statutory Increases
In the school teaching forces, the police
department will require wages for 1,000
additional men-
New Tork is a city of 196,000 acres,
equivalent to a little more that 300 square
miles, says the Sun. From this area there
must be deducted 6,850 acres, parks and
park lands, and 3.150 acres of cemeteries,
mostly in the boroughs of Queens and
Brooklyn. There are 15,000 acres In docks,
streets, public buildings and river front,
unavailable either for business or for resi
dence. The three urban boroughs, Manhattan,
Brooklyn and The Bronx, which together
includes 3,760,000 of the 4.000,000 Inhabitants
of the city, ' have an area of 140 square
miles only. Chicago, far behind New Tork
In population, and since the creation of
the Greater New Tork probably destined
always to be "the second city," has an
area of 197 square miles, and Philadelphia,
which years ago ceased to be a rival of
New York in population, has 130. It la of
about the same size as the one borough
of Queens, the most sparsely populated
of the five in the Greater New Tork.
New Orleans is territorially a larger city
than New York. Washington has a greater
area than Manhattan and The Bronx com
bined; that Is, then the old city of New
As the figures of this year's spring
census, already known in substance though
not In detail, will show. New York Is not
becoming overcrowded, but Is less crowded
than was the case five years or even ten
years ago. The outlying districts have,
through improved means of transit, been
gaining, the pressure of the most crowded
East and West Side districts having been
A leading photographic concern has a
number of branch offices In New York City
and Brooklyn. ' People who do business
In them are surprised at one thing. No
matter how often they may call, they
find a new man In charge.
The explanation Is enay enough. A man
left too long In one place would form the
acquaintance of his customers, and become
solid In the neighborhood. The possible
and probable result would be that he
would open a shop of his own next door
and bid his former employer to drop off
the earth. Hence his removal before he
has a chance to become warm.
Misery Loves Company,
Philadelphia Record.
One state Insurance examiner has dis
covered something. A Chicago dispatch
says be has found out that the policy
holders In twenty-eight small assessment
companies which merged In the Western
Life Indemnity are without protection; the
ending of the subsidiary companies ended
their policies, but they are still permitted
to go on paying premiums. Mr. Frouts
cannot find any one to blame for this ex
traordinary situation, "for the absorption
la done according to law." The west has
been making ribald Jokes at eastern life
Insurance, but nothing In the east la so
bad as 4he collection of premiums for years
from persona whose policies have been
Versatility of Able Minds.
Indianapolis News.
The slmlllarlty of the methods of Insur
ance companies, as developed In the New
York Investigation, makes it pretty clear
that able minds have accurately worked
out some other things besides those ex
pectation of life table
sarcoid '
Absolutely Pure
A Cream of Tartar Powder
free from alum or phos"
phatlo acid
Grand Island Independent: Don't let your
name be published in the list of those who
do not pay their taxes, or you'll be on
the same plane with the railroads.
Alliance Times: We may be prejudiced,
but for a straight, honest, sincere expres
sion of political faith, the Nebraska demo
cratic platform is about the worst abor
tion that has ever been perpetrated In this
or any other state.
Falle City Tribune: A prominent demo
crat said when heard of Lyford's nomina
tion. "The office will Introduce to the state
a man much bigger than the office to which
he aspires. I hope every democrat In the
county will support him."
Fremont Tribune: The Omaha carnival
Is now In force and effect and It la not
difficult to believe the rush of pleasure
seeking citizens to that city will amount
to a flood. These fall festivals have been
a great success in Omaha. The people al
ways want to see somothlng new under,
the sun and when It comes, to see some
thing new under the moon and the stars
they are fairly crazy for It.
Eustls News: A professional politician
and his pass Is a hard proposition te
divorce, but since the action of the repub
lican convention a number of the good,
substantial men of the state who have
been accepting the courtesy extended by
the railroads, have surrendered their passea.
The sight of an officeholder digging up real
hard coin of the realm In exchange for
railroad tickets must be refreshing to the
general passenger agents.
Albion News: It is claimed that In turn
ing In their passes and paying their fare
the state officials will expend $80,000 for
transportation In the discharge of their
official duties. We believe thla Is an ex
aggerated statement, but If It be true,
what do the railroads expect to get In
return for this amount of free service to
the state officials? Is is not reasonable
to suppose that they get value received?
Hadn't the people better pay the neces
sary expenses of their officials and then
compel the railroads to pay their share
of taxes to support the state govern
ment? Howells Journal: P. E. McKUlip is being
boomed for governor by some of our ex
changes, while the press of Platte county
want him reserved to make the race for
congress. The gentleman won renown a
year ago when he made the race for con
gress In this district. The principal feature
In that race was the fact that he was
defeated for place by the largest majority
In the history of the district. In the face
of this they refer to the fine race that he
made. This paper supported McKilllp, but
we consider him almighty poor timber and
hope better! will be selected to make the
race next time.
Kearney Hub: The Hub has been told
by those living within a stone's throw of
the state university that It Is becoming an
aristocratic and expensive Institution and
that the outlay of money to keep up the
atudent'a personal atatua and social posi
tion Is certainly Increasing. If this la true
It would be a great deal more becoming for
Chancellor Andrews to read a few chap
ters from "the simple life," and to say
something for the men of character and
conscience who have no dollers to show
that they have not earned, Instead of de
fending those among the rich whose rob
beries should constitute them outlaws In
a Christian community.
Norfolk Press: The voters of Nebraska
are going to smash the railroad machine
In this state. It may take a little time
and a big battle, but the smashing will
come Just the same, whether the politicians
wish it or not. The rebellion against
corporation control of state government is
not an idle whim or a passing spasm, but
Is deep seated and determined. The state
officials who have given recognition to
this growing sentiment by giving up their
railroad passes have acted wisely and are
'aifni - " -ffln-ii iniiiViPV-'-'- -af....r-...a,....,,.i!lM---
This your head to the left?
Then there's no use trying. It's too Iatel Noth
ing in the world can make hair grqw on a bald
scalp that has been smooth and shiny for years.
It's too late! No use trying now!
Or is this yours to the right?
Good. Only look out for dandruff I It, leads
straight to baldness. But there's use trying now,
for Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff, keeps
the scalp clean and healthy, and checks falling hair.
V4 fcy in O. ifw
ATtr. a BASSlraBItt AFor tha loo4. ITlt'S FII l-Fer eatlatlea.
ATBR'i CkkBBY fKXlOKAL For euaf U. ATEK'g AG IS CUaaV-VM aultrU sad SfSS.
( to be commended for their action. Men
who aspire to state offices, will find that
they must place themselves In line with
public sentiment on this question or be
ground to powder with the blow that
smashes the railroad machine.
Falls City Tribune: Regardless of politics
It seems the plain duty of every Richard
eon county voter to cast a ballot for V. O.
Lyford for regent of the state university.
The office, while possessing no remunera
tive value, is one greatly sought by men
who desire to be of distinctive service to
the commonwealth. A regent bears the
same relation to the university that a mem
ber of the school board does to the local
I School. Richardson oonritv BAnrta la ro-
- j - -. - n
number of students to the university, In
fact there are but three counties in the
state which send larger delegations. We
were entitled to the place given Mr. Lyford
by the state convention. Hla election la
assured, but the voters of this county
should be for him without regard to party
affiliations. No man better qualified was
ever nominated for the office, and hla aer
vice to atate will reflect credit on the
county and redound to the benefit of the
"What makea you so blue?"lnqulred the
first new woman at the club.
"My fnther-ln-law has come to stay with
us," replied the other, "and Henry and h
sit at their knitting all day long and cry
about my treatment of Henry." Philadel
phia Ledger.
"Tea. she's ordered all the papers mad
over again."
"What was the trouble?"
"Why, her husband, by mistake, signed
Ms name on the top line and she had to
sign under him." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
He I was an Intimate friend of youi
late husband. Can't you give me somo
thlng to remember him by?
She (shyly) How Would I do? Topeks
State Journal.
"Our gas bills are awfully high!" pro
tested the lady. "Well, what can you ex
pect?" replied the collector. '"I pass hers
every night, and your gas is always th
same way." Detroit Free Press.
"My new theatre," bonsted the manager,
"Is absolutely fireproof. Stage, walls.
Beats, even the curtain all made of steel.'1
"You have overlooked one thing." ob.
Jected the Insurance man. "I attnod the
show last nl(rht and observed that your
actors are undeniably wooden. It's a bad
risk." Cleveland Leader.
"So you ran across that millionaire when
you was goln' down de road," said Me
andering Mike.
"Yes," answered Plodding Pete.
"Any conversation?"
"No. We Jes' exchanged thoughts. I was
wishing I had his money an' he whs wlshln"
he had my appetite." Washington Star.
Ak-Snr-Ben they aay Is the time to feet
When Omaha people will throw care
We'll on with the colors, red, green and
Don our best costume and march with a
And now I'ncle Reuben while in town this
We always will know you, so innocent, SO
Don't mind the confetti that'a thrown In
your face.
Nor frown on the boys who lead In tha
For thlH week of frollo only cornea one
a year.
So you must be patient, the closing Is
On the Midway at times beware of the
The gay Ksau who charmeth the snakes.
The several beauties of Kay Paree,
And three of our sisters by the name of
The Old Plantation, with darkeys who
The Cuban Wild Girl In a three week's
The Esquimaux village. Streets of Cairo,
With camels to rldo, or else a burro.
The hlKh-dlvIng elk. or the Ferris Wheel.
And daring pick-pockets, your purse to
Take heed, my good friends, in all yottf
good times.
These various shows do rake In the dime.
When bnck to the country the "varnished
cars" go.
We hope you'll remember our Ak-Bar-Rto
show! E. B. B.
Of., Lowell !