Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Baal Tio ITllok Pramltee Cemplete
Bsccasa of Elf Eeik
Alt MiMtttra Arc Baay Caaan-tlaaj
Yarlnaa Maka la Ckala af I've a
aratloas far Omaha
Bm Raw.
Ha'Velty advertising ha made tha Omaha
Horae Show which la to b held at the
Auditorium tha wwk of October l a thor
otwhly advertised affair. All aorta of de
vice hava been resorted to to kD this
evt before tha public gase. In tha nrst
placa tha directors hava offered valuable
prUee for the heat darorated wlndowa and
many of tha merchants will compete for
ttiaaa arises. Miller, Stewart A Beaton
already hare decorated a Horse Show win
dow In an original manner, but the majority
will Walt antll after the Ak-flar-Ben wir
daya are past, when they will supplant the
featlval deooratlona for thoee of the Horse
d and whlta buttona were secured and
very one tried to get tha little ribbon. They
were handed out aa Irmir aa they lasted and
then 6.aoa were telegraphed for, arriving
Three sheets, with horwey engfavlnir,
hava been aent to neighboring: towna and
tha Country press haa taken hold of the
H4ree Bhow with a vim and la giving It the
notion which It deserves.
Ist to be sprung- on the public, was the
big kite which carried the big Horae Bhow
banner directly over rarnam street This
la l14 feet and cart be read eaatly frjm a
distance. It will be spread to the breeae
fof the neat two weeks and may fly over
tha carnival grounds during next week.
Removal of Headquarter.
Headquartera for the Horse Bhow will be
moved from the Bee building to the Audi
torium Monday, Mr. Haller figuring that It
la better to more at this time than next
week, when his fjrce will be busier. If such
a thing la (wasfble. Advice have been re
ceived from all over the state that many
from the towna were coming In, and In
many Instances money haa been sent to
hava seats reserved, but tha Sale opens
October X and then all will have an even
chance. The demand for seats will be large,
but there are also many seats and the show
will last for eight performances, but to se
cure good seats the management advises
they be reserved early.
Entriei from abroad have come In so fast
durihg the last week- that there Is no longer
any doubt concerning the show, the horsea
are bound to be there In sufficient numbers
to give o;ie Of the best shows ever hold
In the west. There are,, however, four
local classes which, while they have om
entries, have not filled In a manner to
( aaliafy the directors. Considerable interest
always attaches to the local women when
they ride or drive and aome of these have
been a trifle alow In sending In their en
tries. These classes are of ponies, hot ex
ceeding forty-eight Inches, best woman
rider, cross saddle; best Woman rider, side
saddle, and best women's horse walk, trot
and canter, crosa or sidesaddle. The man
agement I urgent In the request that the
Women send In their entries early to en
able the events to be classified. Splendid
prises are offered 1ft these events and there
should be a good string of entries.
Peek sat Covrsjlll Baay.
H. P. Peck, president of the association,
isne of the busiest men In town these
days. When the directors found clique
at Bt. Louis proposed to cut In on the
Omaha date the local directors, with Mr.
Peck at their head, literally took off their,
coate and set out with the determination
of making the Omaha show such s suc
cess that all Omaha will be proud of It.
By personal work among the leading horse
showmen of the country the entries have
been secured which make the outcome of
the show certain. It was m matter of pride
with Mr. Peck and the directors to make
the show go In spite of opposition and the
result la ho longer In' doubt. Mr. Peck
has two shew horses In which he takes
Justifiable prldi), Commodore and Beaaika,
and those will be seen la the arena "at the
All of the boxes have been dlspoaed of
for the Horse Bhow and the entries are
still coming In fast, all of which la piling
uu the work of the secretary, F. 8. Cow-
gill. If anyoi.e thinks for a minute that
the secretaryship of a Horse Show Is a
sinecure he would soon be disabused of
the Idea If he were to spend a few min
utes with Mr. Cowgllt. He Is praotlcally
tho director general of the whole show,
and everything la referred to him for ap
proval. Meetings are held every day and
all sorts of questions which require im
mediate action are constantly arising.
The next Immediate task Is the arranging
of tha program. Last year a full program
of ovents utilised all of the time each
evening, but this year the directors must
And room on tho program for fourteen
more events than last year. For lack of
time the potato races have been done away
with, but the program will be a long one
and it will take skill to pull ,lt off each
evening according to schedule. The Judges
will have to decide promptly.
Certala to Be' a IseeeM,
The coming horse show la certain to prove
a grand social success as well aa a success
ful sporting event. Money has been spent
lavishly In providing the best of everything,
(10.000 In gold being offered by the manage
ment. An equal amount waa given 'ast
year, but a good deal of It was In the form
of silver plate. The coin haa been a magnet
which has attracted the foreign visitors In
spite of the opposition of Bt. Louis, which
olty took the date after it had been an
nounred by Omaha, and While Bt. Louis has
purses aggregating $12,000, so much of It Is
In the nature of silverware that It waa no
attraction to the best stables of the east
which have the Jumpers, one of the most
picturesque features of the show.
Borne of the entries which were received
thla week that caused rejoicing In the camp
were Thomaa fcass, with his fine string of
high school horsea: Colonel Hughes of Den
ver, A. E. Ashnmoke of Kansas City and
W. A. Rule of Kansa City. ton Riley of
Bt. Joseph als- has entered hia fine pair
of roadsters, aa also has 8. P. Nave of 8f
The Auditorium, with Its spacloue arena,
haa been put In the best condition. Many
additional lights have been Installed and
the colors will be draped around the boxes
In profusion aa soon as the bands which
have the use of the Auditorium during the
first part of the week have left. Then ihe
stage will be removed and the whole arena
put Id readiness for further practice by the
local entries. The tanbark will be put on as
a finishing course and then all will be In
readiness for the prancing steeds and the
gayly dressed women, and the blending of
alt the colors, taken with the life Infused
Into the scene by the gay equippages, will
tend to arouse the most blase to a condi
tion where he may .enjoy life.
(Continued from Sixth Page.)
Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, Washington and
Hannibal, Mo.
Mrs. George B. Oould and daughters ar
rived from Mexico last week. They will be
the guests after October 7 of Mr. and Mrs.
Ned C. Smith of Chicago, who hava taken a
home at 1641 Park avenue.
Mr. Oeorge Wallace has returned from
New York, where ha met his daughters
upon their return from Europe. Mise Janet
returned with him, but Miss May will spend
several weeks In New York.
West Ambler,
Miss Ada Oants has been 111 the last
week, but is better at present writing.
Frank 8. Aughe and wife were the guests
Of the former's father here on Sunday.
Mrs. Will Bpan has been Very III at her
home In Ackerman, but is now slowly re
covering. Miss Alberta Smith was the guest of
Mmes. Pitman and Bpoerrl from Saturday
until Sunday.
Marlon Faverty ia having a new well
Sut down at his home. Mr. Harrison of
outh Omaha Is the contractor.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and children were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Ambler
for dinner en Thursday evening.
Mr. I. Jensen, Jr., Is erecting a fine new
house on his lots recently purchased at
Forty-third aid Castellar streets, East
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oleson removes
from Forty-sixth avenue and Pacific Street
to their new home at Twenty-ninth and
Dorcas streets Saturday of this week.
Mr. Jones and wife of South Omaha, no
com panted Rev. and Mrs. Ktambaugh to the
reception at Southwest church Thursday
night. Mrs. Jones Is a sinter of the pastor.
Mrs. Oeorge Syas of Twenty-eighth and
Blnndo streets, and a former neighbor here,
Underwent a serious though Successful op
eration at the Swedish hospital on Tuesday
and Is recovering slowly.
Mrs. Wright Rice and sister. Miss Laura
Crane, of Dixon were Omaha visitors the
first three days of the week and guests
of the former s nieces, Mr. J. E. Aughe
and Mrs. William Porter.
Mrs. Charles Roberts was hostess at a
three-course dinner given at her home in
Ackerman to several women friends in
honor of her sister. Miss Hutchinson, and
cousin. Miss Howe, of Washington, V. C.
The Sunday school hour of the Southwest
church haa been changed from 12 o'clock
to 1. to suit the new pastor. Rev. Stum
baugh, in order that he may be present to
assist, as he preaches in the afternoon at
his other appointment.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Smith have re
turned from their visit near Hastings,
Neb., and have had aa their guests Mrs.
Alice Toothacher of Oelweln, la., who Is
a sister of Mr. Smith, and Miss jNewonmb
of Richland, Ind., a niece of Mr. Smith.
The Ladles' Aid society met at the home
of Mrs. J. K. Aughe on Thursday afternoon
and completed three large comforts, some
business was transacted and a report read
by. the secretary pro tern, to the effect that
$S7 has been' turned over to the former
pastor, Rev. Mr. Luce, and 14 SO to the new
one, Rev. Mr. Stambaugh, since January.
There were ten present. Proceeds, 12. Re
freshments of cake, sandwiches, pickles,
fruit and tea were served. Next meeting
October 12.
The members and friends of 8outhwest
church gave a most welcome reception and
pound social to their new pastor, Rev. W.
l. Stambaugh, and wife on Thursday even
ing, at which about seventy-five were pres
ent. Rev. Stambaugh conies well recom
mended from Lefler Memorial Methodist
Episcopal church, Bouth Omaha, and was
gladly received, and It is his hope and wish
that the work here may be greatly revived.
Refreshments of cake, coffee, sandwiches
and pickles were served, and many pounds
of provisions, as well as a purse of several
dollars were presented to him.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hays Lowry, died Wednesday morning.
Miss Soli who lives six miles northwest of
town, spent the past two weeks visiting
friends in Blair.
L. A. Sauma of Calhoun, spent Wednes
day night here, the guest of the family of
W. A. Wilson.
Miss Hllnia Bwanson and Harry Swan
son attended the play at the New Burwood
theater Tuesday night.
E. H. Burkoff, R R. Sohueten and Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold! were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Pulte Sunday.
Oeorge Dial, foreman of the water works,
Is erecting a new house which will be ready
for occupancy In a couple or three weeks.
Misses Kate, Nellie and Martha Leown
of Omaha, were the guests of Mr. and Mra.
J. T. Bwanson, Sunday afternoon and even
ing. William Harrison of Creston, la., spent
a couple of weeks here the cuest of Mr.
and Mrs. Blttner. He left here Tuesday
morning lor mcuook, INeo.
Misses Maude and Myra Ooodjet were
visiting their sister. Mrs. Hugh Hut tie, Sun
day afternoon. They were acoompanled
vy nuiana iniey or umana.
Mr. Collins of South Omaha, connected
with the Omaha Water company, waa here
Wednesday looking over the grounds and
plant and Inspecting hydrants.
L. A. Taylor scent Sunday at home with
his family. Ho haa been out on his route
the past three weeks in South Dakota and
western lowa, selling implements.
Mrs. D. C. Hubs and Miss Jones of
Omaha, and members of Ivy Rehekah
lodge were present at the meeting ot the
Kebekah lodge here Tuesday night.
Miss Rateman. a niece of Andrew An
dcrsnn, is spending a few daya here Visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and other rela
tives. Miss Rateman's home la at Orand
Rebekah lodge No. 139 held exercises
Tuesday night after the regular meeting. It
being the Fifty-fourth anniversary of the
rounding of the Kobekah degree, a good
pros ram was rendered, there waa atten
dance ef Oaa FI1W and Itebekaiia. sev
eral bain prevent from the Omaha kdga
After the prvgram, refreshments were
Thomas Miller spent several day here
this week visiting his sister, Mra W. R.
Wall. He returned Monday fmm a trip of
a couple weta in BL Paul, Minn., and
Sioux City, la-
The Ladles AM society held Ita meeting
Thursday afternoon. There waa suite a
laraa amount of buelneaa transacted. The
new minister. Rev. Mr. Slack, baa things
Well under way.
Nela Petenmn of Kennard. Neb., spent
Wednesday night here visiting Mr. and
Mra. Fred Davis. Mr. Peterson la a son-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. Davis. He returned
to his home Thursday afternoon.
The Omaha Water company is cutting al
falfa for the fourth time this season and
tha crop Is extra heavy. It haa been cut
four times before In other seasons, but the
crop was not aa heavy aa it baa been this
Mrs. Nor Halstrom, who haa been liv
ing at Whiting, la., for the past two years,
arrived here Saturday and will make her
future home In this vicinity. She la visit
ing her mother, Mra Chambers at the pres
ent time.
The road to Pries lake Is being widened to
a width of forty feet, which will give ample
room for driving and running automobiles
on the river road. Heretofore It haa been
so narrow and a steep bank on one aide
that It waa dangerous.
The school board were notified by letter
Ahat the Florence schools had received
first prtxe for the best kept grounds and
Interior decorations, the letter was very
complimentary and waa from K. C. Bishop
of the state fair eduoatlonal exhibit
William H. Weber of Wayne, Neb., spent
a couple of days here this week visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mra J. Weber, sr. H
has been on a western trip and returned
home via Omaha and stopped off a couple
of days returning to Wayne, Thursday
Mra. B. A. Bird, one of the oldest set
tlers of this vicinity, returned here Wednes
day from Norfolk, Neb., where She haa
been several months' visiting her daughter,
Mra Scot Holbrook. When nere ahe makes
her home with Oeorge Bird on the old
homestead north of town, whloh her hus
band pre-empted.
The county commissioner made a trip to
Florence last week and looked over the
washouts en North Main street and the
oounty road to Calhoun, and have ordered
It repaired. Piling is now being hauled and
the pi led river is on the ground ready to
commence work. This work waa badly
needed, aa it had washed out so much dirt
that there was no room for the sidewalk.
There waa a ditch about twelve feet deep
and fifteen feet wide, but the-plllng that
will be put In will hold the bank In place
so that It la not likely that it will wash out
Mrs. J. W. Marshall Is visiting In Denver,
Mra. Marry of Centrevllle, la., la the
guest of Mrs. W. L. Sclby.
A daughter was born on Monday to Mr.
and Mrs. Chester W. Helnxle.
Mi's. R. C. Peters' returned home on
Thursday after an extended eastern trip.
Mr. James W. Hamilton spent a couple of
days In Dea Moines, la., on business last
The Dundee Woman's club dron one meet
ing for this week and will meet on Wednes
day, October It.
Mrs. A Fitch of Central Cltv and Mr.
Wiley of Kansas are tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Perry.
The Dundee Woman's club will be well
represented at the meetings of the State
Federation at Lincoln this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoasrland moved dur
ing the week Into their new home at the
corner of Forty-eighth and California
Mrs. Oka prim a and daughter Thalma, for
merly of JanAn and now residing at South
Omaha, Were the guests last Sunday ot Mra.
tr. J. iiarr.
Mr. Louis A. Borshelm. who has beef!
confined to his home for several weeks with
a broken leg, Is able to be out and at his
place of business again.
For Miss Teacher of Davenrjort. who Is
the guest of Mrs. George Miller. Miss Lil
lian Temlns of Ornaha entertained at 4
chafing-dish supper Friday evening.
Mr. I.arnon. who is connected with the
Nebraska Clothing company, moved on Fri
day Into his newly built house at the corner
of Forty-ninth and Underwood avenue.
Cantaln and Mrs. David Stone are the
e-uests of Mrs. Stone's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. George Hoagland, until they go In De
cember to Join the Captain's regiment in
v.The Round Dosen Social club held an In
formal meeting Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. B. V. Hoaford, for the
purpose of reorganising for the fall and
winter season.
Mrs. Marv Moody Pugh. of domestic
science fame, has come with her family
to Dundee, moving into the house recently
vacated bv Mr. Max GoldBmlth and family
at the corner of Fiftieth and California
Mr. and Mra. B. R. Rush entertained at
dinner Tuesday evening in honor of the
thlrty-nrth wedding anniversary or Mrs.
Rush's parents. Mr. and Mra. W. II. Pin-
dell, the other guests being Mr. and Mra.
P. J. Barr.
B. R. Rush left on Saturday for a busi
ness trio of ten days to New York and
other eastern points. During his absence
Mrs. kubm and children win De witn ner
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Pindell at
oriy-ninin ana uavenpon streets.
Mrs." Fitchat and Mrs. Ellery Westeffleld
were delegates from the Dundee Presby
terian church to the State Bynodical Mis
sionary Conference held during the week
at South Omaha. A number of other Dun
dee women were present at the meetings.
You Are Cord'ally Invited
making- tod baking of
CUIT from Ik oookai
wkoia wheat parry
axvd be aorrad
r.B.U.ACt Slc Afaat
141G Douglas &L
. roraaarif aVaaard 4V Wllkefca'a
ins wmmm
snrT rn a t , 1 1 1,' . t i.-u a txu
Uj splendid beaters on
if mm
II .at
Mrs. Ed Krlsel Is entertaining Mra. Ralph
Bryan of Lake City, la.
Mlsa Sadie Keller spent a few daya visit
ing relatives In Logan, Ia.
The Benaon fire company will hold its
regular meeting Monday evening.
Mrs. H. J. Grove is entertaining her
father, Mr. Bellls of southern Missouri.
Mrs. B. L. Childs left Thursday for To
ronto, Can., to visit friends and relatives.
Services Will be held today at the Metho
dist Episcopal church at the usual hours.
B. F. Miller and family have moved Into
the cottage formerly occupied by Mr. Hesse.
Mrs. Ueorae Thompson left Wednesday
morning for an extended trip In tfie west-
Mrs. William Butler entertained last
Wednesday Mra. Ed Krlsel and Mra. Ralph
Mr. and Mra. Brumflcld. from Baltimore,
lid., have moved into the aouth part of
C. A. Chaney haa aold his home on Mo-
Klnley street and will move to the aouth
part of town.
Mr. Brlsco and family, from Hanninai,
Mo has moved into the Miller home, which
he purchased.
Tha rwrrui nf Hnnov lodge met last
Tuesday, when plans were made for a
masquerade ball.
new lumber vard Will be established
on Main street by the Urove-Whai'ton In
vestment company.
The adjourned meeting of the Improve
ment club will be held at the tuwu hall
Monday, October I.
A decree of divorce was granted by Judge
Troup to Mrs.- Anna G. Klpluge from Peter
Klpluge ot this place.
Dick Hllslnger. a tailor living on Mo
Klnley Heights, was badly injured by
Jumping from the street car.
The IudiDendent Order of Odd Fellows
lodge Is making extensive plana for an in
vitation ball tu be given at their hall Oc
tober U.
Mr. and Mcl. W. H. Tindell and aon
and daughter, Ernest and Agnes, have re
turned from California, where tney spent
two weeka visiting their two sons.
Proposals are being advertised for carry
ing the mail from oinaha to lienaon. The
term Just expired has been filled by Mrs.
Markwood. The requirements are two
mails, at I a. m. and 4 p. m. daily, and
one mall on Sunday. The term la for Ave
years at fwO a year.
Borreatlao'a I'ntejae Idea la Caaaee
tiaa with Hla Coacerta a tha
Present Tear,
The concert to be given at the Audi
torium on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week, afternoon and evening,
by the famous Banda Rosea will be tha
moot unique entertainment of the kind
aver presented to the publio In Omaha.
Sorrentlno, the talented director of Banda
Roesa, has conceived the Idea ot combin
ing vocal and Instrumental music with
beautiful and Impressive scenery In pre
senting Perual's "Resurrection of Christ,"
which forms the second part of tha pro
gram each evening. He doesn't employ the
ordinary stags scenery, but beautiful
ptr-M"gT of Immerse aiaa, Bt'x40 feet. The
ftrat scene will be "Marr at tha Tomb,"
tha second aces "Mary and the Two
Angela." Tben will follow other beautiful
acenea raBfejeatliig ever? avast, from too
Th liberal and a-meron policy of Th Tropica Ptor liaa hen
further rTrmptlfltd by Ita frrr distribution of premium wltli rvcry
sale. On r-vrrr nnrrhsne of BIO.OO or over wo arlv away, aiwmutcij
froo, a handsome rocker or other jrool of riual value-. Thla applies
tn nrh and fronr ifenartmont in tha hnuia Till offer i imre gen-
rroua than trading stajiis or tha like, borue you twlve th
preaent a noon aa th purt-h ia nils No extra eharce marte for
these premium, as ALL Oin OOOOS AUK MAHKfcU IN PLAIN
FintRKS. Premium are display etl on first floor.
Private Telephone Exchange Connecting With All Departments.
Stoves and Ranges
We cannot Impress upon yon too atrongly the
Importance of securing a atove that will give you
only the very beat of satisfaction. Not the "good
enough kind, but tne one tnat give aosoiuie satis
faction all the time. The OAKLAND 8TOVKS AND
RANUKS are recogaixed the world over aa the beat
stovea manufactured. They not only give you the
eATnfnrt vnn desire, but will not "burn out," and will
save money, save worry, aave f ueU We axe aole agent.
Dase Burners Exactly like cat guaran.
Si a
teed heaters good size, warranted nrepois
Via nvilv nickel trimmed all door ft ft Pft
and castings fit snugly no escaping of ob- j.QII
noxious gae "peeiai
$2.50 CASH. 31.UU flirt YIJUtolL.
ixr. n rnOK STOVKS Guaranteed
5.95 L?'?:1.! ..12.50
A" i ' .1
. it
11 .Vv Jill
?i-Mr m
Morrla Chairs (exactly like cut) solid
oak, heavy carved claw feet, heavy
carved Hon'g head on arms. Cover
ings are of fine imported Veronas,
upholstered on soft and r rt
easy springs, special, M nil
t va w w
$1.00 Cash, 50c per week
Made of solid
oak with quartered
oak effect,, looks like
the genuine quarter
ed oak. Large roomy
drawers, French bev
el plate mirror, heavy
roll on mirror frame
and stand
ard, spec
ial, at. . .
$1.50 Cash, 50c per
Carpets, Rugs
and Draperies
A complete showing of all the new fall
designs. Out-of-town visitors are earn
estly requested to visit this department.
w. 59c
UCDIgUDl a V v - --
Art Reversible Rugs 9x12 size large At Qfl
assortment, $7.60 values special . . .PeW
size choice pat-
.16 a Tarnam streets, omaha.
(The Peoples FhraHsrs at Oaet Co.)
Pedestal Extension Tables (ex- jfj
actly like cut) made of solid XS
onk, highly polished, strong Yflrj V v J
pedestal base. Table ex- mCjSrtk. W
tends to six feet Our VjCSGf '- V,
8pctal price Is jfeft13&&
16.50 M jl
.'i.59 tor m mM 41
Rrussels Rug 9x12
terns and designs
Nottingham Lace Cortalrrs Handsome designs-
Be Inches wide and full length
12.50 values
Rope Portiere To fit double doors
Blankets Wool mixed gray colors
full 10-4 size special
Comfort Heavy weight well made
Moyer Stationery Co.
Commercial Stationery and Office Supplies.
220 South 16th Street, Omaha
1 1 -J l ara gr- At' " '
IP, L i lr?4M Mv sales
ViliJjJV?fnhii must be a
RHM prices this
msW 0fthi8-Just
I 11 W3LL3 WArCHMJ-f
this week of diamonds
record breaker. Just get my
week. I mean every word
get my prices this week.
A Banker's Unioiv
Life Insurance Policy affords protection to
your family at lowest possible cost.
DIXON, 111., Sept. 80, 1905.
To The Bankers Union, Omaha.
Dear Sirs Please accept my thanks for the Bankers Union draft in full
and satisfactory settlement of my claim arising under policy No. 88471, issued
by The Banker Union to my late wife, Mrs. Annie Beckingham.
Your courteous treatment and prompt adjustment of my claim merit
and received my hearty thanks, and best wishes for your succeaa In your
grand work VM, BECKINGHAM, Beneficiary.
tomb up to and Including the "Ascension
of Christ." These beautiful plcturea ap
pear and fade away aa the music proceeds.
The band. In subdued tones, discourses tha
musio of tha fsmous oratorio while a
quartet of high-class artists sing tha
The quartet consists of Mme. Oina Cla-
pa re 111, soprano; Albert Quesnel, tenor;
Bessie Bonsall, contralto; Salvatore Nun
slato, baritone. '
It ia aald by those who have witnessed
tha rendition of this oratorio by Bor-
rcntlno'a excellent band and the singers he
carries with htm that It la one of the
most beautiful and fascinating productions
ever presented -in this country.
Pianos la a Wreck.
Po not fail to attend the ureal sale of
"Emerson" planoa. The prices quoted are
tha lowest ever offered In this country on
brand new "Emerson" pianos and we
guarantee each Instrument will be perfect
when delivered.. Only a few of the cases
wer scratched.
lJl Harney Street.
Exaarleaeea Salespeople,
We wish first-class salesmen and sales
ladles with experience In ladles' cloak de
partment. J. L. BRANDEIB & BON 9.
Dunham at Dunham, the merchant ttl
ora at 101 Boutu Fifteenth street, have
Just placed In fiont of their store a very
handsoma elsetrle alga. Take a look at it.
Moran's School for Dancing
1 5th and Harnej Streets
will begin Baturday, October 7. Beg-lnners.
10 a. m., Wednesdays, 4:16 p. m. ; w lessons,
ib; season, six months; two lessons each
week, $10. Advance with children matinee,
S p. m ; season, six months, 16. Normundia
flats, Park Ave. and Pacific. Lessons begin
r'riuay, October Ik 4:16 p. m., 13 lessons. v;
season, 1(. 2iih and Ames Ave., Mon
days. 4:li d. m . to bexin October 2. 12 les
sons, 15. Please notice the large number
of lessons given at l&ih and Harney; also
the new departure In schools of dancintc,
giving the children a regular matinee with
program every Saturday at 1 p. m., for the
small sum of 16 for the entire season; no
objectionable feature whatsoever; private
entrance. 1 ne best lamiues nava patron'
Ised this school for years.
Try the Want
Columns of The Baa.
W. F. Qarke. representing E. Albrecht & Son, St Paul, makers of
"Afleck't Conect Ftra. enU b at
Mondaj, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 9-10-11, 1905
for the purpose of giving you an opportunity for examination and selection
from an elaborate sample line of these luxurious garments and neckwear, the
pick of the world's fineA furt and the lateft stylet of the coming season.
Everybody realizea that in buying furt, personal knowledge of which
ia apt to b limited, k ia moA important to buy from a house with a
reputation to sustain. "Albrecht" fun, known for half a century wherever
furt are worn, are the standard of excellence in fur centres of the world.
Our fifty years' reputation and our guarantee are behind every article.
Do not fail to call and inspect this incomparable line of Fur Carmenta
and Neckwear, and leave your order for future delivery.
E. Albrecht & Son
11m Original Homm tk AlWeUa. Easblahed 1 055
20 Ealt Sevandi St, Saint Paul 612 Nicollet Ave, MunaapoUs
lino In a diamond
$1,000 In tha bank.
It's Just
N l
ir , ...'...
I S - A'iY
m r - "BsaaBBa a
$100 in a diamond;
J1.000 in ti.e bank.
It's Just
It'a good silver plated, gold lined and will wear many
years, the beat little souvenir on the market. Buy lor
now, and Xtnaa too.
ia- V 1
BOYD'S Woodward Sc Burgess, Mgrs.
Four Nights and Two Matinees, (Jomnirni'liiK Sunday Matinee, October Hth.
Mr. Walker Whiteside in hla great success Sunday Matinee, Sunday,
Monday and Wednesday Kveninga,
Tuesday Evening and Wedneaday Matiuee, 'DAVID GAIUUCKS LOVE."