Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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We Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitore
Here we have prepared a feast of bargains
for you. Read every word what this store
has done for you for Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
&10 Will Do
Prosperity prevails yrt 10,000 men
visiting the Ak-Sar-Ben think $10 their
limit for a new Fall Suit, Top Coat or
Rain Coat. Happily they'll not have to
raise the limit to be gentlemanly dressed. Month ago we formed a com
bination between the best American woolen mills and the best makers of
men '8 garments to secure a line of Suit and Top Coats to sell at $10 that
would make this feature one of our clothing strongholds. The gar
ments are here now. In style, quality and perfection of finish, they
are a credit to the manufacturers, touch the very top-notch of our $10
ambition and will give eminent satisfaction to the wearers.
Delightful gray effects, handsome now green mixtures, pleasing plaids and dark
plain colors prevail In the Suits. The Topcoats and Raincoats come In the fashion
able tana and browns, are correct in length, carefully made, neatly and creditable ln
Count yourself as Baring fire dollars on aay ona of these.
Now JFall Furnishings for
Women's Medium Weight Ribbed
Cotton Vests and Pant In ecru
and natural, high
necks, long sleeve
vests, at
Women's Fine Quality Combed
Egyptian Cotton Combination
Salts Early fall weight, high
neck, long sleeve.
Heavy Ribbed Bleached Cotton
Hose For boys and girls, any
style rib, size 6 to 10 best wear
ing hose made the
"Tom Sawyer Brand
16c 2 pair for. . .
Women's New Styles of Lace and
Kmbroidery Trimmed Corset
Covers Late, pretty rjatterna.
neck, long sleeve, -g f cut full and per- sffc
ankle length, silk If Mi fectly finished, S, tC
trimmed nock Bt '
"Agents" for the "Csntemeri" High tirade Kid (Moves, $
Women's Fall Styles In Silk and
Patent Leather Belt Many new
and exclusive styles, 75 m
rich colorings, also X sO
black and white. ..
Women's New "Kid" Gloves Spe
cial lot, regular dollar and 75c
values, in tan,
brown, white and fa - sf
black, all sizes, at.
1.50, $1,25 and $1.00
Throo Groat Special Suits
For Coys Alc-Snr-Ucn Woolc
Boys' Suite at ".2.215 Made of all wool materials, strong linings and trimmings, seams
taped and guaranteed not to rip. The a tyles are single breasted gOa -fc w
Norfolks, size 4 to 12, and double breasted jacket, size 7 to 15 J
years, well worth $3.00 Ak-Sar-Ben Week "" sV
Boys' Suits at $3.00 Made of high grade, strictly all wool materials, the newest color
ings, large variety to select from, the strongest of linings and trimmings, every seam
reinforced with tape and double sewed throughout, guaranteed to keep shape perman
ently. The styles are Buster Brown, sizes 3 to 8; single breasted Norfolk, sizes 4
to 12 j double breasted Norfolk (Knickerbocker pants), sizes 6 to 16-
double breasted Jacket (plain pants), sizes 7 to 16; well worth 14.00. if&m
Ak-iSar-Ben Week. rr-
Boys' Suit at $4.00 Made of the highest grade of domestic and imported cheviots
homespuns, casslmere and blue serge. UD-to-the-minute In cnlnrinr otvi. h
manshlp. Beautiful fitting garments in Buster Brown, size 3 to 8: slnele hrenntorf
Norfolk, size 4 to 12; double breasted Norfolk (Knickerbocker pants) r y
7 to 16 and double breasted Jacket style, size 7 to 16 years. Well A At
worth $5 to $6 Ak-Sar-Ben Week .. JP
Strictly All Wool Knee Pants. 45c
If! V .:.',.'! k
e f;. ' . yt ;( J
i X
': -"71" ttltll 1
Rain Coats
Best Women's Cravenetle
Coats Ever Sold for $i0
Made of an excellent quality of Craven
ette cloth two box plait down front and
three ln back, finished oft with tailor
stitching made and fits as well as any
O0.00 Rain Coat colors oxford gray, tan
and olive SPECIAL PRICE!
Women's Swell Cravenette Coats
Made of the very best Cravenetted ma
terials collarless new shaped sleeves, with
turned back cuffs belt all around plaited
neatly trimmed perfect In fit and work
manship and would be cheap at 130.00
Now Fall
New arrivals in Women s Tailor-made
Suits are daily coming in from (he east
ern markets. This department, as
usual, maintains its lead. Here are
three groups on sale Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
Women's Now
Tailor-made Suits
W n rl t in in t-- n ah O 7 5 t-
imuuc up 111 me new 1 U1L11 LUill .j;
style, also 45-mch long swell coat
suits, in pan cheviots and handsome
mixtures; have the new plaited
skirts; wen made and JZ?
pencil lining, special jj ' Jj -
vaiue at
Smart 5-inch New Fall Suits
Made of fine broadcloths, pan cheviots and Scotch tweeds in the s v aCh sO
new mannieh fitted styles elegantly tailored and lined will
compare with any $30.00 suits in the city special 7 '"
Women's High Grade Suits
We are offering some exceptional values in women's swell tailor
made suits at this price all made up in the very latest fashion
of the newest materials suits that would sell at $35 and $45;
go on sale Ak-Sar-Ben week
vy f 1
'MUM I u w-
Stylish Autumn Coats
We have them in the smart loose paddock
and the especially attractive empire styles new
original ideas ut upon correct lines full in skirt
and elegantly tailored In stylish tweed mixtures, ln
coverts and light weight kerseys, at very moderate
pricee $14.73, $16. 75, S1H.75, $22.50, $24.75 and
HP to $55.00.
Tho Now Waists
We are showing an extensive line of handsome
novelties in silk and lace waists pretty nun's-reil-ing
In all the new fall shades embroidered and
lace trimmed effects, with the latest styles of sleeves
at $2 .90, $3.90, $4.90. $7.90 and np to $27.50.
H - ' . "II II
Equlii Italia lection Ewept A way la
March of Indutrial Progmt
Heme tow Mr Vomm
rhe existence of dirty, crowded and
picturesque Little Italy la within two weeks
of an end, and Bulldlna Inspector Wlthnell
and hla assistants are being; kept awake
DlfhU by fear of the Black Hand. . .
Omaha's Italian quarter for forty years
baa been within the district bounded by
eighteenth and Twentieth streets. Pierce
and the Union Pacific tracks. Ten years
aso the colony held several hundred sons
and daughters of the south of Europe, but
during the last decade little by little the
frail shanties have fallen to pieces or been
torn down and the Inhabitants moved into
better quarters as they became more used
to American civilization and more' pros
perous. The result Is that now only sev
enteen of the ramshackle domiciles remain
to be torn down to clear the path for Im
provement and commercialism, aet In vig
orous motion In this part of the city by
the Great Western railway. Of th seven
teen shacks only three are pronounced in
good enough condition to be removed by
the building Inspector. The others must
be rased and put entirely out of business.
This order, which went forth two weeks
ago, caused much consternation among the
denlsens of IJttle Italy and they have
Stormed the building department.
The final demolition of Little Italy was
brought aboxrt by the determination of
Herman Kountza to oiear the land, which
u owuea ny ut tb Konntxe estate,
for trackage and Industrial property. The
denizens of the quarter have held tannr
of the ground by leases only, but Mr.
Kountse, one of the wealthiest men of
Omaha, did not feel equal to the task of
casting out the Italians and appealed to
the city for aid.
Having right and might on its side the
minions of the law descended and deeplte
the obstacles related have got the business
of -eviction and destruction well under way.
The natural decline of the quarter helped
out the task.
In the old days nearly every Italian In
the city of meagre circumstances lived In
Little Italy. The buildings were put up as
cheaply as possible and were collected along
typical narrow and dirty lanes.
Narrow Eseape
from poisoning, caused by constipation, had
Mrs. Young. Clay City, N. Y. Dr. King's
NeW Life Pills cured her. 25o. For sale by
Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
The Illinois Central has announced that
it will run a special train to and from
Omaha October 8. The train will leave
Omaha Immediately after the parade.
The McKlnley club will take dinner to
gether at the Calumet at 6 p. m. sharp
Monday. The regular meeting will be held
Immediutely following the dinner. All
members are requested to be presunt.
Guy Buckles. Twenty-fourth and' Frank
lin, was arrested last night, being charged
with assault on the person' of a man by
the name of Loveland. Loveland states
that he was struck with a pair of brass
knuckles. The assault occurred several
days ago at the Ostoff hall.
A detachment of sixty recruits for the
Third United States Infantry from Colum
bus. O. barracks Daased thmuch rimh.
last nijtht over the Burlington en route
to Fort I-awton. Ore. The detachment was
unaer eommnna or raptaln Holloway and
will later be assigned to companies of
that regiment now on duty In Alaska.
Omridanble Diffwencs of Opinion Over
Oompsnaation of Eleotioa Officers.
Men Who Served Kleklnsr tor Pall
ray, Six Dollars, Instead
of Jast Half that
Ache all over? Feverish?
Chilly? Just coming down
with a hard cold? Where do
you suppose it will settle?
In the throat? That means hoarseness, sore
throat, tonsillitis. In the chest? Then bron
chitis, pneumonia, consumption.
Do not let your cold settle. Break it up I Drive
it out! Ask your doctor the best medicine for
this. If he says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, take it
at once. If he has anything better, take that..
She I O. Ar Oe.. IotoU.
5 r'f War TVHT Foe Se safer, irSB'S PTtlA-for aM.tli itl .
Considerable difference of opinion seems
to exist regarding the compensation of
those who acted as Judges and clerks at
the primary election on September 19.
Claims have been filed by those who
acted as registrars for 3 each and also
for the same amount for serving as Judges
and clerks of the primary. Some of the
election officers appointed by the mayor
and council failed to qualify and of courso
no attention will be paid to such claims.
Section 17 of the primary act provides
that registrars are to be paid at the rate
of 3 each, but that no extra compensation
Is to be allowed for the registrars acting
aa judges of primary election. This matter
of compensation Is to be taken up with
the county officials this week and straight
ened out ln some way. It Is thought that
possibly the county can be Induced to pay
a portion of the amount due the regis
trars. Those who served on the primary
board expected to be paid U each for
counting the primary votes and also 3 for
holding the registration. Whether the
primary act will be strictly adhered to ln
the matter of compensation Is the question
that Is worrying the election officer..
On election day there will be no diffi
culty about the pay of the election board,
as the city v.1ll pay 13 each to the judges
and clerks for counting the vote on the
sewer bond proposition, while the county
will be expected to pay its portion of the
general election expenses. There Is a great
deal of dissatisfaction over the ract that
the primary act does not permit of com
pensation for keeping the tally on the
vote cast at the primaries. Those who
qualified and served are Intending to make
an effort to secure $6 for the day s work.
Pvl City Hall Boada.
City Clerk Glllln and City Attorney Lam
bert each received letters from W. J
ft Son, the purchasers of the $80,000 Twenty-
luurm street paving bonds, yesterday.
These letters merely acknowledged th. r.
celpt of additional data asked for along
with the statement that the data had been
submitted to the attorneys for the bankers.
No Intimation was given as to the nmiuhi.
decision of the attorneys as to the legality
of the issue. Hayes Bona notified the
elty officials that the twenty days' limit In
tho contract bad been stricken out by
them, as their attorneys could not possibly
pass on the legality of the Issue in that
time. The mayor and council then extended
tne time ten days, so that a decUlon is ex
pected not later than October 15. However.
Hayes eV Sons have not paid any attention
to this extension of time, merely resting on
their statement that the time limit In which
a decision should be given had been erased
from the contract they made with the city.
Last Monday City Attorney Lambert
wrote Hayes A Bona regarding the city hall
bonds and giving the decision of Judge
Bears. A reply was expected Saturday, but
In the letters received no mention wax made
of the city hall or park bonds. This is taken
as aa Indication that Ueys 80ns do not
care to have anything to do with either the
city hall or park bonds aa long as the liti
gation continues. Attorney Breea of Oman
has made the statement that he is prepar-
lng-to take an appeal from Judge Sears' de
clslon to the Supreme court. This will tie
the proposed issue of city hall and park
bonds up for some months yet.
No Word from McOowan.
Up to the time the city offices closed
Saturday no word had been received from
John Mcdowan the contractor who Is ex
pected to set the curbing on Missouri
avenue. The contract with McQowan for
this curbing and the bond was approved
on March 13, of this year. Under the con
tract McOowan was to commence work
within ten days after receiving notice from
the city authorities. Written notice waa
not served on McOowan until September
1 This is just ninety-six days
after the contract calls for the
completion of the work. Since Mc
Oowan entered Into the contract with
the city the wholesale price of cement has
advanced 27 cents a barrel. Labor Is scarce
and teams are hard to get even at $3.50 per
day. The delay In starting the work after
the curbing and paving contracts were let
waa that the case was tied up in the courts
and the money for the bonds, fSS.OOO, oould
not be secured, until the case had been de
cided. Now that the money la on deposit
the city is paying Interest on the bonds,
without securing any benefits. Possibly
the city council will take some action
Monday night. In case McOowan does not
begin work, the contract for curbing may
be let to someone else.
General Teachers' Meetlag.
Superintendent McLean of the public
schools has railed a general teachers' meet
ing for t a. m. next Saturday at the high
school building. "General Suggestions,"
Is the topic of an address to be delivered
by Dr. McLean. Miss Sadie OUls will read
a paper on "Co-opratlon of the Home and
School" and Mis Alice Davis will render
an Instrumental solo, "Rustle of Spring."
Miss Ruth M. Turner Is to speak on "A
Summer Outing" and Prof. Perry MacD.
Wheeler has chosen for his topic, "The
Teacher and the Summer School." The
meeting will close with a vocal solo by
Miss Ann Rowley. Every teacher in the
schools Is expected to attend this meet
ing, which Is the first general teachers'
meeting since the schools opened on Sep
tember 11.
Christian Asaoclatloa Xotea.
Reserved seats for the entertainment
course may be gotten at the Toung Men's
Christian association rooms on or after
Monday evening at 7. Course tickets must
be brought and exchanged for reserves.
Rev. B. F. Fell man will speak on the sub
ject "Saved by His Brother" and the As
sociation Male quartet will sing at the
meeting Sunday afternoon.
The gymnasium will open classes Monday
for the following: Business men. young
men, high school men, working boys and
Night school will open Monday, October
I. Some are registering already for the
Alton Packard, the cartoonist and hu.
morlst, will be the first number on the
entertainment course. The heaviest asso
ciation counes In the country give him
unktlnted praise . and ha waa recently
voted the most popular number in the
Old Salem Chautauqua. Some of our mem
bers have beard htra one and are de
lighted be la coming.
Made C ity Oossl.
Storage and hauling. Brewer. Tel. No. 10.
Harry McCandleas Is .greatly Improved
after a long Illness.
Beginning today, evening servloes at the
churches will start at 7:19 o'clock.
L. A. Coulter Is recovering from injuries
received by failing from a ladder.
I. N. Shevlln Is up from St. Joseph. Mo.,
spending a few days With his family.
Mrs. Newell 8 Olbson Is rapidly recover
ing her health after a serious illness.
James r-artr, local manage of the Ne-ai-aske
Telephaoe cmiwiiy, has returned
from lh weatera part of the state, wuer.
I he went hunting prairie chickens. Carter
never landed a feather.
Rev. F. M. Sisson will preach today at
the First Methodist Episcopal church.
St. Martin's Woman's auxiliary will meet
at the guild hall Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Hart, 824 North Twelfth
street. Is visiting relatives ln Arkansas.
Hugh A. Kennedy, Thirty-fourth and U
streets, reports the birth of a daughter.
During September thlrty-flve births and
thirty deaths were reported at the office of
the city clerk.
Dorothy, the young daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Adklns, is recovering from a re
cent severe Illness.
George Mosher was taken suddenly 111
Friday and was reported to be but slightly
Improved yesterday.
Ths Woman's Christian Temperance union
will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home ct
Mrs. Banner, 114 G street.
Mrs. I. N. Shevlln entertained a party of
friends Tuesday evening In honor of Miss
Carrie Dennis of Randolph, la.
A big converter capable of 500 horse
power has arrived for the Updike elevator
and will be placed In position this week.
Members of Juanlta council. Degree of
Pocahontas, are requested to meet at the
I hall Tuesday evening. Lunch will be aerved.
Mrs. ueorge carley ana miss Mary Mann
attended the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union convention at Grand Island last
The King's Daughters of the Presbyterian
church will meet with Mrs. John Klewltt,
Jr., 1613 North Twenty-sixth street, on Fri
day afternoon. -
The Ladles' Aid society of the First Pres
byterian church will meet Wednesday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. Ames, S2a North
Twenty-third street.
Rev. Dr. George W. Wadsworth, presi
dent of Bellevue college, will preach this
forenoon at the First Presbyterian church.
No evening services.
These officers have been elected by the
King's Daughters: Mrs. David Garrett,
leader; Mrs. F. Bliss, vice leader; Mrs. Wil
liam Barclay, secretary, and Mrs. William
Kerr, treasurer.
Lieutenant F.mnry D. Stanley, U. 8. N.,
passed through South Omaha last week en
route to the Philippine islands. Lieutenant
Stanley Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Stanley and at one time attended the high
school here.
During the month of September 111,177
head of cattle, 1.3.08 nogs and ZiB.43 Sheep
were received at the stork yards here. An
increase In cattle receipts aa compared witii
September, 1!4. Is shown but there was a
decrease ln bogs and sheep.
Ask every man you meet with a soft,
baggy front ln his coat, and not one coat
came from Flynn'a. We don't have them,
but we have to match prices with the fel
low that has and we do It. Our fall line
surpasses anything we ever had and that
means a lot. John Flynn & Co.
Coart May Take WUslssa
Jerry Lee was arrested by Detectives
Heltfeld and McDonald t 1 o'clock this
morning. He was charged with being dis
orderly. He Is said to have cut a man by
the name of Hubank with a knife In a quar
rel after having been put out of a club
room. Both men are colored. Ire says he
had been gambling and won 15 and then
quit the game. This angered Hubaxiks, he
said, and the latter followed him down
stairs and grabbed his money and his
watch, when Lee made a slash at him with
a knife. Hubanks disappeared, but it is
slated by others that he was seriously hurt.
Aillta-tH Hsslt MsyBs
After K years of success in curing DRUG
HABITS of si! kinds I have decided to pre
scribe (FHEE OF CHARGE) and send a
trial trestment of my wonderful remedy to
any drug user who writes to me. It Is the
only method that will forever eradicate
from any system every vestige of the effects
of the drug used.
Drug Used
Dally Quantity.
In writing state Ir. :u!I the general condi
tion of your health. Addrts. In strictest
confidence. Dr. W. P Waterman, 14 Lx
Ingiun Avenue. New York.
Two Suits in Equity Instituted Agiini
Western Nebraska Cattlemen.
Government Seems Only to Have
-Began Prosecation of Alleged
Violators of Kew Land
Fencing; Law.
Two suits In equity were filed In the
United States circuit court, Saturday morn
ing by mandatory Injunction for the re
moval of Illegal fences from publlo lands,
Involving 200,000 acres In Blaine, Thomas
and Hooper counties, and one suit in ths
United States district court, the latter a
statutory proceeding under ths act of
congress of 1885, which provides for proceed
ing against such parties criminally, for
illegally fencing 40,000 acres of public lands
ln Sheridan county.
Tha defentants in the first equity suit
are: Wlhlam E. Black, F. J. Black,
Thomas B. Hord, Individuals and as
partners by the firm ' name of Black
Bros. & Hord, John . Conway, Edward
Sands, George Sands, H. S. McMillan,
Joseph Demll and 8. M. Cooper. These
parties are charged with illegally fencing
100,000 acres of land of the Dismal River
forest reserve and lands adjacent to It.
This reservation was set apart June S,
1904. There are no homestead entries what
ever on this land. Tha cattlemen have
further. In order to complete their
enclosures prudently connected their
fences at both ends with government
fences that have been built there to pro
tect tha experimental forest tract of ths
government There Is a considerable num
ber of government employes stationed on
the reservation.
Defendants la leeeal Case,
The defendants ln the second of the
equity cases are: Oeorga G. Ware, Henry
Hoffgard. the U. B. T. Land and Cattle
company, Reuben W. Mahaffey, Robert H.
Schlmmln, Howard L. Dawson, William E.
Black, F. J. Black, T. B. Hord. the last
three named known as the firm of Black
Bros. A Hord
Tha principal defendanta In this ease are
the three first named. Mr. Ware la a
preacher living In South Dakota. The Black
Bros. A Hord are brought Into the ault be
cause of their fences adjoining and connect
ing with those of the first three defendants.
Ths bill alleges that these defendants have
Illegally fenced 100,000 acres of public lands
In Hooper county, Nebraska, all of which
Is open to homestead entry.
Ths case filed in the United States district
court, which Is a criminal proceeding, is
against these defendants: Albert R. Modi
sett and A. M. Modlsett, as Individuals, and
aa copartners, tha Modlsett Bros. They are
charged with Illegally fencing 40,000 acres
of public lands in Sheridan county, Ne
braska, all of which la subject to homestead
All of these cases sre scheduled for trial
at the November term of tha federal courts
In this city. Ths suits were Hied by United
States District Attorney Baxter and Special
Attorney 8. R. Rush.
Other suits will be Bled next weak agsjnst
other defendants.
foreseen delays considerable work may be
accomplished before winter sets In."
Three Jnvenlle Offenders Get Their
Sentences Doled Ont to Them
fcy Jadce Day.
Judge Day had three little offenders be
fore him Saturday morning for disposition,
the smallest of whom, Henry Hayes a little
colored boy compared to the big officer,
who had him In charge, looked about the
slse of a weil used cake of laundry soap.
The boy's parents were having lots of
trouble and 'Judge Day, for the benefit of
the boy, placed him in the Cetentlon homo
until a place could be found for blm.
August Nelson, a 16-year-old lad whose
parents are dead and whose guardian re
signed because ths boy was so Incorrigible,
he made life a burden, will be disposed of
Monday. The boy, so It Is said, was placed
In a horns at Columbus and ran away from
that. Repeated efforts to get him some
what civilised had been futile, therefore ho
waa turned over to the tender mercies of
the Juvenile court, Charlea Broth of about
the same age was discharged on a burglary.
complaint, the judge holding that the little
fellow was not responsible. Ths boy had
gone through a spell of brain fever and waa
not considered bright by the court.
Boa Want Ada Produce Results.
Pa bile Work Progressing?.
"Public work under contract Is new ma-
lag ahead in a more satisfactory manner
than at any time durinsr ths season." said
City Engineer Rose water. "There are
now at work three sidewalk firms, four
sewer contractors, four paving contractors,
two on curbing and guttering and two on
grading. With guod weather and no un-
A Remedy Which Has Revolatlonlsed
the Treatment of Stomach Trouble,
Tha remedy la not heralded aa a wonder
ful discovery, nor yet a secret patent medi
cine, neither is It claimed to cure anything
except dyspepsia, indigestion and stomach
troubles with which nine out of ten suffer.
The remedy Is in the form of pleasant
tasting tablets or loscnges, containing vege
table and fruit essences, pure aseptic pep
sin (government test), golden seal snd
diastase. Tha tablets are sold by droughts
under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. Many Interesting experiments to test
ths digestive power of Stuart's Tablets
show that one grain of the active principle
contained In them ia sufficient to thor
oughly digest 1,000 grains of raw meat, ran
and other wholesome food.
Stuart's Tablets do not act upon ths
bowels like after dinner pllla and cheap
cathartics, which simply irritate and in
flame tha Intestines without having any
effect whatever ln digesting food or curing
It the stomach can be rested and assisted
in the work of digestion it will very soon
recover its normal vigor, as no organ la so
much abused and overworked aa tha
This is the secret, If there is any secret,
of the remarkable success of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, a remedy practically un
known a few years ago and now the moit
widely known of any treatment for stom
ach weakness.
This succ has been secured entirely
upon its merits as a digestive pure and
simple, because there can be no stomach
trouble If the food la promptly digested.
Stuart's Dyspepsfa Tablets act entirely on
the food eaten, digesting It completely, so
that It can be assimilated Into blood, nervs
and tissue They cure dyspepsia, water
brash, sour stomach, gas and bloating after
meals, because they furnish the digestive
power which weak stomachs lack, and un
less that lack Is supplied it is useless to at
tempt to cure by the use of "t.fnlcs,"
"pi"" and cathartics which have abso
lutely no digestive posver.
Stuart's DyspepaoU Tablets can be found
at ail drug stores and tha regular use of
one or two of them after meals wd dem-
onstrau their merit better thaa aa