Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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' I Pratt W.ll T....t.
tacrn of as Millions la Deposits
Stato Bank Sine !. Report,
with Largest Total la History
f the State.
ffrom a Bt(T Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. 8". (Special.) The report
of Stats Treasurer Mnrtensen, issued today,
how that the total cash balance of the
Mat at the clone of business today In 12RS,
8844 for all funds, sa compared with a
tstal balance of,7oM7 at the close of
August and t533,7R3.04 at the clone of busi
ness the month previous. One of the big
Item of decrease has been In the caah of
the permanent school fund, which stands at
147,407.23 for the close of the current month,
as compared with tl7,89.S9 shown by the
last monthly report and $248,213.41 for the
end of July. This decrease bears witness
to the decrease In receipts since July, due
to the fact that real estate obligations were
liquidated with considerable promptitude. In
JleU of general fund receipts the cash of
the permanet fund has been Invested In the
general fund warrants Issued In payment
of current expenses during the past two
: Deputy Treasurer Babcock said with ref
erence to the revenue situation that com
paratively small receipts are anticipated
until the next taxes begin to come in at the
first of the year. At that time the county
treasurers are expected to begin making re
mittances of their balances.
The general fund ' has remained fairly
constant at a low ebb. At the end of July
there was 14,208.80. a month later It was
14,377.00, at the close of business today It
had risen to $18,361.81. The temporary school
fund is beginning to grow again. At the
end of July it contained a total of 1135,
802.87, which reached 1163,373.08 a month
later and Is now 1178,269.14.
The treasurer's balance sheet for the
month of September Is given below:
Balances Balances
Funds. Aug. 81. Sept. 31.
General t 4.877.09 $ 18.31 81
Permanent school 167,3fi9.S9 47.4)7.23
Temporary school 1S3.373.M 178, 209.34
Permanent university.. 22,594. 89
Temporary university. 7.947.64
Penitentiary 22,719 60 719 60
Hospital for Insane.... 98.04 98.99
State Library 1,938.64 997.94
University cash 17,81.11 15,437.20
Normal library 1,868 65 1,858 86
Normal Interest ,." 1,406.26
Inheritance tax 1,878.86
Agriculture, Mech. arts 24,861.67 19.718.98
U. S. Ex. station J. 128. 63 1,664.24
Totals $430,709.87 $286,834.14
Where Cash Is Deposited.
The following shows the amount of state
money In depository banks September 80,
City National, Lincoln $ 12.682.83
Columbia National. Lincoln 9.690.44
Farmeis and Merchants, Lincoln.. 16,046.71
First National, Lincoln 10,066.29
Nat'l Bank of Commerce, Lincoln 14,497.89
First National, Omaha 11.976.26
J. L. Brandela A Sons, Omaha 9,937.22
Merchants National, Omaha 10,241.05
Nebraska National, Omaha 10,117.16
Omaha National 9.H6.97
U. B. National. Omaha 8.9089
Alliance National 4,917.72
Battle Creek Valley 4.037.90
Hank of Bailie Mills 1.600.00
Broken Bow State 4,000.00
Custer National, Broken Bow 4.931.00
First National, Chadron 6,036.00
First National, Crete 6.044.66
State Bank, Curtis 2,940.84
Dannehrog State 1.670.21
First National, Fremont 7,647.66
Hank of OlenvUle 1,202.00
Commercial State, Grand Island... 4.037.67
i'nlon State, Harvard. , 6.767.61
Hint Notional. Hastings..... 4.7X9.48
German National. Hastings '
1 Iret National, Holdrege 4.668.62
BUte Bank of Jansen , - 2.606.00
Cecil i. il National, Kearney -., .5.000.00
1 fxlnKn 2,600.00
First National, Loomls $,000.00
Newport State 1,600.00
N orfolk National 4.821.81
Flrat National, Ord ' 8.516 .65
i,id State 6,692.69
Pierce State $.616.53
First State, St. Paul 6,068.00
First National. Superior 6.061.44
Hank of Syracuse 2,632.48
First National, Valentine 2,971.74
Valentine State 6,066.49
Saunders County National, Wahoo 4.886.72
First Nutlonal, Wayne 4.03978
West Point National., 7.000.00
Wolbach State ! l.MO.OO
City National. York 4,693.09
Flrat National, York 8.873.90
Total $283,532.45
' Oreat Increase la Bank Deposits. .
The report, showing the condition of the
state banks of Nebraska at the close" of
business August 26, Issued today by Secre
tary Royse of the State Banking board,
Indicates that the total deposits have In
creased $6,000,000 sine the date of the last
report, making the total $50,683,941.22, and
the total for the consolidated banks, state
and national, over $136,000,000, an Increase
of nearly one-third In little more than a
year. A significant feature of the report
is the fact that the total of loans and dis
counts remains about constant at $37,414,--268.58,
which Is pretty close to the total
shown by the report for May 29. This la
taken to Indicate a great surplus of loan
able, funds. Another significant feature is
the fact that the reserve Is 42 MO per cent,
nearly three times the legal requirement.
Condition of Basks.
Ths abstract of the report of the con
dition of the 635 Incorporated, private and
savings banks of the state- of Nebraska
l-jv f J
at the close of business August 26, 19ns, Is
as follows:
Ionns and discounts $37,414.?." 68
Overdrafts 2,737.28
Stocks, securities, judgments,
claims, etc 747,848.65
Due from national, state and
private banks 18.891.28$ 87
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 1.437.174 .34
Other ral estate joi.923 51
Current expenses and taxes paid 486,.r4.9l
Premium on bonds 2.078. 10
Cash ,7o8 7W i
Other assets 72,389.11
Total $2,666.634.U
Capital stock paid In $ 8.7nR.fMn .00
Surplus fund 1,730.534. 1
Undivided profits 1, 64.372.
I1vldends unpaid 6.fv4.60
General deposits 60,53.941 .22
Notes and hills redlscounted.... 28.723.69
Bills payable 41.617.84
Total $62,466,634.11
F.leeMoa Proclamation.
Today Governor Mickey Issued the proc
lamation announcing rfcat a general state
election will be held November 7 for the
purpose of electing one Judge of the su
preme court, two regents of the State uni
versity, one representative from the Twenty-first
district and a senator from the
First district. In the two latter offices
there are vacancies due to resignations.
Representative N. D. Jackson resigned to
go on the supreme court commission and
Senator B. A. Tucker is now a member
of the Arisona territorial court. The gov
ernor had been anxious to have all legis
lative resignations on file so that the va
cancies could be filed. He desired. In the
event of a special session, to have a full
representation from all sections of the
Claims Antique Reward.
Governor Mickey has received a postal
card from Glynn Cuck of Johnson county,
Kansas, asking for the payment of a re
ward alleged to have been earned through
the capture of a train robber at Omaha In
1885. Nothing in the executive records
shows that any such reward was ofTered
by the state. The communication Is ad
dressed "to Guvnor or . Nabraska at Lln
culn, Nabraska." The missive defies or
thography In the following message:
Honlst Sir you can pay us $5,000 Dolars
Phor catching ov Train Rober at Omaha,
year 1885. Jack Nux company. Pay to G.
A. Parsons at Spring HII, Box 86, Johnson
Co., Kansus. Glynn Cuck.
Appointment Made by McBrlen.
. State Superintendent McBrlen announced
this afternoon that he had appointed Super
intendent E. B. Sherman of the Columbus
schools a member of the State Board of
Examiners for state certificates to succeed
Superintendent Kern who has recently re
signed to assume the presidency of the
South Dakota manual training school. Sup
erintendent Sherman went from Schuyler
to Columbus and his election on the board
Is in a way, a recognition of the principle
of the geographical distribution of the mem
bership of ths committee.
Court Holds flaleldo Clanee In Appli
cation Void, Poller Governing.
KEARNET. Neb.. Sept. $0. (Special Tele
gram.) District Judge Hostetler today ren
dered judgment In favor - of Mrs. Mabel
Harr and. against the Highland Nobles for
$2,000 and Interest amounting to $70. A mo
tion on the part of the defendant for a new
trial was overruled.
George Harr, late husband of the plaintiff,
was a member of the Highland Nobles, In
which order ' he held a beneficiary certifi
cate for $2,000, payable to plaintiff. Several
months ago he took his own life and when
demand was made on the order for the
amount of the certificate It was refused.
Suit was Instituted and ths certificate of In
surance was Introduced In evidence. This
document recited that it was Inco, stable
after two years except upon the grounds of
nonpayment of dues or understatement of
age upon ths part of the Insured, It was
shown that deceased was In good standing
at the time of death and that his age had
been correctly . stated.. The application for
admission to the order was produced, how
ever, and this contained a provision to the
effect that should the applicant commit
suicide within three years of the time of
joining his certificate should be void. Harr
had been a member between two and three
years and on this ground payment was re
sisted. - Judge Hostetler held that the policy
governed and not the application, and judg
ment was entered accordingly.
Youthful Conplo Arrested at Blair and
Held (or Fathers.
BLAIR, Neb., Sept. 80. (Special.) On re
quest of Chief of Detectives Dunn .of
Omaha Sheriff Mencke of this county ar
rested J. Will Bradly, aged 19, and Cloe
Campbell, aged 15. at the court house this
morning Just as they were about to apply
for a license to be married. They arrived
at Blair last evening from Omaha and
registered at the Clifton hotel as man and
wife. Sheriff Mencke placed Bradley In jail
and detained the girl In a room In the
hotel until this afternoon, when the two
fathers arrived from Loveland, la., and
took the vouthful couole home. It Is said
the consent of the parties will be given
for their marriage.
rkliiti at Bellevae Colleges.
BBLLBVUE, Neb.. Sept. $0. (Special.)
Dr. C. K. Hoyt has been elected vice-president
of the Institution and Prof. James
Sterenburg dean. Dr. Hoyt will have
charge of the government of the college.
Modern Full
Dress Section
On Our Rtmodeled Second Floor
Massive glass, and oak cabinets and su
perb fixtures throughout, makes this the
best equipped and largest department in the
west. Our business In evening; clothes will
exceed that of any other half dozen clothing-houses
you can name. In consequence
of this steady demand upon us, we have
devoted - our second floor to the sale of
these garments.
The Ak-Sr-Ben-Bll The Horse Shew
And the fall and winter festivities already
upon us, render these garments more than
ever necessities.
Smart Frock Suits
English Cutaway and Prince Albert models,
ot finest fabrics obtainable
$25. S30. $35
Full Dress .models Dress worsteds, crape
worsteds and Imported ThlblU, compar
able to f.100 tallored-to-order garments,
of the Atterbury system and Washington
Co. manufacture
$30, $35, $40, $45
Tuxedo models, of same materials, Italian
lining, silk; facing
$28, $33. $35. $40
Every else. It to 46 to fit men ot all
Prof. Sterenburg looks after the educa
tional side. With the present organisation
the college hopes to do the very best work
possible. The registration grows dally and
very satisfactory. A very harmonious spirit
exists In the college and prospects for a
good year grow brighter every day.
Dr. Ouy W. Wadsworth, president of
Bellevue college, will deliver an address at
the First Presbyterian church In South
Omaha Sunday, October L
Fred Whlttentoro Declares Ho Re
ported O'Neill Bank's Paper Poor.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Sept $0. (Special.)
State Bank Examiner Fred Whlttemore,
charged by a number of depositors who
lost money In the Elkhorn Valley bank as
having been responsible for the wreck
and against whom a number of suits were
filed alleging carelessness In his examina
tion, has filed his reply with the clerk of
the district court at O'Neill. The suits
were also filed against the Fidelity and
Guaranty company of Maryland, with
whom he Is bonded.
The examiner's reply sets forth that at
the time of his last examination of the
bank. In December, 19(18, he required Ber
nard McGreevy. president now In Jail at
O'Neill to make his oath according to the
law and rules of the State Banking board
regarding the financial condition of the
bank. The president's oath showed that
the assets of the bank aggregated 8S8.
863.24. He alleges that he made a personal
and careful Investigation of the books of
the bank and the paper, reporting to the
State Banking board that a good deal of
this paper was not first rate.
"They pay high rates for deposits and
loan considerable at usurious rates," the
reply says Whlttemore reported, "and as
a consequence the bank has accumulated
a lot of notes that are not kept up to
The examiner further says that he re
ported nine notes, "amounting to $409.23,
which they had charged off at the request
of this defendant; that they had forty-two
past-due notes delinquent since November
1 and amounting to $1,657.90." and re
quested said banking board to write the
bank urging that the paper be kept up and
that people who did not keep their notes
paid up be not allowed to borrow, saying
"also make suggestions such as are proper
for holding real estate contrary to bank
ing act, and that overdrafts be curtailed."
It Is not known when these cases will
be called.
Retnrns Cash fnder Protest.
BLAIR, Neb., Sept. 80. (Special.) In re
turning to the county fund the sum of
$137.81 allowed him as commission on taxes
collected from the railroad companies, as
already reported, George H. Faber, ex
county treasurer, did so under protest,
claiming, first, that he had made final
settlement with the county and, second,
that he fully believed he was entitled to
the commission. He holds the present
county treasurer's receipt for the same,
which states on the receipt, "If, on proper
Investigation his claims are found to be
correct, the amount will be refunded."
News of Nebraska.
WAYNE The fine weather of the past ten
flays has placed the corn crop beyond any
danger of frost.
BEATRICE At Scordls, an old resident
of this city, was seriously Injured by falling
from a load of hay.
BEATRICE" Local ice dealers say the
supply of Ice Is short and they will be
compelled to ship ice to this c.'ty in. a
few days If the warm weather continues.
CALLOWAY Early Friday morning the
house on the old Wymore farm, two miles
north of town, occupied by the family of
Adam Weaver, caught fire and burned to
the ground.
' A LB ION I Bugartner, who was some
time ago arrested for keeping Intoxicating
liquor with the Intent of Illegally selling
the same, was yesterday bound over to the
dstrlct court. ,
'TALIXJWAY The 3-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. fcach Carter, residing a few
miles southeast of this city, was scalded
quite badly by tipping a pot of boiling
coffee over herself.
ALBION After a week of Florida
weather, there was a change Saturday
morning, the day being wet and much
cooler. Corn Is fully matured and frost
could do but little damage.
SUPERIOR Nuckolls county fair has
been in progress during the week with a
very large crowd in attendance. Exhibits
and speeding have not, it la reported, been
up to those of former years.
BEATRICE J. W. Faxon, a farmes liv
ing In Island Grove township, has pur
chased the residence property of County
Clerk James Plasters, who will soon lo
cate In Colorado with his family.
BEATRICE Graders yesterday com
menced leveling up the ground where the
proposed new Burlington depot Is to be
built It Is said that work on the founda
tion of the station will be started within
the next week or ten days.
SUPERIOR A jail dollvery occurred yes
terday at Nelson. Only one escaped, how
ever. Why others who might have gone
did not go Is not accounted for. The one
who got away is a young fellow who was
Douna over ror lewdness In some form,
WEST POINT Peter Lawson, a promin
ent pioneer settler of Cuming township,
died at Ponca on Thursday. His remains
were brought home and Interred In the
cemetery at Lyons. He leaves a son, Rev.
E. J. Lawson, a minister of the Methodist
BEATRICE The Beatrice High school
foot ball team has organized for the season
by the election of Fred H. Miller caDtain.
The team Is one of the strongest that ever
represented the high school of Beatrice
and is ready to meet all comers on the
WAYNE Thursday afternoon the big
sale of forty head of thoroughbred short
horn cattle, the property of H. H. Hart of
Ponca, was held here, the auctioneers being
Cunningham and Balrd. The prices ob
tained .were excellent, one . 6-months old
can onnging wu.
WEST POINT Ths Republican county
central committee nas niieu me vacancy
for county Judge by nominating ex-Judge
H. V. Readlnger for that office. Judge
Readlnger filled the office of probate Judge
of this county for one term ten years ago
and gave excellent satisfaction.
WEST POINT Rev. Joseph Rose, a new
ly ordained priest, celebrated his first mass
at the Parish church ot Olean near the
Cuming county Una, on Thursday last.
Father Rose was ordained last week by
Right Rev. Richard Scannell, bishop of
Omaha. He Is a native of the Olean
BEATRICE The Ladles' Missionary so
ciety of the Congregational church held
Its annual meeting at the home of Mrs.
Herman Breaker yesterday and elected
these officers: Mrs. Edwin Booth, presi
dent; Mrs. S. A. Seymour, vice president;
Mrs. J. E. Jones, secretary; Mrs. D. W.
Cook, treasurer.
SUPERIOR Ths yield of corn throughout
this county is enormous and many farmers
are preparing to feed cattle from the pro
ceeds. The Superior Cattle company has
already on feeo 4J0 head of very fine
heavy cattle and Intend to follow the busi
ness up with other heavy lntallmenls dur
ing the season.
WEST POINT-Mr. and Mrs. David E.
High, pioneer settlers of Cuming county,
clebrated tbelr golden wedding last week.
They were married in Pennsylvania in 18S6
and shortly afterwards settled In Cuming
county. Four generations were repre
sented at the fesilvlties. Numerous valu
able gifts were presented.
BEATRICE Mrs. J. L. Rlecker cele
brated her 46th birthday anniversary last
night at her home in ths presence of
about tifty neighbors and friends. Re
freshments were served and a delightful
evenlug was passed by those present.
Mrs. Hiecker received many nice presents
as slight tokens of esteem.
M COOK-Rev. A. H. Carson of the First
Baptist church ot this city has tendered
his resignation to his members and the
same has txt-n accepted. Rev. Carson will
leave (or Philadelphia 'Shortly after Oc
tober 10, the close of. his pastorate, to
enter the Baptist Theological seminary In
that city. . His successor has not yet been
WEST POINT-rSteps have been taken bv
the outlying townships and boards to ma
terially improve ine condition or the main
highways of travel leading to Weal Point.
Large sums of money have been approp
riated for this purpose and Its application
will result in material benefit to the roads,
which have ben in bad shape for many
years past
WAYNE District court-for ths count v
of Wayne has been in session here sines
Monday, Judge Boyd presiding. Many cases
were a is posed or ana ins ducket generally
cleared up. In the case of Jane Dixon
against Ut City of Wayne, wfeersin plaintiff
sued for $1,000 damages sustained In falling
on nerective silewalK, the Jury brought In
a veraici oi aamages.
WEST POINT News was received In this
City of the death of Peter Ehrhardt the
lamer ot Mrs. Martin E. Kerl and Mrs.
William H. Spillner of this place which
Mo. The deceased was over 80 years of
and retained his mental vigor to the
last He was the father of fifteen children.
nine or wnom survive mm.
M'COOK McCook S public schools closed
the second week of the fall term today with
an enrollment of 8u6 puolls. an enrollment
perhaps not excelled by any city of Its
sue in nenrassa ir, maeeo. it is excelled
ty any. According to the late school
census Mctook s population exceeded l.OnO.
and using the usual ratio, this would givs
nctooK a population oi s.uuu.
BLOOMINGTON The eommlttes In
cnarge ot the program for the two davs
picnic by the Odd Fellows, to be held
in tins city on (H-toner i and 4, have secured
A. C. Shallenberger of Alma and H I)
Sutherland of Nelson as speakers. The
Alma band, one of the very best in ths
west will furnish musio one day and the
Franklin band will be on hand the other
FREMONT The prohibitionists held their
county convention witn J. w. Btevenson ot
North Bend chairman and Mrs. Frances
Beveridge of Fremont secretary. The fol
lowing ticket was nominated: County judge,
Simpson Swlhart, Fremont; treasurer. John
Morrison of Bwahurs: sheriff. Frank Wai
lace. Scribner: clerk. W. J. Orea-s. North
Bend; superintendent David Brown, of
nooper; surveyor, A. jr. Melt tremont
ST. EDWARD Ths Board of Education
nas awarded tne contract (or an addition
to the sohool building to Julius Jensen of
this place on his orooosal of $8,379. and
Dussel tt Son of Columbus the contract for
the neatlng plant on their proposal of 82.086.
The Lincoln Safe Deposit and Trust com
pany of Lincoln Is the purchaser of the
siu.uiw oonas recently votea, at a premium
oi j-o ana accrued interest.
NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Ora Townsley
attempted to commit suicide last nisht bv
j taking an ounce of laudanum. Townsley
is a iiaca ariver ana auring ine evening ne
I met his wife on the street and took her
I ncme in nis nack and it was while on her
way home that she took the poison. She
" uiivviwiuu, wiifiu ii ie mica reacnea
her home. Doctors were called and applied
the usual remedies. She will recover.
BEATRICE It is reported here from a
pretty renaDie source mat ins Union i a-
cinc company will soon put motor car No.
2 Into service between this nnlnt and
Lincoln. It is said that ths officials of
me company Deueve that the car can
make the trip between Lincoln and Be
atrice, making three or four stops, in an
hour. Such a service, it Is thought, would
pay and thus develop business in this
NEBRASKA CITY Yesterday afternoon
ine s-year-oid aaugnter oi Dr. and Mrs.
J. B. Ballard was seriously burned by her
cioines catcning on nre irom Durning grass.
Her screams attracted her mother, who
was near, and she tore off the child's
clothes, but not before ths little one was
seriously burned about the hips and lower
limbs. The burns are of a serious nature,
but there Is little danger that they will
prove fatal.
KEARNEY Rev. C. A, Mastln has ar
ranged to remove to Nebraska City where
be will resume the pastorate of the Metho
dist Episcopal church. He will go to Ne
braska City next week, but will probably
return and preach his farewell sermon to
his old congregation next Sunnday. Mr.
Mastln asked to be transferred to Nebraska
City on account of falling health resulting
from Injuries received in a runaway acci
dent in this city last spring.
BEATRICE Live council. No. 1069,
Knights and Ladles of Security, met last
night and installed these officers: S. 8.
Young, president: Miss Lea Folden, vice
president; Otto Folden, second vice presi
dent: B. F. Norcross, prelate; Miss Anna
Yockel, corresponding secretary; P. A.
Kahnen, financial secretary; Kate Kahnen,
conductor: John Kahnen. Inside suard:
Thomas Mulcahy, sentinel; William Halm
stadter, treasurer; W. E. WUllams, Kate
u Donneu. eamuei uemmoni, trustees. Fol
lowing the business meeting a banquet
was held.
BELLEVUE The people of Bellevue were
given a treat last evening In the way of
a lecture by Mrs. W. E. Carr of Danville,
Va. Her subject was "The Freed man of
the South." In the address Mrs. Carr dwelt
upon ths condition ot the negro at the
close of ths rebellion, his Ideas of liberty,
progress In civilization, present condition
and needs. The lecture was very instruc
tive and gave quite clearly the condition
of the negro and what Is being done for
him. She pleaded that the negro should
not be Judged too harshly and insisted
that he was honest and capable of becom
ing a good Christian and citizen.
OSCEOLA The Woodmen of ths World
lodge here Is making great preparations
for the unveiling of the monuments lately
erected to their deceased sovereigns. Dr.
Ruf us Elmer. Albert C. Newcomb and Dud
ley Stone. The services will be held Sun
day afternoon, October 8. The music will
be by the Osceola quartet and Rev. G. H.
Schleh. Ph. D., D. D., of Omaha has been
secured to deliver the eulogy. It Is ex
pected there will be a large number of
Woodmen present from different parts of
the slate, besides friends of the order, to
listen to the beautiful ritualistic services
of the order, for the services will be public
WAYNE The Rebekah lodges of the
twentieth district held their annual meet
ing here yesterday, several delegations be
ing present from neighborhood towns. A
public installation of officers was held at
night, after which a splendid program was
flvon for the benefit of the visitors. The
ollowlng officers were elected: President,
Mrs. F. Debow, Coleridge; vice president
Mrs. Charles Shulthles, Wayne; warden,
Mrs. Whitney, Hartington; treasurer, Mrs.
Whlpperman, Wakefield; secretary, Mrs.
Alters, Wakefield; chaplain, Mrs. Vincent
Wayne; outside guard, Mrs. George Stringer
The next annual meeting will be held at
GORDON Farmers are beginning to har
vest their crop of spuds. There will be
shipped from Gordon at least 300 car loads.
The quality is good and Sheridan county
will keep up the reputation she has won of
being the banner potato county of the
state. A few cars are being shipped, but
farmers as a rule will hold for higher prices.
The price being paid now is 25o per bushel.
Sheridan county also has an enormous crop
of small grain and corn la the best for many
years. Land seekers are numerous and
considerable land is changing hands at
from $10 to $15 per acre. In hundreds of
cases the crops this year will mors than pay
for the land.
BEATRICE Ths annual reception to the
newly elected teachers of the Beatrice
schools was held last evening at the beau
tiful home of Mrs. E. G. Drake, president
of the Board of Education. A delightful
evening was passed in amusements of va
rious kinds, interspersed with vocal and
Instrumental selections by Misses Myrtle
Beck, Blanche Calvin and Jessie TroxeL
After a delicious three-course luncheon was
served the following toasts were responded
to with Prof. W. L. Hail as toastmaster:
"Equinoctials," Miss Anna Day; "If You
were I." Miss Minnie Davis; "The New
Teachers, Mr. George A. Lee; "I Don't
Know," Miss Josephine Reynolds; "Roll
the Clouds Away," Mr. B. H. Begole; "The
Missing Link," Superintendent C. A. Fol
mer. The affair was one of ths most pleas
ant social events of the season.
Free Maslo
Day and evening, at Schmoller Mueller's
big piano house, 1407 Harney street where
you may see the wonderful pianola that
plays any piano, or ths combination pianola
piano, playable by hand or as a pianola.
Corns In and hear ths latest musio.
Fair Today and Tomorrow la Ne
braskaWarmer Tomorrow and
la Westera Portloa Today.
WASHINGTON. Sept $0. Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska Fair Sunday and Monday;
warmer In western portion Sunday, warmer
For Iowa Fair In western, showers in
eastern portion; Sunday, cooler; Monday,
fair, warmer.
For Missouri Fair and cooler Sunday, ex
cept showers In northeast portion; Monday,
Fob South Dakota Fair and somewhat
warmer Sunday and Monday.
For Colorado Fair Sunday; cooler In
southeast portion; warmer In west and
north portions; Monday, fair and warmer.
Local Heeord.
OMAHA, Sept. 0. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
?": 1906. 1904. 1908. 1902.
Maximum temperature.... 74 TO 74 M
Minimum temperature.... M 52 60 44
Mean temperature 6 1 7 lb
Precipitation 40 .24 .08 .01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March l.
and comparison with ths last two years:
Normal temperature fj
Excess for the day 7
Total excess since March L 19U6 412
normal precipitation OS Inch
Excess for the day 81 inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .SO U inches
uenciency sine Marcn 1. if .... t 11 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 19u4.... I 98 Inches
Excess for cor. periud 14 4.3 inches
rchard & Wilhelm '
Carpet Company.
NOW IN OUR NEW STORE, qiq.qifc.qiS S. 16TII ST.
Hotel Carpets
Monday morning we will show fifty patterns of Smith's and Stinson velvet ear
pets in part and full roll pieces taken from our wholesale department. They are ex
actly suited to hotel use and the prices will be remnant prices, although there are
several pieces of nearly full rolls. These $1.25 velvets will be marked 90c T C
for the best and largese pieces and the short lengths Jw
An Ak-Sar-Ben Special We place on sale Monday a handsome, choice, hand polished
finish arm rocker with saddle wood seat, shape arms and back. The arms are
braced underneath with turned spindles. This rocker we bought to sell at $5.00 each.
It is in every way worth the $5.00 price. We have a quantity of them on hand and
while they last, commencing Monday morning, the price will be,
each JLmD U
Lace Curtains
Ruffled Swiss curtains, hemstitched edge on ruffle, ujst the curtains for bed- J C
rooms, a full line of patterns. They sell at $1.25, special, per pair. JC
Scotch net curtains for dining room, library and hall, all new designs, a com- PA
plete line, at, per pair JU
Brussels curtains, our own importation, dainty designs for parlors and Z Cl
ladies' bedrooms, at, per pair . . . 3
A new Importation just received all the foreign designs and colors, In yard goods as low as 35c. Think
of madras at 35c never sold less than 75 cents per yard "I PJ
colored grounds JsJC
Madras Curtains, 8 yards long, 40 Inches wide, colored always sold at $5 our own lmpor- T J P
tatlon, and we are able to show newer patterns, and more of them, at, per pair J O
36-in. Curtain Swiss, dots and stripes, per yd. .9Hc j Window Shades, x6, odd, see them, at ISc
42-ln. Curtain Swiss, new patterns, per yd.... 18c A good Extension Rod, highly polished, each.. 10c
Illinois VsUrinary Burgsoi Allsgei
Brother Was Hounded to Death.
Resident of Sandwich Brlasjs Serlons
Canrsres Aaralnst Prominent Cltl
seas of Cambrldsre, bat Does
Hot Kajno Them.
CHICAGO, Bept. 10. Details of a series
of sensations which are alleged to have
smoldered for months in Cambridge, 111.,
and which may explain ths mysterious
death of John V. Streed, a prominent at
torney and politician who was found life
less at his office door in Cambridge a week
ago with a bullet through his head, wars
revealed here today.
Dr. Byrdt C. Powell, a veterinary sur
geon living In Sandwloh, 111., came to Chi
cago and told a story back of the recent
suicide of his brother, William D. Powell
of Cambridge. The story discloses a chain
of facts connecting ths Powell and Streed
cases with ths virtual murder of a Swedish
domestlo In the home of a wealthy and
prominent man In Cambridge, more than
Ave years ago. She was buried secretly,
without death certificate or Inquest. In
ths opinion of Dr. Powell Attorney Streed
was murdered because Streed knew the
truth behind the woman's death. Streed
got the facts from William D. Powell, who
committed suicide August 28 last, after
William Powell's home had been broken
up and the guilty persons shielded. It Is
alleged, by Influential political friends. Dr.
Powell declares his brother was driven to
his death by a clique In Cambridge.
It Is said Powell went to Cambridge to
live about the time of ths death of the do
mestlo, ths facts of which he learned ac
cidentally. His own domestic life was un
happy. He suspected several men of promi
nence of being too friendly with his wife,
snd enoountered as a result persecution.
which. It Is said, drovs him to suicide.
First stories detrimental to Powell's busi
ness was circulated. Then ths crowd made
It their business to offend him In ths street.
Threatened with Arrest.
Hs wanted to arm himself, but was told
the sheriff would arrest him for carrying
concealed weapons. Men cams to him at
unexpected hours day snd night, to his
home and to his office, and told him be
had better leave town. Ha refused to be
Finally cams a climax. Powell awoke
one morning to find "tar and feathers"
written on his door with a nots ordering
him to leave town within four days or
suffer violence at ths hands of a mob.
Then Powell summoned his brother. They
talked all night long, William detailing
the story of his sufferings, of his love for
his wife, ths persecutions and ths threat
of death.
'What shall I dor hs asked In despair.
Qo after them," replied his adviser.
"You know something of ths death of this
Swedish girl. The men persecuting you
axe Involved In that case. Oo after them."
Two detectives arrived In Cambridge as
a result, to work up evidence In reference
to ths death of the domestic. W. D. Powell
took ths evidence to Attorney Streed and
asked him to prosecute ths men. Streed
refused to do it because it Involved some
of his best friends. William D. Powell's
sutclds followed. ' Dr. Powell believes that
Streed and soms of ths suspected men
quarreled and In ths heat of dispute Streed
betrayed knowledge of ths domestlo's
"My brother," said Dr. Powell today,
"was hounded to death by a clique of men
who control everything In ths association
ot law In Cambridge. His knowledge of the
girl's death, passing to Streed, shifted to
the attorney the fatal mark of that 'gangs' '
enmity. If Streed was murdered It is a
simple matter for ths Cambridge authori
ties to figure out who are ths persons In
terested In bringing about his death. But
they have purposely suppressed ths truth,
which. If revealed, may lead to ths dis
covery of Streed's murderer and bring to
tight another murder."
rard of Thanks.
We, ths undersigned, hereby desire to
express our heartfelt thanks to all friends
who so loyally sxtended their help and
sympathy during the sickness and death
of our dear one.
I .
Political Factions Qoieioent Pending Li
nounoement from Meetiag at Vienna.
Count Csaky Received la Aadlenee
by Klnsr and Tells Him Real
Feel In ST of Magyar
BUDAPEST, Sept. 80. The political fac
tions sre anxiously awaiting ths result of
the audience which Count Cxaky, president
of the upper house of the Hungarian Diet,
will have of the king-emperor today and
his majesty's decision in regard to his fu
ture attituds toward the Hungarian de
mands. The efforts of ths coalition leaders to pre
vent rioting have been successful and there
have been no disorders since Wednesday.
Csaky Meets King.
VIENNA, Sept. 80. Count Csaky, presi
dent of the upper house of the Hungarian
Diet, was received In audience by the king
emperor, Francis Joseph, at the Hofburg
this morning and a lengthy exchange of
views followed, during which the situation
In Hungary was fully threshed out. Count
Cxaky was able to place the emperor in
possession of the real feeling of the Mag
yar nation and Indicate the line of action
most likely to lead to a compromise, which
It Is believed both sides ars now heartily
deslrious of reaching.
Owing to Absence of Csar Peace
Treaty Will Be Signed
Hest Week.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 80.-M. Wltte
has been 'created a count.
Owing to the absence of Emperer Nich
olas It Is announced that the peace treaty
will not be signed until the end of next
BERLIN, Sept. SO.-Emperor William, ac
cording to a dispatch from St. Petersburg,
In addition to conferring on M. Wltte Ger
many's highest order, ths Black Eagle,
presented him with his portrait framed
In gold and Inscribed with ths emperor's
own hand.
Snow on Sakhalin.
TOKIO, Sept. 80. C p. m. Snow la falling
on Sakhalin island and owing to ths Im
passable condition of the roads ths Japa
nese troops still remaining at Alexandrov
sky cannot be withdrawn overland ptn
Japanese territory. Strong gales are con
stantly prevailing, making it next to .an
impossibility to remove them on transports
before navigation completely closes, which
will be within a few weeks, and prepara
tions will be made to winter The men there.
Rasslaa Party Is Formed.
MOSCOW. Sept. 80. During ths recent
sessions of the congress of semstvos and
municipalities here a new political party
entitled the constitutionalist nationalist
party, was formed. Many prominent per
sons are members of ths new organisation.
New Steamship Servlea.
LONDON, Bept. 30. A new though round
about steamship service between Southamp
ton and New Tork wss Inaugurated today
by the sailing from Southampton of ths
Royal Mall Steam Packet company's
steamer Tagus, which, after calling at West
Indian ports, will proceed to New. York.
Ths service will be fortnightly.
Carson to Greet Prlaee.
BIMIA. India, Sept 80. The departure of
Viceroy Lord Curson and Lady Curxon
from India has been postponed, as King
Edward desires Lord Curson to remain and
officially welcome the prince and prlnceis
of Wales. The viceroy and his wife, there
fore, will reach Bombay In time to preside
at the ceremonies connected with the ar
rival of the royal party and will sail thence
for England November t.
(Werdne Steamer Arrives.
MANILA, Sept. 80.-4 p. m. The .British
steamer ChangshaJias arrived hers. Ths
Changsha, a steamer of 2,300 tons, belong
ing to the China Na . ' 'atlon company, was
overdue thirty-six ho-.s from Hong Kong
at noon today and It was feared that It
had encountered the recent typhoon and
had met with disaster. A number of Amer
ican passengers were on board.
Commerce oa West Coast.
SANTIAGO, Chile, Sept. 80. The commer
cial movement on the west coast of South,
America Is taking a great Impetus. Ths
German and British steamship companies
are Increasing the number of their steaObs
ers considerably. Ten new large ocean
steamers are expected to reach this coast
next year.
Why Suffer When by Merely Sending
Your Name and Address You Can
Have a Free Package of a Rem- .
edy that Will Cure You.
We receive hundreds of letters like ths
following: "I have been feeling so good I
could hardly believe it. after suffering with
piles for a year, to find that I am ones
more feeling like myself. I wish you could
have seen me before I started using Pyra
mid Pile Curs and look at me now, and
you would say I am not the same man. I
have gained 20 pounds, and all on account
of Pyramid Pile Cure." Walter Bharkley,
6 Park St., Springfield, Mass.
"I bought a fifty-cent box of Pyramid
Pile Cure and used ss directed with the
most unexpected results a complete cure.
I have been trouble: with piles for thirty
years snd wss In much distress and passed
much blood, but at present am free from
sny kind ot piles." F. McKay, Weaver
vllle, Cal.
"Pyramid Pile Cure has been worth tb ju
sands of dollars to me; it cured me .fter
Ing medicines from doctors. It also cured
using numbers of other remedies sr.d tak
my son, although he could hardly walk, eat
or sleep; he Is now sll right." B. String
fellow, Postmaster, Elko, 8. C.
By the use of Pyramid Pile Cure you will
avoid sn unnecessary, trying and expensive
examination by a physician and will rid
yourself of your trouble in the privacy of
your own home at trifling expense.
After using ths free trial package which
we gladly mall you, in a perfectly plain
wrapper, you can secure regular full slss
packages from druggists at 60 cents each,
or will mall direct In plain package upon
receipt of pries. Pyramid Drug Co.. 4M1
Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mloh.