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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1D05. NEW CORPORATION FORMED Havel riaa for Selling Rral Estate started la The Omih Real Estate Auction com pany is the latest addition In the line of real estate firms n this clt jr. It u or ganised and Incorporated laat Wedneeday, and wilt be ready to commence business October 1. with offices at 233 Neville block. The Incorporator are: J. W. Petera, late of N. P. Dodge St Co., and formerly paying teller of the City Savings bank of this city; Jtmn P. Spearman, the leading merchant of Papllllon, Neb., and an ex perienced auctioneer In all Unea of prop erty, and C. F. Calhoun, cashier of the Spearman bank at Spring-field, Neb., also an experienced auctioneer and all 'round real estate man. Omaha has been somewhat deficient, as compared with other cities of her class, as regards real estate auction sales, and this Arm is taking advantage of the opportunity to place Omaha on a level with her sister cities. However, they will not confine their operations to Omaha or even to real 1 estate auctions, but will be In a position to conduct auction sales of real estate or personal property anywhere within the United States. The company takes into consideration the fact that the business Is new and untried In this field, and that it will require considerable capital and energy to make It a success, but as they are well supplied with both, they have no fear of the final result, and It is among the possibilities, and not at all improbable, that the future might bring to Omaha a first-class auction house, where you could buy anything from a dozen clothespins to a brick block at your own figure. OJiPJ FARE Kansas City, Ho., sal Retara . Via the Missouri Pacific railway, tickets on sale October 1 to 7. Full information from any agent of the company or Thomas F. Oodfrey, passenger and ticket agent, 8. K. corner Fifteenth and Farnam streets, Omaha. Neb. t, Paal aal kmra tUM. DULUTH. ASHLAND AND BATFTELD nd return m m. DEAD WOOD AND LEAD and return $18.71. VERT LOW RATES NOW . TO ALL POINTS EAST via The Northwestern Line. City Offices 1 401-140 Farnam Street. NOTHING DUE ON THE NOTE lack Is Coarts Dedalcm la Case of Williams Atxatast Neely t sL y Judge Munger of the v federal court banded down a memoranda opinion Satur day morning in the case of Joseph A. Williams and Anna Williams against Rich ard M. Neely, Sarah Foss and Hannah Blake, In which he finds there is nothing due on a certain note of $3,600 and that the action ot law pertaining thereto is perpetually enjoined. Counsel for the complainant is directed to prepare the proper decree and submit the same to counsel for defendants before presenting the same to this court for signature. The case is an heirship case growing out of the division of certain property in Richardson county, Nebraska, and the division of the bequests of one Richard S. Maloney, sr who died in 1891. Cheap Rates To Clear Laka and Retara. VIA CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAIL WAT. Tickets on sale every Saturday. Final return limit the following Monday. Good fishing, boating, bathing. Reasonable hotel rates. For further Information apply to 0. D. PARKHURST. General Agent. 1511 Farnam St., Omaha Neb. BILLS AGAINST THE COUNTY Chicken Raiser Asks for Damages and So Does a Florence Miller. James H. Farrls has demanded from the county in a petition filed in the district court the sum of $198. Mr. Farrls claims he raises thoroughbred Wyandotte chickens near Florence and that these chickens grased over a lot he owned In the neigh borhood of that village; that the county in repairing a road had turned the water onto his chicken lot, and thus it had been cov ered with a settlement which made it unfit for the purpose for which It was set a part. He wants $50 for this and $148. or $1 each for bis chickens. Jacob Weber, who also lives near Flor ence, wants 1200 from the county because in repairing the road near his mill the county had succeeded In fixing things so that every time It rained his mill was flooded. Balldlngr Permits. A Goraloal A Gordoal Clansmen are again notified to appear at moot room, Continental building, Wednesday, 3 o'clock, In full regalia, to participate in the Ak-Sar-Ben a daylight parade. Every clansman Is expected to show up or send his regalia for another to use. By order of clan. WILLIAM KENNEDT. Chief. JAMES LINDSAY, Secretary. MERCHANT PROTESTS ON TAX tars Clerk aad Depaty Assessor Fix Pals Valaatloa Wltaoat Bis Knowledge. George N. Aulaeaugh, a merchant, la In the alstrict court wtth a suit against City Tre''irer Hennlngs for a reduction of the valuation of his stock of foods, due to a too liberal construction of his wealth on the part of his clerk, De Long-. In his petlUon. Mr. Aulabaugh claims that during his absence from the store, one J. Q. Authur claiming to be a deputy city as sessor, called at the store and he together with De Long, the clerk, filled out the assessment blank, placing the value of bis stock at $16,666 to which they affixed his signature. The stock, he says, in not worth more than $4.7I and as the city treasurer Is about to swoop dewn upen him for the collection of taxes based on the larger as sessment he desires aa Injunction. Special Trala Will leave Webster St depot at 11 p. m. Thursday, Oct t, after the electrical parade, for Blair, Tekaman. Emerson and inter mediate points. Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats, ladlrs' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.. cash or credit People'e Store. 14th and Farnam. Harry B Davie, unaertaaer. Tel. L2e, Hare Root print tt .Chicago Laundry; One work. TeL M. MAUL TTndertaklng Co., est IBM. TeL 8. The "KllUes" are coming. The KUtlea" are coming. a. D. Keck, voice teacher. Da ridge Blttg. Bee Want Ada at iba Bat Business Boost era THE 0 BJtJETT COMPANY Grand Ak-Sar-Ben Sale of Pianos 4 Every piano a bargain. This is the season when piano factories issue their catalogues and introduce their new styles. This year we are caught with quite a number of pianos of styles that are to be discontinued for no other rea son than to make a change simply a matter of taste or choice. These must go. Prices put on them will quickly carry them into your homes. These are not second hand, used or shop-worn instruments, but bright, new, elegant pianos, an ornament to any home. We will let go this week. A few slightly used instruments and several good second hand pianos taken in trade at prices cut to the lowest notch. Every Piano that goes out of our store carries the Bennett guanantee money back if not as represented. 3d Floor. TXT 1513 DODGE 3T. TliE99CEIiraOREr All Hail to King Ak-Sar-Ben Out of Town Visitors Welcome To the visitors In our city, say, come in. This great stock is cidentally you'll find some great Toys. All the new things for the little tots at 6c and upward. Dolls. yew goods, dressed and undressed -6c to $4.95. China. All new Importations Cups. Sau cers, Plates, Salads, etc. 10c to $1.98. Make this your headquarters plenty of room (or all. Will sell excursion tickets October 3 and 17, November 7 and 21, De cember 5 and 19, to points in KANSAS. EASTERN COLOHAOO, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TEKKITOKY, ARKANSAS. MISSOURI, TEXAS. NEW MEXICO AT 75 PER CENT OP ONE WAY RATE FOR ROUND TRIP WITH MINIMUM OF $10.00. Return limit 21 days from date of sale: liberal stoD-over nrlvileges. An excellent opportunity for par ties seeking new locations to per sonally investigate' conditions in above territory at small expense. For descriptive literature other Information address and F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. NOTICE TO VISITORS. The V. M. C A. Boreaa. CORNER SIXTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. Will give you FREE information where to find sleeping accommodations. All persons having rooms to rent should send their addresses and prices to this bureau by mall. DO NOT TELEPHONE. The Nebraska Clothing company is dis playing very beautiful window decorations. The corner window showing beautiful wom en's costumes and horse show wraps are the most gorgeous seen this season. The display would do credit to any metropolitan eastern city. They have received within the last three days some very attractive and beautiful horse show wraps, which are on display In these show windows. The costumes and horse show wraps are the most beautiful brought to this city several are Imported garments, very original and artistic, S-K wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler. DIED. RmBETC Florence Anna, September K, aged 11 years 4 months I days. Fverai Sunday, October 1, from residence, 16 South Twenty-third street Interment Foreat Lawn. CONNOLLT Patrick M., September M. at residence ot his daughter, lula Davenport Streat . Funeral Monday, October t, at SO a. m. to St Phllomena'g churoo. Interment St Alan's cemetaot , 1 W 7- V - This is the only store in the city where you can buy the fa mous CHICKERING, IVERS & POND, EVERETT, STARR; KOHLER & CAMPBELL and 17 other reliable makes. Many of the above named will be found in this sale. ij whether for a day or longer, we ready for your Inspection, and ln Carnlval Week Bargains. Japanese China. All the latest things In Orlenta' China at 6c and upward. . Pictures and Frames. A grand display of Pictures 10. to $9.85. Novelties. Hundreds of novelties mementoes of the time. meet your friends here there's FOOTWEAR. For the Bo.ll Patent Kid "Pumps," White Suede Theo "Ties," Pink Satin Theo "Ties," Black Castor Vassar Ties, Black Cas tor Theo Ties, Patent Kid Theo Ties, Patent Leather Geisha Ties, Patent Leather Strap Slippers, Vlci Kid Strap Slippers. We are showing a very stylish and Interesting line ot ball footwear at our .usual reasonable prices. FRY SHOE CO. Hth and Douglas 55. Spanish Perfecto Cigars Four for 25 Cents All This Week. Myers-Dillon Drug Go. 1 6th and Firnam Streets' for Cigar Cuts. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only usee an extra stroke ei two of the pen to mention the taot that yes saw the ad. la Tba tee. a OeTime Yeast Is made and controlled by reliable busi ness men. who guarantee every package sold. Order a pa knge of this pure yeast, use two cakes; if they do not prove satisfactory return the balance to your grocer and re ceive yonr money back. This is a GUARANTEE that GUARANTEES. ON TIME YEAST CO. OMAHA Mt4 1J eWa I Watches' Watches The number of watches we have sold this week is fairly astonishing. We could not know that so many people wanted to buy watches, when the PRICES WERE RIGHT. How we can sell you watches from $1.00 to $200.00, but Just to STIMULATE- YOUR INTEREST IN OUR BUSINESS we will quote a few VERY PARTICULAR and VERY SPECIAL PRICES. A Good Serviceable Watch Not very many peaded on clear extra trlraanlnffafl through all-re rle Waltham movement for only- Our Special Leaders Genetleman's. Watch gold filled twenty-year guaranteed case 15 ft rfe Jewels Elgin or Waltham movement xiw Lady's Watch gold filled hunting case plain or engraved, as you fO rfl desire twenty years guarantee w IfiiUU Everything else pertaining to a first-class Jeweler's trade. We can quote you A SPECIAL PRICE ON A FEW DIAMONDS. Select Cut Glass and some very elegant and artistic pieces of Hand Painted China. Some curious and taking novelties Imported from Europe. .OUR PRICES MODERATE-OUR AIM ALWAYS TO PLEASE. At the Sign of the Crown.' 115 South 18th St., Opposite the Boston Store. , F.ln wato'J rnpa'lina "Penalty. All work guaranteed. Watch Inspectors M. & O. R. R. and schools. j A Live Diamond One continually In motion shows Its brilliancy to its full extent. Ours are all live diamonds, being continually on the move. Our diamond display is the finest ever shown in Omaha. Fine white stones. In rings, studs and ear drops. .. There's no investment 'so satisfactory as the excellent gem we will select for you, Why not buy $25 to $500 worth Brown & Borsheim JEWELERS 222 Soulh Hth Street. Do You Put Up Ice? If you do, it will be of Interest to you to see our complete and only ICE TOOL STOCK In the west. We are exclusive western agents for William T. Wood & Co.'s cele brated ICE TOOLS, and we want your order. WRITE FOR OIR 1903-tt CATALOG IE. Jas. Morton & Son Co. 1511 Dodge St., Onti, Kit. 1 jgQjSHEiry PEACE and COMFORT r aura to coma ta those who amok ATIRST-CLASS CIGAR MADE OF THY r. & Btf I MIlvAsLTUJ. CIAAR I lfcal!2aW v zt ins but one to be de- A p caee eeren-Jewel " J Inspectors of clocks for all the city nac.ri MAf CO jmi niiiiiiiii' Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Shoes and Slippers Ws want to announce that we have a complete line of slippers snd shoes to meet all demands for the Ak-Sar-Ben Ball. FOR THE LADIES Slippers In all colors to match your costume patent leather slippers with French or high military heel or anything you want in the line of ball footwear. FOR THE MEN-Full dress pstent leather shoes button or lace the fin eat and most complete line of men's dieses to be found in Omaha. Come a-rly and make your selection. New Fall and Winter Catalogue now ready. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St i A FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO TUMI OT. tjsy " T " SPECIAL CARNIVAL SALE BARGAINS mm Great Sale of Men's Clothing a. ' m Ul Wi Men's Furnishing Bargains Why do Hayden Bros, sell most is triple Great Variety, Best Quality, Men's fleece lined Underwear, in all slies, worth up to 60c sale price 2Qc garment W Men's 75c fleece lined Underwear very heavy special at AkC ararment -' Men's heavy woolen Underwear fCir $1.00 values at , KiJl Men's natural wool Shirts and Drawers- shirts have double fronts and hack regular $1.60 values sale price QQp garment Carnival Sale Bargains in Ladies' Furnishing Goods Ladies Night Robes, made from extra heavy outing flannel, nicely trimmed, ex tra long and full worth up to AQr $L00at Ladles' Fleece Lined Underwear heavy ribbed worth up to $1.00 divided 1Q-. into 8 lots, at 60c, 39c and ,'w 98c Ladles' Union Suits special 50c Ladles' Wool Underwear in natural ICiip gray regular $1.00 values at x. "-'" Great Blanket and Comforter Sale Bpeclal bargains during the entire week saving opportunities of which you suould take advantage. Extra Large Bed Blankets strictly all wool in wnite, gray, scarlet ana iancy plaids good value at $3.98 O QH carnival sale soeclal at zJJ Home-Made Bed Comforters 7 feet long, 2 yards wide made of good quality suk ollne, filled with pure white cot- f Cil ton very heavy great vnlue at.... tmlJyJ Finest All Wool Bed Blankets-11-4 size- values up to $8.00 greatest value ever shown at carnival sale ,4 QQ price t.UO $2.25 Superfine Marseilles Bed Spreads with heavy, rich border in raised nnrni designs extra large size 1 "ef Mnk Three Hosiery Specials Ladles' Lace and fancy Embroidered Hose apri-im inrrc jhiiib lui f,.uu Children's ninetcen-cent light and heavy at-pair '. Ladles' Plain and Fancy Colored Hose up to 2&c carnival sale special at pair 50c Center A handsome thirty-six-inch Center Table sign, at each China Dept. Specials An elegant line of Pitchers, Platters, Sal ads. Chop Trays, Fruit Dishes, Cake Plates, etc., from the Crown China Works decorated In flowers, fruit and medallions some gold stippled and others In colored line not a piece worth less than 75c and up to $1.50camlval OC sale price choice -v HAYDEW BROS, mil 'iissaja-sss- Peerless Malleable All Steel for less money. This Is not one-third or one-half malleable steel, but all malle able. Not a bit of iron in it We offer Steel Ranges at $20.50, $30.00, $36.00, $40.00 and $43.00 that are not equalled In quality or price west of Chicago. For baking we challenge the world with our ranges. gee the latest improvements in Ilard Coal Baae Burners, found only at at our store. Cash or payments. , JOHN HUSS1E HARDWARE CO., 2407 CUMING STREET. "If you buy it of Uussle if right SPECIAL CARNIVAL SALE BARGAINS v A manufacturer's surplus stock of Men's High Grade Suits and Overcoats, including 2,500 garments, in very newest styles and bost fabrics, is now on sale. This purchase affords our customers a rare opportunity for bargain getting. Come early and get first choice. Suits and Overcoats worth up to $18.00 while they last at $7.50 & $10.00 HAND TAILORED SUITS AND OVER COATS In the most exclusive styles and pat ternsgarments that rank well with the high est class custom-made clothing. Prices rango from $12.50 to $25.00. LET US SHOW YOU. LET US FIT YOU furnishing goods In Omaha? The answer Lowest Trices. Men's madras and percale Negligee Shirts In almost endleas variety of pat- f terns spendld value at IJ Men's heavy California Wool Overshlrts good $1.50 value ssle price OSn each VO Men's Blue Flannel Shirts double-breasted and very heavy $2.00 values gQ Men's and Boys' Sweaters in great variety most complete line in the On west at $5.00 down to AsJV Ladies' Woolen Underwear In gray nn6 scarlet regular $1.50 values QQ Children's Fleece Lined Underwear In all sizes greatest bargains ever lO Ir shown at '"S1 Children's Fleece Lined Underwear In nil v sizes values up to 50c '25C V Misses' Combination Butts .good values at t SOc carnival spcelal 25C 500 pairs of Sample Blankets In part wool and all wool all colors and sixes at HALF REGULAR PRICE. 15c quality Amoskeag Teazeldown Outing Flannel 36 Inches wide at IOg yard avrw 15o White Shaker Flannel S3 Inches Win wide special at yard w 25c Comforter Sateen special Mon- ISc day at yard 60c White Wool Flannel special riOc Monday at yard u" 10c quality Comforter Cretone fkC speclnl at yard , 10c Outing Flannel in light and filC dark colors at yard " regular 60c quality carnival sale 35 C ribbed Hose carnival sale special i2C " In drop stitch or embroidered worth 2C Pieces 25c Cover autumn leaves tinted de- 25c Something New Porcelain Jardlnerea, to antique corode bronze finish flQc up from -w Imperial Austrian China decorated for set of six cups and Sauc- SOc ' ers Decorated Holland Creamers gg Decorated Holland Bowls Kr at f Why pay S55 to S60 lot a Steel Range when you can Buy the w t -; ;