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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1905)
I TIE OMAHA t) AILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1303. - 1 1 y--- "Not to have visions means a dull, plodding Llff For our Omaha and out-of-town visitors. It is to be a week of showing of reliable will make many new friends tor us. Come-and feel free to ask questions, to look this store your shopping place, A Superb Display of New Autumn Drees Goods , j and Silks. It It hard, Indeed, to glv you an Id pi of th splendid values' and choice styles represented In our dress sjoods and illk de partments. No Woman who la thinking of buying a new autumn gown, can afford te maka a purchase before Investigating this grand display ot new dre tejctuv and It la yours to for the simple asking. , Handsome New Colored Broadcloths. Broadcloth that will play bo large a part rn this maoii'i drees; the nobby short hip length jacket suit, tha equally favored We Will Belts. , A laree showing of popular priced belts. Black taffeta silk belts made of good quality of silk, three Inches wide. Prices, 6Cc and 65c each. Clack peau de sola silk belts, narrow widths, at 50c each. Extra large slses In black silk belts, at tCc each. A narrow tailor belt, at 25c, 60o and $1.00 each. - Black and colored silk belts, made of good quality of silk, at $1.00, $1.50, 12.00, U.K and $3.00 each. Leather belts in black, brown and white, at COc, $1.00 and $1.26 each. Children's buster brefwn belts. In black patent leather, at 26c and 35c, red, at 26c, 4oo and 50c each. The Latest and Choicest Styles of Waistings in Our Flannel Dept. Down Stairs. NOVELTY WAI8TINQ-27 Inches . wide, nobby little checks, in dark effects, em broidered with -dots or figures. Price, 25c . per yard. , NEW SCOTCH WA18TINQ FLANNEL These half wool, washable fabrlca are very popular. Styles are In checks, figures, tripe and plaids, very handsome and serviceable, at JOc, 40c, 60o per yard. .. "VI V ELLA" FLANNEL Made In Scot land. The best known flannel In the world. It I guaranteed unshrinkable and fast colored In washing. Sold in Omaha by us only. Let ua show you. Prlca same every where, 76o per yard. r ALBERTItAS FLANNEL WAISTINO AU wool, fine quality, solid colored cloth will be Major Zalinskl, Captain Stone and tpaptaln Doane. This la the order of march of the Wednes day parade: FIRST PIVISION. WattIe. Grand Marshal. .Captain Charles C. Allen, Chief of Staff. V , - Board of Governors. "Th.... .KT.h'it!eth Infantry Band. Fort VfrIna.ni7andl.eisral CorP8 from Fort Crook and Omaha, Neb. Colonel v. Pratt, Thlrtlath United Stated ln . fantry. Commanding. ' . SECOND DIVISION. Major O. O. Osborne, Marshal. . , South Omaha Band. DoAr? .f ht uard ot Council Bluffs, Captain Rutherford. Commanding. , Omaha Guards, Captain Falooner, Com- mandlng. Thurston Rifles, Captain Baer, Command- Omaha Light Infantry, Captain Kroeger. -u. w I'" School Cadet Band. High . School Cadet's Battalion, Captain Stogsdall, Commanding. THIRD DIVISION. Chief Salter, Marshal. Silver City (la.) Band. Omaha Fire Department. - .. Bancroft (Neb.) Band. iolla Templo of St. Joseph, Mo., Captam Clayton, Commanding. FOURTH DIVISION. . C. H. T, Riepen, Marshal. - ' ' Valentine (Neb.) Band. f Woodmen of the World Degree Teams Tccumseh (Neb.) Band. A. O. U. W. Sterling (Neb ) Band.. Modern Woodmen of America. Alma (Neb.) Band. , I. O. O. F. Knights of Maccabees. . Redmen. Royal Highlanders. Central City Band. Chadron Englea. . , Scottish Ciuna Ak-Sar- Should not fail to visit this exclusive store, unique because in its whole vast stock there is nothing for grown folk but everything that juveniles wear, in qualities and styles, and varieties not to be founnd elsewhere hereabout. :: :: :: 'COiYlPI-ETE OUTFITTERS TO BOYS GIRLS YOUTHS MISSES AU Aec to 10 Years Also the Most Complete INFANTS' WEAR SECTION West of Chicago, UOYS' (Ages 7 to 10.) 860 Boys' Knee Pant and Knicker bocker Norfolk Suits. In gray or - brown mixtures, also navy blue clwvtots. worthy $5.1)0. $5.50 and $6.00 values; a special puchase, and they're to be sold this week at a very special t fl C price. . . . . i JftJD Then our regular stock of Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats is now at Its best showing- the re sults ot our best endeavors and the handiwork of New York's best wholesale tailors tables laden with bright new suits and over- C Hfl coata. at 97.50, a.50 and. . J.UU , YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES. (Aces 14 to 19.) College models in Swager Suits and Overcoats, the long, lapel, double breasted effects are here in all their glory, la at, $ is.oo, ' and rUONE 1701. Jl f Telephone 694, A Carnival three-quarter styles, or the now ao fash lonabla long coat suits, In the box, semi fitting or tlght-flttlng effect "'princess" or "opera" broadcloth. Hold exclusively by us, Is just tha matorlal you are looking for, Just the required weight and finish, and at prlcea that cannot be matched for real value, all colore and black "princess" $1X10; "opera," fljW yard. A Magnificent Showing of Light Weight Autumn Dress Goods. Hundreds of new fabrics to show you simply for the asking. New silk and wool eollennea, new panamas, new prunellas, new poplins, new serges, new novelties, new suitings at 80c, 75c, $1.00, 11.26, 1.60. $1.75, 12.00. Move About October 15th to Howard and Sixteenth with embroidered figures. Very new and stylish. Prices, ROc, 75c per yard. FRENCH FLANNELS Solid colors, all wool, at 55c per yard. PRINTED FRENCH FLANNELS The best Imported all wool goods, that will not wear roush or rhnnr cnlnrt' all th mti ! dots and new Persians; very desirable, at ic per yard. Cloaks and Suits. The newest and choicest styles In ready-to-wear garments are ready for this great carnival week selling. Rain coats, In gray and castor, empire and fitted styles. Prices. $13.75, $16.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00 each. New empire tlght-flttlng and box coats, In black, tan and mixed materials. Prices $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00. $20.00, $22.00. $25 00 $27.50, $30.00, $35.00. $40.00 and $45.00 each. Children's coats, In bearskin, crushed velvet, velours, broadcloth and cheviots, In white, tan, navy, green, red, gray and mixed colors. Prices, $3.85. $4.50, $5.00, $8.00, $6.50, $7.50, $10.00, $10.50, $12.50. $14.00 and $16.00 each. Black silk waists at $5.00, $5.95 and $12.50 each. Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth Bohemtan Band. Bohemian Lady Turners. Bohemian Turners. Floats of Fraternal Orders. Dlmmick's Band. FIFTH DIVISION. Ak-Sar-Ben Divisions. Prises offered by the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben for day parade: Drill team in uniform coming the great est distance: First prize, $50 (given by the Omaha Uas Co.); second prise, J; third prise, $20. Drill team in uniform presenting the finest appearance, from the country: First prize, Vo; second prize, $40; third prize, 130; fourth prize, $20; fifth prise, $10. Finest appearance of uniformed drill team of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs: First prise, $o0; second prize, $4j; JhiiU prise, $30; fourth prize, $20; fifth prize, Lodge presenting the most unique cos tumes, twenty men or more: Prize. $25. Regular drill team having greatest num ber of men and women on float: First prize, $0; second prize, $20. Drill team of men and women on a float presenting the most unique design or ar rangement: First prize, second prise, $20. Teams or lodges competing for a prize must carry a banner of some kind desig nating the name, number of lodge and city or town they represent. . Judges will be disinterested parties. The Judges' stand will be on Douglaa street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth aireots. Admission to the carnival grounds will be free to all uniformed men during the day. Drill teams taking part In the day parade must notify Samson not Inter than Tues day, October 3. so they can be- placed in the proper position. Printers May Quit at St. Paul. ST. PAUL, Sept. 30.-All indications today point to a' strike of union printers In all the Job printing shops of St. Paul and Minneapolis Monday, which s tha date iJSCSSKSKSSa A M H S n A A am. tin tfii'iim i' a HUTS. CAPS. AU the new styles now on sale shapes to fit every face. Our whole new stock now awaits your Inspection; prices, 95c Wc, 75c rft and OUC GIRLS' FALL CLOAKS. Wooltex Coats, Caroll Coats, Bauman and Sperling Couts garments In smart Boston and New York styles; prices, 99.75, 98.90, 90-VO, and MISSES' CLOAKS. Very choice wraps for myliuli rnUsen, fancy mixtures and plain colors in Tourist Coata and prices ranging from 922.00 down to FIBS. FIBS. Complete lines of Girls' and Misses' Furs now here. WE SELL BETTER SHOES. Write for New Illustrated Catalogue. extreme value ia.oo r- 10.00 BENSON THORNE3 ' OftAHAaiJEJLv 1018 DOUGLAS STREET. Grand Display of New Autumn Silk for Costumes. 811k, Just from ' Paris', both plain ami novelties, that surpass the style and beauty of any other season. Ask to see them. Dress Trimmings. Nothing finishes a dress better than pretty trimmings that harmonize with the material of the dress. t Our new fall staple and novelty trim mings are the handsomest and most com plete we have ever shown. Very narrow plain and fancy braids from 6c a yard up. ' Wider plain and fancy braids from 25c a yard up. Persian bands trimmings. 14 inches wide, designed especially for vestlngs, at 36c, 60c and 76c a yard. New plaid silk waists at $9.00, $9.25, $12.60 and $15.00. Fancy evening waists, In crepe de chine, taffeta, chiffon, chiffon silks and satins, In pink, white, black, light blue and heliotrope. Prices. $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00 and $20.00 each. White lingerie waists, lace trimmed, $3.50, $2.75, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, up to $12.50 each. Kid Gloves. Not gloves manufactured for bargain counter sales, but our own Importation from the best and most reliable manufac turers. PIQUE KID GLOVES 2-clnsp, In black, brown and beaver, at $1.60 rer pair. PIQl'E KID GLOVES 2-cIap, first qual ity, In black, brown, red and beaver, at $2.00 per pair. SILK LINED PIQUE GLOVE8-2-cIasp. in brown and red, with new and nobby stitching, at $2.00 per pair. MANNISH STREET GLOVES-In brown and red tans, 2-clasp, at $1.50 per pair. MANNISH SILK LINED STREET GLOVES In brown and red tans, at $2.00 per pair. DENTS Own make In Russian calf; I i fixed by the Typographical union for en forcing Its demands for an eight-hour day. It Is estimated that there will be about 700 mn out in both cities. TENTH WEEK OF FEVER FIGHT Plaarne Is. Slowly Abating; In Mew Orleans, bat There Are Many Kerr Cases In Country. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. SO.-Report of yel low fever situation to 6 p. m.: New cases Total to date .... Deaths Total New foci ..... Under trentment Discharged Reports from n ....'...3,000 ...... 2 3SS ....... 11 -240 2,372 country districts show forty-five new cases and two deaths. A terrific rainstorm, that temporarily put many streets under water, descended on the city today, but as the water was speedily carried oft by the drainage machines there was no interruption of the work of either doctors or inspectors. The death list was again a source of gratification, pointing un mistakably to the fact that the type of fever Is exceedingly mild. Today completed the tenth week of the. fight against the disease. With the fever practically whipped, conferences are now proceeding in connection with the establish ment of a permanent hospital, by which it Is hoped to avoid any further recurrence of yellow fever in epidemic form. Following the example of Havana, the fundamental aid of the promoters is to secure a site 3B35X ma au. CAPS. 97.00, 5.90 Military Cloaks 6.75 I off - Bargains Silk tafTeta and velour bne-slde effects for vesting. 4-ln: wide, at U.60, $1.75, $2.28 and $3.00 a y,rd. Some pretty novelties In velvet bands at T6e and, tit a yard. There are many other exquisite novelties too numerous to mention. Bee our remnant box of trimmings, : For the Horse Show. . Ostrich boas, lace Jacketa and coats; real lace Bertha and collars; spangled laee robea, Knitted Goods. Ladies' knitted petticoats at $1,00, $1.?6, 11.60, $1.75. $100 and $?.26 each; misses' knit ted skirts $1.75 each. - Outing flannel sklrte at 60c, T5o, $1.00 and $1 . each. UftnAaAtvifilv emhrnHerotl French flannel skirts in white, pink, blue and black, at the New Retail Streets pearl buttons and new stitching, at $2.00 per pair, ... Special Linen Moving Sale. A great saving opportunity In linens on account of moving In a few days. We will plaoe on sale a few special items from our linen department; BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK BT THE YARD. li Inch bleached table damask, $1.60 quality, moving sale price $1.00 per yard. SILVER BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK. 64-inch sliver bleached table damask, 5c quality, moving sale price 49c. 6FEOIAL . IN BLEACHED TABLE CLOTHS. Our $2.25 bleached tablecloths, moving sale price. $1.69 each. Our ' $8.00 bleached sale price! tVSS each. Our, $3.75 bleached tablecloths, moving tablecloths, moving sale price, $2.60 each. . . MOVING BALE OF SCARFS. bur . 76c hemstitched open-worked -linen scarfs in this moving sale 49c each. Our 90a hemstitched open worked linen scarfs, .moving prloe, 29C each. and Douglas Sts. likely to be most free of stegomyla mos quitoes, i VICK8BURO, Miss.. Sept. .-Twelvo new cases of yellow fever and two deaths were reported, up to $ o'clock this afternoon. ' NATCHEZ, Miss.;;', Sept. 0. A total of even; cases of yellow fever-wer reported today, with no deaths. , BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Sept. $o.T-It was announced today that Alabama had quaran tined against the entire state of Mississippi, the quarantine taking effect this evening at $ o'clock. " ' PENSACOLA, . Fla., Sept. 80. Fourteen new cases of yellow fever and three deaths were reported today. A new city ordinance requiring property" owners to keep their premises free' from standing water was ap plied today, when two arrests were made. PLACE FOR AN EXILE (Continued from First Page.) ber for Drog-heta, and the warm hearted and redoubtable Dr. Tanner was, when he abandoned hla profession for political life, one of the most eminent of the rising gen eration of surgeons. Mr. John Dillon, as everybody knows, was intended for the medical . profession, passed through his course of lectures and took the degree of licentiate in the College of Surgeons. Many stories' are told of the late Dr. Kevin Jzod O'Doherty. It is said that one of the judges who tried him for high treason in 1848 exclaimed in humorous horror: ' "Heaven! How could a man with a name like that help being a rebel?" When Dr. tJ'Doherty stcod for the first time as parliamentary candidate for Bris bane he was called away on the evening of polling day to an urgent case Some dis tance outside the city. On his return he met some horsemen comina; from Brisbane. In response to his inquiry an to the latest new from the polling places and the ques tion "who's In?" he received the gratifying if somewhat ungracious reply: "That damned old rebel, O'Doherty." GREAT LOCKOUT IN BERLIN Three Electrical Companies Close the Gates Against 83,000 Work- BERLIN, Sept. 30.-A lockout in three of the greatest electrical companies In Berlin I began this afternoon. It affects all the fac tories of the Allgeinelne, the Siemens Ilalske and the Slemens-Shuckert com panies except one lamp factory, and throws about 33,000 workmen out of employment. As yet the trouble has not affected the entire electrical industry, but It shows signs of spreading. The employes of the Berlin electrical works, which generates nearly all the electricity consumed for power and traction purposes In Berlin, met this even ing to consider a sympathetic strike, but deferred action until Sunday night In order to await the result of a conference to be held Sunday morning between the three companies affected and the employes. This conference will be presided over by Herr von Schults, president of the government arbitration bureau, but will have no official character, as the companies refuse to par ticipate in the appeal for arbitration. They agreed, however, to meet the labor repre sentatives In conference with Herr von Schults presiding. He is an expert in set tling labor difficulties and therefore it is hoped he will succeed In stopping the pres ent trouble. AMERICAN SHOWMAN TAKEN McCaddoa la Aecased of Vlolatlac French Laws la Coaaectloa with Baakraotcy. SOUTHAMPTON, England. Sept. J0. Josph T. McCaddon. who was head of the McCaddon circus, was arrested on a war rant charrina: him with fraudulent hank. 1 djptcy as ha was embarking on the steamer I Su Louis today bound for New York. The Pee, October 1, It 05. merchandise which at goods, to make $2.25 and $4 50 each. A full Una it other knitted goods found In a first-class department. A large Una of new and up-to-date sweaters for ladles, misses and little folk. Hosiery. Lovers of fine hosiery should not fall to see our collection of authoritative atyles, outlined on the broadest and most compre hensive scale, etqulsit workmanship, ex clusive colorings, beauty of design and x eetlene of quality. Latest novelties in hand embroidered lisle thread hosa at $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $1.76, $2.00, $2.60 and $2.76 per pair. Plain black silk hose at $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 per pair. Thread silk hose In all the new shades at $2.60 per pair. Daintily embroidered thread silk hose at $2.75, $3.00, $3.60, $4.00, $4.60 and $6.00 per Palr- Center t Special moving sale of odd tablecloths and odd half-doaen napkins. Special sale of hand-embroidered lunch cloths, $2.26 quality, moving Bale price, $1,76 each. Our $1.50 bleached table cloths, moving sale price, $2.98 each. MOVING TOWEL BALE. Our 10c hemmed huck towels, moving sale price 6c each, Our 16c hemmed huck towels, moving sale price, 10c each. Our 25o hemstitched huck towels, moving ale price, 19c each. Our 45c hemstitched huck towels, moving sale price, 25c each. MOVING NAPKIN BALE. Our $1.60 bleached linen napkins, moving sale prlca, 98o a dozen. Our $2.26 bleached table napkins, moving sale price, $1.69 a dozen. Our $4.00 bleached table napkin in this moving sale, $2.75 a doxen. Our $4.50 bleached table napkins, in this moving sale, $2.89 a doxen. Our Customer's Deposit Account. Ia for your convenience when shopping. You may start the account with any aum that suits your convenience. We allow 4 per cent, compounded every three months, in the dally balance. You have all the economies of a cash sys tem with all the convenience of any credit system and your money Is earning interest dally. Your purchases in this store should be charged to your deposit account. You are privileged to withdraw any or all of your deposit at any time. This la not a banking business. arrest had a traglo side, as on board tha St. Louis was the coffin containing the body of the showman's Wife, which is being taken to America for burlat. Mrs. Mc Caddon died In London last week. The warrant wasIssued at the request ot the. French authorities in connection with the recent collapse ot the McCaddon circus In France. Mr. McCaddon will be brought to the Bow street court here for extra dition proceedings. V LOOKING FOR A DRUGGIST Missing Boston Ma Inppnsed to Kaovr Something; of Salt Case Mystery. BOSTON, Sept. 30. The state and city po lice are understood to be searching for a south end druggist in connection with the Wlnthrop suit case tragedy. This druggist, who is said to have been missing for about a week, is thought to answer closely the description of the man who bought from Pawnbroker Joseph Berk man the suit case in which the torso or the woman waa found. The druggist is alleged to have associated with physicians who have been suspected of Irregularities. This afternoon the police began search of all the vacant houses In Wlnthrop with a view to finding evidence that would Show that the woman was dismembered in that town. After a sear h of nearly twe'hty-four hours the police now express the opinion that the drug clerk, who Is wanted In con nection with tragedy hat left the city without leaving the slightest clew as to his whereabouts. DEAD CRACKSMAN IDENTIFIED gafeblovrer Killed fcy Officer at Berke ley, Cat., Is John Canwajr of Chicago, BERKELEY. Cal., Sept. 0.-J. S. mi at, cher, an ex-Chicago detective, called at the office of Marshal Voltmer today and Identi fied the safe cracker killed by Policeman I in iib nam w 1 1 ft igur mugs in West Berkeley on Thursday morning. He says the dead man la John Conway, a des perate Chicago safe cracker who waa the leader of a gang of murderous criminals in the east. Thatcher saw Conway In 1901 when be was arrested for complicity in a safe cracking job during which the thugs murdered a watchman who surprised them at work. Conway tucoeeded in clearing himself from complicity. Marshal Voltmer has communicated with the Chicago police and Will secure pictures of Conway and also information as to hla latest movements so far as known to the police. DOWIE STRICKEN WITH PALSY Foaader ot Mob City Strlckea with Fatal Discus While Enront to Mexluo. CHIC AGO, Sept. SO. John Alexander Dowte, whp claims to be the reincarnation of the prophet Elijah, and to have divine power to cure all diseases haa been stricken ' with paralysis. Dowte is on his way to i Mexico, and the disease attacked him while on the train. In a letter to bis followers at : Zlon City, Dowl announces that he has 1 chosen hla successor, but that the name i will not be revealed uatii after his death. GRAVES SHIESHIS CASTOR Editor of AtUata Dally Mows Is. aoaneea that Re la m Candidate for lalted States geaator. ATLANTA, O., Sept. ) John Temple Graves, editor of lb AtlanU Dally News, in an address to the people of Georgia which will be published tomorrow morning, makes formal announcement of bis can didacy for tha United States senate, to uocaod Senator Bacon, whooe present term of office will expire in March, IK? MORE CRAFT IN MILWAUKEE Pmidsnt of GsnimoB Connoil Indloted on Tvsaty OmuIs. GRAND JURY MAKES ITS FINAL REPORT Says City aad CoaaTty OSBeee Are Honeycombed with Corraotloa aad Vice Is Itegnlarly Organised. MILWAUKEE, Sept. JO.-Comollus L. Corcoran, the president of the eom mnn council of this city, together with a former alderman and two private citizen, were Indicted by the grand Jury In Its nnal sitting, which ended tonight at 10 o'clock. Corcoran In th only capias Issued for his arrest Is eharged with selling hay and oats to the city, which Is a violation of a city statute which states that no officeholder shall enter Into a contract to sell goods of any kind to the city. Frank C. Klode, president of a local furniture company I which sold furniture to the county, Is In dicted on a charge of perjury. William Murphy, a former alderman, ia charred with bribery and Fred C. Schults, a re porter, with bribery. The grand Jury rec ommended the calling of grand Juries periodically. The number of indictments returned In the final sitting was twenty-four, Involving four persons, as follows; , Cornelius L. Corcoran, president of the Common council, twenty counts. Fred C. Schults, newspaper reporter, one Indictment, bribery Frank C. Klode, president of a local fur. nitnre-company, one Indictment, perjury. William Murphy, former alderman, two indictments, perjury. Vice and Crime Organised. The total number of Indictments returned since th Jury convened. Including to night's batch, will approximate nearly 150 and will affect about forty individuals. In Its report on the tabors of the summer ths grand Jury took occasion to say that Its In vestigation had developed a most surprising state of affairs, "vice and crime being reg ularly organised and fostered." The report continues: Wa doubt if one cltiien In 1,000 knows the corrupt ways In which the affairs of this community have been conducted. The ef fort fully to expose these conditions has been opposed by corrupt interest and sys. tematlc resistance of power In efforts to conceal the truth and encourage crime. tVe have been hampered by the efforts of wit nesses to conceal the facts and in many of these instances It haa been apparent that the witness was testifying falBely. Our observations regarding the vice and crime of perjury Is such that we must charac terise It as nothing short of outrageous. Officers Charge Illegal Fees. The report states that the administration of the sheriff's office during the last six years has been Investigated and that it has been found that after that office was placed on a salary basis a system of fee taking grew up at variance within the meaning of the statute. It recommends that this fee taking be still further scrutinized and that th county board take steps to stop this form of grafting. Many ways tn which th sheriff's office profits from these fees are mentioned. Bribery, the report says, Is an everyday affair. County offices should be Investigated. The county clerk should not get fees, but does, and th practice should be stopped at once. Th recent raid upon gambling houses and prosecution of the keepers and Inmates thereof by the district attorney's office dis closes that In the city of Milwaukee there have been for years at least eight fully equipped wide open gambling houses. The Investigation discloses, the report says, that the eight gambling houses raided are per mitted in the very heart of the city and without Interference tb conduct common games of faro, roulette, craps' and poker, while other gamblers who sought to start such games In their places Of business were promptly raided by the police. The Jury's report says that since 'the starting of the Investigation of affairs in county and city in 1903 there has-been a noticeable decline In "grafting" and other corruptness. Th Jury recommends that grand Juries be sum moned periodically to Investigate affairs in county and city. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Record of gales ot Inherited Indian Lands In Nebraska and Booth Dakota for Past Year. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-(Spec!a! Tele- gram.) During the past fiscal year 10, W acres of Inherited Indian lands were sold In Nebraska, netting a sum of $221,(21. Of this sum 197,048 went to the Omahas, 194,018 to the Winnebagnes and 130,457 to th Santces. In South Dakota during the past year the Indians have sold 29,908 acres, for which they received $495,624. The greater propor tion of Inherited lands sold In South Da kota waa through the Indian agency at Tankton, 1,810 acres being sold there for !381,81 The remainder of Indian heirship acreage disposed of in South Dakota vss sold by Indians residing on Crow Creek, Rosebud and Slsseton reservations. The J. H. McShan Lumber company of Ranchester, Wyo., Is the successful bidder for purchase of a large amount of t'mber In the Big Horn forest reservation, the price paid was 2.60 per 1,000 feet and the total amount of the purchase Is approxi mately 1126,000, being by far the largest sale of government timber so far made at such advantageous price. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Con stance, Cedar county, Isadora Hefmaler, vie A. Sorres, resigned. South Dakota mmmmmmmmm ThehighesttypG .e C. -v.. of pure olive oil producible. For the tables of those who discriminate Purity, flavor and brilliancy are the charac teristics of this perfect table oiL Try it ia your next salad. oooo orocbks keep it Send for oar beautifully illustrated book of salad recipe, tea. SEVILLE PACKING CO. KEW YORK CITY Erwln. Kingsbury county, George T. Sny der. vice Albert J. Hilton, resigned. " Rural route No. 1. ordered established December 1 at Fedora, Minor county, 8. D , serving 800 people and 100, houses. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes; Dorchester, route 1, Thomas A. Partaher carrier, Bernard Schwarshoff substitute; route t, William Schwanhoff carrier, Theo dore Schwarshoff substitute; rout S, Joseph' II. Danaher carrier, Tat rick D.inaher sub stitute; Pocahontas, rout t. Samuel gchry vrf carrier, Frank Gllleland Substitute. AFTER THE LITTLE FISH NOW Federal Grand Jory Indicts Men In duced by Williamson and Oessner to Assist la iJind Fraud. PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 80.-Th federal grand Jury returned an Indictment against Charles A. Oaves, Erwln N. Waken4 Ora L. Tarkr and Robert E. Fos ter, charging them with conspiracy to defraud the government of Its public land. Graves is th surveyor of Crook county; Wakefield the former part ner of Williamson and Oessner and Tarkef and Foster are two entrymen mentioned In the Williamson Indictment. The four men ar accused of having con spired on October t, 1902, with Williamson and Gcssner to defraud the government. It Is alleged In the Indictment that they each filed on claims on July 10 of that year and also Induced Sarah Parker, Laura A, Foster and Monla Graves to file on the same date. It Is further alleged that they swore falsely In regard to the character of the land and their Intentions, the value of the timber and the Intended dlspoalt'on of the claims. At the request of Mr. Heney, bench warrants were Issued for the Indicted men, and their ball was fixed at $4,000, the same sum required In all other similar cases. The federal grand Jury prior to its ad journment today sent a letter to Mr. Honey, showing Its appreciation of his efforts for the purification of the state from land fraud. RARE COINS SOLD AT AUCTION United States Silver Dollar, Coinage ot 1794, Brings Over Sixty Dollars. t NEW YORK, Sept. JO.-Almost 900 sets of rare coins, medals and paper money were sold at auction today by Thomas Elder In the Collectors club. They were the property of prominent New England, New York, New Jersey and Michigan col lectors and brought about $8,000, the high est single sAle being for $00.80. There waa an especially fine assortment of American coins of the colonial and continental pe riods. Collectors bid briskly for an Oak Tree shilling of 16&2, and the Lord Balti more shilling of 18S9. These are extremely rare. A United States silver dollar of 1794, the first year of Issue, was sold for $60.50. A Mormon $5 piece was sold to a local dealer, for $19.50. A $1 gold piece of 1864 brought $24. A Boston collector got a 1 cent piece of 1793 for Jus.t 4R times Its face value. WOMAN KILLS SEVEN CHILDREN Mrs. Clarenee Markhntn et Cambridge, 111., Murders Her Offspring While Tstm . v-ll v I start n at. ROCK ISLAND, III., Sept, $0. Mr. Clarence Markham of Cambridge, near here. In a fit of temporary Insanity today killed her seven children with an axe, after which she placed their bodies on a bed, saturated it with kerosene and set fire to It. She then hacked her throat with a knife and threw herself bn the burning bed. Neighbors rescued her, but she was so badly burned that she died soon after she had made a confession. The eldest child was 9 years old; the youngest a baby In arms. Late tonight Clarence E. Markham, hus band and father of the victims of the tragedy, committed suicide by eUootlng himself after tying a rope around his neck so that it would choke himself to death In case the bullet failed of Its purpose. TRIES TO BLACKMAIL MORTON Man Who Attempts to Extort Money trom President of Bejultablo Probably Insane. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Sept. SO. George W. Barrett, accused of attempting to blackmail Paul Morton, president of the Equitable Life Assurance society, and for whom the police have been searching all over th country, tras arrested at Thorn ton, N. M., last night and brought her on the charge of insanity. Barrett, It is alleged, wrote letter to Paul Morton de manding $5,000. In his possession were nu merous letters from big trust companies and railroad magnates showing he had at tempted to blackmail them. He will be a. ...... wm . uiivvt PTOMAINE POISON IN OYSTERS Hundred Doctors, Nurses and Attend ants In St. Louie Hospital Taken Violently 111. ST. LOUIS, Sept. $0, Nearly 100 persons, doctors, nurses, attendants and clerks at tha city hospital, were taken violently 111 last night from ptomaine poison resulting from having eaten oysters. Many wer un able to perform their duties today, but none wer seriously affected. MADE AND BOTTLED IN NICE. FRANCE iff IWVAV MMftV m n