Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 16

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Advertlsemeats tmr lh( eolasana
will be takes until IS ra. for the
nl edltloa aad aatll a. m. for
the moraine aad Saadar edllloa.
Rates 1 l-8 a word flrat Insertion,
lo av word thereafter. Nothing takea
for Iraa thaa 2Aa for the rat laser
tloa. Theae advertUeineBt aaaat be
run eonaeeatlrelr.
Adrertlaera, kf reqaeettaar a aam
hered rk'rk, ran hare answers ad
dressed to a nnntbered letter la rare
of The nee. tamers ao addreaaed
mill be delivered oa preaeatatloa of
The Van Sant
716-717-718 N. Y. Life Bldg.
A specialty school for the training of
stenographers. Equipment and method!
Students participate In actual work and
receive the entire compensation therefor.
If for any reason a student desires to
leave the school, money for unexpired tui
tion will be refunded upon request.
A trial week Is offered free to all. This
gives an opportunity to see the methods of
teaching, equipment, the class of students
In attendance and the results attained be
fore enrolling. ,
A. C. VAN SANT, Proprietor
as new
1?08 Harney St.
Tel. 2538.
We make a specialty of printing fac
ilmlle typewritten letters.
If you want the kind that are clean
and neat, and cannot be detected from a
personal typewritten letter, we can fur
nish them, and at prices only slightly in
advance of the ordinary printing:.
You can fill In the date name and ad
dress on your own machine and we
guarantee a perfect match in type face
and color. If interested, send for
samples. v
Irvin A. Afedlar Co.,
422 South 18th St, Omaha.
PHONE 122.
CTi'HPQf,'Pl"l. Omaha Plating Co..
OIUVCJw Harney SL Tel. 2o.
. R-2i
CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.-
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., d N. lth.
Tel. 177. R-2
211 8 lilt) bl.
Telephone 154.
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. H. Plillbln. 16u6 Farnam. Phone 74.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make spe
cially of tire escapes, shutters, doors ana
sates. U. Andreeu, Prop.. ltd b. 10th St
r " 033
Iron and brass castings. COS Jackson. TeL
2vij. II 4U4
1GN PAINTING. 8. It- Cole. UiB Douglas.
R b
6AD IRONS replaud. 20c; tores tor 60c.
Omaha Plating CS., 15u Harney. TLJU
quality. Cheapest price. Wentwortn. (II
FtMun block. 'Pilous 1671 R-651
MORGAN'S ball, 16th and Corby fits. Rea
sonable for private or strictly Invitation
aftaira., 5U4. R 327
FIRE, tornado, accident, surety.
U E- CHARJJE, Solicitor. R 2uJ I
No. 6
The Fall Term of Boyles College
Is Now Open and It's Time to Enter.
There are two waya of educating; men and women for business life.
One is wise the other Is otherwise; or behind the times.
One is practical, real, actually profitable the other Is pretty and orna
mental, but not profitable.
The one la a business education thorough, genuine business. It deals
with the problems and profits of business life. It infuses practicability,
discipline and energy into the student places his or her foot on theflrst
round of the ladder of success and wealth.
Such a method Is ours. Thoroughness, completeness and modernness
are the ear-marks of our course.
We want you to realize that IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER EITHER
THE DAY OR NIGHT SCHOOL; that there is no time like the present to
grasp this opportunity. ,
Isn't the college that recently equipped aix young people, now with the
United States National Bank, to earn an amount practically equal to the
whole cost of their tuition expense the first monh after graduation, the kind
of a college you want to attend?
Then why waste time? Why not enter our school at once? Why put
oft the day when you will be able to make more money?
Tomorrow is enrollment day.
The catalogue is free.
id vriTT a tj it iv cis a vr t 'l t nir A POSI
ii-nii t - 'i' iti 1 1 1.' ii . T- Vi i It RITP1I
r OR US TO BLrrLi. t .
We list a few of the vacancies here:
Thoroughly experienced lumber man for
Stenographer, 260.
Paying teller, bank, city, experience, $1,000.
Salesman, parking house products.
Bookkeeper and typewriter.
Clerk for office, $60.
Experienced shoe man for wholesales
house. '
Two reneral mercantile clerks, German
or Swedish preferred.
collector, city worn,
Experienced dry goods man.
Stenographer, $40
Grocery clerk, city experience.
Clerk experienced in groceries and shoes,
$60; German preferred.
Watchmaker and Jewelry man, $i5, to
start. .. .
We will furnish you a complete nsi or
vacancies upon request.
Dept. B, 841-2 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
Creighton University
Dental College
210 S. 18th St, Omaha, Neb.
Opeut every day for patients except
ing Sundays and holidays. Make
appointments by 'phone 1070.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARM"!, able-bodied
unmarried men, between ages of 21 and
$5. citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who
read and speak English. For further In
formation apoly to Recruiting Officer,
13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln,
Neb., or Sioux Cltv. Ia. B STS
DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks
wanted. F. V. Knlest, $24 N. V. L.
B 953
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
trade; great demand for graduates, $4-5
day; many complete course two months;
graduates admitted to- union and Master
Plumbers' association. Coyne Bros Co.
Plumbing Schools, New York, Cincinnati
and St. Louis. (Day and night class.)
For free catalogue address 239 10th Ave.,
New York. B-960
A POSITION guaranteed or no pay. If
you are In need of a position, call and
have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART
THE EXPERT, 401 N. T. Life. B K2s
WANTED Three carpenters; 26c an hour.
Address Jos. Schleslnger. Contractor. Yu
tan. Neb. B-MG41
WANTED 10,000 ladles and gentlemen to
attend motor cycle and bicycle races Sun
day. October L B 703 1
WANTED Telegraph operators and sta
tion agents; salary $T0 to $'S, according
to locution and ability. Apply In person
or by letter to E. J. Little, Supt. Teigh.,
G. N. Ry., St. Paul, stating ability and
record B M711 O10
WANTED marble cutter, general work.
Address, Hastings Marble & Granite
Works, Hastings, Neb. B 233 lx
WANTED Watchmaker, good engraver
and salesman. Ed J. Nlewohner, Colum
bus. Neb. B M784
WANTED Delivery boys; must be neat
and of good appearance. J. L. Brandels
& Sons. B 884 30
WANTED An experienced shade hanger
for outside work. Orchard & V 1 1 helm
Carpet Co. B 913 23
WANTED Experienced car repairers. Ap
ply at Chicago Great Western city ticket
office, 1X12 Farnam. B M93S 6
WANTED Abstracter. Address In own
handwriting with references, stating age,
experience and salary expected. E. Engle
son, Sioux City, Ia. B M937 6
WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, adv. .matter, tack
signs etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureau, lw) Oakland
Bank Building, Chicago, 111.
B M936 lx
WANTED First class upholsterers, cabinet
makers: also good boy to learn upholster
ing. Miller. Stewart & Beaton. 1315-17-1
Farnam street. B M304 2x
WANTED Any person to distribute our
samples; $18 weekly, steady. Mgr. "Em
pire." 4 Wells St., Chicago. Ill
B-M343 SOx
WANTED Immediately, twenty laborers;
good wages; steady work. Apply to A. J.
Spooner. Louisville, Neb. B 951 lx
WAITED Trustworthy man to manage
branch office and distributing depot for
large manufacturer; salary to start with.
$1,600 first year, and extra commissions
and expenses. Applicant must have good
reference and $1.0u) cash, capital secured;
experience unnecessary. Address "Manu
facturer," 21 Wtst Atwater St., Detroit,
Mich. fi
The Sugar Plantations In Louisiana need
20.000 quick and willing laborers to cut and
f rather rane; good pay. good board and
ight and easy work; splendid mild climate
and no snow and Ice. Come south' and
avoid the cold weather. No others but
laborers need apply to Reginald Dykers,
Secretary and Treasurer, 339 Carondelet
St., New Orleans. 11
SOMETHING new In health and accident
Insurance: you can write It: district man
agers wanted. Address Great Western
Accident Association, Des Moines, Iowa.
WANTED Five high grade specialty sales
men to sell Nr.tional Cash Registers.
Must be 3o years of age or over and at
present holding positions as successful
salesmen Only men who are able to fur
nish fidelity bond considered. Our Messrs.
Alexander and Morris will be at the Her
Grand hotel, rooms Nos. 128-129, on Mon
day and Tuesday, October 2 and $, be
tween the hours of 9 and 12 a, m. and
1 and 6 p. m.. National Cash Register
Company. u wsao i
A full dress suit. In good condition, for
sale at a bargain; made for medlum-
ataed man. Address C 32, care Bee.
STOP working for others. Get In business
for yourself. We furnish tho goods de
livery wagon, complete outfit and adver
tising matter to one person In each town:
no capital required; fine territory open.
Address Grand Union Tea Co., Omaha,
Neb. B 286 1
WANTED Bookkeeper; a flrst-ciass, ex
perienced accountant to take charge of
full set of books In a large retail house;
salary $1,600 year to the right man; must
be quick and accurate; state positions
held and references. Address C 34, Bee.
B M2S2 3
WANTED By manufacturer, hustling
salesmen on every-day necessities; no
competition; salaries "guaranteed; write
now. Colonial Co., 727 Hennepin Ave ,
Minneapolis, Minn. B 111 lx
forces the civil service law; 60,830 appoint
ments to life positions last year; splendid
openings for young people; write for the
announcement of the Columbian Corre
spondence College, Washington, D. C,
containing dates, salaries, places for hold
ing examinations and questions recently
used by the Civil Service commission.
B 110 IX
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Just the season to begin. Few weeks
completes. Can nearly earn expenses
before finishing, board provided If de
sired. Positions waiting, top wages, call
or write, Moler Barber College, lllti
Farnam St. B M123 6x
WANTED Four men to travel In each
state, distribute samples and advertise
our goods. Salary $21 per week and ex
penses, guaranteed. Expenses advanced.
Experience unnecessary. Address, with
stamp, stating age and occupation.
REEVE CO., 425 Dearborn St., Chicago.
B 121 lx
MANAGER WANTED Every section, to
appoint agents; new scientific game, re-
filaclng forbidden slot machines: evades
aw everywhere; play with nickels; made
In three styles two styles resembles cash
registers; sold on credit or rented;
samples loaned managers free. We have
a lightly constructed game weighing 12
pounds to operate on percentage. United
States orders are shipped from nearest
United States factory or warehouse with
out custom duty. INTERNATIONAL
8KILLIARD GAME CO., Correspondent
79, Toronto, Canada. B 119 lx
WANTED 10 men In each state to travel,
post signs, distribute samples and adver
tise our goods. Salary, $78 per month; $3
per day for expenses. Expenses ad
vanced. Kuhlman Co., Dept. B 2, Atlas
Blk., Chicago. B 103 lx
MAN WANTED Outside work In own city;
fiz a week and expenses; expenses ad
vanced. Honesty and sobriety more neces
sary than business experience. State age
and past employment. International
Shear Company, 44 N. 4th St., Phila
delphia, Pa. B
WANTED Two Iron molders. all around
men. ork Foundry and Engine Works,
York, Neb. " B 182 1
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
iur manufacturing nouse; local territory;
salary $25, paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star Bldg.. Chi
cago. B 171 lx
RELIABLE man, each county, as assistant
manager; ju weekly and expenses; ex
pense money advanced; position perma
nent. Address Manager, 134 Lake 8t.,
Chicago. B 168 lx
TRAVELING representative for Nebraska
on new naraware specialties; salary Ito
monthly and expenses. Address Road Su
perintendent, 1116 Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
B-167 lx
YOUNG men, learn show card lettering and
designing; new styles; money makers;
prospectus free; two sample show card
copies. 10 cents. Thompson School. Pon
tiao, Mich. B 164 lx
IN six weeks we will educate vou In sales
manship and secure you position with re
liable firm as traveling salesman. Brad
street 6ystem, Rochester, N. Y.
B-161 lx
WA NTED An experienced shade hanger
for outside work. Orchard & Wllhelm
Carpet Co. B 974 1
WANTED Good tinner and furnace man;
steady lob for right man. Address David
Yung, Cedar Bluffs, Neb. B 970 lx
MAN TO TRAVEL Reference required;
salary $21 per week; expenses advanced.
J. S. Zlegler & Co., 323 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. B 969 lx
WANTED City salesmen at once. C. F.
Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. B 919
DETECTIVE WORK Good men wanted
everywhere; criminal paper with big cash
rewards and photos free; founded 18k9;
state age. Write American Detective As
sociation, Indianapolis, Ind. B 167 lx
WANTED Two hustlers by manufacturer
of staple line, to call on retail trade; ex
pense money advanced; salary $J0, paid
weekly. G. T. Sexton, Star Bldg.. Chi
cago. B 156 lx
DETECTIVE Wanted. shrewd. reliable
man In every locality to act under orders;
experience tinnecesssary. Write Web
ster's Detective Agency, Des Moines, Ia.
B 149 lx
WANTED Brick handlers for loading and
unloadin brick; wanes $2.25 per day. Ap
ply to Soth and Leavenworth Mam. lay
morning, 6:30. B 207 1
FIRST-CLASS cornice men and tinners at
1724 St. Mary's Ave. R. L. Carter.
B-206 lx
I AM still In the market for good male
stenographers and can get good positions
for them.
Does this mean you?
Typewriter salesmen, 20 commission.
Experienced window trimmer.
Crockery salesman, experienced.
I have several other positions that I can
get you.
HART. 401 N. T. LIFE.
B M204 4
WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at
brick yard. Avery, Neb., two miles south
of Albright street car line, on Union Pa
cific rallroud. B 214 1
FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and
other rail rod ds Experience unnecessary.
Firemen, $75; become engineers and earn
$IW Brakemen, $60; become conductors
and earn $140. Name position preferred.
I'nequaled opportunity for strong, am
bitious young men. Address, C 2U, Bee.
WANTFD man and wife to work on farm.
A. C. Heacock, Gretna, Neb. B M193 2x
MEN and boys wanted to earn $5. day,
after two months Instruction, position
guaranteed. COYNE BROS. CO. pluml
Ing school. New York. Cincinnati, O.. St.
Louis, Mo ( Free catalogue.) B
WANTED Flrst-clsss pattern maker.
Sharp Machine Works, 10th and Jackson,
at the
Omaha Commercial College
Nineteenth and Farnam Streets.
New Classes in All Departments".
COURSES OF STUDY Business, Shorthand, Typewriting,
Telegraphy, Penmanship, Pen-Art, Elocution, German, French,
Spanish, etc.
If you cannot attend Day School, by all means join our Night
school. It will pay you.
of -
Everybody invited. Splendid programme of Athletic events,
also good music. Tickets may be had free at College Office.
You are welcome at the
College any time during the
located in new college building at Nineteenth and Farnam Streets
Address: ROimBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb.
The Bennett
5 Men With Teams
Permanent employment to right parties.
Inquire for B. H. Kemper between 8 and 10
a. m. Monday, rear balcony, first floor.
B 270 1
WANTED 2 good stock saddle makers, 1
Campbell machine operators; best of
wages. Apply Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co.,
Lincoln, Neb. B 280 1
WANTED Experienced shoe salesmen.
Apply J. L. Brandeis & Sons, B Mife" 8
YOUNG man to work on ledgers; exper
ience not lecessary, but must be neat
penman and accurate at figures; state
age, references and experience if any;
salary $9. Address C 29 Bee. B 255 1
$0 working girls. Canadian office, 15th and
Dodge. C 963
LADY agents and traveling men to se!l
new patented article without competi
tion. Good money made by right party.
Call or address room 303, Brown Blk.,
Omaha, Neb. C 324
WANTED-Competent girl for general
housework; good wages; no washing.
2416 Farnam. C M340
WANTED Girls to work In paper factory
at 2209 Cuming St. A. Cohn. C M77 ix
2 STENOGRAPHERS. Oliver operators.
Stenographer and telegrapher, good salary.
Experienced randy saleslady, $15.
Experienced cashier.
Saleslady, general store.
Dept B. 841-2 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
C-948 30
GOOD, reliable colored girl for general
housework. 2215 Farnam. C M782 30x
AN EASY place for a good country girl;
small family. Mrs. Kuhn, 2S09 Ohio.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work; good wages. 3217 Poppleton Ave.
C 893 30
WANTED A good cook; wages $5. Mrs.
Nathan Marriott, 1S02 Blnney. Tel. 34U.
C-M908 1
LADY willing to travel the nearby terri
tory and place our specialty before the
ladles; good pay; valuable samples free.
Address C 15, Bee. C M904 lx
WANTED A girl for general housework.
In a family of two; wages $4. Bring ref
erences. 124 8. 19th Bt. C 920 30x -
WANTED An experienced German girl
for general housework. 1707 Park Ave.
C-914 1
WANTED An elderly lady, wishing home,
to do light housework and help take care
of baby. 816 So. 22d St.. flat 3. C-9M
LADIES Our Illustrated catalogue ex
plains how we teach hair dressing, mani
curing, facial massage, chiropody or
electrolysis. Few weeks completes, by
our method of constant practice and ex
pert Instructions. Call or write, today.
Moler College, 1114 Farnam St.
C M122 6x
LADIES having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, battenburg, drawn work, also
to do order work. Send stamped envelope.
Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago.
C 128 lx
LADIES to do piecework at home; we fur
nish all materials and pay from $7 to $12
weeklv. Snd stamped envelope to Royal
Co.. 34 E. Monroe, Chicago. C 137 lx
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good money, good home. Apnly 2611
Pierce St. C M163 2x
WANTED Good markers and sorters at
Post Steam laundry, Fort Leavenworth,
Kan. Write or telephone the oflke. Post
Steam Laundry. C 972 1
WANTED Lady agents to sell the new
"knit top" petticoats; body knitted of
good yarn, flounce made of sateen, silk,
etc. ; easy sellers, good profits. Manufac
turers' Garment Co., 24 Adams St.. Chi
cago. . C 159 ix
WANTED A woman cook, who can fur
nish good reference, for head meat and
pastry. In hotel west of Omaha; must be
clean, quick and first class; good wages.
Address Box 4X5. Omaha. C 181 lx
WANTED Lady of prepossessing appear
ance for permanent position as our local
representative for the Medici Secret
Cream for face, arms, neck and bust;
the finest musaage cream known. Ad
dress, with particulars of yourself,
Medici Secret Cream, South Bend, Ind. ,
C-180 lx
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; small family; good wages.
Telephone 2683; Mrs. E. A. Benson.
C-967 1
GIRL for general house work, $5 per week.
1126 South 2lh St. C M1M 3
GIRL at good wages, no laundrv work.
Mrs. C. E. Bed well, 3122 Chicago St.
C-M191 3x
WANTED Lady clerk with experience;
references required. The 99-Cent Store,
1513 Dodge. C 213 1
GIRL for general housework, small family.
&S7U Dodge St. C M215 2x
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
must have references. Only two lit
family. Call, morning, 313 North 24'th St.
O M24!
WANTED Girl. 16 or 1 years old. to help
take rare of children and assist wftn
light housework.' Call Monday, 1V.6 R :4th
Bt. - C-283 lx
WANTED First-class, experienced sales
ladies In cloak department. Apply J. L.
Kra.ndl Son. C-M368 $
rooms of the Omaha Commercial
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. College
WANTED First-class, experienced Bales-
men In lady s cloak department. Appiy J.
L. urandels & sons. c a
GIRi wanted for general housework. Apply
at once, v. ass bi. jvijo a
WANTED Good experienced sewing girl
Mrs. H. G. Simon, 2306 DouglRs street
C M261 3x
WANTED Competent girl for general
house work. 1024 Park avenue.
C-M263 S
"SITUATION WANTED Bookkeeper, sev
eral years' experience, rapid and uccurate
at figures, best Omaha reference, wants
steady position. Address C 14, care Bee.
A -8S9 4x
WANTED py young married man, posi
tion as clerk In grocery or general mer
chandise store; understand German; good
references. A. J. Bllger, Ames, Neb.
A M179 2x
DENTIST, expert operator and contractor,
age 27; excellent references; registered.
Address H., 254 8th Ave., New York City.
A-178 lx
6 GOOD hustling agents wanted at once.
Call 1715 Leavenworth St. J- MTsO 30X
BIG money In squabs; cheaply raised In
only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won
derful market; write for tree book and
learn this rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St.. Melrose,
Mass. J
to $160 per week POSITIVE; men and
women wanted everywhere to operate
sales -parlors for the BEST Ladles' and
Gents' dress shoe known; 10 original sight
selling health and comfort features; fac
tory to consumer; previous experience un
necessary; profit possibilities unlimited,
NO RISK; reply quick. KUSHION KOM
FORT SHOE CO., Boston, Mass. J
AGENTS wanted to take orders from pri
vate coi.jumers for our well known
whisky. Big inducements to purchasers.
Write today. Box 273, Covington, Ken
tucky. J
$5 A DAY sure: portraits 80c; frames 12c;
cheapest house on earth; wholesale cata
logue free, agents wanted. Frank W.
Williams & Co.. 1210 Taylor St., Chicago.
LOCAL agents wanted everywhere to solicit
orders from consumer for Woodland
Whisky, adopted by the U. S. government
and leading hospitals; no license required;
SAMPLES FREE. Write for territory.
Woodland Distilling Co., 83 Cooper St.,
Covington, Ky. J
NEW sleeve protector for office and house
work; write today; get territory; quick
sales; other new goods. Ladies' Supply
Co., Forest Av., Chicago. J
EARVY AGENTS get the big holiday or
ders. Cut price Christmas books; buc book,
12c; $1 book, 25c; $1.50 book, 50c; $2.50
book, 75c; credit given; outllt free. Fer
guson Co., 8764 Fifth, Cincinnati, O.
J-114 lx
MANAGER WANTED Every city and
oounty, handle best paying business
known; legitimate, new, exclusive control,
no Insurance or iMiok canvassing. Address
Chas Halstead, 34 W. 26th St., New York.
J 113 lx
WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall
getting our liberal offer; $5 dally Bure.
.Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 112 lx
AGENTS To sell diamonds on credit to all
honest persons; long time; finest goods;
low prices. Liberal commission. Walker
Edmund Co., 103 State St., Chicago
J 147 lx
100 per cent profit and premiums to agent
taking orders for our Christmas special
ties. Easy sellers. -Samples l'ght and
flee. Iliff Co., Chicago. . J 148 lx
WANTED Lady agents; you can make big
money from the start and build for your
self a permanent Income without limit;
hustlers only need apply. Address Hub
Specialty Co., Box 846, Colorado Springs,
Colo. J 109 lx
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or
woman to work In Nebraska representing
large manufacturing company, salary, JKI
to $90 per month paid weekly; expenses
advanced. Address with stamp. J. H.
Moore, Omaha, Neb. . J 127 lx
AGENTS Men and women make $100 to
$J1 per month. Permanent. Write to
Hnllem Mfg. Co., 142 Lincoln Ave.. Chi
cago, 111. J 126 lx
AGENTS sell California souvenir postals,
S"0 varieties, samples 12 cents. Star Co.,
674 Fourth St., San Francisco, Cal.
J-117 lx
AGENTS $10 dally easily made selling our
Steel Hitching Posts; artistic In design;
will not rust or wear shabby; retails for
$2; everybody buys; literal terms to
agents. Address Bond Steel Post Co.,
Adrian, Mich. J 136 lx
PORTRAIT AGENTS Protect yourself
against losses by dealing direct with
artist; guaranteed work at lowest prices.
Uarman and Brewer Studio, 155 W. Madi
son St., Chicago. J 135 lx
AGENTS to sell liquors at wholesale prices
to consumers on liberal commission; ex
clusive territory given. E. A Rothschild
&. Co., 38-44 Michigan Ave., Chicago.
j-i:s ix
GREAT season's business selling O-K
Metal Door-l-ottom Weatherstrip; une
qualed; energetic men wanted everywhere.
Address Iiurostlle Co., Marietta, O.
J-132 lx
I LEARN to fit glasses by sending for our
free book on the eye. It will tell you
I all about It. Get a profession that
I pays you from $76 to $15U pr month.
1 lie optical proiession win ao it lor you.
No field so pieasunt. profitable or so little
worked. No longer necessary to work for
some one else at a meager salary. For a
sl.ort time only w'e are sending our book
fiee. It will teach you to be an optician
and costs you nothing. A postal card will
bring It by return mall, all charges paid.
Jacksonlan Optical College, Dept. II Su,
Jackson, Mich. J .
WE PAY $38 A WEEK and expenses to
men with rigs to Introduce our poultry
compound. Year's contract. Imperial
Mfg. Co.. Dept. 54. Parsons, Kan. J
"I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one
agent: new, demand, quick sales. Econ
omy Farm Record Co., Newton, Iowa.
J-twi lx
AGENT8-W have some good things to
sell; one special Christmas toy sells at
every luiutr; sample free. Address 2u8
W est Wood Bu, Decatur, 111. J 156 lx
EXCELLENT opening for a few reliable
? reneral agents to handle our line of flexl
le steel matting; ready sales, large com
missions. Acme Flexible Clasp Co., Chi
cago. J 154 lx
WANTED Local and traveling agents, for
Pheer-Cut-Shears Salary and commis
sion. Credit given. Orders filled same
day received Novelty Shear Co , IS4 X.
Salle St., Chicago. J-9M lx
HUSTLING AGENTS to handle money,
maker. Also men can become experts
who never canvassed. Eclipse Clothes
Drier Is a winner. Write Peed Filter Co.,
158 Chambers St., New York.
J-174 lx
SALESMAN to sell our "Ken'ucky Trite"
whisky In barrels and bottles to the
'trade; good chance for live men. Licking
Valley Co., Covington, Kjr.
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa; staple line; entirely new Induce
ments to trade; high commissions; tJi
weekly advance; permanent to right man.
F. C. Farley Co.. Detroit, Mich.
8IDE LINE Small sample; liberal commis
sion; standard article. The Trojan Mlg.
Co.. Station O, South Bend, Ind.
SALESMEN WANTED Hot side line; pay.
hctel bills; easy seller; pocket sample;
prompt commission. American Chewing
Gum Co., St. Louis.
SALESMAN of known ability who wants
permanent position worth $3.&J0 or more
annually. Holiday season Just opening,
Box 674, Chicago.
TAKE NOTICE We want a plain every
day salesman for Nebraska to sell well
advertised line. No Hot Air or Blue Sky
salesman need apply. State experience
fully. Drawer "W." Chicago. 143 lx
SALESMEN send for full particulars.
showing $1,400 In commissions earned In
six weeks. Good men wanted. Sales
Manager Box 97, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
141 lx
WANTED Agents to sell wrapping paper
and bags line; salesmen who make a fixed
territory every sixty or ninety days pre.
ferred; samples light: commission liberal
Dept. A, The Kemper-Thomas Co.. Cln
cliuiatl, O. 115 lx
WANTED Salesmen at once for lubricating
viia aim tmiiits, ittlBI V Jl LUiuniioniuii
Address The Harvey oil Co., Cleveland. O
105 lx
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions with
$100 monthly advance; permanent position
to ngni man, jess il. Smith Co.. l)e
troit, Mich. ,104 Lx
SALESMAN Hnnit man tn nmai K.hrflBlia-
vacancy October 1; contract for this year
and next If sales satisfactory; commis
sions ana weeKiy advance ror ex
penses. W. 8. Flnley Co., 636-548 Euclid
Aver., Cleveland, O. 108 lx
- - - - - . . - . j , ...... . " " 1' 1" 7 DairDtimii
with established trade to handle our
gooas; give rererences. ivon-Smut Carbon
11. -. T . . . . . . .
mifi. .u.t nucucsier, in. r., u. e. A.
-107 lx
SALESMEN everywhere to sell our Ice
Crushing machines, as a side line: good
commission; easy sales, especially to
saloonlsts Davenport Ice Chipping
macnine lo., uavenport, la. 120 lx
WANTED for the year 1906 experienced
calendar salesman to sell the United
States Calendar Company line of Foreign
and Domestic Calendars, novelties and
leather goods In the state of Iowa. Only
experienced salesman with unexception
able reference need apply. Address Un
ited State Calendar Company, Cincinnati,
O. ( 116 lx
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska gen
eral merchandise trade: to fill vacancy;
must be experienced, energetic, capable;
first-class pay. Wholesaler. Box 10-3, St.
Louis, Mo. 138 lx
WANTED Experienced traveling sales
men: salary and expenses on Id! state ex
perlence and furnish references. Eclipse
oiuck roou lu,, cox tvi, ues Moines, la
WANTED Traveling salesmen able to in
terest retail merchants and close con
tracts on strong proposition; $3,6u0 and
expenses for capable man. Drawer 511,
Rock Island, 111. 093 lx
SALESMEN can easily make $10 a day
selling our gold window letters, novelty
signs and changeable signs. Catalogue
free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren
St., Chicago. 111. 890 lx
WANTED Lithographic salesmen; must
have experience and practical knowledge
of selling lithographic commercial sta
tionery. State past experience, salary,
territory covered. If any. Confidential.
None but experienced men need apply.
Good salary and fine position for the
' right man. Stephens Lltho. & Eng. Co
St. Louis. sag ix '
TRAVELING salesmen wanted to sell
grocers. Permanent position. State pres
ent occupation and salary expected. Los
Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo.
-102 lx
CAPABLE salesmen to sell our Jewelry
assortments to country retailers; men now
making $5"0 monthly: unique advertising
plan; specialty and scheme men preferred
references and bond. Sales Manager No
211 Dickey Bldg., Chicago. 170 lx
ple; we offer remarkable Inducements to
merrharit; we have places worth
$3.0no per year up for five good men. De
partment 509, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago
-169 lx
MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive
territory upon unequaled commissions for
unrivaled books: no better opening Is to
be found In the book selling business than
the opportunity we now have to offer- get
our proposition; send address. M A
Donohue & Co., Chicago. 166 lx '
CIGAR salesman wanted In vour locality
for city and country trade; $00 per month
and expenses; experience unnecessary;
enclose stamp for particulars. P'trltan
Cigar Co., Dept. 74. Chicago. -165 lx
SALESMEN-$V) weekly, taking orders for
$11 all-wool, tailor made to m-awure suits
no capital reoulred. Great Eastern Co..
232 Martense, Brooklyn, N. Y. lo lx
WANTED Salesman In each city arid
county for special newspaper work; good
remuneration to responsible narty: stte
references and exporlenco p T Walsh
601 Jenifer Bldg., Washington. D. O
-176 lx
ESTABLISHED patent medicine house has
fine opening In this terrltorv for h'lrh
grade general man. famlllee with making
newspaper contracts, handling men, etc
give age, experience and f 'll nirtlc'iilirs
In strict confidence. Box 655, Chlcien
173 ix
WANTED Salesman to call on harrtwr
snd e-enetal stor,. trtrte; samples carried
In noclet: commissions paid eve-y Fri
day. Washburn & Wheeler Mfg. C" r.
catar. III. lwlx
WANTED An experienced salesnmn for a
line of high grade perfumes, toilet arti
cles and flavorl"g extracts, direct from
factory to retnllor: a grocery or drv
goods man "referred: good trade I" Ne
braska. Address C 19. Bee. 153 lx
CAPITOL HOTEL. nf and Capitol An:
board verandas, ample lawns, stately
trees rustic seats: home co.iklnj; hot nd
cold water; reasonable rates. F 963
Tel. 611. O. M. E Haul Trunks
THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; nice rooms; good
board: also uy board or tickets; rates
reasonable. F 190 OctUx
627 PARK AVE South room, suitable for
two. with best of board; modern, horne
'ke. F 698 30
FOR two bachelors or married coupie,
newly furnished, Uighl, well healed room:
meals choicely prepared and served:
references; puce reasonable. Address C
17, Bee. F M9U6 lx
A SUNNY room with all modern con
veniences, for a gentleman of refined
tastes, who likes quiet yet cheerf ulin ss.
Address C 26, Bee. F M'Ju6 lx
FRONT ROOM and alcove with closet;
board; private family. 2223 Burt.
F-M940 2x
DESIRABLE room with board for two gen
tlemen; private family. 'Mi Farn-im.
Tel. Red-6-'ul. F 965 2
A SMALL family having a well appointed
residence offer a pleasant home to re
fined gentleman and wife: double room;
excellent table; references exclutnged. Ad
Areas li U, Bee, F VT lx
ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th A -"J'
DEWEY European hotel. 13ih rrJJ2Jfc
V1KNNA Hotef; private dining roomJ)'
ROOMS and good' board, $5 pe' w;k "nd
up. Call 1617 Chicago 8t c.''1
Tel. 611 O. M. F. Haul Trunks
t.- VI
NEWLY furnished room, modern. In pri
vate family. 3u N. 25th St. L '
LIGHT nousck
keeping and sleeping room
t7 So. 24th. KM.."&x
for rent. 2t7
RENT A ROOM and let us furnish It. W
tlo this cheaper and better than any on
In Omaha. Terms: $.'6.00 worth, $LO0 a
Between 12th and 13th on Farname,JJ1 '
NICELY furnished rooms; modern; new
house. Telephone. 421 No. 18th.
E M768 30
FURNISHED room; modern. 2221 Douglas
E M768 8u
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 22
Farnam. E-M783 lx
THREE furnished rooms for carnival vis
itors, near grounds. 1923 Douglas St.
E 890 4
DESIRABLE rooms, south front, central
locution. 2226 Farnam. E M910 6
ROOMS for gentlemen In private family;
everything new and modern, lcludlmj.
steam heat, porcelain bath, telephone,
etc.; centrally located; no car fare. 1701
Davenport St. . E M897 lx
ROOM for transients. $1 a day; modem;
also three well furnished rooms for house
keeping, modern, steam heat. 22.14 Far
nam, Flat 6. 'Phone 22i3. E M9U lx
VACANT Oct. 3 or 4, .-oom for young man
In private boarding house; modern, close
to car line. 22H2 Farnam. E 915 lx
FRONT room, with alcove. 624 S. 26th Ave,
E 912 IX
Northwestern Hotel
Remodeled and newly furnished. Clean,
beds. Well ventilated rooms. Medium
priced cafe.
S. E. Cor. lOtli aud Webster Sts.
E M930 OcU
1816 Chicago rooms for carnival visitors,
near the grounds. E Ml'.6 3x
LARGE front room, bay window, very de
sirable, 514 N. 23d St. 'Phone Rod 4V.4.
E MWu 2
FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, with
use of 'phone. 'Phone Douglas 572l. 2224
Chlcatro St. E M223 Jx
SLEEPING rooms for carnival visitors, two
blocks south, one and a half wes-t Ben
nett's storeT 1712 Jackson. E M2S5 3x
THREE pleasant partly furnished rooms
for light house keeping; private family;
no children: call Sunday or evenings.
1545 North Ninteenth street. E M265 3x
TWO rooms on ground floor. 1120 N. 17th.
G 921 lx
FOUR modern unfurnished rooms. 2o7
Woolworth Ave. G M:81 3x
ONE large front parlor unfurnished ex
cept tine brussels carpet and shades;
suitable for four young men; two rooms
upstairs, one with alcove; all heated and
lighted. 128 South Twenty-fifth street.
G 262 IX
United States National
Bank, Building
We have an especially fine large space, $.400
square feet, corner, on ground floor. This
is two large, light rooms, 1,200 Bquare feet
floor space each; can be thrown together
If desired or rented separately; both rooms
recently decorated; strictly modern; heat
and Janitor service furnished.
We also have a smaller oftlce on the 2d
floor. Call and see us at once.
Chas. E. Williamson,
Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam St.
1-232 1
THREE-STORY and basement. 10C3 Far
imm; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
WE have vacant a particularly desirable
small office which rents for $l(l.lhj per
month. Price Includes heat, light, water
and Janitor service. It is located on the
fourth floor of The Bee building and Is
"Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice
little office In the best office building In
town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents,
ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771
NAM SlkttT.
Tnu uuiiutuK is feet, four storlew
aiiu uu.bc.ucot. 'xiitf uuttuieni Is 22xii
feel, is cemented. The celling over iu
bafceinunl lias brick vault and lrou betiu
cuusn ucliou, uiakeing tne bctacmeul lue
pioof. The lirsl Hour haa a Inui 010 floor a
lrout and granolithic flour iu rear. There
is a large bui giar-pruof vault and a power
elevator, 'the uiipcr Hours have windows
uo untie sides.
AUiUxbS, The Bee Building Co., C. C.
Kuwwdler, Secretary, Kuoiii 100 Bee illag.
1 uxw
IF you upply ut once we can give anyone
desiring u luiue olliee space almost any
at laiikciiieiit nicy debire. This space is
on tna sixtulloor of The liee buodiug,
w.ili uoilii lis n I. R. C. Peters at Co.,
rental agents, ground flour. Bee Bldg.
FOR RENT Store room, or half of room;
location 1715 Leavenworth St. I s6 3ox
$30 per month for store room, 20x60 feet.
2127 Farnam St. Newly papered and
1601 FARNAM.
I-M247 10
GOOD hand-made gardener's wagon near
iy ne-V
'iou delivery wagon $26.
Leatlu--r-top cs ri lage- $40.
Two fine naps.
Runabouts and top buggies.
Rublei -tired phuetou
Ibth and Harney. P 137 S3
FOR SALE A fine team of high bred car
nage, noise. Chestnut sorrels. Inquire t
telephone Id). P M476
ELEGANT Utannope, with rublx-r tires al
half price; also three $100 tup bugxiei
from the Saltliy Mfg. Co.'s stock, will go
at $40 each. Johnson A Daufurlh, 8. W.
cor. Kith and Jones Hts. P .'.85
PRIvXtE 8ALE Carriage, Vlctorlaphae
ton, harnesses, hoi so snow roodatcrT fln
teiim. two-seated cutler, fine equipment,
Want automublle. Addles C 6. care t:e,
P-7v0 2
FOR SALE Gray mar., 1.4u0 lbs., very
blocky, line worker, suits heavy hauling.
Turner, aiitli and Center. f n,j
FOR SALE 100 head of fresh well brokt
native horses ami mules, Including busi
ness horses, wunn horses, drivers and
draft horses, matched and weighing l oot
lbs. and up, at our burns at Pucirtc Junc
tion, la., 0 miles out of Omaha. Cull st
room i.ti Bee lildg. Tel. 17u3. Anderson
Record Co. 714
COUNTRY club wagon, Uttlo used, for $100
Telephone C'J.'I. P 917 6x
rrcniuvj ,,Hllc aMlgni jo. 'Cor.
1 c
. 1