Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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HMt 8t.t Const i:io Obstacle to
EfftctiT Inti-fiailromd LegiiUtion.
II Qirrrar Call,
fee.hrr t ( nrrrrt
fitlnna Ilntls
t.vclalatar Ti
Kslstla ")
Ttilnk flt
Skoal Art Without nla.
and longing for the tnsn who ar td sirr
tha pop! aa leader. Th corporations
and Yrsted Interests hay attorneys in
vsrr rounty of th stt, and among th
ranks, arc a few who have the ability.
Ideals and aspirations whereof statesman
are, made, but there ia not one of them, to
my knowledge, who ts not dependent upon
bis retainer aa an attorney, for the sup
port of his family. When we hare men
of lnd"pendant means and ability, seeking
public office for the honor that It hrlnpa.
we will hava better laws on our statute
"I iave been reading with great Interest
the profit comment upon the supposed de
ip' f Onvernor Mickey to rail an eitra
session." says It-prcnntatlv N. P. Dodge.
" Imagine the .hjct would be to enact
ome legislation that wculd be In harmony
with the administration's policy of Increas
ing the governmental control of railroads.
"If this railing an extra session is being
serlooaly thought of and It Is not merely
bel.!g aKltated as a political shlbbol'th to
sr.ln some other vantage. It should be care
fully considered and only resorted to In re
pons to a widespread demand from all
arta of the state, if there Is no popular
lemand for legislation having for Its object
th control or restriction of railroads, tariffs
and service It would be useless to call an
tva session, for the legislature can but
cs.-Ty out the wishes and desires of the
p-ople. . .
"There Is no doubt this question was not
n Issue In the last campaign; and for that
matter, there was no state , Issus of any
kind, except In a few counties where the
new revenue law had proven unpopular for
reasons that were purely local and wherein
the evils would soon cure thmselves. In
fact, all state Issues were utterly lost In
the nitlnnal campaign, which was rather
colorless In comparison with the over
whelming brilliancy of Roosevelt's popu
larity. In the grent desire! to continue him
In office we forgot all Issues or Isms, feeling
confident that Willi hl:n In office we were
insured of his co-cperatlon In- all needed
Annthello State Convention.
"Another reason why there were no Issues
In the state campaign was that we had a
very apathetic stut" convention, where tfte
aiomlnatlons were Jat d and the delegations
were pawns In tie hut. da of powers un
known to Do-jgl ts county, whose vot-s
ere not consvtfed or counted on. Tho
platform wan njjpted after the nominations
were made ivfi. when most of the delegates
had gone ho jre. '
"The . erage state platform Is a
mm kery -.)(l always will be, until we have
direct r:.t nary nominations, when a candl
ctntu go before the people on a plat
form nudo by the common " minds of all
vjtes. and expressions of their desires.
" May not have the sonorous ring of tlie
' otiventlon-nmde platform, but Its plank
will be ever present In the popular mind,
tind Its Issues will bo decided, clear-cut.
at tnn primaries. Therefore, It may be
said that although railroad legislation was
uui n issue in tne last campaign. It may
still be a fair question whether the peoplo
of Nebraska felt the need oT some form of
railroad regulation of freight rates. This
luestlon may still bo an open one, and
Oovernor Mickey is In a position to know
wnai tne feeling Is In all parts of the
tate. We In Omaha can only Judge of
the local conditions In that regard.
memoer or tne house, I can say
unoro seemed to be an almost unanimous
:feellng that some legislation was needed In
order to give the people some relief for
poor railroad servlse, excessive freight rates
and unjust discrimination. Even much
measures as maximum freight bills and
other moro radical bills regulating ser
vice and shipments, Introduced In all sin
cerity and In response to local demands.
received heavy support. The railroad com-
jmiscion Dills were passed almost unani
mously In the house. If the house was any
narometer to record popular pressure In
this direction, certainly the support of theso
bills and the mere volume of them, was
sufficient to overcome any lack of expres
sion In the previous campaign.
Ought to Give Ample Time.
"If Oovernor Mickey should call an ex
tra session It ought to be done long enough
uijraa bo mat eaon district in the state
could fully discuss the form of needed leg
lsladon. If any, and so instruct Its mem
o-irs of both houses, so that they would
aot have to flounder around when leglsla
lure convenes seeking somo way to please
il parties concerned. 1 for one feel that
Nebraska can very easily keep pace with
progress by following Iowa's example
creatine a railroad commission, with power
to fix maximum tariffs. Iowa has in this
way been able to give Its citizens lower
fr jRht rates and no railroads are passing
'"vldmds as a result. I would oppose nil
mure radical measures, as I did in the last
r-oBston. for 1 believe no legislature Is qual
I tied to enact freight tariffs. Involving as
It does a thorough study of local condl
Hons in each instance.
"K distance tariff is ruinous and absurd
and is only talked of by those who wish
to Kill ail forma of rate regulation. But to
create n railroad commission means to
amend the constitution, and here again we
meet with further complications. Unless
itomo change is made In printing constitu
tlonal amendments and In correcting the re
turns It Is almost useless to try tu puss an
amendment at election.
'"The chapter In the statutes providln
for constitutional amendments evldentl
Intended that they shouldbe printed upon
separate ballota and deposited in separat
ballot boxes. If this were done it would
be possible to pass an amendment. Hut In
tha election law statute the form of ballot
provides for placing a constitutional
amendment on the regular ballot, as is
done now. On the big ballot the am-nd
ment la overlooked and It can only be
passed by having the law amended ao that
straight ticket will count for the amend
ment. Another change would be to .imen
tha present law ao that a mnjorlty of votes
cast upon the amendment would carry It,
and not. at now. a majority of all votes
cast at the election.
Final -( Ion To Consider.
"80. when we consider all the obstacles
In the way of railroad legislation that
would be effective and reasonable, wo
come to the ttiuil question in regard to an
extra, seHSion: Can the legislature under
our pr.-s.nt and out-of-date consitutlon,
enact any laws that would attain the de
sired rultr 1 have no doubt of the
spirit of the houve to pass any laws tlio
people demand, but it will take a popular
upheaval, and the votes of the people at
tha pulls to bring about the result most
desired a ronstlullona! convention, or
Several amendments to the present con
stitution. ' "When any reforms are really demanded
by the people, a special sesniun would ba
the Wet means to bring it about, for all
the members have had experience u legis
latlv work and the work of the session
could he limited to the essentials and not
wasted on the nonessentials, aa ia the caaa
in regular sessions.
"Moreover, our sessions are too ahort.
Massachusetts has only a fraction of our
Area, but l legislature meets four or
Bve months every yar. The Illinois legis
lature waa In session about six months.
The spectacle of our senate trying to pasa
month's work of the house. In three, days,
would be a farce, were it not so serious in
Its result by tha losa of many good bills.
"Whan one becomes Interested In publlo
Matters In Nebraska, and aeea the many,
many needed reforms In the . process of
svvenuuoat, h Wuka villi bewilderment
Manrteraon nn State-Owned Railroads.
OMAHA. Sept. ?. To the Editor of The
Bee: My attention has been caljed to a
letter from one Walter Preen In The Bee,
criticising my statement as to the contrast
between railroads In this country and In
I have no acquaintance with this corres
pondent and do not know his business, or
what opportunities he may have had to
compare by observation the different rail
roads of the world. He may or may not
ava traveled In foreign lands, but If he
has and has seen with no better discrimina
tion than he reads, his evidence Is of
little worth. I eommend to htm a more
thorough course In English before he at-
empts to criticise.
He says I make an Important gross mis
statement" In the "assertion that state
owned railways In Europe pay no taxes."
made no such statement, for In some, but
extremely few foreign lands, the govern
ment does pay local or municipal taxes and
all others It does not.
The sum mentioned by this correspondent
as having been paid Into the national treas
ury In Prussia does not go, to the extent
a single copper, to psy local or munl-
Ipal taxes. The amount thus paid shows
the profit In the operation of the .roads
nd this Is reached by reason of the high
rates charged and the small wages paid:
for while German rates are the lowest In
Europe, they are considerably higher than
urs and while our engineers are getting
$4 to $4.50 per hundred mile service, on an
average throughout the I'nlted States, in
Gerruany they get hut $2. DO. and all other
railroad expense, constructive and opera
tive. Is In about the same proportion. With
he highest wages paid anywhere, American
railways afford the best service and give
the lowest rates.
My comment upon foreign roads was that
they gave poor service for both passengers
and freight and that first class accommoda
tions did not equal ours In any respect and
were charged for at much higher rates.
The American jsho travels abroad Is In a
constant state of exasperation at the treat
ment of himself, the utter disregard for his
comfort, the lack of care for his baggage
nd the discourtesy of railroad attendants;
especially frqm the public officials of government-owned
railroads, the hands of
every one of them outstretched for the
'tip" or bribe that Is the additional charge
or every courtesy or comfort. Imagine
offering a gratuity to a railroad conductor
n this country for the privilege of getting
seat already paid for,' and another to
an American station master for seeing that
one's trunk is placed upon the train without
check or receipt. I have Just received a
letter from an Intelligent gentlemen,- well
known In Omaha and an extensive and ex
perienced traveller. In which he says:
L,ooklrg after baggage and finding de
finite seats In the railroad trains is mak-
ng me prematurely gray."
The balderdash In Mr. Breen'a communi
cation about the nonpayment of taxes needs
no comment other than to say that the
facts will be conclusively proven in ' the
causes now pending In the courts that the
railroads of Nebraska, which In fat and
lean years have always promptly paid their
taxes, when their property . has been as
sessed with even the least semblance of
fairness, are now assessed far, very far, be
yond their value aa compared with all other
taxable property In the state. They have
neither been concealers and coverera of tax
able property nor shirkers of payment, but
have poured Into municipal, county and
state treasuries sums that stagger belief,
and It Is their contribution, annually made.
far beyond their fair proportion, that haa
prevented bankruptcy and repudiation by
the state.
The point made In my former Interview,
which your correspondent In his haste to
rush into print seems to have overlooked, la
my suggestion that If the Vnlted Btatea
should own the railroads not a single dollar
would be paid, nor could It be paid, for
city, county and state purposes, and the en
tire burden of local government would fall
upon other property. I do not believe tha
taxpayers of Nebraska are ready for that.
The question of the means of acquiring
this railroad property, all of which Is pri
vately owned by hundreds of thousands of
stockholders all over the land, does not
seem to trouble the minds of thesa vision
aiies. I'nder the constitution of the t'nlted
States private property cannot be taken for
publlo use without full compensation. It
would cost from ,000,0n0,000 to 19,000,000,000
for the federal government to take over
tnese railroads. This vast sum Is many
times greater than the cost of a gigantic
war and five-fold the cost of the conflict be
tween Japan and Russia, which Is straining
the credit of both countries.
I presume our populist friends sea no
difficulty In the matter, for to their minds
tha setting, the engravers and presses to
work to lseue government promises to pay
is rather a desirable, method. But pay
day comes to nations as to individuals, and
this tremendous burden, cast upon the tax
payers of the country, will have no com
pensation in reduced rates, for tha no
torious fsct is that when the government
runs a business It Is ever at great cost.
The public printing office at Washington
Is a fair Instance, for It costs the govern
ment at least 30 rer cent more to do Its
printing than It could be done by private
parties under contract.
Neither does the prospect of such an
enormous Increase of holders of civil
political place disturb the populist equani
mity, nor does he trouble his alleged mind
over the question of the constitutional
right of the federal government to con
duct railroads in sovereign states, which
Is at least debatable and calculated to
worry a legal mind.
There can be no recovery against tha
I'nlted Etutea for death, personal Injury
to employes or passengers, killing or maim
ing of stock, setting out of d -structlve
fires, loss of baggage or freight, damage
to land or crops from overflow caused by
embankments and bridges and the numer
ous other causes for which demands are
made, upon railroads every hour and tha
payment of which, either by adjustment
with clalmists or as tha result of suits,
entails almost the largest single outlay
they are compelled to meet and xuna Into
maay millions of money annually. No
court would have Jurisdiction of such
suits against tha United States, and those
who suffer would have to appeal to eon
gresa for a specinc appropriation, for no
money can be drawn from tha treasury
without It. and congress has' persistently
refused to appropriate money for claims of
similar character. I recall with soma
chagrin the fact that when a member of
tha senate committee on military affairs I
urged with sll my powar payment, by way
of appropriation, to the heirs of on
cltlsen killed and to another injured while
walking upon the highway, where they had
the right U ba, by over-ahota from regular
soldiers engaged In target practice Con
gress would not establish the precedent
that lb govsrnment waa liable for Ux
negltgenew of its servants. And ao on
might go on at wearisome length t show
th troubleaom results that would com
with government ownership.
That Tsndora's box of ills will never b
opened and It will be buried out of sight
with the greenback cri, the free ailvar
vagary and the other whimsies of erratlo
Neither Pag Sor Tkemsi mt Faalt.
OMAHA. Sept. 30 -To the Editor of The
Bee: In The Bee of last Sunday appeared
an Item purporting to be based upon state
ments of the city attorney ofthH city
conveying the Impression that B. K.
Thomas and E. C. Page, who ar working
upon a compilation of th ordlnahcea of thl
city, had secured a contract for the pub
lication of an extravagant number of the
same. While the city attorney felt that
th number to be published as at first sug
gested was unnecessarily large and the
same has since on his suggestion been re
duced, yet he did not, nor did he Intend to,
attribute any fault In that matter to either
Mr. Thomas or Mr. Page or. Indeed, to
anyone In particular. Mr. Thomas has a
contract to do the work of compilation
simply, and his compensation Is In no wise
dependant upon the number of such bok
published; while Mr. Page has no other
relation to the matter than that of having
been employed by Mr. Thomas to aaaist
the latter In the work of compilation.
JOHN P. BREEN, City Attorney.
How Yalnei of 0ri Are Determintd by
Eoientifia txperts.
Skip with Lightest Draft f Any
Being; Ballt Takes t
PHILADELPHIA. 8ept. 80.-In the pres.
ence of a distinguished party of guests,
the battleship Mississippi was launched
today at 2:33 p. m. at the yards Of th
William Cramp Ship & Engine Building
company. The vessel's sponsor, was Miss
Mabel Clar Money, daughter of United
States Senator Money. Owing to the pre
valence of yellow fever In the south.
Governor J. K. Vardaman of Mississippi
and his staff were unable to attend the
launching. The governor was represented
by Senntot Money. The guests included
Admiral Dewey, Lieutenant Commander
Wood, Rear Admiral Rogers, Mayor
Weaver of this city, naval officers stationed
here and In Washington and many promi
nent civilians. '
The christening party consisted of Sena
tor and Mrs. Money, Miss Money and her
fiance, Dr. William Whitney Kitchen. They
were escorted to the yard by General
George B. Williams, Cramp's Washington
representative, who accompanied them to
this city. Immediately after the launch
ing, luncheon was served in the Mold loft.
Special Interest Is attached to the battlo
ship Mississippi since It will carry the
smallest displacement of any United States
battleship now being built with the excep
tion of the Idaho, a sister ship.
The displacement of these two vessel Is
13,000 tons each, while all the later battle
ships, including the Vermont, Kansas and
Minnesota, now building In other shipyards,
have a displacement of 16,000 tons.
The Mississippi will be equal to many bat
tleships of 16.0U0 tons displacement and no
vessel of the same displacement In any
navy of the nations carrlea equally heavy
batteries. The main batteries will consist
of four 12-lnch ' breech-loading rifles,
mounted In two turrets; eight 8-Inch breech
loading rifles, in four turrets; eight 7-lnch
breech-loaders, behind casement armor, and
21-inch submerged torpedo tubes; also three
secondary batterlea twelve 8-lnch, six
three-pounders, two one-pounder auto
matics, two one-pounder rapid-fire guns.
two 8-Inch field pieces, two machine guns
and six automatics.
The vessel will be STB feet In length on the
water line and the length over all will be
383 feet, with extreme beam of seventy
seven feet. The speed requirement Is sev
enteen knots. The ship will be equipped
with triple expansion twin screws of 10,000
Indicated horse power, fitted with eight
Babcock A Wilcox water boilers, set In
watertight compartments. Except for the
windlass and steerage fear, practically the
other machinery will be run by electricity.
Wireless telegraphy apparatus will be In
stalled and. In fact, the Mississippi will b
so equipped as to equal In every way the
highest standard of requirement for modern
warships. There will be commodious quar
ters provided for the crew of 760 officers
and men, with special attention paid to
aanltary needs
DeBnite Proposals (or Commercial
Treaty Will Ba Rent to
America- Boon.
BERLIN, Sept. 30, The Qerman govern
ment's definite proposals to the United
Slates for a commercial treaty are about
ready to forward to Washington where
they have been prepared because of a re
quest of the Stale department, which In
quired In June, precisely what it was that
Germany wanted if the existing arrange
ment was Unsatisfactory. Chancellor Von
Buelow asked th German chamber of
commerce and the organization of th
Individuals trades to Inform th govern
ment of their Ideas of th lines a new
convention should take. These reports.
some of which have been cabled, form a
mass of material on which tha second
division of the Foreign office, that devoted
to trade policies and consular admin
istration has been working.
Dr. Von, Koernor, director of the depart
ment, who more than any one els carried
through the difficult Russian and Austrian
treaties, has tha American affair In hand.
Americans doing business in Germany, who
have built up the Import trade in Ameri
can manufactures, are continually asked
by Germans what they think of th
prospects of a reciprocity treaty and they
usually reply that th outlook is doubtful.
but they have been considerably cheered
by th recent action of the New York and
other American chambers of commerce in
favor of a trade treaty.
Method ft Kampllng Ore aad Then
Hedarlag the Sample to an Kmact
Flgare of Vala by th
Fire Teat.
Do you know anything about the work
of the assayer? Dos It seem mysterl .us
to you that a man can take the most com
plex piece of ore that you can bring bi.n
and In a ahort time tell you Just how much
lead, silver, copper or gold it may contain?
Not only this, he will be Just as accural
as to the baser constituents the lime, the
silica, the barium. He can tell you whether
It Is an oxide, a sulphide or a carbon.ite.
If he has had long experience he ran tell
you very near the locality from which th
or came.
After he haa told you what you have In
the ore, he can also tell you the best way ;
to get It but, and this may mean a great ;
saving to you. When all these things ar )
known you can operate your mine with
Th aasayer looks at your piece of rock
and he may ask you If this ts a fair sam
ple of what you have In your ledge of ore.
Perhapa you aay you don't know. Then,
If you will b advised, you will go back
to your mine and go over the whol of
the exposed surface of your outcroppings.
or the face of your drifts, or tunnels, or
shafts, as the case may be, and by gather
ing a large number of pieces taken Indis
criminately you will get a fair sample.
What the Assayer Does.
The assayer will look at these pieces.
If they look weather-beaten, or of a red
rust color from Iron, he probably will de
cide that the samples are oxide. If the
samples are black, or show bronie yellow
crystals, or give up white fumes on heat
ing, he will say they are sulphide. Then
he will crush the ore to finest powder and
mix with It what he calls fluxes, such as
soda, lime or silica, as the case may re
quire. These, with the ore, cause it to
melt much more easily.
Now, the most important thing he puts
In, if he is testing for gold, is something
that will gather vp the minute particles ct
gold or sliver and bring them together.
This, the assayer has discovered to be
litharge, one of the oxides of lead. This
acts in melted ore much as the eggs a
housekeeper uses with which she settles her
coffee. He puts with the litharge some
form of carbon, flour, argol and charcoal.
This reduces litharge to metallic lead, and
In this state It acts as the net, so to speak.
that gathers the precious gold. If the ore
ts a sulphide, there need not be ao much
charcoal or flour, or argol used; and there
lies one difference In the two clauses of ore.
When he has made this mixture to' his
satisfaction, he puts it in a crucible and
covers It with salt and sometimes with
borax. This salt keeps a more even tem
perature In the charge and prevents spat
tering. He beats the mixture he has made
to a high temperature, in a gasoline muffle
furnace, or coke-stove, for twenty minutes.
The melted ore Is poured out and cooled
and the lead, with Its gold and silver, Is
found settled to the bottom, In what la
ailed a button.
The next operation is to separate tha lead
from th gold and silver. The button is put
In a cupel, a little cup made out of bone
ashes. Now put this In the furnace and
you will sea the cupel getting yellow while
th lead disappears. The heat, with air.
makes, the lead Into an oxide again, and
th bone-ash absorbs It as fast aa It la
formed. Not so with the gold and silver.
They will be left in a little globule, after
th lead la all gone.
eparatla Gold from llver.
Now the assayer must be careful, for this
little globule Is easy to lose. But with long
experence, he picks It up and puts it In a
little vessel called a cassarole. To sepa
rate the gold from the sliver the cassarole
is filled with pure nitric acid. This will
dissolve silver but not gold. When the
silver la dissolved the gold Is collected and
weighed. If you have weighed the little
globule before you put It Into the acid, as
you should have done, you take the weight
of gold from the weight of the globule and
the difference will be the weight of tha
Now you know th weight of gold and
silver, and you should know how much or
It took to yield what you have got. Did
you weigh your ore when ' you had it
crushed? The assayer does. Then he can
figure In this wise: If a half pound of or
gave me 1 cent In gold, and 1 half-cent
In silver; a ton of ore, which is the usual
weight of ore considered, will giv me 840
In gold and S20 In silver.
This is the great question that the miner
wants answered, and, telling it roughly,
the assayer goes about it aa herein described.
'BL Frederick Co.
1504 Farna.rr Street
The New fall Dunlap and Stetson flats
In all the correct blocks and proportions. The imported Heath
hat on sale here. We show a complete line of soft hats, Der
bys and silk hats at $3, $1-, $5, $6, $8 aid $10.
For thirty-five years this store has , met the requir ements
of Omaha's best dressed men.
We are now offering the newest, most exclusive and desir
able creations in men's cravats, shirts, hosiery and underwear.
There is a newness, style and variety about our showings of
men's hats and dress accessories that interests men of taste and
gives them the assurance of finding what they want and know
ing that it is the best the market affords and up with, the
Special Display and Sale of new arrivals in men's shirts.
Also on several new lines of hosiery, fall underwear and neck-,
Our Prices Are Kept Down by our extensive buying
You get more for your money here than in any store in Omaha.
Call and See Our Lines and Prices
Molony, McElvain &
We do not try to see how cheap we
suits, but how good
can make our
Retarna to
Rsaaine Managemeat
Hone of Mcoll
the Tailor.
Civil Service (burn.
The I'nlttd States Civil Service eom
mlsMlon announces the following; examina
tions to secure ellKlblps from which to
make certification to fill existing vacancies:
(K-tober 6 and Tor the position of as
sistant examiner In the pat-nt office, at
sn entrance of 11,100 per annum. An limit.
20 years or over. This examination is held
in adilltlon to that announced for October
18 and 19. in view of the utKcnt need of
eliethlrs. and It Is dexlrert that all per
sons who are qualified apply for and tak
this examination.
November 1. For the posltVin of railway
mall clerk in North Dakota. This examlns
tlon will take place at Fargo Orand Forks
and Pembina. N. D. Age limit, 18 to 33
November 1. For the position of assistant
engineer and electrician, I'nlted States
penitentiary. Fort Leavenworth, at $i0
per annum. Age limit, 10 years or ovr.
November 1. For the position of assis
tant superintendent and two vacsncles In
the position of Inspector of seed ware
house and seed distribution. In the Bureau
of Plant Industry. Department of Agricul
ture, at salaries ranstnc from $1V to 12S
per month. Ate limit. years or over.
JTh many friends of Fred Paffenrath
will be pleased to learn that he Will re
turn to Omaha to resume his residence
her as well as the management of Nlcoll
The Tailor, a local establishment which
he haa managed for twelve or fifteen
years. Recently Mr. I'affenrath was called
to Chicago by the head management of the
concern and was proffered the traveling
audltorshlp for the establishment's numer
ous branches throughout the country. He
went to Chicago with his family, but did
not transfer his household goods, and as
Urs. Paffenrath did not like to make her
home In Chicago, they have finally con
cluded to return to Omalia. Mr. Paffen
rath's business will be to look after the
Omaha branch of the house and Its other throughout this part of the west
and be may succeed in locating the travel
ing auditor's office here. In writing to a
friend of his intention of returning, Mr.
Paffenrath states that, "Oinuha. is tlta only
place to live."
Suits to Order - - -
Overcoats to Order -
Pants to Order
Molony is the cutler tkaJ inaxtfureJed thoie large roomy suits. Let them cut a suit for you.
$2.00 to $40.00
25.00 to 60.00
6.00 to 15.00
Pre.ldrat Apitolats Old Frlead.
ST. PAUL, Sept. KL A special to th
Dispatch from Medora, S. ., says that
8. M. Ferris of Medora haa received a
personal letter from Prealdent Roosevelt
stating that he has been appointed register
f tha Dickinson land office. Mr. Ferris
and hi brother, Joseph, were the first men
Roosevelt became acquainted with her on
his first hunting trip to th bad Lands
twenty year go this month, Jossph taking
Mr. Roosevelt on th hunting trip when
he killed his first buffalo. Th brothers
perauadvd BoVMValt lv ( lot U tuck
County Aasvaaor la summoned aa
Wltar.s la Woodmen (sic
at the Capital.
Much to his surprise, County Assessor
Reed has been summoned to appear In tli
supreme court October I ss a witness in
the case wherein the Stale Hoard of
Equalisation Is seeking to have th re
serve fund of the Woodmen of the World
assessed. Mr. Heed thought his part of
the transaction was ended when he turned
over his books to tha County Board of
Equalisation, but found out different when
Secretary Bennett of the slat board sum
moned him Saturday morning. In assess
ing the Woodmen of the World. Mr. Reed
aald he had considered the reserve fund
In that he hud assessed that portion of It
which had accumulated from th Nebraska,
A Mlraealoaa Karas
from bleeding to death bad' aT Plnska,
Naahotah, Wis., who hald his wound
with Bucklln's Arnica Balv. Xc. . Fur
i by Bbermajt A McCooasU Druf
HI 01 WA
all i west
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle .$25.00
Spokane and Eastern Washington $22,50
Butte, Helena and Salt Lake City ,.$20.00
Cody, Wyo.s (Big Horn Basin $16.75
Daily tourist sleepers and through car service Omaha to Montana and Puget Sound
points Daily through tourist sleepers Omaha to California, via Denver, Scenic Colo
rado, Salt Lake City and Southern Pacific. Tourist sleepers from Omaha Thursdays
and Fridays-are personally conducted.
Daily through tourist Bleeping car servire from Omaha to Loa Angeles via Denver,
Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, thence to Southern California over the San Pedro Route.
Through tourist sleepers from Omaha every Saturday night for Southern California
via Kansas Citv and the Santa Fe Route.
These tourist 6leepers provide high grade facilities at half the rates for standard
sleepers. The cost of double berth t)maha, or from Nebraska pointB, to the Coast is but
Let me send you folders about these colonist rates and our through ecrvice.
Describe to me your trip and let me advise you the least cost and the bet way to
make it.
J, B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Apt, 1502 Farm Stout, Cmatia ))