Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1905. Tim Omaha Sunday to K. ROSEWATKn. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. l;lly H (without Rundny). on year...ftnfl I i I y FW and Sundsy. one year 0 liluntrated Uee, one year !N) Sunday one year IW Halurday Hoe, one year 1.60 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Dally Uee (without Bundayl, per work !! Inlly He (Including Sunday), per week.. 17c Fvrnlng R'-a (without Funday). per wok. o Evening Bo (with 8unri;iv. Dor week...10o Rundny Bo, por ropy 6c Address complnlnts of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Deiaitment. OFFICE8. Omaha The Boo Building. Pouth OmahH City Hall Building. C'otinoll Bluffs 11 DphtI Rtroet. Chicago I MO Cnltv Building. Now York t.vm Huma Ufa Ins. Building. Wsshlngton Ml Fotirtoenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Cornniunlratlona relating to now and ed itorial matter Miotild no addressed: Omaha Boa, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to Tha Be t'ubllshlng Company. Only 2-eent stamps received In payrr.ont of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas Countv, sst C. C. Roaewater, secretary of The. Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, snya that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dallv, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of August, 1X6, was as follows: I o.o 16 ni,Toi J 8ijwo 17 zn.atu I IRMWiO i ito.roo 4 ,.Vi 19 !J4,7M 6 8O.T70 JO .12,410 BO.MO n Wt20 7 ao.Tao :i mmmmi 8 81,000 2J .ilbso 81,) 24 KO.4K10 10 ZO.tloO 25 81,1.10 II RO.HOO 26 81, (.'! 1J 80.TBO 27 BO.tMtO 13 RO.TIO 2S 3.77 14 SO.Wio 29 CO.070 15 jii,oo 30 ni.sno Total 24I.(120 Less unsold copies Ili.lU Net total sales OKI.HSS Daily average ao.SM C. C. ROSE WATER, Secy, Subscribed. In my presence and sworn to before me this 30 day of September. 1906. (Seal) M. B. Hl'NOATE. . Notary Public. WHE1 OIT Or TOWH. Subscribers leaving (he city tem porarily ahonld have The Bee mailed to them. It Is better than dally letter from home. Ad dress will be changed aa often aa requested. Make wny for the Ak-Sar-Ben pa gant. . That mau who stole securities from Wall street brokers made the mistake of not organizing a syndicate to handle the deal. Jacob Kchlfit says It was a case of "too much Hyde," but other men before the committee are certain it is now a carte of too mnch seek. With a British warship off the coast of Turkey, Russia Is probably better pleased than formerly to think the war in the far east Is at an end. It was rery lucky for Secretary Taft and the congressional Junketeers that they were not cauttht In the typhoon on their homeward-hotind lrl;. Now that the president bus returned to Washington It will be Interesting to ee how much harder he works at the White House than nt Sagamore Hill. The socialistic members cf the Relchsrath are evidently resolved that Vienna shall have au excuse for not quelling the disturbances at Budapest. That Chicago Juilge who quoted the message of President Roosevelt to sus tain his ruling in the packers', case knew what was necessary to make his opinion popular. Kansas is talking or a world's fair to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the state, but it will be uphill work to get an appropriation from congress in the face of a two-milllon-a-month deficit The people of the United States never realized before that the royal preroga tive was exercised . more frequently by presidents of life Insurance companies than by the presidents of the United States.' , The arrest of uu Auiencuu showman on charge of violating French bank ruptcy laws is proof positive that Amerlcuus should rouflue their frenzied finance operations to this side of the Atlantic. Hlr Oonan Poyle has refused to per mit Sherlock Holmes take up the mystery of the murder In a railway train, but he miijht consent if the propo sition was uiude In the usual serlul syndicate form. Nebraska bus paid iiuo the govern ment irrigation fund over $1:20,000 through the sale of lands, but the heavy crops in the "seml-arld" region will still hare to be attributed to Trovldeuee rather than to Uncle Sum's reclamation bureau. x - : Belva I.ockwood, champion woman suffragist, has hurled a few brickbats at Grover Cleveland, but we doubt very much whether Belva's vociferous re marks will ever reach drover's auricu lar apparatus. One mau who borrowed tnto money from the former auditor of Indiana Is making arrangements to return it to tha state treasurer. Mr. Sherries may have to work for a living after he gets out of bis trouble. No sooner had Secretary Wilson Is sued his forecast of lower prices for all food products wheu Walter Wellman launches forth an outcry that the high cost of living is arousing the nation. It is perfectly natural that senators, rep resentatives and government officials who bsva been spending their surplus at the summer resort should I the loudest couiplainauts. not jt-rootkd f)Lxr.T' Richard tilney, former attorney gen eral and secretary of state In the cabl net of i irover Cleveland, Is the typical representative of rock-rooted democracy that cannot be moved from its ancient moorings and refuses to adjust Itself to twentieth century conditions. Mr. Ol ney Is nn able Jurist, trained In the stralght-laccd, state rights a4iool, who. like the Rev. Jasper, refuses to believe that "the earth do move." While admitting that "the railroads are the arteries of commerce, that deter mine very largely the outcome of all private enterprises and upon wh'lch hinges too often the material well-being, If not the very existence of towns, cities, sen ports and large sections of country," Mr. Olney plants himself squarely In op position to suiervlsion and regulation of railroads by the national legislature. He asserts that the railroads are pri vate property and do not come within the scope and Jurisdiction of rate regu lation by congress or by any administra tive body created by congress. "The railroad," declares Mr. Olncy, "la only one species of highways, and what U true of railways must be true of ordinary highways. The Jurisdiction of the national government must be the same In both cases." This Is eminently sotind logic and a retrospective glance should convince Mr. Olney that the power of rate making on highways has been exercised by municipal, state and national legislatures since the days of Washington and Jefferson. Mr. Olney cannot be Ignorant of the fact that In the District of Columbia congress ha a for nearly a century ex ercised the rate making power for all vehicles used for hire that traverse the public highways and streets of the na tional capital. If congress has tho right either to fix directly the rates for the conveyance of passengers and freight In the streets of Washington, or Indirectly to have the rates established through the Board of District Commissioners, that have for years governed the city of Washington, why has It not also the right to establish reasonable transporta tion rates over railroads In pursunnce of the power vested In it to regulate com merce between the states? But Mr. Olney brushes aside all prece dent and turns his face against the irre sistible march of progress by pointing backward to the exploded state rights doctrine that would subdivide the rail road systems of America and establish terminals at every state line, although every railroad in the country Is linked to every other railroad, and every sta tion agent will sell tickets and bill freight to any other station in America regardless of state lines. Mr. Qluej-'g rock-rooted proclivities are -most forcibly exhibited in the fol lowing summary of conclusions on the rate making power: "Ours is a govern ment by both state and nation by po litical parties, 'and to political rate mak ing for railroads rate making by poli ticians animated by partisan motives and working for partisan ends the ob jections of an economic and business character are on the score of public pol icy, generally as obvious as they should prove Insuperable." What arrant nonsense! . In the very nature of things ours is a government that has always exercised its functions through men affiliated with political parties, and this condition is sure to continue as long as the republic sur vives. Are we, therefore, forever pre vented from using the machinery of gov ernment for the protection of its citizens against excessive taxation imposed upon them by common carriers? Are we to permit these carriers to play the part of Providence and leave them free to en rich one class of patrons, or oue com munity, and impoverish another class of patrons and other communities Just because the law makers and executive officers of our government are affiliated with political parties? If the logic of Mr. Olney applies to railroads it would apply to all other agencies created under modern conditions for facilitating com merce and effecting exchanges, but the very 'suggestion repels the Idea. THE BVtLDiSU OF CIIARALTSR. Among the notable addresses at the university openings was that of Presi dent Butler of Columbia, who urged that the building of character Is the niost im portant work of our institutions of learn ing. Ho said that if there Is failure to form those traits and habits which to gether constitute character all our learning is nn evil. President Butler said that Just now the American people are having brought home to them with severe emphasis the distinction between character and reputation. "Of late we have been watching reputations melt away like snow before the sun, and the sun In this case is mere publicity. Men who for years have beeen trusted im plicitly by their fellows, and so placed In positions of honor and grave respon sibility, are seen to be mere, reckless speculators with the money of others and petty pilferers of the savings of the poor and needy." He declared that the situation which confronts Americans to day is due to lack of moral principle; that the greed for gain and the greed for iower have blinded men to the time old distinction between right and wrong. "Both among business men and at the bar are to be found advisers, counted shrewd and successful, who have substituted the penal code for the moral law as the standard of conduct." Severe as this indictment Is It must be admitted to be Just and it would be well If more men occupj ing such a po sition as that of the president of Colum bia would with equal frankness, and earnestness direct public attention to that lack of moral principle which makes possible the faults Dr. Butler pointed out. What Is now being accom plished through the exponura of men who have been entrusted with positions of honor and responsibility cannot fall to have a remedial effect, but the public Imlnd still needs to be kept aroused to a proper understanding and appreciation of the conditions referred to by the president of Columbia. The leading ed ucators of the land can be most Influen tial In doing this and It Is quite within Uie sphere of their duty hs Instructors. cnx salaiuks i.v great DtiiTAirr. Invidious comparisons are frequently made In this country between the effi cient, economic and Incorruptible admin istration of municipal government In Great Britain and the fast and loose, inefficient and corrnptlon-rldden adniln' Istratlons of American cities. But all Is not gold that glitters and the popular outcry against municipal extravagance and graft is by no means confined to American population centers. Only four weeks ago a mass meeting of taxpayers was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, to oppose and denounce a sal ary grab by the city cottncll and a pro posed Increase of salaries of city offi cials. Some of the speeches made at this popular demonstration against mu nicipal mlsgoveinment are duplicates of speeches periodically made In American cities. One of the speakers, for example, de clared that there was a great and grow ing expenditure in the city and for that matter In the country; that the amounts of taxes levied for gas, water, elec tricity, tramways and so on had come to be exceedingly serious, and the people were cautioned not to be overborne by officialdom. 4 Another speaker said In seconding the resolution protesting against the salary grab that thousands of taxpayers of Edinburgh were in many cases seriously affected by the high rates, and he thought his audience would agree with him when he said that the town council of Edinburgh had not the slightest Idea of economy. In support of tills asser tion the speaker quoted the Increased salary list as follows: Chief constable, or chief of police, from $4.2!0 a year to $5.(h0; deputy chief constable, from $1,750 to $2,000 a year; clerk of police, from $2,500 to $3,000; city chamberlain (comptroller), from $.'5,000 to $u250 a year. Asa counter comparison it was stated that the city of Manchester, with a pop ulation of about 025,000 and a municipal debt of $112,500,000, pays the city audi tor $5,000 per annum; Liverpool, 710.000 population and $70,000,000 of debt, pays its auditor $S,750; Birmingham, with 500,000 population and $75,000,000 of debt, pays $7,000 per annum; Leigh, 450,000 population and $t!0,000,000 of debt, pays $3,000; Sheffield, with a popu lation of 433,000 and $42,500,000 debt, pays $4,230; Glasgow, 782,000 population and $80,000,000 of debt, pays $(1,500, while Edinburgh, with 333.000 popula tion and $20,000,000 of debt, pays $5,000. When it Is borne in mfnd that the pur chasing power of money is fully 30 per cent greater In England than in Amer ica, these municipal salaries would seem to be fully aa high as those paid in American cities of equal population with very rare exceptions. TO BECOME A MILITARY POWER. Already the Chinese government ia taking steps to become a military power. A standing army is to be created and its organization will be modeled upon that of the Japanese army. It Is stated that the young Chinese officers who, having completed their military studies in Japan, lately returned to China, are, with the Japanese instructors placed at the disposal of the Chinese govern ment, busy organizing and training the new levies. This movement on the part of China to prepare for self-defense and to ad minister its affairs with the protection of its own army is the natural outcome of the war. When that conflict came China was In an utterly helpltss con dition. Her territory was completely at the mercy of the belligerents. Now that this territory is to be restored to her she intends to In future safeguard it and in the carrying out of this pur pose she is assured of the support of Japan. The military example of that power is the Inspiration to China to create a standing army strong enough to protect her territory and her Inter ests. She will find little difficulty in doing this, uuder the guidance of her great neighbor. In a few years she can have, if deemed necessary, an army of half a million men, thoroughly dis ciplined and emulating the spirit and patriotism of the Japanese. Otit of her vast population China can obtain sol diers who may be relied upon in any emergency. There will be some to see In this movement a menace to the western world. It will be regarded as a phase of the "yellow peril," as to which Em peror William and some others profess to be apprehensive. It will be said that wheu China has become a military power, under the Influence and guidance of Japan, those nations will unite for nn aggressive policy against the rest of the world. It is easy to conjure up a bogy of this klud, but It is always to be borne In mind that, so far at least as Japun is concerned, her Interests have become almost as great In the western as In the eastern world and the neces sity for remaining on terms of peace and amity with the former was never before so strong as now. How well she realizes this is shown In the alliance with Oreat Britain. Japan will keep China In a proper course, by her own example teaching that nation the wis dom and expediency of strictly observ ing international obligations, respecting the rights of other nations and cultivat ing friendship with all. Not only will there be no diinger in China becoming a military power, but its effect will be to better assure the maintenance of peace in eastern Asia. It will be a safeguard against any de signs on the part of European powers upon the territory pf the Chinese em pire. Had Chlua possessed a large and well disciplined army two years ago there would have been no war In Man clmrla, because Russia would not have been permitted to gain the foothold there she did. It was Chinese helpless ness that gave Russia her opiortunity. While there Is no danger for perhaps a generation to come of Russia again be coming aggressive In Asia, it is well that the Oriental powers give her no chance to do so. The fact that she still has a foothold In that quarter of the world Is not to be lost sight of and Russian ambition Is sleepless and tire less. China is unquestionably pursuing a Judicious policy in building up an army capable of defending hot territory and protecting her Interests. AK-SAR-HBN. Ak-Bar Ben, with all that the word means in gaiety and goodfellowshlp, in instruction and enjoyment, in business and pleasure, is again upon us, and we mark the advent by hailing the carnival king with all the tokens of admiration. Ak-Sar-Ben baa become the symbol of all that is most enterprising and pro gressive in Omaha's business commun ity, the synonym for thorough hospital ity and right royal entertainment To the visitors who are taking advan tage of the invitation to come to Otnaha at this gala season and participate in the festivities that have been provided, a warm welcome is extended. The loyal subjects of Ak-Sar-Ben have no duty higher than to make the stranger within our gates perfectly at home and to re spond to his every wish. Nor is the business side of Ak-Sar-Ben to be neglected. The occasion serves to enable visitors to take advan tage of the unexampled offerings of all our merchants and shopkeepers. Te rusal of the announcements in the ad vertising columns of The Bee will Indi cate where the attractive displays of our leading merchants and shopkeepers are to be found, at the same time em phasizing their various seasonable spe cialties. In a word, we feel safe In asserting that no one who comes to Omaha to pay court to Ak-Sar-Beji will go home dis appointed or dissatisfied In any respect. ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMERS' That President Roosevelt acted Judi ciously In appointing a commission to Investigate departmental business meth ods the developments so far made amply attest. There was no restriction placed upon the authority of the commission In prosecuting its inquiries. It was in structed to make its investigation in the several departments and bureaus thor ough and this has been done. One notable result has been the disclosure of mismanagement and waste in the gov ernment printing office, leading to a change In the head of that establishment and certain needed reforms in the ad ministration of its affairs. Another matter which the commission has been looking into is that of the sup ply accounts of the several departments, resulting in the discovery that no two purchasing agents pay the same price for articles bought by them. It is stated that the investigation has already dis closed startling discrepancies in the prices paid for the office supplies used by the government Purchasing agents and chiefs of supply divisions explain the differences in the prices paid on the ground that some departments buy In far larger quantities than others, but this is scarcely a satisfactory explana tion. It is said the president has under consideration the advisability of estab lishing a general purchasing agency for all government supplies and probably will recommend to congress that this be done. It Is thought that the establish ment of a single central bureau to act as a purchasing agent for all the depart ments would result In an annual saving to the government of hundreds of thou sands of dollars In the cost of articles and also do away with much of the labor required under the present system. It is further pointed out that there would be a notable advantage In bring ing the government's purchases of sup plies under the direct supervision of one responsible official. President Roosevelt appears deter mined to improve, wherever practicable, the business methods in vogue in the various departments and to inaugurate such reforms as are found to be desir able and expedient. The commission he appointed is composed of men experi enced In the public business and well qualified for the work entrusted to them. It U expected that they will rec ommend numerous and In some respects radical changes. The St. Ix)Uis ik) I Ice commission, act ing under instructions from Governor Folk will proceed with a more strict en forcement of the Sunday law by closing down the lid in the St. Louis social clubs and sealing up the entrances and exits of the drug stores. After they have accomplished this part of their task they are directed to descend ujwn the bucket shops and suppress all deals In options and futures. Whether this Is to be followed ly the closing of St. Louis garages and livery stablea and the laying off ofthe trolley line street cars Is a matter of conjecture. John T. Morgan, the oclogonarlan sen ator from Alabama, has no faith in the Panama canal chiefly because be had been for many years the Incessant champion of the Nlcaraguan canal. While the Panama canal may not le opened for navigation during the life time of Mr. Morgan It will be com pleted very much sooner than the Nlc araguan canal would have beeu if that route had beeu given tha preference by the United States government. The claims for trve.lnj; expenses of assistant deputy veterinarians filed with Auditor Bearle are in the holdup box be cause the last legislature failed to make any appropriation for such expenditure. Manifestly the last legislature expected every deputy assistant veterinarian to ride on horseback or on a railroad pass It may le safely predicted, however that Hie next legislature will be be sieged for back pay by the howe doc tors. Last week Wednesday John D. Rocke feller declared to his admiring friends that there are better things than amass lng wealth. Last week Friday the price of crude petroleum was raised several notches, which would seem to indicate that benevolent plutocrats do not al ways practice what they preach. It Is hardly worth while for the United States court of appeals to wrestle with the problem whether the funds from the sale of Indian lands are subject to state and county taxation so long as the grafters get the bulk of the funds and the Indian gets his pay In bootlegger whisky. Japanese officials show themselves still but half-tivlllzed or they would not have stopped the war on nccount of a shortage of cash ns long as loans could be floated. Remembrance of the day of payment is not expected by civilized governments. According to President Ripley of the Santa Fe railroad, freight charges are not based upon cost of service, but upon the value of the service to the patrons. In other words, the rule of all the traffic will bear Is still In force. As usual the democracy of Maryland will put up black face straw men Just for the fun of knocking them down. The burning Issue, declares Senator Gorman, is whether the negro shall dominate over the white man. Keep Movlnsr. Success Magmlne. Destiny has turned many a man down while he was waiting for something- to turn up. Blar Dividends In Sight. Philadelphia Press. If all the statesmen out west get Into tho habit of throwing away their railroad passes there Is likely to be a considerable Increase of dividends on railroad stock. A Mrstlfylns; Mystery. New York Mall. Among the unaccountable contradictions in the news announcements of the day we notice the statement that "12,000,000 frank furters were eaten at Coney Island this summer" and that "more bench shows than ever will be held this fall and winter." Ia It Worth Whllef Boston Transcript. Think of the fine battleship Oregon, whose run from ocean to ocean seems but an achievement of yesterday, being spoken of as "antiquated" as needing to be rebuilt If It Is to be of further service to the country! It Is enough to make the untech nlcal layman ask himself whether all the expense and all the tourings In the seven seaa are worth while. Railroad Claims Discredited. Springfield Republican. And now we have a railroad president admitting that as against such combina tions of capital as are found in the dressed meat industry the shippers and not the roads fix the rates. The roads object to admitting the government as a power in making rates, but would not that be quite as well for them and the public as the sur render of the rate-making power to the trustsT Wasteful Ways In Public Office. Indianapolis News. It Is a positive fact, and more than this, a factor, that our public business Is con ducted In a manner that would make a man in private business raise his hands in hor ror. The Impulse and feeder to this waste ful way, with its temptations and oppor tunities to go wrong, is the broad Idea in culcated in the popular mind that public bnstness is a chance for those that secure the prosecution of It to make money over and above what they would expect to make In similar private business; for employes to get higher pay and do less work, and so on through the whole evil development. And this springs from the misconception that public business Is exclusively a thing of party control and responsibility and to be so ordered to supply prises for political participation. PERSON AL AND OTHERWISE, Honors are even in the Twin Cities. One newspaper In each town has given up tha weary struggle. The Jin Shampoo of Toklo has been rubbed down and the staff reduced to a peace footing In Jail. The question, "What shall we do with our ex-presidents?" Is respectfully passed up to woman suffragists. The fossil remains of hogs ten feet long were found in Oregon. This tallies with the end seat variety, supposed to be a modern breed. Chicago's majestic postofflce, completed after ten years of exhausting labor. Is now pronounced a "botch." The way it absorbed appropriations, however, demon strated the skill of master minds. Two boys pulled off roofs by kites and a fisherman towed to sea by a shark were features of the exciting finish of the sea son at Coney Island. Life at Coney would be stale without the unexpected. President Btlckney's remarks on the mak ing of freight rates has set all the freight agents guessing. The railroad literary bureaus do not regard them as choice morsels fit for general circulation. Eighteen thousand members of a society paraded In Brooklyn one day last week as a protest against profanity in speech. Brooklyn nestles up to Coney Islsnd and does not realise that Its playmate baa been regenerated. SECILAR SHOTS AT THE PIXP1T. Portland Oregonlan: The Albany Metho dist conference is making trouble because a minister appropriated church cash to his own use. A Methodist preacher oight to know betfer. Real money is not lntendod for him. Boston Transcript: "Churches get no more of my money," declares "Standard Oil" Rogers. Perhaps he regards them ns did a client of the late George M. Stearns, whom he was defending on a charge of Ille gal liquor selling. Pointing to one of fh prominent city churches, he said: "Mr. Stearns, them's the blanked things that's rulnln' this country." Baltimore American: A shrewd minister In Jersey City appealed to the women of his church not to attend bareheaded, on the ground that her hair being woman's crowning glory, she was more apt with Its full attraction expoatd to distract the men with admiration of her charms from their prayers. Naturally the Uciful In sinuation that women should In the good ness of their hearts lighten men's dis tractions by lessening as much as possible their own excess of good looks appealed too powerfully to the feminine heart to go unregarded. When Wis It Walk Down the king's Highway to 1505 Douglas Street You may want to do some winter trading. Before you buy Dry Goods it will pay you to in spect our stock. Nowhere will you find a better assortment, and nowhere will you receive a more Cordial Welcome. "We have arranged a number of special bar gains for your benefit. Our Dress Goods Sec tion is loaded with the best that the market af fords. Dress Goods worth 75 cents will be sold at 39 cents. And a largo assortment of goods worth up to $2.50 will go at 49 cents. Special Sales daily in Cloak and Suit De partments: And if you care for Tightness of fit and fabric you cannot afford to neglect this de partment. Blankets, Underwear, etc., just ' suited to you needs, at little prices. nomas Ei! 1505-7-9 Douglas Street. SERMONS BOILED DOWN. Half-hearted service Is always heavy. Fear vice most when she wears the veil. Toil may know a man by the friends he drops. Sunny souls are not troubled with doubt- damps. No creed that Is worth publishing can be put Into type. There's a tack somewhere for every pneumatic saint. Without the sense of stewardship culture becomes a curse. No man Is going to buy your piety if your peahuts are ancient. The slumber of one saint Is no excuse for the sloth of another. The best way to bear your cross is to share another's cares. The only things that are established are those that never stand still. When a man has religion In his heart he will not need it on his hatband. The lightweight man always thinks that his buoyancy is due to his wings. The only version of the Bible authorised by heaven Is the one on two feet. The devil makes a lot of people believe that his winking is their thinking. Most men have less trouble In forgetting their follies than In foregoing them. Chi cago Tribune. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "What do you make of the saying 'A king can to no wrong?' " "Oh, whenever a king does anything wreng it Is all right." Houston Post. "That's a big horse pistol you have there," said Fagg to his friend Wagg. "Yes," returned Wagg. "It grew ap from a big Colt." Portland Oregonlun. Mrs. Wilson Hoes your son George take after his father? Mrs. Uilson I guess so. He has begun already to take after the girls. Somervllle Journal. She I wish that woman in the next flat would stop talking goo-goo talk to her husband. lie Oh. well, let her. Poor thing; maybe she hasn't a dog. Detroit Free Press. Bhoe Dealer Didn't I tell you to mark thnHA women's shoes down one-halfT New Clerk Yes, sir. I was JuBt looking to see what the original prices were. Shoe Dealer Prices? W'io said anything Our New Department i first Class Your Gown's Dressy Effect) depends o.n riopr.R spomaiNo I Wo have the new Duplex Spotless Sponger The only method that will pooge all classes of goods properly The Uniform Prlca la ONLY 5 CENTS A YARD s Goldman Pleating Co. i TELEPHONE 1030 200 DOl'OIiAS HIXX-K E8iisiafzKiisaicaBBC3iacsRiaisc9BrJl mmh So about prices? Mark down the sixes. Make the "sixes" "threes," and so on. Phila delphia Lodger. "My wife says I mustn't drink any more coffee. She claims it makes mo irritable and unkind." "But does It?" "I guess It docs. When she refused me a cup this morning I burst rlcht out and said 'Darn It!' "Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Well, If she Is ugly, and you've asked her to marry you, and she's got monev. make the best of it and put a good face en the matter." "My dear boy! Have you seen her?" Baltimore American. "Jane, do I not hear a male voice In the kitchen!'' "It's only one of my brothers, sir." "I was nor awnre vnu hnH anv u-tu-m Jane." ' "Neither was I until this morning, sir, when you sold in your sermon we was nit brothers and sisters." London Tattler. "Bay, paw." "Well, son?" "What la frenzied finance?" "Frenzied finance, my son. Is the way your mother goes after my pay envelope every Baturday night. Now run along and play." Milwaukee Sentinel. NOTHING WRONG. W. P. Griffin in Milwaukee Sentinel. There Is nothing at all' the matter, my boy The world goes plugging along In the same old way from day to day, Singing her good old aong. Maybe her sonns grow old to you, And maybe your hopes grow dim; But there's nothing at all the matter, ni) boy It's only your foolish whim. There Is nothing at all the matter, my boy You have only lost your hold; Get back to the life and hack to tha strife, Get back to your work's enfold. There Is work laid out fur vour hands to do, So sttck to your task with vim; There is nothing at all the matter, my boy It's only your foolish whim. III. There Is nothing at all the mutter, my boy Stand by till your task is done; It s the way for a place In the world's mad race It's the way that the end Is won. There's a place at the top, but the way Is long. Don't rail If your star grows dim; Don't say that the world's all wrong, my only your foolish whim. M Dressmaking ..OP EITHER.. n m M 0 Plain or Pleated Garments We Engaged (he Services of First Class Modiste Prices Reasonable Tailor Mada Buttons, Aocord loo sod Sunburst Pleatlngs, Ruchlqjs M 8 as H OPI'OSITB HAVDKN UROfl. S