Omaha Sunday Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. l HE PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. asm HIUIIIItlMfflf iHK 7nirr7TTFif77rrra TRADING STAMP BOOTH. MAIN FLOOR Visitors to the Carnival, the Parades and the Ball Are Heartily Invited to Visit Bennetts The Great Weal's Greatest Store Ak-Sar-Ben Art Feasts Monday "Sinclair" Millinery for Monday Foar big table handsome Sou venirs for Ak-Sar-lk-n. "J C 80c, 35c, 20c and. . . . DQ PVKOGKAI'IIY CUT TRICE IIAKGAIXS. 90c Photo Boxes 00c $1.25 Waste Baskets OKc 30c Frames 15c 75c Japanese Nut Bowls 48c 60c 'Kerchief Boxes, large size. 45c 15c and 18c Panels, new. .'. . .10c New Pyrography Catalogue Just out oend for one. Picture Framing ask your friends what we can do. Visit our Gallery of Oil Paint ings Second Floor. A beautiful display of PATTERN HATS, BOXXETS AXD DU PLICATES OF FREXCn MODELS of special interest for Ak-Sar-Bcn visitors. DRESS SHAPE HATS. Beautiful mirrored velvet shape, neatly edge shirred, large and the popular high hack ef fects, wreaths or velvet foliage and bows of ribbon and ornament complete this dashing creation; shown in all colors T vfl ft Monday m J A charming Turban with chinelle braid crown and coronet formed of 6haded pheasant breasts, trimmed on left side with natty pair of self-toned wings Monday 4 93 NOTE The aforementioned styles are actual copies of very expensive French models. Sinclair" Millinery department is the "lowest priced" place to buy a hat that is absolutely right. Where peerlessness of style and superior ity of values dominate prices for everybody. SMALL HATS. SMALL HATS. Dainty little hats for immediate wear a matchless assortment in light weight materi- . als in all colorings hats that are right for wearing right now- f Jt f Jt (Q l.TTA u T.JU at VEILS. VEILS. VEILS. Smart Auto Veils in all popular tones, deli cate sheer. Beautiful and complete stock of Face Veilings. Prices very reasonable. SECOND FLOOR. BARGAINS IN OUR CLOAK and SUIT DEPARTMENT Ladies, We direct your attention to our immense stock of Fur Coats, Fur Capes, Fur Boas, Fur Scarfs, Fur Muffs and Fur Sets. Name your price and we will meet it All furs guaranteed LADIES' WOOL SUITS In serges, chevi ots and mixtures tight-fitting, half-flt- ung and long box coats with pleated skirts all sizes 12.50 LADIES' WOOL SUITS In broadcloth. Scotch tweeds, clay worsteds, redlngotes ana 24-incn length Jack ets plain, pleated and trimmed skirts 16.50 LADIES' WOOL SUITS In French broad cloth and cheviots all the latest shades in redlngotes and short fancy jackets all sizes 20.00 LADIES' COATS Cheviots, kerseys and , broadcloths in castors, browns, blues and black, loose and fitted backs nicely made all ' sizes LADIES' BLACK KERSEY THREE-QUAR- i.TGH COATp-Llned with squirrel fur n extra . good value 9.90 1EE-QUAR- 15.00 WE HAVE AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS Colors and black, short, three-quarter seven-eighth and full lengths in plain materials, mixtures and good covert prices, S23.00, 918.60, $12.50, $8.03, $7.05 and I 5.95 In cheviots 3.95 LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS In Cheviot tweeds, checks very latest style nicely tailored worth 10.50 now With 100 Green Trading Stamps. BUTTERFLY OR DOUBLE FLOUNCE ACCORDION PLEATED SKIRT Made of cashmere in black and brown $6.03 and 50c THE NEWEST SOUVENIR PILLOW TOPS With hanrsome cuts of Omaha public buildings and streets made especially for the big store get one price Plain and Fancy Mohairs, Nuns' Veilings, Henriettas, Crepes, Fancy Checks and Plaids Coverts, Meltons and CO Venetian Cloths Monday yard 'DJC We are showing Bearskins and Crushed Plush in all .colors and black and cream suitable for cloaks and wraps. BLACK DRESS GOODS 54-lnch Black. Rainproof Serge-our regu- 1.25 lar $1.75 quallty per yard $7 . . .:. . -Monday 56-inch Black Panama regular price $1.50 Moaday-rpeF 1 0(1 yard 50-inch Black Sicilian sells lar yard--Monday per yard . . for one dol- 75c 4.95 MONDAY SPECIAL 150 LADIES' SILK WAISTS In crepe de chine, taffetas, peau de sole in all the latest shades, reseda, del, rose, corn, pearl, lavender and gray values from $5 to $8.50 all Monday morning at E 1.98 Fine 34-inch Klmona Flannel, with wool finish In very pretty Persian and Ori ental patterns special sale per yard . All our fine Madras Shirting and Imported Ginghams our 25e ones Mon- fO' day per yard 1 2C 18c GOOD TABLE LINENS CHEAP Fine Irish. Linens grass bleached 68 inches wide worth $1 yard O r reduced to per yard OJC Fine Irish . Linen grass inches wide worth $1.25 reduced to per yard . bleached 68 95c Largest Sale of New Silks and Vel vets Ever Held in Omaha. Everything in this department is marked to the lowest possible price. 85c Black Peau de Sole for 85c Chiffon Taffeta all shades $1.00 Fancy Silks for waists and Suits $1.50 New. Pompadour and - Jacquards $1.00 French Messallne all shades $1.00 Pure Silk Japanese Crepe all shades $1.00 White Habutai Silk 36 inches wide , 85c , Black Moire Silk very . ' stylish 85c Chiffon Velveteen per ' yard New Chiffon Velveteen a very stylish fab ric for fall suits, waists and wraps in every plain shade, including black the regular price is 85c a yard for this Bale yard 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 50c KODAKS CAMERAS films, Sensitized Papers, Albums, Etc. The Chance to Snap the Parades. Beautiful new line of Photo Albums for all sizes of pictures, from the tricky little Brownie that holds 25 tiny little pictures price 15c to the superb leather back album to hold pictures lOx . 12, fifty of them n r price i Call at the Photo Supply Section and see our line. Southeast Corner Main Floor. 50c of 36-inch Guaranteed Sole Silk for Suits and PATTERN CLOTHS 500 Pattern Table cloths very fine quality Irish linen they come 2, 2 and 3 yards long and are worth $2.50, $3.00 and $3.60 we ' have reduced them to $2.03 Q C $2.BO and Km JO SALE OF FINE LUNCH CLOTHS Very fine Irish linen Hand Embroidered Lunch Cloths 36x36 worth $8.00 big special price Monday 1 7? each, $3.00 down, to i J SALE OF FANCY WAISTINGS Fine All Wool Walstings prettily em broidered in ell colors sold at 75c yard special per CQn yard MJ BED PILLOWS 3V4 pounds fine Feather Pillows covered with pretty tick always sells 7Q at $1.10 special sale each .. i J Special sale Black Peau de Wraps $1.50 quality $1.10. $1.75 quality .......$1.30 $2.00 quality $1.30 $2.25 quality $1.69 $2.76 quality .......$1.08 $1.25 Fine Swiss Taffeta, per yard, 75c 27-inch fine Swiss Taffeta in all the new changeable effects full yard wide on sale Monday per yard 75c COLORED DRESS GOODS Monday we will place on sale the finest line of Colored Dress Goods ever offered In the city of Omaha all new and up-to-date merchandise. 44 to 68-lnch Coverts, Meltons, Tailor Checks.'Panamas in plain and fancies, Mixed and Striped Sicilians, Invisible Plaids, Broken Check Suiting, Scotch Tweeds with invisible plaids, Broad cloths, Crepe Cloths, Eoliennes, Tamlse, . Prunellas and Serges price Monday per yard 1.00 Rockers Rockers ' In imitation mahogany or quarter-sawed oak. Three Specials $14.50 Rocker for $9.48 $9.75 Rocker for $6.68 $9.00 Rocker for $4.98 COUCHES COUCHES COUCHES. ' In cushion, plush, velour and verona. , Former price $14.50 Monday. .. .;$9.73 Former-price $16.75 Monday $9.00 Former price $12.75 Monday $5.77 BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GO-CARTS. One-third off regular prices $12.00, $11.88, $11.50 Special ot of reliable, substantial, beautiful Go Carts on hand for this special sale prices cut 30 per cent $6.68, $3.75 . 2 48 SHADES.' ' ' SHADES! " ' SHADES. 300 dozen Shades, in oil opaque, fringed and opaque cloth some slightly damaged in all colors worth from 35c to 75c each Q while they last 1C 25 pieces Silkolines in good patterns worth 12Vc a yard not more than 12 yards to a customer while they last yard $ 2C CARPETS. CARPETS. Best grade Half Wool Carpets in reds, greens and tans good patterns worth 60c vf C per yard special price C Just received, 300 Smyrna Rugs size 30x60 good values at $1.00 each while they Ok O last , VOC Floor Oilcloths 10 different patterns to select from regular 25c grade Monday 11 If 2t; per square yard only . A Sensational Silverware Sale For Carnival Week We made a big purchase of the celebrated Wm. A. Rogers Silverware at such low prices that we are in a position to put the stock on sale at a great saving. AVe want you to become familiar with the high class silver ware we carry, and have decided to make this one of the great est shopping events ever brought out by our Jewelry section. Ron full standard A 1 Plata Teaspoons, Qg Rogers Table 8poons, Of n each ,c Roger Dcrt Spoom, (sum quality as IQc Teas), each - w Rogers W. R. Quality Tea, each Rogers W. R, quality. Dessert Spoons, each.. Rouen W. R. quality Thl Rnoons. each.... Rogers R. Knives jflc or Forks, each w 1 rTS I $2 Stereoscopes 89c And 25 Views Free Aluminum Crystal Lens Stereo scopes, genuine aluminum hood, bound with rich velvet, frame of fine cherry wood with patent fold ing handle and sliding bar. The Stereoptlc Views in colors are the genuine photo process and in clude large assortment American, foreign, comic and varied scenes. These stereoscopes sell at $2.00. the vlewa at 6c each. We have purchased 1.000 ot these scones ana win give wuu eai-u, 25 of the beautiful vlewi while they last 89c Stationery Dept. Main Floor. Rogers 1! dwt. plat Knives, each fulr Rogers 12 dwt. plate Forks, each fuU triple 25. triple 25 v Rogers Butter Knives and Sugar Shell sets, 70C 69c Rogers Cold Meat Forks Rogers Berry I IO bpoons . 1 Rogers Jelly Spoons 7C or servers And in fact - a score of beautiful design at propor tionately low prices. Beautiful designs In purses, crosses, lockets, bracelets and all the new effects in European and Eastern Jew elry arriving daily. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY FtTIX VALUE. FULL WEIGHTS. FULL. MEA8URE AND BEST QUALITIES. Twenty green trading stamps with pound Golden Santos Coffee 26c Twenty green trading stamps with pound B. F. Japan Tea 48c Ten green trading stamps with pound best whole pickling spice 26c Twenty green trading stamps with pint bottle Blood ef the Grape 25c FREE-FREE FREE SAMPLE TET- LEY'S INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS. Potted Turkey, can 6c Potted Chicken, can 5c Oil Sardines, can Ic Baken Beans, can 4c Ten green trading stamps with quart Sour Pickles 10c Ten green trading stamps with quart Chow Chow Pickles 15c Forty green trading stamps with sack Pride of Bennett's Flour tl.40 Ten green trading stamps with three pound can Baked Beans 10c Forty green trading stamps with five pound can Bennett's Capitot Baking Powder 11.00 Fifty green trading stamps with quart can Armour's Aaa't Soups 2ic Ten green trading stamps with pint bottle TJlamond "S-' Chill Sauce 25c Ten green trading stamps with pint bottle Diamond "8" Salad Dressing.. 25e Bennett's Bargain Snap, ten bars Sc Ten Green Trading Stamps with Vigor Breafast Food at 10c Ten green trading stamps with two glass tumblers Cranberry Jelly 30c BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound brlik (full weight) Sc Fresh country butter, pound ISc Strictly fresh country eggs, dosen....2uc CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE Ten green trading stamps with pound full cream New York Cheese 20c Ten green trading stamps with pound finest domestic fiwias Cheese 22c . BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. One thousand pounds Chocolate t 'reams, vanilla flavored, very dell- clous, per pound 12c Big line Novelties, from 5o SPECIALS IN HARDWARE SECTION MONDAY RED HOT PRICES Read them carefully Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with n-quart Granite Dish Pan 48c Ten Green Trading Stamps with 10-quart Granite Water Pail 39c Ten Green Trading Stamps with No. I Granite Tea Kettle 68c Ten Green Trading Stamps with Japaned Coal Hod (open) 20c Ten Green Tradlni? Stamps with Combina tion Grater and Vegetable Cutter 15c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Mrs. Vrooman's Sink Strainer 19c Ten Green Trading Stamps with Mop 6tick 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with Linen Mop 25o Ten Green Trading Stamps with Rat Trap X0o Ten Green Trading Stamps with Wood Well Bucket 39Q Ten Green Trading Stamps with good Dust Pan, Japaned (to Ten Green Trading Stamps with good Dust Pan, Japaned 12c Fifty Brass UpholHterlng Nails 5c Forty Green Trading Stamps with Set Mrs. Pott's Bad Irons 9So Double Green Trading Stamps on all Paints Monday. We carrv the best of Ready Mixed Faints and Oils. If you want a good Rne or Heater we have them THE PENINSULAR the bent made. Monday we will offer a 6-hole Range (COd for Style 926 A BOOT Mf l SPECIAL FULL Mfy GRADE OF J S3'50 STYLE JL S A PAIR A handsome boot of brtltant patent coltakln. cut In the swagger Cher style, with soft dull top and fast colored eyelets. With Its low, jaunty tip. smart extension-edge sole and perfectly balanced heel It la striking example of the new Varsity Boot. Priced at S3.50 the pair. o)5 l MM filllIIL . Green Trading Stamp Booth Main Floor U li IN THE GREAT CROCKERY Beautiful showing of Imported Electroliers, finest of finish, newest shapes and Myles of shades prices from $23.00 down O C A v r r to. New lot of Decorated Lamps, prices from 87c to $10.00 Bpcclal Monday a $2.98 value One Hundred Green Trading Stamps with each Jardiniere, sold Monday, 600 to select from, any price up from New Mica Canopy, the best to protect your ceilings, it is NEW, each. 1.98 75c 17c 100-Plece English Porcelain Dinner Set, the Anjorl pattern, pretty gold treatment and good decoration, Monday for the complete 2 98 Beautiful Havlland China Dinner Sets, NEW patterns and splendid values, prices from $32.00 to $85.00 a set, can bo bought one piece at & time Just as you can afford it and always readily matched. Complete showing of Japanese China, the newest novelties and useful pieces, at prices never before quoted. See the Window on Harney Street. LION BRAND ri ii nil ii FJ3 ' T? NG AT LESS THAN 50c ON THE DOLLAR. Liorv Brand Cloth ing is designed and fashioned in the high est art known to the craft. Jauntily made, finely finished, perfect in fit as those made by the swellest tailors in America. Every stitch carefally taken, every seam doubly sewed with best of silk. The clothing world knows that Lion Brand label is a guarantee of worth. Those who appreciate values and genu ine economy should be on hand Monday. Suits in cheviots, cashmeres, thibets, worsteds, stylish -gray, new green mixtures, plain blue, plain black cheviots, thibets styles eminently correct. Overcoats aivd Suits In coverts, whipcords, tan and brown shades, con servative Oxford grays and black cheviots gen teel and correct actually worth $22.50, for ft. '. v!''U:ltf J (Q)(0p o0 Lioi Brand Suits, Overcoats and Top Coats Finest imported woolens, hand' tailored' throughout, heavy overcoats, top coats and suits not one i worth less than $25.00 and a great many $35.00 19c BOYS' HOSE-Entire twenty-five cent line, at ENGLISH SQUARES-Ferfection in neokwear 4 P worth one tiollar, at TrOC WOOL UNDERWEAR Fifty dozen-short lots- n worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 all sizes a garment.. OC