Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Willlnf to Pay Rival's Prioe.
ay Headred Tfceaeaad Dollar la To
Mark te Pork Orn te llrttl
Railway metaer
That the Omaha At Council B!-!T3 Street
Railway company in willing to quit all at
tempt at an electric lighting and power
business If the Omaha Electric Light and
Power 'cotnpany wilt fork over lioo.noo has
been developed by the agitation caused by
tne ordinance proposing" to give the street
railway another year to bury the wire It
Uses for these purposes.
Authority for the statement comes from
President Nash of the light company. For
the reason that the extension ordinance
will give the street railway people another
bit of Strength toward getting the price
Ought, It is certain the electrto light in
terests wilt oppose the extension.
' "The street railway people are selling
current Tor light and power without a
vestige of franchise right to do so," said
President Nash. "The business done, how
ever, has not seriously Interfered with ours
and we have up to recently Ignored It.
Negotiations Are Opened.
."Not long ago negotiations were opened
between the two companies at the in
stance of the street railway, whereby it
was proposed that the company should
agree to go out of the light and power
business or any attempt at It In considera
tion of' the- payment of a certain sum by
the light company. The matter was agreed
to by the directors, and we thought It was
all arranged. The street railway com
pany backed out of the bargain,' announced
that it would proceed to build Conduits
and bury Its wires and raised the pries
tO J100.00C.
"We are not very likely to pay this fig
ure. We contend that our own franchise
rights ar valid and certain and that they
have been so adjudged by the courts. In
a nutshell, the question up to this company
Is whether it will be cheaper to buy out
the street railway's pretension to a light
tnd power business or seek to force It out
Jy processes of law.
' "In my opinion, the street railway has no
Intention of building conduits. It is not
Improbable that the whole matter will have
to be settled br litigation."
boaaty Attoraey Declares la Brief
Dodge Act 5a Vlolatloa of
the Constitution.
County Attorney Blabaugh has completed
bis brief to be filed In the supreme court
Tuesday In the primary- election case in
which th nominees of the socialist party.
who were nominated by convention,
fcre contesting the validity Of the Dodge
primary- election law.
The eounty attorney In defending the
primary law holds that the legislature has
tne power to regulate by law primary
lection Just the same as a party has the
power to do so by resolution and that while
the Dodge law has many ambiguous terms
fend some words that are not apt and some
rrors, the law is not contrary to th con
i Th new law ha holds repeals th existing
Statutes only in so far as they conflict and
that where there Is no conflict the existing
statutes .stand. The party regulation of
Xes for .tuning." "party tests, party per
cetitage, and registration Is a party reg
Ulatlon w'thln the power of the legislature
and n-jt prohibited by the constitution.
The county attorney calls attention to
the fact that many states have adopted
primary election laws In which the reg'
Istratlon test Is required and of the primary
registration he said:
If section 19 Is Intended to require
registration at a primary, which we
doubt, that a person may there vote; it
new voters, as Indicated by the proviso,
are. not held to anv affiliation of the Past,
and that seems to be true of a new precinct
resident even if he In Omaha expressed his
party affiliation by registration at the last
election, yet such provision Is In the power
of the legislature to enact as a party regu
lation. If party affiliation is a prerequisite
now, as It was under the old law, Cob.
Mu5. 6714 then registration would be proper
a a party regulation.
pse Ttondred and Six Mora Pnpils
. Tbsa for Corresponding Data
Oaa Year Ago.
., Reports of public school enrollment Frl
day brought pleasure to Superintendent
Davidson. The returns showed a total of
iS,78 pupils against 1R.K7, or an increase
f 106 over the similar date a year ego.
.While the main advance la at the high
School, where 100 more students are at
tending than last year, yet the reports
show that the grade schools have caught
VP even with la.t year. The poor showings
jnade during the first two weeks of school
are accounted for by bad weather and the
fact that many children were employed
because of unprecedented activity In oom
tnerclal lines.
' "The figures for the first four weeks
?' rove that Omaha is growing Just as ws
nought it was," said the superintendent
The early returns were deceptive and I
am very glad of it."
, "The truant officer Is still working," quoth
Mr. Parker to The Bee.
Marrlago Licenses.
permits to wed have been Issued
f Name and Residence.
Jnnss A. Roerpel, Omaha
lattie Drelfus, Omaha
Joseph Machacek. Bouth Omaha
Agnes Nlckl, South Omaha
jrdwarri Knott, Omaha
Jctule Overmlre, Omaha
James B. Palmer, South Omaha...'
(Sarah A. Wolf, South, Omaha
Martha A. Dudley. Council Bluffs
Llisa Fisher, South Omaha
Joseph H. Holubor, South Omaha
Anna Krull,
Creditors Allege Bankruptcy.
v The creditors of Frederick Bchmadeke
gnd Fatton T. Roe, pitrtnera In the Imple
ment business at Landsey, Platte county,
"Barlsf ka fsar arfil
thr MoiiltiA ao4 ttatns uirlr
)iuli 1 think word of prtli U
' Plsesast. raiuabls. Potest Tula Snad rta a nod
r drip.. U. Im.Mo. ...
4i.ll la bulk, lha gausiB Mlilcl atiuuwl C U 0.
uLrftuk4 te tsrs c f wax sus bsca.
terlieg Remedy Co., Chicage er N.Y. H
I" - ' " ivi iubii wuiunui caaiinioK,
Wha nmucrout olbtr o-rsll4 reatsdUa
m fiUiuui stsII ts4 I b4 thM Cuonli ilUe
Br lu s Ur lbk all lb vtusr 1 ast Uksa
jul J lit y Mr
JsaiM MtOuae. Ms sWrter Si., Jersey Oily. M. i.
f&est Tor
Tha Dowels
Candy CATiuirng
have filed a petition In the Vnlted 8tetei
district court, ssking that the firm be de
clared bankrupt. The petitioning credi
tors are the John Deere Plow company of
Omaha, claim 13,24. HI ; David Fradlrv rom-
rany of Council Fluffs, claim f' and the
nternatfonnl Harvested company, claim
1440 4. The petitioners allege that the
fartles have already committed the act of
lankroptcy by transferring, concealing and
disposing of certain of their property with
the purpose to hinder and defraud the
collection of the first claim of the petition.
Deaatee F.legaat Silver Chest for flt.
James Orphanage Beaeat at
the Aadttorlans.
Indications point to a superb success of
the projected benefit for the St. James' or
phanage of Benson at the Auditorium, Oc
tober IS. The committees on arrangements
met last night and the report of each not
only served further to stimulate Interest in
the undertaking, but afford encouragement
which the committee says warrants the
prediction that the affair will surpsrsa even
the most sanguine hopes origin a Illy enter
tained. Th general committee was gratified to
make the announcement that F.. A. Cudahy
had donated a magnificent Bllver chest,
costing $n0t, for the benefit of this affair.
This beautiful trophy will be on exhibition
in one of the down town ii-.ow windows
during the week. The co.omlttees have
further pledges and donations of which they
are quite proud.
Takes Hold of llri Wire anal
Heads Are Badly
While working on an electrto light pole
at Thirty-eighth and Cuming streets Sat
urday morning Frank Beecher, an employe
of the Omaha Electric Light and Power
company, sustained a severe shock when he
took hold of a live wire with his hands.
Reecher's hands were frightfully burned
and It Is thought the shock may result
fatally. Dr. Nelson attended Beecher at
the scene and then at the instance of the
leotric light company the injured man was
taken to Bt., Joseph's hospital, where Dr.
Lord further attended him.
Beecher was carried from the top of the
pole by his fellow workmen, who had to
cut the wires before Beecher could be
loosened from the deadly grip.
Beecher is 34 years of age, single and
lives at Seventeenth and Davenport.
Saperlnteadent of Oraad Tronic aad
Assistants Take Strikers'
Places la Chicago.
CHICAGO, Sept. 90. Railroad officials
worked as switchmen today In the yards
of the 'Grand Trunk road, where the yard
men struck last night. Division Superin
tendent F. W. Egah, Assistant Superintend
ent W. E. Costello, Yardmaster M. J. Con
ron and others assisted a handful of non
union switchmen to make up trains and
throw switches.
There Is little likelihood that the trouble
will be extended. The strikers, less than
fifty In number, held a meeting today and
determined to send a committee to see Su
perintendent Egan In an effort to secure a
settlement. The Orand Trunk grain ele
vator In the Elsdon yards was shut down
President Loobet Will Issne Call for
National Legislative Body to
Meet Oetober SO.
PARIS,' Sept. SO. At a meeting of the
council of ministers today. President Loubot
presiding, It was decided to reassemble
Parliament October SO.
Premier Rouvter announced to the mtn
leters ' that Russia s Invitation to partici
pate In another peace conference at The
Hague had been received by .France and
accepted In principle, leaving the details
for determination when the program is
made up.
The premier also communicated to the
cou noil the text of the Franco-German ac
cord on Morocco.
City Eleetrtclaa gays Anything Ret
eonable does for Alc-Sar-Bea
aad Horse Shove. .
City Electrician Mlchaelsen made it plain
last year that by authority of the council
no charges would be made for the inspec
tion of Ak-Sar-Ben and horse show elec
trical decorations. This year he Is pre
pared to throw in green trading stamps
with the offer. He wants It thoroughly
understood that merchants majy carry Out
any Ideas they choose, provided they have
the wiring done In the proper way with
modern safeguards. Mo drop cords are al
lowed in show windows. The department
will respond to all requests for inspection
and merely wants to havs a look at what is
being done for the sake of protection to
all concerned.
A C. Drelhaa aad Jaeoh Kn Form
New Candy Maaafaetar
lagr Coaeera.
A. C. Drelbus and Jacob Kopp have
formed a partnership under the name of
the Drelbus Candy company for the manu
facture and Jobbing of candy. The com
pany has leased Drelbus' new warehouse
at 5ut, (10 and 511 South Ninth street The
building is to be four stories in height.
Only one story has been built so far, delay
having been caused by scarcity of large
Mr. Drelbus and Mr. Kopp have been
Identified with the candy business In Omaha
for twenty-five years. Mr. Drelbus sold
his Interest In the Kopp-Drelbus company
In The firm has temporary quarters
at 13US Farnam street
Troahle Betweea Mall Constructor
aad Mea Settled ea Basts Pro
posed hy Strikers.
NEW YORK. Sept. JO.-The strike of the
Crlvers employed on I'nited States mnll
wagons In this city, which has been In
progress for several weeks, wss settled
today. The strikers get all they demanded.
Terrible Disaster Averted.
The terrible disaster of nervous break'
oown, causea oy oyspesla, Is averted hy
electric Bitters, 60c; guaranteed. For sal
by orerman McConnell Drug Co.
t Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the Board of Health during the
twenty-four hours ending at noon 8atur
fia v ;
Births Samuel Bergman. 837 North Twrn
tv-nrtn avenue, girl; Erland Burgrson. Vl
Souih Thirty-second, boy; lxiuls Koloff.
North Eighteenth, girl; Timothy Kelley.
fea Patrick avenue, girl; Fred W. Hlggln
son. 2411 Charles, girl; Andrew Cameron,
Ua Blondo, girl; Albert Alexander, i
Hickory, girl; John Redgwick. 1313 South
inrmy-Hvenrn, ooy.
ieins Irene Carrie Berger, 1623 North
Thirty-first. IN dan: Rolert W. Heekman
14 Pinkney. I months; Infant Carlson, lS.-J
ijorcaa, oays; Hophia Madowin, ill
Harcy. M; Mrs. Jemima Fawct-tt. t Geor
gia avenue, 14, Patrick Connolly, lull Dav
noort. ea,
Jabber Leaking for Hear Bniineii Darinf
Cornier, Week.
Cottoa Hasstsetsrers Say Ooa Is "jet
as Iarsre as Excreted leather
IS Higher aad Shoe
Prices Advance.
It Is the opinion of the Jobbers that a
large Increase In the volume of trade In
most lines will accompany the Ak-8ar-Ren
festivities this Numerous retailers
will make the carnival time an ooraston to
visit Omaha and order their goods In those
lines which ought to be seen In stork by
the buyer. Buidness has been good for the
last week. The most Important news of
the trade Is that .otton manufacturers
have decided thst the crop Is not as Urge
as they have thought all summer. Another
feature Is that further advances have been
made in shoes. Leading groceries are quiet.
with the exception of rice, which shows a
stiffening of values on both fancy head and
Sheetings leers aa Advance.
The onlv rharures to note in prices on
the Omaha dry goods market are In cotton
goods. There has been an advance of lo
on all pepperall sheetings to a basis of 2io
for four-quarters bleached. Other wide
sheetings also have advanced and a further
advance Is looked lor In the price of four
qtiarters bleached and brown goods. In
comparison with other lines prints are still
very cheap and some buyers look for higher
prices. Cotton goods of all descriptions are
strong and scarce In first hands and manu
facturers have come to the conclusion mat
the cotton crop will not be is large as they
had hoped. Notwithstanding all opinions
to the contrary, the renewal of the demand
irotn inina lor Amvncan gooos nas startea
In, and at an earlier date than even the
most sanguine expected would be the esse.
The request from that quarter for three-
yard sheetings and Lao-yard onus nas
resulted in stiffening the whole market
on coarse cotton goods. China orders for
three-yard sheetings have been placed for
deliveries extending as far ahead as next
juiy and August, and tne amount or dim
ness put through would have been of a
much larger size, It Is stated, had the mills
been In a position to make the required de
liveries. Local trade continues good and
many orders are being taken for spring
goods. The jobbers look for a very busy
time during the next two weeks.
In sugar the ootidltlona are more or less
demoralized. While at present there are no
changes In the price - of sugar from last
week, raws havs been up and down ail
week. In New York as abroad. Local Job
bers are still undecided as to the future.
The demand In good for the time of year
and the merchants continue to order so
that they may get their stock In before the
change In freight rates, which goes Into
effect Oct'.oer 7, and which means an ad
vance of M cents per 100 pounds In Omaha.
Whether there will be any decrease In
r rices prior to October 7 Is a question. It
here is such a decline It Is thought It will
not be more than le or II points.
Cheese holds pracMcally the same quota
tions as a week ago. High prices have
tended to hold off the larger buyers, and
this Is one of the reasons why there has
been no advance. The general impression
la that higher prices will rule. New York
has reported a killing frost, which will tend
largely to decrease the production. The i
New York trade Is of the opinion that prices
the opinion that prices I
win he l to ltt cents higher before tne end
of Oetober.
Coffee is steady but quiet. Prices are ex
pected to be about the same this week. Re
ceipts at Rio and Santos are heavier, for
two days rooting up 7,otio page, comparea
with 8,000 bags a year ago. .
Tomatoes Are Qnlet.
There Is very little new to report In the
canned goods line. Tomatoes have shown
a little easier feeling this past week both
In Baltimore and in Indiana, but even yet
prices are higher than buyers have had to
pay fur Missouri stock - Jobbers do not an
ticipate any further decline in the eastern
market, at least for the present. They be
lieve that there have been more goods
packed, and that there are more In sight
than certain Interested parties would have I
iiieiii uviievv, out mtsra is no means ui as
certaining definitely what the amount of
the present pack Is, nor the exact amount
of the carry-over. Well posted operators
are of the opinion that at the present prices
there will be more than enough goods to
carry the trade until the 1st of July, and
by the 1st of August, with a good season,
some rew new packed goods might be avail-
able. There Is no change In corn, excepting
SosniDiy an easier teeung in Indiana ana 1
hlo, which to a certain extent communi-
catea Itself to the west. Canned mlmnn Im
In good demand at recently prevailing fig-
ures. Oallon apples are still nigh, with no I
renei to um exprcieu unless irom Arkansas. I
These goods, however, are not of a charac
ter to be satisfactory to the western trade.
being dark in color and with very little I
flavor. Sardines are stronger. Packers
seem to have gotten together and as a rule
have advanced their prices from 10 cents
to IS cents per case.
No Changes In apricots or peaches have
taken place. The available supply is In
very strong hands and doubtless the market
will be not only sustained, but further ad
vanced snouia any active demand occur.
prunes are in very much the same position.
with the crop very largely out of growers'
New Prices on Walnat
Prices on new crop California walnuts
were given out this week. There is a spread
of I cents a pound between No. 1 and No t
and the prices are the highest seen for
shortness of the crop.
No price, on raisin, have been pul : out by
the association and it may be a week or ten
days before these prices are finally Issued.
Without question these prices will be named
as high as they can be, without allowing
any large importation or Spanish stock.
The association men realise, of course, that
they are name to nave sharp competition
from Spain If they make their prices on
loose goods too high. It looks now as if
fancy seeded would have to go to the re-
taller at about 10 cents per pound, and if
so It will have a tendency to throw the
trade on other kinds of raisins.
There has been auite a stiffening of val
ues on both head rice and Japans. Some
operators say that this Is the result of
manipulation. It seems more probable that
it Is the result of an active demand for new
goods, which up to the present time have
been available In very small quantities.
With the return of an active milling sea-
Bon prices may sag a little, but we do not
look for any material decline until after
the first of the year, and it may develop by
that time that the crop is so snort as to
make lower prices out of the question.
The demand for mackerel Is Improving
and all supplies are very light; the situa
tion is strong. The supply of Holland her
ring In America has been Increased by a
recent large arrival,, but It has gone Imme
diately to Interior account and prices rule
firm, coonsn is nrmer.
Shoes Go Still Higher. '
Leather keeps Its upward trend and never
a week goes by hut there Is an advance
In some grade or other. Local shoe loooers
have been compelled to advance prices on
all heavy shoes. Those which were form
erly sold at II 60 are now being disposed of
at $1.60 and $1 ti5 and the 12 grade has been
advanced to $2.10 and $125. The price has
not Increased so much here, however, as at
other places. Bt. Ixiuls jobbers are selling
at $1 75 shoes which they sold at $1.60. In
the last two weeks notable advances have
taken place In certain lines of shoe leather
and th effect has been felt In the shoe
trnde The trade la one from hand to
mouth. Local Jobbers are unable to place
contracts for all the shoes tney want tor
i months at current Drlces. as the manu
facturers will not run the risk. They sell
only on quick delivery.
Cora Palaee Draws Large Crowds.
MITCHELL, S. D.. Sept. 30. (Special
Telegram.) After five days of excellent
weather for the corn palace, rain set In
this mornlug continuing until noon. The
crowds had already started for Mitchell
and a. a result there was no diminution In
the volume of people who came to town
A special train of thirteen coaches contain
ing 1.200 people from Plaits and Intermedi
ate points came In on the Milwaukee and
the regular trains brought in vast numbers.
Nearly t.000 people were in the corn palace
this afternoon and it wss the banner day
for Saturday In the history of the palace.
This evening Mitchell people turned out
enmasse for the closing night of corn palace
week, and they came royally to the sup
port of the enterprise. The Banda Rosea
played Wagnerian program in place of the
Resurrection of Christ, for the second half
The financial side of the corn palace .Is an
assured success notwithstanding ths great
expense In erecting ths new building, which
cost I1&.00O.
Will Fight Raise la Rates.
DETROIT. Mich.. Sept. 2 At a meet
Ing here today of a committee of Michigan
n.embers of the Royal Arcanum. It was
decided to raise $?,6uo to fight in the count
t ne sliding seals oi rates receuujr adopted
by me tMWif.
rert Riley.
FORT RILF.Y, Kan., Sept. . S-UI .)
-H'orxal C t'ervera of the Ninth Cavalry
bend has leen grsnted a two months' fur
lough and left Tuesday afternoon for a
trip to his home in IloiKi, 1'hlllpplne
Islands, t'ervera recently te-enltetrd a fur
having served three years In the band.
During this time he fins been saving his
pay and sending !t home to be Invested
In land. His trip to the Philippines
is made for the purpose of personally look
ing after his property, nnd after a short
stay there he will return to Fort Hlley
for duty. There are two other Filipinos
In the band and another who was recently
discharged ntid Went home for the benefit
of his health expects to return here and
re-er.llst when his health la restored. All
four are Intelligent young men, speaking
Kngllsh fluently, and ere learning to read
and write our language.
Colonel F.d B. Oodfrey. Ninth cavalry,
returned from Omnha Sunday and resumed
command of this post.
The walls of the new band stable have
been finished, and the building will be en
closed by the end of next week. It is being
built of stone, aytid Is located across the
rvad directly south of the riding hall.
First Lieutenant I L. Iieltrlrk. Thir
teenth cavalry, returned this week from
Chicago, where he spent a ten days' leave
of absence.
First Lieutenant 3. W. Wllen, Thirteenth
cavalry, has been appointed adjutant of
the cavalrv stibpost, relieving Second Lieu
tenant R. R. Love, Ninth cavalry, who has
been performing the duties of the office
for several weeks.
Private Rosa Bristow, Troop C. Eleventh
cavalry, having been acquitted by general
court-martial of charges growing out of
the esrape of prisoners under his charge,
has been restored to duty with his troop.
This entire garrison was shocked and
grieved bv the news of the suicide of Cap
tain O. C. M. Oodfrey. medical department,
son of the commanding officer of this post,
which occurred at Fort McPherson, Oa.
Captain Oodfrey was well and favorably
known here, having lived here for some
time when his father was stationed at the
post with the Seventh cavalry. His suicide
was the result of insanity. Induced by
service, in the Phllinoine Islands.
Private R. K. Baker, sixth nattery, neia
artillery, having purchased his discharge
from the service, has gone to hi home in
Mattonn. III.
Leave of absence for one montn nas neen
granted to First Lieutenant Hamilton
Bowie. Ninth cavalry, or which he will
take advantage next week.
Troop D. Eleventh cavalry, under com
mand of First Lieutenant Wade H. West
moreland, will march to Clay Center, Kan.,
leaving here October 11. The troop win re
main at Clsy center several nays, ann win
be one of the attractions at the county
fair to be held at that place.
Orders were received from the Vi ar de
partment this week transferring Recruit
Alden Bmce from the cavalry arm to the
F'.ivhteenth Infantrv. and he was sent 'to
his station at Fort Leavenworth. Bruce
wss a student In horseshoeing In the train
ing school for farriers and horseshoers, but
was unable to complete the course on (
mini of severe attacks of nosebleed which
occurred whenever he attempted to shoe a
horse. His transfer to the Infantry arm
was made on the recommendation Of the
post surgeon. ,
A cross-country course for the officers
classes in equitation is neina- constructed
on the bottoms across One Mile creek. The
work Is being done tinder the oirection oi
Captain W. C. Short, Thirteenth cavalry, in-
structor in equitation, i ne
three miles long and will be equipped with
hurdles and other obstructions, over which
ih. atiMent officers will he tausrnT to noe.
First Lieutenant William M. Reno, med
ical department, now stationed at Fort
Mver, Vs., has been ordered to report for
duty at this post, to replace First Lieu
tenant Charles C. Bllllngslea. who has been
ordered to Fort Myer. Dr. Reno has com
pleted a course in the Army Meaicai ecnooi
at Washington, where ne wss seni irorn
Vnrt miev In the itirlnr of 1904.
Private Bennett Lewi. Twentieth bat
tery, field artillery, who has been a mem
ber of the party, under command of Lieu
tenant Olsssford. engaged on fhe work of
preparing the progressive military map,
was taken seriously sick with pneumonia
lant week. He was brought to the post and
placed In the hospital, and Private Wade
Heckert. Slxih bitter?', has been detailed
as a member of tne)arty in nis stcaa ami
anst ii the enmn
The hunting of prairie chickens on the
military reservation Is permitted only tinder
-I... i,..., fanrinr It scsrcelv worth
while to go out after them. The hunter Is
not allowed to approach nearer than one
mile of the outer reservation line and must
not go Into the river bottom east of the
target range oamp ana west m nun, mmi
Rinffs. and he must not kill more than
v.PA. HtritM In anv one dAV.
private H. L. Gay, Troop A, Eleventh
cavalry, has purchased his discharge and
left for nls nome mis wren.
tv. - NininMnM srs nnv engaged on the
flooring and Interior finishing of tie new
commissary storehouse and the veterinary
hospital. These buildings will be completed
and turned over to the quartermaster utv
. i. A n m.v I month
I'pon the completion November 1 of his
duties with the First Provisional regiment
of field artillery, Second Lieutenant Samuel
Frankenberger. Artlllerv corps, will avail
v. j . l - v.r.nlh'a Inuv of SbSenCS.
The post exchange council for October Is
announced to consist m mv' j. ;
n-..i,..ll f(llr corns, and W. H. MC-
Cormlck' and F. B. Armstrong, Ninth cav-
ry is vlsltlsg friends and rela-
?,'v!;ra i this vicinity. She arrived from
ASslnnibolne Mont.. Monday and will
fem,., aDOut a month, after which she will
accompany the captain to the Philippine
Mrs. Rice, wne oi iupmn o.-iiB n .i
I pi.-.-i- Trtbn Cohklln. artillery Corps, re-
Lfft ft poeltkn of adjutant of theP First
provisional field artillery regiment this week
arter oeing sick in me uuniniai iui ,t,H
''Vhe marriage of Miss Lillian Dougherty
of I.nvenwortn to r irsi lieutenant a. a
w.pflj, i on ontv tiere witn tne wrmy
ninth battery field artillery, Is announced
to take place In Leavenworth on Noveru
J. M Oeaterhaua of Junction City. Kan.
who u examined for the Dusitlon of army
veterinarian by a board of officers at this
n,,at luat anrina. recently received the ap
polntment, and In accordance with orders
from the War department reported for tem
porary duty here on Monday morning. ie
remained throughout the week and leaves
today for San Francisco, from which place
he will sail foi the Philippines, where the
regiment to which he has beet) assigned Is
First Sergeant August Blratmun, nine
teenth battery field artillery, is again on
duty arter a montn in tne nospitui, naving
partially recovered from Injuries received
at the hands of a drunken soldier. Private
Will O. Barnhtll, who threw a coffee bowl
at the sergeant, breaking his jaw and cut
ting an ugly jrash in nis race.
CaDtain C. B. Sweesey, Thirteenth cav
alry, will leave here soon for Omaha, where
he Is under ordors to report not later man
October 15 for a four years' tour of duty in
the paymaster's department. He will be re-
filaced here by Captain Ouy Carleton, now
n the paymaster's department, at Ban An
tonio, Tex.
Colonel 8. W. Taylor, artillery corps:
Lieutenant Colonel James Parker, Thir
teenth cavalry, and Major J. M. Hanlsfr.
medical department, comprise the new post
council of administration, appointed Tues
day. A mounted review and Inspection of the
troops of this command by the commanding
officer was held on Pawnee flats this morn
ing. The usual monthly muster followed.
Captain Ueorge b . Hamilton, Ninth cav
alry, has been granted leave of absence for
ten nays, una lull ims wci-K tor waiinmg
ton. D. C.
Kccruit James Haley, Ninth cavalry, re
ported for duty at this post Monday and
was assignea to Troop i.
ITILBTu , rid I iiin . riuin I ' IM r
teenth cavalry, has been detailed on extra
duty aa mechanic in the auartermasXer s
Second Lieutenant K. V. Armstrong
Thirteenth cavalrv. went to Junction City
Kan.. Monday and while thej-c nurchased
a polo pony which had previously attracted
nis favorable notice, paying v lor the
animal. He started to drive the pony to
Fort Riley, but on the road it became
frightened at an automobile, tan away, and
was killed by collioing witu u bunny.
Promotions are announced of Private
James Luta. Twenty-tirth battery, to be
corporal, and Corporals Herbert L. Keen.
Twenly-Afth battery, and John A. Laggart,
Twentieth battery, field artillery, lo be
Private Charles Connors (colored) of
troop H. Ninth cavalry, Is In the hospital
suffering from several dangerojs wound
Inflicted by a Kansas City negro named
John Jordan. Jordan came to Junction City
Wednesdiiy morning and there found his
wife entertaining Connors at her house.
Jordan opened tire, silRhtly wounding ills
wife and shooting Connors in three placer.
One bullet pued through Connors left
shouldur and two passed in rough his rUfht
arm, breaking it in two places. Jordan
fled and is still at large.
Corporal Noah H. Iewald. troop C. Thir
teenth cavalry, was detailed Thursday on
special ddty as non-coiiiinissiuned officer
with the detar-hment of bakers and cooks,
relieving Corporal John A. Itwrence of
troop t. Kleventh cavalry, who was re
turned to duty with hla troop.
Fort Meade.
FORT MF.ADEL B. D.. SeDt. . (SoacIsI )
t Friday, September 22, tit sweond suucmIt
ron, under command of Major B. 11.
Cbeever roturuaxl IV the Kat from their
procHr march to Devil's Tower, Wyo.
Friday evening, September ii, the usual
officers weekly hep was held In the poet
hall. A great number attended and a
very pleasant evening was sient by all.
Thursday afternoon. September -L Mrs.
B. A. 1 tieever gve a card parly to the
women of the pest In honor of Mrs. Ster
rett, daughter of Major tjeorge K. Hunter.
Kucbre ess plavrd and the prises were
won by Mrs. Harhani, Mrs. Kiddie a fid
Miss Helen Hunter.
Wednesday evening. September 17, Colonel
nd Mrs, St.iotou gave a cottllllnn In honor
of Miss Sands. The entlte garrison was
present and a most delightful evening Was
spent by every one.
Tuesday evening, September Is. Mr.
Hodg'S, who has bi-en the guest of Captain
and Mrs. Lott, left for his home In De
troit, Mich. Mr. H'idgi s accompanied th
Second squadron on their practice inarch.
Several dinners have been given during
the last week by Major and Mrs. Cheever,
Major and Mrs. Hunter, Lieutenant and
Mis. Riddle, Lieutenant and Mrs. Glover
and Captain and Mrs. Cole,
Fort Mackensle.
FT. MACKENZIE, Wyo.. Sept 30.-tSpe-clnl.
Post competition was held at Fort
Mackensln. Wyoming, last weeK. ueiow is
a summary report of same:
Officers' Pistol Competition Lieutenant F.
W. Fond.'t. Tenth cavalry. t per cent; Ser
geant Major Langifeld, iwicventh Infantry,
Troop O private John Dunning. Tenth
cavalry, 6 per rent
Troop M nerreant jesse natter, tentii
cavalry, 76 per rnt.
Company I Sergeant Wooden, Eleventh
infantry, S6 per cent.
Company M Private William C Tuttie,
Eleventh Infantry, It per cent.
Recapitulation in the order or merit:
Officers' Pistol Competition Cavalry offi
cers' team, 410, 82 per cent; Infantry officers'
team, HM, 7.80.
Knitted Men's Rifle and carol no competi
tion Troop H. Tenth cavalry, Sn. 1 . per
cent; Troop G, Tenth cavalry, 29", y.Xj
Company M, Eleventh Infantry, 273. M.60;
Company 1, Eleventh Infantry, 13. 46.S0.
in compliance wnn paragrapn -v, spei im
orders No. 211, War department, dated
September 12, 19r, Irtvate Jesse Canlrell,
Company M, FJeventh Infantry, will pro
ceed to the Army General hospital at Him
Presidio or Ban Francisco, t ai., reporting
upon arrival thereat to commanding officer
for observation and treatment.
Saturday morninu. September ZJ,
Fromptly at 10 o'clock, the public sale of
ourteen government horses began. Ser
geant James Murrell auctioneering. The
horses had been In use in the Tenth env
airy. The total amount received was $541.
sergeant liticius r riar was grantea one
montti's furlough September 25 and has been
detailed by Major Blatchford to repair to
the crow reservation ior tne purpose oi
giving the Crow Indians lessons In setting
up exercises.
Weald Invest the Money of F.qnltable
Life la Real Estate.
NEW YORK, Sept. $0. President Paul
Morton of the Equitable Life Assurance
society today gave out a statement saying
that the society wonld like to take its
funds from the banks and loan them on
mortgages. Me said:
First-class securities are difficult to get.
The society Is not receiving applications
for loans on high class New York real
estate as rapidly as It would like to get
them. It ha. money to Invest and Is anx
ious to take It out Of the banks and put
It Into mortgages. The policy of the so
ciety hereafter will be to make It easy for
good people to borrow money from it on
high class property.
When asked about tha testimony given
before the legislative committee yesterday
regarding the expense, of the Insurance
companies In their law departments, Mr.
Morton said that In ths last fire years
the Equitable had had to contribute about
$16,000 for legislative expenses.
Alleged He la Constructing Western
Pact Be In Gnlse of Elec
tric Line.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 0.-A dispatch
to the Examiner from Los Angeles aays
that George Gould is already building hit
Una from San Francisco to Los Angeles,
which will form a portion of his Western
Pacific system. Where his efforts are to
be seen Is In the construction of the Bakers
field A Ventura railway, now being built
from Oxnard In the direction of this city.
The line Is supposed to be for an electrto
road, but Is being constructed with heavy
steel of standard gauge, So that It can
easily be operated as a steam road. ' It
was rumored that Henry ,T. Oxnard was
behind this enterprise, but this has been
Officially denied.
From an authoritative source the state
ment comes that the road is a part of
Oeorge Gould's plan to practically duplicate
ths Southern Pacific system In California.
Assoelate of Farmer Aadltor Acensed
of Conspiring to Commit
a Felony.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Sept. 0.-W, A.
Wlckard was arrested toilay on an indict
ment charging him with conspiring to com'
mil a felony. The r.rreet la in connection
with the financial troubles of David B.
Bherrlck, former auditor of Btate, who was
removed from office by Governor Hanly. .
Mr. Wlckard Is the snn-ln-law of J. H.
Murry of the J. H. Murry Lumber com
pany, whose paper was found In the stats
auditor's office to the amount of $18,000.
In addition to conspiracy Wlckard Is
charged with embexilement and grand
larceny. He was released under a tond
of 116,000. Mr. Wlckard says ths J. IL
Murry paper will be paid.
Boy Accidentally Killed.
Charles city. la., sept. .-(8peciai.)
Oscar Otteson, II sears old, living near
the town of Jericho, In Chickasaw county,
east of here, was Instantly killed by the
accidental discharge of his shotgun. The
charge entered hi. neck and came out
through his head. Ills parents were absent
from home and he and soma other children
took the gun from the wall where it was
hanging and it was discharged with tha
above results.
Monona Coart Agjoaraai
ONAWA. Ia., Sept. IO.-(3peclal.-The
Monona county district court adjourned to
day for the term. The Monona and Harri
son County Board of Supervisors met at
Onawa today over ditch matters. The joint
board formally accepted the Crane outlet
ditch which is fully completed and ordered
all bills paid. The commissions that have
been assessing benefits on the Monona
Harrison ditch for a month or mors have
not yet completed their labors.
Elopement Bar te Preacher.
HAMPTON, Sept. 8u.-8peclal.) Rather
than stand a church trial for his elopement
with pretty 15-year-old Daisy Dorian of
Waterloo a half doxen years ago. Rev.
George E. Scott, It Is said, will abandon
all hopes of being reinstated by the confer
ence In session here. The conference re
fused to make him effective or super
annuate him, and all he could do was with
draw or stand the trial.
Conference to Manage Hospital.
SHELDON. Ia.. Sept. SO Special.) Th
northewst Iowa Methodist conference has
voted to take charge of the hospital at
Webster City providing the cttixens there
co-operate. Rev. R. B. Tlbbett of Gllmore
City has been charged with being Impru
dent. The Investigation committee will
doubtless report that a plot has been made
against him and decide In his favor.
Poultry Breeders Organise.
DL'NLAP, la., Sept. So. (Speclal.)-Local
poultry fancier and breeders recently
organised here tha Buyer Valley Poultry
association with the following officers:
President. T. Decker; vice presidents. E. R.
Caldwell and Mrs. N. Thomas; secretary,
I K. Moore; treasurer, O. T. Hood; Judge.
F. C. Shellabvger. A poultry exhibition
will be held oa Tuesday, December M,
Missing for Betersl Itji nnd FstiixI bj
VTifi in His Old Home.
Mate Dairy Commission Offers Big
Prises for the November Hotter
Scoring Contest Asks Re
reiver for Chnrch.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DE9 MOINES, Sept. 80 (Special).
Charles Smith was asphlxlated last night
at 121 1 Park avenue and Highland park.
Smith formerly lived at thst number, but
recently moved to 1318 the same street.
He wss found In the empty house this
morning with his face bitten by rats that
had attacked him during the night. The
discovery wss made by his wife. Smith
was an employe of the Capital City Oas
Light compt.iy and had gone to the empty
house to get his gas meter to move It to his
new number. It Is supposed that while
hs was1 at work on the meter tho gas leaked
In sufficient quantity to overcome him.
Mrs. Smith was worried because of his
failure to return home, but did not know
where he had gone. This morning In the
search she went to their former home and
discovered that he was dead and had been
bitten by the rata. Beskles his wife, he
leaves a baby. The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Smith was at Marshatltown and the body
will be taken to thst place after the In
quest. Before coming to Des Moines a
year ago they lived In Oskaloosa for one
Brewery to the Conrts.
Ths Anti-Saloon league today announced
that It would carry to the district court
the case of the establishment of a brewery
In this city. In doing this, however, they
must secure the consent of the county at
torney. County Attorney Miller's term ex
pires this year and he Is reported to be
a candidate for district Judge. The suit
places him In the position of making en
emies with one or the other of ths ele
ments on the brewery case. The Antl
Saloon league claims that. on the petition
of consent seventy-seven names were re
peated. 634 names are not on the poll books,
eventy:nlne have since withdrawn their
names, sixteen names are on the petition
of persons who never signed, fifteen name,
cen not be read, 2,465 do not correspond to
the poll books and one Is of a person who
has been dead four years.
Asks for Requisition.
After nearly a year of search George
Wilson, alias Oeorge MfElroy, who broke
jail at Orange City In November, 1904, has
been located In Kansas City. Today Gov
ernor Cummins made application to Gov
ernor Folk of Missouri for a requisition
for his return to Orange City. Wilson
was serving a Jail sentence for breaking
apd entering at the Urns of his escape.
Wants te Bay Island.
C. F. Wolfe of Slou City has applied
to the secretary of state for the purchase
of an Island which has been formed In
the Missouri river near that city by the
change In the channel of the river. The
island Is located between the old and new
channel of the river In section S3, township
18. north range 47, BIouk City. The land
must first bs surveyed and then appraised,
after which Wolfe has the option of taking
it at the appraised value.
Big Premiums Are Offered.
The Iowa Btate Dairy association hs.
decided to offer premiums amounting to
$1,000 for the November butter scoring con
test conducted by the state dairy commis
sioner. This IS nearly double the premiums
offered at ' the stats fair, the premiums
there amounting to only $680. The state
dairy commissioner has Just forwarded to
Thomas Sadler of Oelweln th solid gold
medal awarded for the best butter shown
at the state fair. . . .
Chief Enalneer Stone Here.
Grand Chief Engineer W. 6. Stone of the
Brotherhood Of Locomotive Engineers ar
rived In the City today with Delos Ever
etts, third grand engineer. They are here
to attend the meeting of Division 113. which
was held today In Odd Fellows hall. En
gineer Stone was met at the Rock Island
depot by an escort and conducted to hit
hotel. Mr. Stone waa a resident of El-
don, la., till elected as grand chief en
gineef to succeed P. M. Arthur.
Wreck Victim Dies..
Fireman Frank Rogers, who was Injured
In the wreck on the Rock Island at Iowa
City yesterday, died today. In Jumping
from his engine he wai caught under a
freight car. J. H. Frawley, who resides In
this city and Whose foot wat crushed nnd
back Injured In th wreck, was brought
home today. Responsibility for the wreck
Is said to lie with Engineer Gouldner and
Conductor Bathwalte of the freight train.
It Is claimed that they should have held
their train at Tiffin till the passenger had
Asks Receiver for Chnrrh.
In the district court today g receiver for
the Vnlted Church of God was asked for by
the Co-operative Bank of Iowa. The bank
asks that the affairs of the church be taken
in hand by the receiver and the receipts be
turned over to the liquidation of the In
debtedness. A balanee of $239 remains on
the mortgage for $500 made to the bank by
the church some year ago.
Endowment and Change N'ame.a,
At the conference of the United Brethren
church here today It was announced that
about $2,000 had been raised for the endow
ment of Western college at Indlanola, leav
ing only about $31,(100 more to be raised by
January 1 to complete the $160,000. Leander
Clarke Of Indlanola gave $50,000 provided
$100,000 more were raised by January 1 and
the name changed to Leander Clarke col
lege. President Kephart announced that
the balance would b raised.
Farmer Killed hy Trala.
FORT DODGE, Ia., Sept. 30.-Ppeclal
Telegram.) August Krall, a farmer, of
Clare, a small town north Of here, was
Rheumatism does not come on In
causes that produce it work silently in the system for years. This ingiAioua
disease becomes intrenched in the blood, and come exposure to cold or damp
weather, or slight indiscretion brings oa an attack, roorijestion, stomach
troubles, weak Kidneys, torpid Liver, and a general sluggish condition of
the system are responsible for Rheumatism. Food eouring ia the stomach
poisons the blood, the failure of the Kidneys and Liver to act properly leaves
waste matter and impurities la the system, which, coming ia contact with
the natural acids of the body, form uric acid. This ii absorbed by th blood,
and as it penetrate to the muscles, nerves and bones produces the terrible
pains and aches and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheumatism. Life ia
made a torture by its excruciating pains, nerves are shattered, the health un
dermined, and if the disease is not checked it breaks down the strongest con
stitution. It will not do to depend on plasters, liniments, etc.; such treatment
is helpful ia easing the pain and reducing the inflammation, but does not
reach the blood where the rel trouble is located. 8. 3. S. cures Rheumatism
PURELY VEGETABLE, sluggish organs to better action, tones up the
Stomach and digestion, restores nervous energy
and builds up the entire health. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, whether acute
or chronic, and the cure is thorough and lasting. Book oa Rheumatiua
and any luedical advice desired without charge. 1 .
nr swift srecme co., Atlanta, caJi
ground to pieces at midnight hy a freight
triln a quarter of a mile south of Clara
last night. The accident aa not discov
ered until the train arrived at Clare, when
parts of the mutilated body were found oh
the pilot of the engine. Krall left Clare
In an Intoxicated condition and It Is sup
posed that he stuinbl. d on the switch and
lay stunned in the path of the train.
Antoasohlle Strikes Bridge and Fraak
llarrlnsaa'a Keck Is Broken
la Ions.
MARSHALt.TOWN. Is., Sept. 3n.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) - Frank Hnrrltnnti, a
banker and lawyer of Hampton, prominent
In northern Iowa, was killed and four
companions were slightly Injured In an
accident a short distance south of Oeneva,
Frsnkiln county, late last night. The party
wss returning home and the car struck a
raised approach to a bridge. All were
thrown thh-ty . feet and the car turned
over, Harrlman was killed Instantly, his
neck being oroken. The other, were slightly
Danahter of Iowa City Maa
Set Aside Teetameat.
IOWA CITT. Ift., SerL- Q.-(Bpeclat Tele
gram.) The Heath will case, Involving
nearly HflO.Oofj, to seour which; an only
daughter Is attempting to prove that her
father was Insane, ' Is still occupying the
attention of the district court and It Is be
lieved will not be given to th Jury for
another week.
The daughter of the old capitalist was
left a life InteVcst In tho amount Involved
and would have enjoyed Income of the Sam
as long as she lived but the .provisions of
the will were not to her liking and as a
consequence one of the most costly suits '
In the history of the county la now being
fought out.
Two of th most prominent men In th
county, B. A. Kirs, county treasurer, and
J. E. Swltier, cashier of the Otlsen's Say
Inss bank, named as trustees under th
will are fighting to keep Mrs. Burke from
her heritage. On one side form Congress
man Martin J. Wade, one of the best law
yers In the state, . Is fighting his- qusl,
Milton Remley, former attorney general of
Iowa. The entire city and eounty. are
arrayed on one eld or, the other and the
sensational testimony now being offered ll
drawing large crowds.
Octoaenarlan Disposes of Property
and Goes Korth. to Wed.
CHARLES CITT, la., Sept. 8o.-(Specll
Telegram.) G. B. Eastman, pioneer resi
dent of this city,' and Its first. banker, sold
all of his property here today to H. C.
Baldwin, president of the ClUrens National
bank, and departed for Minneapolis where
It In said he Is to he married to a Miss
Wood, whose matrimonial advertisement he
answered. The property was worth . twice
the sum paid for It but he was anxious to
convert It Into money and took his depart
ure, The girl would not marry unless she
got th property and he connverted It Into
money. He Is past S3 years ot age and a
widower without children.
Working on Old Cane.
CHARLES CITT. Ia.. Bspt. SO.-EpeclnX)
-Osage Is having a revival of the Price
Evans matter. Price Evans was supposed
to have committed suicide or 'was mur
dered at Osage soma seven or eight years
ago. The town divided on the question
of whether It was murder or Suicide, ahd
matters waged warm until it resulted In
a big meeting In the opera house In which
a certain prominent rltlxen was exonerated
from any connection with the matter.
J-ately Pinkerton detectives have visited
the city and. a local detective has , been
assisting him to unravel th mystery.
At one time Captain Mostyn of the Omaha
police force and an Omaha newspaper
man Who Is a brother-in-law of Price
Evans visited Osage for th purpose of
unraveling the mystery. Th Omaha news
paper man has always held to th belief
that his relative was murdered.
llnraethlevrs Go to Prisons .
ONAWA, Ia.. Sept. 30, (Speclal.)-Ttm
Moran and Norman the horsethleves con
victed at the present term of court were
taken to Anlmosa by Sheriff Rawlings and
Deputy Manes today. They are regarded
as two of ths most desperate men ever sent
from Monona county. Thl. Is the third time
Moran has been sent to the penitentiary
and his arrest and conviction cost over
$1,300. A plot to release them was dis
covered Just In time to prevent their eccap
from the MonOna county jail They are a
bad lot and Sheriff Rawlings has had' a
hard time to keep them from escaping. v'
Nebraska Fugitive Is Caught. t
SIDNEY, Ia., Sept. $0.-(8peclal.-Clyds
Wright, a young desperado who escaped
from the Nebraska Ref--m school, was
captured eleven miles east Of Hamburg
by A. O. Brower. After his capture he
said to Brower: "I wish I had had my
gun and T-would have shot it out -with
you." , .
The boy shot at Sheriff McBride. who Ar
rested him at Plattsmouth, Neb., and after
wards jumped out of the car window and
got away. He Is regarded as a desperate
Former Insane Patient Kills Self.
CHARLES CITY, Ia., Sept. JO (Special
Telegram.) Levi Huffman committed sui
cide by shooting himself with a shot gun
st his horn near Bassett, six miles east of
here. The entire top of his head was blown
off by the charge. He was about 44 years
old and unmarried. He lived with his
rather. Huffman was sent to th Insiui
asylum about five years ago and came home
cured. He was a man well thought of In
the community.
Divorce at Logaau
LOGAN, Ia., Sept. . (Speclal.)-Juflga
A. 11. Tiinrnell at the Harrison count dis
trict court has granted the following di
vorces:, Etta M. Lorey from II, M.; Anna
J. O'Nell from C. J.; Catherine Eddie from
William and Kdna Kelfer from Vaughn.
t (lav: the THE STRONGEST :
by purifying and invigorating the thin, acrid
blood, driving out all impurities and poisons and
sending a stream of strong, rich blood tq wash
out all irritating particles that are causing the
pain and inflammation. S. 0. S. stimulates the