Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1905, 329, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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ULO. L. NICULL, Manager. Telephone 1663
15th a.nd IUrnty Sis., Omaha. 354 Broiv-Iwrvy, Council Bluffs. 625 N. 24th St, South Omihn,
as t ar bM r . r. n i a . 1 1 i
I I f UrV f 'v 5f iiFf EBBBUSa
1 SiMA r
I mu: h-". .
We have just received the first carload of our new fail goods,
which will be placed on sale this week, giving you an op
portunity to secure the highest grade goods obtainable.
Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines,
BBeVJJBlBeVJJBa m MHMBIH bbbbbbi aefJB MMI eMsBaMMsM efJJsefB aVJsBn HHMMiHHiMnk
Victor Talking Machines,
Edison Phonographs
New York, Aug. 20, 1906. Nebraska Cy
cle Co.: Your order for BOO Phonogarphs
received and will have immediate attention.
National Phonograph Co.
'1905 MODELS
This la tli Pioneer Bicycle Home In
Nebraska and we still maintain our well
established reputation by handling none
but standard make.
We are closing; out our 1806 stock every
wheel In the house to be sold thla week
at a big reduction.
Some last year' models that are shop
worn and slightly used we make the fol
lowing prices:
W.: ao.oo
"nSST-.?. 30.00
140 Eldrlge (lady's model). sfi ff
good condition
$40 Gendron (lady's model), new, Oft ft ft
but shop-worn
Other wheels of well-known makes, both
ladles' and men's models, from
$5 to $10
ir Type
We operate a large and complete Type
writer Exchange, carrying all makes of
machined. We keep an expert repair man
and will repair your typewriter at the
right prlc we have no new machines to
sell yo
Here Is a partial list of the Typewriter
bargains, which we consider the best ever
BMckensdoerfer, No. 7 20 00
DfoV"T 27.50
r?0xr ...40.00
Underwood, No. 4, new, QQ
Remington, No. 8,
Oliver, No. .
Smith-Premier, No. 2,
Smith-Premier, No. 4,
for ,
Remington, No. 6; good as
new, lor.
Sewing Hula chines of Quality
We faavs tb agency for the state of Nebraska for that renowned and thoroughly up-to-date jewing machine, the
And always carry on hand a varied assortment of styles. In addition to these we have a number of scuffed and
slightly used Sewing Machines which we must close out at practically nothing.
In this stock are drop-head Singers, Davis, Wilcox & Olbbs, Standard, and scores of others that have been
traded In as part payment on new Wheeler & Wilsons. No reservations every Sewing Machine offered at
closing out figures.
will be granted. This is your chance to secure one of the rarest bargains ever offered in a good Sewing Machine.
DAVIS Five-drawer, golden oak, drop
head, on trial a few weeks, good as
new. regular 16 sewing f ftft
machine, for ,u'wu
VICTORIA Finished In oak, five draw
ers, drop head, used on 11 ftft
'floor as sample, only " VMJ
NEW HOME Five drawers, drop head,
latest Improved, just like new, reg
ular price $60. 21.00
WILCOX & GIBBS-Made by National
Sewing Machine Co., golden oak, Ave
drawers, everything complete, Oft lift
lightly used, only OUeVfV
STANDARD GRAND Five drawers,
sample machine, woodwork slightly
scuffed, all attachments 07 Cft
complete, reduced to t A iJVJ
SINGER Special, flvs drawers, furnished
In oak, returned from a branch office,
woodwork slightly scratched, machine
part as good as new, will 22 SO
be closed out for only m,kJJ
WHITE Three White machines taken in
exchange for Wheeler & Wilsons, all in
first-class condition and guaranteed
your choice for 00
DOMESTIC Two Domestics, five draw
ers each, repaired and put In splendid
condition; a bargain; your ftft
choice only lJVJJ
Tour choice of 28 Whites, 81ngers. Stand
ards, Domestics and New Homes, second-hand
machines C flft
for only O.VIVI
FT ,
Headquarters Edison
Phonographs and
Victor Talking
You can boy a machine
at trifling cost
No Money Down
Come to our store and take a
machine home with you and
pay for it later at your own
convenience. Order by mall.
We prepay charges. Send for
By our liberal act of placing
a machine with every person
desiring one and paying for it
later, we offer all an opportu
nity of securing a high-grade
80,000 NEW RECORDS TO SELECT FROM-Old Victor Records exchanged
free. We carry the largest stock of Talking Machines and Records west of
Chicago. Order by mail; we prepay express charges.
FREE CONCERTS Every day and evening. Come in, meet your friends and
rest In our commodious quarters while listening to our big free concert.
THE VICTOR The kind that never grows old. They turn the long evenings
into one grand concert.
Bant Out Lincoln High Isisol by Twtnty
Slippery Ball Rcealta la Maay
Fasablee Taylor's Line Flanging
la Faatara of aTaJvaralty'e i
I .NCOLN, Sept. 30. (Special Telegram.)
wiebraska university concluded Its prac
tises aeason today by easily defeating Lin
coln High school, 20 to a The Cornhuskers
scored four touchdowns, but could not kick
a goal. The game began, in a brisk rain
and both teams floundered about In deep
mud. Booth's proteges confined their ef
forts chiefly to line bucking, but the slip
pery ball caused frequent fumbles and long
, galna were scarce. The feature of Ne
braska's offense was the Una plunging of
Taylor, Nebraska's big colored right guard,
whose rushes the school boys, although
quits husky for their class, oould not atop.
Tha Cernhuskera trie but few and sprints
and tha mud made most of them easy for
Lincoln to check. Tha lineup:
Imbmow R.B.IJI. B rrai4tt
-" K. T.I n. T HarrUoa (CavLJ
Ttrier a. o. a. a......... aw.
Few People Kstw Haw Csefal It la 1
Preservtag Health, ut Beaatr.
Nearly everybody knowa that charcoal la
tha aafest and most efficient disinfeotant
and purser In nature, but few realise its
value wneo taken Inta tha human system
for tha same cleansing purpose-
Charcoal la a remedy that tha mora you
take of it tha better; It la not a drug at
alL out simply absorbs tha gases and Im
purities always present In tha atomaca and
Intestines and carries them out of tha sys
Charcoal sweetens tha breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually dears and improves
tha complexion. It whitens tha teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
sale eauaruo.
It absorbs tha lajarioaa gases which on'
lect In tha atamaah and bowala; it disin
fects tha mouth and throat from tha
poison of eatarra.
all dragglate sell charaoai in one form or
another, but probably tha beat charcoal and
tha most for tha money la In Stuart's Char
coal Lasengea; they are composed of tha
finest powdered willow charcoal and other
harmless anUsepUoa in tablet form, or,
rather. In tha form of large, pleasant tatt
ing loaengea, tha aharooal being mixed
with honey.
Tha daily use of thaaa loaengea will soon
tall in a much Improved condition of tha
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and tha beauty of
It la that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but, on tha contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician. In speaking of tha
benefits of charcoal, says: advise
Stuart's Charcoal Loaengea to all patients
suffering from gas In tha atomach and
bowals, and to clear tha complexion and
purify tha breath, mouth and throat; I
also believe tha liver Is greatly benefited
by the dally use of them; they cost but
twenty-nve cents a box at drug stores,
and although In some sense a patent prep,
aratloa. yet I believe I get more and bet
tor charcoal In Btuart'e Charcoal Losengee
than la aag at tha ordinary charcoal tab-let.
Bom (Cap.) c.
N.ltoa L. O.
Burna-Lundla L. T.
Johnson L. B. Q.
Wllaoa R. H.
Waller .U H.
BMkly r. B.
C Collins
L. O Somm.rh.ldr
L. T Ulld.rbrant
US Smith
Q Minor
R. H Oebhardt
L. H Rathbooa
r. B Branson
Touchdowns: Taylor (2). Cotton. Lundln.
Time of halves: Fifteen minutes.
Form and Strength Carry Victory
Despite Ragged Play.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Sent. SO. (SDeclal Tele
gram.) Iowa defeated Monmouth college
easuy tociay Dy a score or 40 to o, snowing
superior form and strength throughout the
contest. Iowa's play was ragged, however,
and there was one costly fumble.. Mon
mouth was not as heavy and its plays
lacked steam. Both teams weakened to
ward the end of the last half, but Schwln
was sent over for the seventli touchdown.
Touchdowns: MacGowan (3), Kent, Schwln
(2), Moore. Ooals from touchdowns: Mac
uowan, B.
Kent kicked off short to Norwood, who
was downed In Monmouth's thirty-yard
line. The ball changed hands twice and
Monmouth punted to Kent, who was
downed in centerfleld. Sensational hurdling
by Macuowan and heavy smashes ore notn
ends by Green and Schwln carried Iowa
within striking distance, when MacQowan
went over lor an easy touchdown, follow
Ing with an easy goal. Iowakicke'd off to
Monmouth, recovered the ball promptly on
a fumble and MacOown was sent over for
a second touchdown. He failed to kick goal
Long gains by Moore, more smashes and a
clever quarternacK kick Dy Kent were re.
sponsible for another touchdown by Mao.
uowan. Monmouth kicked to Iowa and for
ten minutes the two teams fiddled across
the field, Iowa playing erratlo foot balL
After a brilliant run by Green Kent en
circled right end for twenty yards and
scored. The half closed with Iowa 3S, Mon
mouth 0.
In the second half Iowa ahowed Itself to
be constantly master of the situation,
though team gains were not consistent.
After the first kick-off Iowa advanced tha
ball softly to the thirty-yard line, where
Kent failed to place a field goal. Monmouth
nunted out from the twentv-flve-yard line.
The Hawkeyes slowly carried the ball back
and Ben wis, weot over Tor tne nrtn toucn
down. MacGowan kicked a goal. Tha
Straff U K. b. Ball
Bcharta U T. 1. T
Rocawoot ..L. O. b. O Clark.
Flti C. C lclalra
Waahbura B. O. R. O Roblnaos
flt.d.l R. T. R. T Hill
Moors R. B R. B Nlxoa
Kant Q. Q Oordos
Murphy L H. U. H Peacock
Oram R. H. R. H Norwood
MacOowaa P. B P. B Mlllas
Referee: Thorn. Umpire: Parsons. Time
keeper: Mayer.
Lightweight Presbyterlaaa front la-
dtaaa Pat la a Stroag Defease.
CHICAGO. SeDt. SO. The light eleven of
Wabash (Ind.) college surprised the Chicago
university eleven this afternoon by holding
tnem to a score oi lb, lour points of which
represented a drop kirk by Eckersall from
the twenty-three-yard line. The Chicago
backs fumbled the ball repeatedly and to
this more than anything else was due the
low score.
Harvard Wlas frosa Williams.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Sept. SO. Harvard
opened the foot ball season this afternoon
by a victory over Williams, the final score
being 12 to 0. About i.tuO persons were pres
ent. All the scoring was done In the first
half, after which play was nearly even
owing to the large number of substitutes
in the Harvard lineup.
Owing to the nervousness of the players
many off-side penalties were Imposed.
Omaha Commercial and Doane Col
leges Play Tie.
The Omaha Commercial and Doane college
teams played a strenuous game of foot ball
In Crete yesterday, score 0 to 0.
rne game was caueo at z:ia. umana
kicked to Doane on its ten-yard line and
returned to the twenty-yard line. Omaha
held for downs on the twenty-flve-yard
line and was forced to punt. Jones of
Omaha downed the Doane man on his three
yard line.
The rain, which began falling shortly after
the first klckoff, became a regular down-
our, which, of course, prevented fast play,
'he last ten minutes of the first half were
played In Doane's territory, time being
called on its thirty-yard line. Time of half:
In the second half Doane kicked to
Omaha. The ball was fumbled on the forty-
yard line and during the rest or the half
fumbles were very frequent owing to mud,
which made the ball too slippery to handle.
Day, Jackson and Captain Furher of Crete
did the best work for Doane. Day and
Jackson were especially good In breaking
Interference. The Commercial college boys
filayed like old-timers, considering the fact
t Is the first time they have ever been to
gether. Captain Baker and his men put up
a stone wall defense every time ft was
needed In the game. A clean game was
played In every respect. The Commercial
college boys express their pleasure at the
courteous treatment received at Crete.
Every endeavor will be made to bring
Doane college to Omaha November 4 to play
oft the tie, If possible. Lineup:
Paaasylvaala Defeats Lehigh.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. SO -The Univers
ity of Pennsylvania opened the foot ball
season on Franalln ilcid today by defeating
Lehigh by the score of le to 0. Penna
scored 14 points In the first half In twenty
minutes, and added 11 more In the second
half In fifteen minutes.
Mlealgaa Beats Ohio Met had lata.
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Sept. SO The Uni
versity of Michigan foot ball team In Its
first game of the season defuated Ohio Wes
leyan college today oft to In SSV4 minutes
of play.
Prlaeetoa Tigere Wis.
PRINCETON. N. J.. Sept. sO.-Prtnoeton
played a hard game this sfternoon In spite
of the oppressive heat, and defeated Wash
ington au4 Jaroa bx the sours of a to ft.
Jonas R. E.
Arnold-Paster R. T.
R. Smith R. C.
R.b. c.
W.Moa L. O.
Ll L. T.
Bleckmus L, B.
Baker (Capt) Q.
D. Smith R. H.
Coryell L. H.
R. T...
R. O..,
L. O...
U T...
L. B...
R. H.
U U..KIns(iB-Dlck.neon
P. B.P. B rurher (Cart.)
aapay Oana at West Point.
WE8T POINT, N. T.. Sept. SO. West
Point defeated Tufts eollea-e bv a
IS to 0. Notwithstanding the sultry weather
mo game) was a quica ana snappy one. At
no time was West Point's goal threatened.
Scores af Other Games.
At Lafayette, Ind. Purdue, SS; Belolt, 0.
At Terre Haute Rose Polytechnic, 27;
Eastern Illinois, 0.
At Bloomlngton, Ind. Indiana university,
SI; Butler. 0. . ,
At Columbus Ohio State university. 28:
Heidelberg, 0.
At Minneapolis Minnesota, S3; ' Shat
tuck, 0.
At South Bend Notre Dame, 44; North Di
vision High school, 0.
At Madison Wisconsin, 49; Northwestern
college. 0.
At Champaign, 111. Illinois, ; Knox, ft.
At LVs Moines Drake, 18; Penn, 8,
At Bloomlngton, 111. Illinois college. 0:
Wesleyan. 0. .
Rala Wlas Oat. .
Although forty started In the contest for
the J. B. Rahm cup at the Field club Sat
urday afternoon the rain drove all to shelter
before the finish except fourteen. All were
soaked and but fourteen had the nerve to
finish. The score:
Palmatier, S down.
Chambers, ( down.
La Douceuer, all even.
Allen, S up.
Jones, S down.
Davison, 4 down.
Hall. S down.
Thomas, ( down.
Nebraska City High School Wlas.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Sept. S0.-Spe-clal
Telegram.) Nebraska City High school
defeated Plattsmouth High school In an In
teresting game of foot ball this afternoon.
The scors was 11 to 0. The home team made
all of Its points In the first half.
Aarera Defeats Terkc
AURORA. Neb., Sept. SO. (Special.) Tha
Aurora High school foot hail team woa
their first game played this season, from
York today by ths score of 10 to 0. The
boys have put In some hard practice the
past two weeks and were very aggressive.
Twa Mlaars Klllea at Deaawoad.
DEOADWOOD. 8. D., Sept. S0.-M. El
Mathlas and J. O. McFadden, working night
shifts In the Saginaw mine, were found
dead In tha tunnel today. They had baaa
UUt4 PZ ft PmiiU,JUA
Two Mei Burn to Death and Third is
Mortally Injured.
People oa Roof Rescued by Firemen
After All Hope of Escape
Had Been Practically
NEW YORK, Sept.. SO. Two men were
burned to death as they slept, a third was
so badly burned that he died In a hospital,
another Is In a dangerous condition, and
several others suffered serious, but prob
ably not fatal injuries in a Are in a two
story saloon, restaurant and lodging in
West street. Tt.3 two men who lost their
lives occupied a room in the rear of the
building. They were overcome by smoke
and burned to death In their bed. All the
occupants of the house were sailors and
longshoremen, except ona woman, the
housekeeper. Those who suffered death and
Injury were suffocated and burned within
a few minutes, the Are being extinguished
before the damage had exceeded $3,000.
Tha first known of tha lira outside, was
when McClelland, his clothing on fire,
dashed down stairs from tha lodging house
and ran Into the saloon. The bartender
threw bis apron around the flaming man
and finally succeeded In smothering the
flames. McClelland'a condition was auch
however, that he died within an hour.
McClelland waa the only lodger to get
to the street by tha stairs. The others, as
they awoke In the stifling smoke, found
tha stairs blocked by flames. Some of
them succeeded In reaching windows from
which they were rescued by firemen, but
McMahon and Vaugh were overcome by
smoke and burned to death in their bed.
Four of the lodgers who were unable to
reach windows had a narrow escape from
death In the flames. They had made their
way to the roof of the building through
the skylight only to And the burning
building separated from those adjoining by
a chasm a dozen feet In width an both
sides. None of them dared attempt a leap
which might have landed them in safety
on another roof or sent them crashing to
death on . the stone paved courts below.
They were surrounded by Aames and the
roof on which they stood was scorching
their bare feet when their plight was called
to the attention of the firemen and they
were rescued.
Patrick Doud. the worst Injured of those
rescued from the fire, later died from his
at the Calhoun cemetery. Rev. L. P. Bald
win of the Methodist Episcopal church de
livered the sermon. Mrs. Anderson waa
born March 18, 182S, at Antioch, O.; waa
married at Knob Forks, W. Va., March 25.
1847, and was the mother of three chil
dren, all of whom survive her. Ixvl t...
Mrs. F. H. Ludwlg and Mrs. J. Z. Hammer.
Jesse Griffin, Sr
TEKAMAH, Neb.. SeDt. 30.-Je. Orlf-
fln sr., aged 76 years, died at his home last
nignt rrom stomach trouble. Th rlraaaM
had taken practically no nourishment since
June 20. Mr. Griffin was born April 29,
in Wiltshire, England, and came to this
county in 1858 taking up a homestead where
ne resided continuously up to a couple of
years ago when he moved to town.
Editor is Sned for Libel.
MITCHELL, a D.. Sent. 80. fSneolal
Telegram.) Thomas Taubman, editor of
the Plankington Herald, Is the defendant In
a 85,000 libel suit. The complaint waa
served on him today while In the city at
tending the corn palace. The suit is
brought by Nick Bcrens, a business man of
Plankington, for the publication of an
article wherein Taubman claimed that
Berens furnished habitual drunkards with
liquor. The case will be tried at the No
vember term of court in this city.
Pralrlc Fires Begin.
HURON, 8. D., Sept. 80. (Special). The
first losses from prairie Are reported this
fall, come from the northeast part of the
county. A party of hunters accidentally
set Are to the prairie grass a few miles
north of Cavour, resulting In the destruc
tion of a large quantity of hay. Fire east
of the same city was started from a pass
ing freight engine on the Northwestern rail
way, and a strip of country two miles long
and half a mile wide was burned over.
Luke Ranny lost a quantity of grain In
stack, and some hay, while Joseph De
levaux lost about 400 bushels of wheat, a
small quantity of other grain, and about
100 tons of hay. Except for tha heroit
work of trainmen and people from Cavour
added to the efforts of nearby farmers,
the losses would have been much mors
Breaks Bank Record.
NEW YORK, Sept. 80. Today's balance!
of the clearing house banks, amounting tc
.33,995.798, breaks all previous records by
over $3,500,000 and reflect the present week't
syndicate operations and next week's
heavy disbursements for interest and divi
dends. The Bank of Commerce had a
credit balance today of $L"7.3,000 and tin
National City bank a debit balance of $17.
600.000. Notables at New York.
NEW YORK, Sept. SO. Arriving on the
steamer Ia Lorraine from Havre were
Mme. Lillian Nordlca, J. J. Jussernnd,
French ambassador at Washington; Cap
tain Fournler, military attache of th
French embassy at Washington, and Llnu.
tenant Commander R. O. Smith, nava
attache of the United Statea embassy at
ILucem Products Co!
If. F. Petersoa.
OSCEOLA. Neb., Sept. SO. (Special). The
death of Mr. N. F. Peterson, ona of tha
most prominent cltisens, occurred at the
family residence at near noon yesterday,
after an illness of about two weeks. Mr.
Peterson was well known throughout the
county having been In the grain business
for a number of years, being a member of
tha firm of Peterson A - Nelson.
Alfred Welsey Heerataaea.
NEW YORK, Sept. $0. The death of Al
fred Wolsey Heermance, director of the
American school at Athens, was announced
today in a cablegram received from Prof.
Wheeler of Columbia university. Dr. Heer
mance had been 111 for some weeks of ty
phoid fever. He was SO years old.
Mrs. Joha J. Aadersoa.
MODALE, la.. Sept. SO. (Special ) The
funeral of Mrs. Sarah Long-Anderson oc
curred here this morning at U o'clock from
tba local ChrlflUaa ait& .smaAMctt&at J
it -H. W
Molasses Feeds a Specialty
Office, First national Bank B!dg,3 Omaha
Mill at South Omaha.