Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Ipf Op Honia at Exeeutin If tniito ii
Eoior of th Oooaiion.
iatKtr Tarai Dewa a Rinkff (
CTalna, Anon Tka Ob lot
Ereetloa of Cells at taa
fPYom a Staff Correspondent.)
1JNCOLN, Neb.. Sept. . (Special.)
"Manual labor la tha greatest asaentlal
to tha young man who deaires to live to
an advanced age and achieve auccesa In
Ufa. Manual labor insures that physical
wellbelng necessary to clear and well or
dered thinking.
"Manual labor for the oung man
strengthens the body, rives a good consti
tution Iron nerves, strong bones and
plenty of muscle. With such an equipment
a man may attain a reasonably advanced
age and achieve success."
In that way did Governor Mickey an
nounce his prescription for young men
anxious to succeed tn life. Today la tha
governor's 0th birthday, and he la aa
active aa most men at 40 years of age,
a demonstration of the success of tha prin
ciples he advanoes for tha modern young
Tonight, at tha executive mansion, open
bouse was kept In honor of the governor's
birthday, and a large number of people
cama to congratulate him, aa.he stood tn
tha receiving line. No .unusual official
action marked the event. He followed his
regular program and did nothing out of
the ordinary to signalise hla passing of the
Sixtieth milestone.
'When his present term Is finished, the
governor will have spent sixteen years in
offloei first as county treasurer of Polk
county, then as a member of the legisla
ture of 1881, and finally. In the executive
chair. Never has he aspired to a nomina
tion without winning it, and In every case
election day ratified the nomination. In
addition to public office, he has been a
member of the Board of Trustees of the
Wesleyan university since 1882, and since
1896 has been president of that body.
Thirty-seven years ago tha future gover
nor went to Polk county In a prairie
schooner, and In 1869, after providing a
horn on hla claim, he went back to Iowa
.and returned with hia young wife, travel
ing again In a prairie schooner.
O. B. Mickey of Osceola, his eldest son,
was born In January, 1870, the second white
Child In Polk county. The young farmer
associated himself with a man named Klra
mel, tha county clerk, and laid out the
town of Osceola, in which they had tha
first two residences. In May, 1879, the gov
ernor established the first bank in the
county, the institution of which he la the
head at the present time.
, Stlpnlatloa la Tax Case.
Attorney General Brown has returned
from Omaha where he has been taking
testimony In tha railway tax cases. He
stated that the Union Paclfio lawyers have
entered Into a stipulation as to the testi
mony which the county assessors of the
tata would give as to the assessment of
property. A similar stipulation with the
Burlington was made some time ago. Fur
ther testimony In the Burlington case will
be taken next Thursday. With the ex
ception of the testimony of Tax Commis
sioner Scribner of the Union Faclne the
testimony In the case. In which the Harrl
man line la defendant, is all In.
Meaey for Prlaoa Congress.
Chief Clerk Davis of the State Board
of Charities, who has the preliminaries for
the prison congress in charge, said today
that the cltlsens of Lincoln have prom
ised the general committee a large sum
towards the guarantee required by the
officers of the association in return far the
location of the meeting In this city. He
says that the Lincoln business men have
shown a laudable desire to make the con
vention a success. Requests for reserva
tions of space are coming In dally from
astern delegates.
To Talk Cora Coateat.
Peputy State Superintendent B. C. Bishop
went to York today for tha purpose of
holding a conference with the boys of that
county, who have engaged In the corn
content. This conference will deal with
the details of the York county partlclpa.
tlon tn the state corn contest which will
be held tn conjunction with the meeting
Of the boys club' In December.
v McBrlea and BlaT Stlek.
State Superintendent McBrlen has re
ceived from the young men and women
of the normal training department of the
Peru normal a big dogwood walking stick.
McBrlen believes it was sent to enable
him to get around since the surrender
of hi passes. He says that he regards
It as a party emblem, significant of the
fact that he Is a true follower In the
footsteps of the president
T. W. C. A. to Tse Mansion.
Governor Mickey stated today that be
bad turned the executive mansion over to
the Young Woman's Christian association
for the reception of the university girls
tomorrow evening. -
Taras Dowa Cell Claim.
Deputy Auditor Cook has rejucted the
claim of the Van Horn Iron Works of Cleve.
land. O.. for a 83.820 halarre due on the
JS0.009 contract for the Installation of steel
cells at the state penitentiary. The board
of public laads and buildings haa recom
mended the allowance of the claim. The
auditor takes the position that the terms
of the contract .calling for the installation
of MO cells has not been complied with be
cause six of the cages have not been fitted
up and connected to the sewerage system.
The manufacturer Is willing to do the work
but the state board was unable to provide
any place for tha erection of the cages,
the west cell house having been filled to
the celling. The official says that Justice
may demand the payment of the claim
specially In view of the attitude of the
members of the board, but that he has no
right te vary from the terms of the con
Hay Hot Pay for Mtleaso Books.
It Is hinted that the auditor may refuse
to allow the claims of state officials for
mileage books with the exception of those
bought by the attorney general and the state
superintendent, who have specific approp
riations for traveling expenses. Where the
appropriations were made for Incidental ex
pensea It la Intimated that the claims for
mileage books will not be allowed. This
will not Interfere with the transaction of
the state's business, however, because It Is
Understood that claims for trip tickets.
where receipts are attached to vouchers,
will be allowed. This will have the effect
of making It possible for the auditor to
A Natural Bracer
Contain m stimulant, but the true
rebuilding element.
SATURDAY Will Give Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Grand Oppor
tunity to Buy Men's Suits and Overcoats at a Special Price
i V- v vlfcJ,'
y ami 1
pleasing plaids and dark plain colors prevail in the Suits. The Topcoats and Cravenettes
come in the fashionable tans and browns, are correct in length, carefully made, neatly
trimmed and creditable in finish. Count yourself as saving $3 on any one of these.
AfA t -VI
V department.
determine whether or not the trips were
made tn the Interest of the state, wnue
mileage might be used for the private trips
of the officials.
Other Claims Tnraed Dnwi.
Th. claims of two assistant veterinarians
trovaitnir rimrui have been held up
by the auditor's office because of the neglect
of the legislature to make an appropriation
therefor. The sum of 1500 was provided by
the legislature for the traveling expenses
of Veterinarian MeKlm, but It is held that
it Is not applicable to the travel or me
assistants. It is believed that the ruling
will necessitate inspection trips by the head
rr th. nfflca to the exclusion 01 me asaisi-
ants, of whom there are a floien in various 1
sections of the state.
teals Hallway Velocipede.
Onvnrnnr Mickey has Issued a requisition
on Governor Hoch of Kansas for the re
turn to Douglas cqunty of George Stong,
wanted for the alleged theft of a railway
which, it is claimed, he rode
from Albright to Clayton. Kan. The Rock
Island railway, which owned the property,
nt out SDecial Agent Qulnn and he
finally traced the man to the Kansas town,
where he placed him under arrest. Btong
is now in the Norton, Kan.. Jail, awaiting
the officer with the requisition paper.
ti miiwav officials say that it required
an extraordinary degree of care and watch-
fninona for the man to males ms trip 01
several hundred miles over the track of
the railway without being discovered.
Is dearie to Be Saedf
Todav Woolworth 4 Mcllugh. attorneys
for the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance com-
nanv of New York, were at the offlce of
the secretary of state looking ,p the offi
cial bond of Auditor Searle, wno some ume
ago revoked the certificate of Van B. Lady,
the state agent for the company. The at
torneys did not disclose their object in look
ing up the bond, but state Officials believe
h it mav be the intention of the com
pany to bring suit In the federal court on
the official bond, because of alleged dam
ages accruing from his action in revoking
Lady's certificate. The company has an
injunction suit against the auditor pend
ing In the federal court.
Too Maay Delegates.
Today at the union meeting of the
Brotherhood of locomotive Engineers,
Grand Chief 6 tone said that he believes
there are too many delegates in tha na
tional conventions of the order, and he
mm-omrA that tha number be cut down
to 700. He said that the order is growing
t th rata nf 4.000 members a Tear.
Today a secret meeting was held at which
there were representatives from fifteen
western states. Tonight a grand ball was
riven at the Auditorium by the local mem
bers In honor of the visitors.
Executive Committee Meets.
Three members ef the republican state
executive committee, Victor Rosewater,
Charles Robinson and Charles H. Kelsy,
met with Chairman Warner and I. C.
Lindsay tonight It was agreed to pay
the deficit as rapidly as possible without
crippling the campaign. Matters connected
with the coming campaign were also con
sidered. Fight Over Womaa'a Estate.
YORK. Neb., Bept. 89. (Speclal.)-One of
the most hotly contested cases ever held In
the county Judge's office has been In prog
ress for several days here. It Is the trial In
which two persons are attempting to prove
that each Is the only lawful husband of
Nora McF.wen. whq recently died in York,
leaving an estate of about II SCO. Richard
Cole of York and Charles Smith of Mis
souri both are showing marriage certifi
cates, proving that they had been legally
married and at time of death were each the
lawful husband. When the late Mrs. Mc
Ewen was a girl she married Charles Smith
and after living together for several years
separated and application for divorce Is
said to have been made. Service was sup
posed to . have been made and a divorce
granted. Charles Smith contends that he
was not legally served and that no divorce
was ever granted and that he still la the
lawful husband. After removing to Ne
braska Mrs. Smith married T. McEwen. who
died, and then shs married Richard Cole of
York. Mr. Cole la attempting to prove that
he Is the legal and lawful husband.
Work oa Object Lessoa load.
AV'BLKN. Neb.. Sept. . (3clal.
Work on the government "object lesson
road." being built east of town, after being
suspended for Marly two week owing- to
Prosperity prevails yet 10,000 men visiting the Ak-Sar-Ben
think $10 their limit for a new Fall Suit, Top
coat or Cravenette. Happily, they'll not have to raise
the limit to be gentlemanly dressed. Months ago we
formed a combination between the best American woolen
mills and the best makers of men's garments to secure a
line of Suits, Topcoats and Cravenettes to sell at $10
that would make this feature one of our clothing strong-
i i i ml 1 T 1 1- Hi. J
I rAOias. garments are nere now. ah siyit;, quality uuu
I perfection of finish they are a credit to the manufacturers,
touch the very top notch
give eminent satisfaction
Delightful gray effects,
Several hundred of the Newest Fall Sample Hats were
purchased by us. They were a hat factory's entire line of
samples. Every hat is different, no two alike, included in
this assortment are the latest telescope shapes; also
included is every staple shape made and some very nobby
shapes for young men. ,
This purchase has been assorted and divided into three
lnta and nlaced on separate tables in our spacious Hat
1.50, 2.00, 2.50
the high water and the soft condition of the
roadbed, was resumed again Tuesday with a
large force of men. The recent high water
did not damage the work already done on
the road to any great extent, the only In
convenience wrought being the delay In the
work. The government rock crusher haa
been at work this week turning out crushed
rock for the local sidewalk contractors.
Prof. Smith of State I'alTerslty Does
the Jada-lnar.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Sept. 29. (Speclsl
Telegram. Today was the second day of
the Colfax county stock show and market.
It was the big day of the show, all of the
prizes being awarded today and Professor
Smith of the State University lectured on
the judging of thoroughbred stock. The
entry book closed last night with a total
of 128 entries in all the classes. Of these
E. F. Folda had thirty-six entries with his
"Almo" herd of Herefords and the "Cres
ent" herd of shorthorns. He captured a
number of ribbons and diplomas, the "Ne
braska Lad" winning the grand sweep
stakes. Professor Smith did all of the Judging
and awarding of the premiums. He stated
that some of the stock was the finest he
had seen this fall and this was the eighth
fair he had attended. This evening he gave
an exhibition of live stock Judging and a
lecture on It. A good sized audience fol
lowed him closely and his lecture was
highly appreciated. The band was out and
furnished music on the show grounds.
Tomorrow will be the market day. The
management Invited everybody to bring
their stock In and place It on the market
at the show grounds. It Is expected that
considerable stock will change hands. The
management feels highly pleased with the
success of the show.
Roy Gets gerlooa Frlajht.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Sept 29. (Special.)
A new sensation Is furnished the cltlsens
of this place with the re-appearance of the
mysterious "woman in black" which char
acter made the rounds of this part of
the state a year ago. The apparition
emerged from an alley in the north part
of the city Tuesday night and confronted a
young man and a boy on their way home at
a late hour, with the result that the boy
fainted from fright. His companion brought
him to consciousness and assisted him
home, and he was soon all light The gen
eral impression is that tha entire affair is a
hoax, the lad having been made the victim
of an Ill-advised practical Joke at the hands
of his companions.
Close of Browi Coaaty Fair,
AINSWORTH, Neb., Sept 2.-(Speclal
Telegram.) This Is the last day of the
Brown county fair and "by the faithful man
agement of .W.- H. Peck, the president It
has been a grand success. A game of ball
was played today between the Twenty-fifth
Infantry of Fort Niobrara and Alnsworth.
The score stood 20 to I In favor of Alns
worth. The exhibits could not be beaten
In any county. A large crowd attended.
Mews of Nebraska.
GENEVA Four fountains, secured by the
Mercantile club, are here and will be placed
two on Main street and two in the park.
BEATRICE Yesterday Miles Harnley
sold his farm of U0 acres located near
Adams to Jacob Behreue for $10,400, or
about 106 per acre.
BEATRICE The Northwestern Business
college here haa organised a foot ball team.
A game has been arranged with Pawnee
City, to be played October 8.
BEATRICE Thieves raided the home Of
Mrs. Uriah Swtgart during the absence of
the family and stole a lot of canned fruits
and ten gallons of lard from the cellar.
BEATRICE Last evening Judge Inman
officiated at the marriage of Mr. James W.
Hughes and Miss Grace A. Shaw. The
young couple will make tbelr home In
HUMBOLDT-WU1 Davis, the 18-year-old
son of Judd Davis, a farmer living north
of the city, sustained a badly fractured
arm yesterday as the result of being kicked
by a horse.
BEATRICE Mr. John Laachewskl of this
city and Miss Louise Koenecke . were mar
ried in Lincoln last evening. They will be
at home to their friends in Beatrice after
November t
BEATRICE The republican eouctv oen
tral committee held a meeting U this
afternoon and elected J. A - Reullng of
Wymore secretary and O. W. Maurer of
Beatrice treasurer.
BEATRICE Superintendent Byrara of
the Burlington, accompanied by C. B.
Rodger, superintendent of the southern di
vision, passed through tha cuy vesterday
en route south on a tour of. Inspection.
They rode on a special trsia,
NEHAWKA While driving under a tree
Sesterday a l'rtb struck J. M. Stone, presl.
nt of the Kehawka bank,' - la toe eye.
eulllog the ocveribg oX Lbe bail it U not
w .faster-
v : : L )
of our $10 ambition and will
to the wearers.
handsome new green mixtures,-
determined yet whether or not he will
lose the sight
BEATRICE Mrs. Thomas Pethoud, who
located in Gage county In 1858, yesterday
celebrated her 81st birthday at her home
in this city. In the presence of a large
company of old friends.
GENEVA At the Equal Suffrage club
Mrs. P. Youngers and Mrs. C. W. Shlckley
were elected delegates to the annual state
convention at Broken Bow. Mrs. Bray ton,
being state treasurer, will also attend.
HUMBOLDT J. f. Ebnother, the farmer
from near Asplnwall, who loHt the twenty
two head of young cattle at 8te.Ua by get
ting his herd in front of a fast freight
train, last week settled with the Missouri
Paclfio company for $275. All were young
CLARKfl-Mra. Jama Wnlfa Hlot at hxr
nome In Claras on Sunday. The deceased
leaves a huuband and daughter, 1 year old.
Mrs. Wolfe was but 23 years of age, had
grown to womanhood In Uila community
and was a highly respected and popular
HUMBOLDT Miss Myrtle Davis, daugh
ter of R. K. Davis, a business man of this
city, was united In marrlnge this week to
Mr. Harry F. Klnser of St. Joseph, where
they will make their future home. The
bride has been for some time employed
as stenoKraDher at the St Charles hotel
at St. Joe.
BEATRICE A boxcar on the Rock Island
road. In which was stored a quantity of
paints and oils and which was used as a
paint car for a gang of men In the employ
of the company, was partially destroyed
by tire last night The loss will amount
to about 11.000, covered by Insurance. The
origin of the fire is a mystery.
BENEDICT In the death of Thomas
Simpson north York county loses a pioneer
farmer and a highly respected citizen who
contributed considerable toward the organ
isation of York county and was JnKtru
mental In Its building up. The deceased
was one of the first settlers, and went
through all the trials of the first settlers.
'NEBRASKA CITY William A. Eyre of
St. Joseph. Mo., and Miss Rheva Myers
were united In marriage yesterday even
ing by Rev. J. A. Kaser of the Lutheran
church at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Ada Myers, on First avenue. Only
the relatives of the young couple wit
nessed the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Eyre
left for St Joseph this evening, where
they will make their home.
AUBURN James Carman, a carpenter,
who has been arrested several times within
the last few months for intoxication, was
again arrested in Lincoln on the same
charge and brought here and taken before
the Board of Insanity and examined and
adjudged a dipsomaniac. He was taken 10
the State Hospital for the Insane at Lin
coln for treatment. This Is the second sub
ject from Nemaha county within the last
twelve months.
HARVARD The pleasant home of Mr.
end Mrs. George H. Robertson was last
evening the scene of a verv Drettv mar
riage service when their daughter, Sadie
M., was united to Mr. Fred Horn of Fre
mont Neb. Miss Robertson has for some
years been a very successful teacher, com
mencing her school work with the Harvard
schools, of which she Is a former gradu
ate, and later connected with the schools
of Dodge county, where she formed the
acquaintance of Mr. Horn.
ALBION The prohibitionists held their
county convention here yesterday and put
In nomination four candidates. The other
offices were left open, with permission given
the central committee to fill if it deems ex-
pedlent. The following are the nominations:
UherllT, James Vlzzard or St. Edward;
county clerk, E. J. Flood of North Branch;
county Judge, Lewis Lesley of Cedar
Rapids; treasurer, Lester Reynoldson of
Plum Creek. This nominates four candi
dates for sheriff and three candidates for
the other offices.
FREMONT Mrs. Gilbert Wright of this
city was seriously injured while out riding
in a light buggy last evening by colliding
with a heavy team driven by an unidenti
fied party. The accident occurred Just
northeast of the city. Mrs. Wright saw
that the team was coming at a reckless
speed and apparently beyond control of the
driver and gft as far out of the road as
possible. The light buggy was smashed
and she was thrown out, sustaining bruises
and severe internal injuries. The driver of
the other rig came back as soon as he
could and helped her to her home. He posi
tively refused to give his name, but is sup
posed to be an Arlington man.
BEATRICE J. H. Smith, proprietor of
the Jersey dairy, southwest of the city,
yesterday disposed of the largest and most
valuable herd of Jersey cattle ever sold
la this county to Alfred Lunt of Utah, a
stockman and dairyman of that state. The
number of Jerseys purchased by Mr. Lunt
was twenty-seven, including the young Jer
sey bull which took flrst premium at the
fairs held at Des Moines, Sioux City and
Minneapolis. Mr. Lunt also bought four
Jersey cows from other parties In Beatrice,
making the total number of thirty-one
bead. The stock was shipped out last
night over the Union Faciflo route for
Nepht, Utah, near which place Mr. Lunt
owns a fine ranch.
RaUroad Y. M. I. A. Btatlatlea.
DETROIT, Bept 29 -More than TiOOO rail
road men are paid up members of the rail
road departmen of the Young Men's Chris
tian association, according to a statement
submitted at today's session of the sail
road Young Men's Christian association
annual convention. The membership has
Increased 12,U In two years. Buildings to
the number of 130 and valued at over 12,
2U),0U are occupied.
Bee Want Ada are the Best Business
coats at $15 are fine enough for fashionable functions and admirable for everyday wear such
garments as sell at $20 elsewhere.
Finer Suits and Overgarments for those who want them at all prices up to $36.
These are "extra special" values extra special because they are made better
look better and will wear better than any other suit offered in town at four dol
lars. The fabrics are of the latest fall and winter weaves in all desirable pat
terns and plain colors.
BOYS' SUITS AT $4.00 WORTH $5.00 AND $6.00.
There's something about these boys' suits that raises their value equal to any $5
or $6 suit. It's the way they're made the way they fit, the way they hang the
way they'll hold their shape. Nowadays mothers want boys' clothes not only
to wear well, but they are very particular to have them look well.
BOYS' SUITS AT $2.25 WORTH $3.00.
A new assortement of Boys' Suits to sell at the popular price
greet you here tomorrow they are wonders for the money.
Woman Vet it One of Host 8acctufil in
History of Booisty,
Short Addresses Made to Students,
Who Show Their Appreciation
by Hearty Applause of
the Speakers,
Friday morning at 8:40 o'clock the final
session of the Woman's Missionary society
of the Nebraska synod was called to order
In South Omaha by Mrs. Tilden. the presi
dent. Devotional exercises were led by
Mrs. John Crelghton of York. The busi
ness session began shortly after 9 o'clock.
Complying with a request from the Hast
ings presbytery the next annual meeting
of the synod will be held there. These
resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, That we, the women of the
synndical meeting, extend to the Presby
terian church of South Omaha most heart
felt thanks for the cordial hospitality, ap
preciating fully the effort made In the
decoration of the church and for our com
fort and entertainment.
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be ex
tended to Mrs. Coulter, our corresponding
secretary and treasurer, for her faithful
service during the last ten years and our
profound regret that she feels it necessary
to relinquish her duties.
Resolved, That a vote of thanks he ex
tended to the ministers for their co-operation
and assistance, to the singers for the
pleasure they have afforded us with their
music and to the children for their Interest
ing and instructive exercises.
Resolved, That our thanks be tendered
the press for the Courtesies shown us.
Resolved, That by a vote of thanks we
show our appreciation to the speakers,
Mrs. W. E. Carr, Mrs. Grace Glenn and
Miss Edith Hughes, for their Instructive
addresses on the different phases of the
work being done by the Woman's Mission
ary society.
These resolutions when submitted were
signed by Mrs. Edward Jackson, Alliance;
Mrs. Marshland, Lincoln, and Mrs. B. Mc
Cord, Fremont
Vote Coaveatlon n Success.
Miss Kate GemmiM of the registration
Quick leal Cooking Exhibit
Li's i I ton L3ogers & Sons o.
Commonplace custom tailors' work doesn't compare in
excellence with the fashionable Fall Suits, Topcoats and
Raincoats made to our special order to sell at $15. Much
hand-tailoring selected woolens, in the popular grays, the
new green mixtures and handsome dark effects, close
attention to every detail of finish and correct styles, of
course, make these the peer of all medium-priced gar
ments sold in Omaha. Handsome Scotch mixtures,
unfinished worsteds and other popular Worsted weaves,
fine cheviots and all the pther good cloths are repre
sented in the line. Every pattern that conforms to the
ideas of discriminating dressers. Top coats and Rain
committee reported seventy-seven delegates
in the convention, nf which Omaha had the
largest representation.
Mrs. A. T. Sldwell of Omaha read a paper
on "Things that Impressed Me." She
touched upon the earnest characters and
untiring efforts of the foreign missionaries
who addressed the last assembly of the
Northwest Board of Missions.
Mrs. A. L. Bradstad of Omaha favored
the assemblage with a solo, "Come Unto
The closing services were conducted by
Mrs. Tilden, In which many delegates re
sponded to a request for "Helpful
Thoughts." Miss Nlckum of Omaha gave a
reading, entitled "As I Have Loved You."
Closing prayers were offered by Miss Glenn,
Mrs. Petine, Miss Edith Hughes and Mrs.
W. E. Carr.
The consensus of opinion of president
and officers, delegates and visitors was
that twenty-ninth annual meeting of the
synodlcal society had been most earnest
and productive of much good.
Shortly before noon the entire convention
adjourned to the high school, where the
visitors were greeted by Superintendent Mc
Lean and the teachers. The high school
students assembled In the auditorium and
Superintendent McLean delivered a few
words of welcome. Miss Glenn told a story
of Japanese life and Miss Hughes spoke
briefly of the conditions existing among the
Mormons. Mrs. Tilden and Mrs. M. Carl
Smith spoke briefly. A round of applause
from the high school pupils showed a hearty
appreciation of the visitors and their brief
speeches. The delegates then scattered to
their various places of entertainment well
satisfied with the work of the convention.
Miss Edith Hughes will spend the month
of October In Nebraska delivering lectures.
Miss Glenn will return to Chicago at once
and Mrs. Carr goes back to her work at
Terrible Disaster Averted.
The terrible disaster of nervous break
down, caused by dyspesla, is averted by
Elect rio Bitters, 60c; guaranteed. For sale
by Sherman &. McConnell Drug Co.
Royal Arc. nam Wins.
TORONTO. Ont., Sept. .-In the action
of W. Barlow against the supreme coun
cil of the Royal Arcanum to restrain the
order from Increasing Its rates. Justice
Come and see the brown, crisp biscuits, baked in 3
minutes. We will show you why the Quick Meal is air
tight; why it must last a life time; why it is the most eco
nomical range on the market.
Free Special
'A set of Granite Kitchen Ware given with every
Quick Meal Range sold during this demonstration.
This $55.00 Quick Meal Range, presented by the factory,
will be GIVEN AWAY on Saturday evening, October 7, '05.
Buy of us next week and get free tickets on the range.
ii PL-, effe
of $2.25 will
Street today declared the defendants wert
within their rights In msklng the changes,
and therefore, binding on the plaintiff.
Showers and Marti Cooler la Ne
braska, Kansas and Westers
Iowa Today.
WASHINGTON. Rent. 99 ITnraraat tha
weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska. South Dakota and Kansas
Showers and much cooler Saturday; Sun
day fair, warmer In the .western portions.
Jowa cuir in eastern, showers In
western portion Saturday: Sunday fair and
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Satur
day; much cooler in eastern portion; Sun
day fair and warmer.
For Missouri-Showers Saturday; Sunday
fair In west, showers In east portion;
I.oral Record.
OMAHA. Pent 29 . Official record of tem
perature and ptecipttatlon, compared with
the corresponding day of the last thre
years: 1906. 1904. 1908. 1902.
Maximum temperature ... 83 78 M
Minimum temperature ... 67 S3 M M
Mean temperature 74 70 SO
Precipitation 00 T ,02 31
Temperature and precipitation departuret
from the normal at Omaha since March L
end comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 61
Excess for the day )
Total excess since March j, 1906 40J
Normal precipitation .09 Inch
Deficiency for the dav 09 Inch
Total rainfall since March 18 Inches
Deficiency since Msrch 1, 190S.... 6.42 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period Ii.... 8.13 Inches
Excess for cor. prlod 1903 4.23 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Raln-
of Weather. 7 p. in. Temp. fall.
Bismarck, clear ft2 SH .00
Cheyenne, cloudy 73 78 .00
Chicago, clear 78 78 .00
Davenport, part cloudy ....78 88 .00
Denver, cloudy 68 84 .02
Havre, cloudy 62 68 .02
Helena, cloudy 44 48 T
Huron, clear 78 W .no
Kansas City, cloudy 73 2 00
North Platte, cloudy 72 82 00
Omaha, cloudy 78 82 00
Rapid City, cloudy 60 98 00
St. Louts, cloudy 78 4 00
St. Paul, clear 78 82 00
Salt Lake City, raining 88 44 68
Valentine, cloudy 74 84 .00
Wllliston, cloudy 60 68 T
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSII. Local Forecaster.