Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2
TTTE OMAHA DAILY" "BEE : SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 30, 1903.' Telephone SR. Bee. Bnt , 1906. "Ideals art the dyna mic force that rule the world.' 1 On Account o! Moving Sweeping Clearing Sale of Handsome Silks Saturday Horning, 29c a Yard. OB Now for the greatest bargain of the season. Saturday morn ing, uch as you have never seen before, and neither -would we at this time, but for the fact we are going to move in a few days, bonce this quick moving sale of all odd lots, at prices you can not afford to miss. We mention a few items showing the special prices for Saturday's clearing sale 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 silks. Regular $1.00 quality all silk Loulsine, color modes, Crown, Choice, Diue, D1HCK , Regular 11.00 quality all Bilk black novelty, small check, very . pretty Regular 75c quality all silk Chiffon Foulards, In neat, pretty patterns Regular $1.00 quality all silk Shantung 811k, 2T Inches, two . shades of brown . Interested? You would be If you Could t4, double soles and high spliced heels, appear. In which the leader of the coalition see these fine values. Remember, there iSjSOo per pair. not a full line of colors In any one line, here and there a color missing. But of greater Importance, there U not a poor color In the lot. Make It a point to be here . when they go on sale .Saturday morning a. m. choice, 29c per yard. 29c Per Yard CLEARING SHIES IN HUNGARY King -Eiapsror and Coalitissists Ars Near an Unden' sliding. FLIERVARY WILL BE AFP0INTED PREMIER determined by what lu learned. The be lief that Green rode all the way In tha car Is growing, but It la not believed that either maj waa under the Influence of llQuor. The fact that Oreen had a loaded revolver Is regarded as suspicious. Ryan continues In the hospital, but Is recovering. Rtmor that Elections Will Be Platform ProTldinc far Vnltersal Saf-trilic, Hosiery Early fall weights are now ready and ire have secured the most superb showing ver submitted for your Inspection. Women's fancy hosiery, in all the newest ityles and shades, at 60c, Soc, $1.00, $1.26 ind 11.50 per pair. Women's black cotton hose, plain or rib op, double soles, heels snd toes, 25c per alr. Women's black cotton hose, Maco heel md toe, high spliced heels and double oles, 36o a pair or S pairs for $1.00. ' Women's fine superior lisle hose, lnde itructlble finish, color and wear guaran- Customer's Deposit Account Department Investigate when In the store, Tou may start a Customer's Deposit Ao count with any sum that Suits your con venience. On daily balance we allow In terest at the rate of 4 per cent, com pounded every three months. The advantages srs distinct you enjoy all the economies of Thomposon, Belden & Co.'s rigidly cash system, all the conveni ences of any credit system, and your money Is earning Interest daily. You are privileged to withdraw any or all your deposit at any time. Tour purchases made In this store may be charged to this account, thus relieving you of carrying money around with you or drawing checks. It is not a banking business In any particular. Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. lfth and Douglas. BANQUET FOR THE WOODMEN (Continued from First Page.) Portland, Ore., thence to other cities on the Pacific coast, reaching Fort D. A. Rus sell, Wyo., In about a month, where Lieu tenant Lyon will Join his regiment. tlon of this reserve fund of the Woodmen Impose and why should It be taxed at all? This order is not of the west, but for the world. I favor the enforcement of all laws with discretion. I do not wish to criticize ur state officials, but we have too many laws enacted and too few enforced. I am tatlsfled that Justice will yet be done In ihlS matter. If the Woodmen of the World will have as much confidence In us as we aave In them, the time will soon come when ibsolute Justice will be done." Asks No Special Favors. Sovereign Commander J. C. Root gave a ihort history of the early struggles of the :rder and Ha founding here In Omaha ami took occasion to Introduce each member of the executive council In the "most com plimentary terms. He said In part; This order haa now nearly 400,000 mem bers and occupies the second place In the fraternal orders of the world. It has $3,000,- 000 in securities deposited In the safety vaults of the First National bank of Omahg and deposits In other banks of nearly $400,000. Not one of the members of this oouncil desires to leave Omaha. We Implore that we may stay here on the same condltlone that we can in other states. We ask for no special favors. We will ac cept either proposition to be treated the same as the old line Insurance companies or. as any other benevolent society. We are willing to bear the same burdens that are Imposed upon them.- We do not wish Jo shirk any uart of our duty as citizen. We are perfectly willing to pay taxes on premiums collected in this state. In the sovereign offices here in Omaha are em ployed twenty-two persons who own their homes In Omaha. I had about concluded arrangements to provide for building homes Tor rive more of our clerks, but had to abandon the matter until we knnw hii Is to be done In this matter of taxing our HAT PIN EFFECTIVE WEAPON Helen Hattia Jabs One Into Arm of Assailant and Pots Him to Fllaht. Helen Battls was attacked by a sup posed robber last night, and by the ef fective use of her hat pin put the man to flight. She is a country girl who works for Farmer Pedring at the Pedring farm, about two miles southwest of Elmwood park. Last night, as she and Peter Dav erlge were strolling In Elmwood park, Dav erldge stopped at the spring to get a drink and the girl walked a few rods down the boulevard toward the Dodge street en trance. Some fellow who was apparently lying In wait for some defenseless person to happen along. Jumped out of the shrub bery and seized her by the arm. She wrenched away and grabbed her hat pin, which she thrust into her assailant's arm, at the same time calling for her escort. Daverlge Is a big, stout fellow and came up on a run. He chased the man down the road to Dodge street, where he lost him in the dark. STRIKE . ON J5RAND TRUNK Fifty Switchmen at Eladon, 111., Go Oat to Enforce Demand for Better Conditions. CHICAGO, Sept. 29.-Flfty switchmen em. i 1U m uun in inn mauer 01 taxing our I nlnveri In th ,.,., , . reserve. The Woodmen circle has propoced p'PyM ,n the yard8 f the Grand Trunk to erect an $SO,000 building here also, but railroad At Elsdon, III., struck tonight be cause tneir demand for a written agree ment aa to hours and wages was refused by the officials of the road. The men de clare that they are well organized and that ioaay tne strike will spread to other points. The officials of tba road declare that they expect no such action. The 'strike delaved the departure of freight trains for a short time, but all of them went out with hut a trifling delay. There was no Interference wun passenger traffic. this, too, must be abandoned for the same reason. The Woodmen of the World is not running a bluff In this matter, and, though you punish us, we love you still. Morris Bheppard, member of congress from the First Txaa district, a member of the executive council, delivered an eloquent iddress, in which he paid a high tribute :o Omaha and the sovereign officers of the Woodmen of the World. "Woodcraft," he said, "looked to Omaha aa its shrine snd home, and was inseparably connected with the order To drive it from Omaha would be a civlo crime." He hoped that arrangements would be made to make Omaha tho home of Woodcraft for all time. Other members of the executive council who spoke In a similar strain were E. B. Lewis of North Carolina. W. A. Fraser of Dallas, Tex., and J. E. Fitzgerald of Kansas City. Thla concluded the speechmaking, after which Mr. Wattles moved that the matter aa embodied In the addresses be referred to the executive commltteo of the Com mercial club, with the recommendation of thla meeting that the club take such action as It may deem necessary. The motion waa unanimously adopted. HYMENEAL Lyon-Hlll. HURON, B. D.. Sept. .-8peclal.)-Lleutenant Robert M. Lyon, Eleventh United Statea infantry, and Mlsa Emma F. Hill, two well and favorably known Huron young people, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs W. J. Hill, Wednesday evening, September IT, St 4 o'clock. The ceremony was pro. Bounced hy Rev". J. P. Anderson, assisted by Dr. T. M. Bhanafelt. Mr. and Mra. Lyon departed for Minneapolis, where they will remain a day or two. then go to Gambling; Rooms Raided. The police raided the mnmm Avar r '- man s saloon at 11 o'clock last night and rresioa irniBn and nine men who were jouna in tne place. The men were engaged In a poker game until Interrupted. They were mostly young fellows and gave fic titious names on the register. Two tables of a flimsy make, twenty decks of cards and nearly a half-peck of chips were con fiscated and taken to the station. Carrvin claimed that the rooms were not his, though he runs the saloon below. This saloon Is In the alley back of the Paxton block between Douglas and Farnam streets. Bargent Cooke, Detectives Mitchell Dayls. Heltfeld. McDonald and Officer Holmes composed the force which made the ram. Most of the men Secured ball for their appearance this morning. Flnda Money and Spends It. Fred Beutler. who works at the Millard hotel, was arrested last night on a charge ?l tri!5d terc'ny- L. Hllberg. staying at the i Iodge hotel, claims that he went to the Millard yesterday morning for the purpose of tailing a bath, and while there lost $50. He was so positive as to where he had lost the money that a search was made. On In vestigation suspicion waa centered on Beut ler. When brought face to face with the accusation Beutler la said to have con fessed that he found the money, and al though he knew to whom It belonged had determined to keep It. He concealed it somewhere and spent $10 of the money. When taken In hand by Detectives Drummy and Maloney he produced the money he had not spent, saying he had no Idea he waa committing a crime. BUDAPESTH, Sept. 29.-The situation is becoming clearer and evidence Is accummu latlng that both the coalition loaders and the king-emperor are earnestly endeavoring to find a way out of the difficulty. State ments have been Issued, emanating. It is understood, directly from the entourage of the klng-emperor, denying any Intention on the part of the crown of wounding Hun garian national susceptibilities, and an ar- tide from the pen of Francis Kossuth will will slat that h anil hi associates went to Vienna a week ago with every peaceful intent, but that they were not given an opportunity to demonstrate to the klng emperor that the coalition doea not con template any obstinate adherence to its demands and that the Hungarian nation wishes to live at peace with Austria. These are regarded as indications that the nego tiations between the crown and the coali tion leaders will be renewed, with some hope of success. It Is believed by well 'Informed persons that General Baron Fejervary will be re appointed premier, with the right to carry on the elections on a platform calling for universal suffrage and that by this means a government majority will be secured In the Hungarian Diet. Quiet has been completely restored In the city. There was no sign of disorder tonight. The leaders and the klng-emperor realize that some way out of the present situation must be reached at an early date as other wise the economic condition of Hungary will become so bad that serious disturbances cannot be avoided. If Indeed a real revolu tion does not break out. The public ex chequer Is almost empty owing to the Im possibility of making any regular collection , of taxes and the payment of the officials. teachers and railroad employes Is becoming more difficult. For these and other reasons, thinking people on both sides realize that a compromise must be reached or that one sldemust give way altogether. A much more optimistic feeling prevails tonight. especially In view of the fact that public excitement has been almost completely abated. Caaky la Called to Vienna. The fact that Count Albln Czaky, presl dent of the upper house of the Hungarian Diet, has been summoned to an audience of the klng-emperor next Saturday Is not con sidered here as implying that tho count will necessarily be Invited to form a cabinet. On the contrary there is a disposition In many quarters to believe that Baron FeJrvary will be reappointed to the premiership. The latter Is now understood to support the contention that Hungary has the right to establish Independent customs In Its ter ritory. This has created a favorable Im pression. The nationalist students are demanding the expulsion from the university of all students of socialistic tendencies. The lead ers of the coalition majority and the news papers are doing their utmost to calm the political pas-nlons and prevent a clashing of the factions during street demonstra tions, warning the population that the reactionaries would thereby be given a pretext for oppressive action. Count Apponyl, who Is Inclined to the view that a solution of the Hungarian crisis will be found suggests that the former liberal premier, Koloman de Szell, should be nominated by the klng-emperor to negotiate with the coalition. A tin box filled with powder Yf some kind was found this morning under the staircase of a hotel In which the coalition leaders were meeting. The box, which Is alleged to be an Infernal machine, was taken to police headquarters for examina tion. Stormy Meeting of Relohrath. VIENNA, Sept. 29. There was a stormy meeting today of the lower house of the Relchrath which is discussing the govern ment declaration policy, the people In the galleries taking part In the uproar. Eventu ally the session was suspended until the galleries were closed. The premier, Baron Gautch von Frankenthurn, explained his declaration regarding the revision of the basic laws of 1876. He said the revision could only relate to the treatment of the Joint affairs of the two halves of the mon archy which from time to time must be regulated according to analogous principles. The premier expressed the conviction that a new form of co-existence between the two halves of the monarchy would eventu ally be found on the condition that both countries should retain the rights guaran teed by the laws, and full liberty of de clslon. He did not doubt the legitimate Interests of the two halves of the man archy would be safeguarded In such a man ner that not only the two states but also the monarchy as a whole would benefit During the session there were frequent conflicts between the socialists and the anti-scmltcs which led to disturbances and the clearing of the galleries, FIGHT FOR TRADE IN ORIENT Plana for Permanent American In dustrial Exposition at Shanghai. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. . A permanent Industrial commercial exhibit will soon be established at Shanahal. China, by Baruch Cerf of that place, who Is here perfecting arrangements. It Is said by the promoters that the exhibit will enhance American commerce by properly Introducing and ad vertising goods among the Chinese mer chants. The plan has been endorsed by the Department of Commerce and Labor and Secretary of War Taft also approves of the method of promoting trade with the Orient. Concerning the projected exhibit Mr. Taft said In an Interview prior to his departure for Washington: The project to establish a eomprehenrlve exhibit of American goods at Shanghai Is one that commands my rtearty commenda tion. If It should be put through It will be, so far as my Informaflon goes, the first In telligent effort of American merchants to go sfter the business of the Orient. Sit uated a are American merchants, posses sing, as we believe, the best output In the world, they are nevertheless being hope lessly outclassed In the quest for the Im mense commerce of China and other Orien tal countries. It Is high time something was done after the order of our chambers of commerce at home, so that the Oriental merchants could have presented to them tne Kino: or goods they want in tne way they want them. That Is the only way cus tomers are gained here and it Is the only way they can be gained there. Americans are not sending the right goods over there and whet they do send Is not put In pack ages calculated to attract the merchants. Native dealers get no opportunity to in spect our products. Anv such plan Sfc this exhibit should be supplemented by a reor ganized consular service, ana to mis ena merchants should get after their congress men and compel action on this most Im portant subject. Our present equipment Is pitifully Inadequate. Germany has ten times as many attaches at Shanghai aa the United States. Mr. Cerf announces that the proposed ex hibit will be In operation before the close of the Chinese new year in February. He will first visit commercial bodies In the east for the purpose of acquainting manu facturers with the plan of exhibit. YELLOW FEVER INCREASING Twenly-Eijht lew Oast! it Hew Orleans and Thirtj-Ssten in Ontsids Fgrithei. FROST IS EXPECT tD OCTOBER 10 Sonchon Advises Modltcatlon Of Restrictive Qnarantln In Interest ot Planta NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 9.-Yellow fever report to p. m.i New cases 18 Total cases to date 2,9S Deaths 2 Total deaths JS4 New foci 6 Cases under treatment t43 Discharged 1.S40 Some Increase over the very low record of the pi ere ding four days was shown In today's report of new cases, but In view of the fact that the population today Is much larger then It was a month ago, the percentage of sickness la considered ex ceedingly small. The day's deaths showed a decline. The fSellng of uncertainty regarding the visit of President Roosevelt still exists snd there Is some apprehension that the decision of the American Public Health association to have a committee communi cate to the president Its sentiments of opposition to the visit at this time may cause the cutting out of New Orleans from the present trip. It is promised that a decision will be given finally on Monday. Surgeon White and Dr. Bouchon of the State board are working together with the view of relieving the country par ishes and tr-e city of such restrictive quar antines as have absolutely shut down travel. Dr. Bouchon has sent out a circular letter to the parish health authorities sug gesting that the date for frost, October 10, Is so near It would bs Just as well to raise the bars so that the plantations may secure their supplies of labor. The country reports of new cases were: Patterson Terr Bonne parish 5 Grand Isle fever were reported, the largest number for any twenty-four hours since the dis ease appeared here. NATCHEZ. Mlsa.. Bert. 19-Four new cases and one death, a negro, were re ported today. The fever Is assuming a more malignant form. MICHAEL TARGET FOR L00M1S (Continued from First Page.) Ington from New York. An operation was found unnecessary. John T. Clarke nt Capital. John T. Clarke, formerly of Omaha, now of Chicago, was In Washington today en . route to New York. During his brief stsy ! here Mr. Clarke entertained at luncheon ex-8enator Thurston, Quartermaster Gen eral Humphrey and several other gentle men whom he knew In old days In Omaha. PREPARE TO RECEIVE PRINCE Stat and Saval Officers Will Enter tain Admiral of Rrttlsh Navy. WASHINGTON. Sept. -By direction of the president the State and Navy de partments have begun the preparation of plans for the reception In this country of Prince Louis ot Battenberg. The English squadron will arrive at Annapolis on November 1, remaining there until the 7th or 8th, when It will sail for New York, arriving there the th, and remaining In New York until November 17, when the squadron will sail for Gibral tar, where It U to be on November 16. St. Rose Orosse Tete CARTER STILL ON STAND Former Captain Tells of Alleared Deals with Ilia Father- In-Law. . CHICAGO, Sept. 29. The cross-examination of former Captain Oberlln M. Carter of the United States army, who Is fighting to prevent the confiscation of the $900,000 seized at the time of his arrest on a charge of defrauding tne government, was con tinued today before Special Examiner Wy man. ' The defendant has been on the witness stand continuously for six days, but there no physical indication of the ordeal. Both sides are to complete the taking of testimony at the earliest moment, so that the case may be referred to United States Circuit Judge KohUaat for a decision with out unnecessary delay. When the hearing was resumed Assistant United States At torney General Erwin questioned the de fendant regarding seven Wabash railroad bonds purchased by Captain Carter and his father-in-law, R. F. Westcott, in New York late In 1893 for $10,82i, The defendant said It was one of many purchased by himself and his father-in-law. They were In partnership In several deals. In some cases, the witness said, he simply acted as the agent for Mr. West cott. Later he made a full accounting to his father-in-law and received receipts for all the money paid over. MONTREAL, Sept. 2.-Georgs F. White United States marshal for the southern dis trict of Georgia, and Joseph W. Doyls, district attorney, arrived here today to take Colonel Gaynor and Captain Greens back to Savannah for trial on charges ot defrauding the United States government. It was learned today that there will be no further action by the lawyers for the defense as far as any appeal from Judge Oulmet's decision Is concerned. FOOT-FORM SHOES FOR CHILDREN Have you seen cur Children's Shoes? rate. WE ARE SHOE. FITTERS FOR TH1 boys, girls and Infants only, hence we carry because w. hive' sIM las'., 'and .Tie a Our "sh, .Sok niTn'r fe'i1bettftr the special leather used in the making. Our shoe, T do Zt hTve tha SraT'V? U' J(,V-x?;?u 'hould call and lnvestl HE YOl NO. We sell shoes for the rry a better assortment and can rive A?"":. w- Sowing feet bette? School baya' special sties, X to 8H. UM I Bchool girls' special slses, 11H to I..S2 25 W IS 200 I W to 11 $1.16 Writ for Illustrated Catalogue. BENSONTHORNES Long Distance 'ihon 1701. i YOUNG WOMAN DROPS DEAD Excitement Following tho Discover? ot Body of Yonngr Man Proves ratal. PEORIA, 111., Sept. 28 A special to the Journal statea that Mlsa Mattle Phllberg, daughter of 'Postmaster Phllberg at Cam bridge. 111., has dropped dead as the result ot excitement attending the finding ot the dead body of Streed and tha sensational developments following. Miss Phllberg a school teacher in Cambridge and was close friend of the Streed family. Bhe had been intimately acquainted with Streed during his life and It is said that the t were close friends. The young woman has been troubled with heart trouble and physicians attribute her sudden death to excitement caused by tha developments ot the Streed mystery. The funeral ot Streed was held this aft ernon at t o'clock. The coroner's Inquest has been postponed until Tuesday, when Mrs. 6treed will take the stand and tell what she knows of tha political contest in which her husband was engaged. CUSTOMS RECEIPTS DECLINE Report from Deputy Collector of Cus toms nt Manila la Not Pleaslnc SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29.-Ths deputy collector of customs at this port has re ceived a communication from the special deputy collector of customs for the Phll plne Islands at Manila, stating that the aggregate custom collections at that port for the fiscal year ended June SO, 19(, were te.S14.910. and for the entire Philippine JJ island, Including Manila, for the same m 1UII, 111V IIHAI tJliei-ll'JIl was 0,TO,m. S ! 2 with her, he said, he took her to a hotel and while absent from the room she took morphine. When he returned he found her dead and gave the alarm. The police express the belief that a Sui cide compact had been entered Into and Grimm failed to take his own life. MINISTER ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Rev. J, W. Wllllford of Tnylorvlllo, 111., Killed Ity Roy While Oat llantlnar. SrRINOFIEI.D, 111.. Sept. I9.-Rev. J. W. Wllliford of Taylorvllle. who Is conducting revival services near this city, was acci dentally shot and killed today while out squirrel hunting, by Ell Green, a lad U years old. The shotgun In the hands of young Oreen was accidentally discharged, the charge entering the side of Rev. Mr. Wllllford. He died In an hour and a half. He leaves a widow and five children. OMAHA CAIIDr KITCHEN Open tbeir New Candy Store at 1 6th and Leavenworth Sts. Saturday, September 30 A Present To every visitor on our opening we will present a souvenir flower. The store will be furnished with an entirely new stock of Ice cream and candles of our own manufacture. Everybody welcome. Telephone A -2X11 or R-l!0t and have your order delivered promptly. AMl'SKMESTS, This shows a gradual decline In customs receipts in those Islands, the total collec- Bunkle 1 ,1nna VB nlla fne (k. fla1 v.. ,- mA-A Covington li, u., ... Total S7 Sixteen New Cases In Pensacola. PENSACOLA, Fla., Sept. 29. Following Is the summary of the fever situation up to 8 p. m.: New cases 18 Total cases to date 138 Deaths todav 2 Total deaths to date 3 Total cases discharged 4 Now under treatment 65 Very few suspicious cases are under ob servation and It ts anticipated that the number of new cases tomorrow will be very materially lessened. Twenty-Two Cases In Mississippi. JACKSON, Miss., Sept. 29.-The sum mary of new cases In the state for the last twenty-four hours Is as follows: Vlcksburg 14 Natches 4 Harsboro 1 Gulfport I VICKSBURO, MISS., Sept. .-Up to 6 p. m. today fourteen new cases of yellow June SO, 1904, being $7, 140,8m, and for tha fiscal year ended June 30. 1S03. being $7,451,-145. ST. LOUIS WOMAN ENDS LIFE Foand Dead br Polloe After Notice Is Given by Her Flnnce. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 29.-The dead body of Mrs. Nellie West Long was found In a room at the Burlington hotel today, where she had committed suicide with morphine. Bert Grimm, her fiance, who was with her. Is under arrest, charged with having en tered Into a suicide compact with the woman. He declared that they were about to be married, when he became suspicious that she had not obtained a divorce from Oliver Long. He confronted her at her home last evening, and ha said she sud denly cried out 'that she would rornmlt suicide and ran from the house. To talk AMl'SEMEKTS. H83 FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Man Killed and Two Injured Near Syracuse, N. Y. Victims Refuse to Disclose Identity. 8YRACUSE, N." T., Bept. 2S.-A fatal automobile accident occurred In the vil lage of Camlllus at 8 o'clock tonight, re sulting in the death of the chauffeur and the Injury of two of the three other mem bers of the party. The only man who es caped injury refused to reveal the names of his companions or to give details of the accident. The chauffeur, whose name Is aald to be Bart, and who Is said to re side in Massachusetts, waa pinioned under the car and received fatal Injuries. It is said the party consisted, in addition to the chauffeur, of two Massachusetts business men and the private secretary of one of them. DEATH RECORD Captain James R. . flelfrtdare. BOSTON, Sept. Captain James Rus sell 8lfrldgo. ordnance officer at the Charlestown navy yards, died of aploplexy today. Captain Bel fridge waa a member of a family well known in the United Btates navy for many years. His father was tha late Rear Admiral Thomas O. Belfrldge, and a brother is Rear Admiral Thomas O. Belfrldge (retired), now a real dent of Wisconsin. Patrick Connelly. Patrick Connelly died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Bacon, 1014 Davenport. He Is the father of ex County Commissioner Connelly, and Is an old settler in Omaha. Funeral arrange ments will be announced later. 1315 DOIULAS HTREKT. WARRANT OUT FOR E. G. GREEN Man Who Shot Paolflo Express Mes senger Is Charged with Felonlons Assault. DECATUR, 111.. Bept .-Followlng a visit from Special Agent Irl of the Pacific Express company. John Ryan, the express messenger wounded in a duel In an express ear Wednesday, swore out a warrant today for Edward G. Green, charging assault with Intent to kill. The warrant is In the hands of the sheriff. Green la still In the hospital. His condition la serious with chances of recovery about even. Pacific Express officials decline to make a statement, but seem to think Ryan had suspicions by the time Bement was reached, that Green contemplated robbery In the car. They have officers looking up Green's recent record at Chicago and Hammond. Their action toward Green Is likely to be CHILDREN'S DAT AT CORN PALACE School Close and Youngsters ln- nrove Opportunity. MITCHELL, S. D.. Bept. .(Special Tel egram.) Notwithstanding there was but one special train Into the city today, that over the Milwaukee road from Bloux City. there was a crowd of very large propor tions in the corn palace, the balcony being packed and the lower floor had but few va cant seats. The schoola of Alexandria. Woonsocket and Ethan were closed today to give the pupils an opportunity to attend the palace, and they cams in large numbers. Hun dreds of visitors are remaining in tha city over two or three days and their places are supplanted by aa many more when they are gone, so the crowd oontlnues large all the time. Saturday evening the corn palace will come to a close and a special program will be played by the Banda Rossa. The sec ond half, which has been taken up with the scenic production. "The Resurrection ot Christ." will be omitted and a Wagnerian program will be given in Its stead. The weeklies been the most successful in the history of the palace, ana on inree arier noons the building waa crowded to Its great est capacity. Iwla to Watch Construction. FIEKRE. B. D.. Bept. a. (Special Tele gram.) The State Capitol commission to JUv selected C A. Lewis of Madison as superintendent of oonstructlon on the gut Cl'HvL - . BANDA ROSSA AND HIS Mm SOUSA AT THE Auditorium, Sunday Night, Oct 1 Seats now on sale. Box Offloe open all day Sunday, and 7Boi box seats, $1.00; general admission, 26c. Prices, 60c XV& ifP ibS7ri Sopt. 27 Oct. 7 imata SOMCTHINQ DOING ALL THI TIMI. Great Day Parade, OCTOBER KurlauB HomltlntlloA ot Kill Sfapnrw, Bum Cmh and tlmm ftnencsnss. 5 Si Grand Elictrlo R Raaaanl. Iv3 Mfht October A OONQSOUS OiSS-LAV Of AUICOSIGAI SUftjCOTk rnsnuTgo lsj A Brilliant filaii ot Biwlldarlnf Beauty. asisa Aaurr BALL. NIGHT OOTOSjI S)th. REDUCED' rates on all railroads " ACS VOU LOOAb AOIMT. -' V.J.' ,'.' ,'fv 'ji'i ' '1J1 H: Isr, ?.5c.-'.h;' I -.- I,. ri!fr c p.- -.' ... .... '. : a j kw 'uga. ,rl EUGENIO SORRENTINO Director, at the AUDITORIUM MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNES DAY, OCTOBER 2, 8 AND 4. Matinees Monday and Tuesday. Perosl s sublime oratorio, "The Resur rection of Christ," will be presented as tlie second part of the program each evening. Beautiful scenery, grand singing, captivat ing band music, Sats now on sale at the Auditorium. Box' office open all day Sunday. Prices: K . served seats, evening, boo and 75c; box seats, $1.00; general admission, 26o. Matl nee: Reserved seats, 36o. and box seats, 60c; general admission. 25u. KRUG Prices 16c, 55c. 00c, 76c. Sun. Mat. 10c, Xtc. 60c. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, all Seats 25c. MATINEE TODAY. THIS IS IT THE FEMALE DETECTIVES Full of Towerful Human Nature Hysterics ot Hilarity. STARTING NEXT SUNDAY MATINEE JOE WELCH IN THE PEDDLER COMING GEORGE EVANS (The Honey Boy.) IN THE RUNAWAYS Entire New York Casino Production. CASINO SHOW GIRLS boyd's; WOODWARD Mcrrsi TIM MURPHY and Dorothy Sherrod la Two ComedUs THIS AFTERNOON A CORNER IN COPFEE Tonight DAVID GARHICK, ' preceded by the playlet, "Uncle Ben, or My Lady Help." NEW BURWOOO Uurgsss.nsrs, Telephone 1 THIS AFTKRKOO. TOMGHT Second Blar Week Thu Woodward Stock Co. In A ROYAL FAMILY Nights and Sunday mata., 10c and 26c Tues Thurs., Bat. mats.. 10c and Joo. Next Week BECAUSE SHIS LOVED HIM SO- TO ft CRKIOHTOMy PHONE R MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINBE TODAY. NOTE The curtain will rise at 1:15 sharp TOMGHT. A quarter of an hour earlier than usual. Ilv nrl llrf PfiqmflOrfr' hii. auu litis, uiiuiiiuuia School of Dancing How Open Adult beginners, Mondays snd Thurs days, 8 P. M. Assembly dates furnished oa applU cation. Children, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Misses and masters advanced Satur days 4 P. M. High School class opens Friday, Oc tober J 0th. 8 P. M. Telepbons 1T-187L