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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1905)
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, SO, 1905. 13 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Armour InUrti i Uitbls U Etoi Dsolins cf Wheat. CROWD NIW AGCRESSIVCLY BEARISH More Grala for Bala Thaa for Several Days Cora Lower, with Drag fflagc Trade Mlllera OMAHA. Sept. 28. 1906. The crowd vii aggressively bearish and In a fighting mood. The re more wheat for sale than for several days. The north west led the selling. Valentine was In the Chicago pit trying to (top the decline by buying May. but he had a hard time cf It. Wheat was down lc at the Ion point. September cloned at 84c, Decern Ler at 84-c and May at 86c. Corn down also. Wrenn sold May at 44c. The opening waa lower than yester. day and the decline was steady. Trading waa not heavy. September closed at 61o, old September at 61c, December at 44c, old December at 45c and May at 4.11M3c. Oftta finished with September at 27c, Ue rember at i4fl"xi.e and Mar at tO'c Liverpool cloaed d lower on wheat and Vi-Sd lower on corn. Seaboard ex Dorter were good buyer of Manitoba wheat yesterday, taking 750,0) bushels. 'Within a short time they have taken 4.000.000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 1.24,000 buahels and shipments 450.000 bushels. against receipts last year of 1,362.000 buahels and shipments of 446,000 bushels. Corn re ceipts were 419,000 bushels and shipments Ml.miO buahels. aaalnKt receipts last year of SUXrtuO buahels and shipments of 376,000 bushels. Clearances were 11, WO buahels or corn. 101.000 buahels of oats, XJ.OUO bushels nf wheat and 77.000 barrels of flour. Minneapolis bears say millers are hedging their flour productions by sales of futures In the wheat market mere, me spring wheat movement to Minneapolis and Du luth for the four weeks ending Saturday was 12,0, ("J) buahels, and there was an accumulation there during the same period of 1,890,0(10 buahels, Indicating 10,176,000 bushels milled, shipped or stored In private aUfntnri nr mill Slocks. Argentina shipments of wheat last week were 944,004 bushels, as compared with 976,000 bushels last year. Corn shipments wom 1. "22.000 bushels, as compared with l,21u,0u0 bushels. The Modern Miller says: "The seeding of winter whjat Is well advanced In the prin cipal grain-growing states. The soil Is In unusually good condition to receive the seed and start the growth of the new crop. In the southwest, where rains have fallen, the best progress has been made, yet In many localities farm work Is still delayed by dry weather. There is no Indication as yet of Increased delivery of wheat by farmers." Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago 63 242 Kansas City 160 34 Oats. 304 19 Minneapolis 687 Omaha IS 83 15 Duluth 340 St. Louis 92 73 64 Oman Cask Saras. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 1 car, 80c; 1 car, 79c; 1 car. 80o; No. hard, 2 cars, 7&o; NO. 4 hard, 1 car, 76c; 1 car, 75c; No. I spring, 1 car, 76 Vic CORN-No. 2, 1 car, 47c. OATS No grade, 1 car, 24a Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. I hard, 79'&80o; No. t hard, 76ft79c; No. 4 hard, 73'(f7iicj No. I spring, 7bi78c; No. 4 spring, 747Tc. CORN No. 2. 47g47,c; No. i 4747c: No. 4, 4h''a47c; no grade, 44"4c; No. 2 yellow, 4c; No 3 yellow, 47;Vd4Xc; No. 2 white, 41Kft49c; No. 3 white, 4'tf49c. OAT8 No. 2 mixed, 25u-6c; iso. 3 mixed, 24G25c; No. 4 mixed, av3-Wkc; No. 4 mixed, 23M,jj23; No- i white, 26c; No. t white, 25V(26c; No. 4 while, 24Va-6c; standard, 26c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 29 WHEAT September, 80c; December, KlVPTtc; No. 1 hard, 83c; No. 1 northern, 83c; No. 2 north ern, 80c. FLOL'R First patents, $5.0O3'6J0: second patents, $4.8O&4 90: first clears, t3.8(ya3.0; econd cloa:s. $2.60fi2.65. BRAN In bulk. 11.60. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range of prices as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat- I Sept... 81 81 " 8ol 81 Dec... 82 82 81 81 82 May...l85Hi&- 864 86 S5 85 WEATHER IX THE CORN BELT Showers Are Promised for Batarday la West Portion. OMAHA, Sept. 29, 1906. The trough of low pressure, noted In the last report as extending from the extreme upper Missouri valley southwest across the Rocky mountains, still overhangs that sec tion, and Is causing unsettled weather In the mountains and more especially In the southwest, where general rains prevail, with snow at Flagstaff. Ariz. This depres sion will probably move slowly eastward and will cause showers and cooler weather In this vicinity during Saturday, Heavy rains continue In the lower Mississippi val ley and gulf states, with fair weather In , the Ohio valley, lake region and eastern states. Omaia record ot temperature and precipitation compared with the corre sponding day of the last three years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 67 63 66 64) Precipitation 00 T .01 .83 Normal temperature for today, 69 de gree. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 1.33 Inches. Leticiei.ty corresponding period In 1304, 1.04 Inches. Eiwf corresponding period In 1903, 4 30 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT. TeniD num. Stations. Max. Mia, Inches. Sky. Ashland, Neb 87 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear AUDurn, iseo w Columbus, Neb.. 87 Falrbury. Neb.... 89 Fairmont, Neb... 83 Or. Island, Neb.. 86 tUrtinglon, Neb. 85 Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Slaar lear Oakdale, Neb.. 86 86 M 83 87 83 84 83 Omaha, rt.b Tekamah, Neb.. Carroll, la Clarlnda, la Sibley, la Sioux City. Ia .. Biorm Lake, la.. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Central. Btatlous. Mas. Mln. Rata. Inches. Chicago, III. Columbus, O Des Moines, Ia... Indianapolis, lad. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville. Ky.... Minneapolis 64 .00 62 .00 62 .00 67 .00 00 .00 61 .00' tt .00 62 .00 66 .00 69 .00 62 .00 67 .00 62 ..00 64 .00 61 .00 29 88 M .00 15 88 64 .00 14 84 64 .00 11-83 M .00 19 86 60 .00 17 86 Li .00 27 86 60 .00 16 hi 80 .00 13 86 . 60 .00 Omaha, Neb. SC. Louis, Mo.. L. A- WELSH, Weather Bureau. Local Forecaster, St. Louis General Market. ST. IX)t.'l3. Sept. 29 WHEAT Futures, lower; cash, stuady; No. 1 r-d cash, ele rator, 84V4v!c; track. r&fe; Decem er, k2c; May. toc! No- 81J6o. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 62cj track, 2c; December. 42c; May, 4T11120. OATS -Lower; No. 1 casli. 27c; track, Be; December, 27c; May, fcc; No. . t r u. FIAJl li Steaay; rea winter patents, m.iv h4.4o, extra fun ilear. t2.76o3.4o. IHUcy aua suamiii, .inot.ivi SEED Timothy, Arm; $2.7523.40. ('i)BN M KAL- Dteauy : ii.lMl. FRAN Steady sacked east track, 6S HAY-Steody; timothy, $eilc; prairie. B OoU-S 60. IRON COTTON TIE8-99C IIAOaiNrt-S'lC. HEMP TVlNE-o. t'RuVlSlONS Poik. lower: lobbing, (It 66. Lard, lower; prime steam, $6.90. Dry Mil meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, ti.H; clear ribs. $v62; short clear, is.87. lacon. steady; boxed extra shorts. $.87; clear ribs. IJ.60: short clear. $9.(2. POl'LTRY Hens, easier; chickens, 9cj springs. l"4rloc; turkeys, 13416c; ducks, c; geese, biia. Rl'TTEH-Steady; creamery, lt'g22c; dairy. 14(y 17c. Euiia bteady at 16c, rase count. tiecripi s. Biiipments. lour. bbls. mat, bu. fi-.rn, bu.... bu.... ...10,(i0 14 t"0 ,.7l.(i0 ..64.000 36.UO (1.0UO MHwanke Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 29. WHEAT Mar ke. lower; No. 1 northern, 87)nc; No. I northern. M6c; December, 4'yeO asksd. RYE Steady; No. 1, 68Ui9c. BARLKY-fileady; No. 64c; sample. U CORN-Weak; May. i30 asked. Pulath Grata Market. Dl'LUTii. Minn.. Bept It. WH EAT To irrlve, N. I uoitlisru, Uo; Na. a awrta- era, 78c; on track, No. 1 northern. 8?c; lo. I northern. 7So: September, old. 81c: September, new, 7c; December, 78c; May, 81e OATS To arrive, on track. 27o. CHICAGO GR4.I3 AM PROVISION! Featares at the Trading- sal Closlngr CHICAGO, Sept. 2 -Continued clear weather In the northwest was a reason for lower prices today in the wheat market here. The Decemler delivery closed -Olc down. Corn Is off o. Oats show a loss of V 3 Sc. Provisions are down a shade to 10c The wheat market was weak from start to finish. At the opening, wheat for De cember delivery waa off i?e at 85 c. Pit traders and commission houses were free seller. As the session advanced selling be came general, many of the small holders offering urgently. The favorable weather for the movement of the new crop In the northwest was the chief factor In the situation. There was little In the news of the day to encourage bulls. A report from Kansas City that the weathef in some localities southwest Is too dry was about the only Item of a bullish character. Absence f substantial support was a noticeable feature of the day s trading. Prices continue to decline through the ses sion. The close was weak with final quota tions at practically the lowest point of the day. After touching $4c December closed at 84e. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 374.60) bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's were equal to 2,0n6.nj0 bushels. Primary receipts were 1, 264,001) bushels, against 1,362,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 980 cars compared with 1.013 cars Ust week and 980 cars a year ago. Sentiment In the corn market was decid edly bearish as a result of continued favor able weather for the maturing of the new crop. Several prominent commission houses were active sellers and notwithstanding good support from a leading long, prices steadily declined throughout the entire session. Lower prices for cash corn was an additional bearish Influence. The mar ket closed weak with prices at the lowest point of the day. December opened a shade to c lower at 44o to 44'ao sold off to 44c and closed at the bottom. Local receipts were 242 cars with 81 cars of contract grade. The oats market held comparatively steady considering the weakness of other grains. Sentiment, however, was a trine bearish. The fact that considerable oats are being worked here dally fcr export helped to Sustain values. Commission houses and cash Interests were good buyers. December opened unchanged to c lower at 2c to 28e sold off to 28o and closed at 28lio. Local rece.pte were 84 cars. Weakness of grain had a depressing In fluence on the provisions market. Packers were moderate sellers of January products. At the close. January pork was off 10c at $12.42c. La-d was a shade lower at $6.82. Ribs were down 24c at $6.62. Estimated receipts for tomor.ow: Wheat, 30 cars: corn, 290 cars; oats, 338 cars; hogs, lo.oro head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat Sept. Dec. May. Corn tSept ISept. fDee. IPec. May. Deo. May. Pork Oct. Jan. Lard Oct Nov. Jan. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 84 86 86 to f 86,87S 61 61 SB 46 44 46a 4ti 44 48& 27' 28VS 44tl 27 28 80 14 66 12 62 7 22 7 27 ( 86 86 S 62 66 30 14 60 12 42 7 17 7 22j 8J 6 82! S 60 62HI No. 1 tOld. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOL'R Firm; winter patents, 83.803 4.20; straights, 33.604.10; spring patents, $4.2034.40; straights. t3.8O-4.0O; bakers,' 32.40 tj3.40. WHEAT No. 1 spring. 8&g8Sc; No.3, 81 84c; No. 1 red. 84WS5c. CORN No. 2. 61Vi62c; No. i yellow, 63. OATSNo. 2. 27(T'28c; No. 2 white 283 29c: No. 3 white. 26g2ic. RYE No. 2, 72c. BARLEY Good feeding, 87c; fair to choice malting, 41S48c. SEED No. 1 flax, 91e; No. 1 northwestern, $1.01. Timothy, prime, 83.26. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., I14.62!314.75. Lard per 100 lbs., 1717. Short ribs sides (loose). $8.458.60. Short clear sides (boxed. S8.263.60. The following were the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bble 38,300 30,900 Wheat, bu 66,600 39,000 Corn, bu 220,000 461,600 Oats, bu 432,600 873.200 Rye, bu 33,00 Barley, bu 108,600 82,900 On the produce exchange today the but ter market, was steadier, creamlerles, 1700c dairies, 16'elftc. Fggs, steady at mark, cases Included, 17c; firsts, 18o; prime firsts, 20c; extras, 22c. Cheese, Arm; U(&llc. HEW YORK CTENERAL MARKET Qaotatloas of the Day oa Commodities. Varloas NEW YORK, Sept. 29 FLOUR-Recelpts, 21.360 bbls.; exports, 23.033 bbls.; market was quiet but steady; Minnesota patents, 34.65 fa0.15; Minnesota bakers. 13.ttVjj4.00; winter patents, 34.26U4.7&; winter straights, $4,000 4.10; extras, J2.5o-o3.36; winter low grades, 12.76(33.30. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $386&4.1; choice to fancy, 34.1694.60; spot and to arrive. Buckwheat flour, quiet; 82.35iQ2.60, to arrive, October. CORNMEAL Easy; fine white and yel low, $126; coarse, tl.12al.14; kiln dried, 18.06. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 71o e. i. f. New York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 3939c o. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 25,000 bu.; spot mar ket easy; No. 1 red, BlsVc, elevator: No. 1 .... .1 i. ... n W ,!.,, XT,, , nrKaln T k - '- V. , , L V. W, lit 1 A ..V .... " " luth, 91c, f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba, 91 c, f. o. b., afloat. The wheat market broke lo today as a result of heavy good weather, a favorable Modern Miller report and absence of full support. The close was weak at "'alo net decline. May. 89'fi90Vo. closed at 89 ll-lOo: Senlem ber, 90tl)9uc, closed at 90c; December, 89 fcW 6-l6c, closed at 89c. CORN Receipts, 157,600 bu.; exports, 10.- 803 bu. ; spot market barely steady; No. t, Ec, elevator, and 69c f. o. t., afloat; no. z yellow, 0oc; no. 3 white, oo, Option market waa quiet and easier, clos ing partly "fcc net lower. May closed at 49o, September olosed at 68c; December, 62!u5c. closed at 62c. OATS Receipts. 14J.300 bu.; exports, 61.431 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 36 to 82 pounds, 32V'n33c; natural white, 30 to 33 puunus. 88u⁣ clipped white, 86 to 41) pounds, jo :. HAY Steady : snipping. 60(S60o: good to choice, 7641 ic. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 19n6 crop, linage; iw)4 crop, loyJlc; olds, lie. Paulflc, li crop, 15alHc; 1904 crop, ltd) 2oc; olds, 8311c HIDZS Firm: Oalveston. 10 to 25 lbs.. 20c; California. Q to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, ory, M to au ids.. isc. LEATHER f irm; acid, Z4.'D36o. PROVlSlONS-lieef, steady: family. 811 60 puw, mess, nwijiuw; oet nama, J.ou. 22.60: packet. $10 5.-.(1100; city, extra India mess, I18OX3190U. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 88.7010.60; pickled shoulders. 11. On J i.du; pickiea nams, iiuiiu. ijira, easy western steamea, (.tso; rennea, easy: com pound. 3f..C-ii6 75; continent, $7.86; South Amealca, $7.86. Pork, steady; family, $l7.5t"fll8 00; short clear, $14.6ojll&0; mesa. sip wg iq.ou. TALLOW Steady ; city rtlOO per pkg.l RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, $ CHEESE Quiet, unchanged. LXIGtJ Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected white, 30c; western extra nrsts. Kiyzac; western firsts, !lo. POl'LTRY Live quiet; western chickens, 12c; fowls. 13c; turkeys, 18c; dressed Quiet western chickens, 16c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, Llvrrsisol Grata Market LIVERPOOL, Sept. 89. WHEAT Spot steaay; no. i rea western winter, as m futures closed quiet; December, to td March, (s s4. CORN Spot .steady; American mixed, 4a 1M: futures closed quiet; December, is fed January, a a; uarca, ts tta. Philadelphia Fred nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 29. BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, Z2c E 1GS -Firm; western fresh, nc2Zo at mark. . cheese Dun; New xork lull creams. Uttli. Peerta Market. PEORIA, Sept. . COIIN-Lower; No. yellow, 52c; No. 1. 63c; Ne. 4. 51 c. grade 6tfc. OATS Ixwer: No. 4 white. KVtTc. WUlJiKV-iU.10, haala Auished goods. 85 85 84 86 85 84 87 ITS 80 61 61 H .' 60 61 61 V 60 464, 45 46 44-a 44h 44 44 44tt 43 27 . 27 27 28'9 28 2S 30 30 30fc 14 60 14 60 14 40 12 47 12 60 12 40 7 22! 7 22 7 12 7 22 7 22 7 16 So 6 86 80 86 ( 86 6 80 S SO 62 8 47 66 ( 66 ( 60 NEW YORl STOCKS AND BONDS Market Ehw Remark bl Boilitan U Equetie in Vonej Bmpply. CALL LOANS ADVANCE TO SIX PER CENT pUUas Oat f stocks Early la Day Caasea Decline la Valaes, hat a Rally Follows aaa Closa la Strong. NEW TORK, Sept. 29 Today' stock market showed remarkable resistance to the Squeeze in the money market. As loans at the Stock exchange on Friday carry over until Monday this waa prac tically the last day of the month for Stock exchange borrowers and consequently mak ing up day previous to the quarterly set tlements ot October 1. The very heavy special requirements at this time In ad dition to the ordinary quarterly settle ments have been so well understood that the Stock exchange community was quite prepared to see a, I per cent rate for call money today. When the rate went above that almost Immediately after the opening the market faltered slightly and there came a light Spilling out of stocks which carried the price level compre hensively below last night. The heavy offerings of money brought Into the market from some of the principal Wall street bank by the t per cent rata carried call loans back again to 6 per cent. Stocks thereupon recovered and when the rate for money Went' higher than before the stock market was practically unaffected. Today's rate was the highest of the year with the exception of a few loans made late on the afternoon preceding the Good Friday holiday when 7 per cent waa quoted to carry over until the following Mon day. The equanimity with which today's flurry was accepted was due to the very general hope Indulged In speculative quarters thst the rate will promptly relax next week. The Atchison and Pennsylvania bond sub scription payments are expected to be pretty closely confined to shifting of book accounts and the proceeds are expected to be quickly available for return to the money market. The same Is true of the tax payments to be made In this eltv next Monday. The heavy drop In sterling exchange here today awakened hopes of a revival of the Import movement of gold. The rise In the New York money rate In duced very heavy offerings of bankers bills In the exchange market and there WWS A liberal replenishment also of the supply of cotton bills. The resulting fall In prices of checks on London amounted to U cent In the pound. The monev rate showed a tendency to settle at about 6 per cent late In the day after having run tip to 9 per pent at one time and having fluctuated below that figure, with a belated flurry to T ner cent. The effort to rally the market centered on the Reading stocks and an lncrese In the dividend on Rallwav Ffeel Snrlng caused s Jump In that stock and sneculatlve advances In a number of other low priced Industrials. Th market closed Strong In spite of the dullness. Ronds were lrre"tr. Th tntil sales, par value, was If 761 onn. Unld Ststes bonds were all unchanged on call. Th'J0,!T;,n" wr ,h ouotatlons on the New York Stock exchanre: Bales. High. Low. Close. 240 Adams Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car & F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd ,.. Am. Ex Am. H. ft L. pM Am. Ice Securities.... Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt, ft Refng. do pfd ... 42.800 ... 2.200 84 86 100 2i) 82 36 100 29 84 IKi lf) 29 90 230 34 1 19 62 112 127 121 13D JlVe 124 8D 104 164 112 96 72 174 21! 68 86 78 21 213 y 33 600 4J0 100 100 ' 1,700 10 4,600 700 200 200 4.500 3.&10 ioo 800 2.500 210 31.300 12,700 200 ,900 100 ''00 ii3o6 '"266 'ilioo 1,400 100 2.700 1.700 900 100 27 17 27 17 61 112 126 120 J38 101 122 89 104 164 111 97 70 173 213 67 36 112 127 1Z1 139 101 124 90 104 166 112 97 72 174 213 68 86 a i8i 'ssvi '45 2S 61 4 183 12 61 Am. Sugar Refng.... m. Tob. pfd ctf Anaconda M. Co tchlson do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Bait, ft Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Ches. ft Ohio Chi, ft Alton do pfd Chi. Qt. Western Chi. ft N. W 21 iio" 'is" ' 28 61 43 181 61 M. ft St. P Chi. Term, ft T do pfd -. .. C.. C. ft St. L Colo. Fuel ft Iron Colo, ft Southern .... do 1st pfd do Id pfd 61 43 183 11 60 216 450 85 89 42 60 81 73 181 90 181 78 26 82 66 26 56 154 168 80 1264 21 71 19 Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Del. ft Hudson L. ft W 100 460 450 Den. ft Rio Grande.. do rfd Distillers' Securities.. Erie 1,600 20,200 1.100 1,400 200 'iuoo 7,600 42 60 82 73 181 182 21 42 4R 81 72 180 180 19 do 1st pfd ao m via General Klectrlo Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do nfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central 2.600 1,700 28 66 28 66 do pfd .. u. southern ....... do pfd Louis, ft Nashville.... Manhattan 1 6,400 200 900 4,900 1.100 100 600 16S 165 $1 126 24 73 139 Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn, ft St. L M . St. P. ft 8. S. M.. do pfd 164 105 Missouri Pacific 104 M., K. ft T 33 V 34 (9 6914 11? do pfd National Lead R. R. of Mex. pfd Y. Central, exdlv. Y.. O. ft W 4,900 700 4.000 147 64 86 Norfolk ft Western.. do pfd North American Paclnc Malt 600 22,000 700 6 46 8 142 8 103 Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car.... 1600 46 44 do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Reading do 1st pra Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co 92 79 do nfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. ft 8. T. M pfd. BI. LjOMIS D. W do Pfd Southern Pacific do cfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron ... Texas ft Pacific T.. St. L. ft W do Dfd 68 131 Vnlon Pacific ao ptq '. S. Ex '. 8. Realty MO 2,600 700 27.900 11.4O0 100 87 U. S. Rubber do pfd , V. n. Steel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chem.. do pfd. exdlv , Wabash do pfd : Wells-Fargo Ex Westlnghouse Elec ll 93 Western t'nlon W E Wis. Central 800 80 $0 do Pfd 8O0 69 Northern Paclflo 8'0 111 110 Central Leather 400 43 43 do cfd ioo 106 in? Sloss-Sheffleld 69 08 Total sales for the day, (20,600 shares. Fnrelga F1naaelL LONDON. Sept. 29. Money was In arood demand In the market today and rates were comparatively easy owing to the large amounts recently obtained from the Bank of England. Discounts were Somewhat tin settled and there was much uncertainty re garding the course of rates for the next week or two. Trading on the stook ex. change generally was duft. Inactive and Irregular. Consols were easier. Home rails hardened somewhat. Americans opened dull with Chesapeake ft Ohio as an excep tion, that stork having risen on spot man ipulations. There was a general slight rally (o above parity later but prices re- (ipq aurmi m iitsi nour ana ciosea wesx. Urand Trunk weakened a fraction on nroflt taking though the Increase In revenue for August exreeded expectations. Japanese Imperial sixes of 1906 were quoted at l'. BERLIN. Sept. 29-Prlres on the Bourse innay were nrmer ana nigner. PARIS. Sept. 29. The tone on the Bou loauy was cairn ana prices were henvy Kueetea Impsitai Xuura were auoteft at 94 n and Russian bon''e of 1?04 t 6IR0n. The private discount rale was 4 per cent. REPORT OF THE CLEARING HOI SE Transactions at the Associated Ranks for the Week. NEW YORK, Sept. 2.-The following table1, compiled by hradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended September 28, with the per- renisge or increaee ann aecreaae, as com1 pared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Ine. Dea New York $1.610. 610. S78' 811 Chicago IM.fsra.ffITt 20 1 Poston 136.0Wi.4!H 26.2 Philadelphia 140.157.08 15.4 St. Louis 49. 539,316 2.2 Pittsburg 48.17.816 4 San Francisco 83.495.6U 12.4 Cincinnati 19.4'9.iO 14.4 Baltimore 24.M2.3o4 23 4 Kansas City 7 6 New Orleans 14.9S7.735 1.9 Minneapolis 2l.2S8.862 8.8 Cleveland 14.032.357 11 8 Louisville 10.4R4.622 13 3 Detroit 10 W2.18O 16.1 Milwaukee 8.07.807 l.S OMAHA $.6?9,821 7.2 Providence $.986,400 6.6 Ixa Angeles 9.014.846 69 6 Buffalo ,478.40 6 8 Indianapolis (.191,715 0.7 , fit. Paul 1.2i6.646 20.3 Memphis $.670,018 1.0 St. Joseph 4.426.761 7.4 Richmond 4.797.623 9.4 Denver 6.64.824 1.7 Columbus 4.639.6001 1.1 Seattle $.633 662 1 7.6 Washington 4,4fi6.104 i(.6 Savannah .t 6.7rA38R 6.8 Albany C438.652 22 81 Portland, Ore (.SH0.6S6 27.01 Fort Worth 6.346.924 61.7 Toledo. O $.411,112 12 .8 Atlanta 1 813.160 15.4 Salt Lake City $.979,292 40 0i Rochester 2.838,143 14 91 Peoria $.332 06"i 7.6i Hartford ... 1.79K.024 14.8 Nashville 2,603.854 6.11 Spokane, Wash 21. 2i Des Moines 1.?!M.013 12.3! Tacoma 1.354. 4S6 88.81 New Haven 1.874.2H0 6.1l Grand Rapids 2,O14.02 9 II Norfolk 1142.840 18.6 Davton 1.671.031 10 Portland. Me 1 sol 97 16 7 Springfield. Mass 1,863 867 26 6 Augusta, Oa 1,287.029 27.0 Evansvllle 1.3S9.739 26.1 Sioux City 1,692.964 22.6 Birmingham 1,689,511 28.6! Syracuse ..' 1.368.941 30.9! Worcester 1.41.143 26.4 Knoxville 1,171.261 19 0 Charleston, S. C 1,566,646 9.5 Wilmington. Del 1,067.609 18.1 Wichita 1,137,177 7.0 Wilkes-Barre 993,636 1 2.8 Davenport 785,480 14. 1 Little Rock 928.777 29.9 Topeka 622.476 9 1 Chattanooga 906.820 36 4 Jacksonville. Fla I 929.240 42.21 Kalamazoo, Mich I 718,376 1.9 Bprlrirfleld. Ill 823.279 11.7 Fall River 722.246 6 2 6 Wheeling, W. Va 854.820 18.2 Macon 773.173 11.3 Helena 735.908 80.1 ...... IXIngton 8S7w41R 114.7 Akron 426 .900 6.9 Canton, 0 846.000 21.7 Fargo, N. D 606,78(1 J.T Youngstown 647,726 27.1 New Bedford 634,630 28.9 Rockford, 111 601. 216 12.8 Lowell 873 846 4.8 Chester, Pa 438,479 tj .8 Plnghamton 463,600 29., Bloomlngton, 111 337,604 16.0 Springfield. 0 434.874 42.7 Oreensb'irg, Pa 5' 9.364 Qulncy, in $o.840 8.0 Decatur. Ill '. 270.6501 21.61 Sioux Falls. 8. D 106.516 10.81 Jacksonville. Ill 291.091 30.4 Mansfield, 0 843.100 88.9! Fremont. Neb 211.886 1 4.0 Cedar Rapids 417.287! 8.81 tHouston I 23.888,3681 23.41 tOalveston 14.317.0001 ) 3j0 Total. IT. S $2,639 582,6601 928.971.9S2l 26.1 , 17.71, Outside New York. CANADA. Montreal 25.065,041 18.71. Toronto .. 20.691,282 7.486.264 2.246,230 1,668,166 34.5 6.7 39 1 6.7 81.11 14-3 18.9 '&.' 7.9 Winnipeg Ottawa ... Halifax .. Vancouver. B. C. j 1,840.331 Quebec , 1.677.898! 1.827.9171 1,071.610 Hamilton St. John, N. B-. London, Ont Victoria, B. C... 16 8 938.153 764.597 Total $ (4,936,4851 26.1 Ralancea nald In cash. tNot Included In totals because containing other items man clearings. New York Money Karket NEW YORK. Sept. 29. MONEY On oall In strong demand at higher rates, 6'n7 per cent. Closing bid 6. offered at ( per cent. Time loans firmer; sixty, ninety davs and six months. 4 per cent. The rate rose to 6 per cent after 12 o'clock and then fell back to 6 per cent a train. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 46 ner cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with business in bankers' bills at $4.854.8630 for demand and at H.&waM s:36 ror sixty day bills; posted rates. $4.83 and $4.86; commercial bills, i4.kJV4 'V SILVER Bar, 60c; Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Government, strong; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds w.ers as fol lows: V, 8. nf. ia, rag. do coupoa V. 8. la, rag do coupon U. S. saw 4a( rag. do coupon V. 8. old 4a, ra(. do coupon ..lOtHJaosa . IJ ssrlM..101 ..104 t do 4i. ert tl ..liMVk' do td MrlM lt ..104W L a N. unl. 4i 104 u ..114 Manualtaa e. (old im. 106 ..14 mm. Cantrsl ..1M do lit I DC 4 4 105 V Minn. A St. L. 4 ... Am. Tob. 4. CSIt.. 11 M . K. ft T. 4....10ii tort.. Ian lit do , cert lit t do (da 11 Atchiaon sen. 4s 104 '4 N. R. ot 14. c. 4l.. 14-4 do adj. 4a N T. C. f. Ia MS Atlantic Coait U 4a. 101 N. 1. C. . la 1144, Baltimore a O. 4a 104 "4 Nortnern facioe 4s. -im do lut 1141, do )a n Central o( Oa. it 114 Nortolk ft W. a. 4a.lOJ do lat Ine 101 uragoa S. rlf. 4 do Id Ine al l'enn. codt. m....loo Ckaa. ft Ohio 4Sa..loa Readlna sen. 4a lo4 Chlcaio ft A. IS4a.... M. . 4a. 11114 ., li. a u. n. a..ioi'ii , L i r. if a. a .. M. I. 1 P. 4a.. 13 '4 St. U B. W. . 4a.. (4 do eol. U t'v. Seaboard Air L. 4a.. 1 CCC. St. U . 4a..l"l. Q Paalflo 4a M4, Chlcaio Trr. 4a M do lat 4a. cart.... 7 Colorado Mid. 4a 71 Souihara Ry. 6a. . . .111 Colo, ft 80. 4a 91 St Tciaa ft P. U 124 Colo. Ind. 4a. aat A.. 73 S Tol. St. U ft W. 4S.. 44 do sat B 7ln tnlon Pacllo ta W Cuba 4a, cart lot do conv. 4a 1444 ft R. O. 4a 101 V. i etaal td ia.... 1 Dlatlllars' Sao. la.... wabaih la .1111 . 71 . s . 91 . 9n Eria prior llan 4a.... 104 do dab. B do sn. 4a n waatarn uo. aa. Ft. W. ft a 0. It. .lit W. a L. S. 4a. Horklns Vallar 4V4a..UI Wis. Cantral 4s. Japan la, out ltal onered. Bostsa Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Sept. 9.-Call loans, 4'4 per cent; time loans, 4'g5 per cent. Omclal quotations 01. stocks ana bonus were as lollops Atehlaos adj. 4a . Adantrs T do 4a ... ... m Allouas u1 ....SO Amalfamatad 144, .... I A mar. Zinc tst ....104 Atlantic a4 ....lit i blnfbata 11S4 ....lit iCalumat ft H 470 ,...1H Canttnnlal 11 ....111 iCoppar kania II .... ill Iialjr Waat 14 Mai. Cantral 4a. Atckiaos do (4 Boataa ft A. . Boaioa ft Main. Boat os Blatltad yitohburs p'd Maaicaa Cantral N. V . N. H. ft H 307 I Dom. Clol 101 i Franklin , 14 . Pars Marquaita I'nlos Pad 6c IK lOranbsr 7 Alnar. Arga. Caam. vt lata norai za a old . W iMaaa Mining u Amar. Paau. Tuba. A mar. 9u(ar .... . iMlrhlgaa 14 .11444 Mohawk lev da t ..IM .Monuna C. ft C ia Amar. Tat. ft loid Dominion .. 14 ..104)1. Amar. Wsolaa 41 t Oacaals do sis loa Parrot Dominion I. ft I... ' Qulncr Edlaoa Blaa. ft ill. M4I francos Oanaral klactfie ...laO ITamarack .,107 714 Ill Mass. BlacUU .... 14 ITrtnitr do Ptd 44 t'nltad Copper m .7 .... i 44 i L- Ill Maaa. Gas 10 IV, 8. Mining , Vail, fruit. al-d!.10T V. 8. Oil In l tad Bboa Mach.. 14 ttak do e(d II va Victoria V. I steal rP Wlno4ia ear sta iv44a woivanne Waattuabouae com... 14 1 Asked. Bid. New York Mlalaar Storks. NEW YORK, Sept. 29 Closing quotations on mining stocks weje as follows: Adams Cos M, 10 at 41 Llttla Calaf .. 4 .. a0 ..111 .. I ..11 .. a .. It .. M ..171 Alloa , Braaeo , Brunawlrk Cos.... Cematoek Tan&al . Can. Cal. ft Vs. Mors lllrar Ontario Ophir Phoanlx Potaat Saaas Starrs Nevada Small Ho aaa ., (lasdard , .. sa ,.1M ..HI ..lo .. I rua HI Laa 4.111a Cos. Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON. Sept. 29.-Todav's state. tnent of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance $134,409,333 Gold coin and bullion 4u, 563.574 Gold certificates 4,Mjtlo OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET CaUls Isoelpts Light an! Priosi Ball Jait Abut Bldj. BEST HOGS SH.W SOME IMPROVEMENT Sheen Reeelpts IJgkt for tke Day, Hat Heavy far the Week The Mar ket Continues Jnst Ahont Steady with Yesteraa. BOUTII OMAHA, Sept 21 106. Receipts were: a'attle. Hor. Sheep. Oftlolal Monday $.626 1.736 V.bS Otticial Tuesday 7,364 .66 8.tM) Oiricial Wednesday $.937 6.63 25,"a Omclal Thursday 1,397 4.688 2S.136 Offlclal Friday l.OUO 4.060 6.1W0 Five davs this week... 29.313 22.612 79.626 Five days last week 29.116 13.73 62.944 Same week before 27.010 24.6u9 66.861 Same three weeks ago... 26. 679 2t,736 IJ.tol Same four weeks ago.. ..20.684 26,367 39.976 Same days last year.... 36,008 28,739 19,863 lih.CL7IPi8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATJii. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to data, comparing witn last lii 1B. isoa. auw. Cattle . 496,701 660.227 46.476 Hogs 1,811.323 1,773.8.4 W.449 Sheep 1,274.61 L167.618 lUb.fcW The followlnr table shows the average Price of hoes at ttmh umiha for the last several days, with comparisons: Pkta. I HQS. l$Ot.l31.l)l.1101.190 l8t. Sept- $ 61 $47 a 1 a 6 131 1 21 T $11 1 1 20 t 427 llf W 1 29 I 16 07 I 03 41 7 $3 f 16 $ HI J2 gept, Bepu BepL 27 4.1 86j ( 7 1 40 4 S 4 l Sept, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept SeDt. $24 $ 21 1 7 44 1 $4 4 S3 I 44 '"I 9a 4 as i 864. I 60' 7 46 6 M 4 80 I s as 1 . .... t $8 44 7 61 7 46 f aa "-.1 .. $ 4 I l 6 64 44 $ 391 I 16! u.. 13.. 11.. 14.. 16.. It.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 7 U 1 23 4 28 4 ti 4 86 4 W 4 33 4 U Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. iVVi i 61 ( t a v; 6 611 6 64 7 65 a 48 61 a I 671 2 8 08 6 14 681 $ bbl 1 06! vV 21, O Ml B U 7 97 "Pt. If.. I 29 6 66 ( 63 ept. 17.. 6 60 6 64 Kept. 18.. $31 63 7 66 7 43 7 87 I 13 ( 31' t 32 6 76 I 13 4 beut. Is.. I 371 I ?a a. . 7 3S 7 88 a f 76 i 1M 6 22 4 83 "l. w.. y 16 go s a t 30 6 23 4 31 4 11 4 3o 4 41 1 77 ept 21.. 6 40 $ 81 6 81 6 86 a 89 6 14 6 16 $ 75 6 79, 6 81 t 23 bcLL 22.. 1 6 21 I 1 IS, 1 a,,l 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 7 49 $ 21 ept. 23.. 5 28 6 76 I 77: 6 28 7 61 bept. 24.. S 71 I 74 7 6 Sept. 25.. 1 5 27 I 67 7 Ah 6 16 4 41 27 6 23 7 66 7 37, Sept. 26.. 6 23 6 87 6 69 7 37 75 $ 161 4 bept. 27.. 6 1 6 Mj 7 84 1 6 7 6 15 4 36 Sept. 28.. $ 18 6 74 t 69 6 81 $ 161 4 44 a 7 31 bPt 29.. 16 64 1 71 7 31 16 17 4 37 Indicates Sunday. The uracil number of cars of stock brougr.t in today by each road was: Cattle.H0gs.8h p.Hr's. C, M. ft St. P. Ry 1 Wabash 2 Missouri Paclflo 19 7 C. ft N. W. Ry 5 F., E. ft M. V. Ry... 8 2 C, St. P.. M. & 0 7 B. ft M. Ry 27 12 C, B. ft Q. Ry 4 C, R. I. ft P.. east.. .. 1 Chicago GL Western. .. 1 "i "i 'i e as 20 "i Total receipts .... 64 63 Tha disposition of tne day's receipts waa as follows, eaca buyer puivnasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 15 Swift and Company 187 Cudahy Packing Co 427 Armour ft Co 60 226 242 1,029 1,845 1,164 26 1.4.8 2J Carey ft Benton 106 Hill 42 Huston ft Co 24 Hamilton 68 Mike Haggerty 1 Bulla ft Kline 104 Squires Packing Co Other buyers 217 101 15,721 Total 1,241 1,857 17,642 CATTLE There was only a very light run of cattle here today, about thirty-six loads being on sale, hardly enough to make much of a market. The receipts were some seventy-three cars lighter than the corresponding day last year and about twenty-seven cars lighter than last r ri day. Tnere was nothing that could be called choice in the yards and a small supply of everything. There were only a few beef Steers in the yards and the most of these were westerns. There waa a good bunch of cornfeds offered, but there were very few natives In the yards. There was really not enough stuff to create much competition and buyers took very little interest In the offerings. Although they were Indifferent they picked up stuff at steady prices and In fair season. There were no new fea tures to the trade, there seemed to be the usual demand, but there was not enough here to nil it, and when buyers saw there was not enough to go round they became inainerent. There were very few cows offered today and none of them were Very good. There was not much life to the trade and buyers picked up what little stuff there waa at Just about steady prices. The feeling on cows has been good for several days past and had there been anything in today It would probably have been the same. Trade on bulls, veal calves and stags were In fair shape and prices ruled fully steady. There was only a small supply of stock ers and feeders on sale, and as Is usual the last of the week trading was not very brisk. Owing, however, to the small run, buyers picked them up at Just about steady prices. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ko. 1... At. Pr. No. At. Pr. ....1014 4 70 tl 901 6 14 COWft. 4 MT 1 9 4 r.... 90 I 44 1 100 I 04 8 K10 IH HEIFERS. 1 1046 I 40 t 196 3 78 BTOCKEKnl AND FEEDERS. T 131 00 11 all $ TO 12 HI IM HOGS There was another light run here, about sixty-one loads being on sale. The receipts, however, were late In arriving, so that tne market aia not niaaa aa goou an Imnression as it should. After the stuff did get In there was little life to the trade and buyers were siow taxing nniu. mere was, however, considerable demand for good hogs and these kinds packers picked up at strong to higher prices. The medium and commoner grades changed hands at steady to stronger values, wnue some or the rough heavies looked a little weaker. The bulk of the hogs sold at $5. Aug 5. 26, with a top of $6.40, and tne general market could best be. called steady to strong, and in some cases 6c higher. Representative saiesi No. 44.. 41.. a::. At. k. rr. Na. II... It... It... 44... T7... 70... 72... M... 41... II... 14... 41... 71.,. 71... At. ..254 ..4 ..14 .1.1 .144 ..221 ,.2IT ..Slf ..HI ..140 ..221 ..IM ..141 ...I4 ...29 8k. 100 iio to la 130 rr. i to I 20 I 12 12 I 21 I 20 I 21 I 21 I 21 I ti I 26 I M I 21 150 16 In 4 IS lie 120 M I 00 I 04 I 01 I 07 I 10 I 10 I 10 1 11 i IS I 12 I 14 I II I II I II I u I II I II I 17 I 17 I to I 20 I to I 90 171 117 m 101 44 HI : 104 tm S44 174 14 264 Ill 240 tl 26( 10 244 4... 41... II... 44... II... 19... 41... ID... t... It... 4... 17... 17... 74... 13.., Ti.. 44.. 46.. 11.. 40 . 44 140 14 40 40 K I II I tl I II TI. 77.. 144 .271 to M 111 10 t4 ... I t7 S4 10 I 17 14 Jj4 10 I 27 0 I 17 60 211 10 t 12 40 I w aa lit 40 i ia 10 117 40 I ti ..244 ..2H 140 I 10 70 144 40 40 40 I tO 40 101 ... I 40 SHEEP There were only a few cars of sheep on sale, about twenty loads, hardly enough to make a market. The sheep market ' has been very satisfactory this week, but suffered today on account of the late arrival of the receipts which did not start coming In until after 10 o'clock. There was not much activity displayed this morn ing, buyers not being In any hurry to pick up the stuff, as they filled up pretty well tnis weea. it was aiong aoout nuaaay do fore anything or much conseauence was done and It gave the market a rather dull appearance, but the only reason fur the siow market was the late arrival of trains The market waa satisfactory and prices are sun nign. Quotations on fst sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, $6. . 7a; good to choice yearling wethers. $4 76U6.00: good to choice old wethers, $; good to duties ewes, 4 ljfl4.J. Quotations on feeder sheen and lambs Hood feeding lambs, $6.756.15; good feed In yearlings. $4.75ti6.10; good feeding weth era. M 2524.40; feeding; ewes, ' $i. 26 a 1. 75, oreeaing ewes, ixayut.w. Representative sales: No. 70 Nevada ewes, culls ... Av. . 82 . 93 . 98 . 93 6x7 Nevada ewes , 241 Idaho ewes 1184 Oregon ewes and wethers.. 6i,8 Wyoming wethers L96 Wyoming yearlings, feeders l!-4 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... . Nevada lambs 4 00 4 tw 4 60 ! M $ 26 70 I 90 4 00 00 00 1 10 ( 88 40 V 100 80 44 64 66 65 67 , 62 $3 to $49 Wyoming lambs, feeders 4.3 Wyoming lambs, feeders... InO Nevada lambs, feeders 1.(4 Wyoming lambs, feeders... tr.1 Oregon lambs, feeders 14 Idaho lambs, feeders 11$ Nevada lambs .... a 1579 Idsho lambs $04 Idaho lambs . 63 67 ( 40 60 CHICAGO 4LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Tea Teats Higher Hogs Steady to Higher. CHICAGO. Sept. 29 CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head. Market steady to lc higher; beef steers, $3 904 3: stockers and feeders, $Mo,B.4 0O; cows and canners, $1.26iui.75; bulla, $1204)170; heifers, $3.10u 4.20; calves, 2 (Kif7 26. HOGS Receipts, 12.000 head. Market 6c higher early, but advance lost; shipping and selected, $6 6ofu6.85; mixed and heavy packing. $4.90Ti6 67; light, S. 305.70; pigs and roughs. $V6otj60. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. IS.Oofj head. Market 10c lower; sheep, $.l00a6.10; lambs, $100u7.(M. Tfew York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 29.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 2.749 head. Market demoralised; fully twenty-five cars unsold. Native steers, $3.75TJ6.16; western, $3.60; stags, $3.7u4.o0; cows, ll.4om 40. Liverpool and Iiondon cables quoted live rattle soiling at U'u'l2c dressed weight; exports today, 4.200 quarters of beef; tomorrow, 1.900 cattle and 7.060 quarters of beef. 4. A LVE8-Receipts, ZKI neafi. siaraei steady. Grassers mill at $3 00414 60; westerns $3 50; veals, $6.00t&t60; little calves. $3.(fi 4.60; Indiana calves, $3.75S6.00; dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals. 8Vulc; country dressed, 8jl2c; dressed grasscrs and feed calves, 6fio. HOGS Receipts. 2.907 head: market firm: good state hogs, $6.9nfd.06. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1239 head. Sheep, market 15&c higher; lambs firm to 26c higher; sheep, 36.0OUi.l7; lambs, $.4.26419 75; oua car, $90; Canada lambs, $S.376.0. Kansas City Lira Stoek Market. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,800 head. Including 600 southerns. Market alow, steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 85.00tJ7f. R6; fair to good, $4.0Oft.00: western steers. l.7blj-4 60: stockers and feeders,a2.5cM.26; southern steers, $2,264 $.68; southern cows, 11. 75472.75; native cows. 1.7f4l8.:; native heifers. $2.4V)u.26; bulls, $2.t1'3 .00; calves. $2.6o6.00. HOOS Receipts, 4,844) head. Market Co higher. Top, $5.40; bulk of ssles. $5 266. 46; heavy, $S.3oR.4o; packers, $5.2&tf5.36; pigs and flprht. $6.0066. $2. BMriB.f APiD IjAMBS Receipts, x.wo head. Market atrons-. Native Iambi. 3o.2f,i 8.75; western lambs, $6.26!jjW.T5; fed ewes and yearlings, $4.00tf6.0n; western yearlings, $4.75iV6.); western sheep, $4.OO(04.75; stockers and feeders, $4.0534.60. St. I.oats Live Stoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 29.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 2.500 head Including 1,600 Texans. Market teany. Natives Shipping and export steers, 4a lhnfi RP." H . 0.4 lia.f anA Vi , i I. n atAarM $3.2664.10: steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.25f 0.1b; stockers ana reeders, 3z.00ir4.Qu; cows and heifers, 2.20S6.A0; canners, $1.75'&'2.25; bulls, $2.002.66; calves, $3.tPO.50; Texas and maian steers, u.oor3.26; cows and heifers, $2.O(ViT3.00. HOGS Receipts. 1.000 head. Market higher. Pigs and lights, $5.0t"!j6.65j packers $5.2666.65; butchers and best heavy, $6,609 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 hesd. Market atendv Katlva mnAna tA nrVr,.'. u- lambs. $5.5007.25; culls and bucks! $3,004 4.60; stockers, $2.264.26; Texans, $2.264.26. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sent. 29 CATTLE Keceipis, 1.134 head. Market active to steady. Natives, $3.65&4.00; cows and neirers. l.oo4.W; stockers and feeders, $2.76fi'4.00. HOOS-Recelpts, 4.824 head. Market steady to strong. Unlit, $5.30&.40; medium and neavy, szoaw-So. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 68 head. niaraet steaay; oamDS, ii.w: yearlings $4 90; wethers, $4.60; ewes, $4.26; feeding lain us, t.e. Sloax City Live Stoek Market SIOUX CITY, Sept. 29. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mnr ket unchanged beeves $4.5"a5.70; cows, bulls ana mixed, 3.'ns.b0; stockers and feeders $3.00fiJ 80: calves atnd vearllnas. tt 6043 4ft: HOGS Receipts 2,600 head; market strong to Bo higher, selling at $6.06(66.30; bulk of Stoek in Sight. Receipts of live-stock at the stx principal Tveoivrii 11iD.jK.Bia yesterQity: cattle, nogs, tsneeo South Omaha 6loux City .... Kansas City , St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Totals ..... 1.000 4,060 2.5O0 6,800 600 4,800 1.134 2.6O0 , 2.0UO 4.800 4.824 8.000 12.900 L&OO 68 800 12,000 ...11.9S4 $1,174 21.158 Kansas City 6 rain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Sept. 29 WH EAT Sen tember, 77c; December, 76c; May, 78 78c; cash, No. 2 hard. 8i!!82c; No. 1, 773 ovy; 10. a rea, Biiraoc; J o. , oofGotC CORN September, 48c; May, 89c; cash. No. 1 mixed, 4Kf48c; j. 1 white, 61 biic; ro. a, wraJioic. OAT8-N0. 1 white, 28S39c; No. 1 mixed, 28(6270. HAY Steady ; choice timothy, $9.60; cnoice prairie, ro'gwc RYE Steady : 64c. EGGS Weak; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2, whltewood cases Included. 16c case count. 14c; eases returned. c less. BUTTER Easy creamery. 19Ao: nark. Rec'pts Shlp'ts Wheat, bushels 166,000 160.000 t orn, oushels 41,000 160,000 Oats, bushels 18,000 9,000 The range of prices paid In Kansas Cltv aa reporna or ine t.awarns-wooa com pany, iiu-iu Hoard or Trade building, waa Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat Sept... TS 78 77 77 78 Dec... 77 77 7644 76 77 May... 79 79 78 78 79 Corn Sept... 48 48 48 Dec... 89 39 39 39 89 May... 89 89 39 29 89 Oats Dec... 25 26 25 26 16 May... 28 26 26 26 26 Pork Oct.... 14 27 14 47 1 4 22 14 47 14 47 Jan.... 12 40 12 40 12 32 12 36 12 42 Lard- Oct.... 7 17 7 17 7 07 7 07 7 17 Jan.... 677 $77 $70 75 6 77 Ribs Oct.... $47 $ 47 8 43 8 46 8 47 Jan.... 6 60 1 60 6 46 6 47 6 60 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta, NEW YORK. Sept. 29. -EVAPORATED APPLES Market nominal on light suddIv on spot, uommon to goon are quoted at o'o'c; prime, at 7c; choice and fane; grades are practically out of the marke ror tne time Deing and quotations are nominal. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT-Coast ad. vices Indicate rather an unsettled tone in the prune market, but local spot quota tions are unchanged, at 4fl7c, according to grade. Apricots are Inactive at the moment and the market la barely steady. Choice are quoted at 89c; extra choice, I ,&, o; fancy, 10911c. Peaches are dull and nominal. Raisins are unchanged on spot, with the trade waiting the ODenlna- prices on the new crop. by the combination. Seeded raisins are quoted at 6&Kc; loose muscami, vna,vtc, ana Lonaon layers at ll.16ljl.20. Lttadoa Closlagr Stocks. LONDON. Bept. 29. Closing ouotatlons on the Stock exenange were aa follows: Conaoia, monat 1144 N. T Cantral 111 da aoaeunt 144 Norfolk ft W 17 Anaconda 4 do ltd 14 Atcblaon ... ti Ontario ft W 14 do pfd .... lol PannajrlTanla n.yl.anla T944 d Mlnea 1 ding ! Baltimore ft or, 10 ins IRand Canadian Paclfle .174V4 Read Chaa. ft Ohio.., Chicago O. W... C , M. ft St. P. .10 do lat Bfd 4T . 11 do Id pfd 47 .14 IBoutharn Ry 31 . 17 d fd 101 . MS So. Pacific 71 . Lnloo Paclfle U . 414 do pfd 1)14, . 44 TJ. f Steal 144, . 7t! da pfd 1074t .144 .Wabaih il .118 'a I da pfd 41 . i Spanish 4a K ..44 DaBaara Dan .ar ft a. O do pfd Erla , do lat aid .... do Id pti Illlnoia Caulral LouliTllla ft N Mo . K. ft T... dn nfd SILVER Bar, quiet; 28 2-ld per ounce. MONEY 34i3 per cent. The rate r discount in the open market for short bills Is $ per rent; for three months' bills is 24(tl per cent Oils aad Roala. NEW TORK. Sept 29 -OIL8-Cottonseed. firmer; prime yellow, 2727c. Petroleum, firm; refined New York. $7 go: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $766; In bulk, $4.(6. Tur pentine, quiet, 8c, asked. ROSIN Bteady; strained, common ta good. $3 86. SAVANNAH, Sept. 29. -OIL Turpentine, firm. S6c. ROSIN Firm: Quote ABC, $1.60; D, $386; E. $4.; F. $4.40; G. $466; H. $4.60; I. $4 66; K, $4.70; M, $4.80; N. $4.85; WO, $5.10; WW. $6.40. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 29-COFFEE-Msr-ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices, to a decline of five points undr scattering liquidation, and gradually worked lower during the session under bearish reports from the coming crop and weakening closing cables from Europe. The market lned barely steady at a net at want failAiA, fcala I4ii ra- orted of SS.t4iO bags, Including October. St 95'u7c: November, 7.UH-; lecomber. 7 2" c. Jsntiarv. 7 SSc: March. I WJ.W-i May, 7 f"ti7.6"c; July. 7 5rli7 6iH:; Slot Rio, quiet; No. 7 remains $ 11-lAc. OMAHA, XARKKT. Staple and Fnapy Prednre. EGGS Recelpta, fair; maraet steadrl candled stock. 17o. LIVE POl l.TRY Hen', 10c: roosters, 6ci urkeys, 134jl5c; ducks, $9c; spring chick- ens, 10c. rtLTTER racking stock. 16c; choice to fancy dairy, lajlifc, creamery, iilc; prints. 21c fif'llin...4tan(ttrll mnUt. In $5 66 per cwt.; cules. 96 40 per cwt'.: cut lost f -r w., ' ' ' . nil, V-, lT"r fwi.j No. 10 extra C, er cw ; IS vellow, $o.20 per cat.; XXXX powdered. $&3g per cwt. FRESH FISH-'reut. lie: halibut Ho! buffalo (dresaedi, 8c, pickerel (dressed), 8c; white bass (aresseii), 12a; siinnrn. Be; perch scsled and dressed), 8e; Wke. Tic: catfish. 16e; red snapper, 10c; saltrtn. tie; croppies. eels, 16c; bullheads, lie. tolsck baas, ?5e; rhlteflah, 11c; frog leg, per dog., ters. green, f7ot boiled lobsters. e; loo. 90c: shsd oe, 45c; Mtieflsh. 80. HAY Prices auoted by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealer' aaaoclation: No. 1 upland, $6 50; medium, $8 nOffA.00; coarse, $$. BRAN Per ton. $11. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all aires. $VvqS M. LEMON'S Lemoniera, extra fancy $4$ glse, 17.00; 100 and $60 sixes, $7 Fnl'JS 00. DATES Per box of 80 1-rh. nkgs.. Ill Hallowe'en. In 70-tb. boxes, per lb., 6a. FIGS California, per 10-rb. carton, 76TJ lie; Imported Smyrna, 4-crovui, 12o; 6- crown, lie. BANANAS Per medlum-BIsed raicil, 11.71 62.16; Jumbos, $2 6flli3 0. M L i 1 S Ai4U Alll.i-4JINB. PEARS Colorado lsartretl. per 60-lb. box. $10O(u2.a6; Utah Bartlett, $2.00; Flemiab Beauty, $2 00. I'LL MS -Utah and Colorado, per 4-baskst crate, $1.00(31.25: Italian prunes. $1.26. rh.A4.iit.tJ cautornia rresiones, per oog. $0c; Elbertas. 90o; Colorado, It sise, 75o. tMAUiurs.--.-exas, pel crate. a.w, Texas. Rocky Fora seed. $i.5a WATERMKLONd AlaDama Mwasts. lt 2&a each; crated, lo per 1 APPLES L'utchess, iveaitn ana loci ripplns, In l-bu. bull.. :.7SBJU-'; in bu. baskets. $1.00; California Beliefiowers, $1.6 BLUEBKHR1ES Sixteen qts., li.. HL'CKLEBEKRlEa Sixteen its.. $1,604 1.76 GRAPES Home grown toncoras, per - lb. basket, 18c; Malagas and Muscats, per basket crate, $1.60: Tokay, per 4-baskat crate, $2.06. QUINCES California, per dox, ii.ia. SWEET- POTATOES lrglnla, per $-bu. bbl , 83 2S. TOMATOES Per basket. 4niffSOC VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS-Per H-ou. basket. 26cU3S0I String beans, per -BU. box, 26uS6o. rOTATOEB-NIW, per DU., BOO. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2 CO. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 26e. TOMATOES Horn grown, -btl. baakcU. $641 60c. CAUUAUti iiomo-grown, in crates, par lb., lc. ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red ana hlte, per bu., 40c; Spanish, per crate, $1.24. BEETS New, per bu., 7ic CELERY Kalamaxoo, per dog., S50. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 los.. $3.00. CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c: Wisconsin brick, 18c; Wisconsin llmberger, 16c; twins, -12o; young Americas, 12o. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, nW crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 18c ; No. 1 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 1 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12o; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7o( roasted, per lb., 80. Chill walnuts, per lb., 1218a. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17e; hard shells, per id., loc. nnenoark nicgory nuts, per bu.. $1.76: large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. HIDES No. 1 srreen. fs: No t green, so! No. 1 salted, inc: No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 1 veal calf. Ho; No. 1 veal calf, to; dry salted, 7614c; sheep peita. 2fceil.O0; horse bMes, CUT BEEF. No. 1 ribs. llc; No. 2 ribs. 8c; No. 1 ribs, 6c: No. 1 loins, 14c; No. 2 loins, 10c: No. $ loins, 7c; No. 1 chucks, 4c; No. 3 chucks, 4c; No. 3 chucks, lc; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 2 round, 6c; No. $ round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 8c; No. 1 plate, 3o. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. 29.-WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market: The strength of this market has been intensified by the position ot the Ixindon auctions, which closed September 27. Trading has beerl strong and with a general advance of 6 per cent. Sales of territory wools, principally In original bags, have taken place In 26,000 to l&0,0o0 pound lots, with occasional transfers of 100,000 pound lots. Bualness, as a whole, has been comparatively quiet, although there Is more Inquiry and call for sample bags of territories, as well as fleeces. Dealers feel that trade will follow In the course of a week or ten days. Quarters and s have the call In combing wool and half-bloods In clothing. Scoured wooli are also meeting with demand. Texas and California wools are quiet, while pulled wools have had some bualness In fine, long staple carrying wools and quarter comb ings. Wools have stiffened here In sym pathy with their strong position at Liver pool. The woolen mills In some Instances are receiving more orders, having turned to the manufacture of finer woolens, which have the appearance o' worsted. Con tracting for the 1906 clip has practically ceased In the west for the present, al though there Is a report of several 1917 clips contracted In Idaho. The shipments of wool from Boston to date, from Decem ber, 29, 1904, according to the same au thority, are 181,867,115 pounds, against 171,. 047,046 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 2X2.461,787 pounds, against 265,286,63n pounds for the same period last year. LONDON, Sept. 29.-At the Cape of Good Hope and Natal sheepakln sales to day 133,350 skins were offered, and of this number 96.02.) were sold. The offerings were generally In good condition and tin attendance was good. The demand was better than the August sale, and clean light long" wooled stock waa firm. Buyers seemed to favor short wooled and lambs, which sold a farthing dearer. Coarse sheep was In strong request and sold a farthing to a half penny advance. Metal Market NEW London quoted locally TORK. Kept. 29 METAT.B The tin market was lower with snot at 146 16s and futures at 145 16s. the market waa quiet with spot at $3?.Ki32.55. Copper was un quoted changed at 71 2s 6d for spot and 70 6s for futures In the London market. Locally business was reported nulct with quota tions unchanged at $16 2515 16.60 for lake: $16.12J16.27 for electrolytic and $15.87' 16 12 for casting. Lead was quiet st $4.SK 64.9i In the local market and a shade lower at 14 1s 3d in London. Spelter was higher at 27 10a In Indon. Locally the market was unchanged st $5 95i6 05. Iron closed at 4fis 4d for standard foundry and at 60s 6d for Mlddleshoro In the foreign markets. Locally Iron was firm with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at $17.rWVf;l7.75; No. 2 foundry north ern at $17.nOifji7.25: No. 1 foundry southern at $16.60vrn876 No. 3 foundry southern at $16.08 616.26. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 29 -COTTON-Spot closed five nolnts decline: middling uplands, 1085c; middling gulf, 1110c; Rules 100 bsles LIVERPOOL, Sept. 29 COTTON Spot In moderate demand; prices steady: Ameri can middling fair, 6.14d; good middling, 6 91; middling, 6 74d; low middling. IM; good ordinary, S.40d: ordinary. $.145. Thg sales of the day were 8,000 bales of which (00 were for speculation and export an) Included 4,7(0 bales American. Receipts were 4.100 bales, all American. Future) opened steady and closed steady. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 29 COTTON Firm; sales, 8,150 bsles; ordinary, 7c; good ordinary, 8 6-lc: low middling, 9 13.16c; mtrtltng. 10 7-16c: good middling. 10 11 -16c; middling fair. 11c. Receipts, 2,272 bales; stock, 76,614 bales. lagar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Sept. 29 ST'OAR Raw steadv; fair refining. $ 11-16c: centrifugal, 9f teat. $ ll-16c: molasses sugar, 2 1316c; re fined, unsettled: No. 6. 4 80c; No. 7. 4.26c; No. 8. 4.15c; No. 9 4.10c: No. 10. 406c: No. 11. 1.95c; No. 12. 190c; No. 13. 180c; No. 14. I 78c; confectioners' A. 4 7Ze; mould A. $25c; cut loaf, 5 60o: crushed 6.60c: powdered, $c; rranulated. 4 90c: cubes, 6 16e. MOLA88K8 Stesdy; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 'fi36e. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 29 SUGAR Map. ket quiet; open kettle, centrifugal, 4fi 4c: centrifugal whites. 4 15-165 l-16c; yea Iowa 4M44c: seconds. 27iSc. MOLA8HEB Nominal; open kettj, 119 26c' centrifugal. 6M4e. SYRUP Nominal at 2630a. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Sept. 79-Bank clearings for todnv were $1,868,390.1$ and for the corre sponding date last year $1,283,120.81 EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Iocor so rated) Mala Office Fifth aad Huberts Streets, ST. PAIL, MISX. Dealers la Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Grain to Uo Prnaeh Ottlee. 1141-111 Board of Trad tllda-.. Omaha. Neh. Telephone HB14, J12-H4 Exchange BWIg., South Omaha. Jala 'Poena tit, r Attdaysudeu 'Vboof 1 I I