Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee
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I 'ally Bee and Buadsy, one year J'
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KtBudrYayHSe?nnVmr"::::::::::::::::" IK
Dally Hp, (without Rundayi. pr weea...2c
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week.. 17c
Evening- nc (without 8undy). per week, so
Evening Re (with Sunday), per week. ..loo
Sunday flee, per copy 6
Adaress complaints or irruiriue m
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Communications relating to new and ed
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SAy that the actual numhet or 'uu ana
complete copies of The Daily, Morning,
t ii,ooo n 30,000
l 80,000
I T,no
4 80,040
1 89.3WO
7 30,040
1 H9.BSO
10 BV.K.VI
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Totals 030,250
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Net total aaJee
Daily average
. 2M.040
Subscribed In my presence aitd sworn to
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(St aJ) M. B. U UNGATE,
Notary Publia
whew our or tow.
Subscribers leavlac tke clr tens
porailly alio aid have The) Bee
mailed to (heaa. It Is better than
m aally letter treat hoaae. Ae
Areas will be ekaaged ftea at
For the next few days all roads lead
(ho I.' Til. .I.-.. I
to the King's Highway.
Engineers on the Suez canal can now
testify to the fact that "there's a nolo
In the bottom of the sea."
In demanding of iu teachers that
they agree not to marry for five years
Chicago is not giving enthusiastic sup
port to the movement against race sui
President hoosevelt starts to Wash-
Ington today. Press correspondents will
jnmedlately resume their wonted actlv-
ties, as the "cabinet situation" Is still
The proposition to transplant the
rVoodmen of the World headquarters
:o Council Bluffs is viewed from the
p of the Lnion raclflc bridge as an
smotlonal bluff.
Former Captain Carter's actions on
air wuiH-Be biuuu bimmv U1H a Drilliani
itrategist was lost to the United States
irmy when be took the road that led
to the penitentiary.
Nebraska is natieutlv wnitino- fop th
PhlladelDhla syndicate that controls th-
patent for converting cornstalks Into
wall paper, wrapping paper, waterproof
cloth and confetti to make good.
The decline In customs receipts at
Manila may only mean that Filipinos
are beginning to produce more of their
supplies at home something not neces-
sarlly calculated to cause alarm.
Judge Vlusonhaler's anxiety to return
to active law practice ls not half as
great as is his anxiety to dictate bis
own successor In office. Oan anybody
explain why? Can anybody guess?
In announcing her lntentiou to make
her visit to Japan strict private Miss
mi vrwutriiij ituuib w Bie some
thing of the country without having it
first officially prepared for Inspection.
Whatever may be thought of the ac-1
ceptance of tainted money for educa-
tlona) and benevolent institutions, the
first annual report of the Carnegie
library of Booth Omaha shows that It
ls a phenomenal success. I
It ! "up to" the Bengalee to prove
w.msejves mors poweriui in tneir boy.
eott than the Chinese. But with all of
Its "commercialism" Great Britain gen-
erany cirr.ei out i coiomai policy, re-
gardlesa of native protect.
Negro suffrage ls to be the sole po
litical lasiia nf Marvlnnd itemrvrit M
year. Sympathy for the "little brown
brother across the sea" will probably
not be a salient point of the Maryland
mH,. .i,, .h.-
The testimony of jucob II. Rchlff
shows that even at the height of the
excitement of speculation there was at
least one man ln New York who could
not see bis way clear to act as aaent
for both buyer and seller in stock deals,
In drawing a comparison between
railroads and other highways Richard
Olney evidently forgets that under the
alleged founder of democracy the gov-
ernment superintended the construction
of a post road a common highway
serosa the Allegheny mountains.
The Iowa idea as expounded by Lea-
lie M. Shaw ls that the American people
need more elastic currency, but, to a
man up a tree, it would seem that a
currency that has expanded by more
Ihan $200,000,000 within the last five
year is more elastic than an India rub -
bet auayeudur.
Early In November a conference will
be held t Chattanooga, one of the mat
ters to be considered being that of fed
eral quarantine. It la said to be the
Intention of the aouthern business ei-
changes, boards of trade and chambers
of commerce to ask the aid and co-
oration of similar institutions and of
business men generally of the north
. t n,pr ran nn dnnr.T flint
onrt ln,re cfln no aoum Hint
a request of this kind would be readily
... .
complied witn, ror tne enure country
. inttrM.A n thi nueatlnn nf nrotior
18 lnteresiea in tne question or proper
and adequate quarantine protecuon tor
the southern ports and it is now very
generally recognized that such protec
tlon can be given only by the federal
One of the promoters in the south of
e movenJent for national quarantine
says mat u aione can soive uie i"B
neMlm rt knenlnir out of the aouthern
' " ' ' r
ports the yellow fever Until the public
. .h.11 ilwtrnvwl thn fevpr
at large snail nave tiostroyea tne wer
Infection-carrying mosquito and thus re-
move all danger of an epidemic. He
expresses the opinion that another year
ftf mind rected ounrantlnes will make
.... . , ..
conditions truly deplorable. The move-
ment in the south contemplates bringing
this subject to the early attention or
anA Jr i. pTiwtpd that there
w 1 1 - -- i
will be no no serious opposition to action
for establishing national quarantine.
rrobftb'y Bome of tt southern sen-
ators and representatives will be found
now ag jn the past objecting on the
ground that it would Infringe state
rights, but after tne isew uneHns ex-
perlence such argument Is not likely to
. . . . f .
curry uiuvu rinu km m ... -
conclusively established tbere Is that
looal authorities are not competent to
deal wisely and successfully with an In
vasion of disease and besides are
usually not prepared for it Such an
epidemic as that at New Orleans is
more than a local perH and should never
be left to the Inadequate treatment of
the local authorities.
Proceedings have been instituted
against a number of persons in New
York charged with violating the law
prohibiting the importation of contract
labor. It appears that the Department
of Commerce and Labor has been en-
gagod ln nn effort to secure a more
strict enforcement of the contract labor
law, which there Is renson to believe
has been extensively violated in recent
years. One officer of the department
expressed the opinion that violations of
the law are not very numerous at pres-
ent - while flnother remarked that the
case found ln New York is one of a nu
merous class. lie said there can be
little or no doubt that the act is being
continuously and persistently violated
la " very shrewd way all over the
country. He had been informed that
many immigrants on arrival at once
take trains for distant parts of the
country and go to work there without
any delay or search for work, pretty
clearly indicating that they were under
contract before arriving. It is further
stated that in many cases it has been
found that the contract to come here
nd worfr WB. oniT nominal or was
nnrafullv v!1m1 ftfl In PflRAl whAI-A nion
nrnf.HM, mrBv . hftTA Wn tnM hv
friends that if they would come over
they could probably get employment ln
this country. It appears that ln all
such cases the doubt has been resolved
favor of the government
Tne ,aw aalnst allen labor contracts
Bhould r,gid,T enforced- n ls a
necessary now as when it was enacted.
11 was aeinanaeu iy uie iaci mat Thou
sands of laborers were constantly
brought into the country under con-
tracts that practically made slaves of
them. Eastern manufacturing centers
and 'mining districts were flooded with
contract labor, which was becoming a
danger economically and socially. The
law was passed to put a stop to this
and to a very great extent it has been
successful. It ls shown, however, that
labor under contract is still being Im
ported and this calls for greater vigil
ance on the part of the authorities. That
they realize this ls indicated ln what ls
done to enforc te law,
The democrats of Maryland bave un-
qualifledly declared that the only issue
in this year's campaign Is that of negro
suffrage. They are fighting for an
amendment to the constitution that
would disfranchise practically every col
ored voter tn the state, expecting thereby
to Indefinitely rjenetuate democratic
control. In this the are nursulne: the
C0UrBe na, beon adopted y, geT.
6ral southern states, but they have a
,es plausible reason for it, since there
ls no dflncor of n1Irro no,ltlofll domin.
tlon ln Maryland. The colored vote in
that state does not constitute a very
large percentage of the total and a
T"00 of " l" dtm0,ra!1,?- Moreovr-
it has not been increasing rapidly In
. 7 "B,,"
of tD Political machinery of the state
rikOAIir it ao Howl.,. V. . I v a. .. 1
iuc uniiwiiin- pnriy, unuer tne leaner
eblP of Mr- Gorman, proposes to firmly
mtreUth lt8elf DT taking the suffrage
"waT from tne colored citisens,
itie refublUans have accepted the
u,ue nA wlu mal-e most earnest and
determined fight to save Maryland from
I a policy whose Injustice all fair-minded
men must admit. They have already in
uncompromising terms denounced the
scheme of disfranchisement and shown
nP the fallacy of the democratic claim
I that there is danger of negro dotnlna-
I tlon ln the state. The republican ulat
form declares tbat the constitutional
amendment to be submitted to the
voters ls but the culmination of a nlot
long meditated and careiully planned to
I keep Marylaud under the control of the
political party now dominant and as
now organlted, regardless of the oeo-
pie's wishes, and, at the same time to
1 insure to the men who make up the
political organisation now in power per-
perual control of their own party, and
through it of the state government
"a control to be used In the future, as
it has been in the past, for their own
selfish ambition and fraudulent alms
and purposes, without rgnrd to the fair
fame or vital interests of the state."
It Is also declared by the republicans
that the proposed amendment affects
the right of suffrage of many more
white men than there are colored voters
In the state, Imperils the franchise of
all cltiiens of foreign birth or parent
age, imposes an Insulting and unending
restriction on all of the young men of
the generations to come and opens the
way and provides the opportunity to
Jeopardise the right to vote of any or
every citizen of the state. It is fur
ther snld that the proposed amendment
would enable partisan election officials
to prevent white men from voting by
an educational test, thereby more surely
securing democratic control of the state.
It seems hardly possible that a propo
sition against which such an Indictment
can be made will be approved by a
majority of the voters of Maryland.
The dojnocrats have an advantage In
their control of the election machinery,
but even with this there Is renson to
believe the scheme of disfranchisement
wili be beaten.
Within a quarter of a century pri
vate residence parks have been estab
lished in a number of American cities,
notably in New York, Boston, Philadel
phia and St. Louis, and it is to be hoped
tbat in the no very distant future
Omaha will emulate their example. Ex
perience ln several American cities has
demonstrated the impossibility of main
taining public thoroughfares exclusively
devoted to beautiful homes. Euclid
avenue in Cleveland and Wabash and
Michigan avenues ln Chicago afford
striking Illustrations of this fact
The origin of private residence parks
may be traced to prosperous home
builders who sought to establish beauti
ful homes on the most desirable resi
dence streets. Just about the time the
home builder got nicely settled and be
gan to swell with pride over his ex
clusive surroundings someone bMllt a
saloon on the next corner. Then came
a row of flats across the street then a
boarding house moved in next door and
finally a big livery stable, with its varie
gated odors, was erected right behind
bis home.
Aggravated- by the change of sur
roundings, the prosperous citizen aban
doned bis beautiful home, selling it at
a great sacrifice. Then he and some
other prominent citizens got together
and bought a whole vacant street' sev
eral blocks in length, put handsome
gates at each end, restrictions on the
property and again erected beautiful
homes. The sign over the entrance
gates was "Private." But in due time
an' enterprising real estate dealer con
cluded that this excluslveness made the
street on each side especially desirable
for rows of big flats, the rear ends of
which were backed right up to the rear
of the private residences. Then a street
car line went down one of the rear
streets, a saloon went up opposite one
of the exclusive gateways and another
and bigger livery stable faced the oppo
site one.
By that time the private street was
hemmed in on all sides and the aristo
cratic home builder vas in despair.
Then came the solution of the matter
in the shape of a great private resi
dence park, with its elegant homes, sur
rounded by lawns, trees and artificial
lakes that are forever dedicated to the
Joint use of the home owners within the
Our amlaLle contemporary, the Fre
mont Tribune, never opens its mouth
about Douglas county politics without
putting its foot in it. In its anxiety to
butt in, it accuses The Bee of choking
at a gnat and swallowing a camel In
refusing to support Charles Leslie for
county Judge on the ground that Leslie
ls not qualified for the bench as a prac
ticing lawyer and supporting Jules
Lumbard, who ls less qualified. This
accusation Is slightly at variance with
the facts. Conceding that Jules Lum
bard ls Just as well qualified for a seat
on the bench as Mr. Leslie, bis aspira
tions carry him no further than to the
bench occupied by the police magis
trate ln darkest Omaha. Up to this
hour The Bee has, however, not ven
tured to urge Jules Lumbard's election
to that office. The contention that
Leslie represents the will of the repub
lican party expressed through the off!
dally conducted primary Is also slightly
erroneous. Out of more than 7.000 re
publican votes registered at that prl
mary only a fraction over 2.000 were
cast for Leslie, while his opponents re
ceived nearly 5,000 votes.
A few mouths before his retirement
from office as state treasurer Joe Bart
ley negotiated amicable relations with
bis expected successor by loaning him
S30.0D0, but Casey failed to come to
the bat and when Bartley turned over
to Meserve a shortage of over $600,000
was uncovered, exclusive of the $30,000
edvanced to Casey to keep the lid down.
Moral Why does Vlnsonhaler want to
name bli own successor?
We are gratiUed to auiiounce that the
public lighting companies have come to
the rescue of Omaha with an offer to
relieve It from the menace of total dark
ness by the prepayment of their royal
ties. This generous tender is a most
sagacious Inspiration, as It will enable
the public lighting companies to absorb
the royalties before New Year.
A prominent New York capitalist tes
tifies that directors of large corporations
have little or no control over the execu
tive officers. This ls not announced
when a new company is neing rorui
with a lona list of directors, whose
J names are placed on the rolls to Inspire
the confidence of the public, but it la
doubtless true, nevertheless.
f leae rind to the l'elet.
Cblcaao Inter Ocean.
Whatever may be thought of Mr. fitlck
ney'B views. It cannot be fairly said that
he does not state them frankly and clearly.
Dilated (oaeolatloa.
Portland OreR-onlsn.
Judge rarker seems to think that It was
the republican campaign fund that de
feated him last November. The Judge's no
tion as to the power of money In elections
Is something extraordinary.
Aire Well.
New Tork Sun.
Polllver Is on suard. -Iowa Dlspatc.
Then the country Is safe and the watch
men on the walls can go to sleep. Bo
long as the Hon. Jonathan Prentiss Dolll
ver of Fort Dodge Is on guard nobody
can carry off these United States.
MakltiK the nest of It.
Kansas City Star.
The fugitive contractors, Oaynor and
Oreene, after having unsuccessfully fought
extradition, announce that they are "now
ready to face the courts of the United
States." "Was your wife willing to go "
asked the minister of the aged widower.
"Wlllln'?" was the reply, "wlllln't She
was obleeged to."
British Companies Ratlins; la.
Boston Transcript.
Acting on the assumption that Americans
want honest life Insurance, several of the
British companies are said to be making
plans for a more active campaign than
they have ever before waged on this side
of the Atlantic. They should be apprised,
however, that we already have a number
of very honest companies, not all of them
with headquarters In New York.
Roosevelt's Place In History.
Leslie's Weekly.
The president has added more to his
country's prestige and power among the
nations than any of his predecessors. . He
has made the name American as proud a
title to the person who bears It as the name
Roman was to the dweller on the Tiber In
the days of Caesar and Trajan. In the his
tory of the world-embracing events of the
early years of the twentieth century the
name of Theodore Roosevelt will always
hold a conspicuous place.
A Pertinent Inquiry,
New Tork Tribune.
The Interesting statement made ln the
United States circuit court at Chicago the
other day by A. B. Btlckney, president of
the Chicago Great Western Railroad com
pany, that the rallspads are at the mercy
of the packers, who gave the railroads to
understand that If they wanted their busi
ness they must haul meat at the packers'
prices, naturally suggests the query:
What would have happened had the rail
roads made the reply to the packers which
they made without hesitation to the small
Profits of Municipal Ownership.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
According to United States Consul Ma
hln, the Knglish city of Nottingham has
made a net profit of over $300,000 In ten
years from Its underground wire conduits,
and $1&S,1S1 of that sum was paid Into the
city treasury for the reduction of local
taxation. The contribution to lower tax
ation from this source during the past fiscal
year was 29,19. The net profit from the
municipal street railway system last fiscal
year was In excess of $100,000, and $T2,99T
was paid into the general treasury for
taxation reduction. The city gas plant,
which sells gas at 00 cents per 1,000 cubic
feet to ordinary consumers, yielded a net
profit during the year of over $150,000, $181,
395 of which was turned Into the city
treasury for general purposes.. It Is notice
able that the United States consuls In Eng
land are making frequent and generally
very favorable reports of the working of
municipal ownership undertakings there,
and they are becoming quite a feature of
the Washington government's daily con
sular publication, which ls giving them a
ready circulation.
Valuable Advice to Tonaar
Packed In Few Words.
Indianapolis News.
In his little talks to the people as he
might call them John D. Rockefeller has
said a good many interesting and valuable
things; nothing ranking higher In both
qualities than that ln which he said, speak
ing to young men he generally speaks to
young men "Don't be a good fellow." It
Is doubtful If more valuable advice to
young men was ever packed Into fewer
words. It Is of equal value to men at all
times of life, but Its additional value to
young men Is that at their stage of devel
opment the generous Instincts outrun dis
cretion. Like puppies they think every
body ls kind and honest and they are ready
to make friends on sight. The perversion
of this fine impulse ls to be a "good fel
low." This ls to give rein to a virtue
until It becomes an amiable weakness, and
thence degonerates Into a vice, the center
of which ls the grossest selfishness. Sel
fishness 'Is the rich bed and muck heap In
which most If not all forms of sin have
their root. A peculiar danger of the sin
of the "good fellow" is Its unusual quality
of self-deception. It lulls Its victims Into
the belief that he Is really very noble,
broad, unprejudiced, democratic, generous;
no stingy, old self-centered curmudgeon
who denies himself, and perforce everyone
else, this, that and another thing. And
that ls Just It; there Is the fatal assump
tion that undermines the whole foundation
of character.
In one of his plays Bernard Shaw pic
tures hell as a place where everyone Is
a "good fellow." Every want and wish Is
gratified; more than, "no sooner said than
done," It Is, no sooner wished than con
summated. The result ls "hejl" Indeed.
The utter satiety, the awful soul-sickness
that comes from this wallow of self-indulgence
makes Indeed "the smoke of torment
that ascendeth forever." Heaven, on the
other hand, he pictures as a place where
will rules, where choice Is exercised, where
there Is attainment. Whatever be thought
of this. It Is certain that the "light that
Ughteth every man that cometh Into the
world" shows that this earthly life means
denial, subjection, discipline, the substl
tutlon of will for desire, and that there Is
no happineas without It And as Pastor
Wagner aald ln one of his sermons ln the
News this effort Is constant; one that can
never rest on victory or, rather, In which
there never ls victory. There ls no place
or time where one may cease rowing to
use a familiar simile and drift. The cur
rent ls constant and life consists In mak
Ing head. As soon as we cease this we
cease to live.
Now Mr. Rockefeller's warning against
being a "good fellow" cuts to the very
core of aU this; touches the mainspring
and vital principle of all Ufa. Being
"good fellow" Is simply the envelope of
circumstances that surrounds everyone la
his dally relation to the world of little
things which means life. Myron Reed
said: "Life la Just simply doing common
chores; there Is so much going to bed, so
much getting up and so much making a
living." . Thus this existence fraught with
eternity addresses ltaelf and appeals at
first sight. If It beguiles Into being
"good fellow" (good fellowship is some
what different). It starts the blight that
will la time overspread all the growth of
The agitation In Oermany caused by the
high prices and the diminished supply of
butchers' meat, due to the closing of the
frontiers against Importation, Is assuming
national proportions, and Is winning the
support of great municipalities, such as
Berlin and Cologne. At a recent meeting
of the Berlin Municipal Council, the sec
ond burgomaster. Dr. Relcke, disputed the
statements of the Prussian minister of
sgrlculture. General von Podblelskl, and
showed from statistics that a serious
scarcity of meat prevailed, and that prices
had risen to an amount which, so far
as the masses are concerned. Is almost
prohibitive. He had received dosens of
petitions from petty officials and others,
who declared that heads of households were
no longer in a position to buy meat for
their families. The government, he said,
would ultimately he compelled to listen
to the representations of the cspltal of
the empire. Various other speakers, In
cluding Herr Singer, the socialist leader,
expressed the opinion that the present meat
rates would vastly Increase the numbers
of the social democracy. It was reckoned
that the average meat consumption of a
family of four persona In Berlin had
hitherto been BOO kilogrammes per annum,
Involving an expenditure of Z70 marks. In
view of the rise In prls this expenditure
was now Increased to 890 marks. A reso
lution was Unanimously adopted appoint
ing a committee to consider and report
upon the situation, and upon the expedi
ency of petitioning the government In favor
of opening the frontiers.
A Russian eolonel of artillery stationed
in Tashkent declared recently that the an
nouncement of Lord Curson's retirement
from the Indian vlceroyalty must have
been welcome news to the Russian politic
cal and military staffs in central Asia,
and no less gratifying, he was convinced,
to the Asiatic department of the Foreign
office at St. Petersburg; but all, he added,
would be Infinitely more pleased If Lord
Kitchener were also returning to Europe.
"At Teshkent," said the colonel, "Lord
Kitchener has latterly been regarded as
the British military proconsul, who, with
an extension of his chief command. Is
destined to cut the Oordlan knot of the
Afghan question by suppressing the "buffer
state' and making the British, Indian and
Russian frontiers ln central Asia con
terminous." The removal of the "buffer,"
he proceeded to argue, was a certain
eventuality of the near future. Its con
tinued existence Imperils the good rela
tions between the two empires, and that
peril ls not unlikely to become acuta within
the next few years. England's attempt to
remove the "buffer," he said, would prob
ably throw Afghanistan Into Russian arms;
Russia's attempt to accomplish the same
task would have Just the contrary effect.
'The Hungarian Crisis and the Hohen-
sollerns" Is the title of an extreme Pan
Oermanlst tract that has Just been pub
lished ln Berlin. The anonymous author
argues that Hungaty can never be a really
flourishing and Independent state until it
has shaken off the Hapsburgs and Installed
a Hohenzollern prince as king ot Hun
gary ln their place. To the German em
peror, he says, would fall the task of sav
ing the German-Austrlans from being over
whelmed by the Slav races. The latter, he
adds, would not be Influenced by senti
mental consideration of the Emporer Joseph
but would extend the Hohensollern domain
from Hamburg to Trieste and Istrla. Hun
gary, like Rumania, under the indepen
dent Hohensollern prince, would also stand
as a bulwark against Slav encroachment
In southeastern Europe, and would have
the noble mission of annexing Macedonia
as tar as Salonika. The pamphlet, the cir
culation of which has been forbidden ln
Austria and In Hungary, ends wKh art ap
peal to the German emperor to complete
the work he began by his phllo-Magyar
toast at Buda on September 20, 1607. On
the other hand, a Hungarian Journal, pub
lished for the Independents, declares, on
the authority of "an Austrian ex-minister,"
that the Emperor Francis Joseph's resist
ance to the Hungarian national demands Is
chiefly due to the German emperor, who
exerts decisive Influence ln all questions
likely to affect the efficiency otthe mili
tary forces ot the Triple Alliance. Far
from being a friend ot Hungary, says the
writer, the Emperor William la a sworn
foe to Magyar national aspirations.
Germany, declares a European paper,
needs larger battleships. It says the Russo
Japanese war has shown that, with the
help of telescopic sights, it ls possible to
Are with success at a distance of 6,600
yards (6,000 metres) or more. This Is on
the assumption that you bave the right
guns. Guns of the largest calibre are es
sential. To carry these, and to give them
a stable platform, large, battleships are
necessary. This Is why the English are
building the Dreadnaught, of 18,000 tons,
with ao armament of twelve 12-Inch guns,
the middle artillery being entirely dis
pensed with. The newest Japanese battle
ship, N, is to have a displacement of 19.-
000 tons, and carry four 12-Inch, twelve 10-
Inch and twelve 4.7-Inch guns. With such
vessels the new German battleships of the
O class, with their It, MO tons displacement
and their armament of four 11-lnch, four
teen 6.7-inch, and twenty t.46-lnch guns.
can bear no comparison. Beyond all doubt
Germany must Increase the displacement
and armament of her battleships.
The Russian newspapers, enjoying the
temporary relaxation of the censorship,
are full of stories of the maladministration
which ls directly responsible for the recent
anarchy ln the neighborhood of Baku.
They say that the Tartars have been op
pressed ln every way, but chiefly by arbi
trary dispossession. Finding no means of
redress, the mountaineers have for years
resorted to brigandage as a Justifiable
means of livelihood, and have been encour
aged tn this belief by the neglect or Ina
bility of the Russian authorities to punish
crime. The oil region has been systemati
cally parcelled out among the original
owners of the soil for purposes of black
mall, which every one had to pay unless
he wished his property to be destroyed or
himself to be murdered or held to raneoa.
The recent labor strikes, it is explained,
had the dual effect of stirring up discon
tent against the government and of stimu
lating the racial differences between Tar
tars and Armenians.
In commenting on the crimes of Chinese
laborers In Bouth Africa the London Chron
icle declares editorially that something like
a reign of ter.or prevails ln the Johannes
burg district. Scarcely a week now passes
without news of some mutiny, outrage, or
murder by the "Indentured laborers."
Elaborate police precautions are being
takun, and the authorities have even gone
to the length Of supplying magistrates with
arms and ammunition tor discretionary use
by farmers residing In the neighborhood of
the mines. What a commentary Is here
on those wondrous pictures, limned by
fluent and disciplined pens, of the Idylllo
life lived by Inoffensive Asiatics In the
delectable compounds provided for them by
the thoughtful and philanthropic mine
owners. And what a reflection on the
"Imperial" statesmanship which permitted
these degraded serfs to be brought to
South Africa and dumped down on a col
ony won by the British flag by So many
sacrifices! Like Individuals, governments
reap what they have sown, and the present
ferment In Johannesburg Is the natural re
sult ei Ike "Labor Ordinance.".
Prekleua of Rate Resolution Must Re
Soiree: There.
Baltimore American.
Representative Tawnsy of Minnesota, one
of the leading young republicans of the
house cf representatives, while In Washing
ton a few dsys ago expressed the opinion
that the next congress must pass a ntllfoad
rate legislation Mil. 'There must be, rate
legislation at the next session," he said.
"There Is a general demand for It. But."
he added, "I think that If the house passes
another rate regulation bill before the sen
ate has acted we will become the laughing
stock of the country. When the senate has
once passed Its bill we can act In the house
In less than a week." (
Mr. Tawney's statement, taken in connec
tion with the announcement of Senator Dol
llver of Iowa, that there will be an honest
effort made to pass such a bill as President
Roosevelt wsnts outlines a promising pro
gram. Senator Elklns. the chairman of the
Interstate commerce committee, has called
a meeting of that committee for November
16, at which meeting the bill will be drafted
which Senator Elklns hopes to make a law.
Senator Dolllver has announced that, at the
rlak of disagreeing with a majority of the
committee, there will be a bill drafted by
him and several colleagues which will go
much further than will Mr. Elklns' bill.
There Is then the certslnty of a full debate
on the subject In the senate and ef a square
test of strength. The bill which 8enator
Dolllver and his followers will press will
represent, not perhaps all that the rate
regulators of the western states would like,
but all that they hope to enact Into law.
The bill reported by. Senator Elklns will
represent all or nearly all that the friends
of the railroads will concede. Both sides
will expect to make concessions, and the
bill that Is finally adopted by the senate as
the compromise between the Dolllver and
the Elklns measures will be the bill that
will become a law.
This program practically 'excludes the
house of representatives rrorrt all part In
the making of the law, although under the
constitution It Is co-ordinate In legislation
with the senate. But as Mr. Tawney ad
mits, the house does not seem to be consid
ered by the senate when Important bills are
framed. "In the last half dosen years,"
says Mr. Tawney, speaking out of his own
personal recollection, "we have passed six
or eight bills of prim Importance which the
senate has completely Ignored." He might
have added all the tariff bills that the hntrse
has framed In the last twenty years. So he
ls probably right In suggesting that It Is a
waste of time and dignity for the house to
pass a rate regulation bill. The senate will
pay no attention to It, but will debate the
subject ln Its own time and way and will
finally send to the house the measure which
It deems proper And then, as Mr. Tawney
remarks, ."when tne senate has once passed
Its bill we can act In the house in leas than
a week."
It Is a simple program and saves the
house much time and trouble.
One More Invention Heeded
Blase the Way.
Chicago Chronicle.
Anyone who has caught a whiff of the
"exhaust" from the gasoline motor of an
automobile will have strong prejudices
against the use of oil as a fuel unless some
method of perfect combustion oan be found
to do away with the odor. Anyone who
has observed the black, greasy smoke
from crude oil fuel will have the same
prejudice, based upon the effects of par
tial combustion.
The use of oil as a fuel is contingent
upon the invention of a method for com
pletely burning up oil fuel Instead of con
suming only a relatively small part of It
and throwing forth the rest to poison and
pollute the air In the vicinity. Oil fuel
will not become popular we may even
say that It will not be practicable until
odor and smoke alike are disposed of.
When that shall have been done the field
for oil fuel will be practically limitless.
When crude oil can be burned in ordinary
domestic furnaces, In kitchen stoves. In
heaters and beneath steam boilers In man
ufacturing plants with the same freedom
from dirt and odor as Is possible with an
thracite coal the oil fields of Kansas and
Indian territory will rival, If they do not
supplant, the hard coal region of eastern
Pennsylvania as the source ot national
In the middle west the advantages of oil
over coal ln price, compactness and ease
of transportation will quickly give the
liquid fuel an advantage over the solid
It Is safe to say that If oil were as cleanly
and easily handled as hard coal half the
steam plants of Chicago would be burning
it within six months and the other half
would be making arrangements to put It
In. The matter of relative expense alone
would Justify the change.
The whole thing hinges upon the Inven
tion of a practicable device for perfecting
the combustion of the oil. Smoke and
fumes must be eliminated from the propo
sition. When that Is accomplished an oil
well will once more become , the synonym
for riches that it was when "Coal Oil
Johnny" Steele was giving diamonds to
bootblacks and when the figure of the day
was the man who had "struck lie."
The problem . ought to be no Imposing
one to American Inventors, stimulated, as
they should be, with the knowledge that
fame and fortune await the discoverers of
the practicable odorless and smokeless oil
(lard Jot to Hold.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The young man who took about 6160,000
out of the state treasury of Indiana was
known among his friends as a good fel
low." The "good fellow" reputation ls a
hard thing to live up to.
Browning, King tk Co
For life's bat
tle clothing Is
the beat equip
ment Beau
i Fliteenth and
j Douglas Sts.
Brawajr mi ttm trmm HEW
Senator Foraker makes the Welkin ring
with a locomotive bell.
Flora, Ind., a town of t,ono peor'e. Pr
Its mayor 6T-0 a year and expects him to
work overtime.
Some Pennsylvania bankers are resenting
the double touch of Senator Penrose. The
plum tree has been shaken to a standstill.
President Roosevelt's admirers In New
Tork City are agitating the question of
naming a prominent thoroughfare after the
chief magistrate.
Events In New York City Indicate that
the state Insurance commissioners did not
learn enough about life Insurance methods
to canoe hesdache.
Senator La Follette Is said to have gath
ered In 630,0ii0 from his summer lecturing
tour. The Wisconsin reformer Is laying up
fuel for hot campaigns to come.
'Thllonophy, my boy," says Senator
Piatt. "Is the cureall for every evil life
has." strange Isn't It, how the great
speclflo falls to act on fall suits?
Governor Folk says he Is not a saint and
never posed for one. The fact that he
pays railroad fare when he travels naturally
causes reopln to look for the halo.
Several New Tork sssembleymen, who
voted to keep Judge Hooker In office hava
been vigorously kicked over the fence by
their constituents at recent primaries.
Tom Tlatt reached Kansae City, In a sul
phurous frame of mind. He had to stop
there long enough to permit a change of
locomotives, and the delay riled his usually
sunny temper.
Washington will extend the glad hand
to President Roosevelt on his return to
the White House today. Oyster Bay
achieved too much publicity during the
summer. From now on Washington will
occupy the center of the stage.
Governor Hoch ls striving to screw down
the lid In Kansas City, Kan. -As the local
authorities refuse to sit on It, the governor
has begun proceedings to oust them from
office The fear ls growing that Hoch Is
suffering from water on the brain.
By cancelling an old contract and ad
vertising for new bids, Philadelphia got
work done for 6350,000, which was to cost
I7M.000. Still there are people In the old
town who regard public economy as a
melancholy symptom of public decay.
New Jersey shows a gain of 250,000 In
habitants lit five years. The remarkable
fact that corporations pay their taxes In
New Jersey without a kick or an In
junction ls an Irresistible attraction for
people studying the phenomena taxation)
"I tell you." said Galley, "we had a hot
old time last night."
"So?" replied Bailey, "what was the
csu;e of It?"
Cold bottles." Philadelphia Press.
"Are you going to betray the people after
they put you into office?
"My dear sir." answered Senator Sorg
hum, "you misapprehend. The people did
not put me Into office. And shall I go back
on the men who did?" Washington Star.
Boy Say, mister, you're losln' your
Automoblllst Tnanks. You can have It.
Penelope was unraveling the shroud.
"How foolish!" they cried. "Why don't
you pick the other women's dresses to
pieces instead?"
Gladly accepting the hint, the time until
Lys returned seemed short indeed. New
York Sun.
"What do you think of the simple life!"
asked the earnest friend.
"It Is a fine Idea," answered Senator
Sorghum, as he lit a perfecto. "We do the
real living and let the producing puhllo
furnish the simplicity." Washington .Star.
"He reminds me of a postage stamp that
you've carried In your pocket too long,"
"As how?" . .
"He's so badly stuck on himself that
he Isn't worth 2 cents for any practical
use." Cleveland Leader.
"Now, the trouble with Jlgsby," said the
man who knew him. "is Just that he doesn't
pay any attentions to details "
"Don't you believe It," Interrupted New
Itt, "he was the only man at a certain
summer resort last month and he was kept
busy paying attention to detail after detail
of girls "Philadelphia Press.
"Do you Is true that half the
world doesn't know how the other half
"No. They're building all the apartment
houses with air shafts now." Record
Herald. BACK TO N ATI' RE,
S. E. Klser In the Record-Herald.
We may deem him great or suppose htm
Who sits at his desk through the busy
And rules where the temples of commerce
And r.iaks as only a master may.
His garb ls rich and his hands are white
And his brow Is high and his mien U
But now and then, if his heart is right,
He longs to flee from the noise and
crowd, '
To feel the sod yield under his feet,
To breathe where the air has the tang
of moss, . .
To bare his throat to the wind and sun
And leave hla taska for a while ur.dotte.
Forgetting gain and disdaining loss.
We msy give him praise who ls faithful
HeWservs for the bread that bis dear
We may deem 'his love and his patience
For his hopeful heart we may call him
His daughter's graces may give him pride.
He may boast of things that his son
achieves , ,1 . .
And nvarve her faith who walks at his
Content with believing what he Jel'".
But now and then. If his hert lirjM,
He longs to stray from the haunts ol
To leave' hie cares and his love .'nd.
To answer the call from the woods and
Hisflofd lost heritage there again.
FROM Underclothing in
every good fabric and
make to the Top Coat,
light or heavy, short, me
dium or long, the best
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Underwear from $1 a garment op
Overcoats, $15 to $35
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rawarr, Cetaar fejaaaro