Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Mull copies to your out-of-town friends.
Pages 1 to 8.
Equitable, New York Life aad Mntaal
Combine to Watch Legislation.
Equitable Society Paid Him $65,596 in
Eight Tear.
lays in Effsot that Bteord ef Board Pro
ceeding! ia raise.
President and Vice President Had
Entire Chare of Affair aad
Directors Were On If
NEW YORK. Sept. 29 When the legis
lative committee on the Insurance Investi
gation adjourned today until next Wednes
day, tt concluded a week In which greater
progress had been made than in any week
since the investigation waa begun. The
testimony of witnesses that have been
called during the werk was replete with
sensations, and today was no exception.
During the afternoon session today when
Alfred W. Maine, associate auditor of the
Equitable Assurance society was called, It
was disclosed that the Equitable, the
Mutual and the New York Life Insurance
companies had formed a pool to look after
the legislation In various states. Andrew
Hamilton, to whom President McCall of the
New York Life paid several checks, the
purpose for which the counsel for the com
mittee, Mr. Hughes, has not yet brought
to light, was one of the chief members
of the legal staff for these companies and
was employed and received money for
services from the Equitable. Mr. Maine
told of the division of the country to be
looked after by Mr. Hamilton In conjunc
tion with K. I.. Short and W. P. Thummel.
Witness presented vouchers for moneys
paid by his company to Mr. Hamilton, and
these showed that In eight years, from
1S95 to 1903, the sum of $65,596 wa paid to
Mr. Hamilton for legal services. Mr. Maine
could not give any details of the duties
performed by Mr. Hamilton, nor the com
mittees he appeared before, beyond the fact
that Mr. Hamilton looked after legislative
matters for all three companies in the
states west of Ohio. Witness told of an
agreement whereby special counsel was em
ployed by one company In Its territory and
the expense was shared by all. He was
asked If campaign contributions came
under his observation, and he replied they
did not. He never heard of money being
paid to Influence legislators. He was ex
cused, but will be called again to submit
transcripts of accounts giving information
he was unable to supply.
Rome Real Estate Transactions.
Mr. Maine waa followed In the afternoon
session by Edward I. Devlin, tha real es
tate manager of the New York Life for the
UTOted States and Cnnada. Mr. Devlin
was called to testify as to the coat of the
building In Paris. He had only the tran
scripts of the reports of the department
made to the home office, but it transpired
that the Paris building waa carried on the
books at $1. 102,604, whereas with the original
cost and Improvements on the building
actual money to the art cunt of $2,553,104
was paid, over $1,000. Mo being charged off
the valuation on the books of the com
pany. Mr. Devlin said the net Income of
the building to the company was 1V& per
cent of the actual amount Invested on
the building or between S and 3H per
cent on the amount at which the building
was carried on the books.
Mr. Devlin waa on the stand when ad
journment waa taken, but he will be called
again to submit transcript of the record
to supply further information.
eh Iff (liri Sensation.
Not the least development of the day
was the appearance or the stand of Jacob
kH. Schlff, head of the banking firm of
Kuhn. Loeb A Co. Mr. Schiff was tho
first witness of the day and he remained
on the stand until 2 o'clock. Mr. Schlff
had been waiting In the committee's session
chamber for a day and a half, being un
der subpoena and when the usual time for
recess arrived, Mr. Schiff desired to pro
ceed as ha had an engagement for tha af
ternoon. Mr. Hughes explained the situation to the
committee and It was agreed to continue
until Mr. Bchlff had concluded his testi
mony. Most of the time Mr. Schiff reclined
leisurely In the chair on the witness stand.
but as one point after another came out he
grew excited and vigorously defended his
attitude while a director of the Equitable
society and claimed his firm had acted In a
conscientious manner in all dealings with
the society. At the conclusion of his testi
mony and before tha committee adjourned
Mr. Bchlff asked to be allowed to make a
statement. He waa permitted and he stepped
briskly forward on tha platform toward a
small table and made an Impassioned at
tack on tha state superintendent of Insur
ance and statementa he had made concern
ing Kuhn, Loeb A Co. during the investiga
tion of the Equitable. Mr, Schlff empha
sised, his remarks by rappings on the table
and frequently ha raised his voice until it
was almost a ahout.
Bays Records Are False.
During hla teatimony Mr. Schiff made the
charge that tha minutes of the finance com
. mlttee regarding a certain meeting were
false. He later qualified this, horn ever,
saying that If tha transaction under con
sideration on Union Pacific were actually
made h did not hear It, although he was
present at the meeting. Against his testi
mony regarding tha power of the finance
committee of the Equitable Mr. SchlfT
waxed warm In hla explanation and said
that the entire committee was at the mercy
of one man. "It waa all Hyde," Mr. Schlff
said; "all Hyde and Alexander." Mr. Hyde
wrote the messages regarding tha offer of
my firm In the participation. Mr. Hyde
algned tha receipts, Mr. Hyd wrote the
In the matter of the Jamea II. Hyde and
associates syndicate Mr. Schlff warmly
charged Mr. Hyde of trying to shield him
self. He said the position of a director in
the Equitable waa that of a negligible
quantity and that the directors were mere
figureheads. He said he had never asked
any favors of the Equitable society.
"I have granted many favors." he aaid. "I
have not dona aa a director of tha Equi
table any wrong of commission. I may have
done some of omission. It is a case of hind
sight and not one of foresight. But my
conscience ram of my bond. I have
been as good a director as I knew how to
be, and I did my duty."
Schlv Teutlmoar In Detail.
Mr. Bchlff said he had become a director
of the Equitable society tha latter part of
(CenUaued. oa JTourtn Face.J
Swindler Who tiot Valuable Securi
ties from rw Vork Bank la
Still at l.arae.
NEW YORK. Sept. 29 -So far as could
be ascertained today no attempt has yet
been made by the thief who got posses
sion of $., 000 worth of securities by pre
senting a forged check for them at the
National City bank yesterday to dispose of
them. Detectives and the financial men
Interested In the loss are making every
effort to prevent the negotiation or sale
of the securities and to find the young
man who presented the bank a forged
check bearing what purported to be the
signature of Pearl & Co., the owners of
the securities.
Much significance is attached to the fact
that the certified check exchanged for the
valuables waa made out with one day's
Interest at 4H per cent Instead of 4". Pearl
& Co., the owners of the securities which
they had deposited as collateral on the
previous day, thought the rate was 4i,
although the bank authorities put It down
at 4H on their books, and this fact tends
to show, according to the detectives at
work on the case, that the forger must
have been In close touch with the loan
department of the National City.
President Frank A. Vandcrllp of the Na
tional City hank made a statement today
regarding the theft. He said that Pearl
A Co. made a loan at tha National City
bank through the Stock exchange In the
ordinary way. On Wednesday a check,
apparently fronr Pearl ft Co., was pre
sented drawn on the Hanover National
bank, and with a certification made for
the exact amount of the fuce of the loan
plus the Interest for one day. This showed.
he said, that the person who made the
forgery had known the details of the loan.
the Ann, the rate of Interest and the
amount, which are the elements of Inter
est calculation. The forgery of the name
of Teller Burns of the Hanover hank Mr.
Vandcrllp pronounced especially good. He
said that no one In the employ of the Na
tional 'City bank was suspected In the
The freedom with which securities repre
senting hundreds of thousands of dollars
and even certified checks for large amounts
are entrusted to messenger boys was re
ferred to by an official of the National
City bank In dlneusslng the disappearance
of the Pearl ft Co. securities. The Na
tional City bank has been loaning $50,000,000
a week lately, he said, and much of this
had been taken away by messenger boys
In the form of certified checks. Even aa
he was speaking three small messenger
boys in uniform came to the loan window,
put In securities and drew out checks for
loans aggregating $
The National City bank officers say they
have no description of the, person who put
In the check and took out the bonds.
E. F. Slayhack of the firm of Pearl &
Co. said it was possible that the thief
might have already realized something on
part of the securities. He said: '
I don't think It possible for the thief
to have negotiated the Tobacco and Wa
bash bonds. The Tobacco bonds are coupon
bonds and they are worth more than $50,000.
If he could negotiate them alone he could
throw the rest away. These bonds have
coupons ayable on October 1. He could
sell the coupons."
Former Auditor of Indiana Accused
of Grand Larceny and
Other Crimes.
INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 29. David E.
Sherrlck, former auditor of state and
recently removed by Oovernor Hanly was
arrested at his home today on an Indict
ment returned by the Marlon county grand
Jury, charging him with grand larceny.
embezxlement and conspiracy to defraud.
He gave bond In the sum of. $20,000.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 29-Willard 8. Wlck-
erd of Indianapolis, a grand Jury witness
In connection with the alleged shortage
of former State Auditor David E. Sher
rlck of Indiana, who has been In St. Louis
since Wednesday, was seen tonight and
asserted that he came here to attend a
meeting of the J. H. Murray Lumber
company and to assist Mr. Sherrlck by
arranging to take up notes which are not
due until next spring.
"We borrowed $48,000 from Mr. Sher
rlck," he said. "It waa charged by Gov
ernor Hanly that I had signed the notes
without due authority from the J. H. Mur-
ray Lumber company. The charge Is un -
But to assist Mr. Sherrlck, who Is
a personal friend of mine, I came to St.
Louis to make arrangements to take up
the notes, which are not' due until next
"My wife and I will depart tonight for
Indianapolis and I ahall at once take up the
matter of the notea."
Oregon Railroad and Kiarlarntlon Com
panr to Tie I'p with Cana
dian Pacific.
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 29-The Orego
nlan today says that retalllatlon on the
Hill Unes for building the Portland
Seattle railroad to reach Portland by the
water level route along the Columbia river
.... , .
will come in the form of new trafflo agree-
menta by which the Oregon Railroad tt
Navigation company will admit the
Canadian Pacific Into the Columbia basin.
through the Spokane gateway, it ia said,
and through such an arrangement uae it
a. a weapon to combat the Northern Pa-
cine inu vxit-si iuniinn, m-ir iiioi K
gresslve competitor for northern traffic.
By such an adjustment, the present trafflo
agreement with the Great 'Northern will
be abrogated a:id the Harrlman lines will
be in the advantageous position to offer
northern routing where desired, either for
freight or passenger traffic and prevent
Cither of the rival competing roads sharing
In earnings derived by auch service. It Is
claimed mat tiarnman interests nave round
It possible to enter into a aort of offensive
and defensive traffic alliance with the line
across the boundry and will make the
connection by means of the link now
building known as the Spokane interna-
Validity of Minnesota Law Taxing
Franchises of Outside Corpora
tions to Be Determined.
ST. PAUL. Sept. 29.-8wlft and Company,
the big packing concern which haa a plant
at South St. Paul, ia to be uaed aa a me-
dlum for a teat In the courta aa to tha Wn don. ,h. recent insurance lnvestlga
right of the state to tax tne franchise, of Uon, , men from inaurln-. thelr
foreign corporatlona doing bualneaa in
j Minnesota under the Somervllla act. T.
r'iun Vi ...auo . ,,...110.1 io
ia eneci at m. meeting 01 me Mate Urfc -Taxation." he said. "Is for the pur
Bourd of Equalisation today following a of raUlnf fund. for protection and the
raise of 60 pvr cent of the personal prop-
! erty assessmen returned by the company
itn Dakota county. The motion was
adopted. .
Commercial Clab Eatertains Executive
Council of Woodmen ef the World.
Speakers Aaanre Gueste Dealre Was
to Retain Headquarters and
Favors Treat Ins; the
Order Fairly.
The banquet given by the Commercial
club last evening to the sovereign officers
and executive council of the Sovereign
camp of the Order of the Woodmen of
the World, now in session In this city, was
largely attended by representative business
and professional men of Omaha, and waa
withal a notable gathering.
The Important feature of the occasion
W'as the discussion following relative to the
possibility of the removal of the Wood
men of the World headquarters from
Omaha on account of the avowed determin
ation of the state officers to tax the 13.000..
000 securities representing the reserve fund
of the order, and which matter Is now
pending In the supreme court of the state.
The special guests of the evening wit
Sovereign Commander Joseph Cullen Root,
Sovereign Clerk John C. Yates and C. C.
Farmer of Mount Carroll, 111., N. B. Majey
of Muskogee, I. T., C. K. Irwin of Milwau
kee, Wis., L. Q. Rawson of Cleveland, O.,
H. F. Simrall of Mississippi, E. B. Lewis
of North Carolina, W. A. Eraser of Dallas,
Tex., J. E. Fitzgerald of Kansas City, Mo.,
B. W. Jewell of Omaha, T. E. Patterson
of Chattanooga, Tenn., and Morris Shep-
perd of Texas.
Euclid Martin of Omaha was toastmaster
of the evening. In his introductory re
marks he stated that "It was evidently
shown to the guests of the evening that by
the presence of these representative citi
zens here that we want the Woodmen of
the World headquarters to stay with us.
AH over the country now prevails consid
erable agitation on the taxation question,
and two or three years ago this city was
deluged with another spasm of taxation
reform, which was finally amicably ad
Justed, and I fear that If you conclude to
leave us on account of the prevailing agi
tation and go elsewhere that you may be
Jumping out of the frying pan Into the
fire. And I anticipate that If the law Is
Interpreted rightly that there will be small
reason for you to worry."
Vnlne to Omaha.
H. C. Brome was Introduced as the first
speaker. He said:
Gentlemen of the executive council, as
guests of the Commercial club of Omaha
this evening, you see hefore you something
of the sprit of the club on this question
that is now interesting all of us. We want
you to remain with us and for the Informa
tion of thoHc who may not know or realize
the full Importance of this Institution to
Omaha, I have gathered the following facts
i i o,n
rom the sovereign office today, which will be put forward next winter will be danger
h0.,o l.'!Tl"h." how Profitable It will be ! , to the Esch-Townsend bill, "under tho
has nearly $4,000,000 -f securities deposited
In this city. $340,ft0 is received in this city
every month from the different members of
the order. Of this amount 78 per cent Is
paid out monthly In death losses. The
amount of clerk blre paid out monthly In
this city in the sovereign offices Is $6,000,
and for salarres to officials J23.4O0 Is paid out
annually. I can safely siiy that the execu
tive council when It meets here does not
carry-away any of Its salary. There In patrt
put for printing as.OOfl every month; $25.h)0
Is paid out annually- for postage. The
Woodmen Circle or Forest headquarters
which are also located here, employs some
twenty people. This branch of the brder
pays out In this city yearly $20,ooo In sal
aries, $.'0,000 for poatnire and expressage and
$12,000 for printing. This Institution, which
started fourteen or fifteen years ago on a
xero basis, has by conservative and honest
management reacnea its present mngnltucle.
It Is represented by 5.000 Independent Sub rl
dlnate organizations all over the United
Suites, who dally and monthly hear of
Omaha through their dealings with the
fimii urbanization. Its business Is desir
able and ought to be retained here. We
propose to detil with the organization fairly
and will do all we can to see that it is
treated fairly. We will treat you aa fairly
as any other state can. There are of course
different methods applied In different states
regarding insurance companies, and we will
treat you as fairly as any other state can
afford to treat you. Better than that we
cannot promise Just now, but ultimately
this matter will be settled falrlv and Justly
The people of Omaha are proud of the
Woodmen of the World and of the work of
Mr. Root and Mr. Yalea and their great
work will live longer than any of us shall
Law of Public Opinion.
G. W. Wattles waa the next speaker and
said in part:
In regard to the tax agitation. I be
lieve that there is a law ei-eater than . nu
other law, and that is the law of public
. opinion, t'uiitic opinion makes a law-of
' t 1 J nan tnat expounded by
Jno tA .o cr B l"i!;,i"eES
i a 1 1 1 ii tr-ai tr ana Alail k. t ti... . .
j men who put aalde a few dollars everv
month to keep their famlllea from tha
poor house when they can no longer help
them. This reserve fund does not belong
to these men of the sovereign camp of
the Woodmen of the World, but Is a fund
that must be distributed to the policyhold
ers everywhere throughout this country
This surplus is Invested in securities and
is deposited In our banks and thus adda
to the prosperity of our city and its busi
ness Interests. Becuuse this fund Is gath
ered and kept here It Is hardlv fair to
exact a tribute from it. It does not belong
to the people of this state, no more than
does the reserve funds deposited In our
banks from the smaller banks throughout
the state belong to us. Aa soon as tha
public understands the exact relation of
this fund as a taxable proposition they
will not agree to tax It. We are not going
to Sit Idlv hv hero .na "
I oone. T nt be,,. that there is i
citizen of Nebraska who holds an insurance
! fr",cy. W.'l01-Wciuld dvDca,5 the principle of
taxing this reserve fund. Such a im
would take Just that much from the aav
Ings of every policyholder. This trust
l,u",dJs hnds of honorable men and
?veVycUlS!en,U"? ha'wiu" Vna
j protest against doing the Woodmen of the
' "orld the Injustice of taxing this fund
j ?hnd TtMZ' W'" b9
Expects a Square Deal.
Edward Rose water said:
On the shield of the seal of the state of
Nebraska Is the motto. 'Equality before the
law. The motto of our honored president
Is, A aquare deal for every man AH that
kiiouiu ne demanded of any people is a
haps, one of the worst agitators, and' I do
not feel like apologizing for what I have . uy ik.i want 10 see any Institution
I driven out of Omaha, and I do not thi
j there Is any reason to be frightened In this
Instance. If it comes to the inm ih. ...... i
amount of tax you may have to pay will be
only about $X.00rt, and this could be raised
, by a special assessment of about cents on
acr memoer or tne onier in the state. I
rueenia me aavinga or tne great mass of "vv" lu" " mra-ei range, it
tollers. 1 believe that it would be better to will be participated In by the Second pro-
e,aVaaxmloTth f " -rtULry.
all others pay their Just uhare of taxation ' tatloned here this summer for maneuver
The railroads are not the only offenders, i I Ing, and will be witnessed by General Lee
inum uiv aupienio ruuri win act a'rly n
this matter and will deal Justly by all con
cerned. Congressman John L. Kennedy spoke
briefly upon the general subject of lnsur-
i ance and thought that notlilnar that haa
n. Tt.a agitation win hr. ,.
, ht thought, la compelling congressional and
. lejjaUtlve supervision over Insurance mat -
administration of government and Justice.
What additional burden does the accumula-
(CeaUaued ea Second. Pm-J
William R. I'm vers. Sew Vork Cap
italist and t tubman. Takes His
Life with Revolver.
NEW YORK. Sept. 29 -William R. Trav
ers, a millionaire man of leisure, ton of
the celebrated wit and Wall street ope
rator, William R. Traver. committed eul
clde today by shooting himself through the
head In his apartments In Madison ave
nue. The suicide Is Inexplicable, Mr. m
ers being In the prime of life, in fair I
and the possessor of a large fortune.
Travers married Miss Lilly Harrlman. a
sister of Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr. The
couple separated three years ago, Mrs.
Travors going to Paris to live. Mr. Trav
ers was an uncle of Mrs. Clarence Mackay.
He had two sisters, Mrs. James Wadsworth
of Genesee, N. Y., and Mrs. Walter Gay,
now living In Paris. Since his separation
from his wife he had lived entirely alone
with the care of his valet, Martin Moon.
When Mr. Travers arose this morning he
appeared to be in excellent spirits and
after breakfast told his valet he would
not require his services during the day.
8hortly after noon a maid found Mr. Trav
ers lying dead on his bed with a revolver
by his side. He had placed the muzzle
of the weapon In his mouth and sent a
bullet through his brain. He left several
letters, all relating to business affairs, and
giving no clue to the cause of the suicide.
Mr. Travers never engaged In any btlslnesa
except when about six months ago. as
an experiment, he became a partner in the
banking house of Hugh Eddy, the affairs
of which, however, engaged little of his
time. Mr. Travers, who was 49 years old,
was a member of the Knickerbocker, the
New York Athletic, the Tennis Racket and
many other clubs.
NEWPORT. R. I., Sept. 79. News of the
suicide of William R. Travers caused great
surprise among his acquaintances. Mr. Trav
ers was well known here. His legal resi
dence was In this city and he had exten
sive property holdings hereabouts. He was
prominent socially and in a business way In
Newport for many years. .
Senator Chandler Outlines Probable
Methods of Opposition to
Fsch-Townsend Bill.
CONCORD. N. H.. Sept. 29.-In a series
of open letters to Edward A. Mosely. of
the Interstate Commerce Commission, for
mer Senator William H. Chandler, of New
Hampshire, defined his attitude toward the
Esch-Townsend rate legislation bill to come
before congress at Its next session and calls
attention of the commission to some of the
dangers that beset the attempts to pass
this bill, as they appear to him.
Mr. Chandler lays great stress on the
attitude of the railroad companies and says
the methods of defeating the measure to
guise of friendly Improvements, but really
as railroad tricks."
Mr. Chandler says further:
You cannot reasonably expect that a law
can be paused through both houses of con
gress which shall make a responsible trans
portation rate, fixed by the commission,
take effect Immediately ond remain in force
until reversed by the oourt of review when
Mr. Samuel Spencer In behalf of the rail
roads has announced that they will not
permit either of two things.
These two things, Mr.' Chandler charges,
are the giving of power! to the commission
to substitute a rate or price which In their
Judgment is Just or reasonable In the place
of one Judged hy them to be unjust or un
reasonable, and the enactment of "statutes
" -
I on"e flxed ary authority shall remain
perpetunlly In force thereafter until changed
by commission or by court."
Mr. Chandler further charges that $13,
000,000,000 of capital representing 210.000 miles
of railroad are arraigned against the presi
dent in his attempt to pass rate legislation.
He also charges that by furnishing free
transportation, the railways will attempt
to corrupt legislators and the whole govern
ment. Mr. Chandler asserts that lawyers,
ministers of the gospel and newspapers
are especially cared for by the railroads,
notwithstanding that the system Is grossly
Illegal and closes his last letter with an ap
peal to the American people to help the
president. s
Court Cuta Bills of Receivers,
Truateca and Attorncya About
Forty Per Cent.
CLEVELAND, Sept. 29-In the United
States district court today Judge Taylor
approved the allowances made by Referee
In Bankruptcy Remington In the matter
ofy4ees for the receiver and attorneys for
Mrs. Cassle L. Chad wick.
The amount of Chadwlck assets which
passed through the hands of the officers
of the bankruptcy courta waa $61,800 of
which $315,800 was distributed among secured
creditors, leaving a balance of $25,000 to be
distributed among general creditors.
Nathan Loeser as receiver asked for
$2,600 and he was awarded $753. Loeser as
trustee also asked for $758 and this amount
was allowed him for the trusteeship ser
vice; L. J. Gross, Smith & Taft, as Loeser's
attorneys wanted $5,070 and were allowed
$4,070. Jay P. Dawley, S. Q Kerrlsh and
A. Burt Thompson, aa Mra. Chadwlck's at
torneys had a bill in for $2,019, and they
were allowed $300.
The total asked for by the above was
$10,712, and the total allowed was $6,151.
The laces Imported by Mrs. Chadwlck
and which were seised by the United States
custom authorities for unpaid duties and
later redeemed by Nathal Loeser, trustee,
were aold in the United Statea court today
by the latter to a Chicago firm.
War Department Officials and Army
Officers Watching It with
LA WTO N. Okl., Sept. 2S.-(Spec!al.)-The
first actual test to be made with the new
ennnnna of the T'nlted 8iaIm Vi A.,r.a
over long range will be held next
ot Fort Sam Houston. Texas, and General
Baldwin of Oklahoma City, Okl., accom
panied by their staffs. These officials will
arrive here on October L having been un
avoidably delayed. It la not expected that
they will make the Inspection of the sol
diers and quarters before some time next
.week. At thia time thev will wltneaa ih.
. l"non practice. The instruments of war
i wl" 00 n red at long range, which Is nearly
five miles. The Wichita mountains are
used as backgrounds.' This part of the
practice will be wltneaaed with great In
terest by these ofllclala and tha War de
partment In general, aa these new cannons
are 001; aa experiment.
Assistaat Secretary of State Qeti Even
wi h Nebraska Men.
Over Twenty. Eight Million Dollars
Received by the Treaanry Appll
Irrigation II M "Mm t k.
(From a Stan" Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept 29.-(8peclal Tele
gram). Friends of Colonel W. H. Michael
of Nebraska, chief clerk of the State depart
ment, are greatly wrought up over an
order Just promulgated by Acting Secre
tary Loomls removing the handling ot
cipher dispatches from the hands of the
chief clerk and placing them In charge of
the chief of tha appointment division. Mr.
Ixiomls' alleged reason for making the
change is that thero has been a serious
leakage of Important state secrets. Mr.
Michael's friends, and there are many, In
sist that Acting Secretary Loomls took this
opportunity to strike a blow at Colonel
Michael because, like most other depart
ment officials, he was on Mr. Bowen's side
during his recent" controversy with Mr.
While Mr. Michael was In the west on
his vacation. Mr. Loomls. whose life In
tho State department will terminate next
week, suggested In a letter to the presi
dent that It would be a good thing to sep
crate the cipher work from the chief clerk's
office. The president, -without knowing the
reason for Loomls' animus toward Michael,
agreed to the change and It was announced.
Colonel Michael's friends look upon the
removal of the work as a reflection on his
Integrity as an official. For a number of
years Colonel Michael has been chief clerk
of the State department, going Into of
fice with Secretary John Sherman. He
Is extremely popular with representatives
of foreign governments and friends of the
colonel think Loomls' action an uncalled
for Insult. Just what action Secretary .Root
will take when he takes up the duties of
the 8tate department Is problematical.
Money for Irrigation Work.
The commissioner of the general land
office today gave out a statement showing
the estimated amounts that will be covered
Into the treasury to the credit of the re
clamation fund from the sales of public
lands during the fiscal year. These
amounts. It is asserted, are not precisely
accurate, because accounts have not yet
been adjusted, but are a close approxi
mation based on receipts and expenditures.
The total amount covered into the treas
ury since the passage of tha reclamation
act from various states and territories to
June 30, 1906 was $28.0211,570. Of this Ne
braska contributed $13,l! all told; $120,786
passing to the credit of the reclamation
fund during the last fiscal year.
During the fiscal year Just ended by the
sale of public lands in South Dakota there
was turned Into reclamation funds $174,448,
making South Dakota's total contribution,
. Wyoming contributed $243,962 during last
fiscal year which added to lands pre
viously sold under the provisions of the
reclamation act shows that state contri
buted up to the present time, $1,244,717.
Postal Matters.
Iowa rural routes ordered established
December 1: Elgin, Fayette county, routes
four and five, population 1,045, houses 109;
Nowhampton, Chickasaw county, route 6,
population 610, houses 102; Watervllle, Al
lamakee county, route 3, population 600,
houses 112.
Business of the Land Office.
Commissioner Richards of the general
land office today forwarded to' the secre
tary of (lie Interior hla annual report cov
ering the fiscal year ending June 30 last. It
. shows that during the year 16.979,076 acres of
the public lands, and 77,646 acres of Indian
lands were disposed of, the total exceeding
that for 1504 by 650,800 acres.
Of the public land disposed of 12,895,671
acres were entered under the homestead
law, 606.677 under the timber and stone law.
711,124 under the desert land law and 685,507
acres of swamp lands patented.
The total receipts for the year, including
those for the sale of Indian lands, were
$7,017,811. v
The patents' Issued numbered 91,084, as
against 66,386 the preceding year.
There were pending In the office July 1
last 63.686 cases awaiting adjudication, a de
crease of 36,012 from the number pending
July 1. 1904.
Under the law the net proceeds of the
sale for the land are covered into the treas
ury for the benefit of the Irrigation recla
mation fund, and the total amounts for the
year to be so disposed of is approximately
$4,757,978, to be distributed among the states
and territories as follows:
Arlxona $ 47.449 New Mexico. ...$ 86.603
361,ftWI' North Dakota
Colorado .
Idaho ....
Kansas ..
Montana .
Nevada . .
, 270.0HO Oklahoma
370,273 Oregon
30.478 South Dakota.
350031 T'tah
. 60.717
. 622.201
. 243.963
120,787 VTashington
12,1581 Wyoming ..
Whisky Rate Hearing.
The Interstate Commerce commission
today set for hearing In this district on
October 30 the case of the National Whole
sale Liquor Dealera" Asaociatlon of Amer
ica agalnat the Atchison, Topeka Santa
Fe railroad and thirty other railroads. In
cluding practically all of the principal llnea
In the United Statea. The complaintr'ln
volves the freight charges on alcohol, high
wines and spirits and the rate on whisky
from east and middle west points to Pacific,
coast terminals. The charges on whisky
exceed those on alcohol, high wines and
high-proof spirits 50 cents per 100 pounds In
lesa than carload lota and 40 cents per 100
pounds In carload lots, both rates having
been advanced in April, 1904. The com
plainants are seeking relief from tha al
leged discriminating rates.
War on Comio Postal Cards.
Acting Postmaster Genera) Hitchcock, In
a circular mailed today to all postmasters,
has renewed the campaign started recently
against objectionable postcards. He has
called attention to the rule which bars from
the mall, every card bearing a picture or
language that la obacene. Indecent or Im
properly auggeatlve. The use of the malls
for pictorial cards has been so extenslvs
that the department says it haa extended
the comic valentine season over the entire
year. Most of the complaints come from
persons who have been the recipients of
vulgar cards mailed anonymously,
Cortelyoa Back from Vacation.
Postmaster General Qortelyou returned to
Washington tonight from hla annual vaca
tion, moat of which has been spent on Long
Senator Heyhnrn Improving.
Senator Heyburn of Idaho, who has been
ill with a mild attack of appendicitis. Is
Improving rapidly, and It Is expected he will
leave his room in a few days. Ths attack
manlfeated itae'f on Tueaday night, when
the senator was on a train coming to Wash.
(Continued on atooood fMe-i
Forecast for Nebraska hon era and
Cooler Saturday. Sunday Fair and
Warmer In Western Portion.
1 Insurance Pool for Lobbying.
Banquet to Woodmen Executives.
Loomls Geta Even Tilth Michael.
Carnival Drawing Bis; Crowds.
8 Yellow Fever on Increaae.
Skies In Hungary Are Clearing;.
3 Mews from All Parts of Nebraska.
Mission Society Closes Labors.
4 Court Orders Packers to Plead.
B Japanese Telia of Conversion.
Great Loss by Storm at Manila.
Flaht Over Electric Wires.
Affairs at South Omaha.
T Devotions of Jewish New Vrnr.
Money for Park and Road Fnnds.
8 Happenings Which Are Peculiar,
tt Growth of the Electric Industry.
President Does .ot Accept Gifts.
10 Editorial.
11 Organised Flaht on Parrels Post.
Candidates File Expense Mills.
Aa to Telephone Toll Llnea.
12 Sporting Events of the Day.
Commercial Review of the Week.
18 Financial and Commercial.
13 Council Bluffs nnd Iowa Sews.
Bengaleee Are Greatly Excited.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Dca. Hour. Dear,
ft a. m tlx 1 p. m TU
6 a. m IS 2 p. m tut
7 a. m I7 3 p. in Kl
H a. m ...... ItH 4 p. m M
tt n. m 70 D p. m Ml
lO a. m 71 p. m HO
II ui TU T p. m 7
lit in 78 K p. m 7
9 p. ru 73
Charged with Assaulting Council
Bluffs Girl In Pullman
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Sept. 29.
(Special Telegram.) J. D. Lewis, the negro
who is accused of criminally assaulting
Miss Mary H. Riley, formerly a Council
Bluffs stenographer. Is likely to be lynched
when taken back to Rathdrum, Idaho.
Sheriff Edwin Doust of Rathdrum, who
will start back from here with his pris
oner tomorrow night, admits that there Is
grave danger of summary vengeance being
meted out.
On August 23 last, so the complaint
against Lewis alleges, Miss Riley waa
aboard a train en route for Spokane
Wash. Lewis, the porter In the tourist
sleeper, had made himself offensive to
Miss Riley, and she complained to the
train conductor, who promised her pro
tection. Notwithstanding this. It Is
charged that shortly after leaving Trout
Creek. Idaho, Lewis criminally assaulted
the girl. Her screams attracted the at
tention of two men passengers, who tried
to kill him, but he Jumped from the train
while it was running at full speed. Since
then a constant search has been kept up
for him, as Miss Riley's former employers
I In Council Bluffs, la.. learned of the mat
ter and guaranteed expenses of the trial
Miss Riley, Sheriff Doust says, may not
live long enough to prosecute Lewis and
If she dtes !ewls will surely be lynched
and may be anyhow.""The girl Is now In
Spokane waiting to testify. Iwls was ar
rested In Colorado Springs while working
as a Pullman porter. He was taken from
the train.
Fifteen Lines Ask an Injnnctlon
Restraining atnte from Collect
ing Special Tin.
AUSTIN. Tex.. Sept. 29,-Flfteen of the
trunk lines In Texas appeared hefore Judge
Brooks of the Twenty-eighth district court
here today through their attorneys and
asked for an Injunction restraining the
state from enforcing the provisions of a
taxation bill passed at the last session of
the legislature and which will become
operative October 1. Thelaw permits the
state to collect 1 per cent tax on gross re
ceipts of all railroads. In addition to all
other taxes levied. The Injunction Is asked
on several grounds, principally that the
tax Is both confiscatory and unconstitu
tional. The Judge took the matter of grant
ing a temporary Injunction under advise
ment and will hand down his decision to
morrow. Should the railroads have to pay
this tax It will represent upward of $160,000
for this year alone.
New Extensions to De Constructed In
Wyoming, South Dakota, Wis
consin and Michigan.
CHICAGO.' Sept. t9. Announcement Is
made that the Chicago A. Northwestern
railway will push to Immediate completion
the new line under construction from Cas
per. Wyo., west to Lander and the Wind
River reservation, where 1,600,000 acres of
public land will be thrown open to home
stead settlement next June. At the same
time announcement Is made of the build
ing of the line In South Dakota, from
Pierre west to the Black Hills, snd sev
eral short lines In northern Wisconsin and
the upper peninsula of Michigan. Prepara
tions are being made for handling traffic
at the Chicago end of the system. This
includes completion of a four-track sys
tem between Chicago and Milwaukee and
extenslxe plans for track elevation and
other Improvements of Chicago terminals.
Only Herole Surgical Operation Can
Prolong Life and that Will Not .
Bring Permanent Relief.
CHICAGO. Sept. 29 It has been decided
by the physicians in attendance on Presi
dent Harper of the University of Chicago
that nothing will save his life but a sur
gical operation cf heroic character. It Is
arimltferi that there ta nraetlcallv nn -honr.-
j of Mving fe unle8. ,he cancer wh,ch
Is killing him Is checked by the removal
of a portion of the large Intestine. It ta
proposed by the surgeons to make an ex
amination in a few days to decide on the
advisability of the operation. It ia reported
that the chances are greatly against the
permanent relief of the patient, if the op
eration Is performed.
Movements of Ocean Vesaela Sept. SO.
At New York Arrived: Llguiia, from
Naples; Madonna, from Marseilles; Lu
canla, from IJverpool; I- Torralne, from
Havre. Balled: Celtic, from Liverpool.
At Glasgow Sailed: Numidian, for New
At Liverpool Arrived: , Arabic, from Bos
ton. At Dover Sailed: Moltke, for New York,
via Boulogne.
At Naples Arrived: Romanic, from Bos
At Queenatown Arrived: Campania, from
, . - -
At Detford-Arrlvad: Manltou. from
I m . . m . l . . -
Thousands tpand Evening in Joyi of the
Carnival Street Eair.
Ifaiagement Looki for Crowd Today that
Will Eclipte All Figures.
Exhibits Complete and Well Patroiiiei Ij
Merry-Making Visiters.
Walking a Celling Makee Her Servous
When Accompanied by Fire
works and Other Carnival
Ak-Sa-r-nen Program.
Gates open from 9 a. m. until midnight.
Band concerts, 1 and 7 p. m.
Free Attractions Mine. Ami. aerial artist.
1:36 and 8 p.m.; Phil D. Greene, spiral tower,
4:i and 10:30 p. m.; Prince Voutuckey, hlg't
wire acts. 2:10 and 9 p. in.; Bllde for lite.
3:15 and 9:56 p. ni.
All snows open at i:so ana 7:w p. m.
Bahcoik loons the loop In the stadium
at 3:30 and 9:30 p. m.
Douglas County Agricultural society ex
Today Is Children's, Elks and Royal
Achates day.
Attendance at King's Highway.
8: 1
First day ...
Second day
Third day ..
Were you at the carnival last night?
Well, if you stayed at home you missed
It. More than 6,000 of your fellow eltliens
were there and all of them seemed to have
oceans of fun. They visited tha shows.
watched the outdoor performances, rode the
merry-go-round, ate candy and threw con
fetti. And withal they had such a pleasant
time that It was long after 11 o'clock before
there was any appreciable decrease In the
number on tho grounds. v
On the corresponding day of last year
Brother Welsh and Jupiter Pluvius frowned
on the carnival and the flood gatea of
heaven were opened. Only 824 persona at
tended. But the fourth day was Saturday
and It was a big one, for nearly 20.0V) people
visited the big (.how. Doc Breed and Harold
Bushea say that 20,000 will be easy today If
Brother Welsh will keep the rain away.
Booths All none.
Doe Breed was about the grounds all day
disposing of the booths and when night
came only one was left. It waa said that
three men were trying to get It after Mr.
Breed had gone to bed. All the booths and
shows had a good business.
The only really new feature of the day
was the merry-go-round, which began
operations In the evening. It Is a fast one,
with newly painted horses, and became pop
ular at once.
Mme. Ami. the human fly, walked on the
celling at 1:35 and at 8. Everybody knows
she. keeps her Inverted position by means of
rubber vacuum cups on her shoes, but they
cannot understand how aha leta loose her
hold on the board above her. She explained
to a reporter and showed him a little wire
which she presses with her toes to let air
Into the cup when she wants to take the
next step.
Madame Is Nervous.
"It makes me a little nervous," said
Mme. Ami. "It Is not because I am up
side down, but the fireworks are so bright
and make so much noise. I am not afraid
of falling, though I did fall once, down
In Mexico. There was something the mat
ter with the apparatus. A little scratch
on the surface of the mahogany on which
I walk would mean a terrible fall and per
haps death for me."
A large crowd assembled at the stadium
In the evening to see Prince Youtuckey's
high wire acts, also the loop the loop and
the high dive. The dive could not be
done on account of the wind. The ping
pong girls proved themselves very popular.
Hundreds rode the elephant and the
camel. Once the elephant became hungry
and he stopped at a booth and stuck out
his trunk for something to eat. He ab
solutely refused to proceed until he had
been given seven roast beef sandwiches,
eleven pieces of sugar, a loaf of bread and
two apples. It all went out of sight In a
hurry. v
Monday will be a free day for the chil
dren of the orphanages aif the city. The
management deslrea that the heads of
these Institutions come and bring the
children with them. The shows will be free
for the little ones.
President of Cornell I'ulverslty Makes
Pointed Remarks Upon True
End of Education.
ITHACA, N. Y.. Sept. 29.-In his address
at the opening of Cornell university Presi
dent Schurman announced an Increase of
146 students over the nur. ber registered
at the same time last year, and said that
all Indications point to a total regular at
tendance of 3,600 this year. In conclusion
he referred to a Chicago manufacturer
who recently said:
I prefer boys that have a good school
education. In business they are cheaper,
will lust longer and are more easily re
duced to cogs in the machinery. Our col
lege men know too many things.
In reply to this President Schurman
If we have reached a point where the
end of life is that each Individual shall pre
pare himself to be a cog In the machinery
and nothing else this gentleman Is right.
On the other hand culture for Its own
sake amounts to something now as In tha
past, I think this gentleman la wrong
and so much the worse for bualneaa.
Fnneral of Mra. Condltt and Her Chil
dren Who Were Murdered
Near Ednn, Tesaa.
HOUSTON, Tex.. Sept. 29 -The bodies of
Mra. A. J. Condltt. her 13-year-old daughter
and her three sons, who were murdered
yesterday near Edna, Tex., by a negro,
were Interred this afternoon In a single
The discovery of a bloody adxe with
which the crime was committed and a
bundle of discarded clothing, found by
bloodhounds a short distance, from the
scene of the tragedy, are the only clews
left by the murderer. However, as a re
sult of suspicion against Hank Gibson, a
17-year-old negro boy, who was working In
a nearby field in'! who gave the first
alarm, his home was searched and a table
cloth with a bundle of bloody clothing
was found concealed between the covers
of a bed. If Mr. Condltt, the husband, is
abl ,0 ,d'nt!,jr the "t,ele' '
I fiNtlu 1 v r. Ivnl.1
iprooafely be lytic Led,