Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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mm 1.1 club aho charity I
Jimei BalliTan Btrpriiei Cvoton, How
vtr, bj Livisg Ovef ' Ytar.
J lower Vmrt ( Ilia Body Kae Bee
Pnralrwl - Ever line AffMfil,
' Id Relieve tllm. '
Aftr ' IhMns; wit 11 a hreken Tack nine
July U, 1904. James Sullivan, jr., died at a
late hour WednV-oday" nlgtit at the Council
WufT Oeneral hospital, '-where he had been
since the accident which' Tendered him
Ix-TpleSs. , ' ffuMVan,' Who ai 23 yeara of
tncs. was tho fion hi James Sullivan, 1K1J
Bmith , Twelfth' street. ' He fell from a
Hock. Inland train' near ktlnden, Pottawat
tamie ,.dutit' and "claimed that he waa
thrown off ty tnrmbers of the crew. He
was found lying beside the track several
hours lator'and was brought back to Coun
cil muffs. . ... ; ;
Examination at the hospital showed that
his back bone was fractured between the
shoulder and, splintered and disarranged
In such a manner that It pressed upon the
spinal cord... causing paralysis of the In
ternal orgnps below the breast. Although
It was expected that he would survive but
a short time, an operation was performed
to remove' the fractured portion of the
vertebrae. " Contrary to thd expectations
of the phyMctnhs yoiihg Sullivan survived
the operation and although the lower por
tloh of Ms body was entirely paralysed
lived untlf Wednesday' night, a period of
fifteen months. ' '" r
Tho funeral will' be held Saturday morn
ing at 8 o'clock from St. Francis Xavler's
church and Interment will be in St.
Joseph cemetery.
The thirty-second annual meeting of the
Nebraska Women's Christian Temperance
union, whiob closed Monday at Orand
Island, was the largest that has yet been
held by the society, and In some respects
the most successful. The growth of the
union has been steady and large and there
are now few counties In the state that are
not Included In the organisation. But In
spite of Its growth and the large attend
ance at Its conventions, there were a num
ber of regrettable features at the Grand
Island meeting that detracted much from
Its seriousness and their repetition will
materially limit the organisation ! possi
bilities for good. First, and one of the
most serious mistakes, was the extending
the session over Sunday. There are few
women, especially among the kerne-makers,
of which the union is largely com
posed, who can be away from bom Sat
urday and Sunday, and there are fewer
men who willing that they should be.
Not questioning that It is the right, even
of the wife and mother, to take this time
from home once a year if she chooses,
that arrangement Is Inconvenient, and, fur
ther, it Is bad policy for a reform organ
isation. Another thing, the program and
the sessions were too long. There was
much introduced into the meeting that
was not only unnecessary, but that actu
ally had no place there. Conspicuous
among these was the tying of the white
ribbon on the wrists of the babies of
members. The sentiment of this little cer
emony was undoubtedly beautiful, but the
exercise took twenty minutes out of a
very full and an already too long session.
And, besides, it was undignified. The
Women's Christian Temperance union Is
too big and too serious an organisation
to Introduce Into its conventions any fea
tures that detract from its dignity. If
this dedication of Infants to the temper
ance cause Is counted of sufficient import
ance to have a place on the program, then )
let It be in connection with the devotional
services, but certainty not in the midst of
a business session, ,
FiM Annual Bsportof Ltbrtrj Board Out
in Printed Form.
Library la Good Shape, hmt (apply
of Books la Sot Adequate
to the Demands of
fer TT. Sanfortl. who sues for JXflrtO damages.
Mr Panford makes the city also a defend
ant In his case, pleading Ihet the city Is
liable en Its Indemnifying bond to ninke
tnd any loss to proierty Owners thrmish
tae Vacation and grading of the streets for
the construction of the road at the points
above stated. The cases are all transferred
from the district court of Dotiglas county.
Goto City Secures Dealrahle F.atrlea
Against Mlaaoart Metropolis,
Deeaose of Better Parse.
Omsha Is geMIng all of the desirable en
tries for Its horse show In spite of the
fact that St. touls Is to hold a show dur
ing the same week. Omaha Is giving JlO.oiO
In purses, all In good colni while St. Louts
has hung up 112,000 mostly In plate. Men
who are in the horse business
as a business can.' 'use coin to
much better advantage than they can
silver plate and all sorts of cups. And so
Omsha has secured the big stables of
There was rather too much sentiment In
evidence throughout and not a few things
were Intruded that had no proper place
there. More than one enterprising person
Imposed upon the courtesy of the presiding
Marshall 'at t'nderwood Locates Him
.' 'B5ear Relatives.
1 S. P.' Mathlason, the young man wanted officer and the patience of the women to
,ir cashing a number of wnrthiaaa hir I boost some oersonal scheme. The Introduc-
on merchants of this city and Omaha was I don of five minutes of physical exercise
1 mntUred VMtArillv mnrtr I ... 1 w a FAirr.llahl, aiihalltitlA fit the Ave.
- r . ' . J .... ' ' ' 1 O cum, M I V II IK. I " " " - -' BHUDv.. ...w
Ihe authorities a. chase for about a week. I minute Intermission. While physical exer-
His arrest was effected by Henry Bchmae
deke, marshal of I'nderwood, who turned
I him over to Sheriff Canning and he was
1 placed in the County Jail.
else is undoubtedly a good thing. Its bene
fit when participated in once a year 'Is
questionable. The spectacle of 100 or more
women, most of whom were of middle age
s, en-
tn awlnir thai,, ai-ma an1 llmha
I t'nderwood and Weston and the fact re- and b.nd backward and forward between
r'r.t:V0i'a"haL8chmtt0deke wh at nc the crowded pews of a church was one
ii.jiiik:u DiM-iui vanning. Tne latter
I Young Mathlason was seen walking yes- or past and of matronly proportions
terday morning on the county road between deavortng to swing their arms and
Instructed Schmaedeke to take the young
nan Into custody and that he would drive
o Underwood to meet him. Mathlason was
J fund a short distance from his uncle's
place near' Weston attired in the overalls
in which ie made his escape from the police
officers Wednesday. He. appeared to be
more or -less relieved that the chase was
over and. that his arrest had been effected.
AO information charging Mathlason with
that will not soon be forgotten by those
ho witnessed . it, and the effort was
equally disastrous to their dignity and
their personal appearance,
The Monday afternoon session, for exam
ple, was called promptly at 1 o'clock and
adjourned a few minutes after . Scarcely
half the women remained throughout the
session and a score or more of the dele
forgery has. been filed in the court of Jus- I fates took advantage of the opportunity to
ttce.u&rdliuir by W E. McConnell of the do Boma shopping. No matter how much
firm of Joe . Smith A Company, which rood the women themselves might have
cashed one ot the ..worthless checks. It is gotten out of the meeting, and they un-
underst.ood that now the young man la In doubtedly did get much that was helpful
custody his relatives will endeavor to square and inspiring, it would be difficult to get
mailers tor nun by. taking uo the several the averaa-o man to take it seriously, and
checks, , whlph aggregate about 1300. it is until women do conduct their affairs In a
said,, however, that. some. Of the business manner to eomnel the serious resnect 'ttf
nwn,wnQ wtx uw.uceO.-to. cash the checks I men the greater -part of their effort Is go
.r noi lavoraoie to extending any Ionian in. emmt foe nl t
iu i mo jruung man .na wm prosecute the
The first annual report of the South
Omaha Public Library association has
Just been Issued This report. Is in pam
phlet form and is printed .on heavy calen-,
dered' paper. An excellent half-tone' of
the building is shown and also a number of
Interior views. 'The report of President
Bruce McCulloch gives a detailed hie lory
of the Ubrary Board from the passage of I Crow Murray and Pepper & Co. in spite
an ordinance on January t, 19u2, establish
ing a library board and providing for an
annual levy pf 15.000 f.or the support of a
public, library. The donation of KO.000 by
Andrew Carnegie for a library building Is
mentioned along with a statement showing
how and to whom the mpney derived from
Mr. Carnegie was spent. Completed, the
building cost 'ttf.ZU.6a. president -McCulloch
concludes his report by thanking the
mayor and council for the board for the
generous and hearty co-operation "pf this
branch of the city government.
It is the intention of the Library Board to
spend about 12,500 annually on books and
periodicals, but even at this rate, mem
bers of the board assert. It will be several
years before a library commensurate with
the s!ie and Importance of the city is
built up. Donations of books, pictures and
magazines are Invited. For the year end
ing July 81, 1905, the Library Board ex
pended R918.S7 for books, electric light,
heat, Jnnltor services, etc.
At the present .time, according to the
statement of Miss Jane Abbott, the
librarian, there are 2,50 books In circula
tion and 1,828 patrons. More books are
being purchased frequently In small quan
tities. Donations are occasionally made
which are gratefully received. F. J.
Lewis of Rock Island, III., a heavy South
Omaha property owner, has announced
that that he. will shortly donate about 800
volumes to the library. These books from
Mr. Lewis are expected almost any time
now, and will be placed on the shelves as
soon as possible after receipt. There Is
constant, and rapidly Increasing. demand
for books from the library ' and the great
trouble is that there are scarcely enough
books to go round. .....
The subject matter of books purchased
embraces the general topics of philosophy,
religion,' sociology, philology, science, use
ful arts, fine arts, literature, history, trav
els, biography and Action. The works on
fiction Include books for both Juvenile and
adult readers. Only recently the Haw
thorne school donated Us library to the
charges against him.
By the terms of a fund to be admlnls-
Nels Hansen, an unci, of the young man. tered in connection with the Philadelphia
had a conference with Chief of Police Rich
mond yesterday mofnlng during which he
Intimated that he and otljer relatives were
prepared to effect 'a" settlement, not so much
on acconat of the. young man as on that of
nis lamlly., .
School for Nurses, Wttherspoon building.
Philadelphia, a number of young women
from every county will receive free train
lng In nursing. It is planned to ultimately
reach and help In this way every village
Mathlason. while heln. h.-h, k.-v an township. The young women will be
Council Bluffs by Sheriff Canning boasted ,rovlded wlth room- board, nurse Uniforms
of having repeatedly fooled the nn nA a11 tha refinements of a well appointed
lng the last few days by riding to and fro CnrlBt,an home- At graduation the diploma
from Omaha on the street cars,- He claimed ot th8 "chol nd the order of the Red
that as late as Sunday he was on a street Cross will be conferred, qualifying, for
car and waa questioned by two detectives I practice in any state or country, 'and the
dui succeeded In bluffing them. This Is railroad fare will then be paid back borne.
denied at police headquarters. To Sheriff
i anning he said that if It waa known why I Those epplylng and chosen to receive the
inaucea xo puss the forged checks benefits of this fund 'will be given two
Ms friends would not think so 111 of him years' training, with a rich experience In
but he declined to ?lvn nv nn i ! . . -1 n u n ik. o ..
w-. j iBiii.tiij iiuiaiiif Lin ciin I'um v n.t? 1.1 , j u uui i
7 r " ,7. Pnv matter and not one skilled leaders. The term may be short
")r me punilc. I known I have got myself ! anH to elorhteen months bv taklns- a nre.
"-i,jr una mess ' waa the nn v a- I .... .,,. ... i
, . . . , - . I uiiiiiwii v. v , v. i cri j . hi a niuiiiiiB ioouiiib biiu
1 " ""um ina.J, I .,,,,,. a , hnma A anartal ahnrt rniiru an.
He -wHI have' a prellmlnarv heaxlna- hi. I .......... .....
morBln tWfnH T...i. - ui jruu.ia wu.uc.. v 4u.u.r Muaiujr
- " XKIU. I tk..l.... .otf.i ., .- . ...K...
plti1. ' - r . i iiai income, in aaiuon id regular nurs-
rrVntn LHIuAllUN AT AN END ln the young women are taught how to
' . -v -. . 1 1, I preserve their own health, how to reroa-
"" CfcHdrea Will Not Partlel.
pato 1st Dtvlsloa of tho
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
EES MOINES. Sept. 18.-(SDeclal.-Tr..
supreme fturt today overruled the petition work and are trained for special positions
for a rehearing in.. the Josephine Talbott- of trust in institutions. The school is ten
x--raer-risDm case against Charles S. years bid and Is endorsed by physicians,
Illlntlnorton an.4 . v. . ,H , I .
..... w.... m wiucn me oe-1 leaaing eoucators ana prominent men
TeaericK William Parker of throughout the country.
neo.w-re interested. The de
cision.' or the supreme court flnallv aeiti.a I Tuesday. October 17. has been announced
him matter ana ends the famous lawsuit In- I as membership day by the Young Women'
voiving 9ver m& The descendants of I Christian association. Every member Is
tpe' late Florence artist will not participate I Bld to bring as many new members as
in the distribution- of the m,i, ,h.i. I possible on that dav,
grandfather, John Monroe Parker, lata nf The resignation' has been accented by
Davenport. . ' the board of Miss Mary Anthony, who has
! Reord .time, was made by the srand lurv I 'or some time served the association as
ipau la reporting an indictment against nnanciai secretary. Miss Anthony's reslg
iJromers, late of the detective force I al'0 wmcn taxes errect tne last of Bep-
or this crty, for atteittfted murder. Brothers I tember, leaves a vacancy that will be dlf.
shot Howard Wltte"., a small boy, Tuesday I cult to fill,
auernopn. 1 he evidence was submitted to
nlie, avoid and destroy contagion; how to
establish and maintain perfect sanitary
conditions about the home; they are pre
pared for positions as office nurse and
physician' assistant; they get a practical
knowledge of city mission movements.
I deaconess training, college settlement
of the opposition of St. Louis.
The Bit A Spur recognised as the of
ficial horse show raper of the country', had
this to say of the St. Louis show: '
St. Louis has announced that It will rivt
a horse show in the Coliseum for the week
of October . 14. With the return of August
A. Hunch from Euronti the feasibility of
holding a last show in the old Coliseum
has been thrashed out and the ayes among
the Immediate horsemen of the town favor
It. This will unseat all efforts to hold an
open show at the fair grounds, as earlier
anticipated. A new horse show corporation
is planned, with capital stork at $16.uon,
not more than one share being sold to a
purchaser to make the Interest general.
Though St. Louis has deliberately backed
Into Omaha's dates in rather unsportsman
like manner, Its effect on the Western
circuit does not seem to have been con
sidered by them.
The stallion class which was added to
this year's program Is receiving entries,
the latest being Captain John Donovan,
one of the owners of the St. Joseph stock
yards, who has sent entries for two
stallion with , their get. One of these is
the noted stallion Conntantine, 18 year
old, with a record of 2:12H- "lie was at one
time sold for $40,000. .
The Judges selected for the horse show
are Orson Moulton of Batavia, N. Y. ; C. A.
rTatt of Little Rock, Ark-, C. P. Bridge
ford of Kansas City and Louis A. Laramie
of Mlnneepol's.
The veterinarians In the arena will be
t. H. Oaln of the agricultural department
of the University of Nebraska and J. H.
McNeil, dean of the veterinary department
cf Ames Agricultural college of Ames, la
Infant Is Discovered While Man and
Woman - Are AwayLatter
.' Are Arrested.
A man and woman' who registered
Wednesday evening at the Metropolitan
hotel under the names of George Wright
and Annie Fatxel of Newman Orove are
being held by the police until a full .In-
public library, and In this way about forty vestlgatlon may be made regarding the cir
of fifty volumes in good condition were
Jast a Word.
OMAHA, Sept. M.-To the Fditor of The
Bee: I shall engage in no controversy
with Mr. James Richardson or any other
person In the matter of the Train school
abuse of corporal punishment. But when
Mr. Richardson says that the proof does
not show a call for serious complaint, ho
had better be reminded that the proof
was not from the boy. In fact, no proof
was necessary. The severity of the pun
ishment was publicly admitted by Super
intendent Davidson and by my most capa
ble and worthy friend, Miss Mason, the
principal of the Train school. As to blam
ing teachers, my article In The Boe showed
that I blamed the vicious principle more
than I did the teachers.
Superintendent James was at .the head
of these schools many years. He was the
ablest and soundest man. In my opinion,
who ever directed their affairs In the whole
history of the city. Mr. Jatms never tol
erated corporal punishment In the schools
never! On the contrary, he publicly de
clared that any Person who ' could not
maintain order and proper discipline in the
public schools without It was not fit to be
a teacher.
Another fact. It Is that nine-tenths of
the really strong teachers In Omaha do
not resort to corporal punishment In our
schools. GEO ROE L. MILLER.
Former Democratic Ross Predlets
Certain Rlertloa of Republican
to Supreme Coart.
Lee Herdman, formerly clerk ef the su
preme court, says the Lincoln papers mis
quoted him when they said he Intended to
give up his practice of law and go to ranch
ing In Colorado He says he did say that If
his health was not better In the spring he
would go on m ranch for a while. Mr.
Herdman admits this part of the interview:
"He does not hesitate to say that the
republican candidate for supreme Judge,
C. B. Letton. will be elected by a large ma
jority, Mr. Herdman bewails the loss of
strength among democrats In Nebraska on
account of slumping toward socialism and
republicanism. He predicts that the so
cialist party Is destined to be one of the
big ones within a few years."
added to. the books on the stacks. Gov
ernment documents to the number of 1.816
are stored In the rooms down stairs, but
are not Included In the list ot book In
the circulating department.
Improvement CInb Meetingr Tonight.
A meeting of the N Street Improvement
club, . of which Colonel C. M. Hunt . Is
president and James J'lvgnka. secretary,
is tO' be held this evening.. The object
of this club Is to' make an effort to. stir
up a little life on' lower N street and pre
vent the property from falling - Into' dis
use and decay. Blnce the railroad tracks
cumstances of a dead baby found Thurs
day morning under the. mattress of a bed
occupied Wednesday night by the Patrel
woman. The discovery "was made by a
chambermaid of the hotel .and the matter
Immediately reported to the police. Officer
Shepherd was detailed to watch the hotel
arid when Wright and the woman returned
about noon both were arrested. No spe
cific charge has been placed against them:
Coroner Bralley has taken charge of the
body and will not take any action in the
matter until the polico- Investigation has
been completed. '.,
A medical examination' of the woman
was made by Dr. H. L. Arnold and after
some questioning the wdmftn said she gave
have been fenced, there la hul little html.
ness orVr N street' west of Twenty-sfxth I birth to the child at UlVptel Wednesday
stjeet and many, of the stbriulfdlngs ar night, but further than tii'.ls .-the facts of the
vacant. The members of the- club want I have "ot yet betn 1-evealed
Womin, Daughter and Three Sons
Beatea to Death In Their
Home at Esas.
KONA. Tex., Sept. 28.-Mrs. A. J. Con
dltt and four children, a daughter of IS
and three boys from 6 to 10 years old,
were murdered In cold blood at their home
near here today. The mother and daugh
ter were assaulted and their bodies bru
tally disfigured. A baby about I years
old was the only one left alive. All of
them seemed to have been murdered with
some blunt Instrument. Their heads were
crushed and their throats cut with a khlfo
or rasor. Officers .were informed at once
and the entire county Is out en posse In
search of the murderers. It Is supposed
there were two of them. Dogs have been
sent for.
the Brand Jury' yesterday and the Indict
ment returned today. Public
continues to run high, over the affair. It
was discovered by the physicians that the
bullet from the detective's revolver passed
through the wrist ot the boy into the le.
breaking, tho. leg. -and passing down the
center of tho thlglr bone through the mar
row to the kriee Joint, where it la now
The Colorado Federation of Women's
clubs has been in session at Denver" thl
week and a busy time ttu-y. have bad of
It, too. One of the gratifying feature of
the opening session Tuesday waa a letter
from Governor Jesse McDonald In which
he expressed regret at being unable to at
tend the meeting personally, and after
stating that he entirely disagreed with Mr.
lodged, ( It (a -found to-be impossible to re- Cleveland In hla estimate ot the woman's
move the bullet and there are grave fears
that the boy will not live. Late today he
was reported to be sinking.
Forsaer Object to Presiding Elder and
' Latter Stand by Him.
BIOL'X CITY. U.. Sept, 28.-i8pectal Tel
egram.) Rev, Hugh Hay, presiding elder
o( tbe ahtJJoa district , of the northwest
loan conference, I charged ' by the lay
delegate of . h;a. district with autocracy
nd Jneffk'ieacy a ad a petition ha been
handed o Btehop Henry W. Warren, pre
siding; officer Of the 'conference In session
here., asking fyr hi removal. The petition
is signed by lay delegate from every
church In the district with the exception
of cA-er. , , v .;. , .
' The ministers ef the district have come
ta the support of Re-.' Hay wRh a counter
petition. In which It la asserted that the
charge of ; the lay de legaeji are without
fuutuUtlenr . "NY T. Brigg of Sheldon is
ksader 'oc the laymen and Rev. Royo of
Bpenoer heads the ministerial faction.
Key. Ua4laa been presiding elder ot tfcs
sUttldgjh dJftrtot tor (our year.
club, continued as follows:
Woman's clubs do treble duty. They
make better cltisens of the women, who.
In turn, make It possible for the chil
dren to become better cltiacws. They al
so mase better cltisens of the men be
cause the standard of the home Is regu
lated by the standing of In Individual
niembeis. The woman who spends . her
me uj me nresuie anna scenes or un-
atsturDed domesticy performs a noble
and a holy duty; but the woman who
Judlcloualy avails herself of the modern
woman's club in its varfous branches
can. in my opinion, perform these same
uuuea, or equally valuable ones, more In
Board of Directors Formally Awards
P.a.a.t to r.l..v
CHICAGO. Sent. 28. Us vn a tea f the
American liase lis II associa im held their
ni Dimness meeting iiKly in tots vt'y
Routine bMslneos was discussed nd the
moot important transaction ot Je day -waa
the ewaxdin of the pennant to. the Colum
bus club by the board of directors directly
aiier lle meeting C the ieagtte.) Messrs.
Bryee of Cnliiuihua. TWbeau of LouIaviJla
and Orillo of Tub-do were appelated a cum
in it tre to represent the aasoetattoa at the
world eertea, soon to be pad. Tne an
oual meeting for the election of oJTWrs ylU
be held iu this city la U taut (art
to see If the gates at the . tracks cannot
be kept open. If this cannot be done ah
effort Is to be made tb secure funds for
the construction of a foot bride across the
tracks, so that all the traffic will not go
by the way of the O street viaduct,
Mna-Ie City Gossip.
So far this week 70.000 sheen have been
Handled at tne yards nere.
Mrs. C. E. Scarr Is entertaining her
brother, Walter Herman of St. Louis.
The Fantana club will give the first of a
series of dancing parties this evening.
Postmaster F. J. Etter hss returned from
Colorado, where he spent his vacation.
Heavy Cottonwood planks are being used
for the new flooring on the Q street viaduct.
Rev. Guy W. Wadsworth will occupy the
pulpit at the First Presbyterian church
Sunday morning.
R. C. Howe, general manager of the Ar
mour plant, left for Chicago last night, to
be absent several days.
Mrs. G.' E. Stoner of Newmarket, la.. Is
here, the guest of Mrs. J. V. Miller, 609
North Twentieth street.
Colonel ' L C. Gallup has returned from
Wyoming, where he went to purchase
horses for this market. -
uhl ' Frank W. Solon has returned to
Chicago, after spending a couple of weeks
here with rrienas ana relatives.
W. P. McDeavltt. chief clerk of the Joint
Car Inspection association here, returned
Thnriiiaii from a three . weeks' visit with
relatives and friends in Philadelphia and
New lor.
m.. aaninr elnss Hn floated from the
staff at the high school building Thursday
. nf hla-Henlora havina won in a
subscription contest for the Tooter, the offi
cial organ ot me nign scnum.
Dresel, Slabansrh and Depnttes Armed
' la Woodmen of the World '
County Clerk Drexel, County Attorney
Blabaugh and. Deputies Foster and Fitch
will go to Lincoln Monday to appear be
fore tbe supreme court in cases in wmcn
Douitl&a county Is vitally .interested.
rvinntv Clerk Drexel goes as a witness in
the case wherein the State Board of Equali
sation seeks, by mandamus, to compel him
to spread the value of the reserve fund
of the Woodmen of the World on the as
sessment roll, while the others go as at
torneys In this caae and In the case In
volving the validity of the Dodge primary
election law and the inheritance tax law.
Attorney Slabaugh ha the copy of his
brief In the primary election law case
ready for the printer. In the Woodmen of
the World case he will defend the answer
recently filed In the supreme court which
waa In effect that the county assessor had
assessed the reserve fund of the order and
had Included the same In his returns to
the County Board of Equalisation. This
answer came as a complete surprise to the
legal department ot the state which was
preparing Its rase with the Impression that
there would be ho denial of the charge
that the reserve fund had not been as
sessed. In the case of the Inheritance tax
law, Attorney Slabaugh Is attacking the
ruling, of County Judge Vlnsonhaler who
held it unconstitutional without waiting, tor
a protest.
In the meantime, Btate Treasurer Mor-
tensen Is operating under this law and
according to the amendment to it enacted
by the late, legislature, he has distributed
among the various counties entitled there
to, some ts.noo which will be used for Im
proving public highways.
gaits Agalaet Great Western.
Suits Involving 12S.0M for damages claimed
against the Mason City Fort Iudge Rail
way eomrasay iba Great Western have
been beaun In' the united Stales circuit
court fur the depreciation in vahto ua in-
Jury- to property caused by the construction
( the freight houses, sidings and grade of
that road lo the vicinity or lavrnwortn,
Mason. ftx(Hlnlh. . Seventeenth, :iglit-ntli
and Nineteenth streets. " The plaintiffs In
the eases are Ma.rara.ret Collins. -who SUMS
for S.i00 damagrsi Catherine Kennedy, who,
se tor liXOuG damages; Fannie Keicnen-
i btrg, m ho u lor la.vuo damages, ana at-
Wright and Annie Patxel occupied sep
arate rooms. -
Wright says he and Miss Patrel live at
Newman Grove and . cams to Omaha
Wednesday evening for the carnival. Both
are single, the man says. As to the 'cir
cumstances tinder which they came to
Omaha together neither ' cares to talk.
Wright says he Is a laborer.
County Attorney Slabaugh Is Investigat
ing hi end of the case and It is believed
no criminal proceedings will be started, the
indications now being that there was no
criminal intent on the part of either Wright
or Mis PatxeL
Of Interest to Travelers.
"I travel in the southern states," says
Mr. E. F. Cross of Melfa. Va. "While
driving had a sudden attack of cholera
morbus, with severe cramping pains In the
stomach. A customer of mine at the first
store I stopped at recommended Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy, and two doses of it set me right.
now carry a bottle of this remedy In my
grip constantly, as do many other traveling
men. I unhesitatingly recommend It." Th
constant chage of drinking water and diet
often causes disorders of the bowels. For
this reason no one should leave home on
a Journey without a bottle of this remedy.
It Is almost certain to be needed.
Germans to Meet In Iowa.
ROCHESTER. N. T.. Sept. M.-The Ger
man Evangelical synod held Its final ses
slon today. Burlington, la., was selected
for the next quadrennial meeting In 10.
Their Hard Struggle Made Easier-Interesting State
ments by a Young Lady in Boston
and One in-Nashville, Tenn.
if y; jsVv
ycrttr-SlUburn Co.
My txpvritnce trilh your rnlnaWs
rtmfdy hat been fjuallg grvUfyu'j
to both mystlf ami Jriends.
Odette Tjler is one of the best play
ers of the American staje. , Her work
is finished and artistic. Charles Froh
msn found her one of . his iuost popu
lar stars. Last season Miss Tyler
wrote, produced and played the lead-'
lng role In a successful;, romantic
drama, -"The Red Carnation."- Mis
Tyler's testimony for Dban's Kidney
Pills Is a note-worthy reoofultloli of
their merit, for she has always been
loth to allow her name to be published
In this manner. '
The Real Cause of Backache, Urinary Ills, Dizzy
Spells, Etc., is Weakness of the Kidneys. -
Doati s Kidney Plls Cure Weak Kidneys
Rick kidneys, like any weak link In a
chain, weaken the whole structure of
the body and hasten Its final breaking
down. -
Overwork, strains, colds and other
causes injure the kidneys, and when
the activity of the kidneys is lessened
the whole body suffers from sn excess
of uric acid, circulated with the blood.
Backache, rheumatic pains, urinary
ills and languid or nervous spells fol
low, and there is an ever-Increasing
tendency toward fatal diabetes or
Brlght's Disease. There is no real help
for the sufferer at any time except kid
ney help.
Doan's Kidney Pills is the one kid
ney specific that acts directly upon the
kidneys, makes lasting cures, and is
endorsed by people you know. It Is
purely vegetable and contains no dan
gerous drugs. It relieves inflammatldn
and congestion, restores healthy kid
ney tissue, and rids the sunerer perma
All women work: soma In their
homes, some In church, and some in
the whirl of society. And in stores,
mJls and shops tens ot thousands are
on the never-ceasing- treadmill, earning
their dally bread.
All are sublect to the same physical
laws; all suffer alike from the same
Shysical disturbance, and the nature of
ieir duties, in many cases, quickly
drifts them into the horrors of all
kinds of female complaints, ovarian
troubles, ulceration, f alUnu and dis
placements of the womb, leuoorrhoea,
or perhaps Irregularity or suppression
of "monthly periods, cauHing back
ache, nervousness, irritability and
Women who stand on their feet all
day are more susceptible to these
troubles than others.
Thev especially require an invio-orat-
lnir. sustaining inediulne which will
Strengthen the female orgau'ea and
enable them to bear easily tan fatigues
of tbe day, to sleep well at ntgnt, ana
to rise refreshed and cheerful. -
- How distressing to see a woman
Struggling' to earn a livelihood or per
form her household duties when her
back and head are aobing, she Is so
tired she can hardly drag about or
stand up, and every movement causes
pain, the origin of which is doe to
some derangement of the feioas or-"ganistr..
x M t&s r. Oner or it warren ton sueei.
Boston, tells women how to avoid suea
suffering 1 she writes:
Dear Mrs. Plnkham:
" I suffered misery for several years with
Irrerular menstruation. My back ar-hnd; I
bad bearing down pains, and frequent head
t'bas; I could not sleep and oould hardly
drair around. I consulted two phyician
without relief, and as a last resort, I tried
LydiaE. Pin sham's Vegetable Compound, and
to mv surprise, eery ache and pain left me,
I gained tan pounds and am In perfect health.
Miss Pearl Ackers of 837 North Sum
mertreet, Nashville, Tenn., writes:
Dear Mrs. Plnkham: '
"I sult3rl wita painful periods, severe
barkaohe, bearing-down pains, pains across
tbeabdwnou; was very nervous and Irrita
ble, and niy trouble grew worse every month.
- " Mv physician failed to help me and I
decided to try Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I soon found it was doing ma
good. All my pains and ache disappeared,
and I no longer fear my monthly periods.
Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is the unfailing cure for all these
troubles. It strengthens the proper
muscles, and displacement with all its
horrors will no more erush you.
Backache, dizziness, fainting, bear
ing down pains, disordered stomach,
moodiness, dial ike of friends and society
all symptoms of the one cause will
be quickly dispelled, and it wlU make
you strong and well.
You can tell the story of your suf
fervors ta a woman, and reeelve help
ful advice free of cost. Address Mrs.
Plnkham,. Lynn, Mass.
lji E. PLftaJaurt YitMa CaffljMad Succeed Wbvf Cthcrt TaJL
nently of those aches , and pains that
come from sick kidneys.
Mrs. Julius Beilatein,.NQ..?i3a South
35th St., says: "For seven months I
had severe pains across the small ot
my back, becoming excruciating it. I
lifted anything heavy. I had felt symp
toms of tho trouble for years, but not
so bad until recently. I tried many
remedies, but they gave me little or no
relief until I saw Doan's Kidney Pills
advertised, and my husband went to
Kuhn & Co's drug store and got a box.
They proved Just the remedy I needed.
They also did my husband much good.
Wo. can recommend Doan's Kidney
Pills to others as being a remedy fully
up to representations.".
If you' wish to try Doan's Kidney'
Pills, free of expense, write to Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial
Hold by all druggists. Price, 60c. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. IVop's.
Number 12.
It leaves Omaha ,...8;05 p. m.
It arriyea Chicago .3:03 a. m.
Number 6.
It leaves Omaha .725 a. ta.
It .arrives Chicago .....8:46 jk, m.
Number 2.
It leaves Omaha ....4:00 p. m.
It arrives Chicago ; ..720 a, m.
Tickets, berths, folders, rates and information at
City Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St.
Some say there's no place on earth bo nice to
live in as California. Old folks, particularly,
become attached to the warm, restful atmosphere;
the blue sky; the soft, salt air of the ocean.
Many go to California by doctor's prescription
for a climate cure.
.j -..I i 1 1-
Personal Escort
is a feature of Rock Island Tourist Sleeping car'
service that will strongly appeal to those not used
to traveling. All worries are, saved you are
carefully attended and, you travel economically,.
- . Reduced rates via Rock Island, daily to Oct.
31st. Write for literature and any information
wanted. '
F. P. RUTHERFORD, 0, P. A.. 1323 Farnam St.. Omaba, Neb. .
heLakej orMlNNEJOTA
$12.50 rof rT-?ocvDjr?p
Ask for "Hint ao Trawal"