THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2D, 1003. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Kanpi Higher at Ope.fng, hut Md OS. ALL LINES ABE EXTREMELY INACTIVE Armt r laid f Have Taken Protti Loner December Bid for Export Cora Are Little Oat . ot Line. w. . OMAHA. Sept. 2t. 1908. ... " "'"I' Uttle higher through the 5 ,y l2Srn,n' but 'eaed off below yester day. The pressure on May. when """w"!' anr at trader thought It looked Ilk Armour ai taking profits 00 long December wheat by selling the May on an elevator proposition. News came from Kansas that farm deliveries wheat at Milwaukee, as millers withdrew and considerable grain had to be carried over. Northwest receipts are large and southwest receipts continue to decrease. The railroad yards at Minneapolis era ran. "ted with wheat. Winnipeg received 403 .? ' .1 "cnsiern, ware and Valen tine all think wheat will be hlgner. Sep tember closed at u. December at 86V 86o and May at 87lifi87'ac. Corn also w easier, Bid for export were a little out ot line. September closed at tlHc. old September at 61Vc, December . V,!"?..'a cemper at 45',46c and May at 44.n44t4n. Reports Indicate a Uttle better movement of oats In the country. Export demand w fair; options were a simile lower. Sep tember closed at 27c, December at 2ac and May at tOttc. Liverpool closed W&Hd higher on wheat ana yij'Hd higher on com. The ticker says the nqueese Is on la earnest In Sep tember wheat at Liverpool, where the price im uji in over rugni, or nearly Wo a bushel. The more deferred months were up H4yVc a ousnei, fans private cables note an advance there ot '4yo a bushel and say Indications are fur a general waking up of foreign markets. Primary wheat receipts were l.SM.fHX) Duvneis ana Shipments 757.0U) bushels, against receipts last year of 1. 286.000 bush els and shipments of 447.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 631. 000 bushels and shipments io,mw nusneis, against receipts last year of So 000 bushels and shipments of 532, (XX) bushels. Clearances were 111,000 bushels of corn, 80,000 bushels of oats, 12,000 bushels of wheat and 88.000 barrels of flour. Deliveries on September contracts at Chi cago yesterday were 138,000 bushels of wheat, 240.000 bushels of corn and 5.000 Dusnels of oats. Kansas r ty reported Ar mour as a large buyer of December corn there yesterday at 4c under Chicago May. The close there was 40tf40Ho, or 8Ho under wiair oepiemoer. Omaha Cask, Sates. wjiciAT-m. i hard. 1 car, 80c; 1 oar, '"i spring, l car, isc CORN-No. 8. 1 car, 4o. Omaha. Casa Prices. WHEAT No 1 hard, 80o; No. S hard, iokj nu, spring, waive. corn No. 2, 4Hc; No. $. 4?Hc ; No. 4 fnvc; no graae, 4i(Q4&c; no. i yellow Wiawvtc: No 1 yellow, 4Sfl48'4c: No. ! white, 4a4Stto; No. 3 white. 4KW48c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 25ra26Vc: No. 1 mixed. 24&25c; No. 4 mixed, 24'&24c; No. 2 while, 2va26V: No white, 20nJ2tVic; No. 4 wane, ata; aianaara. zsc. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Cats. Chicago 47 Ksnsas City IM Minneapolis 6K0 Omaha 27 Duluth 407 271 18 8 3 St. Louis 1 73 Minneapolis Qrala Market. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). Tbs range et prices aa reported by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board 6f Trade building, was: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat i I t ' : ' ' ' I Sept.,. 2S 12 3 I It 8S4 . Dec... 833'a . 3V . H2 62 Mv, May...jt6M8GV 8a HoTk M1 WHKAT-No. 1 lard. 8BHo; No. 1 northern, I4c; to arrive. l4Wc: No. 2 northern. SlKc: to arrive, WHc; No. S, 79S0c; No. 1 Durum, CORN No. i yellow, 50Hc; No. I, 60c, OATS No. 2 white, a...-: No. 1 U to. J R YB to 6314. FLAX 101 Vid tto arrive, 101 o. WEATHER IX THIi GRAI BELT aa SU11 1 Shlaea for gar-Ben. Klagr Ak. OMAHA. Sept at. 1906. A trough of low pressure extends over the extreme Missouri vallley and northern nocay mountain siope to tne southwest i his low is ' accompanied by warmer weather In the mountains, and generally warmer weatner prevails from the moun tains east to the Atlantic coast, and con, tlnued fair and warm weather will prevail in mis vicinity louignt ana rnaay. in pressure continues highest over the fast rn states. Kalns continue In the west gulf states and on the north Faclno coast. Oma-ia reoora ot temperature and precipitant n compared with tha corre ponding aay of the last three years 1W6. 1V04. liKu. 1903 Minimum temperature.... M 68 60 4 rrecipiiauon w .oj .uu ,w Normal temperature for today, U de ireea. Denclancy tn Dreclultatlon since March t il Inches. Deiicie.,uy correSDOndlng Derlod In 1904. ii incnea. Kxceea corresponding; pel kd In ltot. 4.SS inches. OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. nam. Stations. Max. Mln, Inches Sky. Clear Clear Clear Ashland. Neb 88 . M .00 .00 .on .00 .uo .00 .) .00 .00 .00 .oo .oo .oo .00 .00 Auburn. Neb. 68 6S 67 68 81 M 82 o 67 68 66 -64 68 61 Columbus, Neb.. Kairbury, Neb..., Kalrmont. Neb... Ft. cloudy near Clear !r. Island, Neb.. Hartlngton. Neb. M Vl. cloudy Clear Oakdale, Neb..... 83 Oiuaha, Neb W Tekamah. Neb.. I 87 Carroll. la 85 Clarlnda, la W Sibley, la 84 Hloux City. la.... W ft. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Storm Lak ake, la. . Clear DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of -TeuiD Rain Central. . Chicago. III. illations. Max. Mln. Indies. 30 84 64 .00 18 . Hi 48 .00 14 88 U .00 11 M 60 .00 18 8H 60 .00 18 .88 bi .1)0 26 " .84 62 .00 16 6t 68 .00 13 88 6( .00 Columbus, O Des Moines, la... IndlanapnllK, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. Louisville, ivy.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb Si. Louis, Mo:... L, A. WELBH. Loal Forecaster. Weather Bureau. t. Lonle tieneral Market. ST. liOUIS, Sept. 58. WHEAT Futures lower, cash firm; No. 8 red cash, elevator, 84VuWviiu; track. SStjSSic; IXcomber, 83vvrf 83V: May gHSihGVic; No. I hard. eUfiSttc. CORN lxer; No. 2 cash, 61c; track 62c; May. 42ic. OATS Firm; No. t cash. 28c; track, 2So; December, 27,c; May, irc; No. I while, 11 He FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.10 64 40' extra fancy and straight, $3.7v4)-4.10; Hear, $2.sa3.1&. SkiEl Timothy, steady at t2.tO64.0a, t'OKNMEAly Steady at t-'.tu, BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, tQ 4S'-s. HAY-Bteady; timothy. $8.006U.&0; prairie, $7.t4t8 io. IRON COTTON TIES tC. HAUOIMJ-vv. HEMP TVLNi-84c. PROViaiON Pork. lower; Jobbing. $15.00. Lard, higher; prime steamed. $.9'-,l. lry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. 8 26; clear firm. S.62Vi; short clears. 88 e7H. Bacon, steady: boxed extra short. $4.87,; clear ribs, 19.50; short clear. $9.2lt POULTRY eileady: chickens, 10c; springs, lvtil2c; turkeys, 13415c; ducks, tc; geese, 4u8u. bCTTFR-Steady; creamery, lSJTJSc; dairy. 14l17c. EGO Lasy, WV4C-. ciuae count. ReceiDts Shipments. Tlniir hhla - 7.000 11(40 Wheat, bu 72. 0W M.O110 Corn, bu . H3.ot tl.Otaj OaW. bu W.lWO 44,000 PaUa4rhln rroalaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Bept. 38. B UTT E R rirm; extra western creamery. HQk: emr nearriv brtnts. Z3c. EOOS Finn; nearby freah. loss off. IV; erby freah, to at mark; western iresn, IlVfiiTVvc at mark. CHEESU tjvilet; New Tfork full cream, fancy. Uc; New York full cream, choice. HulV:- New York full cream, (air to wd, UVaSUVsC Uveuaoal Grata Market. LIVKRI"OOL. Sept. 2. WHEAT Spot staadvi No. 1 red western, winter. As M Future quiet ; . Dect-uilarr. ta KVxdi klana, 4a COKN-El'vjt. Qvi.ot; Aineilcaa ituAed, is id, Foturee steady: December. 4a I1: auuary, 4a 4Ad; March, 4e JVd. IllCAOO OR IM AXD PROVmoSS Festsret ot the Trading- aad Cloalaa- Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, dept. .I.lher.l receipts of nest today In the nirih,t weaken the wheat market here it ihn loae wheat for December delivery was off Corn and nata r. ..,.h A,.-. 'rovlslon are up 5jjl2 The easv feellr.v in tk k ---u... ji- veloped soon after the opening. Influenced prices ai Liverpool the market ere opened steady to firm, with December nchaneed to Un MrV uuuA r chief reason for the earner tnne .t,. uently was clear weather thrn.hxnt ih. greater portion of the Inlted Slates. In this connection II m nnir.1.,.4 . ,.. Cfipts at Minneapolis and Dultith were a?ain iiersi, arrivals today st the two points being 987 cars, against 69S cars the corre sponding day a year ago. Another bearish factor wss a reDort that drouth tn imii nd Roiimanla h,1 K-on v. . .. Ti i last part of-the session the market heM teSdV Under fair i4aman. - ln4l bull. December touched R5j.e ind ttloaaA teady at ttVvWSS'ic. Clearances of wheat nd flour were eoual to lfa.nm hn.hoia rvi. mary receiDts were 1 HAD nm hnah.i, pared with 1, 208.000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1.084 cars, against 734 cars last " ana six a year ago. Moderate aiinnor frnm a K..t.n. v.. it beld the corn market falrlv atrariv. no- wlthstanding Ideal weather for the matur- ng or me new crop. The volume of tradlns- I Small. Exnort demand man rennrte.1 ess urnnt Pit im. M.-,.ii . bearlshly Inclined. The market closed steady. December opened unchanaed tn Ho lower at 44tf4fic, held within the opening range and closed at 447c. Local receipt" were 170 cars, with 120 cars of cnntrai-t grade. The oats market was quite firm early on a fair Cash demand. Tjitar tha tnarWat aa and off a trifle In sympathy with other grain. Absence of export demand was a late fac tor. December Onened unchane-ed to a hade hlRher at JR.o to ?s3.c- sold nfr to 2Mkfi2SUc and closed at 2fcUc. I.oral re ceipts were 29 cars. Provisions were firm on covering by shorts. Higher prices for live hogs helped to stimulate demand for hog product". At the close January pork was up 12Hc at I12.B2H. Lard was Be at tti.82H'(j6.85. Ribs were 6c higher at W.65. ine leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Tes'r. Wheat I Sept. Dec. Mav 8S 86 "4 85 KM 8B4 8H 87H 61 W,U 7?s 875 Corn tScpt. JSept. tDec. J Dec. Bl' BlS 62 6m 61! 6 Hi 51T4j'n hi 4fi 4BV Waft 461 447446 45 447,1 44 45 41V4 2714 Mar 44V44J 44 Oats- I Sept. Dec. Mav ?7H 27 27H S7VI 2f"4 2&i, 0H,30S'8 Pork Oct. Jan. 14 75 12 46 7 28 7 L' 80 I B0 14 90 14 65 I 12 42H 7 20 14 65 14 90 12 40 7 20 7 15 6 80 8 52M 8 4714 12 62H! 12 f2 1 sih' 6 85 I Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. T JB 7 22 7 17W e m 8 B2V4 6 66 80 8 45 60 Rlbs- Oct. Jan. 8 B2Vi 65 No. t fOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter natenta. tt SfVfr 4.20; straights, $3.604.10; spring patents, S4.2ifcS4.40; straights, 1.4.00, bakers,' f-'.to U3.40. WHEAT No. I spring, 87c; No. 8, 824i85c; No. 2 red. 854585c. CORN No. Z. 621-(!ifi2Vtr No J vellnnr K51. OATS No. Z. 27le: No. 1 white. SSira 294c; No. 3 white, 27V4&29C. rt I K NO. 2. 71c. BARLEY Oood feedlns- 7c: fair to choice malting, j'nso. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 97c; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.03',,. Timothy, prime, 13. La. Clover, contract grade, $12.25. fROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $14.75 Uns, Lard, per 100 lbs., $7.22H. Short ribs siaes (loose i. 61X118.06. Short e ear slda (boxed. $8.26158.50. The followtna were .tha reeatnta mwA Shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Flour, bhls 59.000 6filoment. 60,200 lti.taa) 162.90) 261.500 l.liiO Wheat, bu inih.ii Corn, bu 830,000 Oats, bu 483.600 Rye. bu 23,0"0 Barley, bu 203,500 2.600 Oo the Produce exchana-e todav tha hut, ter market wna ateaHv i -r, (nc, dairies. tsHc. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 17Hc; firsts. lSWc; prime firsts. 20i,c; extras, 2Jc. Cheese. Arm; "EW YORK OE5GRAL MARKET Uaolatloaa of the Day oa Varloas Commodities. NKW YORK. Bent. 28'fi.naini. 20.177 bbls.; exports. 10,244 bbls,; market was dull but steady; Minnesota nntent ties. fit.16; Minnesota bakers, la ikK,(4 rti- mint.. patents, $4.264.76; winter straights, $4.ou4J 4.10; extraa. 12.50fl3.35: Winltir I11W iri'uilnM $2.75!&'3.30. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 3 86ij4.16; choice to fancy. $4.164.60; spot and to arrive. Buckwheat flour, stead v: $2.36i(j2.60, to arrive, October. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel '2. J1 2fc&1.30; coarse, $1.1461.16; kiln dried. t3.06&3.10. tit Hi oull; No. I western, 71o c. I. L new rork. BARLEY Oulef feadlnar IttiKlu. I. f. r.... 1.. uuuaw, WHEAT Receipts, 12,000 bu.; spot mar. ket barely steady; No. 3 red, 89c, elevator, and 80V if. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern DuluUi, TT40 f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 Northern Manitoba, We f. o. b., afloat. After a Uttle firmness around the opening. Influ enced by better cables and bullish Argen tina news, wheat weakened under liquida tion and closed partly o net lower. Late factors Included a heavy Interior move ment, fine weather and rains In Indiana. September, tlfrtHsVs, closed at 91c; Decem ber, 80 6-lBU804C, closed at 90S.C; Udy, 80 ll-lwfTM 7-loc. closed at 90c. CORN Receipts. 168,726 bu.; exports. 7,890 bu.; spot market barely steady; No. 2. 68Hc. elevator, and 691e f. o. b., afloat; No. i yellow and white, bWsO. Option mar ket quiet and steady, net unchanged. Sep tember closed at 68V?; December, 63L,U 6SKtO. closed at 6314c; May closed at 6tue. OATS Receipts, 184,600 bu.; exports, 31,3 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oata, 28 to 32 pounds, 32HSV33 14jc ; natural white, 30 to 8J pounds, SSiriXiic; clipped white. 88 to 40 pounds, 36Vfc63n14c, HAY Quiet; shipping. 603&Dc; good to Choice, 754i824f!. HOPS Steady: state, common to choice. 1906 crop, 18m 22c; 1904 crop, 154121c; olds, 6 if 11c. Pacific, 1906 crop, 16618c; 1904 crop. 14ir 20c; olds. 8tmc. nllibo rirm; oalveston. Z0 to 28 1'jb.. 20c; California. IX to 2b lbs.. 19ac: Txiia. dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 18c. LEATHER Firm; acid, Z412e PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family. 811 60 12 00; mess, $.t06 10.00; beef hams. $21.0ty, 22.60; packet. $10.6041 11.00; city, extra India mess, is wtntttaj. 4,-ut meats, easy; plekled bellies. $8.7bfal0.50; pickled shoulders, $'tf 7.60; pickled hams $10.00. Lard, steady; western steamed, $7.86; refined, steady; coin- round, $5 62 ttjp 6 .75. Pork, steady; family, IJ &c7l8 00; short clear, $14.5i 14.30, mesa, $1.OOS 18.50. tallow wteaay ; city (2.otl per rk:.l. 4Vc; country (pkg. freei. 4't1i41-,c. . RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. t 6c; Japan, nominal. POULT RT Alive, steady; western chick ens, lie; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 13c. Drewed. weak: western chickens. lltilSc: fowls, ltc: spring turkeys. 144J18C. tiL rirm; srreei, price, extra creamery, Wniio. Official prices: Cream. ery. common to extra. 17fc2Mc; state dairy, common 10 extra. iolvgj"c; western Imi tation creamery, extra, 19c; western firsts, niaulee. CHEK8W Quiet, uncnanged. EtR'iJ Firm; state. Prnnsylvarla and nearby fancy, selected white. 80c; western extra firals, 22:t3c; western firsts, tic. Mtaaeaswllg tarala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. t8--WHEAT-BeptemrK-r. $2c; December, K'c; May, tc; No. 1 hard. tiSc ; . No. 1 northern, ttVc; No. I northern, TJi- FLOUR First patents, $S.0OTi.l0: second patenta, t4.0p4 tft; first clears, $3.8063 9; second clears. $2.4T2 75. BRAN la bulk, $11.50. Poorla Market. PEORIA. III.. Sept W. CORN-Steady; No. S yellow, 53c; No. t. 63c. OATS Steady; No. t white, SSVio; No. 4 white. KfrJTVo. RYE Iwr; Na S.' 4rtc. WHISKX-tl JU basis for finished goods. Mllwaakeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Sept. W -WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. 87S:8va." No. I northern. 84j7c; December. a.tiwHo. RYK Steady; No. L 643 :.-. BARLEY Steady; No. Z. 64c; sample, ITtroSc. CORK Weak; May, tWtNfVJ bid. Dalatk Crala Market. ' DULUTH. Sept. 28 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, 43Vi No. 2 northern. 8Hc; on track. No. 1 northern, PVl September, old. ttS; fcteitenilrr, uw, tie;' December. 7!ic; May. 8.14c. - OA! a To aiilve auij un Uack, 27V NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Dealiags Ara Light Owint to Iacvattd Dcmana for Money, CALL LOANS RISE TO FIVE PER CENT Baak ot F.nglaaa Advances Rate ot Dlscooat to Toar Per (eat an Effect is Perceptible at lite York. NEW TORK. Sept. . There was a per ceptible demand for money today and the stock market showed the effect, although the course of money waa very definitely and confidently foreseen. Both call loans and time loan ratea were quoted higher, call loans going 8 per cent and the sup ply waa obvloualy growing scarcer. Soma slight effect on prices of stocks was pro duced, but the principal result In the stock market was the stagnation of the specula tion. Various factors conduced to the course of the money market. Doubtless there Is an extensive shifting of loans go ing on to prepare for the great syndicate oeratlons 1 which fall due on Saturday, but aside from this the actual cash re serves of the banks are subject to In creasing drain. The event of the day was the advance in the Bank of England dis count rates of full 1 per cent to 4 per cent, carrying It back to the level of two years ago, since which time it has pro gressively declined until the advance of three weeks ago. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability Is down to 4" 03 per cent, which is lower than the reserve has stood for many years. It compares with the percentage of 67V this time last year. The action of the bank Is thus made clear, even after allowance is made for the Urge amount of gold in Its posses sion which Is earmarked for the Indian government and which does not figure in tha reserve. It Is confidently expected that I he Imperial Bank of Germany will Imi tate the English bank at Its next meet ing. The advance in the sterling rate at Paris also indicated the effect on the Paris money market. Tha effect will be to throw obstacles in the way of the move ment of gold to New York. The price of gold was marked down In London ap parently In the confidence that the rise In the bank rate would prove an efficient protection. The foreign exchange market here In New York, however, receded in spite of the hardening of foreign money markets. On the side of the domestio cur rency movement, Chicago reported a free shipment of funds from that center to the agricultural districts and the New York rate of exchange at Chicago receded to 20 cents discount as a result of transferring the pressure to the New York market. The loss of the banks to the subtreaaury was extended to over $5,000,000 for the week compared with the gain of over $l,000,0u0 for the corresponding period of last week. In addition, $200,000 was deposited at the subtreasury for telegraphlo transfer to New Orleans and a credit balance by the subtreasury at the clearing house today indicated the taking up of another large sum bv that Institution to flauro In the next bank statement. Several parcels of gold have arrived from Europe during the week, which will be a partial offset. The resumption of refunding announced by the secretary of the treasury made a good Impression, but the relief to the money market by this method will depend on the taking out of new circulation which may result, and will operate but slowly at the best. One or two stocks showed some degree of strength and helped to sustain the market, notably Southern Pa ciflc, which was the subject Of revived rumors of early dividend action. The late movement In Chesapeake A Ohio was slmt lar, but was of slight effect on the closing tone, which was easy. An addlltonal Item to be considered In next week's money market will be the payment of New York taxes, the reaulrements for which are es timated at between )20,000.000 and $30,000,000, durinsr the week. ' Bonds were dul land heavy. Total sales, par value, $3, OX. 000. United Slates 2a de clined 5 on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales.Hlgn.Low.ciose. Adams Ex Amal. Copper 18.700 Am. Car A F 1,100 do nfd 87144 82 .55 Am. CotWn Oil 800 SOtt 20 do prd Am. Ex Am. H. A L. pfd !00 , Am. Ice Securities.... 200 Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng.... Am. Tob. pfd ctf Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. 1.500 f 100 4.900 e 1.000 4.500 7.900 200 52 112H 12744, 121S 13P14 H'l H 1JSH 90 106 ltH 112 62H 11 2S 12iH 1?1H. 138V IOI14 12m ii 1.5O0 14' 3 Bait. Ohio 2.700 do pfd 111 Brooklyn R. T... Canadian Pacific Central of N. J.. Ches. A Ohio .... 13,700 18,000 200 19,100 Chi. A Alton do pfd Chi. Ot. Western Chi. A N. W C, M A 8t. P Chi. Term. A T , do pfd C C.. C. A St. I. Colo. Fuel A Iron .... Colo. A Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson D. . L. A W 100 1(iO t.200 600 88H 1"0 4414 284 '4 1S1 124 100 214 218 760 'ii 'swi 600 n4 90 5 41 4.1Vt 4?H Fim so i4 930 82 81H 100 7314 TPk 100 181 4 181 J 100 9014 SOU 4"0 183 18114 700 20H lSrlJ Den. ft Rio Orande... do pfd PlHtlllers' Securities.. F-ie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 4.... General Electric ..... Hoi king Valley Illinois Central .e Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. A Narhvllle... Manhattan L Viet. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn. A St. I. M.. St. P. A S. S. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific M . K. A T do pfd Katlonal Iead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Western.. do pfd North A met lean Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. C. A St. L. .... Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. 200 8214 82V4 IN) 6514 Ki4 92 ron . 4) 41,000 mo l.Jfo 1.1'Kt 1.0 in 5.1 loo 1.0)0 Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. St. lmls S. W do pfd Southern Pacific ..... do pfd Ron t hern Railway ... do pfd Tenn Coal A Iron.... Texas A Paclflc T . St. L. A W do pfd Union Pacific 600 4110 46.ROO 0 3i0 soo ;.x) 9j Too 100 50. 0 do pfd U. S. Ex Y'. 8. Realty V. B. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do Pfd t Vs. -Carolina Chem... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Ex Westingbouar Elec... Western Union ...... W. A T E Wis. Central do rfd Northern Pacific .... Central Ltuttbar do ofd Bloas-Sheftleld Tulal sales for the day. 428.100 share. . Bank ol Kaalaatv ttatesneat. IINDON. Sept. 28 The weekly state ment of the Bank of England abows tha following changes: Total reaurve. decrease, Cl,(Jg.0i4); i-lrt-'ulatlon Increase, 4!461.lm0; bullion, decrease. A402.398: other secwritiea. tivcrease, a'&.Sfvl.uf); other depotilts, fnreaae. At.nki.vvOi (iuIiUo deposits, Increase, .'7i,tw; notee reserve, decrees". et78nro; govern ment' securities, uncharged. The propor tion of the bank's reserve to liability this week is 40.08 per cent, aa compared with 44 81 per cent last week. Hew York, Money Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 2t.-Money on cell firm and higher, 4-ji per cent; closing 4o offered at 6c. Time loans firm, sixty, ninety days snd six month", r4JrWc per cent. PRIME, MKHCHAULL - APER, 4H9 per cent. BTrinlir'J r..vmiiir-ni; closing firm with actual business In banker Mils at $4 Mrt4.KSe6 for demand, and at 14 82V) for slxtv day bills posted rates. $4Stj and $4 Commercial bills. $4.R2S'd4 82V PII.VKR Har, bic; Mexican aonars, i,c. BONDS oovernment neavy; ratiroaa, Closing quotations on oc-nns were as roi- lows: V. . raf. t. .ltt4 JPtn . i wrtN so coupon . . ,.1"4 do 4H. ran ... HH ... tlH ..1' .. II ..II .. 4 ..lm .. 17V 4a MS .. . ..IMS f. B. . rag 1"4V do Id aeriea la coupon .. . .....1044a U ft N. ual. 4a... rag. ...114 Manhatla e. . a 114 Mi Ontral 4a... r....l4t da la ln- 1' Minn. A St. L. 4a. cert.. 71 M . K . AT. 4a.... 1HV do la Is M N R R. ot M. . avt N Y. C. . ta... V. S. new 4a( do couaoa IT. S. Sl4 4. do coupon . . , Am. Tob. 4, do (a. etta... At-hlna (en. on ani. . . . Atlantlo Coast U 4a.t0IH F J. C. g la. Ralllniora a O. li Korthcrn Paclllc 4a los do IW . . t"4 do H ..ltl4 N. AW. e 4a ..101 O 8 L. rfdg. 4a .. . . M4 rnn. ran. lva.. ..IfflH Ttaadlnt ftan. 4a ..- tua St U ft I M a aa .. 77 ..0 .. 17 ..101 ..lf4 I..117S 4a tl'A Central ot 0. is. do lat Ino do 4 Inc CW a Ohio Hi Chlnco A A. ft' c, b ft. q. s. 1 C . R. I. A P. a . . 101-4 St. L. A P. It. . . 14 St. L. I. W. coo. 4 lm do eol. t H BeatmaH Air U 4a., it CCC. . 9. u 4S..1IU to Parlor 4a .... fa do lat 4a. cart..., .... 7 I Southern Hr ta .... l4 Taa ft P. la M r'4 121 116 Cnlraao Ter. 4a Colorado Mtd. 4a... Colo, ft 80. 4a.... Colo. Ind. (a. art A li T , Bt. L A W, 4a do act B 7., I'tltnn Parln 1UH Cuba 6a, fart.. (H do ronv. 114 D. ft R O. 4a. HUH X. 8. 8ial Id aa 17 H Olatlllrra' Sec. la ... list Wabaah la Erie prior lien 4a 10144 do deb. n 79 do sen. 4a 14 iWeatarn Ml. 4a B9H Ft. W. A P. C. la. 114 IW ft I.. E. 4a IIS4 Hnrklns Valley 4Ha. lllH Wla. Central 4a My, Japan ta. cart lul ' Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Sept. 28. Call loans. SHf4 rer cent; time loans, 4'4(&6 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonus wer as follows: Atchlaon adj. . W Adtentura A lAdTentura ... . 10 Ullouei . MUj Amalsamatad do 4a ... t4 M U X 1044 tS 1744 71V 14 77- , is4 7S , 12 4 , 14 , 7 Mex. Central ta.... Atrhlaon do pfd U4ki Amer. Zlno uoaton A A 7 .lit .141 Atlantic Boeton A Maine.... Nlnsliam Poaton Rlevated Calumet A H. KUchburf ptd .. Mexican Central N. Y., N. H A H Pent Marquatta t'nlon Pai'lltc .141 Caatennlal .... ?1'4 Copper Range .107 iPalf Weat .... .101 I Horn. Coal .. .11114 Franklin . I2 Oranby . M 1 Isle Royal . I Mam Mining ., .lis Mlrhlgan .tJ7 iMohawk A mar. Art. Cham.. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel. ft Tel. ...141 Montana C. ft Amer. Woolen UVi Old Dominion C. . I7 do ptd 104 ; "areola 102 ta 10J 1 lie H 1'4 M'4 10 4H 4 IS4 11) Pom. Iron ft Steel.. 24 Parrot 'Kdlaon Biro, ft III. I(i) Qulncy Shannon General Ki.rtrlc ...180 Maaa. Klactrlo .... It 1 Tamarack .. .. do ptd .. MVi Trinity Maaa. Oaa 50 Vnltcd Copper lulled Fruit United Shoe 104V4 V. 8. Mining Mach.. 77 V L'. S. Oil iivy I'tah I7S Victoria 1041f Winona do pfd V. S. Stael. do pfd . . . WeellDKhouae com... u I Wolverine .... Asked. "Bid. New York Mining Stocks. NEW TORK. Sept. 28. Closing Quotations on mining blocks were aa follows: Adama Con.... to Little Chief .. I .. 40 ..100 .. I .. li .. 44 .. 17 .. 10 ..176 Alice ... to ...45 ... M ... 7S4 ...110 ...170 ...too ... 4 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal , Baraga Sierra Nevada Small Hopea ., Standard breeca Brunawlck Con... Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs... Horn Silver Iran Silver Laadrllls Cos.... Foreign Financial. LONDON. Sept, 28. The money market was much affected today by pay-day re quirements and the maturing of treasury bills besides the call tor 0,o00,000 of the Japanese loan tomorrow. Discounts hard ened with the change In the Bank of Eng land's rate. Trading on the Stock ex change was quiet and .uneven. The rise In the Bank of England's discount rate de pressed prices slightly in places, the mar ket being prepared for the change. Consols were steady at the . oeenine-. but closed easier, though above Ih lowest quotation of the day. Home rails were Irregular. Americans opened dnlj and' eased off on the Increase In the discount ' rste of the Bank of England. Though the movements were fractional and irregular, Illinois Central was exceptionally strong. The market closed quiet. Foreigners were Inactive, dealers awaiting the outcome of the Paris settlement. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1906 were quoted at 105. BERLIN. Sent. 28 Trading on the Bourse opened passive today, but prices closed firmer. PARIS, Sept. 28 Prices on the Bourse today were firm. The Increase of the Bank of England rate of discount did not- make any Impression, the change being expected. Kuaslan Imperial 4s were quoted at 95.94 knd Russian bonds of 1904 at 524. The nrl- I vate discount rate was 24 per cent. Bnnlc ot France Statement. PARIS, Sept. 28 The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following cnanares: rvotes in circulation, lncresse, 39,126.000 francs; treasury deposits, 35.426 000 francs; general deposits, 87.7'A.OOO francs; gold In hand, 7,600.000 francs; bills discounted. Increase, Increase, decrease, decrease, li.Bou.wu irancs. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 28,-Todav's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gom reserve snows: Available cash bal ance. $134,146,380; gold coin anrl bullion, $o0,011,738; gold certificates, $48,403,340. Bank Clearing;, OMAHA. Sept. 28. Bank clearlnas for to day were II, 3H, 848. 50, and for the corre sponding date last year $1,270,506.96. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. 28.-WOOL Strena-th and Inactivity characterises the wool market. The firmness found abroad was followed here by a similar pronounced tone. Terri tory wools are moving In fair volume. Pulled wools remain unchanged either In tone or in prices. Prices in the Boston wool market show uttle change and about as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 30337c; A., 3t4j3c; NO. 1. 404141c : No. 2. 41(g2c; fine unwashed, 28'H29c; V blood washed, 3H'o:o; H-blood, 8435c; unwashed Delaine, 30i31c: unmerchantable. 3H(iii2c fine washed Delaine. 39f?40c. Miehiifan Fine, 2f'a27c; 4-blood. 844135c; unwashed De laine. 28c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc. 4a and V-blood, 3S37c. Territory and Idaho Fine. 23ina4c: heavy nne. litti-'ic; medium, zrawc low medium. 2Sfi;0e. Wyoming Fine. 221$ 23c: heavy tine, 191iZ1c; fine medium. 23W24c; medium. 27628c: low medium. 28a2c. Utah and Nevada Fine. 23p24c; fine medium, 23(9 24c: medium Z7iiKc: low meoium. :ki:io. Dakota Fine,. 220 230; nne medium. Z24TZ3c;, medium. 27B 28c: low meilium, a&j-Ha Won tana Fine choice, 2tlft27c: fine average, 24 26e: fine medium choice, :r27c; average, 27 fc28c; stanle. ISitOc: medium choice. 28ifl0c, ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 28. WOOL Steady medium grades, combing and clothing. 2bv4 aic; ugnt nne. rjyjc; neavy nne, muraa; tuh washed. 82U'42C. LONDON. Seit. 28. WOOL-A sale of sheepskins waa held In Mincing Lane today. The offerlnga numbered 4.061 bales. Full wooled Merinos were uncnanged to 6 per cent cheaper ana shorter growths were unchanged. Cross rirrds -occasionally 8 per cent dearer. Following are the sales. New South Wales. 434 bales at t'jcid. Vic toria, 608 bales at 4'810d. South Australia nn bales at SlOSd West Australia. 1.081 ha es at vi10Vrt. Tasmania. 246 bales 6-ui9id. New Zesland. 1.187 bales at 6'fllOM.d. Punta Arenas, i.ote nates ai ma'HDka. ttiver Platta, 92 paies at ww, Metal Market NEW YORK. Sept. 28. M ETALS An other slight advance waa reported In tha English tin market, wltn spot quoted at 147 2a Ad and futures at 145 17s 6d. Lo rally the market was steady, with snot quoted at $32 t)f33.2fi. Copper was also higher abroad, though without showing the developments expected In view of the talk of an October comer. Soot closed at 71 2a 8d and futures at 70 5s. Locally the market waa quiet and quotations appear to be more or less nominal In the absence of Important transactions. Lake is held st tlSK&l.50. electrolytic at $! 12V&14 37V4, casting at 8l6.8Ttni8.izvk. Lead was un changed, st $4 8fp4 80 In the local market and at C 14 U hi snroao. npeiter was shade higher at 17 7s d In Txmdon and remained firm here at 5tMrC.At. Iron was firm to hitrher In the foreign msrkets. with standard foundry closing at 4 d and Mid dleshorough at 4ar0id.. 'ocallv th mar ket shows an advancing tendency, with northern grades held higher; No. 1 foundry northern Is nuoted at i7.Nwri7T No. 2 foundry northern at 817 00417.26. No. 1 foundry aouthern at 81$8oi76 and No. t fo-ndrv aouthern at $18 A06 18 2fi. ST. LOUIS. . Pept. M KTALS-Lead. firm. $4. 77V Spelter. JSrnt $6 80. : ' ".Toledo Boe Market. TOLEDO. O.. Sept. !8. SEED Clover, cash." frit: Oetoher. tJ.47: December, 17 85; January, 17!., prim anlc.4, t".W, artnie tuuulby, $1 4a. OMAHA LIVE STOCIv M&ii Stttri Ctt$dy 1o Btronj, with CoTtt S'radj aid Trtd Ao iig. HOG VALUES RULE JJST ABCUT STEADY Receipts ot gbeea and Lamb Heavy, with fttuaT Arriving In Good Sega aoa and a Good, gteady, Active Trade AM Throagh. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. , 19T6. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 8,iilo 1...IS lt.n"S Official Tuesday l.Sbi I M 8.U Ofhclal Wednesday 8.W1 l.ivl Official Thursday $, 4,100 M.tXO Four days this week . 28.114 Four days last week ....3T,4.;i Came week before ......J4.8O0 Same three week ago....J.40i Same four weeks ago. . U.lti.O Same day last week.... $3. 372 17.8T4 li.ix.'4 ). io.ti.a 76.107 bl.l ah.MJ OU.ull Rfi-CjilxiS FOR THE .KAR TU DATt. The following tab:e shows the recelwts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South omuha for the year to date, comparing with last ear: 19 . is. Inc. Came Si-6,608 45.uJ 4S.441 lga l,e,bS6 l,7..m 88.4t4 Sheep l,iiK,6. UU.m4 The followtnp table shows the average price of hogs at South Omana for the last several das, with comparisons: Date I 1805. U804. if3. !1)2. ll31.U0.!lWt. 8ept. Sept. Kept. Hept. Sept. Bept, Sept. Eept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sejjt, Sept. Sept. Sept. fcet. Bept. Sept. Bept Sept. Eept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Bept. 1.. I.. 1.. i at I 41 a 1 a I )l 881 7 ti It Ml 4 1$ 4 14 4 It 4 J. 4 tS 4 a 8 8 3U 7 fli g 111 $ U n zs ? Vi m t::: t 41 T 811 16 t Obi I 6 4.1 3 i 7 1 4U. a Hi i 8 . 7., 8., $.. 10. 11. 12 13. 14 16 II li. 18 IS fu 8 24 1 44 ( 341 I 05 8 3'.'i.! 8 L'l -i 0 w t 86-HI 6 i OO, J . - I 9 IVi i 610, 4 30 S8 I 6 SS 6 44, 7 41 -i W! 7 4; 1 44! 11 4 lie t 85 6 3441 a 6 14 I f 631 7 U 4 28 4 U 4 2ft 6 61 6 Ml 7 at, 6 M 7 65, ae 8 & 61 40, S 6 f t rv 6 65 6 J a li 60 8 61 6 0u 4 30 t 63 7 87 7 6 T 431 7 37 7 3ti 7.38 7 491 0l 4 83 4 34 6 18 6 131 4 81 6 63! t 84 f 1-3 k to a t 81 E7i e 82 7o a I t 31H! 5 73 t 80 6 81 6 75, 6 75 6781 6 StJ 6 so, S 741 8 1 4 hi i h I (0 6 23 6 2o4 5 74 6 23Vk 8 1H 6 78 6 80 a 89 6 2: ,i 4.1 4 X' 4 41 5 77 a 4 39 a.. 22.. 23.. u.. 2i.. 28. . 27.. 8.. t 23! 8 21 a a 4 41 D II 7 611 6 74 7 7 6 87 7 56 6 69) 7 i" I 7 34 5 681 1 6 14 6 IX 6 7o 6 78 I 811 6 10 6 161 4 3 6 16, 4 44 I 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: furl I- 11 ai'rt Itr'a 3 1 1 11 61 1 1 18 t 8 1 19 2 6 1 I 70 80 2 Wabash Missouri Pacific U. P. System 18 C. & N. W. Ry F., E. A M. V. Ry... 46 C, St. P.M. AO... 8 B. & M. Ry 67 C, B. tV Q. Ry 8 C, R. I. A P., east.. 4 Chicago Ot. Western. .. Total recepts ....128 The disposition or the day's receipts was as follows, aac.i buyer purcnasing tne num- uer i oeaa inuicaiea Cattle ... 3S3 ... Hdi ...1,168 Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co 1,092 1,436 1.476 l,8-'7 239 2.2n9 l,o93 2,137 703 Van ckint A Co 50 Carey A Beunton lot Lobman A Co 297 McCreary A Clark' 193 w. I. Stephen 1 Hill A Huntsinger 107 Huston A Co.. 87 N. Morr,s 1 Hamilton A Rothschild.. 267 L. F. Hubs 42 Woif Murnan 1 Mike Haggerty 156 Sol Degan 21 H. Hoot A Co 1U8 Bulla A Kline 92 Bvers 195 Other buyers 1,066 23,848 Total 6,840 6.026 29,886 CATTLE There was a i)nl run of cat tle here about 126 loads being on sale., The receipts were some thirty-one lighter than last Thursday and some fifty-seven loads lighter than the corresponding day last yeur. i ne general quality or tne offerings was good- There was a better feeling to the trade on beefs steers today on both cornfeds and westerns. There was a fair sprinkling of natives here and buyers wanted them more than they have for a week past, with the light run and encouraging reports from the east this market waa active, buyers tiding freely and salesman having little trouble In disposing of their holdings at fully steady to stronger prices. Tho supply of natives was cleaned up In good season and prices held up all through. Westerns as usual constituted the nig end of tno receipts and there was a good strong de mand for the stuff. Buyers evidently wanted these cattle and went right after them from the start. There was consider able activity to the trade and the good kinds sold at etrong prices While the com moner grades ruled fully steady wltn yes terday. There were not many cows and heifers here and the trade was a little quiet. Al though there was a good demand for she stuff, buyers did not seem overly anxious for supplies. Trading was not araggy atui It did not show as much life as did the steers. Prices, however, ruled generally steady which the common grades may oe off a little. Bulls, veal calves and stags were in about the same notches 1. yesteday, the market being steady. There was a good supply ot stoctters ana feeders here and there waa a good strong demand both from local traders and coun try buyers. Tne stun cnangea nanas in iair season and the market was active. Prices generally were steady to strong, good medium weignis naving ma uen uv 11. Representative sales: No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 4 14 I 60 8 V) 1 lias t oe 1 II 1024 4 25 II II 1141 4 44 t ...ia4 ...1441) It Ull i 44 tuns, t 844 t 00 I IN IV 8 UM 1 It HEIFERS, a HI 1 40 21 664 J WESTERNS. A. R. Thayer Neb. 1 feeder... 9-0 100 Scows 893 ISO 18 feeders.. 922 2 60 1 cow. .. ...1020 III v i a rmaimiiM neu. 4 feeders.. 11 20 2 00 1 steer 870 200 2 40 2 75 2 60 X feeder. 1 feeder. S0 1 w a sieers....ivfit t 25 1 steer KnO 780 950 900 7 feeders 2 oows... $ 75 6 cows 956 2 10 11. 8t4 Retterllng Wyo. t cows. 2 cows. 3 85 X8 teeuers.. &vs 2 00 1 feeder... 1290 T. Berton Neb. 2 65 2 60 t 26 815 A. It cow. 10K3 William Atchison Wyo. ..1027 8 20 28 feeders.. 963 10 steers. I 40 R. C. Bullock A Co. Wyo. 18 cows.. 216 cows. 21 cows.. , r97 Z 70 W. A. Margrave Neb. ,954 2 10 Morton Bro. 8. D. . 833 2 56 NEBRASKA. 18 feeders.. 17 feeders.. 22 heifers.. 1 calf 615 919 834 290 2 25 44 feeder. .1011 t 20 2 56 2 10 2 10 2 40 2 10 2 90 2 50 t 60 t 60 200 1 60 t a 1 00 2 60 2 25 2 4 3 20 2 35 J 60 10 2 10 2 18 i It I 26 3 60 t 40 1 80 t It 2 80 2 06 1 40 4 75 3 70 42 cows.. 9.11 t.t7 4 cows.. 2 cows.. 17 cows., t cows. . 8X5 tX Mo X bull 140 1 bull 1510 1 bull 1070 1 steer... 41 feeders.. 888 2 feeders.. 9-5 6 feeders.. U'lO 7 feeder. . 996 II cows -7 Tcows 61 I cow.. ...1033 2 feeder.. 8x t feeders. 1046 ,1050 1 feeder.. t rows.... 1 feeder.. 18 feeder. 1 feeder . . 1 bull 1 heifer... It cow.... 890 11 W 9J1 ,1040 .1440 50 . 771 4 cows... 1 J cows... I calves., 48 feeder 7 cows... 162 819 240 771 t4 1 80 MONTANA. 2 heifers. 4 heifers.. 9 feeder. 1 feeder.. 20 feeder. 2 oaives.. , 710 442 44 10 24 2 25 2 cows.... 2 cows. ., , 4 cows..., 1 cow ,.lo ,. too .1110 .10 1 tit 2 10 2 :o 2 80 I 20 1 76 2 tt 2 16 2 50 t 16 1 cow 1200 I cKlvea... 4o9 4 so WYOMING 20 feeder. .1000 $75 1 feeder. ..1094 $26 oiwi 950 2 40 1 cow 9--0 I 00 HOGS Another light run today makes the offerings so far this week unusually small. There were only about fifty-nine loads oo sale and the stuff arrived In good season. Buyers were out early and there was con siderable activity lo the early trading, In fact trading was not draggy at any time. Encouraging reports from Chicago tended to help this market and price huld up her In good shape. Th general nutrkel could best be quoted a being (teady with yester day's close, but on some of the good stuff friers were a Uttle stronger, while some of he heavyweights were a Utile weaker. Th bulk of the hogs sold at $5.1.V5 25. with rough heavies selling under these, prleea A the morning advanced the market lowed up a little, but the trade waa not draggy. Repre-aentatlvs sale: Ma. . rr. A. k. FT. w ....... tat It) i o ..; is IH .41 lit ... tt 4i 414 ... M 6 08 I 04 I I I 10 I 10 I 14 I 1 8 14 I 14 I 10 I 1 I 12V4 I 11 I l!v I 12V, I llv I II I IS I II I 11 I Id I IS I IS I IS I II I II I 17V I 17V I 17V I 17v I 10 to 1 m tl., 14 74.. 4.. 41.. at. II . 17. ai . 4eM') It .11 Il I 140 2' IS 4t Ill : 2M 241 I0 140 IJ7 6 to I 20 I 20 8 20 I to I K I 10 I 20 I 21 I I to I 20 I 24 I 10 I 20 I 20 I 20 S :4 1 1; I 2,'v I 22V) I ??v I VI', I I2V I 22H I is I :s 1 is 4 2S I 2IUj I 27 I 10 I 15 n ,. Hi . . . . 44 ... SO.... ST M ;t ... M.... 4.... 8.... M ... 5.... II.... It.... I.... t.... 70.... 0 . . . . 14.... tt 41... 71.... II 12 4 ... U ... tS 14 SO ... 43.... tl . . . . l . 4.. II.. 71.. Tl.. T . II.. IS.. 44.. T4.. It . .. II.. It.. It. . 10.. tt... 14.. 17.. II.. ...121 ...227 ...ITS ....214 ...t.'O 11 ... .20 ...MS ... t 1 ...11$ ....140 ... I' ...IIS ...til ....121 ....14 14 1 n SHEEP There was another big run of sheep here sgaln today, but. contrary to conditions that have prevailed so far this week, the receipts arrived In fair season and buyers were able to get to work earlier than usual. There was a good .feeder end on the offerings and there was a large supply of lambs on sale. There waa a good demand for supplies and buyers were pick ing up the stuff ss It arrived and there was considerable activity to the trade. Prices have held up well all this week and agntn today values were steady. The receipts this week have been heavy; still they have been picked up readily and have hardly filled the requirements of the trade proof positive of th good condition of the market. There are a grefct many feeder buyers at this point and there Is an excellent de mand for feeders of all kinds. On the opening day of the week Chicago prices were paid and sheepmen who have feeders cannot afford to pass this market by, as prices here are too high. Feeders moved quickly today at fully steady prices, ex cept light lambs, which were lower yes terday afternoon and a little easier again today. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Oood to choice lu nibs, $ii.o"r.76; good to choice yenrllna wethers. U "4i3tP0; good to choice old wethers, H.sg5.80: good to choice ewes, $4.15454.40. Quotations on feeder sheen and lambs: Oood feeding lamb, $5.75(fo.2."; good feed ing yearlings, $4.7f''6.10; good feeding weth ers, t4.26iU4.40; feeding ewes, t2&33.73; breeding ewes. t4.2K4H.60. ReDreaentatlve aulva No. J 3 nntlve cull ewes 797 Nevada ewej , 1?5 Wyoming wethers 4'3 Wyoming ewes C9 native ewes 10 native cull lambs 20 native lambs 613 Nevada lambs i9 native lambs 63 native lambs 1156 Oregon ewes and wethers. 340 Wyoming wether feeders. Av. . 100 . lo4 . 102 . 78 . 113 . 67 . W . 67 . 77 . 80 . 96 Pr. 3 10 4 3.) 4 60 4 50 4 60 6 bt) 6 00 6 06 80 7 0i) 4 63 6 15 CHICAGO LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattle, Hogs, heep and Lambs Strong to Ten Cents Hlalicr. flTtr'AnO OO C A TTl IT D.n.1.1. 1 8,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; I beef steers, $3.70iifi.OO; stockers and feed ers, $2.25&3.90; cows and canners, $1.26',o? 4.311; bulls. $1.8064.40; heifers, $2.004.60; caives. 6a.utiQ1.11u. HOOS Receipts. 14.000 head; market active to 10c higher; shipping and selected. i6.55u5.80; mixed and heavy packing, 84.7S (ii6.6.4: light, $6.2565.65; pigs and roughs, $1.6oft6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 27,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; sheep, $2.266e. 60; lambs, $5.2ufi7.76. New York Live Stock Market. NEW - YORK, Sept. 28.-BEEVE8-Re-celpts, 617 head; market feeling steady and nothing doing; dressed beef Blow at 6i(HC per pound for native sides; cables un changed; export, tomorrow, 3.6uo quarter of beef. CALVES-Recelpts, 84 head; veals In limited supply and steady at to.00iii5.90; top quotations for grassers, $3.50; dressed calves about steady; city dressed veals, SHfllSHe; country dressed, 7312c; dressed gr a users and fed calvei, 6$i8c. HOGS Receipts. 2 627 head; market llrm; good state, and Pennsylvania hogs, $T-.90t( .10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.106 head; market for sheep almost nominal but firm;, lambs, 25c higher; common sheep, $3.60; lambs, $7.608.50; no really prime lambs here; no Canada lambs. Kansas City Live Ktock Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts 10,000 head. Including 1.500 southerns. Market steady. Chtilce export and dressed beef steers. fc.Oofttl.OO; fair to good. $4.00'(JI 6.00; western fed steers, $2.75B4.75: stockers and feeders. $2,504(4.26; southern steers, 12.26'a3.75: southern cows. $1.75(S2.76: native cows, 8i.7&ti3.2a; native neiters, t-.wuo.joi bulls. 820013.00: calves, J.'.Wotl.OO. HOG Receipts, 7.500; market steady to 6c higher. Top, $5.30; bulk of sales, n.!0 6.30; heavy, $5.2W6.80; nackers, $5,204)6.30 DlH-s and lights. $6.0f??6.25. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 6000 head; market steady; native lambs, $5.25ff 6.75: western Ismns. e6.-tV7iii.75: fen ewes anil yearlings, 4.0tVfi6.00; western yearlings, 84. StKi 5.00: western sheep, $1.0t34.76; stockers and feeders, J3 5ofj4 50. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sent. 28.-CATTI.E Receipts. 4.000 Including 1.600 Texans. Mar ket steady. Native shipping and export steers. H.Wtio.Hft; dressed beef snd butcher steers. $3.2015.25; steers under 1.000 pounds 83.204.10: stockers and feeders. $; cows and heifers. $2.606,6.10; ennners. $1.75 2.26: bulls. 62.00B3.-'5; calves. 83.l8KU6.7ft; Texas and Indian steers, $2.0OW3.25; cows and helfera. 82.OOr93.00. HOO ReceiDt. 6.000 head. Market hlirher. Pigs and lights. $u 36.60; packers $0.00 5.46: butchers and best heavy. J&.wuo.") 8HEEP ' AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head Market stesdv: nstive muttons, $4.464.90: lambs. $5ofitr7.?0: culls and bucks, I' M)'i(4.75; Blockers, $2.764.0O; Texans. t2.75 4.10. St. Joseph Live gtock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 28.-CAT- TLE Receipts. 1.9(i9 head; slow. Na tives, $3.656.00; ' cows and heifers, $1,609 4.60; stockers and feeders, 82. iMiioo. HOGS Receipts 1.013 head: stead v. Llarht tB.jn-WC.intA; medium snd heavy. 6.204jS.2S, SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts 274 head market steady: lambs. $7.00; yea Hints $4 90: wethers, $4.60; ewes, $4.25; feeding lambs. 14.26 sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CTTY. la . Sept. 28 (Special Tele srram.l CATTLE Receipts 700 hsd; mar Vet unchanged : beeves xx.ttnrfl.w): cows. hulls and mixed. $2.253 60; stockers and fWrlar. $2.76173 80; calves and yearlinjs, 8280413 40. HOGS Receipts. 2 800 heM: market strnnar. selling at u.00ra3; bulk or sales, $5.06G6.16. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live-stock at the six principal western markets yesieraay: . Ill ..10 . f7 . rv) . J-4 ..MT . ! . .14 .14 . .111 .1.1 ..-4 . .. . let ..III ..ll ..III . ?T ..1M . t .171 ..174 ..174 .171 ..Ml . 10 .141 ..M7 ..151 . 147 ..l8 .. Cattle. Hnrii. Sheen. .. $.) 4.IO0 21,000 ... 700 2.'a ..lO.OKI 7 60 t.000 ... 1. 2.01S tli ... 4 I,1 60 0 10 ... 8.000 14.000 27.0iO ..27.809 26,213 69.274 South Omaha. Sioux Cltv Kansaa City.. Pt. Joseph St. Ixmls Chicago Total Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 28. -COTTON closed quiet: middling unlands. 10.90c dllne: aulf 11.15c: sales 200 bsles. -Spot mid BT. I1UI8. Sept. 28 -COTTON-Oulet middling 10,c; receipts. 62 bale; shipments 42 bales. Stock. 8.825 bsles. LIVERPOOL. Sent. 28 COTTON Spot In fair demand: prices nine nolnts lower American middHna fair. 6.11d: good mid dllng, 6 87d; middling, 671d; low middling-, 6Wd: good ordinary. t27d; ordinary. 6.21d Th snle of the day were 10.0(0 bales which 61 were for speculation and export and Included, 9 (o American. Kecelpt l.otvO bales: no American. NKW ORLEANS. Sept. Quiet; sales, $950 bsles; od rtrdinrv. 8 1R-Hc: 13-18c: mlddlin. l7-le; 10 11-ltic: mlddl'n fair. 11c. bale; stock, 75,688 bale. ?tt COTTON' ordinary. 74iC low middling. gnoi mlddlin RcHvelpts, l.b06 CoaTee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 28 COFFEE Th market for futures opened steadv at tin chanaed prices to n sdvance of 6 point on steady primary cables and moderate re. celnts. but thei was very Uttle buvnv and during the middle session prices eaaed ofT to, a partial decline of t points under llerht selling of the later months b-v scat tering longs. Th cloae waa steady, net unrhaneed tn t points lower. Sles were reported of i4 hag" Including lcemlr at 7 2mc: March. 7 6V. Mav 7 RV: July. 7.1c: also a couple of lota of 8eitemer, 1906, at 7.85c. Spot, easy; No. 7 Rio, 8e. , taaar and Motaaaea. NEW YORK. Sept. 28 8UOA R Raw. firm; fair refining. tl-lc; centrifugal. 9$ fined, qulel, No. (, 4.50c; No'. 7, 4 4ic; No. . . J 1.. 1 1 -4 . 45c: No. 9. 4JOc ; No. 10. 4 tV; No. It 1fV; No. 12. 4 1'V; No. 13 4fltc No. 14, j.c. Confectioners' A. 4S.V; mould A, 6 toe; cut loaf sn.l crushed, 8 fcV; row. den d, 6 ?V; grsnul.-ttrd. 5 1'V; cubes. 6 860. MOLASSF9- Steady; New Orlrnns, open kettle, good to cholre, :"4',f6c. NKW ORLEANS. I. . Sept. 2. ITIAfWa Quiet; open kettle centi If ugi I. 4vafi47c; centrifugal white. 4 16-1i4ji6 1-16V; yellows, 4V4c; seconds, i'nOSXc. MOUAStKt NomltuU; open kettle, U4J J6r; rentrlfugal, Wilt SYRUP Nominal; 2f-fjS0c. OMAHA WllOLKSALa, MARKET. Coaaltloa ot Trad ana Qaotntloa staple anal Fancy Prod nee. E009-Recelpt, fair; market steady; candled stock. 17Vt,0. LIVE porl.TKY-Hcns, 10c; rooster. I1 turkeys, 13ul5c; ducks, 8J9c; spring chick en.". 10c. BUTTER Packing stock, 16cj choice t fancy dairy, I84I90; creamery, el 4 21 V I prints. 2H,o. , SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbl., $5.50 per ca t.; cubes, M 40 per est.: cut loaf, $.M per tt ; No. 8 extra C, $6 40 per ewt.; No. 10 extra C, $." 25 per cwt.j To. 19 yellow, $.1.20 per owl.; XXXX powdered. $0.30 pat cwt. FRESH FISH-'reut. He; hallhnt, !! bufTalo drecrtt, tr; pickerel (dressed), 80; white bass (dressed). Kc; sunfiv'Ji, 60; percll (scaled and dressed), 8c:-nlk. lie: ealrrsh, 16c; red snapper, loc: salmtn. He: croppies, 12c; eels. 15c; bullheads. 11c; tilsck cass. 86e; whltefish. He; frog legs, per do., tic; loh stars, green. 27c; 1 Milled lobsters, 10c: shat roe. 4.V; bluefish. 8c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholeaahl Hay Dealers' aaaoctntion: No. I upland, 6.f'i; medium, $5 50-hii 00; coarse, $6. BR AN Per ton. $13. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all sires, $3 0nT8 . LEMONS Lemoniera, extra fancy 141 Ise, 87 (4); SOO and 300 sixes, $7 60(J8.H0. DATES Per box of SO 1-tb. pkg., $2: Hallowe'en, in 70-Tb. boxes, per lb., 60. . FIQB-California, per 10-tb. carton. 7MI tic: Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. ,12c; $ crown, ll'c. ' ' BANANAS Per medltim-slxed tich, $1.71 C2.25; Jumlvos. 12.602.00 FRUITS AND MELONS. PEARS Colorado Bartrett. per 50-lh. box. $2.0iK&2.25; Utun Bartlott, $2.00; Flemlstt Ueuuly, $2(0. l l.L.MS- I'tah and Colorado, per 4-basket crate, I1.0CS1.23; Italian prunes, $1.23. PEACHES Calilurnla treisviuies, perbog, 60c; Elbertas. 9tc: Colorado. 108 Size, 75o. vANlALOL'PlisJ v.n. ie crate. $2.(M, Texas, Rocky Ford Sei'd. t-.50.' WATERMELONS Alauama 3weeta. 16J 26o each, crated, lo per la. APPLES Dulclu-st. Aealth'- and Cobb ripplns. In t-bti. bbi-. i2.;SiffJ.0; in bu. baskets. $1.00: California Jjeiieftowers, $1.60. H LI' KB ERR IKS Sixteen qts., HL'CKLELEltHIEe-Btxteen lis.. 31-6il grapes Home grown 4 oncoras, per s- lb. basket, ISc; Malagas and Muscats, per -basket elate, 41. 00. ioKay, per 4-i,sht rale, f 04. QUINCES calirornia, per nox, i..a SWEET POTATOES "Virginia, per t-bu. bbl.. $3.26. TOMATOES Per nnaket. airusoc. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS-Per H-ti- basket, S33iO trlng beans, per Vr-ou. box, 2645a. POTATOES Mew. per du., ouoi BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.00. CUCUMBERS Per do., 26c TOMATOES Home grown. H-bu. basket,. $5ii &0c. CABBAGE Homo-grown, In crates, per lb.. lc. M OMONIJ Home-grown, yenow, rea ana white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.24. tt r.fc. I 0 rv.ev. , per uu., iik;. CELERY Kalamaaoo, per dox., 25c. MISCELLANEOUS." HONEY-New. per 24 Ids.. $3.00. CHEESE Swiss, new. 15c; Wisconsin brick, 13c: Wisconsin llmberger, ltc; twin. 12Vc; young America. 12V40. NUTS Walnut. No. l Bort neus. new crop, per lb., lic; nara nens, per io., ijc: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., LJc; No. 2 hard hells, tier lb., 12c. pecans, large, per n., 12o; small, per lb.. 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7o; roasted, per lb., he. Chill walnuts, per lb.. IZ(lld4jC. Aimonns. poll sowiin. yr iu., hard shells, per lb., loc. Shellhark hickory nut, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nut, per bu., $1 50. . . HIDES-No. 1 green. Be; No I green. ci ttn 1 aulteri 10Ur: No. 1 united. 9V..C: N.'. 1 veal calf, 11c; Uo. 2 veal calf. 9c: dry salted, 7tjl4c; sheep peits. 2r.ctill.0u; horse (iWti, CUT BEEF. No. 1 ribs, llHc; No. 2 rlhs, SHc; No. 2 ribs, 8c; No. 1 loins, 14Vic; No. 2 loins, ice: No. 3 loins, 7c; No. 1 chucks, 44c; No. 2 chucks, 4c; No. 2 ch'icks, 3c; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 2 rbund, ; No. 2 round, 6V4c; No. L plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate, 2H. Kansas City Grain and' Provision. KAN'SAS CITY. Sent. 28. WHEAT Un- chancred to slow: September, 781'; Decem ber, nvwi; way. rnvis'; t. no. hard. 80 u 83c; No. 3. 7tiSlc; so. 4, tU'JI 85c. Receipts, UK cars, CORN Unchanged to lower; September, 43c; December, 39V(l397iC; May, 3'tC; cash. No. 2 mixed, 49(u49',c; No. 2 whMe, 62c; No. 3, 61 '.(-. OATS Namlnally steady; No. Z white, 28300; No. 2 mixed, 2i'p27c. ' ni tA-Mfany, i4c. HAY Firm: active. Choice tlmothy,$9.60; choice pialrle, $7,764)8.00. BUT li'.H weak; creamery, jnvc; paciv- lug, 14Hc . . EtiGM Lower; Missouri ami mtnmi new No. 2 whltewood citFes Itu'luded, lKVjc; case count, 13V4c; cases returned, He less. rtec pis onip va. Wheat, bushels 1S3.W0 143.0O0 Corn, bushels 23,000 . 41. DO Oats, buHhels 17,010 z-J.txitr The range of prices pnld In Kurisas City as reported ny tne iiawara- ooa com pany, 110-11 Board of Trade building, wa: Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close.! Yes y. Wheat Sept... Dec May... 78 7R4 7r, . 781 78 77. 78 77 , 77 77 ilr). 797i 79M, .70 79 4ST4 4N V 4i' . 48 40 40 sa7 40 39V 29 26 25S 26 26 14 80 14 80 14 47 14 47 14 80 12 35 12 42 12 S3 12 43 12 80 720 720 7 16 7 17 725 6 75 8 77 6 72. 6 77 72 8 45 "..'.. 8 45 8 45 t 47 t 60 f 46 6 50 8 45 Corn- Sept... Dec... May... Onts Dec... May... Pork Oct.... Jan.... Lard Oct.... Jan Rlbs- Oct.... Jan.... Evaporated Apple and Dried Frolts. NEW YORK. Sept. 28. EVA HOHATED APPLES Market firm and some dealers are talking 7c for December delivery of prime. Bpot unchanged with common to' good at tvlnifltir; choice at 7'?c and fancy at 8c. CALIFORNIA DRIED F R U ITS- pru nes are In light supply on spot, the demand be ing sufficient to absorb fresh arrivals which, however, are beginning to snow Home in crease. Quotations range from 4c to 74c. Apricots are quiet with choice quoted ut rVfe'niic; extra choice ut 0t'Jo and fancy at InfdlVjC. Peaches are In very light up ply with some Inquiry for the lower grades but with actual bunlness too small to afford much of a line on the market, which Is firactlcalry nominal. Raisins are firm with miHirters reporting a good demand fur foreign supplies, owing to the high price on th const. I-ooHe muscatel are quoted at 6,V'i7Vtc; seeded ratHlns at 6V(ic and London layers at $1.151.20. Oils nnd Roala. NEW YORK. Sept. 28.--Ol LB Cottonseed, firm; prime yellow. 26Vn -o. Petroleum, firm; rctined New York. $7.6n; Philsdelnhia and Baltimore, $7.56; In bulk, $4.65. Tur pentine, quiet, 6Kc, asted. ROSIN Steady ; stra.'tied, common "to good, $3 80. OIL CITY, Pa , Sept. 28. OILS -Credit balances. $1.51; certlricHtes, no bid ; ship ments, 93,'.1 bhls.; average, 78,864 bbl. Runs, 101.657 bbls.; average. 64.7(45 bbls. Lima shipments. 48.106 bbls.; average, &9.H94 bbls. Lima runs, 61,1') bbl.; avrragf: 47, 942 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Sept. 28. OILS Tur pentine, firm. 65c. RoSIN-FIrm; A. 74, C. $3 V); P, $1f); B. $4 30; F, $4 40; tl. $4 ,; H, $4.t)0; V. $4 S; K'. $4 70; M. $4 85; N. $4.90; W U, $5 25; W W, $5.60. Wblsky Market. PEORIA. Sept. 28. WHISKY Finished goods on basts of $1.30. 8T. IOIMS. rlept. 28 WHISK Y Market higher: spirit on basts of $1.34. . CHICAGO. 28 -WHISKY-Market steady, on basis of $1 30. CINCINNATI, Sept. 28.-WHISK Y--D1-tiller' finished goods, steady,' on basis of $!.. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incornurated) i v.. Ha la tffleti Filth autl lloherla treeta. ST. PACL, Mln. Dealer la Stocks. Grain. Provisions Ship Your Crain to U ", ' . Draacb UOtce. llo-Ut Board of Trad tllilif, Oaialia, a an. Telaakeat MS14. 212-214 Exchange Wt: KOUtn Omaha. Bell 'PhooD 21a. uacvudot 'faoa V