ta' TTIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2f, 1W5. i "s. r-vn tv n rrrs ran ! OJ UJ . ' i r j v i i Las' las' Costumss In wlndt Satnrdar Sal of EthIo( DM of Etemaiant: from the Press of Mme. Mercedes, 133 V. 56th St., II. Y. 1 The tremendous business in this successful dressmak er's sale left us with an immense accumulation of rem- nants and odd pieces, which we will dispose at next to nothing- Remnants of High Class Goods . from the Dressmaker's Stock- fine black imported roods, sheer dainty ; silfc and wool fabrics, worth $1.50 & $2 5 All Mme. Mercedes Fine Dress A Goods worth up to $1.25 yard, waists, : skirt and dress patterns, black and all colors, yd $1 Dress Goods at 33c Yard I Importer's Sample Lengths k 69c All of the Cashmeres, Henriettas, la cream, cardinal, etc. light shades and street colors per yard 39c SILKS Accu7'i 4 to 10 yards alike finest Im ported Waterproof Cloths fab rics for suits, etc- black and all colors- at per piece 35c Nme. Some of the prettiest silks in (he entire stock plain and cham tleon messaline white latins, black, while and colored taffetas, wash and fancy silks, 1H to S yds. long, many match up Importer's Sample Pieces of Fne ion ot fiemnuvis irom Mercedes Dressmaking Stock. Rustling taffetas, plaids, checks, warp prints and pompa dours t7-in. snc one fine black silks at, per yard Silks and 25c 50-G9 Velvets black and colors for collars, glr- CA 111a 1 ITn 1C. dies and trimmings, at, each V"lvW-aV"iikV La.ce Curtsvins New lota of wash and trimming laces, in edgings and insertions, white and cream, new patterns, ' at, per yard 32C-5c-15c Embroideries Medium and extra wide embroid eries, new open patterns pat terns are new and workmanship perfect on big bargain square, ?2c-10c-25c Remnants of New Fall Goods In the Basement. Fine camhrlcs. Ions' cloth, nainsook, India llnon and bleached muslin, worth tip to 19c per yard, In long lengths, extraordinary bar- fig, sains lor Friday, yard Heavy quality canton and shaker flannels, 10c values, for, ' Cp ' per yard , u Yard wide Manchester percales, sells for 12V off the bolt, sale price Friday, per yard J W Soft fleecy baby and outllg flannels, finest quality In stripes, chFckeUln and plaids, for, per yard.....'-'"'' IBe quality figured comfort sateens. very special, at, per v eC yard Turkish Towels These are half towels and suitable for wash cloths 'etc., Friday, fl-. each 3W New Persian styles, finest quality flannelette for fall and winter wear, on basement bargain square lOn for, per yard "' Highly mercerised soft finish satc--. Farmer's satin, black and all fKf. colors, 40c grade for, yard w" Extra large size heavy cotton bed blankets, gray, white and tan, actually worth $1.75 a pair, OQp will go at, each UW 1,000 yards comfort and dress prints. In mill lengths, for, per yard , ofc" New shipment Just received; fine ging hams, all new patterns tor Mlr fall: Remnants of plain white and gray linen, sulta able for doylies, etc. while they last, 1r Friday, each -.w special sale price, yd. Big bargain square of ta ble damask remnants of all kinds and qual ities, at about one-halt cost to Import. IBM Advance Notice Saturday GREAT CUT GLASS SALE Entire stock of a Chicago dealer who went out of Cut Glass business to devote his time to sale of diamonds. Cut Glass will be sold Saturday at Brandeis' at prices never be fore considered possible. See the Window Display of Cut Glass In Mrs. Benson's Former Store This Cut Glass is of the very highest grade. All cut on celebrated Libby & Dorflinger blanks. To Give the Greatest Possible Room for Display We Devote Our Entire Hew Annex to This Sale SsaSaYSBKaaaMaMBkfjBSatBm HP SSsJHKfessBBBBSBSBSSBBBBSSI f il FOLLOW THE FLAG ft Use the Best FULLY GUARANTEED For any use where good coal Is desired. "" "L V COAL NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25 All Grades of Hard and Soft Coal. KEYSTONE COAL AND SUPPLY CO., J. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Brucker, Traaa, J. F. Myers, Beo jr. 1519 Faroam St 'Phone 3017 1 SaiisI We are now ready to take all kinds of Sweater orders and are showing the latest styles of Men's and Ladles' Jackets and Norfolks. Boys' Buster Brown sweaters made In any color you desire. Men's Sweaters In all styles and colors and for all purposes hunting, fishing, golf sweaters and Jackets. Football hose In all colors. All orders filled this same day. Give us a call. Our goods are all made In Omaha. Beat quality at lowest prices. Jos. F. Bilz 322 So. 16th St. Omaha. 1) L Just One Chance Nov. 30th is the day the Wabash will sell round trip tickets to many points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken tucky, West Virginia, Western New York and Pennsylvania, at Greatly Reduced Rates The line with free reclining chair cars, rock ballast, solid road-bed. All information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam St, or address HARRY E. MQQRES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Ueb. JJ Mr. s Mrs. Morand's Glasses INss Dancing and Physical Culture Will reopen for ' children at "The Normandie," Park avenue and Pacific street, Friday, October 8th, 4:15 p. ra. 12 lessons, $6. Hall, Ames avenue and Twenty fourth street, Monday, October 2nd; children, 4:15 p. m; atiuus, 8 p. ra. 12 lessons, JS. Crelghton Theater Building, Saturday, September 30th; children beginners, 10 a. m. ; advance. 3 p. tn. Telephone 1041 for terms and particulars. o ;ir' si . a DIAMONDS Tn 4uriirA tiA vnllie ftf a rilsmnnri. one must have a sood eye for color cut and perfection or dpsree thereof. Have you it T If not, let us ssnlst you, as our experience of almost twenty years has trnlned our eye. Regarding price a number of brokers and Importers have Informed us that our diamonds were the cheapest they had seen a long time. I -a'' - is . i '1 i at - Retstlty Bargains Find them rery day bj watching tba an nonncements tn TUB BEE'S Want Ad Co urns. Desirable Furnished Rooms MRS. MARY EASTMAN has taken flats 8411-2411 Capitol avenue. Nly furniUed throughout. Every thing modirn. Rented singls or n sulte. Meals If desired. SBBatsKasm Bennett's Big Grocery A COUPON TEN GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE Bring this coupon to any of these counters: Grocery, Tea, Coffee and Sp ice, Bakery, Butter or Cheese and get ten Green Trading Stamps Free. Friday only Must bring the coupon positively no free stamps unless you bring the coupon. Iff if OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Frlda y Fair and Cooler. I ft w 7T TTATTTTTT T7S7 ii ii i 1 1 I in ii m i JLJ TRADING STAMP BOOTH, MAIN FLOOR MILLINERY! MILLINERY! A Millinery Bargain Counter i the Ma. in Floor Street Hats in poarl-gray, green, red, tan, black and white, natty and neatly trimmed $1.98, $1.49 and 98c Children's Auto Caps and Tam Jl .J C U'Shanters, at VJZ and ZjC Visit the superb millinery section, second floor, for the very latest and best in the trend of millinery art. Sale of Silk Coats Nearly 200 Ladies' Silk Coats, short, medium and long styles, black and new brown redingotes. Every garment this season's purchase. All at half off market prices. LADIES' SILK WAISTS. Just put on sale, our new purchase of Ladies' Silk Waists The leader- Friday in all color and sizes Is pure silk all lined X O C worth J5.00 at LADIES' SUITS. Our stock is now complete come and see the styles. On Friday we will make $12.50 Suits our marker. Fifty new, mannish styles. In fancy mixtures, plain cloths and chevidts all colors the styles and values cannot be duplicated at less than $20 J PA 1mSV Friday, at RIBBON SALE FRIDAY. Chiffon Taffeta Ribbons Picquot Edge in full assortment of colors, three Inches wide Just the proper thing for neckwear lQ worth 25c per yard special a yard 1C LADIES' VESTS. Swiss ribbed, low neck, no sleeves, fancy lace trimmed or fine lisle regular 39c value, special each BLEACHED MUSLIN. Thirty-six inches wide lengths 1 to 9 yards In a piece Friday per yard 12 yards to a customer ' FINE BLEACHED CRASH. Worth six cents a yard Friday only twelve yards to a cus tomer per, yard FINE WRAPPER FLANNEL. Fine Wrapper Flannels nice dark grounds with dots worth 25c .3Sc 35c For underwear in light colors fifteen-cent grade Friday per yard Best quality Apron Check Ginghams Friday per yard special Friday each One-Fourth Off on Every Piece of RJch Cut Glass In Our Glittering Cut Class Section Every piece perfect no Jobs, no seconds, no flaws the finest goods and the newest cuttings in rich American Cut Glass. 25 Per Cent Discount FRIDAY ONLY THE INVITATION To the wedding- you Jut received, necessitates the pur chase of a wedding gift. We are showing a beautiful line of new Out Glaf pieces lot of pretty things In Sterling Silver Ohafln Dishes hut you'd better come In and let us help you select something that will be appreciated LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. UK Douglas Street. j Witch Daily - Papers for Great Saturday Bargains. Tit ata i.i bib .rest. Rousing Specials in ail Departments During Carnival Week ne Wrapper Flannels nice dark grounds with dots worth y 1 8c a yard Friday only one dress pattern to a customer yd. .fC VERY HEAVY ENGLISH FLANNELETTES. 9c APRON GINGHAM. 5c EXTRA LARGE AND HEAVY BED BLANKETS. The one dollar quality Friday only ' 7 C a pair 9C FINE SILKOLINE BED COMFORTS. Full bed size filled with nice white cotton the $1.'5 t tt ones Friday only each l.UU AT THE DRESS GOODS COUNTER. Fifty pieces fine White Mohairs with Bmall, neat white figures fA 59c for waists the 75c grade for Friday only a yard AT THE SILK COUNTER. 260 yards of Black Taffeta Silk 36 inches wide worth 98c a yard Friday only per yard HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAL. Ladies' Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs hemstitched and fancy lace and embroidered borders worth up to 15c each special Friday each JQ NECKWEAR AT HALF PRICE. Fancy Lawn and Pique Storks, with or without tabs Fancy Embroid ered lurnovers, over on styles worm irorn ZbC to OUC 15c Specials ii Hardware Friday Good Tack Hammer go Good Potato Masher go Vegetable Brush Jo Scrub Brush Ro Good Hatchet Ten Green Trading Stamps with tn Nlckle Plated Stove Poker UC Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Good Meat Saw AUC Ten Green Trading Stamps with A. demen Coat and Hat Hooka uc Thirty Green Trading Stamps with No. Z square point D-handled Shovel , Ten Green Trading Stamps with good Stove brush Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Bread Knife Ten Green Trading Stamps with Brass Candle Stick Ten Green Trading 8tampa with Dover Egg Heatur Friday is Remnant Day A DAT ON WHICH ALL TtEMNANT A CCfMVLATIONS AND ODD LOTS ARB SOLD AT SACRIFICE TRICKS. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods Kvervhnrtv known the kind of remnants that we a-lve ' In our wool dress goods not little snatches of traveling men's sum r'ps. hut real patterns of high cIhss goods. at less than are asked fur that trnsn. Frunelles, Broadcloth. Kerseys. Henriettas, Foiiennes, crepe oe raris, t oatmgs, fiultlna-s In fact everything in high class goods, that e sell from $1.00 to 15.00 yard. and from 3V to 8 yards in a piece all will go In four Ints a.t, yard 25c, 39c, 49c and 59c a Yard Another sale from 3 to 4 p. m High class goods at. yard 15c, 19c, 25c and 39c a Yard Remnants in Main Wash Goods Depl High Grade. ...10c 1,500 yards of all grades of fine flannelettes 7 1 r" at 10c and , w 600 yards of 10c and 124c plaids at S 60c silk organdies at 12Y0 And other goods worth 26c to 69c a yard, will go at 10c, 7k and 5c a Yard Remnants of all kinds of lining silk, sateen, percales and goods worth from 20c tfll 6Bc a yard all go at 10 Cents a Yard In the Great Domestic Room, Special Bar gains for Friday's Setting 5c 1,000 yards of madras worth 39c to 69c a y ard 111 go at yard 45c 14c jj 25c R 12c I 10c I We manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and suit cases. We make Ihem of the best material. Our workman ship Is unexcelled. We sell them for less than Inferior grades would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you will get the best you will save money you will be better satisfied. leather Bound slatting Suit Cases. 13 W. 13.75 and 14 (JO. We do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1X09 Farnam troat." Arnold's flannelette worth up to 18c yard. in long mill ends 22 C at. yard 8 6Hc standard dress prints, In light CftC and dark patterns, at, yard "w 10c double fold percales, from Rn tne dou at, yara Snow white cambrics and heavy brown muslins, worth up to 12Hc yard, C3r at. yard C Remnants of 30-Inch cotton flan- Ac nel a.t, yard -mr 10c sheer India linons, from the bolt at. yard 66c ready-to-use seamless A.Oc sheets. SlxW slie-at "c ready-to-use pillow cases 46x36 lit 16c Engllxh long cloth, 3-ln. t(C wldo, from bolt at, yard v l.OOu remnants of table linen and tnwellns: t HALK PRICE Remnants of 12Hc and 15o outing: t file flannel Tezehlown at. yard ,a Remnants of embroidered flannel at lesi than mill prices. 86c FANCY RIBBONS AT 12He. GRAND NOTION SALE FRIDAY. ' Friday morning we place on sale a P'rl buttons at, doen ...... ....... lo beautiful line of all silk ribbons, In O'lld eye needles, pkg lo every possible color, suitable for all A,1,'''l',", thread, ipool ..10 kinds of fancy work and neckwear Silks, at 1'7?r great snap- Corset steels, set 40 at, yard '....12V4o needle books SVio FOUR FURNISHING BARGAINS Ladles' summer vests, silk taped, large sizes 16c values Cr choice '-' Boys' waists, In good styles and colors worth up to 60c IQr at, choice kzrs Children's vests and pants. In summei weights broken lots worth 26c at w Children's ribbed hose. In all slses verj heavy worth lfk . Tic at, pair 9W GROCERIESI GROCERIES! Bt'Y St'GAR WHILE THE TRt'ST IS FIGHTING WHILE THE FIGHT IS ON WE WILL SELL 20 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar, for tl.00 10 bars best brands laundry soap for ..26c 48-lb. sacks fancy high patent Minne sota flour, at ...i.jo Jello, Jellycon or Adro Jell, pkg 76c 4c fc So ...7o ...2Hc 8 l-3c 4c The best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley, or Farina, pkg 1-lb. cans fancy Alaska salmon 2-lb. can fancy sweet sugar corn S-lb. can Boston baked beans Deviled ham, per can 1-lb. pkg. macaroni l-lh. nki. corn starch 8-lb. can table syrup VAc. Oil sardines, per can so 1-lb. can assorted soups 1c The best soda or oyster crackers, lb....H Fresh crlBp ginger snaps, lb 444 Tar soap, per cake IVi BUTTER AND CHEESE Choice dairy butter, lb 18 Fancy dairy table butter, lb 19o Choice creamery butter, lb too Fancy Separator butter, lh 2.1c Fancy domestic Swiss cheese, lb ISO Fancy New York white cheese, lb 16o Fancy Wisconsin cream cheese, lb 16o Fancy Wisconsin brick -cheese, lb 16a FRUIT. FRUIT. FRUIT Fancy new flgs, pkg Bo Fancy Colorado honey, rack 10O Fancy Bellflower apples, dozen 16a Fancy large ripe banannas, dozen 16a 8 measures fresh roasted peanuts lOo Him!) ANN Jnl Ui dJ 01 LiVi OT! REDUCTION HI THE PRICE OF GAS After October 1st. 1905, the price of gas will he 51.25 net. After October 1st, 1908, tbe price of 6" will be $1.15 net The Omaha Gas Company begs to announce that the price of gas will be reduced to all consumers ten cents per one thousand cubic feet on all bills contracted after October 1st, 1905, and payable on or before the 10th of the following months. Bills will be rendered at - - - $1.35 Per M. v With a discount of 10c per M - - .10 Per M. Making the net price $1.25 Per M. A further reduction of ten cents per one thousand cubio feet will be made on all bills contracted after October 1st, 1906, payable on or before the 10th of the following months. Bills will be rendered at - - - $1.25 Per M. With a discount of 10c per M - Per M Making the net price $1-15 M- These reductions are made in accordance with the policy of this company in its endeavor to give to its patrons the best service at the lowest price. OMAHA GAS COMPANY mmmm 1MB. ?ga !we it iimm ar a Vkt m n ' ' Is. tk valleys af tls CrauL Guaauoa. Nertk Ferl aaJ Roanaf Fori Rivers aaa ta tk Sea Luis sad Uaeospelifre Valleys. , of Colorado, and tk Feraiagtoa iistnet of New Meaioe. 4araua-. tockriLuuf aaJ fruit (rowing are carried oa ia a way that is a rsvelstioa to tko fersMr ia tbe cast. For tkoM wko desire ,to ak aew kosMe, tkero io so otker gvgioa tkst offers better edvaatsfu " atera Colorado--, land of Hue skiee sad suaekiae, witk a temperate sd evea climete, wkere tko eretwkile desert aeede katt ke tilled aad watered is order ta verily "kloesoai a tks roea,". Several illustrated uLli- cstioss. fvia( vsluable tatorsMtioa ia ragare) to tks rtculturs4 kortieultursl sad live stock iaterost of tkie treat wm. era seetMm. keve keea srepsred Sy the UCXXVCK y RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, sad ke ok- . taiaed ky addreeeiag v ri-krri n 9- T A r rr wmrrsmcAV g.N(twri.n. w. f. w e. - roa rasa cortis 5e ft 'sWjf 4 ' ! ! :ir ! "" ' rr-ii"nasarnMT-wTsrr"e'yT sja?f4ssssaasBMSissJs.ss