Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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'Eewi Bond Ordinate Brings Up Antther
Texei Qntitioa.
urui lirnmii I ii a t . . - .
niw wninMi, 11 mAWMlKt, lilt I ION
Ca th City CktfUr Prevlaloa B
Compiled with and Mat Violate
th IUI Law Flslog
Voting lloaraf
f In th ordinance ' calling for 4 special
election to b heid on November T to vote
on th tatt.onn sewer bond proportion, tha
time designated, for voting la from S a. m.
until 7 p. m. Thla la In accordance with
tha city charter. In following out thla or
der ther la likely to be acme confusion,
as the polla at a general election are kept
open from I a. rri. until' p. m. Voting
machlnea wilt be used at the November
election and the queatlon la will the elec
tion officer 'keep' the potla Open an hour
longer than required Djr' jhe ,tate law or
not. Another' queatlon la, can tha ma
chtnea b uaed for voting after p. n.
City Clerk aillln declares that the voting
machines are ao nonatrurted that at (
o'clock the Vegutar ticket can be locked
and that by. ualng a -release lever the bond
proposition only can be voted on. He la
not quite aura about thla. but will take
the matter up with 8. C. Hamilton, a rep
resentative of the voting machine com
pany, aa Boon at he return from the east.
Of course, the election officers will be al
lowed extra compensation by the city for
canvassing tha bond proposition vote.. The
use of machines and the keeping open of
the polla until 7 p. m. will delay the re
turna Just one hour. The mayor and coun
cil appear, to think that all matters per
taining to the bond election, can be satle
fetrlly arranged ao that there will be
no' complaint about the delay In closing
the polla.
. Bhould It be found that the machlnea
cannot ' He uaed after 6 p. m. the under
standing la that ballota will be uaed after
tha uauat hour for closing the machlnea.
Ta' Books Received.
City Treasurer Howe haa recefved from
Tax .Commissioner. O'Nell the 1M6 tax
books. Taxes on the 1906 assessment are
due 'Ootrtbrr-1 and become delinquent on
jAhllAtv '1 ' Tt. valilSHon rtt Snnlh nmth.
a. property aa returned by the tax commla
1 tinner la $21,128.11. This la divided between
' rwil .and personal, the realty being valued
tl4.Cft.p60 and the neraonal at tfi.e71.ill.
-V A' levy of 7 75 mill waa made by the
mayor and 'council on the total valuation
Thla wl)l bring in ' 1163,712, but of thla
amount only 1147,167 la available for war
rants, aa 10 per cent reserve la held back
each year levy. The recelpta from
taxation' hav been apportioned among the
funda a follows: . .
Oereral.. U517 Tntereat $33,917
Police. '.. .17.9.1a Park l.KA
Light '.,.!.....,. H.7S9 fltreet repair.... (.33
Water , 14.7S Judgment lt.bKI
as iw- .... . i.. .. j-
uumetxl by recelpta from other aourcea.
tiyaltle,Iicens money and acavenger tax
money la placed In the geneeral fund and
qiuHe Ycsum;ol .money cornea each year
from the road fund which ia placed in tha
street "Repair; fund,'
. Kkeep Receipt a Delayed. .
' Wedns(tay.waa another big day at the
aheep barns, the receipt! being about 20.000
head. For some time past there haa been
complaint among the aheep men about the
manner in which care of aheep are handled.
It la asserted1 by aheep buyer that there la
a delay f forn .three to five houra In tha
arrlvar of aheep tralna, ao that it la nearly
If not ,qul) noon each day before the re
celpta can be sorted and put in ahape to be
ahown. All during tha morning hour buy
era art compelled tp wait around and amuae
themaoAvei aa beat they can. One buyer
aald yeaterday that aa moat of the aheep
coming In are atopped at some nearby feed
ing point the haul la scarcely over forty
m(lee, but a till the tralna are always late.
The suggestion ha been made that the
Live Stock exchange take this matter up
and see if sheep tralna cannot be hauled
In earlier In .the morning.
Broderlek-Hetterlck Naptlal.
Thorn Broderlck and Miss Emma Het
terlck were married Wednesday morning at
Bt. Mary' church. Rev. Father Mugan
pej-formed- the ceremony. The church waa
filled, with friend of the contracting par
tlea. Mlas Elisabeth Kan aoted aa brides
maid and Henry Ryan as best man. Fol
lowing tha ceremony a wedding breakfast
aa served to a large party of friends at
1 the home of he bride. Forty-first and L
Vreet. The groom la a well known cooper
, lenployed l tha Omaha Packing plant and
the bride fcp.tb. daughter of Martin Het
terick. foreman of the cooper hop at tha
Omaha plant. Mr. and Mr. Broderlck left
laet evening for Denver and other Colorado
points. ., -v
Withdraw 'Opposition.
Wednesday afternoon a representative of
the Barber Asphalt company called at th
office of City Clerk Qljlln and took down
lta check for 11.000, put up at the time bid
for th Twenty-fourth, Street paving wer
received.,. When bid ware opened the Bar
ber, company failed to. produce aample of
material to be used and the bid was not
considered. Through an error the samples
had been miasent and arrived later. An
effort waa made by the Barber people to
xhave tho, blda reconsidered, but the council
declined to do thla. It waa feared for a
time that' the Barber company would at
tempt to delay the paving of the street,
but the withdrawal of the check Is evidence
that tha Idea ha been given ud.
Magi rity Coaalp.
John rttagerald, SIS O street, reports the
birth of a eon. ...
tvrothy. daughter of Mr. and Mr. W. P.
Adklns, ia quite alck.
Quite a number of grain car doors have
been recovered by the police,
Byron Smiley and bride will pass through
here today, en route, to Colorado.
Thla evening Bee Hive lodge of the
Masons will work the second degree.
James Carter, local manager of the Ke-
When the Stomach, Liver,
BovreU or. Kidneys need
regulating you ought to try
the Bitters. ' For' oyer 50
years it has been success
ful in' such cases, and can
therefore . he relied on in
your case. It nlvrays cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, In
somnia, Sour Stomach, Poor
Appetite and, Malarial
Teyer..- -
braska Telephone eompany, haa returned
rrom a vacation spent In tha vicinity of Al
Friday evenlna the des-ree ml ft of ih
local lole of O.ld Fellows will alve a dsnc
at Odd Fellowa hall. Twenty-fourth and M
All members of Ancient Order of fnlted
Workmen lolae No. fctf are requested to
meei ai me temple mis evenina. It Is ae
alrvd that mmilieri of the degree team be
present in uniform.
Michael Bothwell, 7 yenra of age, died a
the ( ounty hospital Wednesday, where he
Jisrt been an Inmate for nearly three years
The deceased leaves a family living In Al
brlnht. Undertaker Brewer haa t he remalna.
John Bterrett died Wednesday at tho
home of hla son, Forty-fourth and N atreet
The deceased was 70 years of age. Th
tuneral will be held this afternoon t th
family residence, Interment at Laurel Hill
Prospect Hlllera Vote Dowa tho Beso
latloa AaklasT that Indepeadeata
Have Fraaehlae.
The resolution favoring a vote by the peO'
pie on the queatlon of an Independent tele
phone franchise In Omaha waa turned down
at the meeting of the Proapect Hill Im
provement club last night. The vote wa
taken after a lengthy debate between O. H
Pratt of the Nebraska Telephone company
one one aide, and A. B. Hunt. F. H. Wooda
and T. H. Pollock on the other. Mr. Wood
la president of the Lincoln Telephone com
pany and Mr. Pollock la Interested In the
Independent .system at Plattsmouth.
When the debate waa over, the head of
the member of the club wer all In a whirl,
for almost every statement made by Mr.
Pratt waa disputed by Mr. Woods and al
moat everything said by Mr. Wooda wa
denied by Mr. Pratt They were dlacuaslng
the telephone situation at Lincoln. Mr.
Wooda said the Nebraska Telephone com
pany had different prlcea for the aame kind
of aervlee and Mr. Pratt denied It. Wooda
aald the Independent company had the most
telephones in Lincoln, while Mr. Pratt
claimed the most for the Bell people. One
declared that President Bumham of the
First National bank at Lincoln Was a stock
holder In the Independent elbmpany and the
other said It waa not t rue. Mr. Pratt aald
the men who went from Council Bluffs to
Investigate the Lincoln situation at the
time Council Bluff wa thinking of grant
ing a franchise were people Interested In
the Independent project. Mr. Wooda aald It
waa not so. So It went, denial after denial.
until the club member decided, mentally at
least, that if they wanted to know much
about Lincoln they would be compelled to
Investigate matters themselves.
Of several things they were assured. Mr,
Wooda made the admissions, replying to
the questions of Mr. Pratt, that Lincoln
people are paying more for telephone serv
Ice than they were before the Independent
system waa established, and that the
business men had to have both telephones.
He also made statements which Mr. Pratt
Interpreted to the club as admlsslona that
the stock' of the new company at Hastings
waa watered and the bonda would have to
pay for the plant.
Coaaty Jodae Willing to BesLga If
Clerk Caa B Elected to
Duncan M. Vlnaonhaler la anxious to re
sign from the position of county judge for
Douglas county. In which he is now filling
his third term, providing he can name hla
successor. He Is apparently equally anxious
to have his chief clerk, Charles W. Leslie,
chosen by the Board of County Commla-
sloners to fill out the unexpired terra.
This came out this morning when th
member of th county board were ap
proached by Judge Vlnaonhaler and asked
to pledge themaelvea to vot for Leslie
in the event of Vlnaonhaler' resignation,
which wa said to be all ready to hand In.
Th effort to secure enough vote to Insure
Leslie' election haa not a yet been suc
cessful, gome republican members of the
board do not want to vote for him. and It Is
said that Hofeldt will vote for Woodrough
If given an opportunity.
It is understood that a portion of tha
bargain Vlnaonhaler ia seeking to drive Is
that he have control of the patronage of
ine omce. He wa all ready to resign sev
eral months ago and announced his Inten
tion of so doing. His inability to name his
successor then caused a change in his plans,
wnicn ne now thinks are mature enough to
go into effect. ,
September Pay to Officials Uable to
Be Delayed for
Unless the council hurries up and trans.
fers surplus money set aside for the
abandoned department of city tax commis
sioner to the departments that will be
short because of increase of salaries by
the legislature. Mayor Moores and th nine
councilman will not draw their September
warrant on time. The mayor announced
that he would veto the Item In the ap
propriation ordinance unleaa the transfer
ia sanctioned by the council before tha
ordtnancea come up to him. His own de
partment is 118 short In available funds for
September and the" council considerably
more. On three distinct occasions Comp
troller Lobeck has called the council's at
tention to tha discrepancy, but nothing
haa been done. The shortages are a fol
low: Mayor ...
Council .
Clerk ....
There la nothing legally to prevent the
council from taking the money set aside
for the tax department and applying it
on this tb.tti deficiency.
Speakers Ira Ipsa Voter th
aortaaeo to Them of tho
Local Camaalga.
Tha republican campaign opened in the
Eleventh ward laat night under the aua.
plcea of the Eleventh Ward ReDubllcan
club. The meeting, conalderlng the early
uajrm n tne campaign, waa very well at
tended, judge Eatelle and E. A. Benson
delivered addreases. The burden of the ar.
gumenta of each seemed to be that the
time had arrived when no past, however
glorious, nor any promiaea for the future,
however lrldeacent. could take the place
of actual, present merit. The merit of
part lea was apt to be Judged by the merit
of Its candidates. They especially urged
the Irniurtance of the local campaign, and
the local electiona. "These elections are
of far greater Importance to us as Indi
viduals than the state elections or ths
presidential elections. The local authori
ties affect u by dollars and dollars, where
the state and federal authorities mean only
cents. Not only monev matters hm th.
moral tone of the municipality Is deter
mined by the local electiona.
Chamberlain's Cone. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea and dysen
tery in all forms aad la' all stage. It
never falls.
The mem t. re of the Trinli. v.,k.a-
Fplscopal church will tender a n-ceniion
Thursday evening to the pastor. Rev. John
Randolph, end wife, aud the presiding elder
nsir. oiiunui uursi, ana nis wire. Th re-
wit Tl
oruuoa wlU b la th church Jariore.
Twentj-Hinth Aunaal Session f th
Nebraska 8jd Booiatj.
Address of Welcome by Mra. M.
Carl ftmlth la Followed by Re
ports, papers aad Dls
Wednesday afternoon the twenty-ninth
annual meeting of the Woman's Mission
ary society of th synod of Nebraska opened
at the First Presbyterian church. There
waa a large attendance of delegatea and
others Interested In missionary work. An
executive aesalon was held first and then
Mr. M r.,1 Rl.h .1.-1 . .l
. . "-
from the entertaining aociety to th vlalt
lng delegates.
In her remarks, Mrs. Smith spoke of the
recent contest for membership In the mis
sionary society of South Omaha, this con
test causing a growth of membership from
a mere handful to 360 enthusiastic members.
During the course of her remarks Mrs.
Smith touched Upon the various phaaea of
foreign cltlxenshlp In thla country and
community, and ahowed the opportunity
for practical missionary work at home.
Delegatea to the convention' were asked
to remember not only the great Industrial
Interests In connection with Bouth Omaha, than hav th former writer on thla autt
but to bear In mind the large force of Ject. He may be right and the teaehera
Christian women who are carrying on the wrong, but I think It la unjust to subject
work of redemption here. these women to public discussion until
Mrs. E. E. Funston of Wayne responded
to the addresa of welcome, and In behalf
of the visitors expressed appreciation of
the hearty welcome extended. Mrs. W. J.
Hammlll rendered "Jesus. Lover of My
Soul" In a manner appreciated by all.
Misa Porter of Central City presented th
ubject "Children and Missions'" In an able
manner. She gave a conclae report of the
work done by Bunday achool children In aid
of home and foreign missions the past
year. Miss Porter urged more thorough
and unselfish work among the leader of
Bunday school- workers.
Kindergarten in Monday School.
Mra. Tilden, president of the society.
called upon Mra. Herring of Omaha for a
report on the kindergarten and primary
work which ahe la doing in Sunday achool
circles. According to Mrs. Herring the
beat results are accomplished by beginning
Christian work among the youngest chil
dren, and ahe exhibited a number of charts
and banners which ahe uaea In her claaaea.
Essays and objects to make lasting Im
pressions on the childish minds are recom
mended. A general discussion of mission band
work brought out a number of efficient
methoda of promoting the cauae of mla-
slona. Mrs. Bogue, Mrs. Charles Oliver,
Mrs. Smith of Emerson and Mrs. Pcrrlne
gave some idea of their experience in or
ganizing mission bands.
"Tha Plea of the Children." a pleasing
exercise, was given by five little girls, who
wer dressed In th costume of the country
they represented. Helen VanDuaen repre-
sented China, Victoria Burr, India; Oladya
Travla, Africa; Genevieve Smith, . Turkey,
and Margaretha Orlmmel, America.
Mrs. A. A. Tyler of Bellevu waa unable
to be present, and Mra. Bldwell led the
devotional half-hour. Prayera were offered
by Mra. Foxworthy, Mra. Hammlll and
others. Following the devotional exercises
conference of aeoretarlea of literature
waa held, led by Mra. Carlton B. No yea
of Waterloo.
Mra. W. E. Carr of Danville, Va., spoke
under the auspices of .the Freedmen'a board
and asked for aid from the Nebraska synod
In the maintenance of echoola In the
Colon Men and Their Employer la
Omaha Come to New Tersas
of Agreemeat.
Through the offices of Joseph E. Coffee
of Newark, N. J., and C. H. Oalaakowsky
of Bt. Louis, for the nrpiiman'i anri nm.
feeders' unions, and Messrs. Clark and
Palus of St. Paul, for the Typothetae as-
soclatlon, an agreement was effected In
Omaha Wednesday morning whereby tha
pressmen and feeders agree not to go out '
Deiween tne aate or February a, 190. and
Hay i, 1907.
W. W.- McBrlde, secretary of the local
Typothetae, said Wednesday morning:
"The settlement between the pressmen
and feeders and their employers means
they are to get an advance over the pres
ent wage on a graduated scale. The con
tract that has been signed dates from next '
February a, 1906, to May 1 of the following j
year. The contract calls for fifty-four
hours per week, the same as at present,
i""'"' u ituers m
remain with their employera even if the .
prlnters go out on a strike
Gla-aatie Conspiracy,
'Tie a gigantic conspiracy, of Coughs.'
Colds, etc.. against you. Foil it with Dr.
King's New Dlacovery. 60c and $1.00. Sold
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
f.80 to Clear Lake aad Hetara
Chicago Great Western Railway.
Tickets on sale every Friday and Satur
day. Final return limit th rAll.iH. w..
day. Good flahlng. boating, bathing and '
other outdoor sport. Reasonable hotel i
rates. Tourist sleeping cars run on Satur-
day night train. For further Information
pply to S. D. Parkhurst, O. A., loll Far-
nam street, Omaha, Neb.
8-K wedding ring. Edholm, jeweler.
Fire Starts ta Cloaet.
There waa a amall fire at 191 South Elev
enth atreet last night at 6 J0. In the house
occupied by T. F. Kenny, a cloaet filled
with bed clothing waa found to be In
flame. Theae eoon communicated to the
parlor bed room. The firemen at Eleventh
and Dorcas were called and the blase waa
Boon under control. Several dreaaes and
auita of clothlnc were destroyed, anri th.
room somewhat scorched. Mrs. Kenny had
entered the cloavt several niinulea before
th. Are broke out. and ah. . caSJ I
a candle. It la thouttht the fire originated
at that time. The damage wa estimated i
at I
nnmOi pecum momer musi pass usuauy u
I I r IP 80 ful sufle"nc? danger and tear
Uil LI Vlv tnat slie looks forward to the'eritical
nour witn apprenens'on and dread.
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing propertiea.
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the svstem for the
ordeal that she passes through H H
the event safely and with but I . , , J j
little suffering, as numbers If ii'
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $ixx per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
esAoririo ri&iutci co- aumu. e.
Os th Teaehera' Ride,
OMAIIA, Bept. r.-To the Editor of The
Pee: In connection wflh rhargea made re
cently agalnat certain tfehera of the Train
erhool of thla city I note letters by Messrs
Oeorge L. Miller and Ramuel Bums, con
demning the action of tha teachers In un
qualified terms. With all respect to these
gentlemen, does It not appear rather unjust
to these women, who belong to a class
whose life work la the training and educa
tion or our future rltlsens, to put them
publicly In ihe wrong on such1 alight evi
dence as has been advanced by thla boy.
wno ia the only accuser?
While opposed to corporal punishment In
the schools, the writer believes that a
teacher. In dealing with children, among
'"".I': ."'" -.""""'"
Vnnm t h... ! ii.ii.liv i.i LI 1 -
' meni. snouio nave some discretion aa to
her method of handling her charge. I do
not think, aa doea Dr. Miller, that th
claim of Superintendent Davidson and th
teacher, that the child bruised himself. Is
ridiculous. I have known vicious children
of 10 who could hurt a woman severely
and she certainly haa the aame right of
self-defense that a man haa. The fact that
he may be a teacher doe not alter the
caae. If the pupil be the aggreaaor.
in scnonis where the unruly element I
large It can b really dangeroua to a
woman. Now, I am not accusing this boy,
because I hav no more direct
"omethlng haa been proved against them,
j to say nothing of the position of false
herolam Into which th accuaed Is forced
i ana r whlcl
chlch he and his friends will be
prompt to take advantage. Where will
your public school discipline be then, gen
tlemen? What sort of cltlxensn will your
! B-hool turn out to flout the authority of
! tne 'ate and country? In making the
: "cusatlone against ao useful and patient
I an ggregatlon of women as our teacher
have shown themselves to be, let ua be
aiow to anger and give them a square deal,
for as a class they richly deserve It.
Lewis to Fleming.
OMAHA, Sept r?.-To .the Editor of The
Bee: Cpon my return to the city after a
few days" absence my attention haa been
called to an article appearing In The Bee
under the tiaptlon of "Fleming Exposea B
A. Lewis."
May I Inquire through your columns of
William Fleming why It was. when he
handed back to me the railroad assessment
schedules, after having raised these cor
poratlons to the supposed 100 per cent
basis, that he said to me: "Does that
suit you?" Again, If I had nothing to do
with forcing hla hand. Inquire of R. L.
Metcalfe of Lincoln who It waa who wrot
the article appearing that fall In the World-
"c",u enimea, "Kepeal a Bad Law," and
signed A Citizen. This being the very first
shot fired In that contest, which waa after
ward carried on by the Real Eatate ex
change over this question.
Speaking of my removal, Fleming said:
"He was not removed by the pressure of
any committee having raUroad Influence or
not having It."
Well. then, if that Is so, '-when he dls.
missed me from the tax department why
did he say: "Lewis, I will have to ask
for your realgnatlon, aa the committee haa
brought atrong pressure to bear on me?"
Let him deny this and I will prove it.
Miss Mary CosrraveHrtbHie of Run
away that Racks Servr of
On of the moat thrilling runaways, and
yet the moat fortunate that ha occurred
in Omaha for many a year, happened
Tueaday evening on North Thirtieth atreet,
from Florence to the Intersection of Thir
tieth and Bristol streets. The heroine of
this exciting Incident Is Mlas Mary Cos
grove of Sixteenth and Ohio streets.
With a companion. Miss Morearty of th
Lake Street achool, Misa Cosgrove hired a
Z " no I uesday afternoon at the
Doty brn- 2831 Sherman avenue, and went
rtde ,0 Florence and the surrounding
coun,ry. I'pon" the return of the young
womel. about 6 p. m Miss Cosgrove's
became rrightened at a piece of
luuvin; paper and atarted on a mad dash
south on Thirtieth street.
The horse continued on lta wild flight all
the way to Brlatol street and the fact
that Mlaa Cosgrove was not thrown nn
I the way la to her credit, while the fact
....... nnauy eaeaped with no aerloua ln-
Juries is more the result nf piro,lm..-..
than anything else. When the horse turned
up on Bristol atreet the young woman waa
thrown as from a catanult to .
weeaa ana auatained but a shaking up and
a few minor broiaea. Captain Hayea and
sergeant Havey of the police station wer
returning home on Bristol street at t;e
time and managed to top th fugitive ani
mal. They assisted the young woman to
ner nome on Ohio street. The horae waa
somewhat scratched. Misa Cosgrove Boon
recoverea irom tne effects of her wild
People along th way of Mlaa Cosgrove's
exciting ride Bay they never before wlt
nesaed auch a spectacular movement of
horse and rider. Paul Revere's rid in 177
y My' W" but circumstance to the
"tunt P""'01""" ,h Omaha woman on
Tnlr,leth "rest. Miss Cosgrove lost her
enrouie ana Deiore sne came under the
wire her hair waa flowing like a witch of
fairy-book lore.
ifiaa Morearty'a horse finished in good
Successor to Robert Cowell Decide
oa by the Repablleaa
Action of the republlcsn nomlneea In de
cming to recommend James H. Adams as
. " Z-.T ";","'"TVI
I, ."a ..-m .u.y practically
al"Pe" ny doubt in the matter. The
candidate adjourned to meet again Friday
Is to lov children, and
home can be completely
happy without them, yet th
ordeal through which the ex-
al a. t
of a
j "fi. - f-mmmmmm a U ,wa .,. a., , .,,
ITS 1 905 CROPS-
THERE IS A WHOLESOME LESSON IN STORE for those who will familiarize
. themselves with western lands.
jBOpME- A LAND HOLDER: Each Itomeseekers' Excursion is bringing east
era Duy.er0 into the West, seeking lands at prices above all previous records. What
... causes this if not the growing appreciation of the permanent worth of Western iarm
lands T . 4 y .
braska Eastern Colorado, Wyoming, including the Big Horn Basin.
minimum tfteTo. " .
n ' i:PATg!lS BXCURSI0I(3':' .October 3rd and 17th, November" itYind 21r
December 5th and 19th.
imeatedao??l JpE i00?111?0 P0?YA? MOVEMENT to secure Western :
irrigated lands.. Send for the Burlington's special folders, "Irrigation Projects," "Big
CoUntNorth ; Platte Valley," "Billings, Moptana,
. If seek lands in the Corn" Belt,- pr iands beyond, for mixed farming in the
Sf?lVnt?V2e?d fir tho Burlinsrton's folders, . "Nebraska," "Dairying, in Ne
DrasKa, List of Land Agents Along the Burlington Route." Any or all of these
folders are free on application.
WEST, including California, in effect dally until October 31st.
but It if given out that their business Is
practically completed in the unanimous se
lection of Adams. If the candidates have
their way the chairman will be allowed to
select the secretary of the committee.
Chairman Cowell has stated that he would
call the committee together for organisa
tion Saturday afternoon.
Prosperity Relgas Today Where Oaeo
Calamity Mlaaloaarle Preached
Their Dlatreeslag Doetrlao.
Armlnius P. - Culley of Loup City, Neb.,
president of the First Nstlonal banks of
Loup City and Oreeley and of the Stat
bank of Sargent. Is In the city on hi way
to th Panhandle of Texas, where he goes
to buy 60,000 acres of land for a Nebraska
syndicate, 'a which he if heavily Interested.
Ther never wa auch a change In con
dition in any country a in th neighbor
hood of Loup City In the last ten or twelve
years. During the days of hard times and
calamity preaching, the farmers wer un
able to buy seed for their farms. Our bank
advanotd seed and told the farmers to
first feed their families and 11 any grain
was left to sell it and pay for th seed.
If it took all to keep the families we'd
lose th seed. This lasted for two yeara
and then the seed money began to return.
Today all the farmera ar prosperous and
I've got to go to Texa to find remunerative
Investment for their money.
111 aa Itrsagtr,, with Wo Moaey
to Fay Railway Far
Poor, and old, and consumptive. Mr.
Rettle Norwood waa brought from the rail
way etatlon to th city Jail for lodging last
night. 8h atarted yesterday from Clear
water, Neb., where aha lived, for Eureka
Springs, Arkansas. She has daughter
there. Bh had purchased a ticket only to
Omaha as ahe had been advised by th
agent at Clearwater, and oa arriving her
she found that she had no money to pur
chase the tlckev. to her destination. Eh
could not remember where she had lost th
money, but ah thought ah muat. hav left
It on th bed at home, ta has been sick
and unhappy since ahe" left the aouth and
th doctor aald ah could not II va Jong here.
so ah had done washing with her weak
strength until she had raised th far to
Arkansas. At th etatlon her t told of
a heart too hopeless -for tears. '
Soda Cracker
You have heard that some foods (arnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others are
tissue building and heat forming
r You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
. food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a food soda cracker ?
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain lesi water, are richer
in the muscle and fat element, and have a much
, higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour. ,
ThaUs why Unoada Olscult should
form an important part of every m;aL They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
agalnsi air, moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention,
Write for rates, descriptive matter
stating what you want.
L W. WAKELEY, General Passenger
OrrhArt Wllhelm Cnrpet Co, 411-410-418 South 16th 8t.
Milton ftogers at Son Company. 14th and Faroajii Ktrret. I Afcnts
John llaeeie Hardware Cimpauy, 2407-3 IOO Cuinlug St. . . f tor Omaha
E. L. Jonr Cooipanjr, 270tt Lea vr a worth hlmt j - ) Nebraska,
2" J"' W! 4?-,2a 0t Ktrm. Ageuts lor South Omaha,
ra4dock.-lUnds4.ti7 Hardware Co., 41 Maiu St.. Ajront for Council llluffs.
The best dealer In every town general!
T WW?! " lax.Vtry0,w J,.'nrTt"X handl COLE'S OBIOINAL. HOT
VJ,.K,n?h "' M lrU- -'OMPANT. 5JJI Buutn Western Av-:
t.mV JJ h?W2l,i'kM on u,e c'l'ftc o-nbuaUou of fuel. .
bovo'guaranu HO f BLAST. Mall order purchaser. proUel. "
' by above
and information, carefully
Agent, Omaha, Keb.
Saved $50
Why scrimp all winter saving the $100
bill it takes to buy a base burner and
the fuel it will burn this winter. Buy a
The stove and coal to run
it cost less than the fuel alone
required for any other stove.
Burnsf Any Fuel
Even Meat Day and Night
Fire Never Out
It is false economy. Cole's
Hot Blast saves its cost in
fuel every year and at
that gives most satisfao '
tory heat; it is cleanly,
and is sold under a
positive gaurantte.
If you enjoy the lux
ury of dressing in, warm
rooms without the nec
essity, of kindling new
fires, investigate Cole's
Hot Blast to-day.