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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1003. UALN AND PRODUCE MARKET nia-oar's Influence again iisatilj tilu it 7sr? SENDS BOTrf WHEAT AND CORN HIGHER (irllinnt fterrlpts Are Osly Half at yesterday' Strike Spread la Ar- geutlnaa-Naakla Say Market 4 111 ' Remain Higher. 4 fi5c. largely OMAHA. Bept. 27. 1905. Vheat was up lc again, with Armour the leauing influence, tie was aided by newt i.t t ne spread of the strike In Argentina, by ,.,.11111 mutton or, the n-port ot mcuaia In niHt'inma and by northwest receipt of a..uui nail wnat tney were yesterday. Th .,iMts covereu, especially tnose who Bold . m. iih, KunMri declared he did not 1..111K wneat could be bought under tew k.iiiii. i he foreign situation aa regard .....ei u-a,, wheat in not reassuring, bep t.uioer closed at 8)c, December at 860 and ..lay ill oi-WC. ( urn u strong alao, and Armour' hand wan evident. He took about Huu.uuu bushels ilxie was ao me buying or May and selling 1 uecember. There wa nothing doing in 1 in- way ot foreign demand. September 1 nxrti at fclVi"e. ld September at 61?c. i-eceinber at tav, old December at 464j-ttc .11.11 .May at 44c. oats were anonger. September finished at .c. December at iio-jic and May at - ri7-C. Liverpool closed unchanged to d higher on wheat and unchanged to d higher on c.ii n. 11 unary wheat' receipt were 1.215.000 bushels and shipments 474, 0o0 bushel, ugainst receipt last year ot 1,329,000 bush elH and shipment ot 4!,0OO bushels. Corn leceipts were 712,000 bushels and shipment of 34 .0ifl bushels, against receipt last year of 644,Ot0 bushals and shipments of 406,0"0 bushels. Clearances were 28&.O0O bushel of corn, 131,000 bushels of oats. 36.000 bushels of wheat and 24,000 barrel of flour. Pester Lloyd, an Antwerp authority, makes the world's rye crop 20 per cent lens than last year, and an Antwerp rable says: "We hav a favorable opinion of the market on all grains." Budapest cabled that the Hungarian minister of agriculture elates the mlz crop, la les than one thlrd of the avrrage. A million bushels of macaroni wheat have been sold at Duluth lately to go to Ger many anil France. - There were sale ot 4Kt,K bushel yesterday at the seaboard for export. Prices have advanced 6c at Du blin from the lowest point of last week. Puluth received 26o cars, of wheat from M mi... n.i 1 1 m uaalariliu In toAnal, . 1 ... .!! ,y I I J ...... MVJ , . i iibiidu iu seaboard for export. Winnipeg received 64 tars of wheat yesterday, against $77 car last year. ., Export sales to Atlantic! ports are being made dally and cash handler there say they are well sold up. Paclno coast points have lust shipped 181,000 bar els of flour to Vladivostok. Howard W. Common of Minneapolis says: "The principal feature In the north western grain situation is the big demand for cash wheat. While receipts are large, the accumulation at terminals are very light. Flour business Is very good and shipments this morning were the largest . for more than two years. I believe a strong demand for cash wheat will con tinue, resulting in firm and higher mar ket." Oiuaha Cash BaTea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, '80c; No. I hard, 1 car, 78c: No. 4. 1 car. 77c. CORNNO, 3, 1 car, 47c; No. 4. 1 car, 474jC. OATS No grade, 1 car, 24c. Oninlia f'snii Prices. WIT IT A T" X'rt 4 I. - C.W, . Mn V.- . . x , . ... a , , a i u, c'-v; , , vj. e ,ini u. "So; No. 4 hard, 7S4jr6c; No. .1 spring, Ibit 79c. CORN-N6. 2. 47c;'N. 3, 47c; No. 4. 4iarVc; no grade, 4KB Vie; no. i yellow. 48V7-u-; No 3 yellow, 48S48c; No. 1 white. 4Wi49c;' No. 3 white, 4ijl9c. , OATS No. 2 mixed. X'a&c: No. 3 mixed. UWaibc: No. 4 mixed. 24'a24e: No. 2 white. ..,.-e:- No 3 white, 26jj2tic; No. 4 whllA 'f lirt ' ttandM 91 Carlot Receipt:. Wheat. Corn. Cats. Chicago 72 251 266 Minneapolis 386 ... Kansas City 1ST 31 Omaha 15 16 1...I...L. n.t jruiUlll ii .. . ... 8t. Louis 0 69 33 9d; future. eteadv rWramSar la tUA- January, 4 4d. March. 4 ld- CHICAGO GRA1 AXD PROYIMOJS ""tarea tao Tradlatf aad Cloalagf Prlee toarl a-f Trade. CTnCAfln Ron, n TWr.. mmA In the northwest Induced strength today In in- wneat market her. Another bullish factor was excellent demand for cash wheat. At th close Deeembef Vptlon w up HSlc. Corn, oats and provision ar practically unrhangfrt. 1 The wheat market wa strong from be ginning to end. At the start the December delivery was up a shade to S'&'hc, at S64 The Initial firmness wa due to the fallln- oft In recelnt at northwest markets notwithstanding th Continuance of weather favorable for the movement of the new crop. At Minneapolis end Duluth arrival toda were only 61 crs, against 997 cars trie corresponding day a year ago. During the last of the session leading bulls Joined In the buvlnj movement. For December the highest point of the day wa reached at v,c. The mar ket closed strong, with December at (Sc. Clearances or wheat and flour were equal to 144,000 bu. Primary receipt were 1,215. 000 bu., compared with 1.329,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis.- Duluth and Chicago re Ported receipt of 60s car, against 7!8 car last week and 1,062 car a year ago. An easier tone nrevalled In the corn mar ket early In the session, th principal weak ening Influence being th continued clear weather. Cash house wer moderate ell r. Later the market became somewhat firm In aympathy with the strength of wneat. a prominent bull wa a rainy active buyer late In the session. A rood demand for cash corn helped support the price oi options. i ne market closed steaay LI 'ecember opened V4C to Uftun lower, at 444c to 44H6'44'e, sold up to 46V: and closed at 4ftc. Local receipt were 254 car Ith 93 car of contract grade. The volume of tradlna- In the oats nit wa mail, but the market had a firm under tone. Strength of wheat wa the chief Diuiisn factor, although a fair demand from exporter exerted some Influence. It was reportec' that 25.000 bu. of oat were old here today for shipment to the United Kingdom. December opened unchanged, at 28Uc. sold un to 28Sif72fee and cloaed at 28Sc. Local receipt were 265 car. Provision were ateady. The volume of business wa very small, the principal trading being In January product. At the Lard was unchanged, at 6.77Vf.80. Rib were up lc. at 6.&0. Estimated receints for tomorrow: Wheat. 47 cars corn, 294 car; oat, 307 car; hogs, The lend i n rutareA ranted aa follows! Article.) Open. High. Low. Clo. Yts'jr. WEATHER IK THE GRAIN BELT Clear la Middle West and East aad Halny Booth. OMAHA. Sent. 27. 190E. The weather continue clear throughout the central valley and west to th moun tains, and 1 generally clear east to th Atlantic coast. It 1 raining in the weat guif state, and rain and cool weather 1 general In the north Pacitlo coaat. ex tending eastward over western Montana. The area of highest pressure, with coolar weather, overlie the eastern states, and light frost occurred last night In the Ohio valley and eastern slates, with heavy frosts In New England. The outlok 1 tavorable for continued fair weather in this vicinity tonight and Thursday. Omar record ot temperatur and preclpltatk n compared with th corre ponding bay ot the last three year: 1906. 1904. IDVIt. 1902 Minimum temperature.... 66 68 42 Precipitation 00 .01 .00 Normal temperature tor today, 60 tret. deficiency In precipitation lnc March L 6.15 inches. corresponding period In 1904, incnea. Kxces corresponding period 4 44 inche. OMAHA DISTRICT. TeniD. nam. Station. Max. alln. Aaliland. Neb M 63 45 .23 de in 1903, Auburn. Neb. Coiumbu. Neb. Kairbury Neb... Fairmont. Neb.. Or. Island, Neb.. 87 79 91 90 78 Hartiiigton, Neb. 78 Oakdale, Neb 76 Omaha, Neb 83 Tekamah, Neb... 83 Carroll, la M Ciarlnda, ia 88 Sibley, la 79 tiioux City. Ia.... 78 Bturm Lake. la.. 7 64 64 66 68 66 64 6J 66 66 68 60 U fci 66 lnclie. .00 .00 T .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .04 .00 Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy ciear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Foggy Clear Clear UidTKICT AVERAGES. No. of . TeiBD Rain. Central. Station. Max. Mln. Inche. Chicago. Ill 28 : Columbua, 0 18 De Moines, Ia... 14 Indianapolis, lud. -11 Kansas City, Mo. 18 Louisvill Ky.... 17 Minneapolis 26 Omaha, Neb 16 . SL Louis. Mo.... U L. A. WfeLSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Sale en Wall Etmt EiohaSf Fall to Smtlltit TUl for Many Wteki. MARKET IS NARROW AND STAGNANT Cash Reserve of Flask Still Farther Depleted aad Rat lor Moaey Tead to Make 8ec lator Caatloa. gold coin and bullion, t6P,088.1C8; gol certificate. IU.921.410. Jf York Moaey Market. NEW YORK Serf. I7.-MONEY-On call. firm t 4i4S per cent: closing bid. 4U pr cent: offered at 41 per cent. Time loan, steady; sixty and timety day. per cent: six months, 4V(il' prr cent. I'RIMK MtKCAIN I 11. t, PAPfcK 4VU.i per cent. STF.RLINO KXCflANQE-Flrm. with actual business In bankers' bills at 4 85'"f 4 8576 fot demand and 14 .Sf.-S4 tnh for slxtr-day bills; posted rates, 14 83Htf nl . silver-Par. isc; Mexican dollar. 47c. HONDS Government. Irtrxular: railroad. firm. ciosina Quotation on bond wtr a fol lows: V. I. ref la. rf .. .W Jpn . td Sdrles. .lit Wheat Sept. Deo, May Corn tSept. ISept. tDeo. iDec. May Oats- Sept. Dec. May Pork Oct. Jan. Lard- Oct. Nov. Jan. Rib Oct. Jan. 4U 83 61 46V$' 44 44HWH S7V 28H 304,: 14 95 13 3'i' 7 V 1 !2H ( BO 60 8i'i 87 T 82; 63 4fi '.I 44H 7!K "T"Tl 30 14 95 13 46 7 S7H I 25 6 62 8 85 M 84'4 86Ts 81 ' 44 27V 28! 85 8f 87 81' 61U52 464 4B 28' 30 30 14 90 12 40 14 90 12 87 7 2ft 7 12 77 7 20 I 7 16 6 80 8 82 47 84 8f.!?r' 80 82 61 4Si 44H- 44 r 28 304J 14 96 12 35 7 82 7 17 6 80 8 60 No. t tOld. JNew. Cash quotation were as follow: FLOUR Firm: winter patents, $3 .80ff$ 4.20; straights, $3.5oi4.1o; spring patents. 84.2iV94.40; straights, t3.80ig4.00; bakers,' $2.40 3.40. WHEAT No. i spring. 87fi8c; No. 8, 8CKS 87c: No. 2 red, 84'u85c. CORN No. 2, 62c; No. 2 yellow, 64c. OATS No. 2, 27c: No. 2 white. 26Va30c: No. 8 white, 274 a 29c. RYE No. 2. 71W71C. HARLEY-Oood feeding. 36W37c: fair to choice malting, 41948c. BEEUH No. l nax. Kite; no. i northwest ern, il.oz. Prime timothy, clover. contract grade, 112.26. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., nt.iW 16.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., 17.20. Short rib side (loose). 88.608.65. Short clear sides (boxed). $8.26-38.50. The following were th receipt and shipment of flour and grain: Receipts, onipmenm NEW YORK. Sept. 27. Th sales ot stock on the Stock exchange today tell to a smaller total than on any day tor many week past. Th small compass of the fluctuations wer an even mora striking Illustration of the narrowness of the mar ket. At dlnerent times during th day the trading tell Into absolute stagnation. Tnere was ample demand, however, to ab sorb any selling pressure, but as quickly as the downward tendency wa arreaied or mall gain established, th buying died out completely. The action ot th market uggested Strongly the purpose of oper ators to hold tii list steady without at tempting any notable advance In prices. This policy i In harmony with the view attributed to powerful authorities, that the tlm 1 Inopportune for any extensive bor rowing of tunds to embark In speculation, while at the same time the general con dition in the country Is so strong as to oiler no ground for a yielding of the prlc level. The presence of supporting orders effec tually Intimidated ma bear element and kept value free from attack on that ac count. The day wa almost entirely free front any Incluent of Importance from a stock market point of view. The same factor which have been In operation sine the be ginning of the week operated to deplete till turther the cash reserve of th bank and to uolnt to a weak bank re turn In the statement of the coming Satur day. Th aubtreaaury statement showed that absorption by tnat Institution since the last bank statement had expanded to $4,742,000. The market for foreign exchange wa decidedly atrong through the morning and the supply of bills against grain ana cotton shipment was called scanty. In the money market of the world interest centered on the probable action of th Bank of England toward Its discount rate tomorrow. The weight of opinion Is that an advance I believed In some quar ter to amount to a full 1 per cent. There were persistent reports here that large ad ditional amounts of gold had been secured In London for New York, In spite of the wide advance In the sterling exchange rate since the last engagements were made. Th tone of the money market continued firm, but there wa no notable change in Quoted rate either for call or time loan. The London stock market derived some benefit from the published terms of the Anglo-Japanese treaty and London bought moderately In the New York stock market. The strength showed today was In about the same quarters a during an advancing tendency ror ome time past. in x-a-ciflca. Reading. Louisville i Nashville and Ontario & Weatern wer"e conspicuous, the last named on rumors of Important de velopments at the annual meeting, whicn occurred during the day. The stock held well until th adjournment of the meet ing without the expected developments being forthcoming. The general market. however, yielded easily to the profit-taking by room trader In the final hour and only small remnants of the day' gain remained at the closing, whicn wa neavy. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, 13.980.000. I'nlted States 2s declined H while the 8b and old 4a advanced per cent on call. The following were the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: bales. Hlgn.Low.cinse. do eausos 1S 4o 4H. ctfi HH V 9. 1. ri do td arrlsa PH do coupon 104 L. A N. snl. 4 I'M V. I. 4s, rf... l4 Mtnhaiiin c. I to...UH do eoupoa 1M Mrs. ('antral 4i A3 V. . old 4s. r ...1f4V4 do 1 Inc. H do coupon 1 Minn, a Pt L 4i 4 Am. Tobaero 4s, etfi. M , K. T. 4i int-4) do , ftlt Hit do It I Atchison in. 4s im N R. R. of M. a. 4s. It- do !!. 41 N Y. C. f. Itl SH Atlantic r. U 4s Iftl N. J. C. t I" B.I. A Ohio. 4s 10fH No. Pacific 4t 1H do ! 1 do li 77 Central of Ot. tt N, A W. c 4s I"l do 1st Inc loi n g. L. rfdi 4a IT do Id. Inc M Pans. conr. i4a 1064 Ch... A unto 4Ha . .. 1014 Rdlns in 4a IH Chicago A. MH St. U I M t. ia .117S C , B. O. n. 4I....1014 St. Li. ft S F. fg 4a. C , R. I. ft P. 4a.-... 4 St. L. I. W. e. 4a... 14 do rsl. ta Saahoard A. L. C01-. ft St. L. (. 4a..lH Bo. Paclno 4a Chlcaso Tar 4a M i do lat 4a ctfa ... Colorado Mid. 4a It Bo. Railway (.a.... Colo, ft So. 4a r4 Taiaa ft P. la Colo. Ind. la. ast A.. Ill T , St. L. W. do act B I'nlon Pacific 4a... Cuba la. ctfl 1Mb do ton. 4a V. ft R. 0). 4a. 101 -VI' (4. Rtaal Id la. Platlllara' So. la 111 Wahanh la Eria prior llan 4a lom do dab. II n waaiarn Ml 4a... Ill W. ft U K 4a... ill Wla. Cantral 4a... 10IH do son. F. W. ft D. C. ll. Hocklns Val. 4a. Japan la, ctti 1H . H . 17 .1114 .111 . M .luo .114V4) ,. It. .111 . T4 .. I4 ,. 114 .. 16 Boston Stock and Bonds. BOSTON, Sept. 27. -Call loans, 3?4 per cent; time loans, 4'a6 per cent. Official ?uotallons on stocks ana bonus wer a allows: M Adventure KM Allouci 80 Amalgamatad l4i Amarlcan Zlno 1044 Atlantic Blniham Cal. ft Hccla Atchlann adj. 4a. do 4 Mrs. Caotral 4s. Atchison do nfd Boston ft Albany til Boston A Malna 1T4 Boatoe Elaratad IMt t'antannlal Fitch btira, pfd 143 Coppar Rama . Mexican Cantral 14 Pair Waat .... N. Y., N. H. ft H..KW Dominion Coal Para Marquatta 101 Franalla Union 1'aclOc l.;2H Oranhr Amar. Arge. Cham.... 234 ! Royals ... do pfd m Mans. Mining . Amar. rnru. Tut.... 'Michigan Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. ft T Amar. Woolan do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Edtaon Elac. Ills... Uenaral Electric ... liana Elm-trie do pfd Maaa. Gai I'nltad Fruit United Shoa Mach.. do pfd V. B. Staal do pfd Waiting, common . Bid. Aked. I'lVMohawk .1114 Mont. ('. ft C. . .141 Old Dominion . 114 Oecaola .I0t Parrot . S3 Qulncy .1474 Bhannnn ..160 ITamarack .. 14 Trinity :. . SlVi'Vnltad Coppar .. 10 t'. 8. Mining.. ,.104 I' 8. Oil .. 17 ll'tah ,. lim'Vlctoris , . 174k Winona .1044 ""WolrariQa ... .. 4 T4 . I 4 . II '4 . . 174 . II .III . II . 71 . II . 7 . 16S . 7 . 12 . I'4 - 14 . II . H . IT .101 . MWj .100 TT4 .110 . . 144 . 10 . 44 . 4 . 11 .1174 OilAUA LIVE STOCR MARKET Bteari, Cow$ and Fteden Jn$t About fitead with Teiterdar. HOG TRADE SLOW, WITH PRICES LOWER Heeelpt ot Skeep aad Lasab Heavy, kat l.ate la Arriving-, with Killer aad Feeder Jast Aboat Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept 17. li. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Offlolal Monday 8,'i2S l.i '-s T.5"S Official Tuesday 7.34 S 3: S.OOii oniclai Wednesday 7,100 mwj Three davs this week. r3.o78 11. Wl 46.&SS Three days last week....M.J48 11 U Same week before 20,140 lti.3: W.aAi Same three weeks ago.. 3) 847 H.o9 40.3M Bamo lour Weeks ago. . . .ln.0 13,o.j ..&! Same days laat year....2K8,k)7 1K..V7 70.751 xv.ii.ct.ii-id J-Oh 'llik; lKAR.'lU DA it was little done till well along In th fore noon. Heavy hog went Off SVl'V. buvers being particularly bearish on that kind. Home prime lieht weight sold St about steady prl-. but other grades were weak to lower. Heavle sold at K I'ajJ 15. medium grades 18. 1 Mi KM. with lights at IS 20 us 80 and tops the same aa yesterday, IS 34. Th general markst could best be quoted ss being weak to 10c lower. As the morning advance. t the trade became still slower and the market closed weak. Reoresentatlv sales: Ns. A. h. rr Na. A. V ft. 9 i ... I 10 71 t.M 0 10 II JM ... 10 f IM e I 0 44 "l SO I 10 17 Ml 40 I M - 110 I 10 74 JM K to II l H 111 14 in to II !7 H i 10 M W5 4 I t II in ... I 10 M ... I 0 1-W ... I 10 th 171 I 41 144 ... I 10 tl 141 110 I 10 42 J"! ... I 114 41 7 4 to tl 170 ... 114 4 t4 M I tt4 ao rri 1H I 11 u uo 44 I tl 10 tM ... 1 II Il ... II 70 141 ... I IU 71 14 40 I M M lf SO II 71 tM 110 I tl M IJI 40 I II SI t"7 HO I 15 II 100 ... I II 7 IM I IS M t:t ... I II II "7 10 I II it iso 40 I ii is ii in I :t4 lit C tOO 1174 71 Ml ... I t1a 14 ill ... 10 It 1 ... I 16 If! 10 10 IS ITS ... I 19 U t7 M to 71 Ill ... H noon with the clr-se b-xrely steidr. Sslel were repnrte.l of 4-- Soft bass. Im liulmg Colo her si 7 1Mi7 ;nc.-eoeniler at J.i" 4SiM Jtnimrv At l.f";Vc: February at 7 V'J 7 fo; March at J.hv,i ;.?c and May at I.6.V Spot Hio steady; No. 7 Invoice, 840. SHEKP It was the same old story In the goon ne- Th inliAi.. ...... k. ih, ra.iinia of I sneep oarn tonay late iramn, cattli, Pog."'ad n,eP t ttouth Omaha 1 m-n-1 XFnAJ? Xlvrnn for th. year ,0 da,.. c?on;parln, with Utl j s frVpi?H,d bm did o'' arrive tlV laT Cat t la (W10K9 SM 874 61 li making a low opening. There w re plenty H. isof.'Soj 17H0 3 1 . 4KJ of buvers out and they were w tiling for 1-"JI ''?:? Tli ih .1 ,S in cnn.. In These late trains give ..j, asa.,a,.,,, . l,4rTV.WU4 a. a , Th followlnr table hows the average prlc of hoa at Month Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dt. I 1808. 11804. 11808. 11902. 11801. 18W).il8Jf. Sept. ept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Bept. kept. Sept. Bept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 18.. 8ept. 20.. Bept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. I... ... 7.V. 8... 8... 10... ib 18.. 14.. 16.. It.., 17 is I 43 ( 41 I 44 4.4 I 7(1 b 14 i 37 Wl 6 21 80 6 8O1 as I ao i 8.-' 881 I 6 m 6 Ju, J 41 4 111 8 2 7 3 6 U, 4 2 7 l: t n t 83 I 041 1 071 I 03 I 41 T 81 HI s aoi 4yi 8 41 J l; 7 44 84 06 I 441 1 8 281 0o. 6 60, 7 46 I 10 i I " !?! . ,.! bb I tu o i 9 ii 4 U 4 14 a 4 1 4 31 4 88 4 80 4 80 4 2t a 4 88 l it 6! 81 6 12 ibi 61 04, J eoi Wl 801 4 U 21.. 22.. 83.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 27.. ( 21 6 14 21V ZV a I 6 31S 0 w 6 30 t 23 Kl 6 75 6 78 6 27H 6 fcJtol 5 87 I 861 6 61 6 64 7 06 6 601 i boi 6 3 7 81 6 S3 1 7 6 4 641 7 43 6 66 6 66 6 m t 461 t 08 4 88 61 67 S 62 6 06 4 SO Wi 4 U 14 34 6 131 6 73i 6 7o 6 so; 6 Ml t 81 6 76; 6 801 twi 7 87 V6 6 18 S 77 6 74 6 67 6 69 7 Si I 11 7 So 6 7S 6 22 8 851 ( 23 7 49 I 21 7 1 6 89 7 671 6 14i 7 66 5 161 4 41 7 37 8 75 16 7 84; S 1 4 19 5 lo 4 So 4 W 4 31 4 31 4 36 4 41 3 77 Indicate Sunday- The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road wa: . 1 th market a rather dull appearance, nut the truth of the matter ia that they almplv make trading lre and do not iffect prices to any eitent. Vesterdsy' receipt wer moderate and did not arrive till well along toward noon, but, with th exception of lew odds and ends, they were all cleaned up In good season. There was no radical change In market conditions today nd sell ers were looking forward to a good, steady trade. Prices here are very satisfactory, especially on feeders, and sheep men cannot afford to pass this market with their feed ing stock. , . Quotation on fst sheep and lambs: pood to choice lambs, R 6itr.76; good to cho ce yearling wethers, l4.7f.fi6.on: good to choice old wether. 4.65e.6v; good to chotc ewe. 4.K.f4.40. M , Quotation on feeder sheen and lambs. Good feeding lambs, IS-sMT 3B: good feed ing yearlings, S4.751ifi.10; good feeding weth er, 84 25-S-T40; feeding ewe. U.264J3.75; breeding ewea, 84.ZbD-4.aO4 No. Av. Ilci3 Idaho feeder ewe 97 61 Idaho aheeD and yearlings ... so 246 Wyoming sheep and year'gs 1!5 t'tnh feeder lambs fii2 Idaho feeder lambs 342 Idaho feeder lambs 374 Idaho feeder lambs S21 Id.-iho feeder lambs S13 I'tah feeder lamb 361 Wyoming lamb 27 native lamb H 46 6 67 66 67 63 66 84 Pr. 4 15 4 75 4 86 5 75 25 6 SO 6 30 SS S 35 5 60 6 76 London Closing Itocks. LONDON, Sept. 27. Closing quotation on tne mock exenange were as follows Conaola, money 114 N. Y. Central... do account 81 1-14 Norfolk ft W.... Anaconda 441 do pfd Atcblaon 1244 Ontario ft W.... do pid lti pannaylvanla ... Baltlmor Ohio. ...HIS Rand Minn anaoian i-acinc 11044 Heading Flour, bbl.... Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oat a, bu Ky, bu Barley, nu... 64.300 133,000 640,200 627,100 23,000 261.200 26.300 9.800 246,300 226,800 600 10,400 On the Produce exchange today th but ter market wa teady; creamerlea, 17J9 19HC1 dalrle. lHTlSHc. Eggs, firm; at mark, canes inciuaea, nc: nrais, ibw, prime firsts. 20Vic; extra. 22Hc Chee, steady, HSUHc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET 76 69 .01 70 44 T 82 69 .08 74 44 T 88 60 .00 78 46 .00 78 48 .08 81 ' 68 T 52 62 .00 It ain sad till, oepi. w.-nntuii-HigUer; September, 78c; December, i77i 7ac; May, .I'VitlTo 40. Cash; No. 8 hard 8t-83o; No. , 1iifJte; No. I, 7Sfl?c; r Kansas City Grain aad Provlsloa. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 87. WHE1AT rd. lecied hard.' f.Wikti: No. 8 rod. 86ai6A4c. CORN September, 4oc; Liecember, 404c; May, istc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 4Uc; No. 3. 4Hi,o; 'Vo- while, 6my62c; No. i. 61Hc. OATS No. t white, vtJoc; No. 1 rulxed, 26ii7c t tit ; S Weak; Miasourl and Kansas new No. 2, whliewood case Included, 17u; cas count, 13c; case relumed ta lees.' BLTTKH V eak; creain.iy, lV4ci dairy, 17Vc. HAY Steady 1 choice timothy, 89.50; cholc prairie, S7.76-qH.00. KVt-Blay; Sea Recepl Is. Shipments. Wheal, b,a..m .Jas.unj 136, 000 Corn,.- bu....v..... a. S4.( Oats, bu....y. U.uuO ll.uuo Th range f price tald In Kansas City as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Hoard ot Trade building, Articles, I Open. High.j Low. Cloa. Y'y. Wheat', . Septv. Dc... May... Corn Sept... lec... May...' Iec.... May... Pork Sept... Oct.... Jan.... Lard- Oct.... Jan.... K lbs Sept Oot. Jan. I . ' . V . ts - T71 . 78 77 7d:, 78 J -7- 771, 77 7!H, 7.T 76 i9; 781 48 - 48 484 SV'4 " 4f4 ' , ' '40 . 8VS M 8ir r4 27V, 26S 2 -. S 26S 264 A lav ..MS ,2S 26- 1 5 . : .- 15 86 II 3 15 88 14 85 24 hi 14 76 14 SO 14 66 12 80 12 32 U 80 U JO 12 86 T 85 T 28 TIB T IS T 83 1 7 82 7 5 7 26 7 80 S 76 76 S '8 1 71 6 71 ' I 50 I 5ft ..... 846 I 47 845 8 45 I 48 S 45 S 47 1- 6 46 446 S 40 daotatloa of the Dar Varloa Commodities. NEW YORK. Sept. 17. FLOUR Receipt, 86.886 bbl.; export, 10,677 bbl.; market ws dull but firm; Minnesota patents. 4.o6 1)6 16; Minnesota bakers, 3.604pt.uo: winter patents. 84.2634.76; winter straights, 84.00 4.10; extras, S2.60ia3.85; winter low grades, 32. 7593.30. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, J4.0ki-4.15; cholc to fancy, 84.1MJ4.60, spot and to arrive. Buckwheat flour, steady; S2.S6(B2.bO, to arrive, uctooer. CORN MEAL Steady: fine white and yel low, II 25(01.30; coarse, M431.16; kiln dried, . . Kim steaay; mo. 1 western, no c 1. 11 New York. . BARLEY Enayi feeding. 939V4c, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipt, 1.000 bu.; sales, 1,600.- aoa V... . I.. 1 nr.. nnl flrmw Nfl. z re.l. 8974c, elevator; mo. rea, si'-ac. 1. o. .41., afloat; No. 1' North Duluth, 920, f. a. b., afloat; No. 1 Northern Manitoba, 82c, afloat. Led by heavy buying for bull ac cnuni at (Chicago, wheat advanced 10 to day and closed HS7c net higher. Addi tional factor Of strength were bullish Argentina new, report of a good export business, maller northwest receipt and covering order. May, 901691Vro. Cloed at 91Vc; September, 90S40c, closed at 90Vic; n.oemher cloaed at ftoHc. CORN Receipt. 206.226 bu.i export, 69,- 901 bu.; sales, 60,000 du. futures; n.uuo ou. not. Hoot market steady; No. 1. 66Wc. ele . 1 ..ii. Un a (iJIah. art . . Valor, I1U wnc miuni., . . -v. . 1 1.;.. , vru. No. 2 white. SOVic. Option market opened easy and advanced with wheat, but Anally reacted again, Closing paniy o net lower. May cloaed at 68c; September. 6tiAc; De cember. 6--V&WAC. cloaed at 63V4C. OATS Receipt. 141,100 bu.; exporU, 41,162 bu. Spot market ateady; mixed oata, 26 to 83 pound. 32U3JHu; natural white, SO to 8J pounds, wiiojmc; cuppeu wniie, on 10 49 pounds, S5Vt636c. HAX Bteaoy; snipping, augwe; gooa to choice, 75t3B2Vio. HOPS Steady; stat. common to choice, 1906 crop, Ut22c; crop, IbdjiXc; old, S'i llo. Pacinc, lisa crop, uksisc; um crop, ig 20c; old. 86110. HTTK Unlet: Galveston. 80 to 26 lbs. lOc; California. 21 to 26 lb., l'c; Tsxas, dry, -m to pi ids. , invkc. t f.hthk k firm : acm. wane. TnVT8ION8 Beef, steady; family. 11150 (fir 00: mess, I.tu i uu; oeet nams, iiwj 22 60; packet, i0.6tfi 11.00; city, extra India mess, )S OwjlS.00. Cut meat, quiet; pickled bellle. It do ii 10 50; ackled ahoulder. 7.009 7.60; pickled nam, iara. ateaay weatern steamed, li no! rennea quiet; con tinent. Ss.oo: soutn-America, s so; torn- nnond tf. S2i.76. Pork, steady: family Ii7 inrlS.OO; short clear, 14.b."l460; mcu. tld fturn IS 50. . ' . . n . a.. . 1 , . . aa m , . TALLUW Dinuyi -iix ,aw yur lim-t U.C- muntrv lDk(. tree). 4.4VsC. RICE sirm; aumesuo, air 10 Hira, 15 Oo; Jran, nominal. BUTTEK Firm; si rest prlc extra cream- tkEEoH--Jult unchanged. EQ08 Firm; unchanged. niil.TlY-Alive, steady t western chlok n 15n- (owls. ISc : turkey. 18c. Dressad Irregular) western chicken,. ll&U6c; fowl, 14c; spring vuiasys. MisstspolU Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 27. WHEAT 8pteniber, 82'c; December. S3V'io May. U'4c: no. 1 normem, ao; no, northarn 8214c. FLOUR rlrst patent. S5.0tlf6.1ui second patent, 84 Una 4 4.1; first clears, S3.8Oa0 eoond clears, y. Mm RHAM In hulk. 11150. iHtiDerlor Quotations for Minneapolis de llvervl. Th range of price aa reported by th Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Adam Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car & F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd , Am. Ex Am. H. A L. pfd , Am. Ice Securities... Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive ..... do rifd Am. Smelt. & Refng. do rid Am. Sugar Refng... Am. Tob. pfd ctf Anaconda M. Co Atchison do Dfd Atlantic Coast Line. Bait, A Ohio do pfd .i Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Che. 4 Ohio Chi. Alton do rfd Chi. Ot. Western .... Chi. ft N. W C. M. at St. P Chi. Term. & T do Dfd C. C, C. Sk St. L Colo. Fuel Iron.... Colo. & Southern .... do 1st prd do 2d rfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson D., L. W Den. & Rio Grande.. do pfd Distiller' Sec, exdIV Erie do 1st pfd do Id Dfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pra Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Liverpool Grata Market. LIVEBPOOL. . BePt Ii WHEAT Spot, steady; No. i red winter, 4J. future si.-a.1v: Iece n.ber. 6a Sd; March, 4 8VJ,. COHN-ol, u tlet; AuiarUan tuUtJ, 4 Article. I Open. Hlgn. Low. Clo. Yai'y, Whl , Sept... Dee May... 82HiS 8.l 8t4l 824,1 8;4 83'l ' si Dolatk'Urala Market. DI'Lt'TH. Sept 27-WHEAT-To. irrivi, No. 1 northern, Mc; No. 2 northern, 81a,o on trark. No. 1 northern, 84mc; No. t north ernw Slc; September, old, 54c; September, Br, kic: UKniir, Hc; May, 824. OATS To arrive, and on track. 27:o. Toledo Seed Market- . . TOLEDO. ' Q., Bept V -SEED Clover. cash. 87 4-': October, 17 45; December :.t; January. IT X bid; prltiia ftlalk, li.av, prime uiuumy, ai-sa, 240 84.900 fas 827 -' 700 86',, 86 86S ino 29', 90 00 900 e4 J! 117 174 do in pfd do Id !d gnutharn Railway do pfd M4 Southern PaclBo .w-a 27i 174 , 83 0.700 b2 62 ii 112 8.600 127 lrTi 177V 200 122 121Vj 700 140 13fUj 1394 Chet. ft Ohio hlcago Ot. W.. at. ft St. P. DeBeers ft r. a , do pfd rl do lat pfd...., ao ia Did Ilnola Central .... Louiarllla ft Naah.. .. K. ft T Sf Soaiil.h 4a SILVER Bar, steady, 2oVsd per ounce, pfiyjn je. x zwg o per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bill is 3V per cent; for three months' bill, 3Ait3a per tent. 100 102 10.900 125 2,500 90H 600 106 1,100 167 102 101 1234 12S4. 807A 106 106 l'Wtt 166 1.300 11244 11141 112 60.000 72 71H 71 11.400 174'A 1744 174H iin 2,400 68 600 21 1.0X) 215 11.600 1E2 5,300 1.500 44 28 7 214t 181 44 28 100 43 43 100 100 200 "i.m 2,400 2.4O0 12.100 200 11 50 217 -Sfi 90 43 ft 11 60 217 'm' ' 89 41 60 81 1,500 1R! 181 110 W4 1.600 181 2.300 20 57 37 79 21 214 181 18 38 100 ii 28 61 43 181 12 60 216 446 85 9 42 50 81 73 Forelara Financial. LONDON. Sept. 27. Money wa In strong demand In the market today for stock ex change ana montn end requirements. Dis counts hardened. Business. was restricted owing to the gold outflatw Prices on the stock exchange were fairly steady and business was Inactive though dealings for the new account broadened. The Improve ment wa atrr:cuted to ne publication ot the test of the Anglo-Japanese treaty. Con sols hardened. Home rails were In reauest on favorable traffic regulations. Americans opened irregular, nrmed on New York sup port to well above parity, became fairly active and closed firm. Japanese were In ?ood demand, the new loan being quoted at premium. Continental dropped. Rio 'l into were nrm on the advance in copper, Kaffir weakened on profit taking. Japan ese Imperial sixes of 1904 were quoted at 106. PARIS. Sept. 27. Price on the Bourse to day were heavy and trading was Inactive. At tne close the market was calm. Russian Imperial 4 s were quoted at 94.70- and Rus sian bonds of 1904 at 624,00. x 400 X 1,000 57 27V 66V 181 90 90 18 181 19 ml 78 26 82 27 56 27 55 67 27 65 Iiouls. A Nashville... 17.600 150 164 154 Manhattan L 1 Met. Securities l,wo bi "v Met. Rt- Rv 1.700 1 26 125 125 Mex. Central 12.600 .'4 24 24 Minn. Bt. L. aw a M , St. P. ft S. 8. M do pfd Missouri Pacific 81.100 106 M , K. ft T S44 do Pfd OQ 65 A National I-ead 7'0 47 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 100 N. Y. Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk ft Western.. do pfd North American Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C., C. ft St. L Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palac Car.. Reading ao 1st pra do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Good do pfd St. L. ft 8. F. td pfd. St. Loul 8. W do pfd Southern Paclflo do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron ... Texa A Pacific T., St. I ft W do pfd I'nlon Paclflo do pfd XT. 8. Ex tT. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber ......... do pfd I!. 8. Steel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chem... do pfd W abash do pfd Wells-Fargo Ex Westinghouse Eleo... Western I'nlon W. ft L. E Wis. Central do Dfd- Northern Paclflo .... Central Leather do pfd Bloss-Sheffleld 8.300 1.600 800 15oi 65 86 99 464 12,600 148 141 7UV 11 1U9 600 71 70 141 io6 105 34 34 C9 69 46 46 87 37 149 ISO 65 55 84 84 91 97 46 451 143 600 44 400 95 100 26J 84,800 123 800 2. 4O0 10 2,000 ioo 600 91 83 108 81 44i 44 9M4 96 Jfjl'4 ?tf lil 28 90 38 79 86 200 24 24 6S 130 S 46.400 69 100 1 500 874 M0 100VA 100 1.80 87 86 1.40 85 85 100 8 OT HU OS DS 12'.' 91 944 El 90 83 794 35 102 67 Z4 . 62 68 119 37 100 3 88 08 Sl,4n0 133 132 132 200 96 94 100 87 1.01 0 bh' s 111 44.44) 8n' 11,700 1 0",i a1 83 S10 106 lOaa" 1,400 23 22 40 42 65 111 87 31V 4 600 170 93 1,00 18 6u0 81 4, nn 200 600 70 42 170" . saw 17 80 iii" 44 9 96 123 87 58 110 1045 107 42 160 93 68 211 43 103 SS Total sale for th day, 484.800 shares. Now York Mlalasr fttoeka. NEW YORK. Sept. 27. Oloslnr quotation on mining stocss were hi iouows: Adams Can Allca Hraaos ttrunawlch Cos .. t'anuaoiK Tunaal Caa. al ft Vs.. tiara tllrar Iron Silver ..... LaaSTlll Cos ... I .. 10 .. 41 .. 40 .. t, ..111 ..171 Lima Thief Ontario Ophir Paotnls Pol oat , Sierra Kavada Small Huta . Standard .... 1 .... II .... SI .... Ia .... M ....17 Trtaisry Statement. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27Today tat- ma-ni i-i me treasury oaiancea in th gen eral fund em li:ne of the $!5) nO.'OO gold ri abuwAi AvUbl . a balaac, .. ti it .. 144 .. 71 .1104 .lst l-nlon PaclAc do pfd ... V. . Btaal.. de pfd ... Wabaah .... do pfd .1144 . 174 . 154 . 61H . 74 . tl . II . 47 . 4T . aH .1( . 7044 .1174 . t4 - .10 "4 . iivi 34 Omaha Packing Co... owirt and Company... Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour ft Co Van Bant & Co Carey ft Benton Lobman ft Co Clark W. 1. Stephen Hill ft Son Huston ft Co Hamilton L. F. Husi Squire ft Co L. Wolf Mike Haggerty boi uegan a. Hoot ft Co J. H. Bulla Nelson Morris , McCreary ft Carey,... Other, buyers Bank Clear In;. OMAHA. Sept. 27. Bank clearing for today were 11,530,688.76 and for the corre sponding data ast year 81.242,461.94. t. I.onls General Market. ST. LOUIS. Sent. 27. WHEAT Hlrher: No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 84wa87Ac: track 866'88e; Dece .iber, 83(g3c; May, 86c: No. 2 hard, 82So6o. cork r utures, nigner; cssn, weak; No. cash. 614c: track. 62462 "Ac: December. 4-'H'a4."ic: May, a. OATS Higher; No. t cash, 28c; track 2&2c; December, 27cj May, 3c; No 8 white. IMc. FLOUR Steady: red winter patents. 84 10 C4.40; extra fancy ana straight, H70-Sj-t.o5; clear. nn"na id. SEED Timothy, steady at 82.60(33.06. CORNMEAL Steady at 12. 6a BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 670 63 1 12 C. M. ft St. P, Ry Wabash 1 1 Missouri facino 8 1 U. P. System 68 28 C. ft N. W. Ry 8 F., E. ft M. V. Ry....l01 26 C, St. P.. M. ft O.... 8 7 ft M. Ry 186 19 C, B. ft Q. Ry 8 4 C, R. I. ft P., east... 1 9 R. I. ft P.. west 1 Chicago Gt, Western. 1 8 Total receipt 35S 103 81 15 Th disposition of the dav s receipt wa a follow. eac;i buyer purcaasing tu num- oer oi neaa inaicAiea: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 4O0 .. .1,030 ...1,44 ... 7 ... 75 ... 233 ... 8i5 ... 16 .... 226 . 236 . 224 . 246 .' '193 . 28 6 . 165 . 91 . 251 . 248 .1.221 621 1.8ii8 1,323 . l,bU9 897 4J1 1.198 1,540 200 12,233 .7,702 5,021 16,790 liberal run of 69 AY Steady; timothy. S8.OOQU.60; prairie. ff.tniaifi.DU. IRON COTTON T1K WMS. BAGGINO-S'-tC HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing, 115.20. Lard, lower; prima ateam, 86.90; dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts. 88.26; clear ribs, 88.62; short clears. 88.87. Bacon, lower; poxea extra snorts, ss.17 Clear rios, .; snort clear, v ta. POILTRY (Steady chickens. 10c springs. lrrrloc; turkeys, Ujl6c; ducks, sc; geese, sc. BUTTER-Steady; creamery. 18022c dairy, ihjiic. EOOa steady at io4C. rase count. Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbls 8.000 9.000 Wheat, bu 91.000 25.000 Corn, bu 69.000 24.000 Oatt, bu 33,000 29,000 Philadelphia Prodaea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 27. BUTTER Market c higher; extra western creamery, tlWqUlc; extra nearby prints, 23c. EGGS Firm; western fresh. 21g23o at mark. CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams. 11 to 12& Mllwaakeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Sept. 27 WHEAT Firmer; No. 1 northern. 87i8e: No. 2 northern. 84i37c; December. 86c bid. RYE Stesdv. No. 1. 6c89c. BARLEY Weak: No. 2. &4c: ample. 87 63c. corn steaay; May, 44wo44o bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Sept, t7.-CORN-Hiher: No. I yellow. 63c; No. t, 68c; No. 4, 62c; no grade, 61c. OATS Steady: No. 8 white, 28.28c; No. 4 white. 26&?7o. WHISKY Qn th basis of 11.30 for fin ished good. Metal Market NEW YORK. Sept. 17. META LS Th London tin wa Mghar on report from Amsterdam, reporting a very successful aie or nsnsa tin. wnicn it it reported, commanded prices equal to about 132.60 In th local market. Spot tin In London closed at 147. and future at 145 12a 6d. Locally, the market waa steady, with spot closing at $3193215. Copper was higher sbroad. closing at 71 for spot and 70 ts Sd for futures, the greater gain bring on apot. and waa taken a a reflection of recent report concerning a speculative cor ner In th October option. Locally, the market 1 reported Arm In tone. It seems difficult to cblaln firm prlc for th time being, but lake copper la said to be held round IIS.KIS 60; electrolytic), H 1SI7. and casting at 815 8741S12. was unchanged, at 84 f,'o-4 tu In the local market and at 14 Is Sd In London. Spelter was firm, at $6,964-6.06 In the local market and at 27 6 In London. Iron wa Irreg ular abroad. Standard foundry closed at 4l Sd and Mlddlssuoro at 4M Sd. Locally, th market 1 firm, with No, 1 foundry northern quoted at tl7.0tnrflT.SO; No. I foun dry northern. 11 604J17. 10 ; No. 1 foundry southern. 816dOii76. and No. t foundry out hern, at SiloliaS. ST. LOUIS. Bspt. tT.-METALS-I.ead, ftrusr, at gA.TTJti, fxUrt rum. at $6 tu. Total CATTLE There Was cattle here, about 805 loads being on sale. The receipt were ome slxty-nlna cara lighter than laat Wednesday and some forty cars lighter than the corresponding day last year. The quality of the cattle wa good, most of the western being feeder. Tne trad on western beef was slow to day, seller being lata about showing thalr holding and buyer not eeining oveilv anxious to take hold. However, after trad ing really began price ruled generally steady, although there wa very little activity to the trade. There wa a fair supply or native rattle on sale and there was a little better tone to the trade. There wa really no prime stuff here, but buyers picked up what there was more quickly than tney aid tne westerns, although there was but little activity displayed. Tops on natives reached $5.56 and tne general mar ket was about steady and ihowed stronger In spot. There waa a fair sprinkling of cow and heifer on sale today, but the trade was a littles uneven. There was considerable activity In this division and the demand wa good. Th cattle moved freely and salesmen found little difficulty In disposing of their holdings. On the best kinds the market waa fully steady, but seller with medium and common grade wer calling the market weak. Bull, veal calve and stag wer In fair demand and price ruled Just about sleady. There waa a good big supply of feeder on sale today and there was a good strong demand, both from local traders and from the country. There are plenty of order and the market today showed that big re ceipts will not effect prices to any extent. Values held fully steady on all kinds of feeders and the market was active. Representative sales: UfcEF STEERS. Ma, At. rr. Nt. II 1141 4 II IS W 101 4 U H 61 ltd 4 M COWS. I t4 I 10 II 1 1030 I tl 1 1 II HO t II 1 10J0 i 44 1 I IM t 40 I CALVE. 1 lit IH 1 BO'LLa 1 1140 t 71 NEBRASKA 1 feeder.. 788 8 00 45 feeder.. 1343 t 86 . rr. ..nil i to ..1M7 I U ... 171 t 41 ...1060 I 40 ...12U0 I 71 ...1140 I U ... W IM ... 14 I 0 71IICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKET Cattle Steady to Tea Cent Hlsther Hog Weak to Five Cent Lower. CHICAGO, Sept. 27. CATTLE Receipts, SOIiirt head: market steady to 10c higher, Beef steers, 13.20(36 00; Blocker and feeders, S2.254i4.80: cows and canners, $1.25415.20; bulls, $2,204)4.20; heifers, $2.00476-05; calves, $2.004i7.25. , HOGS Receipt. 22.000 head; market mnk to Re lower. SliinPlnK and selected, $5.504j6.75; mixed and heavy packing, $4.85B 5.47V, light, so.icxffo.ZiVi; pigs anu iuuu SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 85.000 head; sheep market firm; lambs, strong to 10c higher; sheep, $2.WV5.10; lambs, $4.00 7.00. Neve l'ork Live Stork Market. wr.W TOMf. Sent. 27. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,958 head. Steers demoralized and 1nc,im lower: hulls.)r(i-15c off: fat cows, lower; thin cows, steady. Steers, $3.5o-iJ 6 40: hulls. S2. 25413. 85: cows. $1.5oi3.25; cables, weak at lo4i'llc per pound; few tops at Indon, 12c; refrigerator beef, 9(0c per pound. Exports. 107 cattle, 134 sheep and 2,700 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 1,550 head. Market 26c higher; veals. $6.004j.50; few -tops, $9.i6; little calves. I4.(vff4.50: arassers. $3.0ivi3.75; no westerns. City dressed veals, 8il3c ner notinri: country dressen. iWitc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.S53 henri nond sheen hliiher: all grades fir Lambs, 26fi60c higher. Sheep, $3.00(8)5.26; culls !onoY5.76: lambs. I7.00ii8.2o: few prime IK .VI- culls. 84.006.00: Canada lambs. SH.OO, HOGS Receipts, 6,548 head. Market steady; slat and Pennsylvania hogs, $5.80 4J6.0O. Kansas City I.lvo Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 27. CATTLE Receipts. 25,000 head, Including 1,600 outh ern; steady, demand firm; choice export and dressed beef steers, $a.004(o.90; fair to good, $4,004(6.00; western fed steers, $275 4 65; stock ors and feeders, $2.604p4.15; south am. $4.36a.7S! southern cows, $1.7542.76: native cows, $1.7541-3.26; native heifers. $3.25 $5.26; bulls. $2.lii3.00: calves. I2.&OS6.25. HOGS Receipts, 7.600 head; market tt? 7c lower. Top, $5.35: bulk of sales, 85.154' 6.25; packer, $5.15416.30; pig and light, $5.00475.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 28,000 head; market for aheep steady: lamba. 104j 15c lower; native lamb, $5.25tV6.75; western lambs, $5.26'(iJ.76; fed ewes and yearlings, $4.60; western yearlings. $4.754V5-0O; western sheep, $4.0o4j4.75; Blockers and feeders, $3.50 4J4.50. St. l.oo Is Live Itoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Sept. 27. CATTLE Re ceints 4.500 head. Including 1.600 Teitans. Market weak; native hipping and export leera, $4.27'y6.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.2066.06; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.20474.60; atockers and feeders. $2.4jM26; cow and heifers. $2.6u4)5.0o; canners, fUSti 2.26; bulls. $2.3O3.00; calves $2.754j6.75; Texan and Indian steers, $2,004)3.60; cows and heifers, $2.004j3.30. HOGS HecelDts. 6.000 head. Market steady; pigs and lights. I4.754i-o.40; packers, $5,004)6.40; butchers and best heavy, $5.3o4l 5.55. SHEEP AND LAM BB Receipts, 8 000 head. Market steady. Native muttons, $3.60 4i-4. 80; lambs, S3.0047.zo; culls ana bucks, Si). 004)4.75; Blocker, $2.o04V4.26; Texa'ns, $2.00 4)4.21 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 27. fc'ATTLE Receipts, 3,869 head; market active: natives, $3.6oHr6.00; cows and heifer, $1.5o4li.50; tncker and feeders, $2.75 0-4. 00. HOGS Receipts. 4.1KM head; market weak to 6c lower: llciit, $5,254)6.37; medium and heavy, X3.20410.3t-. SHEEP AND LAMBS-rRecelpts, 8 826 head; market active and steady; lamb. $7.00; yearling. $4.11; wether, $4.60; ewea, $4.25; feeding lambs. $4.25, OMAHA W MOI.E At.S. XAUKET. Coadltlna ot Trade aad aotatloa aa Staple rad Fancy Prodae. EGGS Receipt v fair; market stesdri candled stock. 17c. I 1VE pol'l.TH Y-llens. 10c; roosters. 6c ttirkes. KiUJlic; ducks, e(iJ9c; spring chick ens, 10c. b UTTER lacking stock. 16c; cholc ta fancy dairy, ldijlSH:; creamery. Ilj21t; prln's. 21o SUGAR -standard granulated. In MK. $5 56 per cat.; cubes. 86 40 per cwt. ; cut loaf, $6 86 per iwt.J No. S extra c. $6 40 per rwi ; No 10 extra 1 . - .-n per cwt ; ro. is reuow. $J fo rtr cwlv; XXXX po wire red. $6. par FRESH FISH mrut lie; halibut. He; buffalo tdressedt. lc; pickerel (dreasedl, 8c: white bass idressed). i:c; Stinfl.Ji, 6c; percn (scaled snd drsed), 8c; pjke. tie: catfish. 16c; red snapper. 10c; salmfu. 11c; croppies, lie; eels, 15c; bullheads. 11c; black bass, 2fc; Whltefish, lie; frog leas, per nox., j..c; ion- ters, green. Ho; boiled lobster. Joe: anaa roe, 45c; Mueflsh. 8e. HAT Prices quoted by omana vnoiesat Hay Dealers' association : No. 1 upland. 16 M; medium, 5 6i4 0U; coars. tV BKAIS Per ten. :. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES V alencla. all sire. P 0nT . LEMONS lmoniera. extra fancy 140 Slse, 87.00 ; 300 and 360 slse. $;.fHOS.(0. IiATKH Fer box of xo 1-tb. pkgs.. it Hallowe'en. In 70-tb. boxes, per rh., 6c. FIGS California, per Ifc-lb. carton, wt 15c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 12c; 6- crown. 12c. ' BANANAS Per medlum-ll 7ricn, fit 16; Jumbos. S2 rVt; S 06 PEARS Colorado Iarteit. per 60-lb. box. $20tO2.2o; Utah Bartlelt. $2.00; Flemish Beauty, S2.W. l ljLAia 1 tan ana coiorauo, P"r a-pasaei crate, $1.00411.25; Italian prunes, i.k. PEACHES California treiatone, per Dog. 80c; Elbertaa. 90c: Colorado, 108 else, 76c. aN 1 Al.OLPh.S-. xas. iei craie. 62. W. Texas, Rocky Ford d. $2.a WATEMMELONS-Alatiaiiia Jwaeta. IS 28 26o each; crated, lo per 1 APPLES outcnest. i4eaitn'- ana codo rinnlns. In 8-bu. l-OU.. ;U.7s3 Of: in bu. baskets. $1.00; California Heiiefio-aers. tl.60. BLU KUfcHHir.B Bixteen qts., K.JO. HUCKLEBERRlEa Sixteen It., $1.60fl GRArKo Home grown oncoru. per - lb. basket, 15c; Malngus and Muscats, per l-basket crate, si. ou; lohay, per s-paskei crate. $2.06. , QUINCES California, pet box, si m SWEET POTATOES -Virginia, per l-bu. bbl.. $3 25. TOMATOES Per pasKet. 4twrooc. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS-Per Vi-bu. basket. I5035C2 ttrlug beana, per -bU. box, 2u86c. POTATOES New, per DU., 000. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2 00. CUCUMBERS Per do., 25c. TOMATOES Horn grown, -bu. baskets. $54l50C cabbauic uomo-grown, in crate, per lb. 1V.C. - ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, rea ana white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.25. ni'. r. 1 n new, per uu., tow. CELERY Kalamaxoo, per do., 26c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 los.. $3.00, CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wlaconsltt brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmlerger, 16c; twin, 12c; young America, 12o. NUTS Walnut, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 18c; No. t soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c, Chill walnuts, per lb.. 124l3c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb, 17o; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Sliellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.76; large hickory nut, per bu., $1.50. HIDES No. I green, to; No t green. 8c: No. 1 enlted, 10C: No. ) salted, 9c; No. 1 veal calf, lie; No. t veal calf, So; dry salted, 7614c; aheep peits. 26c$1.00; horse hMes, CUT BEEF. No. 1 ribs, llc; No. t rib, tc; No. I ribs, 6c; No. 1 loin, 14c; No. 2 loin, lCc: No. 2 loins, 7c; No. 1 chucks, 4c; No. 1 chucks, 4c; No. 8 chucks, 8c; No. 1 round, 7c; No. 2 round, 6e; No. 8 round. 6c; No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 2 plate, Sc; No. 3 plate, 2c. - 1 bull 1830 1 08 T cow 1041 1 93 1 steer 1220 t 36 1 steer 920 i 75 18 cows 10u6 2 40 23 cows 872 J 50 24 cows 937 t 50 1 steer 1350 t 00 It Steers. ...14-12 8 25 1 teer 1460 t 26 t feeder.. 97 8 00 48 steers.... 9-46 8 70 82 feeder.. loaj J 0 19 feeder. . 114 40 42 feeder. 13 feeder. 1 bull 2 calve.. 8 feeder.. 1117 2 75 1 feeder... 1270 S 75 2 feeder.. 1270 t 76 1 bull 1470 2 06 11 cow 826 1 90 3 cow 960 1 80 25 cow 9 2 46 2 cow 93 2 00 9 cow 927 - 66 2o feeder.. 105 i 85 26 feeder.. 1066 I 10 26 feeder.. 988 t BO 14 COW 69 3 00 WESTERNS. . W. C. Coble. Nebraska, 60 feeder.. 1094 t 66 J. Berllne, Nebraska. 20 feeder.. 8 .6 t feeder.. 899 I 25 1 feeder... $ t 76 Ct F. Scharman, Nebraaka. t feeder.. 804 1 90 1 cow...,..10O0 10 tl feeder.. 868 I 46' 18 cow 1027 2 50 7 feeder.. 1017 t 10 1 feeder.. .1100 t 76 A. tngDert Neb. 816 t 16 43 cow 928 t 50 1136 8 40 6 cow &-8 t 00 760 1 40 1 COW 1110 2 2$ 160 ( 25 E -P. Mevr-Neb. $9 steers.. ..1160 $ 80 A. W. Pomersoek Neb. IS fesders.. 886 I 00 18 feeder,. 84 $ 00 WYOMING. 67 steers ... 9 9 t 85 13 steer.... 980 t 00 18 ter....1126 I 65 w J. R. Hawkln Wyo. S Steers.. .1261 i 19 steers.. ..159. $ 90 23 steers.. ..1312 I 91 25 steers. ...13u7 t 90 J. D. MulhollandWyo. 25 teer....lS&6 160 19 steers.. 1339 1 60 G. E. Willi Wyo. U feeder.. 1022 t 80 H. P. Willis Wyo. t steer.. ..1240 1 40 - Charl Parrlsh Wyo. 10 feeder . 1094 8 26 - William L. Connely Wyo. 7 steers... 12.- 3 80 6 feeders.. 1081 100 17 feeder .lool I 60 8. H. Benford, Wyoming. 19 feeders . 1113 I 40 H. Dickinson, Wyoming. 49 feeders . 1108 I 40 Robert Dunn, South Dakota. 28 feeders.. 643 3 90 George Nowackl. Idaho. 17 cow lot 2 66 41 eowa 1019 2 70 63 feeder.. 466 1 60 12 feeder.. 910 1 60 Otto Anderson. S. D. It feeders . 1253 t SO t feeder .1063 1 28 1IOOS-There wa another light run here today, about fifty-three loads being on sule. Although the receipts were light, there s erred to be enough to supply th demand, which was not at all strong. Buyer were out early, but were slow to take herd and th market was dull and draxiiv all .the. morning. ' Buyers and 1 Mil wtr aluw gaUUi ivgvihsr and thtr loax City Live Stock Market. 6IOUX CITY. Sept. 27. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.400 head; market weak, atockers very dull: beeves, $3 354)8 60; cows and heifers, $2.25473 60; stockers and feeders, w.rca-JSo; calves and yearlings, 12 2.r4)3.50. HOGS Receipts, 2.600 hoad; market 6c lower, selling at $5,004)8.30; bulk of sale, $5,064)5.10. took la Sight. Receipt of live stock at th six principal South Omaha. Sioux City .... Kansas City .. St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept. 27. -WOOL Strength and Inactivity the wool market. The firmness found abroad was followed here by a similar pronounced tone. Terri tory wools are moving In fair volume. Pulled wools remain tinchnnged either In tone or In prices, prices In the Boston wool market show little change and about a follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 86i37c: X. 3435c; No. 1 400341c: No. 1, 41o42c; fine unwashed, 28-529c; -blnod washed, 384;t9c; -blood. S44f35c; unwashed Delaine, otVtreic: unmerchantable, 814f32c; fine washed Delaine, 3a40c. Michigan Fin, 2fi27c; -blood. 844i35c; unwashed De laine. 28c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc. and -blood, 3Cfi37c. Territory and Idaho Fine. 23240; heavy fine. I94j21c; medium, 27t)2c; low medium. 2R29c. Wyoming Fine. 2:iffi 23c; heavy fine, 194121c: fine medium, 23W24c; medium. 274)28c; low medium, 281920c. Utah snd Nevada Fine. 234)24c: fine medium, 231 24c; medium 2747 28c; low medium, JKWSic. Dakota Fine, 22r23c; fine medium, VtftXo; medium. 274i28c; low mr-dlum, 2iy(i29o. Mon tanaFine choice, 2i'ti27c; fine average. iVJi 25c; fine medium choice. 26tf)27c; average, 27 jV8c: staple, 280 30c; medium choice. 28i.Wr. LONDON. Sept. 27.-WOOL The fifth aeries of wool auction soles closed todny. During the sales Queensland new clip was prominent. Prices at the close showed ft general advance of 6 per cent over the July average. Merinos gradually hardened throughout and closed at the highest point, especially good combing, which was In keen demand for the continent and Eng land. Fine and medium greasy crossbred attracted fair American competition and advanced 8 per cent. Scoureds and sllpes, wblch f turned a large proportion of the offerings, sold readily at fild advance. Cape of Good Hope and Natal wool waa In belter demand and uper snow white real ised exceptionally high price. The sain closed firm and active. Of the 82.000 bales brought forward 44.000 were old to the home trade. 82.000 to the eontlnent. 1000 to mr1cn. and 3.000 were held over. Todtv 7.291 bales were offered. Following are the sale In detail: New South Wales, ton hales; scoured. Is; greasv, 8d4JlsS.1. Queens land, 1.8on polos; scoured 1s ldT2s 3d ; arrv. d. Victoria. 9"0 bales: srnure. lldwlalOW-4 " -,tenll WW pel" greasy. 7id'1a Id. New Zealand.- 8.400 bales; scoured 9df2s: rre-v. irl4Tl K4d. Cane o Good !cre "d Natal. 400 h-l"; scoured. la JUd-fls 10d ; grensy. ssrin-i. River 400 hales; scoured. 10dls4d; greasy. 9r1"1. H T. L.I IIIB. pietu. 61 -IM,I, redliirn rraes rlo'Mng nd co"hln tn'ic: llrbt flr "i26c; heavy fin. lS4Tc; tub waahed, 32fH2c. Cattle, ling. Bheep. .. 7,700 4.&O0 20,000 . 1,400 t.500 .28.000 75.000 25,000 . 3.369 4. 188 6.325 . 4.500 4.01)0 I.Otrt .20.000 12,000 S5.0U0 .81.969 47,088 8M23 Toul Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-COTTON-6pnt closed quiet, 20 point decline; middling up lands. 10.90c; middling gulf, 11.15c; caies. 205 bales. ST LOUIS, Sept. 27. COTTON Quiet ; mMdlln. 10c. Shipments, 248 bales; stock, t.6?l hales. NEW ORLEANS, Bept. 27 COTTON- Dull; sales. 1.7.0 bales. Ordinary, 7 13-16e rood ordinary. 9c; low mlddlnw, 97Ac: mid ding, 10c: good mlddlng. 10c; midillng ralr. 11 i-ioc. neceipis, i,wi oaes; stock 75.182 bees. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 7.-COTTON-8pot moderate business done; prlres 1 points lower; American middling fair, 6.2't; good middling 5 96c: middling, 5 80c; low mid dling, 6 64c; good ordinary, 6.46c; ordinary. 6 Six: . The salea of the day wer 7.0' bales of which Sit) bale were for speculation and export and Included 6.100 bales American. Receipts, 23.000 bales, Including 14.600 bales American. agar and Molnsoes. NEW YORK. Bent. 27. SUGAR Raw. firm; flr refining. 8 1-lSe; ce'I'-iaral 4 teat. 8 11-lc; molasses sugar, z )a-ioc- fined, quiet; No. 6. 4.60c; No. 7. 4 45e No. 8 4 35c: No. 9. 4 80c; No. 10, 4 28c; No. 11. 4. '6c; No. 12. 4.10c; No. 13. 4.00c; No. 14. Sltie. c onfectioners- a. 4 mc; mould a, S45c: cut loaf ard crushed. 5.80c; n. dere'. R20e- grnulated. 6 10c: cubes, 8 38c. MOLASSES Stead v: New Orleans, open kettle gorwl to choice, 9ff35c. NFW ORLEANS. Sent. 27 pt'OAR Quiet- open Settle eenei,tgi. 44tc; rentrlfueal white ,l-16ri5 l-16c; yellows. )MUc' on,1 OlafflSVc. MrIA9l"l-No'"l"l; open kettle, 13-J 2f- -er rl'-o-nl 4'r?4"c SYRUP Nominal: 25-SJOc. Oils aad Rails. OIL CITY, Pa., Sept. 27.-OILS-Credlt balances. 11 46; certlncales. no bid; ship ments. 66 150 bbls.; averave. 77.7'd bbls ; runs, 79.9X7 bbls.; average, 03.240 bills.; ship ments. Lima. 44,315 bbls.; average, 60,141 bbls.; runs, Lima, 69,492 bbls.; average, 47,412 bbls SAVANNAH Oa.. Sept. 17 -OIL Turpen tine, firm at 65c. KOSIN-Ptrm: A. B, C. $3 46: D, $3 76; E, $4 30; F. $4 5": G. $4 55: H. $4 60; I. $4.65; K. $4 70. M. 64.75; N. $4.80; W U. $6.S; W W. C5 60. CotTee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 27. O'OFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points In response to steady cables and moderate receipts There was little demand, however, and ef forts to secure prrifrr on th ratterlng long a4h1 111 marks! oft during th after- Evaporated Apple aad Dried Traits. NEW YORK. Sept. 27 -EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues firm, with 0'u holder asking an advance, although the general market appears to be without quotable change; common to good ar nuoted at 46c; prime, 7c; choice, 7c; fancy, 8c. CALIFORNIA DR1KD FRI'ITS-Prune are In fair demand on snnt. and price ar firmly held from 44)7'c, according to grade Apricots sre quiet, hut firm, with verv little offf-rlng "r,n spot; choice are fancy. 1WMV. Peaches show no material change snd quotations nr nnmlns.1. around 94i94c for choice; 9-gi0c for extra choice. t H. A. Kennedy Promoted. ST. PAUL. Sept. 27. If. A. Kennedy, who has been assistant general superintendent of the Great Northern railroad on tli Pa cific coast, has. been appointed actlea; gen eral superintendent. relieving General Superintendent Oi-orge T. Blade, who Is on an extended leave of absence Th order sppotnMng Mr. Keuiwdy became effective yesterday. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) ' Mala OsHeoi Una. anil Itubert Streets. ST. PAIL Ml. Ittlrri la Stocks, Crain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Orak 4Jtll. HO.I1S Board of Trad llldat.. Osiska, Stk. Tslstkss S514. !l?-214 Kxchang Bd.. South BU 'Puoa 21. iadspaudMl 'i'liuu L t . . .. - . . i , I