THE OMAITA DAILY BEE. TTTTTRSDAT, SEFTEMBETl 28, 1D03. SO BIT CAME IN BOSTON lloadachoo CHILDREN PERIS!. LN FIRE 1 Stopped Dinsen's Fini Pitciinf EnablssBetn Eaten to Bbnt Out Park Packeri. Th most severe need- ache will yield la few LATTER. TAKE REVENGE IN SECOND GAME Wliif CUy I Kaork Tout and Barry frara Bos la Flrt IanlaT ( ana 1i Fifteen ta One. BOSTON. rtrnt 7 Dlnm nlti-hm a ro. markabto no-hlt frame today, Boston win ning I to 0. tn th" swond game the visitor xor.x Tvent(, tn score twin; 16 to 1 when the came was calld hiu of darkpess, alter six lnmnars. score nrst came: BOSTON. ABBO.AE. rarant, a.... 4 S-ahl. ct 4 I'ntHab, lb. . t PurlrHt. If Frnn, lb.. I lha-!i. rf... J rrrta, h ... Annhninar e I DlBMD, R .... I Jnaa, af. iaiii. b 0 allahan. If. bnnchua. lb. Graan, rf . ... 0 Roh. lb.... n f.lllTa, e. . Owwi, p CHICAGO. AB.H. OAS .. I 4 1 I 0 11 1 I Totala 17 IT I I Totala 1 0 14 11 1 Boston 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 2 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-bas hit: Stahl. Thre-b hits: rViloach, Ferrl. SarrtfVe h Ito : lbll, L'n- !aub. Freeman. Double play: Isbell to vis to Donahtie: Hit by pitched ball: By Dlneen. Ruhe. Struck out: By Owen, 2: by Iilneen, . Bwn on balls: Off Dlneen, 1 Time: 1J0. Umpire: Connor. Score second garnet CHICAGO. BOSTON. AB H O A.E. AB.H O.A.E. Jonas, of 4 lib Parent. aa....l 1111 lahall. lb 4 111 ah. ef I Parla. aa i 11 I nslaah. Ib.. 1111 Callahan, If.. 4 1 Burk-tt. If... I 110 txwohua. lb.. Bill rwmn. lb.. 1 0 4 0 1 Own, rf I 0 0 0 Balhaeh, rf... 1 0 Rnba. lb I I 1 1 0 Ferrta, lb.... I 0 I 1 XFarlaDd, c I 0 Crlmr. c 11111 Hart e 10 10 0 Ynuug. p 0 0 0 0 0 Altroca, p.... 10 110 Barrr. p 0 0 0 1 0 Hughea. p. ... I 0 0 0 1 ToUla a I It T 0 Totala II 4 II T I Chicago 6 0 0 0 115 Boston 0 0 1 0 0 01 Two-base hit: Donahue. Three-base hits: Isbell (2, Davis. Home nin: Crlger. Bacri flce hits: ' Davis, Ruhe, Altrock. Stolen bases: Donahue, Davis. Hits: Off Youna;, 4 In one-third Innlns; off Barry. 3 In two thirds Inning;; off Hughes, 2 In five Innings. Double play: Donahue to Davis to Altrock. Bases on balls: Oft Young, 1; off Hughes, a, ofT AltPoclc, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Barry, Altrock. Struck out: By Hughes, 1; by Altrock, 2. Time: 1:14. Umpire: Sheri dan, Attendance: '3,862. Washington ghats Oat Cleveland. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Washington Shut out Cleveland today through timely batting. Hughes pitched very effectively. Score: WASHlNOTfW. CLEVELAND. AB H O A.E. AB.H O A.E. Jonaa, cf I I 1 0 Bar. ef i I 4 0 0 Caaaldr, aa.., 4 Oil Ocansalion, rf. I ) 0 0 0 Hickman, lb. 4 0 1 1 Stovall. lb... 4 110 0 Amtaraon. rf.. 0 0 0 0 OUradler, 8b... 4 1110 Hualaman. If. I 1 1 0 u Turner, aa ... 4 1 1 2 0 Btabl, lb i 0 19 OBarbaau. lb.. 4 1111 Mil. lb Hill Heaa. If 4 I 1 0 0 Stanlar, If-rf. 4 lit OC'larka. e I 0110 Haydon, O....I 0 7 1 0 Wast, p I 10 0 1 UuftMa, p.... 4 10 1 0 Wakaald .. 1 0 0 0 0 Totala U I 27 7 0- Totala M 10 14 II Batted for West In the ninth. Washington 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 6 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned runs: Washington, 1. Two-base hits: Bradley, Hess, Stanley, HuHsman. Stolen bases: Junes (Hi; Nlll, Stanley. Double pluys: Turner, Barheuu and bto vall. lift on bases: Washington, 6; Cleveland, 10. Bases on errors: Washing ton, 1. Hit by pitched ball: West tf. Struck out: By Hughett, 8; by West, 4. Wild pitch: Hughes (4). Umpires: Mc Carthy, Hurst. Time: 1:50. Attendance: 1.0UU. Detroit Beats Philadelphia, PHIL.ADEI.iPHI A, Sept. 27. Detroit de feated Philadelphia today by good hitting, though the American league leaders In the last two Innings made a strong effort to pull out. Score: DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H. O.A.E. . . AB.H. O.A.E. Mrlntrra, If. I 110 0 Martial, If... a 0 0 0 0 U., 4 1 10 1 0 Lard, cf 4 110 0 Sihaafer, lb., t 1 1 1 I baaia, lb I II M Crawford, rf. 4 I 0 0 L. Croaa, lb.. 4 10 11 Cobb, cf I 1 4 0 0 Serbold, rf... 4 0 '1 0 0 Cousblln. lb, I I t I 0 Murphr, 2b... 4 1 t I 0 CLaarr, as..'. 4 1 4 t I M. Croaa. aa.. 4 0 111 Do ran, o 4 110 Schwa, C....4 1 t 1 0 Kubuk, p.... 4 10 1 0 Hanlar. p.... I 110 Kllson, p 0 0 0 0 0 Waddell, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Bandar, p. ... 0 0 0 1.0 Totala U II 17 10 4 'Knight 0 0 0 0 0 ToUla II 1 17 lj 'Batted for Bender In the ninth. Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 1-4 Philadelphia . 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 37 Left on bases: Detroit, 7; Philadelphia, 7. Earned runs: Detroit, 6; Philadelphia, 3. Stolen bases: Crawford, Davis. Two-base hits: Crawford, Coughlin, Cobb, Murphy, I Cross. Three-base hits: Schaeffer, Mc Intyre. Double play: Lindsay and 0'Lary. Hits: Off Henley, 10 in seven and two thirds Innings: oft Waddell, 1; oft Bender, two in one and :ne-thlrd innings; off Eu bank, 7 In seven and one-third Innings. Struck outi By Henley. t; by Bender, 1. Bases on balls: Off Henley, 4; off Enbank, 2; off Kltson, 2. Hit by pitcher: I Cross. Time: 2.0ft. Umpire: Connolly. Attend ance; 4,094. St. Loals Beata New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-Harry Howell had toe, upper hand of the New Yorks In to- MisEiilPbin Mats None Better Made The standard of hat value n None Better Known Rivals of 5 dollar hats Live dealer trcrywriere day's gam ftttuan rr Btnne, If.., Bnrk'Bfld, Pnk. rf... Wallace, as Jon?a, If... Olaaaon, lb Kohlar cf. Spnrar, e. . Howafl, p.. lb I 4 4 t 1 1 i I 1 1 0 4 1 0 Totals. The Original M Brand Welsbach Mantle Price, 30 cts. This mantle repreicnU the finest product of our factory. It i the beit tnantle made. Give more light uses 12 leu gas than any other mantle. Strength unexcelled It If the ehean! C mantle because) A ave$ gat, it give more light, it lmU I ocr est. Buy the best and the cheapest: Tht ' Brand Welsbach. Price, 30 cents. Imltatieae tra Worthlaaa and Latravaiant. Rernttnber that all mantle are not Welhbacha. See that the mantle you buy ha this Shield of Quality, the Welsbach Trade Mark, on the box. Five kinds, 15, so, 35, 30, 35c. For Sale by All Dealers rSIE-Aik roar dealer fas a Wl.hrb ipapetcttttef lt' pretty, uaerul sad FAEE In 4rlJ JlP. Thosa sufferina' from wek ceases which sap the pleasure of ltfesheuUl uksjuveu 1'llls. One boi will tell a atorw of nareku rasulu. This aiedirlne baa mora rejuvenating. Tiiallsing furee than has erer ', before been offered, hent post-paid in plain aarkkfeoolr ui reoelptof iLls ad. and L tlula bj tht orik-inawra C 1. Hood Co., pro prietor tttMxt' barsawarula, lwil. ilaaa, e and 8L Louis won easily, hlttlna rnen nit were needed, ttcore: Lovis. arw tork. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H. O.A.E 4 10 ORahn, If. I 1 0 0 Kerler. rf.... 4 1 1 1 0 OEIbarfal. as. 4 1 I 0 lb 4 1 S 1 0 OWIIItajns. lb. I 1 I I t orulta, ef. I 1 1 01 oofi-y. lb... 10 111 O'Doushenr -00000 OKIalnow. e... 10 10 MK arthr. a.. I 1 1 0 aa u 17 la OPuttmann. p.. 1 I I Oooda, p 1111 Totala I rf 14 St. Louis 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 27 isew jork 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 First on errors: Bt. Iuls. 3. Tjft on hARes: N Vnrlr at Tm,I S liamam on balls: Off Ooode, 3; off Howell, 6. Struck out: By Puttman, 2; by Goode, 2; by Howell. 4. Two-base lilt. Frisk. Three- base hit: Rockenfleld. Sacrifice hits: Glea- son, Koehler. Stolen base: Rockenfleld. Double play: Jones and Wallace. Wild pitches: Off Puttman, 2; off Howell, 2. nits: urr futlman, 7 in nve Innings; off Goode, 4 in four Innines. Umpire: O'Laugh Un. Time: 2:0a Attendance: 1.200, Standlaar of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Philadelphia 133 86 S3 .818 Chicago 142 87 65 . 613 Uetroit 142 72 70 .&t7 Cleveland 143 72 71 .603 Boston 141 70 71 .497 New York 136 67 6ft .493 Washington 140 58 32 .414 St. Louis 142 61 91 .359 Games today: Chlcaaro at Phlladelnhla. St. Louis at Washington, Detroit at Bos ton, Cleveland at New York. GAMES IX THE NATIONAL LBAGl'E New York Wins Twelve Oat of Twen ty-Two Games from Plttsbarfr. PITTSBURG. 8eDt. 27. Plttshurr marie more hits than New York, but otherwise was outplayed at every point. Bv winning today New York won the season' series from Pittsburg, taking twelve of the twenty-two. Score: NEW YORK. PITTSBIRO. AB.H. O.A.E. a R u n A r. Breanahan. e. 4 1 4 0 0 Clarke. If.... 4 1110 Dirani, n.... 1 V 0 0 GMllar, rf..., 110 0 Donlln. cf.... I 110 0 Lach. nf I 1 0 1 l McOann, lb.. I I S 1 OWiiur, aa... $ I I 6 I Clark, lb I 1 0 Brain, lb 4 0 I 0 Martaa. If.... 4 10 0 sHd'h'nrti ikl 1 la a t Dahlan, Oil Rltchar. lb... 4 11(0 Darlln, lb..., 4 0 0 1 OOlbaon, o 4 0 I S 0 Ollbart, lb... 4 114 OLalSald, p.... 0 0 10 Wlltaa. p t 111 OLaarer. p.... 1 0 0 I 1 Clrmar, .... 1 10 0 0 ToUla 17 10 17 11 ToUls It 11 17 11 I Batted for Leever In ninth. New York 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 23 Pittsburg- 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 13 learned runs: New York, 2. Two-base hits: RitrSev. Mrflunn Thru-hau hit.- Strang-, Gilbert. Sacrifice hits: Leach, Brain! Stolen bases: Clymer, Mertes. Double plays: jjicwii vu muncy 10 miienranat, UlIDert to pahlen. Bases on balls: Off Leifleld, 1; off Leever. 2; off Wlltse, 3. Struck out: By Leever, 1; by Wlltse, 2. Wild pitch: Leever. Hits: Off Lelfteld. 6 In three Innings; off Leever, 6 in six Innings. Time: 2:00. Um pires: Q"Day and Email. Attendance: 6,310. Philadelphia Shata Out St. Loals. RT T ."l T T T Q o.i vtduii.j.iki.i. H j . Taylor hard today and won easily by a core of 6 to 0. Score: PHILADELPHIA. gT. LOUIS. AB.U.n.l R An u n A w Thomas, cf... 4 t 0 0 OKh.i tn i'i'a a a Olaaaon, lb... I 1 I I Dunlaavj, It. I 1 0 1 1 ourtuay, lb. 1 1 3 3 0 Bmoot. cf 4 1 t 0 . I l I 0 Becklar, lb.. 4 0 11 0 0 T"ua, rf 4 lit Obegratf, rf... 1 0 0 1 Branafleld, lb I I I ; 0 Grady, e I 1 4 I 1 Ioohn, aa.... 4 Oil OHoalak'tar, lb 4 0 1 I l. " I 0 0 McBrtda. sa.. 4 0 0 1 0 a i i i e Tailor, p I 0 0 1 Totala 14 11 17 10 ToUla la in il l Philadelphia 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 0 06 St. Louis o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned run: Philadelphia, 8, Two-base hits: Grady, Degraff, Titus. Three-base hits: Gleason, Dooln. Sacrifice hits: Dun leavy, Kane, Bransneld. Stolen base: Court-J"-- Wld Pl'ch: Kane. Bases on balls: Off Taylor. 8; off Kane, 4. Struck out: By Taylor, 4; by Kane, S. Left on bases: Phil adelphia, 6; St. Louis, 8. Time: 1:43. Um pire: Pear. Attendance: LUuO. Chlcaaro Beata Brooklyn. CHICAGO, Sept. 27.-Brooklyn failed to get a hit off Lundgren until two were out In the ninth, when a double, a single, a steal and an error gave them two runs. The locals bunched their hits to good ad vantage and had no trouble In piling up their scores. Score; CHICAGO. BBOOKLYN. AH H.O.A K. AB.H.O.A.a. Slant, cf 4 0 10 Rlttar, rf-.. 4 0 4 10 Lobrrt, lb.... 4 lit 1 Bhackard. If.. 4 1100 Chanra, lb... t 1 17 0 0 Oaaalar, lb... 4 1(11 Svhulte. U....1 10 0 batch, lb 4 0 t I 1 MK-artbr. If. 1 0 0 0 0 Hummel. tb..l 0 110 Tinker, aa.... 4 1 0 0 0 Lew la, aa I 0 1)0 rf., 4 0 10 1 Malar, cf 3 0 I 0 0 Evara. lb 4 3 1 I 0 Barges, e 0 1 1 O'Neii c 4 11 Mrlntrra, rf.. 10 10 1 Luodiren, p. I I 0 I 0 Doeecher, p.. I 0 1 1 ToUla 33 117 1 S ToUla.:... .10 "i i4 11 "l Chicago 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 7 Brooklyn ,.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Left on bakes; Chicago, 6; Brooklyn, 8. Two-base hits: Lobert, Sheckard. Sacri fice hits: 61agle, McCarthy. Stolen bases: Tinker, Gessler. Struck out: By Lund gren, 8; by Doescher. 4. Time: 1;47. Um pire: Klein. Attendance; 1.800. Boston Wins on Errors. CINCINNATI. Sept. 27.-Errors by the Clnclnnatls, followed by hits, turned to day' game Into a rout. Score: BOe-TON. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.B. AS. HO. At. Ab'ttcblo, aa. 4 1 I 4 OHuistna. lb.. I I I I I Tanner, lb... I 4 11 1 1 Barry, lb 6 1110 Dnlan, rf I I I 0 0 8eymnur. cf.. 4 3 111 belrnanty. If. I 110 0 Corcoran, aa.. 4 1 I I ( W olvart'n. lb I I 0 1 OMowery. lb. .. t 1 0 1 I lannail, cf..,4 110 1 Hlnthman. If. 4 I I 0 ( ftarmer. 2b... 4 I 1 OSIi-tla. rf I 1 ( 1 Naedtiam .. 4 I I I OStreat, e 4 0 110 Wlllla. p I 114 OVowinkla, p.. 1 0 0 0 Johna. p 0 0 1 I l Totala 46 II 37 IT 3 Stalnleldt ..1100 Totala 40 14 17 II i Batted for John In the ninth. Bn 0 0 3 o i 6 3 0 214 Cincinnati 0 0 1 3 2 0 1 1 8 io Two-base hit: Seymour, Raymer. Three base hits: Siegle. Barry, Tenney, Abbat lohio. Corcoran, Stelnl'eldt. Home run Barry. Double play: Corcoran to Hug gins to Barry. Vlrst base on balls: Off Nowlnkle, 1; off Willis. 2; off Johns 1 Bacrllice hits: Corcoran. Cannell. Hit by pitched ball: By Vonwinkle. 1. Struck "f B7 W'"'1': Pd ball: Street. l d pitch: John. Hit: Off Vowinkle. U. n 8l Jnn'nss; oft Johns, 8 in three In- A'tlendan'V50- Joh" Staadla. at the Team. Played New York 141 Pittsburg J44 Chicago 144 Philadelphia Hi Cincinnati 143 8. 1-ouls 142 Boston 144 Brooklyn 141 Games Inrla v n,a,.M Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Dea Molaea Beata ll waokea. DE8 MOINES. Sept. 27.-D. Moines de feated the Milwaukee American associa tion team In the flrat of a aerie of five rKst-season games, 8 to 3 Score: R H E pes Moines 0 110 10 10 A Milwaukee 0 000)1-11 ..Bm"r'p": Molne, Cbsrpell an olfi MUwaukaa, JUlcky and Town Won. Lot. Pet. 99 42 .7f 92 62 .6.19 M 60 6j 78 63 5.J 73 70 .611 6a 87 .4S1 48 M .m 41 100 -.291 FAST TIME AT OAKLEY PARR Pai Xiehasl Vakss Fastsst Mils of tht Tear ii Free-for-All Faoa. RACE IS WON BY DAN R IN THIRD HEAT Tarley, Driven hy Ed tieers. Win the 8U4 Trot In ta Foarth Heat After Losing Third to Helen Norte. CINCINNATI, Sept. 27.-In the free-for-all pace, the fst event at the grand circuit races at Oakley Park today. Pan Michael won the first heat in a close finish by a neck from Nervoto, going the distance In 1X9 Bat, the fastest mile paced or trotted In a race this year. Dan R won the second heat by a neck from Nathan Straus and the final heat from Baron Grattan. Pan Michael finished sixth In the aecond heat and eighth In the final heat. The 2:14 class trot was won by Turley after four heat. Bolivar won the first heat of the 2:16 pace,, with Cahwood second and Kruger, who was away badly, third. Krusor easily won the aecond and third heats. The race was then postponed until tomorrow on account of darkness. Track fast. Result: t20noUn"' 2:14 Cla8 thre ln flv' purM Turley, b. g. (Geers) 1 14 1 Helen Norte, b. m. (H. Rutherford) 7 4 12 Swift B. b. sr. II. MrTlotiaMi 1 1 1 1 Jim g. M. Devil) 6 2 7 4 Diadem, b. m. (J. Chandler) 6 6 8 6 A. Penn, b. g. (Ludwlg 4 7 6 ds Ethel Pride, b. m. (Demarest).... 8 6 3dr .lime: t:vs. x:us, iciu, 3:19, Free-for-all naxca. two in three nun. 81,500: Dan R en. m. (C. Benyon)...., . 1 1 Pan Michael, ch. h. (T. Murphy) 16 8 Nervoto, b. h. (L. McDonald) 2 3 3 Nathan Straus, b. g. IA. Thomas).... 4 2 6 Frank Yoakum, br. g. (McOrath).... 3 1 4 Baron Grattan, b. g. (Geersj 6 7 3 Belle Mc, (Hogan) 7 6 7 Major C, b. h. tF. Jolly) 8 8 6 Pacing. 2:1& class, nurse U.orm hmflrUh.v Kruger, ch. g. (McDonald) 8 11 Bolivar, b. a. (DeKydert 1 i u Outcome, g. m. (W. Stout) 4 3 3 Cashwood. ch. g. iJ. Chandler) 2 ds lime:, z.w, MISS SHOLES WIM THE TROPHY Get i the i mRor;jo-LATr LSI CONTAINS N0 OUININCaV ta. AUdnifslats, 23c, or by mail. era, against which a protest had been filed by Berney Dreyfuss, was upheld today ln a decision of tha National Base Ball commission. tt-r-r; Doe t saffer snr loneer! Get a no today ask your druggist for in? vr"n von r" o Becomes Champion Bowler of Omaha Women. Miss Helen Bholes won the title nf chum. plon woman bowler of the Field club by winning the tournament at the Field club this week. Each week since July 17 there has been a women's bowllnar Iniirnnmnnl at the Field club. The winner of each, weekly contest Mrs. James Alnscow, Mrs. J. H. Robertson, Miss Helen Sholes, Mr. C. R. Bone, Mr. F. 8. Knapp, Mr. J. A. Mclntyre, Miss Helen Rahm, Miss Grace Conant, Mr. K. A. Kruger and Miss Ethel Conant played In the semi-finals Friday, Beptember 22, which resulted in Mrs. James Alnscow, Mr. F. S. Knapp, Miss Helen Sholes, Mrs. J. H. Robertson and Mrs. C. R. Bone qualifying for the finals, which were played off Tuesday, Miss Helen Shole Wlnnins;. This not nnlv miilroa hi nwnoi of the T. J. O'Brien trophy, a handsome silver cup, but champion woman bowler of the club. Mrs. F. S. Knapp won second prize, a five-pound ox of O'Brien's "Monta Chrlstos"; Mrs. James Alnscow third prize, a two-pound box. The winning of the cup by Miss Shole was met by the heartiest approval of all. No email amount of In terest has been aroused during this tour nament owing to the large number con testing and the high scores made. As high as 198 was reached and the making of 150 became an old story. Motorcycle Race Meet. v.,.,. id iu in twven a ireai in tne way or some motor cycle race at the Sprague street park Sunday afternoon under the management of Louis Flescher. These ma chines have been perfected to such an ex tent that they can be sent around the turns of any track about as fast a a rider will flare to ride them and the races resolve Lticinnri.e. mrgeiy into a trial or nerve In permitting the machines to go as fast a lh.v m.ill a ...... .1... . . -""j " nis tame, i nere are a number of local rnen who have risen to i" in ine ricung or tnese ma chines and they will be pitted against ev- Aral iranl, .1.1 u . 1 . . .... i n.TTio ( i Dili auruaa, so tnat every one who goes to the park will be allAn a run fnr. I. i . T . . , ' .v. ,i,n iiwucy. xesiaes xne motorcycles there will be- several bicycle ranea u . rAmlnrlAa ne . . 1 . . . cycling is still one of the live sports In iima aaMlrin. r .I... ..... 1 . 1 I ...vri, ui .iic toumry, aiinouKn no . v.o iiBvo uvcii iiiu nere tor some time. Omaha Back for Game Sunday. Omnhn'a Kail nl.v.r. will . m their barnstorming expedition Sunday in time for the big benefit ball game which will be played with the Lee-Glass-Andree-sens at Vinton street park Sunday after noon. The Originals have been winning from all Of the flmntnnr Icma In hlm ....i. of the woods this siimmer and hope to iiiune a Kiunous nnisn or tnelr season by the scalps of the Champs that Is the ex-Champs, for Des Moines Is now the holder of the title. The league team will be somewhat wanltnnH hv tl,A in.. ter, who has gone to his home, and by A-a.wi.-r, woo win piay wun tne Original, having simply been loaned to Rourke b Manager Bradford. O'Neill Race October 4 to 6. O'NEILL. Neb.. Sent. W ri.n Great preparations are belna- made foe ih. race meet to be held In O'Neill October 4, 5 and 6. at which time horse racing and sev eral base ball games between the crack nine of northern Nebraska will be In order The local Fair and Speed association has spent considerable money to have the track in order for the races and It Is pronounced Al by those who ought to know a good racetrack. Mayor Doyle today appointed committees to provide suitable lodaUng and other accommodations for the vinltors ex pected, and the largest crowd that ever visited O'Neill Is expected during the days of the race meet. Mark Iroejea Again. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Sept. S7.-f8pe-clal.) A foot race match between Fraik Hedgelln of Boelus and Al Marks, the noted volunteer fireman sprinter, attracted l.tviO fw-opiB io ine speenway west or this city yesterday afternoon. The two had a race two weeks ago. in which Marks was beaten, and at this time a wKer of $:00 a lde was put up for a second contest here. Hedglln. who is a barber by trade, enme down from Boelus, as did Marks from Stanton. It wan a big event for the sports and much money changed hands as a result. HedK-lln again won the KO-yard contest by about eight feet, the time being Q:10Vfc. Randolph Race Draw Well, RANDOLPH, Neb.. Sept. 27-(Speclal Tel egram.) The opening day of the Randolph races was well sttendd bv 2,0(0 people The Interest centered In the 2:20 pace, which was hotly contested. Annie Wood lock iDyment. Sioux Cltyi won. Little Rebel (Strahan. Wayne) second. Dan L (Belmer, Vermilion) third. Best time: 2:19. In the 2:27 trot Joseph Second won ln straight heats, Tom Moore second and Miss Faller ton third Pat Oran landed Ihe running race. Captain Horn second. Hartlngton won the ball game agalnut Randolph, store 4 to 3. A fine showing of blooded stock mark the exhibit. OMAHA BOI 8 PfT CP A BALL GAME Show Fremont What They Can Io When They Really Try. FREMONT, Neb.. Sept. 17.- (Special Tel egram.) The Barnstormer played ball to day nd the srore wa 12 to 0. the genuine article, while Fremont rot rattled In the econd and did not get over it at all. Ieach's curves suited everyhodv except Hall. Slugger Bill landd a couple of hits and Dolan and Kassey two each. The Fre mont boys did not have anv trouble In hit ting Knukallk, but they knocked the sphere squarely Into sombndy's mlt. The trouble began In the second, when three hits, a base on balls sjid Bassey's long drive over the fence for four bases brought In four scores, making It 6 to 8. In th third Inning two more hits, a sacrifice and a passed ball let In snoth.r one. They took Leach' measure again in the eighth and when the agony wa over died three more, making an even dozen. Only one Fremonter got as far aa third. They could not get the ball out of the niamona ana tnelr fielding was ragged. Bc: R.H.H. 2TT"lh 8 1110 18 0-13 16 8 Fremont 0 00000000088 Batteries: KoukaJIk and Frees: Leach and Shea. Rarlnar at Llbertyrllle Abandoned. CHICAGO, Sept. 27. Plans for a racing meeting which wa to have opened at Llbertyvllle track near here next Saturday were abandoned today. Activity of Gov ernor Deneen and Lake county officials to ward the suppression of possible pool sell Ing at the track Is said to have Influenced the move on the part of th track managers. Bntte Beat Lyneli. BTJTTE. Neb., Sept. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Lynch ball team played with th Butte team here today. It was a good game, with few error and resulted In a victory for Butte. Score, 7 to 4. Batteries: Lynch, Richter and Veterna: Butte, Cheat wood and Ford. Umpire: Goble. Foot Ball Score. At Ithaca Cornell. 6; Hamilton, 0. At Hanover Dartmouth, 84; Norwich, 0 At Princeton Princeton. 41; Villa Nova, 0. Fatalities PreTented. After an accident use Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It prevent fatal result. Heal cut, burns, ore. 26c. Sold by Sherman at McConnell Diug Co. Joint Wrecker 1 Sentenced. IOLA, Kan., Sept. 27. C. L. Melvln. the joint wrecker, was sentenced to the peni tentiary today for not less than five or more than ten Years on tha rhnr,. burglary and for not less than one or more iiiuu nve years on tne charge of stealing dynamite. Melvln' minimum sentence Is six years and hi maximum sentence 1 fifteen year. Firt Littls 0ns Dis at Fort Doigs In Burning Ions. FLAMES FOLLOW GASOLINE EXPLOSION Ito Opportantty for Children to Kara pa and Bodla Are Fonad by Firemen After Blaae I Extlncnlshed. FORT PODGE, la.. Sept. I7.-(Speclat Telegram.) Five children of Ed Adamson, a switchman on the Minneapolis A St. Louis, and one of David Fecord were burned to death In a fire which destroyed the Adamson home at 8 o'clock this morn ing. Five children were ln an upstair room alone. The mother stepped out to a neighbor' and returned fifteen minutes later to find the building a masa of roaring flames and the children ( Imprisoned above, with escap cut off on all side by the flames. The face were seen at the window a moment, then all were obscured by a mas of fire which burst forth. Firemen were able to enter the building after half an hour and five blackened and roasted bodie were found. It 1 thought that the children wer smothered ln amok and flame and were burned after death. Th flesh was ready to drop from their bodies. Explosion of a gasoline store Is supposed to have caused the bolocast. The dead are: Edna, aged 10; Irmls, aged 8; Clarence, aged 6; Ernest, aged 8, all chil dren of Adamson, and Raymond, tha 8-year-old son of David Pecord. ARISPB SAVINGS BANK CLOSES Failure Said to Be Dne to Bad Loans and Lltlaration. DES MOINES, la.. Sept. 27.-The Arlspe Savings bank at Arlspe, la., ha closed It doors and a state examiner Is ln charge. At a meeting of the director tonight It was determined to make an assessment on the stock sufficient to pay off all depositors. The bank ha been under the management of Cashier D. W. Stevenson. Bad loans and litigation are blamed for the failure. The bank 1 capitalized at 810,000 and de posit at the time of closing business were ln the neighborhood of $22,000. Of Interest to Travelers. "I travel In th southern state," says Mr. E. E. Cro of Melfa, Va. "While driving had a sudden attack of cholera morbus, with severe cramping pain ln the stomach. A customer of mine at th first store I stopped at recommended Chamber lain' Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy, and two doses of It set me right. I now carry a bottle of thla remedy ln my grip constantly, a do many other traveling men. I unhesitatingly recommend It." The constant chage of drinking water and diet orten cause disorders of the bowels. .For this reason no one should leave home on a Journey without a bottle of thi remedy. It 1 almost certain to be needed. I'M- UNIFORMITY , The ever uniform quality oi Blatz Wiener means that un deviating principles are prac ticed at the brewery BEER The most critical exactness is exercised in every process. That's why Blatz Beers are always the same. VAL BLATZ BREWING CO.. MILWAUKEE Omaha Branch I42 Douglas Street Tel. 1081 nmnaajama.Alwa.v3 th Suna Qood Old "Bla.tx MS Avnca Defeat Keola. AVOCA, la., Sept. 27-Speclal.)In a ninth Inning rally Avora beat Neola by the ore of 3 to 2 in an interesting game today Score : Avoca 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-3 Neola 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 Batteries: Avoca. Hooker and Hagebeck; Neola, StefTany and Duff. Struck out: By Hooker, 11; by Stefrany, 6. Hits: Avoca 7; Neola, . Earned run: Avoca, 1. . Errors: Avoca, 1; Neola, I. Dreyfnsa Loses Appeal. CINCINNATI. Sept. 27-Rule tl, pertain ing to the purchase of minor league pluy- DAKBlJEr HAIL jrt aatmmVammmmMi8J(w Banquet 'VL Hall Cirars T The prlca Is 10 cents, l J Just like snr other! 1 I 1 (liraeclgsr. Then the I 1 reaemblsnce cease. 7our toksc- J. N3v conlst J CIGARS California Some say there's no plaoe on earth so nice to live in as California. Old folks, particularly, become attached to the warm, restful atmosphere; the blue sky; the soft, salt air of the ocean. Many go to California by doctor's prescription for a climate cure. Personal Escort is a feature of Rock Island Tourist Sleeping oar service that will strongly appeal to those not used to traveling. All worries are saved you are carefully attended and, you travel economically. Reduced rates via Rock Island, daily to Oct. 31st. Write for literature and any information wanted. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D, P. A.. 1323 Farnam St. Omsba, Neb. The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous. Phc ne 15. Jo. SchllU Brewing- Co 719 Boatn 9U StrtM. Omaha. DTlr3S FOR MEW Are you staggering under the burden of a secret weakness which Is a slow but sure drain on your strength and vitality? In your present condition are you fit to hold a responsible position? Can anybody rely on you or "an voS refv on yourself? Is your body almost wrecked and your brain in a whirl" It terrible to be ln this condition, but it Is still worse to allow It to rogress and ,mS mlre ef'vated. for It will then fill your whole life with failure rnl, erv and woe. There are thousands of ruined and cheerless homes, filled with discontent and unhapplness. lacking In love and companionship, through the sexual weakness and physical Impairment of men whose years do not justify such a condition. ' i.LLrni.epf.ny' 1eak men .rtrong, an4 .very vlta, or perfect, Inflltrat Ing that old feeling of youthful fire, vim and courage. Do you want to h f.tniVi?0"eM n,rv" "-el. self-confidence, strength In every muscle, amhl tlon. grit, energy and endurance, In order to make your life complete? w have gladdened the heart of thousands of young and middle-aged men who "UL1 yX'1? l.he crJ,V0' "tortng'them to perfect .peclmen. of physl cal manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. WE CIRB 4VIICKLY, SAFELT AJTD THOROrCHl.T STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, BHISSIONS, NERVO-SEXUAL. DEBIL ITY, IMPOTBNCY, BLOOD POISON (SYPHILIS). RECTAL KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. v"il cnn.ot c" '0" symptom blank. u "- Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday. 10 to 1 only. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, . j rarnam St., Between 13th ana 14th 8t., Omaha, Nab. HOIUIESEEKERS' RATES AGAIN LOWERED On October 8r and lTth, Not. Tt. and 2 lat. Deo. 6th and lto VIA UNION PACIFIC a o Denver, Colorado Sprints, Pueblo, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyoming, and LESS THAU ONE FARE for the round trip to many polnta in WYOMING. COLORADO. NEBRASKA AND KANSAS Ticket are good for return twenty one days from date of gale and stop overs allowed on both foin and rf turning trlpa. Inaulra at City Ticket Office. 1324 Fircim Si 'Phone 111, r i 3 ar an,sr. . a a.aV..J vrri -r' $12.50 TOR THE ROUND TRIP TO! a'a- e-! A tC CT OAIII OT7 The Right RoAd to THE LAKES qf'MINNE50TA ity ticket office 1317 farnam st, omaha. neb. THE BEST ROAD THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS Round trip rate $12.60. Tickets on ial daily daring Bptmber. V ' CHEAP HOMESEEKERS' TICKETS on sale every Tuesday to points In Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Northwest Canada. Tickets and Information at 1402 Farnam Street. S. IIQRTII, DIST. PASS. AGENT, OMAHA, IIEB. I