Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Tht Cmlil FHihtng Clmfv, IMS,
Her Brother's Letters
A man lets his sister see the
emotional affairs of girls and
women through a man's eyes.
The first letter appears in
The October
Ladies' Home Journal
15 Cent9 at All News-Stands
Omaha Exchange Oonnecti with Many of
' Them Threnghoat Uebraska.
General Manager Lane Gives Detailed
Eahtblt te Cervect Ml.leadlagr
Iaapresaleaa of the
I am asked almost daily why It la that
tha NehstieMa -Telephone-comparty does not
allow the different Independent companies
In the. state to come Into Omaha over its
lines andwhen I answer the persons mak
ing this inquiry that at this time there are
21,475 subscribers ' to independent telephone
companies in Nebraska now getting serv
ice throughout the territory and to all
points reached by tha lines of the Ne
braska Telephone company and reached by
the Unas of its associate companies they
are very much surprised.
In connection with this matter I hava to
say that there ar over 100 Independent tel
ephone co ipanles in the state of Nebraska
connected directly with our lines and en
joying all the facilities that our system af
fords In precisely the aame manner that
aubscrlbers of the Nebraska Telephone
. company enjoy them.
Below la given the names of the compa-
nles that connect with us:
' Number of
Name and Exchange. Subscribers.
Ualblon Telephone Co., Albion
Alvo Telephone Co., Alvo 160
Archer Telephone Co., Archer SO
Battle Creek Tel Co., Battle Creek 176
Braver Valley Tel. Co., Danbury 225
Nelden Tel. Co., Helden 125
Belgrade Tel. A Imp. Co.. Belgrade W
Bennett Tel. Co., Bennett 260
Bl-County Tel. Co., Arapahoe 40
Butler County Tel. Co., Bralnard 200
Camp Dewey Tel. Co.. Wausa, Crelgh-
ton. Verdlgre, Niobrara. Lynch 1,000
r.nirai ti Cn.. all Dolnta in Custer
county "
Cherry County Tel. Co., Valentine 2f0
Citizens' Tel. Co.. Oxford 1W
C.arks Farmers' Tel. Ass n. Clarka 60
Coleridge Tel. Co., Colerwge iib
f'mi. rwhmt-A T-l Ca I,wlaton. Crab
Orchard -vf '
Craig Tel. Co., Craig 200
norcheeter Tel, Co . Dorchester
it ,.., Tal ri . FArar 175
Ewlng Tonlo Tel. Ass'n. Ewlng 100
Seward County Cos. Seward Co 2o0
Farmers Tel. Cc. of Dodge Co., Dodge
Snyder, Ames, North Bend, Scrtbner,
Webster, Pleasant Valley 600
Farmers' Tel. Co. of Neola, Neola, la.. 76
Fullerton Tel. Co., Fullerton 2M
Oreeley County Tel. Co., Greeley 600
Hamilton County Tel. Co., throughout
Hamilton county 2,000
Havana Tel. Co., Indlanola 2W)
Holt County Tel. Co., O'Neill
Howard County Tel. Co., Holt Co 600
Humphrey Elec. Light and Tel. Co.,
Cornlear Lindsay, Humphrey, Crea-
ton BOO,
Inavale Tel. Co., Inavale 20
Interstate Tel. Co., tpencer, Butte,
Stuart, Atkinson 1,000
Keya Paha & Brown County Tel. Co.,
Alnsworth 30
Lawrence Tel. Co., Lawrence SOO
Lowell & Mlnden Tel. Co., Mlnden 60
Madison Tel. Co., Madison 200
Meadow Grove Tel. Co., Meadow Grove 160
Murdock Tel. Co., Murdock 160
Mutual Tel. Co. of Clav Center. Clay
Center t...- 260
Nebraska Clark Automatic Tel. Co., Al- ,
len. Carroll, Dakota, Kmerson, Homer,
Jackson, Laurel, PUger, Randolph
Wlnslde 1,000
Octavla Tel. Co.. Octavla 80
Ocalalla Keystone Tel. Co., Ogalalla. 60
Ohiowa Tel. Co., Ohfowa 810
Ord Independent Tel. "Co., Garfield,
Loud, and Valley counties z.wo
Osmond Tel. Co.. Osmond 20
Mllford Mutual Tel. Co., Mllford SO
Panama Tel. Co., Panama 180
Peru Tel. Co., Peru 200
Byron Tel. Co., Byron 120
Pierce Tel. Co., Pierce ISO
Plalnvlew Tel. Co., Plalnvlew )
F. C. Scott. David City Sno
Sherman County Tel. Co., Sherman Co.- 200
Stanton Tel. Co., Stanton 10
Sutton Tel. Co.. Sutton 826
Tekamah A Farmers' Tel. Co., Teka-
J. M. Van Auken. Western
Ware Tel. Co.. Ware
W. H. Watson, Bancroft
Wayne Tel. Co., Wavne
Wray Tel. Co., eulbertson ana otner
There are many other independent com
panies connected directly with us that wa
could mention, but I think I have named
enough here to show that the Nebraska
Telephone company la not opposed to con
necting up with Independent telephone
companies on any reasonable basis com
patible with reasonable business usages.
I can aay further that this company has
sold out many of Its exchanges at less
than their actual value to Independent
companies operating In towns where our
exchanges had been established many years
prior to the establishment of the lnde
pendent systems In order to relieve tha
cltlsens of thesa particular towns from
the burden of two telephones. Among the
towns that were sold out for this purpose
I will name you Ord, Neb.; St. Paul, Neb.;
Madison, Neb.; Wayne, Neb.; Stanton,
Neb.; Oxford, Neb., and many other points.
The real reason that we are unable to get
mora Independent companies to connect
with us is that most of tha Independent
companies in the state belong to what Is
known aa an Independent Telephone asso
ciation, which association is fostered by
the larger promotera, tnd the agenta of
tha concerns manufacturing Independent
telephones and apparatus; therefore to
protect their sales there Is among the Jules
of this association one that any Inde
pendent company connecting with tha Ne
braska Telephone company Is a traitor to
the Independent cause and in the event
that that company connects with our lines
It is immediately dropped from the asso
ciation. It seems to me that If these facta were
generally known tha business men of any
community would bring such pressure to
bear on the independent companies aa
would compel them. If they want service
Into Omaha, to enter into a reasonable con
tract with the Nebraska Telephone com
pany and not permit them to attempt to
saddle the burden of a dual telephone sys
tem o ntha citizens of Omaha the only ad
vantage of thla system being to enrloh tha
promotera of aame.
St. Paul and Itetara
and return ,
and return
via Tha Northwestern Una.
City Offices 1401-1401
Far nam street.
Tha Indian never Ulead work but ha
wanted his squaw to get well as soon as
boeclble so tat aha ooold do tha work
V . .2 I . 1.1m
hunt, therefore
ha dug pupoos.
root or lur, for
that was their
great remedy fur
female weak-
tfiAP-ywu. : a'
functional alitnrbaoee.
' Dr. Pierce ases
tha same root
called Blue Co
hosh in his" Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion skillfully
combined with
other agents
that make It
Was ere effective
aiKl protect sue
stomach from
Doteoi ever waa apawn meaiciue.
ut It 1 tha eareiuui
thoroughly tested, caul prasortpMon ol t
rani phviiata la a reru
the carefully wrought out and
prasor pe
i mwadL
fw'riami'i nanaralleled aucoeaa with
this remedy was such that more wanted
to use it than any oca doctor ouuld attend
to In 4 private practice. Thla Induced
him te manufacture it u a auffieleatly
liberal scale to meet the demand.
ta hi. in arjeslal procaeaea. be ex
tracts, comet net and preserves the medi
cinal qualities ol the several Ingredient
sea ren-
clnal qualities of tea several inr
without the use of alcohol (using
Ipally tare g'yearlae Instead), the
4Wlng It absolutely safe tor any a
of any see and la any condition to use
Freely. Tha aameaoi the Ingredient are;
af Blipaar rpS 'ca tesws iwv
Joora rwt. Blue Cohaeh root acvd
Uea BaaTreot.
Aanae,Kw Vera CUT. Treaaur
VaiV ProjreaftiTa C!a. wrt
! hU kedele. kfkwM, aad was varr
aerwus suatoely able K sleep sore taaa
twa h0rt at a nua. 1 was wnm r
Lr. f terqe'a rarie PreacrntM. en
2olUktjrwlta taa resvlt. W a we
aa i Mpkl r..lortwl. OuafVnoed
Ut I c
M4 Uiao
t ataoa
ravvmta '.
ta every oaa" .
rBilnatlda altHnazk a IttUa (T1. aa-
fta big ones 11 negleoaed. Dr. Ptareea
I iiaae' V.lfe tetaxivtre eaawUyaUaev.
vita aa result. a week I
oiib T twr. 9 Uv ' for eirht wV.
an a toot a. lur 1 was vntmm w.
iaoa tLa roar stotaakaa Ma
it frrUrMua,' too. I reaaauaaad
I Q Siy
Tiryocs yTho Eandltd Sallrotd Atsat
mat Will Tsitif ia Tax Case.
B8tate Aadtter Wratea Sara He
Taaaaht Lead Iatereeta Were
Hot Asseeaeel at Fall
At the hearing of the Vnlon raclflo pro
test on tta state assessment Wsdnesday
morning Attorney General Brown gave no
tice of his Intention to summon every
County assessor In the state handling rail
road assessments before the hearing closed.
The taking of testimony In tha tax matter
was resumed before 8peclal Examiner Pear
gall In the north court room of the federal
building Wednesday morning, wth ex
Auditor of State Charles Weston on the
stand, and terminated with Prof. Albert
E. Davidson 6f tha .University of Nebraska.
The entire morning waa consumed In the
examination of Mr. Weaton. Hla evidence
was, In effect! -
I waa a member of the State Board of
Assessment and Equalisation in IMS and
1904. The assessment of the Union Paciflo
property In lftJS at 26,223,360 did not then.
nor does tha assessment on tha aame prop
erty for 104, represent the actual value of
tha property. Tha railroad waa assessed
as all other property, but not at full value.
All property waa assessed practically uni
formly. The values were placed on tha
basis of tha evidence furnished by the
schedules of the railroad company and such
other sources of Information as tha board
had. I do not think there waa any par
tlcular Increase of value of the tangible
property in 1904 over that of 1903, at least
that la my recollection. In making up
railway assessment tha atate board made
no personal investigation; that was left to
the local assessors. We applied the same
basis of uniformity in 1903 on all properties
and fixed tha value of the Union Paciflo In
round numbers at 86,000,000. This was on a
basis of from one-fourth to one-twentieth.
This rule was not applied In the assess
ment of 1904, when the valuation waa placed
at not leaa than one-fifth.
Seconded Marsh's Matloa.
"I seconded the motion of Mr. Marsh.
asking a reduction to 310,600 per mile In the
Union Paciflo assessment, but the motion
waa lost.
"I moved that all roads be assessed aa
a unit and tha value be distributed over
all mileage, but that motion was also de
feated. My motion waa to make a uniform
assessment per mile after ascertaining the
main line and branch mileage.
In his cross examination by Attorney
General Brown, Mr. Weston said
"Without reference to the 3400.000.000
grand assessment roll, it waa the earnest
desire of the board to ascertain the actual
value of the railroads and assess them
"Personally I was not at all Influenced
by the clamor of public demand or the
press. I do .not think any member of the
board permfttod his political fortunes to
be influence) by his action as a member
of the board. Representatives of the Union
Pacific came before the board of equal
isation and wanted the assessment lowered.
The valuations of all property were made
by tha assessors. The valuations were
raised in twenty-four out, of the ninety
counties of the stat, but none waa lowered."
Not at Aetna! Value.
John N. Baldwin, in his1 redirect examina
tion of Mr. Weston, asked him If he would
swear that all lands In Nebraska were as-
aessed at their actual vaUe. Mr. . Weston
replied: . . it vi.'i
I will not swear that .Nebraska lands
were all assessed at their actual value aa
originally returned by the assessors. My
private opinion la that the lands were not
assessed at their actual value."
The wltneas had no recollection that Gov
ernor Mickey bad said he would favor the
Marsh resolution were he assured It would
not operate to reduce the railway assess
ment below $46,000,000.
It now begins to look aa if the taking
of testimony In these cases will be con
tinued indefinitely. Attorney General Nor
rls Brown said at noon Wednesday he In
tends to summon all the assessors in the
state that had anything to do with the
assessment of railroad property, and that
the examinations would be held here at
the federal building In Omaha.
Mr. Baldwin said the examination of tha
assessor would. In his absence in the east,
be undertaken by C. L. Dundy.
The examination was resumed at t o'clock
Wednesday afternoon, with Prof. Davidson
of the state university on the stand.
Davidson's Land Valaes.
Prof. Davidson estimated the value of the
lands of the state of Nebraska to be 3300,-
000.000, of which the cultivated lands repre
sented 3800,000,000 and tha uncultivated lands
3100,000,000 This value he placed In the
lands In 1904. He had received reports from
svery county In the state and had person
ally visited sixty of them. The total value
of the products of the lands of the state In
1904 was approximately 3160,000,000.
Upon his cross-examination by Attorney
General Norrta Brown he aald:
My information relative to the value and
acreage of corn in 1904 waa received from
representatives In the field, about three
men to every county. These were mainly
elevator men who were In close touch with
the farmers. In estimating total values the
rule waa to figure It as about 20 per cent of
the gross producing Income xf the lands.
Mi Fall Furnishings for Women
Women'g medium walght ribbed cotton YMtg
and pants. In rru and natural.
. high neck. Ions sleeve rests....
Women's fine qnallty combed Egyptian cotton
combination suits, early fall weight, htrh
neck, long sleeves, ankle length,
silk trimmed ,neck, at
Heavy ribbed black cotton hose for boys and girls,
any style rib, site 6 to 10, best wearing hose
made, the "TOM SAW V Kit IUIAND,
i pair for 26c pair
t. htrh
Women's new style of lace and embroidery trim
med corset covers, late, pretty patterns, P
cut full and perfectly finished, at JLDG
Women's fall styles In silk and patent leather
belts many new and exclusive styles, rich col
orings, also black and white A.ftt
regular 76c and $1 values at. ....... tOC
Women's new "kid" gloves, special
dollar and 75c values In tan,
bran, white and black, all sites.
lot resular
Agents for the "Gentcmcri" High Grade Kid Gloves,
$1.50, $1.25 and $1.00
1 5th and
Farnam Sts.
15th and
Farnam Sts.
Roy Parker Katnrned from Dliioii hj
Requisition on Dtneei.
Meeta Cattleman on Trala Who
Wants Trial at Reforming;
Him When Schoal
Gets Throngs,.
Probation Officer Bernstein of the Juvenile
court returned Wednesday morning from
Chicago, bringing with him Roy Parker,
the 14-year-old boy, who violated his parole
from the Kearney reform school. Parker
has been recommitted to the Kearney In
stitution. The boy was arrested In the first place
for burglary and Judge Day of the juvenile
court sentenced him to the reform school.
Me was later paroled and given employ
ment at 31.75 a day. After working a few
days he Jumped to Chicago, That con
fronted the authorities with an unpre
cedented case, namely whether or not a
Juvenile offender could be transferred from
one state to another under the provisions
of a requisition, such as operated in the
case of an ordinary fugitive. Througn
Judge Day, a requisition waa made upon
Govenor Deneen of Illinois for the young
fugitive and the governor honored the de
mand. Word of thla action waa trans
mitted to Omaha and Officer Bernstein went
to Chicago for his captive.
Returning from Chlcsnro with the boy.
Officer Bernstein says they met up with a
cattleman on the train from western Ne
braska, who became interested In the boy's
case. After probing him with questions
by which he learned all about his anteced
ents and present predicament, the cattle
man gave the child his name and address
and told him to write him aa soon an his
term at the reform school waa up and he
would send for him, take him to hla ranch
and aee what he could do toward making a
man of him. The cattleman omitted to
give Mr. Bernstein his name and address.
i i t
I I fin,
A pure, fragrant and
cleansing toilet soap.
3 Made from the purest
vegetable oils.
9 Has the delicious re
freshing odor of natural
9 The universal favorite
for toilet and bath. '
9 Especially recom
mended for sensitive
skins, on account of its
mild and soothing qual
ities. JAMES S. KIRK &
"To the Cltlsens of Plattsmouth:
"Tha Nebraska Telephone company has
been In business in Plattsmouth for many
years. It has Invested at different times
considerable sums of money, and hence is
entitled to fair treatment from the people
of Plattsmouth. For soma time prior to
September 1 thla company charged for busi
ness telephones 32.60 per month and for
residence telephones 32 per month. Thesa
rates were not too nign lor tne company to
make a fair return on its Investment.
Tne manager or the water works mo
nopoly in Plattsmouth has decided to go
Into tha talcnhnn. h,l..M rA h.. trA I
telephone service at rates lower than the
Nebraska Telephone company has been
charging. The Nebraska Telephone com
pany Is In the telephone business to stay.
We will not be 'outdone In kindness to the
public, and from October 1 this company
will enter Into one or two-year contracts
to furnish first-class telephone service in
business houses for 31-25 per month and In
residences at 60 cents per month. The
aoove prices are less tnan cost and are i
only made to protect our Interests. If de
siring service from our company please
notify our agent In Plattsmouth and he
will call on you. Respectfully,
"C. B. Tost, President."
(Extract from Plattsmoutb Post Septem
ber, 1898.)
The above notice "to the citizens of
Plattsmouth" appeared in the Plattsmouth ;
Dally Pbst in September, 1898, and speaks i
for Itself.
Mr. Oonden tells you that Independent
telephone competition has never forced the
Nebraska Telephone company to reduce
rates. The Nebraska Telephone company
began giving service in Plattsmouth for 60
About 21,000.ono acres of lands were re-! cents per month on October 1, 1898, and
turned for taxation, all of which were ; have continued that rate for the past seven
practically cultivated or Improved lands, years and are today giving service to their
leaving aome 17.000,000 of uncultivated or Plattsmouth subscribers at 10 cents per
unimproved lands." j month. There are dosena of other cases in
The examination of witnesses waa con- thla state where independent competition
eluded for the present with Prof. Davidson's has had this same effect. Let an Inde-
testlmony and the hearing adjouraed. sub- penaent company enter umana and you will
Ject to a call by agreement of counsel for
the examination of the assessors to be summoned.
Cheap Rates
to Clear Lake aad
Tickets on sale every Saturday. Final
return limit the following Monday. Good
fishing, boating, bathing. Reasonable
hotel ratee. For further Information apply
to 8. D. PARKHURST. Oeneral Agent.
1513 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
see the Nebraska Telephone company fur
nishing service at any old price. Just aa
they do in Lincoln, Topeka, Kansas City,
Minneapolis and hundreds of other cities
where competition has forced them to cut
Party ol Jolly FIskerfolk.
k lolly party of fishermen, composed of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgess, J. W. Thomas
and Miss Thomas, Fred Schamel and Mr.
Snyder of Kansas City, left Wednesday for
Lake Washington. Mr. Hnyder has a new
Idea on fishing whirh he caught at the re-
rent production of "Fantasma and he says
that he will use It with guaranteed reaults
on the bass of Lake Washington.
Tr.aici Power
over constipation, biliousness, etc. Is shown
In the marvlous cures made by Elect rlo
Bitters. 60c. Guaranteed. Bold by Bher.
man ai McConnell Drug Co.
Harry B Davis, undertaker. Ttl iSX
Sept. 27. 1906. aged 30
beloved wife of 3j W
DOR AN Anna E.
years, months.
I loran.
Funeral Friday, Sept. 29. at 3:30 a. m.
from family residence, 2412 Grant St., to
Hurred Heart church. 2Sd and Binney. at
10 a. m. Interment Holy Bepulcher. Friends
The Best Hot Weather Medicine
Our name
is on every-loaf
and we are proud
to put it there.
U. P. Steam Baking Co.
It's your own fault If you don't know how good It Is. W have
been making bread for 20 yf srs, and we think, this Is a Letter loaf of
bread than was ever sold at any price.
Jte Ltitlt Rtd Label on Eery Loaf.
esffjsaAUaa.,WA reUe -HaJW(
In buying tha Lanpher Fur Lined Coat
(for men and women) you may be sure,
that you are getting a good coat as b
Out line contains a variety of fur
linings and trimmings, and every coat is
as perfect as 29 year of experience can
make it.
Lanpher, Skinner & Co.
St Paul, Minnesota
I loss eWW exa at awry M Kas wrist ea sag we wfll
Qeighton University Dental Cofege,
210 South Eighteenth Strett, Omaha, Nebraska.
Session opens Monday, October 2. Infirmary Is open every day 1
excepting Sundays and Holidays. The public is cordially Invited
to call and look through this college, which Is the most elabo
rately equipped dental college In the United States. : t II
For catalogue and other Information address
DR. C. O. METZLER. .......... DEAN,