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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
THE OMAITA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, SEPTETBER 28, 1905. Tolephona (94. Y 'Doing good la the only thins worth dotnc." Not alone do we think the values are better, but the softness of the new shades and perfect finish make thla fall showing- the beat we have ever offered. Kid Glove for the horae ahow and Ak-Sar-Ben Ball ahould be elected and fitted now. Mosquetalre Suede Gloves, 8 button lencth. In black, .white and slate, at 11.60 pair. Mosquetalre Sued Oloves, t button length. In black and white only, finest quality, I2"0 per pair. Mosquetalre Sued OlnvM, 14 button lensth, In black, white, llsht blue, pink and champagne, $2.75 per pair. 7h0MP3ONPiELDEN5.fQ Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas. King- Ak-oar-Ben XI. no large and golden key to be handed over to hi majesty typi fying the freedom of the city, no effort to carry out the traditional flubdubbery over the merry monarch of Qulvera at the city hall. This Is the ultlmatlm of Mayor Moores, whlrh he announced Wednesday morning. It says he will veto the resolution ordering a $123 reviewing stand built In front of ths city hall for the use of himself and guests on the ground that the general fund of the city Is overdrawn, and he will not sanc tion the spending of another penny from It for any purposa. "I have no. mora right to a reviewing stand than the councllmen or other city officials," said the mayor. "This resolution is a bit of rank class legislation. If ths councllmen and their friends can't be ac commodated, neither can I and my friends. There is no money available to build the stand, and down goes my veto." "But, Mr. Mayor," Inquired a thunder struck reporter, "where will the key cere mony be carried outT" "There won't be any key or any speeches," continued bis honor. "The peo pie are sick and tired of It. If I could talk loud enough Iqto a phonograph I might let It make a speech for me, but I don't think the matter can be arranged In that way." "Will you Issue the annual proclama tion T" "Tea, probably, Thte, office la supposed to Issue all the proclamations It can. I suppose It would be rank neglect of duty not to do so." If no stand Is built a problem will con front the' board of Ak-8ar-Ben governors as to where to place Governor Mickey and his staff. Amy officers, .otec distinguished guests and the Judgee-.for the teams com peting for prises In the" parades. A IX HAVE THEIR SPECIAL THAIKS . Railroads Prepare f to Care tor Crowds,. Railroads centering In Omaha are making vast preparations for bringing people to the Ak-Sar-Ben fall festivities. Extra cars have been ordered to be in readiness all aldng the Une" to bo placed on the regular trains aa --needed and besides these extra sections if trains will be ron where neces sary. Special I trains will be run on sev eral of the roads both to and from the big, parades, whlcli will be held Wednesday and. Thuraflay October, 4 hd 5. ' On. request jaf: many- residents of the Black Hills, country the tlerthwestern will extend' the' lp, festival, rate w .that Jt will apply to that territory for' one day, Octo ber $. .. ,M -V"" - , The VnlAri Pacific will have two special trains from Omaha after the parade Thurs day.: The flrs train will ' ran down the Stromsbura- branch, leaving Omaha at 11:80, and the second' will run to. Columbus, leav ing Omaha at 11:45. ' 1 ' The Burlington Is ,also making special preparations for the crush that Is sure to come to' do honor to Samson and In addi tion the-extra section f. the regular trains will run specials to and from Flattsmouth for the parade of October 5. MAKE WAY HI! ROYAL MAJESTY City lAntnerltlae tSnr All Thorenah hr Most Be Cleaned. .. Building Inspector 'Wlthnell and Street Commissioner Hummel! have Issued orders to cont ran tors and corporations doing work on the streets and obstructing streets and sidewalks M' clear away piles of building material's attd dobrls .for Ak-Sar-Ben. Several contractqr. are offending In. this way, principally on Farnam and other main traveled streets. They must clear the walks and clean up generally. , The street commissioner has been having trouble with the corporations putting In wire conduits down town. They have been slow in constructing manholes at prominent Street Intersections,' and the commissioner has been unable to flush the streets and-t clean off the mud caused from excavations. Twenty-four hours have been given the telegraph companies to close and batten down their manholes, at the 'end of which time Uie water will be turned on Just as though no openings existed. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL. Pew People Know How Isefal It'le la Preserving Health ana Beaatr. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la the safest and most efficient disinfectant and : purler In nature, but few realise its value when taken Into the human system for ths same cleansing purpose. Charcoal Is a remedy that the more you take of It the better; It Is not a drug at all, bat simply absorbs the gses and Im purities always present In the stomach and intestines and carries them out of the sys tem, Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok ing, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Improves the complexion. It whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe, cathartic. It absorbs the" Injurious gases which col lect In the rlomach and bowel.; it disin fects the mouth and throat from the poison Of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money Is In Stuart's Char coal Losenges; they are composed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless " antiseptics In tablet form, or, rather. In the form of large, pleasant tast ing losenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The dally use of these losenges will soon tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of It Is that no possible harm can result from their-continued use, but, on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the benefits of charcoal, says: "I advise Stsart'S Charcoal Losenges to all patients suffering from gas In the stomach and bowels, and to clear the complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the Uver la greatly benefited by- the dally use of them; they coat but twenty-five cents a box. at drug stores, and although la some sense a patent prep aration, yet I believe I eel more and bet ter charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Losenges than In any of t&e ordinary charcoal tablets.- v ' ' Bee, Sept 17, 1J0I. I Kid Gloves Mnsquetalre Glace Gloves, button length. In black and white, at 12,75 per pair. Mosquetalre Glace Gloves. I ' button length, In black and white, $1.60 per pair. Waahahle Kid Gloves. In tan and' white only, S clasps, $2.00 per pair. Ask to see them. LIGHTING FUND ON THREAD Haagi oa Delioate Uncertaintj of Tsoi lisal Law Point. SUTTON LOOKED TO FOR A DECISION Question Is, Has City Bleat to An ticipate as Basis of Con tract Assotl Royal ties Paid In. The street lighting of Omaha hangs In the balance on a law point now up to Judge Sutton of the district court for de cision In the gas contract Injunction case, which went over until Tuesday, when called yesterday morning. The point Is whether or not the city has the right to anticipate as a basis for mak ing lighting contracts the annual royalties paid by the gas and electric light com panies. Under the old and new charters authority Is given tor adding the royalty proceeds to the lighting- fund. In the past the current royalties, which are never paid until early In the following year, have been used to offset current bills, the lighting companies holding back the bills for the last three months of the year so as to even up accounts. Small Amount Left. According to the showing of the comp troller, only $218 remained In the lighting fund available September 20. The ques tion was raised as to the right or power of the council to go on contracting lighting Indebtedness In the face ofc the strict pro visions of the new charter against buying when there Is not money In the treasury to pay. Mayor Moores said that unless he was assured he had no legal right to do so he would veto all lighting bills for the re mainder of the year. If It came to a pass where all street lamps were extinguished and the cltlsens left unprotected at the hands of criminals, with less than one-half of the usual police force to cover the city, the mayor said the blame and responsi bility would rest with the lawmakers. City Attorney Breen takes an optlmlstle view of the situation. He says he Is con fident, the city has the right to 'anticipate the royalties In making contracts and run ning up lighting bills and believes the courts will so decide. He points out that In reality the net Indebtedness In the light ing bills at the end Jf the year Js covered by the lighting fund,- because the eity has' the (ilfterence coming to It from the light ing companies. What Royalties Come To. Last year the royalties amounted to about $24,000. Information received from the gas and electrlo light companies this week Is to the effect that the combined royalties this year already assure $3,000 more than last year. With this rate of Increase the chances for a deficiency In the lighting fund are diminished. "It would be little short of a calamity If the street lamps had to be dispensed with for the remainder of the year," said City Attorney Breen. "I am hopeful that things will not come to that pass. The lighting bills are really payable yearly and not monthly and this Is favorable toward the view that the current year's royalties can be computed In and figured aa part of the lighting fund for that year. At present X see no cause for alarm." NEW .'PHONE LINE NOT WANTED Daal System la Omaha la Not Needed, Real Batata Men Think. It was the opinion of all those who talked on the subject of telephones at the meet ing of the Real Estate exchange Wednes day that Omaha does not want a dual tele phone system. At the same time the speak ers thought pressure Should be brought to bear on the Nebraska Telephone company to make It connect with Independent lines In districts where it does not have local service of Its own, but has long distance wires. Members of the exchange who expressed themselves were W.- T. Graham. C. O. Saunders and C. F. Harrison. Rome Miller, I. W. Carpenter, H.- B. Graham and David Cole, who had been Invited to the meeting by the committee appointed to provide for the discussion of the telephone question, also made addresses. - It was decided to Invite representatives of the Nebraska Telephone company and of the Independent company to be present and talk at the next meeting of the club, which, on account of the Ak-Sar-Ben fes tivities, may be postponed until a week from next Wednesday. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Sllacht Decrease Noted la Marketing; of Hon as Compared with i Previous Weeks. CINCINNATI. Sept. 17.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The Price Current says: There has been some decrease In the number of hogs marketed the past week compared with the two weeks next preceding, while there Is shown moderate gain over ths correspond ing time last year. Total western packing was $40,000, compared with $76,000 the pre ceding week and $10,000 last year. Since March 1 the total Is 12,736.000, against 11.660, 000 a year ago. Prominent places compare aa follows: ltng. lH. .l.OuO.000 $.720,010 l.svo.uA lftim Chicago Kansas City South Omaha .l.WO.OOO .1.15. wo Ht. LOUIS &35.00 ),(VO St. Joseph 7.iw 77j(rt Indianapolis n,00 ffiS.OO Milwaukee sxt.OoO 41?.rt00 Cincinnati tl-n.ono . ti f) Ottumwa S.ft j ivo Cedar Hapida , Stl.un) Jsi.ftno gloux City -, li.u)o tl7.0"0 B- Paul 4.16. tu) 4.fno Cleveland la.UuO $44,000 Batistas Pwrmlte, - Ths city has Issued permits to Michael Cranln for a $2 00 frame dwelling at Park Mace; Great Western Orantte company, t! 6(4 brick and concrete shed at art South Sixteenth: Mrs. Ellen F. Lyman, two $l.JO frame dwellings at Fifteenth and Franrts streets; William Kalamala, U.4UD frame dwelling at Thirtieth and tils. EQUITABLE SYNDICATE DEALS lew Yrk Legislative Committee Frosei Deeper Into Affairs of locitftj. MANY MYSTERIOUS ENTRIES-ON BOOKS Namoroas Trastee Aceoaats that Hare No Meaning- on Sarfaee Sahpoesito Issaed for Chaaaeey Depew and Jaeoa H. Sen Iff. NEW TORK, Sept. 27. Today's session of the legislative committee to Investigate In surance methods was given over to the matter of syndicate transactions of the Equitable Ufe Assurance society. Henry R. Wlnthrop, assistant secretary and finan cial maneger Of the society, was again on the witness stand and many of his state ments were accompanied by typewritten documents giving the various transactions In detail. It was brought out that In one of these syndicates Senator Pepew was a participant to the extent of $100,000 and the senator. was required to appear before the committee. Mr. Wlnthrop was unable to find where a record of the profits from a number of the syndicate transactions was made end ex pert accountant now at work on the books of the society are expected to unearth these later. - The witness detailed a number of loans to the Equitable Trust and Mercantile Trust companies, as well as the eharlng of these companies In syndicate transactions with the society. Mysterious Trastee Areoahts. Late In the day Henry Greaves, who was a clerk for George H. Squire, formerly a member of the finance committee, was called to supply some Information regard ing the "George H. Squire, trustee," ac count and from him It was learned that there were a number of these accounts. There was, besides the "George H. Squire, trustee," account, the "Marcellus Hartley, trustee," account, and another, the "J. W. Alexander, trustee," account. Mr. Greaves produced the bankbook of the Squire, ac count and by means of It Mr. Hughes tried to trace amounts that would correspond to profits to this account; but the witness could not remember the Items of the amounts deposited. Mr. Greaves was still on the stand when the session adjourned for the day. Mr. Greaves, however, gave way tempor arily to Mr. Wlnthrop, while Mr. Hughes queried further regarding syndicates. Mr. Wlnthrop was asked to furnish a list of the Individual participants In syndicates and said that President Morton was pre paring such a statement. Mr. Wlnthrop raid he had no positive Information of the James H. Hyde syndicates but he experts to have. Mr. Wlnthrop said that In the Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Long Island fours syndicate, managed by Kuhn, Loeb St Co. there were two partlclja tlons. one of $500,000, the other of $109,000, The society derived profits of $2,$86 on the $100,000, while J. W. Alexander, J. H. Hyde, G. II. Squire and W. H. Mclntyre divided the profits on the $500,000.-' The - Equitable put up $218,100. It has received no Interest, neither has the money been returned and when asked If the matter had been called to the attention of these gentlemen Mr. Wlnthrop said: "It will be." Jacob H. Schltf Sobpoeaaed. Jacob H. Schlff, of Kuhn, Loeb A Co., wae subpoenaed today and it Is expected that he will appear to testify tomorrow or Fri day. Mr. Schlff will be asked about the transactions of his firm with the New Tork Life 'Insurance company as well as with the Equitable- . i : Mr, Hughes was reticent. With regard to tomorrow's proceedings. He stated that he Intended to continue examination of Mr. Greaves and the Mysterious George'- H. Squire, trustee. As there are a number of entries yet to be considered In the new account and as there Is very little light upon them at present, a good deal of time will probably be consumed In trying to find out tbelr true meaning. Andrew Hamilton Account. The first witness today was George C. Van Tuyl, Jr.. secretary and treasurer of ths Albany Trust company, who produced a transcript of the account of Andrew Hamilton opened February 2L 1806. He stated that neither the bank nor he had knowledge of the purpose for which checks were paid In or out on that account. Mr. Van Tuyl was excused and Henry Rogers Wlnthrop, assistant secretary of the Equitable Life Assurance society, re sumed his testimony as to the syndicate transactions of his company. Mr. Wlnthrop said that In the syndicate organized to take the bonds Issued on the reorganization of the Union Pacific Railroad company the Equitable society was allotted $17.000 of the bonds and the profits the society re ceived from this transaction were $.750 shares of Union Pacific preferred stock. The Equitable society, Mr. Wlnthrop said, paid only for the amount for which it sub scribed. Aa-eat for Two Compaalea. Mr. Hughes, counsel for the committee, asked why It waa that the Equitable so ciety had paid $750,000 to the Mercantile Trust company. Mr. Wlnthrop said It waa because the checks were paid that way. Several vouchers signed by George H. Squires aa secretary of a tnance commit tee of ye Equitable society were shown In evidence, as also waa a letter from George H. Squires for the Mercantile Trust com pany to General Fitsgerald of. the finance committee of the Equitable society ask ing for payment of $6U,000, or 80 per cent of the Equitable' s participation In the Union Pacific syndicate In consequence of a call by Kuhn, Ixeb at Co. "Then George H. Squires, first as an officer of the Mercantile Trust company, writes to the Equitable and asks for $600, 000, and then, as an officer of the Equitable, signs checks paying the money to the Mer cantile Trust company T" asked Mr. Hughes. "Yes," replied Mr. Wlnthrop. Mr. Wlnthrop said that General Louis Fitsgerald. chairman of the finance com mittee of the Equitable society, subscribed for $1,(00.000 of the Union Pacific bonds and whoerer held the bonds over the allotment of the $750,000 to the Equitable also re ceived for profits $.750 shares of Union Pa cific preferred stock. In the Northern Pacific syndicate the Equitable participated to the extent of $500,000 and the profits ultimately amounted to $41,S2. This was not paid In cash, but In Northern Pacific shares, which appeared on the society's books. In the Central Pa cific, refunding syndicate the society's par ticipation was $350,000. Speyer Co., the syndicate managers, sent a check for $14, 074 on December 15, 1899, representing the No argument is Needed when Grape-Nuts is served for breavkfsst Witch results. IBS Is profits. Mr.. Wlnthrop said, .he waa unable to find In what account this was entered On the society's books, but the search was still being made, A syndicate to handle Southern Pacific gold bonds was formed, and on November 18 Speyer A Co. alloted the Equitable society' $250,000 of these bonds. In this syndicate also was the Western National bank," J. W. Alexander and Oeorrte H. Squires, ' the tatter three each receiving $ro.ona of the bonds. In 1901 the society received a check for $11,931 as Its share of the profits. Qao Warranto at Chleao. CHICAGO. Sept, I7.-rAsslsUnt Attorney General Boys and Attorney Hawk have called on the policy-holders' committee of the Western Indemnity Life Insurance company to supply the state with any facts in their possession to .enable the attorney general Immediately to bring quo warranto proceedings against the company. It Is al leged that the process of .the numerous reinsurances to which .policy holders have been eubjected. the "scaling." haa been carried on almost, to the point where the amount of Insurance Intended to be cov ered by the original policies haa been all but wiped out. , SILVER JUBILEE OF A PRIEST Father Sheehna First to Complete Twenty-Five Tears la Sooth Dakota. r SIOUX FALLS, 8 D.. Sept tT. (Special.) Rt. Rev. Thomas O'Gorman of this city, Cathollo bishop of South, Dakota, together with scores of leading Catholic clergymen from all parts of eastern South Dakota, are today at Elkton, where the opening festivities In the silver Jubilee of Rev. George Slieehan of Elkton commenced. Dean Sheehan bears the distinction of be ing the oldest priest In point of service In the state of Bouth Dakota. He waa on of eight priests who took up the work of the church In Dakota Territory when the late Rt Rev. Martin Marty waa made a bishop and placed In charge of the dio cese. Dean Sheehan Is the. only survivor of the party which carried religion to the early settlers and Indians during those pioneer days. As a priest Bishop Marty had done considerable good work among the Indians, and, his effort In behalf of Christianity and the church being recognised by his superiors, he was made vicar apostolic of Dakota. He looked around for priests to assist him In the work of building up the diocese, and Father Sheehan was one of those who volunteered to begin his work In the priest hood In Dakota, which at that early day was a wild and almost uncivilised country- Father Sheehan was ordained to the priesthood for Dakota Territory on Sep tember 29, 1880, at iJV Raphael's cathedral at Dubuque, la., by the Rt. Rev Bishop Hennessy. Father Sheehan la the first priest 'to complete twenty-five .years of continuous ministry, within the llmlta of this diocese, consequently the dignitaries of the church, Including the bishop, de cided to take advantage of the opportunity to suitably celebrate the silver Jubilee of the first of the prleAts of the diocese who during the twenty-five years confined his efforts to the diocese of his adoption. RECORD "CROWD AT CORN PALACE Balldlna- Taxed ' to Its Capacity to Hear Band Concert. MITCHELL, B. T.J Sept. 2T. (Special Tel egram.) An audience of S.60O people packed the Corn Palate building this - afternoon at the Banda Roses- Concert to practically lta utmost capacity; .' It was thought when the new buildlnir -was - constructed that It would accommodate any crowd that came to Mitchell, hat it failed on the third day of she entertainment : i ?'.', Two special tyeins over the Milwaukee road brought Ir, , I, rdoj people and two -trains over the Omaha' road from Sioux Falls and Intermediate towns brought In 1.500 people, $55 of whom .came from Sioux Falls alone. The audience this afternoon was the largest ever gathered under one roof In the state and is the record breaker for a single con cert Jn the history of the palace. The weather haa been . most favorable In character, and with the rest of the week aa good the palace will be on the safe side financially, as the expenses have been un usually heavy this season. Tomorrow Is Sioux City day and large crowds are ex pected from the southern part of the state. The people are responding royally In com ing to Mitchell. The palace will close Sat urday night. DEATH RECORD Wheeler H. Peekham. NEW TORK, Sept. J7.-Wbeeler H. Peck ham, a noted lawyer,, diedsuddenly today In hla office on Broadway. Apoplexy Is thought to have caused his death. Mr. Peekham was horn in Albany, N. T., and was 73 years old. He was appointed fed eral district attorney of New York In 1884, and in 1894 waa appointed to the federal supreme court by President Cleveland. The senate, refused to confirm his nomination. Appendix Kept Basy. -Tour appendix la kept busy warding off the dangers of constipation. Help It with Dr. King s New Life Pills. 26c. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug company. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today la Nebraska, Warmer la the Southwest Portion Fair and Cooler Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2T.-Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Fair Thursday and warmer In southwest portion; Friday, fair and cooler. For Iowa Fair Thursday, warmer In east portion; Friday, showers and cooler. For Kansas Fair Thursday and Friday; cooler Friday in west portion. For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Thurs day, cooler In western portion; Friday, showers in west portion. For South Dakota Fair Thursday, cooler In extreme western portion; Friday, scat tered showers and cooler. For Missouri Fair Thursday and Fri day. Local Record. OFFICE OF U. 8. WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Sept. 27.-Ofr)elal record of tem perature ana nieclpltatlon. compared with the corresponding day of the lust three years: 1905. 1904. 190$. Iu2. Maximum temperature... W 81 71 65 Minimum temperature..,. 69 68 43 48 Mean temperature 74 74 IW 66 Precipitation 00 .01 .00 .1$ Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparison wKh the last two years; Normal temperature 60 Excess for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 $7$ Normal precipitation Oft Inch D'flelency for the dav OS inch Total rainfall since "March 1 $0.16 Inches Pendency since March 1 (.14 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1904... $.47 Inches ITxcftAfl for for. berlnd. Mktk A ft InctiM Reports from Stations at T P. M. A Station and State of Weather. Tern. Max. Rain- Bismarck, clear 84 $0 , .Ou Cheyenne, clear 68 80 .00 Chicago, clear 7$ 78 .00 Davenport, clear 78 88 .00 Denver, clear 76 ti .00 Havre, cloudy TJ 74 " .00 Helena, cloudy 61 W .00 Huron, cloudy .-. 14 84 .06 Kansas City, clear - 78 88 .00 North Platte, pari ejoudy.. 71 M .00 Omaha, cloudy 7 86 .00 Rapid City, clear 80 ' 86 .00 Bt I-ouls, clear ,..... 80 84 .00 St. Paul, clear 74 80 .00 Salt Lake City, clear 74 82 .00 Valentine, part cloudy ..... 76 XI ' .00 WlUlaloo. clear ., SA .of ,. . . A. WEXSii. Local Terooaatar. RIOT IN BUDAPEST STREET Fertj to Fifty Fenoai Iojired in Clash Be tween CoelitioniiU and BecialisU. MANIFESTO BY HUNGARIAN PARTY It Declares that the Klnc-F.mperov la Attempting; to Abolish Loeml Self Govern ment. BUDAPEST, Sept $7. Between forty and fifty persons were Injured In riots here this evening when socialists and adherents of the coalition parties, including students, clashed opposite the Royal Hotel and for two hours there were scenes of tremendous excitement. The Royal hotel la the head quarters of the Independence club. In which Is the council room of the coalition leaders. The students nd other supporters of the coalition had arranged for a gigantic torch light procession tonight but during the day the socialists Issued Inflammatory proc lamations calling on all socialists and others opposed to the coalition to gather and fight for their rights which they said the coalition was trying to sidetrack under cover of an alleged affront by the klng emperor to the whole nation. Owing to these proclamations the coalition leaders decided to postpone the torchlight proces sion, seeking thus to avoid bloodshed. At ( o'clock about 1,500 socialists gathered outside the Independence club and an nounced their Intention of entering and tearing down the council room. A large force of police was present and was assisted by 150 prominent cltlsens. The mob made an effort to enter, but was vigorously opposed by the police. A fight ensued' and amid the wildest clamor a number of persons were stabbed, but the socialists wore finally scattered. Fifteen minutes later, however, the socialists again gathered. By this time adherents of the coalition party In large numbers appeared and a free fight ensued. An immense mass of people surged in every direction, fight ing and singing. Knives, sticks and stones were used vigorously. Meanwhile a thunderstorm came up and vivid lightning lit up the square, while the thunder added a note of terror. Rain fell In torrents and the combatants were finally dispersed by the police. It is reported that over forty persons were wounded, eight of them seriously. There were no deaths. Manifesto by Coalition Party.. The committee of the coalitionists have Issued a manifesto to the nation In reply to the program submitted to Its leaders by the emperor-klng. The manifesto declares that some points of his majesty's prorram are not In conformity with the constitution, re ferring especially to his contention that the question of the language of command In the Hungarian army must be entirely elimi nated from discussion. It Is asserted that this is equivalent to the abolition of the na tion's right to control its own affairs, for which there Is no legal authority. The newspapers characterise the state ments of the Austrian premier. Baron Oautch von Frankenthurn, In the Reichstag yesterday ajs unwarrantable interference with Hungary's Internal affairs. The manifesto contains,' -among other things, a protest against the accusations that Hungary desires to settle the common affairs of the empire without consulting Austria, and continues! Such arrogant ideas can only be Imputed to Hungary by those who are creating an evil feeling against Hungary in Vienna. We know well enourh that every provision of the laws we would enact which may re quire any co-operation on the part of Aus tria can only become valid In practice when Austria of her own free will creates 'a suitable law. The manifesto In conclusion says: We desire to conclude a lust treaty of commerce with Austria on the basis of an Independent customs sphere for both parties. The decision as to whether we shall estab lish an independent customs sphere or main tain a common fiscal system depends on the free will of the Hungarian diet. Protests are being made as if the decision on fiscal matters were dependent on an understand ing with Austria. Calrnky Meets Emperor. VIENNA, Sept. 27. Count Ctlraky. the Hungarian nobleman who was appointed by the klng-emperor to negotiate with the Hungarian coalitionists, had a long private audience with his majesty this morning In connection with the Hungarian situation. HYMENEAL Llbbey-Bradlev. In the presence of about 160 guests last evening, McLean Llbbey of Pittsburg, Pa., and Miss Lueila June Bradley were married. The wedding took place at the Bradley resi dence, $710 Davenport. 'The parlors were decorated with palms and roses. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Jenks of the First Presbyterian church. H. Berry Woods acted as best man; Paul Bradley and Margurlte Marshall were ribbon bear ers to the bride; Mrs. Howard Kennedy played the wedding march. Before the ceremony Oladys Withers sang the solo, "Oh Promise Me." There was quite an array of gifts from Mr. Llbbey'a friends In the east as well as many very pretty ones from Miss Bradley's friends In Omaha. The party left at 11 o'clock for Denver where they will be at home after November 1. They will reside at 166S Pennsylvania avenue. Mlller-Nyo. KEARNEY, Neb., Sept. 27 (Special Tele gram.) Dan Miller, representing the German-American Coffee comjtany of this city, and Mabel Nye, daughter of M. A. Nye, were married this evening at the bride'a home, Rev. John Howell officiating. They leave for the west for their wedding jour ney. They will make Kearney their home In the future. Folts-Beselo. KEARNEY, Neb., Sept. 27.-(Speclal Tele gram.) George W. Folts and Eva May Bea sts were married at noon today at the home of the bride. Rev. A. H. Fraser officiating. After a four-oourse luncheon the bridal couple left for Omaha and from there they tias. wr.sLcws SOOTMIMQ SYRUP aasbonaasalbr Nlluooso Mother ear thetr flAUlim wbU TtJf for lt Fifty YauuY. It woihes Ui sfclld, sorieu ths man, allitrs all pain, oures wind eulia, aud la t&e b"t ismftdy for dlarrtUM. TWKSTT.riTK CKWTB A etTTU, aWearrarv4awBii aaxOJ"Xraut". T-TU Jl LHa. GENERAL OF FALL and VYWTER MILLINERY T H U R S D AY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. NO CAHO. ALL ARE WELCOME. F. M. SCIIADELL The Practical Man Realizes .that It U a duty to himself' atu1 those rtopotNllnjf on li I in, to ley asHle a rertatn mini of money out of Ills com ings each1 month ilurlne; the rntire working period of his life. Ho knows of the uncertainties In business, and the folly of spending all of his Income as he goes, A well Invested savings gives him conlentment In the present and confidence In the future. tiara You A 5avlngs Account? There Is no belter time to open such an account thnn 'today, end no better place than this association, with Its 6.o)0 members, snd resources amount ing to almost 11.600,000. Such Bar ings are at present earning 6 per cent with us. The Conservative Savings & Loan Association 205 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha will go to Osceola, la., where they will make their future home. TYPOTHETA MAKES STATEMENT Chicago Employers Say More Mea Are Now at Work Than When Strike Mas fallejl. CHICAGO, Sept. V. According to aa of ficial statement Issued today hy the Chi cago Typothetae, more men In the aggre gate are now at work In thirty-two of the shops of the Typothetae In Chicago than were at work betore the Typographical Union declared Its strike. According to the statement, 4flB men are now working nine hours a day under open-shop condi tions, as against 449 union men who quit work when the strike ws ordered. The Typothetae Is arranging for. the perma nent housing of a number of men In a building which U has leased for a long time. Aaderson Makes a Getaway. Frankia Anderson, a colored woman llvlnc at Forty-first and Patrick avenue, who is wen Known to tne police as an honest and hard working woman, and one worthy of a happier lot, came to the station on the last car to bes; the nsslptance of the law In rounding up her huehand. She had located him at Twenty-fifth and Cuming In the companionship of another woman. She had hunted up an officer, and came back. The officer knocked at the door. Anderson on seeing the officer slammed It shut. Then he and hla companion In scanty anoarel dove out through the window, tearing a rent In the screen, ran up the street and escaped. The wife cam to the station and put in a tearful plea for help and then started to walk the four miles to her home. Boys Oet a Scare. Charles Brusrman came to the station at 1 o'clock, much disturbed in mind, asking it tne omcera nad seen his rrlend. roster Atkins. The bovs were frightened bv a supposed "hold up" as they were walking at Fifteenth and Davenport. The man, who naa nis conar up ana nis cap pulled down in true bandit stvle. came rinse tin to the boys and said, ''Stop." But they did no such thing. They ran as fast as they could. One of them ran to the station, and so far as known the other Is running yet. Brug man. at the station gave such a good de scription of the robber that the police were able to name the man at once. They said it was the block watchman, and Brugnian started out to round up his friend. C 'Of President Roosevelt V 'harles VVagner says iu ..ouer McCLURE'S: "The people love their President. There is not a royal house, even among the oldest fend those most worthy of the affection of their subjects, which receives so deep and general sympa thy as do th (jg young Presi dent of the United States and his family." 8. 8. McCLfRE COMPANT 44-CO East 23d Street NEW YORK. Table Secrets." A - book that lays baro every scheme of the card akara and tells how he sains his adrantaare. A few of the subjects treated are, Stacklnn", Hold-Onts, tho Spread, sis different False Cats, Confederate Play Ins, Coaat Down, Second Deal ing, Bottom Denllnsr, Reflector All la sack a war that they mar he easily understood. Thla hook will he acnt yon la plain, scaled wrapper oa re ceipt of Vl.OO. M. M. PI RUSHING) CO.. . Des Moines, la. Mr. ; Mrs. Morand's Glasses 0 elfftee Dancing and Physical Culture Will reopen for- children at "The Normandie," Park avenue and Pad no street. Friday, October Ith, 4:lt p. m. 12 lessons, M. , Hall, Ames avenue and Twenty fourth street, Monday, October 2nd; children, 4:15 p. m; adults, p. m. 12 lessons, 16. Creiahton Theater Bulldin. Saturday, Bsptember tOtb; children beginners, 10 a. m ; advance, I p. m. Telephone lull for terms and par ticulars. SCHOOLS AID COLLEGES. YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS 4e ponds) much poa ht enafntt happtnM fin u mak. our hoyt hippr. brilvjlital thm till at Bit thai mmt, foraouftl ri4moAaip wuk uiatriftctpra, im fhara averr fpiwrtusiu to trsa ! f-oonirol rat UssMi b fintroJ jrvd. tttfi wftiK 4ruinc In the? If b i matin luatrurtlou aud dlM-loll of ths) hi ufe uiMtr tat rtnimr. Tfcua huLlri ih Mlf-rellnnf . mlniy chavr er. Climate unajqualleed for haMithfulnrs-n looavtioc ewllr oHsa).bU. Bffnd lor booklet "A" lo KtAREY MILIURV ACAOlMV, KEARNEY. NE6 OPENING & CO, 1522 : Douglas aBHaihj. ril T I . ULiL- irrm-UA sJ FRANKLIN MEDICAL CO. SPECIALISTS In Chronic and Nervous Diseases of MEN AND WOMEN CATARRH .li KINDS Not a Dollar Need Bo Paid t'ntll Cared. We cure all curable diseases of the Noe, Throat, Lungs. Stomach. Bowel. Liver Kidneys, madder. Rheumatism, Paralvsis, Piles, Bkln Diseases,, Dyspepsia aud Blood Poison of all kinds. Call or write for booklet. , We make no charge foT examination. Office hours, 10 to 4; Sundays, 10 to 12. Wednesday and Saturday nights 7 to I Room 23 Knrbach Blk., Omaha, Neb. AMI SEME JiTS. KRUG Prices 15c, 2Sc, SOe, 7Rc. Bun, Mat. 10c, 25c, 60e. Wednesday and 8aturdsy Matinees, all - Beats 25c. TONIGHT 8:16- THI9 IS IT THE FEMALE DETECTIVES Full of Powerful Human Nature Hysterics of HllnrHy.i STARTING NEXT SUNDAY MATINEE ' JOE WELCH -is- , . . THE PEDDLER : CEORCE EVANS (The Honey Boy.) ... A . THE RUNAWAYS Entire New York Casino Production.' CASINO SHOW. GIRLS BOYD'S.. WOOnWA.R Mawm TONIGHT ll5- The Comic Opera Success The Forbidden Land Friday, Saturday Mat. and Nlht TIM MURPHY and DOROTHY SHERROD Friday. Saturday Mat."A Corner in Colteo." Bat. Nlxht "DAvid Derrick." st&BURWOODX.XVn',;. Telephone 160. . Matinee Today with Double Orchestra, Tonlaht-Second Dlar Week' Th Woodward Stock Co. In' A ROYAL FAMILY Nights and Sunday mats., lOe and CSo, Tues., Thurs., Sat. mats., 10c and 2no. Next Week-Ui.CAL'Sli SHU LOVfcU HIM SO. n n AND HIS m iu: iy Assisted by Talented Soloists At the Auditorium Sunday High; October 1 '; Reserved Keats go. on sale at the Auditorium Wednesday, September 27, at 9 o'clock. ' ' Prices 50c and 73c. Hr. and Mrs. Chambers' -School of Dancing Now Open Adult beginners, Mondays and Thurs days, 8 P. M. ?C '" ' Assembly dates furnished on appll-, cation. " ' Children, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Misses and masters advanced Satur days 4 p. m. r - : '. : . High School class opens Friday, .Oc tober 20th. 8 P. M. : Telephone F-1871.J. , . ., Pilnv 4M MODERN VAUDEVILLE ( MATINEE T 25c TODAY or HOU6 CblMren !. Tonlcbt ail Prloca, lOe, 4o, 50e. VERY NICE OYSTER PATTIES THURSDAY DINNER AT ; m C'ALtlMET; r'- I