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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1905)
The Omaha- Daily Bee. Omaha's Preferred Advertising Medium Is The Bee. For News Quality and Quantity The Bee Greatly Excels. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THUKSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905-TEN' TAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. DUEL IN EXPRESS CAR MeiMigar on Wabash. Boad and Former Friend FiUllj Wound Each Other. EACH MAN FIRES SEVER l Fight Takes FJecs at Trail Through Central Illinois, MESSENGER TAKES FRIEND FOR Latter Bays They Were Drisk) . Began te QuarrsL e.R ad BOTH IN HOSPITALS IN BLOOIIINGTON Eitrninti John K. Rr Llvee la Chicago Edward C. Greeae, the Other Ma a, Wti Formerly la Employ of Compaay. BLOOMIKdTON. III., Sept. 27. One of the most desperate encounters that ever happened on a Wabash railroad train took place last night between John E. Ryan, 8120 Sixty-fourth place, Chicago, a mcs- sena-er on train No. 18, due' In Decatur at 1:11 this morning, and Edward C Greene, tlOl South State street, Chicago, a former express messenger and later employed with 7. 8. Bets A CO., Hammond, Ind- Both men are seriously Injured and cannot live, each having received three bullets In the fight In the car which lasted for miles. ' Greene says that he got on the express car at Forty-seventh street, Chicago, in tending to go to his home at Plttsfield. to visit relatives. He was an old friend of Ryan and the latter, lie claims, permitted Mm to ride. He claims that he assisted Ryan on the trip with the express matter and that the two began drinking. Jokes led to a quarrel and Greene says both drew guns at the same time. Ryan claims that the shooting began west of Bement, while Greene avers that the first shot was fired before the train reach Cerro Gordo. Ryan claims that he did not see Greene ill the car until the train reached Cerro Gordd and he believed that TJreene Jumped - In for the purpose of robbery. Ryan also says that when he told Greene that he was visiting In Chi cago, the latter told him It was none of bis business and pulled a gun. . Shoot At Same Time. The men clinched and both with re volvers drawn rolled about on the car floor. ' The men then separated and each ought shelter In the car, while waiting for the other to appear In order to shoot. Just as the train was searing Decatur both men fired and both went down, but were on their feet In a short time and the duel continued. When the train neared Decatur, Greene opened a door and jumped from the car. He was unable to run and was found an hour later by the police. Ryan says that he -believed robbery was the motive when he shot. Greene's father Is the agent of the Pacific Express company at Pitts. field and his brother, Arthur Greene. Is tht..Wt.. for. ... me company at Chl- cago.-ev" 'A Greene has aa ugly bullet wound In the breast, another in the light lung, while a third ball, lodged la the fleshy part of the abdomen. Ryan was shot In the left jaw, behind the left ear and In the left shoulder, the wounds all having been Inflicted during ths few moments that they stood up from behind their shelter in the car before reach lng Decatur. Both of the men are in dlf forent hospitals. The officials or none of the trainmen were aware of the terrible fight that was ' being waged cm the train until It reached Decatur, when the car door was seen open and the trainmen found Ryan in a pool of blood on the floor. . Report at Headqearters. ST. LOUIS, Sept. SI. At the general offices Of the Wabash Railroad company and the offices of the Pacific Express com peny only meager reports had been re ' cetved this forenoon concerning the pistol duel early today between Messenger John E. Ryan and former messenger Edward C, Greene on the Wabash train entering De catur. III. What caused the duel was not known at either office, but Investigation are being instituted. TYPHOON DAMAGES TELE.GRAPH General Oreely; Hears that Storm a . Manila taterrupta Commas!, eatioa with City. WASHINGTON. Sept. 27. General Greeyy chief signal officer, was advised toay that owing to the destructive typhoon yes terday In Manila sit the signal corps lines leading out of that city are Interrupted. The military secretary has received the following cablegram from General Corbln, commanding the Philippine division, re gardlng the typhoon yesterday st Manila: Another dispatch to the Navy depart melit from Commander J. H. Milton, com mandant of the naval station at Cavlte, was received later In the day and stated that the hurricane did $90.Y)0 damage to the buildings, plant, yard and craft. UAMIiA. Sept, 27. The worst storm the season occurred here yesterdsv. casein during the night. Considerable damage wa done by the unroofing of buildings. The post at Malahl Is reported totally destroyed. Further reports when facts are known. The following cablegram also has bee received at the Navy depsrtment from Ad mlral Relter, commanding the Asiatic fleet . The 1-eyte. w hich wak out of commission was sunk In the harbor and lost in th hurricane of September M. The Leyte was a gunboat of 150 tons an 1!8 horse power. The post at Malahl, re ferred to by General Corbln, Is thlrty-on mllea from Manila In I-a Guna province. The garrison consisted of four companies E. F, O and H, Sixteenth Infantry ae cording td the last reports received at the War department. There la also a military prison at Malahl. "STANDPATTERS" ARE IN LEAD MasMehasetta Republican Prlmnrle show that Tart Revisionists Are Not Sapreme. BOSTON. Bept. 27 That the opponent of tariff revision and Canadian reelproclt and the supporters of Even 8. Draper of Ilopedale (or the party nomination for lieutenant governor won In ths republican primaries yesterday appeared evident to day, when the returns from the small coun try towns were received. A revision of th figures seemed to show that Mr. Draper had a good lead ovsr Cuiinel A. H. Goettln of Springfield ana Judge Fred D. Hall of Taunton, although many unpledged dele gallons were chosen. ' Today democrat lo caucuses will take place In all the cities and towns except several thU held them yesterday. There but fs con tea Is among the democrats. NORWEGIANS OFFER A PLAN Proposal Made to Refer Matter of Form of Goverameat to People. CHRTSTIANIA, Norway. Sept. 17. A res olution signed by ten deputies M Intro duced In the Storthing at today's session proposing, firstly, the summoning of a con stituent Ptorthlng before the middle of No vember to decide on the future form of the Norwegian government, and, secondly, that final decision of the matter be postponed until after the elections of 190a. PARIS, Sept. 27.-M. Ixjevland. minister f foreign affairs of Norway, today gave the Temps' Chrlstlanla correspondent an uthorlied statement. He said Norway would take steps to secure an early recog nition by the powers.- This recognition would cover Norway's Independent sov ereignty without reference to the question f the government's ststus of anarchy or republic Which would be subsequently determined. , Concerning the offer of the throne to Prince Charles of Sweden, M. Loevland said: The Storthing's offer still operates as it has not been formally and officially rejected But Norway will not make a second offer nor can we wait for an answer from King Oscar. If we do not receive a response very soon we shall consider ourselves re lleved, and turn elsewhere. Prince Charles of Denmark would then be the most avail able through language and nationality, Prince Charles of Sweden, would have re ceived an enthusiastic welcome had he accepted the throne. He would still be welcome, but the people are no longer en thusiastic." Asked what form Norway would adopt if the monarchy la abandoned, M. Loev- and answered: We shall havs to choose between three kinds of republics. First, a monarchical republic, like France, where the president Is virtually king, with a fixed term; secona. an ahanlute reDubllc. like that of the United States, where the president Is autO' cratlo In power, and third, a democratic republic, like Switzerland. This last sat isfies us best and we shall undoubtedly adopt It." M. Loevland read and approved the Inter view. CONFLAGRATION IN COLON All Government Offices and Records and Many Buildings Are Destroyed. COLON, Sept. 27. By sheer good luck the city of Colon was saved from complete de struction by fire last night. The fire broke out In- a" building next to the residence of the Spanish consul and soon destroyed the Phoenix hotel, an American-owned building and two other hotels, several liquor saloons and several tenement buildings. Rowe's building containing the postoffice, the offices of the municipality of the governor, the judiciary and other offices. A fire brigade from Panama arrived at 1 o'clock but by that time the fire was under control. Nearly all the records and documents of the government were destroyed. The burned region comprises two blocks. The American residential quarter was not touched. The sanitary authorities ar erecting tents In the Are sone to shelter the homeless. During the fire many harrowing soenei were witnesses. Among these was the re moval from his home, the body of the 15- year-old daughter of Chief of Police Orltx. The child had died a few hours before the fire started. WASHINGTON. Sept. 27. The Isthmian Canal commission - today received a cable gram from Governor Magoon stating that the fire at Colon had destroyed nearly fifty bouses, but that no government property was Included. The dispatch. says that quite a number of people are without shelter and will be supplied with government tents, Governor Magoon will leave Panama for Colon today. FIREWORKS IN SUEZ CANAL Sankea Wreck Containing Ninety Tons of Dynamite to Be Blown rp Today. PORT SAID, Sept. 27. It is definitely an nounced that the blowing up of the British steamer Chatham, which wss sunk In th Sues canal September owing to the fact that It was on fire and that the flames threatened to reach a quantity of dynamite which formed a part of Its cargo, will take place at B o'clock tomorrow morning. There are nearly ninety tons of dynamite and other explosives on the vessel and much curiosity, not to say fear. Is entertalped here concerning the result of the explosion The Chatham lies with Its navigation bridge showing at a point twelve miles up the canal. The sone of the military cordon was Increased today to Ave miles. The na fives are especially exercised over the re suit of the explosion and many Europeans have left for Cairo. It la expected that no great damage will be done, but that all traffic will certainly be stopped for several days. Two mines, containing 800 pounds of gela tine dynamite, have been placed under th from a point three miles distant. CHOLERA CASES IN PRUSSIA Official Bnlletln from Berlin Shows Two Deaths and . Five New Cases. BERLIN, Sept. 27. The official bulletin Issued today announced that five new cases of cholera and two deaths occurred from noon yesterday, to noon today, making the totals 248 cases snd eighty-seven deaths. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 27. The gov ernment finding that the local organisation for the prevention of the introduction of cholera Into Baltic ports is Insufficient has resolved to proceed at once with the equip ment of floating hospitals for the purposes of Inspection, disinfection and quarantine at Riga, Llbau, Cronstadt and other ports. CHARGES AGAINST JUDGES Three Jurists In Kansas City Accused of Corruption and Mlseoa- davt la Offire. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 27.-Informatlons were filed In the criminal court here today by County Prosecutor Ktmbrell against O. L. Chrlsman and Joseph Mercer, Judges of the county court, and Edward C. Orear. former judge of the county court, charg ing them with corruption and misconduct In office. Attorneys for the county Judges were present In court, who promised to appear for their clients tomorrow and give bond for their appearance. The Informa tions are baaed on the charges that the judges discriminated In favor of certain alleged contractors In letting contracts for county work. A special grand Jury which recently considered the evidence against the judges failed to return Indictments, but made a report which. It Is understood, charged the Judges with Irregularities In Ibelr official conduct. TAFT PARTY ARRIVES HOME Steamer Cerea Hakes New Reoord from Japan to Golden Oat. SECRETARY TALKS OF INSULAR AFFAIRS He gays Insight Into Conditions Gained hy Senators and Repre sentatives Will Resnlt la Beneflclal Legislation SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 27.-The Pacific Mall Steamship company's liner Corea, Captain Zeeder, arrived today from the orient, beating the transpacific record by several hours. Among Its passengers were Secretary of War Taft and most of the members of a party which left with Mm for the far east on the Manchuria on July 8 last. The Corea sailed from Tokohama on Sep tember IT and came direct to this city. omitting the usual stop at Honolulu. The best time for this passage was made by the same vessel, which held the previous record of ten days and fifteen hours. On this trip the ship covered the dis tance In ten days, eleven hours and five minutes, an average speed of over eighteen knots for the entire trip. The steamer Em press of Japan has made the run from Yokohama to Victoria In ten days and ten hours, but the distance between these points Is about 264 miles less than that covered by the Corea. The following members of the original party returned on the Corea: Secretary of War W. H. Taft. Colonel Clarence R. Edwards, Captain J. K. Thompson, Cop tain William Kelly, jr.. Private Secretary Fred W. Carpenter,- Major Guy L. Edlo, Private Secretary James A. Le Roy, Pri vate Secretary W. R. Palgo, 8enator and Mrs. Nathan B. Scott, Senator and Mrs. Fred T. Dubois, Senator Murphy J. Fos ter, Senator Thomas M. Patterson, Repre sentative and Mrs. Bereno Payne, Repre sentative and Mrs. Charles Grosvenor, Rep resentative and Mrs. W. P. Hepburn, Rep resentative and Mrs. George W. Smith, Representative and Mrs. David A. De Armond, Representative and Mrs. William A. Jones, Representative Henry A. Cooper, Representative Charles Curtis, Representa tive George Foss, Representative and Mrs. Eben J. Hill. Representative Theobald Otjen, Representative William A. Howard, Representative and Mrs. Michael Drlscoll, Representative Charles F. Scott, Repre sentative A. A. Wiley, Representative and Mrs. George A. Loud, Representative B. Sherley, Mrs. Sherley, Representative Newton W. Gilbert, Representative Dun can E. Mlckelay, Representative T. B. Me Kinley, R. Clough Anderson, Atherton Brownell, Louis. Chapln, Charles Clark, Miss Clark, Ward E. Copley, Colonel James D. Hill, Mrs. Nagle, Charles T. Jobst, William Johnson and Burr Mcintosh. Conditions In the Philippines. Referring to conditions in the Philippine islands Secretary Tsft In an Interview said: 8oine of the younger men of education have been advocating Immediate indepen dence, it therefore becomes necessary to state with considerable emphasis the policy of the administration on this subject and to say that in the opinion, mere was no possible hope for Independence short of a generation, because the people could not e fitted for self-government in that time. Indeed It will probably take a much longer time. . ' ' - The party consisted, - as Is known, of democratic as well as republican senators and congressmen, and their interviews rep resent all sides of the Philippine question, but with a self-restraint and moderation which cannot be too highly commended. It was tacitly agreed between the members of the congressional party on both Bides that it would be unwise for them to dis cuss before the Filipinos their differences Of opinion, and therefore, that any state ment should be made by the representative of the administration as to the -policy of political administration. Hence the sixht which some of the Irreconcilable Filipinos naa nopea tor, to-wit: a constant combat between the republican end democratic members with the Filipino people as an audience, was not nresented and I cannot express too strongly my admiration of the fatrlotlam my democratic brethren took In he matter of remitting a diffusion of dif ferences to proper places. Congressmen Investigate Tariff. Much time was spent by the congress men In investigating agricultural conditions with the view to the possible effect of a possible change In tariff on the Philippine proauction oi looacco ana sugar. An op portunity was aiso given to those Fill plnoa strongly In favor of Immediate in dependence to present their views. All this was reportea ana will De circulated doubt less in a congressional document. After a week's festivities In Manila the party proceeded on the transport Logan on a tour among me inianos. In Manila. Hollo and Cebu we heard com plaints of the failure of the crops and of the stringency of the times. At Taclohan on Leyte, one of the hemp provinces, and again at Leganpl, the chief city of Albay, the greatest of the hemp provinces, we found the people very happy and a condi tion of prosperity prevailing due to the profitable production of hemp. Returning to Manila, the delegation re aumed lis Investigations while it occupied with conferences with Govenror General Wright, the various members of the com mission, prominent Filipinos and others upon Questions of governmental practice Conditions In Japan Referring to demonstrations In Japan against the peace treaty the secretary said- We heard much while we were at Rh.n. hal of the riots In jHpan. brought about by erclsed. as It seeniPd as If the disturbances were directed against foreigners and eepe. daily Americans. Upon going to the seat of the disturbances, however, we found them to te greatly exaggerated and that their purpose had been confined to the ex pression of hostility toward the ministers and police who had most unwtselv Inter fered with some peaceful nubile exn'ralnn oi oiwapprovai or ine trms or tne treaty. Our party went ashore at Kobe snd a number went to Kl Nikko. Kvoto to k'ln and Yokohama by rail and all were treated with great politeness snd no one waa of fered anv Indignity. The emperor was good enough to send his chamberlain and others to greet us at Yokohama, and the governors of Yokohama and Tokio and the mavnrs of the two cities came to explain the disturb ances were not directed against Americans, but against the police, and such were the results of my Investigation. The trip home on the Corea was verv pleasant. Of course It Is too soon to speak of probable legislation by congress upon Philippine matters, but I sm sure that the trip has added greatly to the Interest In Philippine questions which will be taken bv the members of congress wh'i were In the party and that the more accurate Informa tion which they now have would lead to wise and Intelligent legislation. DISCUSS ONECENT POSTAGE Wholesale and Retail Hardware Dealere Tnko 1'p Question of Re. dneed Rate oa Letters. ST. LOUIS, Bept. 7.-At a Joint meeting of the committee composed of wholesale and retail hardware dealers and the secre taries of the various commercial organiza tions throughout the country, held at the Jefferson hotel today, the 1-cent letter post age question was discussed. No definite action waa taken and the question will again occupy ths attention of the joint meeting tomorrow. Among those who spnka advocating the reduced postage rats were A. T. Anderson, former postmaster of Cleveland, - O.. and George Mcintosh of Cleveland. ' who has had charge of the postal affaire of the National Hardware association tor several year - LACK OF MORAL PRINCIPLE President Butler of Columbia Inl verslty Make Diagnosis of Tronble Hi America. J . NEW YORK. Septr 27. Caustic comment on some modern business methods as re vealed by recent snd current Investigations of onus! public financial institutions was made by President Klchnlaa Murray But ler in his address of welcome to the stu dents at the opening of the college year st Columbia university today. "Just now the American people are receiving some painful lessons In practical ethics," he said. "Put bluntly, the situation which confronts Americans today Is due to lack of moral principle. New statutes may be needed, but statutes will not put moral principle where It does not exist. The greed for gain and the greed for power has blinded men to the distinction between light and wrong. Both ' among business men and at the bar are to be found ad visers, counted shrewd and successful, who have substituted the penal code for the moral law aa the standard of conduct. Right and wrong have given way to the subtler distinction between legal, not-Illegal and Illegal, or better, perhaps, between honest, law-honest and dishonest. This new triumph of mind over morals Is bad enough In Itself, but when In addition Its exponents secure material gain and pro fessional prosperity It becomes a menace to our Integrity aa a people." The honorsry degree of doctors of laws was conferred by Columbia university to day on Baron Komura and 8erglus Wttte, the senior peace plenipotentiaries of Japan and Russia. Former Mayor Beth Low, In presenting the names of Baron Komura and M. Wltte, said: It Is fitting that a university should be stow its honors on men who have brought about peace between nations; for a uni versity stands for the triumph of Ideas, and Ideas that ennoble flourish most In an atmosphere of peace. The soil of our coun try has acquired a new sacredness for us, and may we not hope for all men, because on It. In the city of Portsmouth, the most colossal war of modern times has been brought to an honorable end. In accepting the degree both Baron Komura and M. Wltte sent letters to Presi dent Butler, thanking him for the honor conferred. TIE MEN GET THE DEAD TIMBER Sprarflsh Firm Secures Large Quan tity In Black Hills Forest Reserve. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 27.-(Special Tele gramsThe McLaughlin Tie and Timber company of Spearflsh, S. D., is the suc cessful bidder for the purchase of ap proximately 60,000.000 feet of Insect Infested timber In the Black Hills forest reserve. The Umber is western yellow pine, to which bark beetles have done such great damage that a large percentage of ths trees to be cut Is already dead and the remainder can live but a year or two longer. Sales of this kind, besides bringing returns from timber which would otherwise go to waste In the forest, will doubtless result In rid ding the forest In a large measure of the destructive bark beetles. As soon as the contract for logging, which has already been drawn up by tho fntest. service. , Is signed by the company' and a bond ,has been filed the removal of timber will be begun. W. E. Andrews . of Hastings. Neb., au ditor for the Treasury department, delivered an address here tonight at the Initial pub lic meeting of the United States Civil Ser vice Retirement association. There was a large attendance. The meeting marking the beginning of an active campaign that has been planned by the parent organisation and Its various department branches for furtherance of the scheme to retire super annuated and disabled classified employes In the government service. A committee, of which Dr. L. Llewellyn Jordan of the Treasury department Is chairman, has ar ranged for several of these meetings to be held before congress convenes In its next session. Prominent njen In official life were Invited to addrees these meetings to ex plain why wornout employes of the gov ernment should be retired. JAP SURGEONS WERE BUSY SargTeon Genernl of Nnvy Telia of Precautions Takea Before Naval Battles. DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 27. Surgeon Gen eral S. Suzuki of the Imperial Japanese navy today In his address before the four teenth convention of military surgeons of the United States made what was declared by Medical Director Wise of the United States navy to be the most interesting con tribution of modern times to naval surgery. He sad: Much of our success In the treatment of wounds I ascribe to the fact that before every engagement I ordered each member of the crew to bathe and put on perfectly clean underclothing. In a great many shot wounds fragments of clothing are carried Into the body, and our Insistence on clean underclothing prevented many cases of blood poisoning among our wounded. Our experience during the wa r proved that the conning tower of a warship Is a most dan gerous situation. Fragments of shell pene trate through the silts In the tower made to furnish the commanding officer a range of vision and do great damage. Realizing this fact. Admiral Togo In all the naval engagements directed nls fleet from the rompass bridge of the Mikasa without re ceiving the slightest wound. The vision of the men who Are the guns on a warship must ueceaRarlly be ofr the very best If their shots are to count. He- fore every engagement the surgeons In the Japanese fleets examined carefully the eves of all the gunners. Any of them found with alight Impairment of vision were treated snd If the impairment was too grave to ylild to Immediate treatment they were transferred to another station snd their places filled by men whose eyes were per- CHICAGO WOMAN IS INDICTED Minnie, Alias Fllea Iber, Charged with Tryiag; to Blackmail Ohio's Governor. CLEVELAND. O.. Sept. 27.The Cuya hoga county grand Jury here today returned two Indictments sgainst Minnie Lee, allss Ellen Iber, of Chicago, on the charge of attempting to blackmail Governor Myron T. Herick. One Indictment charges the woman with verbal attempt at blackmail and the other with committing the offense by writing. The arrest of the woman has j been ordered snd It Is expected she will I be taken In ciatody today without delay. CH1CAOO. Sept. 2T.-The police sre try ing to locate Minnie Lee, who Is best known here as Mrs. Lawrence. BRYAN SAILSF0R ORIENT Kehraskaa Leaves San Franlseo oa Steamer Manrhurla for Japan aad Chlaa. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 27 Among the passengers on the liner Manchuria, which silled todsy for China and Japan via Hono lulu, were W. J. Bryan and family an! ' ; - . PACKERS LOSE FIRST ROUND federal Conrt Bale Against Flea in Abatement Filed by Meat King. OBJECTIONS T JURY ARE ARGUED Allegation that the Panel Was Sot Properly Draws Will Be Considered Farther Today. I CHICAGO, Sept. XI. X victory was scored today by United States District Attorney C. B. Morrison In his struggle to bring to a successful finish the prosecu tion of the meat packers. During the argu ment against a demurrer filed by Attorney Morrison against the plea In abatement filed some time ago by the defending at torneys, contesting the Indictment which charges the various packers and their as sociates with conspiracy In restraint of trade, the question of the right of the packers to appear In court at the time of the Impanelling of the federal grand jury to challenge Jurors as they were Impaneled was raised and Judge J. Otis Humphrey decided In favor of the government. Objections to Jary Argoed. The objection by the defendants to ths manner In which the Jury was drawn was then taken up, and at the time of adjourn ment tonight Attorney Rosenthal was read ing authorities supporting his contention that the Jury was drswn from a part of the district without a proper order of the court. The jury was drawn from the east ern district of the northern division of the state and it Is contended by the defendants that the court ordered the jury drawn "from the body of the district," meaning both the eastern and western divisions. The hearing will be resumed tomorrow morning. Max Sulsberger of Chicago, vice pres ident of the Schwarzchlld At Suls berger Packing - company, and E. B. Fish, who la one of the trafflo offi cials of the company, It Is announced today. have been subpoenaed by the government as witnesses In the Beef trust cases to testify against Armour Co. and the other defendants. Two other employes of the Schwarxschild Sulzberger company have also been subpoenaed by the government. Officials of the Schwarxschild dc Suls berger company pleaded guilty recently to charges of conspiracy to Illegally obtaining railway rebates. The offenders through pleading guilty escaped imprisonment, being sentenced to pay fines aggregating $2&,000. Experts Secrets to Come Out. The subpoenas made public today were served several weeks ago, but the matter was kept secret. Traffic Manager E. B. Fish, who has been subpoenaed Is the wit ness whom It was charged in an Indict ment, Attorney Joseph Wetssendach and three other men spirited away to Canada. Government secret service men worked on the case for a long time and finally re ported that Bulxberger and the other three attaches of the company are In possession of facts concerning a meeting of packing officials held within the past year, almost within the time of the grand Jury Investi gation. It was learned. It is declared, that a representative of the Schwarscatld 4 Sulzberger company was seated at the table about which the packers gathered. The details of this alleged ' meeting will. It la hoped by the prosecution be exposed before the jury which tries the packers. Attorney Weissenbach today, however. strenuously denied that the Schwarschlld Sulzberger company Is turning state's evidence in order to "get even" with the other packing companies. He declared that the witnesses will go on the stand under protest. After a search of many weeks the gov ernment officials have succeeded In finding Important witness, George L. Coffin, manager for Hammond A Co., at the stock yards. He has been out of the city It Is declared for some time. He was sub poenaed today. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAr AL Captain Hathaway of the Signal Corps Ordered to Fort Omaha for Daty. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Captain Henry 8. Hathaway, signal corps, has been relieved from duty at the signal corps post at Fort Myer, Virginia, and will proceed to Fort Omaha for duty. The First National bank of Overton, Neb., has been authorized to begin business with $25,1X10 capital. A. V. Dann Is president. N. J. Paul vice president and E. R. Green cashier. - , Iowa postmasters appointed: Arbor Hill, Adair county. T. J. Carey, vice E. Nelson, resigned; Ferguson. Marshall county, O. A. Finders, vice G. W. I.Ingham, resigned. Rural carriers sppolnted: lows Ellston, route 1, Elmer Reasoner carrier, Bert Rea soner substitute. South Dakota Slsseton, route 2, G. O. Klvley carrier, Mrs. M. P. Kivley substitute. GOVERNMENT ATTACKS CARTER Circumstantial Evidence Shows Deals of Former Captala with Greeae and Gnynor. CHICAGO. Sept. 27. Attorneys for the federal government today made a vigorous attack on the defense of Former Captsln -,k.ii 1 r r.-..- k.. ni,K i obr,ln M- Carter, charged with defrauding the government out of 12.500,009. Circumstantial evidence was Introduced to show that on various occasions when large payments were msde to Gaynnr and Greene, the contractors. Carter deposited money alleged to be his share of the di vision of the profits to his credit In a New York bank. The defendant and his attorney objected to the. Introduction of this docu mentary evidence, consisting of bank checks and deposit slips, the objection being based on the ground thst there was no record In the esse that Carter ever received money from the contractors. WILLIAMSON JS CONVICTED Oregon Congressman aad Partacr Foand Guilty of Subornation of Prrjary. PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 27.-The Jury In the case of the United States against Con gressman J. N. Williamson, Dr. Van Gess ner, his partner In the live stock business. and Marlon R. Biggs, a Prinevllle lawyer. at 11:06 o'clock tonight returned a verdict convicting the defendants of subornation of perjury tn ' securing men to fraudulently locate oa government land. The penalty Is from tl.OuO to 110.000 fine and Imprison ment not exceeding two years. Great Westera laereasea Stoek. SPRINGFIELD. 111., Sept. 27.-The Chi- cago Great Western railway certified tgwwe o s-,vw,vuu NEBRASKA WETHER FORECAST Fair Thursday nnd Warmer In South- I wl Portion. Friday Fair and Cooler. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday Hoar. Pes. Hour. Dec. fi a. m nr 1 p. m K.1 A a. m rt S p. m l T a. m Art Hp. m ha a. m tie, 4 p. m K ft a. m...... T1 B p. m at 10 a. tn Trt -rt p. m ...... M 11 a. m...... TO T p. m Tn 11 IM a p. m To 0 p. m Tl ONLY NINETEEN NEW CASES Report of Yellow Fever attention at Pew Orleaaa Most Favorable . for Many Days. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 27.-Report of yellow fever situation to p. m. Wednes day: New cases 19 New foci S Total 2.918 Under treatment 271 Deaths 6 Discharged 2.2t Total jso The remarkable feature of the situation today la the smaller number of cases, the smallest number since the early days of the trouble. A steady Improvement Is shown. The country reports of new cases were: Patterson 1 Baratarla, country. 7 Bayou Natchez.... 4 Mllllken (7 days). .10 Grosse Tete A Terre Bonne par- Rosedale S lsh (2 days) 17 Lake Providence... 1 Second Vice President Harahan of the Illinois Central railroad reached here today In his private car and went Immediately to the Btuyvesant docks for an Inspection of the work of rebuilding there. Mr. Hara han found the facilities ample for handling the Immense grain', cotton and other trafflo which has already started this way. PE.NSACOLA. 8ept.'27.-Followlng Is the official fever report to 6 p. m. 1 New cases 6 Total deaths It Total 116 Discharged 47 Deaths 2 Under treatment.. 61 The disease Is confined to the same In fected districts and no fears are enter tained of spreading, although the authori ties are not relinquishing their vigilance. MIDSHIPMEN MAY STAY AWAY Youngsters of the Knvy Get a Farther Leave of Abseace from School Duties. - Owing to the condition of quarantine now prevailing at the m.vat academy at An napolis, ths admiral commanding has ex tended the leave of midshipmen until Oc tober 7. Thin news was received In Omaha last night, where Midshipmen Alexander Charlton and Fred Patterson, have been spending their leaves with their par ents. They were expecting to start at once for Annapolis In order to report for duty on the 1st. Other Nebraaka midshipmen are at home. Diphtheria and typhoid fever have occasioned a rigid quarantine at the academy. , REJOICE WITH ROOSEVELT tndlnna Yearly Meeting; of Friends Adopts Resolution Commend Insr the Peacemaker. RICHMOND, Ind.. Sept. 27.-At the ses slon of the Indiana yearly meeting of Friends today the following resolution was adopted: Indiana yearly meeting of Friends, now In session, representing 20.000 members, re joices with thanksgiving that President Roosevelt has been the instrument In the hands of Providence for bringing about peace between Russia and Japan, that the sentiment of the nation and of the world so heartily supports him as a peacemaker, and that we desire his encouragement In the promotion by all means possible for the peace 01 tne world. AUTO GOES INTO WIRE FENCE Nebraska Man aad Friends Who Are with Him Are Severely Injured. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sept. 27.-(Speclal Telegram.) Herbert. Wehn. son of Banker Wehn of Bridgeport. Neb., while running at a high rate of speed on Lake Minnehaha boulevard this evening with a party of friends lost control of his big thirty horse power automobile and dashed into a wire fence. The car waa wrecked. Young Wehn received painful Injuries. The Misses Cronjn and O'Conneil and an unidentified young man who were with Wehn were also cut and bruised and their clothing torn to shreds. v LINCOLN MAN HURT IN WRECK . P. Grossenp Internally Injured In Renr End Collision Near Glen wood, Indiana. CONNERSVILLE, tnd , Sept. 27.-In a resr end collision near Glen wood this after noon, passenger train No. 1 on the C. H. A D. crashed Into a freight train. Five were Injured, two fatally. J. P. Grosscup of Lincoln, Neb., sustained a broken arm and leg and was Injured In ternally and may die. , Shortly after the collision a fire started In the debris. Most of the passenger cars and freight was destroyed before the fire was extinguished. FORMER 0MAjA MAN INJURED Shall - Is Fractured by Being Struck by Cars la St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 27.-(Speclal Telegrsm ) Joseph Williams, a newspaper man, was found beside the track with a fractured skull. He had evidently been struck by the cars. Williams was employed for a short time a number-of yesrs ago as an editorial writer on The Bee snd wss also connected with Iowa and South Dakota newspspers. Movements of Oreaa Vessels Sept. 27. At New York Sailed: Teutonic, for Liver pool; Staatendam. for Rotterdam: Citta dl Torino, for Naples; United States, for Copenhagen. Arrived: Oceanic, from Liver pool. At Liverpool Arrived: Iberian, from Bos ton; Marlon, from Philadelphia. Hailed: Majestic, for New York; Westernland, for Philadelphia. At Southampton Balled: Kaiser Wll helm II, fi.r New York. At Onoa Arrived : Montevideo, from New York. Hailed: Slcllia. for New York. At Copenhagen Arrived: Helllg Olav, from New York. At Naples Arrived: Prlna Adalbert, from New York. At Glasgow Arrived: Montevldean, from Boaton. At Queeostown Arrived: Baltic, from New York: Carpathia, from New York At Havre balled: Sardinian, for Mon treal. At Hong Kong Arrived: Empress of China, from Vancouver; Mongolia, from San Francisco. At Cherbourg Arrived: DeuUchland, from New York. At Dover Arrived: Patricia, from New York. At Plymouth Arrived; DeuUchland, from New Turk, QY cjjQjj ,5 QjJ King's Highway it Opened and J07 of ths Fopnlacs is Uncooflned. RECORD ATTENDANCE FOR THE FIRST DAY Idsal Weather Eems to Brief Ont Feople and Start the fnn Early. PROGRAM OF VARIED WONDERS AT HAND Free Chews of a "faifh Order and Frore Oreat Attraction. OTHER EXHIBITIONS WORTH THE MONEY Eleveath Year of the Festivities of Qulvera Promises to Exceed Any of Its Prede cessors. Gates 0en from 8 a. m. until iniunUM Iand concerts. 1 snd 7 p. m. Free Attractions Mme. Ami. aerial artist. 1:35 and 8 p. m." Phil Green, spiral tower,' 4 30 and 10. Stt p. m.; Prince Youtuckey, hlg1! wire acts, 2:10 and 9 p. m.: slide for lite. 1:15 and M p. m. ah snows open at 1:911 ana 7:so p. m. Hancock loops the loop In the stadium at 8:3rt and :S0 p. m. Douglas County Agricultural society ex hibit will be opened this afternoon. ' Today Is Odd Fellows' and Ancient Or der of United Workmen's day on the King S Highway. Attendance at King's Hlsthwny. HO. 19"4. FirsCday 8,267 1,291 One of the jolllest first day crowds that ever greeted the opening of the Ak-Sar-Ben fall festivities passed through the stll-s of the King's Highway yesterday and lent a genuine holiday cheer to the carnival grounds. Everyone entered Into the spirit of the occasion with a sest that augurs well for the success of the enterprise. Promptly at 1 o'clock In the afternoon Dlmmlck'a band and Buahea'a Ballaho Buglers struck up a few lively alra and then the ticket sellers began to reel oft the strips of coupons until well along into the evening hours. Propitious weather had much to do with the splendid showing made on the first day, and those In charge of the Highway made good the promises that the attractions would be ready at the advertised time for the opening of the gates. Free Attractions Good. Mme. Ami, aerial artist; Prince Youtuc key, the clever Japanese high wire and slide for life performer, and Phil Green, spiral tower actor, gave afternoon and even ing free entertainments that were witnessed by large crowds. Mme. Aml'a human fly act, with a sunburst of fireworks In the evening. Is an unusually clever one, while Mr. Green's act Is added to In the evening by a pyrotechnlcal display. These free acts will be repeated this afternoon and evening and twice every day during the carnival. As for the other shows on. the King's Highway C. N. Robinson of the Ak-Sar-Ben committee on amusement, aald last evening: "I have seen all the shows and I must say they re the highest class of entertainment ever furnished at an Ak-Sar-Ben street fair. The amusement committee Is more than pleased with the shows being given on the Highway." A number of thrilling acts with animals are being given at the trained wild animal show. In this concession Mme. Floral n a and M. Rlcardo enter dens of ferocious linns and tigers and make these animals of the Jungles do their bidding In a manner that is little short of startling. - In the Grecian stadium Oscar Babceck loops the loop and files the flume at the same time on a bicycle. Mr. Babcock courts death every time he does this act. the loop being equipped with an eutomatio death trap that must move to the estima tion of a hair to allow the rider to pass through to the runaway. Babcock makes the revolution In two-fifths of a second, during which time a section of the loop must swing fifteen feet. Long; Jump for Water. Charles M. Felton makes a dive of 10S feet from a tower to a tank of water In the stadium, while a number of other high- class acts complete the program in this show. There Is not a dull moment In any of the attractions. There la Peggy from Paris, Clark's Roberta, Zelda, dog, monkey and pony show. Under and Over the Sea, Plng Pong girls. Hotel Topsy-Turvy, Ferris wheel, glass blowers and others, making In all over a score of shows for the enter tainment of the carnival visiters. James Wslsh Is Installing the moving picture show of Nebraska acanea, which, will prove something out of the ordinary run of moving picture shows. The Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben expressed themselves last evening as highly pleased with the way the King's Highway was opened. This afternoon all the Douglas County Agricultural society's exhibits will have been placed and ready for exhibition. Queen LI and Holy Moses, Jr., the riding elephant and came), were kept busy yester day with hundreds who rode these patient animals. The elephant, particularly, seems to enjoy toting passengers around the grounds. Last evening Harold A. Bushea, superin tendent of amusements, escorted a party of newspaper men through the shows end otherwise entertained them pleasantly. Booths for Xarsery. J. L. Brandels A Sons have generously provided two booths on the Highway for the rare of Infanta and small children of mothers who may visit ths Highway with out escort. This feature, the first of the kind to be provided at an Ak-Bar-Ben street fair, is intended-speclally for the out-of-town visitors, although all mothers ar Invited to leave their little ones at the booths while they enjoy the attrac.tlona of the fair. Retiring rooms for mothers wl! be provided and every convenience for the little folks will be furnished. These booths will te In charge of trained attendants from the Child Saving Institute. All shows on the Highway will be In full swing this evening. The booths are being rapidly filled by local merchants. The first of the special days on the High way was designated aa Grand Army of the Republic day and Shrlners' day, while Thursday will be the special day for mem bers of the Odd Fellows lodges and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. . Chief Donahue has assigned Sergeant Vanous for special duty on the Highway. Sergeant Var.ous will be In chsrge of the police on the grounds and the usual good order wiy be maintained. While Chief Donahue realizes the occasion is One of merriment, yet he says he will see that no boisterous conduct Is tolerated. The police force on the grounds will be Increased aa the crowds Increase. KO FLI BDl HBKHY FOR MAYOR City's Chief Refuses to Tap Till Bvea for a King. No ref tewing stand In front of the city, hall, no speech, by. the mayor weloomlnj