TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1005. 10 5 Watch 5 for the Cut Glass Sale Sale of 3 Cut ; Glass 5 Saturday 5 I Fall 5 Wednesday is Bargain Day in Millinery Brandcis leadership i s just as pronounced in moderate priced mil linery as it is in the most elaborate Paris pattern hats. For Wednes day selling we oiler: Smart Strert llata at fl.OO Made In neat turban effects new Hippldrome Bailors, etc. In scratched and tailored felts. Jauntily trimmed with quills, ribbons, breasts and ornaments the season's leading shapes, the colors that fashion favors, at. . Dress and Street Hats at $3.98 Made In newest autumn styles correct fall col ors, handsomely trimmed by experienced milliners, becoming shapes for every face Brandeis variety always the most satisfactory, at. ........ . 1.00 3.98 t & M VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BIUHEIS NEW ANNEX A RIO SAIiK OF RIBBOXB Plain and satin taffetas, moire, Loulsene, i etc., In black, white and all colors, width 1 : up to 6 inches on bargain square in the . annex, at 5c-l6c-15c 49c Ladies' Royal Belts at 49c Latest buckle designs, four cut steel back pieces, made to wear over jacket, very fashionable this season; should retail up to $2.50 each, at , EMBROIDERY SALE New lots of crisp, fresh embroidery just received, new open patterns; a hundred designs to choose from, many wide enough t for skirt flouncings, corset covers, 11 Q M g tf" etc, worth up to 50c yd., at, yd. ArfiV H NEWEST FALL MODELS IN I Ladies' Tailored Suits Freeh arrivals of fashionable all wool tailored suits newest man- H niah patterns and plain effects m long coat suits, Etons and blouses, finely trim m med, new style fea st tures; your choice at 5 Stunning Fall Suils at $19 Stun- ning long Chesterfields neat 5. Hussar styles popular Etons ? finest fall fabrics 1222 M up-to-date mixtnres one a handsome suit specially priced, at 319 Visit New Annex CO BBWHfa See Our New Annex i DR. BRADBURY 1606 FARNAfl Teeth TbrtrmrteA. 3Bc Porcalaln PUIlag 11 op Qold PllllBK $1 up Silver Fllllaga...Bc up CrowM,.,..,.$3.S0 up fUU-......i00 up DENTIST 18 Vaara Sama Location 'Pboo 1754. Bridge Work 9X80 ap Nerves removad with out pal a Loose Teeth M 4 Sofld. iWork cuarantead U yean. ppCTlIffilGAIED FARMS la tlx Tallay of tba GraaJ. Cuaauoa, North Fork anJ Rorinrf I Fork River aaa ia tL Sa Luu aaa Uacoapakgrc Valley. I ot (Jolorado. and tbt r aimintftoa dirtnet of New M.xico. fi a.Ta V' 4 otockrmU.nl aad fruit tfrowintf r. earriod oa ia a way tkt i rrrdatioa to tka furor ia tk cart. tk UDf, i a 1? .1 A-J . I I 1 t or iboh was oaur atu hw aorn., tt.cn w bo otbr ,.fioa tkat oHara kttr aavaataga tkaa wcatora Color. Jo a laaJ of kluo lu. aaa aunakiao. witk a ttnptnt, aad va limat, , wkara tk errtwkiU oaarrt M.J. Wut to k tilled and watered ia order t verily kloeeom a tke roM." Seraral illuetratcd p ulli catkoaa, fiviaa valuakle iaformatioo ia reserd to tke agricultural . kortieukurai aad lie etock iaUreeU of tki great weet- era aeetioa. kae kaea preaarad ky tke DENVER V RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, aad caa ke ok. . taiaed ky addreaein mmmi.t a.K.nuurmi. tj. or i. a i j.w i c :r 1 1 roantucoMU aZ . r- . r ir ' r a I 'sv TEL. W 420 " i 7r Hkans"Ordkr Kau THE MOST POPULAR BOTTLED BEER FOR HOME CONSUMPTION. KEEP IT ON ICE aad have It ready tor via One of the New Fall Shapes The above Is only ona of the many new anapes ire are now showing- for H lau wear. They art all new and a mart and faehionable, fins, clean-cut. artiatlc designs that show quality all through. We Invite all women who are in tereirted In neat and natty footwear at flpauonable price to call at thla tore and Inspect the new styles and good values we ahow at all prices. And our specials at $3.50, $4, $5 FRY SHOE CO. tSfk and Dtuglis Sts. Mr. I Mrs. Morand's Glasses Dancing and Physical Culture Will reopen for children at "The, Normandle," Park avenue and Paclflo street, Friday, October 8th, 4:15 p. m. 12 lessons, 16. Hall, Ames avenue and Twenty fourth street, Monday, October 2nd; children, 4:15 p. in; atiuus, 8 p. m. 12 lessons, ?A. Crelghton Theater Building. Saturday, September 80th; children beginners, 10 a. m ; advance, 3 p. m. Telephone 1041 for terms and particulars. S3f0B Look for name ia strap Have you noticed the air of high breeding which a I i. properly built, cn teistic boot imparts to the man who wears it? Beauty of line, originality of construction, exclusive effect, that's the secret of the Celtic. It is a french ' calf lace boot with exten- b ion sole Get acquainted with this original creation of rlorsheim Most styles are 95 Ak-S&r-Ben-ites for Ak-Sar-Ben Knights on Ak-Sar-Bcn N'ht. r r Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Cut Class Bach article la a veritable piece of art, satisfying- all the demands of the mind trained to the appreciation of the beautiful. fc.sssaj.sj.x.4. iM.ft,fer ' , --Iraf1- -3 iiiiniiHiiui m I rrTi ! arac ulja mi mi DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. CITY VETERINARIAN. Offlce and Infirmary, 2Sth and Mason Bta, OMAHA, KEB. Telephone Sit HOTELS. f When in Chicago" Stop at The P" tssi lHj ig "nessWsrW "tYa Stratford Hotel Ooovalnl. ltaat, block tti or m block to beMft thlreM aa4 sBUswsaoUi wy krt j4 bopptnj ttictncti cuaaioi to tirj bttetssss tMiUsr it wholly iart f ros diti of eujf aula. IwceUd cmmt ot city two Aos4 baMiMarJsu vrlouksi Lk llickts ud Lavk k ruut Psrk (ttu luunti dilLuul lra All uivsair krjsV ruoBt, itu rivst ltli.,lusurloaa wrltma w4 rtiHio romi Woini work tbrsbout brS) itm ad i. mutUr ttMuWut wlefko& la rf tOOsmi baVULVui fliatSkSJ fww ik ks OMMH WKTHRR FORECAS T Hdi4a? Fstlr. I 1 1 t El II I I I W J WEDNESDAY IS RED LETTER DAY MUST SUING BOOK OR MO FRM STAMPS, "SINCLAIR" MILLINERY BM ART, VP-TO-PATE STREET H ATS (NO SAMPLE LINES OR JOBS'. PVT STRICTLY NEW, sweet, clean merchandise, fruin the best renowned ETrRBAN8eAN'p SHAPES OF FELT. WITH VELVET TRIMMINGS, quill or wine embellishments. ' $1.49 $1.98 $2.49 MISSES HATS. M1SSF.S HATS PAINTY MIPSES' HATS-frorr Our own workrooms the popular pressed shapes, in all colors, with velvet bind infra and natty trlmmlne; S3. 49 $4.98 WATCH THE WINDOWS, WATCH THE WINDOWS. imfty Shoes for Fall 3.00 atd 3.50 Gun Metal Calf College Boots, Vioi Kid Patent. Tip; Cushion Sole, Lace and Button Shoes for tender feet, Patent Kid and Co rona Colt Bibbon Tie Boots; Patent Kid, Flexible Sole, Dress Shoes RED-LETTER DAY ONLY-SEVENTY GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS WITH EACH PAIR. RED-LETTER. DAY BARGAINS IN LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR FURS Our new Fur Section, Second Flooor, next to elevator. A Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock of Fur Coats, Capes and Neck Furs. COME IN AND INSPECT IT. Just nrcelvpd, Autumn Wright Tan Covert Jacket Short strap Beams, tight back, satin lined, new sleeves with cuff g 95 New Tourist Coat English tweed materials, -length, prln- if f?A cess effect, very nobby ; ItJU Ladles' Beaver Coats -length, loose back, with new sleeve, O QP colors black, castor and brown Q.JO Children's Genuine Salta Bear RkJn Box Coats With new sleeve. colors brown, blue .and white, sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 years , , Children's Crushed Plash Coats Box effects with belt across back. In brown, blue and green, ages 1, 2, 3 and 4 , READY-MADE PILLOW COVERS. Fifty different patterns of Denim Pillow Covers, neat floral, y JJ Japanese and Oriental patterns, worth fiOc; Wednesday, each DC BIG HAIR BRUSH BARGAIN. Real Bristle Hair Brushes, maple and rosewood backs, worth Q from 20c to 50c; Wednesday, each iJG COLORED DRESS GOODS. 68-lnch Herringbone Covert, Fancy Worsteds, Tailor Check Suitings and plain and fancy Panamas, regular value 1.50; Red- f ff Letter Pay Price, per yard l.UU 60 pieces 4 8-inch Panamas, Tailor Checks, Shadow Check 'Mohair, Bcotcn Mixtures, urepe uiotns, Beige Mixtures, Serges, Sicilians and Henrietttas, regular J 1.00 goods; Bed-Letter Day Price, per yard BLACK DRESS GOODS. 66-lnch Black Panamas, the $1.50 quality; Bed-Letter Day, per yrt, only 3.95 4.95 75c 1.00 We are showing a very Handsome assortment of New Gray Dress Goods 50c to $2.50 per yard. 90c FANCY SILKS. PER YARD, 49c. BO pieces of this season's latest style Fancy Silks for waists and suits, In all the season's mo3t popular color combinations, all new M f and perfect, worth 90c a yard; Wednesday, per yard TfC RED-LETER EMBROIDERY SALE. 100 pieces of extra fine quality Fiounclng and Corset Cover Embroid eries, in Swiss and Nainsook, very fine goods, worth 75c and $1.00 per yard; Wednesday, per yard, 85c and ' dC LACES WITH EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Oriental and Net Top Laces, In cream and white, a lot of Normandy Val. Lace and Insertion, wide Cluny Bands, all worth 25c: fln Wednesday, per yard, only lUC And Ten Green Trading Stamps With Each Yard. A SALE OF VEILINGS. '(Extra Green Trading Stamps.y 200 pieces of fine Face Veilings, in blacks and all colors, fancy t r meshes, worth 35c to 75c; all go Wednesday, per yard lOC Ten Green Trading Stamps With Every Yard. SALE OF BATTENBERG DOILIES. 18-!nch size, with linen centers, some all Battenberg; they are r?i worth $1.00 each; Wednesday, each JlC SALE OF FANCY WAISTINGS. New fancy light weight fancy Wool Waistings, our 60c quality x r Wednesday, per yard ' J Ttf BROOMS! BROOMS! FOUR. TIE PARLOR. BROOM, BEST BROOM ON THE MARKET, EACH ONLY 30c THIRTY GREEN TRAD ING STAMPS RED LETTER DAY ONLY. HAMS! HAMS! HAMS! SWIFT'S PREMIUM, CUDAHY'S DIAMOND C, ARMOUR'S STAR, OMAHA PACKING CO.'S SUNFLOWER, Every Ham Guaranteed, average weight 10 to 12 lbs. each, on sale at 13Uc A trading stampa And thirty green with each ham. A Gigantic Sale of Lion Brand J V Clothing UNDER. 50 c ON A DOLLAR. The Qreateat Genuine Cloth Ins Opportunity of the Seaaopt. LION BRAND SUITS, OVERCOATS and TOP COATS. Suits in cheviots, cashmeres, tibets, worsted, stylish grey effects, new green mixtures, plain blue and plain black eheviots and tibets, extra long and conservative cuta, button Bide or center vents, three or four button coats, styles eminently correct Top and Overcoats in coverts, whip- ' iTv OU cords, tan and brown shades, conserva- lLli3rO tive Oxford greys and black cheviots, . genteel and torrect, worth 122.50. for... LION BRAND SUITS, OVERCOATS, TOP COATS. Finest Imported woolebi, band tailored throughout. ice cloea follower ot taitblon i mente perfect in every detail. top coata and iulU, not ona than 126.00, and a great many nd tailored throughout. r C ion will find these gar- .I stall. Heavy overcoats, I m ia ef tba lot worth less I K f in 1:15.00 JLL U LION BRAND LABEL IS YOUR GUARANTEE. SALE RESUMED WEDNESDAY MORNING WATCH PAPERS FOR GREAT BARGAIN EVENTS L.iasi.a STaaa. SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL THIS WEEK SPECIAL WEDNESDAY BARGAINS. Great Sale of Men's Clothing The entire surplus stock of a manufac turer of high grade men's clothing, includ- ing 2,500 high quality, stylishly cut garments purchased by us at a great bargain will be placed on sale "Wednesday. Suits or Over coats in beet fabrics and latest styles, values up to $18.00, at ' : $7.50 and $10 Interesting Furnishing Bargains. .29c Every one a value of kepnput economical InterMt. Don't mlsa them. Men's Shirts and Drawers Heavy fleece lined. In all slsea, worth up 'IQa to 76c, great snap, at aiJC Men'a Fine Madras Hhirtu In pretty patterns, worth up to 11.00, at, choice Men s Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers Broken Iota, but worth up AC. to $1.60, while they last fUC Ladles' Heavy Ribbed and Fleeced Vesta and Pants Worth 89c, 1CIA greatest values ever shown, at, choice UC Misses and Children's Vests and Pants Well worth 26c, very special f " values, at, per garment 1 lC Ladies' 7Rc Combination Suita In fall and winter weights, gTeat A snap, at ; rf C Ladies' Flannelette Night Robes 76c values, N ' m t i 49c. PEARS, PEARS, PEARS. Pears Fancy Keifer Pears for canning Nothing finer. Today we will close out balance of car of these large one bushel boxes, at, per 1 C box 1.00 Onr Second Car of Floor Is In We bought from one of the largest flour mills In the country ten cars of Fancy High Patent Flour, made from the best Red Turkey Hard Winter Wheat. Today we will commence to 1 X C Beij mis second car, at, per 4H-pound aacK Nothing; Finer for Family Vse. Sugar The Trust is Fighting The freight rate on sugar will advance October 7, which means sugar will be much higher and the trusta are aboqt to call the fight off. Buy your sugar now. Today we will sell tf 20 pounds Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for .1UU KAYDER3 BROS. """" IflHMOUHCEBaEHT! REDUCTION III THE PRICE OF GAS After October 1st, 1905, the price of gas will be $1.25 net After October 1st, 1906. tbe price of gas will be $1.15 net The Omaha Gas Company begs to announce that the price of gas will be reduced to all consumers ten cents per one thousand cubic feet on all bills contracted after October 1st, 1905, and payable on or before the 10th of the folio-wing months. Bills will be rendered at - - - $135 Per M. With a discount of 10c per M - - .10 Per M. Making the net price $1.25 Per UL A further reduction of ten cents per one thousand cnbio feet will be made on all bills contracted after October 1st, 1906, payable on or before the 10th of the following months. Bills will be rendered at - - - $1.25 Per M. With a discount of 10c per M - - .10 Per M. v Making the net price $1.15 Per M, . These reductions are made in accordance with the policy of this company in its endeavor to give to ita patrons the best service at the lowest price. OMAHA GAS COMPANY I BltBBlalltlMIlH From Nebraska Points Direct to Chicago. In addition to three daily trains, Omaha to Chicago, through service is also offered from other points on the main line of the ' Union Pacifio railroad to Chicago by the Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Railway. Through sleeping cars, both standard and tourist, and through chair cars are operated by this line. All ticket agents sell tickets east by this line. Ask them to do so. Leave Omaha, 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m. or 8:35 p. m. F. A. NAGH, General We tarn Agnt,' 1524 Farnam Street,. OMAHA m M t H 0 8 N n N M M i M 3 N H M s