Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. Omaha's Preferred Advertising Medium is The Bee. For News Quality and Quantity The Dee Greatly Excels, ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1005-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. W I. 1 TERMS OF ALLIANCE Teit of low Treaty Betweea Great Britais aid Japan Given Out T9 PRESERVE PEACE IN FAR EAST Paramount Intereeti of Jaoai in Corea Bpooifloally Itoagnini GUARANTEES iPCN DOOR IN CHINA Integrity of too Empire and Bighti of All Rations to Bo Pmerrod. WILL DEFEND EACH OTHER'S RIGHTS In rr of Attack I poo Territory of either Party, Both Will Make War ana Acre to Peace la Commoa. LONDOJf, Sept. 27. The text of the new agreement between Oreat Britain and Japan, which wu signed bjr Lord Lans- downe, the British foreign aecretary, and Baron Hayashl, the Japaneae mlnlater to Oreat Brltrln, on August 12, was Issued by the Forela-n office late laat evening. The mnmamtnl. Hnrum.nt til a. brief One. COIT11 prising leaa than 800 words, Including- eight irtlcles and a preamble. Accompanying the agreement la a ltter from Lord Lansdowne to the Brltlnh ambassadors at St. Peters burg and Paris for transmission to the Russlrfn and French governmenta respec tively. In which the foreign aecretary courteously reviews the agreement and carefully points out that the new defensive alliance is not Intended as a menace, but rather aa a guarantee of peace and pros perltjr In the far east, tn which all coun tries may participate. Alliance for Defense. The main features of the new agreement have already been forecasted In the As sociated Press dispatches from London and Paris. The pithy articles of the official text, however, bring out forcefully the tremendous Importance of both countries of this alliance, which practically makes Oreat Britain Japan and Japan Great Britain for the purposes of defenses "In the regions of east Asia and India." This Inclusive of India specifically as a point at which any aggression by a foreign power will call for the assistance of Japan finds much favor with the press of London, the morning papers In long laudatory articles welcoming the new and more extensive al llance of the two Insular kingdoms west And east as giving Immediate relief from the dangerous thunder cloud which for so many years has hung over the Indian fron tier. are Gtaraalee of Peace, Baron' Hayaahl, who was Interviewed by the Associated Press after the publication Of the agreement, said: The new treaty forms an effective safe guard against the renewal of disturbances In the far east. That is its object. We can not say that a permanent peace has been ecuredthst Is too much to be sure of sue we can aver that tranquillity has been mured (qr a long time to come. This r pltes rx.t only to Oreat Britain and Japan, but also to aH powers having political or commercial interests in tnat part 01 tn world; In fact, to all who have been inter eeted In maintaining the status quo. I repeat that the treaty is a sure guar antee or nac. for that Is its aim and oh ject. it should be clearly recognleed by all that It is not meant as a menace to any nnc It has no aggressive Intent. Its only onjeci being to secure the peaee of the world so far as the far east Is concerned. The treaty is so clearly worded that no further com ment Is needed .and I am convinced that it will form, aa was Intended, the most power ful factor for peace. I hope that the peo ple of both countries will realise tills and will keep to the spirit of the treaty for a very long time to come. Meets Ken Conditions. Sir Charles Dllke. In speaking to the As sociated Fresa, took the position that the new treaty makes no change In the pre existing status quo. but said It was an In evitable consequence of the new conditions In the far east and that It was certainly a stronger guarantee of the maintenance of peace than the previous alliance. He argued that Russia was never really a menace to the Indian frontier, but played on the sus ceptibilities of Great Britain. With regard to the attitude of Persia Sir Charles did not believe Russia would risk ' a quarrel with India. ' Wbile there Is some criticism of the treaty In the radical newspapers. It Is only half-hearted, and London, anxiously await ing the breaking of official silence as to the document, heaves a sigh of relief and greets the positive assurance of the future assistance of the powerful ally in all mat ters pertaining to far eastern policies. The Preamble. The preamble reads; The governments of Oreat Britain and Japan, being desirous of replacing the iiteetnent concluded between them January In. 19J2, by fresh stipulations, have agreed upon the following articles, which have (or their object: A. Consolidation and the maintenance of general peace In the regions of eastern Asia sna .inaia. B. The preservation of the common In tercets of all the powers in China by insur ing the Independence and integrity of the Chinese empire and the principle of equal opportunities tor tne commerce ana in riustrv of all nations In China. C The maintenance of the territorial rights of the high contracting parties In the regions of eastern Asia and India and the defense of their special Interests in the said regions. Teat ef the Treaty. The text of the treaty Is as folows: Article 1. It is ;f"ed that whenever In the opinion either of Oreat Britain or Japan any of the rights and Interests referred to in the preamble to this agreement are in leooardy. the two governments will com municate with one another fully and frank ly and will consider In common the measures which should be taken to safe luirit those menaced rights or Interests. Article J. 8lKuld either of the high con trading parties be involved in war In de fense if Its territorial rights or special In terests the ether will at once come to the assUtanoe of its ally and both parties will conduct a war in common and make peace In mutual agreement wun any power power's involved in such war. Article . Jaixin possessing paramour political, military and economic Interests In I'orea. Oreat Britain recognises J a nan riant to take such measures for the KUld arue of Corea as she may dwin proper and necessary to safeguard and advance those Interests, providing the measures so taken are not contrary to the principle of equal opportunities tor tne commerce ana in dustry of all nations. Article 4. Oreat Britain having a special Interest In all that concerns the security of the Indian frontier, Japan recognises her right to take such measures In the proximity of that frontier as she may find necessary for safeguarding her Indian pos session. Others Are Barred. Article 0 The high contracting parties agree that neither will without consulting the other enter Into a separate arrange ment with anothsr power to the prejudice of the objects described In the preamble. Article As regards the present war between Japan and Russia. Oreat Britaia will continue to maintain strict neutrality, unless soma other powsr or powers Join in hostilities against Jspan, In whih case Oreat Britain will come te the assistance of Japan, will conduct war In common and will make pace in mutual agreement with Japan. Article T The conditions' under whlon armed assistance shall be afforded by either DISTURBANCE IN VIENNA .irnrr House Austrian Parliament Has Riot i Opening, ranted rlallsts. I VIENNA. Rfi -When the lower house reassembled tc the opening moments were marked b - umultueus eoclal-demo- h cratlc demonst n against the premt'r. Baron Oautsch Frankenthurn, who ha Incurred the w of the social-democrats by his attitude he question of electoral reform, having scd the emperor to re fuse to consent he Introduction of uni versal suffrage in Hungary. The uproar lasted for some time, shouts of "withdraw" and "resign" being heard above the general din. The premier ultimately succeeded In ob taining a hearing and reminded the house of the government's promise faithfully to execute Its agreements with Hungary, pro vided the latter fulfilled Its part, especially continuance and completion within a stated time of the commercial treaty negotiations. Should Hungary not agree to the Austrian views of this point the government would take steps for the protection of Austrian In terests. The premier further declared that an Incorrect view had been taken of his at titude toward universal suffrage for Hun gary. He claimed he had not exercised al leged decisive Influence In the matter and said he made a principle of not Interfering In the Internal affairs of Hungary. SMALL LISTS OF NEW CASES Yellow ftfor Situation at New Oiloani Continue! to Improve. PHYSICIANS SEARCH FOR FEVER GERM Dr. Pothler Annonnees That Investi gation of Cells la Thirty-Five Capes Prodneed I m par. tent Hesnlts. NEW ORLEANS report to ( p. m. : New cases Total to date Deaths Total to date New focr I'nder treatment .. Cases discharged .. Sept. SR. Tellow fever TIGHTEN LINES ON TURKEY EtroiMs Power Show Determlna- tlon to Assume Financial Cob. . trel of Macedonia. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 28. A collec tlve note from the six powers has been handed to the porte declaring that their decision to assume International control of the finances of Macedonia Is unalterable. The note Informs the Ottoman government that the foreign delegates appointed as con trollers will arrive at Salonla October 1 and requests that the necessary Instructions be sent to the provincial authorities so that the delegates may enter on their functions without delay. There is Increasing friction between the British embassy and the porte in conse quence of the delay In the payment of In demnity to the owners of British dhows attacked by Arab pirates in the Red sea. The embassy's latest note pointed out that unless the matter was soon satisfactorily settled the Incident would assume a graver aspect. PENCIL IN HIS APPENDIX Chlrusto Rnker Recovers Five-Inch Writing; Stick He Swallowed Two Years Agra. CHICAOO. Sept. 28. Robert Hanners, a bnker, 24 years old, walked Into the County hospital this evening and announced to the physician In charge: "Doctor, two years ago I swallowed a lead pencil and I be lieve tt Is bothering me a bit." The doctor laughed at him, but Hanners stuck to his story and complained of a severe pain In his right side. His case was diagnosed as appendicitis and as ft ease that required Immediate operation. The pencil, live Inches In length and sharpened at one end, was found embedded In the appendix, as Hanners had predicted. The patient explained to the physician after the operation that a friend of his two years ago had "bantered" him to thrust a pencil down his throat as far as It would go. He put It down so far that It slipped from his fingers. It had caused him no trouble until re cently. The physicians say that Hanners will recover In a short time. SI 2,ff9 5 3K 7 1238 With three successive small lists of new cases It begins again to look as though the situation was Improving. A group of four cases among nuns In the convent of Per petual Adoration, on Marals street, was re ported by the attending physician. The In fection there was discovered three weeks ago through the death of a sister, and a few days ago two more cases developed. Now four more are reported. s The country report was meager and Indl cated no new points of Infection. , Search for Fever Germ. More Interest centers here now In the question whether or not the yellow fever germ Is to be destroyed as the result of the Investigations that are In progress than In the fever Itself. Dr. Pothler In his report says a careful study of yellow fever blood had shown regular focus of certain cells hitherto either unnoticed or not described, which seem to be undergoing developmental changes. In thirty-five separate cases these cells have only once been found after the third day of the fever and then on the fourth. It Is admitted that the stegomyla only becomes Infected If she bites the patient within the first three days of Ill ness. Dr. Pothler makes no' claim that his Investigations have established the germ, but he says that If this same cell Is. found In the body of the mosquito durlngMhe twelve days of her Infection, and If It tal lies In every respect with the cell In the human blood, he will be able to announce the discovery. Though the deaths were more numerous than Saturday, the fever situation today la regarded as showing unmistakable signs of Improvement. Two Deaths In Pcnsncola. PENS A COLA. Fla.. Sept. 28. The yellow fever situation here today shows Improve ment. During the twenty-four hours end ing at 0 p. m. two deaths and eight new cases were reported. Two of the new esses are from the Oermsn ship Kaiser, from which four persons having the fever were removed yesterday. Following Is the official summary New cases today Total to date Desths today Total to date Cases under treatment Cases discharged JACKSON, Miss., Sept. 3. The Missis sippi yellow fever report tonight shows only one death In the state at Natchei. Three positive esses were announced at Port Oib- son and this Is the only new point of Infection. LEGAL TANGLE IS WORSE Attorney Tow Asks for Receiver for the "Western Life Indemnity Company. CHICAGO. Sept. 16. A new complication was added today to the legal entanglement of the Western Ufe Indemnity company. Federal Judge C C. Kohlsaat granted per mission to Attorney Clark Varnum to file an Intervening petition for the appointment of a receiver of the company. Attorney Varnum told the court he represents claim ants who have been unable to collect In the aggregate $30,000 from the Western Ufe compsny. The case went to a bearing on a de murrer filed by the defendants, the de murrer attacking not only the Jurisdiction of the court, but the form of complaint In the bill. A charge that officers of the Western Life Indemnity company have violated the oral restraining order decreed by Judge Bethea at the first hearing was made to day before Judge Kohlsaat by Attorney 8. O. Levlnson, appearing for some of the policy holders. The attorney declared that money had been disbursed by the officers since the proceeding before Judge Bethea. The charges that the company was being "milked dry" were mele at the hearing before Judge Kohlsaat, :y Attorney Levln son of the complaining foUoy holders. "The company is paying money on Its big con tracts," said Mr. levlnson, "anil Is being milked dry. It has lFsied a statement giving its assets as In7.00O on May 1. Now the assets are $300,000." Levlnson said that he hadx been told by Mr. Long, formerly attorney for the com pany, that the concern had paid the claim of a bank said to be involved In the $125,000 deal between President Rosenfeld and Pro moter Gray. "The company may transact ordinary business, but the assets may not be used for anything but to pay death claims," ruled Judge Kohlsaat. Investigation of the affairs of the Western Life Indemnity company by a state exam iner today brought to light facts tending to show that claims of perhaps thousands of policy holders In assessment companies have been practically wiped out through company manipulation. Examiner Lucius Fouts discovered that no fewer than eigh teen small Insurance companies have ter minated their existence by merging Into the Western Life Indemnity company. "That means," said the examiner, "that the policy holders of the original companies have gone through a sort of evasive process, which leaves them practically uninsured although they are still paying their premiums and have been doing so for years. "This condition Is not practically the fault of the Western or other absorbing companies, for the absorption is done ac cording to law." Judge Kohlsaat continued the argument until next week. The court Instructed the defending attorneys to let the affairs of the company meanwhile remain In statu quo CITI COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Ifayor Vetoes Appropriation ftr Continuing Paying Repairs. DOLLAR GAS MAN STARTS A RUMPUS Letter Accusing Conacllmen of Acting; Infalrly Draws Hot Retorts from Members, Who Feel They Are Aggrieved. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Wednesday and Thnrsday. Temperatnre at Omaha yesterday! Hoar. Ilea. Hoar. Dec. On. m 6T I p. m eMt n. m T i p. m MO T a. m AT it p. m '! ft a. ni tin 4 p. m Kl t a. m T1 It p. m 1 10 a. m 74 p. m n 11 a. m T T p. ra Tl 13 m NO N p. m Tft f p. m T4 FATAL TYPHOON AT MANILA . 8 .1Ci . t . 14 . 51 . 44 CONTRABAND OPIUM SEIZED F. R. Stevens and 'Wife annT George Berger Arrested by Customs Officials In Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 28. George Ber ger, local superintendent of the Pullman Palace Car company, wna arrested this afternoon by customs officers on the charge of smuggling. With him was taken F, B. Stevens, better known as "Big Steve," and Steven's wife. The customs men caught the trio at the depot as Berger waa carrying valise to the train for Mrs. Stevens. The valise contained thirty pounds of opium. Berger denies his guilt, saying he Is a victim of circumstances. Stevens finished a term In prison last April for smuggling more than a ton of opium from Victoria to Seattle. All the opium was seized at the time, and tt waa the largest single seizure ever made In the United States. . QUAKERS MEET IN RICHMOND Eighty-Fifth Annual Session of In diana Yearly Meeting Be. gins Today. RICHMOND. Ind.. Sept. 21!. Preparatory to the opening of the eighty-fifth annual session of the Indiana yearly, meeting of Friends tomorrow morning, the meeting of the ministry and oversight was held today. Hundreds of Friends are In the city and more are arriving on every train. After a sermon at this morning's session by Rev. Jacob Baker of Adrian. Mich., the business of the meeting was taken up by calling the names of the visiting delegates. At the afternoon session the credentials of Rev. Albert T. Ware of New England and Angellne Lobes of Indian Territory were read. The latter Is an Indian of the Ottawa tribe. Papers were then read on the spiritual condition of the church and Rev. J. H. Douglas of California made an address on missionary work, calling special attention to the work being carried on In the Arctic circle of America. RECEPTION FOR ROCKEFELLER Frlenda and Neighbors ef OH King Congratulate II I m on Fifty Years Residence In Cleveland. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL "Mew National Bank Commence Bnsla mour. S. Authorised ess at Ar. D. to (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 28. (Special Tele gram.) The application of H. H. Smith, W. W. Wedding, Dennis O'Flaherty. W. W. fmlth and J. C. Hand to organise the First National bank of Armour, 8. D., with 6,000 capital, has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. William Kissinger has been appointed regular and Louis Kissinger substitute rural carrier for route 1 at Olenvllle, Neb. Rural routes Noa. 1 and 2 have been or dered established December 1 at South Shore, Codington county, 8. D., serving 1.0AO people and 211 houses. WILL RUN OPEN PRINT SHOPS The Minneapolis Typothetae Throws Down the Gauntlet to Typo graphical I'nlon. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 26. The Minne apolis Typothetae has taken a decided stand against the Typographical union. It agreed not only to force a strike with the printers by refusing to sign a contract en forcing closed shops, but to pay afiy wages It saw fit. "We do not have to pay $18 a week if a man Is not worth it." Is the state ment accredited to one of the master printers, "but $10 or $12, or whatever we please." The contract with the union printers ex pires October 1 and the employers will force the eight hours' strike originally called for January 1'by posting open shop notices In all Job offices In Minneapolis Im mediately upon the expiration of the con tracts. (Continued Beous4 Page.) POLITICS IN SALT LAKE CITY American Party Organised to Com - bat InBnence ef Mormon Church nominates City Ticket. SALT LAKE CITT. Utah. Sept. !6.-The American party, organised to oppose the Mormon church in city and state politics, today placed In nomination its first muni cipal ticket with Eira Thompson as Us candidate for mayor. Mr. Thompson, who is a mining nun and capitalist, waa for merly mayor of the city, being elected as a republican. The platform adopted charges that "the Mormon hierarchy owns both the republican and democratic machines." Both republicans and democrats will nomin ate complete tickets. STEAMER SINKS A SCHOONER One Member ef Crew la Drowned and Captnla ef (raft Pretests. NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Seit. N.-Tbe steamer Bay port Captain Jensen, enroute to Boston, with coal, ran down and sunk the schooner Job H. Jackson, Captain Wil liamson, off Thimble light last night. Ona nemner or tne scnooner crew was drowned. Captain WllUainaua filed ft pro test here today. CLEVELAND. O.. Sent . -Several nun dred Teprsfittatlve mn o-tlevnland called upon John D. Rockefeller, at his home In Forest Hill this afternoon and through Andrew Squire, a prominent attorney, and I E. Holden, proprietor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, expressed to Mr. Rockefeller their esteem for him as a citizen and as a grest business man. ' The gathering Included merchants, law yers, clergymen, educators and men In humbler walks of life. Forming at the lodge, the entrance to the estate, the as semblage walked up the steep hill to the old-fashioned summer home overlooking the city and county. Through Mr. Squire tvery person was presented to and shook namls wltn Mr. Rnckereller. There were personal statements of good will from those wno greetei .Mr. Kockereller, who In re sporlse thanked each person for their kindly expressions and esteem. Mrs. Rockefeller was present. After all the guests had been presented to Mr. Rockefeller an adjournment was taken to the veranda and In the presence of the entire assemblage which had gathered on the lawn immediately below, Mr. Squire made an address to Mr. Rockefeller, giving expression to words of eulogy and regard for the tran whom he said had been a resl dent of the city for fifty years. After an address by L. E. Holden, presl dent of the Plain Dealer Publishing com pany. In which he spoke In appreciation o Mr. Rockefeller's numerous benefactions to the city, Mr. Rockefeller made a brief ad dress In response to the greetings which had been spoken. His remarks were almost entirely reminiscent of his residence 'In Cleveland and of the growth of the city. He aald. speaking specially of the younger men present, that there Is something more to life than mere money getting. "Turn your thoughts upon the higher things of life," said Mr. Rockefeller. "Be I of service to humanity. Turn your thoughts ! into channels of usefulness; look forward to determination that something useful shall come out of your success. Let your ques tion be: "What shall be the fruitage of my career? Shall It be the endowment of hos pitals, churches, schools and asylums?' Do everything you can for the betterment of your fellow man and tn doing this you will enjoy life the better." In vetoing the ordinance proposing lo ap propriate $8,000 to continue the operations of the munclpal asphalt repair plant on an emergency plea. Mayor Moores used some of the ruddiest language that ever came from the executive In an official document. He said that en emergency In the meaning of the charter does not exist and bfames the council for cutting funds too close at the beginning of the year, so as to make the tax levy rate low. As an additional reason for his act the mayor said: I do not propose to make myself a target for any dishonest damn fool of a crank who may be a political enemy of mine and for personal and political reasons may seek to nnnoy me and my bondsmen by bringing ult purely on some technical point wherein nave approved an expenditure ot -money nut to his liking. As the city attorney had Informed the council that It requires the mayor, as well as six members, to pass an emergency ap propriation ordinance, that body simply bowed Its head to the Inevitable and placed he papers on file. Through the efforts of Councilman Nicholson a concurrent resolu tion was adopted directing the engineer to use the repair plant In patching holes chargeable to persons and corporations who open streets under permits. The comptroller s Instructed to place the money collected for the service In a special fund to be used n defraying the costs of the asphalt plant. City Attorney Breen sad that the arrange ment Is legal and means that from $l,nr to $l.uiw worth of repairs can be made that otherwise would have to wait until spring. He said that about $2,000 Is due now, prin cipally from public service corporations. who are willing to pay and for whom the comptroller will make out bills this week. An exceptionally large amount of pave ment cuts have been made by public serv ice corporations this year to run pipes and mains to new buildings. Dollar Gas Man's Letter. The reasons of Frank M. Gregg, the $1 gas franchise man. for leaving the city without pressing his mission, given under dater of September 18, provoked a few fire brands of eloquejice. Mr. Gregg's letter Is: It wss the intent of our visit to Omaha to submit a $1 gas franchise to your notice, but for some unknown reason we were re fused a hearing by the malorltv of the council. Havlna bepn denied this courtesv on Thursday, we are confronted on Satur day wtui an apparent change of heart, but we have every reason to question its sin cerity. The proiiosltlon of a thirteen year franchise waa submitted to us in an in formal manner by a member of the council Having refused to entertain anv such un. businesslike proposition. It Is now brought forward by another member after It had been emphatically refused on our part. Still a third member talks about a $100,000 oonus. ail or which makes it apparent that ruch qulbbllnga and dlckerlngs are not evi dence of good faith, but are mere subter fuges for killing our franchise. We feel sure thnt the attitude of the majority to- waros i gas is so hostile that a hearlne. now would only lead to further unbusiness like statements referred to above. We have no Intention of asking the mem bers of your honorable body to act sponsor for our franchise, as we are Informed the sole function of the council is to act ss a channel through which our proposition is in rencn tne people, we nave every r son to believe that this channel wsv is h.lnr obstructed by Impossible propositions, which anxwrrs rne same purpose as tnough a hear ing was never granted. The attached franchise Is the same which has already been made public, offering Illuminating gas at $1 per thousand, gas public building M cents, and $12 per street lamp per annum. It Is unnecessary to prolong this com munication further than saying that our proposition for giving Omaha $1 gas Is still open. We are ready to return to Omaha and take up further negotiations when we are assured that the majority of the council will agree to make our franchise already submitted the basis of our negotiations, snd not attempt to Kill It with Impossible pro visions, knowing before submitted that the same were unbusinesslike and could not be conceded. Cnnncllmanlc Retorts. Councilman Dyhall said: "If Mr. Gregg says he did not have a chance to be heard by this council he speaks an untruth. Six members, or a quorum, were present on the morning set and there was no disposi tion to prevent him from presenting hJa case." Councilman Hoye I differ from Mr. Dy ball. There were six members of the coun cil, hut as soon as an adjournment was taken to hear Mr. Gregg, Mr. Back put on his hat and got out of the door, breaking a quorum. Five Persona Killed Injured In Storm. and Many Are the NEW YORK. Sept. 28. The Evening SUn has a dispatch from Manila reporting a de structive typhoon In that city. The nstlve districts were swept away, 1,000 persons are homeless, five Filipinos were killed and 200 persons Injured. Hundreds of houses were unroofed. Thousands of electric light wires were blown' down, filling the streets with flames until the current was turned off. The city was In darkness when this dispatch was sent and all street traffic was sus pended. It was believed shipping In the bay had warning of the approach of the storm, but up to the time the dispatch was sent the ships were Invisible on account of the rain and had not communicated with the shore. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. -The War de partment today received a cablegram from Manila saying that the transport Logan has been delayed from sailing from that place by a typhoon. No mention Is made of damage to property. CARTER ON WITNESS STAND Former Captain ays Payments Made to Greene Were for Women Frlenda of His. CHiCAOO. Sept. 28. Attorneys for the fpfleral government today continued the cross-examination of former Captain O. M. Carter In the proceedings brought to compel Carter to turn over $500,000 to the national treasury. Assistant District Attorney F.rwln went into financial transactions which Carter had with B. D. Greene, one of the contractors with whom It was charged the former army officer was In collusion for the purpose of robbing the government.. Carter said that the checks which he made out to he paid to Greene were for the pur pose of having the contractor pay certain moneys to women of whom Carter wished to keop Mr. Westcott, his father-in-law. In Ignorance. It came out at this Juncture that Oreene was an officer of the engineer corps of the United States army and a graduate, like Carter, of West Point. The former captain said that Oreene was his personal friend and that for this rea son he had asked Qreen to act In a matter which Carter did not wish to have made public. It was purely a personal matter and waa entirely foreign to any business dealings, according to Carter's statements. SHAW WILL RESIGN Secretary of tho Treasury Ainonnooi that Eo Will Looto Cabinet. LETTER TO IOWA POLITICAL CLUB 8a;i Ha Will Ketiro from President'! Offi cial Family February 1. UNABLE TO VISIT HAWKEYE STATE NOW Deniioa Statesman Buiy Preparing for Opening: of Congress, WILL BEGIN CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT Active Canvas for the Republic Nomination for Chief Esecu tlve to Commence tn DES MOINES. la.. Sept. 28. Secretary the Treasury Islie M. Shaw will leave tha cabinet February 1. 1908. He makes tha definite announcement today In a letter to the Polk County Republican club. In hlk !er answering a request for a date for an address. Secretary Shaw stated that he would he busy preparing for tha coming session of congress and would ba unable to return to fowa until February 1. upon which date he expected to retlra from the cabinet. Shaw will then begin his presidential campaign among his low friends. , ieeretary haw Interviewed. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. In reiterating his declaration of last March that he would leave the cabinet about February, Secretary Shaw said tonight: "I shall leave the cabi net about February 1, which has been well known since I entered It. 1 have announced that I would remain comparatively a short time, I expected to get out last March, but consented to remain longer because cer tain Interests kept me there, but I shall go next February," OFFER FROM TRACTION LINES Chicago City Rallvrnya Will Make Large Concessions for New Franchises. CHICAGO. Sept. 28. A definite proposition for a new franchise grant to the Chicago City Railway company and the Chicago I'nlon Traction company was made by the companies to the city council this evening. The companies offer In consideration of a twenty-year franchise grant by the city for all the existing lines to waive their alleged nlnety-nlne-year rights at the end of the MORTON WILL REPORT TODAY President of Fqoltable Will Tell Board of III rectors That Assets of Society Are Intact. NEW YORK. Sept. 28. A statement was given out from tho office of President Paul Morton of the Equitable Life Assurance so ciety today to the effect that at a meeting of the directors of the society, to be held tomorrow, Mr. Morton will report that the Equitable society has paid out from Jan uary 1 until August St. 116. in death claims, annuities, endowments, purchased policies and other benefits the sum of over $24,000,000. The statement says: This Is an average of more than $118,800 for every working day and has been done in the regular course of business. The money all went to the beneficiaries of the society and In many instances was the sole re liance of those receiving It. Mr. Morton will also report that tha e pert aeconntantg have not yet completed their work and that It will be fully two weeks more before It Is concluded, Enough is already known to enable him to say thai the securities and real estate of the society are all Intact and that their values approxi mate those exhibited by the official re ports. Any changes In the value of stocks of real eststa will be toward conservatism. The expert accountants are far enough along with tfjelr work for Mr. Morton to assure the directors that any future dis closure of miscarriage of funds will prob ably refer to moneys which the society might have received, hut which never came twenty-year period: they promise to Im mediately rehabilitate their lines so as to I Into its treasury, with which Its books do give throughout the city an electric service of single cars run In such numbers as the city council may think proper; they will give through service between the north and west sides of the city and transfers enabling a passenger to travel between any two points for a single B-cent fare, and they offer to give to the city a graduated percentage of the gross earnings ranging from t per cent to 10 per cent. PACIFIC MILLERS EXCITED Fear Lower Rnllrond Rates Vrotn Missouri River Will Hurt Their Trnde. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28 A clash be tween the milling interests of the east and of the Pacific coast la Imminent. The cause Is the decision that the Interstate Commerce not deal, and which have never been shown or claimed to be assets. That there are esses of this kind he has substantial proof, but what the amounts are and where the money went to he cannot say at the present time, although he believes that his char tered accounts will soon ascertain everything. TWO KILLED BY RUNAWAY CARS Break Away llde at Iron Mines and Col with Train at Guernsey, I PnnnHlmnn flrihi-n.!.. T waa V,.,. & . a o'clock, the time the meeting was called. ' r",r l" "acnea re- Dyball and Huntington appeared and about Tln? th" f 'rentlal on the overland rail- tun 1'iirquuii livn IU tail I'KCIIIQ coant points on corn and commoa I. The un- SUIT TO ANNUL CHARTER Attorney General of Kansas Alleges That Officials ot Kansas City Fall tn Enforce Liquor Laws. TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 28. In the state supreme court today Attorney General C. C. Coleman brought suit to oust W. W. Rose from the office of mayor of Kansas City, Kan., a suit to oust James Oibson from the office of county attorney of Wyandotte county, and a suit to oust the city of Kan sas City, Kan., from the exercise of corpor ate powers. The bringing of the three suits is tVe re sult of alleged violation of the state pro hlbitory law In Wyandotte county and Kansas City, Kan. HERRICK BEFORE GRAND JURY I and gainst j lng Governor nf Ohio Testlflea A Chicago Woman Who Attempted to Blackmail Him. CLEVELAND," Sept. 16. Governor Her rlrk went before the Cuyahoga county grand Jury today to give evidence on which will be secured Indictment against a Chi cago woman who is alleged to have at tempted to blackmail him. The governor was accompanied to the grand Jury room by a Chicago detective, who it Is stated had been at work In the case. Governor Her rick declared that the woman had per sistently attempted to blackmail Mm (or sivra4 PARKER ON TRIAL FOR MURDER Decapitation of Victim by Coroner Causes Much Feel in.. PENDER. Neb.. Sept. 26 (8peclal Tele gram). At the preliminary hearing which began this afternoon of Samuel Parker, charged with the killing of Andrew John son, Mrs. Johnson, he wife of Andrew, tes tified that she did noi consent to the decapi tation of Johnson although Sheriff Young and Coroner Volk maintain that through the Interpreter, Gerry Meyer, they obtained con sent. Commissioner Singhouse, Hiram Chase and Waido Whit comb are employed for the prosecution and Attorney T. L. Sloan Is for the defense. There are some twenty-five witnesses in this case and the trial will be prolonged for several days. Suit will be Instituted it Is said against Dr. Ralph, who held the post mortem. Sheriff Young. William Volk, the coroner and Gerry Meyer, Interpreter, for the tak- not be Introduced at the preliminary bearing. PRIVATE JOE FIFER TO RESIGN Former Governor ef Illinois Will Retire from Interstate Com merce Commission, BLOOMINGTON. IU.. Sept. 28-Former Governor Joseph W. Flfer announces that he will retire aa Interstate commerce com missioner as soon as certain Important mat ters before the commission are settled, prebabljr about January I 10:30 Zlmman. I waited until 10:46 and. having some business to transact, left. Ten o'clock means 10 o'clock to me and not 11. Hoye, Nicholson and O'Brien of the so called minority were not here when I left. The minority !s to blame If Mr. Gregg did not have a chance to be heard. Now, here is Mr. O'Brien, a man of his word, where was he when Councilman O'Brien Yes, sir, I am a man of my word and I always keep It. That is more than you do. The records here prove you are a falsifier and a liar. Councilman Schroeder Oh, no, they don't Councilman O'Brien Yes, they do. I President Zlmman Tut, tut, Mr. O'Brien. There is no need of going on that way. Councilman Hoye That doesn't dispose of the fact that Mr. Back ran away. Councilman Back The meeting was ad journed and I had a right to. Nothing was said about hearing Mr. Gregg. I guess I had a right to go when the meeting was adjourned. I did and I'll do It strain If I want to. President Zlmman Mr. Clerk, proceed. Report on Wnter Pressure. The committee on fire, water and police, composed of Councllmen Schroeder, Evans and Back brought In a long report con cerning General Manager Fairfield's criti cisms on the city attorney for what the latter had said about deficient water pres sure. The report, which was adopted, sat down heavily on General Manager Fair field and sided with Mr. Breen, on the theory that recent and former tests of the water pressure found It short of contract requirements and not affording "ample fire protection within a radius of 1.000 feet" from the hydrants without the use of hand or steam engines. It was asserted that the city attorney was Justified In his remarks about the water company, and he Is In structed to go ahead and resist the suits of the company to collect full hydrant rent bills for the last half of 1&04. By way of emphasis the report pronounced the rates of $M and $ yearly for hydrants much too high for the quality of service rendered. Bills at the full amount should not be paid unless the 'contract Is Oiled, declared the report, and In short the city attorney was held up for admiration, respect and esteem. Economy on Reviewing; Stands. The council decided to practice economy derstandlng is that the differential on corn and cornmeal Is reduced from 10 cents to 6 cents per 100 pounds. This reduction. If I', shall be put In force, will enable the eastern millers to have a great advantage over those of the Pacific coast and as a result of this consideration coast millers are stirring about In this city and elsewhere to try to have a rehearsing or ine lacis in me nope oi securing a new decision. CHEYENNE. Wyn., Sept. J8 (Special Telegram). A string of loaded cars got away from the Iron mines at Sunrise on tho Colorado A Wyoming railroad in the Hartville district, 100 miles north of here this afternoon and running down the moun tain crashed Into an accommodation train standing at Guernsey station. Passengers and crew did not have time to Jump from the accommodation train, which was tele, scoped by the runaway cars. Tha dead are: I.EN BRIOGS, conductor. Sunrise, Wyo. MRS. A. W. I. ADD, Hartville Junction, Wyo. Injured: William Morgan, brakeman and Charles Meyers, brakeman. An hour after the first accident another wreck occurred between Guernsey and Hartville Junction In which a train hand was badly Injured. 1 BONACUM-MURPHY CASE ENDED Final Mandate of Supreme Court sues Dismissing; All Pend ing; Actions. Is- LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. 2.-The final mandate of the supreme court has been Issued In the long pending Bishop Bonacum Father Murphy case from Seward county, disposing of all the litigation which has been pending without prejudice to any further action that may be taken. It la believed that a certified copy of the man date of the court will be forwarded to Rome by Father Murphy, the Seward county priest who has achieved a victory In the litigation after he had been excommuni cated by the bishop. The effect of the mandate. It Is stated. Is to hold that the bishop has no standing In the civil courts pending the final adjudi cation tn the appeal to Rome. BRYAN WRITES TO PRESIDENT Fight I rges II I m to Stand Fast In for the ReaTulatlon of Railroads. rl Continued en Beoond Ptge Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. 28. At New York Arrived: Bovic and Ca ronia. from Liverpool; Kaiser Wllhelm drr Orosse and Grosser Kurfurst. from Bre men. Sailed: Kron Prins Wllhelm, for Bremen: Cretlc. for Naples and Genoa. At Ponta del Gada Arrived: Canoplc, from Genoa and Naples. At Glasgow Arrived: Fumessla. from New York. At Ixmdon Arrived : Georgian, from Bos ton. At Liverpool Sailed: Corean. for Boston. At Gibraltar Hulled: Koenlg Albert, for New York. At Naples Arrived: Montevideo, from New York. Sailed: Citta dl Napoll, for New York. At Marseilles Arrived: Gerir.anla, from New York. At Rotterdam Arrived: Potsdam, from New Vork. At Chrtstlania Sailed: Oscar II, for New York. At Hamburg 8alled: Luxor, for Ban Frenclnro. At HavraSaUed: Montreal, for New Yuxk. LINCOLN. Neb.. Sept. 26.-W. 3. Bryan has written another letter to President Roosevelt, which was made public to-night. He says in part: To President Roosevelt: Permit a part ing word. You have the contest of your life before you. and 1 desire to render you all the assistance In my power. You have asked congress to enact a law so enlarging the powers of the Interstate Commerce commission as to permit it to fix and enforce a reasonsble freight rate, and the railroad lobby was strong enough to stop 1n the senate the bill passed by the house. The railroad magnates expect to block the passage of the bill again. Stand by your guns! You have developed a reform element In the republican party; you must lead It or suffer the humiliation of seeing the leadership pass to someone else. Co forward: you owe It to yourself, you owe It to your party, and. more than all. you owe It to your country. w.j. &n i n. IOWA BRICKS FOR PANAMA Four Thousand Tons Go froi York to Pnvemenla In Colon. Maw NEW YORK. Sept. 26.-On board a steamer which sells todsy for Colon Is a consignment of 4 000 tons of vitrified brick for use In repaying the city of Panama. This is the tlrst shipment made on a con tract recently awarded by the Panama Canal commission to a Dubuque, la., firm for l.ono.000 bricks of the vitrified type, ca pable of withstanding the damp climate of the Isthmus. Altogether the shlpmaaU) will amount to 10,0(4 dm.