Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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ZrSi Li
Entire stock of the most elegant imported dress goods and silks bought from Mme.
Mercedes, 133 W. 56th St., N. Y., one of New York's most exclusive modistes
12 '
zj n
n,rm Li Vi c
Brandeis' New Aimex Is Noiv 0pe7i
First section of our new store and Mrs. Benson's for-,
mer store made into huge new salesrooms- Temporary
entrance through Mrs. Benson's store and our arcade un
der Douglas street, directly connecting with our present
1 ILalfWrferg' jTfjg
Brandeis Bosion Store Now 1 Blocks Long
Our connecting subway under Douglas street join first
Iwr of new ccti(jn with Irst jtt.or of present store.
NOW L OCA TED JUbbons, Notions, Dress Trim-
IN NEW ANNEX -nings, Neto Millinery Section, Cut
Flowers, General Offices.
The choicest, most exclusive goods that were specially imported by Mme. Mercedes for her fashionable New York clientele. This includes all her rarest Fall Dress Goods, Unmade Dress Robes for street and evening
wear elegant Autumn Silks many imported novelties Chiffons, Velvets for evening wraps and costumes, Laces of all descriptions, Trimmings, Ribbons and Dress Linings. This establishment had the patronage of some of th
most select trade in all New York and the goods were chosen for their elegance and perfect style. A splendid opportunity to buy exquisite fabrics for Ak-Sar-Ben Ball Gowns and Horse Show Costumes.
We wish to assure our patrons that we have never before in our entire history been able to offer a more
elegant assortment of fine dress fabrics. This offers a rare opportunity to buy the most exclusive dress stuffs
at prices that arc absolutely less than the cost to import to this country.
$3 and $4 Imported Dress Goods at $1 Yard In this rnatchluss assemblage are the finst of this
seasons s goods ordered by Mme. Mercedes for this fall and winter s select patronage it embraces many
exclusive novelties in the best English and Scotch cloths in dress lengths, coat and skirt lengths, the P
most elegant Yorkshire worsteds, Drap Carreau, Cashmere de Inde, Drapv d'ete, prunella, serge foule,
. toile poplin, chiffon, exquisite fabrics for partv dresses, broadcloths, waterproof cloths, etc. MONDAY
$2 High Quality Dress Goods at 69c Yard In this assortment is a variety
that Includes-every style that is new and fresh,
every color including black and cream, fine sheer
goods, French and Austrian chiffon broadcloth,
Hnoclr in A m a 7nn c r a m ol'c Viain f - r r r.iii i-r.
fine veilings, double warp cashmeres, in checks J
and pla.ids, etc. on big bargain square, at
$1 and $1.50 Dress Goods at 39c Yard All the finest goods in Mme. Mer
cedes' stock that were worth as high as $1.80 a
' yard hundreds of varieties fancy goods for ju-
venile dress and young ladies' costumes, black.
white aud all colors also a splendid lot of fancy waistinga for fs jj
wrappers and shirt waists on great bargain square, at, per yard
Beautiful Unmade Gowns, and Dress Robes for Street and Evening Wear
A marvelously beautiful array of unmade robes, the highest class of exclusive imported
novelties very speeially priced during this great dressmaking stock sale.
Dress Trimmings
and Laxes
from the Dressmaking Stock
All of Mme. Mercedes' highest
class novelty laces, in medal
lions, galloons, bands and edg
ings, also the finest dress trim
mings, spangles, beautiful
medallions, etc. many seen for
the first time in this country,
worth as high as $3.50 yard,
at, yard "
In the superb array of silks from Mine. Mercedes stocks are high art novelties from Paris and
Lyons, exclusive dedgns in single dress patterns, charming silks for evening wear, pretty silks and vel
vets for entire gowns the window display for the past fexo days has been an object of feminine delight.
They go on sale at about one-third their value. , .
Mme. Mercedes $150 Silks at SOc a Yard Novelty chif-
fon poplins shirt waist silks, plain and changeable rustling taffetas, bright
plaids, all silk louisenes, peau de cygnes, black peau de eoie, black taffetas, etc.
an opportunity of an unusual nature to buy silks actually worth to $1.50 yd.
Fine Imported Silk, worth up to $4 att $1 amd $1.50 per yard
Drap d'Eusis, Drap de Milo, broche Damas, French chameleon, chif
fon tailetas, pompadour messaiines, iancy u: j
crepe de chines, radium brilliant, double wicun
Paris mousselines, embroidered chiffons, etc.
most superb showing of silks that are worth as
high as $4 a yard at, yard ,
Exquisite Imported Dress Silks at $3.98 Yard The most elab
orate silks suitable for entire evening gowns, ball costumes, horse
show and evening wraps the designs are of the most artistic con
ception and the silks were chosen 'by experts as dl N QQ
the most elaborate and high grade silks that are P 'ji O
manufactured in the world they are valued as high . ;
as fifteen dollars a yard. During this great sale we IJ
wr i J
and m
offer them at, per. yard
Latest novelties In high grade Appliques and Costume Net, tine Imported Lace and Spangled Robes, each, Q.
from $9.98 down to
Fine Apparel
Special Designs for sC'Tf
Horse Show Wear
Tomorrow we will shoic a number of ab
solutely new models in gowns and demi
costumes especially designed for horse slww
wear; also some exquisite new arrivals in
evening wraps, specially suitable for Ak-Sar-Ben
ball, horse show, theater, etc.
Opera. Coasts.
Evening Coati tid Wraps
In the long effects, to Bt inches, doeskins,
silk and alllace, in empire, Napoleon and
viantle shapes -a rich assemblage in white
and delicate light colors Q t CA
a range of prices frvtn... J ulJt
Ladies' Elaborate Evening
Gowns and Demi Costumes
Extremely handsome designs in drap d'ete,
crepe de chine, laces, nets, etc. -many are
exact conies from expensive models of for
eign sttile masters, daintiest of light pastel
shades, suitable for the most brilliant fash
ionable occasions a fl f UP C 1 O Q
range of prices from CpJZr to laO
Eleant Tailored Suits
Tht highest point of tailoring art is em
bodied, in these slunmn'j dress suits a
wide variety,
Sep&.rft.te Skirts
The newest style features n tlegant cos
tume tkirls, alll the leading colors and'r. .....6??u,p47??
Dress &.nd Evening Waists
The higliest class of fashionuble Jap
waists in silk and lace effects a charming
3?! $25
randeis' New Annex
Special Sales Monday Throughout
This Immense New Sales Room
The opeuing of our annex was a tremendous triumph. Thous
ands of visitors thronged the broad aisles and admired the great, brilliantly lighted
salesroom. The annex is directly connected with our preseot store through our Ar
cade subway under Douglas street. The temporary entrance on 16th street through
Mrs. Benson's former store opens a broa d avenue of nearly a block and a half of mer
chandise. We invite your inspection hundreds of very special bargains.
A SaJe of Silk Ribbons eJ 5c and 10c Yard Big bargain Bquare
filled with all kinds of high class silk, ribbons all col-
ors, variety of width3-aotually worth as high as Ills''
33e yard, at, yard kJs
Ladies' Fa.ll Neckwear The newest, most up-to-date
fall 6tyles in stocks, tabs and four-in-hands autumn
shades extremely pretty new ideas worth upto23o
Our Great Jewelry Section. Annex
. A special showing of the finest Japanese goods leather bags, Net
suki bags, carriage bags, etc.,' in the odd Jap patterns, now so popu
lar in London and New Yorkv Jap leathers beautifully stamped in
fanciful designs, beautiful frames, lined with silk tapestries prices
from $5 to $12.
As an extra special Monday we offer 100 Netuski bags with ivory tops, embossed
figures on all silver the large fancy Jap trimmings jewelers price
Is regularly four dollars and nve dollars will go
Monday at
Little Jap change purses, dainty J Large size Jap change purses,
decorations, at ....... 1C at
In our beautifully appointed new department we are showing a splendid line
of fine toilet sets, silverware, rings, watches, beads, ornaments, cut glass, etc.
genuine bronzes, high art goods, etc.
Two Extra. Specials
6,000 sterling silver thimbles from
baby size to No. 12 thimble, sells in
a regular way at 25c. Monday Clf
. we offer them at, each J
Cut glass wine glasses,' whiskey glasses
and beer glasses, worth up to "tQ
one dollar, at JtJ
Optical Department
Gold filled spec
tacled and eye
glasses, fine lenses, 179
worth $3.50. at
Elegant Millinery
TfLABOBATE dress functions call for the highest grade of
artistic millinery. It is here, even more man ever, inai nranr
deis style leadership is pronounced. We show a large number of
bewitching models brought from Paris and New York especially for
the Horse Show.
Gold plated frameless eye glasses, QQ
a $2 value, at JOC
Stunning Dress Hats ai $10
A splendid assemblage of the most
graceful dress hats, rich in color blend
ina and revealim the unvarying good
taste of Brandeis' high class hats
the majority of thete styles are abso
lutely exclusive they
were designed by the
leading millinery ar
tists of this continent
a ricn. variety, at-
styles are abso-
A Brilliant Array of Paris
Pattern Hats The choicest
confections of the most renowned Pa
risian designers, selected and imported
ex. resslyfor Brandeis themost lavish
array w p JTC JXC
beheld in
the west
We have stocked our new millinery section in the Annex with the
the swellest dress and street hats ever presented at a popular 0?
price every fashionably correct shape every accptel fall shade-hats of the p
highest artistic character - would ordinarily command JttO; Jr
jflTlCX .,,., "
Evening Hats, Theater HaU, Carriage Modes, Handsome Suit HsU-An ex- 0$Q
tremely meritorious array-new autumn models, trimmed most effectively with plumes, g
tips, ornaments, etc., at
A vast variety of the highest class trimmings for tall aivl winter huts-feallitrs, plumes,
breasts, flowers, etc., at very special pruxs Monday.
Artloom Couch Covers Portieres
W r agents for. the famous Artloom goods that are ad
vertised throughout the entire country and f QQ and
Universally commended for their high quality -SO up
Nottingham Iate Curtains, SO Inches wide, 34 yards f En
long, per pair ittJU
Ruffled Swiss Curtains, S yards long, 40 Inches QO
wide, per pair t VOW
Mission Curtains, very new, Ivory and Arabian, O QQ
per pair -"J
New styles of Portieres, (0 Inches wide, S yards f QQ
long, per pair VO
Couch Covers, full S yards long, 50 inches Qfip
wide, each vo"
Curtain Bwlas in dots, stripes and figures, M and f Or1
0 iuches wide, yard
v e wf fP k -a K- m m n it m
Great Linen Sale Monday
Manufacturer's sample line of fine all linen Pattern Tablecloths
all 2 yards wide and 2 yards long worth $3 and $4 greatest
bargain In Pattern Tablecloths ever offered In Omaha, each
tl fine full bleached Scotch. Irish and
Austrian Butln Tuble Damask fH
at yard i-JC
i!x) and 3oo bleached and Team
Table Damask yard
So Turkish Wash Cloths
each IC
26c Stamped Onterpleies and
Dollies each
Fifty-cent Hemstitched Linen Scarfs
and squares OKf
each -
16c Hemstitched IJnen Scarfs ilOc
and Squares each w
20c extra large Fringed and lOc
Hemmed Towels each "
60o all linen Hemstitched Towela 2Rc
Special Prices ii New Fall FLugs
Klne Room Size Rugs In all grades, from finest Tapestry Brussels to
highest class Wiltons, at Brandeis famously low prices.
Savalan Wilton the best rug shown In
Omaha Oriental patterns and colorings
XZ.T. 37.50
S-3xlt)- size jJg
Body Brussels Itug l-st five-frame rug
medallion and alloer t'erslan
"S.'tr. 27 50
SxlO-f slsa $25
Just arrived a new Hue of Smith's A
inliiHter Rugs all the new fall imi-
terua, none reserved, easily
worth fJ8our price
Nine-Wire Tapestry Brussels flui
splendid wearing quality in floral and Per
sian patterns
1 5.98
The New Enlarged Shoe Department
Twice As Big As Ever
Ail the Novelties of the Season
Complete Lines
51 Styles " Florsheim" $5 Shoes
for Men
3S Styles Dr. Reed's $5 Cushion
Sole Shoes for Men and Women
The Red Cross $3 50 Shoes
The Biit Eezi $3.00 Shoes
The American Girl $2.50 Shoes
Men's HiK Class
The Rogers-Peet & Co. clothing for
fall emlMMlles all the most desirable
points of made-to-order clothing
absolutely correct in style and the
materials, workmanship and finish
are of the highest order
$15 to $30
The Ak-Sar-Ben Ball and the Horse
Show, not to mention a hundred
other lesser functions demand full
dress. We save you fully half the
tailor bill and give perfect satlbfuc
tlon $17.50 to $32.50