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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1905)
J NEWS SECTION. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1905 FOUR SECTIONS THIRTY-SIX PAOES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. INTEREST IN RULER Norwtj and 8wedan Gpecaltt ai to Who Will Taka Empty Throna. KING OSCAR EXPRESSES NO PREFERENCE Old Baler of Sweden Will Be Guided Entirely by Bifctdag. REPUBLIC IS NOT AN IMPOSSIBILITY Storthing En More Fewer Than Moat Ealen Woild Like. FARMERS OF SWlUlN ARE ORGANIZING Co-operative Association Formed at Stockholm to Promote Baying and Belli of Prodocta of the Farm. STOCKHOLM. Sept. :3.t8peelal Cable gram to The Bet'.) The commission de cided the union controversy and officially scaled the dissolution of the union. The arrival of the communion was character ized by the absence of all demonstration on the part of the good citizen of Karl stad, ins excellency, Mr. Lundberg, wa elected chairman of the Swedish delega tion and his excellency, Mr. Mlchelsen, was elected chairman of the Norwegian delegation. It then agreed that each of those chairmen should act aa general chairman of the commission one day at a time in turn, and at the suggestion of the Norwegian delegation, the Swedish chair man lead the first day's sessions. It was furthermore decided that two sessions should be held dully and that the proceed ings of the sessions should bo kept secret. The first day's session was characterized by a quiet and peaceful deliberation and favored with warm, sunshiny weather. w.ilch, after many weeks of rain and si firm, seemed to be a good omen for the success of the negotiations. The Norwegian pi en seems also to be characterized by unqualified good will, but under this quiet surface it is obvious that there are doep and strong currents. After this first gen eral session both delegations held separate meetings In the evening, and. as these ' meetings were very protrac'.ed. It is sup posed that many serious matters were dis cussed and many obstacles were tried to be overcome. The Norwegian statesmeu were not prepared to give way to the le- culrements of Sweden without a brave diplomatic struggle. After the unanimous plebiscite, or referendum, the Norwegian delegates do not dare to put too strong a damper on the high expectations of the Norwegian chauvinists. The provincial press of Norway declares that the con-di'loi- put up by Sweden are Intended to destroy the future of Norway and to make It defenseless. The Norwegians do not .like to speak of the frontier fortresses, but try to pans them over In Jocular man ner. The question of trans-Soandlnavlan traffic also seem to contain many difficult problem. Karlstad Is now one of the moat pros perous and Important of Swedish cities, largely owing . to the mighty river Klara Elf, which brings to Lake Venner Its main water surply. brings down timber from the mountain forests and affords a chan nel of navigation far Into the Interior of the country. Just as an Illustration of what great damage the Norwegians could Inflict on Sweden It may be mentioned that by building a comparatively short canal the Norwegians could lead off the waters of this mighty river Into the Glom men river and leave the Klara Elf nothing O'BRIEN TO RE-ENTER FIELD Will Revive Dublin .Newspaper nd Fight Lradiri of lotted Irish League. Rl'BLIN, Sept "3. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) In an advertisement announc ing the early revival of his weekly news paper. "The Irish People," Mr. William O'Brien, M. P., says: While the people of the south, who have had an opportunity of weighing my argu ments, are In overwhelming numoeis in favor of a return to the policy of two years ago, the provinces of linster and t'lHter. wnlch an ricnendent on "Tile Free- I man" for their information are caretully aepi in ignorance ol my views anu nave faiien easy victims to the misrepresenta tions circulated by the emissaries of the triumvirate. I nless the country Is to sub mil to the suppression of tree speech more audacious ttian any ever attempted by Dublin castle, a remedy must be found for this state of things. 'The Irish People" will immediately resume its work of ena bling the nationalists of Ireland to consider the arguments for a return to the only national policy which has received the sanction of the country by all but the un animous vote of every representative nat ional authority. In doing so "The Irish People ' will be exercising a fundamental right under -the constitution of the United Irish league in taking the decision upon great national issues out of the hands of a usurping and self-elected triumvirate in Dublin and submitting It to the Judgment and free public, discussion of the people. By the triumvirate, which he charges with having usurped the control of the Vnltd Irish leugue Mr. O'Brien Is under stood to mean Messrs. Dillon, Davltt and box ton. In a letter to the I.and and Labor associ ation at Hill street, County Cork. Mr. O'Brien, makes a furious attack on the three nationalists politicians, whom he styles the Dublin triumvirate. He says: The time has come when this clique of intriguers who have been spared so long and have so lll-reiuitel our forehearance will have to be dragged Into the light of day. If they would even now relax their grip on the throat of the popular organi zation It would be quite possible to force a great laborers hill as well aa a great land purchase amending bill triumphantly through Parliament, with the assent of all parties. But before either laborers or farm ers or nationalists can affect anything they must first face their duty, however dis agreeable, of demanding an account of their stewardship from the highest pinnacle of bucccsb to the verge of ruin, and who have nothing better to orTer the country than the reverend gentleman, who at 'the Glan mire branch meeting the other day pre laced two volumes of rambling abuse of me with the confession that as to the real business for which tills movement was founded he did not intend to say anything at all at that meeting, for the reason that there was nothing In particular to be dis cussed and considered. Notwithstanding the silly bo:ist from such quarters, it will probably be found that aa soon as the Dubiin intriguers come out In the open they will discover in mid -Cork and elsewhere that the country will find something more serious to be discussed than bunting down me and all who agree with me for being true to the only policy to wnicn tne country has pledged its approval. growth of lof;:: Capita1 of Great Britain J - lation at a B- V.e V n Popu- BIRTH AND DEA TE BITH LOWER Rate Snicide Showi Ho Alarming Symp tom! in the World'i Metropolis. INSANITY ANI POVERTY ON THE INCREASE Different Parti of Oity 8how Btrange Vari ation in Health, MUNICIPALITY ENTERS LINES OF TRADE Coaaty Council' Report Shows that Many ladastrles Are Mow Paraned by the Coaaty Board. t ublished by the London county council, presents a mass of figures almost over- helming. Greater London today contains 30 per cent more people than the whole of Canada nd 40 per cent more than Austrajasla from British New Guinea to Tasmania. The In habitants of Norway arid Switzerland com bined come to little more than three-quar ters of London's great family. Each year he capital receives art increase equal to he total residents in Middlesboi ough. Allowing for the growth since the last census the total population of London and outer London today cannot be much lesz than 7.000,000. The increuse is centrifugal In distribution. Tile population of the cltv has declined 80 pen cent in a century and for every five people sleeping there in 15 there is only one today. The county of London has in the same time Increased six fold, but the Increase In Inner London has GOVERNMENT HELPS MILITIA Scotch Volunteers Secure Travel Pay from Homes to Pla.-e of Review. LONDON. Sept. 23. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Owing to the discussion that has been raised and the heart burnings caused In Military circles, the War office baa final))', issued, the following official ex puliation of Its attitude toward the con veyance of Scottish volunteers' to Edin burgh for the king's review: tn reference to the Scottish volunteer re view by his majesty, the king, there ap pears to be considerable misapprehension in reK.irn iu wie reaponsiuilliy lur me ar rangements. The War office did not order or In any way Initiate the movement, but on being Informed that his majesty was pleased to review tne scomsn volunteers made every effort to further the scheme. The precedents were, however, against making a grant or money toward the com veyanre of troops to the palace of review and no money had been voted for the pur- i pose.' but a dry sandbed. It 1. for this and The local authorities on being r so .In- other equally ;mporiani reasons inai owe den Insists on guarantee's for the continu ance of unmolested transpenlnsular traffic. Want Swede oa Throne. It la rumored that both the Swedish king and the Riksdag have come to the conclu sion that It would be far more advantage ous for Sweden to have a Swedish prince on the Norwegian throne than an outsider and of late a very energetic propaganda U aid to be carried on In high court circles for the candidacy of the Swedish prince. Carl. Nothing definite can be asserted on this point, horwever. for the members of the Riksdag are not now assembled, and. the king has declared that he will give or re fuse his sanction to a proposal for Prince Carl to ascend the Norwegian throne all according to the expressed wish of the as sembled Riksdag. In Norway there la a distinct factor clamoring for a king from aorrte of the ancient Norwegian dynasties, which are not yet by any means extinct or obscure. There Is another factor, however, which reqii state to make this a special case, stating that a sum or zzn.nno would be stifnclent The Army Council gave the same soeclal consideration and eventually means were round ny wnicn tne money couifli n pro vided, though at the expense of other serv ices, the administration of the turn and the conduct of the review being placed at once In the hands of the general officer commanding. The Army Council has done all In Its power to assist the Scottish volunteers In carrying out a scheme which thev them selves had Initiated, but which thev found themselv'-s unable, without assistance, to bring to a successful Issue. This Is the first occasion on which the War office has provided funds to cover the traveling expenses of volunteers proceed inn to a royal review, RICE CROP OF JAPAN RUINED Rulay Weather Makes Harvest More Than Quarter of Crop Impossible. of TOKIO, Sept. 23.-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) The rice rmn of .tmn haa k..- tends toward a acmocrauc rcpuniic. oin. .lrno.. ...,iiv mine hv i.-.. It cannot be denied that Norway by se- lh Quarter of . rPOn wlM h. ," curing a SwedUh prince for the Norwegian ! rni TM, a yery ,.rlou, caIamlty for mrum. wuum - ,;,,, a, a arge proportion of . ,nnab Hunts gain their livelihood from Its cultl vatlon. Even with a good crop Japan Is obliged to Import more and more rice eac year to supply the ever-Increasing demand I.Ast year, for example, the rice "harvest was one of unprecedented abundance, beini tl per cent above the average. The crop realized Jfi4. 000,000 bushels. Nevertheless the value of rice Imported was consider ably higher than the previous record level, reached In 1903. The figures were 130.000,000, as compared with FS.OiO.000. Of this amount India's share was more than one-half. The cultivable area being limited, the In crease In population and prosperity largely accounts for the marked Increase In the amount of Imported rice. The cultivable r.rea Is about 7.000.000 the revolutionary act of June 7, and Swe den's consent to a Swedish candidacy to the Norwegian throne could In a measure be construed aa an approval of Norway"! revolutionary action. Should, however, a Norwegian request be held forward for a Swedish prlnee for the Norwegian throne, and such a request should be entered In the protocol of the present conference at Karlstad. It Is obvious that Sweden could not give Its consent to such a throne can didacy before the future form of Norway's state government Is formulated and fixed, for at present a king on the Norwegian throne would be utterly Impotent before the Storthing, whose omnipotence has been clearly demonstrated by late events. Fur thermore, "eden cannot give Its consent SWINE DISEASE IN ENGLAND Hoc Are Dying; by Hnadreds and People Are I nettle to Care The as. LONDON. JScpt. 23. (Bpeclul Cablegram to The Bee.) Great Britain Is suffering from the ravages of a disease which threatens to carry pit all the hogs of the Vnlted King dom. Pigs are already dying by hundreds In the Cambridgeshire pens from a new and mysterious disease, hitherto unknown In the country. In the parish of Chatteris between J00 and 400 pigs have died within the past three weeks. This would not be o bad In Itself. 1 but the Infected area is extending Itself with marvelous rapidity In every direction. Cmet,f the greatest sufferers Is a young farmer named Heading, who has on several occasions had to bury fat swine a score at a time. A great pit is made and the pigs are thrown In and covered with mould, dug from the grave In readiness for the next batch. Dozens of cottagers have lost their only pig, and altogether the parish Is In a panic. So terribly swift Is the disease that the veterinary surgeons are helpless. The swine become drowsy, In a short time they are a mass of purple siota and death usually occurs the following day. The Inspector of the Board of Agriculture on one visit found nineteen large pigs, worth 126 each, dead at a farmhouse, and three days later there were fifteen more care at see. The disease Is variously known aa eryslp elns (although It has nothing In common with human erysipelas, except the redden LONDON, Sept. S3. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Two hundred years ago when Kensington was a rural village and Blooms bury a favorite sulurb for duelists eome wise citizens met In conference to debate how to prevent the Intolerable and un ceasing growth of London. They could have discovered no pTun, for London U still growing and spreading out- ard and upward with cumulative rapidity. Each year It sucks in fresh village, each Ing of the skin), swine tyrhus and St. ear its central streets mount higher and Anthony's fire igher. The new volume of "London Sta- I It Is also prevalent at the present time In tlx. ' ' n .....l.. ....l..M 9 r i ! - , T". i IT 1.1. 1.... in'ii'irivun vuiuiur vt wi ii.c. uri inaii , me Dunru m iir-miu iruuiuus PROTOCOL IS SIGNED ommiieionera of Norway and Sweden Agree Upon Termi of Separation. PROVISIONS ARE NOT MADE PUBLIC Dooament Will Be Published Early Thia Week at Both Capitals. HISTORY OF THE LONG NEGOTIATIONS Sweden loiiits Upon the Demolition of Fortification! on Frontier. INTERESTS OF LAPPS ARE PROTECTED Radicals In Sorwoy Insist that Terms Proposed Should Be Actively Re sisted,' bat Moderate Counsel Prevails. that the loss from It last year would o mount to over 11,000,000. Whether it was Imported from Germsny or It had Its origin here cannot be determined by experts at the present time. No foreign pigs have come Into the dU trlct. but the malady may possibly have been Introduced by means of corn. When It first apeared a few weeks ago It might have been surrounded by a clothes line, says a veterinary surgeon, but the Board of Agriculture did nothing and now there Is grave reason to fear that it will spread over the whole country. The dltease Is terribly contagious and the germ Is carried In the air as well as In the clothes of attendants, by food, by water drains, drags, and even cats and flies. It differs essentially from the old swine fever. The district In which the disease has broken out Is one of the largest pig rearing areas In EnsMsnd. but all the animals that now almost reached Its limit. The main ! have escaped have been rushed off to mar- growth Is in what Is now known as "the j keta and few remain. Only one of the outer ring." the great district outside the county, but under the metropolitan police. There the population has multiplied 50 per cent In ten years and is showing a greater proportionate and actual gain each year. Ko Sign of Stopping;. Thie growth shows no signs of stopping. hundreds of animals affected has recovered. There Is riot the slightest danger to human beings, even If the diseased flesh Is eaten, though the Board of Agriculture has made every effort to Jrevent all dis eased animals from finding their way to the market. The Board of Agriculture has The number of foreign-born people living fund that the disease Is not trans- ln London has more than doubled In twenty years, leaving out of count the children of foreigners born In this country. The foreign-born people in London today far exceed the combined populations of 00 t;Wo counties of Herfordshire and Rutland. The birthrate of London has steadily diminished, being 38.66 In 1S7 and only 28.4 In 1903. The effect of this has. how ever, been counteracted by a decline in the death rate, whioh In the year covered by these returna reached the amazingly low figure of 16.2 per 1.000. The ratable value of London Is rising even faster than the population, but this may be as much due to the eager desire of the local authorities to augment their Incomes ss to a real Increase in values. The number of municipal services for the people Is multiplying. In recent years Lon don has taken over its own tramwavs. it now owns Its own water sunolv. oubllc steamers run on the Thames, electric sup- j mlssable to cattle, norses or sheep. Cablegrams receded from trie United States Indicate that the heads of Agricultu ral departments In several of the states have already heard of the ;rek In England, and that they are watching It and that If necessary they propose to send men over here to study the disease and If possible prevent It from being Imported to America. WEr-HANWEI MAY BE CEDED British Gorernment Contemplates nivlnat Back Chinese Town to the Watlre Government. LONDON. Sept. 23. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) It Is now reported that Great KARLSTAD. Sept. 23-After protracted sessions extending over some weeks the Norwegian and Swedish delegates who met here to settle the terms of separation of the two countries early this evening arrived at an agreement on all points. The terms were not made public. In anticipation of an agreement large crowds assembled around the building In which the meetings had been held to wit uess the departure of the delegates. The Norwegians emerged Immediately upon th conclusion of the session and were on their way to Chrlstlanla a few minutes after the announcement was made of the out come of the negotiations. The Swedish delegates remained within some time, but when they did slfbw themselves they re ceived an ovation and were escorted to their hotel by the crowd, which sang the Swedish national anthem. They left at midnight for Stockholm. The delegates refused to discuss the' terms of the agreement, simply saying that they would be given out early next week. An agreement had been anticipated for some days, as both sides had been .Adopt ing conciliatory attitudes. History of Ketrotlatlons. The negotiations which are now con-' eluded were peculiar In nature. On one side the delegates were four Swedish min isters, who at the time of the Riksdag decision, were leading members of the committee which framed the Swedish condi tions to assent to dissolution. On the other side the delegntes were men who led Norway In Its revolution of June 7, but who were not guided by any decision of the Storthing. On the contrary, their every act was looked upon with suspicion by men more radical. When Sweden's conditions were made known many voices In Norway were raised against acceding to them- Premier Mlch elsen of Norway was more conservative and seeing the consequences to Norway of a breach with Sweden, was willing to enter Into an agreement so long as It was honor able to Norway and ' preserved as much as possible Its national pride. M. Berner, president of tie Norwegian Storthing, and M. Ixievland, the Norwegian foreign min ister, were perhaps, not st willing, but they followed Premsw Mlchelsen. Points of Difference. The purpose of the Swedish delegates was to make an agreement preserving the good feeling between the two peoples. From this viewpoint, of course, Sweden was compelled to Insist on the demolition of the frontier fortifications which Norway, notwithstand ing the close connections of the countries, had erected against Sweden's entirely un- THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for elirak K"nlr Sunday and Monday. EWS SECTION Twelve Pnajrs. 1 Speculate on Ruler for Sorway. London nrowlnsr nt Great Rate. Nations taree on Separation. Ohio Republican Cnmpalan Opens. 2 Many Arrests Made In Toklo. Moderates Win Cohan Election. S ews from All Parts of Sebrnska. Methodists Expel niakemore. Conditions on the Rosebud. 4 Counrllmen Are Given More Time. Prisoner Cuts Throat In City Jail. 5 Gossip Abont the Gridiron. Body la Identified aa Grlswold'a. B Past Week In Omaha Society. T Affairs at South Omaha. Queer TUilna of Primary Canvass. Happenlnaa In Omahn Suburbs. B Best Whips ( omlna to Horse Show Echoes of the Ante-Room. 9 Austrian Ruler Sees Hungarians. Sews from the Army Posts. Woman In Club nnd Charity. 10 Sportlnar Events of the Day. . 11 Council Bluffs and Iowa Kewa. EDITORIAL SECTION Elaht Paces. 1 Eighteen Prisoners Out of Jail. Podse Talks of His Primary Law. General Manderson on Old World. Editorial. 3 .Nebraska at the Portland Fair. Westward Ho, a Fine Trip. T Financial and Commercial. 8 Condition of Omaha's Trade. HALF-TOXE SECTION Elaht Pases. 1 Sherlock Holmes Story. 3 Plays and Players. Tersely Told Tales. 4 Primary I. aw In Practice. Soldier Monmnent at Forest I.nwn. Woman llelplns Women Workers, (toalnt Features of Life. fi Gentle Art of Telephoning;. Hotel Accommodations In Cuba. 8 For and About Women. 7 Grlat of Sporting: Gossip. COLOR SECTION Eight Paige. 1 Poster Brown. 3 thould Children Obeyf From Near and Far. 8 The Man Tiger of India. 4 American Girl the Best Traveler. Greatest l.ove In the World. Sarins; Lives of Dors und Cats. B How a Murderer Feels. French Profile for Beauty. 6 Art of Making l.ove. 7 The Infortunnte Mr. Blount. 1'hr Medicine Glass. R Pets of London Staare. Republican! Brgia Fight for State Officii with Rally at Bellefoitaiae. FAIRBANKS IS THE FIRST SPEAKER Vice President AdT.iei the People to Let Well Enough Alone. GOVERNOR HERRICK DISCUSSES THE ISSUES ayi Bepnbliean Defeat Wonld Hot Be Attributed to Looal Affaire, EYES OF NATION ON THE BUCKEYE STATE Temperature at Omahn Yesterdayi Hour, Dn, Hour. Dear. A a. m fs 1 p. m 711 a. m K7 2 p. ni 77 7 a. m...... B7 3 p. m 7H H m. m...... fit) 4 p. m 7ft ft a. m G3 B p. m TO 10 a. m on 6 p. in 77 11 I. m M 7 p. m 76 12 m 7.1 FORMER 0MAHAMAN DROWNED Clinton D. Irving; Loses Life After Rescuing; Young; Woman Thrown from Boat. I. OAKLAKD. Ca!.. Sept. -(Speeial Tele gram.) Clinton D. Irving, a former painter of Omaha. Neb., was drowned today after rescuing a young-woman who was thrown Into the water by the capsizing of a boat In San Rafael creek, a few miles north of here. Young Irving had been boating with a Miss Jessie Marston of Alameda, Cal. when In a few hours a heavy wind cams up and before he could tack his sailboat capsized, throwing both occupants Into the water. The young woman could not swim and Irving, seeing this, hastily swam to her side and at once placed her on dry land In returning to the sailboat he .was taken Britain, as the result of the definite i fortified fronMer. The first purpose the evacuation of Port Arthur, Is considering ! Swedish delegates had was to hurt as little i below the surface by Ply is more and more drifting Into the "rtually arr,'ed ,aV 8nd "T 1" VT' hand, of th. borough council, and the totai "TV! P k "V , .1 I of public hatha, libraries, waatt houses and parka la aver growing. One borough, Cam- berwell, pow boasts of It. own municipal Turkish bath. The most ominous feature, of the re turn, are the disproportionate death, of young children In . various districts, the growth of lunacy, the Increase of pauper ism, the large proportion of unpunished crimes and the heavy rise In debt. Some Vital Statistics. In Shoredltch out of every 1,000 children born 171 die before they are a year old. In Hampstead, out of the same number ! only eighty-eight die. This one fact give, the different condition, of health in eaat and west more vividly than a mass of de- the desirability of entirely evacus'..iig Wei Hal Wei. No decision has yet been certain tep should be taken, but on the whole the bal ance of opinion appears to be In favor of the evacuation, and there Is ground for the belief that this course will ultimately be takon. The feeling Is prevalent not only throughout Great Britain, but throughout the whole of Europe, that pos session. In the Orient, at least the China- strong undertow, as possible the feelings of Norway and and hours later his body was found float the Swedish delegates throughout the pro- ng in San Francisco bay a few miles ceedlngs have tried to find a way In which i away. the fortress located farthest from the frontier could be made less threatening, CAT A AFFRAY IN CHFYFNNF while the others, they contended, should be ; rH ML" "crnMI im unt. I umn demolished. It Is believed this point was successfully carried. The Swedish delegates were also anxious to preserve free and untrammeled the In tercourse between the two countries and they therefore proposed that certain agree Private of Eleventh Infantry Shoots and Kill. Private King; of Same Regiment. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Sept. 23 Private Lee Foraker Saya Decrease In Republican Majority Will Be Regarded aa Reflection on Roosevelt Administration. BELLEFONTAINE. O.. Sept 71 -BeAUtl- ul weather and Immense crowds vere fea tures of the opening of the republican late campaiKn here today. Republican lubs from all parts of the state arrived early In the day to participate in the parade, which was held during the morning. Judge Dow vrss chairman of the meet ing. Music was furnish mI by ihe Hi pub lican Glee club of Columbus, ami the nl- dress of Vice President Fairbanks followed. Governor Herrlck spoke at considerable length, dwelling; chiefly on state Issue, al though calling attention to thj Interest Ohio people take in national affairs. Sena tor J. B. Foraker closed the spcaklnff pro gram of the afternoon with a dtscusgiin of national Issues. Vice President Speaks. Vice President Fairbanks said in part: "Let well enouah alone" la a well worn phr-ise, yet it possesses great virtue. When business conditions are unexcelled. when both labor and anltal are aenerallv anl profitably employed. It is not the part or wisciom to revolutionize political par ties. A republican congress will readjust tariff schedules whenever such readjust ment Is essential to preserve the Integrity of the system nnd to maintain the law In wholesome operation. Change will not be made for the mere sak of change or to promote free trade, whose disastrous effects we well understand. An adjus'. tnent of duties will be made responsive to a sound economic demand. Whenever such demand exists, conaress will In a wise and patriotic way give effect to It. it will not proceed in a manner to dis turb and unsettle, hut tn maintain the sta bility of eommercUl conditions, Th sub ject will be considered, not In a narrow and technical spirit, but In a broad way, having In view the largest common good. The subject of railroad discriminations is of wide interest. The question I. obviously one to be dealt with with full knowledge, and not by an appeal to prejudice or by loud declamation. It must be settled, not in the light of mere personal or party politics, but according to principles of strict Justice; In the light of right a net ween mun and man. it will be settled in the language of your platform so as "to promote and Insure the rights of all Indi viduals, Interests and localities." Legis lation which has been hitherto enacted to cure the generally admitted evils has not accomplished alt that was intended or all that was deemed necessary. The president has brought tne matter to the attention of congress and congress may be relied upon to proceed tn the light of past experience and present information to enact such laws as will effectually re move the evils which confessedly exist. There must be an end of discrimination. Republican triumph In Ohio will mean the endorsement of the administration of President Roosevelt. It will show that the people are satisfied, not only with the soundness of the great policies of th republican party, but they prove the able and successful in which the affair, of the nation are admlnlsfred by him. Governor Herrlck Talka. Governor Herrlck In part said: The cry of bosslsm la raised at this Mm bv the democratic patry and Its allies In the hope that thereby they may be able to deceive the people and blind them to the real issues In this campaign. This trick Is as old as the opposition party itself. The democratic parly In simply trying to get Into power. That Is the whole story. That U the extent of the fight against us this fall und 1 do not want the iwople of Ohio to be declved. If the republican ticket 1. defeated In this election It will not be attri buted to local or state Issues. Our enemies will give It all the national significance they can and upon a victory this fall they will build their hopes of a democratic delegation from the state of Ohio in the congress of the Cnlted States next year. Will the republican party of the great state of Ohio .funding us It does for everything Japan section, do not pay in dollars and j ments be made regarding transit and water- ' of Company E, Eleventh Infantry, shot and j that President Roosevelt stands for, cent.. It I. felt that the Chinese and Japanese should be left to work out their own ways whioh were equal In benefit to both 'killed Private King of Company 'L of the through nilstake or Indifference take IM and which would prevent one country from) aame regiment In a saloon tonight. Th. I TdnnUtratlon nex! yTwTt h a emoaU; Interfering with the other. It Is believed destiny, and that any attempts to reserve 1 that these matters also were settled to the cities and control them by means of a chain of fortifications will result In ex penses In connection with armies and navies, beside which the cost of keeping up the military establishments In India tailed comparisons. In the county of Lon- I must sink Into Insignificance. In other words, the backward movement of the European nations in connection with the acquisition of possessions In the Orient Is economic rather than military or naval. In 1C. when the crop was but 163,14.24) bushels. In 1903 It rose to :30.516.18g bushel. SUDDEN RISE IN INTEREST Ity .a l,.ln R.riMnll. nrlitm ruler nf Norway befor It I. decided whether Nor- The last rlou. deficiency occurred way .hall be a monarchy or republic. The general opinion throughout 8weden at pres ent seems to favor a Norwegian republic more than a Norwegian monarchy. Farmer Oraaalslac During the past week an Agricultural Trust or Co-operative association has been formed In Sweden, with the object of pro moting both the selling and buying Interests r. a-tftish artrulturliita. lor! sedation, of thU kind have already IND)N'V -"Pl Cablegram joined the national association, and v. to Tn Bee.l-There has been a general rise mor are expected to join It In the near I ln mou recently In all of th great ..t.,r. ti. ii ....w-lotion, which h.v. i nioney markets of the world. This tend- already . amalgamated with the national Failure of J.atsn to Secure Indeui Canght European Capitalists Xot Prepared. don the death average one In each seven minutes, day and night, all th year around. London i. conspicuously behind moat of the leading foreign capital in freedom from the leading epidemic diseases. Our death rate from these 1. twice a. high a. that of most of the great European capi tal.. St. Petersburg, however, leave. Lon don behind, doubling our average. It I. notable that Shoredltch, which ha. unhap pily pre-eminence for 1U Infant death rate, also rank. a. on of the two leading epi demlo center, of London. Poplar I. the other. There are more than five time. a. many death, proportionately from epi demic, ln Shoredltch than there are In Hampstead. The mo.t healthy suburb In London I. Hsmpstead. Its death and disease returns being far below those of any other, except It. rrlendly rival. Lewl.ham. Next to these, but with a distance between, com Wands worth and Stok Newlngton. Flnsbury ha th highest death rate, with Holborn and Shoredltch following after. For every seven persons who die In Hampstead thirteen, In proportion to population, die in Flnsbury. Many Paupers. The numbar of pauper, both outdoor and Indoor, grow yes.- after year There are no fewer than 138,000 pauper and pauper lunatic chargable to th rates, taking th ! LONDON FEARS THE CHOLERA Outbreak of Disease In Germany Cause Alarm In the British Capital. LONDON, Sept. 23 -(Speelal Cablegram to The Bee.) The new that a great many case of Asiatic cholera have been reported from West Prussia ha once more started the alarmist theory that the disease Is spreading westward to England. One theory Is that the dlesease was brought to Russia In Europe by Russian soldiers returning from th Japaneso war, and that It was a matter of comparatively llttls difficulty for It to cross the border Into Prussia Inquiries at the London School of Trop ical Medicine show that th chance of an outbreak in Great Britain are regarded a remote "There 1 no doubt that the spread of cholera especially concern the people of London because of th constant trade which come to our port from Infected district all over th world," said a prominent med leal man at the school. "Owing, however. i to the precaution taken by the port san- association represent about 11,000 agricul turists who purchase five or six million crowns worth of commodities every year. The other five local associations which are soon expected to join annually purchase 10.0u0.0uw crowns worth of goods. ThU will enable the National Agricultural associa tion to purchase such enormous quantities of commodities that It will control th markt and give Its memtiers an oppor tunity of purchasing at prices far below th present wholesule. The association in tend to Institute direct steamship lines to different part of the world for the exclu sive transportation of good purchased by th association, thus being entirely inde pendent of freight fluctuations. ThU mighty octopus is looked upon with fear and trombliaar by Swedish mercbaa 'SJ Sue cestlon a to Where to Get Wife. ........ .v,. - "'"" ".ltary authorities there 1 little danger of how. an lncreaw for four year, of ov.r !,,,,. MrMM ,,.,.- " l 11.000. Londoner ar paying about It ahil- j La-neaTer Z 'cos, U U.n..U GUESSING ON FUTURE QUEEN per head. Even thl. enormous relief doe. ( . " not ,. the nrohtem of r Spanish Newspaper Give. Kl ency has been especially pronounced A census of th streets on on winter throrghout Europe and U today the most I night tn central London alone showed that Important factor with which foreign mar- 1 1.7VT man. woman and children were elthr kets have to reckon. London has been i walking the roadway bomeleu or aleenimr f ( I r 1 tl , mid. I T rat a., mm (A I . I nn mtnimmmm iib.1.. ......... . . I gold supply from withdrawal fur Argentina , These figure, ar o appalling that they al- ! 1 Th" ? )-A 8""h ppr h" started and offset th. hUher bid of ntin.nt-i n.o-i lefv comm.n. y Bue.slng competition among Its readers markets which are recalling funds long The figure of county council expenditure employed at the British capital Befr show a steady growth of activity and ex ne c was de'ciAretl. however tTi n . -L- - n .1 . . . Th. nniiM . . . . . had to reckon with the pos-thllLlcs of . ! amazing fact that out of 10.114 crime, known V'ar.""" 0'"a ' Cumbrlnd' "f"1 hug indemnity and it was stated in fcu- j by the pouts to hav been committed only ! Second-Princes Victoria of Prussia - .. . ., Y t I t ...... . . . . . . " . . 4 1 satisfaction of both side. Rights of Laplandera. Finally Sweden did not consider that It could leave unprotected the Interest of the poor nomadic Laplander who for their very existence depend on the use of pas ture in both countries at different seaaona for their reindeer. The Norwegians held out against the granting of this right, which had been established for centuries, but it is thought they at last gave In. That Sweden never objected to arbitration i shown by the Riksdag's decision, ln which arbitration was first mentioned and which agreed perfectly with Sweden' expressed desire for peace. Constitution for Norway. CHRISTIAN! A, Sept. M. The Norwegian delegation arrived here from Karlstad at I o'clock thl morning and was received men had been quarrelling and, meeting In , delegation In congress from Ohio? ThU is the saloon. King threatened to thranh Lee. j not all, they are looking further than that. Lee retreated behind the bar and drew an ; They are building their hope, upon th , . . . ., senate of the United btates. army revolver. A. King approached him he : f,Ver before has the republican party fired three time., two bullet, coins: throuah ' of Ohio been so ready and so eager to meet King", breast and one through his head. ; the people as It is in this campaign. Every m ... i. .v.. ..i i.i. device known to political tricksters ha. i-e mm ro '"- "-"u wnu boen uge(1 to divide the republican army, hlajplstol and made good his escape. Squads but a. the days go by and the time of battle are scouring the streets and a lynching Is draws near, our ranas are closing up anu possible If Lee Is captured. MINNEAPOLIS TIMES QUITS Paper Announce Suspension Because Publication Haa Been a Kin u rial Los. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. M.-The Mlnneap oils Times, In It issue of tomorrow, will an nounce It suspension of publication. The announcement says, ln part: Sixteen year of earnest effort to nut the , . . . , ,., . - paper on a paying oasis nas proved the fu with cheer, by .everal thousand, of per- o( ,ur'an undertaking. Its main- son who were waning at in station. During th last week there ha been in creasing agitation over the question of a constitution for Norway. The republicans made great effort to organize a party, but they are hopelessly ln the minority. As the candidature of a Bernadotte prince las been abandoned, all attention 1 now directed to Prince Charles of. Denmark, who. If he accept th throne, will be en thusiastically received. tenance has been a continuous source of financial loss to those who have had any direct financial Interest In It. FAST PACER IS RECOVERED Dry Monouole, Stolen from Flemlas; Estata aad Reported Dead, Found at Baltimore Track. PITTSBI'RG. Pa., Sept. .-Dry Monople. the fin pacer, owned by the estate of George 8. Fleming of this city and which It was alleged wa started In race at Bal timore. Bethlehem and other place under th name of Tat berg, wa brought back to Pittsburg today by Attorney William J. j Brennen. Dry Monopol wa reported a SENATOR PLATT COMES EAST Hew York Senator Very Feeble and a Must Stop Enronte for Beat. DENVER. Sept. SS.-(Speclal Telegram. ) Senator Piatt of New York and party left Denver at 2:15 p. m. today over the Rock Island In a private car. He I very feeble and will stop at Kansas City and Chicago to rest en ioute home. we are getting ready to go forvard in de fense of a common cause and against a common enemy, confidently expecting an old-time republican victory at Jhe poll. Foraker on th Issue. Senator Foraker said In part: If Ohio should fall to give the usual republican maiorlty it would. In the ab sence of explanation, be an Indication the the people are displeased with republican ism, and that would have the double effect of discouraging republicans and encourag ing democrats, not only In Ohio, but else where. ln other words, the Issue, and practically tho only issue wa liuve thU year, is that of the republican party against the demo cratic party. ' Prexldent Roosevelt has not only met the expectations and redeemed the prom ises of his party, but he he so far sur passed all expectations and pledges that the democrats are proposing that he be made the candidate of both parties and be unanimously re-elected president ln 19u. This is the most sei slble proposition they have advanced in nlty years. Individual democrats are as able and high-minded today as any of their great hitlers of the past hav been, but they huve no unity of belief or purpose. Bryan .reaches one kind of democracy and 'arker another, and the people hav no use fo relther. , The questions of the day are business ?uestlons and broud American question, iemocracy never seemed to have any faculty for either. Free trade rendered it Incapable us to the one, and Its strict construction view of the constitution hav made it helpless us to the other. They do nut lack appreciation of prosperity, but they cun not have that and free trad also. They would like to uphold and ad vance American interest throughout th world, but their conception of our organic law paralyze all such forms of patriotism. There Is no room in me construction or as to the woman who will eventually be chosen as a bride by King Alfonso. Th name of the prospective queens are ropean bunking circl. that a vast amount of Idle capital was being held in Abeyance until the exact amount of Russia's burden was definitely known. After the conclusion of peace It wa th unexpecu-d that hap pened sod the Lank of England rat wa marked up unexpeciodly, but la th usual decorous manual 14,407 person were arrested and only 10,1. conviction secured. In other words, one crime out of every two In London goes un punished. There wer seventy-three mur ders and only thirty-three conviction. Th great crime In London 1 apparently lar ceny. Thl makes up three out of Bv crim inal often MADRID. Sept. t3.-8pecUI Cablegram hvln mt 8mmervlll. Pa., last Do- LCII1IRI "IIIIV VII H. ..J I ' J HID rMI Tipton sale In Nw York and Mr. Brennen, executor of th Fleming estate, thought th report true until June 18 whan he wa told that the horse wa at the Baltimore track about to lace under the name of Tasberg. Mr. Brennen started Chief of Detective. Thomas McQutade of Pittsburg on the case and It wa found that a horse had been shipped from Bommervllle to Coatsvllle on the date that Dry Monopol wa reported dead Th suit ln the case hav been dropped by Brennen, who ha (pent th nttr summer establishing th ownership of th animal Dry Monopol. woo I valued at 17.000. aged 13. Third Princess Wlltrude of Uavaiia. aged 1 It .v.-a i a. Fourth Princess Patricia of Connaught, aged It. Fifth Princes Marl Antoinette of Mechlenburg Bcl:weren. aged 'il. Seventh Princes Victcila of Battanberg. aged IS. Flghth Prince Louise of Orleans, agd U yearn. Movement of Ocean Vessel Sept. 23. At New York Arrived : L'lnbrla. from Liverpool. Sailed: Mesaha, for London; Philadelphia, fur Plymouth; Zeeland, for inlk.rn' Prlm... I ri.iu fur fn... f .. ... panla, for Liverpool: Pretoria, for' Ham- I the Panama cunal for narrow partisan burg; CaledonU. for Glasgow; Cltti dl I politics. Il ' a great American and busl Palermo, for Naples; L' Aquiline. fur neva undertaking und must be conducted liavre. on the broadest und mosl patriotic line. At Copenhagen-Balled: Oscar II, for We are in the Philippine, and we are New York. there to stay. We buv accomplished At Glasgow Sailed: Columbia, for New . much but much remains to b done. Ho York. I far the record U hlKhly creditable. Our At Boulogne Arrived: Potsdam, from 1 honor and muHl name, us well a great rew lorn. I American Interests, are at ktake there At Balled: Cltta dl Ml'.ano. for New York. At Antwerp Sailed: Vaderland. for New York. At Queenstown Sailed: Republic, for Bos ton. At Southampton Balled: New York, for New York. At Cherbourg Arrived: Moltke, from New York. At Boulogne: Bulled: Bluechr, for New York. At Liverpool Arrived: Cedrlc, from New York; Cymric, from Boston; Virginian, from Montreal. Sailed: Luianta, for New York iVictorlun, for New York. At IxmdoD Arrived: Minnehaha, from New York. At Havre Ballad: La Lorraine, for New York. I'here is a laiKc deficit ln our revenues. It amounted i, fJl.uoi.iiOO last year, and firesent Indication- ure thul it will b writer for the current year. W must Mini a way to remedy it. is, but what shall It be? There Is much differ!i e of opinion on this point. Economy, reiiprociiy and tariff revision have ull lecn suggested. When coiiansH meets the whole suliject will be carefully considered. In the propel committees, and then it will no doubt h elaborately debuted In Ihe two houses, and out of it all will come In dun time the ap propriate measure. Whether the deficit continues or not. the Kill, left economy con sistent with the public welfare, will goverK ln making up the appropriation bills, but the country U growing and Its demand! upon th public treasury are so rapidly Increasing that 11 is doubtful U ntlr r-