TIIK OMAHA. DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1905. NEW ANNEX IS NOW-OIPEK Bcinnin Saturday Wc Will Occupy the First Section of Our New Store, With Temporary Entrance Through Mrs. Benson's Former Store and Arcade Under Douglas Street Directly Connecting With Our Present Building Your present w requested at the openinj of our new annex. Open at 9 a. in. Saturday Great Special Sacs in Annex and in Our Main Store Saturday. Brandeis Millinery IN THE ANNEX As a, special feature of our new an nex we have established a section devoted to novelties in high elass mil linery. This section is sumptuously appointed and stocked with some of our most exquisite millinery models. ."Ye request the honor of a visit to this new sales room Saturday. As a special event for the opening we show Stunning Dress Hats Specially priced at $2.50 and $5. Charm ing new models, in the very latest and most fashionable designs and color schemes, all the newest shapes CA C M a hundred original models worth double Jf wr GROUND FLOOR-PLAN OF BRANDEIS STORE AND NEW ANNEX H O r new tXsjsNOr CtAt jwa . O arowieo a. mmnmnT THi; WlCATfl n " Lf tll J -T- I if 1 P 1 the price we ask, at. MAIN BU1LDINQ MILLINERY ON THIRD FLOOR The Brandeis Dress and Evening Modes at $7.50 Are models of artistic beauty and style elegance made of expensive mater ials and wrought by talented designers every W9 pk Jf exquisite new idea that is stamped with fashion's A yOD favor the widest, most beautiful variety, at... " 'U' Pretty Street and Trimmer I Hat All of them thli season' choicest de signs the latest effects la sailors, turbans, high back styles, etc. trimmed In the latest fashion, a rplondtd assemblage, specially priced, at 3.98 Neat Suit Hat effect, simply trimmed in the autumn mod at $l.BO Jaunty but very stylishly latest ideas of ths very bat bears Brandeis unmistakable touch of met ropolitan style, very special, at 1.50 MILLINERY IN THE BASEMENT We made a special purchase of more than a thousand fall hats, both trimmed ami street effects, all the season's designs and colors, actually worth as high at $2 on sale Saturday in our basement millinery section, at 25o50c Special Sales in the Annex Our Great New Salesroom Will Be Filled With Extraordinary Bargains for Saturday's SellingScores of Special Events OUR 'JEWELRY DEPT. (Now Located in the Annex.) We are pleased to solicit your inspection of our new and enlarged jewelry department located in Mrs. Benson's former store. A magnificent stock of jewelry offered at Brandeis' famously low prices. Special for Saturday An Immense array of Cuff.But- tons. Brooch Pins, Puck Pins, lockets. Silk Fobs, Pearl Beads, Ivory Novelties, bat Pins, etc., all at, each BIG SALE OF LEATHER. BAGS sample line of fine shopping bags and 25c Big nveuue iap, rasmonsDie learners, nt- ted with change purse, mirror and cnrtl case, regular f 1.50 value, at 75c Men's . - Government SUSPEND ERS 35c Men's Fine Imported NECKWEAR All Styles wor up $1.00 Boys' and Children's SWEATERS Buster Brown 5tyles $1.50 value st 75c SHEET MUSIC (Enlarged Department In the Arcade.) FREE With every purchase of 50c In the Sheet MubIc Department we will give away entirely free of charge any selection of sheet music you may choose. Most liberal offer ever made in Omaha. We have everything In sheet music. Come and hear your favorites sung and played. Concert all day. Everybody welcome. AH mail orders filled. Add 1 cent per copy postage. OPTICAL DEPT. SPECIAL 5ATURDA Y AND MONDAY Q old- filled Spec- v.T'v cles tad 5 Eye Ola. scs, line lens, worth $3. 50, yCJ Odd-plated framelesa bye Classes 2 value 98c PETTICOAT SALE Ladies' $2 and fS.&0 black sateen petticoats big bargain In a O rK.V: Voc CHILDREN'S DRESSES Good serviceable little dresses, worth up to $6, 98c-l.50-2.50 FIGHT OF RAMSEY AND COCLD Dentrotersj Over Control of Wabash Excites Intmit in Kailroid World. INAL TEST BEFORE BOARD OCTOBER 10 liry Believes He Will rdr tiowld Deaalmwt. I'ontr ( RmU Strained relation between George J. iould. chairman of the board of directors, md Joseph Ramsey. Jr., president of the Yabah railroad, and th. controversy bs- ;n thro two men and their friends over Uie control of the Wabash, is ascltlng- un- a.ual Interest In th. railroad world. To. I wo men though Ramsey disclaims th. .a Isten.-e of personal anlmu. between thera Jo sot speak, notwithstanding they have thetr private offices tn adjoining- rooms In New York. The culmination of Ramsey's tght to wrest control of th. road from Jould will corue October lft. when th. (V'ahAsh security holders bar. thetr annual aieellng". Mr. Ramsey ha Juat returned from hroad. taking a leave of absence at th. iuesi of the hoard of director. He says himself that at the Ut cieetlnx et th hoard In the vprmc ha waa requested to ;ak. a leave ui.Ul iX-tober 1. or thereabouts. It wi:i be rN :it,t that at that tneellnf th. rerort gained currency and ha been gen erally accepted as correct that Gould made a peremptory demand that the board re- c.ut Rir.' immediate reaifnation, but in titt, frequenU- commended tne inua- that the board declined to do thia. It took I bur; plana.' unless I had reason to hope that I would , receive the proxle of a majority of th ! security holder of the YVaba.h. I would certainly not willingly tnto a loaing Cht- On the ether hand Mr. Gould appears leu communicative. The New York Com mercial quotes him as saying-, when asked to comment upon Frealdeot Ramsay's as sertion that the Oould faction Is not In control of a majority of th. votes for th. approaching- a&nuai election: No, I think the kindest oourae that I can pursue In this matter. Is to say noth ing. This statement th. Commercial adds t retarded as more significant had be given a long Interview. The Time add: j Mr. Ramsay was asked whether his uo cee. St the coming annual meeting would mean that Mr. Oould would be eliminated as a factor In the majkagenienl of the Wabash. He replied: "I would de nothing detrimental to the Interests of any of the owners of the prop erty. 1 do not believe that merely be cause a tn)oruy aie In control of a road that ther have any right to Ignore the tntereet of th. rest of the owner of the property." teaseem! of Ovald. Ake4 If he would remove Mr. Oould as chairman of the board tf he got a major ity at th. annual meeting Mr. Ramsay evaded the question, repealing his former aasertion. and adding: "I believe that Mr. Gould's own Interests la the Wabasn would benefit by tuy being tn control of the property." Mr. Ramsey denied emphatically that the difference between himeelf and Mr Gould were due to any personal quArreL He said that there had never been the slightest personal trouble between them, and that tne einerence were one entirety to metn od and policies "There was never er.T disaatlsfaction on the part of Mr. Gould with the Wahaah- Pittsburs: Terminal plana," Mr. Ramsay said 'It was on qvieauon of method and policies that we nmt-l Mr. irould. company' building and will face Four teenth street. It will be two etone and basement and is planned expressly for pub lishing business. Th permit calls for an ,-v,nrlttijre of 110.0M. It probably will be e m ready for occupancy the year. 'rst of the new WOMAN GETS VERY HARD FALL Porch Rail Gives Way aad Mrs, George Dorham Is LsJ4 tp wttk Brok.a Lest About B o'clock last evening Mrs. Pur ham, wife of George Durham of tS North Twenty-eighth avenue, fell from the porch at th. second floor. The distance was eighteen feet, and shs struck on firm ground, sustaining a severe fracture of the light leg at the thigh, painful bruises about the head nd face as well as other con tusion on th. body. 8h. was attended at her home by Pre. Moore and ln-.pey, and lies la a serious condition. The rati of the porch was known to have been defective and they had arranged to have it repaired. Mrs. Durham forgot the unsafe condition of the rail In her work and leaned against It, when It gave away. the alternative of requesting the president to eher.t hlmee'.f for a few monir. from the scene of hi official activities. There upon the impression went abroad that the board sided with Ramsey as against Gould As to Mr Ramsey's shlliiy to supersede Gould a th dominating factor of the Wabash, bow-ever. ther. I serious differ ence of oplr.lon Vtbat Each Mam says. Mr. Ramsay this week u quoted by the New Tork Times as erpreaaing eon fi.letioe In hi ability to secure support of k Bn,lonty of the voting security holders f the YVabah to give him control. The :r.trview quote him a saying: 1 would not have gone Into this thing re Was he MUBeae ef HeSsje. far vs. i Tfbua far er s-rri Tmis w. et .A. asTwae tea r a-r I raia. u-a ! euua, aad m Ma bat I TH-lla CSSTS A sis 1 1 Lav Reurement of Oould as the power In Wa bash sSairs would seem Ilk displacing an Irremovable landmark and 11 Is this feature, together with the fact of the tren,er.d.iua Influences allied w:th htm and at hi com mand which makes many railroad men doubt the success or possibility of Ram says attempt aad yet railroad official ad mit they have been taught In the last few year that ail thing are possible tn ra.lroad afiairs. - LOCAL BREVITIES. The Twelfth XVsrd Repufcllcsn club will hold s ratification meeting In Jensen hall atxThlrneth and $pau!diiig streets Satur day night. Sri exk thieve are reported as having en tered the home of Albert King. StS Charles street. Thursday evening and stolen a handbag containing about t. Samuel Hayes, colored, was Friday mrrn lrg entence1 to f.fteen day on a charge of pe:it larceny. Hayes was charred with stealing rooflr.g material from J. M. Dow of th National Roofing company. James Ke.Iy. the man who went to sleeo Thursday afternoon across a rail under a box car at tithth and Dousla streets. wss Friday morning sentenced to flic days Kelly was charged with drunkenness and s:eeping on tne railroad tracks. $araiel Downs of North Ruteesth street has reported to the police that Thursday evening two strancers encased a room at the sdlrrsj given and left at an early hour Friday morning with a told watch and tifci belonging to Powna. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH pMAUA Matter of City Hall Bond Slated for Staring. JUDGE SEARS PREPARES TO TRY CASE aSSSSBBBBBBBSSy City Attoraey Lambert Looks After CIty latereats, While city At toraey Breea of Omaha Ap pears for rialatlffa. The city hall bond caae is set for hear ing before Judge Sears today. This case was called Friday, but owaig to the fact that Attorney Breea was oiherw.se en gaged, the case went over until today. As Judg Sears has nothing else on his docket st the present time, the attorneys on both sides expect that the case wiU be tried at onos. Clty Attorney Lambert Is looking after the city's interest in the case and City Attorney Breen of Omaha Is to appear for Madeline Flvonka and other who brought the suit. It is alleged, among other things by the plaintiffs In the rase, that the ordinances directing the election snd submitting the proposition for voting t"0. for a city hall was not passed legaily. The assertion Is made that the rule were suspended last spring by the Council and the ordinance HAND SAPOLIO It especially valuable aunng the jmmer season, when outdr occu pations nd sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS. MUD STAINS aa CALLOUS SPOTS Tieli to it, and it is particulrtjr Atrreetble when used in the b:h Jlr violent eserrtse, ALL GKOCERS AAO OROOOIfTS ANTE CARNIVAL CLEAN-UP Arrest of All Sosptetea Characters Made la View of A V-Sar-B rerloa. Chief of Police Donahue as he I be ginning hi annual roundup of suspiclou character that infest th city, pri:cu.ly just btfore carnival time. Last ear th. chief forces exercised untiring iti.ar.ee with the result that the city was prac tically free from crime djnng the visit of thousands of stranger, and th. chief id- tends thst last year s reoord shall not g by default this cas.-n. Nest Monday morning a detail of spo ciai pollcemea lor the street fair WU1 be swora tn. r.i l-.ss been arrested. The door are carried away and used for firewood or other pur poses. So far th. loss to the railroad com panies Is considerable and a united effort Is to be made by the railroad detectives and ths local police to break up the practice. Votiaar Machlao Cwstodlans. Two custodians have been appointed to look after the twelve voting machines In South Omaha. The county commissioners purchased four machines for South Omaha and appointed E. E. Rldgeway custodian. The city has eight machine and Mayor Koutsky ha named Charles L. Hendricks custodlsn. The city custodian is being In structed la his duties and '111 soon be In position to explain the workings of the machines to voters and officers of elec tion. Fi.v voting machines are now dis tributed about the city where voters can become familiar with them before election. The peopl seem to be taxing kindly to the machines and are learning; rapidly how to vote. City officials hope thst by November 7 all voters will have been given sn oppor tunity of Inspecting the machines. The machine open for Inspection at the city hall I In use ever-)' day and some one is slway present to explain the workings. Chrlattaw Association Motes. Nothing the association has ever pre sented ha met with more universal and cordial approval than the entertainment course. Hundreds of people go to Omaha tn all kinds of westher and at much Inconven ience for their entertainment because they could not ret It at home. The talent prom ised by the association Is meeting the FIE ST SECTION OF NEW BUILDING, Mrs. Ben, son's former store, made into great new sales rooms. Brandeis Store Now One Block Long. Greatly enlarged banking quarters in new Annex. Great Sale of Ribbons IN THE ANNEX This la the most eytmordlnnry lot of All Silk Ribbons that ever gold in Omaha t such a price. Whltog, blacks and all colors In rialn TsffetA, Fatln Taffeta, LoulMene, Moire, etc., etc. widths tip to six inches. These Ribbon actually sell rejpjlarly as high as Rfc a yard on big bargain aquare in the new Annex at ES9I 0& Be Yard Ladies' 25c Neckwear at 12'c Newest Fall Styles In Ladies' Xeekwear Stocks, Tabs, Turn overs, etc. In daintiest embroidered and lacy effect. many are hemstitched the prettiest color effects ard the very latest fall styles worth J 5c each at T1 DJ. .Jla 2C A GRAND HOSIERY SALE hi New Hosiery Dept. Main Building New lot of ladles and men's High Class Hosiery shown for the first time. These are fine French lisle and fancy cotton, plain blacks, tans and all colors allover lace, drop stitched some are silk embroidered hosiery regularly worth 35c pair at Ladies' and Men's 2.c Handkerchiefs at 12 H All linen em broidered and revered Hemstitched Handkerchiefs also a splendid lot of fine Swiss Handkerchiefs your choice at each. Ladies' 9L25 Kid Gloves at 09c New fall styles and shades for street and evening wear all are perfect high grade kid all sizes on big bargain square at pair Just received, our latest importation of Kid Gloves the Perrln and Monarch Gloves In ajace finish the Key nler and Fanchon Gloves T rn 'j In suede finish prices at pair tI'le JU'i CANDY SPECIALS arcade ..15c I2Vc 69c 1 r-,,.h.1 tt-r, . .w , . ",r Ttasie of the people, so tfcejr are clvlna- the mem or interest aeml-ar.r.ua:iy and the w . , . v, v7.- neglect of the city offlcla-ls to propr!y i V, , . .1 , - " -w .. . (ickets free.T. At the sale of reserved puNish the amount of :r.,er, st th. N-.nda, n pn. from M9nd.y. tt.0 , L T l Z lY-" PM"W I t'rlr same should get their courM raised by Attorney Preen, but these are j . w ,h . ry,.ni. two of the important ones. Tl.e people, fc. .uor.a rc ted on tins cl-.y tall prcposjtjon last . v . e..-.- . ,K1. erring and the bond, earned. Then the ' , ' tfc nt th, corn,r of n.sner was issen ir.io tne courts and has Molasses Cocosnut Cushion IfiC pound at Y Jelly Beans fruit flavors fOc st Jelly Gum Props at lUC pound " Home-made Fudge at IOC pound ' , Yankee Peanut at 12C pound , Peanut Taffy at- . 12iC pound a Mint KUses IOC pound a e Baited Peanuts IDC pouna STREET CAR CRUSHES HAND Richard Hillat Jaws Blrwar frosa Car Wklla It U Movlw Raaldly. While the Walnut Hill car was moving rapidly toward Benson a man was ob served to Jump backward off ths car. He fell heavily on his shoulders and ths back of his head, with his right hand out stretched to the rslL Instantly It wss crushed off snd the man lay as dead be side the car. Ths man la Richard Hlll lnger, a laborer, who lives In Benson. He was picked up by ths train crew and car ried to the drug store at Forty-fifth and Military avenue. .-Here he was attended by Police Burgeon Cox and afterward removed to the Clarkson hospital In the first examination It was Impos sible to tell whether there was a fracture of the skull, although It Is feared. In ex planation of the accident, R. H. Covert and J. H. Johnson, tbs train men. say ths man sat near the front end of the car and It appeared that ha had been Indulging In drink as he went to sleep on the car. Covert, the conductor, awakened the man snd asked him where he wanted to get off. After being roused, as the car was at full speed near Decatur street, on Mili tary avenue, the man's hat was blown off. Without giving warning' or waiting even to turn In the direction tn which the car was moving, be sprang off, with the result that be will lose his hand, If not his life. At 12 o'clock word was received from the hospital that there was no fracture of the skull and thst the man was doing well. 25c 25c .25c Nut Caramels pound Cresm Wafers pound French Nougat-pound Pit Pat OTL , pound fcJw Italian Chocolates AHr pound Toasted Marshmallows n pound 00k" Five packages of Gum gg Ice Cream Soda at 5c Ing tbs twenty-four hours ending st noon Friday: Mirths Harry A Btemfleld, Sf'.S Nor'h DCVrillVTllUI, . - " i . ........ v South Twenty-second, girl; Clarence PH.-r- sen. E4 Ames avenue, srj; jaa.e scnremirr, 1223 South Fifth, boy. Deaths Ella O. FiUgerald. 1J1 South Third. 46. B AO AH AW FT It TIME, Bat rksnberlsls't Colte, Cholera and Disrrkses Remedy Cared Htm. It Is with pleasure thst I give you tills unsolicited testimonial. About a year uko when 1 had a Levers case of measles I got aught out In a haid rain and the meas ettled tn my stomach and bowels I tad n awful time snd had It not been for use of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera ai.d Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possi bly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and veil X have written the above through sin.p! gratitude and I shs 11 always speak s good word for this remedy. Sam H. Gwln, trav. ellng salesman for Concord Nursery, Con ord, Ga. Mortality Statlstlea. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board tf Health dur- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr Allison left for the west Friday morn ing. George Ooodell of Pt. Paul, superin'er.1 ent of the Great Western railway, anJ wth him A. Munetsr of the same cliv. are among the late arrivals at tne Her Grnnd. Mrs K A Kehoe of piatte Ce.-.ter is at the Her Grand. The following people of the state rv. a tereal during the night: Richard Stlrk f Gordon. J. H. Cradick of Lincoln . Kramer of Bennir.rton. Charles fK'.c 'f Stanton, Charles S oc.ster of tislver .' ' k, J. L Miller of Lincoln, at the Mercr.ir. s; Joseph Matousek of Bra.nard, R B Al -r-gan of Lincoln, J. M Imon 4 F' J H. Clay of Long Pine, at tr.e I'.ii.u! William P. Mohr of Spencer. P " Wk" -r of Wymore, A 8 Tucker of Wayr.e J W. Brown and wife of Aehlaxd. at t:.e Mjrr ! i John J. Foesler of Lincoln at the M.ifa. been drargring alor.g ever since. at: Robert Hawks of in Van Camp street was takes to lle surgeor. deparuuecl of tt.e p.iie .;.. .n Tr,u:..i r.si.i with a M i loitered head ar.d la.-e htskt said t tad fee la a r.art ut.,1er ine ,ojot tr ire Ki-vg tvraer. but was ur.aule to J lol. ir.e Men! i of his aaMUar.t i.r asaailacta Pcl-.-e euige.Ms and Laug S.va attends )iwks icjunes 3 uuac my MeSlar Resist Rwlta. Work began Fridav m,mir. on he new IV-UIMliM tw re ere. U-J tr.e I A Me.1.ar I exmaaee xiNhn e.f " Heel Hepnner 1 I T? t...iij..,g l.i ,ve -.-. ! n te 1 I ta.uele su ft li ri-". l.iutu i Thcat roo bar Cook's Lnpertal Extra Dry T PT wrhs vow Mf Pont Champa yea. Vaoi roo boy Kwrir tnak.es, T00 pay fc CUffiparoa, iiy bvlcta thai's why Cook's IsapsmI Eitra Dry h oca-hal Ch prws ef oroga lAatcpag'Qa. v read fnaa. St. Uu waeiTt raw KIUI IHIIIUU (I aslLUCaJI vtxt C, ST. LMaS J I as Twer.ty-f.fth ard L streets. Rev. P. H. 1 li.rvtwll mw ur nnnlBV an frc Mr. Lan-.trt says that no matter which J fu, ,rk;r, wln rve the djress and the way the court decides the case, either for j rt will r or agair.st the city, sr. appeal will he taken : . -t , , i to the stsre supreme court- There is there- m 11 T wi. , , . , . Gorre Rshn and wife are vl:tir.g fore no likelihood of the bor.ds l:r Is- ! frltr 4, t Avoca, la sued lh:s ar. and there is no telllr.g when I T!ere is s bad washout In the pavement the supreme court will hand down a de- at Twentieth and N streets cistoa once the ease gfts up to it ! The EJistem Star will lr.iiiste candlda'.es Of lste there las beer, very i.ule talk hail this evening. ... , ...,. 7 1 I c,,r Eiglner Fal is s-iur.g stakes for about the cliy ha.l building, although a tf, curing of MisuH avenua. site st the southwest corner of Twenty- I liana L. t'imand has gone to the sand fourt and O streets w-ts decided on when I Mils country for a months shooting the bonds were voted Jelter tiaria laspravewaewia. 1 Work was eomtr.enced Fridav at the Jet ter brewery on tr.e new pitch sheds ai.i cooper shops Tt.is building Is fx" feet and two stories high It is being built of Iron and brick snd will be a great improve ment to the brewery property when cot plftfcl Yesterday C.ty Er-rineer Beal staked ot:t the ground at t.'ie brewery f.r i The Comer.iue Llterarj clab will give an I erttrtaJcn.tr.l at Niuu'. hall this even' ' The Bartists will ho'd aeri-lces Sunday ever.itg m t.e ter.t at Twef.y-ilth and L streets C. I Lav too Las returned from Portland. Ore., where he spent a couple of wea at tbe eip.' si'.iori. Rev George Van Wir.k'.e will preach Sun day morrur.g at tre Bnptist church, his loj-jc will be 'Modern M. rac.es ' Mrs Mary Clsra sr.d William Clark. the oew two-story Vrnk efflce bull'dir.g. ! mother ard brother of D 8 dark, are here Henry Toss of On-.a,., is drswir., tl.e plan. , " car for this buildlr.g and bids for the construe- : rtyTT.r ye.irrd.v from a three tioa will t received ret week Today the Jetters will let the contract for a two-story brick buHSir.g to be erected i at the northwest corr.er of Twenty-fourth aad Q streets. Tt.is building when com- I plated is to cost about V. Still Stewllas Cralw vara. la spite of the eSons of the lo'.lce, thieves are still ateallr.g the inner door, of gra-a cars. Whea tt.e cars of grala are unloaded In the yars the inner doxrs are set aside and thieves find H an easy ir.attr to carry ttetn itij. Within the last fw weeks abot.t drs hsve ben weeks stay on l&e Pa'.flc it Rev W. D. S:air.bau-h will preach Sun day mon-lr.g at Lefler MettusJlst E4.1ac01.al rtorcv ai.d in ire eveng at ILa &o -: n -west ck.rvt of Cr.iaiA If you tae er.yir..i.x to trade, advertise It in the -For E.xcraige' co.urr.a on Tr.e Bee want ad page. Ralla Aaalaet Oae Caaspawy. CHICAGO Sept It Or mir.iss.iorer of P"!'.if Works ratteraon trxtsy denied thst tie Pec p.e s L-f!.t and "oe c-..mpary. w rich las praclira.lT a monopoly m Ct:-cag-o. has not oriir.anc r.grt u -il ru mar jfseterd eut4 the ntt It is s-- I la.en frm graia car. ad wni) tu s&as w ix.L-u.e. i.ti at f Let Common Sense Decide Do you tonesUj beliswa, ILat eoffo told Ioom (La buHt), erpewi vo aust, germs ana utseKia, paoau-.g through many taadg (sores el tham not over-clean), blendl," jou don't know how or by whom, is fit for tout um T Oi oouraa von don'L But UON COFFEE Is another atory. Tb green berries, seleeted by keen Judges at the plantation, are akUlrnllw roaste4 at ear te lories, where preeaatlogta you woald not stream ol avr taken to aeearc perlcet cleanllneaa. flavor. strength and aullormltj . JVom tht timt t vf Imvi the factory no hani Uiri-cht it t& U td opnJ tn your kite, Taas haws aaojd UO.1 COFTO taa LtaSCt Of aU raOtUX rerrm. MiioEg of American Homes welcome UOX COFFFX da2y. There is no stronger proof of merit than contintied aiid ir.crea irg popularity. "QtuJity survus all cppcs-tion." (B44 otly in 1 lKjaclagea. Lion-l.ea4 ca svenr vaciafa.) l&avs your Lton-keads fur valuaUe pracau'ava.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSOS 6PICE CO, ToleAo, Cft.Wv r ;