TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1005. Ttlephone414. "Religion worn out rerj djr use. It nvtir 1A nee, September 2, 1905." Suits, Waists, Separate Skirts and New fall Coats READY TOR SATIRDAY'S SLUING our ow .tore I. not ready tor us, which I a little disappointing, w are positively ready now to show you th very newest and choicest styles cf ready-to-wear garments ever itiown In Omaha. Our methods of selling ar somewhat dif ferent from most stores for Instance, our goods are all marked In plain figures we hare but one price we sell only goods which we know are good clear throughout. Oet acquainted with what other places are showing then come to us and sea how much better you can do at Thompson, Belden Co. YOU WILL FIND LOWER PRICES AND BETTER OOOD3. Men's Fall Shirts There Is a large variety of styles and colorings, made by the beet of maker, which means rightly proportioned and per fect fitting shirts. Select now while the slits and assortment Is at Its beet. New stripes snd figures in stilt bosom shirts, at H 00 and 11. SO each. New pleat and semi negligee, In the pop ular plain blue, cults attached. $1.8 each. Plain whits basket weave, with cuffs at tached, very nobby, $1.75 each. Nest patterns In fall weight negligees, at $1.00 each. Also a larae line of the popular flannel hirta with or without collars. Prices $1.74, $:., $1M and $3 00 each. THOMPSON FELDEN& Q Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas. for a man who had worked twenty years to retire altogether from active labor. A second "Nyllc" was inaugurated Jan uary 1, 1802, for agency directors. Inspec tors and supervisors In the United States, Canada and the West Indies. A board of trustees was given control of a fund made up by amounts contributed In part by the members and In part by the Ufa insurance company. This fund was to be divided among the members In 191$. ac cording to the amount of business written under the direction of the. members. Tho fund now amounts to $937,777. Commissions In Germany, In 1904 It appeared that $432,601 was given as bonuses under various written agree ments, with agents and there were also $194,113 paid for general bonuses throughout the world. Including thoss for special months. "Now," said Mr. Hughes, "I And $,6fi2.441 put down for one year for commission on $14,048,536 first year premiums on new In surance and total commission as $7,2ft2,5nS. These are Independent of all payments on Nyllcr "Yes." "What Is the rate of commission In Ger many?" asked Mr. Hughes. "We are not allowed to pay mors than $4 per cent of the first year's premium on any policy and the average Is 40 per cent." Mr. Hughes asked for full statements from Mr. Buckner of the business written In the United States and Canada and In the other parts of the world, with both show ing the premiums and commissions paid and all other particulars, which would show to what extent, If any, the business of the New York Life was being extended throughout the world at the expense of the American policy holder. Letter from Cleveland. Hughes offered in evidence a letter from Orover Cleveland, chairman of the board of trustees ot the Equitable Life Assurance society under the Thomas Ryan purchase of the stock. Mr. Cleveland's letter was explanatory of the work of the Equitable trustees under the deed of trust and de tailed the progress ot the trustees in mu tuallsing that company. The letter detaf ed the election of twenty on new directors on recommendation of the trustees, all of whom except two are policy holders. These two are expected to take out policies as soon as possible. Mr, Cleveland also calls the attention of the committee to the difficulties In the way ot carrying out complete mutuallsatlon owing to litigation by minority stock In terssts and to the provision of the society's charter that directors shall be stock hold ers. In concluding his letter Mr. Cleve land says: The trustees feel that In the difficulties that have confronted them. Inasmuch as they were compelled to act promptly under the powers conferred by the trust agree ment, the results of their care and labor have been as satisfactory ns they could possibly have expected. They are not blind, however, to the fact that obstacles lie In the path of the proposed mutuullia tlon which are so Inherent that even with the greatest study and care they cannot be easily overcome. Mutuallsatlon and policy holding control are pleasant to the ear, but in and of themselves they do not necessarily Impart food administration or successful manage ment. If policy holders are to be allowed ;ontrol they should, In some way, be made to realise their responsibilities as well as their privileges. There are probably nearly y0,000 Individuals who are policy holders In the Equitable society, and yet It will De giving a high estimate to place the num ber who have thus far made the least ef fort, directly or Indirectly, to acquaint the trustees with their preferences at 25,000. and their desires when made known have often been so palpably Inconsiderate or based on such rr. conceptton that they could not with safety be followed. The trustees have derived the best aid from policy holders In cases where their representations have been made through SOME JAPANESE PLEASED Bolitarj Celebration of Conolmioi of Fete to Bo Held by Islanders. ONE RUSSIAN OFFICER DIES IN JAPAN Minister of War Removes Re striction. Placed on Officers Who Are Held as Pris oners of War, associations of the Insured, regularly or ganlted. and tnus enaDiea to sin ana re duce to sensible concentration the multi plicity and contrariety ana tne irequent misdirected want of local sentiment. I em certain the trustees for whom I speak are heartily In favor of such mutual lsatlon as will ds real ana genuine ana ii the same time compel In the direction and management of life insurance companies such ability, such attention and devotion to duty and honesty and alertness In dis charging fiduciary obligations as well as promoting legitimate seit-imoresi as re spectively vital to the beneficence of such organizations. In common wltn all others who desire the best conditions In this Important field of business where the people have so much at stake, the trustees acting ror the policy holders of the Equitable society will gladly welcome any aid in their work which may result from the labors of your committee. MOXEY SOT FOR LEGISLATION Andrew Hamilton Talks of Cash Se cured from New York Life. NEW YORK, Sept. 22.-The Evening World today received a cable dispatch from Andrew Hamilton of Albany, who Is In France, to the effect that the $lu0.00fe received by him from the New York Lire Insurance company In March, 1904, was not used for Influencing state legislation. Mr. Hamilton reached Blarrlu yesterday after completing an automobile tour through the south of France. He was met at Blarrlts by a telegraphic Inquiry from the World relative to the $100,000 check made out to him by the New York Life Insurance company In March, 1904, - to which he replied by wire as follows: You can deny for me that the check for $1CO,000 to me from the New York Life In surance company In March, 1904, was, as asserted In New York, for the purpose of influencing stats legislation or that It was so used. tntes Are Inreetlirattns;. ST. PAUL, Sept. 22 The joint investiga tion of the New York Life Insurance com pany by the insurance departments of Min nesota and other western states began at New York City today. A telegram from 8. H. Wolf, the actuary selected by the several states, was received by Insurance Commissioner O'Brien, notifying him that the work had commenced. This eamlnatlorT""was arranged for be tween Mr. O'Brien and the departments of several of the western states at a meeting held In New York' City some weeks ago and l to be sweeping In its extent. Presi dent McCall, In a talk with Mr. O'Brien, said he welcomed the Investigation; in fact, desired It.' During the Investigation one of the western Insurance commission ers will be on the ground all the time. TOKIO, Sept. 22.-12:30 p. m.-A solitary Instance of public rejoicing at the conclu sion of peace with Russia will tske place at a meeting to be held today at Kotaka, a town In the remote northeast corner of Nippon. Several Industrial associations will be represented pn the occasion, among which will be prominent Habutai pro ducers. ' Messages of congratulation will be for warded by those present at the meeting to the emperor of Japan, to Field Marshal Oyama. Vice Admiral Togo and to Presi dent Roosevelt. Russian Captain Dies. 1:30 a. m. Captain W. Boismann, a priso ner of war and former commander cf the Russian battleship Peresviet, has died at Matsuvama. Rear Admiral Nebogatoff and a number of other Russian naval officers have been permitted to give their parole and return home. Rear Admiral Rojestvensky has ai most recovered from his wound, but he is still under strict medical care in Fushlml. The minister of war has Instructed the removal of certain restrictions placed upon the Russian officers who are held as priso ners of war. The American steamer Parraocuta, Cap tain Curtis, last reported to have sailed from San Francisco for Nikolalevsk. has been seized by the Japanese north of the Island of Sakhalin Eleven prosecutors and eight judges cf the preliminary court, with several sec taries and policemen, made visits to the Nlroku Shlmbun and the residences of Its editors today. It Is believed that the ac tion taken was In connection with the re cent rioting. Formal Protests Asralnst Treaty. The number of direct memorials to the throne from different associations and In dividuals condemning the peace treaty and asking that It be not ratified, exceeds forty, among which Is an address signed by six professors of the Imperial university, ono of whom was recently placed on the retired list owing to his strongly worded anti-peace thesis. This memorial strongly urges the necessity of refusing to ratify the peace treaty and condemns It as en tirely annulling the purpose of the war as set forth In the declaration of hostilities. It Is also stated that indisputable reasons exist for refusing to ratify the treaty which Is deemed to be pregnant with ele ments of humiliation and future danger to the national Interests. In conclusion tho signers of this address say they humbly beg the throne to condescend to consider the spirit in which the address is presented. In spite of persistent editorials In the leading newspapers demanding the resigna tion of the cabinet it is believed that the ministers will continue to hold office until Federation of Labor has decided to he forth affiliate with the national organ Hon. This news caused much satisfaction amongst the members of the council, as the operation of the Colorado organization has long been sonrht. ENGINEERS GO TO EOSTON AWAITS CONSUL'S REPORT Minister Lelshman .Takes " Plena In Matter of Alleged Americans at Present. CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. . -Minister Lelshmann Is awaiting the result of Con sul General Dickinson's Inquiry Into the naturalization of Vartanlan and Afsrlan before taking further steps. In the course of his examination Var tanlan admitted to Mr. Dickinson that he had been dispatched by the revolutionary committee to murder Aplk Undllan, a prominent Armenian, who was shot and killed August M in the Galata quarter of this city, and added that Afarlan was his accomplice. Panama, Canal Consulting Board Lxsmio. Big Dam. to LIKE CONDITIONS OBTAIN ON ISTHMUS gtrnctnre. Which la Slaty High, la Bnllt of Farth F.nrth Ponnda- ' tlon. Feet on an CHOLERA CASES IN PRUSSIA Two Deaths and -fine "lew Cases Are Officially Reported from Berlin. BERLIN, Sept. 22.-The official bulletin Issued today announced that nine fresh casea of cholera were reported between noon yesterday and noon today and thai two deaths occurred In the same period, making the totals 23$ cases and eighty deaths. The new cases located are one each at Rastenhurg, Marlenwerder, Posen and Koltmar, two at Strasburg, east Prussia, and three at Randow. nature. He makes this world, and not al ways with the sense of Ood s spirit SprlnKfield (Mass.) Republican. Rnsslan Troops for Finland. HELSINQFOR8. Sept. 2Z-A large In crease In the number of Russian troops In Finland Is expected soon. About 4, BOO It is said, will be sent to Helslngfors. (00 to Vlborg and 900 to Vasa. The troops will be quartered In private houses. An ex plosion near the residence of the governor of Vasa yesterday evening crea,d excite ment, but no damage is reported beyond the shattering of the windows ot a neigh boring house. STEDMAN ORDERS INQUIRY Attorney General of Illinois Mar Bring Qso Warranto Proceeding; In Western Indemnity Case. CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Attorney General William H. Stedman, who represents the people of Illinois, has ordered an lnveatlga tlon Into the affairs of the Western Life Indemnity company and may Insist on quo warranto proceedings to determine whether the company has been pursuing wrong methods In the business of the company. Tank Steamer In Collision. wew YOrlK. Bept. 22-The steamer Oceanic, which arrived here today from noiieraam, reported mat the Orman tank steamer Phoebus, which it Dassed venter. day, signalled that It had been In collision with an unidentified steamer. Jt is probable that it was the rhtus that cuiiided with the steamer Cornwall, which arrived here yesterday, and whose captain reifrted that he believed he had oeen in collision with an Atlantic liner In a fog near Mon tauk, on Wednesday night. The Phoebus was hound from New York to Flushlns, Holland. . pr Budget of Holland Presented. THE HAGUE. Sept. 22. The financial min ister, Dr. J. J. t. Harte Van Tecklenburg, presented to the second chamber of the States General today the budget for 1908, showing an estimated deficit of upwards of $4,4on,000. The minister said he had not completed the details of his plan to restore the financial equilibrium, but In order to temporarily relieve the budget he pro posed to place an additional 10 cents tax on both capital and Income. Attempt to Uestrny Bank, WARSAW, Russian Poland. Sept. 22. An nttempt was made to destroy the Shere shevsky bank. A man threw a bomb at an open window of the bank, but missed his aim, and the missile exploded In the court yard, dangerously injuring the per petrator of the crime, a young Jew. It appears that the outrage was due to the fact that the bank officials had refused to contribute to the funds of the revolutionists. WASHINGTON. Sept. 22.-Th board of consulting engineers of the Panama Canal commission will make an Inspection of the Fachussett resennlr, a part of the water supply of Poston, before sailing for" the Isthmus next Thursday. This trip was de cided on today during a meeting at which the discussion of the construction of dams was the continued subject. The Poston reservoir Is mnlntslned by an earthen dam, with sand and earth foundation. It holds water to the depth of sixty feet and was built by Engineer Stearns, a member of the board. It Is regarded as a practical Illus tration of the strength of an earthen dam on an earth foundation, and In this connec tion offering valuable data In solving the problem of dams on the Isthmus, where many borings have been taken In the search for rock foundations for dams, with vary ing success. The board has spent the greater part of the time during Its sessions here on this question, but under a resolu tion passed no vote or conclusion can be recorded until after its visit to the Isthmus. In the discussion today the practicability of dams at various heights, ranging from sixty to ninety feet, was discussed, as welt as the various locations for dams along the line of the. canal. The details of the trip to Boston have not been arranged. It Is ex pected the engineers will leave here the first of the weeK, go direct to Boston, then to New York, from where they will sail for Panama Thursday. Townslte. In T'lntnh. A commission to appraise the townslte lots In the new towns In the late Uintah In dian reservation In Utah, consisting of Daniel Webster of the general land office. Charles E. Oroseclose of the office of the secretary of the Interior and Captain C. G. Hall, acting Indian agent at Uintah, was today appointed by Commissioner General Richards In the land office. Mr. Webster and Mr. Oroseclose will leave for Utah to morrow. The Myton lots will be the first sold. The sale will take place at the land office at Vernal, Utah, and will be by auction. N. J. O'Brien, special agent of the land office at Denver, will act as auctioneer. Lots un disposed of at the auction will be sold by the secretary at the appraised price. Record In Mitchell Case. The record In the oase of 8enator John H. Mitchell was filed In the United States su preme court today. It is brought here on a writ of error from the United States dis trict court of Oregon, in which Senator Mitchell was convicted of complicity In the Oregon land fraud cases. MAKES CUT AN ITEMIZED BILL YOnnar Fellnvr Itrpnlrs a Refractory ramp and Charges for Horse Sense, The question of remuneration for labor, always a mooted one, Is susceptible of being viewed from various standpoints. In a small community In Texas where water Is hard to find Mr. Henderson, the owner of a well, fitted out with a patent pump, was a person of consequence. It was also a -matter of public concern when the pump got out of gear and refused to perform Us proper functions. All the men In the locality spent the day In Henderson's bsck yard, consulting and "tinkering," Jointly and severally, at the pump, but nil to no avail. Finally along eame a young fellow, Joe Brady by name, from a neighboring raach. He looked the pump over, thought a couple of minutes and Inside of two minutes more had it In working order again. Approbation, was general. "Just name your price. Joe, my boy." said the owner of the pump heartily. Joe considered a bit and then said that he guessed $5 would be about right. There was a change at this, and remarks of a different nature from approbation were freely Indulged In. "Now, see here, Joe." said the aggrieved Henderson, "thought you was a square kind of a chap. That ain't any white man's charge. Why, you didn't do nothln' at all and one of us could a-done what you done and you wa'n't more'n five minutes doln' It neither. Fifty cents '-id be a big price for that work you done." Joe considered again. "AH- right," he said, "I'll make another charge. I'll send you my bill," he added, turning on his heel. When the bill came It read thus: For working on one pump five minutes. . $ .80 For horse sense that no other mother's son of you could scratch up 4 50 Total :: 15.00 Panama Desires Immlarrnnta. PANAMA. Sept. 22. It Is reDorted that after the adoption of the post bellum President Amador and the canal commls- measures, especially those regarding flnanc and tho Chinese and Corean problems. Kateura Mistaken. It transplrea that In spite of Premier Katsura's assurance to the contrary to the editors there exists a clause In the peace treaty by which Japan undertakes not to fortify Soya strait. As a result Intense In dignation 1 felt among the Influential classes, as this Is deemed to be the great est humiliation "Japan has ever suffered The restriction thus placed on Its terri torial liberty Is looked upon as being an unbearable Indignity and as constituting the blackest record In the history of a country which has never experienced defeat at the hands of othert nations. Not a few papers tomorrow are expected to print strongly worded editorials on this subject. The constitutionalists are gradually as suming a firm attitude of opposition to the government. The editors of ten dally papers met today and appointed a committee to make repre sentatlons to the government on the subject of the unusually long suspension of the Asahl and four other evening newspapers. Ths committee had an Interview with Gen eral Sakuma. commander-in-chief of ths Toklo garrison, who la In charge of the en forcement of martial law, and other au thorities, and It Is expected that the un fortunate newspapers will soon be allowed to resume publication. ston are endeavoring to attract Spanish Immigrants from the famine stricken dis tricts of Gallcla. Many are considered to be the best workmen In Panama. The Russian colonists at Chlrlqul are making good progress. Hearing- the Watt Case. LONDON. Sept. M.-Ther was a further hearing In the Marlborough police court :uii(c nmn nugn watt, a former member of Parliament, of attempt ing to hire Marshall's private detective to assist blm in murdering his former wife. uui nine aeveiopea. Workmen Grow Threatening-. CADIZ. Spain. Sept 22-Reports from the famine districts show that ths workmen tnreaten to Durn ana sacK ir they are not furnished with food. Appeals have been sent to the government to distribute rations. Calhoun Return. In October. CARACAS. Venezuela, Sept. 22. Judge W. J. Calhoun, who was charged with a special mission to Venezuela in behalf of the United States, will sail for home Octo ber I IN THE VESTIBULE OF AUTUMN Jfew Knatlnnd Editorial Poet Dip. HU Quill In the Colors of the Season. When after long fall rains that brood over earth In gray masses of moving cloud, and now and anon descend upon earth; after nights of white mist and breathless stillness; after swift, tempestu ous showers; after chill days of depres sion, finally the north wind wings around the edge of the vaporous waste of waters and sweeps It out and away, to accom Dll.ih further duty In other regions when Miian enmes whnt rich clearness ' Davenport, clear. there Is In the air, ho-w the trees shine ' Havre''cV,udy''" in the sunlight and the pasture grasses Helena, cloudy!!! FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Wnrmer Today In Nebraska and the Dakotas Tomorrow Fair. WASHINGTON. Sept. 22.-Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska and the Dakotas Fair and warmer Saturday; Sunday, fair. For Iowa Warmer Saturday, cooler In south portion; 8unday, fair and warmer. For Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming- Fair Saturday and Sunday For Missouri Fair Saturday and Sunday; cooler In north portion Saturday For Montana Fair and cooler Saturday; Sunday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Sent. 22 Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: isns. 1904. 1901 19 Maximum temperature.... Rl 4 85 69 Minimum temperature.... 61 S2 61 64 Mean temperature 71 73 Precipitation 00 T .00 .18 Temperature and precipitation depar lures irom me normal at umani slnoe March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 64 Excess for the day f Total excess since March 1 314 Normal precipitation .09 Inch Deficiency for the day '.09 Inch Total rainfall slnoe March 1 J0.1B Inches Deficiency since March 1 4.79 Inches Deficiency for cor. period In 1304.. B.68 Inches Excess for cor. period In !$.... 4.83 Inches Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and State Tern. Max. Rain or eather. 7 p. in. Tem. Bismarck, clear 63 78 Cheyenne, clear 74 t2 Chicago, clear 72 71 to M a renew almost the hues of spring beneath I Huron, part cloudy 83 the flowers of autumn, how sweet Is the j NorVlati'e. clear !'.'.!..'.'.!: 74 fragrance of the fields and how welcom- ! Omaha, clear 73 Ing the aspect of all the earth! I R.apHty' ,,i,?r Much does it suggest a new awakening, St; j,nu 'Cear. !!!!!!!!!!!!!'.'. 82 for everything In outer nature responds , Salt I.ake City, clear ft A Notable Display of Smart Styles in Boys' and Youths' High Grade Clothing for Fall. As usual, we excel in points of exclusive ness of styUs, high 1 quality of fabrics used and high class workmanship. Ab usual, these modest prices prevail for Boys' Suits or Overcoats: $5.00, $6.00. $7.50. Youths' Suits and Overcoats in femart double or single breasted styles for ages 13 to 18 years . $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. Investigate our new Shoe Department for School and Dress Shoes. Catalogue of all kinds of wearing apparel for young people now ready. "Write for it. BENSON ÞE3 OMAUAnNEB.' 1513 Douglas Street, m w a ft nVLaV l Si J DEATHRECORD. Francis H. Penbody. BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 22. Francis II. Peabody, member of the Boston banking firm' of Kidder, Peabody & Co., died at Beverly Cove. He was 74 years of age. Mr. Peabody was stricken during the night. The family physician was hurriedly J summoned, but could do nothing to relieve the dying banker. Mr. Peab.dy ap parently was enjoying excellent health yes terday. He went to Boston and nr"t sev eral hours at the offices of the Kidder, Peabody company. For nearly half a century Mr. Peabody had been prominent in the financial circles of the country. In 1865 he organized the firm of Kidder, Pea body & Co., one of the prominent financial institutions of the world. Mr. Peabody la survived by a widow, one son and one daughter. James W. Darrah. AUBURN, Neb., Sept. 22 (Special.) James W. Darrah died at tils residence In this city yesterday evening, aged 76 years. Mrs Darrah was one of the pioneer mer chants of this place. H engaged in busi ness hero In 1881. He was a public-spirited man and has occupied several Important positions. He served as mayor for three terms and as councilman for over ten years. He was secretary of the Fair association. HIS wife died last spring after a lingering Illness, and the strain of her sickness and the bereavement of her death broke him down. He took to his bed shortly after her demise and gradually grew weaker until the end came. The remains will be taken to Shelbyvllle, Mo., for Interment. Colonel I. N. Walker. INDIANAPOLIS, Bept. 22. Colonel L N. Walker, assistant adjutant general of the Indiana Grand Army ot the Republic, died here today. Colonel Walker was well known In Grand Army of the Republle circles, with which organisation he had been prominently conneoted for many years. Mra. Jeaaaette Fenner. MAGNOLIA. Ia.. Sept. C (Special. )- I Mrs. Jeannette Fenner, aged 89 years, died I here of apoplexy at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Charles Cress. She was burled yesterday at the local cemetery. Rev. Peter Bchott delivered the funeral address. Charles T. O'Ferrall. RICHMOND. Va., Sept. 22 Former eon gressmaa' and former governor of Vlr glnia, Charleg T. O'Fsrrall. dlsd here today. Dr. Francisco C. Calderon. LIMA. Peru, Sept. 22 Dr. Francisco Gar cia Calderon. former professor of Peru, died last night. He was born In 1834, FIRE RECORD. Bad Blase In West Virginia. CHARLESTON. W. Va., Sept 22.-A loss of $200,COO and serious Injuries to a number of firemen resulted from a fire today near the business center of the city. The fire started In the candy department on the fourth floor of the six-story building occupied by Eakew, Smith and Cannon, and CompeteVy destroyed that building and stock; also the adjoining building of Coyle A Richardson, occupied by different firms. Assistant Fire Chief Debaugh and H. A. Drew, a ball player, who volunteered to aid the firemen, were among those badly hurt. Reflections of a Bachelor. The only one a girl can fool canter than young man Is an old one. It Is surprising how little a man has to pend on his clothes If he Is rich. Maybe It is so much easier to write tele grams than letters because they cost more. It takes a girl to be so deceitful that she can turn a yawn over your story Into a smile at It. A good thing about having the children go to Sunday school Is that It makes that part of the day so peaceful at home. New York Press. WASHINGTON. Sept. 22. The executive council of the American Federation of Labor today received telegraphic Inforina Officers. 8ept. 22. The Women, Elect GETTYSBURG. Pa.. Ladles' auxiliary of the Sons of Veterans today elected officers aa follows: National president. Katie E. Hardcsstle. Philadel phia; vice president. Eslelle Richards. Bos ton; national council Aflflie M. Wallace, Indianapolis; Millie Donaldson, Paterson, N. J., and Carrie Drake, Ban Francisco; chaplain, Julia A. Monehan. Rochester; aecretary, Gertrude E. MelM. Philadelphia; national treasurer, Mayme Herbst, Canton, O. ; Inspector. Sarah Mllhan, St. Paul; gen eral Installing officer. Ida M Patterson, Peoria. III.; chief of state. Mrs. M. E. Stoy, Portland, Me. Lealon to Meet In Mnffalo. CLEVELAND. Sept. 22 After a very warm contest between nine cities st Its ses sion here today the National Protective Legion selected Buffalo as the next place of meeting two years hence. Georre A. Hodg klnson of Cleveland was elected as a third member or tne board of trustees Iron Workers Endorse Strike. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. K At todav's session of the International Union of Brldaemen and Structural Iron Workers of America, now convening; at Odd Fellows' emnle, the strike aralnst the American Brldse compsny obtained the official en dorsement of the convention. Good Work Needs HEALTH Use POST UM FOOD COFFEE For Reason to the fresh Invlgoratlon. Now start the dandelions, seedlings of those that made the spring so cheerful amid the grasses and along the roadside; not all of our gold Is May's, they say; even now there Is time for revival, and the goldenrods can not monopollxe the aureate splendor. So the buttercups are encouraged and send out new blossoms on the old stems; It Is but a trifling effort to do this, and If it be In farewell. It Is also In promise. The heart of the old earth beats now as svarmly on the verge of sleep as when the year was new. The autumn sweetness Is In possession of the wI.kIs that waft the pollen of myriad flowers; and when the sun beams strongest In midday the balsam of the firs and pines and hemlocks floats out as warmly as In summer noons. Beneath the shades glow the crimson mushrooms and the weird blossoms without foliage of the coral root orchid haunt the rambler In those sacred recesses. The nuts are beginning to ripen and provident squirrels are clipping them from their bunches In the air. Beech nuts must be gathered early If they are to be gathered at all, but even the other nuts that are not ripe are subject to the foreseeing enterprise of these shrewd creatures. They have their concerns to attend to, and do not neglect them. There Is a calm and rest in the processes of nature that deeply Impress the restless and perturbed ' soul of man. To many who are short of sight as to beauty and significance In the work of nature, this tenderness of the departing life Is melan choly, as foretelling the harsh onset of Imprisoning months, when the snows come and the north wind, now only In vigorating and welcome, shall be fierce and forbidding of pleasure. This Is to take but a petty thought out of the great thoughts offered by the noble changes of the encompassing life. Hour by hour the life develops Into myriad manifestations of beauty and glory; hour by hour these fulfill their purpose and slowly vanish Into memories; but the life Itself does not van ish. In all things, as In man himself, the phases melt and resolve into other phases. Presently w shall see the superb and lovely blossoming of the trees Into won derful colors for flowers are but leaves diverted from one form of service to an other and a higher form, and the blossom ing of the woodland Is redoubled and en gloried above the gentler graces of spring and summer. Already, for a month past, there have been signal boughs of maple and the sumach's reddening pinnate.; and ferns have been growing pale and glowing white In the shaded woods. Nothing Is don In haste, but all In gracious and lov Ing moderation, and when the splendors come, we shall, have been prepared for them In a thousand ways The birds are going now: many, that go a they will, have already grown few In our region, and now the thickets, the fence corners, the fields, know the assemblies of one and another migratory family. The shore birds are swinging over us, day and day sandpiper and others that go In flocks, bound for fields ot food that w know not of. The voices of song ar fewer as the fall comes on. But the bird that sings no longer her may sing In Bouth America, and all will return when they know the sign that urges th.ra one again northward. All Is as It should b with all th creatures of th earth, except only man In him nature a I' mn 1 i r 1 1 a Kf.AiiaA h. Valentine, clear 70 Wllllston. clear 72 T indicates trace ot precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. 4 a It 78 M 88 81 78 88 70 84 78 78 fall .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 9 Before you buy any tnaga tine this month, ask your self if you know of any maga zine which more fully, belongs on the center table of your home than McCLUKE'8. Ak yourself If any is more interest ing to you. Then buy October (out today) and read any of the seven good short stories or the remainder of Miss Tarbell's paper. & B. McCLURB COMPANT 44-60 Fast 23d Street NEW YORK Whan dreastng yog. will and a Coat Shirt v S flllM to int on. If the fsrment It wWte, tl nmih it irfn'L It oUored, U fsbti U LUl.ull I AST. $1.50 rand more CLUETT, PEABODY A OO., HAKIM OP SkUfTT ANO AHftOW COLLASI Call Us by 'Phone whenever you want something call 'Phon S3S and make It known through a Baa Want Ad. AMISEMESTS. (RUG Prices lic, 26c, 6ic, 7.io. Run. Mat. 10c. 2f.c, ROo. Wednesday and Satur,ly Matinees, all Seats 26c. MATINKK TODAY, 20c. ftS"" FANTASMA A Play for All the People An En tirely New Production With Its Clowns, Ballets and Dazzling Scenery. STARTING MSB-AY JIATINEB B. E. FORREST Presents the Dainty Comedienne FLORENCE BINDLEY In TIIK BKI.I.K OF TIIK WKST. The Musical Success of the Season. oa fin ritovoKKHs s Comlnar "Her First Fnlse Step." BOYD'S n WOODWARD M vo UROCSS fc - Com. Sundsy Mat. for 7 performances. Last year's Musical Success, TIIF. TIBETAN OPERA THE FORBIDDEN LAND BEAUTY CHORUS. MAGNIFICENT MOUNTINGS. PRICES 25c to ll.BOc; Mat., 25o to $1.00 Friday TIM MIRP11Y. THE NEW Woodward & Burgess, Hirs. Telephone 1608. BURWOOD Matinee Todaj with Double Orchestra THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. In th Great Military Drama THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME Prices Night and Sunday Matlneea, 10c and 26c; Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day Matinees, luo and 20c. Next Wek A ROYAL FAMILY. tKIOHTOM 4 . ft c TOW, Phone 494. MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY-2:15 NOTE THE CURTAIN WILL RISE AT 8: IS BllAitr. :15-TONIGT-:16 A QUARTER OF AN HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL. Prlcea loc, 26c, 60c. BASE BALL VlfiTON STREET PARK Omaha vs St. Joseph September 17, IB. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 Two games Sundty, September 17. Fir,' called at 2 H0. Two games September 23. First called "two' games September 24. First call4 'Vl'onday, September 18, Ladles' Dsy. Friday, September 22, Ladles' Day. Cam Called 3:45. mi Sopt. 27 Oct. 7 BOMCTHINQ DOINQ ALL Tin lima.. Great Day Parade, OCTOBER Oili JTo imposed t m Hurlou Homblnmtlo of Huim Kapermt Bum Cen mnd Bum Knsnctsts, Grind Elictrlc R" P.,.at. Ml t s a nBLK mgiu uciouir JL. Ui 1 U - S UUJSB A COHCIOU DILV OF ALllCOntCAL UJlCT r-HttENTIO IN A Brllllint5l.il ef Biwlldirlng Buvty. GRAND COUHT BALL. NIOHT OOTOBIR - REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS I VOUR LOCAL ACINT. I htmaeU Is aut M consciously a, j.rl of tlon to the effect that the Colortdj Stat