13 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1905. COUNCIL BLUFFS Office, 10 Pearl St. Tel. 48. MIIOR MESTIOS. I"v1s sells drugs, "tockert sells carpets. Plumbing and heating. Blxby 8on. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 80 Pearl street Woodring-Hchmldt. undertakers. Tel. 33S. lefferfa Improved torlo lenses glvs satis faction. 8nlrn1n1IR wanted, also a boy. E. W. WoMwonh & Co. Wanted, pre feeder. Morehouse dt Co., IS North Main street. Scnool paints, brushes and paper. Ales ander's, 333 Broadway. I-arse. attendance at night achool. West ern Iowa College. Enroll now. Farma foi ale, all size, easy term. Squire A Annla, Council muffs, la, Fryer Printing Co., 23 M.iln. Tel. 2"6. Let m figure on your next order of printing. On the ground fljor. Morehouse & Co., printers and blndora, are In their new building now, 18 North Main Bt. We take contract for papei hanging and house painting; all work guaranteed. H. Borwlck, 211 B. Main. Phone 681. The Knights and Ladles of Security will five a card party In toe Maccabees' hall, aturday. September 3. Everybody luvlted. Admission, 10 cents. F. V. Wasserman of Pueblo. Colo., la the guest of W. A. (Jroneweg and family. Mr. Wasserman, a number of years ago, was teller In the United States National bank of Omaha. A. L. KnoilKh, manager of the, Citizens Cms and Klectrlc company, left lust even Inn for (ial.HoulK. 111. It Is Understood that on his return he will be accompanied by a brldu. H. J. Sanders of this city, who has ben employed as assistant engineer on govern menf Irriiriitlnn work In Wvominit. lias TU' turned. H will shortly enter the employ of the Union Pacific here. Bishop T. N. Morrison will meet with the congregation of (irace Episcopal church next Monday evening at 7 o'clock, when the question of the ailvlsabtllt of railing a rector to the parish will be further dis cussed and possibly determined. Htate Senator C. O. Saunders who, with M. L. Temple of Osceola and F. F. Young of Villisca, comprise the legislative com mittee appointed to Investigate the ques tion of the Indeterminate sentences, left yesterday to vi-it the punltentlarles at Fort Mncli.uon and Anamosa. William Clark, aged 61 years, died at mid night Thursday at his home in Boomer township. Ills wife, two daughters nnd four sons survive him. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the family residence, and interment will be In the Grange cemetery. A ouuuing uermn ub ibbucu jcidiuoj to Mlnard Slyter for an addition to his resl dne on Washington avenue, to cost $U0. Dan Maher, for being drunk and disturb ing the peace, and Emll Olson, an alleged dupe fiend, each drew ten days on bread and water In police court yesterday. The eases against Frank Walker, Charles Powell and Charles Williams, charged with the theft of doors from grain cars belong ing to the Union Pacific, were continued In Justice Gardiner's court yesterday until September 28. Special Officer Vlzxard of the Union Pacific stated yesterday that he had found where over 10U grain car doors had been stolen and the material used for building purposes. The Council Bluffs Hebrew society has purrhased the German Methodist church nronertv on North Seventh street and will remodel It for use as a synagogue. The so ciety expects to be able to occupy the building In time for the celebration of the Jewish New Year, Saturday, September 30. The other Jea Ish societies of the city have a handsome synagogue on Mynster street, which was erected last year. A cablegram received yesterday from a brother and sister In England directs that the remains of Ernest Gosling be burled HAS BEEN ENGAGE! BEFORE fair Plaintiff in Breach of f romiii Euit Cross-Examined. DEFENDANT ALSO HAS TURN ON STAND Hoth of Them Considerably Hmhar ruaaed by the Questions Pat to Them Plrtnre Shows tireut Cnsnare in Defendant. Pnbdon, left guard; Hennlnger. feft tarkl; Williams, left end; Benjamin, ouarter back; BrhefTler. right half back; Cutler, left half bsok; Nlenll. fuJ'Sck. Substitutes: Heno, Martin, Volght, Clemmer. Gretser, Hor gaard, Johnson, Graves and Hunter, Real Estate Transfer. These transfers were reported to The Eee September 22 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Bhrrlff to Farmers' Htate bank of Dyersvllle, la., ae nev S-T7-K s. d.. TO T. J. Bhugart and wife and C. Q. Ouren and wife to Annie Hansen, lot 1, suhdlv of original plat lot 192, Council BlufTs. w. d 10.000 Michael Kennedy and wife to Henry Andersen, lot 20, block 12. Bentley, la., w. d 75 Total three transfers I10.TT5 filRL HELD FOR POISOSISG FATHER Aliened to Hare Pot strychnine on Bread In Lunch. SHENANDOAH, la., Sept. C (Special Tplfrrum 1 Fjtnft Mulllann 13 vcAra old. Miss Seythla Ferguson, the fair plaintiff was ,oday bound ovr by Ju,tu., Maltox to the October grand Jury on the chargi here, noon The funeral will be held this after- at I o'clock from the undertaking rooms or woourtng & ecnmiai, ana inier mpnt will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. Harvey Hostetler, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, will conduct the aery Ice. In the suit of Marlon 8. Hungerford nir.ilnst A. .W. Way and Emma Metcalfe, involving the possession of the resort In the northwestern part of the city, an affi davit containing several sensational charges was filed In the federal court yes t rday by Mrs. Metcalfe. Judge MtPherson ordered the case held open for ten days In order to permit the otnor ame to nie coun ter affidavit. cenrire an.l Mamie Baxter of New Tork have broufffit suit in the United States court to restrain Charles It. Hannan, Secretary of State Martin and others from proceeding further with the survey and sale of about 1 () acres In East Omaha. This la one of the many suits resulting from the attempt of Hannan and others to acquire by pur rhn under the new law of a large tract of alleged river bottom land In Cut-Off. The Baxters claim to have acquired title through United State patent and by ad verse possession. SKTMOl'R ISDICTED FOR SWIXDLF.R Collects Money on Pretense of locat ing Homesteaders. The federal grand. Jury haa returned an indictment against H. H. Seymour, charg ing him with falsely representing himself to be an agent employed by the government to locate homesteads. From the evidence submitted to the grand Jury it appears that Seymour had collected tti each from a number of farmers and old soldiers In Montgomery county on the representations that he was empowered by the Interior department to locate home steads for them in Woodbury county, east of Sioux City, lfls scheme, it is said, was to represent that the land oould be se cured through military land warrants. Seymour is said to be In the county Jail at Red Oak awaiting the action of the district grind Jury on u charge of obtain ing money under false pretensions in con nection with the same scheme for which he was indicted by the federal grand Jury. With the reporting of this indictment the federal grand Jury completed Its work and waa discharged. - from Kentucky In the 2j.Ui0 breach of promise suit against W. H. Kennedy, the aged farmer of Montgomery county, had rattier an uncomfortable day of It in fed eral court yesterday and while under cross examination was asked a number of pointed questions which evidently somewhat em barrassed her. On the whole the defense seemingly scored heavily yesterday. Miss Ferguson took the stand on her own behalf yesterday afternoon and It was dur ing her cross-examination that the de fense got Its Innings. One of the first questions put to the plaintiff by counsel for the defense was: "How many times have you been engaged before?" "Three times," answered Miss Ferguson, after a slight hesitation. 'Well, with this one It makes four alto gether?" suggested counsel. Yes, four times," was the reply given rather reluctantly. How me.ny suits for breach of promise have you prosecuted?" was the next ques tion asked by the defendant's counsel. "Only this one," was the reply. "The others were settled, then?" queried counsel. "In some form," replied the fair plaintiff, while the color mounted to her cheeks. "Then you know what It meant when you said In you letter to Mr. Kennedy that If he wanted to be 'extricated' he knew what was best to do?" was the next question asked by counsel. "I certainly knew what I was doing." was the reply, which was given as if the fair plaintiff meant it. Plot are Shows Difference During the cross-examination of Miss Ferguson counsol for the defense intro duced a number of letters written by the plaintiff to Kennedy and the salient points of these were read to the Jury with consld erable emphasis by Attorney Genung. Miss Ferguson on direct examination gave her age as 35 and offered in evidence photograph of Kennedy taken at the time he visited her in Kentucky, which showed that the defendant at that time presented a very different appearance to what he does In court. The picture showed him clean shaved, dressed In a nobby suit of clothes and a big diamond ring on his finger. This la a striking contrast to his present appearance, as he looks the typical farmer, with his blue hickory shirt, and white whiskers fringing his face. Miss Ferguson stated that Kennedy's advertise ment in the matrimonial Journal gave his age as 45, whereas In fact he was at that time 63 years of age. Prior to Miss Ferguson giving her testi mony the defendant was placed on the stand by counsel for the plaintiff. He appeared greatly embarrassed and exceed ingly nervous and when asked the cause of his extreme nervousness Kennedy re plied, much to the amusement of every one In the court room: "Judge Mitchell (one of the attorneys for the plaintiff) told me last night that when he got me on the witness stand he would give me h 11." Kennedy's testimony was to the effect that Miss Ferguson had released him from the engagement. The plaintiff was etlll on the witness stand when court adjourned for me any. It Is understood that the defense will move for a verdict at the close of the plaintiff s evidence. The court room was crowded all day and Court Bailiff McFadden counted over eighty women in the room at one time. The crowd was augmented during the afternoon ses sion by a number of high school girls, who apparently listened with breathless inter est to the reading of the plaintiff's letters. During the day a number of women visited the district court room, but on being In formed by Bailiff Matlock that the breach of promise suit was on trial In the federal building hurriedly departed for the latter place. of giving poison to hr fnther with the In tent to kill him. He was on the rural mall route as substitute carrier, and at dlnnsr time ate the lunch which he claims the girl had put up for him. The bread wss bitter, and later developments showed that It was covered with strychnine. He bought the pnion last spring for rats and kept it In the house. He got an overdose of tho poison, so- that he soon recovered. Bonds were fixed at $500, which the girl was un able to give. Woodmen to Hold Ptcnte. LOGAN, la., Sept. 12 (Special.) The local lodges of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Royal Neighbors of Amer ica have announced a picnic to occur at Ixgan on Thursday, September 28. Music will be furnished by three bands. A parade will be held and a program of sports ren dered, for which prizes amounting to IVQ have been offered. The speakers will be as follows: Dr. I. C. Wood, mayor of Logan; F. R. Korns, state lecturer of the Modern Woodmen of America; John D. Donnlson, state lecturer of the Royal Neighbors of America; A. R. Talbot, former head consul. Students Injured In Class Flaht. IOWA CITY, la., Sept. 22.-(3pecial.)-Two students were seriously Injured In the annual class scrap between the freshmen and sophomores, which has been in prog ress all day. At noon President MacLean called a halt. The sophomores were out numbered, but ahead when the end came. Willis Mercer of Iowa City, recently editor of the Dally Iowan, was knocked uncon scious and taken home. Ned Van Meter, a freshman from Tipton, was struck on the htad with a stone, knocked uncon scious and a surgeon waa called. Prominent People Divorced. TABOR, la., Sept. 21 (Bpeclal.) Mrs. Mattle Gregory was granted a divorce from her husband. W. O. Gregory, In the district court at Glenwood Wednesday, after fifteen years of married life. The petition alleged cruel and Inhuman treatment and asked for 15,000 alimony. The alimony was set tled by agreement, Mrs. Gregory receiving S9.100. School Board Lets Contract LOGAN, la.. Sept 21 (Special.) The eon tract for the proposed new Logan school building has been let to C. E. Atkinson of Webster City for $26,500. There were nine other bids submitted. The building Is to be completed by August 1, 1906. PEAT BRIQUETTES AS FUEL Golden Dlea from Injuries. Thomas W. Golden, who was crushed beneath a switch engine In the Northwest ern yards Thursday night, succumbed to Ms injuries three hours after being taken to Mercy hospital. Golden, wlo was engine foreman of the night switching crew, waa standing on the footboard of the engine when In passing a crossing at Avenue E a sudden lurch of the locomotive caused the footboard to strike the planks of the crossing. Golden lost his balance and was thrown directly In front of the engine. Both legs were badly mangled from the knees down and he received severe Injuries about the head. At the hospital it was found necessary to amputate both legs Just below the knee, but Oolden failed to rally from the shock of rhe amputation. Oolden was a single nan and had been In the employ of the Northwestern for seven years. He boarded at the Metropol itan hotel. His body was sent last night to Escanaba. Mich., where his mother lives. Coroner Treynor slated yesterday that It was doubtful if he would hold an Inquest unless Golden' relatives requested It. Board of Snpervlaorn Adjourns. The Board of County Supervisors com pleted Us work yesterday morning and ad journed until the regular session In No vember. It will meet, however, on Octo ber 2 in Joint session her with the board of Harrison county. George L. Miller, supervisor of the poor, was appointed a member of the soldiers' relief commission. Thursday the board ordered transporta tion furnished Mrs. L. A. Potter for her two children, whom she desired to send to a relative ia Ottumwa, where they would be cared for and sent to school. Yesterday the supervisors rescinded this action, hav ing in the meantime learned that Mrs. Potter had been appointed guardian of h, r hushand, an Inmate of the insane ward at St. Bernard's, for the purpose of collect ing l.:ou due the husband from the Switch men's union. MARCUS GETS TERM IM PRISON Will Sot Trouble the Police Durlnu the Next Six Months. Maurice Marcus, the crippled youth who haa given the authorities much trouble lately, pleaded guilty yesterday In district court to the charge of breaking Into W. E. Murphy's candy and cigar store, and Judge Macy sentenced him to six months in the penitentiary at Fort Madison. There were two indictments against Marcus, the second of which, for destruction of shrubs In Cochran park, was dismissed. Frank Sebrlng, who was indicted for breaking luto the Milwaukee local passen ger depot and robbing a chewing gum machine, entered a plea of guilty and Judge Macy sentenced him to four months' Imprisonment in the county Jail. He haa been In Jail since June . John L. Price was taken -into custody yesterday, an Indictment having been re turned against him by the grand Jury. He is charged with malicious Injury and defacement of property. He is said to have kicked in the door of the residence of Mrs. Christina Weberg at Second avenue on July 24. He furnished ball In the sum of $300 for Ms appearance. Judge Macy in district court yesterday sustained the demurrer of Freeman L. Reed, former clerk of the district court, to the petition of F. C. Ixjugee. In which the Utter sought to recover $100 damages for the failure of the clerk to enter a Judgment In the general Hen Index. The error occurred In 1W5. but mas not discov ered until long afterward, and In the mean- I time property which would have been sub ject to Lougee's lien slipped through his hands because of the failure to record the Judgment. Reed's demurrer was based on the statute of limitations. As Iuge elected to stand by his original petition, the suit wss accordingly dismissed. In the suit ot the State Land and Im provement Company against the City of Council Bluffs. arg'ed before Judge Macy Thursday, the court yesterday handed down his decision, in which he held that the property Involved was of a value of $1,0W) and that therefore the assessment for the paving should have been only $250 in stead of $300. The coats were ordered taxed to the city. li. J. Plumbing O. TeL ZM. Night, H5S4. Eastern Railroad Experimenting; ' with Compressed Mud aa a. Sub stitute for Coal. The possibility of utilization of millions of tons of peat and the creation of a rival to coal and water power as means of car rying on the world's industries may be completely demonstrated by processes now in use in Lexington. The Boston A Maine railroad is using briquettes of peat in some of Its engines on the shorter runs In and out of Boston. and experiments with the new fuel have been pronounced successful. This encour ages many persons to believe that a pe riod of new commercial possibilities is at hand. Watching the operation of the en gines that use the peat Is the Inventor of the apparatus for preparing peat, who believes that he is about to revolutionise the conditions of manufacturing in districts far from coal fields. The story of peat is not new. The fuel has been used for centuries In Europe. In Its sclentlflec aspects It has been studied for years in this city. But the results ob tained at Lexington, Mass., are most not able. The conditions there are like those of thousands of places in America where vegetable deposits which have accumulated through ages Invite the scientist and the promoter to the utilization of coal In a primary process of formation. Beside the southern division of the Boston A Maine railroad and close to the Concord post road Is a reedy swamp of about 100 acres, a soggy mudhole such as may be found In almost every county outside of the arid portions of the United States. It Is, per haps, a little less oozy and quaking than some swamps. In this swamp, According to the e.il mates of engineers, is vegetable mold enough to make fuel to supply all the rail roads entering Boaton for 100 years the present rate of consumption. It Is a vast mine, even though the deposits lie on the surface. The bog shows hardly anywhere less than twelve feet of black mud, and at places In the center borings have gone down eighty feet before the hard pan of clay subsoil was reached. A little ditch full of clear water on one side of the swamp represents all that has been done by the taking out of a few thousand tons. Incidentally it Indicates the outcome of this kind of mining. The face of the earth will not be disfigured. The holes in the ground will simply add to the number of the country's lakes. The peat manufacturing plant at East Lexington has as a chief feature a brl quettlng house equipped with special ma chinery Into which wet peat Is thrown and emerges In the shape of pressed cylinders with a hole running through the center. They are compact and almost as hard as coal after they have been dried under In tense heat. A kiln for carbonizing Is under construction. The motive power department of the Boston 'It Maine has for several weeks been trying this fuel on shifting engines and for short local runs. It has been found that the peat briquettes make an excep tionally hot fir and that the cost Is lass than that of coal, while little smoke comes from the smokestacks. The only disad vantage that haa appeared is one that will disappear If the use of the briquette be comes universal. Peat fuel cannot be used with coal in the same locomotive. One kind of fuel must be employed or the other. The peat briquettes hav not boen tried yet for long railroad runs for the reason that depots of supply would have to be established along the route, since all CRISWOLD MYSTERY DEEPENS Mas Ftnnd in Hirer Thonzkt to Hare En Dead for Two Wteki. TWO INCHES SHORTER THAN GRISWOLD Insurance Companies Active In Proving- a Mistake Has Been Mnde and that Grlswold Is Still Among the Living. (From a Staff Correspondent.) PES MOINES. Sept. 21 (Special.) Addi tional evidence that the body taken from the river here Is not that of George R. Grlswold. the prominent insurance man who Is missing, came to light today in the statement of Trof. Kinney, state chemist, who said the organs he has ex amined for poison show that the body had been dead fully two week. Grlswold was last seen five days before the organs were turned over to Prof. Kinney. This sensa tional report gives support to the theory of thoe who claim that Grlswold waa not a victim of murder nor a suicide, but that he Is still alive somewhere. The body taken from the river three days after Orlswold a disappearance was not Identified except by Its clothing, as the features were un recognizable. It Is now disclosed also that the stature of the dead body was a couple of Inches less than Griswold's. Grlswold carried about $15,000 life Insurance and $5,000 accident Insurance. Insurance com panies are active, seeking to disprove the murder or suicide theories. Prof. Kinney reported today that there was no poison of any kind In the organs of the body or the contents of the stomach, an examination of thlch he concluded to day. The man who claims he saw Grlswold fighting with two men who were trying to secure his satchel is C. W. Owen, a man who has been prominent here and who has been in the county Jail serving a sentence on conviction of swindling some banks. Will Look to Legislature. In a circular letter sent out by A. H. Davison, secretary of the executive com mittee, the ;ounty auditors are reading be tween the llr.es that If they expect any relief from the present methods of assess ing telephone companies they must get busy and seek to Influence the legislature. At the last session of the legislature the executive counclt directed Mr. Davison to call the attention of the committees of the senate and house to the clumsy method of assessing telephone companies. The com mittees refused aid. Now the county audi tors are continually writing to the execu tive council for relief and In a circular letter Mr. Davison In substance tells them to get busy after the legislature. The law requires the executive council to assess all telephone companies. The blanks are sent out and have to be reported through the county auditors. There are hundreds of farmer party line telephones which do no commercial business and the executive council wanted these companies assessed by the regular township assessors In their counties. They do not average an assess ment of $70, on which the tax paid to the state would be 22 cents, which does not pay the cost of making the assessment. Record In Divorces Granted. In the district court today Judge W. H. McHenry granted twenty-seven divorces. breaking the record in the courts for this county. Will Lay Cornerstone. The cornerstone for the new Drake col lege theological school building will be laid next Thursday, according to arrange ments completed this morning. The serv ices will be held at 4 p. m. under the di rection of Dean Haggard and Prof. D. R, Dungan. Decisions of the Supreme Court. State against Charles Quill, appellant. Mahaska county. Convicted of keeping gambling house. Affirmed. State against Joseph Uodney, murder In first degree. Monroe county. Affirmed. State against Isaac Whltsell. Washing ton county. Burglary. Affirmed. State against T. J. Price and John J. Price. Mahaska county. Maintaining liquor nuisance. Affirmed. Joseph W. Lynn, appellant, against the uiueose sugar Kenning Company. Mar- cuuniy. sun lor personal injury. Every Niece aiMl Mepliew of Uncle Sam should he deeply interested in what he has said about soda crackers, because they are the one food with which all of them are familiar. Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda crackers are richer in nutriment and body-building elements, properly proportioned, than any food made from flour. This is saying much for common soda crackers, and much more for Uneedfi DISCUlt( because they axe soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked better more scientifically. They are packed better more cleanly. The damp, dust and odor proof package retains all the good ness and nutriment of the wheat, all the freshness cf the best baking, all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best for his people. His people have shown that they think Uneeda Biscuit the best of that food, nearly 400,000,000 packages having already been consumed. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY cendado, took our places in the brush and began gazing up the river. Parting the twigs and boughs as carefully as any pair of dogs they began the search for signs of ducks, while we rode along the psth at the foot of the embankment looking for any thing but ducks. Suddenly one of the creep ing Indians stopped, drew backward out of the bushes and silently slgnalle dus that the ducks were Just ahead. The two stealthily crept down the embankment and seized our bridal reins. The hacendado or dered me down and the Indians handed me my gun. We took the places of the men in the bushes and silently signalled us that our shots. The hacendado got his duck. It fell lnv the water, wounded. As it began floundering toward the opposite bank he signalled one of the Indians, and Into the water the man went. No retriever knew what was expected better than he. He half swam and half waded to the side where the duck waa waddling In the brush and brought back to us the wounded bird. "The next day we went rabbit shooting. We were accompanied by another Indian. It sounds a little crazy, but that old fellow he was old actually seemed to trail rab bits. He would discover the sign of one of the animals and then, with head forward and eyes watching the ground, he would start a slgzag course that invariably wound up at some clump of grass or brush from which the animal was started. Occasionally he would stop stock still beside a little bunch of brush, for all the world like a set ter dog, and quietly declare that there wag a rabbit In It. Look as closely as we would we could see no sign of rabbit, but as the Indian tapped the brush out would run the rabbit." Mexican Herald. shall county. Suit Affirmed State atralnst Charles Schneider. county. Burglary. Affirmed. State against Rosser Davis. Mahsska county. Manslaughter. Affirmed. Jones INDIANS AS HUMAN HOUNDS Kew Side of the Sport of Skootlng Eshlblted to Vlsltlngr Hunters In Mexico. Shooting over dogs Is nothing uncommon to the ordinary American or the ordinary Englishman, but that particular form of sport is not common in Mexico. Recently an Englishman spent a few days hunting in the country and It waa left for a hacendado to show him a new style of the sport of shooting. He was introduced to the human hounds. On those haciendas where the owner occasionally goes hunting the sport is not taken as seriously as it is by those Anglo-Saxons. Tour average Mex ican believes in getting enjoyment out of his morning of shooting nnd he is reason able enough to know that a fair propor tion of this sport is lost if he tires himself at i out as does the average man of the United States or of England. "It was ducks we were going after that morning," said the man In telling the story of the human hounds. "Breakfasted a lltlte earlier than usual, but no hurry was indulged in after that meet. After all one doesn't add to the enjoyment of the day by bolting a hurriedly gotten break fast at an unholy hour. When we were ready to start hunting a roadster with a deputation for some speed was driven up and in the smart rig the animal drew we were driven down the road. It was only a mile, but there waa no use walking when we could ride. Arriving at the river where the ducks were expected to be, the hacen dado raised his hand and out of the grass there came from somewhere a peon who took charge of the horse. "We began to hunt. For a time there waa nothing about the proceeding that was different from what one undergoes in the name ot sport in the United Slates. We crawled through the overhanging bushes looking for the ducks. Occasionally they were found, and then we took our shots and picked up our own ducks when we got any. We did this tor about half an Queer Souvenirs by Mnll. "The souvenir postal card craze seems to be governed by none of . the bounds of propriety and decency," declared a postal clerk at the federal building this morning, as he waj distributing the deposits found In the public drop boxes. "If the government doesn't put a stop to this nuisance I'll have to find a better Job." be conttuued to muse. It was a disgraceful lot of staff, to be sure. In the conectlon were any number of worn and soiled collars, cuffs and shirt bosoms, not to speak of old socks, garters and even several pairs of shoes. The proper postage had been prepaid on everything the cuffs, collars and shirt bos oms bearing stamps and addresses, the socks, garters and shoes being attached to tags inscribed with destinations. "There is no doubt the postofflre receipt are increasing everywhere because ot this popular custom of sending oddities through the mall," said another, clerk in the same department, "but I wonder where It's going to end. The government will accept In the mall anything ' not over four pounds In weight. Why, the other day we found a set of false teeth merely attached to a tag and addressed to a woman in Oerman town. It's the limit." Philadelphia Record. voy um THE DEST TABLE BEER BREWED. TRY A CASE. TEL. 420 Million Soap llubblea an Hour. If each boy and girl In the United States should make a soap bubble some day, the combined number would hardly exceed that produced every day this summer at the Lewis and Clark exposition by a big ma chine on exhibition In the Palace of Manu facturers, Liberal Arts and Varied Indus tries. The soap bubble machine Is a double decked contrivance, consisting of two beau tifully decorated procelaln bowls of suds, one above the other, surmounted by a plas ter fairy. The suds Is made very strong. The bubbles are produced by forcing air Into the soapy water. A constant flow of air Is maintained through pipes, and the bubbles constantly rise and tall In the basins, making a most beautiful effect. The capacity of the bubble fountain, whloh Is the largest ever made, is 17,600 bubbles per minute. This means 1,061,000 per hour, or t. 604. 000 during a nine-hour working day. Three-fourths of a pound of soap Is suffi cient to supply the fountain for two days, making a total of 19.0u6.000 bubbles. Wash ington Post. m or An. Achievement, in Boys Suits In this new and different Boys Suit of ours we have accomplished a thing llitt has never before been attempted in tailoring, ass yuurueicr mi buu wiih w TRADEMARK They are rain-proof, moth proof, have indeitruetlble linings; strong taped never-rlp seams; double seat aad doable knees; sewed with etlk; retain their shape. They are by far tUs L"t in the world for the money. Agea 7 to Look for the above trade merit. Wrltt to4T tor iS "Bo; Soak." Tln tow s 4na 7 fejr BHt nn laity. UiaiiM. SPITZ-SCHOENBtBG-Boya Clothes Makere-Chlcage I Rleetrle Train Bulletin. An Ingenious electric train bulletin has been Installed by the Chicago A Alton Rail way company In a number of its stations and In some of ths principal hotels In cities and towns through which Its trains run. The device resembles a clock In annearanre hour and had passed a considerable dls- j m hand move, on t dla, and lnnlci,u- tarce out of sight of the rig in which we had been driven to the river. Ths hacen dado remarked that he thought we had better stop now and taks the horses. whether the train Is on time, or. if not, how many hours or minutes it Is late. All these bulletins In one town act simultan eously and Indicate the same fact. The He stepped out of the brush and passed - crjerator at the ,tatlon control. lhm at First of Foot Ball Games. The hlsh school w'll open the foot ball season this afternoon with a game against j through trains have to coal up frequently, the Alumni at Manawa. The game will be i onl raia. called at 130 o'clock and cars will run di rect from Pearl street to the lake every twenty minutes, the first car leaving at t o'clock. This will be the high school llnrup: Plmmock. renter: Hiylan right guard Like Bursting. When you head feels like bursting. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly cure ths I CaUSC CHiiBllauuu. -Mv. - ui vg B uoi - CraimUe, rtht tackle; Cooper. rllit eud; 1 Mcconjien urug Co. down the bank to the road that extended along the river. He whistled, and in less than half a minute up trotted two Indians leading two h&ndsome saddle horses.. 'We will get on the horses and let these fellows find the ducks for us. No, you had better let him carry that for you, it's too heavy.' He was talking about my gun. He waa probably afraid I mould shoot him if I at tempted to ride the horse and handle the gun at the same time. I was willing enough to let the Indian take the gun, for It was getting heavy and I couldn't Imagine that I would Lave any use for It if we were not going to hunt. "Those Indians, at a word from the ha- ! using a device slmlllar to a telegraph in strument controlled by a telegraph key. An Engaging- Doctor uses gentle means, such as Electric Bit ters, in curing dangerous diseases, like biflousness dyspepsia, etc. SOo. For sale by Sherman MoC'onnell prug Co. Burns Throws McMillan. rE8 MOINES. Ia.. Sept. Martin "Farmer'' Hums met sni defeated Sain McMillan of Spokane. Wh., on the mat heie loiight, liking flril, second and fourth falls. At the close of the match Burns accepted George iluli rhalli ne fr a tuM' li in two weeks and also Usucd a den to Jeiiklos. ft U, fik - Ask for - v si km lmftuO Ur I IIMI1WUIM 5K12.50 rox rtrf round tmp MiToxST.PAUL OKMINNEAPOUS City Ticket Office 1512 Farnivm St., Omaha, Neb. $yw$ 15,2 Tamivm St.. O i i n r i i i i BE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS