THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1903. CRAB ASD PRODUCE MARKET Balli Sid Wheat in ant to Corsr. 6hort rail CONTINUES IN ITS UPWARD COURSE Prlrato Advices Deny Prospects for Riulu Faail-Good Trad la Mar Cora, Wale Shows Strong; Tendency. IM. Filure, unlet; Pmtir, January, ia SJ; March, I d. 4e r: OMAHA. Sept. , 1906. Wheat continued Ita upward cour. Ar mour bought more wheat and Uie ahorli did not run to cover. They think the big receipts of grain la the northwest ta bound to help tl.em. tiuluth and Mlnne apolla received 963 cara today. A private cable from Antwerp says there la abso lutely no truth In threatened famine In huasla and reports of shipments of wheat from Black a- to Haltlo provinces. Many tradeis, however, prefer to believe Liver pool trade reports rather than "private" cables. September cloned at "oHc lxcem ber at tVc and May at 87VilViiC. There was a good trad In coin, mostly In May, which ho wed a strong tendency. F.levator Interests nt Chicago were picking up cash corn yesterday at an advance of c. but the southwest cash market was easier. September closed at 62'tc, old Sep tember at 62So. December at 4oSc, old De cember it 46Vt4"r- and May at 41VJJ44He. Oats were up VpV:; September finished t 2c. December at 29Vo and May at Liverpool cloned Vftd higher on wheat and unchanged to td lower on corn. Clearances were 6,000 bushels of corn, AO bushels of oats and 22.000 barrels of four. Prlmsry wheat receipts were 1.265. (0 bushels and shipments 4o",0"0 bushels, gainst receipts last year of 1.244,000 bushels and shipments of 547. r bushels. Prlmsry com receipts were 621,000 bushels and ship ments 4114, io bushels, against receipts last year of 644,000 bushela and shipments of t.noO bushela. deliveries on September trades yesterday at Chicago were 240.0KI bushels of wheat. l.SS.WO bushels of corn, 35,000 bushels of oats and S.onn bushels of rye. Mlnnes polls wired: "Cash buyers craiy for stuff. They buy without prices fixed, saying 'put It down to me and settlo later.' All the mills and elevators wers In the market yesterday and elevator men have a rood deal of wheat to deliver on September. No. t northern sold at 8J 82c." At the ftulf yesterday there were sales of aw um nusneis or corn for January, t eoru ary and deferred shipment. At the At lantic seaboard there were sales of !4,(vm bushels Manitoba wheat. 440.000 bushels of rr rn, W.ono bushels of oats and 60,000 bushels of barley for export Omaha Cash tales. WHEAT No. t hard, 1 car. 7c; No, hard. 1 car, TV-ic OATS-No. I white, 1 car, f4c Omaha r& Prices. WHEAT No. I hard, 79ff2c: No. I hard, 7o: No. 4 hard. 7&Hc; No. 8 spring, 7!Q5lc. CORN No. 1. 4V; No. 1, 48c; No. 4, 471H7VT; no grade, 41f46c: No. 2 yellow, 4X(Ih5c; No. 1 yellow. 48fr48ic: No. i whltex 4stJH9c: No. I white. fi'tstio- OATS No. t mixed. 25Vij26c: No. I rlxed, a'aSic; No. 4 mixed, 24S24c; No white, 27ij274e; No. I white. 264c; No. I white, 26"4'ft'2V; standard, 27S27c. R IE-No. 2, He Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Com. Cats. Chicago 60 847 Kansas City 134 11 Minneapolis '.. Omaha 29 68 Duluth 896 St. Loul 64 27 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 22 WHEAT Sep tember. e: December. 83Ve; May, sb-c No. 1 hard, si'.Vjc; No. 1 northern, 86Ve; No I northern. sl'Wc. FDOL'R First patents, t5.8Mfo.10; second patents, 24 .o04 .90; first clears,; second clears, CHAN In bulk. 211.60. The range of prices, as reported by the Edwards-Wood company. 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: CHICAGO ORAM AID rROVlIO reslsres of the Trading Cleslagt rrlres Retard of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 22 An alleged comer at Liverpool In wheat for September de livery had ft strengthening effect on the wheat market tiere today. Sharp advances In the price of cash wheat at the principal American grain "enters tended to em ptiastte the strength At the close wheal for I cmbr delivery was up Vi;"c, cats showed a gain of Sl-Vo and corn and provisions were practically unchanged. With the exception of ft slight reaction Immediately after the opening the wheat market was strong the entire session. At the start the December option was ft shads lower to vc higher at 64c to M4TMTa. Pit traders-were quits free sellers for a time and In consequence December eased off to MWii4Sc. Weather In the north west was also clear and this tact was apparently the chief cauHe of the selling pressure, tfentlment in the pit. however, soon became bullish. The cause for the hange In feellna- was a rertort from Liver pool stating that the price for September delivery had advanced almost 4d there toaay as a result or an attempt to corner the market. This news broueht out active buying from shorts. In addition a leading null became active on the buying side and this caused the demand to become more general. Under these conditions prices were steadily forced upward until Decem ber touched 85Hc. The market continued strong the remainder of the day, closing quiet, quotations being at almost the high est point or the session, Final quotations on December were at SoHc. Clearances of wheat and flour were eoual to 99.0H0 bu. JCxports for the week, as shown by Brad- streets, were equal to Z.lTS.unj bu. Pri mary recelnts were 1,255.000 bu., as compared with l, 244.00V a year ago. Minneapolis, Uu- uth and Chicago reported receipts of l.Ous cars, as against tie last week ana mi a year ao. The feature of trading in the corn mar ket was the persistent demand from ft leading trader for com for May delivery. It was reported that the total purchase of both May and December amounted to nearly 2.000,00 bu. Notwithstanding this urgent demand the market exhibited no unusual strength, owing to liberal offerings Irom commission nouses. Weather was Ideal for the maturing of the crop. This doubtless was the chief cause for the eotn- aratlvely Insignificant advance In prices. 'he market closed firm. December opened a. shade to He lower at ii'aii'c, sold be tween 44V(?46c and 4f-Sc and closed at 45vc. lcai receipts wars 447 cars, witn m or con tract grade. Oats were firm In sympathy with the strength of other grain. Export demand was not so urgent today, the higher prices curiaiupg snipmenrs. ivcmocr openei shade lower to a shade higher at 2't! 29e sold between 2tir2'4ie and 2!"'iM9Vko and closed at ttVjc Local receipts wsrs 223 cars. Provisions were firm as a result of active demand by a local packer for October lard. At the close January pork was up 2Hc nt 12 37V. lard waa unchanged at 8.77Vi'4i6.!0 na rips was up zvic at t.&0. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. sa cars: corn, 346 cars: oats, 2.1 cars; nogs, ll.Ono head. The leading futures ranged at follows: 22S 14 Artlcles.l Open. HiRh. Low. Close iYes'y. Wheat I I I ( I Sept...! M's! 4 81T1 8"i 88 Dec....S2Wj Ns Kl, May...;iWa'ii ts as WEATHER I TUB GRAIJI BELT Fair - - mmd Cooler for Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat I Pert. 4H 85Vi! 85H1 4H Deo. tth saMH'flS' b5v84Vj May bOSS- 87S' Vi'iu , Corn I : I Sept. 52(g5r4 S2HI 82 S?H tRept. 62 521.4! 62 B2 MA Dec. 4e ti 4 KVi'hsl 46V, tlec. 4.-V6-4DH 4CH 44'g45 45'4 4SVrf" May 44"ij 44ViiJ' 44 Oats ! I I Sept. 284!' 2SV4! 2S'4I 281 2SH Dec. 2ya2V,tM.4 2VuMr 19'av'ta May So," 31V 3044 3163H4I 3u Pork I Oct. 14 95 14 95 14 90 14 90 14 90 Jan. 12 35 12 40 12 25 12 3TH 12 SS Lnrd Oct. 7 65 7 72H 7 65 7 70 7 ffi Nov. 730 7 20 7 25 7 25 7 26 Jan. 774 6 SO I 77', 6 60 6 60 Ribs I Oct. S 6714 8 67H! 8 8 67H 8 674 Jan. (CO 6 60 I 00 60 47V, BUft-atlr atsrdsy, OMAHA. Sept. 22, 1206. A moderately high pressure overlies the upper Missouri valley and the northern anrj middle slope of the Rocky mountains and clear weather prevails throughout the central valleys and western portion of the country, except some cloudiness In the extreme southwest. The area of high pres surs, which is accompanied hy cool weather, will move slowly eastward over the central valleys and will cause slightly cooler weather In this vicinity tonight. Omaha reoora ot temerati'i and precipitation compared vlt!i the . corre sponding day of the last three years: IStiR. 1904. 1903 902 Minimum temperature.... 61 62 61 64 Precipitation W T .00 .16 Normal temperature for today, 6 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 4.70 inches. I lelu-.i . i y corresponding; period 169 Inches. Ki corresponding period 4.92 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain. MrfV. .Mln. in. lies No. 1 tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOL'R Firm: winter patents. S3. 8094. 20 straights, S3.50'i74.1A: spring patents. 4 off .: airamnis,; DaKers , z.wu;j su. WMB-Ai iso. z spring, s'awc; jo. 3, t; 87c; No. 2 red, MtjeiVic. CORN No. 2. 62Vc: No. ! vellow. 53.c. OATS No. 1 28c: No. 2 white. 30Vli30ic: No. 2 white. 2e'S'29:V4C. RTE No. 2, TlHic BARLEY Good feeding, S6re; fair to choice malting, 41'l7c SEED No. 1 flax. 92c: No. 1 northwestern. 984c Timothy, prime, 83.25. Clover, con tract grade, 211. 75. PROVISIONS Mess pork- per bbl., 815 no ffl5.10. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 27.75. Short ribs sides (loose). 00418.66: short oleaj sides I Great Western (boxed), S8.7E1?.00. I C. N. W The following were the receipts and C., M. A Bt. P shipments of flour and groin: Chi. Term. & Trans Receipts. Shipments. 1 (j0 preferred Flour, bhls 17.K0 27.6 ' I c.., C., C. & St. L. . . Wheat, bu 73.000 " , Colo. Fuel & Iron... lorn, du ii!.,( Colo. & Southern ... f"US, bu 430.4O0 4iO.S0 rto 1st nreferred " hU 8,0 1 1 10 . An 7H nr.f.rroH Barley, bu 137,6i4) rnn.nllteH riw. V On the Produoe exchange today the bit'- rrr. ri,,.. ter market waa steady: creameries. 17i7 a ..--t-. 2M4C- dairies. lSWlliy. Eggs, steady rel 4 Hiiflimti!!!!!! Del.. Lack. 4 W... STEW YORK STOCKS ASDBOSDS Advance ia Call Mootj Eat Cbeski Earl; Upward Teadioj. PROMISE OF GOOD BANK STATEMENT Later ta tie leasloa Valaes Araae4 a aa Aotlva Demand aad Closo Waft Hlgkeet (or ta Day. NEW TORK. Sept. 21 The call money rate today carried an admonition against speculative excess and the rise In the rate had its effect in the stock market. Opera- ions were conducted with caution and the maiket waa under pressure at times, but the disposition to proceed with the upward movement whenever free from the actual necessities of the money market was still In evidence. Call loan rates advanced to the highest level of the year under the demand for ac commodation to carry over until Monday, which is required under the Btock ex- , olianie rule. On the other hand the prom ise was tor a good bank statement and operators in stocks were loth to forego the advantage which might come from the sentimental effect of this tomorrow. It ap pears that the movement of funds on, bal ance to the interior during the week naa hardly been sufliclent to wipe out the enuUI gain on tie weeks subtreasury operations. The cash reserve of the banks should seem therefore to be little changed from last week. The principal Interest attaches to the loan Item. There has been some with drawal of credits from the stock market during the week, but It Is not clear whether mis has been on the part or the banks or Is due to some retrenchment on the part ot the trust companies on the loan previously taken over from the banks. A decrease In the loan Item of the banks should result In an Improvement of the surplus reserve Item. Such an Improve ment undoubtedly would be welcome as ft margin against future needs. It is not supposed that the movement of funds to the interior naa ceased lor tho season. Discounts were shaded In London today. but foreign exchange held firm In New York, leaving the position still closed to further gold engagements. The hesitating tone of the day a stock market was due to these mixed prospects In the money market. Special stocks were advanced to hold the market during the periods when It was under pressure. Louis ville a rwasnvuie, Heading and Bt. raui were the prominent examples for the rail roads. The Influence on Louisville A Nash ville was the rumor of ft proposed Issue of Atlantic Coast Line bonds In exohange for Louisville Nashville stock at ft valua tion above toe present price. St. Paul re fleeted the confident assertions that the 236.000,000 of new stock authorised is to be offered to stockholders at advantageous subscription rates. Ths movement in Read ing was in the same hands as for some time past. Among ths specialties Brook lyn Transit and the American Tobaccp se curities were firm. Dread of a possible vio lent flurry In the money market late in the afternoon hud something to do with the early depression and when the money de mand tor the day was suffered without any actual ..urry an active demand for stocks sprang up which extended notably the gains of the strong features and caused a recovery throughout to above last night's level. The closing was firm at the top. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 84.2x0,000. United States 2s, coupon, advanced Vi per cent on call. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Salea.HlKh.Low.Close. Aoams express .1... Amal. Copper Amer. Car at Foun.. do preferred Amer. Cotton OH .... do preferred Ameiiean Express.... Amer. Hide at L. pfd. American Amer. Linseed Oil.... do preferred Amer. Locomotive .. do preferred Am. Smelt. t R f g.. do preferred Am. Sugar R'f'g Am. Tobacco pfd. c. Anaconda Min. Co... Atchison do preferred Atlantlo Coast L.... Baltimore Ohio... do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T... Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton do preferred rills and Nashville A "outhern yUtlwav were exceptionally firm. The market closed dull. Canadian Pacific was affected by realisations. Japanese w-ere firmer Jfa r.e Imperial 6s of li4 were quoted at lie. BERLIN, Sept 23 Prices on the Boerse today were rather weak and trading was limited. PARIS. Sept. 22. rrlces on the Bourse to day were heavy at the opening, but be came steady and firm on the belief ot an early settlement of the Moroccan question. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 16.19 and Russian bonds of 1904 at tax Hew York Moaey Market. NEW TORK. Pert 22 MONEY On call, Arm and higher at JS94V, per cent: eloslnf bid. per cent; offered. 4 per cent. Time loans, steady; 60 days. t&4 per cent; 90 days, 43-4W per cent; months, 494 Pr cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4Wff per cent. STEHI.IN EX CH A NOB Firm, with ac tual business In bankers bills at 84 8f.3oty 4.8528 for demand and at 14 f23.vti'4.i240 for 6o-dv bills; posted rates 84 S3H4 and 84 l-AiM )'; commercial Mils. 843-4 824. SILVER Bar. 14c; Mexican dollars. 47o. BONDS Government, firm; railroad. Ir-rerutar. i losing quotations on bonds wers as fol lows: IN Jimi Sa 14 series, .lin- 104V4, so 4v,a ctf t'S 104 do Id etrtM 1 14 t,. A N Bl. 4s IMS, 114 Minhatun e. f 4a. 1M Mn. Ctntrsl is M 1MU dn lit Ine J4H Minn. A St. U 4a... kH rt 4s, rs M , K 4a l A T. 4s U. rf Is, ae coupon , C. I rt do coupon V S. n 4e. do coupon .. V. I. old do (viuooa Am. Tobtri-o 4s. etts. 71 do to. ctf, tns At.hlMn sen. 4s 104 N. do sdl. 4a Si N. Atlantic C Lt. 4a. .. .101 N J r. s. Bal. Oslo 4, 10?. No. PaclAc 4a.... do IHa do Ik Central of Ga. ,... N. A W. e. 4e.. do let Inc IMV4 O. 8 U Hds 4s do Id Inc II Pnn conv. IMjs. Otic. A Ohio 4m ...lot ftoadlns fn. R B ei M av T. C. f Chlraso A A. IV,a c, B a. Q. a. 4a... C. It. I. i P. 4a... do col. 6a Crc. A St L. t a. Cbloato Ter. 4a Colorado Mid 4a Colo. A So. 4a Colo. Ind. is, set A. do sot B Cuba Sa, ctfa D. A R. O 4a PIMIIIera' See., ia... Erlo prior lien 4a... do (en. 4a r. W, D. C la... Hock In, Val. 4ta.. Japan ia. ctta Offered. "Bid. 114 Bt. U A I. M ,101, St. L. A 8 r. , 14 st. u s w. t . til Seaboard A. U .1 1 So. ParlAo 4a . , M 80. Railway Im . n Teiaa A P. la . t' T . St. U A W tis vnion raeiso ft ....1014 .... ST 4a. 14 .... MS ...1UH ....1( .... ns ....lot .... n ...l(M4 ....lot ta..ll7V4 4s. 1.... SIS .... tl .... tSH ....lll4 ....1J4X 4s.. I4 lot' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Caul Rfoeipti Liglit aid Trade Ehowi a Wtaktr Tendencj. HOGS tEU AT AI0UT STEADY TRICES Ravcelpts e beea) aad Lanikl Mod. rate, with Arylvlng Very Ljate aad Prices Rallac Jast Akeat Steady. 1 OUTH OMAHA, Sept. 22. 1908. ReoelDts were: Ottic al Monday ..... OfTiclal Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Ottiowl Thureuay .. Official Friday CfttU. Hogs. Sheep. MttJ 7,644 1.194 . 4.16 ,.l.o0 IU1 11 A'V6 6.60U l..V.ti 2 9H .sit t.uuu .71 I do conr 4a 1IS4 .104', t' 8. Steal id ts .1014 W'nhaah la Ul . 114, do d6. B 7V4 .l(ii, Wcatern Md. 4s . W A I. E. 4a II .Hi), Wit. rantral 4a. SH .lit, do 1st 4a ctfa ' luj I 240 17.100 834 24 M4 1.6J0 3o4 36 4 7o0 21 20 HO i 26 1,0)0 84 24 4 25 7uU 2,-4 27 274 17 89 8.2O0 634 624 K4 noaton Storks and Bonds. ROSTON, Sept. 2? Call loans. 84 P' cent; time loans, 44ij6 per cent, quotations or. stocks and bonds follows: Atchison adj. 4s l iAdTntars do ia 1H Allouai M-i rantral 4a tn Amalgamated . Atchlaon tot, Aniarlcan Zlno do ptd lMt Atlantic Poston A Albany. . ..l7 Bingham Pinion A Main, 178 ral. A Hue la., Boston Elted 1H4 Centennial .... Klirhbura; pfd 141 Tnppar Range M,lran Central t?H fialr Weat .... N T . N. H. A H...I11 Pomlnlon Coal Papa Marquette lnl FranhllD Amer. Arga. Cham... H Oranbr do pfd t3 a,to Royalo . A mar. Pnau. Tub.... 44 Maaa. Mining , Amer. puger l,1' Michigan .Ill Mohawk .141 Mont. C. A C . ai Old Pomlnloa .1061 Oaraola . Tl Parrot .10 Qulncy .171 Shannon . 16 iTamarack .... . Trinity i4i t'nltad Copper Oil Official were as T 4 u t il io 4S J1. 714 14 tl-4 14 1 Five dava this week f 2J7 23.604 6t.74 Five days last week 27.010 24.6'J t.2 Same week befoie 2.7? U .736 6;.W Earns three weeks ago ,.2u.64t 26.367 81.1.6 Sams tour weeks ago....21,H37 Sl.kft 4".'7 Sams ds last year ....J.M 26,404 kk,44S RECEIPTS FOR THK TEAR TO DATK. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at Mouth ouuaha for ths year to date, comparing with last vear: io. latta. Inc. LUla) 67, 616. 243 &i.ol6 Hogs 1.7I6.C3; X.7t0.o: 46,oti7 Sheep 1.1A4, l.uei,12 1W.1 Ths following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons! Oats. I 180S. litot.lltOS. 11201. l01.l00.ilo'- Spt Sept. Sept. Bept. bepi. Sept. Sept. 6epL Bept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. fcept. Sept. Sept, Bept. Sept. Sept. 8ept. Sept Sept I. .. IM I 2... S47 t::- U j... 8 264 j : : liilt ... mi 10...1 II. . I I 264 13-. 8 u.. ta 1 14.. 6 14 15.. 6 21V It.. 121 17.. 18.. 6 21S 19.. 6 24 21). . 8 29 21.. (20 22 6 181 i 221 7 221 I i04) 4 18 8 271 6 90) 7 431 I 11 ' 8 2 7 Mi 07 "I I 41 I 2J 8 16 6 01 1 I Ml J 40 ,6 6i, 8 1 6 83 7tj 8 14: 6 21 ( 80 8 88, IB i 611 6 f.v t 66 a 66 ( M J 40, 6 ki. I 11 1 7 44 I Stf k Oil 4 28 I 441 6 ai s 0t. 4 at 8 80 T ,1 8 10 4 80 I 441 7 61 1 6 M I 6 U 7 44 1 6 44 6 li I 82 t Ml 8 891 8 22 1 4. 22 64, 7 se, 8 , k 20, 1 22 6 64 7 661 6 44, 6 08, 4 24 6 bo: i 61 i t v s 63 7 r 66 8 63 7 6' 6 67 4 3 W I 84 1 43; 8 d 6 18 6 o3 7 87, 6 6i 5 13 4 3 t 73 6 70 7 31, 6 If, 4 a 4 33 4 34 i S SO 6 81 6 76 8 81 t 60j 7 38 a 7 49 32 ;v) 6 76 k 22, 4 31 6 66 6 23. 4 31 t 21 4 36 do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolan .... do pfd Pomlnlon I. A . Kdlaon Elec. Illu General Electrle .. Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Mill, (iaa Inlted Pmlt lOSU V. 8 I'ntted Fhoe Mach.... Vtah do rfd 114 Victoria . V 8 Steal 174 Winona . do pfd IMS , Wolverine Wetting, common ... H Bid. "Asked. Indicates fltmdsv The number of oars of stock broue-ht In todav bv each road wast Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C., M. ft St. F. Ry 1 8 ! Missouri Par Rn Kv I t'nlon I'aclflc system 20 17 80 i C. A N. W. Ry 1 2 F., E. A M. V. R. R 18 " 24 I C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 2 ! B. ft M. Ry 22 12 C, B. ft Q. Ry 9 I C. R. I. ft P. Ry., east 8 , Illinois Central 1 Chi. Ut. Western 8 Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn buyer purchasing ths num ber of head indicated: cattle, nogs, bneep. London Closlnnr Stocks. I.ONDON, Sept. 22. Closing quotations on 4.400 127 1274 2.800 t,4"0 sOO .JJ0 2.700 (.500 8.400 eoiioo 24.900 100 i.700 1404 Joit, U74 14 106 169 112 714 1764 213 6i 140 I0O4 1174 804 H4 1674 1124 694 174 213 a4 113 1274 121s in In 1904, 1903. Stations. M. Ashland, Neb 82 Auburn, Neb 80 Columbus, Neb.. 83 Ksirbury, Nh. . .. 87 Fairmont. Neb... 81 I5r. Island, Neb.. fl Hartinston, Neb. 78 Oakdale. Neb 79 ' Omaha. Neb...;.. S4 Tekainah. Neb... 64 Carroll. Ia 80 Clarlnda, la M Sibley, Ia.u 8w loux City.a.... 6i Storm Lake, Ia.. 81 64 U 60 49 63 62 64 49 68 62 60 61 47 64 62 .00 .CO .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .() .00 Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Claa r Clear Central. Chicago. Ill Columbus. O lies Moines. If... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City. Mo. Uiulsvllle. Ky.... Minneapolis ...,4. Omaha, Neb bi. Louis, Mo.... intiTKlCT AVERAGES. No. of Temp Rain. StAtiniis. Max. Min. Inches 30 74 64 .00 .. 16 78 62 .00 14 8 J bi U 82 62 .00 16 8-1 68 .00 It 63 64 .00 27 80 4S .00 15 62 62 .00 12 84 68 .00 1.400 100 33.900 13.500 90Q 600 1,100 600 214 2134 1M 464 434 162 13 63 14 2164 li!14 444 274 4& 1S1 1.'4 63 at mark, cases Included. 174c: firsts. lMc: prime firsts. 204c; extras. 22UC. Cheese. steady to firm, ll(3114c. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlqns Varloaa Local Forecaster, L, A. WtLSH, Weather Bureau. 74&774e: Tjuboc; No. 2. 8.' 4 Kansas Cltr Grftlat Pre)vlslosia. KAKSAI CITT. Sept. 22-WHEAT-Sep- tombcr. Vio bid; Jjecember. Mv 7i.(fi7K.c: cuah. No. 2 liard, No. 2. 7h!joc; No. 2 red, M4Wc oKN-i5eptember, 494c; recember, 3 H4c; May. -i4j49"c; ",h- No- mlxe1' koc; No. 2 white, No. 2, 24c. In i 174krC OATS No. I whits. 28J30c; No. 2 mixed. HAY Strong; choice timothy. 29.60; cholcs prairie, SH OO. 11 YE Steady, 65c. ttiUS Stenilv; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included. lc; case coiint. lie; cases returned. 4o leas. bl'Tt-R-Sieady; cieamery, 194o; pack Intt stock. 174c Ths receipts ana snipmrme i " v Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats. bu... .141.000 6L0 KwO 15e,i0 ao.oiio 10. UU) Ths range of prices paid In Kansas City as reported by the Edwards-Wood com jany. 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Ar7lc7sT0leivTHh. Low. CJose-l Tss'r Wheat I I ,J Snpt... T7 f 774 Dec.... 7443-S May... 764 'j Corn I I Sept... 487,1 4841 lec... I!4l "; May... 84 to Oas- I , 1 Ueot... 27 T4 Ik-c.... i4 ta4 May... 2o'l S, Pork : Bept... 15 40 18 48 Oct.... 14 so 14 06 Jan... Ui 12 SO La ru Sept... 7 82 ...... Oct.... T 60 7 67 Jan.... 8 71 8 78 Ribs Oct.... 8 80 8 80 Jan.... 40 46 TT 764 764 4' S4 '. 264 241 is 40 14 s 12 -A 7 6 8 72 I 40 794 74 4", 24 tn 4 f74 n Si 264 ti'-ti i4 12 40 1 1 40 14 80 14 82 12 27 U a T 62 T 62 7 64 7 67 72 72 8 68 I 82 8 4a 6 40 of ths Day on Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 22 FLOUR-Recelpts, 26.565 bbls.; exports. 20.349 bbls. The market was firmer and more active; Minnesota patents, 2l.66fiS.16; Minnesota bakers, 83.6041 l.uo; winter patents, 24.2MJ4.7S; winter straights, J4.OOHt4.15; winter extras, tiSofyS Sj; winter low grades. $.' T5l2.3ti. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 83.75Ca4.uo; choice to tancy, S4.ffS4.40, both sKit and to arrive. UucHWneai huur, quiet, S- U'i.l. axked, to arrive. CORNMEAl-Steady; fine white and yel low, el.fcJV'; choice, 21.14Sil.16; kiln dried. U .0613.10. RYE Klrm: No. 2 western. TlUc. I t New York. BARLEY 8teady; feeding. S9VH0e, C. I. t. Buffalo. WH EAT Receipts. 1,000 bu.i spot market firm; No. J red, s9c In elevator and lc f. o. b , afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 93c to arrive, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 914c to arrive, f. o. b., afloat. Options were generally strong all day. with few reactions, and closed Vlc net higher. The main buying motives were firm Liver pool cables, bull suptort, blnr Minneapolis flour shipments, a bullish Modern Miller I report and small Argentina shipments. May. $0.i.fi914c. closed at 91Vc: September. 94i94c. closed at f9c; December, 69 9-18 0'4o. closed at 904c. CORN Receipts. 26.875 bu.: exports. 6.3S0 bu. ; spot market firm; No. 2. 604c In ele vator and 604c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yel- Iow, 614c; No. 2 white. 414c. Options mar. tet was firmer on covering by Decemlier Shorts snd closed 445 net higher. May closed at 504c; September, 69c; December, 8Wif.34c. closed at 524c. OATS Receipts, 1R9.DU0 bu.; exports. 8.800 bu.; spot market firm; mixed. 24 to 2? lbs . SvtfCJe; natural while, SO to !2 lbs , Clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs.. 36434c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice 19 15. 19j2c. ls4. 1n622c; olds, IWllc; Pa cific coast, 1906, 16fc1Tc; UkJrilc; olds, SiJllc 1IIDES Firm; Galveston, 20 to 18 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs, 194c; Texas, drv ft to 30 lbs.. 184c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. 211 60 112 00; mess, tSaOulOW; beef hams. 81 ' 2200; packet, SUfAcn2D; city, extra India mess. 818 0iiTl. 00. Cut meats, stesdy; pickled bellies. S9 2ori0 60; pickled shoulders. 87.' 7 60: pickled hams, llrt 60S 11 00. Lard, steady; western steamed. 87.90; refined, steady; con- i tlnent, 85 lo: South America, SS.S0; 00m- rouna. fc itw-iii. rura, eieeny; ramny, ll7 6OfM8 0rt; short clear, J14.60g-1.50; mess. 816 aai6 V. TALIAJW uuu; city, iiz w per 44c: country tpkgs free). 44ti'4Sc. RICE Firm; domestic, Hi4e; nominal. POCI.TRT Live, weak; western chick ens, 12!Ji;4c: fowls. 14c: turkeys. 14c; Dressed, weak; weatern chickens, 11912c; fowls. 14c: spring turkeys. HjlSc. BUTTER Market easy; state, dairy, common 10 extra, iistj'c l.tTeraee)l Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept. tt-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 red western winter, ts 4V1 Futures, steady; December, asrVl; March. 1- . . CORN 80 1, aulel; American mixed. 4a Japan state full CHEtSE oulet colored and white, fanry, 11c; state fair to choice. 1149114c; large colored and white, ll4fl12c; state fair to choice, 11 fill 4c EtOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected while, IsqJuc, state choice, 244127c; state mixed, extra, 24i5c; western extra firsts, 22c; state firsts, 2uJ He- Denver ft R. O do preferred Distillers' Secur Erie do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Gen. Electric (forking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred Iowa Central da preferred K. C. Southern do preferred -. . Ioulsvllle ft Nash.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. St. L M . St. P. ft 8. 8. M. do preferred Missouri Paclflo Mo.. Kan. ft Tex.... do preferred National Lead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. n. y. central N. Y., Ont. ft W.... Norfolk ft Weatern.. do preferred North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas P.. C. C. ft St. L.... Pressed Steel Car ... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Republic Steel do preferred . Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred St. L. ft S. F. 2.1 pfd. 6t. Louis S. W do preferred Southern Pacific .... do preferred SoMthern Railway... do preferred Tenn. Coal ft Iron.... Texas ft Pacific Toledo. St. L. ft W.. do preferred t'nlon Paclflo do preferred TT. S. Expreas I. S. Realty IT. 8 Rubber do preferred V. B. Steel do preferred Va.-Caro. Chemical.. do preferred Wabash do preferred Wells-Fargo Fxo..., Wnetlnghouse lUee.. Western t'nlon t Wheeling- ft L. B. 100 S54 864 1.400 51.110 1.900 200 0 4,14 614 824 744 1794 isi" 20 42 504 824 73 1794 1794 194 100 274 174 800 94.700 7"0 2 600 7.9O0 2.K) jot) 1.800 !s6 oo 2. M0 1,400 1,7'0 800 300 600 0 27.4"0 1,600 55 1574 193 81 4 12X4 2:14 704 1424 107V 844 694 47 162" 544 864 82 9M 44 1447, 1044 66 r3 185 8-4 1274 234 70 1414 l(4 334 69 464 I0O4 64 854 92 994 454 14ri4 104 104V 14 1124 74 7l4 1744 212 514 27 7 2154 lxll'k 174 ; 39 1 10O i 454 : 2 j 6!i I 124 51 219 462 &T.4 8S4 4n 51 4 82 744 179 :4 lBi',4 20 78 M4 82 2:4 54 2ri 68 15i 164 81 12X4 234 . 70 I 1414 I 1674 I 1074 ! 844 . 694 464 ! 56 1 1514 644 4 I 914 ' the PtorK exriianK Conaola. money Ifw do account SI -: Anaconda ts, Atchlaon IS do pfd l(t Baltimore A Ohio. ... US', ..111 . . tov, .. M ..174 .. 17' .. t7 .. II .. 121 .. M .. 76 ..lit fhca. A Ohio... Chlcas. Ot. W . C M. A 8t. P wo : l'aHerra 'il.. Krle "' I do lat pfd..,. do Id pfd Illlnola Central boulavllla A N. M , K. A T follows: N. Y. Central 16t Norfolk A W M do pfd Ontario A W tt Pennaylvanla 744 Rand Mines ' Reading l do let pf.1 4T do Id pfd 47 Southern Railway ... 314 do pfd lot Southern Paclflo 70 t'nlon Paclflo iM do prd II I'. 8 Stool ttS do pfd 10 H'abaah 14 do pfd 41 144 fpanlah 4a 114 . II 14 . 14 . 874 :A .1(4 . it .10 .in ; Omaha, Packing Co... 14 Swift and Company . 4 1 Armour ft Co ' Cudahy Packing Co.. Vansant ft Co ! 1114 McCreary ft Carey ... HI 1 v . . oirt'UBll or port . F. Husi Squires ft Co Wolf J. B. Root ft Co J. II. Bulla M. Haggerty Other buyers . 88 88 41 " m ... 8 4 6. 414 4 141 Ml 7 Ill 1J I 41-, I.T 119 III, M 1 ... t to 12 lit M 1 nvaj SHEEP-The receipts fo ths Ave da s show ft big falling off as compared with ths corresponding peilod last week, and also a big decrease as compared with the same time last year The first two days ot tbe week the receipts were ths heaviest of the year so far. but the next two days the re ceipts were light and today they were only moderate. The sheep market tor the week was generally siesdv to a little stronger, while fat lambs weia) ft little essler. Buysts wtrs hungry for good sheep toduy. as thev have been all the week, and there was ft good, strong demand, and after trading started the stuff changed hands at ft Utile stronger prices. There wss a good feeling on lambs also and they sold at steady prices. Thers weie forty oars reported In, but they did not arrive till late, and as . consequence the was slow In open ing. Feeder buyers were still rlsmorlng for supplies and there were plenty of orders to fill Prices ruled fullv steaiiy and there was some little activity to ths trade. The feeder market here has leen good all the week and the market has held fully steady. Quotations on fst sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 86 fr'; good to choice yearlings wethers, 84 60414.90; goi.d to choice eld wethers, 84.26.34 50; good to choice ewes, 84 .4'SJ so. Quotations on feeder sheep and lamos: Oood feeding lambs. S6.7f.tr6 18; good feed ing yearlings, 84.7546.00; good feeding weth ers, ,.d04,c; teeaing ewes. a 4. v, breeding ewes. 84.25a4 60. Representative sales: No. At. Pr. 60 Wyoming feeder ewes 83 2 50 6S6 Wyoming feeder ewes 95 4 868 Wyoming ewes li 4 25 4t'.l Wyoming shorn feeders 38 4 00 1030 Wyoming shorn feeders 48 8 90 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MABKET Cattle Lower Hogs Steady ta Higher Sheep aad Lambs Steady. CHICAGO. Sept. 22 CATTLE Recelnts, 6.6W head; market lower; beef steers. 83 16 tr.10; stockers and feeders, Sl2tf3; rows and canners. 8160tf3.36; bulls, 22.26tJ3.75; heifers. S2.164T4-5; calves, S.26y7.W. ROsS Receipts, 15.000 head; market stesdy to 5o higher: shipping and collected 25 M.a-80; mixed and heavy packers, $4 9" 6 624; light, 85.256.66; pigs and rough, 8150 fl.2S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12,000 head: market stead v at yesterday's decline; sheep, 82.2546.00; lambs, 84.007.85. Hew York Lira Itock Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 22 BEEVES Re ceipts, 8,667 head; good to choice beeves steady to shade lower; medium grttdce very dull and lOo off; bulls and cows full steady; natlvs steers, 83MVSftO; bulls, l2 8W4 0i; cows, 8l.60fi'3 6&; cables quoted live cattle lower; refrigerator beef selling at 94tj94c rr lb; exports tomorrow, 694 cattle and 810 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 410 head; market for veals slow at S4.6"0S.5O; few tops, 29.00; little calves and thrownouts, S.60fyt.ti0; grassers lower at S2.5ivri3.60; westerns dull; sales, S3 50.(j(6 75 ; cltv dressed veals, slow at 8124" per lb.; choice lights, 13c country dressed. 6t( 12c. HOOS Receipts, 1,794 head; market weak; State and Pennsylvania hogs, S5 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,628 head; sheep easy; strictly prime lambs about steadv: others slow to 15e off: sheep. S3.0Otia.76; few exports, S"'.00: culls, 81 60 2.50; lambs, S5.6irj7.60; culls, S3.5oii6.00; Can ada lambs, 8-T5ar7.Ci0. 6 353 213 614 163 62 46 147 111 1 118 45 79 265 728 l.S" 1.708 l,7u8 18 S4 816 94 DM 3,406 ..2.442 6,746 6.821 SILVER-Fnr, steady, 284d per ounce. MONEY-2C4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short hills Is 215-11'!??. per cent; for three months' bills, 215-lCgS per oent. Hew York Mining: Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. Closing quotation! on mining siocks weie as roiiowa: Adama Con Allra Preeco Brunitwlrk Con .. Coniato'-k Tunnel Con. CjI Va.. Horn B'lver Iron Silver LeadTllle Con It !tle Chief -l 1 Ontario . IT ;rthir ... 4' iPho.nlx TV,. Pat oat 12C. .170 .100 . t Pa sa Sierra Nevada inaH Hopca . Standard .. 8 ..10 ..(04 .. I .. 14 .. 1 .. 24 .. ..let Trensnry Statement. . WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8150.0GOOOO gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. 2134 R31. 937: gold coin and bullion, S59.678.672; gold certificates. 2tO.0S7,SO. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, Sept. 22: Bank clearings for to day were 21.513,372 SK: for the corresponding date last year, 81.25,001.73. 100 454 45 lOO 118,700 ! 1800 , 2.600 , 1.110 . S.4O0 1 MO ! . 88.900 V 8.110 2,v Pl l'O 44.100 100 4O0 74 25. TOO l'O 2 000 4,500 'fVio SKI 200 2f 124 964 24 924 S34 5 624 64 " 1004 R4 3-4 24 6k4 1334 1 112 s-4 106 t v 24 44 171)" 94 14 .... K 20 250 1224 1234 .... 91 96 8n 23V 234 92 924 1 234 tl .... 74' .... 84 .... 1014 Wool Market. ' BOSTON. Sept. 22.-WOOL The Com mercial Wool Bulletin will say tomorrow nt the wool market: A moderate business has oeen iransuciea oy me smaller woolen mills In lots of from to lOO.OtO pounds. The worsted mills have temporarily ceased operating. Territory wools have the call, with half-blood scarce and three-quarter-blood becoming so. Fleeces have sold oc casionally at full prices and Australian 1 41 o. ft h - yrw..,, n piiu rnruiiui nave awso BIIUWH a nws . ... in.... 1 nu.c nv.uviv.. unirac(ing in ine west has met a setback for the present, growers' Ideas being too far above buvers to result In more contracting. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date from December 29, 1904. according to the same authority, are 177,9i,919 pounds, against 1o3.AS0.97ii pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 20.331. pounJs. agnlnst 2U. 923,434 pounds for the tame rerlod last year. oo I -vj.t 1 crv. .a. ha'i-i na imcrs Ht '-jt 1 the wool sales today amounted to 14.4H9 7, i" , naies. 1 nere was a Brisk demand for all :;' 1 descriptions and prices showed a hardening soil ' tendency. Americans bought fine and me Mzf I dlum greasy crossbreds freely. Scoured and ?' s were In keen demand for home and Totals CATTLE There was a light run of eattle here, about seventy-five loads being on sale. The receipts were some twelve cars 1 lighter than last Friday and some sixteen 1 cars heavier than the same day last year, i The quality of the offerings was only fair. There was but a light supply of beef steers on sale, hardly enough to make a I fair test of the market, and as a result there was rCry little competition on these 1 kinds. Market conditions, howsver. were favorable and buyers rode freely, looking I for ft few good cattle. Sellers with any '. thing desirable found little trouble In dls i posing of It In good time. Trade lagged ! after the first round or two, as there was 1 very little left to Interest the buyers. What little native stun mat wan nem vn up at lust about steady prices, while ths western cattle showed some war. shade lower. The cow and heifer, trade was weak to day, due mainly to the very limned re ceipts, which were not large enough to make much of a market. Buyers were In different on most of the Stuff and the move ment was rather slow. Prices were any where from Bteady to a dime lower, but It took something very good to bring steady fljrures. . Bulls, veal calves and stags also suffered and the market on these kinds was slow '"as "stisual the latter part of the week, the trade on stockers and feeders wss slow 1 and dull. Yard traders are tilled up and ' were poor buyers, as they always are the ' last of the week. There wa very little I call from the country and prices ruled generally 10c lower artfi in some cases an even greater decline was noted. Repre stnatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. At. Tt. He. At. Ft. 1171 4 M 61 1172 8 U COWS. tOO 1 71 M 14 t 64 t 1040 II! 1 HEirttts. 444 S It BULLS ttit t ft STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 471 I 10 I I7t I II t t 00 t 1010 8 t tet t 10 NEBRASKA. Kansas City I. Its Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Bept. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head, including I.60 south erns; steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, S5.2.vit3.00; fair to good, S4.O096.OO: western steers, 3.0""H.a6; stockers and feeders, S2.5tKli 4.25; southern steers, $3.j43.76; southern cows. S175a2: native cows, S1.75fi3.50; native heifers. 82.50 fcjS8o: bulls, 82.OU&-J.0O: calves. S2.5oi).0i). HOGS Receipts, 6.O0O head; strong to 60 higher; top. S5.50; bulk of sales. S5.4Cty6.50; heavy. S5.fi6.5i; packers, S5.4oiU6.50; lights and figs. S5.(f6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 13,000 head; market 10c lower; native lambs, 85 50 ij'.uO; western lambs. 85.50fr7.00; fed ewes and veurlings, S4.00fc6.15; western yearlings, 84.75'ij.16, western sheep, 84.0ii4. 16; stock ers and feeders, 83.504.50. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. I,iOnS, Sept. 22. CATTLE Receipts, centrifugal whites, 4 Ifc-Wg l-lo; yellows, l iiy, seconds. 240 ?4c. MoI.ASSKH-Nominnl, open kettle. 11$ 7V . cetiti llugal. 6jl4c. Syrup, nominal, A j Joe. OMAHA WIIOLr.SAl.a. St ARItatT. Ceadltlea ( Trade aad Qaotatloas an Staple aad faney Fred nee. EOOS Receipts, fair; market steady: candled stock. 174c. LIVE FOl'LTRY-Hena.lnfl roosters, 8c turkeys, l.iflloc; ducks. 8lT9c; spring chick ens. 10c. i,L'T TER Packing stock, 16c; choice t fancy dairy, l!tlic; creamery. iUa4c; prln's, 2140 ... Sl'OAR Standard granulated, In bbls., t& tt per cwt. ; cubes, ft per cwt. ; cut loaf, S6 88 per cwt : No. 8 extra C. 86 to per cwt No 1 extra C, 85 26 per cwt ; To. IS yellow. 85.20 per cwL; X.WX powdered. 86.80 per cwt FRFPH FISH "Tut. lie: halibut, list buffalo tdresed, le, pickerel ldresed, se; white bass (dressed). 12c; sunflVi. tc; perch (scaled and dressed). 8c; pike. lie: eatflah, 15c; red snapper, 10c; salmon. He: croppies, IZc; eels, 16c; bullheads, lie: Week bass. 2Ec; whlteflsh. 11c; frog legs, per dog., a'.c; lob sters, green. TTot boiled loosiers, avo; snaa roe. 45c; Mtieflsh. 8e. . HAY Prices quoted by Omahft Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: No. 1 upland. 14.60; medium. Wfrvfgo; coarse, tt. BRAN Per ton. 212. TROPICAL FRUIT. OnANcJES-Vaiciicla. all sues, K OftfJI.J", LEMONS Imonlerft, sxtj-a fancy Set alxe. 87 00: 800 and 20 slses, ST niXfiSOO. DATES Psr box of 80 1-rb. pkgs., $2; Hallowe'en, In 70-tb. boses, per lb., tc FIGS California, per lC-rb. enrtor., 1t9 85c; Imported Smyrna, t-crown. Uc; 8 crown. l.". ... vmt RAN AN AS Per medlum-slied eunch, 21.71 C2.26; Jumbos, S2 502 300 FRUITS AND MELONS. PEARS Colorado llart.oit. per 60-1. flOo'-' eo; Utah Bartlett, S3 00; Flemish Beauty, 82 00. 1 'L.LA1S -t tah and Colorado, per t-basket crate. 81 .0OQ1.25; Italian prunes, $1.25. I'svACHEd calnornla rre-stones. per box, 80c; Elbertas, oe; Colorado, 108 else. 76o. CAMALOL'PE Texas. tei crate. 8-tx. T.t.i Rnchv Kord aeed. 82.50. WATERMELONS Alabama, Sweets, 180 260 each; crated, lo per lb. . , t APPLES Dut cheat, rtealthy and Cobb rippfns. In 8-bu. bln.. S2.76cS.00: In bu. baskets. 81 .00- California Belieftowers. SLtO BLUEBERRIES Slxeeen qU., 82.36. HUCKL,EliEKRlES Sixteen lis.. SI. 503 GRAPES-Home grown Concords, per 8 1b, basket, 18c; Malagas and Muscats, per 4-basket crate, 81.00; Tokay, per 4-baakst crate. 82. 04. . QUINCES California, per box, SI. 7s. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu. basket, 2fr335o trlnr beans, per 4-tu. box, 2t'4tto. I'OTATOES New, per bu., 60c, BEANS .Navy, per bu., S-' 09. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 26o. TOMATOES Home grown, Va-bu. baskets, 25ii50c. . , CABBAQE Homo-grown, In crates, per lb.. 14c ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, 81.24, BEETS New. per bu., JaC CELERY Kalams too, per dox., 2So. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per l-bu, bbl., 83 26. TOMATOES Per basket. 40fJ50o. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 Ids.. 88.00. CHEESE Swiss, new. 16o; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 16c; twins, U',c; young Americas, 124c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard sheila, per lb., lie: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 bard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c: small, per lb., lOo. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12trl34c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17o! hard shells, per lb,, loo. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., 81.78; large hickory nuts, per bu., 81 50. HIDES No. 1 green, tc: No 2 green, 80: No. 1 salted, imc: No. 2 salted, 94: No. 1 veal calf. 11c; No. 2 veal calf 8c; dry salted. JfiHc; aheep peits. 25c&tl-00; horse rMaa, 1 7i aft hesil IncluAlne- l.faal TMianns: natives ' weak; Texans steady; native shipping and i ,XiXTV!l : export steers, S4.KVfl6.00; dressed beef and I .. "' "VJ . ...Li... ... 1 . . i- 1 .... I limited demand rtv lbs., S3 5u3.90; stockers and feeders, 12.45'i 3.90; cows and heifers, S0u&4.75; canners, Sl.75iSC.26; bulls. S2.2..412.70; calves, 83. on 6.75; Texas and Indian steers. S2.0u0.5o; cows and heifers. S2.Oiry3.9a HOOS Receipts. 6.5uo head: strong; pigs and lights, 85.(094.60; packers. S0.OO1Q6.6O; butchers and best heavy, S5.40iu6.75. SHEEP AND LAMns Receipts, 2.000 (4.19 res, while the head; market strong; native muttons, 84.' weakness and fis.oo; lambs, SS.Ot'tHW; culls and buck S3.00'34.6o; stockers, 84.004.25; Texans, S4j (Ut-- 00 Me. 17..., tt.... .1414 I 10 1.. II.. I.. 974 MS Ill I II I tl I 24 St. Joseph Live Stork Market. BT. JOflEPH. Sept. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.603 head; steady to strong: na tives, S3.6c,6.u0; cows snd heifers. S1.60 4.75; stockers and feeders, 82.75'5'I.QO. HOOS Receipts. U,3o head; steady to strong; light, S5.fcrjj6.60; medium and heavy, S5.85-a6.474. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.4S7 head; active to Bteady; lambs. So. 76; year lings, H Stonx City Live Stock Market. Tl-iTTV eiTV D.. On I n I T.U. Mm. . ... . y . ' mMt. V .'I'rvi.l . 1 '1 gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 610 head; mar- et steady; neeves, u.Kma..i); cows. Duns nd mixed. 82. 25S3. CO: stockers and feeders. 83 0O&4 OO; calves and yearlings, S2.60ii8 .40. HOOS Receipts, 8.000 head; market weak to 5c lower, selling at 85.2045. 35; bulk of gales, t5.2vfift.IO. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at tha six principal western markets yesterday: cattie 2 cows.. 1 cow 1 cow 1 cows.... 2 cows.,.. 1 cow 1 cow 12 cows.... 2 cows.... 4 cows.... 1 feeder.., 28 feeders. I 46 cows.... 1 bull 43 feeders. 2 feeders. 60 feeders. 2 steers... 1 feeder.. 2 feeders. 4 feeders.. 817 1 feeder... 750 6 feeders.. 663 8 heifers.. 4'.6 4 calves 1091 722 730 KM 30 910 KM 262 2 66 2 95 2 25 2 60 2 26 2 78 8 20 8 20 2 78 2 00 2 25 2 75 48 24V ?4 674 87" 1W4 e4 684 1324 90 64 112 874 1044 224 l'4 434 17n" 9'4 144 series. Following are the sales In detail: New South Wales 2 200 bales: greasy. 74dft Is 34d. Queensland 2,000 bales; scnurel, lsSdt)ls34d: gressv, 74dflls. Victoria 000 bales; scoured, lstfla fd. New Zealand 4 400 bales; scoured. SVjdlsM. Cape of Good Hope and Natal 500 bales; scoured, lid IsftWd. River Plata 1.2o0 bales: scoured. 94dfiliS4d; greasy. lOd. Punta Arenas too bales; scoured, lsrls4d: greasy, 94di"ls. M4 i Falkland islands 200 bales; greasy, 104i 244 ll-,d. Hi. uu is, ept. wurjLe tjreaay ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. fvt 34c; light fine. 21 :1k:; heavy fine, lbQZic; tub washed, S2b2c. 624 44 1194 874 if" 4 8S4 St. Louis General Market. ST. LOU18, Bept. 22. WHEAT Higher; K',. y-m.a ...ah X-l n liAlXe tri.nlr 55, ! to460c; December, 34c; May, 868640; creams, small I Wisconsin central qo urererreri Northern Pacific .... 1 700 21'4 Central Leather 2 100 44' do preferred ........ 2 4CO l.'44 SJIoss-BhefneM 1,3J 70 Ex-dlvldend. Total sales for tha day, tst.800 shares. Philadelphia Prodse Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 22 BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, 22c; extra pearby prints. 23o. Fa3GS Steady: nearby, fresh, loss off, 2!o; nearby, fresh. Se. at mark; western, fresh, tiwi'JIc. at mark. CHEESE Dull; New York full cream, fancv. L'.ic: New York full cream, choice, H4jl2o; fair to good, U4dU4- Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Bept. 22.-8 EED 8 Clover, cash. 27.00; October. 27.05; December. S7.ia: Janu ary. 84 86- Altlke, prime, 17 60. Tlmolhy, prime, tl 61. S12 434 1-t4 694 134 '4 122 80 n4 1134 1044 je,4 l'i'4, S 414 2 lt4 f34 904 594 211 44 im 69 Ferelgo Flaaaclal. LONDON. Sept. 22. Suppllea of money were more abundant In the market todav end the demand was quiet. Discounts were slightly easier. Bill buvers were cautions In view of the uncertainties of the outlook Trading en the Stock exchange was dull owing to the monetary situation. In conse quence of which an advance In the Rnk ot England's rate of discount la consid ered Inevitable soon. Trading was Inactive, partly owing to the approach of the settle ment, wr.iie tne week end caused some realisations. The movements were Irregu lar Consols were easier, depressing other Sections. Americana opened dull and Inac tive and moved Irregularly at about rarity wild, iaa uBBreTsaiaiua, iauiavme a J,ah 11 feeders. I! calves.. 4 cows.... No. 2 lard. MWc CORN Higher; No. 1 cash. 63c; track. 64c; Decemtier. 524c; May, 6:4c. OATS Higher; No. z cash. 2c; track, U4; December. 274c; May, 2943-4o; No. 2 v. hite, awc. FIXJUR uulet: red winter patents. S4.104j4.40; extra fancy and straight. Si.7ixi 4.05: clear. 82.904.3.16. BEEI Timothy, lower; 82 S6TJ3.IO. COKNMEALe-Bteady at 82 60. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. rS4o HAY Steady; timothy. ts.Mul2.bti; prairie. t7 .0013 60. IKON 1 imiin 1 ir-JSrjc. BAOaiNtl 4c HEMP TWINE 4c PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing, 816 40. I-ard. higher: prime steam, 87.30. Dry salt meats: ktrady; boxed extra shorts, Ss 374; clear ribs, 8 76; short clears, 89.124. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, to.OO; clear ribs In 75: short clear. 89 674. POULTRY Weak; chickens 10c; springs. 1i104c; turkeys, U'alic; ducks, 9c; geese, to 9c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 1522c; dairy, l4VTl7e EGGS Firm at 14. case eount. Recelnts. Shipments. Flour, bbls t.OuO ri 0u0 Wheat, bu.., 66.0uO 43 OuO Corn, bu 61.00 47. Of") Oats, bu 29.000 SS.OuO 881 2 60 .100 2 60 .M65 2 24 .1600 2 66 ,10UO 2 65 .892 2 84 . 9j0 2 36 . TsO 1 76 . 780 2 30 . t4 2 46 . 710 2 26 .650 2 00 H. E Cheney Colo. . 9:0 2 60 17 cows 9n3 . 875 2 0 2 feeders., b&O Lynch ft Co. Neb. . 9W 2 60 8. W Smith Neb. . Ill IM 4 calves.. . 303 I 90 8 calves.. .1130 2 76 1 bull... Grant Meeks Neb. T feeders.. 8"2 2 10 1 bull.. t cows 914 2 40 5 cows... 2 COWS 1024 t 40 IDAHO. fl steers., 8 40 21 steers.. 21 steers.... 9 1 20 26 steers.. It steers.... 657 2 80 22 steers.. 27 steers. ...1212 8 86 83 feeders 2 70 9 cows 818 2 35 2 05 Farthing Wyo. 2 70 17 cows 1018 t W HOOK There was another small run here In fact, the offerings have not been heavy any day this week. There were seventy- two cars of fairly good hogs here and eny couraalnc reports from the east put con siderable life Into the trade. Buyers were out early and evidently wanteo a tew nogs. Or.enlns prices were fully steady with yes terday, wi.lle some good prime light weights sold early at prices strong to 24c higher. There was consiaeranie activity nispiayea on the opening, but later in the morning after the more urgent orders were filled the market eased off a Utile and trading was a little alow. Heavy hogs were not In as good demand as yesterday and were slow In moving at the prices. The bulk of the hogs sold at 8 263.35. with some good hogs selling at 85 424- Prices eased of little late and the market closed weaker Representative sales: South Omaha., Sioux City Kansas City.., t. Joseph...., St. Louis Chicago Totals 230 312 .1620 ...1150 ... 9a .1114 ,. 9H8 .. 804 . 841 2 55 too 4 50 t 25 1 80 2 10 2 40 S3 2 19 2 20 28 cows 949 17 feeders.. 841 11. 12 steers.. ..1274 Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 22 WHEAT Firm; No. 1 northern. S-Vrrs.c; No. 2 northern. 830 85c: December, 854c. asked. nit-firm: Mi. 1, ge. nAKLbi Weaker 662c COKN Strong. 4to. No. 2, ISc; sample, ts No. At. se. Pr. No. At. fh. Ft. to 144 40 I If 14 SM 10 I H M it 40 8 M 70 244 4 8 11 M Ill 40 i tt Tt tit ... I ilk, 41 Ill It I tt IS 2 1 10 till 14 .10 M lilli M .141 W IIIS4 II :4 19 I I'- tt 144 12V I lit, t w 1 rv, ti ut to 1 u II m to I ft 71 12, ... 1 it U Il-t 140 127 tt lit 44 I 14 It., t4 lt I 7 II 131 110 I tt H 114 10 1174 It lit IM I K t i' ' I rvt t 14 ts I at tt ttl st 6 174 1 m to I at lit It I 17 41 ,10 U0 4 st 41 lut ... I T4 tt Ml ... I It t ttl 44 8 tTw 17 2U 10 8 It 1 Ml ... ih, tt all ltd I It tt 110 ... I M To til ... I 174 11 H 124 l1 II 144 4 in U 144 ... I 14 14 224 ... I 7sZ tl 142 14 I 10 17 Ill ... r-l7w 70 I4 4u I 14 44 1 1 M I 40 tt 114) t M to lot 4 i 40 4 Ill ... 114 tt IM ... 44 II lit 4 j 4 14 1st M I 4 tl 21 til I t tt l tO I 44 41 141 ... tt U lit ... I 44 41. let ... I tt 14 Ill ... 4t U 21 St I M 41 let ... I tt II Ml ... tie 40 lat ... 14 at 8 1114 M I.t 40 6 4 H Aat 4 ttea 84 4 ... 1 424 l.WO . 600 . 7,000 . l.SuS . 1.700 . 8.600 .17,301 Hogs. Sheep. t.6u0 8,000 4.0u0 12.0110 2.830 4,4X7 6.600 2.000 lt.Ota) 12.0U0 S6.H80 40,47 Metal Market. NEW YORK. 8ept. 22 METALS The London tin market was lower, closing at 146 loa fur spot and A 144 12s 4d for futures. Locally the market was quiet and about 10 points off on the average, spot being quoted at 831.7tVflfl2.00. Copper lost part of the re- ent gain in London, closing at aw 10s for spot and 69 6s for futures. Locally the market continues quiet with quotations more or leas nominal. I.ake and electrolytic are quoted at Slti 0tu16 20, casting at l5.75'i 16.00. Lead was unchanged at .1 da in London and at 84 & '4 4 90 In the local mar ket. Spelter continues firm locally, with spot held at 85 i fu uo. London was higher at 26 ICS 3d. The foreign market for Iron was higher, with standard foundry closing at 47s Id and Mld!leslorough at 41s lo4'l. Locally the market Is firm, with prices slightly higher on northern grades N'o. 1 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 12 COTTON Spot closed quiet. 10 points higher; middling up lands. 10.95c; middling gulf, 11.20c. Bales, 100 bales. ST. IX5UI3, Sept. 22 COTTON Steady ; , lis paies; stock, t.oto Daiee. Sept. 22 -COTTON-Spot In prices uncnangea; Ameri can mltldling, D.B41. rne sales ot ine nay were 5.0UO bales, of which 5 were for speo ulatlon and export, and Included 4,700 Amer ican. Receipts, 14,000 balea, Including IS, 500 ANEWn6RLEANS, Sept. 22.-COTTON The market opened easy and-steady. Sales, 1.9il0 bales. Ordinary, 711-14c; good ordi nary, 84c: low miuuiing. -o: minanng. 104c; good middling, 104c; middling fair. 10 16-16C. Receipts, 2,442 bales; stock, 82,78a bales. 1 (tile alt ttosla. NEW YORK, Sept. 22 OILS Cottonseed, steudv; prime yellow, 244-5v25c. Petroleum, steady; refined New York. 87.80: Philadel phia and Baltimore. 87.45: Philadelphia, and Baltimore in bulk. H-tA. Turpentine, steady at 6tu.iii4i7e. 11 ROSIN Steady; atralned, common to good. . 75 73 .80. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Sept. 22. OILS Tltr. pentlne, Arm, 63V(f4M. Rosin, firm; A. H, C. 83.35: D, 83.70:12. 84 26; F, 84 40; O, 84.46; H. 14 .474; I, 84.60: K. t4 65; M, t4 65; N. S4.70; W4. S5.16: WAV, 85.45. OIL CITY, Pa., Sept. 22. 07L Oredlt balances. 81.44: certlflcates, no bid: ship ments. 77.153 bbls.: average, 79.84S bbls.; runs, 82,630 bbls.; average, 64.675 bbls.; ship ments, Lima, 81,362 bbls.; average, 60.K31 bbls.; runs, Lima, 65,411 bbls.; average, 48,238 bbls. Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH, Sept. 22. WHEAT To arrival No. 1 northern, 83Nc: No. 2 northern, 804o. On track: No. 1 northern. 834c; No. 2 north ern. 804c: September, old. 834c; September, new. Ko4c; December. 7940. OATS To arrive and on track. 2840. foundry, northern, is quoted at 817 0O&17 S5; No. 2 foundry, northern, at S16 6v316 i5; No. 1 foundry, southern, at 816 2Mil6.75, and No. foundry, southern, at S15.7 Vit 16 2o ST. LOUIS, Sept. 22 METALS Lead. firmer, at t4.75tH774- Speller, higher, at 85.80. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Sept. 22 EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues firm with business in futures a little more active and prices said to be a shade higher. 1 he spot market shows no quotable change, but it is said that some difficulty is experienced in obtaining supplies of attractive qualities at tiuns. recent quota! Prime are quoted at lii T'n.e. choice at 74e and fancy at 6c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunea are In very light supply on spot and many Sixes are practically exhausted, with the result that quotations are fairly held. Ap ricots are In fair demand on spot and prices show an advancing tendency. Choice are quoted at t4&c, extra choice at Cii4c. Sot supplies of peaches appear to be prao- licauy exnauateu ana quotations are nom inal for the time b-lng. Raisins are firm. Ixoee muscatels are quot-d at 3ii7c. aeeoea raisins at taJ'.o ana txmaon la at ll.UD !. COUNT OF COUNTY BALLOTS Canvass of Returns la Primary tle tloa Dtaolosea Some Mlaof Discrepancies. , County Clerk Prexel, with his chosen as sistants, Frank Furay and Otto Btuman, representing the republican and democratic parties, respectively. Is busily canvassing the election returns of the primary held Tuesday. . Some minor dlscrepnctes have been found, especially In the line of not sufficient com pliance with the law. For Instance, In tha Becond precinct of the Fourth ward a candi date for committeeman on the republican side received two votes, whereas no nomina tion paper was filed, as required by law. A formal protest was filed with the board re lating to this case specifically, but also broad enough to cover other rases of tha same kind. Tr members of the board agreed, practlca that the man who wants to be commltte n has no standing undur the law and wli; jt be certified aa commit-teeman. Several complications ' of no particular significance have been found which tha board will determine after the formal can vass, which Is expected to be finished by Saturday noon layer PREPARING FOR THE KING Illumination of tko Imperial llelnar Made to Receive Hie Royal Hlahnvsa. City Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 22,-COFFEE-Market opened unsteady to a decline of t points, and later sold about 6 points lower all around under moderate hedge operations and disappointing European cables Interior I recelnts for the day were light, however. I and the market rallied In the afternoon on Wall street buying, which waa also said to be promoted by agitation with regard to the duty. The close was steady, net un changed to lo points higher. Sales were re ported of 5 bags. Including October at 1 05c. November at 7 20c. December at 7 7 80c, January at 7;i7 35c. March at 7 4j 75tc and May at T6'i7.60c. Knot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, c; mild, firm. Cor dova, 101Sc. The work of preparing the city hall, court house and Res building for the Ak-Sar-Ben Illuminations has been started. The strings of street lamps will be pearly all In by tha I close of the week, when they will be tested. The sum of tin was allowed City Electri cian Michaelsen for the city hall decora tions, but he thinks he can manage with 876. The Western Electrical company has the contract for the court bouse. Wiring along tha streets and on other buildings la In progress. Isgsr aad Mulassee. NEW YORK. Sept 22-BUGAR-Raw, nominal; fair refining, Sc; centrifugal, !4 test, 34c; molasses fi-ar, 24c Refined, unsettled; No. 4. 4 if- No. T, 4 45c; No. 8. 4S6c; No. 9. 4 3'; No. 10, 4 25c; No. 11, 416c: No. 12. 4.10c; No. 13. 4e; No. 14. 8 96c; confectioners' A, 4 96c: mould A. t 45o; cut loaf, t.fcoc; crushed. 680c; powdered. t.Sfco; granulated, t ltW-; rubes I 35c. NEW ORLEANS. Sept 22 -SUGAR Qult; epeu Kettle, ceoulfugal, 14a 44c; EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) tfata Oafleei Fifth aad Huberts Streets, ST. PAIL, MIN. Heelers In Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Brek oroee. tlO-111 Hoard of Trad Bids.. Unas Iaa. Kit. Telephone R614. 217-214 Exchange Bids., South Omaha Ball 'faoaa tia itidetexulaaa 'J-.. a