Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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THE Omaiia Daily Dee
rally Bee (without Sunday), one year..M09
ally Bee and Bunday, one year '
Illustrated Itee, oik year J
Sunday Bee, on year
Saturday fiee, one year Leo
Tally Bp (without Hiinrtav), per wk...l2e
Illy Be (Including Sunday), per week,.17o
F-vnnlng p (without Sunday), p"" week. So
Evening Boe (with Pinday), per week...ino
Sunday liee, per copy
Address complairts of Irregularities In
delivery to City Circulation Department
Omaha The Bn Building.
Bouth Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street.
Chicago 1640 fnlty Building.
New Vork-lfW Home Ufa Inn. Building.
Washington SOI Fourteenth street.
Communication relating to news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only l-rent stamps received In payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accented
etate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.!
George B. Tsschuck. treasurer of The Be
Publishing Cdmpany, teln duly sworn,
se.ys that the actual numbei of uli and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
montn of August, mho, was aa uu.
t ....aMH 17 SO.OOO
t ZH.OM It 80,050
t 27,080 19 81,470
. 20,040 SO Stt.STO
1 203UO 21 20.HSO
80,060 22 8O.0OO
7 30, (MO II 80.110
1 2&.S30 M 30.10O
I an.oso at 80,110
10 20,850 K 81.T20
a ao,o6o zi 20,030
12 si.aio a 80,100
II 80,220 2S 32.2S0
14 SO.01O SO 8O.710
It 20.0B0 U 8O.BS0
1 8,S(0 -
Totala 90,200
Less unsold copies ll.eltl
Net total sales t18.834
Dally average 20.840
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma ibis tlst day of August, 1Mb.
tSeal) Ji, b. HUNOATB,
Notary Public
abserlfeers lea viae the city teas
poratlly shoald bsts The Be
mailed to them. It la better tbaa
dally letter frosa borne. Ad
dress mill be ehaaged as etlea as
Colonel Bryan Is off on his globe gird'
ling trip. Here'g luck to him and a safe
Omaha has eoutributeu us first rlc
tlm to the Punauia canal, but that will
not stop others from venturing Into the
yellow ever sone.
a Dimxisnixa Dircr.
The treasury deficit Is being dimin
ished. In the less than three months
of the current flscsl year there has been
very considerable Increase In the re
ceipts of the government and a slight
decrease In expenditures. Present flg-
UWs In comparison with those of ft cor
responding period ft year ago show a
cutting down of the deficit to the amount
of over $7,000,000, which was quite un
expected. Whether or not this condi
tion will continue throughout the fiscal
year Is a matter of uncertainty, but It
certainly gives promise that the deficit
at the close of the current fiscal year
will bo considerably less than has been
This fact however, should not prevent
curtailment of puhjlc expenditures
wherever It can be done without Im
pairing the efficiency of the public serv
ice. Gratifying as Is the growth of rev
enue, evidencing as It does the prosper
ity of the country, it should not be al
lowed to Interfere with such a reduction
In governmental expenditures its can be
wisely and properly made. Mfbat Is
needed is that there shalLbe no deficit,
that the expenses of the government shall
be kept within the receipts. Instead of
running ahead, as has been the case for
some years. Nolwdy desires that the
government should adopt a parsimonious
policy. This Is a rapidly growing coun-
try and the demands upon the public
treasury which must be met are In
creasing from year to year. These can
not be neglected without injury to the
general welfare and the most radical
economist wll not say that they should
be neglected. But unquestionably there
are directions In which a curtailment of
expenditures can be made without In
terference In the least with the public
This will be an Important matter for
the determination of the next congress.
If expenditures can be reduced, say to
the extent of $20,000,000, there will be
no necessity for legislation to Increase
the government's revenue. There will
be no need of new Internal taxation and
no necessity for changing the tariff so
as to get more receipts from customs.
We can go along as we are. with the cer
tainty that the government will have
enough money to meet all demands
from current revenue and that there will
be an end to the disagreeable deficit, the
effect of which Is necessarily more or
less disquieting upon the public. It is
very pleasing to note a diminishing defi
cit, but that fact should not lessen the
demand for a reduction In public expen
ditures wherever practicable.
With Russian troops quartered In Fin
land It Is probable that all the czar's
subjects are not glad the war In the
Orient Is ended.
The only candidate that receives the
enthusiastic support of the demo-pop of
these parts Is the basso-profundo candi
date for police Judge.
v nea the second peace conference
meets at The Ilague the caar can show
the treaty of peace with Japan as evl
dence that diplomacy beats war in se
curing results.
Home ruiu-outi pusseuur managers
may be willing to grant 2-cent-a-mlle
fares after all passes have been called
In, but so far they have not made their
Intentions known.
As long as U rover Cleveland Is one of
the voting trustees It Is hardly probable
that Equitable officials will volunteer in
formation of assistance given to beat
Blaine in New York in l&Si. .
It cost the United Stales $16,000 to
work up the case against those Chicago
packers who pleaded guilty and the
men were fined $25,000 that leaves
Uncle Bam $9,000 to the pood.
Reports from Tender would indicate
that for ono time at least an Indian has
been able to find a white man who Is
legally Indebted to him; but It has taken
hard work to bring this state of affairs
- If American mauufacturers carry out
their -announced intention of opening
subsidiary factories In Europe they will
probably have to send their workmen
from America to avoid losing more than
they gain by the chnnse.
The democratic Btaudaiil bearer, who
"leads on the allied forces of reform,"
says be has been riding on an annual
pass, but won't do It again, providing
be is elected supreme Judge this fall
but there Is no danger.
If that asphalt company investigation
continues along the lines laid down In
New York It may be discovered that the
price of ft revolutionist In Venezuela is
somewhat less than that of a councilman
in America when bldilinar t close.
Now that Dr. Foster lias turned In his
annual passes, all the other members of
the late legislature will have to follow
ult, tut what is to hinder the railroad
from transmuting the legislative eour
tesy pass into an underground railroad
The court-martlul of the Bennington
officers shows that they bad great faith
in the integrity of the contractors who
placed the engines on the boat from
the fact tbat they were willing to risk
their own live without making close
and regular Investigations.
Up to date the special lawyers and
special engineers engaged by the Water
loard are the only beneficiaries of the
contention between the city and the
water company. 8o far as the taxpayers
are concerned there is no relief lu sight
ttut ou the contrary the water tax bur
den Is heavier, and apparently we are
no nearer possession of the water plant
than we were before the Water board
was created.
east In having their products transported
to foreign markets In American ships
sailing under our own flag.
The first official estimate of the world's
wheat supply and demand for the year
has been made by the Hungarian minis
ter of agriculture. It shows that the coun
tries which have to Import wheat have
produced slightly more than last year,
but they will require considerably more
than last year, assuming that their rate
of consumption Is maintained, which
probably will be the case. In regard to
the exporting countries, the Hungarian
estimate places the production largely In
excess of last year, thus allowing for a
considerble surplus even If the demand
of the importing countries shall be as
large as estimated.
The wheat production of the United
States Is placed at a little over 075,000,000
bushels and the surplus at 119,600,000
bushels. In regard to this the New York
Journal of Commerce remarks that there
must be a glaring error, the surplus
given for last year being much In excess
of the actual quantity. It is also apparent
from the latest reports that the Hun
garian estimate of the wheat production
for this year Is much too high, these re
ports, if authentic, showing a very heavy
falling off. According to this estimate
the world's wheat supply for the current
year Is only a few million bushels in ex
cess of last year, which will be more
than offset by the Increased demand. At
all events It seems evident that the sit
uation means that the price of wheat
will at least be malntined and may go
higher. The producers of that grain cer
tainly have no reason to appreh&nd a de
cline In its price.
ir mot chasgk rnt sistkm.
Whether the name of the next county
Judge Is Leslie or Woodrough, the peo
ple of Douglas county will demand a
radical change In the keop-lt-dark sys
tem that has for years prevailed In the
county court. First and foremost, there
must be change In the method of ac
counting, so thot all obstructions to pub
licity shall be permanently removed.
At present the books of the county
court will not enable anybody to get
an Insight Into the Internal workings
of the office, and especially all mntters
affecting the heirship trust funds. There
must be a stop to the farming out of
widows' and orphans' funds for private
gain. At present, nobody can ascer
tain Just how much heirship money Is
invested or loaned under direction of
the court, where It Is deposited, or what
amount of Interest It Is drawing. When
the settlement with Judge Ylnsonhaler
Is made next January the county com
missioners must enforce a full account
ing for all Interest that hns been col
lected on the various funds that have
been in the hands of the Judge) during
his three terms, .and that money should
be turned over to the parties to whom
It rightfully belongs or to the county
Incidentally there should be an ac
counting made of nil the monies held
by the county court In trust for owners
of lands thot have been taken by con
demnation proceedings pending the liti
gation In the courts as to the award.
Within the past six years this fund has
aggregated several hundred thousand
dollars, as we are Informed, but under
the system no Interest has been paid
over to the parties after the final awards
have been made.
When the lid is taken off the sealed
chests of the county court the fact will
be disclosed that rank favoritism has
been extended In the appointment of
guardians and administrators. For ex
ample, the bulk of all the guardianship
business has been done by Charles D.
McDonald, an unimportant lawyer, and
Mr. Grimmel, a stenographer and clerk
In one of our banks. For years we have
not been able to understand why these
parties had become such bitter Ylnson
haler partisans, but we have recently
learned the reason why, yid also the
reason why these same gentlemen want
to help to manage a campaign for the
Ylnsonhaler succession as members of
the republican county committee.
When the lid is finally taken off and
the system Is exposed to full view, peo
ple of Omaha and Douglas county will
have a surprise In store such as they
have not had since the lid was taken off
the city and state treasuries some eight
years ago.
of rhanees for young men today." This
undoubtedly is true. There Is hardly a
foot ball coach In the country who Is not
hunting for more good, strong young men.
Joy at Esopaa.
Washington Post.
Judge Parker says he feels his course !n
the last campaign has been vindicated.
He ought to be happy. &J he has both a
vindication and an alihl.
Political and I.eaal Kthlce. -St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Judge Parker lays his defeat St the door
of the corporations. Behind the door he I
willing to accept one of their $100,000 salaries.
Snperflnoas Advice.
Boston Transcript.
General Corbln's advice to young officers
to lead the simple life will strike many of
them. In view of the present pay tables, as
unnecessary. A second lieutenant often
finds that to make both ends meet at the
close of the year Is so strenuous a process
as to leave him neither funds nor oppor
tunity for any but the simple life wholly
devoid of trimmings.
The good government leiigue Is all
right, providing that Its advice to voters
Is not designed to promote the nomina
tion or election of special favorites under
the guise of promoting better govern
ment. For example, In Its first circular
the Good Government league tattooed
two republican candidates for county
Judge and indirectly endorsed a candi
date who Is not qualified to fill the office,
which Is Just as much aiding bad gov
ernment. It placed the Dennlson brand
on one candidate for sheriff, while his
opponent, who had given aid and com
fort to all the gamblers lu Omnha and
South Omaha when he was sheriff, was
given a clean bill. A strictly Impartial
league would have given the record of
all, so that every voter would know Just
exactly where the spots were and who
bad the biggest spots.
Aa Obvious Consolation.
Chicago Chronicle.
In the midst of his Indignation at the
life Insurance company's contribution to
th republican campaign fund Judge Parker
has one obvious consolation. He knows,
along with everybody else, that If the con
tribution had been made to the democratic
campaign Instead of to the republican and
If It had been WO times as large It would
not have changed the result. Judge Parker
would have been defeated though all the
forces of plutocracy had been on his side.
This, of course, does not affect the ethics
or the propriety of corporate contributions
to partisan enterprises. It Is, however,
a collateral phase of the question which is
pertinent If not vital.
In ft recent speech Secretary Shaw
said that we could not expect to in
crease our trade unless we sent our
American goods in American ships.
Those who are opposed to legislation for
the encouragement of an American mer
chant marine reply to this by saying
that our trade is growing notwithstand
ing the fact that we are dependent upon
foreign ships for the transportation of
our products to markets abroad. That
Is true, but the question Is whether the
growth would not be much more rapid
If we sent these products to foreign mar
kets In ships carrying the American
That it would be Is the opinion of
those who have given the matter care
ful Investigation, particularly as to
LSouth America. A report made a short
time ago to the Department of State
pointed out that the American flag wus
rarely seen In a South American port,
while British and German ships carry
ing the flags of those countries were
numerous there, with the result that
those countries get most of the trade.
Of course these foreign ships carry
some American goods, but this country
does not get the credit and. prestige
which It would have If Its products were
carried under its own flag. The mer
chants of South America are largely In
duenced by this in their trading, as has
been repeatedly stated by represents
tlves of the southern countries.
The question of building up an Amer
ican merchant marine, which has been
before the country for many years, will
again do consiaerea f.y the next cou
gress, and there Is reason to believe
that some definite action will be taken.
It la ft subject In which every section
of the country the wet and south not
less than the east Is deeply Interested.
The producers of the west are as much
concerned as the manufacturers of the
The direct primary like the Australian
ballot has come to stay In Nebraska, It
Is not necessary to wait until the legisla
ture has enacted a law to make it go
into effect, although It will eventually
have to be regulated by law In order to
make it uniform in every voting dis
trict. The direct primary has for a
number of years operated successfully
In Arkansas In the selection of state offi
cers and choice of United States sena
tors and has been acquiesced n by all
factions of Arkansas democracy, which
constitutes about four-fifths of the vot
ing population of that state.
Important Revolution In Railroad
Snhnrban Service.
Chicago Tribune.
The Union Pacific railway company has
been making at Omaha some Interesting
experiments with gasoline motor cars
which It proposes to substitute for steam
trains In its suburban service. The results
of the tests have been highly satisfactory.
One of the cars has reached a maximum
speed of fifty-seven miles an hour while
carrying fifty-seven passengers, and It Is
believed as good average time can be made
with them as with steam trains.
The application to railway cars of the
gasoline motor which, as is well known.
Is extensively used In the propelling of
automobiles was first experimented with
and put into practical use about 'a year
ago. The Union Pacific's gasoline motor
car No. 1, which was first put on the rails
last March, was constructed on new lines.
As It gave better satisfaction than any
similar which previously had been tried
all the cars subsequently built by that com
pany have been built according to the same
plans. The gasoline motor used Is similar
to tr ose by which automobiles are driven.
The car tapers at both ends and Is rounded
on the roof like a yacht, so as to reduce the
Wind resistance to minimum. By means
of air brakes the car may be stopped within
112 or 115 feet, when going at twenty mllesJ
an hour. The vibration and noise of the
engine have been almost eliminated and
the exhaust Is so muffled as scarcely to be
perceptible. Tests have shown that the
motor, will not only run a car at high speed,
but that It will pull heavy loads.
The advantages railroads would derive
from the adoption of gasoline motor cars In
their suburban services are considerable.
At the present time they are competing
with the electric lines for suburban busi
ness with doubtful success and generally
giving poor satisfaction to their patrons.
The operation of steam trains costs so much
that during most of the day it does not
pay to run them at frequent Intervals.
But suburban dwellers desire trains at
frequent Intervals. Consequently they
patronise the steam road's rivals, the elec-
ktrlo lines. It has looked as If the railroads
would have to electrify their lines If they
were to hold and Increase their suburban
business. Electrification, however, would
cost a great deal of money. The Introduc
tion of gasoline motor cars, If they were
successful, would enable the railroads to
run cars on their suburban lines as often
as the electric lines. It would, at the same
time, save them the great expense of elec
trifying. They would be advantageous to
the public as well as to the railroads.
They would improve rapid transit facili
ties; enable the railroads' suburban patrons
to ride to and from their homes without
being choked and begrimed with soot and
coal smnke; and would diminish the amount
of smoke which now pollutes the air of
cities. The test of gasoline motor cars
now being made may prove the Introduc
tion to an Important and salutary revolu
tion In railway suburban services.
When that grand Jury gets through In
vestigating the men at the head of de
funct rje"ver bonks it might with prop
riety turn its attention to state bank
examiners who vouched for the solidity
of the Institutions up to the verge of
the crash. Examiners who examine are
really needed In all the states.
The resolutions committee that framed
the democrotlc state platform Is sup
posed to be constituted of a member
ship of one from each congressional dis
trict. Inspectiqn of the personnel of the
committee, however, discloses the fuct
that three out of six' came from the
Second congressional district.
The first sale of American goods in
Shanghai since the boycott is a quantity
of oil. Now If those Chinese have de
termined to help the Standard Oil com
pany, In addition to other acts of un
friendliness, their case is hopeless, and
the president should begin Immediately
to prepare to retaliate.
The fraud at the bottom of the bunco
game of fusion was never- more patent
than In the labeling of the democratic
ticket just nominated at Lincoln, with
the populist name, by a handful of self
appointed delegates calling themselves a
state convention. How have the mighty
Miss Tarbell can now resume her
Rockefeller stories by discovering why
the Standard OU company has again ad
vanced the price of crude oil. Her ex
perience Is worth little unless she can
discover some ulterior motive In the
latest move.
Great Oiiorllllr. iu Slcbt,
Chicago Rocord-Heraid.
"There are." says Jamas J. tUU. "plenty
The famous national prophet. Colonel
Orosvenor of Ohio, will soon reach the
mainland and reveal the future. Until
he lands, all predictions should be placed
In cold storage.
Efforts are being made to nail down the
lid In Kansas. Topeka and other moist
burgs are reported dry. People afflicted
with an unsatisfied thirst regard this aa a
sure sign that Governor Iloch will not re
fuse a second term.
George W. Plunkltt of New Tork, a mil
lionaire and author of a famous booklet
on "Honest Graft," was shamefully rolled
In the dirt at the primaries last Tuesday.
Thomas Jefferson McManus threw him out
side the breastworks of Tammany.
A Kansas City alderman, possessing an
Imposing front and 260 pounds of flesh and
bone, Is striving to loff off 100 pounds by
fasting. His principal diet is water. An
office holder who mortifies the spirit with
water has surely reached the limit.
An unusual feature of the local cam
paign In New York City Is the lack of
newspaper opposition to the re-election of
Mayor MeClellan, Tammany's rlghthand
man. Only two papers are making a fight
against him. The fact Is the opposition la
unable to unite on a candidate.
The ruling organisation In Pennsylvania
must be In hard lines. The Philadelphia
Press editorially calls the attention of
President Roosevelt to a case In Chester
county where the, Independent candidates
for district attorney . was offerod a federal
office If he would quit the field.
The salary of the comptroller of New
York Is 116.0(10 a year, which Is S per cent
Interest on ttuC.OnO. Mr. Grout finds It too
little for his family ex pennon. He can save
nothing for a rainy day. Therefore be Is
determined to retire and devote his ener
gies to more lucrative pursuits.
The discovery that a bunch of 1100,000
Insurance money was sent to Albany, N.
Y., during a legislative session tends to
throw a faint shadow of doubt on the
claim of a lawmaker that he was able to
build himself a costly home after the ses
sion with money saved by his wife In
doing her own housework.
Everett Colley, a pugnacious republican
of Newark, N. J., formulated a platform
of his own and appealed for support at the
republican primaries last week. For a
month or more he carried on a personal
campaign In favor of limited franchises
and compensation therefor, corporation
control and equal taxation. Jeraeymen
liked Colley and his platform so well that
they nominated him with a whoop. The
corporation favorite when the ballots were
ffd' pJ (pi
YVjd &Q))
ci &
Its superiority is unquestioned.
Its fame world-wide
Its use a protection and a guarantee
against altim food
Alum baking powders, their true character disguised, are
urged with great effrontery upon the public. Their promoters
are aware of their unwholesomeness, but the enormous profit
in their manufacture, as they cost but two cents a pound and
are sold at twenty-five cents a pound, or twenty-five cents
for twenty-five ounces, overcomes all consideration upon the part
of their makers for the health of the consumer.
Mum baking powders retard the digestion of food in the
stomach, while cream of tartar baking powder promotes it
These ate facts, and they are of serious import to the public
Russia figures up, officially, Its loss In
ships In the Japanese war at IllS.OOO.fO
This may be called a bottom estimate. 1
does not appear to cover the damage
vessels now Interned In Chinese and Phi
tpplne waters. It probably refers to tl
cost Of the vessels and their equipments
which have gone either Into the hands of
the Japanese or to the bottom. It doos not
represent the reparable damage, but the
Irreparable. This official figure, neverthe- !
less, calls attention to and emphasizes not
only the terrific character of the blow that
has been administered to the Russian em
pire by this war, but to the enormous cost
and extreme fragility of naval property at
this stage of the world's affairs. It re
minds the nations that. In putting from
M.000,000 to $7,000,000 Into the construction
of a battleship, they are practically putting
that amount Into an eggshell, whloh may
be crushed and ruined at a touch.
The secret suspicion with which French
men regard each German movement is well
Illustrated by a recent article In a Paris
newspaper, it describes Germany as being
busy In Morocco to secure objects of barter
In view of future bargains with France,
and warns Frenchmen to be on their guard
against a possible renewal of the attempt
to secure their adherence to the Baghdad
railway scheme. The real character of that
project is, It says, now better understood
In France, where there Is no longer any
temptation to acoept the offer made to the
Paris Bourse of to per cent of the shares.
The terms of the concession have strength
ened the conviction that the railway would
assure the preponderance of German Inter
ests from the Bosporus to the Persian gulf.
In this matter the Interests of France and
Germany are Identical. The article declares
that "It Is reasonable to suppose that an
attempt on the part of Germany to come to
a separate understanding with France on
this subject would fall as completely as did
the attempt made to disturb the entente.
. In the words of M. Cheradame. to
afford Germany the possibility of complet
ing the railway under Its exclusive control
would be equivalent to giving it absolute
control over Asia Minor and rendering the
kaiser master of the great international
route, extending from Hamburg Jo the Per
sian gulf." In conclusion, the writer re
marks that the German scheme does not
take Russian Interests Into account either,
a circumstance which Franoe will not be
disposed to ignore.
Among the Interesting experiments to be
carried out during the French army ma
neuvers In the east will be the employment
aa a complete unit of the cyclist battalion
recently formed at Chalons. The Idea la to
find out whether It Is possible to attach
large bodies of cyclists aa a highly mobllo
reserve to an army In the field, and to use
them in combination with cavalry and ar
tillery to check or frustrate an enveloping
movement. General Langlobi pointed out
recently that at present only cavalry and
artillery are capable of making such a
movement with the necessary rapidity, and
that their action, unsupported by bayonets,
could not be sufficiently sustained to attain
its object. He argues that the existence of
good roads makes the use of strong cyclist
norpa In European warfare not only pos
sible, but effective, and suggests that each
field army should be provided with a mobile
reserve consisting of 5, MO cyclists, S.0'0
cavalry and thirty guns.
The Prussian authorities have Just pro
mulgated a new law enforcing regulations
for the improvement of the condition of the
living places of the poor. It modifies cer
tain looal tsxes In favor of worklngmen's
dwellings provided by philanthropic socie
ties. It requires all communes and man
orial districts with more than l".O0O Inhabi
tants to and Issue regulations re
specting the use of buildings for dwelling
and sloeplng purposes. Moreover, In cases
of divided authority. It provides that the
minister of the Interior shall determine
where responsibility shall lie. Various
habitation which are in a dilapidated state
ii v I Don t tempt me. Pop, replied the bright
luuoco iiiirimcu im muinj. u mum uu Dtv. If I took all rtat money 1 mignt buy
era! blocks on an errand for him, "here's
penny fur ye.
rovlded with kitchens; rooms used for
vlng, cooking or sleeping must allow at
tst ten cubic metres air space and four
. iare metres superficial space per person,
dwelling must be so large that persons
above 14 years may be able to sleep In sep
arate rooms according to sex. Special reg
ulations are Imposed In the Interest of
domestic servants, who are to have healthy
rooms with doors that can be locked, with
the minimum air space and superficial space
required for their employment. Every city
of more than 100,000 population Is to have a
housing bureau with a Specially trained
staff. Some of these regulations suggest,
rather eloquently, the nature of existing
King Oscar and the kaiser should be ex
cellent friends, for in some things their
Ideas run in parallel grooves. Thus both
gave the late pope the kiss of equality
when they called to see him, instead of
bending low to kiss his hand, as less sturdy
monarchs have done before them. It was
King Oscar, Indeed, set the example. When
the pope held out his hand the Swedish
king bent not at all, but seised It heartily
and gave It a vigorous shake. Then he
threw his arm around the pope, gave him a
vigorous continental hug and followed this
up with three resounding kisses on the
cheeks and forehead. The courtiers were
horrified, the pope amused and the king
satisfied. When the kaiser went to Rome
he followed the precedent set by the other
Protestant monarch, and probably It will
be remembered by King Edward if he calls
on Leo's successor.
an auto
wld It an' git pinched
-Philadelphia Press.
"I haven't had a photo taken In ten
years!" remarked the conceited man, with
a flourish.
"What's the matter?" chirped his friend.
"Still having them struck off of the same
old plate?" Detroit Free Press.
"Any adventures during your automobile
ride today?"
"None to speak of. Ran over a dog or
"For a forty-two horse power machine
that's simply disgraceful '. Chicago Tribune.
"Much obliged to you,
Tltefyst to the youngster
son," said old
ho had run aev-
"The word 'graft1 becomes more obnox
ious to the public every day," said the sin
cere citlxen.
"Yes," answered Senator Sorghum; "If
many more of my tllstlngulsljed acquaint
ances become Involved In it we'll have to
see if we can't Invent a more polite name
for It." Washington Btar.
"Mrs. Oumler Is really a remarkable
woman, Isn't BheT"
"How so?"
"Why, she lost E0 at bridge the other
afternoon without a murmur. And It was
give i) her by her husband to pay a bill,
too." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"No," said the passenger In the seedy
suit; "business isn't what it used to be.
I've seen some pretty bad years, but this Is
absolutely the worst ever."
"To what do you attribute itr asked the
passenger with the skull cap.
"Ruinous competition."
"What Is your line of business, may I
ask "
"I:m a rainmaker." Chicago Tribune.
New Tork Times.
A year, a year, and then to miss
That which was all In all for aye
O Love Is fleeting as your kiss,
0 Love, forever and a day.
To this.
Why such a change In one short yeart
1 can not, can not understand;
O! why to cast upon Love's lller,
Whose name was written In the sand.
This tear.
Why then the fields were red with Way,
When you and I together swore;
Is May so very far away.
Was all so different then, before
And did the gods above them smile
When we believed that love would mat,
Counting Its heartbeats on the Dial.
Of hours, which have too soon slipped past
The while.
Two honts upon a sea r.f glass;
A little strength; a little trust;
Yet let the hand of Fate hut pass,
Could they withstand the stur.u cloud's
So though not knowing, yet must I
Forget one day and fe-l no more
Tour love, which dreamed not e'er to die
Thank God for that. I close my door.
Browning, Ming & Co
" Tis he who
lags behind the
procession," said
Beau Brummel,
"must take the
In introducing our new scale of
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It bridges the gap that the tailor
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