Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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lfscessar for City to leltct Nw Officer
f Election.
While Jfnt All, Peroral of Those
Choern for Tnaadn llpeame
InraparltaKerl Before Pay
Vli Otm,
It win be nfcr-n.riry for the mayor and
council to trvln ttia entire list of regls
tretlin and ectlm officers. The work of
Turarlay shoWfl conclualveljr that many
Of thoae wio did serve a-fr Incompetent,
others became worthlrss on account of In
dulging In too much liquor, while others
did not report for duty at all.
.TVlthTn a. short" time the'matter will be
given thorough consideration and the Hat
revised no, aa to obtain responsible man
to conduct the coming .three daya of regls
trctlon and .the election of November 7.
, When, the Hat of Judge , and clerka of
election I" made, out there will be another
school, of lnatructioo for election officers.
H. C. Hagnllion, representative of the
Unkind States , Standard .Voting- Machine
company, left, last night tor Chloago. pe.
tor going be notified City Clerk Glllln
that -he would be gone about ten days. By
the -time ha returnable hopes to have an
other' Hat -of election.-' officials appointed,
so that he can Instruct the new appointees
In the- uaa pf the machines.
In looking over the ,11st of those who
wet appointed and Instructed In the use
of the voting machines and carried away
certificate showing that they were quali
fied It la found that only about half of
the thirty-six reglatrars reported for duty
on "Tueailay last. .The places ofthe ab
sentees had to be Slled by the mayor, and
this cause a delay of all the way from
oe to' three hours In the opening of the
voting plauea.
Councilman are now casting aboflt for a
new list of men that, will serve on the
three- coming registration days and on
election day. The next registration days
will be on October 19 and 27 and Novem
ber; .. .-,' .
' Its "fW) front Bond Buyers.
Since 'the: histories of the Twenty-fourth
street paving bonds were sent to the pur
chasers W. J. Hayes & Sons of Cleveland,
no news has been received here. Every day
the city officials are looking for a letter
from ' these bankers Intimating whether
the bonds , will be accepted or not. It be
gins td look now as'lf nothing will be heard
until the " attorneys have completed the
examination of the histories. and give an
opinion cither accepting or declining the
It Is Understood that rarks, Johnson &
Parks will not start to work on the pav
ing until, notice has,, been received to the
eff act. that the. issue. s legal. Attorneys
for bonV, buyers do not like. to be hurried
about ,such., matters and It may be that
word , will not be. recelyed before October
1 or i, later. .. Every . day's delay puts the
proposed, paving that much farther back
as It; will long befoco cold weather
-will cone and. concrete cannot be laid suc
cessfully, when the temperature la much
below freeaing.'- The. contractors who will
do tho. paving are In touch with material
dealers and assert that there little
If any delay In getting material on the
ground when once the- money for-the bonds
'available,. . . i .
""Presbyterians tietlr Heady.
Next 'week' the annual synodlcal meeting
of the" Woman's Missionary ' society of the
Presbyterian synod : of Nebraska Will be
; field in 'South Omaha. The Convention
7bperis"bn" Si?peTfiber",i7and'--wll! cdfitlnue
'Xintll'ttle 29th. All meetings ' will be held
at the First' Presbyterian church. Twenty-
fifth an-1 J street.
Mi's. George 'TlTdeir of Otnaha,.. synodlcal
president. Is directing arrangements and
appointing committees. It 1 expected that
fully ptxty delegates, will be present from
.the various presbyteries In - the state. A
Dumber of, persons prominent In Presby
..terlan,-missionary work will attend this
convention, and either read papers or de
liver addresses. Local committees are be
tng named and everything possible will be
done by the South Omaha people to entertain-
the visiting delegates.
Should Lower Catch. Basis.
A petition has been presented to the
council by property owners on M street
between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth
streets complaining about the condition of
the street. It IS asserted that the catch
basin at the northwest corner of Twenty
fifth and M streets Is too high and that
storm water rushes past the basis and
runs west on M street, causing great
holes to be worn In the street. Mayor
Koutskv has promised that he will set
some of the street force to Work Boon and
lower the basin so that It will be Of
some use.
Washoata show I p.
With tile partial drying up of the mud
on the unpaved streets the damage done
by the recent heavy rains becomes sppar
ent. Oreat gutters have been worn In the
roadways and many holes are Coming to
light. It will take the street department
a long time to put the streets In good
repair for winter. Only about fifteen men
are now employed on the street force, but
there la plenty of work for fifty men.
Mayor Koutsky has the street force In
charge and it is understood that he In
tends working all the men that can be used
to advantage In order to fill the worst
holes first, then the general rounding up
of the triads la to begin. The city owns a
road machine and this may be put Into
service when the time comes.
Pirate Oreat gnereaa.
The first annual picnic of the Highland
Park Improvement club held on Wednes
day evening at the park was a grest success-.
There was a much larger attendance
than the committee In charge anticipated
and the seating capacity provided for 200
waa Inadequate. Addresses were made by
J. II. Van Dusen. W. W. Slabaugh, B. A.
Benson and Pr. W. J. McCrann. During
the evening the Madrigal quartet rendered
a number of selections, which were greatly
appreciated by those present. Members of
the club are greatly pleased at the Interest
shown In the picnic and promise greater
things next year.
IMnsrle City Goaaln.
J. W. Morehouse of fluttnn. Neb., spent
i ...... . , .
sire. Plnkbam-a Advice) Saves Manjr
from this Bad and Costly Experience.
It la a Bad but
true fact that
ttry year
bring in .in
creaae in the
numberof opera
tions performed
upon women in
onr hospitals.
More than three
fonrtha of the
S patients lying;
j on those snow
white bads are women end girls who
, are awaitiAtr or recovering" from opera
tions made neoesaary by neglect.
. Every one or these patients naa
plenty of warning in that bearing down
. feeling, pain at the left or right of the
womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the
email of the back, leuoorrhusa, dizti-
, tteae. fUtuleacy, displacements of the
womb or irregularities. All of these
. symptoms . are indications of an un
healthy - condition of the ovaries or
womb, and if not heeded the trouble
will make headway until the penalty
naa Jo be paid by a dangerous opera
tion, and a lifetime of Impaired useful
nesa at best, while in many cases the
results are fetal..
' The followrng lettr should bring
hope to suffering women. Mian Luella
Adams,of the Colonnade Hotel, Seattle,
, Waah., writes:
' Dear Mrs. Plnkham!
- - About two years age I was a great suf-
ferer from a severe female trouble, pains and
heaviecbea. The doctor urnacrieeri f or me and.
finally told, me that I hail a tumor on the
' womb and must undergo an operation if I
' wanted to get wall.' I felt that this was my
-death warrant, salt I Spent hundreds of dol.
t tare for medical help, but the tumor kepi
growing. - Fortunately I corresponded with
an sunt in toe New England States, and alio
advittud me to lake Ljdia E. Plnkbam's Veg
etable Compound, as it was said to cure tu
mors. I did so and immediately began to
' improve In health, and 1 was entirely cured,
' the tumor diMppeai-ing entirely, without an
- OperaU'W. - I vsh every suffering woman
. would try this great preparation." -
Just as surely as Mtss Adams waa
1 cure J of "the trouble enumerated ia
t her letter Jnst so surely will Lydla E.
Pinkham's- Vegetable Cbmpoand eore
- every woman in the land whowufTers
' from womb trembles. Inflammation of
' the ovaries. 'kidney - troubles, nervous
exei'abthty end-nervous prostration.
' Mrs.1 Pinkham1' Invites all - young
women w ho are til to writ her for free
Thursdnv In the city with friends,
R. n. White and wife nf Clarion. Ta.. are
visiting Mrs. A. C. Terrlll, 2318 M street.
Mrs. E. I,. Oustnfson. wife of Denutv rttv
Treasurer Oustafson. Is quite sick again.
John J. Rvan returned Thnrsdav from
the Pacific coast, where he spent six weeks.
Dr. Mnrcna A. Klnr has returned from a
three weeks' stay In the Black Hills country.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph E. Demont, 161 South Twenty-second
J. W. Rlghter and wife of Illinois are
Isltlng Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Reed. 2409 M
The funeral of Frank KhefTner wilt tw
held at the family residence. Fifteenth and
Washington streets, this afternoon.
Byron Smiley has returned from Kanans.
where he waa employed with a party of
Burlington engineers surveying a new line.
Miss Anna Lew. daughter of Mr. anil
Mrs. Jacob I.evy, was married Wednesday
evening to Abraham Blank of Des Moines.
ur. neianney reports the b rth of a
daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Adami, 817 North Twentv-second
Fred Fruahard Is reported to be seriouslv
111 at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. F.
Krallck. 2413 K street. Mr. Fruahard has
own aiung tor several months.
Official roant of School Board Csadl-
dates Makes No Changes ta
Material Result.
The canvass by the city on school board
showed no changes in material results.
It stands:
W. II. Butts t.U
v . ii. urinue 4.0OT
IHVM coie A i
K. H. Iavie gje
O. Detweiler xm
a urea -. Kennedy .-tr
tieorre It Rim At
Charles Harding t,233
Harding Is elected for the short term
and Davie loses out, the others being
elected for regular terms.
County Clerk Drexel will begin the can
vass of the primary vote for county offi
cers at 10 o'clock Friday morning. He has
named Frank Furay to act with him as a
canvasser for the republican party and
Otto Bau man for the dernocrata. It Is. ex
pected the canvass will be completed some
time Saturday.
Irrigation Project Works Handsome
Profit for Two Omaha
"I tell you what," said W. H. Hatfield.
who arrived from the Big Horns yester
day, "I can give you an Instance to show
you how active everything Is with us.
Two young men from Kansas City came
into our country with a thousand dollars
ninety days ago and took options on ranch
lands lying under the proposed ditches of
the government irrigation system. Since
then those operations have been assured
and their scope developed, with the result
that these young men sold out a few days
ago. with a profit of $50,000 each. The Big
Horns are all right, and I'm going back
as fast as I can."
A very substantial Interest is being mani
fested by the women of Douglas county In
the Home for Juveniles on South Tenth
street. This afternoon a party of women
from South Omaha are at the home making
up clothing for the children. The care of
the clothing for these charges of the county
is necessarily a heavy responsibility and by
giving their services to the cutting and
making of these garments the women can
lie of material assistance and save the in
stitution much. The people are showing a
substantial Interest In the home and there
have been several donations of supplies. In
the main, however, these hsve come from
Omaha or South Omaha and the women are
endeavoring to extend the interest.
Throughout the county the rlubwomen and
others have asked what they might do and
It has been niggested that the farmers
might do much In the way of vegetables
with very little trouble or expense to them
selves. Another suggestion has been made
hlch. If carried out, would contribute
much to the refining and uplifting influence
of the home.
Omaha has many talented people who
might afford the children much profitable
entertainment by sharing their talents with
them occasionally. School days the children
retire at o'clock, but Friday ahd Saturday
evenings they are allowed to remain up
until 9 o'clock and these two hours after
dinner might be Improved aa valuable op
portunities of helping them If some of the
singers, for Instance, would go to the home
and sing to them occasionally. Kindness,
stories and songs are three of the surest
means of reaching and Influencing children.
There are several among the teachers In
the public schools who are accomplished
story tellers and there are many others
who might contribute something that would
help. Any who feel that they can assist In
this way are asked to communicate with
Mrs. Harriet H. Heller, who is In charge of
the home. This work for delinquent and
unfortunate Juveniles Is still In an experi
mental stage In Omaha and as the club
women were so largely Instrumental In se
curing ' It for Nebraska they are bending
every energy to make It a success here, as
It Is In other cities.
Some objection Is occasionally offered
that as the home Is a county Institution It
Is undignified and unbuslness like to accept
assistance from Individuals. There are few
If any of the large cities where the Juvenile
court Is in operation where the clubwomen
have not been and are still contributing
largely to Its support. In some places the
clubs pay the probation officers entirely
and support the detention homes and other
wise bear the expense of maintaining the
system. The Chicago women have had a
material share In this work and there Is no
good reason why the women of Omaha
should not do their part.
The nursery committee of the Child Say
ing iusuiuie met at the home at Mrs.
Ueurge MldweU Thursday afternoon to plan
for its annual doll sale. The sale wilt be
held some lime during the early part ef
December, the place and further plans to
be announced later. This annual holiday
sale Is one of the most substantial sources
of. revenue that the Institute has, the pro
ceeds being devoted entirely to the nursery
for the lmants. The dolls are contributed
and or eased, in the main, by the society
women aua tnolude a variety equally ex
tensive as to cost and elaborateness.
The last month has been a busy one with
the Visiting Nurses' association; In fact.
Its work has become so Important a part of
the system of caring for the sick poor of
the city that a larger responsibility fulls
upon it' each year. During the month Just
ending forty-nine patients have been cared
for, special nurses having been required In
four cases) 42 visits have been made, three
patients have been placed In hospitals and
four have been sent to friends out of the
city. While the association Is In rather
better circumstances financially than usual
at this time of year, Its funds are entirely
Insufficient to run It on through the fall or
until the annual birthday party, which Is
its chief means of raising money, and an
amateur play will be given, probably the
latter part of October, for the benefit of
the work. Mrs. S. T. Woodbrldge has
dramatised a bright little story. "The
Burglar and the Billiard," which will be
presented under the direction of Miss
Katharine Urlau, the cast to Include a
number of young people more or less ex
perienced in amateur theatricals.
lew Elsment of Mjtlarj Entire. Into the
Senutiooal Cue.
Body Which Wae to Have Been Seat
t Omaha for Interment Held la
Order to Settle Degnltely
Ite Identity.
New York Senator Asks that His
Transportation Be Arranged to
Cot Ont This City.
. Union Pacific officials have received word
from Senator Thomas Piatt of New Tork
that he will leave San Francisco September
29, where he has been for some time, snd
will use the Union Pacido east The offi
cials of the road are very much gratified
that so many distinguished people desire
to use the Overland route, but the part of
the telegram which they do' not understand
Is that section In which he asks that hi
transportation be so arranged that he will
not have to pass through Omaha.
When the senator went west he also
evaded Omaha.
(From a Starf Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Sept. 21-Bpeclal Tele
gram.) The body which was takn from
the Des Moines river a few days ago and
which was thought to be that of Geor?e
Griswold, a local Insurance man, today was
thought to be tnat of Frank Callahan nf
Peosta, la., who was seen at the Rock
Island depot at f o'clbck on the night of
Qrlswold's disappearance. Whether Calla
han was a party In the affairs of Orlswold
Is yet to be solved. The body, which was
to have been sent to Omaha tomorrow for
Interment, may be kept here and the afftlr
Investigated. A substitution of bodies !s
now being held up as a plausible theory.
The express package that hnS figured so
prominently In the case, was traced today
to the United States express office and the
records show that It was sent the day be
fore Orlswold disappeared to the Bank of
Luton and was marked "Glass." The bank
denies having received the package. There
1A a suspicion that the package possibly
contained the "kiting" checks. Mrs. Orls
wold says that Steve Essex called at her
home Monday and asked for papers that he
said were In the possession of Orlswold be
fore his death. He stated to Qrlswold's
mother when the widow refused to see him,
that he and Orlswold had been In business
together and that Griswold had Important
papers which were of value only to him
self now that Griswold was dead. Mrs.
Griswold flatly refused to entrust him with
the papers. Essex denies having asked for
The discovery wae made today that a
prisoner In the county Jail claims to have
seen Orlswold struggling with two men at
Sixth avenue and the Rock Island tracks.
Griswold was trying to retain a valise
which the men were seeking to take from
him. Griswold ordered them to let him go
so he could catch a train, and the men told
him he could never leave town with the
contents of the valise. This, he says, waa
at 3 o'clock Wednesday morning, which Is
later than he was formerly reported to have
been seen.
that William Daly's money was gone,
while Brother Earl was minus his fine gold
watch. The money amounted to about ISA,
while the watch waa worth IK- The police
believe the stranger took both money and
watch, while the Daly brothers are begin
ning to share the opinion of the police.
9 -
attorneys Mow to Prepare for Cases
Prevent Expeditions
In spite of the efforts of the Judges of
the district court to dispose of a lot of
old cases on the law dockets by opening
court two weeka ahead of the regular Oc
tober term, there dues not seem much
prospect for doing so; at least, It may be
s.ild that none of the Important cases on
the docket, holding over from former terms,
will be disposed of. One lawyer, discussing
the matter, said:
"I have an Idea that If the Judges would
exercise their prerogative to dismiss there
wouhP be better results. I have attended
mee.ihgs of the bar association, where cer
tain gentlemen have stood up and de
clared the courts were dilatory and pro
crastinating. Then I have noticed that the
same men have either failed to be present
wh(li, their cases were called or have made
the excuse that they did not expect the case (
to be called for trial, or that their wit
nesses were not to be reached, or any old
sort of an excuse was presented. By any
other name the delay would smell as sweet
to them. But I believe that the Judges,
who represent the public, who stand for
the people exclusively In this matter,
should adopt a drastic rule for a while.
If dilatory members of the bar want to
persist In the methods that have here
tofore prevailed, they can be estopped very
quickly. It seems to me, by a few sum-mar-
Littlo Ones
Excursion to Omaha.
CHARLES CITY, la., Sept. 21. (Special.)
The Illinois Central is to run a $3 ex
cursion to Omaha Saturday night. The
train will start from Albert Lea, Minn.,
and make stops at Charles City, Osage,
Waverly. Waterloo and points west and
will arrive In Omaha Sunday morning. A
large number are planning to go from this
To Ucop Tholr Dlgostion Porfoot
Nothing Is so Safe and Pleasant
as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
Thousand! of men sad woman h eve found t
Stuart's Dyspepsia TaMeU the sfet tod
Biost reliable reparatloa for soy form of
tadtgeetlon or iionech trouble.
Thousand of people who are not slek,
but ere well snd wish lo keep well, lake
Stuart'! Tablets after every meal to Insure
petfeot digestion snd avoid trouble.
But It li not generally known that the
Tablets are Just si gr-od and wholesome
far little folks u for their elder!.
Llttla children a he are sale, thin and
bare so appetite, or do pot grew or thrive,
should uo the Tnblcti after ctluc "i will
derive great benefit from them.
Mrs. O. A. Crotsley. tst Washington St.,
Oobokcn, New Jorsey, wrltest "Btuart'i
Dyspepsia Tablet! Just All the bill for chil
dren M well as for older folks. I've had the
best of lurk with them. My three-year-old
girl takes them as roadtly as candy. I hare
only to say 'Tablet!' and she drop! every
thing else sua runs for them."
A Buffalo mother, s ihort time ago, who
despaired of the life of her babe, wu so
dellghtevwlth the results from giving the
Ohlld theseTablets that the went bsfore the
notary public of Erie Co., K. V., and made
the following affidavit!
Gentlemen: Btuart'i Dyspepsia Tablsts
were recommended to ass for try two-1
moathi-old baby, which was lick aad puny
aad the dootet sld was suReting frato h
digertloD. I look the eklld Id the aeenttal,
but there found Be relief. A trlead saeae
tloned the Stuart Taalete and I erecuret a
box from my druteiit and used only tea
large sweet I07engni la the bat and was
dsllghted to nod they were loll the thing
for my baby. I feel Justified Id saying tkat
tuaril Dyspepila Tablets saved my
child's Ufa,
Mm. W. T. Drraxom. ,
fttibewrlbed aad iworn te befere me thle
tilth day of April, IsBT.
ttReBT H. Ants,
Notary rnblle la and (er Erie Co.. N.T.
For babies, bo matter how yooog or deli
cate, the tablets will acoompUih woadsn
In Increasing flesh, appetite and f rewlh.
Use only the large sweet tablets la every
box. Full-sited boxes are sold fey alsdrug
gists for CO cents, and no parent should
nevlMot the uie of tbls safe remedy for alt
s torn tab. and bowel troubles If the ohlld t
ailing In any way regarding Its feed er as
similation. Stuart's Dyipepila Tablets hare been
knows for years as the best preparation
for all stomach troubles whether la adults
or Inleala.
'fcdrio. 'Addreas
on. fclaae.
1 '
4. W. Williams, Nebraska Boy, Dlea
from the II a erne Down at
A cablegram has reached Omaha from
Panama that J. W. Williams, son of R a
Williams of St. Edward,. Neb., died of yel
low fever Wednesday. Mr. Williams, a
young man, went down to Panama three
or four months . ago in the government
HI Grain Yields In Meade.
STCRGIS. 8. D.. Sept. a.-(8peclal.)-In
Meade county no wheat haa been heard
from that yielded leas than twenty-six
bushels to the acre and some want as high
aa forty-three bushels. Oats runs not less
than fifty bushels to the acre and In many
Instancea went as high aa eighty-three and
three-quarters. Macaroni wheat Is going
about forty-two bushels to the acre.
Veleraaa to Meet.
KNOXV1LLE. la., Sept. .-Speclal.)-The
thirteenth reunion of the Eighth Iowa
Infantry Volunteer Veterans' Association
will be held at Knoxvllle October 17, IS and
18. 1W6. in conjunction with the Marlon
County Veterans' Association.
Dr. J. B. McPherson. Sturgla, 8- n
Hihaw? "UrKn of Omaha. Is at the
Fred A Cuscaden returned yesterday from
Lincoln, where he filed articles of incorpo
ration of the Erteaon State bank of Frlc-
-un. nneeier county. Mr. Cuscaden will be
cashier of the new bank and will leave for
ETlson about October 1. where he will
make hie borne.
Purlng the night the following Nebras
kans registered at the several hotels:
Thomas Jackson. R. 8. gtone, I'omstock;
Charles M. Lancaster, R. Black. Kearneyi
l Av T"'n- Tllrten;.. at the Merchants;
UUabetu Pera. loma TuokiW Gretna
ui,U,f Miter. I.iiic.iln, et the Paxton
H H. UoiKt. Brhuvtcr; A. 8. Tucker.
Wayne; .L, H. Neilan-t. W.- & Mending
1- .v. , MurranT. ,"'nain
Mrs. Rheta Chllde Dorr of New Tork
City, chairman of the Industrial committee
of the General Federation, will be one of
the guests at the meeting to be held at the
First Congregational church this afternoon
In the interest of the National Congress of
Mothers. Mrs. Dorr Is visiting her parents
in Omaha. A meeting of the social science
department will be called Immediately after
the reception for Mrs. Bchoff and Mrs.
Qrlce. when Mrs. Dorr will speak briefly of
the work and alms of the Industrial de
partment of the General Federation for the
coming year and give some valuable sug
gestions for carrying them out.
The first gospel meeting of the fall will
be held at the Toung Women's Christian
association Sunday afternoon at 4 SO o'clock,
Mrs. Byers, the general secretary, to lead.
There will be short talks by a number of
members, Including the president, Mrs. W.
P. Harford.
Next Monday evening at I o'clock will be
held a reception In honor of Mr. snd Mrs.
Burr Jones, nee Miss Flora Tlcknor, who
will paas through Omaha en route to their
home in the Philippines. All friends of the
association are Invited to attend.
Attention Is called to the fact that all
pledges toward the new building lot are due
and payable before October 1. Subscribers
are requested to call at the office and pay
their pledges or notify Miss Anthony that
she msy call for ft.
Tvre Unsophisticated Iowa Brothers
Lodge with an Enterprising
Moral Don't go to sleep at the switch.
When William and Earl Daly, brothers
from Defiance, la., reached the electrlo
lights and new buildings In Omaha Wednes
day evening there was so much to Interest
them, so they say, that they were not very
particular whom they picked up for a
Uptown they met a stranger who sug
gested the three share the same room for
the night and thus cut down expenses, ex
plaining that three men sleeping In the
same bed would pay less per man than two
in the same bed at the same rate per bed.
This mathematical philosophy appealed to
the Iowans, who at once became uneasy
lest the rooms at the hotel they were going
to might be all engaged.
The two Defiance brothers and the
stranger registered at the Twelfth street
lodging house. Theyt Insisted In occupy
ing the same bed, as all- agreed that their
valuables would be antftr nd, besides, they
wanted to talk over old times and be to
gether as much aa possible. The stranger
asked the clerk if he had any mail or tele
grama awaiting him, requested that he
not be disturbed by reporters or others and
left a call for 7 a. m.,' saying he had busi
ness In the next state Thursday morning.
As the shades of night began to fall over
the Twelfth street lodging house and other
portions of the city at the same time, the
Daly brothers fell Into a deep sleep, while
It la believed the stranger had Insomnia; at
least he stayed awake at the switch.
When the clerk went to the room to
call the stranger, as . requested, the Daly
brothers woke up as one man, but the
stranger could not be found. The covers
were turned down, a thorough search made
under the bed, someone looked out onto
the front sidewalk to see whether the
stranger might have fallen on the walk
and been killed, but the man could not be
located, dead or alive.
Further investlgaton revealed the fact
to Facifi
item I
c Goa
$25 from Omaha. One-way tickets on sale daily to
October 31. 1905. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Port
land, Seattle choose your route. Stop-overs of fivev
days anywhere west of certain,points in Arizona, Nevada
or North Dakota, and in California, except at Los Angeles
and San Francisco. You can go through New Mexico
. or through Colorado. The Rock Island runs improved
tourist sleepers daily via both routes through from both
Chicago and St. Louis. : .
' Via El Paso Short Line, the Rock Island maintains a faster Tourist-service
to California than any other road or route. ' . ,
Write today for our illustrated Tourist folder, giving details of
Bock Island through service, with map and full information.
1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Great Western Granite Company In
corporates and Starts Work
The Oreat Western Granite company was
Incorporated Wednesday, the place of busi
ness to be at 90! South Sixteenth street,
Omaha. The firm has secured a twenty
year lease from the Oreat Western Railway
company and will erect a building at once
t&xW feet, which will be extended to J0
feet next year.
The business of the firm Is to manufac
ture monuments, mausoleums and building
work, shipping all of the rough granite In
from the quarries and finishing It In Omaha.
Thirty men will be employed, all of whom
will be brought from the east to locate In
This Is a consolidation of M. J. Fee nan A
Sons and Jsmea A. Hamilton of New
Hampshire. The Incorporators are Edward
t.:. jneenan. Elbert r. Feenan, J. A. Hamil
ton and C. H. Heller.
B. J. Jobst has the contract for the con
struction of the building, work on which
will start today.
Like Baratfagr.
When you head feels like bursting. Dr
Kings New Life Pills quickly cure the
cause, coneilpatlon. o. For sale by Bljer
uaa 4t aicCuemeU Drue C
a no
Adapted to every kind of eommerolal work, suitable for the largest business houie or the smallest office la the land. TJied la our own business la
freferenoe to any other machine made. Guaranteed ten years. Hal the Unlverial keyboard. Anyone that bat learned to operate any standard
ariPSSE,.'?,i onc OP"1 b Burnett wltn greater eaie and greater capacity. Set aside your old $100,00 machine and try a nsw VISIBLE
BU&METT tor 0 days on our tree trial plan. Learn bow much more work eaa be aocomplltned and bow mucb better wltn the new VISIBLE BUiNBTT
For $13 3.95 we offer this, THE BURKETT VISIBLE TYPEWRITER, the equal of any standard $100.00
furf fed typewriter on the market, offered for a 63 days free trial. Sent on receipt of only
$1.00 deposit, balance payable if the machine is entirely satisfactory, the eauJ of in
$100.00 typewriter. Then you have an additional 60 dayt trial, your money to be refunded if you do not
uoo Uie auiutaii inn VKI ,dl l Xf.VYKli,K W lUti WUKXJJ.
PI! RFftllCCT em!Up-oleluiiWw fth urntl VitM.l Tr
tn IlLUVkOlf rttr, hwlii;urmwoniof
fMturFs, dMcrlbtof thin la dtU, rorsierloc fcb lurnettwUhtvll Ui well know a
HiaytUnp o th mi kft,xpliiiinff fell tli pw iuproriioMU. thm ntault e imi
for ftped mauilfoidiiisT iui4 aMimneot. ihoning how tb Bumtnli vrr otltvr wrtiinf
mtwiiinaln all MsmnUsU poUuL Thla 8pcil DurniU Typsjw rite (u.logu U fr. WNITI
FOR IT. Whll weartetuiloiu for jt.u t writ lor thla trMbnrau Typewriter Ofttavltttutv
If yon -vny um tors, bltyh rrv4 prvtlol typewrit. hrT ttt ud most Improve,
nit-dol. w solicit your orur olrrol from ttolt swWruiuea. we would like for ad to
WkeftdTaaiAffeiof our offer toe entirely e-t ear rf.k, oen4 your order low.
Try the aisvlilne 1 your own oflice Wv mo nil vasl It 70a re o Mtift4 w bioiuIm
that yon will nt be out one pnny, not even exprvea chevrvee. We poeiuvejv urMit
reuixu foot none vliiwul queeUon lAUudiJtf wfcMjou 114 tot eipra.
fun eriee, 9tt 9ff with jrevrtreler. f hive the rhrtleo the fturnelt e full
,17 Ore, wnrtnf wnlcn nme yon cenuut It toeny tesA, eoswpere tt with eey ottitr torn
- - 1 1 t - wlal rl III nf taint . f.M4
re wltn any emit of the wetl known nnS wfrtely svlv.r-
Vvov2iK Only
p- - i -I
J. y- muu I
V:-. ..' A,KiM&&zm&
SC Lf TTie
ia ib ruus sisht.
IMmim rf.ct.nSlti.alnkicntt l.naa Mir hand., carefull
!, ooBipl.l nadr for eiwrmtloa, u4 will proainlll wind
M a a.w BwcUua tot aaj ruLIu Urn aOshl rrH If d.tll.
eadoa broka or dmtd, W . ar. toa Urf 't koM la Ih. world
Kuuif direct to taaeon .iur a&d Toticaaeikl!not.fiToii rward
( oar atdlllyar vllllntruna to wrrr out .vary nrrwM.ot and
aroaUM masa. Our do at appwxea tfta atacbtaa,
TUP EIIRVFTT a stri.Hr Msh class, taarausMr n stsSa.
IflC feUflMCI I II
uln. I.r MM af oiratlM,
ins himi. cotupAr. .
iUaa trp.writr.. and ifrou.r. a.t aMured that you h. v. la lb. tl..
aqt.i ar.a in lat tna .ii.rter or ur or thaw, aiacbla," rou ata r.turn It
to aaaiooraipaiiMand wa trul mora ail raur laoaa. aeladlos vliat
joa paid lor axpreat obarsaa.
nrrrfiTC Te preuet re further, mm MsjfUenel eeeurenee thet
HblLUI wl ttre ere efferkne In the ftwrnsiM sinl asiiitisi stK m,m.
hifth cleee. rtlle.blene rnedel, leMft IniitroTed vuUble wrltlnc sbevculua.
to prore tttet the Harnett It usvle e( bis; heel srede meUrleli end anltbsj
In the moit worsunenMke meaner, thet It te eeeond te none In eneteiiei or tvonatruotion,
we l"ue wlita even Murneu t oewrller oar wiitien blDdlnsr 1b im srtisirsk.s.ta. itv
thlffmemntee we werr-uit every Burnt( mtvchlne free from oefeete inmnierlei er worko.evnship.t.itd lf t&e
bumeU prores oeleuuve in vuy peeeamieer wiUiln ten yeee we will nivom er reMir it free of Csserf e.
$1.00 OFFER,
IP YOU MAVS NT USC far s trsawrltar, tf ra waat
IMa hiiha.t rrit. maat sractlcai. mail .tlki.wt. and
lataat Irriarav.d vi.iaia writing raaehina at ah.r.tofora
anhaard of low prica. arnd ui your ordVr aor tk. Suraatt
toaclilna, oiaatloa lb la ap-lai olf.r, h'o. M7U, anoloaa del, tit with yburortiar. ajid wa will aand tbatra.wiitar
to u by aipr.w, o. O. l. aiibj i to amaMoattua. mi caa
SxawUBaatuuraipratomoaand If It ihmid. to ba aali.(a
tori, a alh claaa l;pTlltir. rh.apar thaaasrau aant In
balucsil Maad aipraaackaiaM. If .oaaraant ulaaaVd
witli lw appaaiaaradonot p.; anrtilntf, tba aoaokUU wiu
ba raturaad la a at o.ratai. at aipraa. cb.raoa kotk
waya and tlil prompklf ratura ronrli.iedaaoalL If .aa
Sr. piMMdwItk. It. tka talr
It to T.urU'in,. or oftlca rl". It a thorough trial, Baa M lo
M dara, romiiara It with an? auixiard iTpawrltar aa tka
kn.rk.t tkat la aold at thrae or f .ur Uraea Vila .lira, thai
10a aad adrartiMd la aor pablicattna and 6 jot da
'I Snd to a Surn.r Is tna aij.lur aot u anpanar) ol
an. at.adard niaoklna, raMira H I. aa at aar Um aarlaa'
tna all d.;a and wa will aronjpIlT raturn to JToar SaLM,
aad alM wbat ou paid for aipr.Mi'b.rgaa. Or toaraa. JOB
eaa aa r.S w) with onr or ir, wim tha andaniaadlaa
Skat roar anaaar aad aiaraaa sr.arsaa will ka ratoadad la
frnat aa7timadiuiath3, roaeradlMauafias. Tka
incklaa walfka, paxkad for ablpan.ut, kt, and Iba
aprTMrkarg.. will ba about to c.nta for too autaa, 11 w
fur aua mtla. : grantor or ls diatantr. In prurttaa.aotlUae'
aoiuparad ta tL. aaoranaua tavlug Lu prloa.
m n.. wba. u.ici, a.w, nanny exclnalvo anprovaoienta,
a wrtltaa awkluaadaptodtorall kind, oi work, will aa'.lifr ar.rr.
ana. aad erlarad a rrcuri oraaklng irkiu tha ant llbaral tar ma
r.rkwrdof. It Is tha anlf Iraaarltar aa trt. maraat wkaraUis
antlra Una and tha S'aa.ding Una. ara ka aiaht and at tha
angla or aialoe, taa mail .r1..l vl.lala Irp.wr.t.r m.aa l.g.r.
ItT.rT kMtar aad akaractar In atgbt f roia Ilia moaiant It la nnnlod.
Tka Burnotl adanlaa and tiaproraowota tkat lack of
gpaoa praraoia u. from dawrlblng bcr.. In our .paclal t;pawrllr
oatalogua wa lllu.trata aud daarrlba all tbaaa t.atnraa of U.
tyaawriMr, aad lf j ou would Ilka fartnar laarniatloa, don't f.U to
wrtaa for oar froa typawrltar catalogua liowarar, wa aollelt roar
ardar fora Baraatl t;pawrllw dJraol froaa tbla adartuaaaant, and
aak you ta ar-d ua raur ordar under our auaraataa tbnt you will
Snd taa Baah.aa all aad mora tkaa wa aiaim for it. und.r our p...t.
Ua agraaaMat la raturn all yuur luon.T and pxy all tha aiorsaa
ekargoalfyatl karaan. r..Kn to 1 aal dlaaatlwlad, If f tar Uly dia"
arial aad taat rou doa'l Aad Ilia liurnalA tjawrltar U. bant vliibla
writing ata.-klaa oa tha anarkM tooay. Va kaow whara wa
aiaoa ona aum.K lyn. writer aad It li aaaa aad aiamlatd. that mora
araora ara aara aa foUww f rua In ait aba aaa it and laara our ra-auu-k
ably low nrlja.
OUR PRICE OF 122.93 6.M!..u;r..VLS,S
fweterf eeet. the ewe mi aieterteJ eeJ Uter with n etlrvaAlf
Bsvell wat edoed, e iiueufetit-urlny cuet tbel ka rtsleoed to tLe
minim am by reon mt Ua Isvctory rt&aiiLf every day In the year
Kosiurlew only ttue ewe wtAclune xA It br m4u of ti,e
nt enl sWoef auUnaastto I pe of erwat 't"l sj merit In err. atooTaU
nntiang for deeler tvAul eeretit e prvtlt.
WE HAVE A CONTRACT TaisiTts n r. UAMurac.
TUSSKS nac. Tha Safaatt la ataaataclurcd br an. Id a.laallah.d
tyaawrllar aancarn arhaaa raaaalaoa ara wlaolr known and ttaad.
Tr,r kava parfartad tbu latewt a. rd.1, tba burn.'l lviinirr aud
ha. a rombluad ail mt Ibalr typawntar aaaurn.f urlr.g aip.nao.o,
aara adlrd Unproraraia and adaute.a not la be fnuud an any
outar niarklna aad aby away auaularvira tba Surnatt typavrttar
aaoi' aad aa kba ary Suru.w lypawrltar tbry tiua
eaa, Xaa SaM sbicojiuaaaa tbaar BAualtsaanujr arsaauabWa,
Thar bare dtaronttnaad anarkatlDaT thals atarnlaaa Sknraga aerawj aad
cut oat tba sipanaiva mathod by wblub all othar typawriura ara band.
in.utBHDoa .Lioiaauajw vo gav.ot ia taa cast totbanaar aadadda
Dotbluf ko tba ralua of tr.a typawriiar tuut
WRITrn ara t.uia n.t paaaioiy iraarM tna aualm ararkaiananip wa gut iBteik, Kona of tL. Irpawritaraoa
alia markat eaa tain any batter at.rlal a. akow any kauar workraanahlp taaa
Uig KurBaW rapraarnu. Tba dlSarOBoa bolwaan our urba ol fur
l.iYnrtt and tl a tlou.W aakad for otb.r ataauard lypr.rltara I. all la tk.
with aarh SBoaaaal.g handllnr II probably aoata mora tkaa MS ta at ark at
aarb oaa of tk rafu'ar typawnltara at a.ld 1b ua ragnlar war. Iba old faab. .
loaad way froaiwklak wa bara dapartad. Thla . and mai. r.u oar wkaa
j bayaliatsttyaawTltar, and It r.praaanu nothtag cf ralug to yoa. tag
rou ooy a ataaav typawntar, and II r.praaanu notbtag cf ralug to row.
me. at .r mora r.pia.nutli.aipanaiva otaa-aaioaadvartulas. tba big aalartae
bald tbaabttaagaaia, tka big- rouiulMtoua paid oaaark maobina to tnaaua
agaot, aba big aapaaaaa tba.uo-agmt ba. for ranta, aalaamaa and otbar atora
aipanaaa. lo oar prtra of art. at for tba Suraatt yoe arg sol aakad ta pay a
alogia oaa of thaaa proflia or aipaoMa. It cuatg ug but a fawoaauea aarC
raarbtna to ajaaat tha tyiwrltrr. all tiila aalatf iuiih 11
boB.atof. N.T.r bafur. hu a bit gra4a .laatUrd V;irUor boaa aara
aaauiod of aaUlu aad tba auaibar of dllaraat prodla aiada oa arary aiarblaa
A lltl A "W 4 eifftj . a ala. aaa arm Sb Saw. Span aa saskBassa aa am - ....... W
wwn oinuau mun bnADb .WnlTINC MACHINE.
I tysaafrtar li
m'i Ir..i4uilan
wrli.r tha writing la antlraly .Libia. Tba antlra Una aad tba linn
ara riaibta n i pan or tna una loaarad bat rua tba carrtag;a bark and
forth to road wbat yoo bara wrlttro. Tula auaoluta alalMllty of writing la
tka grant glial for wblob typewriter manufai'turora bara .trlraa for yaara
In tua human II haa actoally baaa axompllahad and add. wnndarru'ly to
tba pouluilltli of a lypawrltar. to otnar aorallad .Ulala typawntar aa
laoaraaa tba burnaat la tblg f aatora. lu ad.aulag. la woau.rfuIT
Ha X. satis. Tka rapidity af agarattaa at tag Sural
w.iio.riui. i uo ifouro i. .z.i.niriy iignt aua tl.g fc.ya ra.poi
aauny, tna impraaMua li maiia la half tba lima It la required oa alhar aa
rblBM. It I. faatar thaa tba faate.1 aparaUir la tba world. Va tlaia la
Wasted In lifting li.a emrrtaea lo ... If tba work I wrlttaa right, to at-a
oor raaUona. la aaa If tba aorravtloa la In tka right plara, no guaaaing ofany
kiud. all u in ai.ia naw. and aaa raauit it la aoaaibia to da mi r doub a
t'o work on tba biiraatt typrwritar tbaa aaa ha aoea oa ear ol tha aluags
(aachloea of tba old atyla -blind" gypa.
. No. 3, SoessioS SIAHirOLOiNS. Tba Barnalt tyaawrHar haa eaa.
lar aaairaatar aaaila4aing aawaa Ibaa gay at tha ka glaaa traawritara aa
ki aarlft, Wa ka.a d.ntoroitratod tkla ky a.ary te.k I oa caa aiaka
taaa lagiblararboaroplaa artng boarr papa, and twaury Ugibla aarbon rop.
ualng Until papar with tba Surnati ly p. writer a yroatar ouaibar or l.jt
blaooplr. tbao ran ba ma.1. with tba aril toM Baalfuluing typawntar oa
tba markat. Th. manlfoldtof dooa wttb tba kuraatt typewriter la auporlor
to any othar. It la rloaacr. tba point af lupraaoa la lixii that tba rarbon
dooa aot nil tka papar abo.a or balow tba Uua, and tha Bursatt tuxaa out
WRITF lit TflOaY Tblg annaartaaraant stay aa aaaaar again
v ww v w a mi. tyn.wnter aao laars mora a
entler tha lllivral oon.littona of thl. oit.r aa aiplalirl aO'iva. Saanam
anca. Oraar today and gat a SlOO.Og tya.wrltar far tit.!!. WhUa
a, ww our bmi yncv mi aau aaaai taat. aoarasa.
naatar, elaanar manlfouilnr work than gay aahgr ' at a i law?, pan
sicncil os kisoosiVi woh it has no siCiLT m
bm. a), amri-ibiir. ina earnan typawntar la diaungaiaaee bag
ataipllclty. Cr.ry Bart awta glrart, ati.r. ara ao ooBipuoatad motioaa. It te
lrapla. atrang and durabla. aaally haridlad, bothlnjr to gal oat af ordaf and)
reiulraa ao at part I. ad;uat liar oparate It. It bl the only ryaawrlwr with
ar liurkaatly ramo.abla plat.a. Baa tka anly parfat oamag! ahlfllna au4
ltv'lng dcrlra and moot part art typa bar baarli of aa., making It thamaeg
durabla aad parfairl writing aiarblka In axlctenca. Win av.ry aurnatltTpa
wnurr wa atnd a book of plalo aud .lmpla InatriiottoB.. abr.wipg ky rntana of
(llatfTamaavrrr pla-a and part, ary oprrt.llart, kuathad af haiuilliig aaa.
Wa aliow plainly arary oiraa.B. au.h a. p itui f la tba papar. ranawloa
tha lilihua, lagulallug tba luargln. apariag, ate, ararytbing mada clraj
ad plain ao Dial If you Laa nrrar a.d a ti lawruaj bvfaxg yos wul
ba. ao oimialty la operating tha S.rnatt garoatetully.
No. S. SsrtCT and wgBMAMINT ALieNMSNT. Is Mis Santata
Vlala.a TrpawrHar tha allgnwicnt la aaaamtciy gartaal and aarmaaant.
Ilia Iranri .aloe of sha obarartera I. abamutely unlUrm. aarlai't Uaa. t-iaa
and d.lliilla. From tna aoaat rttrtlaa of tag infti'lilng it lg linn naallila for -euaraatara
te gat oal of ailsuaMak.
en eM the wMeit eeid mncMnes. o l. at nijne wbo hee iean.txj to operate
e:iv i t the teiitlwd ne..lua will flud tiia4 lry ran iiMrtU the hurneu
liisTt aa wall as tha ana it. en- .it haan ivni A i . r . t. i
-eeeeafUeet lo ira kUe emaieat sUad tiie n.uet ipia to gyetace.
CEARO, ROEBUCK & CO., Ghicano, ilh