Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaiia Daily Bee
pally ne (without Sunday), nn yer..$4
Ally Itee and Sunday, one year '
Illustrated Bw, one year f ??
Pimdv ne. one year J J"
Saturday Be, one year
"tally ne (without Sunday i, per week.. .l
nlly nee (Including Sunday), per week .17c
Evening Pee (without Sunday!, per week. fl
P.venlna Ttee fwlth RunriHVl. Der Week. ..IOC
funds v Pee, per ropy pc
Add re ill complaint of irregularities In
delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee. Rulldln
Couth Omaha City Hall Building.
Council muffs 10 Pearl street.
Chicago 140 Cnlty Building.
New York 1WW Home Life Ins. Building..
WashingtonSol Fourteenth street.
fnmmiinlxeMnna rlitln, to neWS And ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Oman I
ee, Editorial Department. I
Remit hr draft. eDres or postal order,
r"nWc.n .mVcewef in VnTeM
THE BKK jl;13L.ihhusu LjmrAi i.
. . . . - , I
tt. f Nehrm.ka. nouaiaa County, ss.;
Oeorre B. Tmrhuck, treasurer 01 in. knowledge ond started the inland king
Publishing Company, tein duly sworn. "
ay. that the actual numbei of 'uli and dom Upon a career which lias been
StJSSr mftrkpd fcy nn "traordlnary develop-
month of Auiuit, 1906,
1 2M.OOO
1 89,040
t 30,060
' t 30,040
1 2U.8S4I
10 S9.MOO
11 SO,OS
U 81.810
14 80,010
U 20,tO
It sW,8tM
was as follows:
W 8u,To
22"!!!!.'!"!".ao,ooo I
sa '.'''.!'.''! '..8o!i 10
M 30.100
E7 ra.uoo
.32,230 I
in :io.tio
H , 3O.6K0 I
Totals B3O.2B0
Lass unsold copies 11,410
Nat total sales ...91H.H34
Dally averng au.040
Subscribed In my preaenc and sworn to
before ma this Hat day of August. 16.
(Beat) U. B. H UNGATE,
Notary Publia
whei out or Tuwa.
akscrlkcra Itaylas tha city tea
Srilly aha14 kaya Tka Baa
saallcd them. It Is batter thaa
S dallr lattsv from kaaas. At
ras will k hBis; aa ( as
The printers' strike Is not due to reach
Omaha at least for another two weeks.
If Jack Frost Uoenu t hurry he will
be behind the distance dag lu the race
with late corn.
With the statue of Tom Paine in a
Philadelphia public building, the city
seems to be improving in liberality as
K improves in civic virtue.
At the present time Treasurer Kelley
of Kansas is probably congratulating
blmself that he does not hold office un
der the governor of Indiana.
TK.. n.etforri eouol.itto.t. h
lif. Insurance scandal mlght have been
stronger had not advances on commis
sions figured somewhat In the testimony
at New York. I
The Kansas penitentiary officials sold
blading twine in Nebraska this year,
but so far the effect of state competition
has not been particularly noticeable to
Nebraska farmers.
The special committee ou gas of the
Keal Estate exchange should have no
irouoie in nning a oanoon xor xne
Sar-Ben carnival with natural gas. out
of Its own generator.
gainst twenty-flve divorces in the same
time, South Dakota may lose caste in
the eyes of eastern folks who find the
marriage yoke Irksome.
Score one more for the popularity of the I
name of Kennedy. Alfred C Kennedy
received the highest vote cast for any
candidate for the school board In the
primary, and deservedly so.
If the prohibition of overlaps tn themg their earnest interest in the ques-
new city charter la good for anything,
the brakes will hava to be put on at once
in the fire and police departments, and
perhaps In some other places.
No scramble for offices was discor-
erable between the populists and demo-
crats at Lincoln the first evidence that
a nomination by those parties is recog-
nlsed solely as an honor unattached to
a salary.
Perhaps Dr. Sutton proposes to pre-
acrlhe homeopathic remedies for the Ave
contemptuous councumen .1 Rnerin
. . " ""Hto have weight with our people, inn
lorget 10 inciuae w ins prescnpuon nve
bottles of root beer.
If the Real Estate exchange gas com
mlttee can induce some capitalist to lay
a pipe line from Omaha to tbe Kansas
gas fields, It would not only solve the
illuminating problem, but the heat and
nower problem as well.
Although Dourlss count m,.
polled nearly 12.000 votes at the last
general election, only 2.600 democrats
took part in the primaries, which aws
to show that democracy is very much on
tho wane In this city and eountv.
Conservative democrats of Nebraska
apparently saw no reason why the rad-
leal element should not nrenare tha
T r
form this year, as It will not have even
the merit of bluding the few county
officers whom the party may elect this
If Judge Mutton should get It iuto his
bead to place those Ave contemptuous
councilsen In the city bastlle ou bread
and water for thirty days, what would
become of the city of Omaha; what
would become of the three paramount
lsaoea bow before the people of Omaha
-tM ponce fund overlap, the gas ordl-
aoce and the Independent telephone?
The lilea that the outburst of popular
fwllnjc In Toklo against the peace treaty
won lu any respect hostile to the United
States has boen shown to b entirely
groundless. The dispatch of Feoretary
Taft to President Roosevelt was a con
clusive statement that the people of
Japan not only feel do hostility to the
Arucrlesn people, but are absolutely
frpndlr and most earnestly desire the
cultivation of cordial relations between
the two couutrles. According to Mr.
Taft the Japanese government la de
sirous that the disturbances in the em
pire should not be considered as an anti-
American demonstration, and that on
the contrary the sentiment Is decidedly
cordial toward- this country.
It Is hardly conceivable that the Jap-
anese people, or at least the Intelligent
, ,u k.,i.i t.t ...M.l.
f "".
to the United States. No other country
has done so much for them as this re-
PUb,lC- Frm toe nm' m0rC Lh"n fl"y
ypRrn ago, Binre ijomnKXiore lerry ac-
ijtuiiiiu u uir; bui'iiihic n 1144 n - -
- -
lion or wmcn xney una no previuu
lmpnr. the TTnitevl States has been Japan's
steadfast friend. Everything that could
properly and practically be done by this
rPpUhjC t0 advance Japanese Interests
n"s been done and always In the most
friendly and disinterested spirit. The
American people have felt a pride and
gratification In the growth of that na-
tion, and when it became inroivea in a
irront war. for the preservation of Its
. . . .1,1. w... uA ft-., -a.
tion to extend sympathy and moral sup
port. Furthermore, when Japan wanted
money American capitalists were the
first to subscribe to her loans and thus
to give her a credit and standing In the
money markets of the world which she
could not otherwise hare acquired. Had
the capitalists of the United States re
fused In Japan's exigency to let her have
the money necessary to carry on the war
she must have met with Inevitable fall
In view of all this, most familiar to
the government and statesmen of Japaji,
It Is not at all remarkable that the In
telligent element among the Japanese
should entertain a friendly feeling for
the American people and show upon
every proper occasion a desire to cultl
vate cordial relations between the two
countries. In his dispatch to the presi-
dent Secretary Taft spoke of the friend-
ship and gratitude of the Japanese as
abldluc. There can be no reasonable
doubt that such Is the case and nothing
Rhouid don. here to Interfere with
thlg teeUa We need the friendship of
Jnr)an aulte a9 much ag that nation
ned. our friPnd8hlD and the mutual in
terests of the two nations in the orient
and in the Taclflc are very certain to in
crease in the future. The United States
and Japan, should be bound together by
the closest ties of friendship and it is
HOI IO OB UOUUiru luni win
earnestly desired by both
GtRMAir tariff relatives
The Important subject of our tariff re-
latlons with Germany received consider
atlon at the farewell dinner a few days
ago to the American consul general at
Berlin, Mr. Frank II. Mason, who has
been transferred from the German cap-
itni to Paris. Ambassador Tower, who
nresided at the dinner, said in regard to
h tflHfr otlM.tlon he boDed an
lllHrni,t agreement will be reached
. , . . fn, -n(, 1nRt to Mrn of
olintrle and beneficial to the trade
. ... V41. r.anii Mason
Iui yuui) "inio . - .
expressed the opinion that the solution
of the problem will probably involve
concessions on both sides, wnicn may
be very difficult, especially on the part
of our own government, to harmonise
with existing laws ana esiaDusnea e co-
nomlc principles." He hoped, however,
that with patience and good will on
both sides a satisfactory arrangement
may ultimately be reached.
I These expressions from diplomatic rep
resentatives of the United States, show-
tUm ot trade relations between their
country and Germany, ought to receive
careful attention here. These officials
are deeply concerned for the mainte
nance of the large commerce that has
buIlt UD between Germany and the
Un,ted gtates and they realise as fully
. hre can do the danger to this
trade, especially the agricultural feature
of lt' ln tbe new German tariff, which
,ntft earI- next year. It is
milt evident that these representatives
nf -ovprnment are ln favor of some
.aMm(,nt nt . reciprocal character
. , r juJgment ln this respect onht
u uke,y to flo M may be Inferred from
the strong movement that is being made
with a view to holding our German trade,
Gold Is coming to this country from
EuroP nd ln th op!n,on of ffrrtgIJ
financiers toe nae iuai
toward new xors, irom ui uiuurj- mi
ters abroad will continue ln that dlrec
0on- li 009 of the rMU,U of tt
Peac agreement Prior to that there
bud been an accumulation of gold by
106 European banks, due to the expecta-
tion that Russia wouia nave to pay
large indemnity. Now tnis goia is wing
released and naturally a considerable
P'irt of it is coming to this country,
which offers the best market In the
world for its investment
I What Is to be the effect of this inflow
of Kold upon industrial and commercial
1 interests here? The natural Inference
must be that It will have a tendency to
stimulate business ln all directions and
osibly to also encourage speculation
There Is already In tha United States an
I amount of capital equal to. If not In ex
I cess, of the demand for legitimate en
terprises. Our own gold accretion for
the fiscal year 10O4 was more than $90.
tskl.Om. a considerable Increase over the
I previous year. Tbe indications are that
the output for the current fiscal year
will show a further gain. Use must be
found for this addition to the money re
sources of the country. It will not be
permitted to remain idle in the bank
vaults. Consequently the millions that
are flowing back to us from abroad will
Inevitably flud' their way into the chan
nels of trade, operating to stimulate the
Industries and commerce of the country
and thus augmenting prosperity. The
only danger involved in It is that it may
prove an incentive to excessive specula
tion, but In view of the present con
servative tendency in the business world
this danger Is not very great The
United States has for some years been
foremost In Its accumulation of gold and
the promise Is that it will long continue
to occupy this position.
The republican state couveutlon has
committed the party by the next legisla
ture to the enactment of a direct pri
mary election law. Between now and
the next session the various features of
the proposed law will have to be care
fully digested and formulated. Ex
perience ln Minnesota and 'Wisconsin,
as well as that ln several of the southern
states, affords valuable suggestions, but
the direct primary system, conducted ln
accordance with state law, is too new
to be perfect
The first direct primary election
conducted under the auspices of the
regular county and city officers, held
ln this county Tuesday, discloses many
serious defects that must be remedied
before the best results obtainable from
direct nominations can be effected.
When the change from nomination by
convention to nomination by direct vote
of the rank and file of each party was
first suggested some years ago, The Bee
pointed out the prospect of pluralltj
nomlnatlons and the Impossibility of
proper geographical distributions of can
didates, as among the most glaring de
fects of the system. The experience in
this county fully sustains that view.
Direct primaries were chiefly designed
to place the voter nearer to the man of
his choice. When every, member of a
party has the opportunity to name his
preferred candidate for any office he Is
more willing to abide by the decision of
a majority and consequently party
nominations by direct vote should be
considered more binding than those
made at the bargain counter of a con
When a candidate is nominated b"y
plurality vote only, he frequently repre
sents but a small fragment of bis party,
and, consequently. Is not the choice of
the great body of the party any more
than a candidate nominated ln a con
vention by bargain and trade. In a
number of states direct primary nomina
tlons require a candidate to receive a
majority of all the votes cast for the
office, and when no candidate receives
a majority a second primary determines
the result, by dropping all but the two
candidates who have received the high
est number of votes.
This is practically the system that
prevails In the election of members of
Parliament in European countries. Can
didates who fall to receive a majority
at the first election must run the gaunt
let of a second election. Candidates
nominated by majorities of their own
party would have a rightful claim to
the support of the Whole party. While
such a system would be quite expensive.
It would have a tendency to eliminate a
multiplicity of candidates who reckon
upon winning out by division, as in our
recent primaries.
Another defect in the direct primary
system is the looseness of the law and
its lack of adaptation to prevailing con
ditions. The fact that the county and
city attorneys were radically at variance
on several important features of the
law in itself proves lack of clearness
and proper direction with regard to the
right of first voters, who have never
been registered, or the right of new resi
dents who have never bad an opportun
ity to register, or the right of those who
propose hereafter to affiliate with any
particular party to cast a vote in ac
cordance with their new affiliation.
Another objection and palpably unre-
publlcan and unconstitutional feature Is
the exaction of entrance fees from every
candidate before his name can appear
on the official ballot. This provision
will b'e tested in the supreme court
within the next thirty days and doubt
less will be eliminated.
In the fight for sheriff the "antls" man
aged to scrape up a plurality of 100 with
the regulars divided between two can
dldates. Had the regu!ir organization
united its strength on one man for sher
iff the "antls" would have been beaten
by more than 1,000 majority. With the
. ,
county juage me snowing is still
stronger. The "anti" candidate came
out with a plurality of 258, but he Is
short of the combined vote of his op
ponents 2.G0C or, ln other words,
whereas 2.313 republicans voted for him
5,009 voted against him.
In opposing government control of
railroad rates becsuse the government
could not discriminate between ports
aud places, President Hill of the Great
Northern comes as nearly to "pleading
guilty to the indictment" as possible
outside of a court of Jnsticet but his
chief object seems to be to substitute
agitation of tbe tarlfT for intelligent
study of traffic charges In America.
If ault is to be started against persons
to recover funds subscribed without au
thority to political campaigns it may be
necessary to take evidence ln Colorado
and Montana, where the sinews of war
of the democratic campaign of 1811
were discovered; but the democrats
might be expected to plead tbe statute
of limitations.
The man who polled vhe biggest ma
jority as a candidate before the repub
lican primaries is Willlsm O. I're, who
ran more than flOO ahead of his opponent
iu only one ot the five commissioner
districts. If Mr. Ure were running over
the entire county he would have had at
the same rate a majority of 3,000 and
From now on until November voters
in Omaha and South Omaha should be
given an opportunity to familiarize
themselves with tbe voting machine,
otherwise one-half of the electors will
have to ask for assistance of tbe elec
tion officers to turn the crank for them.
If O. M. Hitchcock's claim that The
Bee's bill for scavenger list advertising
Is overcharged by (10 per cent la good,
then Mr. Hitchcock's bill for scavenger
list advertising, for which he has al
ready pocketed f5.Sfil.4fl, was a steal of
at least f 3,500. Will he put It back?
Hello! Long Distance! Please an
swer this conundrum: If the man who
makes two blades of grass grow where
only one grew before is a public bene
factor, what about the man who makes
two telephones sprout where only one
was rooting through the conduits?
Philadelphia reformers demand that
the mayor of the city shall have the
right to appoint all heads of depart
ments, showing a marked difference
from Omaha "reformers" who would
place tbe affairs of the city ln the hands
of state officials.
Bryan's state platform for 1005 is
made of sound timber, but in the ab
sence of General Calamity, commauder-ln-chlef
of the reform forces, the cam
paign Is sure to be abortive, because the
grand army of discontent and disaster
will fall to rally to Its support.
If the opinion of Attorney Hughes Is
worth anything, and the life Insurance
investigators have only touched the
margin of the work of the companies. It
may develop that . Tat Crowe, among
others, Is also on the payrolls.
If Mr. Morton succeeds in securing
return of all money alleged to have been
Illegally expended by former officers of
the Equitable he will be entitled to
recognition as the champion bad debt
collector of the nation.
Kearlnar a Show Down.
Kansas City Journal.
It would be a trifle embarraaalng- to Judge
Alton B. Parker if further developments
should show that his campaign alio was
carried on with the aid of contributions
from Insurance companies.
Well, of Coarse!
Minneapolis Journal.
It Is estimated that the return of railroad
passes by Nebraska state officers will entail
an expense of $J,0O0 a year upon the state
and may lead to an extra seaslon. But If
the railroads are contributing t,000 & year
to the state of Nebraska they have a right
to expect peculiar consideration at the
hands of tbe state officers.
Dasl Llfa la Bualaeas.
Philadelphia Record. ,
A curious casejt psychology Is that of
George W. Perkins, vice president of the
New York Life , Insurance Company and
manager of the banking firm of J. P. Mor
gan & CO. In conducting financial tran
sactions between the two companies he
could not tell the psychological moment in
which he ceased to be tbe agent of tha
one to become the agent of the other.
Mla-hty Hard Proposition.
Philadelphia Press.
The opposition to free passes is spread
ing in different parts of the country. The
republicans of Nebraska In state conven
tion have declared for a law to prohibit
them, but as the legislature alone can en
act the law It may not prove so easy. In
Pennsylvania we have no trouble about
free passes; the constitution forbids them
and nobody pays any attention to It.
Conaplcaona Absentee.
Minneapolis Journal.
The most prominent absentee from the
democratic primaries In Nebraska was W.
J. Bryan, from which it may be Inferred
that William Jennings Bryan, the states
man, does not read the remarks of William
J. Bryan, the editor. The editor has been
pledging all the democrats In the world
to attend the primaries, and he appears
to have reached them all except himself.
Bat the Senator Keeps Movlaat.
Kansas City Times.
Senator Elklns now says that a railway
regulation bill will pass congress at the
coming session, but he does not say what
kind of a bill it will be. Perhaps even
Mr. Elklns has heard the rumbling and
realises that he and the other railway
senators must heed the symptoms. He lets
himself down, however, by declaring that
there will be no tariff legislation for a
long time to come. Not If Mr. Elklns can
help It, of course; but there are some other
things beside railway legislation that the
West Virginia dobs cannot prevent.
Campnta-a Contributions.
Chicago Chronicle.
No doubt we shall hear a great deal of
virtuous outcry over the campaign contri
butions of a big life insurance company,
but the outcry will be mostly false pre-
Both parties welcome contributions
(from all sorts and conditions of men and
everybody knows that campaigns are run
on such) contributions. In the present in
stance the surprise will be not at the fact
of the contribution but at the compara
tively modest dimensions of it. We have
been so accustomed to hearing of $500,000
donations to campaign funds that a 110,000
donation looks rather stingy.
Pretty Good World, After All.
Nashville American.
The world Is better than It was better
and wiser. There is more charity, mora
rational religion, more money spent for
moral, educational, charitable and hu
manly helpful purposes than ever before.
The peorle as a whole, high and low, live
better, have more comforts and conven
iences and luxuries are better housed, bet
ter clothed, better fed, better educated than
thir ancestors were. WhIK this Is an era
of great development of wealth, ths ac
cumulation of great fortunes, the axplolta
tlon of many srhemss of graft and greed,
the people are not mere ntoney-worshlp-ers.
As Oovernor Folk recently said In a
Chautauqua address: 'The dollar now Is
not as potent aa It has been and gold l
not worshiped with the devotion of old.
The richest man In all the world la a beg
gar for sympathy. Ths ambition of young
men is becoming more and mors, not so
much to get rlohes aa to get right and
tsy light."
Dishonest men and worshipers of the
golden calf have always existed. Tbey are
more quickly and ruthlessly sspoeed and
condemned than evr hefors. T world
Is not growing worse. It la growing better.
Senator Hoar was sans In his bsllsf Ihst
"today is better than yesterday and that
I tomorrew will as better than tooay.
mm yrars or boosf.yei-t.
Achievements ot the Administration)
la National and World Affairs.
Kansas City Btar.
On September 14. Wl four years ag!-
Theodore Roosevelt became president Of
ths I'nlted States. Here g a record, ln
part, of his administration's schlevements:
Appointments for Merit Higher standard
of federal appointments established, par
ticularly In the south, and political pull
eliminated from the army.
Civil Service Reform-Classified Bervleti
extended from 8O,0tO to 1K.0OO positions.
Irrigation Law of Wl adopted largely
through the president's Influence.
The Hague Court Tribunal saved from
failure by reference to It of Plus claims.
Roumanian Jews Remonstrance In behalf
of an oppressed people sent to the Rou
manian government.
Coal Strlke'-tUruggle of anthracite min
ers settled by the president's arbitration
Cuban Reciprocity Justice done Cuba at
extra session of congress called by the
president for that purpose.
Venesuela European blockade of Vene
suela stopped through the president's In
tervention and claims referred to Ths
Hasue court.
Alaskan Boundary Long standing dis
pute sent through State department to a
commission and satisfactorily settled.
Beef Trust Suit brought by the govern
ment to rrevent eonsplrnry in restraint of
trade and trust officials Indicted for viola
tion of federal court's injunction.
Postofnce Inquiry Grafters hunted out,
prosecuted and sent to prison.
Klshlneff Protest against massacre of
Jews laid before the czar ln srlte of
diplomats' predictions of failure.
Panama Canal Panama republic promptly
recognized, bloodshed averted and canal
work made possible; unwleldly commission
reorganized by the president after failure
of congresss to act.
Northern Securities Suit Anti-merger
proceedings brought and won In the face of
tremendous pressure from Wall street.
Turkish Claims Fleet dispatched to
Smyrna, inducing Turkey to keep Its prom
ises. Second Hague Conference Invitations
sent by the president to the nations to
supplement work of first congress.
Santo Domingo Dominican customs
house administered by executive order, re
sulting in averting European seizure and
in stopping revolution.
Monroe Doctrine Extension of Monroe
doctrine definitely announced as result of
American procedure in Venezuela and
Santo Domingo.
Excision of Red Tape Departmental effi
ciency increased through Investigations
and suggestions of Keep commission ap
pointed by the president.
Railroad Rate Control Governmental
regulation of railroad rates made a de
finite Issue before the nation and congress.
The Trust Problem Publicity adopted
through the president's suggestion as an
essential preliminary to tha correction of
corporation abuses.
Protection of China Observance of Chi
nese neutrality ln recent war insured by
note to the powers.
Peace Negotiations between Japan and
Russia arranged by the president and rup
ture prevented later by his intervention to
urge settlement.
Ths Square Deal Public attention cen
tered through the president's efforts on
equality before the law and the principle
of "the square deal to every man, no more
and no less."
Enstera Admirer's Jeroas Farewell
to Colonel Bryan.
Nsw York Sun.'
Last week Hon. William Jennings Bryan
went fowling in ths sand hills of Ne
braska. He "beat the record'." He
bagged thirty-five prairie chickens. No
game can resist him. He is a mighty
hunter. Rabbits, ostriches, octopuses, all
fall alike before him. He always has the
biggest bag when Hon. Moses Clnclnnatus
Wetmore takes him to the preserves. It
seems to be a case of fascination rather
than skill. The truth Is that Mr. Bryan
has abnormal, almost supernormal hyp
notlo power. Beasts of the field, fowls of
the air, fish of the sea, like hearers ln
the lecture room, surrender to him gladly.
He has a taking way.
Then there was a prairie chicken and
watermelon banquet, "tendered" to and
Joyously accepted by the hunter.
Bryan's appetite was always good.
may be sure that his laugh was loud and
long. His digestion is fine. The state of
the country doesn't bother him. His con
science and his bank book are satisfactory.
The election of 1S04 still gives him deep
Thursday he begins his voyages, traffics
snd discoveries, his circumnavigation of the
world. Lucky man! Plenty of time, plenty
of the pale and common drudge, and the
world before him where to browse and
choose and "get up" subjects and write let
ters and observe men and cities. We see
him feasting on pol and studying the native
dances and coolie labor. The trade winds
give him the kiss of peace; they are not
more regular and constant than his own
steady speech. Cherry blossoms garland
his head. He penetrates the problems of
transportation ln a rickshaw. He masters
chopstlck regulation and the financial s!tua
tion ln a day. He warns the empress of
China against imperialism. He sizes up or
cheers ud the downtrodden Taenlnr Wuh.
Ingtons and Hampdens. He Impresses upon
I the luilrones the guilt of predatory wealth.
He warns the sultan of Jolo of the dangers
of monopoly and divorce. He tells the
Igorrote head hunters of ths poll tax and
trial by Jury. He tells the "soul catchers"
of the Straits Settlements of the Boulless
And so he wanders on, happy and making
others happy.
A good voyage to lilm, and a stomach Im
perturbable by great Neptune's ocean, and
a safe return! He Is a good fellow as well
as the s perls I sgent and traveling represen
tative of the "producing classes."
Proposed Methods of Rrdnrloar Speed
of Naturalisation Mills.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
A committee appointed by Pr-siUnt
Roosevelt several months ago to Investi
gate the naturalisation laws is stated t
have two recommendations ready fi.r the
meeting of congress. They arc: First,
that the right to naturalise clttwms shall txt
confined to the fedsral courts, and. sc
ond. that a bureau in ths IVpartuieut of
Commerce and I-abor shall kp au Immi
gration register, from whicn tn d iraiivn
of an Immigrant's resnU-nco shall b veri
fied before h Is itura!ia.
It Is a striking cviuuieiiry on our prv
greaslvnsa that it has tikeu a century
of Immigration " tu proJuc thesa simple
suggestion for vloalng tho wido-opeu door
to naturalisation fraud Prubably the
tardiness Is cnarablt Was to bur lack of
Initiative tban to ths mdiapusilton to do
anything ukIs some interest la benefited
thereby The political machines flud their
benefit In tns piwseiit kj method, but no
one would be beneOted by the proposed
rhena e.-ept the whoJe nation.
It la not to b espectsd that these re
forms wou'd stop all dishonest naturalis
ation. Hut they would bring the subject
under souis Intelligent control and establish
a test for misrepresentation as to th resid
ence of the applicant. Will congress so far
neglect ths cause of the professionals as
l0 rasa lb uoedvd t
A$Yi Thcn
l vjSv new
this old standard
SfaSa f t . O. Arvr C... Lswsll, Ms.
AIM manahMtursrt f
ATBK'S HATH TIOOR-For Balr. ATTfR'8 PTLX. For eesttieattoa.
AVER'S CHBRRT PBOTORAL For eoof ti. ATBR'fl AGUB CURB For malaria sad fM.
General Nelson A. Miles has been reg
istered ln BoBton as a voter.
An eminent ediscator defines education
as "a transformation from an Indefinite,
Incoherent homogeneity to a definite, cohe
rent heterogeneity by a series of differen
tiations." Exactly.
Mnie. Humbert's deported brother, when
examined by the immigration officials at
New York, declared that all he had done in
France was to conduct a life insurance
company according to the methods now
under Arc ln this country.
Harold S. Vanderbilt, a son of William
K. Vanderbilt, Is so ambitious, bo greedy
for work that be is determined to take his
degree of bachelor of arts at Harvard next
June Instead of June, 1907. He is crowding
four years' study into three years.
For the first time since reconstruction
days the gubernatorial chair of Missouri
Is occupied by a republican. Lieutenant
Governor John C. McKlnley will fill Gov
ernor Folk's place during the latter's ab
sence from the state attending the Lewis
and Clark exposition.
W. L. Bechtell, who for ten years has
been seeking minerals and archaeological
relics through ths west, has discovered in
a cave in Colorado a carved war god which
he believes Is fully 1,000 years old. He will
ship it to Washington to Dr. George P.
Merrill, curator of the National Museum.
Prof. Theodore A. Schurr, who has Just
died in Baltimore, was a pioneer ln ths
crusade against killing birds for hat adorn
ment. Ha had a collection of birds and
butterflies representing 60.000 specimens,
valued at about $100,000. He had In his
possession more 1,200 personal letters and
testimonials from presidents of universities
and colleges regarding his exhibit.
The manager of a New York clipping bu
reau recently Issued a new prospectus,
which he sent to prominent men all over
the world. In, the circular It was pointed
out that subscribers could read everything
said about tbem In the papers. Among
the answers received was this from Alfred
Austin, the British poet laureate: "Mr.
Austin does not care to pay for gnats'
Dr. K. Beerwald of Berlin Is opposed to
the free drinking of water, so often ad
vised. He says: "Excessive water drink
ing not only producea temporary disturb
ance, It also creates direct organic dis
orders; the heart and kidneys are par
ticularly affected by the excess and In
these cases the vascular system Is over
charged and the heart and kidneys over
One icy night Charlotte Cushman and
Lawrence Barrett came out of the theater
together. The steps were dangerously slip
pery and It was with difficulty that they
kept their feet at all. As they totteringly
descended the great actress said to her
companion, quite ln her Lady Macbeth
manner: "Take a good grip on my arm,
Lawrence, and If I slip hold on like grim
death, but If you slip. In the name of
heaven let got" '
SU'K klDAfc.S Make Uu au fcuy Subject for Cold anJ Chills, an4 Every
t'vkl Sf tiles ou th Kidneys (.'auxin Pain iu tho Hjuali of
the Kwk. Kheuuuttio Aches, tie.
When th kidney ar well ihey filter out
of the blood every day from three lo four
puuuds of watery wast lurliie. You caji
Soon tell when th kidney are sick, fur If
tola work U not properly done th Impuri
ties will cause urinary dluordeia, palu In
th back aud lotus, dlssy spells; every
chaug ln th weather will arlect you.
making you feel mlaerabi. weak, nervous
and rheumatic.
Tbe seriousness of cold and chills la but
lltti rlUed. t-'xtra work Is thrown upon
th kldmy. and as it is Impossible for j
th kidneys to do this extra wora besides
their own. tbsy becoui diseased. It is,
therefor, wis to provide against sudd. n
change of wathr by keplng the kidnes
well, or If a cold or chill Is felt. be. In
using Ioan s Kldnsy Ptlls, and take them
regularly until health and streugth Is re
stored. Puan's KVdney Pilla assist the kidneys lu
filtering ut th poisonous waste by rr
vivin thlr activity and restoring a
fcuJl V AH Drusia-iit. s'rlve, 40c. r
t to try an experiment?
Kc any one of the hundreds of
medicines on the market,
fhey come, they go, and arc
soon forgotten.
Or want to be cured?
Then take a medicine that
has been tested and tried,
generation after genera
tion. A medicine that has
been a household remedy
for sixty years. Ayer's
Intelligent, thoughtful
more and more upon
MoJIgger You look weary this morning,
old man.
Thingumbob Yes, I made a discovery last
night that staggered me.
McJIgger Oraclous, what was It T
Thingumbob A quart bottle of ten-vear-
old that I didn't know I had. Philadelphia
Mlsa Tartun Why does a man want to
wenr a corset, anyway?
Young Feathertop Why, great Scott,
what does a woman want to wear one for?
Chicago Tribune.
"I'm In very bad shape."
"That so?"
"Yes. Doctor told me I might die any
day now."
"Well, what's keeping you.' now that
you've got his consent." Cleveland Leader.
"They say that automoblling is a cure
for consumption."
"Well, what good does that do a poor
"Oh, he gets Th front of the automobile."
Philadelphia Ledger.
"How does the rator feel, sir?" asked
the silly barber.
"I give It up," snapped the victim, "but
If it realizes how it makes my face feel
It ought to feel ashamed." Philadelphia
"What was the first thing you ever
drew," Inquired the Interviewer.
"The very first thing that I ever drew."
said the great cartoonist, facetiously, "was
my breath." Detroit Free Press.
"A woman's tears are sure to find sym
pathy," said the kind-hearted man.
"Yes," answered the cold-blooded one.
"And yet when you see a woman crying
you can't be sure whether she has trouble
or hus been enjoying herself at a matinee."
Washington Star.
Adam was showing Eve the beautiful
sights In the garden of Eden.
"How do you like It, dear?" he asked.
"It's too lovely for anything," she said,
but I am sorry about one thing."
"What Is thatr
"That I have no friends to send souvenir
postal cards to," she answered, with a dry
sob. Chicago Tribune.
W. J. Lampton in New York Sun.
"No meat for me," the vegetarian cried.
And pointed to himself with pride.
"No food for me of any kind.
Which means the sacrifice
Of life that may be deRr aa mine
No food at such a price."
And straightway filled himself on thoss
Ingredients the gardener grows.
Then up from the gardens and otchards
Came a great dissenting wall
Like the moan of the trees protesting
At the violence of the gale,
From millions and billions of microbes,
A struggling, squirming mass
Of lite beginning its being
In the form of "garden suss."
"Come off," they howled, "you octopus,
Is life not quit aa much to us
As It can lie to you? And yet
Vast armies of our friends you've t
And we must go as they have gone,
When you have got a hunger on.
Oh, Bay, come off. It's hard enough
To be your friend, without that bluff."
But the vegetarian heard not.
And he heaved a heavy sigh
As he saw a butcher wagon.
Loaded full, go rattling by .
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N T.
Gentlemen: I wish to recommend Doan't
Kidney Pills, in the hope that my endow
ment may be read by at least a few of the
many thousands of sufferers from kidney
trouble. I was so wretched from this mal
ady that I could not sleep, rest nor et.
and had a weak and aching back. Doan s
Kidney Pills effectually cured m. and I
winh that others may know. In ordr thl
they may also b benefited by the remedy.
Tours truly,
Paul Dresser, who writes the above. Is
the man who warn those wonderfully
popular songs, "On th Banks of th-
Wabash," "The Blue and th Gray." "Tha
Latter that I Longed For Never Cam,"
tc. Mr. Dresser has written a new song.
"Jim Judson," which promises to b a
popular as soma at his older successes.
Mr. Dreaser 1 well known all over th
V in ted States, and his frank bitter will bo
given luuoti attention.
naluial actiuii lu tits ciuiiiocUug organisms.
Ilia Woalinonl .ki. uu kUongr and
better lit eteiy , w litat )uu i lea
likely to tuku CvM and i M,.. Tins riu
suy has a gical a oik lit this city.
W. V. Don Utile, u. Kam buuth luwi street,
ftngiiM er on tho Vnlvi, i'anfic K. U wji.
"Kor two )u' "i n La If 1 lot n.v k
a' he. At ill at I lliJi.M lit t lv of It,
but during the wlnt.r of Km it gtadu-illy.
grew worse, U'ld 1 tlml h'nuU.i,'
had to be (i.tttiifc op and down
from thft entiUm gue In no mnall Ktnonl
of, I could nr. i-ly en. lure il,
paid, and thought sometime, n.v k
would breuk Proem Ing I loan's h.lm-y
lilts at Kuhn & Co s drug store I in .k
them, and they rompletily t...
A THIAL FRKE To pro wlit p..un's
Kidney I'llls will do for viu we wi.l loali
a trial box free on appllf.itl-'n Address
Fofcter-Mllburn Co., Hiiffalo, N T
osier - Mil tura t o., UvifUlo, N. V, ll-uu's.