Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m jmmmm i. ijmwmmmMWMBwmmbw
"'On top or
.' ftPM ,he rr r r-ads
u lLxh&Ws ICtJJu v'- '? ..tiK around Eureka Spnnes
Em '7 W&?tl ft ' V 4 rF- would be a revelation fo
ti TS? visSrT -'I 4 you Such radiant foli"
fift VQnIvS i! jC&ll age, beautiful blue skies,
1,4 iTOflv. ' .&f,V i'li8htlully pure air, gor-
-JrfeNi li Tr7 fttm n , memory of them
Eureka Springs has many excellent hotel and f , ,aiM ''" ,j ' jNl '''&'( '
boarding houses, among them the magnificent -,X x i7v A A v ' fiA m
Ckeiccnt Hotel, located on the summit of the C :7JA - lAjwl N vl -l-lJ&M 8
highest mountain. This hotel is noted for ici 'rT)i V 3
excellent service, splendid cuisine and beautiful I C v'"t , f-Jfr J i" " "' rB
situation. yV XMj. ASa' j "v-
An Inexpensive Trip VCiSL- f
Ennki Springe la hot a nlfht's ride from Kansas Ctty on ""Vt '- V?"7 VtJvS? svSSm
VnTlJii Ftaco Syatem. All mornlnf trains from Omihi make Jif-J&( f VV TJ'riS'--' i Y V -'- -T - 3
2,1 il l; tjTV direct connection in Kansas City Union Depot, with Frisco T, 'x Y'" ' ' A- SS
4 tap trains carrying through simper So the Bprlnfi. Round f-' Jr ( j l ' EzM
, trip tickets front Kansas City only I1S.W. Omaha S21.JI. Other points ue" ZZZC B
In proportion. T -v- ' - S
LGttatopyofthtaniqxulittltbook"1htManWhohoTtofaiEnrtkaSjrintt. R
ly, il for fr cory to Friteo Ticket Oftici, 900 Main St., Kintat City, or b
J. A. GILLIES, Manager Crescent Botel-Enreka Springs, Ark. 8
Book ii Decision of Engineer Making Teit
foT the City.
Demonatratlona Will' Be Contlnoed
Today I'nder Direction of City
Engineer nt Water Board's
Iss water pressure at Fourteenth and
Fa mam strncta than Is demanded by the
contract of the Omaha Water company
with the city was found yesterday after
noon at a test held under th direction of
City Engineer Roaiewater, Uenesette Wil
liams, a hydraulic engineer and water pi
ert of Chicago; Assistant City Engineer
Crals; and Iean Stout 'of the engineering
department of the 8tate university. A big
crowd. Including Mayor Moores and olhr
notubles, gathered at Fourteenth and Far
nam streets about 9 "O'clock When eight
atrcams of water Bimultuaieously were
thrown Into the Hlr.
F.nKinccra Rosowater, Williams and Stout
were stutluned on the roof of the Board
The blood supplies nourishment and
strength to every part of the body when
it is rich, pure and healthy. When from
any cause it becomes diseased or weak it
cannot supply the nutriment the system
needs, and the body is unable to resist the
dispenses and troubles that are constantly
assailing it to break down the health.
X have used B. S. B. and found it to be
an excellent blood purlller and tonio.
Mr blood was weak and impure, and sa
a result my system becamo very muoh
rundown and debilitated. I lost twenty
or more pounds in weivbt, had no appe
tite and was in bad shape. Boeing- 8. 8. S.
Advertised I bea-an its use, and am well
? leased with the results alter using- it
or some little while. My system and
aoneraJ health have been wonderfully
built np, and I no not hesitate to rive
S. . D. iqs crenu ior n. xi. m jijp. a in .
Warren. O., 60 Second St.
Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Scrofula,
Catarrh, Old Sores, Malaria, Con' tgious
Blood Poison, etc., are the results of bad
or diseased blood, and until this vital
fluid ia cleansed and made pure, strong
and healthy, these diseases will continue.
The greatest of all blood purifiers and
tonics is S. S. S. It has been curing all
diseases of the blood for more than forty
years by going down to tVe very root of
the trouble, forcing out all poisons and
impurities and building up every part of
the system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S.
cures Rheuma
tism, Skin Dis
eases, Scrofula,
Catarrh, Old
Sores, Malaria,
Blood Poison
and all other
blood troubles, and cures them perma
nently. S. S. S. is the acknowledged
king of blood purifiers and the greatest
of all tonics. Books on the different dis
eases, and any medical advice you may
Uriah will be given without charge.
Use the Best
For any u where gooi coal Is
, desired.
NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25
All Oradca of Hard and Soft Coal.
I. A. Johnson. Pres. O. P. Brueker. Tress,
I- r. aiyftra, ewy.
,IIP Parsaos St, JaJ91
( i
O J)
of Trade building at Sixteenth and Farnam
streets. They were equipped with two lev
elling telescopes. The measuring point was '
the flagstaff of the Western t'nlon build
ing on Fourteenth street, the hall o which
Is two feet higher than 110 feet above Four
teenth and Farnam. The streams were
raised on Fourteenth "street north of Far
nam. The hydrant contract specifies that
the water company supply pressure suf
ficient to send eight one-Inch streams to a
height of 110 feet, and that It must be done
at the same time.
"Not a single stream at any time reached
a height of 110 feet," said Engineer Wil
liams. "At times the spray of one, and
sometimes two, streams mounted higher
than 110 feet, but It was the Impulse and
not the stream Itself that reached the re
quired altitude."
"A stream." said John I Webster, spe
cial counsel for the Water board, "Is a
continuous flow of water. Spray and de
tached particles don't cdunt. This test
proves that the contract Is not being filled
In this condition. I estimate that the av
erage height of the streams during most
of the time will be found not much more
than eighty feet."
Ho Stream Hlarn Enouarh.
The three engineers agreed that except
occasionally no stream got as high aa 110
feet and that no more than two of the
eight streams cast spray above 110 feet at
any one time.
'To supplement the observations from the
roof the engineers will compute estimates
on the showing made by the water gauges
attached to the nozzle of one line of hose
from each hydrant. Four hydrants were
used, two streams being sent from each.
These hydrants were the nearest ones to
the Intersection. The one on Farnam street
between Thirteenth and Fourteenth had
250 feet of hose for each nozzle and the
pressure ran from sixty-six to sixty-four
feet; the hydrant on Farnam between
Fourteenth and Fifteenth had 300 feet of
hose and registered from seventy-four to
seventy-one pounds pressure; the hydrant
at the northwest corner of Fourteenth and
Farnam showed a pressure running from
slghty-four to eighty feel at the end of fifty
feet of hose; the hydrant on Fourteenth
between Farnam and Douglas with 150 feet
of-hose marked up a pressure of from
eighty to seventy-six pounds on the gauge.
Weather Condition Perfect.
Weather conditions were perfect and
there were no perceptible air currents.
Stockton Heth, treasurer of the water
company, declared that the pressure was
not accelerated In any way, but remained
the same as usual.
Governor Boyd, chairman of the Water
board, most of the members and other city
officials witnessed 'the test from the street.
Fire Chief Salter personally superintended
the work of hose companies 3, 4 and t from
station No. 3 at Eighteenth and Harney
streets. Water was running through the
nozzles for two periods of about fifteen
minutes each.
Assistant City Engineer Craig had charge
of the work on the street.
Other tests will be made by the engineers
today, but Just what kind and at what lo
cations was not determined yesterday after
noon. Pickpockets Busy at Fair.
SEWARD, Neb., Bept. 21 (Special.)
Wednesday was the first day of the county
fair, and among the attractions was
"Cute," the guidless wonder. A number
of pacing and running events were on.
The exhibits are unusually good.
Six pocketbooks were found this morning
down on the Burlington & Missouri sand
We're showing something
brand-new for autoniobllists.
It's a fancy vesting that
doesn't fancy letting breezes
In. Made of English knit
goods light but warm as
toast woven In several fancy
automobile appropriate pat
terns. Made to measure In the
MarCarthey-Wllson fashion
Taitorlnjr Co.,
SN-ot-t. ltth Bt. Next Door to
wsbssb Ticket Office. - Phons IBM.
pile. These had been stolen from the own
ers yesterday and emptied of their contents
and thrown together in the sand. One man
was robbed of too and another of $20, and
the others of smaller sums.
Maaonle Grand I.odire of Nebraska
Condncta Ceremonies at Sevrttrd
Court House.
SEWARD, Neb., Sept. !1. (Special Tele
gramsThe ceremonies of laying the cor
ner stone of the Seward county court
house were held Wednesday and were wit
nessed by over 10.000 people of the county.
Many former residents were also in at
tendance. The ceremonies were conducted
by Grand Master Hopewell of the Masonic
order, the grand lodge being present, and
assisting In the ceremonies.
The Masons headed the parade of civic
societies, school children, bands and old
soldiers In the morning. Judge Holland of
this city was master of ceremonies and
happily Introduced the speakers-Governor
Mickey and G. M. Hitchcock. Governor
Mickey made a fine address and pleased the
large audience. After the ceremonies of
the morning the crowd adjourned to the
county fair grounds, where the governor
and Mr. Hitchcock spoke from the grand
stand. At night the targe crowd was enter
tained by the street carnival company.
Farmer Suffers Stroke of Paralysis
While Driving:.
BEATRICE. Nieb., Sept. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) J. F. Fisher, an aged farmer
living near Plckrell, was found lying In an
unconscious condition along the roadside
two miles north of Flckrell today. Ho
started tdTdrlve to his farm and the sup
position is that he suffered a stroke of
paralysis and fell out of the buggy. He
was severely cut and bruised about the
head by the fall and his recovery Is doubt
ful. Ills horse and buggy were found not
far from where he was lying.
Money Walts for Runaway Boy!
TBCL'MSEH. Neb., Sept. 21 (Special Tel
egram.) Judge Livingston In the county
court here today decided to let the will
of the late Ellen Wilson of this city stand.
Its provisions hold the property for Ave
years waiting for a runaway son, John
Wilson, Jr., to show up and claim It. At
the end of that time It goes to three
nephews of the deceased. Mrs.- Carrie
Mollring- of Gosper county, a granddaughter
of the deceased, tried to break the will.
Only $1,000 was left to her and she Is the
next In kin. The trial occupied two days
and many witnesses were examined.
Traeklayers Commence Work.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Sept. 21. Laying- of
steel on the Ashland cutoff, which Is to
connect the Great Northern and Burling
ton systems, was begun today at a point
two miles south of Sioux City, In Nebraska,
An Enicmrina; Doctor
uses gentle means, such as Electrlo Bit
ters, in curing dangerous diseases, like
biliousness dyspepsia, etc. 60c. For sals
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Fnlr Today and Tomorrow In e
braaka, Iowa, South Dakota
and Ivansas.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-Foreeast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Mis
souri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and
Montana Fair Friday and Saturday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Sept. 21. Official record of tem
perature ana precipitation compared wun
tha corresponding day of the last three
years: mn ij3. ir
Maximum temperature .. ?4 64 82 67
Minimum temperature ... 59 4 60 K3
Mean temperature 73 fA 71 6-1
Precipitation vW T .00 .10
Teiuperaiure and precipitation depar
tures from the normal at Omuha since
March 1, and comparison with the last two
Normal temperature fig
Exeeas for the day 7
Total exfess since March 1 !..Su7
Normal precipitation 10 inch
Defl-lency for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall xlnce March 1 50 lfi Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4. To inches
Ietlclency for cor. period. 194.. if inches
Excess for cor. period. 1j3 4.92 Inches
Reports from Stations mt T P. M.
Station and State Tern,
of Weather. 7 p. 111.
Bismarck, clear 76
Cheyenne, clear 74
Chicago, clear 78
Davenport, clear 74
Ienver, clear 78
Havre, cloudy 74
Helena, clear 7
Huron, clear 74
Kansas City, clear 78
North Platte, clear 74
Omaha, clear 75
Rapid City, clear 78
81. Louis, clesr 78
St. Psul. Clear 68
Salt Lake City, clear 8'
Valentine, clear 78
Wtlllaton. clear 70
Max. Raln-
Tem. fall.
SO .00
M .(V
8 J .00
M .00
fcj .in
W .00
M .()
M .10
M .)
K4 .()
S4 .00
' 88 .10
84 .00
74 .00
fc! .(O
84 .
U .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. VVivLiH, Legal a etecastsr.
Attaodasns at Fen on Opening Etj
Largest in Historr of Institution.
Life Certificate laanrd to Teachers
Wbs raaa the Reqnlrrit Dismiss,
tlon Peleaatea Wanted to
Tns (ossreiart.
Sept. a.-(Speclal )-Reports ,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
of the normal schools, which are very
gratifying, have been received by Su
perintendent McBrlen. The registration at
I'eru was 475, the largest of any opening
day fh the history of the Institution. Of
this number 2S0 were new students, which
means that Superintendent Crabtree will
have $1,400 from matrlcutatlon fees to use
in the purchase of library books. At Kear
ney the registration up to last night was
219, of whom ITS were new students.
Meet After Loss Separation.
Addison Wait le entertaining a cousin,
John Smith of Woodstock, O., who until a
few days ago he had not seen for over
forty years. Mr. Smith is an old soldier
and la returning home from the Denver
meeting of the Graud Army of the Repub
lic. He stopped off here and called at the
olfice of the banking board, In which Mr.
Wait Is chief clerk, and made himself
known. Mr. Walt and Mr. Smith were
born In Woodstock, O., and both entered
the union army at the beginning of the
civil war, though they enlisted In different
regiments. They never met again until
Mr. Smith called a day or two ago, though
they were both In the Denver parade.
Life Certificates for Teachers.
The following teachers have been granted
life certificates aa a result of the teachers'
examination held In various parts of the
state last August: H. L. Hussong. Oak
dale; C. H. Kendlg, Wakefield; W. V.
Steuteville. Kimball; Charles R. Weeks,
Lincoln. A number of other examination
papers have not yet been passed upon.
Military Snrareons' Convention.
The following delegates have been ap
pointed by Governor John H. Mickey to
represent the state of Nebraska at the
fourteenth annual meeting of the Associa
tion of Military Surgeons of the United
States at Detroit. Mich., September 25
to 2:
Colonel Carrol T. Evans, Columbus;
Major Frank 8. Nicholson. Norfolk: Cap
tain James B. Hi'ngate, Weeping Water:
Lieutenant Kmlle C. Underburg. Stanton;
Dr. W. K. Loughrldce. Milford: Major Clif
ford W. Walden, Beatrice; Captain Alva
S. Pinto. Omaha; lieutenant J. w. a.
Smith, Albion.
Mlnlnar Con areas Deleastes.
The following- delegates have been ap
pointed by Governor John H. Mickey to
represent the state of Nebraska at the
eighth annual convention of the American
Mining congress, which meets at El Paso,
Tex., November 14 to 18: George W. E.
Dorsey, Fremont; Hon. W. V. Allen, Mad
ison; Richard C. Patterson, Omaha; Frank
M. Castetter, Blair; John May, Fremont;
A. Anderson, Columbus; R. R. Dickson,
! O'Neill; Judge M. B. Reese, Lincoln;; Prof.
II. H. Nicholson, Lincoln: Guy Barton,
Omaha; A. 8. Sands, Wilbor; Hon. D. B.
Cropsey, Falrbury; Dr. B. L. Paine; Lin
coln: Frank Wetherald, Hebron; Charles
M. Rlgg. Beatrice.
Fremontera Inspect Pa,Tln.
City officials of Fremont visited Lincoln
today to Inspect the pavement under course
of construction to get hints on a lot of
paving they Intend to do. The party was
met at the train by M'or Brown, who
gave them an automobile ride over the
city and then lunched them with some
city officials at the Commercial club rooms.
Operation May Save Life.
An operation was performed this after
noon upon Mrs. Julia Maley, an Insane
woman at the Insane hospital, who leaped
from a fire escape yesterday evening In an
attempt to take her own life. The woman's
back was broken and the superintendent
cut out the splintered bones and removed
the pressure from the spinal column. She
has a slight chance of recovery.
up.-rme Court Proceeding's.
Proceedings In the supreme court Sep
tember 19 and 20:
On motion Nof J. B. Pedler. attorney,
George Bradley of Seward county was ad
mitted to practice. On motion of M. F.
Harrington, attorney. Grant Guthrie of
Sioux county was admitted to practice. On
recommendation of the Bar commission,
Albert V. Thomas, William G. Rutledge and
George P. Costlgan were admitted to prac
tice. t'nlon Pacific Railroad Company against
Fo berg: stipulation granted; cause con
tinued to December 6, 195. Lewis against
McMillan: stipulation granted; cause con
tinued. Brooks against Stanley; stipulation
granted; cause continued to October 3. 1905.
Habig against Parker: stipulation granted;
cause continued to November 7, 1906. 1'rwln
against Fergunon; stipulation granted;
cause dismissed with prejudice to another
action. First National Bank of 8utton
against Grainger Bros.; stipulation granted;
plaintiff given until January l. ivn, to pre-
pare and me
briefs. Several Tracts of
1-and (Yeiser)
aa-alnst State: stipulation
granted; cause continued to October 17. 1905.
Klrkendall against Wetherly; stipulation
granted; appellant given until November 1.
1905, to prepare and serve briefs; appelles
given sixty days thereafter to prepare and
file briefs. Hauber asrHlnat Llebold; stipu
lation granted; plaintiff given forty days
additional time to serve and file briefs.
Johnson against Hay ward; appellant given
until September 29 to nie Driers In support
of motion for rehearing. Lange against
Royal Hltrhlanders; defendant given ten
days to file supplemental briefs; plaintiff
given ten days to file reply briefs. Bankers
T'nlon of the World against Landls: de
fendant given thirty days to serve and file
briefs. Langan against Whalen; proceed
ings in error dismissed on motion of plain
tiff In error. Citizens Insurance Company
against Herpolsheimer; plaintiff given leave
to make F. P. Olmstead a defendant In er
ror. Phoenix Insurance Company agatnit
Herpolsheimer; plaintiff given leave to
make F. P. Olmstead a defendant. Reliance
Insurance Company against Herpolsheimer;
plaintiff given leave to make F. P. Olm
stead a defendant in error. TV'lld against
Storz Brewing Company; appellant given
leave to file praecipe and assignment of er
rors Instanter. Reed against State; con
tinued to October 3, 1S6; plaintiff given
twelve days to correct reeord and file re
ply briefs. Stuil against Masllonka: leave
given defendant to Me amended motion for
rehearing and briefs In support thereof.
State ex rel. Adair against Drexel; alterna
tive writ allowed, returnable October 3.
19ijD. State ex rel. Grove sgalnst MeGuire;
leave given defendant to withdraw mem
orandum brief filed June (. Young against
Flgsr; stipulation granted; appellee given
until October to serve snd nie brl-fs.
Slate ex rel. Mellor against Grow; motion
to advance sustained; relator given until
September 24 to serve typewritten copy of
briefs; respondent given until September
30 to file briefs: cause set for hearing Oc
tober S. 19i6. Haddlx anal nut State; order
suspending sentence and fixing amount of
ball allowed. State ex rel. Slabaugh against
Vlnsonbaler; alternative writ Issued.
Following are ruilngs upon miscellaneous
Mead against State ex rel. Sperling; mo
tion of defendant to recall mandate and
relax costs overruled. i'helps against
Wolff: motion of defendant to ratal costs
sustained: costs to be divided equally be
tween the parties. Heaton against Wire
man: motion of appellant for leave to file
briefs sustained. Lee auftlnst Detrlck; mo
tion of appellee for leave to withdraw rec
ord sustained. Weasel against Bishop; mo
tion of plulntlff In re.; briefs sustained;
plaintiff given ten davs to file briefs. Bank
era Union of the World sgslnst Iandis; mo
tion of defendant to strike part of tran
script sustained. State against McCrlaht,
Stale against Johnaen. State sralnst Ander
son. Slate against Sinclair. State against
Nelson. State against Hedlund, Slate
against Blair. State against Laprath; mo
tions of plaintiff and Intervener for default
and Judgment overruled; leave given de
fendant to answer Instanter. Meyer against
Omaha Furniture and Carpet Company; mo
tion of defendant to dismiss overruled;
Brown against Chicago, Rock Island Pa
cific Railway Company: motion of defend
ant to supply record sustained. Norwood
against Bank of Commerce: motion of de
fendant - to quash overruled. Marquise
aaaioat tale Qwiiifw.i0Wa
of uppelloon to rtl!ml! overruled, furklns
mralnut Mlsiirl rncidc Railway Company;
motion of appellee to advance snixtalned:
art for hearlnsr January I. I;; arillant
Htven thirl v dnya to file reply br1f. Ray
mond Proa. -Clark Company asalnat HacK
eney: motion of appellee to advance u
Evidence Taken Rehttisl Cloaed Dasrs
anil othlna Given Oat.
FAMJt CITY, Neb., Sept. 21. (Special
TMoRram.) The MethodIM conference was
opened this morning: with an addreea by
Ulshop Hamilton, and then settled down
to routine bunlnetts. Th flrat was tha
reading of the annual reports by the rre
aldlnsr elder, who are J. R. Oettvs. Re-
Btrlre: Richard Parson. Hastings; J. F.
Kemper, IJncoln; O. I. Wright. Nebraska
City; W. B. Alexander, York. The reports
show that the conference Is In an excel
lent condition and the church work pro
gressing nicely.
Dr. Edward Thompson, secretary of the
Ameriran Sunday 1-enrue; Dr. C. B. Spen
cer of Kansas City, Mo., with the Central
Christian Advocate; Mrs. J. I. McLaugh
lin, superintendent of the Nebraska Metho
dist hospital, and Dr.. J. W. Jennings,
manager of the Western Methodist Book
Concern of Kansas City, addressed the
conference. Dr. Jennings presented the
conference with a draft for $1,200 for the
fund for superannuated preachers, from tjie
profits of the book concern. Dr. C. M.
Shepherd of Pawnee City presented a draft
for $150 for the superannuated preachers'
fund, from the Nebraska Epworth League.
The trial of F. B. Blakemore, who was
suspended from the ministry while in
charge of the Tecumseh church. Is going
on now, and from present Indications will
last until the middle of next week. The
meetings of the committee are behind
closed doors and the utmost secrecy Is
maintained as to the evidence Introduced
and what Is taking' place. All that can
be learned Is that each side has a large
number of witnesses and a hard fight Is
certain. Today was put In trying to in
troduce evidence attacking the character
of the accusers of Blakemore.
J. W. Bcott was elected secretary, and
named as his assistants O. T. Moore, N. A.
Martin and H. G. Wilcox. A. C. Cross
waithe was elected treasurer, and on his
motion G. M. Jones, L F. Smith, H. P.
Younff, J. W. Embre, Henry Zernecker and
I. W. Kenagy were elected assistants. G.
I. Knight and A. E. Chadwlck were elected
postmasters. E. D. Glddeon was elected
statistical secretary, and A. V. Wilson. C.
L Meyers, D. W. Wilt, K. W. G. Hiller,
B. F. Summers, R. D. Wattman, H. P.
Young, A. A. Kirber, J. M. Reed and J.
H. Still were made assistants. P. H. Smith
was elected railroad secretary.
A number of standing committees were
named, and among other matters of im
portance brought up was the subject of
caring for superannuated preachers. A
committee was appointed to prepare a plan
for such work and submit It to the confer
Separated In Kansas. Neither Knows
of Other's Existence.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 21. (8peclat.)
Mrs. Margaret Utter, living on East High
street, has Just returned from Garnett,
Kan., where she went to visit a sister
whom she had never seen and of whose ex
istence she had no knowledge until a few
weeks ago. The story reads like a ro
mance. In the year 1873. near Indepen
dence, Kan., lived the family of Cabel
Piper, consisting of father, mother and
three children, the! oldest a boy of 7 named
Samuel, and two little girls, the elder I
and the younger a babe of only 11 months.
Like many others, he met with reverses at
that time. He was a man well advanced in
years, his wife being much younger than
himself. To double his misfortunes he
suffered a stroke of paralysis and his wife
was unable to maintain the family. Under
these conditions the children were given
homes with friends, while Mr. Piper went
to live with his son by a former marriage.
Belle, the older girl, was adopted by T. C.
Brunson and has been reared and educated
as though she were their own daugbter,
she being the only child In the family. The
younger of the two girls was adopted Into
the family of Captain Carroll, who at that
time lived at Independence, but who re
moved to Beatrice a short time afterward.
bringing the little girl with them, where
she was reared and educated in the schools
of Beatrice as Margaret Carroll. Captain
Carroll died some years after coming to
Beatrice and Mrs. Carroll and Margaret
removed to Chicago. As Mrs. Utter's foster
parents were very fond of her, she being
the only child, they never told her of her
adoption. After her marriage she again be
came a resident of Beatrice, and it was by
accident that she learned of her real fam
ily history and discovered her identity,
Mrs. Utter, after learning that she had
a sister, has been trying to locate her for
some time, but as she had changed her
name by marriage the task was not an
easy one. Less than a month ago she
finally succeeded In locating her sister at
Garnett, Kan., and hastened there to meet
her. The two sisters will now attempt to
And their brother, whom they feel sure is
Uvlng In Iowa,
Railroad Gets Right-of-way.
BLAIR, Neb., Bept. 21. (Special.) At
meeting of the city council last night an
order was passed granting the right-of-way
for a spur switch from the main track of
the Minneapolis St Omaha railroad to the
canning factory, owned and operated by
Martin ft Nurrle. . Though not on the same
location, this is the same switch contro
versy that the city and the railroad com
pany had a fight over during the term of
W. D. Haller as mayor a few years ago.
At that time the railroad officers had their
men run a large amount of material Into
the yards here and at night put on a large
force of men and had the track laid by 12
o'clock, when Mayor Haller ordered the
fire company out to drown out the entire
force of workmen and take up the track
and stack the rails and ties, which ended
the attempt to lay It at that time. The
right-of-way granted now will not damage
any private property, which was claimed at
the time before, and will be a great con
venience to the factory.
Celebrate Sliver Wedding;.
SHELTON, Neb., Bept. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) Twenty-five years ago this even
ing, at Gibbon. Neb., occurred the wed
ding of Mr. M. A. Hostetler to Miss Ella
Daggett. Since that time they have made
their home in Shelton, Mr. Hostetler being
the ptoneer general merchant of the vil
lage, and this evening, upon special invi
tation, their friends and neighbors to the
number of 100 gathered at their comfortable
home and assisted In celebrating their sti
ver anniversary from 1:30 until 11. A
pleasant evening wns spent In social chat
and unch. Quite a number of out-of-town
guests were present. Including Judge B,
O. Hosteller and family from Kearney
Mr. Hostetler Is one of the leading club
women of Nehranka, and la now holding
an office In the state organization, and also
has been the grand representative to the
grand lodge. Degree of Honor. Mr. Hos
tetler Is ths state president of the Com
merclal Clubs of Nebraska, and during
this quarter of a century The Omaha Dally
Bee has been their household newspaper.
Lincoln Pastor Is Called.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Sept. 3 (Special Tel
egram ) Elder J. J. Schamburg of Lincoln
has been called to the paslorsts of ths To
cumseh Advent Christian church.
Acquitted of Horse Stealing; Charge.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept XL (Special Tel-
. . . . .
torses i fx tr JL Qlu U
corrf.ct dress for
atrloe more than a year ago, "Deacon"
Burroughs of this city was acquitted at
the close of his preliminary hearing today.
News of Nebrsaks.
BEATRICE The new Evangelical Lu
theran church, eight miles northwest of
Beatrice, will be dedicated Sunday.
PLATTSMOT'TH Mrs. Mary Ann Cook
died at her home In this city last even
ing. The deceased was 49 years of age.
BEATRICE General Manager Mohler of
the t'nlon Pacific passed through the city
yesterday afternoon en route north In his
private car.
WOOD RIVER Home-grown celery Is
beginning to come in and the Nebraska
Is Just as good, If not a little better, than
the famed Kalamazoo article.
WOOD RIVER John Cunningham, a
local butcher, is suffering from the effects
of blood poisoning In his arm, caused by a
small scratch while handling hides.
WOOD RIVER The young mm of J. H.
Dunninan. living east of town, was brought
In this week with a very sore and swollen
foot as the result of running a nan into u.
YORK The new York opera house, one
nf th. lamest heat aDPolnted and hand
semest in the state, will be opened by
Walker Whiteside, who will play "We Are
BEATRICE At o'clock yesterday at
St. Joseph's Catholic church occurred the
marriage of Mr. Frank Wlttulskl and Miss
Clara Sohlndler, Rev. M. M. Merkl offi
PLATTSMOUTH The recent heavy rains
had s damaging- effect to bridges and
county roads In Cass county. It Is esti
mated that the cost of making repairs will
be about $3,000.
RKATRIOE-Cnmrjany C rave a dance In
the armorv last nlrht which was attended
by forty couples of young people. Han-
sens new orcnesira maae its um ap
pearance In public.
WOOD RIVER Edward W. Conn ana
Miss Edith A. Houghton, two popular
young people of Cameron, were united In
marriage last evening at the home of the
bride's parents. Rev. Stlmson officiating.
tain a trice The Lang Canning and ire-
serving company has Just finished the sea
son s pack ot corn, wmcn amounts iu
38,000 cases, or a total of nearly l.ouo.wo
cans of corn. The factory will begin can
ning rhubarD, apples ana pumpkins 11011
ntCATRTCE Two stalks of corn, grown
on the Kllpatrlck farm west of the city,
measuring fourteen feet, were brought to
the city yesterday. The ears on the stalks
are very large and well formed and the
samples are tne nnest snown uere iuis
YORK In the county court Judge Tay
lor Is hearing evidence trying to learn
who is the lawiui nusnana 01 wim mc
v.n a former resident or INortn xom.
who recently died leaving property to the Ident; Mrs. Lucy Ayres, recording secre
amount of about $2,500. Testimony has tary; Mrs. Emma Fenn, corresponding sec
been Introduced tending to show that one retary; Mrs. 8. B. Moore, treasurer.
Celebrated 62d
Mr. AqnJUa D. Sharp Celebrated
and Bays His Sturdy Old Age Is Due to the lingular l e
of Dully's lure Malt Whiskey.
It Ha Done Me a World of Good, and Is Truly a Grand Medicine and
Tonic for Old Age.
' y
ft) ' vs ; ,-4. x
5 -.;.: : . i
&?i; i. .; J v i
! ?
" iV,f :
; : '. -;.'- i : f '
Mr. Sharp recently celebrated hispid wedding anniversary at his home in Ocean
City. New Jersey. lie writes: "I am elglity-five years old. and have been a user of
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a tonic and Invigorating medicine for years, and am
sure It has done me a world of good. I am pleased to recommend it as truly a grand
medicine where a tonic Is needed In old age, and I find it especially good fur coughs,
colds and stomach troubles and all run-down conditions."
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Is the perfect tonlc-in vlgorator for the aged, and the safeguard of the young. Mbt
than 4.0u0 old people state that their rune d health and sturdy old age are due to the
regular use of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It Is prescribed by leading physicians, re
commended by ministers of the Gospel and Indorsed by temperance workers the country
over as a reliable medicine and a sure preventive of disease. Duffy's Is the only posi
tive cure of consumption, pneumonia, grip, bronchitis, coughs, colds, sore throat, ids.
laiia, low fevers, dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation and every form of lung, bowels
and stomach trouble. It slds digestion, Induces sound snd wholesome sleep, enriches
poor snd Impovlshed blood, quickens the heart's action, tones up and Improves the
circulation snd brings the body buck to normal health and strength bv going to lhe
source of the disease, killing the poisonous germs snd driving Ihem from the body.
CAlTIOs-Usfi's Is the only whiskey recognised by the Government m
s medicine. It Is absolutely pare, contains no fusel oil, and Is sold 1st btt
ties only. You will know the genuine by the "Old Chemist" trade-snarls a
the label. See that the strap over the cork Is unbroken. Rerun sasbstltaten
nd Imitations sometimes offered by dishonest dealers. They evru f." -p. f -t.
and wltl not euro you.
i ro oiaer meaicme nas sucn a recora.
t.,, jyx) fctjla,. CuO
mf.j An rots.
party claims he Is Nora McKwen's hus
band by renson of common law marriage.
County Judge Taylor has as yet been un
able to come, to a decision.
WOOD RIVER The remains of Mrs. O.
I. Hauke were brought In last evening
from Omaha, whore she died as the result
of an operation. Mrs. Hauke was the wife
cf a prominent farmer residing near Wood
BEATRICE Mr. Howard W. Whiteside
and Miss Marie Evans of this city were
quietly married In Lincoln September 7.
As they had kept the matter secret their
friends were not apprised of the marrlase
until yesterday. They will make Beatrice
their home.
BLAIR The city council at their meet
ing last night confirmed by a unanimous
vote the action taken by Mayor Williams
In closing the Flnlaysoh saloon for vio
lating the Sunday closing law. The mayor
and council are determined to enforce the
city laws in this respect.
ALBION Yesterday, the second day of
the Hooue county ralr, so tar as the
weather was concerned, could not have
been better. There was a good attend-
ance and aU the departments were well
represented. Today promises to be a rec-
ord-breaker In the history of the associa
formerly of this city, has brought suit
against the Great Western Railroad Com
pany at St. Joseph, Mo., for $60,000 for
fersonal Injuries. Last winter, while at
empting to board one of the defendant
company's trains, she slipped and fell un
der the wheels, with the result that both
of her lower limbs were severed.
NEBRASKA CITY The county commis
sioners held a special session today to re
view the damage to roads and bridges
caused by the rains of the last week. Com
putation showed the estimated damage to
exceed $50,000. Bridges and culverts of
all sizes were washed away. The bridges
along the Nemaha river suffered the se
verest damage. Bridge men have been put
to work repairing the damage.
NEBRASKA CITY Martin O'Nell, who
was charged with criminal assault, was
found guilty by a Jury In the district court
this afternoon. O Nell Is a South Omaha
boy who shortly previous to his arrest was
employed in the Morton-Gregson Co.'a
packing house. He Is 20 years of age.
The alleged assault upon which he was
convicted occurred on the afternoon of
March 20, 1A06, on the South Sixth street
bridge. Sylvia Straw of this city was the
prosecuting witness.
BEATRICE The annual meeting of the
Beatrice Woman's Christian Temperance
union wsa held yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. A. Fulmer. Miss Helen
Jansen, who has had charge of the Loyal
Temperance Legion In Beatrloe for the
last twenty years, reported great success
In her work. These officers were elected
for the coming year: Mrs. Medora Nlckell,
presiaeni Mrs. rj. u. creiBinger, vice nres-
Wedding Anniversary
the 6i!d Anniversary of His Marraige,
zou rag get it at an us aag'twa Slatl SI seas a j
yhisk.'oo.. tjajrSJSfKi