Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone G94.
"Th man tlia
MOVES 1 the
man that lnndi
right .Kep
In regard to the "Butterfly" Skirt which has aroused so
much curiosity among the ladies of Omaha, and for that matter
all over the count rv, we beg to say that in a short time we will
how the GENUINE and ORIGINAL skirt which has created
ueh a furor in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and the large
truthful advertisements.
0ti0nP5ON.ftFl DFNQ
Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas.
(Continued from First Page.)
toplo of discussion wia the recent disclos
ure! of life insurance companies being; mad
by a committee of the New York legisla
ture. The president has In course his annual
message to the congress and as he pro
poses to discuss the Insurance question In
that message with special reference to
federal legislation for the regulation of In
surance, ho naturally desired to confer with
his close friends as to the manner In which
he should treat the subject.
The conference last night cgntinued until
a late hour. No details of It are obtainable.
It Is known, however, that the president
has been urged strongly to recommend to
congress the enactment of such legislation
as will give the federal government super
visory control of Insurance companies
Whether the disclosures regarding the pay
ment by certain corporations of campaign
contributions were considered at last night's
conference cannot be told.
Harmony with t nderwrMers.
HARTFORD, Conn.. Sept. 21. Harmony
prevailed this morning at the third day's
session of the National Association of Life
Underwriters and the threatened split over
the adoption of the resolution presented
Tuesdsy by Delegate 3. 3. Raleigh of St.
Louis accusing misconduct in insurance
Circles was averted. A compromise resolu
tion was adopted.
The resolution recommends full publicity
In relation to all insurance operations. It
was as follows:
Whereas. At the present time the atten
tion of the public Is directed to evils re
cently disoovered In the business of life
Insurance to the extent that the long rec
ord of faithful handling if the funds of
policy holders In the American life Insur
ance companies Is In danger of being over
looked, now, therefore, be It
Resolved. That the National Association
of Life Underwriters record the fact that
the funds of the policy holders In life in
surance companies of America have dur
ing the last half centurv been adminis
tered with a fidelity. Integrity and ability,
which recent events have but served to em
pliSslze. and be It further
Resolved.- That, for the best Interests of
the policy holders and the companies, both
of which in a special sens are committed
to us. the association susgests full and free
publicity of all the operations of the life
insurance companies as best calculated to
miplmlr future opportunities for evil and
to retain the confidence of the public In the
best, and what will surely grow to be the
greatest,, system of organized beneficence
French Method ol Transfusion
By carrying directly to the affected parts
by a statlo current through the pores of
the skin antiseptics that kill the bacilli,
disinfect th parts and euro the disease.
Vibratory Stimulation Treatment
Is curing thousands that medicine taken
for years failed to cure. All diseases of
the Nose, Throat. Lun, Stomach. Bowels,
Liver. Kidney, Bladder, Rheumatism, Plies,
Dyspepsia, Paralysis, Chronic and Nervous
troubles treated successfully b modern
methods. Call or write for further Informa
tion. W make no ehargn for examination.
Office Hours 10 to 4; Sundays. 10 to 12.
Iteen 208 Karbaeh Blk., Omaha. Neb.
Diseases of
Men Onty
M Years' Experience.
20 Years In Omaha.
Varicocele. Stricture,
Blood Poison, Weak
ness. Book free.
Box 71. Office, ;15 S.
14th St.. Omaha. Neb.
Boys' Caps
Boys Caps at 50c up. Golf.' Eton,
Auto, Togo, Cortland, Wayne,
Rollo, Arvada and otber styles. All
colors and shupes to match tba
nit and fit tue face. P-fl
Rllk Lined Caps at 05e. f
75c 65c and v
Boys9 Hats
Boys' Felt Hat The Flutlron,
Cowboy, Kutby. (Suburban and
Broadway shapes just the thing
for boys up to 18 C A
years, rrlees. 12.00, a f 1 1
$1.75 and
Boys and
Selling tha "OXXY" and "POXY"
and , .
New Ilustrated Catalogue Beady Tomorrow. Write Tor It.
Bee. flr-rtrmb?r 21, 195.
We wish to impress upon our customers
that it is not a 'Butterfly" Skirt unless it has
a label on the band with the Butterfly trade
This garment is sold and controlled in
Omaha by Thompson, Belden & Co. only.
We take this means of informing our cus:
tomers to prevent their being deceived by un
In the world the business of life insurance.
The report of the nominating committee
was adopted and the following declared
elected officers of the association: Presi
dent, C. W. Scovel, Pittsburg; first vice
president, Ocorge Benham, St. Louis; sec
ond vice president, F. E. McMuIlen. New
York; third vice president. Colonel Robert
Shodden, Atlanta, Ga. ; secretary, Ernest J.
Clark, Baltimore; treasurer. Ell D. Weeks,
The annual convention will be held at
St. Louts, the date to be determined by
the executive committee.
Tasrsrart Denies McCall Charsre.
INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. ".-Thomas Tag
gart, chairman of the national democratic
committee, left Indianapolis last night for
New York. He would not discuss the
nature of the business, but soma of his
friends are Inclined to the belief that he
has been summoned to testify before the
legislative committee which is Investigating
the Insurance conditions In New York rela
tive to the alleged contributions to the
national democratic campaign fund.
NEW YORK. Sept. 21.-Cha!rman Tag
gart of the democratic national committee
arrived In New York today from Indian
apolis. He denied the statement made .by
President McCall of the New York Life
before the Insurance Investigation commit
tee that the democratic national committee
had solicited money for the democratic
fund from that company.
'No member of the committee or any
agent ever asked Mr. McCall of the New
York Life for a dollar," he said.
Mr. Taggart added: "Neither the demo.
cratlc national committee or any author
lied representatives of the committee ever
asked a dollar contribution to the fund
from any other Insurance corporation."
He said he did not come, to New York to
testify before the Insurance Investigating
Company Carries No jfolnt Aeeoant
with Either Baiken or- !.
NEW YORK. 8ept. a. (Special Tele
gram.) The ethics controlling the forma
tion of underwriting syndicates, are being
extensively discussed In connection with
the testimony given the legislative Investi
gating committee. It Is the consensus of
opinion among those best qualified to judge
that the record of the Mutual Life shows:
First, that Its participation In such syndi
cates was amply justified by financial
usages throughout the Civilised world; sec
ond, that the results of such participation
have Inured to the benefit and profit of Its
policy holders; third, that the occasional
participation of some of the company's
trustees in such syndicates was a source of
proportionate profit to the company. The
testimony likewise proved that the Mutual
Life has never entered into any Joint ac
counts with bankers or brokers wherein
profits on purchases or sales were divided.
J. B, Creasrer.
LOOAN. Ia., Sept.' 91. Special.) J. E,
Creager, who . died Monday , at South
Omaha, was burled, here today from the
home of Ms father, J. P. Creager. The
funeral occurred at o'clock and Interment
was at the Logan cemetery. The deceased
was born November 17. 1M3. and was once
a telegraph operator, at Logan.
Father of Officer Dlvls.
'Officer Frank Dlvls received notice of
the death of his father at last evening.
The elder Dlvls was one Of the early Bo
hemian pioneers of Nebraska, lis fettled
in Verdigris, Neb, many years ago, and
about him and his early -neighbors has
grown up one of the wealthiest com
munities oi the west. His death has been
expected for some time.
Try Chambertain'r Colic, ' CTiolera. and
Diarrhoea Remedy and you. will never wish
to be without It in your, homo. If haa saved
many lives.
Girls9 Caps
Glrla' Caps, Tarn O'Shftntera, Jock
eys, Fayette, Automobiles great
Cap values for the fa f
girls at every reasonable f Iff
prloe, up from.- V W
Bearakin Tntn O'Sbantera,
In blue, red, brown or
white, at $1.50, Oftc and.
Girls' Hats
Girls' Continentals and Empire
Ilata, in felt, velvet and broadcloth.
Napoleon Hats, Folo Capa. '
Girls Hose
brands at 50o, 5c
s a
Cabinat and Elder Statesmen Hold Loig
Vetting at Tokio.
Twenty-Two Papers gaspeaded tor
Criticising; Government Aicalaat
Orer Two Hundred at End
of Former War.
TOKIO, Sept. 11. 1:30 p. m. A prolonged
meeting of the cabinet and elder states
men took place today, but the subject of
the conference has not yet been mad
public. It Is believed that various matters
relating to home and foreign policy were
under discussion.
The public is dally becoming more Im
patient for the withdrawal of the order
proclaiming the city under martial law.
10:30 a. m. The expressions of dissatis
faction over the terms of the treaty of
peace In the columns of the local papers
are not so frequent as they were some time
ago. The list of papers suspended since
the urgency ordinance was passed Includes
nine published In Tokio and thirteen pub
lished elsewhere, five of which were re
suspensions. At the time of the outburst of popular
Indignation occasioned by the Intervention
of three European powers at the close of
the war between Japan and China, the
cases of papers suspended exceeded 200,
ten of which were In Tokio.
The Asahl remains suspended. It Is
twelve days today since Its publication
was ordered stopped.
The news of the Russian emperor's pro
posal to hold a second peace conference
at The Hague has not so far evoked any
comment by the press.
Decoration for an Admiral.
BEOL'L, Sept. 21. Admiral Aral, who re
floated the Russian protected cruiser Var
lag, was given an audience by the emperor
and decorated before he sailed for Japan
en Tuesday last, September 19. It Is prob
able that he has been recalled to raise the
Japanese battleship Mlkasa, sunk in the
harbor at Sasebo. The Russian cruiser
Varlag was sunk by the Japanese fleet at
Chemulpo on February J, 1904. The Russian
cruiser Korleti was sunk at the same time.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 21.-Brlgadler
Oeneral Thomas Barry, Captain Sydney A.
Cloman and Colonel John Van B. Hoff, the
American military attaches In Manchuria,
have started for home. They are returning
by way of St. Petersburg.
Arrange Terms of Armistice.
. VLADIVOSTOK, Sept. 21.-The Russian
and Japanese squadrons commanded re
spectively by Rear Admiral Jessen and
Vice Admiral Shamlmura met In Korulloff
bay September 16 and the admirals ar
ranged the terms of the naval armistice.
The conference, which lasted five hours,
determined on the sones in which ships of
the two nations are free to circulate and
regulated the question of contraband.
TOKIO. Sept. 21- p. m The Navy de
partment today confirmed the Vladivostok
report announcing the conclusion of a
naval armistice between Rear Admiral
Jessen, representing Russia, and Admiral
Shlmamura In behalf of Japan. The nar
rowest portion of the Oulf of Tartary re
mains neutral. Rear Admiral Jessen re
quested permission to send provisions to
Kamtchata, to which Admiral Shlmamura
willingly agreed.
Rnsnln's Forgotten Army.
rONGA. North Corea. Near Gashkevltch
Bay, With the ' Russlan-Corean Army
Wednesday, Sept. 21. We hear that an
armistice haa been arranged. In Manchuria,
but nothing definite Is known here. This
army, with good reason. Is called the "for
gotten army," Letters come seldom and
and no supplies are arriving here, there be
Ing no roads. This army lives on the
Country, using the property of the In
habitants. There are no war correspond
ents here. Heavy rains have resulted In
much sickness, but there are no medicines,
no hospitals and no red cross.
It is reported that this arm will be with
drawn from the Tumen district, which Is
In the neutral zone.
Treaty Reaches Bassla.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 21 M. Plan
con, secretary of the Russian peace com
mission, arrived here today bearing the
treaty signed by the plenipotentiaries
which was turned over to the custody
of the Foreign office. News of the arrival
of the document was communicated to his
majesty by telegraph.
The Foreign office will now prepare
copy of the treaty for the emperor's slg
nature. He will not sign the copy signed
by the plenipotentiaries. The emperor'
copy will be especially engrossed on parch
ment and will commence with the em
peror'a name and titles, all In Russian
and then the preamble, also In Russian, re
citing In part the act of ratification. Then
will follow all the articles of the treaty
In French and at the end will be another
paragraph In Russian, completing the act
of ratification, after which will follow the
emperor's signature, which will be counter
signed by Foreign Minister Lamsdorff. To
this document will be affixed the seal of
state on wax, the wax bemg enclosed in
an especially made sliver case to ensure
Its protection and preservation. The leaves
of the treaty will be bound by special
silken cords. -
SCHUYLER, Neb., Sept. !l.-(Speclal
On of the prettiest weddings of the season
occurred yesterday at. the home of the
bride's . parents In South Schuyler whe
Mr. Samuel Gass and Miss Winifred Hlg
gins were united n the holy bonds of mat
rimony. The wedding was a quiet one,
only the near relatives of the contracting
parties being present. The bride Is the
daughter of Mrs. P. Higglns and Is one of
Schuyler's most popular young women
The groom la one of th most enterprlsin
business men In Columbus. The young
people left on th evening train for Denver.
Browii.Mc K Inner.
LOGAN. Ia.. Sept. 21. (Rpecial )-The
marriage of Charles L. Frown of Logs
and Mrs.' Alice McKlnney occurred her
yesterday afternoon at the home of th
bride's mother, Mrs. Colton. Rev. H
Kremers of the Logan Presbyterian church
BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 21. -William Kas
tr of Chicago, was married last evening
to Miss Cecelia Bearman of this place.
Two brothers of Kastor are husbands of
two sisters of the bride.
Charles A. Stevenson and Miss Nettle
Johnson were married Wednesday evening
by Rv. Charles W. Bavldge at his resi
Stable at Port Meade.
STI'RGIS. S. D.. Sept. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) C troop stable st Fort Mead burned
today during a high wind. The horses were
In the corral at th time and broke th
fence down and stampeded, coming to Stur
gl. Some went to Whltewood. Nearly all
wef rounded up -tonight. The building was
totally destroyed, loss about I-.6") Noth
ing could be don to sav th stable, but
alt forces were concentrated on nearby
buildings, saving them. The origin of th
fir Is unknown. The new water system Is
ripf yet ready and th present supply la
"The Woman la the C ase" at the Boyd.
Miss Blanche Walsh and company In "The
Woman In the esse,'' a drama In four
acts, by Clyde Fitch: under the direction
of Wagenhals A Kemper. The cast:
Margaret Rolfe Blanche Walsh
Mrs. Hughes, her mother. ... Kleanor Carey
Clnir Foster Potothv Dorr
Elsie Brewster; Grace Gibbons
Dora Miller Kathrlne Bell
Ixiulse Mane Jean Pntrlijuln
Maid Ethlyn Clemens
Julian Rolfe Martin Alsup
Mr. Thompson Frank Sheridan
Jimmy O Neil Leonard llo
Louis Klauflsky Harry Rogers
Walters, servant to the Rolfes
William Wsdsworth
Inspector Williams William Travers
Attendant James Du Sang
Policeman Frank R. Wright
Clyde Fitch Is Improving In his mechan
ics. It Is still possible for him to Im
prove In other directions, but he has suc
ceeded In making a play that hangs to
gether, of which each succeeding act Is
the complement of whst has gone before.
nd of telling a story that Is at least co
herent, and with certain elements of plaus
ibility behind it. Mr. Fitch has long been
nown as a capable constructor of situa
tions, but for the most part he has con
ducted them separately, so that when put
together the joints were plainly visible,
even allowing the light to shine through
occasionally. Not so "The Woman In the
Case." This piece Is very well carpen
tered, and proceeds smoothly along Its
course from its characteristic opening to
Its characteristic ending, two good Fitch
acts leading up to the most powerful in
dramatic sense of any he has yet Se
ised. The fourth act Is the Inevitable
ntl-cllmax, without which no American-
built play seems complete. It Is suffl-
lent to say that Mr. Fitch's people are
the superficially smart folks he has made
so well known to hs public. With two ex
ceptions. Mrs. Rolfe and Claire Foster
might have been drawn from life. At any
rale the one character so nicely opposes
the other that the balance between them
Is perfect, and their development evinces
n understanding of human nature the
uthor has not generally been credited
with. The great success of the play from
every point may be understood after seeing
Miss Walsh is more happily situated In
one way in this than has been her experi
ence. She has the "happy ending" hitherto
denied her, and she is given a chance to
work out the destiny of a true-hearted,
clean-minded woman. She Is required to
pit her wits against those of a wicked
woman, versed in the ways of the world
and shrewd with that preternatural under-
tandlng that la part of the equipment of
the man or woman who lives on the folly
of others. Miss Walsh leads splendidly up
to the climax of the play, unfolding a fine
conception of the wife whose faith In her
husband spurs her on to entrap her ad
versary and wring from her the truth that
shall free the man who is falsely accused
f the murder of his dear friend. Deftly,
persistently, relentlessly, she plies her
questions, never losing sight of the goal
she has In sight, yet not at any point seem
ing to care for more than a cursory ac
count oT the crime; coarsely flattering the
woman she loathes and yet whom she must
beslaver In order to Induce her to proceed
with her drunken boasting and maudlin
recital until sh has possession of the
facts, and then her triumph. And col
lapse. In this Miss Walsh has by her per
sonality lifted an almost commonplace
situation to the plane of artistic achieve
ment. Nothing a.he has ever done, save.
probably, Maslova, rings more true than
her Mrs, Rolfe. It Is not to be wondered
at that .New Tork tse to her. In this part,
and that the verdict of Gotham has been
echoed in the few eltie. In which the play
has heen see - -
has been Seed
Miss Dorr very ably seconds Miss Walsh.
stage, although It may bo common enough
l lie pari or i.mire rosier is unique on ine i
In life, and It requires courage as well as
talent to present It with such fidelity as It
Is given. The woman Is essentially bad,
hopelessly selfish, and extremely vulgar.
Her tastes aro gross and her manners are
those of her kind. Miss Dorr paints the
picture true to life, and In the third act
her simulation of maudlin Intoxication,
where she rails at mankind in general.
spits out her spltn against the man she
has sent falsely to face the gallows, and
vainly regrets the death of the man who
foolishly ruined himself because he did
love her, all make up a wonderfully strong
and practically perfect assumption of a
most difficult character. Miss Dorr de
serves to be praised with Miss Walsh for
the success of the play.
The compnny Is a strong organization In
every way. Not a character but is finely
done, and each !s most essential to the
rounding out of the story. Mr. Fitch
doesn't overlook his opportunities to let
go Borne cynical shots at the public at
large and certain grades of It in particu
lar, and these are delivered In the most
effective manner. As the play was staged
under his personal direction, and as he Is
one of the best stage managers In the
country, nothing more need be said on this
Miss Walsh has played In Omaha to
larger audiences than- was present last
night, but never before one that greeted
her more cordially or more enthusiastically
expressed Its approval of her efforts. "The
Woman In the Case" will be repeated to
night, and if It gets Its deserts the Boyd
theater will not accommodate the people
who will want to see It.
Fantasma" ft the Krnsr.
Every one ought, to see "Fantasma" be
fore he dies. No one has had a chance In
something short of a decade. For twelve
years the show was before the riubllc and
then It was withdrawn. Now there Is a
new generation with childhood memories
and other generations with memories that
they would like to charm back to reality If
they could. Result. Immense audiences to
see th revival, which Is In a brand new
dress, with a vanlnnatlon of modern fan
cies. "Fantasma" has a lot to It. It Is a vaude
ville how, a melodrimatlc allegory, a spec
tacular display of gorgeous scenery, a col
lection of mechanical dvl?es furnishing
endless surprises snd defying description, a
small comic circus with the menagerie and
a "great moral lesson." These Ingredients
are stirred together and well mixed. The
house, Is either howling with laughter,
awed Into respectful silence or soothed snd
enchanted by soft irnuslc, swavlng bodies
and Interesting effects.
This Is "Fantasma's" fourth week since
the brothers Hanlon beckoned It forward
again and sent It out to appeal the flays
again, sent It out to appeal to the days
and enthusiasm of the sudlen'e ni the Krug
last night Is any basis for the presumption
memory is immense. At any rate Manager
Breed felt Ilk coughing about he time the
curtain rolled up and he was forced to tell
men with money that the decks lire filled.
It was never Intended that "Fantjsma"
should b criticised a th ordinary thrga
of th stage are Inspected and discussed.
Tak It for what it pretends to be ard b
happy or stay awsy and exercise jour
finicky spirit on something els. No heavy
thinking goes at "Fantasma." llio en
gagement lasts till after Saturday viii:g,
with the regular matinee on Saturday.
Horribly earned
wss C. Rivenbark of Norfolk. Vs.. but
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve healed bis burns
without a scar. Heals euts, too. Kc. For
sal by Sherman McConntU Drug Co.
Fite Men Killed and Foir Injured in Col
lision oi Reading Naar Harriibnrg.
Fifty Thousand Dollars In Checks
Scattered About the Tracks
Wreck Dae to Mlsander
standing of Orders.
HARRISBfRO, Pa., Sept. 21,-Flv men
were killed and eight others' seriously In
jured In a collision between a pay train
and a combination passenger and milk
trnln on the Philadelphia, Harrlsburg- A
Pittsburg branch of the Philadelphia A
Reading railroad at Roush's curve at Mont
Holly Springs this afternoon. None of the
passengers was Injured. The dead:
EPHRA1M M TLEARY, engineer of milk
train. Harrislmrg.
C. J. SHEARER, fireman of milk train,
JOHN H1L.L, foreman of pay train, Read
ing. EDWARD LAUCHS. paymaster's clerk,
THOMAS MARION, conductor- of pay
train, I'ottsvllle.
The Injured in the Harrlsburg hospital
John E. Amole, engineer of pay train,
Reading; fractured skull, contusion of
1. B. Zellers, timekeeper, Lebanon; frac
tured skull.
Alfred Hawn, pay clerk. Philadelphia;
lacerations of shoulders and scalp.
Isaac McHose, paymaster, Reading; frac-
tured skull and both arms severely crushed.
The pay train, consisting of a locomotive
and one coach, was going west to pay the
men along the division. The combination
train, composed of locomotive, combination
coaches and two passenger cars, was com
lng from the west. The curve was a sharp
one snd was flanked by a. heavy clump
of trees. Amole Jumped from his en trine
and landed at the foot of a twenty-flve-foot
embankment. McClesry was found on his
engine with the whistle cord In his hand,
It having been pulled clear off the ma
chine and all the brakes on the train set.
The pay car contained about $50,000 In
checks, which were scattered about the
tracks. The checks were picked up by
trainmen and turned over to John W.
Wetsel, attorney for the company at Car
lisle. Officials of the company here say
the accident was probably due to a mis
understanding of orders.
He Replies to the Personal Aapersloas
of Manager Lane of the Tele
phone Company,
The Nebraska Telephone people seem to
be disturbed at the prospect that someone
else may make a little money. I do not
think Mr. Line's line of reasoning will Im
press anyone as very Important to the bus
iness Interests of Omaha. We do not pro
pose to bo drawn Into any personal con
troversy. Mr. Hunt Is not the Issue, nor
any of his associates. The Issue Is simply
this: What benefit would an Independent
telephone compnny be to the working men
and the mercantile class of Omaha? To
the working man It would, mean additional
work In the construction of buildings, con
duits and pole lines and the employment of
a large number of permanent operatives
To the mercantile class it would bring
connection with a vast number of custo
mers, present or prospective, throughout
the surrounding country with whom our
people now have no telephone connection.
As has been stated In former announce
ments, tnere are more ia.uw inae-
Pendent telephone. In Nebraska and west-
I ern Iowa that cannot now be reached from
menta, there are more than 125,000 lnde-
Omaha. The cost of an additional tele
phone Is wholly trifling when ' compared
! '' tne benefits to be obtained To the
mass of the people who can get along with
one telephone the question Is that of
cheapness. To every user of a telephone
there is the additional question of good
Mr. Lane's charge that this is a scheme
to sell out Is best disproved by the guar
anty and bond offered by the Independent
company. The sale to any other company
doing business here would forfeit our fran
chise. The city would be richer by $26,000,
the amount of bond we offer, and In any
case the working men would have already
' Round trip rate $12.50. Tickets on sale daily during
on sale every Tuesday to points in Minnesota, North and
South Dakota and Northwest Canada.
Tickets and information at 1402 Farnam Street.
J U. nnllVVAV
s w
jC "i1 1""" -'""i'1'" " 'V-'fJI liiii'JTLiJn'iJi iii TBI iiifft
Banking by mail
Feople who live outside of
Omaha have the same priv
ilege as others and the
"banking by mail" system
brings the bank right to
their door. Our facilities
are convenient to every
4 per cent compound interest
write for circular.
Oldest & Strongest Savings
, v Itank, In Nebraska.
City Savings Bank
16th & Douglas St.
benefited from employment In building the
plant. Further than this, even If It were
possible to consolidate with the Bell com
pany, rates could not be restored to pres
ent figures. Once rates are reduced they
are red tired for good.
Mr. Lane says: "Ask the people of Min
neapolis and St. Paul or other cities where
two telephone companies have existed and
they will tell you that more than one tele
phone company should not be permitted to
do business In any city." We have asked
them, and the farts speak for themselves
In reply. The Independent companies have
more subscribers than the Bell companies.
Is not this a pretty good endorsement?
This Is a purely business proposition for
Omaha and hai nothing to do with person
alities. If we are willing to pay the ex
penses of a special election there Is no ex
cuse for the council to refuse submission
of the question to the people. If we sre
willing to spend $1,600,000 In Omaha to prove
our claims we should be allowed to do so;
that Is all there Is to It. We are asking
for nothing from the people, but are of
fering them many benefits.
Mr. Lane Is not careful of his facts.
There was no agreement to sell out last
year and there Is no agreement to sell out
this yesr. On the contrary, we hare agreed
not to sell out.
Reports at Last Mlnnte After
His Runaway Wedding
The civil and federal authorities came
near a dispute over the possession of
Frank Raymond, who showed up yesterdsy
at the recruiting station in the nick of
time to avoid becoming a deserter. While
there Detectives Drummy and Mnloney
came to take him on the forgery charge,
for which he Is wanted In Lincoln. The
sergeant at the recruiting" station refused
to give him up. After considerable dis
cussion Drummy convinced the officer that
Raymond must either be given up or placed
under guard until proper procedure could
be token. Then Raymond was taken In
charge by the detectives. When notice of
the capture was sent to Lincoln the In
jured parties declined to begin proceed-
- ,..,, ,h. hnv was released
""er. authoriUe. He has before
I f" tne ?r authorities He nas Deiore
i him a three years' service In the army
What provision he will make for his young
bride Is unknown. He must leave In a day
or two for the moblllilng camp.
Hooper's Errors Costly.
HOOPER, Neb., Sept. 21. (Special.
Scrlbner defeated Hooper In a game here
yesterday afternoon. Errors by the local
team were accountable for the defeat ana
Pitcher Wilson was in poor form. Score:
R.H E.
Scrlbner 0 1 0 0 1 0 8 0 07 6 4
Hooper 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-JT7
Batteries: O'Brien and Dryer, Wilson
and Jensen. Struck out: By O'Brien, 11:
by Wilson, 4. First base on balls: Off
Wilson. I. Two-base bit: W. Zellers. Left
on bases: Hooper, 8; Bcrlbner, .
$12.50 TOR THE
i n m mi Mini ... i. n...nmrf
131? F ARHAM 6T- OMAHA. i
Best Piano
in Omaha
Over 2) Instruments to seleot
from. Evcrv one fully guaranteed
as represented or your money back.
t'prlgbt risnos, t, 00 and up.
SquAie rtnnos, $1600 and up.
Organs, all makes and styleg.
8 no and up..
Here Is the opportunhy of a life
time tr. get a flna Instrument at
your own price.
Old F.ngllsh - tfR
Upright...-., uo
J. P. Hal ifn
fprlght ..'J""0
FouchArd Co.. CRrt
ebony cx qOU
Arlon, Frencb walnut
finish , ,.....rt,...410
Erb A Co., oak . $147
Kranlch A Rach.- ' . j
fine, bnrgaln
Vose Sons, tfcinft
oak case..v qJIVVJ
Tine Strger. cabinet cnC
grand, only Ja.O
Beautiful IV Emerson. $258
Terms 410.00 cash and 15.00 pr
Dunham, walnut CCs
ouse 'P
liroadman A Gray $12
Hallett & Davis $23
United State Makers $35
Trlnce Co. ' 4kl9
Meltxleon ipitt
Mason A Hamlin, . CfQ
good tone iplO
Chicago Cottage, tl1!
nine stop
Kimball, high $23
Este). fine Cfi
condition 3ACJ
Peethoven. with CTfl
looking glass , kUJW
mirdett, chapel, fclS
fine tone q00
New Organs, all makes, $33.00
and up.
Aeolian self -playing Organ, big
On Square Flanos and Organs
we accept 50c weeKlv payments and
give a bill of exchange. We make
a specialty of renting new, high
, grade l'lanos and offer special In
ducements to music students and
Six months' rental allowed If
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
Temporary Location
1407 Harney Street
Telephone 1625
Flano Mfa-s. and Wholesale
and Retail Dealers.
Established 18(10.
There la no stochelle delta. Alutn.
Lime or Ammonia In food made wit It
It makea pure teed.
frlces hc, ibo, 6"o, 7Sc.
Bun. Mat. 10c, Kc, too.
Wednesday and Saturday
Matinees, all Seats 25c.
A Flay for All the People An En
tirely New Production With Its
Clowns, Ballets and Dartllng Scenery. I J
B. E. FORREST Presents th Ualnty
Comedienne - .
The Musical Success of the Season. .
Corniest "Her First False step
BOYD'S yy.s.Mgrs
In Clyde Fitch's Oreateet Play
Prices 25c to fl.W. No Fre List..
geven Performances Commencing;
Sunday Matinee
NEW DUrtilUUU Burtaag.ntra.
Talephon 1608.
Matinee Saturday
Doubt Orchestra Saturday Matinee. '
In the Ursat Military Drama
prices Night and Sunday Matin.
10c and sfic; Tuesday, Thursday, 84ur
day Matinees, lu and 2oc.
Nit Week A KOV At. FAMIT.T.
'Phone 494-
Tonight and Saturday Matlne and Night
Henrietta Ie Serrl Uvlng Statuary; S.
Miller Kent & Wilton Hroe.; klussfcn
ier Boyr Trio: Kstelllts; Harper, Dee
mond and Bailey; Lw Wallace, and the
Ktnudrom . '
Prices 10c, 28c, m- -'
ft U ha. C?i In Ansala ' !
September 17, 18. 19. 20. ,
Zi, zz. ci ana Z4
Two games Bund ty, September IT. First
CTo gma September 2. Fit called
st t Jo.
To game September H. First ealle
Moniy. 8T'rnbr II. Indies' Day,
Friday, Beptsmner , Ladies' Day.
Cam CaUxl J4 - , -