Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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t:;ef EiwmtiT of Bute Testifies in Uiioi
Pgoifio s
In (omptrlioa with Olhr Property
Valuatloa Mickey Sara Rll
nir Ws ot Impose oat
br State Board.
Governor Mickey u the only witness
to testify before Special Examiner C. W.
Pearaall In the Union Pacific tam case In
the federal building Thursday morning.
The examination was cdnducted by John
N. Baldwin, attorney for the Union Pacific.
Others present In the court room were: At
torney General Norrle Hrown, State Treas
urer Mortensen and Bob Clancy, Baldwin'"
lieutenant, known as "tax agint" of the
Union Pacific.
The gist ol Oovernor Mickey's examina
tion was relative to the organisation of
the State Board of AMfiwment and Equal
isation for 1903 and 14 and as to how tha
board arrived at Its conclusions relative to
the assessment of the Union Pacific. The
governor said In effect:
"I was first a member of the board In
103. At that time the board fixed the val
uation Of the Union Pacific at $6,323,132.
When we assessed the road In 1900 the new
revenue law hed been enacted. The old
law provided that all property should be
listed at Its actual value, but It had not
been done, save with some exceptions.
Properties were assessed at from one
fourth to one-twentieth of the actual value.
We thought, the Union Pacific assessment
a fair one as compared with other property,
but the assessment was not made upon the
full or actual value, because of the prece
dent In assessing at one-fourth or one
twentieth. Railroad to Mam.
"The reason we assessed the Union Pa
cific at a low rate was the fault of the
railroad, which insisted on a low valuation
because It said that other property was as
sessed low and It wanted Its property as
sessed equally low. The land assessments
were not the Same all over the state. For
Instance, land In Douglas county was as
sessed at one-fourth value and In Polk
county at one-fifteenth valuation. In 1904
the assessments were made under the new
law at actual valuation and assessable
value at one-fifth. The railroads Insisted
that In 1903 they paid one-seventh of all
the taxes of the state, which they did not
think was fair. We did not advance the
assessment In 1903. but did advance It In
1904. We made the assessment on our b.'st
Judgment, which was fair In comparison
with other property. Our duty under the
new law was to find the actual value and
assess at one-fifth. The assessment was
made according to the statements and
schedules filed with the board by the rail
roads as required by law. We had also
other sources of Information regarding the
railroad valuations and the total aggre
gates were about the same as returned by
the railroad schedules and were corrobo
rated by them."
Baldwin Technical Points.
Mr. Baldwin then undertook o ascertain
from the governor his understanding of the
meaning of tangible and Intangible property
of the railroads. There was considerable
misunderstanding as to the legal definition
of tangible and Intangible property and this
matter was gone Into at length as to the
technical meaning of the words tangible
and Intangible. The governor held that
tangible property was visible property,
while intangible meant the franchise and
earning rapacity of the road and Its
branches. The assessment was made upon
124.676,037.84 of tangible and (28,2)2.017 Intangi
ble property.
Mr. Baldwin Insisted that there had been
an Increase of 114. 8 per rent In the as
sessment of 1904 over that of 1903.
Almost the entire morning was consumed
In technical questions and Inquiries as to
bow the state board reached Its estimate of
Governor Mickey said:
"The best that the board could do was to
estimate the value of the railroad property,
and the total of $52,878,049 was simply an
estimated value and not an assessed or ac
tual valuation. This was arrived at by
comparisons with values fixed by other
roads and such Information as the board
could glean from all sources "
Other State Officials.
Oovernor Mickey was excused from
further examination Thursday afternoon,
as he bad an appointment to attend the un.
Telling of tha aoldlrrs' monument at forest
I.awn cemetery, and hla examination will
be resumed Friday morning.
Btate Treasurer Mortensen was called to
tha stand Thursday afternoon and bis testl
ninny was of the same general character as
that given by Governor Mickey In the morn
Ing. The entire afternoon was devoted to
the examination of Treasurer Mortensen.
State Secretary Marsh and ex-lAnd Com
mlsalnner Follmer are yet to testify, but
neither has been called to the stand.
We are now renftj to take
all kinds of Sweater Orders and
are allowing the latest styles of
Men's and Ladles' Jackets and
Norfolk. Boys' Huster Brown
sweaters made In y eolor you
desire. Men's Sweatt-r- hi all styles
and rotors and for all purposes
hunting, fishing, golf sweaters,
and Jackets. Football hose In all
All orders filled the same day.
Give ua a call. Our goods are all
made in Omaha. Best quality at
lowest price.
Jos. F. Bilz
322 So. 16th St.
Sterling Silver
in chests
$40 to $350
Individual pieces IXM and
upw-vds, T
I v I r r ' I 1 1 I f
Remarkable Bargains in Our
L lid uu L
Ml M L
Washtvble Flannelette -Yard wHe Vahabl Flannelette
large variety of most desirable colorings In Persian
and Jap effects, very desirable for shirt waists, dressing
sacques, kjmonos and house robes, worth 20c, per yard,
will go at, per yard
Outing Fl&nntl Extra heary quality light and
Outing Flannel, perfect long lengths, in stripes and
checks, just as good as those In the piece selling at
12 He per yard, special Friday for
per yard
Finest quality mercerized sateens,
black and colors, skirts made
from same material would sell
at $3.50 each thousands of
yards here Friday, for, I T
per yard IJC
New fall dress prints, every pat
tern that is new for fall will be
found in this assortment,
finest quality, at, yard . .
Dotted and striped skirting and
shirting, blue grounds, f
12 He value, yard DC
Heavy and medium quality Can
ton and Shaker Flannel, worth
up to 15c per yard, will
go at, per yard
New lot Seersucker Ginghams Just
received, very desirable for
boys' waists, skirts, etc.,
for, per yard 2
15c quality Drapery and Comfort
Sateens, in mill lengths
for, per yard
Cardinal Drees Calicoes, fast col
ors, sale price, per '
Finest quality sllkoline, yard wide,
hundreds of pretty patterns to
choose from, will go at, I
per yard -. . OjC
Albatross, Nun's-Veiling, Henrietta, Voiles, Crepes. Four
cases of new fine all wool dress goods direct from the
mill selling everywhere at 60c and 75c. There are
about 1,000 yards of cream and cardinal goods; 3,000
yards, all new fall colors, also black, at, per yard. ,
High Grade Importers Samples, 35c each
Through the custom house we have Just received
5,000 samples of the highest imported cloths
and suitings They are matched up in lots of .
from 4 to 10 pieces Everything of the newest
weaves, styles and colors at each
Shorter lengths each ,19c
Small numbers of matched lengths In sets.
en from regular depart
ments, sold up to $1.28
yd., 4 to 10 yds., every
Imaginable color and
style, also black,
at, a yard
L x ma-
Regular 60c walstlngs,
also Scotch flannels,
pretty kimono
cloths, etc
at per yard
1,500 yards pure Silk Chiffon,
white and black all 42
inches wide, yard
Black 811k Remnants Many 27
and 36 Inches wide, for waists,
skirts, etc., at half their real worth
Fresh lot of fine samples of silks and velvets for collars, girdles, trim-
SBSh."."d.r:,rrrr 5c-i0c!5c-25c
Big lot of plain and novelty Lib
erty Satins and Twill 'IP
Silks, at, yard ajC
27-lnch Changeable Taffeta, excel
lent quality in pretty
combinations, yard .... S DC
Big lot of Turkish Half Towels, i 12 c all linen bleached and un
suitable for wash cloths, I J bleached 17-lnch Towel- 7
etc.,, at, each ' 13 C Ing, 2 to 10 yds, at, yd. . . aC
Table Damask Remnants on bargain square all kinds at about
one-half coBt to manufacture.
Remnants of Kmbrolderies Fresh
crisp embroideries in medium
and wide widths new patterns,
many wide enough for corset
covers on bargain square, at,
yrd 7 He, 10c, 12
Remnants of Laces -New lots Just
received dainty and elaborate
patterns of edgings, insertings
and bands on bargain tables,
at, yard 8c, 5c, 7 He
Friday's Bargains in Clothing
A Very Special Offer of Men's Fall Suits
Men's All Wool Suits at Sft Single and fT
double breasted suits. In 34 to 44 Jfc
chest measure, good wearing material,
nicely fitting, blacks and blues, fancy 1
cheviots and casslmeres Friday, In
basement, at v
800 Pairs of Men's rants Equal to any (to
ever sold at $1.60 Friday, In basement, T I
at, pair S
School Clothes for Boys
$2.50 and $3 Knee Pants Suits at $1.48
A big assortment of natty little 6uits, in
double breasted, Norfolk and
Russian ages 3 to 15 clothes
that you would expect to buy for
$2.50 or $3 Friday's bargain offer
ing, at
Boys' Flannel
Boys' 50c Corduroy
Knee rants Ages 4
to 15 base- l"
Boys' 25e Cheviot Knee
Pants on sale in
at, per
and Blouses blue or
(fray, worth
75c to fl
pair .
Boys' $1 and 70c Strictly .AU Wool Knee Pants at 4 Bo These Pants
carefully made of good, stout, all wool materials double M m
seat, double knee, every seam reinforced fine for rough tliA
and tumble wear at. pair m
J. L. Brandeis & Sons beg to announce
the opening of the first section of their
new store, with temporary entrance
through Mrs- Benson's former store
This new annex is directly connected
with our present store through our Ar
cade, the subway under Douglas street.
Openijig Saturday, September 23d.
6 ms
Mr, ; Mrs. Morand's Glasses
Dancing and Physical Culture
Will reopen for children at "The
Norinandie." Park avenue and Pacine
street. Friday, October t(h. 4.U p. m.
U loooii. to
Hall. Ames avenue and Twenty,
fojrih sirert, Monday, October tnd;
children, 4:15 p. ni, adults, t p. m.
13 lessens, pi.
Crelclituii Theater Bulldina. Saturday.
Brpti-iiiber Ui; chiltiren beginners, 1
a. in ; advaiu v, j p. in.
Telephone lvMl fur terms and par
Want a
. X Be Want Ad will
get you one quickly
at small cost
V) L, M M I,
I I w It
Green Trading Stamp Booth - Main floor
11 Sinclair1 Millinery!
"Sinclair" Millinery
First Grand Fall Opening
Display of "Sinclair" styU
Street Hats.
Every hat is
Exclusively "Sinclair"
Prices so cut, may make one
doubt this, but there's the fact.
These street hats are unmatch
ed for individuality and char
acter. They are taken from
expensive imported English
models- For a lively opening sale, we give
you a choice from scores on scores, at
New Fall Street Hats, including the most bewitching
and desirable productions from the best ft O
English and American street hat maltrs nv J mj
opening sale Friday, up from r " v
Watch the Wlndowsl Watch the Wlndowsl
Friday Hummers in the Dry Goods Section
88-IXCH BLEACHED MUSLIN The pieces from 1 V4 to 9
yards Friday per yard . .
APRON GINGHAMS Best quality per
terns only yard
LARGE TURKISH TOWELS Heavy quality in unbleached
only each
HEAVY COTTON BLANKETS In tans whites and grays
full size only per pair
Remnants of Table Linens, Odd Napkins and Crash Towelings
Friday at less than cost.
LADIES' NECKWEAR Be EACH A big Uble full of pretty Turnover
Collars, nicely embroidered. In white and colors Embroidered C
Stocks with or without tabs worth 25c Friday only each. . . DC
HANDKERCHIEF SALE, Be EACH Irish Linen Handkerchiefs nicely
hemstitched, very sheer and lace embroidered handkerchiefs f
worth 15c Friday each . . . DC
Ribbon, Embroidery and Luce RomnAnts will be sold from 8 to 10
o'clock a. ni. at less than half price.
Fine Sateen Petticoat 24-Inch accordion pleated flounce,
with ruffles; worth $1.50 for
Fine moire four-tuck flounce with deep ruffle, cording and
faggoting regular $2.00 skirt
LADIES' CRAVENETTE COATS Light tan and Oxford tight fitting
backs, new sleeve, with belt an elegant quality of
LADIES' BLACK KERSEY COAT 43 inches long pleat
down the back, with belt, new sleeve all sizes
LADIES' BLACK CHEVIOT COATS 45 Inches long box front and
back, belt, stitched pockets, new sleeve an elegant value
all sizes
it fitting
ront and
CHILDREN'S AUTUMN WEIGHT COATS 2, 3 and 4 years In all
wool cheviot sailor collar and braid all colors 1
from $4.00 down to.. .mD
From 10 to 14 years short box coat Peter Thompson
A broken lot In different ages up O Q C
from .JD
Double Green Trading Stamps on all of these Children's Coats Fri
day and Saturday.
LADIES' WAISTS Madras figured and plain sateen pleated QO
fronts and backs, some piped with white, were $1.$5 to $1.75.OC
Ladle" THE NEW IDEA FASHION MAGAZINE contains more gos
sippy fashion news and other interesting reading than any other sim
ilar magazine published. For sale at our Pattern Department. C
Price DC
CHILDREN'S VESTS Be Swiss ribbed Children's Vests low r
neck, no sleeves worth 16c each from 10 to 12 m. Friday. . . DC
Be BELT SPECIAL Ladles' Wash Belts, fancy embroidered Black
Silk and Satin Belts worth up to 39c Friday, 9 to 12 m. C
each DC
TOOTH BRUSH SALE Fifty dozen good bristle Tooth Brushes
worth 15c Friday special each
in China.
New lot of banded table tumblers,
a 90c value fSflr
Friday-per dozen wVJW
And twenty Green Trading;
Stamps with each do.-sen
Japsnese rhlna cream Jugs handsome
decorations 6flc value OSm
Friday each
Csndle sttrk, candle, shade and
holder a, 29c value
Friday, complete, (1 to a cuvff,
toraer) IVFw
See that table of cut class at &.0O
It la a winner.
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with
pound can B. F. Japan tea
splendid value SSc
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with
pkg. Gust-O breakfast food ....12c
Forty Green Trading Stamps - with
quart can Armour's soups, sss't..24c
Ten Green Trading Stamps with 3
pkgs. Bwansdnwn shred'd codflsh !5c
Ten Green Trading Stamps with
glass tumbler cranberry sauce.. 12v
Ten Green Trading Stamps wlt)i
pint bottle Diamond 8 salad
dressing 2V
Pennett's bargain soap, ten hars. ?.1!!?
Ten' Gren Trading Stamps with
pound can Bennett's Cspltol
Biking powder 24c
Fifty Green Trading Stamps with
qt. can Blood of the Grape 5ftc
Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with
pt. bottle Diamond 8 chilli sauce.. 2-
Ten Green Trading Stamps with
bottle Bennett s Capitol Fla
voring Extrsct 1e
Ahsmo scouring soap, cake (c
Castile sonp, rake PfC
One-fourth pound sack 5o
Half pound sack Ion
Pound sack 20c
Specials in Hardware Section Friday
Forty Green Trading Stamps with any Wash Boiler, price up from. .9c
Forty Green Trading Stamps with any Galv. Wash Tub. 72c, 04c, B6c, 48c
Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Galvanized Foot Tub 4Sc, 4Bc
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with good Bread Knife. . . . . ... . . . -2Bc
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with good Brass Mckel Plated
Toilet Paper Holder 'A. V. W -2
Thirty Green Trading Stamps with extra fine Toilet Paper Holder. . .65c
Ten Green Trading Stamps with Combination Tin and Wire Soup
TwnGreen Trading Stamps' with large Combination Tin and
Wire Soup Strainer c
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Shaker Flour Sifter 19c
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Mrs. Vrooman's Sink Strainer. . 19c
Fririav c ;
Friday is Remnant Bargain Day
Wool Dress Goods
Remnants of high rrsd'
goods. In lengths from 24 to R yards,
S-rgos. In blsck and colors.
trad roods. In Unrfha from to s vsr4a in Vmmtt un4
ettss. Sailor Suitings. Cheviots. Sprres. In blsck and colors. . to M-tn wlri and " f
sold at rrom II 00 to $.1 M a yard, all will go on this sale i at
at, per yard. 6c, 49c, c and m OC
Main Wash Goods Department
Remnants of Madras, of IJnen Suitings, of Flsnnelettes. of Sateens, of
Walstlngs, etc., worth from 12o to fioc yard, at, per yd., loo and...
Lining Department
Remnants of Innings, worth from 20c to Wo yard, all will go 10C Qtld 5C
Splendid Silk Bargains
An Immense lot of Silk Remnants In the very richest wenves and colorings. Short
tenths of our very best silks will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Remnants of Velvets, greatest ."IQ-" Special bnrgHlns in Suit Waist and 1Qr
values ever shown, at, yd 0v Uning Silk, at. per yard. Wo and..."vw
In the Great Domestic Room
Remnants of Standard Prints, In light and
dark colors, worth 6o yard,
at, per yard OJW
Remnants of Shirting and dark colored
Press Prints, worth 8c yard, A.ln
t. per yard
Double fold dark Percales, worth C n
lrtc per yard, at, per yard
J2Hc Fancy Flannelettes, In as- filr
sorted colors, at, per yard UJ
Remnants of Madras and Ginghams. In
stripes, figures and plaids, TTir'
worth 16c per yd., at, per yd ' 5
Remnants of extra heavy Flannelettes, vel
vet finish, worth 19c per yd., ftlr
at. per yard OJl
Nine-quarter bleached Sheeting, VOlr
full 81 In. wide, snap at, per yd....
Nine-quarter unbleached Sheeting, Oflr
full Ml In. wide, bargain at, yd
to Cambric, SB In. wide, Sn
at. per yard k-
Remnants of Table Linen and Toweling
at less than mill prices. ,
Remnants of Oxford and Madras Shirt
Walstlngs, worth 19c yard, f3n
at, per yard
Remnants of 15c Teieldown Outing
Flnnnel, at, per yard
Remnants of mercerlted Sateens and Scotch
Suitings, worth 20c a yard. I Of"
at, per yard 1VW
Fine twilled and heavy fleeced Flannelettes,
36 In. wide, worth lc yard. Hr
at, per yard 1UW
Extra heavy fleeced kimono cloth. 36-Inch
wide, worth 26e a yard,
at. per yard
Rngllsh worsted Granite Cloths, assorted
colors. 34 In. wide, worth 26c yd., lOlci
at. per yard '"1"
Cotton flannel Remnants, SO-lnch
wide, at, per yard
10c Outing Flannel Remnants, light
and dark colors, at, per yard
Remnants of 10c Baby Flannel,
Plain colors, at. per yard
Remnants of 10c Comforter Saten, Ar
and Cretone, at, per yard 9
Remnants of 2Dc Drapery. Cretone
and Denim, at, per yard
Kmbroldered Flannel Remnants at
Haydens' Always Lead in Grocery Prices
20 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar
10 Bars Best Brands laundry Soap....
4K-lb. Sacks Fancy High Patent Mlnnt
Flour, nothing nner for ramliy use
The Best Pearl Tapioca, Sago or
Barley, per lb
Choice Japan Rice, per lb....
Jello, Jellyron or Advo Jell, per pkg...
J-lb. Cans Rex Pork and Beans
Large bottles pure Tomatoe Catsup...
The Best Laundry Starch, per lb
1 -lb. package best Cornstarch
The beat Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per lb
1-1 b. cans ass t. soups
..25c l
1-lb. cans Golden Table Syrup "Ho
The best pickling Spices, per lb .....lOc
16-ounce can Condensed Cream Tfto
Choice Dairy Butter, per lb
Fnncy Ialry Table Butter, per lb
Extra choice Creamery Butter, per lb..
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter,
per lb
Fancy Brick or IJmburger Cheese,
per lb
Fancy New York White Cheese, per lb
Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb
1-bushel boxes of fancy Kelfer Pears
canning nothing finer
Fancy California Freestone Poaches,
per crate
t measures fresh roasted Peanuts
1-lb. rack fancy Colorado Honey
..7So i
.wo L ,
lyj lyj h l but! l U n
After October 1st, 1805, the price of as will fce $1.25 net
After Octiher 1st 1806, the price ef gas wijl be 51.15 net
The Omaha Gas Company begs to announce that the
price of gas will be reduced to all consumers ten cents per
one thousand cubic feet on all bills contracted after October
1st, 1905, and payable on or before the 10th of the following
. Bills will be rendered at - - - $1.35 Per M.
With a discount of 10c per M - - .10 Per M.
Making the net price $1.25 Per M.
A further reduction of ten cents per one thousand cubic
feet will be made on all bills contracted after October 1st,
1906, payable on or before the 10th of the following months.
Bills will be rendered at - - $1.25 Per M.
With a discount of 10c per M - 10Per M.
Making the net price - - - - - $1-15 Per M.
These reductions are made in accordance with the
policy of this company in its endeavor to give to its patrons
the best service at the lowest price.
were never made better and handsomer than they are
today. You can buy a good grade filled watch from
115 rt) to 126 00 a 14K gold one from H 00 to $60.00.
The prices of a few years ago when a man was obliged
to pay ll to 1 'or a good watch has gone, $60.00 these,
days buys a fine watch. Spend a few minutes In our
store. Look for the name.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
UU Dougtss Street.
We manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and suit
cases. We make them of the best material. Our workman
ship Is unexcelled. We sell them for less than Inferior
grades would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you
will get the best you will saie money on will be better
satisfied. leather Bound Matting Suit Cases, M 60, S3.T5 and
ll.OU. We do repairing.
1X00 Farnam traL
Linger, m
mi Wider
I :
iglier j)i
risris j
! i
i II
: L
i 1
Sancho Panza -said: "Now blessings
light on him that first invented this same
sleep. It covers a man ALL OVER." It
does if you sleep in one of the "longer,
higher and wider berths" of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
'As this railway owns and operates its
own sleeping cars, it offers to its patrons
an excellence in equipment and service not
obtainable elsewhere.
Three trains daily to Chicago 7:55
a. m., 5:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m.
1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA.