Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Governor fay H it CaB.idaring' tv--Uttar
of CciteniB j LtgiiUtor. "
Lira Sentiment Iiiiti far Law to Ref.
lata Freight Bate.
Mickey T-lnki One Canll Jot Wigely Ba
Callad Effort Tien.
-fclef Eimlln Aaoert There la
So Question a to lilitMt (
Present Sehedole of
truki RaUrMii.
"Whether or iut I "hall call a epecial e
ion of the legislature to take up the rail
way rate matter is a question that remain
to be adved,' ald Governor Mickey, who
la In Omaha to tefttfy In the railway tax
cases, wherein the corporations seek to
evade payment of the full amounts levied
nguinst them, and also to spesk at the unveiling-
of the soldiers' and sailors' monu
ment. "At any rate, it is not likely that a
special session could be held conveniently
until January. The people of the state will
be too busy this fall to take up the matter
of making; new laws, even though they per
tain to the vitally Important matter of rall
wsy rates.
"I am constantly receiving requests for a
special session. The only doubt In my mind
aa to the propriety of such a legislative as
sembly Is the probable good or evil that
will coma from It.
"There is no need to quibble about the
statement that the people of Nebraska are
suffering from unjust and Inequitable rail
way freight rate. Thla is a fact and the
simple truth Local merchants In Nebraska,
and as a result their patrons, are not
treated right In freight charges. This con
dition Is one that demands immediate at
tention and should be remedied Just as soon
as possible.
"How can there be any fairness In the
fact that It costs 14 cents a hundred to ship
wheat from Tork to Omaha when only 11
cents Is charged to ship the same grain
from Omaha to Chicago, nearly four times
r the distance?
Sample, of Conditions.
"This Is only a sample of the conditions
that prevail. They are bad and injurious,
and thla state, which is now so well off and
ao prosperous In agricultural. Industrial and
other respects, cannot afford to le so bur
dened. Our crop this year will be phenome
nal and the heavy rains we are. now receiv
ing mean a saturation of the subsoil and
the assurance of a good yield next year.
"The improvements in Omaha are very
marked and even a disinterested person can
eve the strides the city Is making- In com
mercial and municipal progress It la the
same throughout the state. Yesterday I
witsraasl at the laying "t the cornerstone
for a new flt&OOO courthouse t Seward.
"I am thoroughly sincere In giving up
my railroad passes In conformance with
the Ideas of the republican state conven
tion and the sentiment of the people. I
have received many congratulations on this
course, but a great many dissenting opin
ions as well. The latter come mostly from
people who would like to hang on to their
pa.'n-s. On this point I notice that the
populist convention condemned Judge Let
ton for having used passes, whereas Judge
Hastings, the fusion nominee for the su
preme court, admits that he bas dona the
same thin. The action of the popa atrike
me as amusing.
Benedt from Agitation.
Whether or not the Grain trust suit Is
successful the farmers are getting a great
deal of benefit from the agitation this year.
They ara getting- from I to IH cents more
A t bushel for all kinds of grain than they
did when the trust had control of the mar
ket. This In itself la a fine thing and one
that cannot fall to bring great satisfaction
to the farmera.
Independent grain dealer have com
plained to me that they do not believe they
have been fairly treated by the grain ln-
npectors In Omaha. They said that usually
they were unable to get a No. I grade on
grain and received either a No t or a No
4 trade, whereae the regular dealera could
get the No. S grade. I looked Into th mat-
t.rP aee whether I had any authority over
,, -"-' -
Therefore I could tsk no action and ao re
plied to the Independenta "
Th grain Inspector are appointed by
th Board of Directors of the Omaha Grain
exchange. There 1 a chief Inspector who
recommends hie assistants.
Only Issna Between (ho Nations Yet
t'nsc-ttled la tha Demolition
f he Fortroaaea.
KARLSTAD, Pwwden, Sept. H The Swed
ish and Norwegian commissioners met in
Joint conference today after holding aev
eral Independent conference. The Joint
conference wa ln easlon several hour
and then adjourned.
It la understood that the Swedish de
mand that tranait on trade through both
countries shall ue secured against obstruc
tion and the right of pasturing reindeer
belonging to Swedish Laplanders in north
Norway have bean amicably settled, but
that tha question of the demolition of the
fortification mill remains open.
Several Norwegian newspaper are opposing-
an offer of tha throne to Prince
Charle of Denmark. They demand that
th peopl of Norway be given an oppor
tunity to em-prea their choice between a
monarchy and a republic.
Plarveetar Trwt to rnatrwrt
tortr In E a rope of Poo
alhlo Betaltotory Tart.
CHICAGO. Sept. -.Clarence g. Funk.
oeneral manager of tha International Har
vester company, aaid today that because of
jncertain tariff condition hi America, with
the possibility of retaliatory tariff against
American manufacturers being generally
adopted abroad. American Industrial estab
lishment are planning subsidiary factories
In Europe. Mr. Funk aaid condition in th
t'nrted State are such that th Interna
tional Harvester company ha been forced
to protect it Interests la EXiropo and Is
planning tne poaaioie or ciioa r-i a plant
1 awaden. Mr. Funk added that tb wor
T if "m' a In Sweden by th agent of tli
planning the possible rracttoti of a plant In
Sweden Mr. Funk added that tb work
at otr vewa capital.
0LUS,0N -L CAPE. c
flMmrr Juniata Raainfl by
Schooner Herrwold Palmer .!
Faenaer Badly Hart.
'- W1STON. Sept 21 The Injury of six
r eenrer and two of the ship's officers
collision at sea was reported by the
ner Juniata of the Merchant and
-' Transportation company, bound
5 Boston for Baltimore and Norfolk,
returned to this port this afternoon
damaged. The Juniata was rammed
I iht thirty miles off Chatham by
tl masted schooner Herrwold Palmer,
be -om Baltimore for Portland, Me.,
wl - cargo of coal.
The injured'
Mr.- and Mrs. FrledeH of Pittsburg. Pa.,
nadir hruieefl.
J. W. Johnson of North Ahlngton. Mass..
leg broken. Injured Internally; condition
Mr. and Mrs John C. Murray of South
Boston, bruised and badly shaken up.
Corporal J. J Mattlngly, United States
Marine corps, hands cut
Captain Z. Nkkerson of the Juniata. In
Jury to hands.
Quartermaster John Crockett, hands cut
and bruised.
No one on board the schooner waa In
jured. That the accident did not result tn a
general loss of life on the steamer Is con
sidered remarkable by every one on board.
The steamer had a great hole stove In
Its starboard side amidships. Its cabins
from that point forward were lipped and
torn Into kindling wood and the foremast
and amokestack were carried away. The
Juniata returned to It dock here today
and landed Its passengers. Arrangements
were made to transfer the 'cargo. The
Palmer lost It Jib boom, bowsprit and
head gear.
The accident occurred at o'clock last
night when the Juniata was steaming
around Cape Cod.
Both vessel remained at the scene until
One Person May Die Oat of Flee
lajared When Train la
NEWTON. Kan.. Sept. 21 -The east
bound California flyer on the Atchison.
Topeka A Santa Fe railway wa wrecked
at Walton, a small station eight miles east
of here, last night. Fred Kempnlrk of
Chicago, second cook on the dining car,
was badly scalded. No one was killed.
Five person were Injured, amorm whom
Kempnlck is perhaps the only one seriously
hurt. He may die.
The other injured:
Grant Conrad. I Angeles. merrier of
the Board of Public Works, shoulder badly
Callender, Los Angeles, ankle
Effie Lawrence Havlin. member of -aude-ville
circuit, ankle sprained.
Mlf Violet Iele. member of vaudeville
circuit, badly shaken: not serious.
Miss Christine Weiss of Chicago, a
trained nurse, tece lscrrated, hole in cheek,
severe contusion of forehead: condition se
rious. Jscob Havlll of New Tork, theatrical
manager, cut and bruised.
The train, which probably is the fastest
in the Santa Fe sen-ice. was running at a
speed of about forty miles an hour at the
time of the accident. Aa the train ap
proached Walton tli trucks of the bag-gag-e
car left -Aba rails, followed by rhe
dining car and the wleepef following. The
dining car and sleeper ran for about 100 feet
on the tlea and then turned over. Fortu
nately the muddy bank broke the force of
the fall and most of the passengers were
enabled to alight in safety without sus
taining any Injury.
William Brltt, manager of the prlre
fighter of the same name, waa on the train
with the moving pictures of the recent
Britt-Nelson fight. Neither Brltt nor the
pictures were injured.
Pathdnder Tassel Completed and
Work Started on tha
Bla; Dam.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 71 (Special Tele
gram The state of Wyoming Is to be con
gratulated on th prospects of develop
ment, under the reclamation law. as the
work of the various engineering parties
proceed. The Pathfinder tunnel was com
pleted on August IB. the contract for the
construction of the Pathfinder dam was
let during the month and work promptly
beun. Testerdsv the secvetsrv of the In.
( mr(W ,wo lrnport.nt contracts In
co-nectlon with the Shoshona proJect-the
BhMlW oam to VmifTrt A darkson
f rMnrt for mhiT nrt th.
,., t Spear of Billing. Mont..
fnr The Corbett tunnel will he
bout lS.noo feet long nd will be used to
divert about ruble feet of wter per
second from the river for Irrigating lands
In the vicinity of Garland and FrannK
Postmaster appointed: Iowa Maple
Leaf. Howsrd county, Robert T. Barr.
vice G. W. Lackle. resigned South Ds
kota Blsrk Hawk. Meade county, Fdward
G. Miles, vice John Kennedy, resigned.
Andrew B. Jerke ha been appointed reg
ular and Julius $tenseth substitute rural
carrier for route I at Calmar, la.
Man Accused of Seenrlnc 9A.IKOA at
Gettysburg, t. D., hy Wire Tap
ping Schema Aporehended.
SIOCX FALLS. S. D.. Sept. Sl.-Charged
wrth being the principal In a wire-tapping
cheme by which . wa ecured from a
hank at Gettysburg. 8. D.. B. V. Dunham
wa arretted there today.
A telegraph operator who haa acted aa
Dunham accomplice gave the police the
Information that led o Dunham arrest.
Dunham, who I also known a F. D.
Miles. Is charged with representing him
self a a cattle buyer of Mile City, Mont.
He la charged with having applied to the
Gettysburg bank for tt . giving a Chi
cago bank a reference and asking that
the Chicago institution be wired as to his
financial standing Hi accomplice. It 1
charged, atatloned himself several mile
from town, tapped the wir and Inter
cepted the d-.lcago message. Four hour
later tht --Ire-tapper aent a reply, ostenal
bly from tne Chicago hank, and of auch
a character that th money wa paid to
Dunham by the Gettysburg bank. Th ar
rest of Dunham Immediately followed.
Fatal Collana of Floor.
CHICAGO, Sept. ft. Four men wer In
jured here today, three fatally. In th old
county court house, whkh is being torn
down to make plac for a new structure.
The flooring In the center corridor of th
fourth floor of the old county building
gate way burying the men tn the detn.
The Injured men were taken out alive and
removed to a hospatal.
earnest to Help Smith folle;.
NORTHAMPTON. Ma.. Sept n -When
Smltn college wa opened tiHly Preaider.t
I. Clark bVelev announced that Andrew
Camngie had prunnned t. u t the col
lege providing friend of th Institution
a ill raise an equal amount. The money 1
to be ud forhe erection and nuuiilaaauca
Jul 4 w fcluioaiu 1 bUtraUM-y.
Low to law Tork Life of $300,000 is Osa
Eradicate Brought Oat
sa Who Represent Both Companies
t sable to Answer Maay Owes
tloaa WltkMt Consolt
Ia Beeki,
NEW TORK. Sept. II. George TC. Per
kins, vice president of the New Tork Life
Insurance Company and member of the
firm of J. P. Morgan Co., waa on the
witness stand before the special legislative
committee probing Insurance companies j
methods during the greater part of today I
session. When an adjournment waa taken ,
he wa. .till on the stand with a number
he asked permission to look up the rec
ord and ubmlt transcription. There wa
nothing of a sensational character In the
testimony today, the only development of
moment being the witness' disclosure In
the New Orleans traction syndicate, In
which the company sustained a loss of
over t300.i0. Edmond V. Randolph, treas
urer of the company, had been questioned
rather sharply regarding this transaction
when he was on the stand last week. To
day the matter waa brought up when I
o .i u...v. . .v.. !
Counsel Huche attemded to nrobe the
attemptea to prone tne
collateral loan account. The bonds of the
New Orleans Traction Company had been
bought from the New Security and Trust
r- . j . ... ,. i
-uiiiixLiii ii ov aiiu eric puiwvuurnuy vu u
i w t-.i,i. . .ih I
at 75 Mr. Perkins testified they were sold
r,n rwomK.- i n. t i,..k.... m. r-,.
for S9ST,S00.
Mr. Hughes found under date of January
S. 1. a loan of that amount to Fan.hawe I
Co.. and asked if the loan was made '
agamst these bonds. This Mr. Perkins said ;
he would have to look up. and the question
wa dropped for th present.
Trmnsartlona with Morgan dt Co.
It was brought out that John R. Oege
man, president of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, was carrying a run
ning loan with the New York Life of t&
at per cent Interest. Mr. Perkins did
not know whether this matter came before
the finance committee and would look It
up. Witness could not explain why. after
the Nem- York Life had bought M.U0U.OU0
worth of Navigation syndicate bonds from
J. V. Morgan Co.. fc'.OOO.OOO should be
sold back to that Arm at the same price
wluiin two month, and no minute of the
finance commltteo could be found to ex
plain it. The transaction In Navigation
syndicate bonds of December 31, 1SW6. when
Mr. Perkins of the New York Life sold
Mr. Perkins for J. P. Morgan & Co. gqXf.uuO
In these bonds, came up again when the
warrant for the check of Wo0.:e6 wa pro
duced. These bonds were bought back by
the New York Life two days later, and the
t6. Mr. Perkins testified, was for the ad
justment of Interest. Mr. Perkins would
not acknowledge th transaction waa a
t-v . . , m . ....
The dealing of the company with the
Morgan firm amounted to $39,286,075. with a
profit of ,784.788.68. The question of the
company income waa for the present
dropped and the way of spending of the
money wa probed. Tha agency system of
tha company was deacrlbed and at tht time
Vice President Thomas A. Buckner, who
haa charge of the agents, waa called. He
stated that the total salaries of the agency
inspectors were I125.W0 annually. Agency
directors get an average annual salary of
JJ.ono. The latter receive about JloO.Ouft an
nually ln bonunes.
Mr. Buckner was unable to answer many
questions without referring to records, and
will be called again.
Perkins Reverses Previous Statement.
Earlier in the day Mr. Perkins had been
questioned on the -joint account" transac
tions of the New York Life, which he was
unaoie to explain last t riaay. He occu-
pira aimost me entire morning session and
presented statement, of each ,eont M-
Perkins took occasion to correct his testi
mony of last Friday relative to the Naviga
tion bonds, when he was asked if the ob
ject of the transaction between J. P. Mor
gan Co. and the New Tork Life was to
remove the IWO.nno bond from th Insur
ance company's books and reduce their
holdings temporarily from KQnn.onn to $3,2nO.
Wl Mr Perkins ansm-ered "Yes." but today
said: "I did not mean that; I meant to say
No.1 "
Before Mr. Perkins took th stand John
F. McCullaa-h of Albany, a clerk for An
drew Hamilton, waa called in an attempt
to probe further Into the rw.OdO check mat
ter, but Mr McCullagh could give no in
formation and ass excused. The investi
gation will be resumed tomorrow
Investigation Only Started.
The probing of the method of life lnsur-
inner vumpamr. en. re.umeo. tocay ny the
... ra.mmi-. omuro
line days proceedings were begun Charlte
E. Hughe, counsel
to tne committee.
aaid he believed the fact of more
iin,,iB,iiT uu -rraier interest tnan any
developed thus far still remained to b
brought out "We have not yet reached
the meat of thi Inquiry." (aid Mr. Hughes.
"In fact we have only started It.
Th first witness todsy wa John F Uc
Cullaugh of Albany, who is employed by
Andrew A. Hamilton. The checks for JlftO.Ofiu
given by th New York Life Insurance
company to Mr. Hamilton bore McCul-
laugh's name as endorser, but the witness
said he knew nothing about the checks
except what he read in the newspaper.
He did not know whether Mr Hamilton
appeared before legislative committees, nor
did he know anything about his employer's
account ln the New York State bank of
Albany. He did not know of any other
account of Mr. Hamilton's In Albany, but
he knew be wa elected a director of the
Albany Trust company about a year ago.
The wltnea s said h did not know where
Mr. Hamilton book were kept, nor would
he know where to find any of hi employer
cancelled check. Mr. MrCullaugh aaid
1 further that he knew nothing whatever
about the lino.onft paid to Hamilton and
concerning which Mr. McCll. president of
the New Tork Life Inauranc company, wa
examined yesterday.
Milton Monro Madison, a bookeeper of
the New Tork Life, waa called. He identl-
j fled extract from th book of tha Hew
Tork Life. gowlg that ln the Wtna; a
Co acaount tha Hew Tork Life ?nnr- th Cuban minister, thla morning person
am company paid out ft.TOa.OOO. gom tally handed to th secretary of stat a
bond were withdrawn by th Inauranc
company, leaving ft.aaaos bond In tha
Joint account.
Proaldont Consider objoet.
OYSTER BAT. N. T.. Sept ft -eocretary
of Stat Elihu Root. Senator Henry Cabot
Lodge of Maaaachuaettea and Joseph M
Cnoaie. former American mbaaaador to
Great Britain, who spent lat nig-ht aa
guest of President Ruoaevelt, left for New
York thi afternoon. Tb oonfereno be
tween tha proaident and hi visitor waa
admitted: Important. Aa contained ln
then dispatches last right th principal
(ConUbucd 4a Sotnd Pa-.)
President and Isltor Disease the
Artlon of the Fraprror of
PTSTER BAT. SrpL a. It te learned thst
the most Important International question
discussed hy the president and Secretary
Root and Senator Lodge was thst relating
to the second pt o conference to be held
at The Hague.
The president explained to his visitors
that on September 11 Ambassador Rosen
had visited him at Sagamore Hill to in
form him of the desire of Emperor Nich
olas of Russia to call a peace conference
at The Hague, which should be supple
mental in It work to that held at The
Hague three years ago on the emperor's in
itiative. Thi president last autumn took
the Initial sten toward the rslllnr of the
Btcon(J lhrourh Secretary of
p,ate Joh a n fc Mb t() th).
Thf ,-cIu(,ln- Juvmn acquiesced to
h -,,,-- f th. v,,,. t..
sla. while accepting It In principle, objected j
to holding the conference while it wa
waging war with one of the signatory pow-
er. It Indicated that at a later time, per-
haps on the eoncluon of peace bet wen I
i,,. ... . . , . .
Itself and the Japanese, the holding of a
second conference at The Manie would be
second conference at The Haue would be ,
agreeable to it.
The visit of Ambassador Rosen wa made
with a view not only ,f presenting to th-
nrlf1gn t f nrm Iiv t h Aj4r- rf Tm nprnr
Nicholas but also with a view of aacer- i
. , .
l. r B,.,. ,. !
wtl'lng to waive any claim he might
,T '-"'
"Tf th f T , ! u. ' "
that Emperor Nicholas himself might Issue
,. ... ... .
l" call. The presided expressed hlm-elf
...i,-., . ' v..ld , tL .,. nf ,h
" oeugnted to leio to the wish or the
nu"""11 vn.iwu.r. onu h.iiiiui.i n..!-ii
u. V. ,ruor'a xn ' iniorm- j
f th P""" acquie.cence. A
rma' "J" to ''"l ' !
lm b'h'' PrrfMrnI through Secretary j
Root. The reply was discussed last night,
but It has not been put Into definite form.
It probably will be forwarded soon after
Secretary Root reaches Washington, about
the first of October.
Condition of the Company to Be In
vestlrnted ky the Attorney
General of Illinois.
CHICAGO. Sept. m An Investigation of
the business methods of the Western In-
demnlty Life, an assessment Insurance as-
soclatlon, for which application for a re- of candidates. Kldd of Gage was in
celver has been made by policyholders. Is , favor cf the resolution, and while he d
to be made by the state superintendent ; vlB,d against haste, urged the committee
of Insurance
Attorney General William H.
Stead of Illinois has already
Ixigun an
investigation of the affair of the company
and officials and 1 the course of few
days the state superintendent of insurance
will summon all the officials of the com
pany before him and compel them to
answer question concerning charges of
irauouient voting: oi contracts ana auegea
Illegal voting of proxies and an attempt j
to transfer the entire enmnanv to an- i
other corooratlon. Thi Information was I
announced ln open court this afternoon
by Attorney Walter Hawk, counsel for a
claimant for the unpaid benefit of 14,000,
while an attempt waa being made to se
cure an order from Juaa Bethea of the
t'nited States district conn for a reference
to a matter in chancery of the matters In
The affair of th Western Indemnity
Life are said to be In a deplorable condi
tlon and according to Attorney Hawk the
state superintendent of Insurance will make
a strict investigation ao that the person
responsible for the trouule can be pun
ished. During the hearing; before Judge Bethea
various questions of law and fact were
asked by a number of prominent lawyers
citing why the whole matter should be re
ferred to a master In chancery, but the
Judge declared he did not wish to enter into
I the esse. Innsmorh as Judee Kohlsatt of
tn 1 nl"(J Bta' court iB to ""e UP the
case next Tuesday when the question of
whet her a preliminary Injunction chall Is
sue preventing the transfer of the West
ern Indemnity Life to another company
will be decided by the court.
Orange Grower and Shipper Receive
414,500.000 for Crop of
Present Year.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sent. L According
to reporta of traffic official of the Atchison, j short talks, after which reports from the oon apread to the snow sheds Six out
Topeka Santa Fe and th Southern Pari- ! various committeemen were received, fol- I fltt,n' car with carpenter tools, ten empty
flc. the number of cars of oranges sent eaat j lowed by a general discussion of the work bofara and snow sheds about 2.M0 feet
riur(n- tha 1m. . i-in . h wn I to he done. Chairman Warner nreawlivl I long were burned
This Include the hlpment from Butte
county and -the San Joaquin section, aa
I well as from Southern California, the bulk.
however, coming from the latter section.
iau shipments are Included that went out'
of the state bv rail In these MOW cars'
. there were in.4M.nnft boxes. The tot1 .-.hie
! pf thc ghlpment wa approximately 125 -
5 anc
Of thi mount lt Is figured that
the orange growers and shipper got tl4.vM.
OnO The remainder, of l9.42fi.nno went to the
railroad and refrigerator car line for
freight and leelng chargea.
For the eeason that opens early In No
vember the railroad peonle estimate thre
will be S7.non cars for the eastern market.
Vp to the 15th of this month 4 flro carload
of California green fruit have 1-een sent
rtttt with Chicago, New York and Boston
the principal distributing center This is an ! by Judge Allen tomorrow morning.
Increase of RfiO cars over the same period ' The Marlon county grand Jury Investiga
of Isst yesr, when 4 SK rars had been i tlon of the Sherrlck case was slow In get
shipped up to September 15. 1S04 In other ' ting under way this morning Governor
words l? pounds of green fruit were
sent east up to the 1Sh of this month, as !
. .,,u ... ur.r rsT . , . i
pflftiiis- i ' i' M-i " i-k-t- ,- i , m a. 1 1 me rr-oT.
of pounds.
The aeasnn which clones early In November
and the railroad officials Bay that by that
time 2.000 additional cars will have gone
east, making a total for tha season of carload.
Minister Kays Insult to I'nlted State
Waa Dne to Government'
WASHINGTON. Sept. ft. Mr. Oueaada.
copy of th fallowing oabl message re
ceived from Senor Ofarrill. secretary of
state of Cuba:
Thi morning ! coat of arm of the
t'nited States consulate at Clenfuego p.
peared defiled Exprea to the rretary
of tate how deeply the government de
plore thi occurrence, which must not he
interpreted a a demontrtion of hoetllltv
on th part of th Cuhan people towards
the American people, but a an isolated
act du to a criminal hand to the end of
creating difficult le for th government
An Immediate investigation ha been or
dered to punish th author of aucn re
pugnant action.
Th Cuban government alao ha apolo
gised ta Charge d Affaire Sleeper at Ha-
Proposition Come Up Befera Meeting- of
Eepnblican State Committee.
Committee Completes Orwunlaottos
by Electing A. B. Mien Secre
tary and A. H. Henntug
Trea sarer.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Bept r. (Special Telegrm.)
The feature of the meeting of the repub
lican etate committee tonight wa a propo
sition to carry out the recommendation of
the state convention for a direct primary
by the introduction of the following reso
lution by Victor Rosewater, which, at his
request, went over until the next com-
""tie meeting wunoui action.
Where The republican tate platform
contains the following plank:
Believing that the nearer the control of
public affair can be brought to the people
he better the result will be, we declare ,
ourselves in favor of a direct primary law
,ovrnln tn, nominations of all public of-
ntals " And.
Whereas. I'nder the present law this I
committee, with its w-operatlng 5"'; j
'he ' nomina'tTon" oV'pa'ny" candXte! i
s it !
Resolved, That It Is the sense of this
committee that the candidate on trie re-
mib can tate ticket, to tie voteo lor at
the election in should be nominated
T Halved S-h-r. That the executive
! comm.ttee be Instructed to Investigate the
1 n,thor1s of conductinc direct prtmarien In
. . : . . . . , .
other states and to report a plan to this
committee for the conduct and regulation
, ,,,,. , nnln,,. rrt.ub-
)CAn tate ticket of l!"b.
RM,tlo a Surprise.
p.tI1, . ur-
prise to the members of the committee,
u MUf Umf wforf of
them grasped it. Bud Undsey opposed It j
on the grounds that the convention had
made its recommendation to .the legisla
ture, and that the committee should not
anticipate the legislative action. W. P.
Miles of Cheyenne, who was a member of
the resolutions committee which framed
the republican platform, waa the next to
object, because he said this was no time
for the committee to take up such a mat
ter, and he emphatically declared that the
committee should not "stultify Itself by
adopting the resolution." Kelsy of Ante
lope and Dickson of Holt objected to the
resolutions, and seemed to labor under the
lmnreselon that tt referred to the selection
to gel ln nn Wtn the newspapers, which
were almost unanimously in favor of the
direct primary aa recommended by the
In support of his resolution Mr. Rose
water said that tf the recommendation
of the state convention waa good for the
legislature It was good for the committee,
and lt waJ not ne-..ary to wait Tor a
ie(rtalature to force them to do It. He
. , . . , ..
eiiirrwu me i ui i n- cii-uuu i i
... ' , , .w.
j uon of tne convention on the pass ques-
tion by returning their paaaes without
waiting for the legislature to act and to
those who opposed a direct primary, he
aaid the time for them to have spnken
waa when the resolution eommlltae made
its report tp the state convention. Stanley
of Hamilton favored the fitrect primary In
theory, but desired to talk with his people
about the matter before voting, and then
j victor Rosewater axked tnet the resolu-
tlon be laid over without action until an
other meeting
Bud Llndsey wanted it referred to the
executive committee to be killed off and
the arguments were upon the dtsposal of
the resolution, which was finally settled by
allowing it to remain on the table until
the next meeting.
I Committee Completes Organisation
i Previous to this the comtiilttee re-elected
' ,.,. .
AIlen rtary and A. H Hennlngs
! treasurer. Chairman Warner was author-
ired to, appoint an executive committee of
one member from each congressional dis
trict. A motion was adopted giving- the ex
ecutive committee power to fix the pay of
regular employes, who will be selected by
the chairman, and provide for auditing of
accounts. Lincoln was selected the
headquarter and Chslrman Warner em
powered to arrange for location of head
quarter Commissioner Letton. candidate for sti-
preme Judge, and Fred Abbott, candidate
; for regent of the university, both made
' and Harry Lindsay actod as temporary
i secretary. Twenty-four out of thiry mem
bers were present either In person or by
wiirtiiinf dwii i n i bii wiikiiiiiwr
Governor Hanley and Auditor Blgler
Testify In Investigation of hort.
are of Indiana Official.
TNDIANAPOMS. Sept. 21 -Late this aft
ernoon Attorney General Charles W. Miller
of Indiana filed a petition In the Marlon
county court asking for the appointment of
a temporary receiver to take charge of the
' ecuritie urrendered to the state by David I
E. Eherrlck. The petition will be heard
! Hanley, who was expected to be the first
iltness. did not enter the Jury room until
. m . 1. 1 f:,rifir
For an hour h. ...
j malned within the Jury room and emerging.
t 11 - " - - ,
j walked alone to the elevator and departed.
Warren Bigler. now auditor of state, was
before the grand Jury preceding Governor
Hanley. In the absence of the governor
in the morning John R. Reed, settlement
clerk ln the auditor office, wa called, ar
riving at 11 o'clock It wa almost noon
before he waa excused. These were the
only witnosoe heard during the day.
Tomorrow s session will begin promptly
at t o'clock and according to Prosecutor
Benedict th flrat wltne will be At
trney General Miller.
I A. Goodman of Kansas City Ikswa
President and U R. Taft of
Michigan Treasurer.
KANSAS CITY. Sept ft L. A. Good
man of Kansas City wa today elected
president of the American PomologicaJ
society at the biennial convention now
being held her. Th other official elected
Ed Munson of Dnnlon. Tex., flrat vie
president; John Craig of Ithaca. N. Y.. ac
retary; L. R Taft of Michigan, treasurer.
Severity membora of tb society left to
night for a trip through th orchard pf
th Oaara la klsuuri td Arksii.
Tern per fa re at Omaha Yesterday!
Hear. Pea-. Hoar. Iesr.
(I a. as eut l p. m "
l a. sn A3 S p. tn
T a m M ft p. m
a a. sa M 4 p. tn a
a. m nn K p. m x
10 a. in TO p. m T
11 a. m T4 T p. sa Tit
u m rn a p. m Ta
p. an TO
Expert to Spend Over a Tear la
Their Travels la Foreign
William J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan. William
Bryan. Jr. snfl Miss Grace Bryan started
on their trip around the glob yeeterdav.
They came to Omaha over th Burlington
In the afternoon and were In the city for a
short time before leaving on the Vnlon Pa
cific for San Francisco. They were met at
the Burlington station by C. J Smyth, who
escorted them to the Vnlon station and
chatted until the train pulled out.
r. Bryan had little to ay of anything
nesiae me trip. He said he looked for-
ward with a great deal of pleasure to the
Rllmpses of foreign life he would get and
knowledge of economic condition, he
expected to derive from his observation.
The Bryan, will sail from Ban FYnnrtsco
for , Sentemlier T The, rl.n t nr.
' -
at Honoh-lu for a couple of day and ex-
pect to reach Toklo about October 16. While
In the mikado's domain they will be guided
In their travels by T. Yamashlta, the young
Japanese who made his home with the
Bryan family while attending the Cniver
lty of Nebraska nd who now I head of a
private school In Toklo. Mr. Bryan did not
know how long he would stay In Japan.
Peking and Manila will be visited next ;
after Japan and Mr. Brvan exnects to i
tht wm tudy wonomc ,,,,;,- ln
Australia and Nem- 7.ta tnrfi. -.-in v I
visited In the winter season. Greece. Italy
and Palestine will then come in turn. The
family will spend the summer In the cap
itals and commercial centers of Europe
Mr. Bryan expects to be gone not less
thsn a year. Before leaving Lincoln he
notified the Commoner force that the alxth
anniversary of the founding of the paper I
would be celebrated at Falrvlew January
18, 107.
Marked Improvement Reported In the
Situation nt Sew Orleans
Dnrlna the Day.
NFW ORLEANS, Sept a -Report of yel
low fever to 6 p. m. Thursday:
?ew case ue i
Total to date
New foci
Cases under treatment ...
Cases discharged
,J '
!!!! YflRl j
There waa a marked Improvement in the Charges were made that the defendant
situation today. An arrangement was con- conspired with each other ln presenting
eluded today by which the Texas Pacific I supposed claims for damage which were In
and the Southern Pacific will use the Avon- I reality claims for rebates,
dale camp, who capacity will be Increased j The plea made today doe not In any way
to handle the large number of laborers ' affect the charge of Interference with grv
wand m the mnr district. Ag-en'. of ' r"nt witnesses made In a prevloti ln
the Louislsna Immigration association will dlctinent returned against Cuaey and othar
gather laborer Jo New York. Chicago. Su j Brhwarxschlld A Sulaberger men. They
Lout and Kanaas City and will hurry them Nrere accompanied by Attorney Weissenbach
south. Where it becomes necessary for and Attorneys I. M. Boyeson and J. J.
them to pass through New Orleans they ! Herrick.
will he handled In screened cars.
PENBACOLA, Fla.. Sept. 21 Six new
cases of yellow fever developed todav.
showing a gradual Increase ln the number
of cases to develop each day. The total
number of case to date Is R6; deaths. 8;
discharged. 32; under treatment. 14.
Traffic on Southern PnelSe Delayed
hy Fire ot Crystal Lake,
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. tl According
to report received at Southern Peelflc
headquarter ln this city a long section
of that company now sheds at Crytal
Lake. Pal., with a number of care nd on
or two ststlnn structures, were destroyed
by fire last night.
When Brakeman C. H. Brown opened
a car door prepratory to unloading Borne
freight for Crystal Lake station an ex
plosion occurred In a car laden wlih gas
oline. The cr caught fire and the flames
Brown was burned about the head and
face. Eastern trains have been delayed.
South Omaha Man Will Remain Pres
ident of Rural Carrlera for
On Year.
INDIANAPOLIS. Sept n. At this morn
ing s session of the National Rural Letter
Carriers' association a motion to have
President Cunningham retain hi office
I for one year longer wa carried by a large
about ten state that are unfriendly to the
project will drop out of the association
and start a rival organization. It Is re
lated that a committee already has been
appointed by those who sre opposed to
I Cunningham to draw up a constitution for
J the proposed new body.
The antl-Cunnlngham faction speak
I . , ., m k. i . . ,
1 ,u'raru ' ' . "
ever. . sing
such action to be taken.
I'nlted atates District Attorney Main
tains that the Allegation
Are Wot aufllrient.
CHICAGO. Sept ft. -I'nlted States Dis
trict Attorney Morrison today filed a de
murrer to th plea of abatement made
yesterday by the packer defendant ln
the Beef trust case. Th demurrer allege
Insufficiency of allegation in the plea of
tb packer.
Movement of Ocean t easel grot. 21.
At New York Arrived: Cltta dl Palermo,
from Genoa. Graf Waldersee. from Ham
burg. Sailed: La Touraine, for Havre;
Deutsrhland. for Plymouth.
At Liverpool Arrived : Saxonla. from
Boston; Westernland. from Philadelphia.
Sailed: Bavarian and Kensington, fur
At Cueenstowo Sailed : Fliealand, for
Piilladelor.lH ; Oceanic, for New York.
At Gibraltar Arrived : Koenigen Lula.
from New York
At Geaoa Sailed: Cltta dl NapoH and
Prlnx Ct.kar. for New York
At London Sailed : Mere for Seattle
Arrived. Huncartan. from Montreal.
At Naples Sailed Canoplc. for lvaton.
At Hong Kong Sailed: Empress of Japan
for Vancouver
At Antwerp Saliod; Marquette, fur boats.
Ieor OSpialt of Schwanarhild A EuliWgar
Cempacy Enter Flea of Guilty.
Drawbacks Obtained by Freaaiticg Tilia
Claimi for ramarjea.
B, 8. Cctey, Tanre B. f kipwerth aad C. L
Todd ta Pay $5,000 Lacb.
Well la arerina- with lervoas Pros
tration and ald to Be I aable
Physically to Serve Jail
CHICAGO, Sept. B.-Four official of th
Schwaraschild tt Sullerger Packing com
pany of Chicago were fined an aggregate
of a.0on by Judge Humphrey In the Cnlted
State district court here today. The tinea
followed a plea of guilty to Indictments
charging conspiracy to accept railroad re
bates. The defenJants were Samuel Welt
of New Tork. vice president of the com
pany; B B. Ciisey. traffic manager, Vano
I. Skipworth and Chess E Todd, assistant
traffic managers.
Mr. Well was fined tlP.OOO, th other
three J3.00P each.
Well n ervoos Wreck.
With the entering of the plea the dec
laration was made that unless at least one
of tn caap ' immediately
ttled the life
of Samuel Weil, who is vice president of
th company and Is one of the defendants.
1" In Jeopardy. He Is SRld to be a nervous
wreck and fear were entertained for his
life If he had been allowed to continue un
der the? strain of trial. The plea
was entered. It Is declared, after a com
plete understanding had been reached be
tween counsel for the defendants and At
torney Genera! William H. Moody. While
ln Ch'rS th' attorney general wa ap-
prised of the condition of Vice President
Well, and It I sld agreed to the entry of
a plea of guilty, "with the understanding
thst the Jell provision of the law under
I which the Indictment waa returned should
te a-alvcd and merely a fine Imposed. The
same concession was made ln the case of
ths other three defendant.
The four defendant were charged with
unlawfully combining and agreeing to so
licit rebate for the 8ehwarxchlld Suls
herger company from the Michigan Central
Railroad company, the Chicago. Rock
Island A Pacific, the Grand Trunk Western
railroad, the I-ehlgh Valley Railroad com-
pany. the Boston Maine Railroad som-
pany and the Mobile Ohio Railroad com-
Fines Immediately Paid.
The fines carried with them a provision
that the defendant be confined In Jail until
i the fines were nald The fines, however.
were paid immediately. Mr. Max Sulzberger
giving his check for the total amount,
! Ijfumo. The check after having been duly-
certified, was accepted aa payment of the
lflnM "nd lhr fe-danu then left the
District Attorney Morrison, dlseusatnc
the case after adjournment of court, said:
"I am perfectly satisfied with the matter
as lt stands. The defendants came Into
court, pleaded guilty and the court ahowed
leniency in his sentence. The fine Is heavy,
but the Imprisonment provision is there,
the most importsnt part nf the law. I think
It Is a very- fair consideration of the matter.
It was proven conclusively by the govern
ment that after the Issuance of the injunc
tion by Judge Groeseup. the Schwarachlld
& Sulzberger Co., withdrew from th 00m-
I btnation. They were Independent. But In
order to carry on their business In ao atren
uoua a competition against the other pack
er It eem It wa necesary for them to
accept rebate The results today only go
to show that the government haa now
lodged an opening wedge Into the question
of rebates. We have found a way to pro
ceed and It seems the proper one. It seeme
I to me that the government Is in a fair way
of breaking up the entire rebate evil In thla
From the hooks of the government lt la
shown thst to collect evldrnce agalnat tha
four defendants and bring about their in
dictment, the government spent I16,(me Tha
cases sgalnst Armour tt Co , and other
were continued until next Wednesday.
Twentieth Annnnl Convention of
Episcopal Order 1 la Ses
sion nt Chicago.
CHICAGO. Sept. 21 Delegate to th
twentieth annual convention of the Brother
hood of St. Andrew gathered at the t'nl
verslty of Chicago today to attend the
opening session. Eight hundred members
of the Episcopalian lay order wer preent
wheen the doors of the convention wera
thrown open.
Many nationalities ar repreaented In th
gathering. A delegation of six full-blooded
Fioux Indians from chapters of tha order
In South Dakota. Nebraska and Minnesota
were among the first arrivals.
Chang Kim. a Chinaman from Honolulu.
Is another of the delegates.
The rloisteml life of the delegates wse
put Into full operation today, when all tha
delerates assembled early for a communion
service, with which each dsy's Mrvlou
begln. At noon the delegates gathered la
the large hall of Hutchinson Common,
where the communal meal will he a fea
ture of the retret period.
West Meeting; of the Sverel-o Grand
Lodge Will Be Held In
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. S -Th sover
eign grnd lodge of Odd Fellow today se
lected Toronto. Canada, as the next plac
of meeting
The duration of separating th Patri
arch Militant from the sovereign lodge was
referred to the committee on stats of th
order. The question of the proposed af
filiation with the Manchester Vnlty of Eng.
land and th erection of a aanluuiui a war
laid over until tomorrow