Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
8- TTA
Frscinjt of Irw Twit US TsttS?
Eaj rmocta 8auo:d Ckmaii Coo- j an
tnbnU'mi frsa Eon Last Tmx.
Boik ataa Saf ia'.i Lid Sot Eaprws:
lUOtl Com3i:tI j
niMrN TlmM Muara a
lrtrm-r at aJWay far mairfe
Oalr Tfal twaaatlaa Waa
!fT IRK. "pT. .' ai pfin'bn
Crma of tiia ?c- T jt inuri.r'iT jora- '
xuir nl '.)tf jc'nne'-Ti"n of Annrfw A .
Hum "f Albany n:J a:it-l p;:u-l ;
rrlTitT f f-jmnanT r trr p inta
arrund wijirh l:r bear-n tn-f t .') ars- i
lt:va inauranc !nrwt:i:!n :amd t.-xiny
innn A M"a.l of N- Y -rk L.J- in. ,
urani-a coinpajiy waa : re riiwf wii-a-Ba aati
It rai lours Hp subjt-utt-l ! i a
flr if qurtlona hv t"har' E. H .si !
crrunaa! f-3T tr) ''omm:!'.. '"infr,;:-.g i
mrrnee paid for pullllra. purvisea
TTie cl!ma waa rearhed when Jar. Mcv"a.i
iec ar-d uu. Laa aaox u.riat ..f funds for trui-xiaea waa not rontned to ;:ie
repuollcaa pa tt in the a.iipn of .'.'t
and innounm' "rMy i)fe wa maiia -ar
by the dano ra;-.c rami Ida. -a riiaaina ne
for money fa that rta-mrawarn. Some of the 1
T-err men who Today are rjemar 'nter-r-ewe-l !
1n trie papers and Jenouncmn men who Tn- '
tribute To caunpauarna a-era crosBinar my patit
.very sfep I Tioat kxikniaT 'or money ne
the candidate himaelf. Parker, if he would
show up his bona when he waa ciia.raan
"T t.ha democratic state ammif.p ,t w mid
arive you a fit. He never reje-Td a dollar
in t.he world. He would Tjike every dollar
that waa paid him '
Jjdar ParVer waa chairman of the dem
ocratic state committee In Mr 51c
r.l 1 statement waa greeted wtta wild
cneerina; which continued until a tnr-a: waa
rnauje to clear uhe mom of '.iBt-ners, if the
crowd did not reeira.n -.-.self
Lau-Bja aaa far LaacaU Ezawsiavsa.
Wtth irreat care liie acuoont off Andrew
A- Hamilton with tne-company waa an
a.raed by Mr. Hvurhes, who asked Mr Mc
Cait atxrut every item and made it cit-ar
ttiat a semrrh waa oetna; made for political
eemtrnbutlona. Mr. McCail atmatTly ma.n- I
tauned that he had Fen Mr Hamilton no j
anoney W bo uaed in lnfiuenclna; la;:sia-ion :
ml Albany, but the admlaaaon waa obtained '
fmrn Mr. McCaU that HamllTan expenses j
at Albany vera paid from tiie company j
finds aod that hta acconata were not sub-
mitted To audit- It waa ehoavn that tS,a) i
baa been paid to Hamilton with only a
oerbaj accoundns to President McCail. and
at present HeJiiUton owaa the company
Bknaa. aBBjBaaVba Mr. Sics'aal aaaa m f-itr
aura thai Haanllcon. who ia now in Europe, j
wiM mar the sum upon The company'! de-
J'ldare Alton B. Parker, democratic can- i
mdais pot preiaaaent in iwa. tonuxnt aava
the Aaaoeaated Fn aa a statement conoem- I
in a; Praaident StcCall'a Testimony owrna;
tn the olkitiiiia; of funda from the New
Tort Life Insurance company by the demo
crat in ISO.
Par-rtml IVeailal y Parker.
The statement follows:
My attention has been ca-ied to earain
teaaiiTHtny said To nave oeen apven toaay By
Jtr. Jonn A- McCaU. while a sntnesa oefore
tne tnsurajice mvesturation commif.e-j. in
repay to Mr. Huikhes .iu-srion in whicn he
thouarht mat in the lntereata of the
policy ooidera wra ao sennuaiy enaanajered
t.nat tbe- company ouant to contmoute. It
1 evident that Mr. i araa laonrtn;
under a; rear exdieoient in maarnar ni r
iy. for :t '. very incxitierant. But J" hi
answer is intended to oonvev ma impraeion
.nat in tne eampaiarn or .Js, 1 eitner dl-
. - - 1
r-ectiy or indirait. aoiictted from him or !
hia corpora: ion. or any other corporation. !
any money or va.uanie tninat. ni statement .
1 aboiutely falsa. 1 j;,) Mr Hsenfeid pay over to TV M..
On tn contrary I reptaat what I said re- Jrar, who retired aa manager of the com
focw th eiectuin that 1 expre-aiy notified pany last Feomarv. ri. and how waa
and directed ine chairman ot egeoutive t;it um paid
j.mmutea of the national committee that t 'j, Mr Roenfe)d 1 an 'ng commiaaion
no money anouia aa rsn-eiveu 1 :'iin curpura- .
uoua- t aul renewa.s'
WJham F. Sheehan attentx.n waa caJed ! Today s meertng was a r-ended h- a hun
ts tae .oBtimnny of Mr McCall and he I dr"d policy holder from Michigan. loara,
aaid 1 V.Baotirl. Indiana and other stare P-eei-
I waa chaurrnan of the executive commit- dent Mouiton arave hi personal aaaurance
tea of the deimx-ratlc naiionai cocuiiit tee, 1 -.. .
There waa nut a amaie maa o.nnetel wnn that tne OTr,p,u1v P-rfft-t.y olv-,t.
ttie 4emK ratic naraonal mnpii that T Th demand made by a policy holder,
solicited a do-lar rim Mr. M.Ci.l. If any . M ro arhat the orSoara of the company pro
ucn pt-raon made an s u ai.ucitation. J w ' .,
Mr. McCaU aflouia name him. ! I". to do. Mr M m!on r-p,ied that aJ
7efU Kxpaaaiaa HI TeaHtlaaaaay.
Joiin A. Mrt'liL president ,-f Tiie Ne
Tcrk Life lnuranoe company, irmni
ht teatlmony before tile legislative com
mit'.ee in relatu-n to oontrtbuiiiMia to the 1 "T heated debate it was nV-nded tn ad
demiarra'lc party, aaud . j Juura until O obrr t
The meaning I intenaed To con y when I ' .
Juct PaxkT. wnen a candidate for the ! PRINTERS MAKE BIG GAINS
pra,aem'y last year, did not perwtnaily asa
rre tor campaign f jmia, but fneno of hi
did ao repeateciy.
J nire parau-r as chairman of the ata-e
dertKirra'.lc commute for aev-mi yeaLra aid.
However, aocept proffered ituntrtbutiun 10
tirte fimia.
JraBa la Prwaaraa.
John A- Mc"all, preaidrnt af the iew
York J.fe Insurance company, waa a wit
. h-t ,.,..,.e ie,.
J ' " V.:" T J
aratmg committee. District Anorney Jerome
waa aa uitr-ed ecuiu-r of ui. proceed-
lr.g tonay it ma niai tima. tie aaia a
expected to snaa a pumic statement m a
W 11 OS . Nash, caahier o.' tiie New Tarat
tttare 5at:ona eank of A ,K.-.y wa the
nrt wttaea. Ke prod icd a :ranacr-pt of
tii account nt Andrew A. Kajni'ton frrotn
January 1. likfi. to data. This connitted of
twenty-four ledger sheets. T.e account
give ao pamruiar beyond tile amount.
Mr. Ntati aaad only Mr. Hamilton a dauiaTh
ter had Juer to draw checks on t-hat
tr-a.Aeat Jonn A. MoCail af the New
York Insuraju-a uoonpaay waa then ca-ind.
After being aw. ra and gr ving um r-raum- J
iner-v Information as to his buainoa and
reaidence he said he had barn comptroller
of the Erjuitable bs-fnr becoming pre-
eni af liie New Tort Life lrwmiiu cam-
- , .
Daay and tirea-Kaua.y oata own auperinipna-
ent of insurance at Albany. He aaa.d it was
true that be had drawn .'hecka on tha New
T ark Lot Insurance company account
witiual ta approyaa at tn finance ootm
mittca Ha aaid this waa aitnoat a daily
occur -etaca. K knw Andrew Hamlltan b.r
Ben ya-avra. Kataaltoai is not. a re aa rive of
bis. h aalded.
Mr. ICcCaU aaid he humself is the oi
judge of what Wiaacka ahouid be drawn
without autburtaailon,
H aaid be had known A.U7rew Hamlltaua
aun-r a was yeau-a or a-a. ha waa no
re ox are sat her by biond or by marrtaat. b
had k in connected with th aoannany am-
HHt ha tt- trriaX of (lie Fdaaro p.naaoa aaaa.
vCanttnuoat aa -wcaaoj PiatL)
Captala W,..rwa la Held la "rttlaa
Celaaabta far tloiaitac
Dallas Law.
y -Cartam A- j
:! M.mdar ast '
C ana.ilan ul.ipr.
ashtn ;T' N rt.
ander M Ln wa ar
V..1 3. C.
Ur at t- -eueet of Tie Ax'ni'H,
I aatirs e C-tr--rn: if i':w;t under
n.iii . t ortained mor hn a year
ago at
m a charge af con- J
'he "oho-mer 'Car-'
.f fb" aws. :
-.g out
a te..
' -nert i-day
ouni'Tr.i? Th a. rt nyn
af tne A.t-uipo ' if
that the "IT
,r.u-r me -.,
ma.- up ( mt-
band af -r,rr
.nr.-d . P,rai
'-ut ;nn:a as iiava
sinn thf -lay of
i Captiun iv.uJ. '
Tr.e ee.. n for M-'Lean
:as pr'M flf-d '. 1
j aim- Ma
I :mwn a
H.a nin-fTienii aa- " Ix n
""r par t t...a :.tnr. -lu: n.a
''tmnf .n :a -.i;u- a-:naj r-ii!s
1 bn -oniiii 11 i c.-vr':. nd ana so
sLars an utiwrran,-. of inr l '!ia
I iaar thai :t s sa.d h- ihs mm'.p ;.)- vrt
I taw hnH a.I: -jvt al.g"U vioia::oTi
' af the jaw Fir ins-Tan---, K- .wys haa
J be-n ,-a.-: li not u ne u-rt arTin ttie
: L&re-f.if. :::n.: .jf : ::r w:r.i r",s.
nd a.-. r:, i;ifi an -ar-i -.r.d in
laufe par- in Er. a. : i": . rar le -,as nut
b-n r-irJT'-d -na-r -:t.'jer A-nt-r-i-an r
Br::. mi an vn fc-r-mti: s:; .pr
ni ir-inifT-::;eT:T 'jrw'ri t-- - --u'V -t-s -fie pr-t-ti.n 'f the ndueTry
el arpiit-d.
M-x.ran and
He a -.p---a:t-d jr.der
N.Tftian r-a.etrn".li n
and a; pur-mlr ims U n h-iij n re-
Ta.nina; ne or tne' otu-r. d-e "He fact
:!tu: ne ? rr-!:d M-t.- an pae--s east
The schooner -i.i-l f"m B.n Francisco
:n er'enner. lias), for a cove .n the .-oam
of '"a.ifi;-nia a-ye re -a.:rj arpsra:-js had
ieen n'pt r-jr; -inie :
- it - i mt oooiriet!y
F-orn he :e acnoonp
riir a
h.jjn seas and sey-r-; rimes was seen .n ,
tiie vicinity of the PrrbyHilf s.anas. but ,
nevr w thin the .1-nit of the preserves.
On A . of that yeH-. the Er1t;li 1
user. Sherwate-. found the schooner. 1
Carmenctt just iff "he -ur-e -inie umit 1
of St. Piui usiitnd and bfiaj-led it. The
fact -hat tne anp it w the Mexican fla .
prevnTd arrests at 'hat rime. About a
f r-n.ght before tau 'he ""armencita made
a j-d of the Copper islands and had a :
brusn w-.'i tne Russ-an patr"l. At least
one uf the --rw waa wounded as he waa ,
sent to Seat-.e for treatment. "Then "he .
facts .oncemina- the raid became known !
the Mex'can ttavemment rep-idiated The 1
rar.B'rT and the Ca-menrtta Sew tor a .
rime -he .orasiri fleuf. It ia -jnnennood '
The scbor-ner chanrd names several Timee ;
tn order To preserve r-ar.straticn and
flnaiiy under the name "Acapuico ' M:ru
re an "matron waa aattLin secured.
oai i r V uni nrn" bJsWT DCDI V I
raatrsrt Itwlalewa ta WeXfia Life
ladraaaitr Feair trteaaaat rat
sjaalpalate Faada.
CHTCAiiO. Sept. 7. At a trbuient maeX- ,
iruf of paiUry hoiderat af the Wmmti Life
Indemnity company, an aaaeseu.ent aaenc-
. u - i iui w.-H hM4mariaa u rtitntm h.l a
today it ara decided to put some pointed j
qiiesiMin to uie manarmruu i ;i- iu .
holders were moved to
action by a
,1 I
for receiver filed yesterday by Attorney
3. O. Lev' n son who. cta.minaj to represent j
a number of policy holder, ail red that The i
assets of the company were about to be
.-.-'.p-ji.1 vthnitt enneenT of ih TwO W-r I
. . hirtna themsevas to defraud The r"rn
hoiaers 10 a company !n another state. '
, . . . .... 1 ment out of lands in Tire easier-- parr f
Vinnui chantes of fraud and arrafT were ' . made :n the Mil fr a receiver.
An ir red by a failure to secure f om of
fl-er of the r-ompany Information aa to Its .
present condition and Tiie purpose of the
men in control, the policy holder today I
formulated these Tiesticns and aubmitled
hem to President G. M. Mouitonr :
tVaa a contract entered into berween The !
Wentern Lite inrtemmtv company and E.
L Rsenfeid. secretary for
the maruurement 1
of tiie company s affairs?
rtTiat are tne .
term of that contract
all inurano" poiicie mntten and on
would be known in gol time. Manager
Roaenfeid declared -here was no Trr-ith tn
The Btatemen set forh 1n 'he bill for
I a receiver tLed by Atomey Levneon. Af-
EaaplaiTera la Twa Ha a deed a ad
Miteea rialea lw ik Eight
Hear faatrart.
IXDrANAP-Li3. Ind.. Pert. 3H At -ha
headquarrers of -ha International Tvpo-
i Btrapnicaj union Tonight th foloar-ng ata-
! ment was issued.
! u'1- iwJ"
,1 " 7"
1 ma-uy of the empioyng prrnter ha.-a
i signed up. In r. ra n we have ne 'il-
I nour day ni-w or to raee.otne effective Jno- 1
1 j-y L .n Ut .-six of tneaa- w-iere at-iaa
: have been -Je. .aj-a.1 ar tnmaienei a.1 tne I
! oiflcaai nave ancned the new w.tnu-u j
Thing couid not be In belter anaoe .
-ae. w yncn a O
t . .
- , c 1. an in-
J"' "a S2wniani l maail l-llt-
iianing 00m patty her ta r-veni union
1 ""r stopping rrlia breakers as tbey
entered tne
I .... i .i, - jiany
' ' -ra-eajtera nave tern cs.u;.-it bf
breauter have
and put on ti-aui
I ut'-keui and put on tr-aun for outer citita.
The company now has two jut of h .f
hundred men at work. Th hght.
i m 'eiegram from Preaiuent Lycca
j ul 1 yPrapnicaa union, is oeing watied
--" here tiuaa anrwnere 1. A cmaa
1 jver the lniunrt-i,n i n-ariia tori o.
: , ...
1 l
N Y . Sept. y. Alter a wee 1
duration me tnk uf une union pnnu-ra
her far aa eignt htrur day has ended w'ta I
th yw-Miins; of a.1 t.i empionng prtnter. 1
Ail have now aiifred th aaTrv.emenL which j
tmaea effect Janoai-y L. Uaai, and a.1 the 1
printer returned to w ark t xtay
ATLiSTA. 'J-. aVpt. 3. Bexauae their
employ er refuae-1 to aaocade to a lemund
for ata eight -hour nay ana tune hour pav.
taa tinlfa book and job printer employ aa
-n Baesa Atlanta pruituig est an -uwi. ment
wa-ked oait today. Tiie strike in vol ves aaout
Ilfty mW.
ST. LaOt-iS, Ho, epc 3U. Anouna.-aarietit
ixuvda at tile hrajq uaj-taer of T-a.
grapnlcai aciua No. 1 that fi.ur addr-.H-oaJ
fir-ias Baal, glsmaal Uas aaght-baur a-n 'rai--t-
rrrpor.tio to Cacdema G-r, ;n Iti-CTaac
Ea-aai t 3toira.
T3 SnavE
lrKai DImt aa
CaaaittH Ikal la Ftmlaae
Wkfi CaaraaTlaa
KAHTTlRI. Conn.. ?p. 3D. A shars
teTwn a 'acTKm of deieipaiea frrn the
west in :ntanca at tha cttnnii"n of
tne Nm.onai Asarxnar'on of rner1tfr
anih dei-ra-. from -iter swctlona icTurrl
at this afternoon 1 aeaeion. ud at aJoun
nral trie lesnoTi at laa-je waa sttli 'Jnavd-
i ,::!T1. Tne rsol urirn of -iaur offrl
- i,JIT
ia bv Deiearata FU:eia;r of St. Louib :
. ' , 1 , , 1 . . 1
me-i a. ea;a ir -iar-ea .n -w- 1
and a:m .-nvi::iun. At Tiie "m of ad.ourn- 1
men? aavf a t-sea Je.eatatea were on taejr
. . I
1 are me a-.-ention or tie rtla;r- .
Tjan. !)ut The a-Hmoiv if elded to pnsTpne '
rile v-(in:-st jn'.il tomorrow. '
T'.e ssue waa -Bused wnen The executive
-or:rr.itt- "iibrr.itTe.1 :o Tiia convnr,on a
-por an 'he Hai-ia;h -si'jtiim. This r-P-'T-
was rtia: ! nuton otTer-d bv a ;
i"!eaa:e from -ne St. Ltnis avssriclB--ton
riiutd not be oonsmer! hr his r-tnv.r.t.'-n 1
.ntl t:.a: -hr -rtnsnieraiion of hat or any '
"trier similar roit:'lon .s arararrr.el
ind ouTsuie Tiie pr-.-per prov-.nre -f 'he
":.(. rm. Asa.!a:ion of T'nderwrte-. j
siaaraata aa Heaala OaipoelTlaau 1
The commit :ee rporr was ri-evd wtn
n---ra. Wnen '-'ie noise haJ aiia.'ded I
I '- Van Turi of Minneapolis arose to I
! speuit and aj ani-J hv ihe n;-.ide-t ...
trie platform. Mr Van T-jyl smla he r-pr-entd
i number of -hese whose --tews d;f- :
f-r-oi from -he repcrt of Tiie execurtv. r?n
miTtee. Thre questions he th:iajnt were -to
:e ietermind: Prs;. wnether we are to
make aav public declaration on :ne matter
in view of the discussion now aroma; -n in
the press, se ond. wouid It be profitable !
to do so. third, what, .s the politic coume? I
He aked if it were Ime for -jrh a bnuv
to maintain silence, answertnaj hiinseif that
ne thov.aiT not. We depend for ail we aj-t '
on a ptinilc confidence. :f w fai' w '
it will take years to redeem ouraelvea ' j
P-aisinar hie hajid to emphasize his words i
he added
T"niea some .-aavmabje resolution is 1
paaaed bv tnis aaaoc-atiun auonc the itnes of :
mat t;i5(fested nv tne ieieanaia fr.m aT.
Louis, a resolution wtil be sent out to the
pr-sa of the ''ounTTT siirned with the najnes t
f -he men in ta-.or ot me prrnciroe em-i
bodied in the xr.rJiai resoi ition. "A w-'l j
not stand for riiind ioana. -"ambnn dmnerB .
or mianiarnt Transfers t ser-urtttes. j
S abac a an 1 af H e
The Raieiajh reeolutlon. which prernpltaed ;
tne day s debate, recl'es that the diBc!ujrurB
in The mettiode of prar-ticea in manajre-
ment of some nfe Insui-ance companies,
wmch. if not criminal in their nature, ap- ;
VT to sTTosfuy irrea-Jiar and in vmla-
son of the principle of the trust involved,
and demand that, if Crimea have been j
corntr.itTeid. tiie crlmtnala stial! be punished
and thcasi who bare a-tciated their trr-ieta '
shall be deprived of their trruareeahlp.
The paper read at the afternoon session
included one by James V. Barry of Lan- ;
sins. Mich . insurance cominiaaioner af The 1
; state of
I Eihlc.-
Michiaan. on "Laf
Federal aad Caaary OArtala aad Renal
Ka tat a Dealer af Akraa (7 la a raj eat
wtta Fetnlar-T.
taraa-d arrr per-
Colorado, warrant ha-e been uaeued by th
t'niTed S?tares dlrtrtct ittortifv'i office 'or
t.he arrest of Peter CampbeiL former rerts
trar of tie L'mted States land oftVe at
Aaron. Perrr C. 5e-mev. county tr"a'ir"r
of TVashlnaron otmtv. and D. tV. Irwin, a
real esta. of Akron.
Through these men it ia aid That hi
' " . -
--r-r-mMir naa oaaa oer. nae mi-
t-rousanaa or doners wnrn or landa in i
TVajiung- on and Turn a count ie.
Hy vanou untrtua;e. it is taied.
Campbe!!. Beeney and Irwtn obtained po
esanon of land which had been abandoned
by pre-noue set tier and oid it to other
1 et.era.
So far Irwin i the only man ai-rearred.
Sjet larreaaa fatr th Tear la Oan Taa
SJtlllaa t Ha a at real Taaa
aaaal Daallara.
ST PAL"I Minn.. Sept. The rjent-r-fourth
annual statement of the Chicago. St.
1 Paul. Minneapolis Omaha road, issur-d
today show that the groa aammg ajaTrra
: ga'ed r.L9i5 !ei for 'he Seca.t year ending
I June iW. The operanng "rpenae and
he ih amounrei to 17.fTS.o3i. majttng ta
I net eat-ning S4 7.7L The net Increase,
I roun'ins" inrereat and rantaia. amounted '3
Co.: J Cut of the net income of trie
year tne board of dir"mrs appropriated
aa.ei.aati :or ritur addinon and better
meis, which, art'h 7 per cent dividend on
both common and prefer-ad. aggregating
C-isa .!. Mvea the surplu over a.1 Charge
1 r:M.7jf.
, 1, Tn Bf 111 trart-ri(-n nny
, raltfar-ata trpalaaariai Wefwaed
Karea ea ajeaaartail Day wit a
wataaaaatai Draaa Cat-pa.
SA-rlAMENT-i. Cal.. Sept. The band
of the second regiment, national Truard af
Ca-ifomia. J to ne mustered out ow-ng to
! tbe fact hai :t refaeed tn parade on Me-
, miTmu dav in this city berauiae the T al'ee
r r.rmiA err r of the Beo,.K.le h.j
' gjwted a nonunion dr-im coma. It is held b
,na autriontiea that me member of
, aand refused to ooey order, wnirn war-
1 rant, their CimuaMl, tad Gorrai.r Parte.
! aa otimmsnder-in-chief. at the p-eomrriRicii,
me baad be mustered out.
pii wrir". u lni 1 SCHOCL:
wiinnuiw ia iwinn ttunuvu
Joha H. Caaaaaa, Clark at Catrsaaa
riry. lew-, AppaUaatatal aaaawrtaiawaaaaW
eat wwuaaa
WAJHINHTOX. BVpt. A-Oiar!aai M. tie.
J bach, a cierk at The Fort Beiltnap Mont.)
Indian BrhuoL and Jonn M Cnmtnaana a
clerk at the Caraon Nee 1 arnooi. ha-ee
n-arn promoted to be u perm tended. Z7-
bach will taae chacg of the Klckapox) In-
daaa T-a-niug achooJ at Hortxin. iaTan.. and
CiMiimoas uf tap Indian arhool on the
' a.ina.-ia laal 1 a .Urn m Nehraaka n
Kidney a teav-itirr on tiie Rx-arDud reaer-vaa-
totui, haa been appajanted a up-attntnda-nt
and a aaagnsd la the XnaiaLa -"-"I at "-
-luaui. Una.
HiLL accesses faamers i
t rt-ewtalewt f Krrsll onkrr Tell
Tfca TTaey 'red Cheaper Traaa
asrtatloa Free Trade.
PnSST'-N. Mim.. ipt.
-arr.e J H.:
jr-at N .r--n
r-ri m so:: i M.r.nt"- '
ddr"S'"1 "tie f.i
'ta a So a!nwntl a: th FTii-cr txunty
fa:r 1r 'c-dajr
Mr H!'.L fr omv
'sra:''. ' jx puhui- iu)d ppv: V.Te. said
Tiur ma.n ntn ar tw An ado-iua'a t
mararr ai hu-!i yuur pr'niucts mav a ;
oki at a fa.r pnrf and an jprfar.u y o
: ar
nut mppiy. Aa far as jr R-.n
ia jgni-rif yr.ii mart s-:i n n-.a:-s
if ap'ir'd. Tl- ar-.1T a"!', ni rit-:u you.
.t.iitURM y ir rM'i;:r:aiiS Tin v smv iou ara
pr-nt-d and -nr-t'v -5,.. trut Tu
antiw rT:eT Tier 1 irr aray m w.u u
vrJ may beipi. and Tna: is ! "essen
xaj the os; of tr"tswurat:n.
it is an a si- pr-rne te'a-.iae iT Is
rniemess 'h-t. :h( raUroaJ rua !n
in.ntr-i- would i-iine tut- .ui-w-v .moer
lv"nmi -"mr-l :naa if tlxd bv t.ivse
- :.nT"i:;"r:: nanat rj.iwn No
puDlll. ,y wmui j,-. t. aae rl irtjcns so
iav ten maae
-"'Jnur.iv ay nati-va
'""" """ 1:lrr:' u '
i - n rx-rrs ir uia--. .: t ts -mnsr-
. - .i ri, .- u -
t wuir! wMinpr or is'-r
h- olonj.-l
tw nart
V r nd
wiu.d !e
o orler a .iisram-e tsrT The
.'or ;:ie iv'r.aj -:a ll woxml dls,--oi
far-Tiers h--r n M.nnes-ia
! neB;- TaritT-d p-pi-
:n r.le wir-d.
Mr. H:i: r mrned on -i.e nrtent as .
funi -na-K-' for r-a- arnB: pru1-j-.n
sta:-s of .-if irnit-d 3ar He observe'
rna; -ne PnnHnia rmnHii- rr;o 't T.ig-ht ie
a wofhv pr ef-T ara An -rpersive -or
and one : ..ur -tus anara.: -ountr rtiu.d
arTori I'-rrcH-d tne vf:mrir nar any
I trr-' -v-n-e! ,wi;id i-r..e 01 ; ne pe-.-.pj
Aa.n :-f-rrrg onnea; ira Mr
H.ii ajl
H" "ur pani-v w ia e ar"Td and in-
'-"-d nat.on of persona.
prosie r cusToiii-rs.
!.---: bv narur ;iav
'tona: le-eT-mlns-S'-n -to
ict. j t heir iiuuko.
me nave Trade it .i -rtiHi
rrii trie ir-vina tr-i-!1
wn., mmian
.i-e '.1 .nioM na
ailmii ir pnja-B--
an-U.ier r.irv
.mpoesioie t'o c-jn-'o
:ie .-rtcnt i -r
jhk -f w.ic:i our 'r-ia;n -o-nmer--e ,an
aruishes in every auarter .-f tne anobe.
In iosinaT Mr. sa.d
Tins fa.jicv tnat the v-u'ed State -s
-emn; oi.troi of the markers of -he
world n"dB to be siudiee r.d nor.estiv
answ'-rnl. Because oor r,.ihiy protecte.i 'jtr"rs are aoie. try rejjx.n of tne
h:an pne-s they narare vou. to send a
i-er-am por-ioa of .heir .urput .icir-iad :t f,.r hn.f what we pav we ara
not conque. irg The oommer- iai wirid.
f ham Tirw to
IMIAN.i.W'Lii Ind.. 3ept 7 It seemed
for a while as rbouarht a aurawr of he del-.
earates to he conventien of m Nailrma.
Rura. Letter I'Lei aasociaiion at he
statehouse would artt:tfb-aw from The con- '
ventlnn. ajid many fr-ixm the ajaaoclatinn aa
wil. The credentials committee -por
amused such an anrirwnt that Titer" waa
not even time in rtfs put to a mte.
'When the reroT-T wx4rnead tlae tact that
there is a campaign -b font aarairst ;
m-esndem of The assocSiion bet-arie evident.
e snn-a.imimsTrri-5fl member war"
seated on one side of the room and the
aiminirralinn men on the ether,
The rommlttre re per- r-i'- d wears to
Insurance The delearate fr"m N"W Tor Ohio and i than rrhee we aia-arnbie To snow our de
i M'.chitran on a tneatao-i nf nayment of ue. mpon 'o our artear -Mty Tbi t the prtn-
, These stares are said to be opposed To Cun- :
lemon. .
TVhile anrmiert araa at Its heij-ht
motion -o ad;oum waa made br one of tne
Indiana oeieaatea. The rha.r r-ned that
the motion was out of order and a number .
of the deiesa'es rose to their feet aa rf to
leave the --wivenrion at tri point. The
chair reconsidered and announced That he '
meetina would adjoam to meet in the aft
ernoon. '
In 'he iare afternoon peace wa Tempo- '
rartly declared between -ne orpoalnc fac
tions. At toniaht a session TV
Windsor of
the Rjrai
F Deliver- News read
paper. a.'-er which aw;ourimer.t waa
. taken untl rimnrr
r'T-.i: i iii 11 r- r r t w - r t n r i w
lu rr Cn ClaUC Ml U I 3 I Cla DA I
Frwsiatewt staase-relt Dtaraaaej Pwhlle
AaTalr arlth l eases. Raat,
Laaala-e aad ( kaate.
CTrrTJ-ER BAT. T T. Sept 3fl A eonfar
ence of ircporinr. wa heid tonight at
dent Rooseveir, Eliha RiHit, ecretaj-y of
1 state. Henry Cabot Lodge. United Sta'e
j enaior from Massac.hueet'a. and Joseph H,
j Choaie. former amnaaaador to 'ire at
j Erain-
I "'hile -t i -ain par-f-u-ar ut;.r of
I great ooncem o 'he country waa und-r
ocrr.side'-a-ion. tne nature of wmcn was not
disclosed of tomunt. tne oppornnity
: aaa errcraced bv -he president Tr dinciiss
; wii e.a vfi'ors Nome matter regaling to
( tne foreign relation of America. This i
! trhe nrst sni-ahle oppr unity The prasinent
', ha had -o 'a.k atth -,-'arr Rrmt aince
; ha aaaiimed h p tu'res e sera'ary of state
It i noi uniikiy 'hat among other tT'pic
of discussion -he racer.t deeelonment in
the conduct of me .ifa tnauiware com-
pame received an important tiare of ai-
U-niion a- the Tntfmni'. Ail of the nl
TtT are more or ess familiar arth tb in
surance sit m- ion and as he president ex
pects to take up mat sunject m his forh-
com lie annual message to onn-ea, in
f wnirn he now ia engaged.
I it 3
iiral 'hat he should wisn to n-
I Milt IllS close
end and advtaora about
I the ma".er
AU tnr-e of the veH'.na will remain as
I g-ieet of tiie premdent and Mrs. Rooneveit
I until umor-ow
j untJ tjrnorr
' rAURtrlO rlLC IhCifl TLtA
eaekaeeMrtate tiM eka a.
r.ji-. .. mm rairaia m i.a u -
Tarwav Owl the
1 tfsr a a . n . n. .
! was Sied uxlay oy tr.e packers indicted in
dustry The -uea. -.a not supported by af-
fliiavna It 1 signed by the defendants and
thear aturnaurs.
Four nm cooneled wtth til Scuwar-
j cnold A Sulzberger Pacamg ctjncers naont d
I In indictments ctiarging tnem with aa-cnt-
tng raoiroad rebates ar now in Chicago.
?r Ta r flMl ,WT
inaictine-nt They arrived in Chicgo y
l-rda r and wer m ciir.ferenc wth At-
1 tneut ti.a-on tVe.anraa-h and mh.r
j set. anost ail their muoa of
j plea-aing- On of til men. Samuel Wil.
tics prudent of me company, has just re.
j ruraa-d from Europe. It is jnderatod that
' aU four men will appear :n court wnn tlieir
I aTtma.ara rS. At.fenh.nTa r.r-iee r-u.11
I a:
nam a jai. ir-uic maaaarr: 1 ajo
I T77. Siupwuirta. astCant trarSc manag-r.
I and Chau-lea T'Jdd. aaa.s'.a-Dt tfTk: m.i.
Cpwn.ian to Scttiii-ca Or-jn..x.un in
Fh'Jad.?lr.a 5aet Tlcksu
pTtaloa af Klevtiaa Law a. Irtnl
t llsr t!l Caaiaaaatlaa
I far rMW rrasrilsri
lr FaTra,
lnrreGnzd rr.antnrxzum.
pry a xxly nprr9r to tp mnods 'if
ria;ti a ooutut r!rkt to b rot-vl r at
Nv-mbr Mon. Trie :t :h a-s f":-k-a
t- 1-..
'irte -irpr-an ennr. Mar"?
JjciaT- SiJ(. and Ea-t: ar
--.-. 1
pr!w-nt m th Sench and ar riri.a.r
rpuhilt'art nnrrme9 f-T r-!-.r::(n.
T 'dav 9 inTewinitn wi- t 1t-t n Tianr i
r-r n :him i!T t w iWh 3-.z
T: r ;.T w 4-eH':;(,n uf '"aTa-isiida.a
wno fn;r'y -r.r-'nt - .m ;-nr-nt
""' r :.. )rran:sa::t "i last '
0rmtiaa for ifr W - vr. j
vr bvf.r :n tne -iiston" -1 -- "T v '
h.d onm-; w?-" f onvn-
ri-.n "r-n qui..lT-'i. Tie Vk.v of ileiHrara
ajid a.: ma;- h i : j :; i :i .K.a.l ,
and ;?u -a aa. n t fU Marnr .V-avr f
:;tir. .f tJiP c:ini,'.3i,n. Mayor "?i-. r i
iif's-d :o a laie :n nter of Uie rwp
nun rmm anJ a. Jeif-ip'- -!.d un ;:t.i-r .
c?l(le af tiini w:::i a .ra A:;er1r.a.n j
CIit 7harman EclrionU! idrl t
maytr and ong-irimiH ii:ti 3n : '
WO "It 'f COnVe-nllt'TL
Mirf Weaver n rpjy
Tnlaya wmv-nt:rn ia nniv hf twrnnlnir '
of t!if HirMt :n ta:ctt a1mj;'i.ffTra:H'n
and The rxp piUcd To land t- i" Piiajrlphia lit f ?- n '.r-,ipi . '-mt !
wi"'.riir ii fiu r"n T.ntna-d wil I
tt :nl wil Nomrvtr T'le t'ifl '
ri-a r.rkf! lom-riaiM a
.r-Jw rpHbl:(iT,. L-? jh rr.afCw niwia
you t, r:e aimir.iira;:tin arm : n :njB
:ra:ii'n to you. :na; w- w:.l t.t -i :n
ur r-j-!"T -ndr-ftrf.r? o jjrr.c "tut
irl-at if rnaA'hintv
Piaeeeallaara af 4 aarratlua.
The convention waa ca7?-d ro order
F-inaLiiii 9. Edmrnds. , of -he
-"lty committee of tne party He .n-ro-
au,-ed Rev Fioyd TV . Timpkins of ii oy
,.- run w50 ore,,,! nracer
t.-.arence TJ '3ibbonv
Law and Order society
nently mentioned as
secretary of the
hertfT. withcrew today
Foilownaj -he invocation by
ytT ,
Tompkins trie band piaved 'My Country j
Tib of Thee and deiecare and aiTemaTes
jnited in a miarhry chorua In epenitu the
--nnvenrjon City Chairman Kdwarda aa,d In
: W. eome here b-catine wa are 'or-r. of i l"?t.- Feon New Tork to Corort-!. nr
I o-ur city, no matter what mav be our par-y ! tjiii-y day, the propeller went rev
: arT.llaTiotis Tt wa here ttiat were ftrst ) nlution without one stop.
: enunciated tiie ortnnpleai er iiDerty. ja-
aet-tar I
Tne ocrasion t here. A oand or
as -r.ade our fair ctv a sname 1n
I rhe T-e of 'be wrd The arovee-iTnenT af
he ct'v has Hrtig-hT the biusn of shame to
eve--,- honest '-titfen tt. stand here to
redeem -he rit- of Phiiadeipnta.
Wa nrocajm thar the r-tri of gaf i-,
rie dT of Philadelphia shs'i "n This ha
a t-odv ir-er-'e1 Tn a li r"r mirr-osa I
w -n to offer a tb't'e of 'bsnk John
T-arr Tigv-r of philBdeipma "coot-b d
-hn i '. who ha done more Than vtf -dtvtd
:b7 -o srtva r-a tjetvie n' ph'.tade phia
an or-porvmiry o w-tn Their ei"rn
At he eonciusjo-i of -he cha.rman s
peach The band piayed The '3tar apaniri"d
Banner" and aerain The deleara'es. alTer-
na-e and spec'
ators Joined in the chom.
Afar the appointment of the permanent 1 a
commirT--s -he conve-non "v-k a --es to , m nrsd''-ioe, dlspnte be-ween
aJlow The commltteea to pi-pare Their ra- ; ajr.,.,, 8nd br-w-ra. -ha o.incti V,
porta. j --ar-'ed 'he eeotra: 'abor union To sea -hat
Ffaefwrsa daptaal. j nrew-er workmen oorrpiy WTh 'he de-
Immedlateiy after the rare -he com- 1 rnptan preytously rendered In Tho -ae of
mtr-ea -epered. The committee on per- tne coopers again the brewers, the oouncll
manent onraniaarion presented Their report 1 recommended that it not be re-opened aa
making Their temporary officer permanent ' a. decision era rendered by the convention
and adding a fir presidents Chanes ; f the Federarton of Larxnr a: San Fran-
FmnrT Smith and 'William C. Bullirt- The
report era adopted The following piat
fnrm wa also adopted:
The citv party of Philadelphia, in oon
rentlon assembled, heraoy max" its decia-
annn "f pfncipie and 'tivrt-a 'he m-
ora-ration and support of ail good
-itrxen .
without regard to their narrv
'le or na-
tlonai pciiticai principles
tv, citv parv has oe-n formed for the
raoemrHon "f the "If of Fh iadeipnia from !
the -inrrol of cormpt and rminai "on-
spiratcr. cabling th-meer.-e r-epumicana. ,
It aima to put an end to government or
and for municipal oooirsc-ors and m sun
stitute government bv and for -ne cir.Ben.
A necessarv unclden' to T poucv of re
form and pf'arrea tne citv prv demanas
mpiete and thorouarh -wtsicn
of tne orient eieo'ion law nciuding a
nrvtaipn for persona reg. strain. n
' Second, the repeal of :nc rpner ' bill
denvtng to the -navor the i-glt to appoint
his head of denarrments.
Third, a sincere and 'mpacial nfbr-a-ment
of tne -!.- 1 serv re prov-sions of i
' 1 n.t,- rw.e e-ee.
1 citr cnaner maarng arroni.-neii'e
ni l Tat aU up-n poiincal pull.
t-,.. n nur niini.-'nai '-a.nrhisM when
1 Fourth, mat J"n' -P1 k, t jZ.m "
-.Mner ooinrer aa ' :on aod not
.-ieea ol' -.o.ricau or irrwrnai favor.
pei the eieTSon of m inic-pa. officer
sponsible un me n':r m.dv of cit.iten
and not to any or group of men.
Six-a. an nonest. open, ec'nc.mirai and
pat,.,,.! ailrn'mstrar-on of our municipal
aeraii-s has-d upon the abeoiute divorce of
Tfice hoidet-s from pnuttnai conrr'.i and
no councilman noiri anv empiov-
-r.ent or he ,nter-st-t in anv rny contract.
-,.r toe aS..OTion 1 a ale rrair.ini
the ati.arsrement of our school facilities and
tn cji-.prration w-Tn ne stare and national
' gr.yernment in deeper. -.g tne Delaware
. rnanne) and the srdv nompietion af
underground tranmt rauiiHiea.
l.tat Waawf K.aarwad.
7-he platform conclude with Th endoi
of the dmin:t-tson of Mayor
Weaver and The appro-cal of his director
in administering their department wth
....,., 1 .awa tn the letter and amr-t
i of to. law -
: n,. umnmiie atmnfr conrenrlnn waa
' heid here txioiamt and after some diBcua-
: wa as follow:
! Wa commend Mayor Weaver for breaattng
. f-ngaai.l aepoung me caa
or tn peopie. o citv in tne union ruui
'. .-r o-d of a revjiution sua 11 as u
oa uararaiar d.
1 af 0?a
eta ept. X.
1 . rt-iS- LliSS
and Pr-ma
Irene from Napiea
Ai Liverrjaa'l A.-nee-i Meai:r from New i
' T'
ra. 1-aa.lad
C-neaiand T-.r fMiaot-ipnia .
1 "Txieaaic, fi.r New Y
ayivanaa. for 3
"i Cherbourg Sailed' Kaiser Wllhelm
' dr i --. fr .m b rem en auod iout lamp-
1 t"n- r 2rr-i
' atfilt-a. UDra
' At lamdiaft AJ-rtred
A.jret-ta. from Mar- j
Laanraaurta. frruaa
Furan Biaamarra.
. New 1 ara.
i .. New York.
i At txtaaaibw nailed Ca rtnaafinian. for Na-w
1 T ora-
a it
At -.'Jat-r USUI W
a aafed. Caonxa, tur Mew
Fair Ttanalar aad rndar: (Mlrr la
j Tarirtr at Otaaha tmrtti
i Raar. D. Hnar. Da
I a. at vn 1 a. aa
; a. a .V 2 a. at
T a. a M p. rm l
: a. ia !la p. aa
a- at id a p. at l
trt a. v nr Hp. aa T"
lla. a Ti Ta.a ?
I U a Tt a p. aa T
l 1w Orleaaav.
a..,, -epcr-!
r .-vr ii! ia
if yjjfir 'v
j -lay-
' "-jr a?--Tia.
; r-a- 'IP - . ;,
4 :
Caj'' i:"r:ara;a
twi ..- rw- '-tr.a -i
- r. "v::t- ' n-'t r-r-ivi-rj vr.y! r..T:a;
- hi rflir'- f -jnd a neNfwH:- a '
nT:r!T :n vai.ts -t? a c-ai n'mi''
PEN?A 'UAe ":.. -jW-p 2i. -Tt- ;.
'vr "t.ia:V'r 4:t o 'ic'n.ra in ni P!v
nt-w aa- -r- rnr"i a: l.-rtdfj'iar-r?
.'rtav :i 5iait:t " itw n :if r r a ".a "a n m
sr Y i:. tf .il w-vts: "f wnirh
lift- l-nTt :n'-t iii 'vr :n hir
ieawaskia Oakaca Makra Trip rrota
ajear York Ta aeattle wlik
Oaly Twa tapa.
?T PA'"L. Sept J(i The irea Northern
St-ajTihh.p f.rr.pany male r.b.ic a state
ment t vtuy i.-pTing hat trie wor'd-fimou
r?!rht of rakTt.eaftin rear-n from the
Nor-h Pa-5fit- o the No:: Attanttc dur-nar
the Spanish war ".as be -n outdone bv the
Great Nor-iiern --ompany a stejirnshtp ra
k ota The LaKOta ran 'tm N' Tork To
Seattle, makinc its tlrst stop at C.nmnei.
"Iiiie. and aJtother at an Fmri-.w-n.
The raron in its rr-.p from P-iuet sound
To '7r::.a made within 3iS knots of t.-.e st-am-inu
distance of the Dajc it a. The rirnii
who w.-ia promt- msoe severa. srooa. ssn r ajiciaco. a.iao.
a candidate for Pott Ta.-nar Rio Janeiro. Bafua and Bar
i bsdoes. This, with tne detour To avoid
erwmsn snips. tirraea tne -regr-n s mne-
" "u"
'Brl- wbereaa the Lakoia went aritind the
c-urTI- - 1r i-u. 11 '-"'-'""-i nr
-rK' ; 5n F-anr-scn o disrharnta
oanrn. but did not atop an hour oarlne; to
Eierailaf raw art I Bert Ma a rial as a af
Jrlielttai !( R 1-val
! ASHTNGTON. T. C. Serit. . At. tn
! day meetinar of the execj-;ve council of
-ha A-reccan Fede-ar)on of Lartor. a Joint
r"torr was 'wevel from 'he United
t Frothe-ood of .'a-ramar and the Amal-
aramated 3"necr of rpen'ers and Jomera
' That lha-r have enter"d :nto an ar-anarement
! exfendlna their working aarraement nntil
I January 2. t!aS. in eomp.iance wtth the
! award and de-tslon ra-ndered by Arbitrator
j c-.&co 'ast November
a a snap a eau 1 a era a seaea e"i a ei.ia
aaAi1!! niUl Tun UUU rtLIUVWi
P-mpaalTlaa rat Hat Id J1lllaiai Dollar
Haaae f raaeaajaaprlyew at Laa
Veaaa rader
PrTrLArELFrTLa.. Sept. y A' a meet-
trtg of grand lodge of Odd F-.lows -o.
dar a reso.uTion hv Mr L.ovd of
M.sou-. proetdlr for b.a .r-ion at a
t- . aw arttarx-.-. for Ood
1 sumpt'.v" at Lava Vna. N M . was -a
'erred o th eemm:rea on tne state
n, order
P-Ees for -ompett-tr'a drills weea
awarded tonigtit as foilpsrs:
Ctas A Frt. Canton L iraa. Vo I. To-
edo. C eeond Canton No. L wasmng-
Itnr 77 C. r.''
'"i" B Canton No X Harheawer Cfrl;
1 Stakes good medaL anion o. :. lira,
. ExemPliflc lotl f
Dege -T-ork-F"r.
.Canton Ma.den No 4 of Ma. den. Mass.
t second.
anion York No. :. York. Pa .
' ty
Beet Appea-anc" :n Parade Frst. San
: Fancrro Reoenah dr'i corn. second.
'. Canton Lincon No 3a. 9
I niaie- lattTXI CUSCDf 0 AC PPDC
. u 1 11 b. ia 1 a 1 1 -ovo w w.aa
taa Alice taaaatalt a ad
rfaa m rat F artlaarra a li-af
at I aa pert 1 Table.
SECt-L. Cor-a. Sept. 3" -The emperor.
r The 1rl Time dur-r.g ru re1-n. lunched
j for foreigner today, first glvir.g an audi-
; en-e u M a Ailc Haoaeye.t and R-ar ad-
: mlrau Tra-n. A.mertcan Minister Mrrrgtan as-
! i B)mmt to ma hi...i.t h. 1
! .n.r. -o.v sat together artth the croam and
- -m ... Tha otear f-oe.nHer
rrla party were diet.-ibuted at mail taj,e
Th, emperor toasted the daughter of t.he
; president and Mr Morgan repiird for M m
h,,-,-.,-. w-.hing long '.If- to The emoeror.
i Af er Tiie luncheon, wmcn constated of
j nariva f 01 acta. M.-S Roosevelt tiaitei the
1 Ciaraan carol net and other high otTi'.naj.
atta-tai Aa aaaa! Caaaaarlea Oaaaa
la th. rBlweratty (
r hi -..
CHICA'TrO. Sept. Jtt. The twentieth in-
nuaU convention ..f tia Brotherhood of Sr.
! Andrew opened to. lay at the r.-uveraitT of
( Chix-ago wtta X member preaent. Th
a auanfla Of I'Jr iuhx-muw - . ..-i . ej . J
for torruirrow la expected to
1 reautn the LwBM mark, aa me first day was
deaareie-i entireiy to ca.'.i-ge com -renoa and
Ue OaB-VUl-a oX iea et' illO-Si . oa.o. -i,
Mu for Surr-Tcs Jade.
Scirceiy Carpsri.'t G-usi Atieai E.ier
of CaiiT'nUan.
pcr.lsts meT in a small hzch
a I a, ssw Ti
Jaaae Raatlaaa Aaaalta He Ha
Rldaea aa a Paaa. (at Praaa
laea a at fa Dm it
F T 3ur"-r
ha.-t:N"i;. tv.ibur
r Rear-ht V-n-erai-v
Z . 't Lii. c'-lV '"ountv
L. , :a U'lSTNEH. FlHire
C inn'
r"""ri a ?tarT ' .n"-ep,ndee,t. I
:.:n-i ;n n . ?-rt .,s -a:
atram. T'.e ib. e rket aa nio'.it'.a'o t in
.rara: -rn 'e--::. ns -iv by rr.e .Ie'tio-
( rats .lird
-MT'i...-' a. nnd s lore-'e.. w,
it a: h ri ''.nvinm-ns and o
ra. i mat :h- prn eed:nc
e- -a.'1 i:e "aet and ict -f
t he aer.- .r-
' 71a ' n -f -r.iaht
tiwrpa' 1 a-eer
t 7n w'.i' r: -o make tne-r 'a.t dynar w-i
-e p. f- is'a 11,11 w liurk .itt.e om 01
";e ,irl roH.r -i" a iiiiiidinu on ' 1
st r--'. a.oi r r-i nt i-innar h pr-x-ee iir.c
..'.e-e a'r'- . . 'rian ftv peomf. detocures
and .i.l. T' h le-r,ocra.a held f'eT -Tve-.-'
-ion in ': A diTor'um and they miitht we",
ha-. atone w:m tiie populists o their "IT- a
-n-n for there were -jot -J deo-aaTes n
, ie -itv nd not a totai of a( peor in ' ra
1 A jdltor-1111 ar any one nme Tinne; h"
arimoon. I'oiieeu-.ient ly both were
1 1noeroy serious when they decided before
' 'iie ''onveniion not 'o !:a" arty 'onferenoa
'-orrmittee L-eiea-atcs wer" T w scarce to be
sjiared 'or "in r-urviM F'eiina; deeply The
la k of inTereft shown by -he democrat 'f
the .-ate n -::t or convention, a recess aras
- -alien at 1 o'clock for one hour, ostensibly
.'or -he purpose . .f aa.iinit 'lie ar i-al of a
'train load" of 1e,earHte f-nm the west end
of rile fltate "hen tiie -onvenrton resumed.
however, the I--iTa r ea t-reeent had not bee-
a iarn,nr--d -t: -ept nv a 'ew o the pcpulisia.
who. arrvfia-e -o relare. aiso ad;oi:med at ha
' same time. ..etenetbiv t '.Isten to Mr. Br-.nari
speak. ("oiise-i'i-n !y -he "'rain 'nad" of
, deteiratea must ha -e become -nuerra. ked or
, only fx.sted m the lrrasttnaTion of Jjds
1 Oldham, who said - hey were comlnar.
The nominations tn 'he dernocrat-jc c-rn-
vanxion naa oeen aim :n ia-wa. am '-t
w.aa not even a roll ea.:. and no otner can
didates were piai-ed in nomination, hut t
must be recorded that tiie populists did
make one littie kirk before dyin. Tha
kick came upon the motion to take up
the nomination of candidataa or the aiter-
.native of ad.oumin ut hear Brvaa. Tbe
t rote was Til -o in favor of the latter
proposition and at last nnpullam in Ne-
! braska was down and out. the sped km on
The propoaiTion bema for f-jsion or asamst
I fusion. After Tilts 'aet vote, which, by
j The way. was cast by about forty -nan. The
popu.'ls' swa '.lowed the nomination of
Hastings and Lightner. a did the demo
''rais swa. low the populist nominee from
Fni er-unry
tmn s re-n and The adoption of the
i--:a. pia-'or s n-if -he ji-rr which.
r- s not .-ornple" w-thOUT p-a-.
g-i, si bout Tiie rnnoen'S leading up '
ne -lomma-'-n of Commissioner Hasr'ngs.
No na-es wer" mentioned :n ennnecinn
! W'th The ofSce of wipreme ttidra except
Fastings and J'idg" "rood, but "ar'y Thr
morning 'tie "W delegates began to look
,r irr a candidate who wmiid tl he
p;-: n which they desired o adopt
mae'ly -hey wan'ed a man who had never
; r-dden on a mass Thar shook up the list
: of district mdoes and of ex-dlstric bidge
; and of ax-a ipreme cmirt commissioner
I and of present supreme court etmmmfwn
j era and then they railed on a man srbo
has a :1st ot tne
pas hoiaee or rne j. nion
t Paflr and he F it-lrg-on. on, by oe
their idoia were destroy "d until not a 1ngte
o.nrtida-e was 'n 'be ndd. Then they fa'l
I unon Has'ing. not because he would ?t
! 'he pla'form. but because ha was wall
' known and because theea was nothing eisa
i to
Haatie lirwawa Radla-ail.
Ta ta. -heir s-t-cion. easy f.,r the pop-
'ait' antl-pase
'. cr.a mpion had J idge Hastings get up afar
,).otis ctmm:ee had reported and
f ! offr an antt p r ank wttirn ir it ia -ver
j enaa-'ed into
w would -rake it a r'orty r-r
a -a-.troad company 'o rrv a pas egcetw
to bona employes or -n case of gen
uine charity T-is art made Judge Hastings
fit the pia'form. 'hough In his speecn of ao
ceptance he aaid he d.d not deny that he
had ridden on a pass, and he said he arouid
r-cem a retainer f-om a ra.lroad as auirk-'y
, .T,m ,nv nne else, s a .awyer anal rhen
'n a v-r- nice ... ..e ..
! to understand 'hat if he did not sui af r
That it could get some one eise but the
I eenvenrjen had 'o be sa-iFfed. and it was.
I Af er Mr Brvan a apwii evaryoody be-
gan to -rwd out tr the naa. and it
( h blockading
dior that enough
n hail to vote
I delegate were kept
' "ea wnen it wa proposed
tiomlnat a
two by i."iamatir.n. and It
a safe statemert to say mat not a doom
! men 'n The ha ! knew The names of th
' nomine- for regen' when '.hey adyoumed.
. Th spea-n of Mr Pry ran of course wa
, The feature . me -.,,...,.,. i.- ...
; of hi gr-at powers a an o amjuaa
i hop and encourage the ilt-I band and he
I toid the delegate That ai! repuo lcan lead-
er who were new getting popularly were.
f don. a it hy ada-ocatirg
demie-ratic doe-
tr-ne He e-xis.g aed Preeiient R-ioaevert
hi pr-esent c win j ne aaaa naj a.,
' way been a.t "oca ed in lram raic piai.
' rm
araat trteadaaee la Hall.
The convention was ca-led to order at
; J a cluck by Cha.i naa Ailen of The stare
cummitt-e. At mi time mere was araa
than T) a- dejeariate and y-ntor. in
the Mr A.ien announced that h had,
received a mmiwu from ("aptain Harrj
Luiigan. cnoeen a tef.por-arv cnaarman.
tna: ne was m a ra-iated Tiuriing-on train
and culd not rea r. the ut-.' anf.l 4 o rjcH.
On motion of ". J t-:ivr. A. C. tiha.len.
aergtr wa -no-aen K-rr-x rary and
John M -j uir" ten.p. t-.r: a--i-ettry
Cj.. nan :.a.ier.:a-twr m h.a apeeen.
' tlrt a-i (Tt--d t' r '.-"i he was arraiut ta
any By anno-in--:rg ' .: ne naa .-"'aiiel
i aa-aae a.i ni".t :n order to get to I,
' and - here . re was not in a conditloa to get
4 up
j; eeci Ut cntaiani asma Utti aa.