Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. CHEAPEST BECAUSE BEST THE BEL CLEAN AND CONSERVATIVE THE BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, 1903-TEN FAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. FINDS MORE CRAFT Preiident Morten of Equitable TJncoTer Id ore Qneitienable Transaction. 5UEER STATUS OF TURNER LOANS Report 871 $218,264 of the Society's Money Wu Paid Without Aithority. DEMANDS RETURN OF THE CASH Init Will Be Inititnted on Behalf of Company to Becover H. W. A. NO. 3 ACCOUNT ALSO CROOKED Vt. Mortoa Alao Finds that t24,MHt la Da from (he Mercantile Trail C ompany on Loan Kuld to D Repaid. N'KW YriUk' H.r.t 111 That the K.iullR. 1,1. I.n Aa.i.rl..c .,.riiv m.1.1 out Ilix 'j.l I lo the Mercantile Trust company In connec- tlon with certain loans known a. the "Tur- j ner Joans" and that these payments were without authority so far as the records of the society discloses, became known today when Paul Morton, president of the society, made public a report on the subject sub mitted by him to the society's directors. These transactions occurred In what Mr. Morton refers tt as "the Turner loans' with the Mercantile Trust company. The "Turner 1 an," Mr. Morton's report et forth, was carried In 1894 by the Western National bank, which was con trolled by the Equitable Life Assurance octet)-. The collateral for the loans was injected to by a bank examiner, and Henry B. Hyde then agreed to transfer the loan ind collateral to the Mercantile Trust com pany. At that time apparently the loans imounted to Ktil.491. Turner Secretary to Fitsgerald. George V, Turner, In whose name the .oan stood, was secretary to Louis Fltx rerald, then president of the Mercantile Trust company and a close business asso ciate of Henry B. Hyde. The loan was (tiaranteed by Marcellus Hartley, John IS. SrarUs, Louis Fitzgerald, W. N. Coler, Jr., ind It. B Hyde. On March 21, 1895. the ame guarantors renewed their guaranty, the loan having grown to $1,276,478, the In crease being due to attempts to develop the property on which the collateral for the 'oan was made. Tart of this collateral was fiven by John W, Young and sonslsted of Salt Lake and Eastern railway stock an 1 ather Salt Lake stocks. This collateral proved to be of little value. Other col lateral consisted of contracts of the Ken lucky Mineral and Timber company and the Amity Land and Irrigation company of Tolorado. Attempts were made to develop the Kentucky property and the Colorado property, and large sums were expended Tor that purpose, and by July 1, 1906, the ;ost of the Kentucky property stood at $19.07, and the Colorado property at $53. The EqultAble Life Assurance society paid the Mercantile Trust company 12U.2S4 on these loans on January 23, 1900, and "If no.W) onTebrtlary 4, "1904. "The records of the society." said Mr. Morton., "disclose no authority whatever (or these payments, and the cash entries In respect to them were very obscure." Will Demand Return of Cash. Mr. Morton alao sets forth that on Feb ruary 4, 1900, the executive committee of the Equitable Assurance Life society passed a resolution authorizing the presi dent to convey to the Individual guarantors of the Turner loans the assurance of the society for their protection. On February 11. 1910. the president of the society, Mr. Alexander, made a statement that these loans were made In the Interest of the society and assured the guarantors that the society would see that the amounts their companies loaned would be repaid with Interest. Mr. Morton refers the matter to special counsel, who have assured him that the Equitable Life Assurance society Is not responsible for the loans. Mr. Morton haa also notified the Mercantile Trust com- nsnv that he will inert It to renav the -ed him that the $711,264 paid to It by the Equitable Life Assurance society. Mr. Morton found that $266,000 was paid by the Equitable Life Assurance society to the Mercantile Trust company on the $685,000 loan, the nature of which loan haa never been explained. Counsel have been Instructed to begin proceedings - for the return of this sum. This . loan was carried on an account known as the "H. W. A. No. $ account." Mf Morton alao reported to the directors that It would be necessary to charge off $88,488 unpaid balance of a loan to John E. Searles, who has gone through bank ruptcy. The collateral against this $86,488 Mr. Morton declares Is without value. At the conclusion of his report. Mr. Mor ton stated: "In caae any other transac tions of this character are developed you will be duly advised." RURAL CARRIERS IN SESSION Congressman Jess Overstreet of la - dlanapolls Makes an Addreaa on History of the Service. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 19.-The National Rural Letter Carriers' association went Into convention at the state house today and will continue In session until Friday and may last longer if the program is not com pleted. The program for the afternoon in cluded an address of welcome by Mayor Holtman, a response by H. H. Windsor o? Chicago. The principal address of the after noon . was made by Congressman Jesse Overstreet of this state. He reviewed the history of the rural service, telling of the obstructions that had been met and over come. He said the service was here to stay and that Its success depended largely on the carriers. At tonight's session the report of the committee on credentials was received and adjournment waa taken until tomorrow morning. ANTHRACITE BARONS ARE FIRM Say They Will Renew Present Agree ment, bat will Make Bio Farther Concessions. BCRANTON. Pa., Sept. 19. One of the largest coal operators in this reaton, who has Just came from Philadelphia, where he had a conference with President Baer of the Reading, today declared unhesitat ingly, and for publication, that the opera tors would not, under any consideration, graat the demand of the mine workers for an eight hour day and that they proposed to agree only that the present agreement shall be continued. Announcement to this effect would be made, he said, after the miners held their convention la Bhamoklii lcetnber 14. MISS ROOSEVELT IN SEOUL Imughter of the President Accorded Royal Honors at Capital of Com, SEon Sept. 19 Through streets crowded with white by the Imperla. "present arms,". -.. Ing In the imper ; ! Coreans and linpd xuard standing at nice Roosevelt, rld thls ttvr palanquin. evening trlumpha. railroad station tc The roadways had the shops draped hand-painted AmerliT? Miss Roosevelt. Re, ator and Mrr. Newlai man and McMillan an worth and Gillette arrl afternoon. American A staff and a number of h ';jgresed from the 'merican legation. 7-eshly paved and -an and hastily s. Iral Train. Sen Misses Board essman Long ?hemulpo tills Morgan and urean greeted the party, which proceeded to Seoul by a special train The Imperial rnr, which is only furnished to royalty, was placed at Miss Roosevelt's disposal. The court chamberlain met the party at a half-way station, on behalf of the em peror, with Inquiries as to Miss Roosevelt's health. On arrival at Seoul the party was hailed by a Corean band, which played the "Star Spangled Banner Corean policemen and JP gendarmes guarded the nd grotesquely clad retainer roadway, bore long lanterns. The passage of the party along the streets was everywhere heralded by the bugles of troops. Miss Roosevelt and Mrs. Newlands are guests of the American minister, and the remainder of the party are stopping at the Imperial palace. ACCIDENT TO THE BREMEN North German l.loyd steamer Towed Into Halifax Tilth Broken Propeller Shaft. HALIFAX. N. S., Sept. 19,-The North Herman L'oyd steamer Bremen, Captain Nlerlch, from New York September II, bound for Bremen, was towed here to day by the British tank steamer Luclgen, from Shields, September 5. for Philadel phia. The port tall shaft of the Bremen broke on the afternoon of September 15 and the accident damaged the starboard propeller. Attempts which were made by the en gineers to repair the damage were unsuc cessful and the steamer rolled helplessly In the heavy swell. At 8 a. m.. on September 18, the Luclgen was sighted and answered the Bremen's signals of distress. The Luclgen took the German boat In tow at noon, but the ves sels had not gone far before the lines parted. This caused a delay of four hours and It whs 5 o'clock before the steamers started again. They headed for Halifax and arrived here this afternoon. The Bremen, has 302 salon,' seventy-five cabin and nfty-slx steerage passengers. Tomorrow divers will make an examina tion of the steamer. The agents here were notified tonight that the North Oerman Lloyd company would send a steamer from Baltimore tomorrow to take the passen gers. The question of salvage will be set tled In London. REVOLUTION JN COLOMBIA Rumor that President Reyea Haa De clared Himself Dictator and Im prisoned Supreme Court. PANAMA. Sept. 19 Unconfirmed reports reached here today to the effect that Gen eral Rafael Reyes, president of Colombia, declared himself dictator on September 18, and Imprisoned the members of the supreme court at Bogota. Mobs angered by this action, attacked the presidential palace and were fired on oy troops, who killed or wounded many of the rioters. The reports say that revolutions have been started in Antloqula and Santander , NEW YORK. Sept. 19. Diego Mendoza, Colombian minister to Washington, is stay ing at present in this city. When Informed of of the Panama dispatch tonight he said: I do not believe tnere is a worq or truth ! In the report. I received a cable dispatch I from Bogota two days ago. and It said the country was In complete peace and that , President Reyes was engaged In the re- ' "I construction of Colombian finances. "If anything of Importance occurred I would surely have been Informed of It. I am sure there- Is no disturbance In Colom bia." MANIPULATE ELECTRIC METERS New York Police? Arreat Swindler Who Assisted Consumers la Beating Light Company. NEW YORK. Sept. 19 In the arrest to night of David Chatterton the police are of the opinion that they have run to earth the first of the gang of swindlers, whose operations have puzzled the official of the New York Edison Electrical company for over a year and have caused a loss to the company of from $50,000 to $75,000 In that time. According to the police the method em ployed by the swindlers was to have one of their number go to a subscriber of the company and make arrangements to reduce the bill about one-half, providing the firm or subscriber pay the man who had the bill one-half of the reduction. The meter register was manipulated by putting In a concealed switch running outside the j m,tr. Chatterton was engaged In putting In one of these switches when he was ar rested. Many other arrests are expected. ECHO OF THE DEBS STRIKE Panhandle Railway Given Judgment of 91UO.OOO Against City of Chicago for Cars Burned, CHICAGO. Sept. 19 A verdict of $100,000 against the city of Chicago was given the panhandle railroad today In a damage suit brought because of the burning of a num- bcr of curs belonging to the railroad during 1 coming addreaaes were delivered. The su the American Railway union strike of ISO 1. ' prenie lodge then proceeded with the, work In the trial the railroad company held that 1 of organization. the city of Chicago was liable for damages The new building of the Knights and because of its alleged Inadequate protection ! Indies of Honor, which Is to be the meeting of the company's property. I place hereafter of the order every two GET READY F0R PRESIDENT New Orleans Expects to Eatertala Chief Executive of Nation la - October. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 1 -While no word ha yet been received by Mayor Behrman from the Arkansas authorities as to whether the train of the president would be permitted to enter that state after leaving here. It Is exected the answer will be favorable, and the local commit tees are to go forward with their arrange ments for the president's reception her on Oc lobar Si. IIANLEY EXPOSES SI1ERR1CK Governor of Indiana 8yi Ex-Auditor Loit Money in Gambling. ACTS AS DISTRIBUTOR OF RAILWAY PASSES Railway Friends Offered to Cover the Shortage If Deposed Official Was Allowed to Remain la O HAMILTON. Ind.. Sept. l.-ln an ad dress at the reunion of the Thirtieth In diana regiment. Oovernor Hanley, the prin cipal speaker, made public his reasons for his action In the case of David E. Bher rick, ex-auditor of state, whose resigna tion was forced by the governor. Facts and figures were used to show what be came of the money belonging to the state that was lost by "David K. Sherrlck, audi tor of state and common gambler." The governor charged that $10,000 of the ktate's money "went by check Into the hands of" the gentleman who was then op erating the Casino." at French Lick. The governor 'hen enumerated a list of what he calls "wild cat." securities, aggregating a face value of ITo.OuO, Into which the state's money went. Following this he charged that Sherrick's "continued absence from the sessions of the state board of tax com missions," was occasioned by "drinking bouts and midnight carousals around the gaming table from which he could not re cover In time to meet with the commis sion." Distributes Railway Passes. Governor Hanley charged that Sherrlck. at the time the Monon railroad came up for assessment, argued that the assessment be allowed to remain at 118.000. because, In that case a friend of his to whom he was under great obligation personally could get permanent employment with the company If the assessment could be kept at $18,000. "Before my Inauguration I received trust worthy Information that he had written to the management of several railway coin- panles In the month of December, 1904, over I his own signature as auditor of state, ask' Ing them to send him all passes Intended for members of the general assembly, then about to convene, stating In substance that he expected to have some legisla tion of personal Interest to himself in that body and If they would send their transpor tation to him for distribution he would see that their Interests and his were cared for at the same time. For three weeks the office of the auditor of state was made a broker's office for the distribution of free passes to such men of the general assembly aa would receive them. Railway Stand by Sherrlck. "On the evening of the 13th of September I was Informed by one who was aiding him, and In whom I have confidence that he could not make payment on the 15th. I then sent him a verbal demand for his resignation. - The next morning his reslgna- : . ... tlon did not come, b-it some of his friends I 'n",'r 1 nHJ; Tn're nslderable oh came and said that the money could only ,""n to this proposition since It would . . . . admit negroes to the membership. be raised on conditions that the defalea- ., . , . ...... , .. . . j Chief interest In todays session centered tlon be kept a secret and he be retained In i . . ., . ,, . n i i t i. .v. . . about the question of the liquor traffic as "lillv. ill iinuii J A irnr iir.i uini. ruiiic ui the men mho were to furnish the money were representatives of large railroads In this state, that Mr. Sherrlck and hla friends were depending upon them and that their assistance depended upon his retention In office. I could make no such bargain as that." DRIVER PLUNGES TO DEATH Thrown from 'Wagon on Bridge Ho Strikes Pavement One Hundred Fifty Feet Below. NEW YORK. Sept. 19. A man supposed to he William A. Eurlsch. the driver of a newspaper delivery wagon, was thrown over the railing of Williamsburg bridge, the new suspension bridge over the East river, and drorped 150 feet to the stone sidewalk which borders the New York shore of the river beneath the bridge approach. He died almost instantly. The man's death came after a wild runaway ride across a large part of the bridge. An automobile frightened tho horse. Eurlsch m,ade no attempt to Jump, but leaned far forward and guided his horse past the other teams In the dan gerous passageway. His seat was on a level with the outer guard rail of thu bridge and when th wagon careened against this rail Eurlsch shot out of his scat with a dive that carried him com pletely beyond the bridge to the pavement below. The horse continued to run to the great peril of other teams on the bridge. The police closed the Iron gates leading Into the street and at these gates the horse was stopped. COURT-MARTIAL FOR BURBANK Army Officer Who la Seklng Separa tion from Filipino Wife Must Answer Charges. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Sept. 1.-In-formation has been received at Fort Leavenworth that First Lieutenant Sidney S. Burbank, Sixth Infantry, who left here for the Philippines In February, Is to be courtmartlaled for conduct unbecoming a gentleman and an officer. Lieutenant Bur bank Is the officer who brought suit In the district court here to annul an alleged marriage with Mrs. Conception Vasques, a Filipino woman. The suit Is still pending and after many delays, covering a period of nearly two years, la set for trial in October. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF HONOR Supreme Ixdae Opens Biennial Sea aloa by Dedicating Ita New Horn la Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. U.-The biennial meeting of the supreme lodge Knights and Ladles of Honor, was called to order today by Supreme Protector I. B. Lockard. Wel- years, was dedicated this morning CODY SHOW IS QUARANTINED Maay Valnablc Horse Afflicted with Glaader Shot by Order of French Officials. CHICAGO. Sept. 20. A special to the Record-Herald from Cody, Wyo., says that word has been received to th effect that Colonel W. F. Cody' (Buffalo BUI) Wild Wsst show has been quarantined In Franc and that all of th show horses, many of them worth over $1,000 each, hav been shot under official order oa account of landers. LINCOLN MEN IN LITIGATION Caargea of Frand t,n Salt for Receiver of Western 1,1 fe Indemnity t orn pan y. CHICAGO, Sept. 19 Charges of fraud, misapplication of trust funds, and attempts to transfer assets to another concern are made In a suit for receiver and accounting, filed this afternoon against president and former officials of the Western Life Indem nity company, an assessment Insurance as sociation. E. I. Rosenfleld and W. II. tlray are prominently mentioned in the bill In connection with alleged fraudulent voting of funds to themselves. The bill was filed in the United States circuit 'court by At torney 8. Levlnsnn. representing numerous policy holders. Later Attorney Ievlnson went before Judge S. H. Bethea on a mo tlon for the Issuance of a restraining order, stopping a meeting of the officials of :ho company to be held last Thursday. The motion met with resistance by the defend ants. After considerable arguments by counsel for both sides It was agreed that the case be continued until next Tuesday and that In the meantime matter should remain In statu quo. Gray Is alleged to hae secured proxies from the thousands of members and thus controlled the directors. By securing this control It Is alleged Gray had passed a resolution voting him the right by contract to draw tt fo- each 11.000 of Insurance Is sued. This was done In secret, and nl though the complaining policy-holders re- eanflv lu u r n n .1 i ,t i I u n ..fiiaaH In. formation bv Rosenflehl Mo., Hon Cnr and ! others. Besides these many thousands of ftnllnrs nllecort In have heon linnn-inet 1 v taken. It is declared. Gray and his asso- ' elates by other fraudulent means took manv ' other thousands of dollar, from the con- cern without the knowledge of the policy holders. The complainants are Allen W. Field. Jesse B. Strode and Addison 8. Tlbbetts and the defendants beside the Insurance company. Rosenfleld and Gray, are George M. Moulton. John A. Crawford, L. M. Mar tin, C. T. Dralie, D. D. Bramble, A. B. Hus ton. E. D. Moore and A. N. Hlslop. Each of the defendants are residents of Uncoln, Neb. The defendant company is the suc cessor of the Knights Templar and Mason Life Indemnity company, organized In 1S84. and has more than $30,000,000 in policies out standing. CONSOLIDATION WITH UNITY t n lo n with the British Order Would Admit Ncgroe to Odd Fellows' Lodges. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19 The real work of the Chapter Order of Odd Fellows began today when various resolutions for new legislation and new amendments to the present laws wus Introduced at the business session. Exhaustive discussion will take place being a bar to membership In the organlza- I resentattv Oiudv.. and r anvroved cy I the body in session, decides. In brief, that no one can remain a member of a lodge who Is engaged In the liquor business In any way unless he wns a member and so engaged and has been continuously since the first ruling was made at the 1895 con vention at Atlantic City. A feature of the conclave was the parade of Odd Fellows this afternoon on Broad street. The line of march covered a dls- tance of more than three miles and it Is estimated that 15,000 men were In line, Captain AlUe Parker and her California drill corps, consisting of seventeen young women, occupied a position near the head of the line. A re-unlon of past grand representatives took place at Lulu Temple tonight, at which addresses were made by the Hon. R. Hill Meyers, grand representative and past grand representative, of Winnipeg, Man., and Hon. F. C. cloudy of Denver, Colo. Later In the night the reception and mili tary ball was held In the Second regiment armory. YELLOW JACK ON THE RUN Decrease In Number of Cases Causes Return to Nearly Normal Con ditions In New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 19-Report of the yellow fever situation to 6 p. m. Tuesday: NPW C8 94 KItVh-to Total deaths 345! New foci 5 j I'nder treatment 321 ( Cases discharged 1,973 The dally report continues encouraging and Is especially so In the matter of deaths and new foci. Owing to the skepticism 1 of some communities in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi to ac- cept freight from New Orleans, Surgeon White made an announcement agreeing, on request, to place on each freight car leaving New Orleans for those points an official statement to the effect that the car had been properly fumigated by the United Ptatea government. Dr. White has not yet heard from the Arkansas authorities In response to a tele gram asking If the president would be al lowed to enter Arkansas after leaving New Orleans on October 24. If the Arkansas authorities do not consent It Is tho presi dent's Intention to pay a special visit to Louisiana and Arkansas later on In the season after the Arkansas panic has passed. Increasing crowds on the streets here Indicate the steady homecoming ef New Orleans people who went away on their summer vacations or who left the city at a time when it seemed that there would be a very serious epidemic here. The heavy movement of freight of all kinds I through the streets also points to the fact that the quarantines are bt'ng lifted and that business is increasing. RETAIL DRUGGISTS AT BOSTON Medicine- Mlaera Congratulated on Rapid Growth of In tern t1: BOSTON. Sept. It. At today' session of the annual convention of Retail Druggist here. Thomas Voagley delivered an address In which he dwelt on the progress of th order since th St. Louis convention In 1896. The report of Secretary Thomas Wooten of Chicago shows the past fiscal year to have been the must flourishing In the his tory of the association. During the year even state and 21ft local associations had been added to the International bode, mak ing a total of 9S2 affiliated associations. Treasurer Charles F. Malu of Detroit reported receipts of and disburse ment of $7,f2i. FEW DEMOCRATS ON HAND Ee of Con rent ion Findi Only Corporal'i Gnard of Delegate Fretent N0TEN0UGH FOR CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Popnllata Are Still More Difficult to Find Edgar Howard on Hand with Platform All Ready for Convention. (From a Staff Correspondent ) -LINCOLN, Sept. 19.-Fpeclal Telcgram.l Wlth the date of the populist and demo cratic state conventions only a few hours off not enough delegates have reached the city to make a respectable "conference committee." Probably never before In the history of either party was the "night be fore" so quiet and did the advance guard have so completely the aspect of the "cold grey dawn of the morning after " The whole crowd could be safely stowed on the running board of a motor car and the worst of it Is, most of them think they are an Indication of what the convention attendance will be. In fact a majority of those here have come on court business. It is freely predicted that the convention will follow the lead of the Lancaster county convention and nominate candidates who ; are absent. Only the names of former Commissioner Hastings of Wilber and I Judge Good of Wahoo have been mentioned tonight for supreme Judge, though a large majority of the small number of delegates ' have contented themselves with saying that av democrat will do. So small wes ,n rrowd that th" democratic headquarters at the Royal hotel were not unlocked. ! Populists Are Shy. Chairman Weber and Secretary Furrls of the pop"""' state committee constitute the majority of the populists present and to keep things moving Mr. Weber called ft mass meeting of the Incaster populists this evening In front of the Royal hotel, which he and Secretary Farrla and Mike Harrington only attended, and named a delegation to represent Lancaster county In the convention tomorrow. Of the democrats here of course there Is Johnny Gilchrist, who came In from Colo rado: George L. Loomls of Dodge, Johnny Maher. who Is always here: Fred Hunker of West Point, a member of the last legis lature, who Is spending all his time meeting former friends made during the session: Judge Oldham, who is attending court, and of course Edgar Howard. Edsrar Hownrd Brings Platform. Mr. Howard brought with him a draft of a platform, which he Intends to fight to get adopted, provided there are enough people j to raise a disturbance. His resolutions call for a 2-cent fare on railroads, a reduction of 20 per cent In freight rates, an anti-pass law making It a felony to give a pass to a state official and the penalty for receiving one a forfeiture of office. Judge Loomls was of the opinion that the platform would be strictly to the point and clear-cut in matters pertaining to the reg- ulatlnn of corporations. The democrats will meet at the Auditorium and the populists at Young's hall, on O street. Neither side talk confercnr(( committee. RAILROADS PAY FOR GUIDES Better to Employ Men Yards Than to Da m ages. Who Pay Know CHICAGO, Sept. 19. -One of the items of expense Incurred by the Chicago, Burling ton Qulnry road In handling live stock from Missouri river points to ChW-ago is j the payment for services of "pilots," who j guide stockmen through the stock yards at Chicago. This Information was elicited j today from General Frelctit Traffic Man j ager O. B. Croshv of the Chicago, Burling- ton Onlncv railroad ' before J.verl ! .Tmi B. I-T. Ret hen Croshv was a wit. ns in the hearing of the cases of the Interstate Commerce commission against the Chicago Great Western railroad and seventeen corporations. Illegal discrimina tion In rates on live stock shipped from the west to Chicago Is alleged. Did you ever testify concerning this Item of expense before?" asked Attorney Cowan for the government. "No. I don't believe I did." "Why does the railroad pay this expense and that of hauling these men to their meals away from the yards?" was the next question. "Well, It Is cheaper to pay this expense than to pay for the loss of a leg by some of these men who are not acquainted with ! th 'ards and m'Bht me,t accident," j wu ,ne rfly' ' "mnnnnnunnnnnnnanunni i BOYAL ARCANUM IN COURT Organisation of New York Councils Will Test Legality of Recent Advance In Rntea. NEW YORK. Sept. 19 A meeting of the state committees of the subordinate coun- j ells of the Royal Arcanum was held here j today. Resolutions were adopted calling for j the appointment of an executive commit- tee of fifteen with full ' the conference and 'to power to act be Instructed for "to cause proceedings to be taken for Injunc- j tlon and other provisional relief as It may deem best calculated to secure an early adjustment of the Illegality and Invalidity of the new law concerning assessments recently enacted by the supreme council and adjudging th previous laws of assess ments in full force." Representatives wer present from locals in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois. BANKER'S AGENT FOUND DEAD Joseph Ballo Bellered to Be Klllrd at St. Louis by Angry Depositors. ST. LOCIS, Sept. 19.-The dead body of Joseph Ballo. an Italian, was found by the police last night in a room In "Clabber al ley," the Italian section, with one deep stab wound. Indicating murder. Today Cato llto Duco and Frank BtlfTa, two Italians, were arrested, charged with the crime. Ballo waa an agent of the Carrtret Itallun bank, an Institution In which laborer placed their savings, which collapsed a week ago. The police theory Is that Ballo was murdered because of anger engendered among his countrymen over th failure of th bank. REBATE CASE IS CALLED Officials of Schwarschlld at Suls berger Compaay Not Ready to Plead. . CHICAGO. Sept. l.-Four officials of th Schwarxchild Sulzberger Packing com pany were notified to appear in court to day to plead to an Indictment charging them with accepting railroad rebates. . Counsel for the defendants was not ready to enter a plea at one. Tli case went over until Thursday. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST warmer Wednesday. Thursday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday i Hour. Deg. . . M . . na . . fwi . . M . . M . . tMI . . M , . m Hour, I p. m . p. m. 8 p. m . 4 p. m . It p. m , tl p. m . 7 p. m. si p. tu . p. m. Dear. . . T . . T . . T3 .. T3 . . T4 . . Tl . . tt . . Hit . . W R a. m . , An. m. , T a. m . , H a. m . , 9 a. m , , 10 a. m. . 11 a. m . , 12 m SCANDAL IN SAN FRANCISCO Billy Noluu Vys thnt Money la Held to Pny for I.egls latlnn. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 19. Billy Nolan, manager for Battling Nelson, the prixe fighter, has made a statement that a fund of $7,000 was raised In San Franclaco to defeat the Ralston antl-prlze fight bill at the last session of the state legisla ture. He charges that Harry Corbett, with whom he had deposited $2,500 for forfeit money prior to Nelson's recent fight with Brltt, Is holding $1,000 of the forfeit money as Nolan's share of the alleged corruption fund used at Sacramento. Corbett admits holding the money, but says Nolan owes him that amount. He denies that any money was paid legislators to defeat the prize fight bill. During the last session of the California legislature Senator Ralston Introduced a bill prohibit ing professional prize fights In the state. The bill passed the senate and enough votes were pledged In the assembly to In sure Its passage In that house. A few days before the bill came up for considera tion a delegation of San Francisco gam blers, prize fight promoters. Invaded Sac ramento. They did considerable entertain ing and when the anti-prize fight bill came up for consideration It was defeated. Since then San Francisco has become the prize fighting center of the country. Nolan's charges were published here and District Attorney Seymour of Sacramento an nounces that as soon as he Is through with the case of ex-Senator Emmons, who Is on ir!al for accepting a bribe, he will call the matter to the attention of the 8acramento grand Jury. Nolan has signi fied his willingness to remain In California and testify before the grand Jury. ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND General Kales P. Thurston of Wash Tllle t'nunlmously Fleeted Pres ident of the Society. CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., Sept. 19. Gen erai oaies f. I nurston or Nashville, was today unanimously elected president of the Army of the Cumberland In annual re union here. The other officers chosen: Corresponding secretary. Major W. J. Colburn: recording secretary, Oris ml Rum mers: treasurer, Brigadier General Frank G Smith. IT. B A HlMtm-lan Cnl n c I Knm executive committee. General , jmr1 hsrFH chll,rmnn; r.eneral C. H ; , p.hi-.f r... j tain H. S. Chsmherlaln, Captain J. W. ; Foley, General E. A. Carman. General Smith D Atkins and Major J. M. Farqua hr kA lettmi from President Roosevelt wnsj read expressing his regret rhat h could not he present. The Invitation of the Army of Tennessee to attend the annual reunion In Cincinnati next month was accepted. FIGHT FOR EIGHT-HOUR DAY Decidedly Optimistic Feeling Prevails Among Striking Job Printers In St. Ijonls. ST. LOT-IS. Mo., Sept. 19 A decidedly optimistic feeling prevails at the head- 1uartr" ' fn striking Job printers here. i announcement being made that with the ! ,,lKn"'ui'es of six firms secured today, to 1 !ne ,n,-ho'ir contract, only ten printing In direct contradiction Is th statement made today by Secretary Skinner of the St. I-ouls typothetae, who said: Only two firms in the typothetae have siirnerl the elc-ht-houp a i?,- ,nni kai. . a small concern and the other a hous. with Important contracts, whose explanation of the reasons for signing the agreement are satisfactory to the typothetae. CHICAGO, Sept. 19. -Twenty-four Inde pendent printing shops today signed con tracts with th Typographical union for putting Into effect the eight-hour day sfter January 1. A total of 158 shops In Chicago have now signed the agreement. FIND GOLD IN OLD TRUNK Small Fortune Hidden by Aged Ohio Woman Discovered by Ad ministrator. SPRINGFIELD. O.. Sept. 19.-Helrs of the late Eliza Meharry Jeffers today found $10,. 595, nearly all In gold In a little old hlacls trunk In the attic of the family home of Mrs. JefTers. Th fact was brought out In th settlement of her estate that during her life she had given large sums to educa tional institutions. Ohio Wesleyan univer sity had received $00,000 and Depauw uni versity at Greencastle. Ind., $ She died two months ago at th age of 81 and had lived with relatives during the closing years of her life.. The discovery of the con tents of the trunk waa made by the ad ministrator of her estate, P. J. Oskerday. She had always taken the trunk with her, but had checked It a she did other ordi nary baggage. AUTO HITS TELEGRAPH POLE Robert Kldd of Staten Island Killed and S. Hinmaa Bird of New York Seriously Hurt. TRENTON. N. J.. Sept. 19 Robert E. Kidd of Staten Island. N. Y.. waa killed and 8. Hlnman Bird of New York City waa seriously Injured In an automobile ac cident at Hlghtstown today. The machine was completely overturned by running Into a telegraph pole. Bird la g stepson of Charles T. Cook, president of the senior class of Princeton university. Kidd was a well known automobile raer. He served with the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American war and was after wards In the regular army. Movement of Ocean Vessel Sept. lf. New York Arrived : Mesaba, from Lon don: Friedrtch der Grosse and Kron Prlnr Wllhelm, from Bremen. Sailed: Carpathla, for Liverpool. At Ixnrton Arrived: Minnehaha, from New York. At Antwerp Arrived: Vaderland, from New York, via Dover. At Trieste Arrived : Blavonla. from New York, fur Flume. At firemen Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm II, from New York , At Genoa Hilled: Canoplc, for Boston. At Marseilles Sailed: Algeria, for New York. At Queenstown Arrived: MaJeHtic, from New York. At Philadelphia Arrived: Aoordland. from IJvei pool. At Liverpool Sailed: O""-1- for New York. RESULT 0F PRIMARY Winners in Contest for Nomination! oa Connty Ticket. M'DONALD BEATS H0YE OUT FOR SHERIFF In Tree-for-All for County Judge, Lealie Carries Off Priie. ANTIS rROFIT BY DIVISION OF OPPONENTS Beal, Brailey, Bodwell Make an Allitera tive Trio for Suooeia. TOM FLYNN SURPRISES SHERIFF POWER Democrats Otherwise Hare Decid edly Tame Time of It Vote Is light Everywhere and Count Slow. rhe Nominees. Republicans. Jotin .Mcl onald . Charles !slie. . . , Office. Democrats . Sheriff.. Thomas J. Flynn .Judge. ..J. W. Woodrongh .Clerk John Krexel D. M Haverly... Roberto. Fink Treasurer. . .Win. Fleming K. J. Bodwell Superintendent Herman Beal Surveyor M. J. I-acy K. F. Brailey Coroner. Dr. J. F. Borgluhi W. G. l"re Commls'n'r E. G. Soloman Commls'n'r. ,C. A. Tracy Brlce Crawford Police Judge. .J. Lumbard This Is the result of the first trial of direct nominations for all political parties under the new primary law in Douglaa county. Although the weather conditions were ideal, the vote was light nearly every where and tho ballots showed an Independ ence of slates and combinations to a re markable degree. The total republican vote in the county will scarcely go much above 6,000. The big fight In the republican ranks was over the nomination for sheriff and here It waa a three cornered contest, the antla being united for John McDonald and the regular organization divided between Fred Hoy and Tony Donahue, although cen tered chiefly on the foimer. The race proved to be close, with surprises for acli In many places. The figures, with four city preclncta and three country precincts missing, give McDonald a lead over Hoye of 129. The table follows: SHERIFF, Ward. Donahue. Hove. McD. First 38 199 in Second 41 21$ !W Third M W Fourth R1 158 20 Fifth 246 145 217 Sixth 70 83 217 Seventh 23 118 Eighth 98 1 55 1 78 Ninth 9" 2 20 Tenth 58 291 M Eleventh 20 58 IO Twelfth 170 337 Totala 873 South Omaha loo 1,981 4?1 2S7 3 11 277 423 Country 89 Totals 1.105 Lower Part of Ticket. Th next Interest attached to the county Judgeship. Her also the antis wer united and th regulars divided and the division pmved fstal to all the regular candidates, giving th nomination to Lesll, although by a decided minority of the total. Th other places went almost by ymnwn consent to the winning candidate, the only brush being for surveyor and coroner. The old soldier strength pulled the balance strongly for Haverly against Bandle. In the Fifth commissioner district W. G. f re had an easy task In heading off Henry Ostrom. For county treasurer Robert O. Fink, who had no opposition, polled 6,388 vote. Th vote on the other office waa: FOR COCNTY CLERK. Haverly S.384 Bandle 2.927 Haverly' majority : 467 FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Dickinson 1.494 Haller l.Mfl I,slle 2.0M Thomas . 1.181 Leslie's plurality 188 FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. Beal 8.423 Eriquist 17M Beal' majority 628 FOR CORONER. Brailey McKay Mace .. 4 .$.2011 .2.4:9 . 2 . rn Brailey' plurality FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Bodwell 4.0M Clarendon 2.13A Bod well's majority 1.948 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FIFTH DISTRICT. Ur 1.481 Oetrom '. 774 Ur's majority FOR POLICE" JUDGE. Crswford Ten Lyek 707 ..l.fill ..l.Wrt Crawford's majority 635 Justice and Constable. In the scramble for Justice of the peac Judges Foster. Long. Altstadt and Eastman are nominated, with the other two place hovering between Anderson, Bachman, Baldwin. Cockerell and Fields. The successful constable ar Church, Hensel, McGlnnls, Simpson, Stein and Wlckersliam. The republican School board ticket will be listed as follows: W. H. Butt. Dr. W. H. Christie, David Cole, Alfred Kennedy, Gourge I. Rice for full terms, and Charles Harding for abort term. There wa prac tically no opposition to this combination. Democratic Results. On the democratic side Tom Flynn de feated Sheriff Power by a vote of 8j6 to M3, thus springing some thing of a surprise. For police Judge Jules G. Lumbard mor than doubled the vote for hi competitor, the figures standing 9A! for Lumbard lo 4V4 for former Police Judge Gordon. The other democratic candidates wer unopposed, and Kellogg, the only demo cratic candidate for Justice of the peac In Omaha, gut a larger vote than on republican (Rickelt, who wa low man of the thirteen republican candidate with 447 votes. For county commissioner in th Third, or country, commissioner district, Emmett G. Solomon, republican, and Charle A. Tracy, democrat, were unopposed. Mr. Solomon received 561 votes. No returns were re ceived on Tracy's vote. Confusion and uucertanlty marked the opening of the polling place and many of them were not doing business until I o'clock and after. Nut a few supervisors of registrars aid clerks failed to report at 8 o'clock und policemen had to be sent for them or new men appointed in their places Thu difficulty, however was slight compared to mlHumierstandings about th details that should be observed in carrying out the arrangements, prescribed by th Inlgt) law To complicate matter stilt fjrther County Attorney Hlabaugh issued opinions clt rectly opposite to opinions given out by City Attorney Brseo. Tt former