Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Lastcftfcs Initiation for Year Held at
Den Last Bight.
Kryholr Ofti a Little Borarthlnar
and All Hands F.nior an Kvrnla
ot ftpoeVhrs and Other
1 ftrra-lcea.
With a (rand finale and the UHual extra
trimmings- that only' th Ingenious mind la, p m
of Artificer Gut Renxe could avise, me
Initiations , of the eleventh year of the
reign of Kin Ak-Ssr-Iien were brought to
conclusion last evening with all eclat
-due the wo-aton. All concerned made the
most of tlie evening, realizing that It will
be some 'months before the happy little
functions at the den are resumed.
hs ftr,t ,wo act8 ot tne "'t'atlon wers
repeated last evening for 'the benefit of a
delegation of cltlsens from Itlalr, the party
arriving at the den about 9:30. Some of
en. William Oerke. A. Jsnkossl and !.
Orler. Major Wilcox says he will give his
donkey a trial heat from the den to the
Browning-King store Tuesday afternoon.
Every day at the King's Highway will be
a "special day," according to the present
schedule, which has been published, as fol
lows: September 2?-fJrnd Army of the Repub
lic snd Phrlners" dnv.
Peptetnbcr 2K-rMd Fellows and Ancient
Orfler of t'nlted Workmen.
September Woodmen of the World and
Red Men.
Peptember SO F.Iks and Royal Achates.
October I Eagles and Foresters.
October J Royal Arcanum and Modern
October 4 Knlerhta of Pvthlns snd Maecn-
bees. Orent mllltsry and fraternal order
parade. J SO p. m.
Octnher 5 Bcottlxn clans ann ianisn
Rrotherhood. Grand electrical float parade,
October ft Knights of Columbus and Tur
ners, rnronfltlon ball at den, 8 p. m.
October 7 Omaha day.
The Society of American Women In Lon
don has a scheme on foot for the estab
lishment of scholarships for American
. , - ' . , i l t 1 1 i i it- i in nits cnKiinii " ' ' l M ' 1 1 b uuiTriBiura
the Blair ro01e said hey had read in h. Ind fg ,, lp-
home paper of the. wonderful things on the
earth, under the waters of the seas and
In the air,
of all wonderful- and interesting things
the Ak-Par-Ren Initiation Is at the head
of the class
bout flO.Qfti.OOO to carry It out. Regarding
thiA nlan Vtra Tliovi whA la chairman nf
but they acknowledged that the .,,uratona, commltte! of the .oc,Pty,
Is quoted as saying: "The Oeneral Federa
tion of Women's clubs Is made up of forty
two state federations each of which controls
Attorney Howard H. Baldrlge performed
the honors of gram! mufti for th evening eratlon contro. something like 7H0.000
with. Incoming grace. .Ho complimented wom(.n and ,t , from tn..e country women
the knights or AK-nar-uen in sianains of ourg that we epect to C0nect tna neccs-
shoulder to shoulder for the upbuilding of .ary fund tQ f()Und ,n perpetuity, nlnety-
the city and state and for the untiring .,x EnKlh scholarships so as to enable
labors of those connectod with the Insti- two wom,n trom eacn Mate tn the unon
tutlon. Mr. Baldrlge also told a few amus- to , year s course In this coun-
Ing anecdotes.
Governor Brooks a Onest
Governor R. B. Brooks of Wyoming fol
lowed Mr. Baldrlge with a short talk, say
ing: "To build up your city and state
you "must have' city arid state pride, pat-
try." The scheme will be formally pre
sented at the next biennial meeting of
the General Federation to be held at 81
T'ndoubtedly the Society of. American
8treat Car Trail fera Coma Up Agaii for
Brief Diicission.
Councilman Klewtt Wants to Know
If City (" Enforce Regulation
Against the Street Hallway
Considerable business was transacted In
a short time by the city council Inst night.
Member Klewlt brought up the old matter
of street car transfers. During the summer
the council passed an ordinance directing
the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway
company to Issue transfers at certain cross
ings now not down on the list. No attention
has been paid to this ordinance by the offi
cers of the traneportatlun company. Now
Mr. Klewit desires that the city attorney
advise the council as to the proper method
of procedure to enforce the ordinance.. Mr.
Lambert Is to be requested to hand In an
opinion on this matter during the present
The contract with Johnson & Skow' for
the building of the new fire department
house was returned' signed along with a
bond from the contractors. The bond Is In
a surety company and Is for $5,(100. The
bond was approved. It was stated that the
contractors would get to work on the build
ing Just as soon as the weather would per
mit. Adklns brought up the question Of ap
pointing a superintendent of construction
dne at Masonic hsll Wednesday even
ing. Tha primary voting booths will M open
today from L in. until 9 p. m.
Mrs Mary Glasgow has returned from
Lenver where she spent two weeks.
St. Martin's Woman's auxiliary wilt meet
at the guild hall on Wednesday afternoon.
Attorney I A. Wells has returnd from
northern Minnesota where he sjent three
M. Queenan has secured a permit for a
dwelling to cost tl.liaj at Twentieth and
O streets.
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Wyman have re
turned from Denver where they spent a
Weeek Visiting.
The wrecking of Blum's hall Is about
completed, only the ground floor remains
to be taken up.
Mrs. E. I. Oustafson Is reported to be
quite sick at her home, Seventeenth and
Missouri avenue.
Today Is the first day of registration.
All those desiring to vote at the November
election must register this fall.
The concert to have been given last night
by the Magic City Brass band was again
postponed on account of the rsin.
The Highliind Park Improvement club
will hold a picnic at the park on Wednes
day evening in case the weather Is fair.
tang of September 21 at Workmen temple
hy the drill crew or ieorasaa long? stv.
22", Ancient Order of Vnlted Workmen.
Frank Powell IMIates on Ills
Glorlons Climate and Bill
Cody'a shovr.
White Reaver (Frank B. Powell), Buffalo
Rill's manager In the Big Horn, Is at the
Merchants. He expanded Inst night on the
marvelous advantages of climate which
Cody, Wyo., enjoyed over that of Omaha.
Further he said that the operations of the
government In the way of Irrigation will
and the committee on buildings and grounds ! """ make Cody a western center of prom-
ronlie your own Institutions and Industries, I Women In t,on(!cn has meant well In plan
beautify yutir surroundings and stand by j nlng educational opportunities on such a
your city on all occasions." I scale, but Its members can scarcely be In
'Croakefs and knockers have no sphere touch with the work of their American
of usefulness In our city," said E. C. Page, sisters. There is scarcely a state federa-
who followed Governor Brooks. "We need I tlon that Is not. through its educational
the men who, by their careful and sincere committee or through some of Its clubs,
criticisms and suggestions, point out the I supporting one or more scholarships In Its
public needs and place their shoulders to own state university or some colleges or
the wheel and borst things along. Failure college. Some of the states are supporting
to our city cart only come when the cltl- a dozen or more such scholarships while
tens fall to do their duty, but I am glad it has not been an uncommon thing that
to be able to say that the citizens of talented young women have been aided
Omaha are beginning to do their duty In materially by women's clubs In their home
a manner that is bringing substantial re- cities or towns in securing additional ad-
sults." vantages abroad. In addition to this work
One of the amusing Incidents of the even- of education thousands of dollars are being
Ing occurred when Dr. W. H. Christie was I raised each year to further other educa-
Introduced. Just as the doctor had made uonai worn in Kindergarten, vacation
his little bow and was about to say a few schools, industrial schools, library exten-
words, a skeleton came as if hurled by lon besides the great amount of other
some destructive Instrument "and landed wo that all requires money. When It Is
t the snHnkera feet. Being on more or remembered how all of this work Is limited
less familiar terms with the Interior econ- for lack t funds it Is doubtful If even
otny of the human form, the doctor was lne mo entnusiastio among tne advocates
nothing daunted, but the Incident caused of education could accept this proposition
such merriment that It was two hours and "eriously. In fact, the plan is so lmprac-
lx minutes before Messrs. Lucas and West tlcM tnat mny club women are of the
could restore order. Dr. Christie spoke of opinion inai mere must he some mistake In
the educational advantages of the city, and ltM announcement. It is safe . to predict
aid Uhat oltlxeua of Omaha, may well feel that the 8t- pa"' biennial will assume no
proud cf their public schools, which, like responsibility in the matter for it is con-
AkSar-Ben, la one of the forces at work trary t0 the P0"'0 ot the General Federa
lism ui uuuri inns any ODUgauon mat would
entail such a burden unon the future of
the. organisation.
tn building up the city.
Proposes an Historian.
F. ' L. Haller of the Llnlnger & Metcalfe
company ' made the suggestion that some
competent person be appointed as an ofil-
In another month the club year will be
opened and the work well launched for the
clal historian to keep a record of the prog- season. It will be Interesting to note how
resa and accomplishments or AK-Bar-Hen, many clubs In planning their nnitnmi
so that people living In future reigns of the have kept In mind the recommendations of
famous and merry monarch may read or the General Federation that special atten
th past and take tutle. at what,ha been tlon be given to the study M civil service
done. reform, pure food and food adulterations
Grand Mufti Baldrlge made a motion, and to the immigration laws of the coun-
whlch was unanimously carried, to the ef- I try. To be sure the whole program could
feet that all connected with Ak-Sar-Ren bo I scarcely be expected to be made out with
thanked for. the season s worn at tne flen reference to these subjects but unless
nd for the results the work has accom- every club has allowed at least one day for
pushed tn the way of cementing closer com- their consideration those clubs have failed
will look up a competent man during the
week and report next Monday night along
with the salary to be paid a superintendent.
Cnder the agreement with the architect
who drew the plana he la not to havo
charge of the construction of the fire hall,
so It will be necessary for the council to
name a man In order that the city's Inter
ests will be protected. The contract price
for this building la tli.m.
Mayor Koutsky appointed Charles L.
Hendricks as custodian of the city's voting
machines and the appointment was ap
proved, x
Ordinances were passed ordering per
manent sidewalks laid within fifteen days
on these streets: M street from Twenty
second to Twenty-third, Thirty-third front
II to I, on west side of Thirtieth street
from Madison to Monroe, on south side of
Monroe from Thirtieth to Thirty-first, on
west side of Thirty-first from Monroe to
The ordinance adopting the plans for a
complete sewer system was read for the
third time and passed.
Clerk Glllin was Instructed to notify the
property owner on Twenty-sixth street.
Just north of N street, to remove the old
street scales and relay the pavement.
The electric street light on West L street
at the Burlington tracks will bo moved to
the center of the new Burlington vladuat
across the tracks.
Proceedings of the Board of Equalisation,
which met September 12 and 13, were read
and approved.
Inofflclal Primary Returns.
When the -count of the vote cast at the
primaries today Is oompleted unofficial re
turns are to be made by the election of
ficers to the city clerk. Specjal envelopes
and blanks will be placed In each ballot
box, the tickets to be filled out and en
closed In the envelopes and returned to the
clerk at the city hall us soon as possible
after the count Is completed. The elec
tion officers are appointed by the mayor
and council, and It is the request of the
city officials that particular attention be
paid to the filling out and sending In of
these returns.
Plenty of Sheep,
, Monday's receipts of sheep numbered
22,600 head, the largest of tiie season to
date, and, in fact, the heaviest on any one
day since October lust. On account of the
excellent facilities here for bundling sheep
inence. The government Is to expend
M.OOO.noo In Big Horn county and the work
Is well under way.
Speaking of the Wild West show, now
making a tour of France, he said, "The
F'rench people simply go mad over a show
like this. Men follow from town to town
along the route, and they all turn out.
"The receipts for the week ending August
19 were $4.1,000. During an exhibition at
Rouen recently, the shah of Persia was In
attendance with a large- retinue af his
lords. He whs so well pleased with Colonel
Cody's entertainment, nnd especially his
wonderful marksmanship, that he sent
delegation asking his attendance In the
royal presence. Here he. shook hands with
him, which Is so rare an event that aH his
retinue were agog with astonishment. He
complimented the colonel on his perform
ance, and as a testimony of his especial
favor presented him with a valuable Jewel
token from his breast,
"Colonel Cody has become much more
grave and thoughtful within the past year,
and he longs to be. on this side of the
water. With every letter to me he declares
that he counts the days when he will be
here, and I know he does.
Board of Education Riaaim SeTeral of
Various Deft-reta.
Omaha Ma Goes' to Minneapolis to
Make Mis Home and Co Notifies
rhool Board at Its
Ed. N. I,ower. who has been In the real
estate and Insurance business In Omaha,
sent In his resignation as one of its mem
bers to the Board of Education Inst night.
Mr. Lower did not appear at the meeting
and In his letter stated simply that he had
accepted a position In Minneapolis and Will
make his residence there. His resignation
was accepted. 4
Another resignation was that of Joseph
Carnaby as engineer at the high school
at S8 a month. His place was filled by
the appointment of George A. Tarker at
the same wages.
Mrs. Frank B. Maxham wrote from Balti
more, asking that the name of Bessie K.
Hull, which was formerly hers, be taken
from the roll of teachers. She said she
liked school teaching but would not ex
change her present position for It.
Emll Relchardt resigned as Instructor of
the high school tvand.
Half Fnre (or the High School.
A resolution was adopted ordering the
appointment of a committee to negotiate
with the street railway company with a
view of securing hslf rate fares for high
school students.
Lydla McCague was employed as a
teacher In the high school at a salary of
$.) a month. The following were plnced on
the assigned list of kindergarten assis
tants: Florence PakeT, Sadie Chapman,
Sadie Kent and Maud Rocke.
There were placed In the Hat assigned
list of grade teachers: Josephine Grant,
Rose Healey, Beatrice Holllster, Edith
Height, Alice Coulter and Rachel Fuller.
The board ordered the signature of a
petition calling for the paving of Twenty
fourth street from Ieavenworth to Vinton
Vacation F.spendltares.
Secretary Burgess submitted the follow
ing comparative statement of expenditures
for July and August, 1904, and July and
August, 1:
1904. W.
Advertising ,...1 00 $ II. H
Architect's services I.9W rj
Cartage 17
Census enumerators s70 0
Construction 1,971 2
Drawing, music nnd kin
dergarten supplies T.B0
Flection expense S 00
Electric power 10 HO on
Examining committee 75 no TT-.oo
Express and freight... 1 TO S W
Fnel J9.67 1 M
Furniture and fixtures 14 52 470.nj
Improvements t4 H 1.31$ .17
Interest and exchange !k.14 l.oi'.Vt
Janitors 4."0rt 4.jono
Light and fnel gas 53.07 KM
Maps, charts and reference
books 651. 475 00
Messenger service -76
Officers and clerks 2.1I fi6 ,2?I.$I
Printing 1 .40 110O0
Piano rent snd tuning 6 00 10.00
Rent 60.00 P m)
Repairs i. 4.$1 40 $.24$
Stationery and supplies.... 4i07 H97.40
Teachers 575 00 00
Mlscellsneous M7.H3 I.HI.tU
Totals ,ll.77.74 $I5,60g.6
Ralnnee In site and building tund
Peptember 1. 1 , ... .W.10O.M
Oeneral fund warrants outstanding
September 1. ls 6.1SS.0S
Baby on Her Porch.
Mrs Salerno, 1421 South Eleventh street,
reports that she found a little baby on
her porch at S o'clock yesterday morning
The child had been placed In a basket, and
with It were found $2 and a note begging
the finder to be kind to a poor little
motherless baby. Mrs. Salerno was very
much touched by the tetter, and has of
fered to adopt the foundling if Its natural
protectors cannot be found or will not re
ceive It.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautiflas tha
teeth and purines the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Very convenient for tourists.
We use our own nai
In a u r business! rM
ii know who you are aslnaj
business wit a
ItaMea Pres.
ai Vans need by Millions of MoSsvn for ttwtr
ettuarn while TwUIni far otw Kitty Tesrs.
it soothe! the ehlld, aortans the gam. alUrt
11 pain, eons wlsa eolla, and la tfce b"M
lmV fee aiarrVae,
.'We ("
The Best Hot Weather Medicine
S- V'lW'l'--" 'IV'llV1 .-fix 'J-: An
23c, SOc
merclal and social relations- of Omaha and in their share of the great responsibility as- i large proportion reached the big sheep
inn rri uituuiiuu( .ciiiujij. aumeu Dy me uenerai f ederation and for
The total paid membership to date Is 998. I which they are responsible through their
About 1.400 out-of-town members nave been representation at the biennial convention.
entertained at the den during the season.
Plans lor the Carnival. - It Is surprising In how many clubs the
At Inst evenlns's meeting of the board of work of the Btate and the general organlia
governors the metier of offering prises t or I tlon is ver presented from one year's end
the uniformed degree teams that will ap- to another. And for this unpardonable
pear In the afternoon parade In October omission is offered the lame plea of lack
was eonslrtered. The Omaha Gas com oan v of t,me- Considering that In every well
has contributed $50 to the ohlect mentioned. regulated club the program Is made out
Mch makes tft&O to be distributed to the ln advance, this overworked excuse Is at
best appearing teams lit the parade. Just ,(,BBt not altogether a credit to the pro
how the money will be awarded wilt be de. "ran committee. Each biennial of tne
termlned today. General Federation recommends at least
Samson wishes the merchants of the city to one Une of wort " which the co-opera-resoond
as nromptly as possible to the clr- tlon of a" C,UD8 requested, the clubs are
culars recently sent them pertaining to con- au,)f notified and it would seem that this
trlbutlons to the parade fund. should be enough to Insure the considera-
Ltst evening the 'five donkeys used during tlon of th aubjects the second year If
(he season in the Initiations were sold at not the nrst- To be sure there are clubs
auction to Gould Dleta. Major R. 8. Wll- that thV re not interested in these
subjects and do not care to take them up
but It Is a sad commentary on the club that
It is not large enough to give anything
I but Its dues to a Work that must redound
to the good and the Interest of all women.
It Is not necesaary for a person af
fluted with cancer or tumors to give up
hooe. There Is a positive cure for these
diseases, a cure that can be used at home
and which does away with all operations.
iU n w nnval.M.n. -rill h k r. i f . mm lha
only method for the cur. , of cancer but QEAL CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE
Joe Mails Resorts to Revolver I
Settle a I.lttle Family
Joe Madza, who runs the fruit stand
opposite the Royd theater, is under arrest,
charged with shooting at his son-in-law,
Tana Mancuso. It is said that he haa re
peatedly threatened his son-in-law, who
would not allow his wife to help her father
at the fruit stand. Their quarrels reached
a culmination about t o'clock yesterday
afternoon, when Madza entered his daugh
ter's apartments st 1205 William street.
after breaking In the door of the living
room, and fired a shot into the bed room.
where Mancuso was sleeping, as he came
In. The shot aroused the neighborhood,
and Madsa took fright and .ran to the
street, where he flourished his gun ln the
faqe of Mrs. Fous, who lives at 1.120 South
Twelfth street. From there he hurried Into
the brick yard and through to HUkory
street, where he was Intercepted by Officer
Striker. He is' held on the charge of shoot
ing with attempt to kill.
nent cure has resulted from an operation.
Dr. Bye of Kansas Pity has perfected a
treatment consisting of a combination of
rare oils, and for over a quarter of a cen
tury has bren making the most sensa
tional curea He has grateful patients In
very' state In this country. On record In
hlS office are letters fom men and women
Who were snalcheO '-on the very grave
itself. The treatment used by Dr. Bye
l rudleally different from any other
Uvutmant ' and , Is the only one to really
produce a uie. Read tills letter from a
Liilv who Was In a terrible pliKht:
Havwndeft. 8ptinf. Ark.. Nov.' 17, '00.
Dr . w. o. I've Kansas t'ltv. Mo.
Ier 31r 1 am happy to Inform you that
my Cancer la well t last. Have taken
five' pieces of cancer" from my nose wlih
the last ruumy on you sent me. ana my
general health Is good.
Res oec I
- Among others who- have been cured are
-Andrew M. 0mlth, Wratern. Neb.: Mrs. J.
A Klnibrouah. Jonesboro. Mo ; Robert L.
Bennett, til. Jo.. Tex.: H. J. Iayton. New
Kali field. Conn.: Joalah Adams. Sallne
..111. ,V ..... .1 1 - . 1. .. I . I .
Tiiio, anu iiiuiiMiiu. vi uiitci. . in
terested In this subject sent at once for Ir.
Wonderful Ft-ee Illustrated Hook and
Name ef li,BUlrds Yoa Caa Write To.
. Ra mam twr, you wi be cured at home at
ema.ll eauene and . the cuih is absolutely
certain, pelays are dangerora. so writ
today; the doctor advice ooaN nothing
Address W. a, 14 g) iiroadwaj', Kansas
al - . -
Estimate IV b lea C'halraaaa Warner
Places en l.etton. Republicans'
Choice for Supremo Coart.
W. P. Warner of Dakota county, who
was chosen chairman of the republican
state committee, was In Omahtt Monday on
his wsy to Lincoln, where he goes to take
hold of the machinery of the campaign.
"I think we have an ideal candidate for
supreme judge," said Mr. Warner. "I find
the feeling everywhere one of complete sat
isfaction. W ;an make a campaign with
out explanations. Judge Letton is as good
as elected, but of course we will make a
campaign Just the sams to bring out the
biggest vote for him possible."
barns dry. The few wet ones had been
loaded during the rain and did not dry out
any ln the cars en route to this market.
Feeder sheep and lambs were plentiful,
and a large number of feeder buyers were
on hand to look over the flocks, but buy
ing was not brisk, as the feed lot owners
look for a drop In the present prices.
Dr. Tlndnll Transferred.
Rev. D. K. Tlmlall, for a year pastor of
the First Methodist Episcopal church, Vas
been transferred by the MethodiBt confer
ence to Norfolk, where he takes the posi
tion of presiding elder. During his stay
In South Omaha Dr. Tlndall made many
friends, and his removal to another field of
labor Is regretted by the congregation ot
the church here. Rev. F. M. Slsson of
Norfolk has been assigned to the South
Omaha Methodist church. Dr. Tlndall is
expected to preach his farewell sermon
next Sunday.
stagnant Venter.
All over the city great pools of stagnant
water have accumulated on account of the
recent heavy rains. W'hJJea these stagnant
pools are not much of a nuisance at pres
ent, they will be as soon as the tempera
ture rises. Steps will be taken by the city
authorities to abate this nuisance Just as
soon as the weather clears sufficiently to
permit repairs to the streets and the. drain
lng of these pools. It will cost a large
sum of money to put the streets in passa
ble condition again, but there la sufficient
money in the street repair fund to do all
the work necessary before the ground
Death of Joseph Craeger.
Joseph Craegar died at his home, Twenty-
first and J streets Monday afternoon after
suffering for some time with gastritis.
Members of Bee Hive lodge No. 184, A. F.
and A. M. are requested to meet at the
hall Thursday morning at ( o'clock to at
tend the funeral In a body. Short services
will be held at the family residence at 10
a. m. Thursday after which the remains
will be conveyed to Ixgan, la., for Inter
ment. The deceased had been employed for
a number of years with the t'nlon Pacific
and was weU known. He leaves a wife and
a son.
Made City Gosalp.
Primaries today. Republicans should re
member to get out early.
J. C. Wright Is building a $1,000 house at
Twenty-eighth and D streets.
St. Bridget's court No. 606 Ladles of the
Catholic Order' of Foresters will give a
Such Is the Decision Handed Down
by Judge Day of the Dis
trict Court.
Judge Day Monday morning declared the
anti-cigarette law unconstitutional, Insofar
as It refers to the giving away of cigarette
papers or "makings," which is not covered
In the title.
In rendering decision Judfee Day went
Into a discussion of the law at some length.
He said there are so many supreme court
decisions bearing on the point that only one
subject can be covered by any legislative
act and that the title must fully- cover the
subject matter. In the title of the act In
question there in no mention of the giving
away or allowing the taking of cigraefte
paper. This omission, the-count held to bo
fatal ln the case at bar, whero John Alper
son. a tobacco dealer, was arrested by the
ponce on the chsrge of giving away cigar
ette paper. Alperson's attorney, Judge Mc
Hugh, asked for a writ of habeas corpus,
which Judge Day grants. The court ordered
Alperson released from custody. '
Judge Day was careful to say that, while
the particular part of the act referred to Is
clearly unconstitutional, there was no oc
casion to pass on the validity of the bal
ance of the act.
"It is true, however," said the court, thai
If the other provisions were an inducement
for the passage of the act, then the whole
measure must fall."
VV ritfcVfcrsi
avja".ji 4 ''
turod. Method new, witnout pam or
sf time. CHARUIM ujw.
body, ra mouth, tongee, throat, hair an4
eyebrows falling out) disappear eomaletely
Wi.k. linou. Hid IXZ, "SSXSt
nervous debllty, early decline, lack of Ttgog
and strength.
t'RINART, Kidney and Bladder Trtwblaa.
Weak Rack. Burning Urine, Frequency c4
Vtinating, Urine High Colored er WU .
Milky Sediment an standing.
Treatment by mall. 14 yearg OT IP
tver of 14th and Douglas. Osoaha. Nea,
Evory Voman
noeii uw wonoajrrai -
MARVEL Vthlrliaa Spray
I The saw Varlaal Srnar. MJro-
at soil e npraamnv
1. V I
nnol supply the
l. fcrrfm no
nrhr. hill Mind stamp for
Ulaau-ated book Ji4. It l
fall particular and 1trtor4) ta
miitbJa In ladlra. MI1I IL nf
4 c sad ST., HEW VORH.
For Sale by
Cor. 16th and Podge Sts.. Omaha,
a m r - s
.AaWSaeSfe irZi.
nre. XT
TJat lU(frBal1raI
irrltatHHM) at alaarattaM
f ajaaasa rabraaaa.
Palalaaa. aa4 aat salrta
UVtwtbMlM US. gaat ar aotaeaaaa.
4 M a ttstoeMrr.
sk""- Brfrsysyaasaja (vBeBBsTveYa)
I I m ' !,
I r aaat ta alarm arras,
f br aaaraaa. arsea!. fas
. J-il ai SO. t battlaaSJ T.
V m Gtreasar saat ea msis
Bishop Hamilton Saya He Will
the Inlon of All
Rlshop Hamilton of San Francisco, ad
dressed a meeting at the First Methodist
church last evening on "The American
City." The greater part of his discussion
of municipal and social reformers was to
show hat the great danger lay not ln any
Intermingling of blood whether African or
Chinese, or Indian, but In the neglect of
good influences among Individuals who
make up our commonwealths. Races are
bound to mingle Indiscriminate! v anrf in
the end when the union is complete there j
will be developed the typical American.
He will doubtless be a better product than
any of the races that have combined to
make him. -
Both Men Are Fined.
Charles Kgan and' Ed Schrlber. arrested
last week ln a room at Eighteenth Street
and Bt. Mary's avenue, were Monday
morning arraigned In police court on the
charge of obtaining money under false pre
tenses. It was alleged that the men ob
tained W.30 from the cashier at The Ben
nett company's store hy means of a bogus
"produce order," supposed to be an order
for money for eggs delivered In the grocery
department of the store. Egan was an
employe of The Rennett company before
the date of the alleged transaction and Is
said to be familiar with the orders referred
to. The defendants offered practically no
V. M. C. A. .Meat School.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion night schools . were attended
by a larger number than at any
other time since tliey were organised.
About one-third of the classes of the course
were organised and the others will begin
tomorrow night. Nearly fifty men were
entered In the classes whkh began last
night. There were twenty-one boys for the
Junior classes, snd It will be necessary to
fit up larger quarters to accommodate
them. All the clsases are much larger
than at any time last year Two more
aew clubs are ta he organised neat week.
Almeda Nelson Is suing Ernest for divorce
on the ground of nnnaupport and crueltv.
They were married ln Omaha ln July, 1K99,
and have one child, a girl.
Edward B. Griffin has brought stilt In the
district court to recover from Thomas J.
O'Rrlen the sum of Jin.noo for alleged defa
mation of character. I'lalntiff seta up that
he was employed by defendant st Manawa
last-August and that on the 2Kh of that
month O Brien accused him of holding out
the price of a box of cigars. 12. Griffin In
sists the accusation was malicious and defa
matory to the extent of the sum mentioned.
la an ordeal trrhicb atl
women approach with
indescribable fear, fof
nothing compares with
the pain and horror of
child-birth. Thethoucht
of the Buffering; an danger in atore for her, robs the ejpectant mother
of all pleaaant anticipations of tha coming event, and casta over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thouaands of women
hare found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. Thia scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their moat critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents ''morning
aicknets," and other dis '
are 5 smart PJJdJ) TIHIIEB
fi.oo per bottle. Book
containing valuable information free. P) fj Ht' 77T)
lee Bredfield Retjulatef Co., Atleete. (. If lAlULmUulJJJ
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle $25.00
Spokane and Eastern Washington. ............$22.50
Butte, Helena and Salt Lake City $20.00
Cody, Wyo., (Big Horn Basin) $16.75
Daily tourist sleepers and through car service Omaha to Montana and Puget Sound
points. Daily through tourist sleepers Omaha to California, via Denver, Scenic Colo
rado, Salt Lake City and Southern Pacific. Tourist sleepers frpm Omaha Thursdays
and Fridays are personally conducted.
Daily "through tourist sleeping car service from Omaha to .Los Angeles via Denver,
Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, thence to Southern California over the San Pedro Route.
Through tourist sleepers from Omaha every Saturday night for Southern California
via Kansas City and the Santa Fe Route.
These tourist sleepers provide high grade facilities at half the rates for standard
sleepers. . The cost of double berth Omaha, or from Nebraska points, to the Coast is but
Let me send you folders about these colonist rates and our through service.
' Describe to me your trip and let me advise you the least cost and the best vay .to
make it.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha
' ' " ' -Jrr:
Dakota Hoi Springs " tetym
Tickets September 22, good until Oct. 8.
Good in tourist sleepers at only half the standard berth rate.
J. A. KUHN, CITY OFFICE: 1401-03 Farnam St., C. F. WEOT,
a tv bt a a a nilAHl. O. A. ev B.
VNl mum ii saw n i laaim Miawaai-aMaa-M-a-i -m m n a n ami n i n 1 1 ,iiaiiaaaasaaa-iaaiiiiii n n iaafa---B
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